#bad film; indeed‚ if he ever made a bad film‚ I've yet to see it
msfbgraves · 10 months
i’m so sad about the new kk movie :( it’s totally unnecessary and probably a cash grab for ck. i feel especially bad for ralph, he is only doing this to get paid because let’s be real—he will never be taken seriously as an actor and this is the only franchise that’ll fill his bank account. it’s especially sad considering that he’s always been a very good actor—his facial expressions, his way of conveying emotion and meaning without saying anything, his range…but for some reason people don’t wanna give him other opportunities or chances. i want to see more along the lines of cuba and his teddy bear and less of the endless kk spin-offs. let our man act :(((
I hope that there is a slightly more positive spin on this - Ralph thinking "No Karate Kid stuff without me, we saw what happened with that tv show, Hilary Swank film, and reboot! I'm the reason, together with Billy, that it's even lucrative to make yet another reboot, so they can pay me for it too!" Ralph seems very aware of the business part of showbiz.
Still he looked miserable so who knows what these negotiations were like!
I really feel for him. If you read earlier interviews, and I've done that a lot because of indeed Cuba and His Teddy Bear, he really seemed to go out of his way to avoid getting typecast. And he isn't that nostalgic about roles, or impact, he just wants to keep acting. But he looks so miserable in that clip! Phoning it in completely, he really can do better than that. But everything about Hollywood right now is sickeningly risk averse. I mean, Inside Out 2? Ralph wasn't wrong that Creed is how you do Rocky VII, you have to put a different spin on it. Sometimes the 40 years later is the different spin, granted, but most of the time you really need another angle. And this... doesn't look as if they've gone for that. I keep thinking why not go back to tv? The absolute golden age of that may be over but he was doing very well with it, getting himself on The Deuce - that's completely against type. He's made at least $6 million on Cobra Kai if they didn't increase his salary - and I think they did!- together with the commercials and the memoir and whatever this will be - so maybe he can afford to get into tv again, that's where the stories are. Or Broadway! He will have thought harder about it than I ever could but there's nothing coming out of Hollywood that isn't franchise now...
There must be an awful lot of wasted talent in Hollywood. It's simply doubly painful when you see it happen in real time.
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space-blue · 2 years
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The Northman — film review by yours truly
I cannot stress enough how gorgeous and visionary this film is. It is a cinematic experience like few others. It's story telling at its best, even revisiting such a well trodden story.
Amleth = Hamlet = Lion King = Revenge on bad uncle.
We all know how it goes, and yet I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. Eggers managed to bring such a vivid world to life that I was lost in the culture and its influence on the characters and left with baited breath waiting for each plot beat to present itself.
Do NOT go watch this movie if you struggle with intense violence and gore. It's seriously R rated. It has cut noses, swords slowly pushed through heads, decapitations, spilling guts, intense beatings, human sacrifices, dead kids... It has too-realistic viking pillages that don't shy away from the horrors that implies, and the most true depiction of the slave system the Norse depended on ever put to film. If you're so-so on gore, as I am, I can guarantee you that it's usually well telegraphed, and you can look away most of the time. The worst is off screen.
Honestly, I recommend it anyway.
One of the most incredible elements, as usual for Eggers, was the blending of reality with myth, visions and beliefs with every day life. He truly managed to make these people feel alien—as they should. They practiced human sacrifices and had berserkers, ffs, they are alien to us now. And Eggers just nails it! You see rituals, visions, and a people doggedly set to fulfill their preset destinies, without ever blinking at the lack of agency or free will it implies.
Everyone seemed to operate by these ancient rules, only half shown and hinted at, reconstructed from what we know and can guess... And it made for a world I could touch and taste and feel lost in. I've not been so engrossed in a movie in a long time.
Eggers managed to make his depiction so unflinching, he somehow shot the most intense revenge porn since killbill, and the best viking movie ever, and still glorified neither violence, nor vengeance... nor vikings.
