#background sashannarcy
“Anyone Who Doubts My Love is a Liar” - Marcanne oneshot
This was just a really quick thing inspired by art from @clums1ly on twitter and I haven’t been able to get the little fic idea out of my head. This is the quickest thing ever and I am SO exhausted I have no idea how good this is. Enjoy!
“How long is Sasha going to be at the conference?” 
Marcy stooped over their tablet, painstakingly lining one part of the comic panel for the umpteenth time trying to get it right. In the next room at the kitchen table, Anne leafed through a stack of reports and sorted them into various piles by the aquarium departments discussed. The shuffling paused for a moment as she answered, “Just a week.” 
“When did he leave?”
“This morning.”
“How many times have I asked this now?”
“Three in the past hour.”
Marcy grumbled and flopped their head down on their desk, resting their head on the cool wood beside their tablet. Anne giggled. The chair scraped over the floor, and then Anne was pulling on their jacket to sit them up and wrapping her arms around their neck.
“I miss him already, too,” she said. “It’ll be quick. He promised to call us tomorrow morning and every time he gets the chance.”
Marcy leaned their head back, and Anne placed a quick kiss on their lips. They smiled as she smirked down at them. “Am I being overdramatic?”
“Mm… I can’t really say anything. You know how I feel about that stupid motorcycle and I’m not a fan of him driving it so far. I really wish he would have gotten a train ticket or a bus or something else besides that thing.”
“Oh, come on, you know he loves that thing. Besides, he drives better than I can walk.”
“Marbles, that does not make me feel better at all.” 
“I’m teasing,” she sang. “He’ll be okay. He won’t be gone long at all.”
“I know logically it’s not long but… I just don’t really, you know…”
“Don’t like him being away so long?”
“I don’t either. It’ll be okay, though. Trust me, it’ll go fast, and we both have work to keep us occupied and you have that big Creatures and Caverns campaign this Friday, right?” 
Marcy leapt to their feet, nearly headbutting Anne. “Shit, I forgot that was this week! I have to get my plans together, I have such a huge plot point coming up in the story and I still have so many details I have to work out! This group is ridiculous, I swear to Frog, I have to come up with fifty different scenarios to prepare for every weird idea they come up with, Anne you wouldn’t believe it!”
Anne doubled over laughing. She caught their sleeve and pulled them into her, quickly calming the surprised panic as she looped both of her arms around theirs. She had to stand on tiptoe to kiss their cheek now, something that neither they nor Sasha ever stopped teasing her for. They melted into her and shifted so she could put her arms around their neck. She moved the long part of their hair out of the way, scratching lightly at the undershave as they closed their eyes. They gave her a quick squeeze and pulled her flush against them. 
“I’m going to start dinner,” she said. “Will you help me before you get started on your campaign plans? I know you haven’t eaten yet today, so don’t even argue with that, and you’re good at getting the measurements exactly.” 
They flashed a dopey, hopeless, lovesick grin. “You know I can’t say no to you.” 
“Yeah, I know. Come on.” 
Marcy quickly saved their drawing before following along.
Later that night, settled into bed, they spent hours staring at the ceiling. Anne was fast asleep, snoring softly and curled up against their side, clinging to their arm. She fell asleep like hitting a switch, despite the fact that she conversely had to set at least ten alarms to wake up on time in the morning. They were jealous, almost, especially now that they were once again lying awake, exhausted but not tired, or at least not in a way that signaled to their brain to turn off already. It was made even worse by the cold, empty space on their other side.
They had gotten so used to the three of them cuddled together every night since they moved in together. They were used to Anne beneath their arm or cuddled against their back, used to Sasha hiding his face against their neck or lying on their chest and always so delicately considerate of their scar. They liked the comfort after so long apart, and the trio wasn’t utterly inseparably codependent anymore, but still…
Anne mumbled in her sleep and wriggled closer to them. Heaving a sigh, they squeezed their eyes shut. It was only a week and they had a myriad of things to distract themself. It would pass before they knew it.
“We want nothing to do with you.”
Marcy stares at Anne and Sasha. They were so young back then - before Sasha cut his hair, before Anne developed the little metallic lightning bolt scars covering her body, before Marcy got the chance to apologize and do everything they possibly could to make up for their mistake, no matter how often their girls assured them they didn’t have to, not anymore, not after everything that happened to them. And now here they are again, their little young selves, telling Marcy once again that all that the mistakes had gone too far to forgive. 
They clap their hands over their ears and violently shake their head. “You can’t do this to me, not again,” they beg. Spots of orange open in the grass beneath their feet. “It’s lazy, you know that? You don’t even get it right!” 
“How about this?”
Marcy looks up. Their girls, their girls as they are now, watch them from across the open meadow. Their eyes are wrong, dull and empty and devoid of all the beautiful light that Marcy so often finds themself getting lost in, and they recognize that but it’s so hard to look past everything else. All they can focus on is the unadulterated hatred on the specters’ faces. 
“Everything has to be just right with you,” says Anne. “You’re so clingy.”
“You can’t stand a single change,” says Sasha. “Anything out of routine makes you freak out.”
And then, in unison:
“You really can’t do anything without us, can you?”
Marcy clenches their jaw and presses the heels of their hands into their eyes. More orange eyes open in the sky as Marcy falls to their knees. The voice - no, voices - that come next are horrifically familiar. Through the shrieking of centuries-dead geniuses, their own voice shines through, twisted with mockery and vitriol.
