#b.i. fluff
yoonia · 11 months
overdrive (m) | B.I
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⤑ Summary | As his personal manager who always works closely with him in both his professional activities and private matters, it has become one of your duties to cater to his needs, to always be on his beck and call, even if you have to put aside your own needs to please him.
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⤑ Title | Overdrive ⤑ Pairings | Kim Hanbin (B.I) x female reader ⤑ Genre | PWP, Smut, Artist/Musician!B.I, Manager!reader ⤑ Word count | 13,345 words
⤑ Ratings & Warnings | +18 / M for Mature; involves mature and explicit sex scenes, including: sexual tension, groping, stripping/nudity, breast play, hand job, oral sex (male receiving/blowjob), deepthroating, unprotected sex, public sex, tour bus sex, accidental voyeurism, rough sex, praise kink, dirty talk, hair pulling (on both), edging, begging, swearing, breast play, nipple play, panty ripping, fingering, clit play, finger licking, cum tasting/eating, cum swallowing, biting, light restraint, implied creampie, panty biting(?), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, aftercare, body worshipping.
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⤑ Story Notes | Written in 2nd person POV (in case you’re new to my writing, I don’t use ‘y/n’ coding as all of my lead characters are considered as OCs). This story is purely a work of fiction, with the usage of artist’s/idol’s names as fictional characters. Any similarities in the usage of names for other characters and circumstances are purely coincidental. | PS. This is only roughly edited, but I hope you’ll still enjoy reading the story. 
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It feels like only moments ago this place was thriving with raw energy.
Loud music was blasting through the speakers, while the sounds of fans screaming his name and singing along to his song echoed through the entire venue. Everyone and every part of this place came alive as Hanbin took control of the stage with his mere presence. 
You can almost see him still being there as you look over at the stage, commanding it with his music. You still remember how he kept everyone completely entranced with his alluring voice and hypnotising moves. What he did on stage was pure magic. 
And that magic must have been strong enough that you can still picture him doing his thing on that empty stage. You can still feel his presence even after the lights have been turned off and the crowd has long since left this place to return home. 
Thinking about him like this makes your body burn hot. 
Your heartbeat starts racing the same way it did earlier while you were standing by the side of the stage, watching him move his body to the music. After spending the past year working with him and then joining him on this tour, the reactions he inflicts on you no longer surprise you. 
He captivates you in ways that you can never possibly explain. That you have never experienced before. 
Even once the music has stopped, once his performance has long ended and there are no more of his lively audience around you dancing and screaming his name, you can still feel everything. 
Even without the music, its vibration seems to linger. Still reverberates through the air around you and you can feel it deep within your body. As if the space around you is still humming with his presence even in the silence that remains.
“You’re still here?” a voice calls out, drawing your attention away from the empty stage and out of your thoughts right before they begin to dive into a different, slightly darker place. The road manager comes to your side. The man appears just as exhausted as you are—perhaps even more, knowing what he is required to do before and after these shows—yet he still has a big smile on his face as he greets you. 
“Yeah, I just met up with the promoter, so I figured I’d check in to see how you guys are doing while I’m still around,” you try to make up excuses. Not that he would start questioning further. “How’s everything going?” 
The road manager begins explaining everything—from all the tasks that the road crew had just completed and how they are handing the rest to the local staff. Skipping all the technical details that you have no business with except to report back to Hanbin later. 
Much later.
Once you are done with your actual responsibilities. 
As Hanbin’s personal manager who normally handles his private needs, keeping watch of the road crew dismantling the stage equipment and the stereo system isn’t really a part of your duty in the first place. Especially when there aren’t really that many things they would need to cover in these indoor venues. Getting to know what they are doing isn't even the reason why you still remain here after the show is over. 
You are simply buying time before returning back to him. Which is what you probably should be doing already now that everything else has been taken care of. 
“Everything is packed and ready to go. I think the boys are planning to join the dance crew and grab dinner somewhere nearby, then we’ll be out of here before midnight,” the road manager continues as he walks with you towards the backdoor of the venue. “How about you join us?” 
His offer catches you off guard, yet you quickly refuse. “No, thank you, you guys go ahead. I still have some things to do, so I’ll figure something out later.” 
Just as you are heading towards the exit, you are met with the guys from the dance crew, and Hanbin’s close friends, coming in from the parking lot. Most of them look freshly showered, having found the time to freshen up after getting heated from the show. They all give you a friendly greeting once they notice you there, while Shawn, one of the dancers, steps closer to you to say hi. 
You look over his shoulder to confirm that Hanbin isn’t with them. 
Noticing this, he immediately says to you in a low voice, “Hanbin’s back in the bus. Said he wanted to chill and take it easy for the night. He also said that he’s waiting for you to talk about something.” 
“Ah, I see,” you answer him, trying to stay calm about it when your heart is palpitating at the thought of Hanbin waiting for you to come and see him. 
Which only means one thing—
“We’re heading out to get some food and maybe find some snacks and drinks for the road. Should we get you guys something to eat too?” Shawn kindly offers. You can only smile and nod while trying your best not to take notice of the way he speaks, or the way he is looking at you knowingly. You also ignore the way he seems to be insinuating something else when he speaks about you and Hanbin. 
As if he knows your little secret and the real reason why Hanbin is expecting you. 
“Sure, that would be lovely. Thanks for offering. He’ll probably skip dinner if you don’t get him something to eat.” 
The dancer grins. “I wouldn’t be too worried about it if I were you.” 
Shawn’s cryptic answer stays with you for a while as you walk away from the group. Yet you try not to let it bother you too much as you start making your way to find Hanbin. 
The night breeze welcomes you as you step out of the establishment. Then the silence thickens around you as you walk across the quiet parking lot. You merely take a moment to breathe in the fresh air around you and pay no heed to everything else, having only one destination in mind. But you make sure to remain within the shadows formed under the line of trees on the edge of the parking lot, keeping away from the fans who might still be lingering around or taking their time leaving the place. 
It doesn’t take long before you start seeing them. 
There are some standing beyond the trees in pairs while others are gathering in small groups. Some appear to be lounging around and resting, no doubt trying to come down from the high that they had all gotten from the concert before tracking their way back home or to their hotels. Others seem to linger without any apparent reason. Perhaps nothing other than hoping to get one last glimpse of Hanbin or get noticed by him and his boys if they would just wait around a bit longer. 
You watch them for a brief moment before continuing your walk across the parking lot. Parked at a dark corner at the far end of the parking lot, it feels like it is taking you forever to finally reach the tour bus. As it they had all the intention to tuck it away and keep it from being seen. 
Once the tour bus appears in your line of sight, your heart stutters. 
Under the night sky and kept in the dark, the vehicle looks almost inconspicuous. It doesn’t draw too much attention even with its size and how out of place it seems to be here. 
Yet it draws something else out of your thoughts as you take a good look at it. 
It brings a smile to your face when you remember how it all started, how Hanbin and his team came up with the idea of travelling between places in such a bus throughout this tour. He sold the idea as a way for him to make the most out of it, to embrace every moment that he could get and be able to visit different places in between. He also talked about his wish to live life like a rockstar while he is on the road—something which was quite alarming and made you worry at first, hence why you have been joining him through the whole tour.
So far, it has been rare for you to join him and his tight crew riding on the bus during the overnight drives, except for the short journeys and when you had to work side by side with him between shows. 
Other times, you have been travelling solo whenever you were required to. Only so you could be ahead of the entourage to make sure that all the preparations needed for his show would be in place by the time they arrived. 
Tonight, that would be one of the things that is going to change. 
With one last destination left on the tour, the bus and its passengers will be heading down the road right away instead of remaining in this city for the night. And you are going to be joining them on the bus to get to the next destination instead of travelling solo to the next city. 
But as you walk towards the bus, you can feel, deep down, that the travel arrangement wouldn’t be the only thing that is going to be different tonight. 
The place around you is dark and quiet. So quiet that you can almost hear the sound of your rapid heartbeat echoing around you as you reach for the door. Your breath grows heavy as you open the door and climb your way in. More silence welcomes you, which only thickens further once the door is closed behind you. 
Making your way to the back of the bus, you walk past the seats where everyone would usually waste their time while on the road, loitering and chattering loudly with a ton of noises filling this area. The kitchen and the dining area look partly messy—with bags of potato chips and empty bottles left unattended on the counter, even when the tables are wiped clean—and you wonder just how much mess will be added here later once the boys are back. 
And then you reach the area where the bunk beds are. The sleeping quarters that everyone would use to rest and spend the night in while the bus is driving across cities and between borders. With only individual curtains giving each bunk its privacy, noises from outside can still filter through in the night. 
Thinking about this as you walk through the row of bunk beds only brings you back—way back—to the night which started it all. The same night which gave you the reason to be here, tracing your steps through the bus to look for Hanbin. 
It was after the second show when you tracked down this quiet aisle with the same purpose which led to one small mistake that started an entire ripple effect. You came here that night when Hanbin suddenly disappeared after the show while everyone was ready to grab dinner. You came back to the tour bus to find and fetch him so he could eat, knowing how often he would skip his meal when he was focused deeply in work. 
That night was exactly like tonight, with everyone away and on their way to find the nearest local restaurant, leaving the bunk beds empty. At least, that was what you had expected, believing that Hanbin must have lost track of time when he immediately dove straight back into work the way he often would just to burn out the rest of his energy for the night. 
You were heading further back of the vehicle to find him when a faint sound of a groan caught your attention. It sounded like someone or something was in one of the bunk beds, which drew your curiosity. So you stopped to listen.
A bunch of other noises started to become more noticeable then, and it didn’t take long for you to notice that the sounds came from the last bunk on the row. The one that Hanbin was meant to use during the long trips on the road. You carefully crept closer so you could listen better. To know just what was happening behind the curtain. 
There was a mix of cryptic sounds heard coming out of it—the sounds of sheets ruffling, soft knocking against the side of the bunk, and more soft groans.
You wondered for a moment if it was really Hanbin inside the bunk. But when you started suspecting him to be the source of those sounds, you immediately felt annoyed. Livid, even. When the thought of him doing something as risky as getting it on with some stranger crossed your mind. 
It didn’t help when you remembered about his wish to live like a rockstar. Remembered how he had spoken about it before the tour. The thought further led you into believing that he may have actually done it. That he had invited someone, perhaps a willing fan of his, onto the bus. 
It made you want to strangle him just thinking about him actually doing it. The last thing you needed was for him to get caught in trouble in the middle of the tour. Much less for him to get entangled in malicious rumours if something like this should get out in public. 
As the noises continued, you gently grabbed the hem of the curtain, ready to throw it back and bust him. A myriad of scolding went through your head at that point as you were ready to make him pay for it. 
Another groan was heard and you decided to move once you confirmed that it was really his voice that you heard. Ignoring the way the sound of his pleasured moan sent tingles through your body, you whipped the curtain back to catch him in the act, only to regret it as soon as you saw him. 
Hanbin looked like a deer caught in the headlights when he looked up. His eyes were wide open with fear, yet you could also see a dark need emerging from his gaze which became more visible the moment he realised that it was you. 
But you already had your attention somewhere else to notice it.
Reclining in the tight space within his bunk bed, Hanbin was bare-chested, wearing nothing more but his shorts that had been pushed down under his hips. You just couldn’t resist looking down to see his hand wrapped around his thick cock, fully exposed and standing hard against his stomach.
Once the shock wore off, his truth finally came out. He confided in you about his need to release all the energy that was still boiling within him after the show. That it would have made it hard for him to be able to feel calm in the night unless he had all of that energy drained out of him. To have it tamed, so that he could finally relax and have his proper rest. 
“I don’t really think it’s working, though,” he breathlessly said then with a bitter chuckle. “It’s been so long since I’ve been with anyone. And it’s kind of hard to make myself cum when my head is at the wrong places.”
“What if I give you a helping hand? Will it work?” The offer slipped right out of your lips before you could do anything to stop it. You didn’t even realise what you were offering him until the moment you saw the look on his face. He looked surprised, but intrigued at the same time. Then there was this new emotion which seemed raw and fierce coming out through his gaze when he considered taking your offer. 
“Why would I say no to that?” was what he said as he leaned back, allowing you to take matters into your own hands, literally, as you fixed his problems simply with the touch of your hands until he was able to find release. 
That was the first time that you crossed the line just to help him. And it was definitely not the last. 
The arrangement continued after the next show, and the next, and you kept coming to his aid at the end of every concert throughout the ongoing tour. Your help had become the best option available rather than allowing him to find other ways to get out of his predicament once the night got deeper and he was still too hyped up to sleep.
After a short while, your carnal favour has escalated from merely giving him your special aid through your helping hands to taking him deep in your mouth once he needed to be stimulated further. 
That was as far as you had gotten since this arrangement started. Never once had it led to something more. And Hanbin had always been the focus of your “service”, except for the few times he returned the favour by giving you release with the touch of his deft hands when you had to do this in the privacy of his hotel room. 
Your body trembles in heat. Both from reminiscing all the sinful act you had done to help him and from the pleasure that you gained in return through his touch. 
Reaching the end of the aisle, your eyes linger on the last bunk. The curtain is drawn, and there is no sound coming out of it. You can tell that he won’t be there if you pull that curtain open, so you move on.
The only sound that you can hear comes from the small room at the back of the bus instead. The area that was meant to be the master bedroom, altered into a private cabin with sofa beds and desks which would have more purpose for someone like Hanbin. 
You shouldn’t be surprised to know that Hanbin would choose to be there, waiting for you to come to him. Because you know that out of all the sections within the bus, it would be the only place that can provide you all the privacy that you may need to be able to help sort out the uncommon predicament that Hanbin might be facing tonight. 
Right this moment, that is where the faint sound of his moans and slow breaths is guiding you. And you follow its lead, with your heart palpitating the closer you are to get to it. 
As you gently open the door to the cabin, you find Hanbin sitting on the long sofa at the back of the room. The same sofa bed that you would use to sleep on whenever you are riding on the bus, when you are not helping Hanbin finish his work or write his music while everyone else is asleep in their bunks.
You enter the cabin, closing the door behind you. You take a moment to have a good look at him before coming to his side. 
Hanbin still has the same pants that he was wearing on stage. Sill bare-chested after discarding his shirt at the end of the show to toss it to God knows where. The only difference is that he is barefoot, with his shoes left hastily on the floor. The strands of his hair—which appear to be wet with sweat—are now a complete mess with curly strands falling over his face like curtains shielding him from the dim lights illuminating the room.
Hanbin has his head tilted back as he reclines on the sofa, looking awfully exhausted after the hours-long, full-energy show that he had just concluded. You can see his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths. His bare skin is glistening with a thin layer of sweat that somehow makes him look even more alluring than he always has been. The glow on his skin further accentuates the lines on his chest, shoulders, and torso, making you feel the urge to touch him there. 
Before you can realise it, your legs begin to move, taking you to him. At first, it appears to you that he has yet to notice your presence. Until you notice the slight tremor in his deep inhale of breath once he senses that you are coming closer.
As you come to him, Hanbin lifts his head to look at you. The dim lighting around you didn’t allow you to see it before, yet as he subtly shifts on his seat, you finally notice that he had left his pants unbuttoned and unzipped before you had gotten here. 
Seeing the sight of his hard-on, partly covered by his pants while the tip is resting heavily on his stomach, it reminds you of the first night you saw him like this. Except that instead of having his hand wrapped around his hard girth, Hanbin keeps his hands to his side this time. Both are clenched tightly into the sofa, allowing you to see the tension rolling out of his body.
That tension seems to grow further when he opens his eyes, watching you coming closer to him with an intense gaze. 
“You’re here,” he says once you are standing right before him. His voice almost feels like an echo in the silence that surrounds you. Still sounds hoarse after the show. 
“I’m here,” you find yourself responding as if you are completely entranced by his gentle voice. You clear your throat, hoping that you can shake away the yearning in your voice before he ever notices it. “I heard you were expecting me. I came right away, assuming that you needed my assistance.” 
You trail your gaze back down on his lap, eyeing closely at the sight of his hard cock. It twitches against his stomach the more you give it attention. You lick your lips, wishing for a taste. Yet you manage to keep your voice steady when you tease him, “I didn’t expect that you would have started already without me.” 
A slow grin appears on his face. “There is no way I could start anything before you got here. I was waiting for you. But as you can see, I needed to do something about it when it was starting to hurt so bad.” 
He stops with a hiss. His body seems to react while he converses with you. “You’re the only one who can help me during times like this,” he says to you before dragging his tongue across his lips. 
There is a subtle disappointment flickering in his eyes when he adds, “Funny, I thought you would be as excited as I’ve been to finally have some time alone like this once the show ended.” 
The look that you see in his eyes and the disdain you hear in his voice catch you by surprise. You didn’t truly expect that he would be anticipating this as much as you have been. It makes you feel guilty for stalling time instead of coming to see him straight away just like you were supposed to. 
You had only lingered back to gather your wits before facing him. It was something that you felt needed to do, after the reactions he wrung out of you while he was performing. 
Even now, you still feel hot as you are picturing him dancing, rolling his body to the music as if he was making love to it. And your body is still reacting the same way. Heat rushes through you, centering at your core. Then you look down again at his throbbing shaft, and that heat shifts into something else. 
You take a deep breath and quickly move your eyes to his face to gain composure. “I was planning to come find you right away, but I had to make sure that everything was going as planned before we could go back on the road,” you try to explain yourself, even if you can tell that what you are giving him is nothing but a lame excuse. 
“Is that so? I guess I can’t blame you for making sure that you’re done with the job. I almost thought that you were avoiding me,” he jokes with a feeble chuckle, to which you quickly respond with,
“I would never do that.” You surprise both him and yourself with your immediate respond. You are mostly surprised at how much you meant it. “There’s no way I could avoid you. Not at times like this, at least.”
Hanbin falls silent, making you tense for a moment. Until he lets out a relieved sigh. “That’s a relief to hear. I’m glad,” he says. A subtle tremor rises from his chest just then, and you can tell that he is still brimming with adrenaline. 
The same adrenaline that he had gotten built up from the stage, and the one that you will have to tame down for him to be able to sleep during the night. 
The same way it has always been. Once the music ends, the overflowing adrenaline that still remains in his body becomes out of control. And it is your job to help him come down from it. 
Only that it would need a different kind of high to make it happen. 
After tonight’s show, you know for sure that this would be a challenging of a task for you to deal with. You can only hope that you won’t get devoured by this new raw energy of his.
“How can I help you this time?” you offer with a soft voice that is nearly drowned by the sound of your rapid heartbeat. 
“Can you—” he starts to say in a whisper, “can you strip out of your clothes this time? Please, I want to see you.” 
His words, despite sounding like an inconspicuous request, are still enough to make you feel the same rushing heat building back up in your body. The only thing that you aren’t completely sure of is whether this feeling comes merely from lust. 
Because the rapid flutters rising in your chest are telling you that there is something else that is present there. Something that is insisting on blooming within you despite all of your efforts to keep it away. 
“Are you sure that’s what you want?” you ask him, trying to make sure that he knows what he is asking of you. That he realises that complying with his request now would only mean that both of you are crossing a new line. 
“I wouldn’t be asking you this if I wasn’t,” he firmly says to you, and you can almost hear his voice growing deeper and heavy with his desire for a moment before he covers it all up to say, “but you don’t have to if you don’t want to go that far.” 
But you do want to. Even if it means you are crossing over boundaries, and things may escalate further than they usually would. 
Somehow, you had predicted that things may turn out differently this time. Unlike those previous nights, lending him your helping hands may not be enough for you to solve this problem of his. Not tonight.
You already felt it since the show earlier, when there was a new raw energy emerging from him throughout the show. As if he was letting loose every pent-up desire on stage, which brought up the rumbling energy now still emerging through his body as he is sitting there, waiting for you to make a decision. 
Fulfilling his request seems risky when you are already getting too deep. You were never supposed to get your emotions involved. Yet it still happened. It happened before you realised it, and now it appears to you that it is already too late for you to try and stop it. 
You have made up your mind to try and ignore your treacherous heart. To focus on doing your job until the final day of his tour. Except that the answer you give him next doesn’t seem to support your decision and your mind decides to take a new risk instead.
“It’s fine. I’ll do it,” you calmly say to him while doing your best not to show how much his words are affecting you. 
“It would be better that way, after all, since you nearly ruined my favourite blouse when you made a mess on me the last time we did this,” you simply add, as you try to convince yourself that there is really nothing else behind this. That you just want to make it more practical. 
Your comment draws a grin to his face, as if he is recalling that salacious night in his head right after you brought it up. The night when you slipped into his dressing room right after a show, using the limited time you had to fix his problem before you were supposed to drive him and the dancers to the hotel where everyone could rest for the night. 
Except that in the rush of him finding release, Hanbin made a complete mess out of himself, and you, when drops of his essence fell all over your blouse. It would have been impossible for people not to notice you coming out of his dressing room wearing nothing but his sweatshirt, had there been people still loitering around after the show was over. 
You had initially believed that your secret was safe with you when you managed to slip out unnoticed, until you remember Shawn’s sly grin earlier when he spoke to you about Hanbin. 
Once again, you try not to dwell on it too much and focus back on the present. Back to the man who is sitting right in front of you, with his chest and cock partly out, as he waits for you to make a move. 
Looking straight into his eyes, you reach down to grip the hem of your blouse and strip it off of your body. Your trousers come next, as you unbutton them at the waist and start pushing the fabric down your hips.
Hanbin’s eyes never waver from you while this is happening. The way his gaze is so focused on you seems to only urge you to continue putting on a show for him. So you begin to sway your hips from side to side as you slowly peel your pants off of you, before letting everything fall on the floor.
Stepping out of your shoes and the pile of your discarded clothes, you leave your undergarments on and stand right between his parted legs. His gaze follows you as you lower yourself to the floor, kneeling down right before him. 
“What do you need me to do next?” 
Hanbin drags his tongue across his lips as he considers his options. Having you kneeling in front of him, with your face hovering close to his crotch is already enough to taunt and challenge him. 
Tension rises between you as he makes you wait. 
The air feels cold on your mostly bare skin, yet your body feels hot as your anticipation increases with each passing second. Being in this position makes you feel completely exposed and helpless, as if you are submitting to his control. Slowly, your knees begin to feel sore from holding up your weight. The rising ache only brings forth the other sensations rising in your body, making you feel sensitive to the slightest movement he makes when he shifts in his seat. 
This wouldn’t be the first time that your body is showing these reactions. When you are made to feel your own carnal desire rising in your body at the thought of pleasing him and fulfilling his needs. 
And this was the reason why you took your sweet time coming to him. Because you couldn’t face him when you had a myriad of emotions rushing through your body. You are already made weak by your forbidden feelings, and it would only be made worse once he brings out your dark desire. 
Because you know that you wouldn’t be able to control yourself once that happens. 
A gentle touch on the top of your head brings your attention back to him before your mind gets too far and your insecurities take over. At the same time, his touch calms you down. 
The moment you look into his eyes, everything else seems to fade away. This is no longer a part of your job, and the world outside of this cabin no longer exists. It stops you from questioning your decision of ever getting yourself involved in this whole thing.
“Help me take these off. I can barely move a muscle since I got here,” he calmly claims with a soft chuckle, completely oblivious to the turmoil happening in your head. 
He probably doesn’t even know how his simple request is making your chest dip. 
You bite back the bashful smile that comes to your face. “Oh, poor you. Here, let me help,” you say to him with a tease, even if it falls short once your eyes return to his twitching erection.
You ignore the warm flutters rising in your chest as you reach up to grab a hold of his waistband. With a firm grip, you start pulling his pants and boxer pants together. Which doesn’t really take a lot of effort when they were barely holding on around his hips, already pushed down just enough for him to free his rigid cock from its restraint. Your fingers graze his skin as you keep pulling them down his hips, causing him to tremble under your touch. 
It gives you some self-satisfaction to be able to draw this kind of reaction from him. It feels good to see that you are not the only one getting affected by all the tension. So you tease him further, keeping light contact with his skin as you continue to bring his clothes down his legs. 
“There. Better?” you ask him with a low voice once the intrusive clothes of his are now gone. 
Seeing him sitting there completely naked leaves you breathless. Yet you find it hard to look away. His erection seems to grow harder under your perusing gaze. It causes the urge to touch him to grow stronger. 
“Touch it,” he suddenly says, as if he knows what you are thinking just by looking at your clenched hands. “Please,” he adds almost breathlessly, “I want to feel your hands on me.” 
Words fail you. While his words pull you like a spell. You reach out to touch him, starting from his thighs, where you trace his skin lightly with the tips of your fingers, drawing light shudders through his body. You continue until you finally reach the area between his legs when you finally stop.
His whole body tenses. Anticipation rolls through him as you move your hand closer. Light fingers start hovering lightly on his hard-on, with only a subtle brush or two grazing at his cock. Each light touch you give him only makes you want more. You want to feel his skin under your palm. To feel the familiar pulse coming from his cock the moment you touch him. Yet you resist the temptation just a bit longer. You want to tease him enough to the point that he feels like he is on the edge before you finally continue. 
And he doesn’t disappoint you when he soon reacts. With a soft whimper, Hanbin subtly pushes his hips up, as if trying to guide you into touching him further.
No longer able to deny your own desire, you finally give in and wrap a gentle hand around the base of his cock. 
At your touch, Hanbin reacts with a groan. His chest trembles as he tries to calm himself with a deep inhale of breath. His hips almost come up from the sofa when you start moving your hand, sliding your gentle grip up and down the length of his cock. 
You continue to move, keeping a steady pace and drawing more and more reactions from him. His rocking hips, his rumbling chest as he moans in pleasure, and his hands that are clenching tightly right by his side. 
You soon notice how quickly he loses control of himself once he starts thrusting back up into your hand. Seeing how badly he needs this release, you give a firm grip around his girth and slowly pick up your speed, moving your hand up and down his length until the sound of his laboured breathing fills the room. 
“Fuck, that’s it. That feels perfect,” he groans with his head tilted back. Shudders after shudders rush through him, and you keep up what you are doing now when he doesn’t make a move to stop you. 
Until you start to feel it coming. 
A pulse rises from his girth, pressing against your palm. and you take it as a cue that it is time for him to reach his climax. After giving him a few more strokes, you lean down and tease the head of his cock with your tongue. He lets out a deep groan once he feels your lips wrapped around the tip, covering him with your warm mouth. 
You continue the light strokes along the length of his shaft and reach down with your other hand, touching his balls with a light hand and start massaging him lightly as you begin licking your way up and down his member. As the sound of his moans increases rapidly, you finally take his whole cock into your mouth and slide all the way down, taking as much as you can until he is deep in your throat. 
You suck hard as you push him in and out of your mouth, swirling your tongue around his tip each time you come up and tightening your throat when you come back down to swallow him. With your hand, you continue stroking the rest of his length that you cannot cover, until you feel his muscles tightening, his moans stuttering with heavy breathing, a sign that he is ready to explode. 
With one last stroke, and giving him one last hard suck, you swallow him deeply until it finally happens. His hands come up to the back of your head to keep you in place as he rocks his hips, thrusting into your mouth. It takes only a few thrusts before he finally comes into your mouth. His warm release falls on your tongue and the cavern of your mouth, with some drops shooting their way to the back of your throat. 
The last one makes you gargle, yet with his hands keeping you in place and your mouth still pumping his length, you make no move to pull away. You continue sucking, swallowing every last drop until the only thing that remains is the constant pulse of his blood pumping from the base of his cock to the tip that is still buried in your throat. 
You don’t stop, until he finally has enough and releases you, and you pull away so his cock pops out of your lips and falls back onto his stomach. 
You take a moment to catch your breath. But once your mind is cleared, you realise too late how hot your body feels now, triggered solely by the act of pleasing him. There is heat rising between your quivering legs, and you somehow know that if you reach down, you will find yourself growing wet. 
Hanbin’s hands return to you, touching your face gently so you can look at him again. 
His face seems flushed after his release, with a mix of afterglow and raw, unfulfilled hunger that refuses to go away. The glow in his eyes makes you grow curious at first, until your eyes trail down his heaving chest, stopping at his toned stomach to see his cock, still hard and mostly rigid even after its release. 
“As you can see, seems like I’m going to need a little more than that,” he says with a lack of regret shown in his voice. 
This situation makes you laugh. “A little?” you tease him, making him grin.
“Okay, maybe a lot,” he returns with an easy shrug, while your chest feels heavy at the thought of this continuing into something else. Something more risky. 
You realise that you are not feeling this way because you are unwilling, but because deep down, you know that you want this. You have wanted this for some time, ever since the pleasure which you gain from helping him becomes so addicting and your feelings become deeply involved. 
You can barely hear your own voice under the sound of your heartbeat when you ask him, “So what do you have in mind?” 
Hanbin opens his mouth, only to close it again. “I don’t want to make you do something that you don’t want to,” he says while gauging your reaction. Ever since you started spending close, nearly intimate moments like this with him, you have learned that he can be a bit perceptive when it comes to you. 
And it does a lot of things to your heart when he can easily tell what you need. How he always keeps a close eye on you to make sure to notice any discomfort coming from you. 
