#back on my Let Raph Be Happy agenda
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2000s kids book franchises
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tmntxthings · 2 years
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request: can you please do the rise turtles helping y/n through a rlly hard breakup? Like the kind of breakup that happens out of nowhere after everything seemed to be going fine? But also (bc im a criminal) can you make the turtles be in love w y/n, they just don’t wanna make them feel worse so they pine for the affection?
a/n: here we gooo <3 @b00tyshakerr9000 these are for you my dear friend
warning: angst, cursing, fluff, comfort endings, slight alcohol consumption
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Raph had been having a great time with you, the two of you lazing around together showing each other music the two of you were interested in at the moment. Or silly memes/tiktoks. He loved days like this where nothing was on the agenda, and yet the two of you could still have a great time together.
You had been showing him a music video on your phone when it was suddenly replaced with the call screen, Raph saw briefly who the caller was, a bunch of hearts added onto the end of the name. “Oh! Let me take this real quick,” you said a smile forming on your face. As long as you were happy, Raph was happy, he couldn’t help the grin taking hold of his own face at your cute reaction.
“Heyy~” you answered not bothering to get up or leave the room because you were comfortable with Raph. “What’s wrong?” You said tone going serious and Raph who had been looking down at his phone trying to pretend he wasn’t listening in, glanced your way. “What do you mean..” your voice was barely a whisper now, and you stood up suddenly. “Wait, no don’t hang up, please!” And Raph was on his feet, in front of you as your arm went slowly back down to your side.
“Y/n? What happened??” He asked worriedly not liking how emotionless you looked. You looked to the sound of his voice but it was like you couldn’t seen him, you were looking straight through him. “They don’t love me anymore,” you said. And Raph scrunched up his face, “Y/n..”
“No, they just broke up with me, three years, and now nothing.” You said starting to pace. Raph wanted to hold you, but he settled for, “it’ll be okay, Y/n you don’t need them!” He hadn’t known much about your ex but you talked about them a lot. It hadn’t always been happy, he knew of the fights but you always were so sure they were the one, and that the two of you could come out stronger together.
You placed a hand over your heart, closing your eyes tightly trying to keep from crying. “Y/n I’m here for you,” Raph said pulling you to him gently, hugging you close. And you let him as you cried, not understanding where it had gone wrong. It was silent tears at first, then sobs that had shaken your shoulders. Raph held on to you tightly, “Raph what if I’m just unloveable?” You cried into the fabric of his grey hoodie. Raph tilted your head up slowly, “Y/n that’s impossible,” he looked down at you with teary eyes and a small smile.
“You’re my best friend, and I’ll always care about you,” Raph said hands going around your center and pulling you close again. He had almost kissed your forehead. But he knew he shouldn’t, he was already walking a tight line, he didn’t want to overwhelm you right now, this wasn’t the time. But all these emotions made him want to pour out his heart to you, he could love you, he did love you. He rubbed his cheek on the top of your head. “Thank you Raph,” you said and the two of you finally pulled away. “Anytime,” he nodded and it was quiet for a moment.
“Let’s go do something,” you said as you wiped your cheeks trying to get rid of the tear stains. “Like what?” Raph asked, “I don’t know something fun!” You laughed weakly wanting to just forget about everything for a little while. “I think I know just the thing..” Raph nodded and you let him lead the way.
You’d been on a rooftop before, but being on top of Raph’s shoulders, as he jumped easily from building to building, it was a different feeling entirely. At first you had been scared, but it wore off. And soon you had one hand in the air, the other clinging onto the top of his shell. Though even if you wanted to let go completely Raph was holding onto your legs securely, he was positive he wouldn’t let you fall. You yelled out excitedly the lights from the billboards making everything more colorful.
