#b.a.p jongup series
everythingbap · 3 months
🎤 allkpop: B.A.P reveals official comeback schedule for ‘CURTAIN CALL’
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B.A.P is officially gearing up for a comeback with members Moon Jongup, Bang Yongguk, Jung Daehyun, and Yoo Youngjae. Previously, the group had teased their August comeback with special behind-the-scenes videos on their YouTube channel, in which they gave fans a glimpse of the production work and overall process behind their upcoming comeback.
B.A.P has now revealed the official schedule for their comeback, titled ‘CURTAIN CALL.’ The first teasers will roll out starting on July 8 with an animation, followed by the tracklist reveal on July 10, and then a series of mood samplers and concept photos will be released throughout the rest of the month. The full album will be released on August 8.
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Are you excited for B.A.P’s comeback?
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killjoy-loveit · 6 years
Witness Part 8
A/N: I’m hoping this will be a ten part series like Intruder, if it won’t be I will make it very clear. It’s also in 1st POV. I would also like to clarify that everything written in this story is complete fiction. 
Summary: Noah returns as a different person, but she’s ultimately reminded of who she can trust.
Word Count: 1,457
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 9 | Part 10
Profanity/Slight Mature Content Warning!
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     I’ve been standing outside the door to Jongup’s apartment for ten minutes now. My heart felt like it was in my throat, to the point I might even choke on it. Now I could face strangers and pull their deepest secrets from them, and take them down without a second glance, all without them ever knowing my true emotions. But how am I supposed to face someone who knows me? I mean, I know I have to go in eventually, I can’t just stand outside his apartment forever.
     “How long are you planning on standing there?” Jongup’s voice whispered in my ear, sending shivers racing down my spine.
     I spun around, my loud gasp echoing throughout the hallway. “I thought you were inside!” I exclaimed.
    “You didn’t answer my question, Noah.” He murmured darkly, moving around me to open the door, guiding me inside.
    “Ten minutes or so.” I breathed out on a sigh.
     Jongup moved in front of me, his hand coming up to lightly grasp the base of my neck. His fingers teased my skin in slight swirls, while his dark eyes bored into mine. 
    “What was keeping you from coming into the apartment? I know you were given the passcode.” He questioned, his hand moving to the back of my throat and pulling me closer so that the fronts of our bodies pressed together.
    “I didn’t know what to expect.”
     At my words, his lips came down on my throat before he replied with a crude question that sent fire flooding through my veins. “You mean since we fucked?”
     I nodded as he continued to lay kisses on my neck. “I told you that you didn’t know what you got yourself into, Noah. I’m not the type to back off so easily, especially when you make everything so... Entertaining.” He growled into my ear, the heat of his breath sending delicious shivers through me.
     Over the next few hours Jongup made me extremely aware of how he felt about me, in such pleasurable ways. So, now, here I was laying completely naked, covered only by a sheet on his bed, as he clambered off the bed. Somehow, we’d seemingly slipped right back into how it would have been if I hadn’t been sent off to Wersik for training. Except, this time it’s harder for me to allow my emotions to come out.
     I wanted to tell him how happy I was to be back, to let him know how much I’d missed annoying him, and just him in general. But I found myself holding these sentiments back, emotions are dangerous. When people understand your emotions, they know how to manipulate you, they can control you however they want. With a gentle sigh, I got up to pull on one of his shirts and my panties, but he stopped me with a hand on my shoulder.
    “What’s this?” Jongup’s voice held an edge to it as his fingers traced the single scar marring my back.
    “That’s a gift from Wersik.” I muttered, yanking myself away from him, which was going against every fiber of my being that just wanted to turn around and find comfort in his arms. I pulled on his shirt deftly, managing to avoid getting my hair caught in the neck of it.
    “Because I snuck out of the house in the middle of the night to look at the stars.”
    “Noah...” Jongup sighed in disapproval.
     I turned to face him, controlling myself perfectly, and I felt my pride swell as I managed to keep my voice even and free of emotion despite the raging anger inside me. “Do not ‘Noah’ me. You weren’t there, you did not train under that monster. I only went outside like that to bring myself some perspective. The night sky calms me, it always has, and I got punished for it.”
     With that said, I turned on my heel and stalked out of his room. Of course, of course he was upset that I’d disobeyed Wersik. That was what he cared about, well that, and apparently my body, but not me, how foolish I was to think he cared about me as a person. Why would he need to care about me when I’d practically thrown myself at him, annoyed him half to death, and got him into trouble with his boss. Although, maybe I’m just spiraling without someone to constantly keep me in check even though it’s only been twelve hours since I’ve left Wersik’s.
    “Noah.” Jongup’s voice was soft, a sharp contrast to the way his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.
     I didn’t respond, opting to instead pull at his hands in a feeble attempt to free myself from him. 
     He just tightened his grip before responding. “You’re right, I wasn’t there. I don’t agree with Wersik’s methods and that’s why I told you to listen to her, because her punishments are quite severe for rather minor infractions. I was pissed that you got hurt.” 
     Bitterness seeped into my words. “Why do you even care?”
    “Fucking hell, Noah, are you dense? I care about you, the crazy, annoying person you are, because you weaseled your way into my head and I can’t stop thinking about what stunt you might pull next. It doesn’t make sense, it really doesn’t, and I don’t know how to explain it better, especially with how you’re behaving right now.”
     The next few days were a kind of push and pull between the two of us. He kept trying to get me to express how I felt, or be annoying in some way, and I wouldn’t, I flat out refused. Jongup started to do the things I did to annoy him, leaving random objects strewn about, except I didn’t get annoyed, at least not outwardly. As he found that my old tricks could not be used against me, he didn’t run out of steam, attempting new pranks I hadn’t even pulled on him.