“No, that’s not what this is,” you answer him with a soft voice as your hands return to touch him again. You trace your fingers on the inner side of his thighs, stopping before you reach his cock when you finally admit to him, “I want this. I want to do all I can to help you.” 
And help myself satiate my needs, the little voice in your head whispers just as your eyes find him. You hate to admit how hopeful you are feeling as you wait, expecting him to express to you exactly what he needs. 
The same way you always make it happen. It makes things easier for you when he guides you through it. Even though it has never been easy for you to deal with the lingering aftermath.
“Good. Now come up here,” he breathlessly says. The need in his voice feels so intense that makes you feel entranced. Pulled by his demand as you carefully plant one knee and the other on either side of him to get over his lap. 
Hanbin has his hands on your waist, helping you up with a gentle hold. Which only makes it hard for you to remain calm when his touch makes your heart stutter. Butterfly wings fluttering wildly from deep within your chest just from that simple touch alone.  
“What’s wrong?” he asks you, as he notices how you become still under the touch of his hands. There is a deep sigh in his voice. It makes you wonder if he is getting affected by the contact at the same time. 
“Just a bit nervous,” you find yourself admitting to him before you can stop it. You quickly bite your tongue, stopping yourself from suddenly dumping your true feelings and trying to divert his attention. “I never realised how tight this sofa is until we’re both sitting on it together like this.” 
He softly chuckles. “I’ll take care of you,” he says to you gently as he wraps an arm around your waist to hold you up against his chest. “But if you’re not sure about this—” 
“I’m sure. Positively sure about this,” you quickly cut him off. The words just come out of you before you realise it happening. 
A smile grows on his face. One that makes you swoon and you simply melt into his hold. “That’s all I need to hear,” is all he has to say to you, before he surprises you by pulling you to him and pressing his lips on yours. 
You grow tense for a moment and he slows down, giving you a chance to process this over. Maybe push him away if you are feeling uncomfortable. 
Because he never kissed you on the lips before. Not like this. Not with this much passion and tenderness that makes you feel like your heart has grown wings and they are fluttering wildly in your chest. 
Slowly, you begin to relax, returning his kiss with the same gentleness that he is giving you. The kiss continues on, and on, until he suddenly traces your lips with his tongue, and you are made to feel as if you are melting into hot lava. 
Hanbin’s hand slides up your back. His touch feels distant as you have your mind muddled by his hot kiss. Though your body still arches into his touch, as if having a mind of its own. You run your hands through his messy hair, pulling at his locks while you are returning his kiss. 
A soft tug is felt against the skin on your back. The next thing you know, he is pulling your bra off of you. He pulls back from the kiss as he throws the bra away, while you let out a gasp when a cold breeze touches your skin. 
Hanbin licks his lips as he takes a good, intense look at your bare breasts. “All this time, I’ve always wondered—” 
The sound of the door at the front of the bus being opened cuts him off before he can finish what he is trying to say. Then the sound of low chatters and laughter follows. You immediately wrap your arms around yourself when you realise that some of the boys are already returning from dinner. 
Blood is drained from your face at the thought of being caught in the middle of this. “Oh no, I forgot to lock the doors.” 
“It’s okay, baby,” Hanbin hushes you with a soft murmur while pressing a finger on your lips. “They know that we need our privacy, so no one will be looking for us back here. Just remember to keep it quiet while they’re still out there.” 
Before you have the chance to ask what he means to say, he pulls your head down and presses his lips on yours. Once again, he silences your thoughts until the only thing that you can focus on is the present. 
To focus on him. 
For someone who is filled with tension, Hanbin’s kiss feels gentle. As if he wants to take it slow, to take his time while making sure that you won’t break. The soft touch he keeps on your waist makes you realise that he is giving you a chance to set the pace, to allow you to slip away if you want none of this. 
But there is no escaping this when have already given in, allowing yourself to submit completely to your true desire. It isn’t hard to let yourself go when you can feel from the way he is kissing you that Hanbin wants this as much as you do. 
You wrap your arms around his shoulders as you allow yourself to take more. You meet his kiss by responding to it with the same fervour. You return every mesh of his lips on yours with your own, then you open your mouth to let him slip his tongue right in. 
Hanbin seizes his chance right away, deepening the kiss by pressing harder. His breathing grows heavier as he swirls his tongue around yours, to which you respond by sucking his tongue and pushing back, drawing a faint sound of a groan rumbling through his chest. 
You feel his hands moving right then, tracing your skin and rubbing at your curves, before finding your bottom cheeks. He covers your soft flesh with his palms and gives it a light squeeze, pushing you further into his chest and drawing a warm pulse deep inside your core when your covered pussy rubs against his cock. 
Feeling delirious from his touch and his hot kiss, you run your hands over the smooth muscles on his chest. The tips of your fingers slide down the thin layer of sweat that is covering his skin, while feeling him growing even hotter under your touch. 
All of a sudden, Hanbin pulls away from the kiss. He narrows his eyes when he looks at you, giving you a look filled with lust. 
His gaze moves away from your face as he moves his hands again. His eyes follow his touch as he traces his way up to your breasts. A tremor is visible in his inhale of breath as he gently presses his palms on your soft mounds, matching the subtle tremors that come awake through your body from his touch. 
As soon as his fingers touch your breasts, your nipples grow hard in an instant, and they seem to grow more sensitive the more he touches you that even a soft blow of the breeze makes you shiver. Once he takes notice of this, Hanbin bends his head lower and takes one of the pulsing buds between his lips. He gives a light suck, then brushes his tongue against it. You grit your teeth at the sensation that he is bringing out of you.
You almost forget where you are or the fact that you are no longer alone as Hanbin scrapes his teeth against your flesh, teasing you for a moment before biting to the point of pain. While you resist the urge to moan, your hand wanders down his chest, feeling his heartbeat stuttering under the tips of your fingers, then you continue your way down to his stomach. 
Within moments, your fingers brush the head of his cock. The need to touch him grows stronger then, and you trace your fingertips along his shaft. He moans against your breast, affected by your soft, yet indecent touch, and it pushes him to move further. 
His hand moves down your waist, pulling the waistband of your panties and tries to slip his fingers into the fabric to touch you. Yet your position above him isn’t allowing him to dive deeper to find the source of your pulsing heat. 
With a groan, Hanbin pulls away. He opens his mouth, and you begin to move back, expecting him to tell you to strip out of your panties. But he stops himself as he looks down, studying the offensive fabric for a brief moment before his hands slip under the waistband and he starts pulling.
“Wait, what are you—” You are just starting to question what he is up to when the ripping sound of the fabric fills the room. He doesn’t tear it into pieces like how you had often read it in those steamy romance novels, and he isn’t doing it so expertly either. His brows are furrowed deeply as he struggles with it and it takes him a while before he can get the job done. But as soon as he has the sides ripped up, he pulls the entire thing off of you and tosses it away while cursing out at it. 
“Are you crazy?” you ask him with your mouth gaping open, while he only exhales sharply. 
His brows are still furrowed when he answers you, “I didn’t want you to step down. Can you please wear something thinner next time so it’ll be easier for me to take it off of you?” 
“You can’t be serious?” you ask him with a baffled laugh. 
“You know I don’t joke about things like this,” he says with a sly grin. He may not seem so serious about it when he said it, but knowing him, you know that he truly meant it. “Now, where were we?” 
You are still baffled by his words that you fail to respond in time, and he takes the chance to move his hands down your hips. Hanbin has one hand holding you firmly at your hips as he dips the other between your legs, tracing the tips of his fingers up your inner thighs while gently guiding you to part your legs a bit wider. 
It feels like a struggle to get into position, but you somehow manage. Then he wastes no time to move his hand upward until his fingertips come brushing at your nether lips. 
Your hips lurch forward to meet his touch as he parts them and starts tracing your hot sex. With how sensitive and needy you have become, it doesn’t take much for him to make you start moaning and panting. 
“You’re so wet,” he murmurs while looking amused, but not surprised. He also seems mesmerised as he looks down at his fingers as he slips then between your folds and easily finds the slick mess that was formed while you were pleasuring him. 
He continues stroking your wet slit, drawing more and more of your arousal so that you can hear the slick sound he makes with his fingers. 
His touch draws a gasp out of your lips, and just when you are just beginning to feel high with pleasure, Hanbin bends down and starts sucking at your breast again, intensifying the sensation further that you simply lose all control of your body. 
Your hips begin to rock, moving back and forth against his touch and in tune with each stroke of his fingers on your slit. As he slides his fingers to find your clit, your moan grows a bit louder, and your movement becomes more erratic as you are drunk with carnal pleasure. 
Hanbin takes this chance to grow bold with his touch, as he gently slides a finger into your tight pussy. He feels you clenching around him tightly in response, and he begins pumping his digit in and out of you, drawing more shudders through your body with each stroke. 
While he works his fingers into your pussy, he uses his thumb to explore around it. He glides the wet digit over your clit and presses down while he pushes the rest of his fingers into your depth. 
You let out a breathy moan. Something that isn’t meant to happen, but the wanton sound comes out with your exhale of breath. And in your effort to try to hold back from erupting in pleasure, you simply fail to control yourself. 
Yet the sound you are making only draws an approving sound rumbling through his chest. He gives you a muffled moan as he keeps his mouth latched onto your breast possessively. 
Beyond the blissful fog filling your head, you can hear the faint sounds of footsteps walking away, bags being dropped, and then the distant voice saying something about leaving dinner behind and getting drinks, before you can hear the door of the bus closing. You can barely recognise those sounds, and it doesn’t register to you what it means at first, until you finally remember that you haven’t been alone on the bus for quite a while. 
Yet now that they are gone, there is nothing left behind but silence. The sounds of your ragged breath and his soft groan are the only ones left to fill the room. 
Hanbin finally releases your breast with the sound of a pop coming out of his lips. His hand quickly comes to where his mouth has been, though it doesn’t mean that he is done working his mouth on your skin. From your breasts, he traces your skin with his hot lips—up to your collarbones, then lingering on the side of your neck. 
Your head falls back. A content sigh slips out of your lips from the way he is tasting you, kissing and nibbling around the spot beneath your ear which has always been quite sensitive.
“I need to be inside you,” he finally asks you with his lips grazing against your neck. He makes it hard for you to respond with his hot kisses pressing on your skin and his fingers moving in slow circles against your slit. 
The pleasure that he wrings out of your body feels maddening. It builds in a slow rise, but is still enough to make you feel high in bliss.
“I—” you sigh out an answer, only to continue with a series of moans as you rock your hips on his lap. Too lost in your wanton need, you grind against his fingers, needing something more. Something to get you to find your release.
“I know that you want it too. I can feel it whenever you try to hold back,” he whispers as he leans back, searching for your truth with his deep gaze looking straight into your eyes. Then he surprises you, making you wonder if you have always been so transparent when he asks, “Don’t you ever feel frustrated at night when you need something but can’t have it? Why deny yourself of pleasure when I’m right here?” 
You hate how right he is and you hate that you can’t even deny every word he just said to you. 
Every time you are done with your carnal favours, you always come out of it feeling unsettled. You have always found yourself struggling on your own in the aftermath, left to spend the long hours in those nights tossing and turning in bed. 
Alone and horny. 
Frustrated because you are left with a need that has yet to be fulfilled. 
Disappointed because you have no other way to find release other than your own touch. Which would never be sufficient to give you exactly what you need.
He pushes his fingers back into your pussy, drawing a low moan out of your lips which he covers with a kiss. “Let me return the favour, baby. You’ve done so much for me. Let me do this,” he murmurs against your lips before pressing a gentle kiss, giving you time to answer, while using every sinful touch he is giving you to push you into opening up. 
Though there is really no need for him to do it, when you have already made up your mind the moment you heard his offer the first time.   
Because how are you supposed to refuse when he keeps saying all the right things? And when you can clearly see how genuine he is being? Or when your body is humming with a wanton need that keeps begging to be released, and he keeps touching you at the right places which gives you carnal pleasure? 
“If you want to talk about returning favours,” you start to answer him with a sigh while running your fingers down his heaving chest, “you should know that I only take what I am owed.” 
Hanbin grins at this. He pulls back slowly while drawing his fingers out of your tight pussy, leaving behind a shuddering bliss in its wake. You watch him bring his fingers up to his lips, each one coated with your slick arousal, which he lowly licks with his tongue until he tastes every last drop. 
The sight of him drinking your essence captivates you so that your head spins, almost making you miss what he says to you next, “You don’t have to worry about that at all. I plan on paying everything that I owe you—” he says before tasting the last drop and bringing his hands back to your hips, “even if it takes all night long to pay my debt.” 
“Really?” you ask him, “I’ll keep that in mind, just don’t take back your words once we begin.” 
You reach down, grabbing his hard erection and finding it already grown back to its full girth while he was pleasing you. You give him a few strokes, drawing a gasp from his lips, before aligning the hard tip of his cock right at your entrance. 
The urge to sit down on his hard-on feels so strong. Yet you fight it just a bit longer. You have known that you have grown awfully wet down below, and there is no doubt a mess has been created there from his sinful touches. You can hear the sound of your slick arousal echoing in the room as you guide the tip of his cock back and forth against your slit, coating him with your essence. 
You continue this until you are ready. Until you feel him pushing his hips upward slightly to press his cock against your pussy. With a shudder, you put his cock right back at your entrance and slowly start lowering yourself on him. The sound of his deep moan erupts as you slowly sink down the length of his cock, stopping briefly when there is some restraint from your pulsing walls, keeping you from taking him deeper. 
“Fuck, so tight—” he groans deeply, while you can only respond back with a soft mewl. “Are you feeling okay?” 
“Mm,” is the only thing that you can give him when words fail you. Spasm after spasm of pleasure rocks through you even when you are both silent, remaining in a standstill while your bodies are slowly adjusting to one another. 
“We need to move, baby. You’re sucking me and we’re barely starting.” 
It feels tight, and your legs are trembling so much that it almost makes it hard for you to move. Even pushing yourself up and down his length seems like an effort. 
But once the series of pulses begins to wane down, you finally gather enough will to start moving. After moving slightly back and forth, nearly rocking against him, you manage to take more of him. Taking him inch by delicate inch until he is completely embedded inside your slick heat. 
With a shuddering moan, you slump forward against his chest. Because the pleasure you are feeling with him buried deep inside you is too much. 
He makes you feel full. His girth seems to be the perfect fit inside you. He also makes you feel a myriad of sensations that you have never felt before even just by filling you up like this. 
Perhaps it has been too long since you have gotten laid that your body responds to him so easily. It has been hard for you to hook up with anyone while you are attached to this job, and while you dedicated your long hours to fulfil his needs. 
Hanbin notices the way your body is taking its time to adjust to the sensation rushing through you. Instead of rushing through things, he tightens his hold on your waist to keep you close, holding you up while you let the shudders pass. 
Hot kisses are pressed on your neck, chin, and then your face, as Hanbin tries to soothe your body to relax against him and help you embrace the pleasure. It takes a moment, but you finally feel the tension in your body lessening in his hold. 
That is when you start moving. 
Starting with tentative rocking at first, before you slowly start gaining more and more confidence just as the rush of pleasure continues to build up and take over. Scooting forward and back, you rub yourself against his length. Then you gather enough strength on your legs and begin moving up and down his length, causing his cock to retreat and reenter you with each move. 
Your carnal desire quickly takes over control, and your body continues to move naturally in a steady rocking. He raises his hands and begins caressing your breasts, using the rhythm of your rocking hips to gently knead your soft flesh. 
“That feels—good,” you moan softly, mewling while arching your chest into him so you can press your breasts into his palms. He takes this chance to pinch your nipples, playing with them by rubbing and rolling them between his thumbs and forefinger, until he draws an intense wave of pleasure rushing throughout your body. 
Your rocking quickens, and with the way you are arching into him, you are inadvertently grinding your clit against his pubic bone, drawing more and more of those delicate shivers of pleasure surging inside you. They rise through your chest and neck, and once your legs begin to quiver harder, you start losing balance and the rocking of your hips grows unsteady. 
His hands come down to your hips, giving you a firm hold to keep you from flailing and falling back from the sofa. Humming softly, Hanbin becomes aware of the way you are shaking on top of him. He gives you a moment to ride your pleasure before he takes over and starts pumping his cock into you. 
“I...fucking…knew it,” he groans, saying each word between each thrust he is giving you. He slams harder and harder, closing his eyes as he takes this moment to savour the pleasure that he is feeling from being inside you.
“I’ve pictured this so many times, and it feels way better than I imagined it would,” you hear him say with ragged breaths. Your hips buck in surprise, but he tightens his grip on your hips and increases the pace of his fucking, pushing all thoughts, any word you wanted to say to him, out the window. 
Your fingers sink deeper into his bare shoulders as you hold on tightly to him through the rough fucking he is giving you. The pleasure feels so intense. But the sudden tightness in your chest has nothing to do with the sparks rising right where you are joined, when your heart seems to swell at his admission.
To even think that he has been thinking of you this way, for wanting this same thing as you do for a long time, seems unfathomable. 
But you cannot say that you had never suspected it before. You still remember faintly hearing him say your name on that first night you caught him pleasing himself, even if you had suppressed this memory to the back of your mind in your denial. Though the rest of the time you saw the signs had been real, when he kept his eyes open each time you assisted him with his needs, refusing to look away from you as he embraced his release. 
You open your eyes just as he does the same. The look you see coming out of his gaze makes your heart lodged higher in your chest. Because beyond the lust, beyond the desire, you see deep longing looking back at you, returning every yearning that you feel for him as he continues to rock his hips in rapid successions. 
Hanbin pulls your head down until your mouths are joined. He drinks in the sounds of your moans with a deep kiss. Your breasts bounce with each hard thrust he keeps giving you. Each hard tip keeps rubbing against his chest, drawing more wicked sensations through your body which pushes you closer towards your climax. 
Right before you can reach it, Hanbin suddenly stops. He trembles as he holds back from his own release, starting from his legs that are locked under your weight to his chest which heaves with deep, ragged breaths. 
You open your mouth to protest and whine, but stop yourself when you look into his eyes. You can see his intention looking back at you and instantly know that this is not over yet. 
He may have denied both of you from your final release, but he is not done with you yet. 
Keeping his hands on your hips, he gives you a firm hold as he rolls your bodies together, flipping your positions until you are laid right beneath him. 
He lifts your legs in the air, sending you sinking into the sofa as he places your legs on his shoulders. In a blink of an eye, he slides his cock back into you, drawing a sharp gasp from your lips when he pushes in with one firm thrust, drawing a rapid set of spasms from your walls pressing around him. As you look up to him, his eyes are dark with lust, clear desire written all over his face when he begins rocking, thrusting in and out of you at a rapid pace. 
“Hanbin—!” you hiss out his name as he continues fucking you to oblivion. 
Yet hearing you calling out his name seems to work like a spell. It draws him to move quicker, pumping deeper inside you, until all that you can feel is his hardness pushing in and filling you up completely to the brim. 
Allowing himself to get lost in his carnal desire, he no longer cares about the noises that he draws out from both of you while he chases for his release. It feels so intense, so hot, so carnal, that you almost feel like you are melting into the sofa while your whole body trembles violently under each of his hard thrusts. 
Being in this position, you are made helpless. With your body being folded under his weight, it makes you feel off-balanced. There is no escape as he drives into you, pushing you into the height of bliss. 
But you refuse to stay still, wanting to give back and push you both further and faster to find climax. Reaching up, you hold on tightly to his biceps. Keeping a steady leverage there as you rock your hips back up, returning every thrust he is giving you with your own push. 
You scream out his name at how good it feels. The pleasure that feels like ecstasy rolling through your body, shooting straight back up to his rocking hips until you feel him shuddering above you. 
“That feels so good. I’m close, baby,” he groans, just as you feel the first wave of your climax building rapidly inside you. 
“Please, Hanbin. I’m also close,” you moan deeply, almost breathless with the intensity of your pleasure taking over your body. “I’m going to come.” 
He reaches down between your rocking bodies without missing a single thrust. His fingers come down right at where you are joined. With a trembling groan, he finds your clit and gives it a pinch. 
Pain and pleasure spark through your body. Your muscles grow tight, clenching around him, before your orgasm comes crashing through your body, one intense spasm to another. Hanbin cups the nape of your neck as he continues to pump into you hard and fast, fucking you through your orgasm until it feels like it will never end. 
“Fuck—you’re so tight, baby,” he grunts. “You’re gripping at me.” 
His voice fades in and out as your orgasm rolls through you. Once again, your pussy clenches tightly around him, and your final orgasm finally pushes him through his own. He comes with a shout, and you feel him twitching inside you before he starts shooting his warm release inside you. His slow rocking carries on with pulse after pulse of his climax until he fills you up with the very last drop of cum. 
Exhausted and spent, Hanbin collapsed on top of you, completely out of breath. While you no longer have the energy to push him away. He waits until all the spasms growing in your bodies start to calm down when he finally pulls out of you. 
While you fall helplessly on the sofa, breathless and high in your blissful fog, Hanbin moves away to grab a clean paper towel before returning to you. 
He takes his time taking care of you, gently cleaning you off from the mess that has been created from your intense lovemaking. Each delicate brush on your skin draws light sparks from your body that still feels sensitive to the touch. Slowly, he draws your senses back alive, yet his soothing touches help you relax with a content sigh. 
Once he is done, Hanbin rolls you over to face him as he falls right beside you on the plush sofa.
As you lie there by his side, in a post-orgasmic bliss and limbs that feel too heavy for you to move, your mind begins to race. There is no stopping it when you start wondering, questioning about what will happen next. You have crossed boundaries as his personal aid, and what you had taken as your personal responsibility to take care of him has now become something else. 
“That was—” you try to speak once you find your voice again. Yet no words come out of you when you have no idea what to say to him. 
“Amazing? Sensational?” he teases you while wiggling his eyebrows. 
You laugh, shaking your head even when deep down, you cannot really deny it. It was amazing. Shocking and fully insane, may also be the perfect way to describe it.
As you lie down beside him in the tight space of the plush sofa bed, you look at his face closely, still unable to believe that what just happened was real. 
“I mean, whatever works. As long as you enjoyed it,” you find yourself saying this to him as you try to process this moment. 
Because everything feels like a dream. 
Except what remains from your orgasm still lingers like a murmur through your entire body, showing you how real everything was. There is the slickness you still feel oozing out of you when you shift closer to him. Not to mention the soreness between your legs that is still present.
Even lying down side by side with him like this doesn’t feel real at all. You may have spent the past few weeks flirting, teasing, and even satisfying each other. Yet post-coital intimacy has never been a thing to share between you. 
Never before tonight. 
“Me? What about you? I thought I was paying my debts to you?” he asks you with a tease, though he seems genuinely curious to hear your answer. 
“I—” you try to speak, feeling a tug at your heartstrings knowing that he cares. “I thoroughly enjoyed it.” Your smile grows when you see him smiling at your answer. “Let’s just say that it was a good start to pay back what I’m owed.” 
Hearing this, Hanbin laughs. 
He surprises you once again when he pulls you to his chest and gives you a kiss, as if it is the most normal thing for him to do. And you return his kiss as easily as though you are two regular lovers. As if this isn’t the first time you are being this close. To be this intimate, aside from the special arrangement that you have made with each other. 
“Can we—” he says breathlessly as he breaks away from the kiss. “Can we continue like this for a while, just until this tour is over?” 
Just like that, any hope that had a chance to bloom in your chest is depleted. Disappointment washes through you for thinking that this actually has an expiration date. Just when you finally have the courage to admit your true feelings. 
But then your spirit is quickly lifted when Hanbin continues to add, “Once we’re done with this tour and later when we’re back home, let’s talk about this further. That is, only if you want to. I just don’t want you to think that I’m only taking advantage of you and forget everything once we’re back.” 
This time, when you feel that unsolicited hope brewing in your chest again, you do nothing to suppress it or hold it in. You don’t even try to deny it. There is no point in denying it now, after all. As it will always be there, no matter what you do to ignore it. 
And now that the final line has been crossed, you know that there is no turning back. 
“Sure, I’d like that,” you whisper to him with a smile, and with a genuine trust knowing that Hanbin always keeps his words to you.
Just like how he keeps his words about spending the entire night making up to you for all the favours that you are owed. 
Hours later, as the bus continues its journey towards its next destination, both you and Hanbin are still huddled up in the back cabin. The room has grown hot, and the passion that you share has yet to come down. 
A soft moan escapes you when he rocks his hips, pumping deeper into you in a series of rapid thrusts, and he quickly presses a finger on your lips to stop you from making too much noise. “Keep your voice down, baby. You’ll wake everyone,” he urgently whispers. 
Being in your current position, with your folded knees sinking deeper into the sofa and your hands barely able to hold your upper body up against his relentless pounding coming from behind, it really is becoming impossible for you to hold back. “I can’t,” you whisper to him between your strained moans. “It’s too much.” 
After a series of orgasms that he has been giving you all night, with only a brief reprieve taken when you took a break to have dinner—specially delivered to you by Shawn and the dancers while you were both busy in the back—it really is becoming a bit too much. 
Your body has taken a lot of his rough lovemaking that a single thrust is enough to ignite the sparks within you. Your skin has grown too warm, your pussy is tender, and your muscles are getting too sore to keep you up. 
“I know, I’m so sorry. Just a little bit more, okay?” he pleads with you as he continues thrusting in and out of you, slowly quickening his pace as he feels the spasms of your climax rising yet again, with your muscles pressing around his cock in a possessive grip. 
You bend forward and lift your hips higher to take everything that he is giving you. While his words echo through your mind as you embrace the building pleasure, reminding you of the promise that he gave to you earlier. 
Until this tour is over. 
Just one more show. 
You hold on to those words to gain strength. But after what you are experiencing tonight, and after witnessing the adrenaline rush that went through him after tonight’s show, the final arrangement waiting for you at the end of this tour no longer seems to be an easy fix. 
“I doubt that it’ll be anything ‘little’ when it comes to you,” you retort back to him with a moan, “you’re insatiable.” 
Hanbin lets out a soft chuckle as he presses a kiss on your bare shoulder. “It wasn’t my fault this time. You started it first.” 
You hide your smile at his words. Because he was right, after all.
After your tryst continued for a while and you were lying on his side, tracing the lines on his bare chest, the memory of his alluring dance came through your mind. It took you back to the moment you were made to feel hot from the sight of him rocking his hips, and how his sweat-covered chest kept glowing under the stage lights while he was dancing, keeping you under his spell.
That memory gave you the urge to start touching him. Starting with the touch of your fingers tracing down his skin, before you replaced your naughty hands with your lips when you traced the lines on his torso with your kisses. And you kept going lower, and lower, reaching the source of his arousal, until he finally snapped. 
“Guilty as charged,” you admit to him with a deep moan just as he pushes deep into you. “I’ll take all the responsibility for this one.” 
“Good. Because I’m not going easy with you this time,” he says, as he starts thrusting into you harder, faster, while you can only take everything until you are quickly pushed towards the precipice of your climax. 
He makes you bite your ripped panties as he keeps pounding into you, stopping any sounds that may come out through your lips as you embrace your climax. Making sure that your voice won’t wake the boys who are sleeping soundly in their personal bunk beds while the bus continues to drive through the night towards its final destination. 
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⤑ Author’s Note | This was supposed to be posted on his birthday, but as always, things don’t always go as planned when it comes to scheduling in my case. I’m glad that I still got to finish this because the idea had been stuck in my head since I’ve been following B.I’s journey through his European tour this year, and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to stop thinking about it if I didn’t write it down right away. I hope you enjoyed this thrilling experience. Please leave kudos/likes, comments, and share/reblog it if you liked what you read. Any other form of feedback is also welcomed. Thank you for reading!
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— © 2023 @yoonia (Tomoe Dia), all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind, translations, and unsanctioned adaptations are not allowed. | First publication & writing on Nov 10th, 2023
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kcake555 · 4 days
Kim Hanbin cake 🍰
(My ult 😍)
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tangylemonade · 2 years
𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐
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𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚋𝚒𝚗 𝚡 𝚊𝚏𝚊𝚋 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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⚠︎︎: 𝚂𝚖𝚞𝚝
𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜: 𝚂𝚑𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚎𝚡, 𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚕 𝚜𝚎𝚡 (𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐). (𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚙𝚞𝚝 𝚜𝚘 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚍𝚘 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚒𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙸 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚊𝚍𝚍 ☺︎︎)
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝟷.𝟾𝚔
𝙻𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 & 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚍𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚙𝚜 𝚊 𝚋𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚑!
𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜, 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚢 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎!
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Your head turned to the door the moment you heard the sound of the code being entered. The phone that you’d been mindlessly scrolling on completely discarded as you jumped up and made your way to the door excitedly. It was nearly 3 am and your boyfriend was only just getting home.
“Hanbinnie!” You said excitedly, falling into his arms the moment the door opened.
Between you being busier these days with your ever increasing workload and Hanbin working on his comeback you two found yourselves constantly missing each other. This was due to either partner being asleep when the other came home or leaving before the other could awaken.
His arms wrapped around and squeezed tightly while walking you two deeper into the house and closing the door with his foot.
