#baby forest costume series
inchplant · 5 months
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my first 2 babies from the baby forest costume blind bag series
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bleedingthroughteeth · 8 months
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Sylvanian Families: Baby Forest Costume Series blind bags
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Ask List of Hypothetical OC Situations.
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Your OC has their fortune read and the portents are distinctly ominous...
Your OC slips over on icy ground in front of a crowd - it doesn't hurt much, but it's very public.
Your OC unexpectedly wins a prize in a competition or quiz.
Your OC has a nightmare or bad dream and wakes up others by calling out involuntarily.
Your OC orders food in an inn or restaurant and it arrives cold and (to be honest) not what they actually ordered...
Your OC discovers that an acquaintance - who they view positively, but have no romantic feelings towards - has a massive crush on them.
Your OC must buy (or otherwise obtain) a new and decidedly fancy outfit for a high society event.
Your OC is handed a baby to hold whilst their parent attends to an emergency.
Your OC is out in the wilds and needs to make camp for the night.
Your OC is introduced to someone who they have clearly met before and cannot remember their name in the slightest.
Your OC is alone in a supposedly haunted building or abandoned ruin.
Your OC is teased regarding something that they actually feel very sensitive about.
Your OC receives a mysterious letter accusing a close friend or lover of wrongdoing - or perhaps even something truly heinous.
Your OC is walking along the street and someone runs into them accidentally and apologises.
Your OC is gifted an outfit or costume that is really rather risqué - if not outright brazen.
Your OC has already eaten and is very full, but is offered a generous meal by a hospitable friend they do not wish to offend.
Your OC is called upon to tell a joke or funny story.
Your OC is challenged to contest of strength or skill by someone of surpassing arrogance.
Your OC is approached by a friend or acquaintance in need of advice in matters of romance - or even sexual intimacy.
Your OC loses something important to a partner or close friend - perhaps something of great sentimental value or simply very expensive.
Your OC is doing a silly, and distinctly unflattering impression, of someone they know, when that person walks in on their performance.
Your OC is asked to lead the first dance at a sophisticated society event or party.
Your OC encounters a beggar or panhandler who requests some money to relieve their many hardships - their story seems genuine, but something feels off...
Your OC is asked by a friend or acquaintance if their new outfit (or armour as the case may be) looks good on them. It really really doesn't...
Your OC is bathing naked - perhaps under a waterfall or in a stream - when a stranger interupts them.
Your OC is asked to make a speech or read a poem at a wedding or funeral.
Your OC stubs their toe and it really hurts.
Your OC is travelling by boat or carriage and a stranger falls asleep on their shoulder.
Your OC is getting into bed when there is a sudden (and very insistent) knocking on their door.
Your OC is lost in a gloomy forest and it's starting to get dark.
Your OC wakes up with a thumping headache and no clear memories of what happened the night before.
Your OC is being lectured, or possibly even scolded, by someone in a position of authority.
Your OC has found something funny and cannot, literally cannot, stop laughing.
Your OC discovers that a rather straitlaced and reserved friend or acquaintance has secret and rather shocking habit, interest or kink.
Your OC finds a lost child in the marketplace or commercial district.
Your OC is training or sparring and someone compliments them.
Your OC is mistaken for a servant or domestic by a rather haughty individual of high social standing.
Your OC is forced, due to a series of unforeseen events, to borrow a set of clothes from a friend or acquaintance that is very far from their usual style.
Your OC discovers that they have a fan club - or at least a following of devoted admirers.
Your OC is watching someone attempt to do something at which they are extremely capable. However the person they are watching really isn't...
Your OC is in company when a remark is made about a race or nation of people that is, at best unkind and inaccurate, and at worst downright bigoted.
Your OC is watching a stage performance by a clown or magician and is called up to the stage in the name of audience participation...
Your OC and a close friend are sharing a room, but there is only one bed. A reasonably-sized bed, but definitely only the one.
Your OC is called upon to recount an embarrassing or comic incident in which they have been involved.
Your OC finds a wallet or coinpurse dropped on the street - a very full one with a lot of money in it.
Your OC goes to the baths or spa in a new city and discovers it is very much communal.
Your OC attends a memorial service or funeral and is asked, unexpectedly, to say a few words about the deceased.
Your OC accidentally breaks the law - or perhaps does so in order to achieve some higher aim - and is challenged by the authorities.
Your OC is gifted some rather racy underwear or beachwear by an admirer or partner.
Your OC finds something they though had been lost forever long ago - perhaps a letter from a friend, a picture of a family member or a souvenir of a even many years before.
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storiesbyrhi · 4 months
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Witch!Reader x Bat/Vampire!Eddie Munson Series Masterlist The Grimoire The Timeline
Warnings: canon typical violence, horror genre typical violence/some infrequent gore, swearing, animal death, no beta, death in childbirth (mentioned, not described), abusive parents, suicide, spiders/bugs, grief/mourning; light smut; warnings updated each chapter.
Synopsis: No witch has stepped foot in Hawkins since 1845, but when Vecna opens the ground and poisons the town, a voice begins to call to you. Have you been brought back to this cursed place to heal the townspeople’s wounds, to save a hexed bat that always finds its way to you, or to redefine your history with a reunion 150 years in the making?
Chapter Summary: Seven witches and a vampire walk into a human Halloween party in Hawkins, Indiana. 3676 words.
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When the witches came to Hawkins, only the animals sensed a change. Squirrels and cottontail rabbits played in the fields. Foxes and deer lined the horizon. Bats swooped, each of them enamored with Eddie – a bat, from what they could tell, but different.
“They think I’m a God,” Eddie had told you once he realised the influence he had on them.
You’d laughed at him. “Well, I think they think you’re a fun toy.”
The flatlands that sprouted homes were surrounded by a fauna-filled welcoming party that would have given any mortal driving by a heart attack. Naturally, you’d been building wards and glamours to keep the coven safe.
When you felt your sisters close, you walked by each of their homes. Eddie had made good on his promise to give them something. Beside the front door to each of the houses was a potted plant that he had grown. The plants he chose were, to him, symbolic of the witch who would take over care of it.
Asphodel for Ev, carolina for Meg, globe thistle for Mel, bluebell for Ash, lycoris for Hailey, and though a little cheesy, a black bat plant for Kelsey.