The story feels surprisingly not all that character driven. The dialogue isn't Shakespearean, but it has a strange, ancient lilt to it, keeping you from connecting with anyone fully. It made me feel like a time traveler. I still felt quite strongly for Olga and Amleth... But there's so much to peal back from the characters, even when they have few lines. There's so much sweet meta...
This film is an oddity. It's so atmospheric, so terrible, so gorgeous... It's too much. Also. OmG. Sweaty Claes Bang tiddies... Too much indeed.
I think it's a masterpiece. My rating still goes The Lighthouse > The Northman > The VVitch, but I'm basically an Eggers fangirl for life at this stage. The man can do no wrong. He said he'll return to indie films after this, but I'm grateful to the studios that decided to trust him with this wild ride anyway. It'll become cult, even if it bombs.
*sigh* just go see it. Go see this strange, odd film that somehow proves cinema isn't dead.
Also it has Willem Dafoe in a loincloth, barking. Like, that and Claes Bang's bare butt, IDK what else to tell you to sell you on this genius film!
Oh wait, yes, ETHAN HAWKE nude and barking on the ground with Dafoe. Like. I'm telling you it's wild and you need it in your life.
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alexisr294 · 3 years
MY TOP 10 STEVEN AUS (Updated)
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For the following of this top ten list, I'll be using random images to present each AU since reposting one's artwork is not allowed. So without further ado, let's get down to business.
10. Rose Never Leaves AU by @nereamerayo (aka @arrozbrillante)
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While this AU is slightly well-known, it does seem intriguing to picture how and what the SU life would be like if Rose hadn't gave up her physical form to give birth to Steven. For my perspective, it does bring out a bit of development into the most hated pink character. (FYI, I'm not one of those fans who despises Rose)
9. Fantasy AU by @artifiziell
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Before @cynthi-universe's Rogue AU existed, there was this AU first. The creator who made this really went far out on this by switching the show's genre and transforming these alien characters into fantasy-like creatures based on their powers, personalities or whichever style fits them perfectly. Even I was amazed to see Lion as a giant manticore.
8. Coraline AU by @nicorii
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While this may be considered as a film crossover to some people, I still count this as an AU. Seeing as how the title character has experience a lot of heavy stuff, it does seem fitting for Steven to be Coraline, As for the other characters, their roles in this AU are accurately suitable.
7. Listen All Night Long AU by @suf-fering & @universallywriting
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According to Rebecca Sugar, she has watched many Disney movies and added some references in the show. But I never imagine someone would go far and beyond to create this lovely AU. The story itself was written by @universallywriting. I haven't got the chance to read the chapters yet but I have to say the illustrations are very beautiful.
6. Gone Wrong by @spudinacup
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This is not your ordinary comic for kids. Based on the SU movie, this AU's story is told in a whole new yet very dark direction. Whereas Spinel kills Steven instantly with her rejuvenator rather than having to revert his physical form. Although his gem is safe from harm, not only does it reform into pink Steven but also its gem powers remain futile. I hope to find out where the rest of the story goes until we hear word from the creator of this AU.
5. Crystal Clarity AU by Sergeant Plopp & @cnv99
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There are other blogs with Blue Diamond AUs like @teamfadedblue & @blue-diamond-steven. But I believe the best one has to be the blog titled @blueswapuniverse. While the blog and the illustrations are made by CNV99, the story itself was written by Sergeant Plopp. Since her appearance in Steven's Dream, Blue Diamond was shown to be nearly nurturing and compassionate as Rose. Not to mention, having a tremendous grief over the loss of Pink Diamond. In which Greg shared his feelings about losing someone whom he once loved. This had many fans wondering how or what it would be like if Blue and Greg fallen in love and she, instead of Rose, gave birth to Steven. In fact, this AU was made back in 2017, a year before A Single Pale Rose was released. So technically, this was no coincidence.