“You could have had everything,” the voices say. “Countless worlds. Eternal happiness. Them. You could have had them without any of the turmoil.”
“That’s not how it works.” Tears stream down Marcy’s face as they choke on hiccuping sobs. “I know that’s not how it works. The three of us talked things out and we know how to make it work now. I learned to stop hiding a long time ago and you don’t know that because you’re gone and we won and you can’t keep doing this to me!” 
“And you believe that?”
“They’re lying to you, just like you lied to them. You were hurt, that’s all they feel bad for - you’re a pity case. Have you ever realized that’s what they always say when you try to apologize?”
“Stop it!” 
“‘You don’t have to make up for it, you don’t have to keep feeling sorry, you don’t have to keep apologizing because you already went through so much.’ They feel bad for you, Marcy, but we never did. We had faith in you when they didn’t. We tried to give you a world where you could have everything you wanted but you refused.”
“Shut up!”
“Don’t tell us you never regretted it.”
“I said shut the fuck up!” 
The world fractures.
Marcy awoke gasping. Awful burning arched between the scars on their back and chest. The room around them was split by taut strings of glowing orange light, all the pieces turned and twisted and offset from each other. Marcy clapped their hands over their eyes and tried to slow their rapidly quickening breathing. 
It wasn’t real, they told themself. Anne and Sasha loved them more than anything, they knew that. It was just a horrible nightmare with the remnant of whatever was done to them tearing their brain apart like it did almost every night for the past decade. Their girls were always there to soothe the nightmares away and assure them that all the lies the phantom voices told them were just that: lies. 
But Sasha wasn’t there. No, no, he was at his conference, that’s what it was. Marcy knew that. They shook their head and reached over to the other side, just needing to feel Anne there even if she hadn’t woken up to notice. 
Their hand meant empty sheets. They shot upright. The pain in their chest worsened. They looked around the room, dimly lit from the moon through the open curtains, and they found both of their companions to be missing. Anne was supposed to be there. Sasha, no, but Anne was supposed to be and it didn’t make sense that she wasn’t. 
Everything has to be just right with you.
“Anne?” Marcy called. The split second of silence immediately turned them frantic. Tears ran down their face. “Anne!”
Anne ducked back into the room holding a glass of water. They were already on their feet as she set the glass down and let them fall into her arms. She cupped their face, eyes wide as her brows drew together. 
“Woah, Marcy, what’s wrong?” she asked. They shook their head and buried their face against her neck. Tangling her fingers in their hair, she gently lowered them to their knees and hugged them as tight as she could without hurting them as they dissolved into a bawling mess. She kissed their shoulder, their cheek, their temple, anywhere she could reach without dislodging their head from its place. She adjusted to pull them into her lap. 
“I’m sorry,” they sobbed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” 
“No, baby, it’s okay.”
“I-I-I just, I woke up and you, you weren’t there and they kept saying all these things-”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. I’m never going to leave you.” She pulled back as far as they would allow, just enough to press their foreheads together as Marcy tried to quiet the gasping pants that their breathing had quickly devolved into. “Marcy, take a deep breath. I’m here. It was just a nightmare, okay? Whatever they say, they’re lying. I promise you that they’re lying. I love you so, so much, and Sasha does too, and we’ve worked through all that. You have nothing to apologize for and beat yourself up over anymore.”
Marcy whimpered and hid their face again. “They said… I’m sorry, I shouldn’t…”
“It’s alright. If you want to tell me, you can tell me.”
They took a shaky breath. “They said… they said that you guys only stayed because-” Their voice hitched. “-because of what, what A-A-Andrias…”
Burrowing deeper into Anne’s embrace, they clutched at their chest, right over their scar. Anne nodded and stroked their hair. She knew what they wanted to say, and she would die a thousand times over again before she made them actually speak it aloud. 
“Marcy, we’re here because we love you,” she promised. “You and Sasha are the loves of my life, and I know he feels the same. You made such an insane effort even after you moved to work through things with us and within yourself. You put so much work into fixing things. It’s one of the biggest shows of love that you tried so hard, okay? I love you so, so, so much. I’m never going to leave you, I promise. Never again.” 
Marcy just nodded. Anne waited for their breathing to calm until she was comfortable with helping them to their feet and pulling them into bed with her. Wrapping her arms around their waist, she curved around her, front pressed against their back, kissing the back of their neck as the tremors and sobs wracking their body eased.
“I’ve got you,” she whispered. “I’m never going to let anything anywhere close to that happen again. If someone wants to try, they’ll have to go through me, and a literal god is my colleague so that’s going to end really badly for them.”
That got a weak, trembling laugh from Marcy. “I forget that sometimes.”
“I’m pretty sure they have the same voice as one of the characters from that show you used to watch when we were younger.”
“Which one?”
“The cartoon where ninety percent of the women are lesbians.”
The laugh was stronger this time. “I think I know what character you mean,” they said. They untangled themself and rolled onto their back, looking up as Anne as she supported herself on her elbows and leaned over them. She wiped the tears off their face, following the touch with kisses and making sure to plant one on every single little scar she found. One hand went to their chest, very tentatively hovering over the gnarled tissue there, and when Marcy smiled, pressed her palm flat over it. “Thanks, Anna Banana.”
“Always, Marbles. And hey, if you wake up and you need me and I’m not there, just yell and I’ll come flying in, okay? Unless I’m in the bathroom. Then I’ll just yell back.”
Marcy threw their head back laughing at that one, although they immediately hissed and held a hand over their eyes. “Shit, ow.”