“You always know what to do,” you said as he came to a stop. Your hands going to hold his face as you leaned forward so your face came into view of his. He smiled up at you and shrugged, “I get lucky most times,” he said sheepishly and you shook your head, “No you’re perfect,” his cheeks darkened at the compliment. “Do you think we could have a sleepover tonight?” You said going back to sitting straight up and he nodded immediately. You smiled as he turned around, “wanna stay on my shoulders?” He asked as he squeezed your ankles, “yeah I like it up here,” and the both of you laughed.
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Donnie peeled off his gloves and lifted his goggles. Oh how the time flew by when he worked on his precious inventions. He patted the metal hood of an unfinished turtle buggy. Smaller than the tank, bigger than the motorcycle. Donnie liked having options. He stretched out his arms as he left the garage, heading for his room because he didn’t have his phone.
He usually carried it with him always, but he hadn’t wanted any distractions so he left it in his room. The downside to that was he really had no idea how much time had passed unless someone came looking for him. Donnie landed on his bed face down sighing, he was tired and sleep called to him but he reached for his phone. First noticing the time, it was really late, he must’ve been working in the garage for hours!
The next thing he noticed was a missed call from you, along with a voicemail. You had called an hour ago which made Donnie immediately open up the voicemail, you weren’t this much of a night owl. Sure you stayed up and had late nights on occasions but he knew you had work in the morning. He clicked the play button and at first all he could hear was silence, “…Donnie?” your voice was soft as if you were trying to hold back emotion. “I really-“ your voice broke off and he heard you take a shaky breath, “can you come over when you get the chance?” and then the message ended.
Donnie was up and moving, he wondered if you’d still be awake, by the sound of your voice whatever had happened it was serious. He decided to send you a quick message letting you know he was on his way. But he didn’t get a response back. He mulled over waiting til tomorrow but as he listened to your message again he was out in the sewers and climbing the ladder to the surface before he could overthink it.
“You came?” You said in slight disbelief as you opened the door to find Donatello on the other side, in a purple hoodie and black track pants. “You called,” he smiled at you but it faded as he saw tears spring in your eyes and you lunged at him, wrapping your arms around his neck. He was shocked to say the least but held you close, “Y/n, do you wanna talk about it?”
His heart was pounding, as you slowly let him go and opened the door wider for him to enter. He waited for you to close the door, you were sniffing and trying to maintain some composure but now that you had someone here it was like every wall you had built up came crashing down. “They broke up with me,” you said leaning your back against the door. Donnie’s eyes widened, “what happened??” He asked concerned as he watched your eyes water again, you shook your head.
“I don’t know, they didn’t give an explanation. Just ‘I’m done’ and I haven’t heard from them since.” you muttered bitterly. And it hurt Donnie to see you this way, he wanted to fix it, make everything better. But he didn’t know how, “I’m sorry Y/n.. but they didn’t deserve you anyways.” He said reaching for your hand to pull you out of the memories that were flashing before your mind. You blinked and looked down at his hand holding yours, “thanks Dee, I just can’t help but feel.. I don’t even know, confused? wronged? betrayed?” You squeezed his hand as you continued,
“I thought we were in love, i thought they loved me just as much-“ you sighed not having the strength to continue on. You had been stuck with these thoughts in your head. Dragging you down into a depression so deep that you had called Donnie, your best friend, in your time of need. He squeezed your hand back, offering comfort with touch rather than words because he truly didn’t know what to say.
He didn’t want to make things worse either. Like he could say, “I love you, just as much, if not more than anyone could ever love another person.” But he didn’t. He didn’t want to throw his emotions in to an already emotional situation. “Can you stay the night?” You spoke quietly, not looking up at him but clinging to his hand like it was a lifeline. “Of course Y/n, I’ll always be here when you need me,”
That night Donnie sat with you on your couch as the two of talked about anything and everything. Movies playing in the background that both of you would pay attention to when there was a moment of silence. You fell asleep first, head leaning onto his shoulder, and he gently leaned his on top of yours. “It’ll be okay,” he murmured to you knowing it was true. You were one of the strongest people he knew, and with that thought he closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep with you.