     Jongup’s first original prank was painting the bar of soap in my bathroom with clear nail polish so it wouldn’t lather, that didn’t bother me as I just went to his bathroom and used his soap. When that didn’t work he tried to up the ante by switching the salt and sugar containers, this was a basic prank and I knew something was up by the small smile he held on his face as he watched me prepare my coffee. Then came a series of pranks that would’ve annoyed most people since they all came in quick succession of each other. The order was mentos ice cubes in a glass of soda, a fake bug in the fridge, an air horn that went off when I opened my bedroom door, and bubble wrap under my bath mat.
     I could tell that after these pranks, he’d run out of ideas on how to get me to, well, at this point I wasn’t sure what he wanted from me. Currently, I’m sitting on the couch, reading a book on mind games, waiting for him to make his next move. Jongup appears next to me, gently pulling the book from my grasp and setting it down on the coffee table. I raise an eyebrow at him.
     Jongup smiled at me. “Just go with me on this.”
     I purse my lips, but nod in response regardless. Unexpectedly, he sits down on the couch and then twists himself upside-down, like how he found me all those months ago. He motions for me to join him, a giddy expression on his face. I swiftly get into an upside-down position beside him, my feet hanging off the back of the couch as my head hovers above the floor. The familiar rush of blood to my head brings with it the need to laugh, I bite my cheek in an attempt to hold it back, but I ultimately fail, a loud burst of laughter breaking the silence in the apartment. With that one laugh it was like the dam in me broke, and I was laughing and crying at the same time.
     I was laughing because, oddly, hanging upside down from a couch is fun, and crying because now I could realize the reason Jongup had been pulling pranks on me. He was trying to get me to do something, to say something, to just return to how I was before I got sent to Wersik. That doesn’t mean he wants me to forget the training altogether, just that when I’m with him, I don’t have to keep that barrier that was drilled into me up. Basically, he was trying to get me to understand I was safe with him.
     I turned to look at him, my eyes glistening. “Thank you.”
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vegaspeteangst · 2 years
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i've spoken
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not-xpr-art · 4 years
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b.a.p - digital sketch art series
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vjoongup · 5 years
Fire to a Lifeless Heart (Part 1)
Reader X Undisclosed (It’s not Jongup, I promise. NCT is here for a reason)
Info: A gang/mafia AU currently featuring B.A.P and NCT.
Current Warnings: Smut, Trigger Warnings, Graphic at times, many more. 18+.
Part One Contains: No warnings.
Notes (If you read the teaser you kinda have an idea): 
B.A.P, a very large and powerful gang, is now in your hands to take care of. You are no longer a Matoki, a well known name given, from other gangs, to the most elusive B.A.P agents. You are the new leader of B.A.P and your current goal is to avenge Yongguk and end the war between B.A.P and NCT, a rival gang, once and for all.
As an additional note, all B.A.P member appearances coincide with their looks (hair, tattoos, etc.) from their MV Skydive while NCT 127 member appearances coincide with their looks from their MV Regular.
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"You're next in line."
You ignored Zelo, continuing to stare out of the office window. He sighed behind you. His frustration with you was growing and you knew it. You knew him too well to not notice the slight change in his tone of voice. Yet, you weren't ready to speak after the events from this morning.
"Yongguk would want you to pick up what he left behind."
You flinched. You scolded yourself mentally for showing a brief sign of weakness to him. Zelo immediately pounced at the opportunity upon seeing your shoulders tighten. "You don't have long to act. We're in the middle of a war. Eventually Himchan will be forced to call a meeting and you won't be invited."
You heard him leave after that, closing the office door behind him. Welcome silence cascaded into the room. You sighed heavily allowing your walls to fall if only for these brief moments. You knew what you had to do but you wouldn't be given another moment to mourn Yongguk.
The office still smelled like a mix of his cologne and the sweet-smelling candle occupying a corner of his desk. You were his right hand and you two had only recently become something more. Only five people knew this about you two. Zelo and Himchan were two of them. Youngjae, Daehyun, and Jongup were the other three.
Typically, another family member would take over, specifically a son, but no one else in Yongguk's family was involved in this life anymore and he didn't have a son or a wife. But he had you.
You straightened your white blouse and black pencil skirt before turning around to look at the office the way Yongguk left it one last time. His dark, modern style was something you also liked and appreciated. The dark wood flooring and glass tables complimented each other. The only decoration he had was the candle you gave to him as a gift. Everything else was an office necessity.
You could practically see him sitting there at his leather desk chair, looking at you with a cocked head and raised eyebrows. You shook your head trying to clear your thoughts and looked away, to face the bookcase on the far wall.
You couldn't cry. You weren't allowed the freedom to cry right now. You couldn't let anyone here see you with puffy, red eyes. In their mind, he was your leader and nothing else.
You moved swiftly with a newfound determination and strength. Your black high heels clacked on the floor and your high ponytail swayed freely.
If it's war our rivals, NCT, want then it's a war they will get.
All eyes present were on you at the head of the extremely long black table. Even the elder men at the other end looked at you with a reverence you had only seen them give Yongguk. You were quickly realizing it was a look they reserved for their leader.
Your best and closest men personally, Jongup, Youngjae, Himchan, Daehyun, and Zelo, were currently looking at you with their undivided attention. Zelo and Himchan were the closest to you. Zelo was on your left and Himchan was on your right. Daehyun was seated next to Himchan and Youngjae was next to Zelo. Jongup sat on Youngjae's left.
The other leading agents, all younger than the elders, were looking at you a bit skeptical at first but when you took the time to stare into each man's and woman's eyes, they looked at you without any doubts in theirs.
"You all know why you're here." They nodded in unison. "I'm going to take Yongguk's place with Himchan as my right-hand man and my first action in this war is retaliation for killing Yongguk. However, -" Mouths that were beginning to open closed again at the darkening of your tone, "it will take time to achieve this retaliation because it will bring our rivals to their knees and not cost us any more lives."
Himchan was the first to speak up, "What's your plan, Y/N?"