“What are you doing still awake babe?” He asked, his voice close to your ear as he nuzzled his face into your neck not wanting to release the hug.
You giggled and gently pushed on his chest so you could look at him. Once he reluctantly let you go you leaned against him, looking into his eyes.
“Well I got your schedule…“ You started to say but before you could finish your sentence he cut you off with a soft kiss against your lips, his index finger and thumb gently cradling your chin.
Your eyelids fluttered as you tried to recall the rest of your sentence.
“Sorry I couldn’t resist.” He said softly, his lips still tantalizingly close. “You can continue now.”
“Huh? Oh.. yeah I…uhm.. ugh, you can't just kiss me mid sentence. I don't even remember what I was trying to say.” You huffed.
He softly laughed at you “You were saying you got my schedule…?”
“Right. Yeah uhm I got your schedule and…uhm…”
The way he gazed at you made it impossible to finish a thought. “Oh forget it.” You said, exasperated by how flustered your boyfriend still made you after all this time.
“The point is my schedule is clear tomorrow and so is yours.”
“Really? There were like 7 meetings I had to be at tomorrow.” He questioned all while his hands slid lower and lower down your back.
“Moved.” You said simply, becoming more and more distracted the lower his hands traveled.
It actually didn’t matter to him how tired he would be tomorrow, looking at you right now made him realize the level in which he missed you. Your gorgeous smile, your melodic voice, your beautiful laugh, your sexy body, all which were enough to keep him wide awake.
Your eyelids became heavier as he leaned in closer to you, your lips mere breaths away from touching when he suddenly pulled away and made his way to the bedroom.
You glared at him when you caught sight of the smirk that playfully teased the corner of his mouth.
“I’m gonna go shower, it’s been a long day.” He said before disappearing through the door.
You did the last bits of cleaning in the kitchen and then went and got a towel to throw in the dryer to get warm for him. A little something you liked to do for him ever since he expressed to you how much he didn’t like being cold. The laundry machines were in the bathroom so you quickly grabbed a towel from the dresser and brought it to the dryer.
He was already in the shower and you could see his silhouette through the fogged glass, aiding in working you up more than you already were. He was humming and paid no mind to you entering the bathroom like you always did. You turned to exit the bathroom but paused when Hanbin called your name asking if you could pass him the shampoo.
You got the shampoo from the sink cabinet when a mischievous smile blossomed on your face at a thought that had just sprung into your mind. You slowly pulled your tee shirt above your head tossing it onto the floor along with your underwear. You held back a giggle as you snuck over to him.
You slid the glass quickly yelling boo, bursting into laughter at his startled face. He frowned at you but you continued to laugh until you felt his hand wrapped around your wrist. Suddenly you found yourself pressed against his wet, warm, hard chest… the hot water from the shower now flowing down your back. You looked up at his dark eyes causing your breath to stop in your lungs. His expression was one of pure infatuation, your naked bodies completely flush against each other.
“It seems we had similar plans.” He said.
You tilted your head inquisitively and he gestured to the open shampoo that was already in the shower.
You gasped dramatically, “You planned to pull me in the shower all along didn’t you?”
“And you already planned to join me.” He replied with a smirk.
You shrugged nonchalantly before bringing your hands to his face, caressing his cheek with one and moving his wet hair out of it with the other.
Without another word your lips quickly tangled with his as if it were the most natural thing in the world. His hands that craved to feel you now relished in their victory.
Hanbin caressed your every curve taking extra time on your ass which he was ever so obsessed with. He squeezed your hips and thighs before playfully giving your ass a slap, the water making it sting more than usual. You gasped into his mouth and he used that as a chance to slide his tongue in and take control of the kiss. He pulled your leg over his hip and you felt his hard member against your core, making the heat of your desire much more intense.
He pressed your back against the wall continuing in his plans to ravishing your supple flesh. His soft lips bounced from one spot to another, never forgetting to give attention to all the ones he knew you loved. A particularly hard suck against your bosom earned him a playful slap against his shoulder which to your secret delight encouraged him more than discouraging him. You loved to be marked by him, to have something to remember him by while he was away.
His hands massaged you as his kisses and kitten licks traveled lower and lower, down the valley of your breast, over the beating of your heart, past your navel, stopping right at your aching heat.
Hanbin lowered to his knees in front of you, your leg lifted on his shoulder while he continued his work. You threw your head back, almost falling the moment his tongue entered you. Your fingers laced through his hair and pulled with every flick of his skillful tongue causing him to moan against you, the vibrations making everything more intoxicating.
Your breathing became more rapid and your moans more desperate, the sensation of his mouth against your pussy beyond mesmerizing. And just like that your body shook as your orgasm rushed through you. Hanbin held your hips still as he lapped up your juices, overstimulating you in the process.
Once Hanbin pulled away you quickly tried to catch your breath but he clearly had other plans. His lips crashed against yours, your leg back wrapped around him. He braced you against the wall just before pushing his length inside of you, stretching you ever so deliciously. You cried out as tears pricked your eyes, the intensity of the post orgasm sensitivity paired with the sudden fullness was disorienting.
Hanbin slowly began to move inside of you while he littered breathy kisses against your damp flesh. Water poured between your bodies and he held you tightly so you wouldn’t fall. You could hardly process anything as he pounded into you, the pleasure already balling in your stomach. Your cries echoed against the shower walls and his breathy moans filled the remaining pockets of quiet.
Hanbins movement stuttered and you could feel that he was getting closer. You were practically whimpering when your coils finally snapped again, rippling through your body stronger than the last. Your juices mixed with his pre cum and dripped from your swollen pussy down his cock. He pulled out and watched as the water carried your essence down your thigh. Hanbin hissed through his teeth at the sight. He could never get enough of you.
He used his index and middle fingers to tenderly push the juices back into you before using his cock to stuff it deeper. This time you collapsed into him, the intensity being too much for you to handle. You were sure you didn’t have anything left in you but as he began to move you felt the tightening feeling of another high approaching. His hips snapped into you and you felt as if you would split open. He reached so deep inside of you, his body pressed up against you as he stretched you more than ever.
“Y/N…” he grunted. “You have no idea how much I've missed you.”
You responded with your lips against his, too disoriented to do anything else but messily kiss him.
You could feel him twitching in you already signaling his quickly approaching release. Hanbin spilled into you and with that once again an orgasm shocked through your body. This time your body was completely exhausted so he had to hold you up against him so you wouldn’t fall.
Your labored breathing was what sobered him. You could tell he felt a little bad by how gingerly he washed you, holding you up in the shower. Hanbin took the warm towel out the dryer and wrapped it around you before carrying you into the bedroom and laying you on the bed. He knew how much you hated dry skin so he diligently helped you lotion before pulling one of his shirts over your head, kissing you furrowed brow when you grimaced from the movement. He finished by pulling a pair of panties onto you, giving your butt a gentle smack after you had rolled over and reached for the covers.
Hanbin finished up with himself and then slid into bed with you who was drifting off. You rolled into him and he rubbed your back, shushing you comfortingly when he heard you grimace from the movement. You knew you were gonna be sore as hell in the morning but you didn’t care.
“I love you.” You whispered in a half slurred voice.
“I love you more, babe. Sorry, I got a little carried away.” He said rubbing your hip to sooth you.
“Don’t apologize, I loved every bit of it.” You said snuggling into his embrace.
“Naughty girl.” He said playfully tickling you until you used your last bit of energy to swat him away.
“Only for you.”
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byunbhyunz · 1 year
Hanbin - “If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass.”
Pairing: Hanbin/Reader
Genre: fluff, sliceoflife!au
Word count: 1,190
Prompt: “If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass.”
You should have known it was a bad idea. Actually, following Hanbin’s idea of going out in the middle of the night to God knows where was never a good thing. It got you into sticky situations in the past enough.
After telling him no for a few times, he seemed not to be fazed by it, only pressuring you more into saying yes by promising you to hear his newest song. This is where it all came from. He finished a song some time around 1 AM, and he called you afterward to go hang out with him. He told you he wanted you to listen to it, but it should happen at somewhere else than your or his place. That goes well along with the atmosphere of the song. His words, not yours. The sincerity in his voice convinced you in the end.
“I don’t know what kind of song needs to be heard on a rooftop of an old building,” you mumbled.
Climbing up on the fire escape, the metal steps made muffled sounds as you forcefully thumped on them. “Is it really necessary though? We could have just come when the sun is up for once.”
Hanbin chuckled in a low voice. You shivered, either from the cold or his laugh. If you closed your eyes, you could see his smile, even the little blush on his cheeks caused by the wind.
“Shit!” You whisper-shouted as your foot slipped on the steps and you grabbed tight on the handrail, saving yourself from a nasty fall and possibly from a few broken bones and bruises. Maybe closing your eyes while going up on a fire escape (or any stairs) wasn’t a bright idea. Just like going out to listen to a song in the middle of the night. But it was important to Hanbin, so you came. But it didn’t mean you couldn’t complain about it. “If I die here, I’m going to haunt your ass.”
Hanbin put his hand on yours as you refused to let go of the handrail.
“You promise?” His joking tone was telling a very different story than his tight hold on your fingers. He took your hand in his, and waited for your answer.
This shy and waiting look on his face became the normal lately. The circles of tiredness seemed to be darker than ever, but there was steadiness in his eyes. Like he finally made peace with something that was bothering him for a long time. You wished he would tell you what it was.
“You want me to promise you that I will haunt you?”
Your voice was barely above a whisper. It felt inappropriate to talk any louder than that, even if it was about a ridiculous things like haunting him as a ghost in afterlife. His Adam’s apple bobbed, a hungry look flickering in his brown eyes. Suddenly realizing how close he actually was, a warm feeling formed in your stomach, slowly spreading through your body. You’ve been this close to him many times before, but never felt like this. His presence never made you nervous and calm all at once.
“Yeah. I will definitely do the same if I die first.”
A soft smile tugged on his lips, then started to climb the stairs again, still holding onto your hand. You either had to let go of it or follow him closely. You didn’t want to let go. The night is cold and his hand is warm, you tried to reason with yourself, but it sounded like an excuse.
“So? Promise?” He asked without looking back.
“I promise,” you agreed.
After arriving on the rooftop, he tugged you to the center of it. He pointed at the ground.
“We should lay down first.”
“You want to lay down on the cold ground?”
“We have to. The song has that feeling where we should lay down and look at the stars,” he explained like it was the most obvious thing on the planet. You looked reluctantly at him, and seeing his expression made you sigh.
“This better be the best song I’ve ever heard. And you have to bring me chicken soup if I get sick tomorrow.”
He pulled out his phone and earphone from the pocket of his hoodie, and laid on the ground, stretching his arm out for you. You still hesitated a little, but his next words persuaded you:
“We can cuddle while listening to it.”
“You should have started with this,” you mumbled as you laid down, cuddling to his side.
You rested your head on his shoulder, and he handed you half of the earphones. He shuffled a little with his phone in his hands. You watched as he unlocked it, stopping for a moment before he opened the music player. Memories flooded your mind only by looking at his background picture. He took it when you were spending some fun time with the members of iKON. All of you were laying around in your tiny living room, eating take out food and laughing your asses off on silly jokes and even sillier impersonations of each other. You looked so happy and content. It was a nice picture, the only problem with it was that Hanbin wasn’t in it.
He took a big breath and finally played the song. You closed your eyes to get ready, and then, music and feelings washed over you. For at least a minute there was only the melody of a piano and guitar playing, then he started to sing and rap. It felt like… well, exactly like him.
In your opinion, he was right and wrong about what king of song it was. You didn’t need to come up here and watch stars in the middle of the night to get a full grasp of it. You only had to close your eyes and be cuddled by him, because that’s what it felt like. The song was like the hugs he gave you, and the tone of his voice when he talked to you, and even the way he held your hand earlier. It was him.
He sang about hope to be loved by the right people, and being thankful for already being loved by many of them. Wishing that it would last forever.
“What do you think?” He asked in the smallest voice you ever heard from him when the song ended. You lifted your head to look in his eyes. They were shining from the moon, and street lights, and feelings.
“It’s beautiful,” you whispered. Caressing his face, you couldn’t look away from him. “Like you.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“Yes. Please.”
The smile on his face only melted away when your lips touched. The need to be closer to him made your body move on its own. He hummed against your mouth as the song played again. His lips were soft and warm, you just couldn’t resist tasting them with your tongue too. He hummed louder at that, opening his mouth to fully kiss you. A low moan escaped your mouth.
His smile was back. Time seemed to stop.
It was perfect.
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multiphandomunnies · 6 months
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harry potter headcannons
s.o sends an inappropriate photo
you’ve changed
i missed you too
bf! b.i
why did you leave so soon?
and you are?
coffee shop confession
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hannieween · 5 months
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spotlight | lights out series
In the aftermath of that night when everything changed, Joshua has to pick up the pieces of his own doing.
✮ pairings: joshua hong x female reader x yoon jeonghan ✮ genre: angst, fluff, smut (18+) ✮ aus: rock singer joshua, boyfriend joshua, theatre director jeonghan, best friend jeonghan ✮ word count: 16.9k
› 🎧: am pm – jay b ft. whee in | lover – b.i | switch it up – jay b | lights out – sunmi ft. be'o | planet girl – jooyoung, pH-1 | skyline – i.m | closer to you – jung kook ♡
→ season one – navi post – read more
› smut warnings under the cut
✮ warnings: descriptions of food, food and alcohol consumption, smut with plot, joshua is toxic and kind of manipulative, multiple sex scenes, sub joshua, dom reader, oral sex (m), unprotected sex, body worshipping, creampies, morning sex, slight exhibitionism, a bit of cuddle fucking, cowgirl, bondage, sensory deprivation, overstimming, edging. pet names: bunny, baby, beautiful (hers) baby, baby boy, handsome (joshua's)
✮ author's note: this story takes up after the city lights series. i highly recommend you check that fic out before diving into this one if you haven't already... or you might be a little bit confused.
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✮ disclaimer: minors dni this post is intended for 18+ readers. please have your age stated in your description and try not to look like a bot please 🙂.
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part i
You clawed at the bedsheets wrapping your body.
Sweat covered your neck as your fingers clenched around the soft fabric of the creamy white bed sheets you were writhing under. You sank the side of your face on the pillow below you, muffling out a short moan.
The side of your body was comfortably lying on your mattress, softly creaking as Joshua moved behind you under the bed sheets, keeping a steady pace on the push and pull he had commenced not two minutes ago.
Your boyfriend was breathing hard on the crook of your neck, moaning softly every time he pushed inside your walls, the front of his body cuddling your back, keeping one of his large hands flat on your tummy to keep you in place for him to fuck you slowly.
One of the things Joshua discovered about himself is that he loved morning sex. In his past relationships, he didn't think too much about it. Granted, he was never big on vanilla sex.
But something about waking up next to you, wholly naked under the bed sheets, your face being the first thing he sees, your soft humming the first thing he hears.
The first few times he woke up next to you as soon as he moved into your apartment, right after he finished touring and recording an album, you were the first one to wake up. And those times you usually left the bed before he woke up, only for him to catch up with you making breakfast.
But now that he had grown familiar with your routine and you with his, he was the one who was waking up before you did.
And Joshua Hong swore he could fall in love twice over.
Somehow he learned to wake up silently, so he wouldn't wake you up in the process, knowing how much of a light-sleeper you were.
Sometimes he would just lie there with his eyes closed, either cuddling you or just lying by your side.
Something would brighten up inside him every time you would unconsciously search for him, either turning over the bedsheets to cuddle him up, lacing your leg with his. Or whenever you were already snuggling him, you would just bump the tip of your nose against him.
It was as if, in your dreams, you would reach out to him, to make him hold you as if you were in your own world, resting peacefully.
But this morning he was just so bundled up in your warmth and in your love that he just couldn't resist himself.
Joshua had to wake you up with kisses on your shoulder to let you know of his intentions, and to his surprise, you immediately caught on, arching your back for him to have easy access to your warm walls.
So there he was, madly in love, drunk on you, pushing your body as he breathed hard on the curve of your neck, getting glimpses of you holding onto the bed sheets every time he blinked dazedly.
"Baby," Joshua half moaned, half sighed as he closed his eyes. "I love you."
The sound those words elicited from you, made him smile, turning his head to litter kisses on your cheek, and down your neck.
"I love you, Josh," you replied, sounding as if trapped in a trance, so dreamy, breathily moaning out his name.
"Yeah?" he sighed. "Are you gonna come with me?" he asked, hearing your increasingly louder moans.
"No, no, not yet," you replied, your fist leaving a bundle of sheets, diving under the bed sheets to meet his hip, holding onto him. "Please, it feels so good.."
"Okay, okay," he whispered hurriedly. "Fuck," he gasped softly, slipping out of your sopping walls by pulling his hips backward.
"Joshua!" you gasped, turning your head to see him, squeezing his eyelids shut in focus.
"Sorry baby," he sighed with a smile, opening one eye first to see your obfuscated face.
"It's okay," you smiled sweetly when you understood that he was close to his climax.
"Turn over for me," he rasped, nodding his head to the pillows.
Joshua experienced something unusual to him, like a lightning bolt piercing his chest when you smiled at him giddily before turning face down on the pillows, knowing what he wanted to do.
The love he felt for you was so intense it could literally cause him pain.
But he got to his knees on the bed, not letting you wait for him any longer, he moved on top of you, each of his knees at the sides of your hips as you instinctively lifted your ass up for him, uncovering your wet pussy for him.
Joshua smiled when something in his mind reminisced on the days you were getting a feel of each other, just two total strangers giving themselves into carnal desire.
And now, he couldn't imagine a life without you.
He brought down a hand on one of your buttcheeks, not hard, but just about enough to get a squeal out of you, followed by a sweet laugh from your part that sent a blissful shudder through his body.
You looked over your shoulder, propping your weight on your elbows to watch him with an excited glint in your eyes. Without more pause, he just grabbed his wet cock, driving it inside you in one go.
It was nearly electric, the feeling of being inside your engulfing warmth, the fluttering, the wetness, you, you, you.
You dropped your face flush into the pillows to muffle a raw cry of pleasure. This position made it so that his cock teased a particular sweet spot in your walls that instantly had you wailing like a mad woman.
"Joshua..." you sighed against the pillows.
His head lolled back slightly, giving himself into the blissful pleasure and desperation to feel you whole, to make you feel good, to hear your voice call out his name in raw cries.
So he just started moving his hips back and forth, pumping his cock inside your warm walls, moaning at just how wet you were.
"Joshua, Joshua..." you continued as he fucked you deeper, the back and forth of his hips made the bed frame creak and budge against the wall of the bedroom, quite evidently telling the new neighbors that it was another one of those mornings.
"I know, baby," he sighed back, grabbing you by the hips to keep your ass up and cunt angled for him, watching his front hit your plump cheeks, the recoil, the dents his fingers were creating as his hands held you steady for him to fuck.
"Oh, god," you rasped loudly against the pillow, your hands balling into fists on the pillowcase. "Oh god, Joshua..."
"Are you close, bunny?" he called in a gasp, groaning in frustration as you shook your head on the pillow.
"Harder," you sighed, lifting your head to cast a look over your shoulder, your eyebrows knitting in a plea as you added. "Please, fuck me harder, Josh."
"We'll get another noise complaint," he grinned, reading the dilemma that set in your furrowed brow.
Joshua couldn't care less about the new neighbors. As soon as they moved in two weeks ago, he knew they would be a problem. When you were notified about the noise complaint, Joshua just knew it was them.
"Hmn?" he changed the pace of the back and forth of his hips on you, fucking you with shallow thrusts. It was not as deep as you preferred, but still good.
You groaned in frustration and buried your face on the pillow again.
"Baby, give me an answer," he laughed heartily. He knew he could continue fucking you slowly just to tease you.
But he was also aching to come.
"Do it," you breathed, nodding with your head before casting another look. "Please, baby, I'm gonna be quick, just, please, I want it harder..."
Joshua smiled at your resolve before commencing to plow on you, retreating his hips and thrusting forward with a hard and fast pace, his front slapping against your ass, causing the recoil to be more prominent, making him moan at the sight.
But your moans, oh, they were the cause for the noise complaints, he was sure. It wasn't the bed frame hammering against the wall, or the loud creaking of the mattress, or even his own moans.
You were wailing now, crying out his name in bliss and pleasure pleading him to never stop, to keep going, to go harder.
And he was just too complacent to not let you have what you want.
"I'm coming, Josh, c-coming!" you cried out, gripping the pillowcase, turning your head so he could see your pretty cum face of your eyebrows knitting, your mouth falling open.
"Fuck," he sighed, his fingers digging into your skin to focus in not changing his pace for his own pleasure, he kept plowing on you as you came undone on his cock, your whiny moans flooding the room paired with the banging on the wall from the other side.
"Josh..." you sighed as you slumped down on the pillow.
"I'm there, oh fuck, baby..." he moaned, ignoring the urgent thumping on the wall. He threw back his head, a long, moany exhale coming out of him as he spilled himself inside you finally, his hands grabbing your hips to fuck you into him languidly until he spilled the last drop of his cum in you.
You were breathing out sweet moans as he stopped thrusting in and out of you slowly and sloppily, hearing the banging on the wall with a sly grin on his face, being accentuated when you groan in utter embarrassment against the pillow.
Joshua sighed in complete joy and adoration when you sneaked a look over your arm, laughing in excitement and shame, partly enjoying the loud exhibition of your love at very early hours in the morning.
"Good morning, baby," he sighed, a small groan spilling along.
"Morning, Josh," you replied cutely.
"Hungry?" he breathed with a lazy grin on his face.
"Umn, yeah," you replied aloofly, sinking into your pillow again to enjoy the gentle aftershocks of your orgasm.
He also needed a minute to catch his breath and for his brain to come down to reality and gather up that the neighbors might take an issue with them again.
But he couldn't care less.
You, on the other hand, were mortified.
"Should we... go talk to them?" you asked with a tiny voice, lying motionless below his body.
"And tell them what?" Joshua sighed a smile, running his hands from your lower back upwards, caressing your skin lovingly.
"That we're sorry!" you gasped, but there was a small giggle that quivered in your tone.
"Sorry about what?!" Joshua protested with a faux scandalized tone. "Sorry that we have a good sex life and they don't?"
"Maybe not that, but, sorry that we're loud might work," you retorted.
"I wasn't loud, you were," Joshua teased.
"Josh!" you sent him a glare. "We both were."
"Fine, fine," Joshua conceded with a breathy chuckle. "I could get soundproof padding for the walls and something for the bed frame so it doesn't bang on the wall," he offered, taking your worry seriously.
"Isn't that going overboard?" you inquired with honest curiosity.
"Yes... but also no," he pondered. "I think it would work, and stop the complaints."
"Mmff," you sighed and turned your face flush against the pillows again.
"Come on, baby," he muttered as he pulled his hips back, thus slipping out of your wet walls.
"Just give me a minute," you mumbled on the pillows.
"I'll be waiting for you in the shower," he slapped your ass teasingly one more time and laughed when your squeal was muffled in the pillow.
Joshua had no issue settling in your apartment. When he got back from touring and from all of the appointments he had outstate, you had already made space for him. And he had spent so many nights there that it already felt like home.
But he was convinced that the homely feeling came from your company.
He was just stepping below the shower head when he felt your arms wrapping around his waist, hugging him from behind. You pressed your cheek on his back.
"Hi baby," he sighed, not caring that it was about two minutes ago that he had said just that.
"Is it my turn to make breakfast?" you muttered, pressing small kisses on his back, between his shoulder blades before reaching out with one arm to get the bottle of shampoo.
"Would you like to get breakfast somewhere?" he asked you as he finished rinsing out the shampoo from his golden brown hair. "We could go to that place you like with the banana pancakes..."
"I mean you gotta let me make breakfast one day," you giggled sweetly as you busied your hands on your hair, your fingers massaging shampoo into your scalp made Joshua turn and pay attention to you.
He had been doing that lately. He paid attention to things you do for yourself, no matter how simple or how meaningful they were. He knew that you had changed the color of the polish in your nails, you trimmed your hair and added some new touches here and there.
But also, you also have gotten into some new habits. Such as trying to fix your sleep, you go to the gym more frequently, not as an on and off thing anymore, you go out with your friends more, and the biggest thing he has noticed, is that you did all of this to hide the sadness you actually felt.
It had been weeks since you last talked with Jeonghan. An event that you weren't to talk about with Joshua yet, but he could see that whatever happened, left you pretty bad.
Joshua knew already that he needed to give you time. And he promised you he would be patient if that was what you needed. He didn't need to know what had happened that time you talked, in truth, he ached to hold you, to make you happy again by whatever means necessary.
"We could also go to the book shop afterwards," Joshua offered with a hollow tone, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible but he knew that you were avoiding going out today.
"Okay, that's how I know you're up to something, Mr. Hong," you smiled as you tilted your head to raise your hair.
"I just want to pamper you, Ms. Hong," he joked, but his tone dropped as he uttered those last two words. "Take you on as many dates as possible."
"Mmn, then you got a date, mister," you replied with a playful grin, sliding your arms on his shoulders and locking your wrists behind his neck. "But you gotta let me make breakfast someday, you know. I'm not a bad cook."
Joshua chuckled, but your lips muffled his laugh as he tried to get back at you. "I know, baby. Just let me take you out today."
"Maybe you're just getting away with doing the dishes," you said with a lower and velvety tone.
He was struck with so much adoration for you when he noticed that you were flirting with him. The corners of your eyes were smiling, and the glint in your eye told him that you were feeling the same too.
"You got me," he whispered, dipping his head to meet your lips.
"Mmn, you little deviant," you muttered sultrily, smiling in his lips.
He felt a hand cup his chin as your tongue touched his lower lip. "Look who's talking," he replied when your other hand roamed all over his body, feeling his lean chest first, sliding down to feel the toned muscle of his abdomen.
"I learned from the best," you replied, circling your hands to his back.
Joshua laughed breathily into your mouth.
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You clapped your hands giddily as the plate was set in front of you. There sat a fluffy banana pancake, decorated with berries and honey.
Joshua sat just across your seat on the small round table, he was pretending to type something but in reality he was snapping a photo of you looking at your meal.
The first bite made you sway your body in tiny motions, like a little dance with your fists bundled up at your sides as you chewed on your food merrily.
And he watched you in complete delight. Setting his phone down on the table to take a bite from his own plate. "Good?" he muttered as you took another generous bite with near maddening joy.
Food made you happy, in the month he had been living with you he had learned more and more about your favorite foods and general eating habits. So he knew that sugary breakfasts were accompanied with coffee.
You set your mug and licked your lips. "Amazing," you sighed, resuming to eat more banana pancakes.
"Mm," he nodded with a small pleased smile on his face. "Oh, my mom asked about you," he suddenly remembered.
You almost choked on your mouthful. "Huh?!" you uttered as your round cheeks from the food gave you a comical expression. "W-what? Why? When?"
"I think it was... yesterday actually," he mentioned, thoroughly enjoying your reaction. "I told her we could meet one day for dinner or lunch soon."
You swallowed your bite with a bewildered look in your eyes. "Oh, of course why not," you nodded. "I could cook something, I can make a mean lasagna."
A twist in his stomach in pure fondness made him pause when you took on a proud look for yourself. "Oh yeah?" he teased: "Why haven't I tried your lasagna?"
"Because," you elongated the word. "You, mister, keep me out of the kitchen nearly everyday. You don't let me cook for you."
"That's not true," he retorted with a smirk. "It's not everyday."
"I'm not complaining though," you muttered as you pointed at him with your fork.
"I know you aren't," he chuckled.
"Mmm," you hummed as you took another sip of coffee. "Tell mom she's invited to dinner at our place next friday."
"Will do," he smiled, from both your assertiveness and the cuteness you exhibited suddenly.
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"Thanks for breakfast, Josh," you muttered, linking your arm with his, your hand grabbing on his bicep comfortably as you both walked on the sidewalk.
"Don't mention it, beautiful," he smiled at you.
Your eyes were marveling at the sight of the cherry blossoms flanking the street you both walked. The grip of your hand on his bicep shifted and tightened, directing a smile at him as you teased him a bit, using the bulge of his arm as a stress ball.
"You're bulkier," you grinned.
"You've mentioned it," he replied in kind.
"I like it," you said and tilted your head to the side so your temple touched his shoulder briefly.
"All for you, baby."
The giggle that spilled from you echoed in his mind. Joshua slipped into what he felt was something that felt like a daze as you aloofly started to hum a tune that you were improvising on the spot. You did that, he noticed, you hummed a beautiful tune happily for two or three seconds and started it again.
Joshua grabbed your hand from his bicep and laced his fingers with yours to then kiss your knuckles one by one, slowly as you both walked down the street.
The sunlight slipped through the branches of the cherry blossom trees, shining in against your beautiful hair, making your cheeks grow hot and when you looked back at him, you smiled, noticing that he was lost in thought.
"Do you want to make a stop at the book shop?" he nodded his head to the small bookshop on the corner of the street.
You pondered for a second, but Joshua knew what your answer would be from the way you were pouting cutely.
"Maybe an hour," you decided.
Joshua pushed the door open for you. "That's what you said last time."