4. Yellow Diamond Steven AU by @stevenyellowdiamonduniverse (aka @matsuthemoth)
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This indeed is the best Yellow Diamond AU I've ever enjoyed. Now here's what I know about this AU so far. It's sort of like the mom swap AU made by @sketchedatrocities (aka Comedic Interlude) but Steven is the son of Yellow Diamond. Too bad, this AU sadly ended at a cliffhanger because the creator claimed their hand was injured and must require surgery. Little did I found out, the blog for this AU was deleted from Tumblr. But that's not to say the posts for this story are gone completely. You can still find them on Tapas.
After waiting two years, the creator posted a drawing of this AU's Nora on Tapas about 3 months ago. Could this mean they're back in business? Have a little more patience and we'll see.
3. Gem Kids AU by @bananimationofficial
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This is one of those ageswap AUs in which the gems start off as actual kids after they were made. During the very first comic issues, I found it interesting when it began with Pink heading off to Earth with Pearl and Garnet. But when it reached to the actual story point, I soon found it very pleasing because not only does it stay true to the main series but it also gives the characters the experience of what is like to be a youngster or an adult. Unfortunately the creator claimed to have ended her AU at a very disappointing note. Just when Season 2 was already starting. I really enjoyed the illustrations, but if you ever want to check them out again, feel free to check out the blog (@gemkidsau).
2. Bad Prediction AU by @jigokuhana
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Is this an alternate universe or an alternate timeline? You be the judge. Back when the episode titled The Answer was released, not only did it demonstrated precisely how Ruby and Sapphire became Garnet, but it did gave the fandom something to speculate on. What would the Earth be like if Garnet didn't exist? The answer pretty much speaks for itself. But it wasn't until later in the show, when it was revealed that Rose Quartz was really Pink Diamond, that theory got really huge for many fans. After all, Garnet was the whole chain reaction to everything and everyone around her. So for my recommendation, I give it a thumbs up for the creator of this AU.
Honorable Mentions
Steven and Rose Together AU by @pastelpinkillustrator
Half Dragon Steven AU by @hugthesquids
Skybound AU by Mod Shi @su-skybound-au
Fragmented AU by @blindkite
Soft Jock AU by Anonymous @susoftjockau
B-Sides AU by @snidy & @making-friendos
Dimension Hop AU by @pixeldotgamer
[New] Walk the Line AU by @nugatorysheep
To see which AU made #1, click Keep Reading and find out.
1. White Diamond AU (aka Steven AU*niverse) by @thechekhov
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Links to Tumblr blog and Tapas:
Also, this description might give out some spoilers about this AU, if you hadn't read this AU or are far behind.
I for one have to say that this was quite impossible for anyone to imagine or even successfully manage to pull off. From the moment I founded this AU, it seemed very charming. I wasn't sure if I did read the first issue, but the first comic episode I truly read was the start of the AU's second season. Since Steven isn't Rose's son in this alternate world, it makes things exciting, especially when he meets Rose (still alive) and the Crystal Gems.
With Rose Quartz around, Chekhov attempts to add in more qualities that purely demonstrates the kind of character she is. Unlike how most fans viewed her as the main antagonist of the show. But considering Rose had such a harsh life back when she was Pink Diamond, it does seem hard for her to adjust her complexity and give out a clear answer whenever someone besides Steven asks her questions relating to Homeworld or the Diamonds. And when Rose does talk things over with him, not only does it bring out this semi mother-son relationship they share with, but it also lets out her tensions, due to severe hardships she faced thousands of years ago. Having to see Rose facing her problems while also presenting a bit more of her true identity is what many SU fans wished would happen in canon. In fact, that's not the only best thing about this AU.