The fall sun was out, so Eddie would see the witches’ arrival in his small and fluffy form. He settled on your shoulder as you stood and watched the cars go from pinpricks on the horizon to loud and finally, finally, here.
Meg came screaming out of her car. “Does he want pats?!” She bypassed you entirely, holding her hands out for Eddie. If he felt demeaned, he didn’t let on. Eddie let Meg scoop him up and cradle him in her hands. She wandered off with no further greetings.
“How’s he gonna feel about that?” Kelsey asked, pulling you into a hug immediately.
“He is very preoccupied with making a good impression. It’s sweet actually. So… he will probably let her baby him for hours.”
She laughed then looked at you seriously. “Hi,”
“I’ve missed you,”
“Stop, you’ll make me cry,” you said, holding in your feelings. “So, uh, where…” Turning around, you saw Meg and Mel’s empty cars. “Where are the others?”
“Uh… There’s Ev,” Kelsey pointed.
Ev was already on the edge of the woods, befriending the fox family you’d come to love. A little further in, Mel was taking photos of the old trees.
Suddenly, Hailey’s voice cut through the air. “Every room has bookshelves!”
As you and Kelsey walked to Hailey’s house, you noticed Ash, suspiciously whispering into her garden of dahlias, pointing to the bluebell Eddie left on her porch.
“Guess the fae boyfriend’s moving in too,”
“She told you?!” you screeched.
“And you told Eddie, guessing by that bluebell,”
“Oh, if you think that’s on the nose, wait till you see what he picked for you.”
By the last week of October, your coven was well on its way to establishment. Each witch had a list of things they felt were required to feel at home. Mostly, they worked on their houses and gardens. More wards were put in place not only around the valley but around all of Hawkins. The witches embedded themselves in the fabric of the town, starting the long process of helping it flourish again.
Your sisters were excited at the extended invitation to the Byers Halloween party by Dustin. Costumes were the topic of conversation over forest walks and shared dinners. Eddie continued to charm everyone with his mysteriousness when asked what he would be going as. Bets were being placed. He’d pick something cool or clever. He’d be beautiful.
You could not have been more different if you tried.
Eddie wore his hair in a low bun. The blue long-sleeved polo shirt and dark bootcut jeans were so normal it made you feel uncomfortable. As requested, you’d performed a simple illusion spell to make his black boots appear brown. It was only when he held the round, orange, plush toy cat did it make any sense.
“Jon Arbuckle,” he announced.
“No, yeah, I figured when you got the toy at Walmart… It’s just… You look…”
Eddie grinned. He saw how unsettled you were.
“I… Um. I think you need something else,” you told him. Reaching out for his ginger cat, he let you take it. Closing your eyes and expanding the illusion spell, you charmed the toy into looking like the actual Garfield. “Here… This helps.”
Eddie took the cat with a shrug. “And you?” He looked you up and down with a predatory gaze. It made your spine arch involuntarily. “I’m afraid I do not recognise this character.”
There was no magic in your costume – just good old fashion arts and crafts. You wore a very, very long yellow-blonde wig and a golden headpiece with a red jewel at its center. Your white dress was also adorned with golden armour. The knee-high boots were painted gold too. More painted plastic armour on your arms and a plastic sword held high.
“Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!” you proclaimed. “Princess of Power!”
Eddie cackled.
“She’s from Masters of the Universe. She’s very, very cool,”
“I believe you,” Eddie replied. “You look every part the Princess of Power.”
 When you joined the coven by the cars, each looked more confused than the last. Kelsey was the first to break the silence.
“Uh… Nice costumes,” she said.
“This is Garfield,” Eddie replied, holding the cat out.
“It sure is, buddy. This isn’t going to weird the humans out at all.”
Kelsey and Mel sat in the back of your car as you drove.
“The makeup suits you,” Eddie told Mel.
“Yeah, I know this is a costume, but this look is like… It’s working for you,” you added.
Mel, in her Siouxie-best black just shrugged. “Stole a lot of the clothes from Ev.”
In Meg’s car, Ash was giving the other three witches a stern talking to about what she believed were ‘cop out’ costumes.
“Dude, I’m not in costume,” Meg argued. “These are just my clothes!”
“Every year you do this, Ash…”
“What’s the point in being a witch if you don’t do Halloween?” she frowned.
“What’s the point in going as Sandy if you don’t have someone going as Danny?” Hailey asked.
“Maybe she does,” Meg mumbled.
All the girls whispered out little ohhhhhhhhs at Ash’s expense. They wondered, pointedly and out loud, if fae do Halloween. What does a fairy dressed like Danny Zuko look like anyway?
“I left the Catskills for this?” Ash whined, secretly amused, and very much comforted by the fact the coven seemed to be accepting of her fae friend.
“You came!” Robin was very drunk, therefore unable to hide her true emotions, which were a combination of surprise, fear, excitement, and grief.
“I’m Jon and this is Garfield,” Eddie introduced before you could say anything.
Robin looked at him carefully. “I kinda thought you’d, you know, come as Dracula or something,”
“He’s aiming for soft and harmless,” you explained. “But if you want stereotypical vampire, Ev’s got you covered.”
Ev waved and bared her plastic fangs.
“Riiiight…” Robin said slowly.
“YOU CAME!” Dustin yelled, pushing Robin out of the way, and beaming with pure excitement. “Oh, hey, cool costume!” he complimented Eddie. “I like your Garfield. Nice touch,”
“Thank you,”
“So, do you have to be, like, invited in formally?” he asked, voice lowering, though the music was so loud nobody would be able to hear him anyway.
“Only because I’m house trained,” Eddie whispered back.
Dustin laughed, pointing to him. “Funny. I like a… funny… vampire, I guess… Come in!”
It was only a little before 10:00 pm but the party was already raging. The Byers’ house was filled with people, some of whom you knew, some not. Everybody needed an excuse to let loose and pretend to be okay for a little while, and you felt they were owed at least that.
The backyard was lit with party lights and whatever else could be hooked up to the power. The moon was waning, with barely 4% illumination. The night was dark and cool, and fires burned in emptied-out oil kegs.
It did not take long for your coven to splinter off and enjoy the night. You sipped at the purple coloured punch Robin offered you, surprised that it had much of an effect on you at all.
“Russian recipe,” Hopper grunted as his eyes followed Eddie around the party.
Eddie, who could not drink the punch, was designated driver one of two. Sobriety would not impede his fun though. As it were, nobody would let anything impede their fun.