“Yes. Just a pulse behind my eyes again.”
“Well, you just keep your eyes closed for now and try to fall asleep again. I’ll be right here being the lookout for both of us.” 
Marcy grinned. “Can I have a kiss before I go to sleep?”
Anne responded by pressing their lips together. It was a quick, sleepy, easy kiss, but there was so much love conveyed in it that Marcy’s heart swelled from just from that one brief moment. As they rolled onto their side again, Anne held them tight. They felt her smile against the back of their neck.
“I love you, Marcy. So, so, so much.” 
“I love you, too, Anne. With all my heart.” 
“That’s all I’ll ever need.”
“Yeah.” Marcy took her hand and held it to their lips. “Me too.” 
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oh2bloved · 9 months
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hurrayprilmusic · 1 year
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I am learning to draw pretty much exclusively to draw gay ship art
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azaraeth · 5 months
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Happy New Year Sashannarcy !!🩷💚🩵 thank you gay frog people for helping me get thru 2023
finally finished this piece with help from @diasphoriaaa who did the background ✨✨✨
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[The Calamity Trio enter the kindergarten classroom and awkwardly sit in the small chairs at an equally small table across from the teacher who’s in a normal chair]
Teacher: It’s good to see you again Mrs Boonchuys. Thanks for being able to make it to this Parent-Teacher Meeting, I know that you three must be very busy.
Anne: It’s fine. Tho’ I’m shocked at how early in the semester you asked for this meeting.
Teacher: Well first off I just want to say that Lily is a joy to have in class. She’s bright, energetic, outgoing, easily makes friends and loves to answer questions and isn’t afraid to be wrong, which isn’t often.
Sasha: “but”?
Teacher: but, I’m concerned about her development. She said that you three taught her to read and write, correct?
Marcy: Yes, Lily loves to read. We’d read to her every night and she join along after a while.
Teacher: Good but um…did you teach her to write in English or one of the languages from her…culture?
Anne: We taught her English, well she knows a few words in each of our backgrounds but we primarily taught her English.
The Teacher holds up a paper with Amphibia runes on it: So what’s this then? I’ve never seen this before, it’s too organized to just be squiggles.
Sasha: Oh no, don’t tell me you two taught her—
Marcy: We didn’t! I don’t know how she learned those runes.
Anne: ugh, sorry but those are one of the written languages from Amphibia-aaaa-my “Amphibian” exhibit from work, haha… it’s a series of runes for the kids to “write like a frog”.
Sasha: That and you two use it to write messages on the fridge to each other.
Marcy: Usually about how cute you are, Sashy.
Anne: I think Lily must’ve taught herself how to write those letters based on both the fridge notes and my job. We’re so sorry, we’ll make sure she knows to write in English from now on.
Sasha: I know kids are sponges but what this is scary even for me. Figures she’s smart, she is our daughter after all.
Marcy: If it’s any consolation, she did answer every question on the worksheet correctly. Anne and I can translate it for you before we leave. Or at least give you a translation guide.
Teacher: It’s fine. Just glad we got to the bottom of this. (Apparently they have two more kids we’ll have to worry about later…oh joy………)
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arcadiii · 10 months
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so i've been listening to Hollywood II by CLEWS on repeat for a few days right? but do you wanna take a journey through the mind of arcadi and imagine a marcanne (implied sashannarchy) animatic with me?
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“I was a shy kid” opening with young Marcy (either a close up of her shyly hiding behind what’s obviously Anne OR her playing on the beach alone building her castle). Switch to “don’t be humble” showing her shadowed by others (a play on how she felt Anne was overprotecting her)
the scene change when it goes to “I made it to your door” imagine a zoom in on Anne’s door, there’s a knock, the light switches on and opens to an older Anne (post amphibia) but nobody’s at the doorstep.
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1st chorus: from the same scene, pans to the side to show a hidden Marcy who's obviously ran off, regretting her decision (imagine it as a parallel to her running away in TC, before she gets to the antique shop)
on the “every day I wake up” we watch her slowly slide to the floor, distressed and just putting her head in her hands. maybe in the background, fade in images of Sasha and Anne hanging out without her, or maybe a callback to that core nightmare she had.
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next set of lyrics but on "It will be something like a circle in a circle” another scene change: this time it’s Anne and Marcy holding hands throughout their life (I’m imagining this as them walking on the scene but never out of the scene) and it changes between younger versions of themselves: young, pre-amphibia, during-amphibia marcanne and then on “that’s how you fell for it” swaps true colours moment where Anne lets go of Marcy’s hand and walks away in disbelief then on “I felt unkind” line is still following on from the TC moment but zoom in on Marcy where she starts to tear up and on the final bit of this verse, she drops to the floor like in TC.
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2nd chorus: back to older Marcy but she’s heading away from Anne’s home here, maybe she’s got her phone out, considers texting her girls but is too afraid, again callbacks to missing Sasha and Anne here (I want this to be implied sashannarcy after all)
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next bit and ough, the bit that makes me insane but on the “sometimes I need more than myself” that’s actually the text on her screen, maybe tears drop onto the screen and on “I know you’ve been let down”, the camera pans up as Marcy looks up to the night sky, a blue star starts falling. on “I saw you fall out of the sky” the star becomes a falling THT Anne, the camera pans out showing the scene as a reflection in Marcy's eyes during THT
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final chorus: scene changes back to older Marcy but there’s a light shining in from one side, Anne comes running in to catch up with her. maybe crash hugs her and on “does she kiss you on the mouth” and does just that!
she begins wiping Marcy’s tears away, holding her hands together just as they've done so many times before and leads her back home and on the “whatever you choose” pan into Marcy sniffling as they do but she smiles, clearly much happier here (contradicting the lyrics because marcy's not letting herself reach out to them but Anne & Sasha won’t let her do that so in a sense she’s losing but also winning)
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mygaedrawings · 2 years
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Omg I love them 🥰 Marcanne is probs my favorite ship in Amphibia 💖 I love Sashannarcy, but marcanne is the best of the trio ships imo (btw yes I did make the characters, but no I didn’t make the background!)