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“They said WHAT?” Leo spit out his drink turning to face you, standing rod straight. “That it was all a mistake,” you slurred, waving your hand around wildly. “That we don’t work anymore and that I should move on,” your head slumped down to the table and you continued to whimper to yourself about love not being real.
Leo had portaled in about 30 minutes ago. You had been drinking and texting him about how upset you were. But every time he had asked why, you wouldn’t answer and just texted something random. He knew something was up and took matters into his own hands. Portaling in and seeing the cans he immediately cut you off (and helped himself to the can you had already opened… what?! it’d be a waste to chunk it!)
You hadn’t made a fuss and after some convincing Leo had you spilling what you were drinking over. “Damn,” Leo muttered and you turned your head to the side, blowing out a breath to move a strand of hair. “Yeah,” you agreed. “Fuck ‘em!” Leo said and thumped the can to the counter before chugging the rest of the drink. Crushing the empty can in his hand before throwing it in the trash. “You can’t drink and portal Lee,” you said narrowing your eyes.
“Exactly, sleepover at your place!” He said with jazz hands as he shot you a wink. “Perfect, just what I need the night I’m dumped,” you said sarcastically. And Leo flopped down on the seat next to yours. “You wound me, I know you want me to stay and cheer ya up,” he said it jokingly but it was the truth. Your face went still, “yeah,” you said before turning your head back to the table.
You felt his finger poke your cheek, and you groaned, but he kept poking until you finally turned, “what?” You said not surprised that he was now copying you, head on the table, turned to look at you. “Y/n, you’re better off without them.” He said seriously, “and if you need someone to lean on, lean on me,”
He kept going, “and I promise you that I’ll always look out for you,” at the last part you noticed a dark green blush underneath his bandana. You smiled softly, “thanks Leo,” he smiled at you too, then stuck out his tongue, “got anymore of them cans?” and you scoffed. “No and even if I did, you’re not getting anymore, bad enough you had half of one!” You groaned wondering how long you had til Raph would come to find out and bite your head off.
“I’ll protect you,” Leo said out of nowhere. “From anybody, Big Raphie included,” and you shook your head, “Raph would most definitely kick your blue butt,” and Leo gasped. Looking at you with disbelief, “I’m the-“
You finished off his sentence, already knowing what he was gonna say, “greatest ninja ever,” you teased and he smirked, “that’s more like it,” Leo said and you couldn’t help but laugh. The rest of the night had been a blur, Leo mainly doing a great job of distracting you, and acting a bit more tipsy than he really was. Prank calling his brothers, mainly Mikey. And playing intense matches of board games or cards. “Let’s call it a night,” you yawned and the cards flew wildly out of his hands as he tried to shuffle for the tenth time. “You sure?” He said giving up on the cards completely.
“Yeah I just wanna sleep it all off,” you sighed and leaned back in your chair. Leo copied you again, keeping his eyes on you, “want me to head out?” and you shook your head, “sleepover remember?” and you got up to go get your pillows and blankets. He watched as the dragged on your floor, your arms full and overflowing, “Allow me,” he chuckled and portaled it all to the couch easily. “Handy,” you smiled and both of you were on the couch, under the covers in no time. “You can watch a movie if you want, I’ll probably pass out in a couple of minutes,” you said as you got comfy. Stretching out your feet and Leo placed them on his lap so you could do so fully.
“Goodnight Y/n” Leo said as he watched your eyes flutter close soon after, you mumbled back your reply too tired to stay up any longer. He sighed, “and good riddance to the ex,” he whispered, looking up at the ceiling above him and wondering about a lot. Mostly his feelings for you. He knew he liked you a lot, but what he felt now was all-consuming. He hated how you tried so hard to act like you weren’t hurting. You were a lot like him in that regard. Trying to put a front and stay strong. But he’d be there for you, like he promised, and his eyes closed.