Seven witches and a vampire walk into a human Halloween party in Hawkins, Indiana.
10:14 pm
Hailey introduced herself to Nancy in the kitchen. Nancy was distracting herself from all the things brewing in her unconscious by opening bags of chips and unnecessarily pouring them into bowls.
“Is Pride and Prejudice your favourite of Jane’s work?” Hailey asked.
Nancy looked at her. “Nobody’s recognised me.” The Elizabeth Bennet costume was accurate, albeit not exactly iconic.
Hailey smiled. “You look great.”
Nancy blushed, shook her head a little. “It’s hard to pick a favourite,”
“Tell me about it. Lizzy’s got to be one of her best characters though.” She left out the part about how she’d helped Jane Austen shape Lizzy into something more than what society expected of a woman, let alone a woman in story.
Nancy nodded. “You… Sorry, what are you?”
“I’m a witch.”
Nancy hesitated. “Oh… Yes, but… What are you dressed as?”
“I’m a witch,” Hailey repeated.
“You’re a real witch who dressed up as a-”
“A witch, yeah.”
Nancy still looked confused.
“See, I have a broom.”
10:28 pm
One was in a lab coat, the other in a red puffy vest. One held a huge remote made of cardboard and glue, the other a video camera.
“You really committed,” you praised them.
“We tried to get Jonathan to come as the DeLorean but he’s trying to look cool for Nancy,” Will explained.
“I think the DeLorean is very impressive,” El added. “It would be a cool costume.”
You nodded. “He could have made it a Transformer situation… So, what did he end up coming as? I couldn’t work it out,”
 “Joe Strummer,” Will replied.
“Ah, right.”
Honestly, Jonathan looked like he could have been Joe Strummer or James Dean or a young Lou Reed. Maybe one of the Beat Generation guys. All those white poet musician types ended up looking the same to you.
10:43 pm
Dustin followed Meg through the house, entirely unconvinced. “That’s gotta be a costume,”
“No, Dustin, these are just my clothes,”
“But you look like a pilgrim!”
Meg looked down at her floor length skirt. The billowing cotton. The soft corset cinching her waist. “I mean… I am hundreds of years old… and I take really good care of my clothes.”
Dustin’s mouth was agape. “But you’re magic! You have real magic and you don’t even use it to make a badass costume? And you’re a witch! Aren’t you contractually obliged to celebrate Halloween?”
“No,” Meg replied with a casual shrug. “Why are you interrogating me? There are much more worthy victims in this coven then me,”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, apparently your friend Steve Harrington is haunting Mel. And Ev is dating a werewolf, so…” And with that Meg walked away from Dustin, smirking at the chaos she’d caused.
11:02 pm
You sat in a plastic chair that was probably too close to the open flames in front of it. As you pulled it back and lined it next to Joyce, she smiled at you.
“How’s your night?” she asked politely.
“Uh… Interesting… Yours?”
She nodded and you knew what she meant. “You seem different,” she told you.
You sighed, nodded as she had. “I am. We all are, I think,”
“I think so too.”
Together you sat in comfortable silence and watched the happiness of the party.
“I was glad, you know, when I heard you were staying. Hawkins needs…”
“Help?” you guessed.
Joyce nodded. “And hope. You and your friends… It’s good.”
11:36 pm
“Why didn’t he come? It’s not like it’s a full moon,” Mike Wheeler asked Ev.
“He wasn’t invited,” she answered, looking over the top of him, searching for someone to save her from the teenage conversation.
“Ohhhhh, is it like… Like how vampires can only come in when invited? Did the stories get it wrong and that’s actually werewol-” Lucas Sinclair tried.
“No! Not like that,”
“Is it like when we all thought Dustin’s girlfriend wasn’t real because we never saw her,” Mike asked Lucas then.
“He’s real,” Ev assured them.
“Suzie’s real too,” Lucas began to explain. “They met at camp and-”
“Yeah, yeah. That’s great. Um, who told you about him? My boyfriend, I mean. Who told you?”
Mike and Lucas looked at each other, neither wanting to be the rat.
12:01 am
“You have somewhere to be?” Mel asked Eddie when she saw him watching the clock above the fireplace.
He smiled. “No. It’s… Midnight… Always feels like something is going to happen when the clock strikes twelve,”
“Sometimes it does,”
“Sometimes it does,” he agreed.
12:23 am
The juxtaposition of Erica’s soft face next to all the faux leather, duct tape, and corn syrup blood was both amusing and disconcerting.
“I thought Mad Max was Lucas’ girlfriend’s thing?” you asked her.
Erica was in the kitchen, mixing a feral concoction she was probably going to offer to her brother and all his friends. Not you though. You got a genuine Erica Sinclair smile.
“She’s still in the hospital,”
“What? Why’d nobody tell me? I’ll go and-”
“We don’t know where. Her mum took her. Wouldn’t tell Lucas anything.”
It would be easy for you to find Max. To find her and heal her. It felt a lot like meddling in human affairs though. But what were you now if not a witch that meddled? What was the worth of a rule if it prevented you from helping a teenage girl get out of pain sooner?
Erica saw it on your face. She knew scheming when she saw it. “Oh, you gonna go do some witchy stuff?”
“Maybe… So… the costume,”
“Lucas already gave me shit about it, okay?”
“Oh, no, I was gonna say it’s a cool thing to do. An ode to Max.”
Erica poured some Pabst into a red plastic cup. “To Max,”
“To Max,” you cheered. “Wait… How old are you? Gimme that.”
12.46 am 
Nancy and Jonathan danced together in a bubble of their own. It didn’t matter the tempo of the song or if anyone else was on the lounge room dancefloor. They danced.
1:14 am
“Are you kidding me?! Of course you should!”
“I think there are more than enough books and films to satisfy the human curiosity for the undead,”
“Yeah, but none written by an actual undead,” Dustin continued to argue. He’d been going at it for ten minutes straight. “If you won’t write your own story, Interview with the Vampire style, then you should write about all the others… About what they get right. What they get wrong,”
“And what point would that serve?” Eddie asked.
“Well, I would want to read a book by a real vampire,”
“It may not be in the best interests of anyone to discover that vampires were indeed real. Nor that witches are. Nor the horrors that have befallen your town, Dustin,”
“No! No, man. We gotta get the truth out there!”
1:32 am
Robin and Mel found a quiet patch of grass to lie back on.
