#bad bumper stickers
madilineskingdom · 8 months
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I am, once again, on my shit.
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ersatzpenguin · 3 months
Something that I think gets lost in all the internet bluster from bigots is the fact that most bigots are quiet—some of them can even be polite. They won’t say the things they think about you or your loved-ones to your face. And that honestly bothers me more in some ways.
A short story:
When we moved into our current house, and met our neighbor across the alley for the first time, she seemed surprisingly cold and distant. But, try as we might, we couldn’t pin down why. We quickly learned that she was good friends with the couple that lived in the house before us, and figured she must have just been sad to lose her friends. So, we went out of our way to be friendly and good neighbors. We were new to the city, and if she wanted friends, we were certainly looking for them. But, nothing changed.
In fact, over time, we noticed that she’d started actively avoiding eye contact with us—sometimes going so far as to act like we were not even there. For example, on a couple occasions her dog ran across the alley into our garage to say hello. When this happened, she’d tell the dog, “Former Owner 1 and Former Owner 2 don’t live there anymore, you can’t go over there”—all while ignoring our assurances that it’s okay, and we love dogs. Like, not really even replying or acknowledging us.
By this time, the only reason I could think of for her apparent disdain for us is the fact that we’re queer. But, she’d never said anything along those lines to us, and we live in a very queer-friendly neighborhood (in some ways, the “young gayborhood” in Minneapolis). So, wanting to believe the best about people, I figured I was wrong, and maybe we had done something we weren’t aware of to upset her—maybe right as we were moving in.
But, it bugged me. I don’t need to be friends with my neighbors by any means, but some sort of friendly communication seems necessary—after all, you want your neighbors to know they can talk to you about turning your music down instead of just calling the cops, etc. So, after we got to know our other neighbors better, I asked them if they knew anything about what was going on or if there was something we had done we weren’t aware of. While one hinted at her having said some “weird things,” most of them just affirmed that she’s not worth being friends with, has literally called the cops on another neighbor for noise without saying anything to them first, and has generally been a bit of a pain to have as a neighbor. She’s also apparently bragged about how the plants in her front yard discourage loitering. Hearing this, I thought to myself, “Fair enough. She’s just an antisocial jerk. I can handle that.”
And that’s how I thought of the situation for the last year or so. I had honestly gotten to the point where I felt bad for her—living alone, not seeming to ever have friends over or anything resembling a social life, just her and her admittedly much more charismatic dog. C’est la vie.
That is, until yesterday—when my partner pointed out she has a new sticker on her trash can. One of these:
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And… there was my answer. She’s just a bigot. I spent multiple years worried we had somehow offended her without knowing what we did, trying to be as friendly as possible—and all that time and energy was for nothing because she’s one of those “‘Adam and Eve,’ not ‘Amanda and Eve’” weirdos.
Don’t get me wrong, I kind of like that she doesn’t feel like she can actively spout her nonsense to others—it speaks to the sort of community we have that the best she can manage is a poorly designed and thought-out bumper sticker on her trash can. I’m just frustrated that I spent so much of my time and energy worrying about her feelings before realizing she wasn’t worth it.
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kuchipachi · 4 months
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I keep seeing a lot of “modern au” Edward ideas where people completely erase his disability by replacing his prosthetics with tattoos, so here’s a new headcanon I have:
Modern Au Edward would slap stickers on his prosthetics. I mean like little skulls or gargoyle stickers he bought off red bubble or something, and you know he stuck em on there good. Winry definitely yells at him every time she notices he’s slapped another one on there.
I do also think Ed would have tattoos, but replacing BOTH of his prosthetics with tattoos just erases his disability
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echos-gal · 3 months
looking forward to the marauder's new bumper sticker reading "my lurca hound is smarter than your honors student"
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armands-myspace · 7 months
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little red car dripping with swag
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ebimdae22 · 1 year
Top Gun Maverick characters as random photos in my camera role (again)
Rooster to Hangman
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I know he’s not even in TGM but just give me this one
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Cyclone about Mav
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opendirectories · 1 year
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Soft launching some silly bumper sticker designs! They're all available on my RedBubble in my bio! 🤠
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damespock · 24 days
got off the plane and immediately felt the heat, humidity, and breeze of a brewing summer storm 💖
it could’ve yielded a tornado but instead there was a sudden slap of rain, lightning, distant thunder; then the humidity was gone and it was cold! plus these weird clouds appeared… magical
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mildmayfoxe · 9 months
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ok i'm getting the glitter & also finally ordering some SPECIAL and BASTARD
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thebrightestlodge · 9 months
I jsut KNOW the Madonna/Whore complex tulpa that FromSoft adds to with every new female character starts Ouroborous-ing and chewing on itself every time a chud online opens their mouth to air an opinion on a chick who opposes the main evil governing body of a game. It always has me one step away from doing this when I see people even BREATH wrong near any gal that opposes the main governing rule/body [whether opposing willingly or not]. My goofy doodles hide a simmering rage that protects FS women from people who do horrible things to FS men's cervixes on Twitter
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imovrhere · 1 month
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guys idk hes just so holy mother coded
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fretbored34 · 9 months
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If word salad was a bumper sticker 😬
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spokewar · 4 months
Do you consider your version of Stewjon space Scotland?.
thank you for asking and not at all!
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i don't have a direct comparison for my interpretation, but i'd say it's much more similar to a fantasy realm than anywhere else
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skippingseaglass · 5 months
thank you for your service bad dragon inanimate insanity bumper sticker car that i saw a year ago, you have never gotten any less funny
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