#b99 holds the quote about stabbing
herstarburststories · 4 years
Knives & Calls (Dean Winchester x Reader)
A/N: Okay, first I just wanted to do a phone themed thing + incorrect quote of b99 here, but the idea just kept going and I decided to go with it. That format — phone text — was already used by some writers on Tumblr, and I decided to give it a shot. Feedback is encouraged.
Summary: You decided to check on Dean after a hunt, but it's easy to notice that something is missing. A video chat might be needed for you to make sure that he's okay.
Warnings: sexual insinuating, very slightly angst, not beta'd.
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You smiled for no one but yourself when the picture of a grimacing Dean popped up. You remembered telling him to smile for you to take a photo, and his first reaction being to turn around and make a face at your phone.
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You furrowed your eyebrows together, confused about his answer. Of course, Sam always tends to be more careful, check everything twice and analyze more than anyone else. But not even his slight hunter-like paranoia would somehow trick him into telling Dean to stay one more night in a cheap motel after they got comfortable in the bunker.
Although, you could be exaggerating. The boys could'vee been looking for a brother time, which would still be unlike. After all, spending a weekend with your brother would be way better somewhere away from a random, probably stinky motel. Perhaps for the shake of the good old times?
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Dean's next text confirmed that you weren't overthinking, and there was no such thing as your hypothetical brotherhood reunion. You had known him for years. Either it was after a sex marathon in the backseat, 5 hours of driving to the repeated sound of his old rock tapes, or even the apocalypse itself, he would always drive. Not even once had Dean Winchester said that he didn't feel like driving his beloved Impala.
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The second message came when your quick fingers were dancing against the keyboard to question if they were all right. You signed in relief as another message arrived.
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Yet, you asked anyway. After all, you were talking to Dean Winchester. You had tones of emergency kits for him and Sam's weekly wounds.
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Leaning forward, you glared at your phone as three tiny balls shook, indicating that Dean was typing. He was clearly avoiding talking about himself, but there was no subtle way of getting out such a direct ask from you. The texting indicator would stop and start again, as if he was writing, erasing, and repeating a few times.
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You narrowed eyes at the glowing phone. On the other side, Dean could almost hear the way you said his name, not putting up for his weak excuses. If he closed his eyes, there would be facility to picture you crossing your arms and giving him a worried, yet half annoyed glance.
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You didn't wait any further minute, slipping from the text messages application to the phone one, and calling him.
''Dean Winchester, what the fuck is lightly stabbed!?" Your furious tone englobed the obvious concern. You didn't need to see him to know that probably wasn't even one of his worst injures, but you were still worried. You always were. It just seemed so close to losing him everytime.
He didn't miss his humoristic trait to attempt lighting up your behavior, "I was stabbed, but it wasn't deep. You should see the other guy, sweetheart. Demon barbecue."
Although his voice wasn't near shaking, you could notice a glimpse of fragility there, as if he had just left a combat and wanted to keep up the strong warrior facet, while going through a terrible pain. It was lower than usual.
God, you just wished he was home.
"(Y/N), I'm okay. Don't worry. I'll be home tomorrow." Dean said softly; he knew that you didn't enjoy being a part from him when he got hurt. But you couldn't come with them since you had another case in the opposite direction. In fact, you had got home about fifteen minutes ago.
Squeezing the cellphone against your ear like it held your sanity, you nodded, "Or you could just let Sam drive and come home now, so I can take care of you."
The suggestion was laughed off by both of you. Of course he wouldn't.
A bit more relaxed, you pulled your phone away from your face, looking for a certain button before clicking there.
Just like that, Dean's face saw yours through a screen.
"Told you it wasn't that bad." He arches his eyebrows. Truly, his face was barely hurt. Just a few bruises that would go away within a few days. Rolling your eyes, you answerd:
"Very funny, Winchester. Let me see your--" Dean's smirk at this caused you to shake you head from side to side. He was unbelievable. 42 years, injured by a knife, and he would still manage to have a mind of a 25-years-old. "--Wound. Let me see your wound, Dean."