“So… He just showed up?”
“And you’ve never met him?”
“And he doesn’t want anything?”
Mel shrugged. “I don’t know… I don’t think he really knows what he’s doing here. He could move on if he wanted.”
Robin thought about it. “What’s the afterlife like? For us, I mean?”
“For humans? We don’t know exactly. It’s almost like there is an infinite number of possibilities…”
“But Steve – Steve Harrington – has decided to haunt a witch he’s never met?”
Mel shrugged again. “I don’t think it says anything about you or the others that he’s not haunted you instead… I think he probably wants to let you all move on.”
Robin sighed deeply. “You got some sort of potion to help with that?”
“There’s no cure to grief, magical or otherwise…” Mel said softly.
“I was afraid you’d say that,” Robin replied, her fists twisting into the grass and pulling the blades free from the soil.
2:07 am
“I guess that’s what a fae Danny Zuko looks like,” Ev deadpanned.
She stood next to Kels, watching as Ash and the tiny winged creature danced around one of the drum fires. The fairy was dressed from head to toe in leather. He had glittering tanned skin and dirty blonde curls cut into a typical 80s mullet.
“She looks happy,” Kels said.
“Mmm,” Ev hummed. “Did you hear his name? Cyprian,”
“Yeah, you’re right, a fae named Cyprian is a lot better than a werewolf named Randy.”
Before Ev could respond, Lucas appeared next to the witches. “What is that?”
“That, my mortal friend, is a witch dancing with one of the fae,” Kelsey explained, wrapping an arm around Lucas’ shoulder.
“Why does it look like Billy Hargrove?”
“He, not it, and I don’t know who Billy Hargrove is, but if he’s half as hot as that fairy is, then cheers to Billy Hargrove.”
2:39 am
The night was burning away fast, you couldn’t slow it down. There was something so beautifully human about it that you wanted to keep safe. Wanted to hold it in your hands. Be in it forever.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
Eddie’s voice whispered in your ear and his arms wrapped around your waist. He caught you leaning against the back door frame, watching the world go by. His head came to rest on your shoulder.
“It has all been worth it,” you told him. “Everything we did. For them. To get them here. Everything that happened had to happen, the exact way it did.”
They were not without their scars and their grief. They were changed and could never go back. But they were alive and hopeful and strong. Your strange little humans. You’d watch over them for generations to come.
3:13 am
“Magic begins when our bodies come right to the edge of their sensory and linguistic abilities and… something… keeps going anyway…”
The party had begun to wind down. Most of the witches were getting ready to leave, and the human population had thinned out to a handful of people.
Eddie was towards the back of the assembled crowd, watching you intently.
“And now, in the witching hour when the veil is so thin… The air is thick with witchcraft.”
You were using your most dramatic voice as you strutted around a drum of fire, the entire party’s attention on you. The humans were wide-eyed and hushed.
“In this place and in this hour, we may manifest what was not there into existence…”
Your sisters were trying not to laugh.
“Who will be brave and make their wish?” you posed to the crowd.
For a moment it was silent, only the crackling of the flames audible. Even the music had been turned off. Then, someone cleared their throat and stepped forward.
“Yeah, I wanna make a wish,” Erica declared, looking entirely unbothered by the mystique. If anything, she looked like this wish was her birthright.
You conjured a candle in your hand and held it out to her. “Courage, dear heart,” you told her.
3:52 am
“The first train out of town is leaving. Come on!” Meg yelled.
Mel, Ash, Ev, and Hailey said their goodbyes and followed Meg out of the Byers’ house.
“Family breakfast tomorrow?” Ash asked you as she hugged you goodnight.
“I’ll make pancakes. Better make it a brunch though,”
“Cool. Good luck with that one,” she laughed, nodding over to where Kels had Hopper cornered and ten points deep in an argument about whether hotdogs constitute sandwiches.
“Hot dogs are a sandwich. A sandwich consists of two pieces of a type of bread plus fillings contained within the two slices. A hotdog bun is a bun sliced in two, making it two slices of bread. The only difference being that one side of the two halves are still joined. It still however, is two halves that are obviously independent of each other with a filling separating them, therefore a sandwich. One might ask, ‘well in that case, is a calzone a sandwich?’ No. A calzone is enclosed entirely in bread. The two halves are entirely connected. This makes it fit into the pie category. Not the same as a sandwich, but parallel. One might also say, ‘well what if I don't have a bun, so I use a piece of bread as a substitute.’ Yes, using only one slice of bread no longer puts it into the sandwich category. This now aligns us into the toast category. Toast being a single slice of bread being used as a vehicle for a topping.”
4:20 am
“Five! Four! Three! Two! One!” Jonathan counted down.
The clock above the fireplace struck twenty minutes past four and the room of teenagers and young adults cheered.
4:37 am
The drive home was peaceful; you kept the radio low and listened to the first rumbles of a storm that was brewing way over beyond Indianapolis. It would arrive tomorrow afternoon. You could smell it in the air.
“They’re special,” Kelsey said from the passenger seat next to you. “Your humans,”
“Even if some of them think a hotdog is not a sandwich?”
“Even if some of them think a hotdog is not a sandwich.”
After seeing Kels into her house, you and Eddie finally retired to your home.
“Happy Halloween, my beautiful little witch,” Eddie cooed when you crawled into bed with him.
“Happy Halloween, my lovely, lovely, vampire.”
End Note: Sorry for going a little M.I.A. I had writers' block (still do) and have felt a weird sort of disconnect from my online world. I'm slowly getting back into it though.
Accurate: the moon phase for October 31, 1986. Not accurate: 420 being associated with weed in 1986, I think that happened sometime in the 90s.
Also, I took a quote from A Spell in the Wild by Alice Tarbuck and paraphrased it a bit ( “Witchcraft starts when our bodies come right up to the edge of their sensory and linguistic abilities and life keeps going anyway.”).
Finally, the hotdog/sandwich argument is a direct quote from the irl Kelso, my inspo for Kelsey.