OG Owl House reference 🙃
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godofdystopia · 2 years
Sashannarcy Week Day 4: Crossover
Thanks again to @phrogfrommars for hosting this Sashannarcy week.
This entry was both easier and harder than I thought it would be. It was easier because I was already planning to write this but lacked the motivation to actually write it till now. It was harder because after writing it I realized two things.
1. This was entirely based off of a Jeep Ad for Jurassic World and I didn’t even know it till i was three paragraphs in.
2. I probably could have done more with this since I failed to remember that one of the villains of Jurassic World is named Henry Wu until I was three lines away from being done. Also, I need to watch Camp Cretaceous, it would help with writing this in the future.
Either way, I desperately wanted a story about the Calamity Trio trying to adopt a dinosaur and since no one else would probably write it I decided to do it myself.
Also some unsubtle criticisms of Jurassic World: Dominion so like, extremely minor spoilers for that movie but nothing that would spoil the general plot or ending, just the vibe and feel of the movie is all.
Please enjoy. And remember: the Carnotaurus is the greatest dinosaur.
words: 2.7
It was yet another quiet night at the Waybright-Boonchuy-Wu household.
Marcy was off getting groceries and so Sasha and Anne were left to hold down the fort. Currently, the two women were cuddled up on the couch wearing comfortable pajamas as they watched the tv. Some random channel was on in the background, Sasha thinks it was the news, but it was on an ad break and so they just talked about their days
Well, Sasha didn’t talk because Anne was too busy excitedly talking about the changes that the Aquarium was going under.
“Still can’t believe they actually found some, but I'm not going to complain! Actual Amphibians from the cretaceous period Sash! It’s amazing, I get to learn so much about them now!”
“I’m still mostly excited about the Mosasaur you guys are getting. I always liked that show at Jurassic World back when we went.” Sasha explained as she cuddled her wife.
She remembered that trip well: Her, Marcy, and Anne had saved up enough money to stay there for a week, and they lived it up at Jurassic World. Marcy had info-dumped endlessly about the various dinosaurs they saw about, Anne got to pet a triceratops, and Sasha herself had watched a T-rex hunt down a goat and eat it in front of her.
The girls hadn’t been too happy about that, but Sasha still thought of it as the second biggest highlight of her time there. The first being the many makeout sesh’s they’d all had about the place.
Anne looked up quizzically as Sasha began chuckling, a small blush lighting up her cheeks as she did so.
“Something funny?” She asked, looking at the blushing blonde with an eyebrow raised.
“Just remembering some things, don’t worry about it.” Sasha waved away the question, trying to fight down her blush and think of a way to change the subject. “Saw Humphrey today, you’ll never guess what he was doing!”
Anne Hmm’d while Sasha, giddy with excitement, went on “He was sitting on a park bench and, you know, I thought he was feeding ducks but no! He was sitting there, a giant bag of beef jerky in his hands, and he was feeding a bunch of Compy’s!”
Anne blinked, thought about the tiny old man feeding tinier carnivores and started laughing.
“He knows those things will strip him down to bones in like, two minutes tops right?”
“Who cares, it was hilarious!” Sasha was laughing harder now. “The funniest thing was when this big Pteranodon looking thing swooped down and just grabbed a strip right out of the air before any of the Compy’s could. I swear I've never seen lizards look so depressed.”
Anne and Sasha laughed a bit before the sound of the news coming back on turned their attention back to the tv.
“...The dinosaurs are still rampaging across the world. People are coming to deal with adapting to a world with them in many different ways though it’s a very hard transition. From ranchers complaining about velociraptors eating their herds to trains derailed from migrating stegosaurus, from airplanes taken down by Quetzalcoatl's to cruise liners swimming with mosasaurs, the world is certainly a lot rowdier than it was before the change.”
The news anchor looked down at her notes, frowned, and lifted them up to squint at them a bit. She sighed and looked annoyed.
“But enough about that, apparently. Because we have word of some rather large bugs in the Midwest and we’re going to divert the rest of our news cycle towards that. Yes, it’s not as interesting as Dinosaurs in Manhattan but apparently that’s what we’re going with.”
From behind the camera, Sasha and Anne could hear someone saying “That’s not what we wrote on the notes.”
“No it’s not.” The anchor admitted. “Because people want to hear about dinosaurs in our modern world. They don’t want to listen to someone talk about giant bugs for two hours when there are dinosaurs roaming the earth now!”
“Just talk about the bugs, Lauren!”
The anchor threw down her notes and shouted “A Triceratops tore through my car cause it thought it was challenging her and you want me to talk about some damn BUG-”
The feed cut off, the ‘Technical Difficulties’ sign going up on the screen as Sasha and Anne just stared at the static image.
“Soo… bugs, what do you think that was about?” Anne asked her wife.