Murmurs spread around the dozens of people here. You responded immediately, trying to hush them and squash any doubts. "Getting an agent of ours on the inside so they don't have ties to the leader or other NCT members."
Youngjae shifted in his seat. He was the second, only coming after you, go to agent when Yongguk needed someone to blend in but no one had successfully infiltrated NCT before. Your gang had converted people already in NCT, but you've never had someone infiltrate from the bottom up successfully. The members converted were too tied to the NCT members to carry out violent missions against NCT so they always preferred intel work. Therefore, the leader had been nearly untouchable...
"Who do you suggest go on the inside and how do you guarantee their life won't be taken?" Zelo was looking at you with narrowed eyes. He always saw right through you. It was one of the reasons why you were considering making him your second right hand man.
When you didn't respond immediately, the room became eerily silent and Zelo frowned at you, revealing his wariness. "We know our rivals only have males at the highest positions. We have only tried getting a male through our rival's network and even Youngjae couldn't do it. A female may be able to get through the network easier, but she will need to have conviction and be extremely skilled because she will undoubtedly catch their attention." You could almost see Youngjae's gears turning in his head as he looked at you with his mouth beginning to gape open. "Therefore, I suggest I perform this mission."
At first there was silence as everyone processed your proposal. This was the lightning before the thunder. Zelo sighed loudly, shaking his head just before thunder struck.
You heard Himchan over everyone when he spoke. "It's too dangerous for you."
Other comments you heard included, "We need you here!"
"Are you going to seduce everyone?"
"You'll die if you fail and we can't get you out in time."
You banged your fist on the table. The impact was almost loud enough to quiet all of them. "Enough!" Your voice carried over everyone. Their mouths slammed shut, all sensing the dangerous note in your voice. If you hadn't assured them of your authority before, this action did. The look in your eyes and on your face made it clear that you were not taking any bullshit. "We will vote on my proposal after having a civil discussion on it. Got it?" Silent nods answered you and you were able to lean back in your seat again. "Good." You slowly looked toward Himchan. "Himchan?"
He cleared his throat, adjusting the dark blue tie that matched his suit. "You're our leader now. You're a lot less replaceable so going inside our largest and most powerful rivals as an undercover agent is way too risky." He paused for a second. "However, I do have faith in your skill. If you were not chosen by Yongguk as the future leader and I was, I would insist you go."
You nodded to him, grateful for his last few words. "I hear your concern as well but as my designated right-hand man, you will carry out my demands and wishes while I'm not here like you have done before when Yongguk and I weren't able to. You know this business as well as I do so I trust your skill to stand in for me, Himchan, and to take over if I do fail. But I believe I can carry out this mission and I swear I will kill the sniper that murdered Yongguk in his own house and I will kill the leader of NCT to put an end to this war."
Your voice had grown louder with each word and the conviction in your tone sent goosebumps across some of the member's arms. Himchan respectfully inclined his head to you. He was one of the five that understood exactly where this conviction was coming from and he completely respected it now that he heard it in your voice and saw it burning in your eyes.
"How do you plan on advancing in their network and being successful?"
One of the elder men asked this question but you couldn't tell which one it was. You turned to Youngjae. Since he tried infiltrating before, you directed your own question toward him. "Didn't you participate in tests to find out where you should be placed in their network?"
He nodded diligently. "Yes. When you manage to contact them, you tell them you want to convert to their group. They will ask why and where you came from, if you came from anywhere. After that, they will meet you, blindfold you, and take you somewhere to participate in trials that test your skills. Your trials depend on how well you do for certain ones. It's like a game almost. You do well for one you unlock more."
You thanked Youngjae and spoke out toward the elder men. "Considering I am capable of sniping, I'm sure I will advance at least a little further up the ladder after doing these trials."
Youngjae nodded in agreement. He wasn't skilled at sniping but Himchan was your best sniper and he was also nodding in agreement and understanding. Zelo, the best marksman, didn't say or do anything which wasn't helping you acquire support. He just sat there looking at you with a blank expression, quietly listening.
"How are you going to get close enough to the sniper or the leader? The sniper was their best and no one even knows what the leader looks like. Do we even have his name or a name?" Daehyun's cautious and unique approach was valued by everyone. There was a reason he monitored missions more often than participating in them.
You smiled at him. "I might just be a little cocky, but I don't think it will be that hard to catch the sniper's attention once I reveal my skill. If I catch his attention and he's close to the leader then that makes my job easier. If he's not close to the leader then I'll just have to capture the leader's interest."
"And how would you do that?"
You smirked. "I'm sure word would travel about me. It did here."
Jongup spoke to you for the first time since yesterday evening. Your eyes met his piercing brown ones when your head swiveled in his direction. "Are you willing to seduce some of the men, including the leader, if you have to?"
Himchan, Zelo, Daehyun, and Youngjae looked at you now with stoic expressions. Although there was another meaning lying under Jongup's words others wouldn't notice, the physical exchange between the two of you was more readable than a book. It doesn't help that word about you two in the past got out and everyone at the table at least knew you had sex. And a lot of it.
You raised your eyes above his. Once again, your tone of voice darkened to set Jongup in his place. "Yes, I am more than willing to go to those lengths."
It felt like years ago but really it was only a year since you and Jongup shared a bed together for the final time. There was plenty of emotion behind it all but in the end, you both knew you weren't meant for each other in the long run. To this day, thoughts about that last night still make your heart beat a little faster. How could it not?
Jongup was the most dangerous man you ever met. That danger didn't leave the bedroom either. If anything, it became more pressing because both of you were exposed to the other. However, you had the exact opposite reaction of fleeing.
You took his cock any time he wanted you. The current dilation of his pupils only fueled what everyone was reading. It was obvious he wanted you right now after answering his question, a question that was actually a very serious one despite how vulgar it sounded.
"I would do anything it takes to end this war for all of you."