He huffed but moved the phone towards his main injure of the day anyway. Dean lifted his flannel shirt a little, showing the wound that was localizated near to his ribs.
You had to admit, it didn't apparent great profundity, at all. Away from the top five hurtings you had seen grabbed onto him.
"Are you sure it's not too much pain?"
His camera was fixed on the celling for a brief moment before Dean's face was lined to the screen again. Your own unnoticed tense muscles relaxing to the certainty that he was all right.
"Yeah, I've gone through worse. Besides, magic pills." Dean smiled wryly, grabbing the orange bottle and shaking it before putting it somewhere the video call didn't catch. "Your hunt--"
"The easy but necessary kind of job. Sault and burn." You shrugged, adjusting the phone on the table beside your shared bed.
"So, Sammy is not here." His eyebrows raised in insinuation. You pretended not to know where he was going with you, offering a simply agreeing noise in response. "We could play a bit."
"Maybe..." You purred and glared at him. Interrupting his next words before he could even push them out of his sinful mouth, abandoned your shirt. His eyebrows raised, slightly surprised and very appreciative to the view. You grabbed the phone, allowing the camera to travel from your lips, to your neck, then shoulders and collarbone. Dean's eyes glared at your distant skin in anticipation, his cock starting to tremble from excitement. Fuck, he missed touching you.
Unfortunately, the eldest Winchester didn't get to see his favorite part -- your boobs. You just switched the camera from the frontal one, causing it to show the floor of your and Dean's room instead. A complain was on the tip of his tongue, but it didn't come to the light when his eyes glanced at your red bra being thrown on the ground.
"Sweetheart, let me see you, come on." He whimpers, pressing his teeth to his lip. If Dean couldn't touch you right way, he could at least see your wonderful body; perhaps even watch you play with yourself, while screaming his name.
Your answer came to the light in a soft hearted laughter. Dean winged his eyebrow, very well aware that wasn't your playful, teasing laughter.
You aligned the mobile once again, which focused mainly on your face, well fixed above your collarbone. Dean let out a frustrated sigh as your smiled devilish at him.
"Next time, you better tell me when you get stabbed and not make up excuses, Winchester. Then maybe you would get some tonight." You shrugged, enjoying the small pout on his lips. "You have to rest. Guess I'll go enjoy myself and imagine you here. I'm already wet anyway. See you tomorrow!"
" What the--" You hang up the phone without any further warning, leaving a incredulously surprised Dean Winchester glaring at his mobile as if it had just started flying across the room or anything extremely shocking. "WOMAN! COME BACK!"
Dean screamed at the phone as if it contained you. He tried to call you up a few times, but you just laughed about it from the bunker. Groaning, he stared at his semi erect and clothed member.
His phone made a noise again, indicating a new message. He leaned in and opened it as fast as humanly possible, only to let an exasperated howl escape again. You were one of a kind. Specifically, his kind.
Goodnight, babe. Try not to scream too loud when you are thinking about me and touching that delicious cock if yours. ;)
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disasteralex · 6 years
voltron + vine/memes pt 2 (feat. klance)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
whenever lance does something stupid pidge swivels around and looks into a fake camera like she’s on The Office. it usually has something to do with keith
lance, sweating as he watches keith take down three sentries in the span of two seconds: “jesus christ that’s jason bourne”
pidge: Office Stare
shiro secretly has a super dark sense of humor and can never let the other paladins know about it
pidge: “self-care is drinking two red bulls and staying awake for 20 consecutive hours” lance: “self-care is fighting sendak behind a denny’s”
shiro, under his breath as he pinches the bridge of his nose and fights the dual urge to laugh and also lecture them on better habits: “self-care is yeeting myself out of the airlock”
coran: “self-care is wandering straight into a pack of yalmors and getting ripped to shreds” lance, horrified: “... good... try, coran?”