"But last time they had new titles," you countered and giggled shamefully. "Okay, maybe two hours."
"Take as long as you need, baby," he muttered, letting go of your grasp as you were swiftly taken away by the new shiny covers on display.
Joshua gravitated towards you in the maze of shelves, acting as if he were just as interested in the books surrounding you. But he was more raptured by you, by the wonder in your eyes as you picked up book by book to read the covers, to open them up carefully and peer inside.
He just stuck around you, picking up books to just settle them back to their place without even so much as reading one word. You skirted around the shelves, while he just wavered in the distance.
That was until his eyes caught sight of your pen name on a book. Rows of a glossy cover under a sign that said best seller sat the book that was partly responsible for him being there.
Almost as if the book had a magnetic pull on him, he brought one copy from the shelf. Joshua only recognized the book by the title and obviously your pen name, but he realized that he hadn't really paid attention to the work on the illustrated cover.
He remembers seeing it at some point, but almost beat himself up for not paying more attention to it. The cover was pretty, totally eye-catching, but he knew the contents were much, much more impressive.
Joshua read the final manuscript, he also had to read all of your annotations. But it was the first time in a month after the release that he actually held a copy of your book.
He felt dumb for a second. How didn't he get a copy before?
You were submerged in a different book, rows of shelves and far away from him, swaying your body gently to the soft music playing on the speakers overhead.
The first page of your book started with a dedication. Joshua first saw his name written in it, and his stomach dropped.
To Joshua, my favorite plot twist, my endless inspiration. I love you.
Cursing to himself, he slowly closed his eyes. There was no excuse for missing something like this. Not work, not whatever it was that bothered him. This was important to you, your greatest achievement so far, and you dedicated it to him.
And he is just finding it out. A month later.
He thought of something to say to you, an apology, anything.
But at that moment, his phone buzzed in the pocket of his jacket. Pulling it out he saw flashes of a series of notifications from his new management team.
With a resigned sigh, he opened the messages to read that Midnight Haze had secured a bunch of dates for upcoming concerts the weekend after their first self titled album release.
It was huge for him, but it was instantly overshadowed by the thought of leaving you behind again for several weeks at a time. He had been enjoying his quiet life with you so far, and it amazed him how much it bothered him that his career success was not as important to him anymore.
The problem was not that he would leave you alone. Joshua still had trouble with the thought of you hiding away in your study for weeks, being lonely while he goes away and lives the life of a rockstar.
But what bothered him the most was that he was about to leave you when you were going through something that he knew was taking away your sleep, something that had broken your heart.
Joshua knew that Jeonghan had stopped talking to you some weeks ago. After the night of the threesome, and he very evidently showed how he felt about you, you tried to reach him, to talk about it. But he just said he needed time.
Time went by, and you got sadder. Sometimes he heard you in the middle of the night, crying alone. He would ask you about it but you just said you were alright, you said you also needed time. So Joshua gave you that.
But Joshua could not shake the feeling that he was responsible for it all. Deep down he knew that this mess was caused by everyone involved. Still, he was the one that suggested Jeonghan to get closer to you, to be friends. He was the one that left you for weeks and eventually stopped talking as frequently.
What will happen now when he leaves? He knew he would only carry that guilt with him.
Sometimes he missed when he was just a singer in an independent band that had some shows at local bars every now and then. If that were still the case, he would not have to leave you behind.
"Would you like an autograph, sir?" your cute voice snapped him out of his mental turmoil.
Lifting his head up, he found you standing in front of him, unbeknownst to the messages showing on his phone screen sitting on the palm of his hand. You were looking at the copy of your book in his other hand.
"Allow me to buy the copy first, miss," he replied.
"Oh, no don't do that," you muttered, immediately dropping your act. "I was just joking, you don't have to buy it."
"Why don't you like to have copies of your books at home?" he inquired with genuine curiosity.
You shrugged slowly, fingers tracing shapeless doodles over the spine of a book you picked up. "I like to keep my space separate from my work," you smiled shamefully, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "I know it's silly, but I like to pretend that the writer and I are different people."
Joshua tilted his head to one side. "That is a bit more confusing," he chuckled softly.
"Well, that's because you're famous, you like the public acclamation, the fame," you disputed, snatching the book from his hand and placing it back to where he initially found it. "And I don't."
"I'm not famous," he immediately battled, with a shy smile painting his ears red. "And I don't like fame either."
"Yeah right," you quipped with a grin. "I'd beg to differ."
He stretched an arm and grabbed the copy of your book again. "I'm taking this if you don't mind," he said with a faux serious expression. "And I'm getting that autograph."
"What, no, Josh," you pronounced his name with a giggle. "Don't buy it, we have the manuscript at home."
"You can't sign the manuscript," he rolled his eyes and laughed when you tried to grab the book from him but he just kept it in the air and out of your reach.
"What do you want a signed copy for?" you sent him a glare that only made him laugh harder.
"This one has a pretty cover," he shrugged and turned away from you and started walking to the counter to pay.
"Josh!" you gasped and fell into step behind him.
"I expect my autograph," he said, pulling out his phone to pay.
The cashier sent you a look and then to Joshua, who just dismissively smiled, his nose wrinkling a bit in the process. He could see from the corner of his eye how you just sighed in resignation.
"Bunny," Joshua said as he followed you out of the book shop.
"Yes?" you lifted your eyes to lock with his.
"I... thank you for the book dedication," he muttered, grabbing your hand to lace your fingers with his. "I really appreciate it, baby."
"You don't have to thank me for that, Josh," you giggled sweetly. "That's me literally saying thanks for being there, for helping me."
Joshua paid attention to the way you emphasized that word, paired with the shy smile on your face as your gaze dropped to the ground. What you meant by helping, though, was having sex.
"Do you need help with book two?" he grinned.
"Oh my god, Josh," you muttered, teary eyed in embarrassment.
"I can totally help," he teased some more. "Everyday, if you let me. Anything you want to try baby, I'm game."
"You are helping, Josh," you turned to look over your shoulder and deciding no one was listening to your conversation you added: "You are a very diligent source of inspiration."
"You think, baby?" he pressed, holding the door to the building open for you.
You nodded eagerly in affirmation to his question.
"I take my job seriously," he quipped with a laugh. "Anything to help."
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After the day-long date, you came back home feeling exhausted, but ready to get some hours of work before heading to bed. Committed was the relationship you had to your writing, a thing you tried to do at least an hour a day.
So Joshua decided to spend the remainder of the day sitting in the living room area. Guitar sitting in his lap, phone ready to record, he tried to emulate the tune he heard you hum, the tune he replayed the whole evening in his head.
Before he knew it, he had recorded a good chunk of melody. He replayed it once, deciding it was good material he sent it right over to Jihoon, presenting it as something they can work on for a ballad.
Content with his day's productivity, he decided to call it a day, being that it was already nightfall and he felt rightfully sleepy.
So he made his way to the place he knew he would find you, happily buried in work. Pushing the door open he found you working on your desk, eyes glued to one of your monitors, typing fast on the keyboard.
He saw that you were wearing your headphones so he went unnoticed completely. Suppressing a small smile, he walked closer to you, being careful as to not startle you as he had done several times in the past.
"Baby," he whispered as he placed his hands on your shoulders, leaning down to press a kiss on your cheek once you slid a hand on top of his.
"Mmn?" you removed your headphones. "What's that?"
"I'm heading to bed," he whispered before pressing another kiss on your cheek. "Wait for you there?"
"Yeah, sure," you turned your head to plant a kiss on his lips. "I'll be there in five."
"If you take longer, I'll come for you," he said, eliciting a chuckle from you.
"That sounds fun," you whispered, pressing your lips against his smirk.
He kissed you one more time before backing away from you and getting ready for bed. His routine was short, consisting of rinsing his face, brushing his teeth and undressing himself.
When he was already lying in the bed, he heard you come in exactly five minutes later, which made Joshua turn his head to look at you curiously.
Noticing that he was still awake and with his gaze trained on you, you began to undress, reaching out for your sleeping clothes in the drawer. You had taken to using one of his t-shirts, which was a few sizes too big for you.
Turning off the bedside lamp, you climbed up the high bed, crawling to the space you had assigned for yourself, but as you slipped beneath the sheets, you immediately attached to his side.
Joshua chuckled softly, wrapping one arm around you as you snuggled to him, fitting your face on the curve of his neck.
"You didn't take long," he pointed, thinking of the times you worked past midnight.
"I'll continue tomorrow," you sighed a yawn. "I want to cuddle with you, is that okay?"
"Of course, baby," he whispered, bringing his other arm to hug you snuggly. "Always."
"Thank you for today, Josh," you muttered sweetly, your hand had started to rub shapeless figures on his chest. "I enjoyed every moment of it."
"You don't have to thank me, bunny," he replied sleepily. "I want to give you more days like this. For the rest of your life if you let me."
That made you giggle in joy. "Be ready to hear me thank you every single day, then."
"Because you make me happy," you muttered, your voice had turned into a tiny coo.
"You make me happy too, baby," he turned his head on the pillow to look at you. "That's the point, right?"
"Mmn, yeah but I want to say thanks anyway," you laughed, realizing how stupid the argument was.
But Joshua smiled, pressing a kiss on your forehead. "I love you," he muttered, caressing your arm with his hand. "I just want to make you happy."
"I love you too," you whispered, sighing a hum. "Let's make each other happy, then."
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Joshua was unsure as to how he fell asleep, or how long after he drifted into a peaceful dream. He woke up to distant noises of water boiling, a sizzling sound and then the clinking of metal against ceramic glass.
The bed was cold on your side, when he outstretched his arm he found it empty. Instantly, he knew it was one of those restless nights. Even if you were trying to fix your sleeping habits, you still suffered some insomniac nights.
He waited for some minutes, and then got out of bed, fishing out a pair of sweats and a t-shirt that he had discarded earlier and left on top of the armchair in the room and put them on.
You were sitting on the couch by the window. He noticed that you had drawn the blinds to get the lighting from the restless city outside.
You didn't notice him right away, so he also could tell that you were crying as your teary eyes panned to the hall and found him.
His heart dropped. "You're okay, bunny?" he asked wearily.
Sitting down on the couch beside you, he kept some distance from you, giving you space in case that was you needed.
"Yeah, I'm okay," you smiled, pressing your lips together.
He nodded slowly, averting his gaze to his lap. "Do you want to talk about it?" he offered, holding in his breath.
This would probably be the time, he thought. He wished you would finally air out your troubles with him. It was the third time he had woken up to your cries, he silently counted. And he suspected that you were hiding from him to let your feelings out, suspected you weren't sharing your feelings with him to avoid more conflict.
"I'm just thinking, Josh," you said with a dismissive tone. "Everything's okay."
You took three big gulps from the tea that you drink to help you sleep. Grimacing at the taste you put it back to the coffee table and shifted on the couch closer to Joshua until your bodies touched.
"What do you think about?" he asked gently, the weariness coating his tone was still there.
A long sigh made your chest rise and fall, more tears kept rolling down your cheeks and you shook your head, signaling your reluctance to talk about it.
"Do you want me to leave you alone?"
"No, I..." you choked on your words and before he could move, you took his hand. "I'm just being a bit emotional. That's it."
"You can trust me," he whispered, raising his eyes to find your grief stricken face.
"I know," you replied in kind. "I know, Josh."
You picked up your tears with the pad of your thumb, sniffing quietly as you seemed to calm yourself down. But you wouldn't make eye contact with him, your hand held his tightly, but it seemed that you weren't opening up just yet.
"Baby..." he whispered, following your eyes. "I want you to talk to me. I'm waiting for you night and day to open up but you just won't. Do you think that I don't know what you've been going through?"
Your eyebrows pinched together in confusion but they quickly went lax, coming to a realization that he knew. All along he silently bore witness to your pain and your mourning to your friendship with Jeonghan.
"I've heard you cry before too," he confessed, a painful jab making him shudder. "I know you told me to give you space but you don't have to. I think that you will feel better when you talk to Jeonghan and whatever you decide to do... I'm ready."
"What are you saying?" you croaked, sniffing loudly and bringing up a hand to wipe your tears.
"I'm... saying that if you–," a strangled sound interrupted him, and he had to pause to gather his thoughts, drawing a big gulp of air as he sighed the next words: "Whatever you need to do when you talk to him, I'm ready... to take it."
"What?!" you gasped with a bewilderment that almost made you stop your tears. "You're not taking anything, Joshua. Who do you think I am?"
"I'm just saying, whatever you feel like you have to do, I'll understand…. I just want you to be happy again," his eyes inevitably rolling upward, trying to resist the angry tears stinging his eyes.
"Have you lost your mind, Joshua?" you asked, watching him nearly vibrate in what you assume was a very undesirable remorse.
"I think so, yes," he said slowly, now looking at you. "It kills me to wake up and hear you crying in the middle of the night. I hate that you pretend to be alright instead of trusting me with what's hurting you."
"What hurts me hurts you," you said in a weak tone, crossing your arms over your chest in what he recognized as a mechanism to hold yourself together.
"Is that why you won't open up to me? Because you don't want to hurt me?"
You slowly nodded with your head, biting your lip to make it stop quivering, though it was futile.
"I just want you to trust me," Joshua whispered, and your eyes widened when his tone faltered. "It's the only thing I care about."
"Joshua, I..." you started, but you were at a loss of words.
"We can't keep doing this to each other," he whispered, shuddering under the stress of finally being vulnerable with you. "I want to help you but you need to let me in."
"I don't want this to affect us," you replied with an air of surrender, it was quite evident that it was too late for that.
At that, he knew he had nothing to say. He had caused all this, no matter how much he wanted you to open up, he was being a hypocrite. His attempt to make you trust him with this fell completely disingenuous since he was also keeping things from you.
He shifted on his seat, opening his arms to you. "Come here," he whispered and you promptly crawled wight into his embrace, crying freely on his shoulder. "I just don't want you to go through this on your own, baby," he said shakily, swallowing his own guilt-ridden tears. "But if it's what you want I get it. I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry too," you replied in a tiny voice.
"No, don't be," he muttered. "I know this is hard for you... this is hard for me too, but it shouldn't have to be, baby. We are together to lift each other up, aren't we? No matter what tries to bring us down."
Joshua could feel your fingers clinging onto his shoulders, your face pressed flush against his chest as you sobbed and cried hard, harder than he had heard you ever.
"All I'm trying to say is... trust that I won't walk away from you. Not because of this, not ever," Joshua gulped, a hand finding the back of your head to hug you tightly. "I love you and I trust you."
"I love you too... and I trust you, Joshua," you replied with a hoarse tone from crying. "But, how can I tell you about this? I don't know how I would feel the roles were reversed. If you told me you felt something for someone else... I don't know how I'd react."
Joshua had been over this scenario on his head multiple times. "It's different," he said with an air of decisiveness. "I don't think this is as straightforward, baby."
You felt him press his lips on the crown of your head for a long minute.
"But more importantly... you can tell me anything, baby," he muttered, closing his eyes slowly as he sighed. "Even if it's about Jeonghan."
There was a pause, between him waiting for your answer patiently and you gathering your thoughts. This was definitely not something you had expected from your boyfriend. Granted, he had been extremely reasonable about your feelings for Jeonghan.
"I just want him to know that I'm sorry," you sobbed quietly, holding onto his shirt.
Joshua felt the small wet patches on his chest from your tears, he held you tighter against his body, when the painful jab of remorse returned.
"Have you tried talking to him?" he pried with a fear pulsing in his throat.
"Last time I tried he told me he's not ready," you replied and your tone weakened. "He stopped replying to my texts two weeks ago."
His arms wrapped your body tighter. "I'm sorry, bunny," he replied with honesty.
But a part of him burned with rage. He wasn't in the least bit pleased that Jeonghan had feelings for you, but on top of that he hated that he was making you suffer. Joshua understood that Jeonghan needed time to think, since this was a very complicated situation they were all embroidered in.
Still, he hated to see you cry.
"Maybe I can talk to him," he offered softly, resting his cheek on the crown of your head, his arms still cradling your body.
In all this time, Jeonghan and Joshua had not spoken, nor crossed paths. The reason why in reality was that Joshua had nothing to say. And if he thought of something to say, he wouldn't mean it.
In part, he felt betrayed by his best friend. Even if all of this was partly his doing, he started all of this. But still, there was a nagging feeling in him that no matter what he did, he couldn't shake it off.
"Maybe I can call him, ask him to hear you out. Would you like that baby?" he asked, now moving his head to see your face.
You mumbled something that resembled an affirmation. But you had already drifted into a slumber, losing the fight against the powerful sleeping tea that you didn't even finish drinking.
He certainly didn't take that to be an actual affirmation on your part. But he thought he might as well try. Because he had to at least try to fix something from this mess.
Joshua held you until he was certain you were completely asleep. Subconsciously, he started humming that song again as he memorized again the features of your face with the pads of his fingers, grazing your skin ever so gently that you never felt a thing.
He loved you. He ached at the thought of losing you all for his stupidity, for his blind jealousy.
Slowly, he leaned so he could rest his forehead on the crown of your head. I'm sorry, he pleaded silently, I love you.
Cradling you in his arms, he stood up from the couch, carrying you straight to bed where the covers were already drawn so he just easily laid you down, tucking you in.
He asked himself if he was even worthy of being your lover. Holding you like this, sleeping next to you after a day of showing you how much he loved you, he wondered if his love would amount to something enough for you. Mistakes and all.
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The Spot was as busy as any thursday.
It had been a while since Joshua's last visit. He had some memories of being wasted, to the point that he fell asleep on the barstool he was sitting at, his head propped in the lacquered red bartop.
It seemed funny to him that Jeonghan was sitting in the same place now.
His fingers were toying with the neck of the empty bottle of beer, his head leaned forwards, eyes out of focus.
Joshua silently sat beside his best friend, drawing his attention to him with a dreary look. "Hey."
"Hi," Joshua replied with an empty smile.
"How did you know I was here?" Jeonghan asked, but his hollow tone implied that he knew, but just wanted to confirm his suspicions.
"I had someone on the lookout for you tell me," he informed, Jeonghan nodded and signaled to the person behind the bar with just two fingers.
"Thank you Mingoo," Jeonghan said, the hollow tone persisting.
Jeonghan had ordered two bottles of beer one for Joshua and one for himself, which upon arriving he took a sip of his own, directing a cold look at Joshua.
"I know why you're here."
Joshua took a deep breath through his nose, looking straight in front of him and he felt his own eyes fall out of focus as his mind began to reel.
"Tell me why I'm here," Joshua muttered, trying not to roll his eyes.
Jeonghan frowned, for the first time in the whole interaction he showed a sign of some shred of emotion. The confused look told Joshua that his best friend might have expected a confrontation like this, but maybe he was not ready yet.
"You want to talk about that night," Jeonghan muttered slowly, the frown still painting small lines between his eyebrows. "But there's nothing to talk about. I am sorry about... everything."
Jeonghan averted his gaze in front of him and took another generous gulp of beer. Joshua knew what he meant by everything, about violating his trust, about letting his feelings for you grow. Or at least, that was how Jeonghan saw it.
Jeonghan still wore one of your scrunchies around his wrist. Joshua closed his eyes as the flashing feeling of remorse coursed through him.
"You're wrong."
His best friend paused as he was about to lift the bottle from the surface of the bar. Slowly, the black haired man turned in the barstool to face Joshua, tilting his head to one side ever so slightly.
"Tell me how I'm wrong," he retorted.
"I'm not here to talk about that night," Joshua began to explain, taking another gulp of beer to gain some very much needed courage. "Nor do I want you to apologize for anything."
Jeonghan pursed his lips into a pout, almost as though he wanted to ask a big, "What?" but refrained from doing so.
"I..." Joshua started, sending a look to the dim lamps on the ceiling, he took another deep breath but it felt like no matter how many times he did that, the restless beating of his heart wouldn't let him free. "I need you to talk to her, Jeonghan... I need you two to talk."
Jeonghan froze, the only part of his body that moved was the pair of brown eyes, scanning Joshua's face over and over again.
The question was uttered slowly and pointedly. Almost as if Jeonghan were avoiding falling into a trap into the deeper parts of this conversation that both men were avoiding to have for nearly a month.
"Because you both need it," Joshua said but he immediately wanted to retract himself, shaking his head once. "She needs it, Jeonghan."
Joshua exhaled hoarsely, feeling that if he didn't hit pause he would soon suffer a mental breakdown. It was driving him crazy, it was burning what peace he had left to ashes.
Some nights had passed since Joshua saw you crying in the living room. You were reluctant to talk about that night again, and the memory of you crying refused to leave his mind. It was robbing him of sleep, of peace. He needed to do something.
There was a general understanding that Jeonghan saw right away. In more than three weeks of not speaking to each other, Jeonghan knew his best friend would not be asking that unless it was completely serious.
But he couldn't bring himself to say yes. By now, he was confused as to how much Joshua knew about what happened that night. Did you tell him about the conversation that led him to this moment? Is Joshua sitting here asking him to reach out to you, his own girlfriend without knowing how Jeonghan felt about you?
If he did know about it all, this was a very strange request to ask the guy that very evidently had feelings for you.
But if Joshua did not know...
"I need to know why," Jeonghan insisted, making Joshua dart a look his way swiftly.
"I told you why."
That much told his best friend that he was bluffing, making Jeonghan huff. "You're not here just because you want us to talk," he grimaced slightly, now toying with the bottle in his hand. "There's more. There's always more with you."
Joshua sighed, letting his eyes close briefly. "I'm leaving in a few weeks," Joshua admitted, licking his lips in an irked way.
"Ah, there it is," Jeonghan nodded with realization, and then he sighed too. "I can't keep doing this, Joshua."
The uneasy feeling invading his chest made him breathe near erratical. It hurt him to know that he caused all of this, and now the two most important people in his life were hurting too.
"I don't care," Joshua said with an annoyed hint in his tone, casting a glance at him. There he saw the guilt in his best friend's eyes too and his heart twisted even more before he blurted: "Just this once, and I'll leave you alone if that's what you want."
That definitely awoke an intrigue in him. "Does your girlfriend know you're here?" he inquired, pinning without much effort something that Joshua decided to omit.
"No and I'd like to keep it that way," he replied pointedly, setting the bottle down with a harsh thump. "Please. For now."
The two men exchanged a long glance that told years of knowing each other so deeply, they had learned to communicate without words. Jeonghan saw the desperation, the guilt and remorse in Joshua's eyes.
"Okay," his best friend replied, but the intrigue and the confusion didn't subside. "I will. I'll talk to her."
"Thank you," he muttered quietly, averting his gaze elsewhere. "I'm sorry about all of this too, Jeonghan. I know you didn't want any of it but if you love her, you'll listen to what she has to say."
Jeonghan froze. Slowly processing what he just heard, he waited for Joshua's next bluff, he waited for something to tell him that he might have misheard but before he could even protest, lie, or negate it, Joshua was already leaving his seat.
"So you do know."
"Please," he said, pulling out his wallet and drawing out a bill which he placed beneath his empty beer bottle. "I know you better than anyone else. Trust me, I know."
Completely thrown off, Jeonghan watched his best friend walk out of the bar, thus leaving him with much to think and no clear sign as to where to begin.
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The ride back home was quiet. Joshua remained deep in thought for the whole half an hour, silently thanking that it was about nine o'clock and traffic was busy. He needed the extra minutes to think as to what he was doing, how he would confront you.
Ever since that night, Joshua had encountered a dilemma. He knew that you had feelings over Jeonghan, and that to some degree, it was mutual. He saw the hurt in your eyes afterwards, the inwardly quietness of your mourning of a friendship with him.
And now, he saw the same in Jeonghan. He saw the morose pain of losing you, of not being able to reach you. Something Joshua himself knew too well.
But what killed him was that this was somehow a result of his own choices. He asked Jeonghan to get closer to you, he left you for a month, it was a recipe for disaster.
And it wasn't that he didn't trust you, he did. And he trusts his best friend as well.
Even though he hated himself for all of this, he couldn't help but live in the memory of that night. It made him sick that, even if he had double intentions, he enjoyed it by far more than he had originally thought.
He felt sticky.
But he constantly thought of that night, he vexedly thought of how much he enjoyed watching you and Jeonghan having sex in front of him. It was like he saw a different version of you, and for some reason he could not pinpoint, he loved it.
It was fucked up, he knew that. He didn't know if he would ever confess that to you. But he suspected you knew it already, because he didn't make an attempt to hide it. Joshua liked the way the three of you moved seamlessly, almost as if... it were meant to be.
He felt torn.
Torn between hating himself and thinking of that night. Hating himself for playing with his best friend's feelings and for lying to you. Torn with jealousy because his best friend had feelings for you, but every time he thought of that night, he grew hard at the memory of you fucking Jeonghan.
As soon as Joshua crossed the door, he knew that you were working in your studio. All of the lights were out, leaving the apartment in a somber quietness that was only interrupted by the echoing traffic noise outside.
The curtains were drawn, so the living room was dimly illuminated by the city lights. Joshua discarded his shoes by the entrance before making his way to turn on the lamp on the corner of the room and then went looking for you.
Gently, he pushed the door to your studio, finding the only source of light being your double monitors. You didn't budge, partly because your noise cancellation headphones kept you from knowing Joshua had arrived home.
Joshua leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms as he watched briefly you typing away, every now and then you bobbed your head to what he presumed was the song you were listening to.
He didn't want to pry, because he suspected that times when you were deep into your writing session, you wanted to be left alone. Sometimes, when you were not as busy, he would crash on the small couch next to your desk.
Those times, he would lie idly scrolling on his phone or playing his acoustic guitar. But inevitably, he would fall into a distraction. Just as he was now, lost in the imagination of a life with you, the cherishing of the moments he can get like this.
Before he has to go away again.
Something made you stop typing and you pushed the keyboard in as a sign of termination. A few clicks and then you reluctantly turn your head, as though you already knew he was standing there.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to hover," he smiled softly at you.
You grabbed your headset and pulled your head back out of it. "You're back!" you sighed in a pleased surprise. "Hi handsome."
A surge of tenderness and warmth washed over him, suddenly being overcome with the need to melt into you.
"Hi beautiful," he replied, his voice sounding a little hoarse.
He crossed the distance between the door to your study to your armchair and before you could get to your feet, he was already leaning down, grabbing your chin with two fingers to kiss you. It was a brief, tender kiss that ended with a small smacking sound and a hum from you.
"Someone's in a mood," you noticed right away with a tiny smile. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, everything's okay," he whispered before diving again into your soft lips, capturing them with a low hum from his part now, trying to wordlessly let you know that he needed you.
"Okay," you replied in a mere whisper, taken away by the urgency to which your lips were being hugged by his now.
"Are you done with that?" he asked, his voice raspy to what he assumed was the need, the love and adoration he felt for you flooding inside him.
"No, not yet," you replied with a playful grin. "Why?"
Joshua thought of the way you elongated that question, the taunting velvety tone you gave to it. "Because I was thinking of you on my way back," he mumbled, still littering kisses on your lips, moving to one of your cheeks as he kept speaking. "I remembered that I owe you a massage."
"Well then get on with it," you let out a small chuckle that sounded sweet to him, though it was playful. "You don't need to be all over me to do it, Mr. Hong."
That made him laugh in both awe and lack of words.
So he just simply scooped you up off your chair. He initially crouched a little, securing your body with his hands as you wordlessly understood what he intended to do and reached out to wrap your legs around his waist.
Not without some struggle due to the darkness, he searched his way to the bedroom, where Joshua quite literally threw you to the bed, sighing with amusement as he heard you squeak when you landed on the mattress.
You looked at him up and down, a glint of excitement in your eyes.
But Joshua found it hard to move for a moment. The way that you looked at him made him freeze, he found the love and carnal need in your eyes and he almost had to slap himself.
The pause was brief but you noticed. "Come here," you muttered sweetly, reaching out a hand to him.
Joshua climbed on the high bed, placing each of his hands at your sides, his body hovering on top of yours as he slowly propped his knees and elbows to pin your body down with his.
"How was your thing with the boys?" you asked as he planted a tender kiss on the apple of your cheek. "I actually thought you'd be gone for longer."
A sharp pain tugged at his insides. You didn't know he had gone out to meet Jeonghan, and he felt bad for lying to you. He felt bad at how easily he could craft a story to deceive you.
"It was fine," he whispered, taking advantage of the position of his face, so you couldn't see his eyes, probably translating the restlessness he felt inside.
"Did you guys have fun?" you asked and he knew you were just trying to make normal conversation.
"Yeah, you know them," he sighed, trying to make his voice sound at ease. "They're pretty chill."
You shuddered slightly when his breath caressed a sensitive spot on your neck as he leaned to press more kisses on your skin, his heart deflating at every second he waited for your next question. But luckily you quickly shifted your attention to his lips reaching your collarbones.
Your hand slid on the nape of his neck. "Oh, Josh..." you whispered shakily, a small moan coiling when he didn't care to get rid of the t-shirt you were wearing, which he noticed was his.
He cupped your breasts with his hands, fingers digging gently on the cotton fabric as he pressed his mouth on your already pebbled nipple, which he teased with his lips and teeth, gently to not hurt you but harsh enough to make your breath hitch embarrassingly.