Sasha just stared at her. “Anne, you were literally screaming about how you get to ‘Swim on the back of the Loch Ness Monster’ at work in a week and you want to talk about bugs?”
“Okay, fair.” Anne said with a pout. “Like, they promised they were going to go in deep about how Dinosaurs are playing havoc on the ecosystem. But now they want to talk about bugs?”
Sasha just rubbed her wife’s back. “Perhaps they’re very big bugs?”
Anne just stared.
Sasha sighed, defeated. “Yeah, okay. I know bugs aren’t as interesting as Dinosaurs in our modern world now. Was just trying to cut them some slack.”
The two of them fell into a comfortable silence, just cuddling up and waiting for their wife to come home so they could hug her too.
The sound of the door being  slammed open startled Anne and Sasha out of both their conversation and their cuddle.
“GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS, You will not BELIEVE what just happened! Come here, Come here, Come here!” Marcy’s overly excited shouting drew them off the couch.
“Marcy? Marcy, what’s going on?” Sasha asked as they both walked over towards the doorway.
“Yeah marbles, what’s-” Anne’s question died off with a strangled whimper as she saw exactly what her and Sasha’s wife wanted them to see.
Marcy was standing there, proud as can be, holding a massive Great Dane sized dinosaur in her arms which squirmed and thrashed about. Marcy was covered in scratches, with a few still bleeding as the massive thing in her arms roared and cried.
It was a deep red, with a light tan belly, and it looked like a t-rex but with horns. It had a blunter head, and even tinier arms than a newborn baby. Every time it roared they could see sharp little needle-like teeth that looked like, when fully grown, would be able to tear through a car.
“What the fuck is that!?” Sasha screamed out as she thrust an arm in front of Anne, who just looked shocked at the screaming dinosaur.
“It’s a Carnotaurus!” Marcy said cheerily, the reptilian beast in her arms screaming up a storm as it thrashed about like an eel. Its massive hind legs tore through the air over and over as its clawed toes went up and down. “I saved him and…” She looked at Sasha and Anne, took in their appearance, and frowned. “Did you guys start the cuddle sesh without me?”
“What is it doing in our house!?” Anne screeched, not liking the look of those teeth at all.
“I rescued him!” Marcy tried to hold up the Carnotaurus baby proudly, but it weighed half a ton and she wasn’t the strongest person. She ended up falling to her knees and bringing the carnivorous dinosaur with her. With his feet firmly on the ground, he stopped thrashing about, but kept roaring and screaming.
“A bunch of people from BioSyn came and took his parents away. The poor little guy was left behind and he just looked so lonely that I couldn't help but save him! You should’ve seen how he looked at me, he was so sad!”
“He was probably sizing you up for dinner, Marcy! That thing is a wild predator.” Sasha yelled, gesturing at the still screaming carnotaurus wildly.
“Wrong! He looked at me with such big ol’ eyes that I knew he wanted me to take him to safety. You know you can’t trust those BioSyn guys anyway.” Marcy said firmly, holding the carnotaurus to her chest and making cooing sounds to try and calm him down. Amazingly, it appeared to work.
“They have a giant reserve in the Alps or something, they can take care of him there.” Anne said, keeping at least one eye on the creature.
“It’s in the Italian mountains actually, but that’s not the point!” Marcy pouted. “We don’t even know if he’ll find his parents there and the other dinosaurs will be mean to him without parents. But here we can keep him safe and warm and fed and not eaten by a T-rex.”
All throughout, Anne slowly detangled herself from Sasha and reached into a pocket to take out her cell phone.
“I’m calling BioSyn, they’ll take him to Sanctuary and-”
“NOO!” Marcy curled herself around the dinosaur, looking at her wives with tears in her eyes. “You can’t take Chomper away!”
“He’s a wild animal Marcy! He’ll- wait, Chomper?” Sasha just looked bewildered, looking between Marcy and the Carnotaurus.
“From the Land Before Time.” Marcy said, holding the now named Chomper tightly. She looked at them pleadingly. “C'mon, can you really say no to this cutie?” She grabbed both sides of Chompers head and angled it towards Sasha and Anne, his yellow reptilian eyes sizing the two of them up before deciding they weren’t edible, or not worth the effort ot make them edible.
“Marcy, I really don’t think this is a good idea.” Anne tried to explain, still angling herself away from the carnivore who was starting to calm down at least. 
“Well, I-” Sasha began, only to be cut off.
“Think of it like we’re adopting a kid! A big, scaly, carnivorous kid! Please, for me?”
Marcy then did something that Anne and Sasha thought was not fair at all: She looked at them with such big pleading eyes, her lip quivered, and it looked like she was close to tears.
Sasha and Anne stopped listening, in fact they could not hear anything else she was saying because the minute Marcy said ‘adopting a kid,’ their minds got stuck in a permanent loop of thinking about them and Marcy having kids. Seeing Marcy look at them with such an adorable expression just added to the torment.
It’d… if they kept the Carnivore for a bit, it would almost be like a practice run, right? They’d keep him, learn how to take care of something younger than them, and they’d have a better idea of how to take care of their own kids once they had them.
The justifications were flimsy as hell, but right now none of them cared enough to question. They tried, they really did, to stay strong. But against such adorableness what could one do?
Anne wrapped her arms around Marcy, hugging the girl to her chest. Sasha came and did the same, the three wives hugging each other in the doorway. Chomper the Carnotaurus looked at the scene, cocked his horned head to the side, and then leapt at them with a yelp.
