#back to playing totk :3c
gobspeaks · 1 year
full glide suit baybee
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wanderlustmagician · 9 months
Anything you wanna ramble about?
Jfbdksjeekdj so many things!!
I’ve been rambling about my modern au for a while so maybe I’ll do the mythical creatures thing that’s been knocking around my brain. This time :D
Have you ever heard of a Peryton? They’re essentially winged deer who are the Guardians of the Forest. Fierce and intense, magically haunting. Very cool. Some people’s interpretations have them with these really wicked fangs.
And thunderbirds!! They’re like coated in lightning and I have got to get my hands on more information on them. They’re so cool!
Which of course made me go hmmm what if, what if. And I play fast and loose with everything when I write because it’s more fun for me that way… so LU mythical creatures. I’ve seen it done a few times and LOVE the concept;
Twilight is harder than expected when you don’t want to take the easy way out. I’ve been playing with the idea of a version of Peryton for him, more wolf than deer, BUT then I remembered that Black Shucks are a mythic, ghostly dog-like creature that exist and it kind of fits in the most spooky sense. Depending on where you look at the mythos, they’re either menacing (malevolent also but eh) or companionable omens of death that usually roam a coastline. There’s also church grims, which often take the form of a black dog, and guard church cemeteries. So playing fast and loose, as I do, I thought Twilight could be the more companionable, omen bearing Black Shuck in his Mythic form and then by the time he meets Wild in BOTW, he’s more spirit-like and is more akin to a Church Grim… just on a more personal level. I think it would be a fun little idea to play with instead of meeting Wild on the Plateau and have him be like “guarding” the Shrine… Wild meets him in Blatchery Plains where he actually died and that’s where they meet.
Sky would be some form of Thunderbird and nothing will change my mind on this. It fits. SO WELL. At least from what little I remember from previous research dives on the subject. I also originally had planned to have Sky be the reason that the Faron region changes from being a big growth forest in Twi’s time to the lightning infested jungle of BOTW/TOTK. It was gonna be because he was visiting Twi, who if I had left him as a Peryton would have been bound to the forest he guarded, which was planned to be Faron! Obviously I’ve changed that somewhat… but I still like the idea so I may find a way to work it back in.
I don’t like to take the easy routes when doing these kinds of concepts, not because I look down on them but more because I like the challenge. So Hyrule is giving me a little trouble because he’s canonically got fae blood. So like fae or even changeling… but changelings are a type of fae so of course I’m going to go all in on that (and get horribly distracted because doppelgängers are a type of fae, what that’s so cool) and it’s lead me down a rabbit hole. So more on Hyrule another day…
Wind is also giving me fits because he’s going to be something ocean related and it’s gotta fit his nature, so there’s Cephali which are a type of Sea fae and then there’s others that are more commonly thought of, but I could make him something wind related a novel idea I know which means more research to be done! I had some other ideas, like mythos or superstition believed by sailors to draw inspiration for but like I said more research.
Wild! Is! A! Church Grim! Also! But he’s gonna be an amalgamation like Twi. Dryad calls to me for him, but I want to do a little more digging because it’s gonna be a connection thing for him. He’s a church grim, but all of Hyrule is the cemetery :3c hehe oops
Time is 100% a changeling. Hands down. No explanation needed. He may become something else after events of TP, he may not, we will see. I will saying nothing else because mans needs to be mysterious. It may change if I stumble across something more interesting though
Legend is a kitsune (which is also!! A type of fae!! It falls into fae rules. Very interesting.) but they’ve got that same tenuous relationship with being perceived as good versus not good. In a lot of myths, they’re the messengers of the sun goddess… which feels fitting for Legend since he’s been on the most adventures! The more intense Good vs Bad in their mythos also feels fitting because Ravio is also a kitsune! While mythos says they’re fox spirits… I don’t follow rules so they’re bunnies. Heh.
Warriors is going to be my only one without anything as of yet. I want to do more research into mythic creatures and spirits more associated with war and just haven’t had the time yet. Maybe this weekend. Some of these wouldn’t have “true forms” while on their adventure through time together… so it would be interesting to have TOTK events happen post LU events and have Wild contend with how changed his brothers have become in the years (millennia for then really) since they traveled together.
This was rrreeeaaallllllllyyy long. Oops lol
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gobspeaks · 1 year
i tried to go to sleep at a reasonable time and instead laid in bed for 3 hours Not Sleeping so instead I'm gonna play more twilight princess
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