Fic Taglist:  @paranoidmunson  @idkidknemore @paprikaquinn @stardustworlds @loz-brooke @wyverntatty @vintagehellfire @dark-academia-slut @scarletwitchwhore @becks1002 @mrsdollardog @heyndrix @luceneraium @rosaline-black @devilinthepalemoonlite @goldencherriess @iamwhisperingstars @wiltedwonderland @blueywrites @breezybeesposts @jadehowlettthewolf @spikesvamp79 @foreveranexpatsposts @tortoiseshellspells @wingedpeachjudgegiant @stardustmunson @live-love-be-unique @fangirling-4-ever @reanimated-alice @b-irock @gh0stlybunnie @myown-worstenemy-2003 @woozzz @cyberxlust @hiscrimsonangel @buckysbarne @m00nlight101 @word-wytch @spicysix @briasnow-blog @goth-cowgirl-03 @moviefreak1205 @pastel-pillows
All Eddie Taglist: @solomons-finest-rum @ruinedbythehobbit @sweetpeapod @thorfemmes  @corrodedhawkins @grungegrrrl @lilzabob  @averagemisfit03 @ches-86 @ilovecupcakesandtea @onehotgreasymechanic @hazydespair @mel-the-fangirl @eddies-hid3out @siren-lungs @aheadfullofsteverogers @hiscrimsonangel @dashingdeb16 @cultish-corner
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monsterously-high · 1 year
Dolls & Doll-adjacent Things I’ve Been Obsessed with This Month 💖 (plus links!)
1. Antu Dreamlike Teaparty Centaur BJD’s
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I’ve thought about these constantly since they were revealed. They’re just so SWEET 🥹. I have a couple coming in this week, I really hope I get the purple one!
2. Ddung Clown Doll
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Ddung is a Korean doll line I just learned about! They seem to fall between collector and playline— the bodies are study & the outfits are very detailed and well-constructed. This clown is EVERYTHING
3. Licca Chan Bunny Outfit
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Okay so this is an outfit FOR a doll and not a doll itself, but oh my god look at Licca’s fluffy bunny outfit!! UGH!! Basic Licca dolls can be relatively affordable. Plus, the clothing sets usually fit rainbow high 👀
4. Dorothy Forest Spirit
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These are figures more than dolls, but I just adore these little deer ladies!! I have the one with the green raindrop dress, and I bring her around everywhere to keep me company. Their sitting position makes them so easy to display!
5. Teennar Campus Blindbox BJDs
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They’re fruit themed, they’re fashionable, and they’re SO baby!! There’s also going to be a series of figurines and a set of Sakura-themed recolors for this line!
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simslegacy5083 · 2 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9
Today's (7/23/2024) Episode: Reaching For The Stars
When Peachy reached the Plumbob Pictures offices, he immediately understood why Theo’s upcoming paternity leave was such a big deal for him.
The studio exec smiled and waved, apologizing for not getting up to greet his guest. Heavily pregnant, he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, right leg propped up on one of the guest chairs and sporting a large walking boot.
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“Thanks for coming in,” Theo said as he pushed a thick contract across the desk to Peachy. “My guys just got this little monster smashed together to cover your requests. We put the audience ratings required to produce your ongoing show idea, and for you to retain creative control, right there at the front. Then we’ve got the detailed guidelines for live shows capped off with all our usual legal boilerplate.”
As Peachy skimmed through the document, making sure he was happy with the key points, Theo continued in a more conversational tone. “You know, in a way, this is really your fault. Not the previous act cancelling, of course, but the pregnancy that made it harder for me to vet replacements quickly.”
Peachy glanced up with a dubious expression as Theo went on: ”I realized when I watched your set at the baby shower. I’d heard some of it before.”
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Peachy listened with polite interest as the smooth executive described hearing his classic monologue on the experience of “Active Paternity” as a boy.
He couldn’t be sure how much of the story might just be a top tier salesman building a strong emotional connection, but it sounded sincere. It wasn’t the first time he’d heard that his famous act had inspired other young men who eventually decided to become fathers through science themselves.
One reason he’d kept refining the bit and similar skits on the humorous ups and downs of when manliness meets pregnancy and parenthood was to leave a legacy, a little more trail beaten through the forest of toxic masculinity for the fathers who came after him. 
He signed the contract with a flourish. “All right, its showtime! I’d say wish me luck, but it looks like you’ve got “Break A Leg” covered for me already.”
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Peachy had been nervous the afternoon he'd performed for his agent and the crew at Limelight, but that was nothing compared to this! 
He made his way into the wings, stopping at a full-length mirror leaning against the wall near a rack of costumes to strike the silly superman pose that had helped bolster his confidence the evening before that pivotal dinner at Jack's place. Superman could be super pear shaped if he wanted. 
Now as ready as he'd ever be Peachy continued on, pasting on his brightest smile and waving his hands in the air as he grabbed the mic, prepared to wow the crowd like never before. On fire with his high-flying ideas of leaving a mark and with a bunch of new material to release, he felt electrified.
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Hours later, with laughter and applause still ringing in his ears from hamming it up through the encore and closing credits, Peachy plopped back down in front of Theo. With his face feeling almost like the smile was stuck there, he told the exec: “Well, I sure did it, I just hope I didn’t overdo it!”
Theo typed away on his computer and sent a relieved smile back across the desk. “Early feedback is really positive, so it looks like your mini-series plan is a go.” He awkwardly shifted his booted leg back down from the other chair and under him, wincing. “Boy, I could really do without this issue.”
Peachy nodded sympathetically, the other sim’s situation being all too familiar. “I hear you; I ended up with a stress fracture in my last trimester. It gets better very quickly once you ‘lighten your load’ if you know what I mean. Well, assuming you have help with the baby so you can stay off it.”
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“Oh yes! They’re a lifesaver already.” Theo patted his huge belly. “Can’t hardly reach anything below my little girl right now; can’t even put on the boot without help. Not a fracture fortunately, but a pothole I didn’t see left me with a bad sprain and mobility somewhat worse than a beached whale.”
He checked his computer again and whistled. “These ratings just keep climbing. I hope you’re ready for the big time".
Grinning from ear to ear Peachy nodded. Getting up to head home he replied, “You bet I am, and just in time too – any later and you would have had to summon me from the ever after! I’ll call you about next steps tomorrow afternoon, after a little celebration with my family.“
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By the time he got home Peachy found the house quiet. On his way to find his wife he ran into his son. He was well aware Luigi was by no means his biggest fan, but even his boy offered him a hug by way of congratulations, thrilled for his success. 
Wishing him goodnight Peachy headed toward the sound of the television, excited to share his news with Valentina and plan the celebration of his second climb to the top of a career ladder.