"I thought I was getting a massage," you mumbled faintly, your hands searching his body for somewhere to hold onto, a hand deciding to tangle on his long golden hair while the other parked on his back.
"You'll get it, baby," he replied in kind, his hands searching for your shorts, practically ripping them off of you. "But right now I need you."
"Slow down, Josh," you sighed bemusedly as he tossed the shorts to the floor.
"Sorry," he whispered, pressing more kisses into your lips, those becoming more and more heated and hasty. "I really need you."
With a low hum, you were quickly subdued to his carnal desire, holding onto his shoulders your hands roamed all over his back. "You don't want to take this off?" you muttered, fingers tugging on the jacket on his shoulders.
"Yeah, okay," he breathed. Then he pulled back, yanking his brown jacket. And with a thrust of his arm, he carelessly tossed the jacket to the floor.
The sight made you tilt your head on the pillows. "I want the t-shirt gone too, Joshua," you mumbled with a small smile tugging at your lips.
Joshua gave no thought to your command and obliged wordlessly. He just saw the glint in your eyes as his hands searched for the hem of the white t-shirt, pulling it over his head with one motion of his arms.
And just as he began to lean towards your body on the bed, you stopped him. You just lifted one leg from the bed, placing your foot between his pecs.
"Jeans too," you said sultrily quirking up an eyebrow at him. Though there was a noticeable quiver in your tone due to nervousness, the darkened look in your eyes convinced him.
Lately, you have been trying your hand at taking control in the bedroom. A few commands here and there, until you grow more and more sheepish and beg him to retake control. Though obviously not without some teasing from his part.
But tonight, Joshua thought that maybe this is just what he needed. He needed to disconnect his mind from all that troubled him, he needed you to have your fun with him, to use him, to punish him.
So he climbed off the bed, unbuckling his belt, the clinking sound as it dangled made you prop half of your body with your elbows to keep looking at his body as he became progressively more naked.
He stepped out of his light blue jeans, sneaking a glance up at you in your bed as he started to crawl back on top of you. You were biting your bottom lip, hiding an excited smile as you saw his beautiful tanned skin, his bulging biceps and toned pecs.
"You're so hot," you welcomed him wrapping your arms around his neck as he hovered on top of you, meeting your lips with his own with soft and wet kisses. "And mine."
That made him smile as he kissed you deeper. "All yours," he whispered, feeling weak over the way you hummed happily in his mouth, your hands roaming all over his back.
"Yeah, baby?" you mumbled, your voice tiny but still in a taunting purr. A perfect mimic to his own voice when he is the one in control. "Will you do something for me then?"
"Anything," he breathed, his lips finding a sensitive spot on your neck quite effortlessly, just to hear your breath hitch and feel how your body tensed up.
"Get the handcuffs," you murmured into his ear, your fingers raking through his golden hair in a response to your own nervousness.
Joshua paused, but he didn't think of questioning you, or teasing you. He pulled back to see the certainty in your eyes and nodded, making his way to the dresser where you both kept a variety of sex toys and other accessories.
As he got the pink handcuffs he got for you in what felt like forever ago, not mere months, you got to your knees and reached out to your nightstand.
Immediately, he got a notion of what your plan was when he eyed the blindfold in your hands.
"Can you–," you paused, gathering your words in your mind before trying again. "Lie down for me, Josh."
He tried to conceal a smirk by biting his lower lip. But he obliged anyway, partly because he wanted to see where you would go with this. But on the other hand, he ached for you.
"Hands up," you breathed nervously, but the excitement in your eyes made him beam at you. You smiled and nodded your head at the railings of the headboard. "Don't make me ask again."
Anticipation ran thick and heavy through his body. His eyes remained trained on you as he raised his arms over his head, fingers grazing the rails.
You sat back on your heels, hovering over him as you reached out to secure the cuffs around his wrists. You noticed his eyes focused on your face, noticed the dark and greedy need that was slowly eating him from the inside.
"Be good for me," you whispered with a sheepish smile, leaning down to press your lips against his.
"Always am," he breathed, sounding hoarse from the urgent desire beating fast in his throat.
"We'll see about that, baby," you replied, so close to his own face still that he could feel the smile curving in your lips.
Joshua closed his eyes, letting go of his worries when your lips met his again. The pain and remorse slowly blended with the deep craving for your touch, for your love and undivided attention. Selfish, he told himself with a slight rush of guilt, but he couldn't bring himself to stop you.
Because your lips were on his. He swore he could melt into your gentle touch, the tenderness to which you always seem to carry yourself even in moments like this. He hadn't known a tender kiss like yours.
But you quickly progressed into a deeper, heated kiss, tugging at his lower lip with your teeth, making him groan quietly. "You look so hot like this," you said in a breathy mewl, slowly moving your knees to his sides.
Straddling him, you ran a hand from his forehead to the crown of his head, fingers skating through the golden locks of his hair, looking at him with a glint of mischief in your eyes.
"I have a confession to make," you smiled sweetly, your hand left his hair, sliding a fingertip from his cheekbone to his chin. "I was also thinking about you before you got home."
"Y-you were?" he had to swallow hard, his voice sounded hoarse from the lust, love and adoration slowly consuming him whole.
"Yeah," you breathed before biting on your lower lip. "I couldn't even focus on my writing."
"What were you thinking about?" he asked with a low murmur as you continued to litter his skin with wet kisses, he shuddered hard when your sweet breath caressed the curve of his neck.
"I thought of the things I want to do to you," you said breathily, you trailed down to his collarbones, sneaking a glance at him with a sheepish smile. "Have I ever told you?"
Joshua shifted in his position slightly, the metal chain linking the cuffs clanked against the rails of the headboard. "No, I don't think so," he whispered, closing his eyes when you resumed with your little trail of kisses on his skin.
There was a single mole sitting perfectly between his pecs, which you kissed lovingly as your fingers skated on his chest, caressing over, a thumb circling around his nipple just as your mouth kissed the other.
The strangled sound that came from Joshua made you grin, he felt it on his skin as you hummed bemusedly. Joshua was sensitive around his chest area, and you were always so excited to find out just how far you could go.
"I think of having you like this," you raised your eyes to his hands cuffed to the headboard, his beefy biceps framing his golden brown head. "I thought of kissing every single inch of your body."
Joshua made note of the punctuated manner you delivered the last few words, he thought of how sultrily you sounded. Sweet and dangerous.
"I thought of teasing you, marking you..." you gave him a bashful look, trying to bite your own smile as you moved to kiss his other nipple. "I want to see how obedient you can be."
Joshua closed his eyes again, trying to put no resistance to your newly found dominance over him. Raking your fingernails over his chest, littering him with feathery kisses that made him suck in a breath.
"Fuck," he squeezed his eyelids tightly when you suckled the skin on the underside of one of his pecs. His body tensed up, the cuffs clanking against the headboard. "Baby..."
"Mm? How does that feel, Josh?" you asked, a smile playing on your lips.
"Good," he breathed, licking his lips.
"Yeah?" you cocked your head to one side cutely, puckering your glossy lips before attaching them to his skin.
"Yeah..." he replied faintly, limbs relaxing into pleasure when your lovebites became harsher, mercilessly marking his skin.
He vaguely remembered the time where he didn't let anyone so much scratched his skin. He belonged to no one, so no one would leave a mark.
And there he was. Willingly subduing himself to you, letting you leave your mark on his skin, because he was completely yours.
"Stay still," you advised with a low tone before running your tongue on the recently marked area, which was already tingling.
But he couldn't help it, he tensed again, flinching so abruptly that his body nearly made yours jump.
"Joshua," you warned sternly.
"Sorry. Sorry, baby," he rasped with a laugh that remarked on his shyness. "I'm not used to this."
He was usually the one in control. The one torturing you with slow kisses, and you the one cuffed to the headboard. So the times you actually had him at your mercy were very few.
"Mmn, then I think I'll put this on you," you grabbed the blindfold that you had placed aside. "I'll remove it only if you behave."
Joshua didn't try to hide his discontent with that, sending you a glare before lifting his head from the pillows to let you secure the blindfold around his head, covering his eyes.
"There you go," you whispered. "Good boy."
Your fingers slid to cup his chin before capturing his lips with your own in a heated kiss. His tongue swept inside your mouth, muffling a raspy moan that denoted his need for you.
"If you misbehave again, I'll just use my toys and force you to watch," you muttered, emboldened by the absence of his attentive gaze on you now.
"I'll behave," he replied immediately, ignoring the quivering in his tone. "Please, just... don't stop."
There was a pause, your fingers left his chin and with a painful jab in his chest he considered pleading with you to remove his cuffs, maybe just release one of his hands. He wanted to feel you, to ease the ache eating him from the inside.
"Baby? Please," he whispered, licking his lips with some anxiousness. "Please keep going."
"Mmn, someone's a little impatient," you cooed, he could hear you smiling through your tone. "Why are you in a rush? We have all night, baby."
He cursed at himself silently for teaching you everything you were doing. But he couldn't deny that he was enjoying this way too much.
You sat back, pressing your clothed pussy on the hard bulge beneath his boxers. "Oh," you breathed upon feeling the small wet patch on the stretchy and dark fabric he still wore. You had scooted back a little sitting now on his strong thighs.
The next thing he felt was strands of your hair caressing his abdomen before you pressed more kisses around his belly button. Joshua had to ball his hands into fists to avoid jumping dramatically on the bed.
"Fuck," he breathed, feeling your fingers hooking on the band of his boxers and he braced himself, biting hard on his lower lip as your lips pressed more kisses down his happy trail.
Your fingers pushed the waistband of his boxers down further, a sigh of something that sounded close to awe spilled from your lips when his erection slapped his lower abdomen.
You crawled backwards to pull his boxers down his long legs, with a bit of his help. "Have I told you how much I like this?" you whispered, running a finger through his soft pubic hair.
"Maybe," he sighed, suppressing a shudder.
"Baby, I don't think I'd ever seen you this wet," you pointed with a gentle tone.
A finger circled around his slit, gathering the precum on his cockhead. "Mmn," you hummed softly, making him assume that you were licking the precum off your own fingers.
"Baby," he whispered with a near palpable urgency. "Please..."
"Yes, Josh?"
"Please don't make me wait," he pleaded, his voice raspy and he hated how needy he sounded but at the same time he wouldn't dare to pretend otherwise.
"Why should I?" you asked.
"I'll be good, just..." he sighed when your hand started caressing his thighs. "Let me feel you, baby, please..."
"Like this?" you muttered, your hand circling around his length and started stroking him slowly.
He groaned, sinking his head back in the pillows, his heart constricting. "No, baby, not like that," he gasped, but his mouth fell slowly when your grip became tighter around him, moving on his hard cock faster.
You rolled your hand on his bulbous head expertly, smearing his precum all over his veiny shaft, the jerking of your hand causing a wet sound.
"Then how, Josh?" you cooed, making him once again to be rid of the blindfold to see your face. "You don't like this?"
You were probably biting your lip over the sight of him trying to behave and follow your command. You were probably reveling at the sight of him subdued to you, the twitching of his fingers, his throat bobbing.
"I–, I do," he rasped. "Can I have your mouth? Please baby, I'm being good," he whispered, moving his head sideways to muffle a moan against his own bicep when he felt your pretty lips on one of his thighs.
"Mmmn, I guess..." you sighed with a pleased tone. But you didn't give him what he wanted right away.
"Please," he whispered, his thighs tensing involuntarily when your lips kissed closer to his crotch on his thigh. "Please, please..."
"I'll give you my mouth," you conceded, the movement of your hand didn't relent in speed, didn't relax your grip. "But you're going to tell me when you're close."
He nodded frantically.
"Good boy," you whispered, your fist slowed down but you continued jerking him off, giving him a broad stroke of your tongue on the underside of his cock, trailing down to his balls.
"Fuck," he clenched his jaw tightly, the muscle on his abdomen tensing before he groaned gutturally. "Fuck, fuck, baby..."
"Do you like that?" you asked swiftly, your hand rolling over his cockhead to spread his precum all over his cock before you wrapped your mouth on his balls, sucking slightly, testing for his reaction.
"Y-yeah," he croaked, craning his neck as his head sunk on the pillows.
The gentle slurping sound that came from your mouth only egged him on, but he forced himself to ground his body on the bed, the only part of his body allowed to move was his mouth as he moaned breathily.
"So good," he murmured faintly. swearing he could see colors as your mouth continued to suck on his balls, your hand pumping him languidly, distractedly.
"Remember what I told you." you muttered before wrapping your mouth around his cockhead, licking him slowly, as if simulating an open kiss, tasting the salty precum.
"God, fuck," he gasped, moaning hoarsely when you sank your mouth on him, hollowing your cheeks out as you moved up, swirling around the bulbous head. "Baby, I don't think I'll last long."
But you continued bobbing your head up and down his cock, your hand pumping on the base, tongue swirling, sucking him harder.
"Baby, I'm close," he croaked with urgency. "I'm close, fuck, fuck."
You stopped a second later, detaching your mouth and hand altogether from his throbbing cock as he groaned loudly, panting as though he had run a marathon. Even with the blindfold still on, he squeezed his eyes, scrunching in the fleeting attempt to resist his climax.
"Good?" you asked quietly when his breathing calmed down.
"Good," he nodded.
"If I take this off, will you continue to be good?" you asked, lifting a side of the blindfold.
"I promise," he gasped, still sounding breathless. "Please."
The blindfold was slid up carefully. Joshua lifted his head to help you get rid of the headband and placed his head back into the pillows with a pleased sigh.
"Thank you," he whispered, he could finally see you now.
You were still wearing his oversized t-shirt, and panties. But upon scanning you up and down, he noticed your demeanor, the mischievous glint in your eyes as you went back to your position between his spread legs.
"You're being so good, baby," you whispered, sending him a glance. A smirk crowned your glistening lips.
You were relishing at the sight of him handcuffed to the rails of your bed, chest covered in new hickeys, golden brown hair disheveled, eyes wild in lust.
"Where were we?" you asked with feigned innocence, wrapping one hand around his wet cock. "Do you want more, baby?"
Joshua released a sigh through gritted teeth, bracing himself for more torture. Nodding, he replied with a strangled groan. "Please."
"Tell me when you're close again," you whispered before kissing the tip of his cock, gathering the precum with your tongue with a pleased moan.
Now that he had a view of what you were doing to him, he knew that he wouldn't last long.
An urgent, breathy moan spilled from him the moment you wrapped your mouth around him, sinking down on him expertly, taking him wholly. The sight of his cock disappearing in your mouth was near maddening.
"Fuck!" he gasped, tugging at the pink handcuffs in a knee jerk reaction. His thumb brushed the button that could set his wrists free, but he didn't press down on it, the thought didn't even cross his mind.
He ground his hips down on the bed in an attempt to not push them into your mouth. He ached to come... he ached to hear you give him the permission to do so.
"Baby..." he mumbled. "God, that feels so good."
He closed his eyes briefly, gritting his teeth tightly but nothing worked, his ears buzzed, he could taste the sweet release, see it behind his closed eyes in colors and stars.
The wet, smacking sounds that came from your mouth was the only thing he could register for a moment. The quietness in the room overtaken by the sounds created by your mouth, relentlessly going up and down on his hard cock, your drool dripping onto his hilt and his balls.
"Bunny, I'm going to come," he mumbled faintly, he cleared his throat once and insisted. "God, baby, I'm close."
You stopped again, but this time Joshua only breathed deeply, eyes closed to focus on bringing himself back down. He knew that if he saw your face, he wouldn't be able to make it.
"Mmmn," he heard you hum in thought. "Such a good boy. Look."
Obfuscated, he opened his eyes to see you swipe a thumb on his slit, not without some flinching from his part. You had picked up a white bead of his cum and now directing a lascivious glance at him, you took the pad of your thumb to your mouth.
"You're good at resisting your orgasm for me," you pointed with a small smirk. "I wonder if you'll be this good when you're inside me."
He shook his head slightly. "I don't think I can last longer," he mumbled, frowning slightly. "I need to come, baby. Please, let me come."
You tilted your head to one side cutely. "But I'm just starting to have fun," you pouted, but a smile broke your bratty act.
"And I'll make you feel good," he offered with some urgency coating his words. "Please? I'll do whatever you want, just please... let me come."
"Mmmm," you pretended to consider his plea, pursing your lips and looking upwards. "Fine. But only because you're being good."
You leaned your mouth down on him again, looking at him straight in his eyes as you continued to suck the life out of him, bobbing your head up and down, doing everything you know drives him absolutely crazy.
"Fuck," he sighed, balling his hands into fists the moment you hollowed your your cheeks, swiping your tongue around the very sensitive cockhead. "God, baby! Just like that, please, please..."
He lifted his head from the pillows, breathing embarrassingly hard and loud, being so close to his orgasm his thighs and abdomen had already tensed in anticipation.
A breathy moan escaped him once again, making him sound weak and pathetic but he couldn't care less. Your beautiful eyes were locked with his, enjoying every reaction he gave you.
"I'm close," he warned, letting his head fall back onto the pillows. "Baby, baby... fuuuuuck."
You sucked him harder, your tongue pleasured his cockhead eliciting one long raspy moan from him as ropes of cum spilled from him and onto your mouth. You swallowed instantly, looking at him babble and incoherent things to you.
"Thank you," he breathed. "Thank you, baby," he said over and over, breathing hard, eyes closed tightly as he enjoyed every second of his orgasm.
You kept swallowing until he stopped cumming in your mouth and you finished with a loving kiss that you pressed on the reddened tip of his cock.
"Good?" he heard you mumble.
"Good," he replied with a shy smile and opened his eyes.
You looked pleased with your work, in fact you were almost considering calling it a night and skip to aftercare. You leaned forward, reaching the cuffs with a hand and pressed the release button.
"You were so good, Josh," you smiled cutely at him before kissing his studded brow.
His hands searched for you, landing on the line of your back as he kissed whatever part of you he could find, his lips brushed your chin, pressing frenzied kisses until he reached your lips.
A small giggle from you vibrated in his mouth. "Josh," you squealed when his hands forced you to press your body on his. "You don't want to rest, baby? You came pretty hard."
"No," he breathed against your lips. "Need to make you feel good."
"I'm good," you replied dazedly, threading your fingers through his hair. "We can stop here."
"No, please," he muttered with some urgency making his voice quiver. "I can keep going, baby."
You knew your boyfriend could go for hours. In fact, the last time you counted, he could go for five rounds in one night, one after the other. That night made him certain that no other person could make him feel like this.
"Okay..." you breathed.
Joshua's hands slid down from your back, a finger slipped beneath the backside of your lace panties and his other hand wrapped around the waistband, effortlessly ripping the delicate fabric in two.
"Joshua!" you chastised, but there was a smile on your face. "You could've just asked me to take them off."
"Faster this way," he muttered, throwing your ruined panties away and promptly took the hem of his t-shirt to get it off you.
You sent him an amused look before raising your arms to help with his task of undressing you completely.
Joshua chucked the bundled up t-shirt aside and his hands slipped on the back of your head, fingers threading on your hair as he pulled you down for a deep kiss, a moan reverberating on his chest.
He felt you adjust on top of him, your hand carefully searching for his cock, fingers wrapping around him to languidly pump his erection before you threw your body back, angling your wet cunt on his cock.
A sweet sigh spilled from your lips. You decided to toy with him some more by sliding your slippery folds on him up and down. His reddened cockhead dripping wet with your arousal, sensitive over the hard blowjob and the edging.
"Please," he sighed and pleaded with a weak tone: "No more teasing."
"Mmf," you nodded but kept sliding your cunt on his cock, his bulbous head had grown sensitive making him flinch when you rubbed your clit against it, drawing a strangled moan from him.
"Baby, please," his hands gripping your waist nearly give out and force you to sink down on him, but he had to command some control on himself.
"Just a bit longer," you sighed, throwing your head back as your fingers pressed on the underside of his shaft keeping his cock lodged between your folds as you moved your hips back and forth, rubbing your clit on him.
"Sensitive," he whispered, sinking his head on the pillows as tears brimmed in his eyes. But he gritted his teeth, unable to deny that he loved being used by you. "I need you, please. Please baby, just fuck me."
Your mouth parted, letting out a moan that told how much you liked to hear him beg. You liked to hear in his tone, to see in his face how bad he wanted you.
"Please," he insisted with a mere whisper, his eyes trained on your pussy lips spread open by his cock, slick rubbed all over him, he savored the throbbing, the warmth but it hurt at the same time.
And without any warning, you sank down on him. "Joshua!" you squealed when his grip on your hips tightened to the point that it hurt.
"Fuck, I'm sorry," he whispered, squeezing his teary eyes shut. "I'm sorry baby, fuck, fuck, you feel so good."
Your hands found his thighs, angling your body back to move your hips on him, fucking yourself on his cock, riding him in a way you never had.
He opened his eyes to see the beautiful features of your face taken over by blissful pleasure, then he saw his cock glistening wet with your arousal disappearing inside your walls. "Fuck, baby," he sighed in pure awe. "I fucking love you so much."
Joshua sounded so pathetic, his voice was raspy and almost sounded as if he were about to cry. But a soft smile appeared on your face, a glint of love in your eyes.
"I love you too, baby," you replied sweetly, removing a hand from his thigh and placing it over one of his. "So much."
Without thinking, he grabbed you and flipped your back onto the mattress, the movement so swift and efficient you could only squeal in surprise.
"Sorry, sorry baby," he whispered again, positioning himself between your legs and eased himself, thrusting shallowly inside you with a pleased moan that was muffled by your mouth.
It wasn't about regaining control, he just wanted to be face to face with you, kissing you, feeling your chest pressed to his.
"I love you," he whispered again, forgetting about subbing for you but he kept the pace of his thrusts fast and steady, enjoying the sound of your sweet moans in blissful pleasure.
"I love you, Josh," you responded dazedly, wrapping your legs around him, your fingers threading on his golden brown hair.
Joshua leaned his head down, his forehead pressing with yours. You felt the studded piercing grazing your eyebrow, his breath caressing your lips as he moaned gutturally.
A hand searched on the back of his head, grabbing one of yours and he pinned it down on the pillow, locking his fingers with yours.
"I love you," he mouthed, so quietly that you never noticed, being so enraptured in pleasure, moaning his name over and over.
Your hand slipped from his nape down to cup his cheek, bringing him for a sweet kiss that almost toppled him over the edge. "I'm close, Josh," you sighed.
Joshua nodded with his head, diving for another kiss, locking his lips with yours but deeper this time, his tongue swiping over your lower lip and into your mouth. You let out a high pitched moan into his mouth as became undone, the sweet waves of pleasure washing over you.
The feeling of your walls squeezed around him pushed him over too, he stifled a moan, tightening his grip on your hand slightly as he spilled himself inside you with shallow thrusts.
He slumped down on top of you, face cradled in the crook of your neck as the thumping in his eardrums subsided, along with the frenzied feeling coursing in his veins. Hearing your ragged gasps, feeling your legs shaking around him, your free hand stroking his back, his nape, and then his hair.
Joshua thought of something cheesy to say. But no words came out of him. So he settled for the quiet, peaceful moment you gave him, though oblivious to the turmoil that buzzed in his mind. Your heart was beating fast under his chest, and slowly, as he came out of it, he could feel his own heart beating against yours.
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The day after, Joshua was returning from a practice session when he noticed you had left the apartment. Looking around the place and looking for you in your study, he only found your phone on your desk. So he promptly knew where to find you.
You turned to see him when he pushed the door open to the rooftop. "Hi bunny," he muttered softly upon standing beside you, close to the walled up ledge of the building.
"Hi baby," you pressed your lips in a weak smile.
"What's going on?" he asked. "Everything alright?"
You shook your head no. "Jeonghan texted me," you whispered, your lower lip quivering slightly.
Joshua stilled as your eyes watered but you quickly brushed it off by looking skyward and breathing deeply. "What did he say?"
"He wants to talk."
"Baby, this is good. It's what you wanted, right? You can tell him how you feel," Joshua said, but the words sounded strangled, as if it took everything in him to voice them out.
You sent him a reluctant look. "I thought that I'd be ready. Now, I don't know what to say," your voice quivered as your eyes brimmed with tears rapidly. "I broke his heart, Joshua."
"We both did," he whispered, feeling his own heart deflate upon the confession.
"What?" you asked, but he wasn't looking at your face anymore.
Shame finally took over him, making him turn his face away. "I suspected that he had feelings for you before that night..." he started, the weight of his guilt sitting at the base of his throat.
"He was unusually gentle to you," he mumbled, shaking his head slightly. "You thought that he was being friendly, and he is, don't get me wrong. But this was different, and I know this because I've known him for longer; he spent a lot of time with you, hugged you, called you princess..."
You shuddered, hard enough that Joshua noticed. He saw how you bristled in pain and that almost broke him.
"I don't blame you for not noticing," he said right before you thought of saying something about this. "But I saw the way you looked at him... I heard your speech the night of your book release, and I understood that in my absence you had him. In the month that I left he gave you what I couldn't and I don't blame you if that made you grow feelings, baby."
He gathered his courage and took a deep breath. He wondered again if he deserved you. Maybe he didn't, he thought. Maybe he knew all along and was just sabotaging everything before he could hurt you more.
"And then you told me you wanted to invite him over for a threesome and I agreed, partly because I wanted it. But I also wanted to see if I was right about your feelings for him. I should've told you before but... I was jealous, I was mad at Jeonghan."
Joshua closed his eyes, burdened with guilt and remorse, the pain burning in his chest. He regretted with all his being the moment he decided to torture his best friend and lie to you all because of his own jealousy.
His fingers trembled slightly as he clasped his hands together, blinking at the sky above him while inhaling deeply. The silence was deadly, but he couldn't bring himself to face you.
"You shouldn't have done that, Joshua," you finally whispered, so quietly he needed to see your face. You were crying now, shaking slightly with sobs.
"I know, believe me. I know," he turned to face you now, trying to get you to look at the honesty in his eyes but you just averted your gaze elsewhere. "And I am sorry, I truly am. Baby? Please, look at me."
He cautiously brought a hand to hold your chin, but you quickly turned away before he could even touch you.
"Don't touch me," you whispered, recoiling from his touch and walking towards the door.
Joshua went completely rigid, you turned away from him, his mind began to reel before so fast he was barely aware of the pain that was searing through him.
Calling your name aloud, he tried to chase you before you could reach the door. "Baby, please stop—just listen to me."
"We'll talk when I get back, Joshua," you snapped, turning to flash him a look that stopped the blood cold in his veins.
"Would you have told me otherwise?" he asked, his voice raising to make you hear the urgency in his tone. "If you had known, if you had been certain about your feelings for him, would you have told me?"
You turned to him now, eyes flaring with rage and despair. "You don't agree to a fucking threesome to get me to confront my feelings for him!"
"Answer the question," Joshua retorted, his heart beating faster than ever before.
You sucked in a breath shakily as tears continued to fall down your cheeks. "No. I don't know," you replied with a frustrated tone. "I don't think I would have even admitted it to myself."
Joshua pressed his lips into a tight line. He hoped that you would see what he saw, that you both fucked up and cannot go any longer ignoring that you were hurting each other, hurting Jeonghan.
"I told you before, I needed time–," you gasped and covered your face with your hands in a gesture of frustration. "I can't do this right now, Joshua. I can't talk to you."
His heart instantly deflated, remorse, guilt and pain had finally given way with him, tearing him apart. It had been a while since he last cried, he realized. "I'm sorry," he said.
Hot tears blurred the vision of your pinched eyebrows, the disappointment on your face was the last thing he saw on you before you turned towards the door and left him behind.
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You were not sure which door to use. It was the first time you had come to this place, but you assumed that the safest option or the quickest route was the front door.
The theater was dark and it felt cold under the seemingly lack of activity inside. But you heard voices, and loud noises behind a pair of double doors that let white light seep through the crevices.
The nervousness coursing through your veins made your blood pulsate in your throat. The moment you left your apartment you were unable to shake the feeling that you were making a huge mistake.
But at the same time, you needed to be there. You needed to fix things.
"Can I help you miss?" a voice called from behind.
"I'm looking for someone," you replied with a jump, your hand flying to your chest.
Upon turning, the face you saw was familiar.
"Oh, hi there," Joshua's old flatmate, Seokmin raised a hand and waved in a friendly way.
"Hi there," you replied.
"Who're you looking for?" he asked politely. "I work here, so maybe I can point you in the right direction, y'know? It's a big place, easy to get lost."
You took one second to consider how the situation would look to someone who knows both Joshua and Jeonghan. In particular, someone who knows you as Joshua's partner.
Seokmin pressed his lips into the smallest of smiles, not noticing you pause.
"Yoon Jeonghan, do you know him?" you asked meekly, voice quivering.
"That's my boss," he nodded with a pleased tone. "This way."
He turned and headed to the direction you assumed he came from, which was a hallway that distanced the double doors from sight.
"Are you here for the job offer?" he asked curiously, turning to see your face as he enunciated his question.
"J-job offer?" you shook your head silently.