For instance, Chekhov manages to go further beyond the subject of PTSD by having this Steven to be a runaway foster kid who ends up tagging along with a colorless woman with one eye (aka Earl/Pink Pearl). Since the Gems, including Rose, don't know much about him, it does play out perfectly to have them develop a mutual trust with him, despite of their concerns of Homeworld's return and facing the Diamonds' wrath again. While Chekhov is able to present a few of the show's references to build up our expectations, they do manage to keep some pages of the script secret so that way we can keep on guessing what will happen afterwards. Once their ideas come into play as the story progresses, everything works out perfectly. Just like how Chekhov came up with an original character (Seaglass) to put into this AU. As she was revealed or introduced, people already started to find her very cute and lovable in a matter of seconds.
Regardless, this comic has truly capture the spirit of the show as it once was eight years ago. Whether this may be fictional, based on how the story is laid out, I give two thumbs up to you, Chekhov. By setting up the intensity virtuously as each issue is released, having them to be told through actual questions from the followers of this blog, adding more insight on the characters, and providing a bunch of SU references from the original show, this proves that Chekhov has an astonishing gift for storytelling. Even I come to appreciate on the father-son relationship Steven and Greg share so beautifully than how it was presented on the show.
All that's left for me to say is thank you for creating these remarkable tales. I hope to look forward on what comes later. I know your more focus with other stuff in your life and it can be very tiresome, I just wish you luck to you, your friends from Russia, and to everyone who are managing their everyday struggles. Your AU will always be my favorite.
And if you're reading this, what exactly will you do once this AU is completed?
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fashournalist · 4 years
Just finished watching To All the Boys I've Loved Before: Always and Forever! Now I can't stop listening to Beginning Middle and End! Sigh, it's perfect for hopeful romantics like you and me.
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Also it was my first time to attend a watch party via Scener, thank you for the invite, AJ sist!!! Am happy we got to hang out again even through a virtual movie date. Someday we'll attend film festivals when the pandemic is over, looking forward to the day cinemas open again!!
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Time flies indeed. I just finished reading TATBILB book 3 on May 11, 2020 and I couldn't wait for the movie to come out and now it's here!! (Trivia: I shortlisted 30+ books during Big Bad Wolf 2020 but could only afford seven books. So I got six nonfiction (as a nonfic junkie) and only one novel—this was that novel.)
I'm glad it showed that love shouldn't hinder the pursuit of dreams; and they can grow together (both as individuals and as a couple) even when they're miles apart. I've seen people do that. One of my favourite power couples studied at Harvard and UPenn respectively, and their relationship made it. They're now happily married and I'm so happy for them. Relationships like these are goals :))
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I can't help but compare the book with the film, but I enjoyed the movie in itself, too. 🥰
Some changes:
It rushed the proposal to Trina;
It totally simplified the promposal to Lara Jean;
It didn't show the initial conflict between Margot and Trina
It didn't show Stormy's passing (would have been a really sad scene huhu) and Lara Jean meeting John Ambrose again.
Lara Jean also gave the memory box instead of making a scrapbook.
Peter didn't give her the best tasting cookie in New York, but it's good she tried it herself.
The film also didn't show the conflict between Lara Jean and Peter's mom.
But if there's a change I liked, it's that Peter told Lara Jean their first ever meeting through the dedication he wrote on their yearbook. In the book, Peter wrote a really short dedication (and Peter gave Lara a hot photo of him so she could post it on her dorm room haha).
I also liked the little film surprise that Kitty had a happy crush on Dae!
Oh and of course, the major changes include the schools. And I actually liked it. Though the book has beautifully captured the campus of the University of Virginia, the plan B with William and Mary, and the plot twist of University of North Carolina, I think changing them to Stanford, Berkeley and NYU made it more relatable to a worldwide audience because they're more globally well-known.
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Overall, it's a film that gives you all the feels while at the same time excites you to dream big. It tackles hard topics as well such as dealing with grief and growing up in a broken family.
I felt the bittersweet feeling when a trilogy or series that you love has ended.