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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gaminggoth · 7 months
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Sylvanian Families Baby Forest Costume Series 🌿🍄
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just-your-casual-nerd · 5 months
Master List Part 7
Note: I did not write any of these fics, I just enjoy reading them, and had a shit load of them saved. So, I figured I would put all of the ones I liked on a master list, figuring that its an easy way to keep track of them, and maybe you guys would like them as well. Have a Great Day fellow Nerds! 😁👋
2nd Note: If Someone wants me to take their fic or another fic off, let me know and it will be done. I don't want to offend anyone or make them upset.
3rd note: I will keep adding to this list as I get more fics
Assortment of fics:
Tangled Passion NSFW by @v3nusxsky
Little Girl Gone by @i-write-sometimes-maybe
Blessings by @v3nusxsky
Suffocating in unspoked words by @v3nusxsky
Nightwalker by @milfswriter
Whispers of Seduction by @v3nusxsky
Breaking through the darkness by @v3nusxsky
Lost in the dark forest by @v3nusxsky
Inked Intimacy NSFW by @v3nusxsky
Temptatios and Confessions by @v3nusxsky
Surrendering to submissive bliss by @v3nusxsky
You can take it baby NSFW @v3nusxsky
A '"friend" in need by @scxrlettsversion
little by little sfw by @billiedeansbitch
Thers my girl by @duke-of-poosay
Set up by @v3nusxsky
Mommy has you baby NSFW by @v3nusxsky
The little lion by @v3nusxsky
Distractions by @v3nusxsky
Devils Advocate Part 1/2 by @4theluvofsapphos
A day to remember by @v3nusxsky
Real mama bear by @v3nusxsky
Lipstick Display by @franouo
Mommy knows by @v3nusxsky
Mamas Girl by @demonicbaby666
Come morning by @littledollll
Heat IV by @rippersz
Night Visit NSFW by @cami-stuffs
Unwrap me NSFW by @v3nusxsky
So it goes by @littledollll
Blank Canvas by @littledolll
Wildest dream NSFW by @v3nusxsky
Heaven in your touch by @weemssaphhic
Costume NSFW by @v3nusxsky
Different this time by @v3nusxsky
Keeping Warm by @weemssapphic
Alcinas New Maid pt. 21 by @willalove75
Sweet girl NSFW by @v3nusxsky
The last good vein chap 1 by @atrophytohell
Hold me by @v3nusxsky
Sweet thing by @v3nusxsky
The reaper and the devil-final part by @autumn-leaves-chasing-breeze
The reaper and the devil part 3 by @autumn-leaves-chasing-breeze
Princess treatment NSFW by @v3nusxsky
Alcinas New Maid pt.20 by @willalove75
Kinktober fic By @willalove75
With my mind she runs by @pathetic-sapphic
Safe and sound by @littledollll
Needy NSFW by @v3nusxsky
Talent show NSFW by @v3nusxsky
Me and the devil by @littledollll
Housewife series by @v3nusxsky
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neptunefairytales · 7 months
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The 3 babies I've got out of the 4 blind bags "Baby Forest Costume Series" (sadly got the koala twice): Perri Buckley (my favourite out of those 3), Adelaide or Julie Outback and Flora or Fauna Chocolate (So tiny! And Lily of the valley are my fav flowers) (I'm not sure who is who for the last 2 since the siblings are visually the same, so if someone knows officialy please tell me, I can't find a proper listing ^.^)
(Personnal pic. Please REBLOG, do not use or repost. Thanks! NSFW AND KINK ACCOUNTS DO NOT INTERACT !!!)
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inchplant · 4 months
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ladybug koala bear glamour shots in the woods <3
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i got two baby forest costume series blind bags and one had flora the baby bunny and one had the mystery baby which is i guess a korok
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bryan360 · 2 years
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Here’s my note before I’ll get started….
🎃Inktober of 2022 - Day 10: 🔪Murder
🇵🇷Me: Hola, you guys! I’m promised myself that I’m back with costume cosplay for the characters; after yesterday that I’m stuck with a fanart of Ashley and Red. Anyways, here’s my take of Little Red Riding Hood if you read from books or on other media like “Hoodwinked!” or playing as Baby Bonnie Hood from Darkstalkers series. For Inktober though, It’s Sallie Chips’ as she cosplay herself with a murderous twist. A shocker! 😱 Don’t be alarmed that she did the horror thing. She trying to pick up her strawberries before going to her grandma’s house. However some forest animal friends said other was….
🐿Sallie Chips: Golly! I should get this clean before going to my grandma’s house for a surprise. A very good surprise that is! 😈
🇵🇷Me: Oh boy. I’m still hoping it was strawberries. 😰
Previous Inktober Posts of 2022:
Day 1: ⚫️⚪️Cartoons - Link Here
Day 2: 🎃Pumpkins - Link Here
Day 3: 👨‍⚕️Doctor - Link Here
Day 4: 💀Death - Link Here
Day 5: 🐱Cat - Link Here
Day 6: 🦇Bats - Link Here
Day 7: 😈Devil - Link Here
Day 8: 🌳Forest - Link Here
Day 9: 🧙‍♀️Witch - Link Here
Sallie Chips created by me; BryanVelasquez87 (Bryan360)
Tagged: @murumokirby360 @carmenramcat @alexander1301
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fairykukla · 9 months
I thought I had posted something about this last year, or maybe the year before, but since we are approaching the solstice I'm going to talk about it now.
I have a fantastic series in my head.
Bits and pieces are written down.
It technically started when I was in middle school, but really the ideas from back then are more like background for what I want to do with it now.
A winter holiday for this fantasy world came to me. This specific culture reveres trees, and have a special religious connection to conifers. Solstice celebrations calling for the return of the sun are common, so I started thinking about what a festival would be like.
The longest night of the year is Wake Up Night.
It is a festival of lights and revelry. To be fair, most of our festivals involve lights, or revelry, or both.
Even our ever-green sacred trees are sleeping this time of year, so we call to them to awaken.
There's a story about a child who loved the bonfires light, but found the heat oppressive, so she wandered through the forest until she could see the light of the bonfires and torches, but not feel the heat. And there, she saw the stars twinkling through the empty branches of the deciduous trees, and the fires shining through the forest branches, and created a magic incantation to call tiny lights into the branches of the trees.
That's why today we all sing the songs and recite the incantations to put stars in the branches of the trees. It's considered rude to begin before the long night, sort of like trying to awaken someone too early, or like a baby's cry in the middle of the night.