"Yeah, we're in the middle of putting this show together and one of our writers quit recently," he pointed and then his tone suddenly changed. "And... Shua told me you're a writer..."
He turned his head and looked forward, the tips of his ears blazing bright red.
"Oh, don't worry," you smiled shyly too, with a twist to your heart from hearing your boyfriend's name. "But no, uh... Jeonghan is a friend."
"Ah, of course," he sighed, not hiding his relief. "Well, I'm not surprised. He's quite the popular guy."
You nodded, deciding to remain quiet.
The hallways were brightly lit, and as you walked further alongside Seokmin, you picked up more busy noise, voices, people breaking into song, shouting, laughing.
"It's a circus here," Seokmin muttered. "We're getting ready for a rehearsal so it's really busy here."
You stopped walking. "I can come back later," you stammered, suddenly feeling stupid over your rash decision of coming to talk to him, breaking your last agreement with Jeonghan.
The last time you talked to him, he asked for time. You weren't ready to confront your feelings either so you thought it was more convenient for you two to think about what really happened between you two.
"He's not as busy right now, I guess," he frowned slightly. "Are you sure? I can tell him you stopped by."
"Oh no, please don't," you blurted, turning on your heel and waving at Seokmin. "I'll find my way out! Thank you."
You practically ran to find the front door, your mind buzzing with so many thoughts at once that you didn't care how abruptly you left Seokmin, you didn't want to think that you were coming back home to face your boyfriend.
A sharp pain stabbed you right in the chest that you had to fill your lungs with air in order to make the feeling go away.
You stopped before the double doors once again just as your eyes caught the sight of a tall man pacing back and forth before a small stage down below rows of seats.
You pushed the door, the loud creaking noise making Jeonghan snap his head your way.
He froze at the same time you did, but he was faster than you. He handed the tablet he was holding to someone next to him, muttering a few words that made that person and the rest of the crew back away from the stage, calling a break.
Moving slowly down the rows of steps just as he was coming toward you with a question written in his eyes.
Seeing his face again after three weeks of no contact was more than you initially thought it would be. You had missed him with every fiber of your being, you missed his quiet company, his gentle voice, the jokes, the laughs.
Somehow you both met in the middle of the stairs. Jeonghan had to raise his sweet brown eyes to meet yours. A small frown appeared in your face when you choked on your words when you attempted to communicate that you needed to talk to him.
Failing to use your words, and without giving much thought you flung your arms around him just as he wrapped you in his too. His hands rubbed your back when you choked back a sob.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, though you were lost on how he was the one apologizing.
But he did it again, he whispered in your ear as you couldn't contain your tears anymore, he held you for a long while, rubbing your back, whispering that he was sorry over and over again.
"I'm sorry too, Jeonghan," you replied finally. "I know you wanted me to give you more time, but–"
"Don't," he interrupted. "Don't apologize. I shouldn't have made you wait for so long."
The comfort those words gave you made more tears and sobs break their way. For nights you wished for him to just talk to you, to let you explain what happened.
"Are you alright?" he asked, breaking away from your arms slightly, just to scan your face with his eyes. "Did something happen?"
Even if time had passed, he knew you perfectly still. You nodded. "We need to talk," you muttered, looking into his eyes. "I need to talk to you."
Jeonghan nodded, the certainty he offered you in his sweet eyes made you realize that in fact, Joshua was right and you loved him too.
You weren't sure what would happen, you weren't sure of the person you would be after this conversation. But one thing you knew is that by doing this, you could offer a bit of honesty in all this mess to Jeonghan and to yourself.
You would deal with Joshua later. 
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✮ author's note: hi hi hi there everyone! here it is city lights season 2, lights out! ta-da!!!
i uh, have no explanations for this. i knew i said city lights season 2 would go on hiatus, but i just couldn't resist it and i wanted to torture some people (namely v from windsor) lmao
that's it for me,
buy me coffee? 🩵
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494 notes · View notes
rubywonu · 11 months
“i've got some shit i should mention, pretend my ego is dying, ask me if i love attention, and I'll say no, but i'm lying”
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summary: in which seungcheol missed on countless important event with you and you decided it was time for confrontation.
pairing: choi seungcheol x fem!reader
genre: angst to fluff, not mentioned but established idol!au
warnings: arguments, swear words.
w/c: 2.7k
nia’s notes: i don’t know what is just wrote. song is loved by b.i
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it was your birthday and the person you wanted to celebrate it with was nowhere to be found. it was a small get-together, consisting of a few of your friends and your boyfriend, who was not there. 
you checked your messages and you were a bit let down when the message wasn't seen. it was like seungcheol was ghosting you. for the past few days, your boyfriend was always at his studio. seungcheol would disappear way before you would wake up and return hours past midnight. for some time, you wondered if he was even coming home. 
for the whole party, you were glued to your phone hoping cheol messaged you back or saw your message, but each time you were disappointed. 
you tried to stay alive and cheerful for your party but it was hard to do so. by the time your friends left, you were angry and sad. each year you and seungcheol would stay up till midnight and write letters to each other for your birthday. it was a stupid tradition but it kept your love alive and this year, you were questioning if it would happen. 
you sat down on the couch, after bidding your friends goodbye and you checked your phone, again. you let out a long sigh as you were let down, once again. it was funny to you when you remembered all the other times you were disappointed by your boyfriend. 
for the past few weeks, you and seungcheol were supposed to go on dates, and each time, cheol canceled last minute with the same excuse, i'm stuck in the studio, sorry. 
this time you were sure you weren't going to let it happen again. so with a bold choice in your mind, you changed your clothes, to one of cheol's sweatshirts and a sweatpant from your closet. you walked over to the counter, trying to find your car keys. you smacked your head slightly when you realized that your car was at the repair shop. it looked like you had to walk to the building, it wasn't far so you had no problem with it. 
so you locked the door to your apartment and walked out of your house, slightly regretting not wearing a jacket. the wind was chilly and it burned when it touched your face. you winced as you wrapped your hands around you, you tried to speed walk to the building when you saw the storm clouds coming over in your direction. 
in a matter of a few minutes, you reach the company and you let your shoulders relax at the heat inside. you smiled at the receptionist when you walked over to the elevator. 
you pressed the floor button and waited to arrive. the ding snapped out out of your thoughts and made your way to the studio room where your boyfriend would be.  
you opened the door a little bit, in hopes of surprising seungcheol. "cheol." you called out and the man in front of you snapped his head to meet you. you expected him to be happy maybe even a little glad, but not in a million years did you expect seungcheol to be angry. 
"what are you doing here?" seungcheol stood up from his seat. he looked stressed out and it worried you. you walked inside and closed the door behind you. it the light, you were able to look at him more clearly and you were concerned. the lack of sleep was evident on his face, dark circles were present under his eyes. 
"well, i got worried when you didn't show up at home, so i decided to stop by." you smiled trying to relax your boyfriend, it was clear to say you did quite the opposite. 
"you don't have to come here, go home, it'll take me a few more hours." you were shocked at his words. 
"what do you mean a few more hours? cheol what about our tradition?" you asked feeling heartbroken at the behaviour your boyfriend was showing you. 
"i don't have time for that, yn. my work is more important." if seungcheol was awake, he was sure he wouldn't say the things he was about to.  
you were taken aback at his cold tone and even more when cheol sat down at this desk, continuing his work. "what are you saying? do you mean it?" 
"yes. yes, i mean it, now get out." the harsh words that came out of seungcheol's mouth felt like a knife pushing through your heart. 
"seungcheol, you need sleep and food, come on let's go home." you walked over to your boyfriend, and gently put your hand on his arm. that seemed to piss him off more. 
"i need to complete this, yn. either leave by yourself or i'll do it." seungcheol was sleepy, hungry, and drained. he wasn't in his right mind and each word he said proved exactly that. 
"what? do you realize what you're saying?" you were angry, you were pissed at the way he was speaking towards you. 
"yn, i don't have time for you or your petty fights, just leave." seungcheol rubbed his hands over his face while he pleaded with you. 
you didn't know when but a lone tear cascaded down your eye. you were hurt beyond explanation. "what?" each time seungcheol said a word, your heart cracked and bled in despair. 
"leave, yn!" you flinched at the intensity of his voice and moved back. "god, you're so needy, it's annoying." cheol mumbled as he went back to his laptop. you walked away from him and towards the door, trying to contain your tears. you couldn't believe that the mouth that whispered praises and confessions was leaving you in pain, for the first time choi seungcheol made you cry, no he made you sob. 
you slammed the door behind you and quickly walked outside the building, in the elevator you could feel yourself breaking down, you put your hand on your mouth, trying to soften your sobs, but it didn't work. without looking back, you excited the building, regretting that decision when you felt the big droplets of water fall on you, it was raining. 
you needed shelter but there was no way you were going back into the building, especially after what had just happened. so you put your head down and slowly made your way back to your house, being extremely careful to not slip at any given moment. 
before you stormed out of the hybe building, someone saw you leave and was very concerned about your condition. it was obvious for him to realize the culprit of this incident. so he walked over to the elevator, making his way over to seungcheol's studio. 
he rushed over and opened the door, confusion visible on his face. "seungcheol." the mentioned man turned around and he became more annoyed. sure, seungcheol regretted what he said to you, but working on a time crunch can do that to people, it didn't look like his fault. "why did yn leave, crying, no seungcheol, she was sobbing, why?" 
"i do not want to deal with your bullshit as well, jeonghan just leave." seungcheol regretted the statement as soon as it left your mouth, even more, when he saw the anger displayed on jeonghan's face. 
jeonghan was like a brother to you, and the both of you became extremely close when you and seungcheol started dating, you became closer with han. 
"shut up and listen to me." jeonghan started. "what did you do for yn, one of the happiest people on the face of this planet, sob while leaving the building. and before you ask me questions like how i know, or something stupid like that just remember that you promised to not make her cry." 
jeonghan didn't know what he was saying but he kept on going before falling on the couch in exhaustion. on the other hand, seungcheol remained silent. he didn't realize the gravity of the situation until jeonghan screamed at him. 
each word came back to haunt him, he could visualize the perfect smile on your beautiful fade into a gradient of hurt and sadness. seungcheol sat there wanting to take back everything he said that hurt you in any form but that wasn't possible. seungcheol had hurt you beyond description and oh boy, did he feel disappointment rush through his blood. 
it didn't prepare him for what he was about to hear though. "gosh, i do hope yn reached home safe, it's pouring real bad." he heard jeonghan mutter and seungcheol felt his heart drop. his eyes were wide and his stance was ready to sprint but he couldn't move. "what?" 
"it's raining outside, i hope yn can see anything from the car." once again, seungcheol felt his world stop spinning. 
"yn's car is at the repair shop." seungcheol said slowly as the realization hit him. he saw jeonghan turn to him and ask him to repeat himself. "yn doesn't have her car." 
this was the last straw, before completing his sentence, seungcheol ran out of the room, and completely ignored jeonghan's call behind him to grab a jacket. but he didn't care, all he cared about was you and he hurt you.
seungcheol spammed the elevator call button, furiously. he was angry at himself, angry at the world, he was angry at everything and everyone but you. 
"fuck!" seungcheol screamed and rushed over to the stairs. he started to rapidly climb down the stairs. he was on the higher floors but he did not care at all.
once he reached the base of the stairs, he slammed open the door and ran out of the building, not minding the glances he received while doing so. 
the rain looked worse than jeonghan made it seem, big droplets were clouding his vision but he moved on. seungcheol slowly started to walk into the rain while scouting all his sides in hopes of finding you. 
he saw a small figure pushing through the cold rain and he immediately knew it was you by the familiar sweatshirt. and then seungcheol ran, he ran for his life. he didn't care about the slipperiness of the ground and he didn't care when the rain got harder, the only thing he cared for you so he ran in search of your warm body. 
he was right behind you now, and he grabbed your arm, regretting it as soon as he saw you flinch at the touch. "yn, it's me." seungcheol spoke with a soft voice and he begged the gods for you to be alright with his presence, but it looked like his prayers were skipped. 
you pulled your hand away and continued to walk away, leaving seungcheol's heart to shatter. "get away from me." 
"yn, listen to me, please." seungcheol didn't give up just yet, he ran in front of you and held you by your shoulders, trying to be as gentle as possible. "let's just go back to the studio, i promise we'll talk there." 
"you don't care about me, did you forget about it already?" you moved away from your boyfriend and walked away from him, again. 
"what do you mean?" you turned around at seungcheol's ridiculous statement and scoffed, anger seeping into your face. 
"'what do you mean?' are you crazy choi seungcheol." cheol flinched at you calling him his full name, ever since the both of you started dating, he had never heard his name come out of your mouth like that, and boy did it hurt. 
"first of all, you gave up on our tradition, you know how much it means to me but you left that. then, you disregarded me, seungcheol. i was worried about you and what did you do? you screamed at me, telling me to leave you alone and as if that's not bad enough you proceeded to call me clingy and needy, you said you were annoyed by my actions. since when did my care and love for you turn annoying? i was looking out for you, but you took my heart and broke it." 
seungcheol didn't realize how much he messed up until he heard your feelings and regret swarmed his whole body. 
"and you did it all on what was supposed to be one of the happiest days of my life, my birthday." your voice cracked and tears struck down your face. 
realization came sticking to cheol as he stood there in shock. he forgot about it because of his hard schedule, he forgot your birthday. you turned around, trying you hide your crying face. 
behind you, seungcheol pondered at his bad decisions. he hated himself, he hated the way he made you feel, and he hated to be the reason for your sadness. 
for the past month, you and seungcheol had talked about all the things the both of you wanted to do for your birthday and they were in contrast to what was actually happening. what was supposed to be a day filled with loving you turned into a day where your relationship was in danger. 
"i'm sorry. i'm sorry." seungcheol's soft voice behind you only made you cry harder. you turned around, and the sight left you speechless. 
seungcheol was on his knees, he was crying. "i'm so sorry, yn." the rain and your boyfriend's harsh sobs were the only things you could hear, apart from your own cries. 
no matter how angry you were with seungcheol, it pained for you to see a man so strong break down in tears while on his knees. you joined him on the floor, and the both of you cried while holding each other in the rain, gaining warmth from the other. 
"im so sorry, im so sorry for everything i did. im so sorry for the way i spoke to you, you didn't deserve it. you were just trying to be a good girlfriend but i screamed at you, i'm so sorry. please forgive me, don't leave me, yn, please." 
seungcheol's ramble made you cry harder, you pulled away from him and grabbed his face, making him look at you. "i'm not going to leave you, don't worry." you go up and pulled seungcheol up as well. "let's go home and talk there." 
the both of you walked hand in hand in silence, wiping the tears on the way, the rain washing away your tears and replacing them with a cloud of sadness. when you reached home, without talking you and seungcheol walked into separate bathrooms to clean up. it was obvious that both of you wanted to talk about it but the wound was too fresh. 
you finished your shower and dried your hair, you were currently walking to the guest bedroom where seungcheol was cleaning up. you opened the door and seungcheol was on the bed, the room was dark, and he was drying his hair. you heard a sniffle and it damaged you. 
you made your way in front of your seungcheol grabbed the towel without saying anything and proceeded to rub his hair. as you did this, seungcheol's tears only started to come out faster. 
you dropped the towel on the bed and placed your hand on his face, seungcheol leaning into it. you swiped your finger under his eyes and removed his tears. the action only seemed to make him cry more. 
"i'm so sorry." you pulled him into a hug, and seungcheol immediately responded by placing his hands around your waist and pulling you in as close as possible. 
"it's okay baby, i didn't like it at all but i understand where it came from, so i forgive you. just promise not to do that again." seungcheol's eyes snapped open no light up at your words. 
"thank you, i promise to never make you cry ever again. i'll cancel all my plans for the next week, it'll be you and me, that's it." seungcheol stood up and held your waist, your hands immediately going to his neck. you smiled at his enthusiasm and it was then you realized he was sincere. the both of you kissed, leaving the troubles of the day to be washed away by the rain, and you and seungcheol emerged like a rainbow during the pain. 
and from that day onwards, seungcheol never broke his promises, he never let you cry and most of all, seungcheol never forgot to make you feel loved. 
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taglist: @xomingyu . @pixieskie . @bangchansbae . @weird-bookworm .
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elllisaaa · 1 month
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SUMMARY : when one drunken night leads you to kiss your best friend, it gets and harder and harder to ignore your underlying feelings for him
-> pairing : best friend!hyeongjun x fem!reader
-> words count : 9.6k words
-> genre : friends-to-lovers, smut, a tiny bit of angst and some fluff at the end
-> warnings : switch!hyeongjun x switch!reader, unprotected sex, making out, swearing, teasing, riding, fingering, semi-public sex, creampie, oral (f. receiving), dry humping, begging, marking, little bit of choking (because i'm obsessed with these pretty hands of his), dirty talk, alcohol consumption, jealousy, yn has big boobs because i have big boobs and i want to feel appreciated lmaoo, junhan is wearing a half skirt at one point because he looks hot with that, tiny bit of angst
+ the way i'm depicting junhan does not represent him, it's only a work of fiction.
-> 18+ content bellow, minors DNI
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated ! sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language
-> author's note : a little fic for the birthday boy !! i just had to celebrate one of my ults' bias special day, and it was good that i was working on this fic at the same time ! i had this idea back in january, and honestly i never thought that it would finally come together but i love how it turned out and i hope you'll like it as much as i do, because honestly writing junhan is so therapeutic for me for some unknown reasons lmaoo.
-> playlist : right here by chase atlantic - do i wanna know ? by arctic monkeys - keep me up by b.i - she by harry styles - i like the way you kiss me by artemas
-> masterlist | xdh masterlist
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Hyeongjun had never been the type to go to parties. He enjoyed music, yes, but not the loud ones everyone played at these events, and he hated it even more when you dragged him on with you. However, he never said no, never refused to follow you along with his members. All of them were always eager to go to these parties, and you too. He always felt like he was killing the mood by saying he didn’t like it. But what really convinced him every time were your pleading eyes, and your cute little pout as you said his name in the most adorable way. At least, he was always the last one still sober and he could bring everybody home safely, he could make sure you were okay at all times. 
And he really should get paid for it because dealing with you when you were drunk was some kind of a challenge. But over the loud people and music, the bad smell of alcohol and sex, all the people he didn’t know talking to him just because he was famous ; what he hated the most was seeing you flirt with everyone coming your way. 
Hyeongjun was not one to get easily jealous. Hell, he didn’t even have any right to be : he wasn’t your boyfriend, only your best friend. But you got him chewing on his lips and clenching his fists as you were dancing with other men. He wished it was him, wished he was the one holding your hips and making you twirl around and giggle, wished he was the one whispering things that were making you blush in your ears. 
But he wasn’t. Maybe if he had had some balls when Gunil introduced you as his childhood friend, maybe if he had followed the advice of his members and asked you out right away, he would’ve been the one dancing with you right now. Maybe he would not be stuck here, and maybe he would not have to settle on looking at you from afar rather than being the one making out with you on that couch. And as much as he wanted to be mad at you for it, he couldn’t. He could only blame himself for the situation he was in, it was all his fault. 
The sigh he let out startled the girl standing beside him, the very same one that tried to hit on him for some time. He rejected her already, but she kept coming back for more, and he was starting to get uneasy. He wanted to get out of here, to walk you home, tuck you into bed and then get back to the dorms and pray that one day his feelings will fade away. Because what he felt for you was way more than lust, it was way more than a want or a need and it was becoming harder and harder to hide it from you when your whole body was pressed against his as you tried to walk straight. 
“- ‘M so tired, Junnie…
- I know, but we’re almost there, hold on.”
You hummed quietly, trying to not let the exhaustion take over your body. You looked up at Hyeongjun, and you didn’t know if it was the alcohol talking or if it simply allowed you to finally stop lying to yourself, but you couldn’t shake off the feeling that he was incredibly pretty under the city lights. His long hair had these beautiful curls that complimented his face perfectly, his eyes shining under the moonlight and his pointy nose that you had always found attractive casting beautiful shadows all over his face.
“- You’re so pretty.”
Hyeongjun thought that he didn’t hear you right, that it was the alcohol talking. But still, his breath got stuck in his throat when the words left your mouth, and his cheeks heated up when you cupped his cheeks and stood on your tippy toes to kiss him. His eyes widened in surprise, letting you peck his lips for a few seconds before he regained some consciousness and grabbed your shoulders to push you off of him, trying not to let himself soften at the way you whined his name.
“- You shouldn’t do that when you’re drunk, Y/N. I don’t want you to regret it.”
The pout aborning your lips was the cutest thing he had ever seen and it was hard to resist you when you were like this, pleading for the attention he himself craved to give you for months. 
“- I won’t ! I promise, Junnie, I just want to kiss you.
- Still. I’m not doing anything while you’re vulnerable. Let’s just go home.”
You whined again, but in the end, you complied to his request and followed him down the streets to your apartment. And as if nothing had happened, you continued to rant to him about one girl that apparently talked behind your friend’s back, but Hyeongjun couldn’t focus on anything else than the feeling of your lips touching his. He was unable to listen to you for the whole ride, simply humming at everything you said and you were too far gone to care about it. 
You begged him to come inside and help you take off your makeup because you were too tired to do it yourself. So Hyeongjun did. He kept your hair out of your face as he washed it off, feeling you slowly relaxing under his fingertips. Then, he let you put on some more comfortable clothes, trying not to look at your bare legs as you climbed in your bed wearing only some underwear and an oversized shirt. He tucked you in, and kissed your forehead before going home, the memories of this night playing on loop in his head.
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And it didn’t stop messing with him for the next few weeks. As much as Hyeongjun tried to bury himself into his work to forget about what you said, about what you did, he could still hear your slurred voice calling him pretty, he could still feel your lips pressing against his. Everytime he thought he had succeeded in finally getting past all that, something reminded him of you and he was going back to the start again. 
The worst part was that he started to make excuses to not see you. It wasn’t like he didn’t miss you, on the contrary even - it was torture for him to turn down your invitation to hang out together. But he was quite certain that if he did see you, he would spill out his feelings like the loser he was and he wasn’t ready to let you go away. Hyeongjun knew that what happened that night probably didn’t mean anything to you, that you were drunk and not thinking straight, but he couldn’t stop his heart from racing when he closed his eyes and he was taken back to the moment you kissed him.
Hyeongjun sighed as he looked down at the lyrics and music sheets in front of him. He had been trying to work on these new ideas for a long time now, but you invaded his thoughts so much that he hadn’t been able to concentrate or focus. He had been there for a good two hours now, and he hadn’t made any progress, the lack of sleep he was getting lately surely not helping his case either. He was ready to go back to his failed attempts to produce something remotely good when some soft knocks at the door of the studio interrupted him. He spared a glance at his phone sitting on the desk and noticed that it was pretty late, brows furrowing as he wondered who it could be.
“- Come in.”
The door cracked open slowly, revealing your familiar silhouette. The weather was starting to warm up a little, thus you were only wearing some shorts and a hoodie that Hyeongjun recognized as his, his whole body heating up at the thought of you feeling this comfortable in his clothes. His eyes then drifted to the small grocery bag that you held in your hands. And even if he hadn’t seen you since that infamous night, and even if he was a little anxious about confronting you, a shy smile creeped up on his lips upon finally seeing you, his heart beating faster as you got closer.
“- I hope I’m not disturbing you ? Just thought that you might be craving some snacks since you’re gonna stay here until late.”
You handed him the bag, which was indeed filled up with his favorite snacks. You had stopped by the dorms on your way and Jiseok had told you where your best friend was, since he seemed to be avoiding you recently. It surprised you, because he wasn’t the type to usually stay up so late. Once again, Hyeongjun couldn’t help the warmth spreading from his head to his toes at knowing you did all that for him, and came all the way here only for him, only because you cared for him.
“- You’re never bothering me, Y/N. And thank you so much, I… It’s really sweet, I appreciate it, even more since I’ve been a terrible friend lately.”
You shrugged as you sat down on the chair beside him, crossing your legs and resting your forearm on your knees. You wanted to talk to him about what happened that night, that was why you came here, mostly. But you couldn’t bring yourself to let the words out, fidgeting with the hem of Hyeongjun’s hoodie.
“- I’m the terrible friend here, honestly. I’m sorry Junnie, I shouldn’t have kissed you and I shouldn’t have pushed when you said no, even if I was drunk, it was incredibly wrong of me to do that. And I understand if you need some time away from me because what I did was really disrespectful.”
Seeing how stressed and anxious you seemed to be made Hyeongjun’s heart clench in his chest. Were you really beating yourself over that for the past weeks ? Did you really think that you made him uncomfortable ? Oh, he was an idiot. Hyeongjun closed his eyes for a second, embarrassment clearly visible on his face as he mentally swore at himself for being so dumb. Of course that ignoring you for such a long time would make you spiral, he knew how you could get sometimes, so why did he do that ?
“- You have nothing to apologize for, Y/N. It’s no big deal, okay ? It was just a kiss, and that’s all. But I should be the one saying sorry, and I am because I’ve been an asshole for making you believe that you did something wrong.”
“No big deal” ? Yeah, of course ! The fact that he couldn’t keep the sensation of your lips pressing against his for more than three minutes showed really well how it was “no big deal”. But he couldn’t tell you that, obviously. It seemed like you regretted it enough for him to ask if there was any meaning behind your actions. 
“- Best friends aren’t supposed to kiss, I thought you just needed some space. Just… Please, tell me that I haven’t ruined everything, because that’s the last thing I want.
- You haven’t ruined anything, I promise. I’m just glad we talked it out.”
You nodded but the tears that gathered in your eyes did not want to go away that easily. 
“- Come here.”
You grabbed the hand Hyeongjun reached out to you, and you let him pull you in a hug, resting your head against his chest. You sighed deeply as you basked in his embrace, in his comforting presence, in his familiar scent that did wonders to calm you down. 
“- So, you think I’m pretty ?”
Hyeongjun chuckled when he felt you hit his chest. You could already feel your face heating up from his question, the memories of that night still fresh in your mind, and the way you embarrassed yourself too. 
“- That’s not funny ! I was drunk.
- But you know what they say ? Drunk words are sober thoughts.”
You lifted your head up, a faint blush spread across his cheeks as well. He seemed to have gained some confidence lately, and you loved it for him, but being on the receiving end of it made your heart flutter in a way that was really not good considering Hyeongjun was your best friend. But still, you let him push away a strand of your hair and tuck it behind your ear, loving the feeling of his fingers brushing against your skin a little too much. 
“- It’s not a bad thing though, I think you’re pretty too.”
You wanted to act unaffected, to think that he was only trying to make you feel better, but the way your heart skipped a bit was telling you otherwise. And the way you looked down at his lips for a few seconds too long for him to not notice certainly did nothing to help either. The atmosphere had shifted - you could feel it, and from the way Hyeongjun’s lips parted in search of more air, you knew that he felt it too. There was something in the air, something that made you want to give in to your desire. 
“- Would it be so bad if I kissed you again ?
- I don’t think so…”
Your own hands went up to cup his face, feeling the heat of his skin under your fingertips. Your eyes drifted from his intense gaze to his pretty lips every two seconds, and slowly, you leaned in closer. His lips brushed against yours once, both of you releasing a shaky breath at the contact. Then, he dared press a soft kiss on your slightly open mouth. And the third time, you finally kissed him for real, your arms wrapping around his neck to push him closer to you. 
Hyeongjun welcomed you in his arms again, hands hesitantly going to hold your waist as his eyes fluttered shut. He couldn’t believe that you, his best friend, his crush, were really kissing him right now. But the way your lips were moving in sync with his was a proof of how real all this was, and Hyeongjun decided that he wanted to enjoy it for as long as it was going to last, no matter if it meant nothing for you in the end. 
Suddenly, Hyeongjun snickered his arms around your waist, pulling you in to fully sit on his lap, eliciting a gasp from you that allowed him to plunge his tongue in your mouth. He was never this straightforward usually, but he had waited so long to feel you, he didn’t want to waste any more time. His hands found purchase on your thighs as your tongue danced with his, lust clouding his and your mind too.
“- F-Fuck, Y/N… Don’t stop…”
You grinned as you let your kisses wander from the corner of his lips to his neck, lightly sucking on the sensitive skin there, rewarded by some airy moans Hyeongjun couldn’t contain. He bucked his hips into you involuntarily as you bite down on his flesh softly, a whine escaping his lips this time. He made the prettiest sounds ever and you really wondered why you didn’t do that sooner. After all, you always thought that Hyeongjun was handsome - who wouldn’t ? - but never acted on it because he was always so shy to initiate any physical contact with you. And even as you got closer, it was always so platonic, you never dared make a move, nor even admit to yourself that you found him really attractive. 
“- Junnie, I want more, please.”
The way you looked into his eyes, the way you whimpered his name, the way you were grinding against his clothed hard on - everything in you made him weak in the knees and he folded so quickly it was surely pathetic but Hyeongjun didn’t care. In this moment, all he wanted was you and nothing else, nobody else. 
“- Anything you want, baby.” 