You looked at the five people closest to you. Jongup might not be family to you but he was a part of the group and that's what made him family. You may never stick your neck out for anyone like you would for these men. You would give your life for their safety. Just like Yongguk.
"Are there any more questions?"
Himchan spoke, "All in favor of sending her on the mission please raise your hands."
Himchan's hand rose after he spoke. Youngjae's and Deahyun's hands followed. Then Jongup's and finally Zelo's, after much reluctance.
You smiled in triumph as the majority raised their hands. Only a few disagreed but they were greatly outnumbered.
"Congratulations, former Matoki." The eldest man at the other end inclined his head to you respectfully. "Your first quest as our leader is one no one has accomplished before."
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iwritekpopthings · 6 years
Dystopia (Ch. 14 - Final!)
Characters: You, B.A.P, others Genre/ Warnings: sci-fi/ supernatural, romance, slow burn Word Count: 1311
Your eyes snapped open and your body tensed as you suddenly woke up to unfamiliar surroundings. Then soreness and discomfort made their presence known and you groaned quietly. Looking around, you found yourself alone in a plain white hospital room. The rapidly beeping monitors next to you were slowly producing a more relaxed rhythm as you calmed down. You looked yourself over, unsurprised that you had bandages everywhere. The stab wound to your stomach and the gashes on your left arm were sutured and bruising slightly. Some of the bruises you had looked days old.
Suddenly there were crashing sounds in the hallway and the clear footsteps of someone running at full speed. Your door abruptly flew open. Jongup stood at the threshold, breathing heavily with his green tinted eyes set in an expression of worry. There was an increased beeping from the monitors next to you, but you didn’t pay any attention to that. There was nothing more important than the man still standing at the doorway.
“Jongup…” You tried to reach out to him, but both of your arms felt heavy and sore, not to mention tangled up in the IV system. It frustrated you that you couldn’t go to him. You needed to feel him; to make sure he was really alright.
He whispered your name as he slowly walked in. Jongup’s gaze was looking you over. He had been by your side as much as possible while you were unconscious; now he wanted to make sure you hadn’t had any changes before he touched you. His nerves were on edge. Could he even touch you? Were you stable enough to handle whatever his Skill would create next? “Hey…” He stopped at the edge of your bed, just out of your reach. “How are you feeling?”
You let out a whine in your head. Why was he being like this? “I feel fabulous. Please come closer.” Your voice was raspy and dry, making it difficult to talk. When he didn’t move you felt tears prick at your eyes. “What’s going on?”
Seeing how distressed you were made him distressed in return. “I’m so happy to see you awake. You’ve been out for a few days now.”
“You don’t look happy.” You mumbled, laboriously wiping away an escaped tear. You tried to sit up better and immediately regretted moving, letting out a hiss at the pain you felt. Jongup jumped slightly, his hands rising a bit due to his innate need to help you in any way he could.
“What if they can’t handle it? … But I need to make sure they’re okay…” You could hear the internal struggle he was having, but you didn’t understand. There was still a haze over your senses, dulling your perception.
“Whatever it is, please don’t worry about it. I feel like I’m dying, Jongup please…” By now you gave up the battle of wiping away the tears that seemed determined to fall down your cheeks. You raised one hand again, reaching for him through the pain. Not being able to touch him was more painful than anything your body could create.
Jongup seemed to finally realize this and sighed. He moved closer and sat on the edge of your bed. He held your face in both hands, rubbing the tears away with his thumbs while he looked into your eyes. You felt your body come alive as energy coursed through you at his touch. You leaned into one of his hands while you returned his gaze. Even he was looking emotional and that had you concerned. Eventually he closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against yours. “I was sure that I was going to lose you.” You shook your head slightly from side to side in reassurance that you were still there. “You had lost a lot of blood. Your wounds were bad. There were still robots in the castle, but I didn’t even care. Youngjae helped get you on my back and Daehyun helped Hold you together until we could make it here. You’ve been out for over three days. I was starting to think you’d never wake up-”
“Jongup,” you interrupted his anxious rambling, “breathe, it’s alright. I’m alright.” You tilted your head slightly to kiss his lips. “Thank you for saving me. I love you.” A ripple of energy went through you and you jumped a bit.
He jumped slightly as well. “I love you.” He moved to kiss you back slowly, lingering with his lips against yours. His hands moved from your cheeks down to your shoulders. He moved to you, pulling you into a gentle hug as the kiss ended. You rested your head at his shoulder and held onto him with one hand.
~2 months later~
You left the council room more bored than you had ever been in your life. As the city began to recover from Tera’s rule, they had decided to make you interim leader. You had reluctantly agreed only until someone better was found. Together with your friends and some additional advisers, you had begun rebuilding the city. Since the city was practically a utopia before the bombs hit, you figured it would be relatively easy to get things rolling again. And you were partially right. Everyone was eager to get back to enjoying life rather than fearing it. But there were bumps along the way- money, time, differences of opinion, clashing desires… It was enough to tire anyone out.
The warm night air pushed against you as you walked the route to your apartment. You had moved out of the hideout once you were better, saying that you didn’t want to overstay your welcome. The boys had respected your decision and let you leave, confident they would see you again anyway. Except one person was not so eager to let you out of his sight.
“Long meeting, huh?” You looked up, a smile already starting to show on your face as you saw Jongup coming down the outside stairs. He met you at the bottom and you fell against him and hugged him at the same time. He laughed and hugged you back.
“Long, but we got some more stuff figured out, so that’s cool I guess.” You closed your eyes, inhaling his comforting scent as you Synced with him. Now you could finally breathe. Well, it wasn’t that you were unable to breathe before; more like it was even better now. All of your senses were stronger when you were together.
“That’s awesome.” He hugged you extra tight before letting go and grabbing your hand. “Come on, I want to show you something.” He chuckled at your confused expression and just pulled you along.
You walked together for a while until you reached the city wall. He let go and began to climb up, using the old remnants of wall nearby. It felt awfully familiar. “What are you doing?”