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It had been over text and Mikey had been holding your phone. He hadn’t meant to click it, but it was like second nature, if he saw a notification he just clicked it, not thinking much of it as he handed over the phone, teasing you at who it was. “It’s themmm~”
You shoved Mikey after snatching your phone back. Looking happy and expectant at the message. But as your eyebrows furrowed and he watched as you eyes read on, he started to get anxious. “Y/n?” He said worriedly as you kept quiet and kept rereading.
“Hm?” You said absentmindedly, and Mikey tried again, “Everything okay?” his pointer fingers coming together tapping quietly. “No,” you breathed out heavily. “Are they okay?” Mikey chewed on his lower lip and you finally looked up from your phone. “Yeah,” you said, closing it and then completely shocking Mikey as you threw your phone down to the ground, it hit an orange rug with a loud thud.
“What’s going on??” Mikey said grabbing for your hands but doing so too late, you were out of his bed and going for the door. He ran after you, “Y/n please,” Mikey said not liking the lack of communication between the two of you. Not understanding what was happening at all just that something was definitely wrong. “I can’t Mikey,” you shook your head, “not here, I wanna go home,” you said and tears fell down.
You touched your cheek in shock, not having felt like crying but feeling rage. And yet you were crying, that realization only had more tears spilling out and Mikey was there pulling you to him and down both of you went as your legs gave out. “I- they- it’s over! We’re done and I’m alone again!” you said in disbelief.
You had put everything you were in that relationship, never had you thought of it ending this way, so out of the blue. “Shhh” Mikey said softly, petting your hair as he tried to calm you. “Don’t worry, I’m here, you’re not alone Y/n,” he said to you, trying to be calm. He too was angry, he’d never seen you like that before, so completely devastated. He wanted to fix it, to hurt the one who had done this to you!
He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to hold back from gritting his teeth or locking his jaw. You calmed down and so did he. Your hands rubbing his shell and he rubbed your back. “I think I’ll be going through the seven stages,” you tried to joke, already having felt multiple emotions like disbelief, rage, sadness. You wanted acceptance to come along already.
“Well I’ll be there for all seven, and every stage after that!” Mikey promised breathing out a deep breath and pulling back slightly, to smile at you. “Thanks Mikey,” you smiled back at him and he wished he could tell you more than that. He wondered how you would react to his feelings, he didn’t want to rush things, he didn’t want to ruin things. It was fine the way it was now. Especially with what you were going through. “Promise?” You teased knowing he’d immediately agree, “Yes!” He said confirming your thoughts. His heart was yours, whether you knew it or not.
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leotello · 2 years
guess who just remembered he recently wrote a transfem leo drabble? this guyyy
"Now..." Donnie turns his rolling chair to face Leo. "I can't guarantee anything with this. It's extremely experimental and you're the first person trying it." Leo nods quickly. She taps her fingers on her thigh, anxious for her brother to get on with it.
"But... if Raph's results are anything to go by, I think it will work. First of all, it should affect fat and muscle distribution. It will be easier to gain weight around your thighs and hips, and it will be slightly harder to maintain muscle mass." Leo frowns at that. She knew it would happen, and yet hearing it out loud is filling her with mixed emotions. She wants to look more feminine, yes, but she can't help the twinge of anxiety at how the change may relate to her ninja training. She knows better than anyone that you can't afford any weakness in battle, whether physical or mental. And she doesn't like the idea of working harder to maintain her current strength.
Donnie must sense her apprehension, because he adds, "It shouldn't be too noticeable when it comes to how much you can lift, really. It's not a huge gap. Mostly it will change how you look. Especially your shoulders. Remember how Raph's shoulders got so much broader after he started taking testosterone? The opposite will happen with you."
She does like the sound of that. One hand absently comes up to rub at her shoulder. She's never liked how they looked.