The nickname slipped past his lips so easily, as if it was all natural and it made a new wave of arousal crash over you. You knew you couldn’t really do everything you wished because you were still at the studio, but it didn’t stop you from getting rid of your shorts and underwear in the span of a few seconds while Hyeongjun pushed down his sweatpants just enough for him to free his cock. 
Your mind was already so far away that you didn’t even take the time to admire him in all his glory, simply coming back to sit on his lap, this time without any clothes to separate the two of you. His hands found their spot back on your waist, this time feeling courageous enough to let them slide down to your ass, guiding you to rock your hips back and forth over his hard dick, coating him in your slickness. 
“- Shit, you’re so wet, feeling so good already…”
You never thought you would hear him talking dirty to you one day, but here you were, and you loved it so much that you barely tried to keep your voice down as his tip repeatedly bumped against your clit in the most delicious way. 
“- So good, Junnie… Want you so bad, fuck !
- Then take me, baby, take whatever you want from me.”
You didn’t need more than that to sink down on his cock, both of you moaning in harmony as you threw your head back. You felt so full of him, and you felt so tight around him, it was impossible not to get lost in lust. You picked up your pace, rolling your hips a few times before you started to really ride him, the sound of skin slapping filling up the room quickly.
“- You’re so fucking good at this baby, holy shit… So wet and tight…”
You chuckled on top of him, grabbing his shoulders stronger for support as you could feel your knees giving up already from the intense rush of pleasure coursing through your veins. 
“- Love your cock, Junnie, feels perfect…”
Hyeongjun hummed at your praises, trying to not let them get to his head but it was hard when you were bouncing up and down his dick and that you felt so good he couldn’t keep his mouth shut, your name falling from his lips when you resumed your kisses on his neck. 
“- Y/N… I-I’m gonna cum…
- Me too, I’m so close Junnie…”
As your moves became sloppy, Hyeongjun took it upon himself to grip your waist firmly and help you roll your hips on top of him, thrusting up to meet you halfway. Your mouth fell agape, nails digging into his shoulders over his clothes to ground yourself in reality. As your orgasm washed over you, you weren’t thinking about the fact that Hyeongjun was supposed to be only your friend, you weren’t thinking about everything that he was making you feel and that he shouldn’t. You weren’t thinking about anything other than him and how right having his hands on you and his lips on yours felt. 
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You were afraid that everything would be awkward after this, but it all went back to normal. It was as if what happened that night, as if what happened in his studio never existed for Hyeongjun. And you should've been happy with that, should've settled for forgetting all about this and not ruining your friendship even more. But deep down, it hurt to know that he was able to not care when he was all you could think about ever since your lips touched his for the first time and you couldn’t get him out of your mind even if you tried. 
You felt guilty too. You were the one who started it all, the one who kissed him and told him you thought he was pretty. Hyeongjun never asked to be dragged into all of this. And it felt even more wrong to feel jealous of the way some girl you didn’t know was flirting with him. You had no right to feel that way, no right to be mad at him for doing this - even though you were almost certain that Hyeongjun wasn’t the one who started the conversation.
You had no right to feel jealous, but you were, and you decided that the best way to forget about it was to flirt with someone too. It was the worst choice you could’ve made, but your feelings were too confused to think further, just needing a distraction to stop thinking about Hyeongjun. So you gave a chance to the guy who was trying to hit on you since you arrived, and you tried to be subtle about the way you were often stealing glances in your best friend’s way. 
And Hyeongjun couldn’t help doing the same, trying to not let the overwhelming feeling of disappointment take over him as he watched you flirt with another man from afar. He was usually a sweet guy, but right now, he couldn’t care less about whatever this girl whom he didn’t even remember the name of was yapping about. He had a tunnel vision for you, only you standing out of the crowd. And Hyeongjun only wanted to forget about you, forget everything about whatever it was that happened in the studio. So he grabbed his beer, still half-full, and he chugged it down without any hesitation. 
The rest of his night was kind of a blur, and when Hyeongjun woke up the next morning, he wasn’t really surprised about the terrible headache that hit him as soon as he opened his eyes. A pained whine escaped his lips as he tried to sit up, the vivid light coming through the window making it all worse. Hyeongjun closed his eyes for a few minutes, trying to remember where he was because he knew for sure that he wasn’t in his bedroom. And then he heard a sigh by his side, his gaze falling on you, peacefully sleeping on the other side of the bed, just as naked as he was. And suddenly, he was hit with all the memories from last night.
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“- Junnie ! I’ve been searching for you all night, I missed you !”
The pout on your lips made his heart flutter, but Hyeongjun tried to stay focused on the fact that he was jealous, hurt, and a little mad at you. But it was hard when he had been drinking the whole night, not even able to remember all the alcohols he had, and it was even harder when all he wanted was to kiss your pretty lips and taste you again. 
“- I was busy. It seemed like you were very occupied too.”
All the drinks he had were starting to get back at him, and he wasn’t able to leave on the filters he usually had when talking to people, especially when he was talking to you. The bitter tone of his voice hit you like a truck, not used to Hyeongjun being in this kind of mood, especially when he was with you. It hurt too, more than you thought it would. 
“- What ? I can’t even have a little fun now ? You were flirting with a girl too…”
It was petty of you to make some reproaches at him when you were always the one doing exactly what you commented about. But the memory of this pretty girl laughing with him was all you could think about. You didn’t even remember the name of the guy you danced with later, too focused on watching over your best friend and this girl, too worried that he might kiss her or go home with her. And you knew it wasn’t how Hyeongjun would act usually, but everything seemed odd tonight. Hyeongjun sighed while shaking his head, visibly disappointed in you.
“- I’ve never said that, Y/N. Fuck… You’re just so confusing right now.”
He ran his hands over his face, trying to remain concentrated on the conversation even if he wanted to either go to sleep and forget everything that had happened these past weeks or just pull you in and shut you up with a kiss. He obviously preferred the second option, even though it was also the one that seemed less likely to happen. You crossed your arms over your chest, suddenly hyper aware of the way your top showed so much of your cleavage, suddenly noticing how you’ve been leading him on because you couldn’t just tell him how you felt. Your head and thoughts weren’t clear, you couldn’t think straight when he was looking at you with a mix of want and sadness - you just wanted to hold him close and never let him go. 
“- I’m sorry, that wasn’t my intention.
- I know. I know you’ll never hurt me purposely. 
- But I still hurt you…”
Hyeongjun could see how guilty you felt from the way you were biting your lips and avoided his gaze, and he almost regretted saying anything in the first place. But even though he was grateful he got to know what you tasted and felt like, maybe it would have been better if it all stayed in his imagination, if it all stayed a fantasy. It would’ve been so much easier to forget about you if he didn’t know how you sounded like when you were about to cum, if he didn’t know how pretty you were on top of him. 
All the alcohol you had made you a little dizzy, not feeling it when Hyeongjun got closer to you until his fingers brushed against your cheeks, prompting you to look up at him. His pretty eyes were glazed with some kind of lust that made your insides twist. You definitely shouldn’t have these feelings for your best friend, but the way his thumb swiping over your bottom lip made your heart skip a beat was enough of a sign for you to finally admit that what you felt for Hyeongjun was way more than friendly sentiments. When you looked in his eyes again, it was like you were suddenly hit by this realization even more, your breathing hitching in your throat as he leaned down to kiss you again. 
You closed your eyes and let Hyeongjun do whatever he wanted. It had only been a few days since you had last felt his lips on yours, but it was as if it had been months. And if last time, you had taken your time savoring how his tongue was sliding against yours, tonight you just wanted to take everything he had to give you, tonight you just wanted him in the rawest way possible. 
And Hyeongjun felt the same, too hungry, too impatient to wait any longer. He grabbed you by your thighs, lifting you up on the kitchen’s counter. You spread your legs instinctively, pulling him closer again and your lips returning to his. His hands found their place back on your waist, feeling how hot your skin was under his fingertips due to the crop top you were wearing. Your own hands were tangled in his hair, occasionally mindlessly tugging on it and earning some quiet moans from Hyeongjun that made you even wetter. 
“- Junnie… Please…”
You were panting against his mouth, desperately grinding against him to get the tiniest amount of friction that was nowhere near enough to ease your desire. Your eyes were hooded, missing how Hyeongjun looked at you as if he wanted to eat you alive, only feeling his hands roaming around your body. He came up to squeeze your breast over the material of your top, making you arch your back into his hands and release an airy whine, wanting more and more of him. 
“- Tell me what you want, baby. Tell me and I’ll do it.
- Want your fingers, been dreaming about it…”
The admission made him curse under his breath as he urgently started to help you unzip your jeans, immediately slipping his hand into your panties and going to press down on your clit. You threw your head back instantly, having craved his touch more than you’d like to admit. But it felt so good to finally have his hands on you, so good that you didn’t care about the fact that you were in the kitchen of someone you barely knew. 
“- Been fantasizing about me, pretty ? Been thinking about my fingers when you were touching yourself ?”
A low moan escaped your lips as the tip of his fingers brushed against your entrance a few times, and his words turned you on beyond what you thought was possible. You never thought you would ever hear Hyeongjun telling you those things but for some reason it made it all more exciting. Your cheeks were burning up, as well as your whole body as you dived back into his hypnotizing gaze.
“- Say it.
- Y-Yes, I did, thought about it a lot Junnie, couldn’t help myself. 
- I thought about you too, baby.”
Upon hearing your answer, Hyeongjun slid one of his fingers inside of you, reaching way deeper than you’ve ever had with your own. A louder moan slipped past your lips, and you had to bite down on the flesh to not let any other sound escape you. His last words were replaying again and again in your mind as his thumb played with your clit just right and his finger moved easily due to how wet you were. 
“- You want another ?
- Please, yes…” 
You couldn’t help whining as Hyeongjun carefully pushed a second finger inside of your cunt, the feeling overwhelming you in the best way possible. His fingers were much longer than yours, hitting your sweet spot without even trying to and making you clench around them. Slowly, he increased his pace, lewd squelching sounds starting to echo in the room and mixing with the noises coming out of your mouth against your will. 
And unlike that night at the studio, now Hyeongjun really took his time to look at you closely. Your boobs were squished in a tiny crop top that showed a lot of your cleavage and made them look heavenly, your pretty waist underlined by the low rise pants you wore. Your hair were brushing against your shoulders every time you looked down to see how quick Hyeongjun’s fingers were moving inside of you, how skillfully he was circling around your clit. But the best part was the way you stared at him with your mouth half-opened, eyes heavy with desire and lust for him, the way you whispered his name like a prayer when he hit that perfect spot. 
“- I’m close… I’m so close, please, don’t stop…
- I won’t pretty, cum on my fingers and then I’ll fuck you, yeah ?”
You nodded as best as you could, pleasure already taking over you because of the way he was talking to you, because of the way his mouth got so dirty and filthy all of sudden. You squeezed your eyes shut as your orgasm crashed over you, biting down on your lips hard enough to draw some blood and trying to not let too many noises escape you as you came undone for him, thighs shaking as he continued slowly thrusting his fingers even after you’ve stopped clenching so hard around him. You grabbed Hyeongjun’s hand with a whimper, and the smirk on his lips when you did so almost made you want to let him go on a little longer. 
“- Open up.” 
You immediately listened to his command, your mouth falling open for him. You felt him pull his fingers out of your cunt, bringing them up to your lips and pushing them against your tongue. You closed your mouth around them, sucking his skin clean of your release until Hyeongjun had enough of the sinful scene in front of him - pulling his fingers out of your mouth and grabbing your throat instead to kiss you hungrily. His tongue found yours again, this time much more demanding and fervent, as if he had let down all his inhibitions, as if he couldn’t contain himself anymore. 
Your mind was hazy, but you still felt the aching in your cunt coming back. You needed him, and you needed him now, no matter that anyone could walk in on the two of you. Your hands fell from the back of his neck to the front of his pants, quickly undoing the buttons and zipper, struggling a little more with the straps holding the half skirt completing his outfit. His lips left yours to help you, the black cloth falling on the floor but he couldn’t care less when you were already palming him over his underwear. 
“- You sure you wanna do this here ?
- Fuck, yeah, I don’t care, I just need you so bad Junnie…
- Shit… Need you too, pretty.”
You helped Hyeongjun push his boxer’s down enough for his cock to spring free. You didn’t hesitate before spitting in your palm and stroking him a few times, coating him with your saliva. He couldn’t help but stare at your hand, a low moan slipping past his lips. 
“- You’re so hot…”
His praises we’re getting to your head, making you even more dizzy and you didn’t even know anymore if it was the alcohol or just the effect he had on you. However, you needed him too bad to tease him for too long, your legs coming up to wrap around his waist and pulling him closer to you until the tip of his cock bumped against your clit. Hyeongjun got a grip of your waist, stopping you from squirming around as he entered your tight, soaked cunt. 
“- F-Fuck ! You feel so good, Y/N, so fucking good for me…
- Please move, need more !”
Your voice was already so high pitched, and you seemed so gone - eyes hazy and looking fucked out from his fingers only. Hyeongjun groaned as he tried to not lose himself in the feeling too soon, but it was hard when you felt even better than the last time, it was hard when the alcohol heightened all his feelings, it was hard when you were whining his name like that and looking at him so desperately - you were driving him crazy. 
The first thrust of his dick immediately hit your sweet spot, slapping a hand over your mouth to at least try to keep quiet and the other flying to his shoulder to ground yourself in reality. The second thrust had you praying that no one would pass by the kitchen or they would hear you moan like a slut but you couldn’t care anymore when Hyeongjun looked so attractive, eyes glued to where his cock slid right into your wet pussy, his pretty, airy moans engraved in your mind forever. 
You didn’t have enough consciousness left to control your noises anymore, not with the way Hyeongjun was pounding into you relentlessly, one hand massaging your tits over the material of your top and the other one back around your throat. The lack of air as he squeezed your neck pushed a choked moan out of your mouth, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you mindlessly gripped his wrist for support. 
“- Looking so pretty when I’m the one fucking you… Feels good, baby ?
- Ah ! So good Junnie, you feel so good… Love it, love you so much.”
Hyeongjun was already too far gone to really acknowledge your words, the combination of your velvety walls squeezing him right in when he thrusted back into you and all the drinks he had making him unable to concentrate on anything else than getting you to cum on his dick again. Eager to bring you to your release, he let his thumb come down to play with your clit once again, your moans elevating, not trying to stay quiet anymore. 
As soon as he felt you clench down harder around him and that your nails were digging into the skin of his forearm, Hyeongjun let go too, spurred on by your sensual moans and the way he could feel your throat vibrating against his hand. It all became too much when you felt him paint your walls white, overstimulation kicking in but it was too good to ask him to stop. When Hyeongjun finally freed your neck, you took a big, deep breath, the imprints that his rings left on your skin already visible on the sides. He softly brushed his fingers against the marks, feeling both bad for potentially hurting you and proud that he had claimed you in some way. 
“- Want to come back to mine ?”
Hyeongjun didn’t hesitate to say yes, helping you get off of the counter and put your clothes back on, his lips back on yours before you could even leave the kitchen. And he felt on top of the world passing by the man you had hit on later, his hand in yours, and his cum deep inside of your cunt, probably dripping inside of your pretty lacy panties right now. You were all his, at least for the night. 
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“- Morning Junnie.” 
Hyeongjun turned around, a pan filled with some freshly cooked pancakes still in his hands. He placed it down on the counter before looking up at you. And his heart surely skipped a beat at seeing you in the same graphic shirt he had worn last night, your thighs peeking out from underneath the piece of clothing and indicating that you were probably only wearing your panties and no shorts. Hyeongjun gulped down as he tried to not let some of the memories of last night disrupt his thoughts again. 
“- Morning pretty. Did you sleep well ?”
You tiptoed to him, landing a sweet kiss on his cheek before you sat down at one of the stools of the counter to eat the breakfast he prepared for the two of you - though that was an excuse to keep his mind busy from thinking about you and the words you had said.
“- Very, though I don’t really remember how we got here without getting lost. Thank you for all of that, you didn’t have to.
- Yeah, we were pretty drunk. And don’t worry about that, I figured that you would probably be hungry. There’s some painkillers here too if your head hurts.
- You’re an angel Hyeongjun, thank you !”
You smiled up at him despite your headache getting stronger by the seconds. You gladly took the pills and then got to your delicious breakfast, recounting to your best friend every funny or random thing that happened yesterday. But you carefully avoided the only thing that needed to be addressed, carefully avoided the subject. You were too anxious to tell him anything in case he had forgotten it had happened because of the alcohol, because you didn’t even know if you really told him you loved him or if it was only a dream. 
And Hyeongjun was too nervous to ask you anything about it either. Maybe the reason you weren’t talking about it was because you were regretting it, maybe it happened only because you were really drunk and that you would’ve never done it in your right state of mind. Either way, Hyeongjun didn’t want to know, he just wanted to believe that everything was true for a few moments, even if it hurt to know that nothing you had said was meaningful. 
“- I’m gonna go, the boys are practicing this afternoon and I want to take a shower and take a nap before going.
- Yeah, of course. Thank you again for the breakfast, and for watching over me.
- You know I’ll always be right here, Y/N.”
You nodded and closed your eyes as Hyeongjun bent down to kiss your forehead. It was too intimate for two best friends, but it won’t make such a difference with what you had done before. So you simply let him, and you watched him go away with a heavy heart. Maybe that in the end, you regretted what happened a little - it would be so much harder to forget about him now, to try and ignore your feelings when you knew how it felt to be loved by him, to wake up to him cooking in your kitchen. You took a deep breath, only to be met with the scent of him as you were still wearing his shirt, and it made it all hurt even more. The fact that Hyeongjun didn’t even try to mention what happened the other night, that he didn’t even try to know if you said the truth, all of that was enough for you to understand that he didn’t feel the same. Of course he didn’t feel the same. 
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Your theory seemed to be confirmed by the fact that Hyeongjun rarely answered to your texts anymore. It pained you to see him slowly slipping through your fingers, your friendship breaking apart piece by piece only because you were unable to control yourself. You were the only one to blame for everything that happened - you told him he was pretty and kissed him first. Hyeongjun probably just wanted to have a good time, and here you were, dreaming of more, dreaming of being his girlfriend when you knew it would stay what it was ; a dream. 
You looked at your phone one more time, desperately waiting for an answer to your offer to have a movie night at yours tonight. But Hyeongjun stayed silent this time too, the amount of messages he had never answered piling up and surely making you look a bit pathetic. Still, you decided to go buy some things for tonight - he was not going to ruin your plans. So you grabbed your headphones and put on your shoes to go to the grocery store down your street. You took everything that seemed sugary and unhealthy enough to drown your sorrow, not resisting the urge to take home a bag of Hyeongjun’s favorite chips. 
The music playing in your headphones was joyful, hoping that it would cheer you up a little. You were going to watch your favorite film too for the hundredth time, even if you knew it by heart now, because you just needed some comfortings things to push back all these feelings that weighed on your heart. But as you stepped out of the elevator, you almost jumped out of fear when you saw Hyeongjun waiting for you at the door. He seemed tired, his eyebags way more bigger than usual and his normally soft hair were all messy. His gaze crossed yours and for a moment, it felt like time stopped. You slid your headphones off, the music still quietly playing as a background noise as you slowly got closer to the door. 
“- What are you doing here ?”
Your tone was harsher than you wanted it to be, but the raw emotions of your voice couldn’t be hidden. You both knew that the movie night was not the real reason Hyeongjun was here, he could’ve just ignored you or said yes, he would’ve never come directly to your place without warning you if it wasn’t urgent. But seeing how disheveled he was and how he obviously didn’t pay much attention to the way he was dressed, it seemed like his decision had been impulsive and not so well thought. 
“- I… “
It was painful to hear his voice cracking on a single word, and even more to see his eyes well up with tears. You tried to swallow the knot forming in your throat, tried to get over the bad feeling you had, tried to not think about how this seemed like a goodbye - a forever one. 
“- If you have nothing to say, then I’m going. I’ve got things to do.”
It was a lie, and you both knew it. But you had to find a way out of this, a way out of this whole situation, a way out of the end of your friendship. Even if it stayed like that - you sending texts that he never replied to - you didn’t want that to be the end. You walked past him, almost reaching for the door when Hyeongjun grabbed your arm, the contact of his skin against yours felt like fireworks exploding everywhere, breath knocked out of your lungs for a few seconds. You turned around, facing him and really looking at him for the first time since you found him at your doorstep. 
“- I think we should keep our distance for a while.”
You thought you were ready to hear it, thought you had repeated the scenario in your head enough times to not feel anything when he would finally say it out loud. But it still hurt, cutting down in places only he had found his way to. And you could do nothing about it because it was all your fault. 
“- It’s… I understand Hyeongjun. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable with all I said and did, it wasn’t my intention at all. 
- I know.”
You dived in his eyes once again, and this time, you stayed like that for a long time, or maybe not. You didn’t know. But his gaze made butterflies come alive in your stomach, only to kill them the next second because of the sad smile stretching out his lips. 
“- Can we still be friends ? I really don’t want to lose you…”
Your voice was definitely quivering, your eyes glossier than usual. And Hyeongjun could see it, could feel it. It was hard for him to do that. Hurting you was never what he wanted, but he couldn’t go on like that, couldn’t sleep with you as if he felt nothing more. It was too much. Right now, he felt miserable, he felt like he was doing a mistake even if it was to protect himself, it still felt wrong. Because he loved you, because he had always loved you.
“- I never wanted to be your friend in the first place, but you never saw that. It’s too late now…”
Slowly, his words made their way into your mind. Slowly, your eyes grew wider. Slowly, you realized what he meant. Hyeongjun thought he would feel better after having told you this, but no. No. All it did was make him regret never trying to hit on you when he had first met you, all it did was making him regret not listening to Jiseok’s advice and not trying to ask you out on a date before he got categorized as your best friend. He could’ve done so much better, and now he not only broke his own heart but also yours because he was an idiot. 
“- You’re an idiot.”
At least, you were agreeing with him on this, and Hyeongjun was ready to express his approval when you continued.
“- You’re an idiot if you think there wasn’t any meaning behind everything that we did. I actually wanted to ask you out when Gunil introduced us, but he told me that it was better if I approached you slowly. And after that, it was always so platonic between us, I never thought you would be interested in me…”
Hyeongjun took a step closer, tears filling up his eyes again, but this time, he didn’t stop them from rolling down his cheeks. 
“- How could I not be interested in you ? I don’t think you realize how bright you’re shining, Y/N. You’re amazing, talented, fantastic. You make everyone and everything better. You made me a better person, you’ve always been here for me, you’re the most important person in my life. And I know I’m not the best at showing it, but god, I love you so much that sometimes it hurts.
- I love you too Junnie, I love you so much…”
When Hyeongjun cupped your face in between his hands, swiping his thumbs across your cheeks to wipe off the tears, your smile brought one to his face too. 
“- We’re both idiots.”
You giggled and Hyeongjun felt like colors were brighter, like he could hear sounds clearer. He didn’t lie when he said that you made everything better, because for him you really did. You were smiling so much that when he leaned down to kiss your lips, it was almost impossible, the two of you chuckling like lovesick fools. And now, you could say that you were. 
“- I really love you.”
If you weren’t still standing in the hallway of your building, Hyeongjun could’ve asked you to repeat the words again and again, until he was sick of it. But instead, he kissed you again.
“- So what about this movie night ? Is the offer still on the table ?
- More than ever.” 
You were still smiling as you unlocked the door of your apartment, and you were still smiling when you settled on the couch with him, and you were still smiling when Hyeongjun’s arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you towards him so you could cuddle while watching the film. Though, it quickly only served as background noise when you started kissing his neck up and down. Hyeongjun really wanted to stay focused, he really wanted to not mess up your first date, if it could be considered a date. But his eyes fluttered shut against his will, his whole body relaxing against the couch. 
“- Y/N…
- Want me to stop ?
- No.”
You chuckled at how breathless he already seemed, but you couldn’t blame him - if he sneaked his hand in your panties right now, he would be met with a sticky mess. You pushed back the blanket covering your legs, allowing you to straddle Hyeongjun’s lap. You made yourself comfortable before going back to his neck, this time adding your tongue to the mix. The thought of him being finally yours was driving you crazy, and you wanted to claim him in some ways, show off to the world that he was your boyfriend and no one else’s. The moan he let out when you sucked the first mark right under his jaw made you want to give him the world, your hips rolling against his uncontrollably. His hands flew to your hips, helping you move against him as you actively covered his whole neck in hickeys and bite marks, relishing in the noises he made.
“- You’re so fucking pretty like this… All mine.”
Hyeongjun didn’t know if it was your nails gently grazing against his marked skin or your words that made him shiver and sent a new wave of arousal coursing through his veins, but either way, he liked it, liked it so much. 
“- Please, let me make it up to you pretty. Let me spoil you.”
Actually, he was just craving to taste you, had been since the first time you kissed him. But the other part was true too - he wanted to please you so badly, show you how good he could be for you. You quickly nodded, letting Hyeongjun get down on his knees as you sat in his place on the couch. You let him part your legs and strip you off of your shorts and underwear all at once. You let him roam around the plush skin of your thighs and take a hold of your waist once again, pulling you closer to the edge of the couch, closer to his face. 
“- So gorgeous, you’re perfect.”
Heat rose to your cheeks with the way he was intensely staring at your glistening folds. But soon enough, the shame was gone when Hyeongjun buried his head in between your thighs, tongue circling your clit skillfully. He was going to be the death of you for sure, but you weren’t mad about it. As he licked at your folds like a starved man, you took a hold of his hair, slightly tugging on it to ground yourself in reality. Hyeongjun moaned lowly against your pussy, the vibration feeling way too good for you not to let out a sound, for you not to praise him. 
“- Taste so good, I could eat you for hours.
- You’re so good Junnie, I’m feeling so good…”
He hummed against you, sending another thrill of arousal through your body and you threw your head back when you felt his tongue pushing past your walls, his nose repeatedly bumping against your bundle of nerves. You couldn’t help your thighs from trembling and closing around his head when you felt your orgasm approaching, but Hyeongjun didn’t do anything about it because he could die happy being smothered by your legs, his noises increasing along with yours. 
“- I’m gonna cum, oh my god ! I’m cumming !”
You cried out his name when the knot in your stomach finally snapped, your whole body shaking as Hyeongjun did his best to hold you down and still lick you clean, prolonging your climax for as long as possible before you started squirming away from him out of overstimulation. The faint smirk on his face as he got up to kiss you, his chin and lips still covered in your juices was too hot for you to ignore. Your tongues danced together, his hands slipping under your tank top to squeeze your breast while yours slid under the hem of his oversized shirt to feel up his waist. And it all felt so good, so messy, so intimate, so passionate. You never wanted him to stop. Unfortunately, you still had to breathe, forcing you to separate from his mouth. Though you took it as a chance to get rid of your top, Hyeongjun followed along and threw his shirt away too. Your hands immediately went down to his pants, helping him get out of his jeans and underwear, discarding the pieces of clothing on the floor. 
“- I need you so bad…
- Need you too pretty, you’re making me go crazy.”
You felt a shiver run down your spine as Hyeongjun pushed you to lay down on the couch, the way he was praising you was definitely doing things to you. However, you didn’t think this through too much, busy grinding against him, busy making out with him.
“- Please, Junnie…”
He never thought he would hear you beg like that for him one day, and Hyeongjun felt like the luckiest man alive when he lined up with your cunt and slowly buried himself inside of your cunt. His head immediately dropped to the crook of your neck, trying to hide his loud moan as he bottomed out. 
“- You feel so good, Y/N, so wet… S-Shit… Never felt this good…”
His words were muffled by the way he was pressed against the side of your throat, but they still made another wave of arousal crash over you, rolling your hips against his to entice him into moving, a whine falling out of your lips as you did so. 
“- Please, move…”
The loud moan you let out mingled with Hyeongjun's sounds when he experimentally drove his cock into you. And soon enough, he wasn’t able to control the rhythm of his thrusts anymore, one hand gripping your waist as the other was holding your leg up in the air, allowing him to move freely and to hit your sweet spot every time. Your voices were laced in a sinful symphony as Hyeongjun pressed his whole body into yours, a thin layer of sweat covering the both of you. 
“- I’m not gonna last, pretty… Are you close ?
- So close, baby, just need a little more…”
Hyeongjun switched the angle of his hips so that his pelvis faintly brushed against your clit with each one of his thrusts, your whimpers getting more high pitched as he did so. Your nails dug in his shoulders as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, feeling his hot breath against your neck and hearing his moans making you clench around him tighter. It was like your hips had a mind of their own, lifting up to meet Hyeongjun’s thrusts and bringing the both of you to your orgasms. You didn’t even register the fact that you scratched down his back, too lost in the feeling of his cum filling you up. But it only made Hyeongjun’s release even more intense. And the fucked out look on your face as he lifted his head from your neck was just a plus. You slowly got down off your high, still trying to catch your breath, as he pushed away some strands of your that stuck to your face.
“- You’re so beautiful.”
The sincerity pouring from his words made your heart flutter, and a grin took over your features as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders to keep him close to you a little longer. Later that night, when you were all cleaned up and snuggled in his shirt, comfortably laying in your bed, a thought suddenly came into your mind.