“Come on, I wanna show you something!” Jongup got to the top and looked down at you with excitement.
You shook your head and grinned, climbing up after him. You sat next to him and glanced around. “Okay? What’s up?” He pointed up and you looked toward the sky. Suddenly the sky was alight with shooting stars as a meteor shower started. You were stunned into silence for a moment before you grabbed his jacket sleeve, tugging on it excitedly.
“I was really hoping the timing would work out.” He laughed at your reaction and watched you watch the sky for a moment before watching it himself.
“You did a good job.” You leaned on his shoulder, relaxing into him as he put his arm around you. You were content. Yeah, there was a lot to do still, but things would work out. And with Jongup by your side, you were confident that you would get through it.
★☆★☆★☆ ~The End~ ★☆★☆★☆
A/N: Hello! And so, we have reached the end of ‘Dystopia’~ How was it? I have to give a shout out to @dontlookatmelikethatyongguk for all of her help and input along the way. She kept this from being the trainwreck it could have been LOL Thank you, Tayrude, you kinda rock, I guess.
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kersenvla · 6 years
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“Terpsichore, “delight in dancing”, is one of the nine Muses and goddess of dance and chorus. The Muses were considered the source of the knowledge embodied in the poetry, lyric songs, dance, and myths.”
B.A.P as Greek Gods (5)
Moon Jongup as Terpsichore
Yongguk /  Himchan /  Daehyun /  Youngjae /  Zelo
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bapkings · 6 years
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“These days, it’s sort of.. I feel like a tiger without its teeth.” 
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cygnea · 6 years
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13/∞ edits of B.A.P
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moongguk · 7 years
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B.A.P 8th Single Album - EGO
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everythingbap · 1 month
🎤 The Kraze: BANG&JUNG&YOO&MOON Make Long-Awaited Return
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The active members of B.A.P, Bang Yongguk, Jung Daehyun, Yoo Youngjae, and Moon Jongup have come together to make their highly anticipated and long-awaited return to the music industry! Under the name of BANG&JUNG&YOO&MOON, the quartet has finally banded together to release a special album, CURTAIN CALL. It has been over seven years since the group has come together since leaving their former entertainment agency. With several military enlistments, solo activities, and tours, the time has come for their return. It should be noted that member Zelo would have participated in this comeback however, due to him currently in active military service, he could not take part.
“Stand it all”
“Way Back” 
”Gone” But Not The End
For many fans, this has been a dream come true to see most of the members come together to release a new album. In the months leading up to their official return, there have been little crumbs of hope that have gone through the fandom. When news officially confirmed their return as well as a documentary series on YouTube had launched, it’s safe to say BABYz erupted with joy and excitement. Their return was no easy feat as all the members were busy with different labels and activities however, thanks to Jongup really pushing for their return through his agency, MA Entertainment, what was once a dream, is now a reality. 
The more that BABYz were treated to teasers, including the return of their beloved alien bunny Matoki, the more fans all over the world began to awake and prepare for this comeback. As described in their documentary, they don’t know what the future holds but they knew that they wanted to come together and release something for BABYz who have been waiting for so long. 
With a lot of second generation groups making a resurgence in the industry, BANG&JUNG&YOO&MOON, push their entry for 2024 and are all in because it’s now or never. With 12 years under their belt, this album truly shows their experience and their undying love for not only the members themselves, but their journey and their fans. “Gone” as well as the rest of the album, feels like the closing of a chapter and the birth of a new one. This song reflects on how even though it feels like things are ending and we may be saying goodbye, it doesn’t change the bond that was made and the love that they have and share. 
The music video follows the members as they go on a journey together as a group and are there for each other throughout what seems to be a road trip, which eventually leads to them coming on stage together once more. One of the most endearing things of the music video itself is to see them altogether on stage, performing choreography together after such a long hiatus. By the end of the music video, it pans out to show the entire music video being played on a phone and the members resuming having a meal together. This proves that their bond remains strong, and whether they're making music or not, they will continue to support each other.
This is not the end for BANG&JUNG&YOO&MOON, as there is hope for a future comeback, especially with the desire to see Zelo as part of the group once more. For now, it's important to cherish the fact that all members are together, sharing the stage again, and it’s equally important to continue supporting the group during this grand opportunity. Many BABYz agree that this is surely not goodbye.
Edited by Joi Berry
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killjoy-loveit · 6 years
Witness Part 5
A/N: I’m hoping this will be a ten part series like Intruder, if it won’t be I will make it very clear. It’s also in 1st POV. I would also like to clarify that everything written in this story is complete fiction. The little asterisks * denote the beginning of mature content.
Summary: Noah brings out the last resort, but it gets interrupted. Will the last resort work as planned? 
Word Count: 2,447
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
Profanity/MATURE CONTENT Warning!
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     In all actuality, the last resort isn’t the type of plan that goes off guns blazing. It’s a multi-step plan, the kind with a slow burn effect. The first step is to wear my pajamas out in the apartment. Now, my pajamas are simply any old t-shirt and shorts. I will not get dressed like I have been. What’s the point? It’s not like I’m going anywhere, or that I have anywhere to be. 
     As of this moment, I think Jongup’s still in his room, although I’m not sure why, and I’m sitting upside down on the couch. Feet kicking the air as I try to balance and keep from falling on my head. 
    “What are you doing?” Jongup asks, clearly confused.
     I strain my neck to look up at him as he stares down at me from behind the couch. “I’m bored and I wanted to see how long I could stay like this before I got light headed.” I giggle softly.
    “Well, stop it. Your face is turning red and that can’t be good for you.” He says, grabbing my arm and pulling me into an upright position.
    “You’re no fun!” I whine, pulling my arm away from him and pouting.
     “How is that any fun?” Jongup asks, an incredulous look on his face.
    “Come on just try it!” I say, tugging on his arm.