"Aside from that," Donnie continues, "you might notice your skin tone lightening a bit. I'm still not entirely sure what species we're derived from, but it's pretty normal for female turtles to have lighter skin."
"Like when we were kids?" Leo asks. Donnie nods.
"Both sexes begin with lighter skin, and in male turtles, the color usually darkens during puberty. So yes, your skin tone should start to look more like it did when we were younger."
Leo smiles. The more she hears Donnie talk about all the changes he can make happen, the more real it feels. She can't help but get a little giddy. The feeling floods through her body and tingles in her fingers, and she flaps one hand back and forth, letting the energy fizzle out through her fingertips.
Donnie's own hand starts to tap quickly at his other wrist as he smiles back, clearly happy to see his sister so excited. "There are a few other changes. You might get taller, for one. I'm not sure exactly how much your height can change at this point in development, but it's something to look out for. Your claws will most likely get shorter. The one thing I'm really not sure about is your plastron." Donnie taps the top of his own. "Raph's flattened out significantly, but he was pretty young when he started, and it's not a soft tissue. Your plastron might change shape, or it might not. I really can't say for certain."
Leo nods. "I'm okay with that," she says. "I just want to try."
Donnie smiles and hands her the bottle. "Go ahead then. Once daily for four weeks, and then see me again." 
Leo takes the bottle, and feels a little bit of giddy wonder swell in her chest. It's really happening. She's really doing this, and the bottle is in her hands, and her future is in her hands.
She lunges out of her chair and hugs Donnie so fast and tight, she almost worries she chipped his plastron. But Donnie just lets out a surprised "oof" and then she feels him hug her back, tight and firm and full of love. They stay like that for a few minutes, just a mess of grinning turtle limbs and occasional giddy laughter from Leo.
When they finally pull apart, Donnie's glasses are skewed sideways on his head, so Leo takes a moment to fix them. "Thank you," she says. "Thank you so much."
so basically, i use donnie as a vessel to nerd out about turtle biology, project my own excitement about starting HRT someday, and also push my autistic turtles agenda. all in a day’s work :) 
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hamatoclan76 · 4 years
Karai (2012) Appreciation post
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Karai is one of the most iconic characters of TMNT 2012 due to her ambiguous morality and complexity. She´s one of the characters that changes the most in the story. Her personal motives often remain uncertain: even when she´s one of good guys, her methods to accomplish her goals are still questionable. She´s one character who is constanly walking in a thin line between ¨good¨ and ¨bad¨. 
Karai made her debut in the first season in the episode ¨A new girl in the Town¨. Leo first met her after having an argument with Raph over his role as leader of the group. Karai took Leonardo by surprise, beating him easily to the ground but in the last moment she decided to leave, much to Leo´s surprise.
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This made Leonardo question himself if Karai was really as evil as she pretended to be, seeing that there was a chance for her to get redeemed. Later, in the same episode, Karai decided to help him with fighting Snakeweed by throwing a knife and left the scene, saying ¨Sayonara¨ (goodbye in japanese) to Leo.
Karai, as trained kunoichi, knows how to manipulate people into doing what she wants. As Splinter described: A Kunoichi is a master of deception and Karai is good at it.
She´s aware that Leo has feelings for her and often used this to her own advantage to gain information or make the turtles fall into a trap. In ¨Alien Agenda¨ she used this to steal Kraang tech and then left the brothers when a mutant started attacking them.
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In these episodes it was shown that Karai was Shredder´s daughter. Their relationship seemed to be very complicated, almost toxic to some extent, as Shredder seemed to threatened her many times with punishing her if she didn´t obey his commands. Karai seemed to be afraid of him but she would rebel against him from time to time. 
The thing is that even in season 1, she frequently questioned Oroku Saki, like why didn´t he cared about the Kraang or about how they were planning to make an invasion in New York City. She´s was a rebel teenager, who enjoyed doing things her own way. She even once tried making a temporarily truce with the turtles to fight against a Kraang ship in ¨Enemy of my enemy¨.