“- Were you really going to let me go like that ?”
Hyeongjun looked at you for a moment, his fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on the exposed skin of your arms. 
“- I don’t know. I just felt trapped, and hurt. But it doesn’t matter now. You’re right here with me, and that’s enough for me.
- I really love you Hyeongjun, I hope you know that.”
He smiled, that beautiful smile of his that inevitably brought a smile to your own lips. The sweet kiss he gave you before pulling you closer to him made your heart skip a beat again, and you didn’t know if you would get used to it one day - the way Hyeongjun was able to make you blush with only a few words. 
“- I love you too, you’re all I ever wanted.”
And that was perfect since he was all you ever wanted too.
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my work.
-> moon dividers by @samspenandsword
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94 notes · View notes
slytherinshua · 1 year
genre. sci-fi/dystopian setting. fluff. slight bounty hunter au? enhypen are rebels. originally inspired by the btbt mv by b.i warnings. some violence and past angst mentioned. pairing. heeseung x fem!reader. wc. 1.7k. request. no. a/n. probably one of my favourite fics i've ever written, hee fics always turn out well for some reason???
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“I set off the detonator timer— they’ll be dead before they reach the city walls. We can pick up the stolen gold on our way back to camp, and if we’re lucky, they’ll have had the escape route somewhere in their speeder.” You informed your teammates through the ear device, a grin plastered on your face as the exhilaration of another job well done filled your body. You rested back in your seat, throwing an arm around Heeseung’s shoulder and sending him a satisfied smirk.
“I know you did well, baby, you always do.” He gave you a quick smile, focusing on the air path that the airspeeder you were riding was on. It took you through the city, navigating the towering buildings and neon lights at a high speed.
“Shall we go back home? Sunghoon will finish the job on the other side of the hellhole.” Heeseung proposed, already taking course for it as you nodded in agreement. The hellhole was the only way Heeseung would address the city of Zolas.
You all hated Zolas, but Heeseung probably hated it the most. It was stricken with crime every corner you turned, and without a proper system to deal with it. It was where evil prevailed and good was forced to shudder under its presence in hopes of survival. 
The people were taxed higher and higher every year, leaving the poor poorer and the rich richer. And if someone couldn’t pay the tax, they would get blackmailed, threatened, harassed, or even killed. It was a sickening place to live, but there wasn’t an easy way to get out either.
The city was guarded with walls that required a special pass to get through. There were, of course, some ways to beat the system, but the risk was too high for Heeseung to attempt it just yet.
On the outside looking in, Zolas seemed like a beautiful utopia. It was built with hundreds of high rise buildings and AI features, airspeeders always travelling across the sky and many other technical advancements that not many places had access to. 
But it could go to shit for all Heeseung cared, he just wanted to get the hell out.
Ever since he was little, Heeseung was determined that his problems would go away if he could escape Zolas, and it wasn’t a baseless hope. The city was the root of every hardship Heeseung had faced in his 23 years.
Because of the taxing, his parents had been beaten every month until the guards got to know their faces too well and started beating up for fun as well. His father had died trying to protect his mom from the beating, and the last thing the young boy had seen was a guard’s smirking face along with his mother’s desperate screams. The memory still shook him to this day, and was the biggest driving force for everything he did.
He started his own team of bounty hunters, gathering people who wanted an escape from Zolas just like him, and promising them that they would get just that if they joined his crew. Together, you targeted the corrupt higher ups and put an end to some of their lesser schemes. It was a small change, but at least you felt like you were fighting the system. You were one of the first to join. 
You had been fighting the people in power of the city for years before you met Heeseung. Back then you had access to resources because your father worked closely with the mayor. You always had to act like you were on your father’s side to use his money and weapons freely, but you eventually got sick of it and stole enough resources to survive for a while before running away. Even now, almost a year later your father still had a search party looking for you. And you knew it wasn’t out of fatherly love, though that was what he tried to frame it as. You hadn’t gotten an ounce of love from your father for years. You guessed that the only reason your father was still trying to find you was for his image which you had been known to improve. With your looks, you had been a reputable beauty within Zolas. 
Unfortunately for all the boys that tried to shoot their shot with you in the past, you were very content with Heeseung. Heeseung provided more than just love to you. With him, you knew you were safe at all times.
Heeseung was excellent at hiding both resources and people, and hiding you had become his top priority. Whenever you went out into the streets, he would take down any posters displayed with your face on it and the big red words spelling out “Missing”, scowling at each one of them before throwing them away. 
When you got back to your hideout you were met with the pleasant smell of hot stew on the stove. Jay was in charge of meals and protecting the hideout. He was pretty much the mom of the group, and his food was better than anything you could get.
“Jay, I love you!” You shouted as you walked through the door. Heeseung frowned and hugged you to his chest. That was another thing. He always got jealous in the cutest way possible, and when you said that, it activated his possessive mode just like turning on a lightswitch. 
“I love you too, Y/n!” Jay laughed jokingly, though he shut his mouth once he saw Heeseung’s intimidated glare. 
“I’m ravenous. Can we eat?” You asked your boyfriend.
“You love me more than Jay, right?” He murmured into your neck, low enough that no one else would hear. He peppered your skin with kisses, breath tickling your neck slightly and his arms still firmly refusing to let go of your waist. 
You giggled, “Of course I do, cutie. You know that. Let me go, I wanna eat!” You urged, trying to remove his hands but he was determined to keep you trapped. He was way stronger than you, so you didn’t have much chance to escape in the first place. To him, you were light as a feather.
“Say it.” He whined.
You scoffed, “You’re very childish, you know that?”
“I never had a chance to be childish when I was a child, so maybe I’m making up for it now.” He reasoned, kissing your neck again. “Now say it.” 
“I love you, and I love you more than Jay.” You said.
“I love you too.” He smiled, finally letting you go. 
You all sat down at the table in your designated spots. Heeseung was at the head of the table, of course. You were seated on his right, and next to you was Niki, the youngest assassin of the team. Next to Niki was Jake. He was good with AI and tech. Jay sat across from you with Jungwon, the brains of the team along with Heeseung, and Sunghoon’s empty spot next to him. Sunghoon was still out cleaning up the mission and searching the speeder of your past targets. 
You would have to have some incredible luck on your side, but you were hoping that he might come back with the escape route blueprints. If you were able to get your hands on those, you’d have a chance to escape finally.
The meal was eaten with laughter and fellowship, just like usual. Heeseung had tried his best to make his team feel as much like a proper family as he could, and family dinners were mandatory in his book. Once everyone finished eating, the rest of the boys went to train or rest up and Heeseung told you he would be in his room.
You were washing the dinner dishes in the crappy rusted sink when Sunghoon came back home. He looked exhausted. His hair was messy and sticking up in weird ways, drenched in sweat still and you were sure he had gotten into a fight on the way back. His lip was bleeding and there was a nasty bruise starting to form on his left cheek. But despite all this, he still smiled. Grinned, even. 
“Did you get into a fight?” You asked him, turning off the tap and walking towards him. You were the healer of the team, one could say. But that was only because you were the best with a med kit, and Heeseung didn’t like anyone but you coming close to him, even the other guys. You handed Sunghoon a wet cloth to wipe his bleeding lip.
“Just a small one.” He assured you, still grinning like crazy. “It was worth it in the end.”
You raised an eyebrow as Sunghoon fished for something in his pocket. He held it up to you, and you almost couldn’t contain your emotions. You wanted to squeal in excitement. He held a little chip in his hand. One that would go directly into a port in the city wall and create an opening which you could pass through.
This was even better than the escape route. This would guarantee a safe escape. You couldn’t wait to tell Heeseung.
“Can I take it to him?” You asked and Sunghoon nodded eagerly, handing you the precious chip. “There's still some leftover stew on the stove still, you should have some to warm up.” You told him, giving him a ‘good job’ pat on his shoulder.
You walked down the steps towards Heeseung’s room, your stomach going wild with excitement. You knocked quickly, rapping your knuckles against the metal in a way which Heeseung would recognize. 
“Come in.” He called out. You pushed open the door with a grin, approaching your boyfriend who was sitting on his bed.
“Why are you so happy?” He asked curiously, opening up his arms to hug you.
“Sunghoon did it.” You said eagerly, sitting down next to Heeseung and half-hugging him.
“He got the route?!” Heeseung asked excitedly.
You shook your head, smiling even wider, “Even better.” You told him.
His eyes widened, “No way-”
You opened up your palm where the chip rested safely, showing Heeseung that he had finally gotten his means of escape. He picked it up from your hand, staring at it closely, scanning for dents or marks that could make it faulty, but he found nothing. It was perfect.
He hugged you tightly, pouring all his emotions into it. You felt him shake slightly as he cried. You patted his back, helping him through the overwhelming emotions. 
“We’ll finally be free.” He whispered.
↳  enha taglist: @kangtaehyunzzz,, @yeonjuns-redhair,, @ddeonudepressions,, @multi-stan-jenny
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wonuwrites · 7 months
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.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. howdy cuties! read me before interacting / requesting things ✫ REQUESTS ARE: Open :) // For Seventeen only ✫READ BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE Absolutely I will NOT write smut involving minors. As someone who is 27, it is uncomfortable and of course wrong. Because of this, if you are not 18+ please do not interact with me or my blog. I appreciate you but I will be writing smutty shit and I don't feel comfortable with it. There's plenty of other blogs you can read, just not here. <3
✫ At the moment I write mostly for: Seventeen, Ateez, SHINee, Winner, Monsta X, and Got 7. // Soloists: DPR Ian, Bloo, Sik-K, PH-1, Jay Park, Simon Dominic, B.I, Woodz, and Wonho
✫ Am comfortable doing requests for following groups but won't go out of my way to write for them if I have an idea: TXT, Stray Kids, NCT, BTS, ikon, Big Bang, Super Junior, EXO
✫ I will write smut, fluff, sad, and FICTIONAL things. Anything I write will not be true unfortunately i wish too. Please note that this is just for fun and a creative outlet for me.
✫ I work a full time job so I won't always be active but I will try my best <3. Keep an eye out on my requests being Open or Not x
✫ I'm the shyest ENJF so I won't interact with others first but I hope that writing can help me make friends x
✫ Even if requests are closed, my DM's are always open if you want to fangirl together.
✫ that's all I can think of right now, hope y'all enjoy this chaos <3
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yoonia · 2 years
schedules & progress ● 2023
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© Yoonia, 2016-2023. All rights reserved — Unauthorized use and/or duplication of these works, including reposting, translating and modification in any form, is strictly prohibited.
⇝— Updated: Dec 30th, 2023
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⇝— 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 ⇝— 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏 𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 ⇝— 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 ⇝— 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬
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⇝— 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐬
✎ 2023 Blog Insight & Sneak Peek: WIP teasers and summaries
✎ 2022 Writing Recap
✎ June - July 2023 Writing Process
✎ August 2023 Writing Process
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⇝— 𝐨𝐧𝐞-𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬
✎ What You Wanted (M) | Kim Hanbin/B.I x reader | First Time Sex, Virgin!reader, Boyfriend!Hanbin, Smut, PWP - Posted: Jan 21st, 2023
✎ Eternal Sunshine (M) | Hoseok x reader | Past Lovers!AU, New Beginning, inspired by Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Minds (yes, the movie), Epilogue for Spotless Minds - Posted: Apr 2nd, 2023
✎ Mirrors: what becomes of us (M) | Jungkook x reader | FWB to lovers!au, pwp, smut, angst - Posted: Sep 7th, 2023
✎ The (im)Perfect Ending (M) | Namjoon x reader | Past Lovers!au, Second Chances!au, Infidelity, smut, angst - Posted: Oct 12th, 2023
✎ Overdrive (M) | Kim Hanbin/B.I x reader | Musician/Artist!B.I, Manager!reader, Smut - Posted: Nov 10th, 2023
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⇝— 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
✎ Spotless Minds: visual concept & series masterlist | Hoseok x reader | Past Lovers!AU, Mature theme - Posted: Apr 5th, 2022
✎ Chance Encounter | Christian Yu x reader | TA!au, College!au - latest update: chapter 6 | posted: Aug 12th, 2023
✎ In Motion | Jungkook x reader | Masturbation Club!au, Smut, Mature theme - latest update: In Motion — epilogue | posted: Aug 18th, 2023
✎ Mirrors: story guide | Jungkook x reader | FWB!au, smut, angst | posted: Sept 7th, 2023
✎ Bedroom Hymns | Yoongi x reader | Fairytale retelling, Fairy King!Yoongi, Princess!reader - latest update: chapter xi. wanderers-2 | posted: Dec 18th, 2023
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⇝— 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
✎ Free Falling (M) | Jimin x reader | Established relationship!au, Smut, part of Falling trilogy - Posted: Feb 25th, 2023
✎ Come Undone (M) | Yoongi x reader | Established relationship!au, Smut - Posted: Oct 29th, 2023
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⇝— 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐬
✎ G.H.O.S.T: The Hacker’s Tale — Carousel side story | Hoseok x reader | Hacker!Hoseok, assassin!reader, Suspense Thriller
✎ Alpha’s Inferno | Namjoon x OC | Supernatural!au, Werewolf!Namjoon, Vampire!reader, Angst, Fluff, part of Shifters Series
✎ Flux: Blindsided | Jungkook x reader x Yoongi | Established relationship!au, Smut, polyamory!au
✎ A Christmas Fix | Taehyung x reader | Secret Baby!au, Second Chance!au, Strangers to Lovers!au | Part of the Jingle All the Way collaboration
✎ Nefarious: In Motion - A spin off | Jimin x reader | Sex club!au, Smut
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⇝— 𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞: Nov 6th, 2023
➛ 𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝:    ↪ Monthly Writing Journal    ↪ Writing Class 101 with Dia    ↪ Original Story: Honey Skies | Prologue; Chapter 1-12    ↪ Never Falling (M) - Uncut Version    ↪ We Are All Dreamers (M) - Special Edition: Male version    ↪ Game On! (M) - Unpublished WIP (rough draft) | Jungkook x reader     ↪ Under The Willow Tree - Blood Moon Rising hidden explicit scene #001
➛ 𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙱𝚘𝚊𝚛𝚍 & 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚜:    ↪ Carousel; character chart & family tree (updated version - posted Nov 6th, 2023)    ↪ Carousel; Inspiration Board    ↪ Shifters Series; Inspiration Board    ↪ The Dragon King: Blood Moon Rising side story - excerpt & moodboard    ↪ Cinnamon Bliss; Inspiration Board    ↪ About Time; Inspiration Board    ↪ Shifters Series; World Map & Legends     ↪ Shifters Series; A Complete Guide to Original Characters and Pairings    ↪ Chance Encounter - Visual concept & Playlist    ↪ The Bedroom Hymns; Inspiration Board       ↪ White Lies; Story timeline
➛ 𝙵𝚒𝚌 𝚃𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚜:    ↪ Only Us | Jungkook x reader x Jungkook | Mafia!Jungkook, FBI Agent!reader, Twin!Jungkook  ↪ G.H.O.S.T: The Hacker’s Tale — Carousel Side Story | Hoseok x reader | Hacker!Hoseok, assassin!reader    ↪ Take It Slow (previously titled Virgin Mary) | DEAN x reader | Bartender!Dean, Writer!reader  ↪ Flux: Blindsided | Yoongi x reader x Jungkook | Polyamorous!au, Smut, part of Flux Series  ↪ The Whispers in The Mist | Yoongi x reader | Sacrilege!au, part of Sacrilege collab  ↪ Hunting Season | Hoseok x reader | part of Shifters Series  ↪ About Time | Jungkook x reader / Jimin x reader: excerpt and teaser for final chapters
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¸¸.·¯⍣✩ 𝔤𝔬 𝔱𝔬 𝖓𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖌𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖕𝖆𝖌𝖊 ¸¸.·¯⍣✩
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tangylemonade · 2 years
𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚠𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢 🍓
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𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚋𝚒𝚗 𝚡 𝚊𝚏𝚊𝚋 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
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⚠︎︎: 𝚂𝚖𝚞𝚝
𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚜: 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚜𝚎𝚡, 𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚊 𝚏𝚘𝚘𝚍 𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢 (𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚊 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚠𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢), 𝚊 𝚏𝚎𝚠 𝚌𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚜 (𝙸 𝚍𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚙𝚞𝚝 𝚜𝚘 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚍𝚘 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚒𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙸 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚊𝚍𝚍 ☺︎︎)
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝟷.𝟺𝚔
𝙻𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔 & 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚍𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚙𝚜 𝚊 𝚋𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚑!
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𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚜𝚘 𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚒𝚝 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚊𝚕𝚜𝚘 𝚜𝚘 𝚎𝚡𝚌𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍. 𝙸 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕 𝚜𝚘 𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚖𝚢 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔 𝚎𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚜𝚔 𝚖𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 (。•́‿•̀。)
𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝙸 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚖𝚢 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛! 𝚆𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚙𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝚊𝚗 𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚓𝚒, 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝙸'𝚕𝚕 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚢𝚘𝚞!
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Even though you and your boyfriend were often busy you liked to always make sure you made time for each other. No excuses.
That’s why you guys decided to have a date night every two weeks at the very least. But even though tonight was date night you were both too busy to plan anything so you decided to just order in and watch a movie. You didn’t mind dates like this, maybe you even preferred them especially without the stress of having to avoid prying eyes.
After you guys finished a simple dinner of your favorite pizza, Hanbin cleaned up while you cut up some fruit for a snack.
“So what’re we watching?” You asked, placing the fruit bowl on the coffee table and cozying up next to him.
“I don’t know. I thought you wanted to pick.” He replied.
You pouted at him. “I haven’t the slightest idea. I don’t even know what’s new.”
You were serious, you hadn’t watched much less heard of anything recently. You weren’t even sure if you had the attention span for a movie anymore. Your mind was a buzz of all the things you had to do but you tried to push them aside for your relationships sake.
Hanbin clicked on Netflix and when the screen was loaded you saw a button that said Surprise me.
“Oh is this new?” You asked, pointing to the tv.
“Not really.” He said with a chuckle. “I just think you haven’t watched much tv recently.”
“You’re not wrong. Let’s just click this and let Netflix pick something for us! That should be fun?” You said excitedly.
“I don’t see why not. The alternative would be scrolling all night I suppose.” He said.
“That or rewatching Inside Out.” You said with a giggle, make light fun of his love for the children's movie.
“Don’t tempt me.” He said and you both laughed.
Even though you loved to tease him for it, his love for simple, even child-like things was something you adored about him. Despite being someone who reached for the stars, Hanbin was always appreciative of even the littlest things that made him happy.
He clicked the button and it suggested a move that you’ve never heard of but he still clicked it anyway without even reading the synopsis. The movie played and you snuggled back into him while you shared the fruit in the bowl.
The movie wasn’t all too interesting but it wasn’t bad. But that didn’t matter because you were a lot more interested in the way his fingers gently and mindlessly traced patterns on your back. The way his warm chest felt so comforting, his familiar scent relaxing you.
You bit into a particularly sour strawberry when you noticed the character in the movie was also eating one.
You pointed it out in silly boredom thinking it was a funny coincidence earning a chuckle from your boyfriend as well.
Suddenly the two characters were “eating the strawberry” while kissing and getting all steamy with each other, clothes coming off and everything.
“Well that’s one way to enjoy a strawberry.” You joked looking at Hanbin, humored by the abruptness of the situation.
He returned the same humored look and you both started laughing.
You took a bite of another strawberry, grimacing once again at how sour it was. “Who knows, maybe it would make it sweeter.” You said absentmindedly ignoring the movie, bored by the poorly done sex scene. “I’m pretty sure this one’s cosplaying as a lemon.”
“Let’s see.” Hanbin said, taking the berry from your hand and biting it. You turned to him waiting for his reaction to the taste when you suddenly felt his lips against yours. You opened your eyes in shock before relaxing into the kiss. He gave your checks a gentle squeeze parting your lips allowing for the juices to fill your mouth, the sweetness of his kisses masking the jarring sour of the fruit. And then he pulled away leaving you a little flustered.
“Sweeter?” He said, a mischievous glint in his eye.
You playfully swatted at him before holding your now warm face.
“Don’t tease me.” You warned, his taste still lingering in your mouth.
You wanted more.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” He said, his hand resting on your bare thigh.
You could tell he wanted to mess with you more but at this point you were already worked up. You sat up on your knees before turning to face him and straddling his lap.
“I thought we were watching a movie.” Hanbin teased, leaning his head back against the couch so he could look into your eyes. He was acting all cocky, absolutely enjoying the power he had over you. To your dismay that little smug look he had on his pretty face was an absolute turn on, meaning that he won.
You didn’t even bother with entertaining him, rolling your eyes while you leaned in for another kiss.
You could feel his smirk against your lips while he basked in the way you hungrily deepened the kiss. You knew he was just as horny as you by the bulge that you felt now pressing against your core. His hands traveled your body, sliding up your shirt and pulling it off of you. You shivered as the cool air hit your bare skin and he wrapped his arms around you before turning and laying you back on the couch.
“I feel like you’re taking way too long to take off your clothes.” You said, tugging at his shirt.
He chucked at you before standing up and stripping, holding eye contact like the tease he was.
One time he told you that he hid condoms everywhere so you’d never be unprepared which is why you were only half surprised when he pulled one from under the couch cushion.
“Rats! You even hid some in the couch? Well, next time for the baby I guess.” You joked.
“Don’t worry I poked holes in this one.” He joked back before leaning back over you and helping you shimmie out of your panties, discarding them in the pile of clothes on the floor.
Hanbin always matched your humor well and you were still laughing at his joke when he silenced you with a kiss.
You would kiss him for hours if you only had the time. There was something about the way he tasted, the gentleness of his tongue against yours, the way he couldn’t resist biting you a little while he held back the urge to devour you completely.
You hooked your legs around him impatiently and he took the hint.
Hanbin slid his hand from cradling your hip to gently trailing up your body before lacing his fingers through yours. You gasped when he pushed into you, taking it slow as his size stretched you. When you were ready for movement you squeezed his hand to tell him, an unconsciously created code between you two.
“Hanbin…shit…” You said, a moan cutting you off as he began to move.
He could only respond with a groan as you squeezed around him.
It’s not like it had been a long time since you’d last had sex but every time Hanbin felt like forever was in between these moments. How could he possibly have made it so long without feeling you? Without watching the way your beautiful skin flushed and glistened. The way your brows scrunched and your breath quickened every time he did something you liked. The way your every sound made his head spin.
You held onto him, feeling his muscles flex as he picked up the pace. His warm breath tickling your neck while he brushed kisses across your skin, always going back to your lips which accepted him greedily. The tension grew inside of you causing your moans to get louder and more desperate.
Your sounds drove him crazy, pushing him to the edge.
“I’m…I’m gonna cum.” You somehow managed to say through the daze of the moment.
“Go ahead babe. Let me hear you.” He responded, his brow furrowed as he tried to maintain his pace without completely losing himself in you.
Your sounds paired with the squeeze of your release was the final push for him.
His moans were music to your ears.
Hanbin pulled out, gently laying against you as you two tried to catch your breaths.
The movie droned on in the background but neither of you cared. Hanbin's head rested on your bosom while your fingers played in his hair.
Despite not knowing what was happening in the movie you didn’t get up until it was over. Tiredly you showered together then went to bed to cuddle and whisper sweet nothings until inevitably falling asleep.
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𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜, 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚌𝚔 𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚖𝚢 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔 𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎!
🔁 Please RE-BLOG if you enjoyed! 🔁
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lvndr-thghts · 2 years
discord kpop fc 1x1's
hi, i'm andie! i'm currently looking for some long-term discord rp partners, 21+ only please. i'm in the est timezone and i'm free all week after five usually! i primarily write mxf and i happily do doubles, though i'm also down for some fxf! i write in third person, present tense. also-- i only write oc's. i do not play real people. (sorry bandom fans.)
in terms of plots i'm interested in, i generally lean toward rl angst (totally down for smut, too!) but i'm happy to do cute fluff every now and then as well. gimme toxic co-dependent relationships, gimme roommates with sexual tension, gimme long-term one sided pining- and that's just off the top of my head, i love adding depth and discussing plots/headcanons/random ideas with my partners so if you do too, we'd probably be a great match!
i primarily use k-pop face claims (only 18+) for oc's/muses as well as korean actors/actresses, thai actors/actresses, etc. and i'd like it if we had similar taste as well! i'm also not opposed to making twins for faces we both happen to love, i think it'd be really fun! as a side note- i'll literally play any face you're feeling. i'm not picky about my muses at all.
here's a list of some groups/faces i'm feeling rn:
(this is by no means a comprehensive list and if the group is listed i'm prob willing to play anyone in it, these are just my faves, bold indicates favorites to play as, italics indicate favorites to play against)
BG's: astro (eunwoo, rocky, moonbin), ateez (san, mingi, yunho, wooyoung, seonghwa, yeosang, hongjoong), the boyz (juyeon), exo (kai, baekhyun), got7 (jackson, mark, bambam, jayb), monsta x (changkyun, hyungwon, wonho, kihyun), nct 127 (jaehyun!!!, johnny, yuta, mark, taeyong), seventeen (mingyu, the8, joshua) skz (bang chan, hyunjin, lee know), wayv (ten, xiaojun, winwin, hendery)
GG's: aespa (karina, winter, ningning), billlie, blackpink (jennie, jisoo, lisa), dreamcatcher, everglow, g(idle) (miyeon, soyeon, yuqi, minnie), itzy (yeji, ryujin, yuna), kep1er, loona (jinsoul, yves, heejin), red velvet (joy, seulgi, irene, wendy), twice (sana!!!, jihyo, mina, tzuyu, momo), wjsn, xg
SOLOISTS: christian yu/dpr ian!!!, woodz, b.i, dpr live, chungha, sunmi, iu, jeon somi
if you're interested at all in building a beautiful world and fangirling over our faves together, you can either send me an ask/im with your discord, interact with this post, or message me on here and i'll get back to you if i think we're a good fit! thanks for taking the time to read!
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skxawngclub · 2 years
๑՞. welcome to skxawngclub’s rules + guidelines
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who i write for : avatar, mbitious, ikon + hanbin (b.i) genres : fluff, angst, smut, headcanons, most to least lists
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general info :
majority of my content is written as a fem!reader and may occasionally be written as "(insert desired name)'s person" with they/them pronouns.
i write nsfw content! although all the content i write isn’t always nsfw, i would prefer if minors don't interact but if you do, please be careful and mindful of my blog. read and interact with caution.
no rushing or stressing me out for updates. i write on my free time and this blog is obviously not a job.
ask box is always open and not only for requests. feel free to leave me any comments, suggestions, or feedback. i want to make sure my readers can read and understand my content.
rules and guidelines will change in the future as this blog grows and more content is poster. i'll post updates if i do so.
requesting :
always check to see if i’m open to requests. 
there's no max amount of times you can request but all i ask is that you don't spam my ask box with the same one.
always try your best to be as descriptive as you can so i know how to fulfill your request.
i have every right to refuse a request. if you sent a request and don't see it within a few days it's probably because i decided not to do it.
always state who you want me to write for.
avatar related things to note :
majority of the content of neteyam, ao’nung, lo’ak, kiri, tsireya, roxto, and spider are aged up especially in stories
neteyam is alive and thriving in my world so he would be written that way (unless stated otherwise)
most of my content are written in an alternate universe setting meaning they aren't always na'vis.
i don't specify if the reader is omaticaya, metkayina, or human. i'll try my best to write it to where you get to decide.
tags :
they may not be searchable on tumblr's search engine.
i tag my posts so it's easier to navigate on my blog.
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bi-ehealthcare · 2 years
Swimming Pull Ups
Types of Swimming Pull Ups
M size swimming pull ups
With modern closed sterile workshop coupled with 100’000 air purification system In diapers production sites, B.I. has 27 production lines, 20 of them are imported from Japan-Zuiko.
 L size swimming pull ups
We are manufacturer who produce L size swimming baby diapers for 17 years.We have 27 machine lines for baby diapers, baby pull ups, adult diaper, adult pull ups.
 XL Size Swimming Pull Ups
XL size swimming pull ups are more and more popular in the market, it is much thinner than normal baby pull ups with fluff pulp core. Our swimming pull ups do not have SAP, when baby swimming, the pull ups will not become"fat"and bring baby uncomfortable feeling.
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vikzaym · 7 months
vikki | 03/21 | multistan | boy group stan | aussie | lives in finland | writing fluff & smut
concerts i've been to :
ateez amsterdam & madrid 2022 | mcnd paris 2022 | eric nam stockholm 2022 | the boyz rotterdam & paris 2022 | sunmi helsinki 2022 | loona warsaw & frankfurt 2022 | blitzers hamburg 2022 | blackpink london day 1 & 2 2022 | the rose brussels 2023 | ateez copenhagen 2023 | ikon paris 2023 | twice london 2023 | gidle london 2023 | b.i tallinn, helsinki & stockholm 2023 | oneus berlin 2023 | xdinary heroes berlin 2023 | rolling quartz london 2024 | everglow london 2024 | xikers berlin 2024 | dreamcatcher helsinki 2024 | the rose helsinki 2024
as you can see, i travel quite a lot. i really do work hard for it and it is not easy. if you want we can become friends, just message me here!
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