I could relate with Lara Jean a lot, especially on the first movie when she never had a boyfriend yet and she was just writing letters. I love letters! And I never had a boyfriend, until today. Never been kissed, never had an MU or whatever haha. Though on the dreaming side, I could relate more with Margot. I'm a huge dreamer and I want to see the world. As for Kitty, I see the little me in her. Mataray, doesn't sugarcoat. But growing up, I've become more of Lara Jean with my quirks and very sentimental self. I'm also a daydreamer like her, and an idealist. Oh and, I'm a homebody! Give me books and movies and they'll be my date haha. Am a hopeful romantic. Although, I don't bake. But I make scrapbooks since I was a kid. I put art in everything I do. And I also wore literal gift ribbons on my ponytail in highschool haha. I hope, like Lara Jean, I find my Peter K someday (or actually, John Ambrose haha). But not anytime soon. Because unlike LJ, I think I want to pursue my master's degrees (yes, plural, that's the plan hahhah and yet here I am not even applying to any school so far) as a single woman haha. Well maybe unless I meet someone who can change how I feel, someone who will not hold me back from reaching my dreams, in as much as I will not hold him back from reaching his. But until then, it's best to be single haha! As a solo traveller, there are still so many countries to see on my own. Okay I'm daydreaming now hahaha!
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Thank you, TATBILB and Jenny Han for giving us LJ and Peter K. Thank you for the feels and the pastel aesthetic and the great soundtrack. Thank you for introducing me to Leah Nobel's music!! (Am now in love with Coffee Sunday NYT and Talking to the Dog at the Party, aside from Beginning, Middle, and End!)
I wish I saw more of Josh Sanderson, though (I had a second-lead syndrome during the first film!! And I loved John Ambrose, too. Jordan Fisher is one of the best)
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And thank you for making me want to go back to New York because clearly I have only seen less than 0.1% of it :(
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I love how you captured a glimpse of NYC's splendor in just a few minutes! Of all the places you showed, it was only Times Square that I've seen in real life. But in time, will be back, experience the city, taste the same cookie Lara tasted—the best cookie in the world. And more. I'm daydreaming again haha! Here's a little selfie I had five years ago at Broadway 😄
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For now, will take a break as my Dad and I are scheduled to watch Godfather II after dinner : ) Someday I will take him around the world!!! Amen in Jesus' Name <3
Omg I was just typing this and then Dad told me stories (right now) about his dreams to travel the world and we're going to places for lovers or astronomy. He's one big astronomy junkie, I tell you.
Who needs a date when I have the best date in the world, my Dad!!
Advance happy Valentine's Day, world changers!!
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animaginativegirl · 6 years
Transforming Truth
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I watched my two sisters eating the living hell out of the beefsteak on their plates. While me being an introvert child in the family is holding a phone filming every funny acts that their doing. Their habit was totally so unmanerred and their high class etiquettes were gone really bad. As Violet Carbonelle my older sister is munching her beefsteak like a pig, Lavender Carbonelle my second older sister on the other hand was beating her by eating like a monkey with both hands. She eats the last piece of beefsteak and said finish, “I win! Viol you lose bwaahahaha such a loser.”“In your face Lav your just lucky today even though you won, It just proves you’re a monkey that eats like a lion.” wiping the mess of beefsteak on her face.
Lavender rolled her eyes at her. “Shut up Viol.” Violet smirked at her. “You know what they say, you are what you eat.” Lavender looked pissed. “Look whose talk-”
I cut off the rest of their conversation as I clicked the stop button and slam myself in the couch in the living room. Spreading my feet in the comfy seat, I looked over the beefsteak eating contest laughing at my two sisters faces .Lavender is the immature one of our siblings we are actually five and I’m the youngest of them all. My other guy sibling's names are Andrew and Lucas Carbonelle they are a lot more playful in their own circle of friends than with us, having a family bonding together. So back to Lavender she seems the silliest of us but everyone knows not to get on her bad side. Her bad side proves that she is indeed a monster.