((bonus: keith: “self-care is fighting zarkon on the astral plane” lance, with tears in his eyes: “keith, my young padawan, i’m so proud”))
once, after allura pulls a drill and makes them all get up at the ass crack of space dawn, lance turns toward shiro and asks him how he looks so awake this early
shiro, in a monotone: “i’ve been dead inside for fifty years”
shiro also has a soft spot for drew gooden’s “road work ahead” vine because he’s a twenty-something Dad
whenever lance catches pidge doing something weird, he whistles the x-files theme song. once he caught pidge and keith dead asleep behind the couch in the common area and it scared the shit out of him, so now he does it to keith, too
shiro tries not to laugh, but one time he catches keith sneaking into the kitchen in the middle of the night and slowly whistles the theme down the hall. keith isn’t amused
whenever lance gets flustered he “coolcoolcoolcool”s himself into oblivion
one day keith is hardcore training like the badass he is and suddenly pulls his shirt up to wipe his face
lance, one eye twitching: “coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool”
hunk and pidge roll their eyes in perfect unison
he also does this the first time he sees allura fight and dissolves into a state of utter awe
pidge: “what’s wrong with you” lance: “i think i met god” pidge: “cool. what does she look like?” “ethnically ambiguous” (a la b99)
once pidge accidentally consumes space alcohol (they were at a celebration or something and someone handed her a drink and by the time shiro realized what was going on and shouted “PIDGE--nO--” from across the room it was too late) and is drunk and tired enough that she agrees to help lance act out some of her favourite vines
near the end, pidge is holding keith’s marmora blade to act out the “bitch i hope the fuck you do” vine when shiro walks in and hurriedly tries to hide it behind her back
shiro: “katie, what do you have” pidge, making a mad dash for the door: “a kNIFE” “NO”
shiro is in full frantic mother mode. lance, hunk and keith are all on the floor laughing
this becomes one of keith’s favorite vines
one night when lance is having a Crisis in the castle observatory keith walks in and lance high-key panics and blurts “hi welcome to chili’s!!” before hightailing it out of there in shame. keith doesn’t know what he did wrong
bonus: pidge somehow overhears or finds security tapes of the incident and will never let lance live it down
pidge has woken everyone up with a rickroll at least once. thankfully, keith was with the blade at the time, or someone may have been stabbed 
after pidge and matt have reunited and fought the bounty hunter, matt crouches down into a squat, brandishes his staff and screams “don’t fuck with me! i have the power of god AND anime on my side! AHHH!” pidge cries and laughs at the same time
matt and lance don’t really get along at first because lance feels like he’s being forgotten by the Science Pals and is insecure
then, before voltron goes on a mission, lance is trying to get everyone’s spirits up and ends his pep talk with “what team are we?”
matt, without missing a beat: “W I L D C A T S”. they immediately become friends and Partners in meme
lance, pidge and matt vs the rest of the castle’s level of Done: an unstoppable force vs an unmoving object
matt: “do you ever think about the fact that the galra are basically just giant alien furries” lance, wide-eyed: “oh my god you’re right” (pidge is on her laptop, slowly whistling the x-files theme)
the next battle, lance’s war call is “yiff yiff, motherfuckers”. shiro has never been more disappointed in him
pidge: “you: the galra. me, an intellectual: purple space furries”
pidge, holding up a random object at the space mall: “look dad, it’s the good kush” shiro, reluctantly: “this is the dollar store how good can it be”
pidge, hunk and lance have definitely sung “you are my dad! you’re my dad! boogie woogie oogie!” to shiro in perfect harmony
shiro pretends he’s annoyed, yet deep in his heart, he is very touched that his space kids consider him a father figure but he can never let them know
alternatively, when kuron shiro is mean to lance: “you’re not my dad! ugly ass doo-doo head”
in the first fight after keith rejoins voltron, lance is fighting two galra soldiers at once when he suddenly screams “I’M A BAD BITCH YOU CAN’T KILL ME”. when keith looks over his bayard changes into the sword and lance cuts both soldiers in half
keith has never been more attracted to someone in his life
sometimes keith accidentally quotes a vine at the blade and the blade members will just stare at him blankly. he misses his team
you can’t tell me at least one of them hasn’t said “vrepit suh, dude” at some point
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