The three women fell to the ground with the young Carnotaurus baby on top of them, he rested his head on their chests and looked at them, sticking his tongue out with a ‘blep’ as he did so.
Anne and Sasha refused to admit that they found the action cute.
“Alright Marcy, we won’t call BioSyn.” Anne said gently, though her voice was straining from what felt like half a ton of Carnotaurus baby on top of her.
“Yet.” Sasha said, glaring at the dinosaur. She did not like him.
“Yesss!” Marcy cheered, hugging all three of them to her and squealing happily. “ I promise, you won’t regret this at all!”
Anne figured that she would realize before the week was out that trying to keep a wild animal that could grow large enough to eat horses in a single bite wasn’t a good idea.
Chomper wouldn’t be staying with them long.
Months Later…
Sasha always loved driving down the freeway, and now that she’s married she loves it even more. Anne next to her, Marcy leaning forward so she’s in the middle, it’s all perfect. Her red convertible cruising down the coastline, the girls heading out to go to a convention that Marcy had in a different city and they’d packed to turn it into a vacation as a family.
“RAAAWR!” Chomper, the great dane sized Carnotaurus calf roared out happily as he leaned his horned head off the side of the car. HIs tongue wagged in the wind as the massive juvenile carnivore enjoyed the car ride as much as his moms did. He had on a purple collar with his name tag attached, a bright white metal one shaped like a bone, to a harness around his body as just wearing the collar during walks caused him to ignore it entirely and run off towards whatever he happened to see.
Sasha hated that she found the big idiot to be cute, especially since he was still growing his teeth and so bit everything. And yet cute he was. He acted like a giant puppy, albeit one who needed to be fed whole roasted chickens and marked his territory by scratching his growing horns against anything till it left massive gouges. He slept at the end of their bed, went for walks at the park although the girls had to jog and sometimes sprint to keep up with him, he would rush over and knock them to the floor in excitement whenever they got home, and he sometimes woke up the neighborhood because he heard something outside and decided to roar loud enough to shatter the windows. He really was just a giant kid who could knock over a tree if he headbutted them.
PetSmart still wouldn’t let them ever return.
Marcy ran her hand down Chomper’s back, the big dinosaur rumbling with contentment while Anne filed his claws to try and make them less deadly. As much as they all loved him, he could do with less deadly weapons at the end of his limbs.
“We need to schedule a vet appointment for Chomper when we get back.” Anne said as she blunted the ends of his claws to an acceptably non fatal size.
“Again, I don't think there’s a vet around who knows how to treat dinosaurs and wont rat us out to the feds for keeping one in our house.” Sasha said as she felt the wind rush through her hair. It’d need to be cut before long but with trying to take care of Chomper, she hadn’t found the time.
“We could try and swing by Dr. Jan’s again, she and Terri love him.” Anne replied as she finished up grooming the big carnivore. Chomper flexed his clawed feet before snuggling back down on the car seat, his tail wagging back and forth and almost knocking Sasha and Marcy in the heads. 
Anne giggled as she saw him do so. “Someone’s excited to see Auntie Jan again. Do you want to see Jan again, huh? Do ya?”
Chomper roared happily, his whole body shaking with excitement at the thought. Sasha had to swerve to keep the car under control but ended up laughing along with her wife.
Laughter that ended as they heard Marcy simply say “Told you you wouldn’t regret this.”
Anne and Sasha stopped laughing at their wife’s words, just staring at the dashboard as they both sat in silence. Chomper decided to break the awkward silence by panting happily as he stared across the coast at a pod of Plesiosaurs who’d just breached the water and were swimming merrily by a passing cruise ship.
Sasha and Anne could feel Marcy’s smug look, their wife looking like Christmas had come early.
“Alright, fine. I’m glad we didn't call BioSyn on the big idiot, okay?” Sasha said exasperatedly, groaning as Chomper leaned his head over Marcy to lick her face. Sasha refused to admit she found the action endearing.
Marcy continued to look smug as she chuckled, reaching up to pet the top of Chomper's scaled head. He nuzzled against her hand and Anne reached back to scratch underneath his chin.
He was indeed cute.
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sonofrose · 2 years
Okay but imagine we do get an Amphibia spin-off centering on a new character simply called the Kid who is stuck in a world where dinosaurs talk and makes friends with one as in the first episode he mentions his mom being a herpetologist and then reveals his name to be Sprig Boonchuy while mentioning that he doesn’t get along well with his mom after his dad passed away. Also Anne in an end credit opening the portal determined to find her son thinking he’s in Amphibia.
For some reason I'm not to big on the idea of a "next gen" type of show.
Why would he not get along with his mom?
Why is the father be dead? Besides the heroic half-orphan thing.
(Also I really ship sashannarcy so...)
The idea of the dinosaur thing would be cool. The "Reptilia" idea has been skulking around the background of the fandom for quite a while actually.
If we do get a spin-off, I honestly would like it more if it focuses on characters we already have rather than introduce a whole new cast tbh.
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“I’m Listening” - Sasharcy drabble
I just wanted this out of my head, it’s not beta read AT ALL so please be nice to me
Marcy leaned back in their chair. Dragging their hands down their face, they tangled their fingers in their hair and let a frustrated shriek slip through their teeth. Drawing sucked, formatting the webcomic sucked, struggling through writer’s block sucked, everything sucked. Their new deadline was barreling towards them and half their allotted time barely produced a quarter of required progress. The last update was such a harsh cliffhanger, and no matter how much they enjoyed the reactions and watching their fans squirm, delaying this next chapter was not an option. 