“So baby sis, how’s life being a Quider’s wife.”
“Not so good Sister Lavender.”
“You’re not yet in love with that gorgeously handsome guy.”
“No Sister Violet I will not fall for that jerk.”
“His personalities are annoying.”
“I don’t believe you baby sis because the way you look at him there’s a spark in your eyes .Such an indenial Queen.”
I don’t have the looks of a teenager Andrea brilliantes or the attitude of a sweet little girl. Andrew and Lucas describe me as deadly when you get to know me, Very .To the outside of my comfort zone people say I’m shy and quiet. Violet and my best friend Cassie Quider would give them the ‘Are you seriously crazy look?’ Look. I’m loud? Depends on which I have my close friends and families. But I’m quiet when I’m with other people I barely know .I’ll just curled up in my room read a good book .In short ,I’m plain and boring me. I’m a girl with long curl hair that needs to be cut and layered, has no fashion sense in wearing clothes and doesn’t like hanging out with people. When I first found my best friend in my high school days because she wasn’t like the other girls who are too complainants and can’t stop talking gossip to other peoples lives. I look towards the heaven and yelled to god my ‘thank you’. That resulted to my living nightmare.
Three Months ago during the last day of our class .Cassies’s roommate Girlie Savidra invited as to go to the bar. Most of my classmates would be there as a gathering .She was so excited to go to the bar because Its our first time .I've never been there before ever in my whole existence in this world. So Cassie and I went to the bar together with Girlie .We are having fun at first ,but after a few hours because of my drunken state the bar became too crowded for my vision. As I look to the other side my classmates as will are so drunk that their dancing wildly and crazily. “Cass we need to go were drunk .We are not safe her. I need to sleep, my vision are getting blur and blurry.” But Cassie is not listening so I start walking finding a way to get out of this bar .But my vision is getting blurry and blurry every seconds that I actually bumped someone. I was glad someone catches me before I fall deeply face to face on the floor because of my clumsiness. “Thank you, Sir. You can now let go of me I can handl-”but before I can finish my word the stranger dragged me to the exit of the bar and never letting go of my hand. As we walk, he drags me to his car. “Where are we going? Why are you dragging me in your car?” “Shut up Marinie!”
When my phone rang, it indicates an alarmed sound of my waking clock. A man was the first to rouse. Turning sideways, I realized that I had fallen asleep in a man’s arms! After about three seconds, the event of the previous night started coming back to me. Thunderstruck, I hurriedly jump off the bed and run towards the toilet in a panic. “Oh my god, what happened to me?” As I saw myself naked in the bathroom’s mirror. I hurriedly grab a robe to cover my nakedness and start counting one to ten to ease my fast heartbeat and start opening the door. "Ok Mr. I doesn’t know the name. Who dragged me to my own house .What really happen? And why am I naked in this bedroom of mine?”I was talking to him in a calm tone. “You’re not panicking? Such an amazing woman I must say---.”
Before the guy can start talking the whole event that had happen to us when I’m sleeping. There is someone opening the door that reveals my parents shock as I was."What happen in here?"My dad serious voice as he speaks occupied the room while looking at the both of us."Why are the both of you are not properly with clothes? Jolly get dress properly now and start explaining, what you just did with a guy wearing a boxer?"Mommy's hint of disappointment is evident to her tone and face. What have I done to my contentedly peaceful life? As my parents were gone I looked to the guy's face with furrowed eye brows and scan my room.It’s a mess the bedsheet had a small bright red stain. Female and male clothes are scruffy on the floor behind the bed. I had too much alcohol the night before, which caused me a splitting headache.But this did not hinder my thoughts process.In just about a second, I figured out what had happen between the two of us.
It is not a dream! I’m not dreaming!
Everthing is real!