     He lets out a deep sigh and I figure that he’s just going to walk off and ignore me, like he usually does. Except, he sits on the couch and slowly turns himself so that he’s sitting upside down. A grin breaks its way onto my face and a giggle escapes me. Quickly, I swing myself down into the same position beside him. This is so awesome! 
     I laugh, my head falling even further back, almost hitting one of the legs of the couch. I turn my head to look at him. His eyes are on me, a slight smile forming on his lips. I poke him in the arm.
     “Isn’t this fun?” I laugh excitedly, eyes gleaming as I look at him.
    “I guess...” Jongup trails off, a full smile gracing his face. He moves to sit up straight and helps me back up as well. “You do some weird stuff in the name of fun, Noah.”
    “Well, I wouldn’t have to if you let me have something entertaining.” I pout, moving closer to him.
     His eyes flicker between us, eyeing the distance, and he attempts to scoot back on the couch. “What would you want?” 
     I tilt my head and purse my lips in an act of thought, and then as if inspiration had struck, I pressed even closer to him. “You could always bring my TV! That would entertain me.” I say, batting my eyelashes at him.
    “Okay. I’ll get the TV, if you promise to stop being annoying.” He barters.
    “I can promise I’ll stop being annoying on purpose!” 
    “Good enough.”
     Ever since the TV came, I almost decided to give up on my plan. I mean, I gained a source of entertainment! I can watch as much TV and movies as I want. But the problem is that now, I have the image of a flustered Jongup stuck in my head. So, today I’m upping the ante on my plan. I might even be skipping the slow burn part all together, shooting for an all-out explosion.
     Instead of my usual t-shirt and shorts, I’m wearing a cropped tee and a pair of black lace underwear. That’s it. Jongup had left early this morning, I’d heard him leave while I was brushing my teeth. I did have an inkling of when he was supposed to be back though, I’d overheard him on the phone last night saying they should be finished at around five PM. 
     I have spent my day watching movies in the living room. I was marathoning all 2000′s rom-coms, well there was one 90′s film in there but it’s a ‘99 film so it’s close enough. It was about 5:30 PM and I was currently at the part in She’s the Man where Viola was pretending to be her brother and ran into his girlfriend, when I heard the door open. I bolted up off the couch, intent on greeting him at the door before he could make it to his room, where he’d most likely hole himself up for the rest of the night. But I froze the second I saw he wasn’t alone.
     Jongup was standing in the doorway with three other men, one of which I recognized as the giant, I think he goes by Z, or something like that. They hadn’t noticed me yet, as they were taking their jackets off. I debated whether I should attempt to backtrack and disappear to my room before they noticed me, but then I decided it would be all the more fun to see their reactions. Besides, I’m comfortable with myself. 
     It was apparent when they noticed I was standing there because I heard a clear cough and I saw one of the guys eyes widen. This led to a chain reaction, he smacked one of the others, pointing to me, this process leading on until all of them were staring at me. Jongup’s gaze was the one I felt the most. It was heavy and intense, like I could feel his eyes moving on my body. Then out of nowhere Z smacked Jongup’s arm.
    “You’re sleeping with her?” Z asked, disapproval gracing his features.
     Laughter burst from me. Not because the thought of sleeping with Jongup was funny, rather it’s the thought that if he was sleeping with me there is no way he’d be standing there with his jaw almost on the ground. 
    “He’s not fucking me!” I practically shout.
    “Then why aren’t you wearing clothes?” Z questions.
    “Because it’s not like I’m going anywhere. I haven’t left this apartment in months. Plus, pants are annoying.” 
     He nods for a minute, seeming to accept my answer, then pauses, looking back at me. “Wait, you haven’t been helping him scout his marks?”
    “I would if he asked me too!” I retort, not realizing in the moment that he could get in trouble if this information came to light.
     But I knew I messed up the second his eyes were on me and his jaw clenched and his infamous glare was back. And I knew that whatever points I had gained with him I had lost in those three seconds. It was too late to backtrack and I was running circles in my head trying to figure out how I could get him out of trouble.
    “I-I mean, he has asked me. But, um, you see... I got sick! And then--” I was cut off by one of the men I didn’t know.
    “You don’t have to make excuses for him. We won’t tell the boss as long as he actually starts taking you to scout his marks.”
     The tension in my shoulders dissipated and I heaved a sigh of relief. I shot a brief look at Jongup to try and gauge where his head was at now. He wasn’t glaring at me anymore, but he was giving me an odd look. I gave my head a light shake and tuned in to what was being said around me. The other men were introduced as Youngjae and D. D seemed pretty depressed, like he shouldn’t even be doing anything, it didn’t seem like he could focus on something for more than a few minutes tops.
     I followed them into the kitchen where they sat at the small dining table that only has four seats, which was just enough to accommodate them. But not enough room for me. I stood by the table for a second wondering what to do before an idea hatched. Not giving myself time to question if the idea was a good one or not, I just went for it, maneuvering about the table to ease myself onto Jongup’s lap. He tensed up instantly, freezing in place.
     For the second time that evening, I felt all eyes on me. Normally, I would be flattered by such attentions, but this time, I would have preferred if my odd movements didn’t mean eyes on me. I just shrugged my shoulders at them, hoping that was enough of an answer and they wouldn’t make me speak. Thankfully, it was enough and they got down to business. They were talking about a hack that had gone down the night prior at a company they’re associated with.
     This was dangerous for a multitude of reasons it would seem. Not only did the company have files on members of higher rank, but they also had a money trail connecting them. If this information leaked the higher ranked members would most likely be taken down by law enforcement and the company would get shut down, and therefore so would their business with it. So, the hacker needed to be found and dealt with.
     They started talking more in details, but I couldn’t get into it. It was a lot of speculation. So, I just leaned back into Jongup’s chest and rested my head on his neck. When I did that, he minced his words before getting back on track. After an hour of them discussing the course of action, the three men left, although I don’t think a solution was found.