Nothing tempered the anxiety wracking them over it. The simplest video games became impossible to focus on, single player or multi, and Marcy didn’t dare even think about playing ranked. Their insomnia was nothing new, but it had never been this bad. When they weren’t staring at the ceiling, Anne and Sasha sleeping peacefully curled up against their sides, they were standing on the freezing balcony massaging the scar on their chest to relax the lingering pains away. It always ached when they got worked up. Lately, it never stopped. 
They fiddled with their piercings as they stared at the script on screen. The blinking cursor at the end of the text taunted them, trapped dangling off an unfinished piece of dialogue. They screwed their eyes shut. Another shriek rose in their throat. 
A hand landed on their shoulder. The building shriek became a high yelp of surprise. They whipped around to find Sasha standing behind them, stifling a laugh. Marcy groaned and hid their face in their hands.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said. He kissed the top of their head as he pressed a tall, hot cup into their hands. “I got you coffee.”
“It’s fine,” they mumbled. “Thank you.” 
They continued tugging on their earrings, and Sasha gently took their hands away. His fingers brushed along the breadth of their shoulders. “Still having trouble with the update?”
“It’s awful,” Marcy groaned. “I hate it so much. This is supposed to be the climax of the volume and I just can’t convey the emotion I want. It’s all coming off so flat.” 
With one hand slipping beneath the collar of their shirt, Sasha reached around them to scroll up a few pages. He glanced over the dialogue. “What do you mean? This looks so good already! I get first look at the art, right?”
“It’s not, though. I don’t know why it’s so hard but it just keeps coming off so wrong.”
“Come on, Mars.” Sasha’s thumbs pressed into the knotted muscles between their shoulder blades. They stifled a whine and melted into the warm touch. He always knew exactly how to make them relax, brushing their hair out of the way to massage the tension out of their shoulders. Their entire back loosened as he kissed the top of their head. “It’s strong. It sounds good. I don’t know what you mean about it being flat.”
“It is.” 
Pushing the gaming chair back from the desk, Sasha sat in their lap and put his arms around their shoulders. They slipped one arm around his waist. They had grown tall and lanky during high school, much to the shock of their now girlfriends when the three of them first reunited, only adding to their clumsiness in the long run. Sasha, though still tall in his own right, took every opportunity to clamber all over them just because he could, nuzzling against their neck. They never minded, not when his gentle caresses gave them something to focus on besides the mounting anxiety.
“Tell me about it,” he said. 
“It doesn’t sound the way I want,” they began. “This is where the protagonist and antagonist are supposed to have their defining relationship moment and I’m having no issue tying all the story threads together but they just - just don’t have any depth to them. It doesn’t sound like they care about this and if the characters don’t care then the audience isn’t going to care and I know all my readers are going to jump on it if I put out something like this especially after the last chapter and that one sounded so good so I don’t know why this one is so bad and-”
“Mars, baby, easy,” Sasha cooed. He kissed the corner of their jaw and traced the long muscle running down the length of their neck. They rested their head back, closing their eyes and letting him pepper their face and neck with kisses. “You need to take a deep breath, okay? It’s already amazing. Give yourself some slack. Maybe it would be a good idea for you to step back from it and come back. It might clear your head a bit.” 
“I don’t know. I don’t want to…” 
Marcy’s voice trailed. They glanced at the coffee sitting on the corner of the desk, felt Sasha’s hands resting on their chest and drawing patterns on their skin, thought of him sitting and letting them go on and on about this…
Ancient awful feelings exploded within them. It filled their lungs with a burning sludge that slipped through their teeth in the form of a single quiet, strangled question.
“Did you want something?”
Both heard the missing addition hanging like a sword of Damocles in the air. 
Are you doing this because-
Sasha laughed. It only served to make Marcy feel worse. “What, I need an excuse to show affection now?” 
Marcy sighed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything. I don’t know why I said it, my brain is just overworked and I… I’m not thinking straight. Everything has been, I don’t know, I… I-I’m sorry, can we just-”
“Marcy.” Sasha put his hands on their shoulders and sat up straight. Any levity disappeared from his features, and Marcy found only concern and a tight repentant sadness. His brows drew together as his face pinched. “Don’t apologize, please. It was a bad time to joke. I’m sorry.” 
Marcy turned away. “I didn’t mean anything by it.” 
“I know. Mar-Mar, will you look at me? Please?” 
Sasha waited until Marcy faced him on their own volition to cup their cheeks. He brushed his fingers along the curve of their jaw and scratched lightly at the back of their neck. 
“You’re… right to think that. I’m not doing that right now, I promise, but in the past, I know…” He sighed. “It would have been something I would do. Something I did do.”
“But it’s been so long.”
“That doesn’t mean the feelings just go away.” He pressed their foreheads together. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for everything I ever did to make you feel like this. I know I never used to listen and didn’t care and making you feel isolated and overlooked will always be one of my biggest regrets. Just know that I am listening now. I promise. I saw how hard you’ve been working and I know you haven’t been sleeping well and I just wanted to dote on you for a little bit.”
Marcy’s eyes burned. They closed their eyes before the tears could fall and covered one of his hands with their own, pressing it against the side of their neck. “I know you’re listening,” they whispered. 
“I love you.” 
“I love you, too.” 