But the big question is why did the guy knows my home address? I have no other friends except Cassie she is the one who knows my address.I told her my address because she is my bestfriend. My face darkened as I clenched my hand ready to punched the guy's face, who’s in front of me, but I refrained myself from doing it because it is useless .So I yanked my closet open, grab a decent dress and also an internal girls stuff and marched toward the bathroom with a mask of angered face. As I slammed the bathroom's door I shout at him the line 'I am not yet done with you.'
Now I’m walking on the stairs of our two-story mansion down to the first floor where the Office room is located I knocked three times before I open and entered that room .before I can sit down I can see different faces in the room a middle age handsome man, a young handsome man and the king beast who is gorgeously handsome that gives me a headache this morning and also my father Robert who is in his office table and my mom Claire who is beside him.
"Here she is, so it’s stilled now."
"Yes of course Robert. My niece Aaron was willing to take responsibilities for what happen to them. He is willing to marry Jolly. I can say his willing to settle down NOW."
"What! I taught I’m the one who would marry her in the future, because we are fix to be together in the beginning.MommyLa told me that even she is not yet born she will be my wife that’s the tradition of a Carbonelle and a Quider families lineage."
"Yes it is true Adrian, but what happen right now will change. You are free to choose who you want to marry in the Carbonelle's female daughters except my daughter Jolly."
"Mom what’s happening? Who's marrying whom as a tradition?"
"Claire aren’t your daughter suppose to know the tradition of the two families?”
"I’m not marrying anyone in this room. And it’s final."
"JOLLY MARINIE who give you the permission to decline the Quider family. That’s the tradition, only the boys of the Carbonelle and Quider will choose who they want to marry. So settle down and filter your mouth."
“But ….Daddy!" I look at my dad and said my disgust but refrain because of his serious face,facing at me. I look at the side and pleas mom."Mommy please."but failed.
They did not tell me of this tradition thing In Just a day,I became a Mrs. Quider. A wife’s man I barely know with the help of our family lawyer.
As I got home from my parents house I see an Adonis waiting for me in the open front door of our house I let my eyes adjust to the sunlight as I stared at my husband Aaron who's holding the door knob. “Was it fun being with your sisters and not being by my side?” His brown eyes bore into my black ones and I couldn’t speak as I looked into them .They were filled with so many emotion, more feelings are evident as I looked at his face. He was not familiar to me but something inside me said that I know him . His dark hair fell into his eyes and he blew at the strands to move them away from his face. His hair was a messy bed head. His breath smelled like mint and I had to admit when I looked at him he was handsome –no scratch that he was hot and an extremely gorgeously handsome man and it wasn’t something I could not ignore.
“I…am … so .. Happy when I’m with them. ” ‘I’m sorry’ the words that I want to say towards him but no I would not say it loud, I’m not going to be a softhearted towards him, because of him my life change .
“Next time, be a responsible wife to call me if you’re not coming home. I’m worried sick finding you.”
I ignore him.I walk toward the stairs to our room. Put aside the things and hurriedly jump to bed without changing my clothes. I’m tired of all the shits that I had been through with him I have been married with him for about three months. However, it was not a marriage fall of love and our families was aware of that.After we had married, we had effectively avoided each other with tacit understanding.Once we were out of the house automatically we regarded one another as a stranger. But now he just broke a cold treatment with me. How will I react? Just the thought of it made me shudder in fear and panic. I heard a vaguely footsteps coming closer from the room. I act asleep as the door open.
"I know you’re not yet sleeping.Can we talk? A serious talked." "What is it?"