     The second his associates were out of the apartment, Jongup rounded on me. “Were you planning something?” He asks, keeping me in place with his stare.
    “If I was planning something, did it happen to work?” I ask demurely, batting my lashes at him.
    “Fuck, Noah, are you trying to make me crazy?” Jongup questions as he stalks over to me, stopping mere inches before me.
    “And if I said making you crazy was my goal?” I murmur on bated breath, debating internally whether I should press myself against him.
    “I’d say surpassed your goal.” He growled, pressing forward until my back hit the wall, which one I wasn’t sure. My attention was laser-focused on him.
     His hands reached down and gripped my hips, pulling my body tight against his. I bit my lip at the fiery look in his eyes, and my hands slowly went up to his shoulders. Then his lips were on mine, setting a furious pace. We fought for dominance with this kiss, until I backed down. On any other thing I’d be more than happy to continue fighting with him, but right now, I just wanted him.
     Jongup’s lips left mine, trailing kisses down my jaw and neck. My fingers dug into the fabric on his shoulders harder as he nipped and sucked at my neck. His hands slid up my body until they cupped my breasts, his thumbs tweaking my nipples through the thin fabric of my shirt. I pulled his face back up to mine to press our lips back together briefly.
     Both of us were needy and desperate, I could tell there’s no way we were going to make it to a bedroom. I slipped my hand down between our bodies and grasped his erection through his jeans. He groaned into my neck as his hips instinctually bucked in an attempt to get friction.
    “Take your clothes off.” I whisper in his ear, and I feel a shiver run down his spine at my words.
     Jongup pulls away from me, but his eyes never leave me as he strips down to his boxer-briefs. And then he’s back with me, hands tugging my shirt up over my head. His mouth goes straight to one of my nipples, one of his hands going up to play with the other. Then I feel his other hand slip into my panties, his fingers circling around my clit. I moan and clutch at his back, trying to pull him closer. 
     He let’s go of my nipple with a pop and looks up at me with hooded eyes. “Is this what you wanted, Noah?” 
     I moan breathlessly, nodding as he abruptly pumps two fingers into me. “Yes, yes, yes.” He continues like this, pumping his fingers into me, eyes locked with mine.
     Suddenly, his hands and mouth are off my body and I whine at the loss of contact. But I watch as he shoves down his underwear, kicking it to the side, freeing his erection. And then he rids me of my panties, before pressing me back against the wall. He takes my hands and puts them on his shoulders before grasping my hips, pulling me up so that I could wrap my legs around his waist. His lips meet mine in a brutal kiss, our tongues melding together as he grinds against me. 
    “Fuck, Noah, if you don’t want this you need to stop me now.” He growls, lust shining in his dark eyes.
    “I want this, and if you don’t put your damn cock inside me- Ah!” I moan out at the sudden intrusion of his cock thrusting inside of me.
     My muscles clench around him, and he grunts, dropping his head to my shoulder. His hips pull back and then snap back with bruising force, setting a brutal pace. And I love every second of it. For every sharp thrust, he’s rewarded with gradually louder moans. The neighbors will probably file a noise complaint.
     My nails claw into his back, and I think they even draw a little blood whenever he goes harder. I can feel my orgasm creeping up on me with each thrust. He’s getting close too, his thrusts are getting sloppier and frenzied. 
    “Tell me you want this.” He panted.
    “I... Oh! I want this!” 
    “Tell me you needed me.” He snarled, his eyes locked on mine as his hips snapped into mine.
    “I needed you! Only you...” I call out, right as my orgasm crashes over me.
     My muscles tense and spasm, clenching around him tighter. He grunts, continuing to fuck me as his own orgasm reaches him. His lips crashed onto mine as he slowly stops moving his hips. Finally, he pulls his lips away and rests his forehead against mine, breathing heavily.
    “You don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into.” 
    Those were the only words Jongup spoke the rest of the night. I expected him to say it was a mistake, and that he regretted it. But those words never came. And later that night when I was in bed, ready to go to sleep, he came into my room. He didn’t offer any explanation, he just climbed into bed with me and fell asleep. This was just the beginning.
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shut-the-jongup · 7 years
on a scale of 1-12, how zelo are you feeling today?
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coffee-for-himchan · 7 years
Series masterlist
This is the masterlist for finished, ongoing and upcoming series posted on this blog. This masterlist has no specific order to it. Whenever a series gets updated, so does this masterlist, so everything without a link is still upcoming. 
For other masterlists containing short scenarios, AUs, one shots, texts, reactions etc., visit the full masterlist.
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➳ Moon Boy
Status: Upcoming
Pairings: Moon Jongup (B.A.P) ✘ reader
▷ Main: Moon Boy/Jongup, reader  ▷ Side: Minor OCs - authorities, nurse from nearby village etc.
Genres/warnings: Fantasy AU, fiction. Undefined time and place setting.
Length: 4 chapters + prologue and epilogue [might change]
Short summary:  His eyes shone with a blue light that seemed both comforting and soothing. And for a second, you really considered - what if him telling you he had fallen from “up there” was actually the truth? And, more importantly - what could you possibly do to keep him away from those who were curious and ready to tear him apart to find out the mysteries of his existence?
Chapters: prologue // pt.1 // pt.2 // pt.3 // pt.4 // epilogue
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➳ Editor 
Status: Upcoming
Pairing: Moon Jongup ✘ reader, Moon Jongup ✘ Ji (OC), Jung Daehyun ✘ reader
▷ Main: Jongup, reader ▷ Side: Dancers Ji and Minsu (OCs), exchange student Daehyun etc.