But once the sun sets on that special night, the lights start to appear. Some wait until mid night to light the trees with flameless explosions of color and patterns, others choose the more traditional simple points of light. After the War, the names of fallen warriors were picked out in lights for many years in a row.
Some like to arrange their lights to look like the things they want to be blessed with in the coming year; food, wealth, hearts' desires.
The weavers and the spinnerherds sometimes incorporate threads into the decorations, in particular wrapping tree trunks with riving or rough fabric ("tucking them into bed") in the weeks leading up to Wake up night, and stringing shiny things into garlands. The glassblowers make special water droplets that are sometimes added to catch the lights in the trees. The water droplets are left in place until the Rains Festival in the early spring.
Wake up night begins a two week festival of feasting and dancing. Festival clothing ranges from animal costumes (never hibernating animals) to new finery, to experimental clothing ideas. There's a specific night where the best costumes will special prizes, sponsored by the tailoring guilds; particularly fine ideas will be made for sale or trade in the coming year. One year someone managed to summon the lights to her person and appeared dressed in lights and water droplets. It sparked a fad of being "bathed in light" until the tailors became grumpy about it.
Gifts are given, though it's a haphazard affair; gifts are technically given to the trees, in an effort to entice them awake. These offerings are not disguised or hidden, they are displayed proudly, and placed with much pomp and ceremony.
I'm not going to try to explain how the gifts are distributed, only that everyone knows how it works and there's never any disputes. Gifts received are "from the trees" as they were given to the trees, who in turn choose to gift them back to the community.
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tribeworldarchive · 2 years
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Here are the results in percentages of previous Tribe Votes, with most recent votes at the top!
VOTE - 29th January 2003 - 5th Febraury 2003 "Who do you want Jay to be with in Tribe 5?" - RESULTS:
Amber: 8% Ebony: 47% Trudy: 37% Salene: 1% Ruby: 1% May: 1% Another character: 5%
VOTE - 22nd January 2003 - 29th January 2003 "Who would you like for the next cast chat?" - RESULTS:
Caleb Ross : 10% Meryl Cassie: 26% James Napier: 12% Beth Allen: 16% Victoria Spence: 2 % Laura Wilson: 2% Michael Wesley Smith: 32%
VOTE - 15th January 2003 - 22nd January 2003 "Have you played the Sims?" - RESULTS:
Yes, I like it: 70% Yes, I didn't like it: 4% No, I've never heard of it: 14% No, I didn't like the look of it: 11%
VOTE - 8th January 2003 - 15th January 2003 "Which Tribal guy would you like to come on tour?" - RESULTS:
James: 11% Caleb: 14% Michael: 39% Tom: 31% Danny: 4% Lucas: 0% Matt : 0% Calen : 1%
VOTE - 11th December 2002 - 20th December 2002 "Who's your favourite baddy?" - RESULTS:
Tophat: 2% Guardian: 4% Ram: 31% Zoot: 14% Moz: 3% Billy Boy: 1% Lex : 45%
VOTE - 29th November 2002 - 11th December 2002 "Which location in Tribeworld do you like the best?" - RESULTS:
The Eco Camp: 5% The Mall: 45% The Techno's Hotel: 44% The City's Streets: 1% Eagle Mountain: 5% The Railyards: 1%
VOTE - 20th November 2002 - 29th November 2002 "Which old Tribe would you like to return?" - RESULTS:
Demon Dogs: 5% The Nomads: 4% The Chosen: 13% Tribe Circus: 8% The Mosquitoes: 18% The Locos: 49% The Jackals: 3%
VOTE - 13th November 2002 - 20th November 2002 "Who is your favourite Tribe guy?" - RESULTS:
Lex : 9% Jack : 20 % Jay : 21% Ved : 9% Ram: 3% Bray: 24% Pride: 8% Zoot : 3% Ryan : 2% Guardian : 1%
VOTE - 6th November 2002 - 13th November 2002 "Who is your favourite Tribe girl?" - RESULTS:
Amber : 8% Ebony : 80% Salene :1% Ellie : 2% Trudy: 1% Taisan: 1% May: 1% Java : 4% Siva : 1% Mouse : 1%
  VOTE - 30th October 2002 - 6th November 2002 "Who do you think Ruby (a new character in Tribe 5) will hook up with? " - RESULTS:
Lex : 20% Jay : 5% Ram :6% Slade : 13% Jack : 17% Pride : 5% Mega : 8% Sammy : 26%
VOTE - 23rd October 2002 - 30th October 2002 "Do you think the new character SLADE in series 5 will be?" - RESULTS:
A good guy : 40% A bad guy : 11% A good guy who turns bad :10% A bad guy who turns good : 39%
VOTE - 16th October 2002 - 23rdOctober 2002 "Which Tribe girl's costume do you like best in Series 4? " - RESULTS:
Trudy: 8% Amber: 27 % Dee:1% Salene: 3% Ellie:5% Java/Siva: 5% Mouse:2% May: 3% Ebony: 46%
VOTE - 9th October 2002 - 16th October 2002 "Which Tribe guy is the most romantic? " - RESULTS:
Ram: 1% Jay: 61% Lex:2% Ryan: 2% Bray:10% Sasha: 1% Jack:11% Pride: 9% Ved: 3%
VOTE - 2nd October 2002 - 9thOctober 2002 "Who do you think should have the next baby in The Tribe? " - RESULTS:
Ebony: 40% Salene: 27% May: 5% Taisan: 17% Dee: 3% Siva: 3% Java: 5%
VOTE - 18th September 2002 - 2nd October 2002 "Who do you think is the most well known character around the city? " - RESULTS:
Amber: 19% The Guardian: 3% Ram: 2% Bray: 24% Lex: 7% Zoot: 21% Ebony: 24%
VOTE - 11th September 2002 - 18th September 2002 "Where would you go if the virus hit? " - RESULTS:
Into the countryside: 28% Into the wilderness (bush/forest): 17% Stay at your family home: 17% Into the inner city: 38%
VOTE - 4th September 2002 - 11th September 2002 "Is it time for Trudy to start a new relationship - if so with who? " - RESULTS:
Mega: 6% A new character: 50% Jay: 3% Lex: 6% Hawk: 12% Pride: 18% Ram: 5%
VOTE - 28th August 2002 - 4th September 2002 "When Zoot appeared at the end of Tribe 4 - do you think he was:?" - RESULTS:
A hullucination in Ebony's mind: 14% Back for real: 38% An image created by Virtual Reality: 35% Someone pretending to be Zoot:13%
VOTE - 21st August 2002 - 28th August 2002 "What is the most important thing you would look for in a partner?" - RESULTS:
Money: 2% Good looks: 6% Intelligence: 4% Kindness:15% Sense of humour: 12% All of the above: 61%
VOTE - 14th August 2002 - 21st August 2002 "Who should be City Leader?" - RESULTS:
Amber: 49% Jay: 10% Ebony: 20% Ram: 1% Zoot: 4% Mega: 1% Lex: 7% Pride: 2% Taisan: 6%
VOTE - 7th August 2002 - 14th August 2002 "Which Tribe character would you like to see return in Tribe 5?" - RESULTS:
Guardian: 32% Alice: 6% Ryan: 13% Bray: 12% Zandra: 2% KC: 1% Luke: 33% Danni: 1%
  VOTE - 1st August 2002 - 7th August 2002 "Which Tribe guy has the best fashion?" - RESULTS:
VOTE - 24th July 2002 - 1st August 2002 "Who would you hate to have as an enemy?" - RESULTS:
The Guardian
VOTE - 17th July 2002 - 24th July 2002 "Who is the best partner for Ebony?" - RESULTS:
VOTE - 9thJuly 2002 - 17th July 2002 "Who is the best partner for Amber?" - RESULTS:
VOTE - 3rd July 2002 - 9thJuly 2002 "Who will be the second mystery reappearance at the end of Tribe 4?" - RESULTS:
An adult
Ebony's brother
The Guardian
VOTE - 26th June 2002 - 3rd July 2002 "What will happen at the end Tribe 4?" - RESULTS:
The Chosen return
Ram wins and the Mallrats are defeated
Zoot returns
Bray returns and marries Amber
The Technos are defeated
Amber runs off with Jay
  VOTE - 19th June 2002 - 26th June 2002 "Who will Jay end up with?" - RESULTS:
VOTE - 12th June 2002 - 19th June 2002 "Who do you think will be the first "mystery reappearance" in Tribe 4?" - RESULTS:
VOTE - 5th June 2002 - 12th June 2002 "What do you think of the new Tribe Bulletin Board?" - RESULTS:
It's fantastic - I love it!
I haven't used the new one yet
I don't like it
VOTE - 29th May 2002 - 5th June 2002 "What has been the most dramatic moment in The Tribe?" - RESULTS:
Amber and Zandra's death
Discovery of the Antidote
The Chosen's emergence
Amber coming back
The Techno's invasion
VOTE - 22nd May 2002 - 29th May 2002 "If you had to be in a Tribe in Tribeworld which one would it be?" - RESULTS:
The Mallrats
The Locos
The Technos
The Mozzies
The Chosen
The Eco-Tribe
The Demon Dogs
  VOTE - 15th May 2002 - 22nd May 2002 "Who would be your ideal date in Tribe 4?" - RESULTS:
 VOTE - 8th May 2002 - 15th May 2002 "If Jay leaves the Techno's - what will he do?" - RESULTS:
Leave the city to start a new life
Ram will track him down and delete him
Join the Mallrats
Ved will persuade him to go back to the Techno's
 VOTE - 1st May 2002 - 8th May 2002 "What is going to happen between Ebony and Jay?" - RESULTS:
They decide to stay friends but don't rekindle their love
They get back together
Ebony and Ram stay happily married
Jay falls in love with Java
"Which Tribal song should win the Tribe Award for Best Tribe Song?
The top five are:
The Dream Must Stay Alive
Banging the Drum
Abe Messiah
This is the Place
Tribe Spirit
"Who should win the Tribe Award for best costume in Series 3?
The top five are:
"Who should win the Tribe Award for best costume in Series 2?
The top five are:
Tai San
"Who should win the Tribe Award for best costume in Series 1?
The top five are:
"Who should win the Tribe Award for Best Actress?
The top five are:
"Who should win the Tribe Award for Best Actor?
The top five are:
0 notes
mrbigbrother · 2 years
Over The Garden Wall is one of my favorite things ever.
Me and my baby niece have a yearly tradition where every November 1st we commit to rewatching Over The Garden Wall, but not marathoning it mind you, but watching one two segment episode every night for 5 days. that's how the original series aired back in 2014. We do it to celebrate the seasons changing. This series has the most beautiful mid autumn animation I've ever seen. It feels your house with a red and yellow warmth as it cools off outside. The story is cryptic and mysterious. Scary and lighthearted. It has a lot in common with Gravity Falls (2012) with forests and new odd characters every episode. Following two brothers as they wander through the unknown more lost than they know. And the beast is out tonight, it's presence always felt.
I've seen the whole series maybe 5 or 6 times since it's original Cartoon Network premiere, and sometimes I fear to rewatch some shows and movies because I fear that nostalgia gets the best of me and I'll end up feeling disappointed that the actual something doesn't live up to my memories. But that's not the case with Over The Garden Wall, as each time i see it the experience deepens for me. The secrets hiding in the shadows of the woods become more alive. I grow to understand the series and the characters as something of a dream. As I fear nostalgia would betray me as it has before, I see that this fairy tale is infact about Nostalgia. And aren't fairy tales the loveliest lies of all? It is childhood and the imaginations we had that made the mundane more bright, a rock into something important, halloween costumes out od household items and the right name for a frog who has a voice of gold. So odd. It's an odd feeling when the second to last episode reveals the truth of Wart and Greg's appearance and how they got lost. The opening sequence revealing more of the story than the ending sequence. I notice something different each time I see it. And I imagine my baby niece will too as she grows and has kids that she'll watch it with too. I wonder how odd she'll find it to be then?
It explores the secrets and mysteries of childhood. It's a portrait and play on a brother's grim fairy tale and could even be one. It is a fairy tale that attempts to escape itself before curiously concluding, and everyone gets the ending they wanted and everything is okay and it ends they same as it started. And that is where we leave it every year until November 1st comes again. And the Unknown will be waiting on us when we get back, and we will walk in a complete circle and end up right back where we were before, again. And maybe eventually, we will see our tracks in the dirt and realize how lost we are.
"You're more lost than you know boys..." Indeed we are.
I love you Allie. Keep the light in the lantern burning will ya.
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