Sasha planted a kiss on their forehead, then the bridge of their nose, and then their lips. They tangled their fingers in his hair and pulled him close. Sasha took his time kissing them, pouring every ounce of love and devotion he could into it, and they smiled against his lips as his hands clutched at their collar. The pair broke apart grinning. 
Sasha grabbed the coffee and pushed it into Marcy’s chest. “Drink your coffee. You actually look like you’re going to pass out any second.” 
Marcy laughed, downing half of it as Sasha settled against them again. “Thank you again,” they said. “It’s such a romcom fluff trope that you know my coffee order by heart.”
“Large dark roast, four espresso shots, seven cream and seven sugar,” Sasha listed, just to show off. 
Marcy laughed and set the drink down. Sasha caught it before it tipped off the side of the desk and moved it to where it couldn’t be spilled onto the floor, or them, or the impressive (and expensive; thank you, sponsors) PC setup Marcy had built from scratch when the three of them first moved into their apartment together. He and Anne still remarked on Marcy’s talent and all the skill that went into constructing it. It never failed to send them into a rambling explanation that inevitably came to a blushing, flustered, stuttering stop when they caught sight of the hopeless love in the girls’s expressions. 
“Okay.” Sasha scrolled to the beginning of the chapter on the screen. “Talk me through it.” 
“You read the last chapter, right?”
“I read all of them.”
“Alright, so here’s what I was thinking…”
They spent the next hour huddled together in the chair while Marcy voiced their thoughts and finally found a way to work through them. They kept one arm wrapped around Sasha and typed with the other, switching between documents on the separate screens, and Sasha calmed them with gentle kisses and caresses when the frustration returned and their riled thoughts twisted their tongue. 
And Sasha listened. He asked questions throughout, giving suggestions and opinions when Marcy asked, just letting them talk their way through the creative block as they slowly but steadily progressed. Marcy didn’t realize exactly how much they needed this until Sasha was sitting up again and wiping tears off their face. They hadn’t even realized they were crying, still speaking completely normal. 
“I’m okay,” they assured him before he could even ask. “I’m happy. My brain just didn’t know what to do with it.” 
Sasha laughed and buried his face against their neck again. Marcy felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He ignored it. They nudged him.
“Your phone is going off.”
“I know.”
Marcy hesitated, studying him for a moment before they smiled. “Sashy,” they said. “Answer it. It’s okay.”
Sasha smiled and kissed their cheek before grabbing his phone. “Oh, it’s Anne. Anne, I’m putting you on speaker, what’s up?”
“Hi Anne!” Marcy called.
Anne laughed on the other end. “Hi, Marshmallow. What do you guys want for dinner tonight? I’m not cooking.” 
“Uh, let me think,” Sasha said. 
Marcy said, “If you guys want, I can-”
Sasha clapped a hand over their mouth. “You’re not cooking. You set cereal on fire.”
Marcy licked his hand to get him to move it. “Stop calling it ‘cereal!’ It was oatmeal and it burns really fast for some reason!”
“It’s a hot cereal.”
“That doesn’t count!”
“Guys! Dinner!” Anne shouted through her laughter. “I’m thinking of Leonardo's or Two Loco, what do you think?”
“Oh, Two Loco, if we’re picking between those,” said Sasha.
“Yeah, let’s do that,” Marcy agreed. 
“Okay, perfect,” Anne said. “Same orders?”
“Yep,” Marcy and Sasha replied in unison.
“Okay. I’ll see you guys in a little bit. Love you.”
“Love you, too, Annie. Get home safe.” 
Sasha returned his phone to his pocket and pulled Marcy into a quick kiss. They grinned as he held them tight. “Thanks for helping me today,” they whispered. “And thanks for listening.”
“Always.” He traced the scar on their chin. “Do you want to keep talking?”
“No, I think my brain needs a rest for now.” 
“And sleep.”
“Yeah, and sleep.” 
“Good.” Sasha kissed the tip of their nose. They giggled and stuck their tongue out. “Want to go find something to watch before Anne gets home?”
“Something stupid and mindless, please.” 
“Anything you want.”
“I love you, Sasha.”
“I love you, too, Marcy.” 
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junietuesday · 1 year
sometimes im like “thesterius is a terrible otp to have bc there are just No Fics for them” but thats a major exaggeration, theres like 200+ fics for them and there are a significant number of them that are way high quality and absolutely rewired my braincells. if i want to know the real meaning of suffering and learn to be grateful for what the thesterius fandom has accomplished, i just go back and check to see if Maybe Maybe Finally anyone has written any good barreleifdrias fics and im forced to ant bindle walk away. literally without any filters whatsoever there are 28 fics of them, most of which are just sashannarcy w barreleifdrias in the background as a plot device. otp:true cuts that down to 9 fucking fics, two of which are mine. and some of them are definitely good, but its like… theres no Masterclass Ultimate Ship Fic, like that one fic that just Encapsulates the whole romance and gives you a million different emotions at once, yknow? 💔
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they’re the reason why i need therapy /pos
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skipppppy · 2 years
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Something something growth change and duality something something idk I just really love this show and I’m gonna miss it :’(
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Just a silly idea I had after I drew up the Sashannarcy kids older and how Lily used an old technique to protect her little brother and sister (which is a “I don’t know how but it feels like it’s in my blood” type thing).
I hate drawing backgrounds and vehicles...
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Do to a request I colored in the Sashannarcy kids pic. 
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monolk · 3 years
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It was gonna be a silly lil outfit idea doodle but I got carried away
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mothicalspoken · 3 years
Sashannarcy canon, but at what cost
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