Genres/warnings: fuckboy!Jongup, university AU. Swearing, complicated relationships, love triangles (more like rectangles), mature content (tagged with [m])
Length: 10 chapters + prologue and epilogue [might change]
Short summary:  He was so good at dance you found it hard to take your eyes off of him. Good news is, you didn’t have to - being his operator and editor gave you all the opportunities to stare. At least until an unfortunate one night stand, his move across half the country and the bitterness of crushed feelings, all topped off by a certain girl making her way into his bed and his desperate tried to get you back once he figured these feelings he had towards you weren’t simple attraction towards you body. Though all that seemed to be much harder now, after time spent apart and feelings having changed.
Chapters: prologue // pt.1 // pt.2 [m] // pt.3 // pt.4 // pt.5 // pt.6 [m] // pt.7 // pt.8 // pt.9 // pt.10 // epilogue
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➳ Forbidden
Status: Upcoming
Pairings: Yoo Youngjae ✘ reader (main), Youngja (OC) ✘ Himchan (side)
▷ Main: Youngjae, reader, coffee shop owner Youngja (OC), journalist Himchan ▷ Side: Kid from the block Junhong, Youngjae’s good friend Daehyun, scooter motorbike enthusiast Yongguk, Jongup
Genres/warnings: Forbidden love AU, rich girl poor boy AU (kind of). Everyday life situations, change of lifestyle, financial struggles, university. Hints of drama at times.
Length: 7 chapters + prologue and epilogue [this deffo will change]
Summary: Forbidden- the best way to define the love you and Youngjae unfortunately shared. Not welcomed by your parents to extents they told you to leave all of the luxury you had always known while being a kid of rich descent behind in exchange for being with him, as they were certain you would crawl back to them a week later asking for forgiveness. Though as two, then three and even four weeks passed yet you still were nowhere to be seen, new methods of getting you two to break up had to be found - preferably ones involving the fact you still were people from two different worlds, and his lifestyle hid a dark and heartbreaking truth underneath, which required extra efforts to be changed.
Chapters: prologue // pt.1 // pt.2 // pt.3 // pt.4 // pt.5 // pt.6 // pt.7 // epilogue
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➳ Mafia AU series
Status: Completed (all except: Daehyun - upcoming)
Pairings: B.A.P member ✘ reader
Characters: Gang leader Himchan, former leader Yongguk, brain and tech Youngjae, happy virus Daehyun, murderous psychopath Jongup, Yongguk’s right hand Junhong, reader. Other minor side characters and OCs in each AU individually.
Genres/warnings: Mafia AU. Blood, swearing, violence, side character death etc.
Length: 1 chaptered AU for each member individually + member’s profile
AUs and chapters:
▷ Himchan: pt.1 // pt.2 // pt.3 // pt.4
▷ Jongup: pt.1 // pt.2 // pt.3 // epilogue // character analysis
▷ Yongguk: pt.1 // pt.2
▷ Zelo: pt.1 // pt.2 // pt.3
▷ Youngjae: pt.1 // pt.2 // pt.3
▷ Daehyun: pt.1 // pt.2 // pt.3
▷ Member’s profile
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➳ “With You” Winter series
Status: Completed
Pairings: B.A.P member ✘ reader
Genres/warnings: Fluff
Length: 1 chapter for each member - 6 in total
Summary: 6 different stories of how the members of B.A.P found (or restored) love during holiday season
▷ Pt.1 // Himchan // “Warm On The Inside”
▷ Pt.2 // Yongguk // “Forgive Me For Leaving”
▷ Pt.3 // Jongup // “Not The Same Language”
▷ Pt.4 // Daehyun // “Childhood Friends”
▷ Pt.5 // Youngjae // “The Dance”
▷ Pt.6 // Zelo // “Open The Door, Baby”
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➳ Birthday series
Status: Completed
Pairings: B.A.P member ✘ reader
Genres/warnings: Fluff
Length: 1 chapter for each member - 6 in total
Summary: 6 different stories of how B.A.P celebrated their birthday with their loved one
▷ Pt.1 // Zelo // “Perfect Present”
▷ Pt.2 // Youngjae // “Birthday Kid”
▷ Pt.3 // Jongup // “Found You”
▷ Pt.4 // Yongguk // “Forgotten”
▷ Pt.5 // Himchan // “Not Your Usual Birthday Surprise”
▷ Pt.6 // Daehyun // “Cake”
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➳ The ABC of Kissing
Status: Ongoing
Pairings: Optional bias ✘ reader
Genres/warnings: Fluff (mainly, kinda)
Length: [?] - I’ll basically keep writing these whenever I have an idea, so the chapter count is quite indefinite
Summary: A series of scenarios exploring different types of kisses - from affectionate to bitter, sweet to heated and plain to simply unforgettable
▷ Pt.1 // Apologetic Kiss
▷ Pt.2 // Kiss Involving Candy
▷ Pt.3 // Embarrassed Kiss
▷ Pt.4 // Rainy, Sleepy Kisses
▷ Pt. 5 // Grateful Kiss
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➳ Dating B.A.P
Status: Completed
Pairings: B.A.P member✘ reader
Genres/warnings: Fluff 
Length: 6 bulletin-type lists 
Summary: A series of bulletin-type lists describing how dating B.A.P members would be
▷ Dating Bang Yongguk
▷ Dating Kim Himchan
▷ Dating Jung Daehyun
▷ Dating Yoo Youngjae
▷ Dating Moon Jongup
▷ Dating Zelo
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anna-something · 7 years
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 j o n g u p    ↑    hands up
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lightning-loving · 6 years
Masterlist of all my writings
B.A.P Daehyun:
Of Hangovers, Best Friend and Ice Cream
You Drive me Crazy Mafia Au Part 1 Part 2
Merry Christmas Babe for @lulumonnie
Tell me you remember me Prince Au
Forgive me
This did not turn out as planned for @alphajeti
2 Spills 1 Love for @jion-a and @roses-for-jongup
Dragonheart Dragon Au Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 
BTS Jungkook
By your side
Vixx Leo
Not good enough
Note: I’m currently not taking requests. This may change in the future. 
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