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One of her main goals in season one and two was to get revenge on Splinter for ¨killing¨ her mother: The true was that when she was a baby, Oroku Saki took her away from Hamato Yoshi and killed Tang Shen,Karai´s mother in the process. 
Karai was raised to think that her own father, Hamato Yoshi, was the one that killed Tang Shen and Oroku Saki was her actual real father. Since she was little, Shredder made her believe her purpose in life was to avenge her mother by destroying Splinter.
This started to change around season 2, when Leo kept telling that Shredder was just using her to hurt Splinter. Karai had it´s own doubts but she didn´t really changed her mind until she saw that Splinter still kept a photo of when he was still a human and Tang Shen was alive.
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By seeing the photo, Karai realized that Shredder had been manipulating her the entire time only to get revenge. The moment she learned the truth, she decided to help the turtles to fight against Tiger Claw, who was tracking them to find the lair.
After getting captured by Tiger Claw and held prisioner by Shedder, she still remain rebellious, trying to find any way she could to escape from her prision. Their relationship also changed drastically, Shedder became abusive to Karai, keeping her behind bars and not letting her see her real father.
In his own twisted way, he cared about Karai, but he didn´t see her as her own person with her own feelings and desires. For him, she existed to be an extension of him, she was a tool to carry out his plans for revenge.
In ¨Vengeance is Mine¨ the turtles helped her to escape from Shredder´s lair, Karai went to met Splinter. The first she did was giving him a hug, happy of finally be able to be with him.
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However, she wanted to end Saki for having manipulated her into believing that Splinter was her enemy. Splinter warned her that revenge was not the answer, but for the Kunoichi, her feelings of anger and hatred were too much to resist the urge of making Shedder pay.
In a tragic accident, Karai fell into mutangen and becames a mutant snake, her behaviour turned animalistic, hurting everyone she considered a threat. However, she appeared to still have some level of self-awareness, as she was able to recognize Leo, Mikey and Splinter in this state.
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In season 3 when the brothers were trying to hunt her down and use the retromutantgen on her, she shown to able to turn back into her human form momentarily and was capable of communicating with them despite losing herself to the mutation.
A few episodes later she was captured by Shredder and infected with a mind control worn, which made her follow his orders without question and hunt the main protagonists.
While she was mind controlled, Karai returned to her old evil ways. She was shown to be a cunning, intelligent and a very dangerous foe since she could change between her muntant and human form, easily defeating most of the Hamato Clan.
Once Splinter freed her from the mind control brain worm, Karai turned good back again, becoming a recurrent ally for the turtles in Season 4.
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In season 4, she goes on a trip to Japan to seek for her close friend,Shinigami, and recruit foot soldiers to rebuild the Foot clan. In Shredder´s absence, she became the new leader of the clan with the intention changing it and getting rid of Shredder´s empire.
While Karai is an ally this season, she still does very questionable things. She became obsessed with getting revenge on Oroku Saki, often putting others on danger (Broken Foot). After realizing that taking down Shedder factories wasn´t worth of her time, she decided to go after Shedder himself without involving her family anymore.
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In season 5, in ¨The Forgotten Swordsman¨ it was implied that she sent assassins to end her old master, Hattori Tatsu, to prevent him from reclaming the Kuro Kabuto. After having a fighting Tatsu, Karai felt terribly sorry for going after him since it only caused problems to her friends at the end.
From that moment forward, Karai focused on rebuilding the Foot Clan and helping the turtles with their missions. She´s determinated in restoring the Clan´s honor once again and fixing the errors of Shredder´s legacy.
In conclusion: Karai is one of the most complex characters in tmnt 2012. She starts as enemy who becomes an ally and a friend by the end of the series. She goes throught multiple changes, from learning the truth about her real father to growing into mature leader for Foot clan. 
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