"Can we settle our problem.Can you stop pretending that I don't exist? I’m tired of pretending that Your not my wife, just please can you treat me as your husband or just your friend. Let’s try to be a normal married couple we should act as matured individuals please, I beg you."He plead "Mr. Aaron Jee Quider, I never knew you had the ability to take advantage of me, how could you climb into my bed when I was drunk.You pretend too. Acting like we did something sexual that night! If I remember correctly on our night as a married couple, like a lofty man,the first sentence you said was not to show affection and kindness to you!Now what?Just three months being married to me and you can't contain my cold treatment towards you?"Aaron was silent so I spoke again. "Or have you always wanted to be my husband so you can prove to your self that you’re not in love with me and you'll never will." The moment I said that I burst into laughter before I counted two then my laugh disappeared.I glared sharply at him and said."Will Mr. Quider you are trying to play with my emotion, right? So you want to play with me huh? Alright, I’ll make sure you'll lose and I will break you bit by bit!" I ended it with a cruel tone.
"You want to know the truth. Why I’m being like this? Okay. Fine I’ll tell you my story."
Many years ago
“Aaron where are you?”
An eight years old kid name Aaron who lay down to a Bermuda grass while playing his toy cars, hurriedly stand up."Mommy I'm here!" shouting to her mother while waving his little hands so his mother can see him.
His Mother smiled at him and come closer to where he is playing."The sun’s rays are so hot Baby. Why? Where you playing in this itchy Bermuda grass with your toys?" "I can't play with my car toys in there, Mom. I'm scared of the dark, there’s no Light in that house mom, it’s like a haunted house it’s creepy." She swiftly sweeps the dirt from the back of the kid's clothes."My baby is becoming impatient are we? Our maids and the things are not yet in here.There are still in manila. Your dad doesn’t have time to bring the things and also ManangLoding and April here in Oroquieta city baby. So be patient and please understand your daddy, alright baby." His Mother's voice is so nice to hear to the delectable little ears of Aaron it has a gentle and sweet tone the way the words spill out to her mouth it’s so sweet to hear. Unlike his father’s voice who has always wear a serious and angrily hard tone. Who always have an authority or demand voice. Aaron is totally scared of his father but his father’s attitudes towards him are kind and soft.Whenever his father returns home from work he would play toy cars with him. However his father is not constantly coming home at all times and sometimes he comes home after a year or a half because he is a soldier. His mom wipes away the sweat from his forehead down to his back. “Let’s eat! I cooked your favorite food, fried chicken!"
“Mommy, when will daddy come home?"He innocently questioned his mom.
“And Mommy, why did we move here in Oroquieta city?”
My mother holds my hand as we walk together returning from our new called house, that’s looked like a cottage. It’s so small unlike in manila that we have a mansion. We are in front of a man made mini forest now and it looks like a hide out to me.
“My baby Aaron doesn’t like it here? Do you? Your cousins are living in here. You well love it here that’s a promise, now you are not alone playing with your toy cars because your cousins are here they can be your playmate.”Little Aaron’s mouth blows air. “It’s different from manila.” "Very, because This place is more beautiful, peaceful, and has fresh air, Aaron don’t worry we will come back to manila if the time will come that your father’s works are fine and well done. But for now we need to be here for safety purposes.” He nods his head as he agrees.
“Mommy where is daddy now?” mom stilled and then smiled at me. “He’s somewhere saving people’s lives. Your dad is a superhero!” Aaron smiled. “Mommy, someday when I grow up can I be a superhero too?” She messed my hair. “Yes of course baby you can be the kindness superhero like daddy.”“Kindness?”
“Softhearted,caring and lovable.” Mom hugs him. “You can be a hero now, actually. You can help people and that makes you a hero.”“Without guns? I want a gun, mommy.” “If you’re old enough.You can have a gun. But for now just help who needs your help. For example if I need your help in carrying a basket full of foods in the market, if you’re playing with your cousins make sure they are safe so they would not be hurt, if there is an older person who is passing by in a highway who needs help you will be their helping guide. Okay baby.” He nods.
Aaron was born a hero. Even if his mother would not say something to help others, he will help and help who are in needs of help.
“Aaron!!!” His cousins are Levi and Jan who’s shouting his name for help. “Why?” he turned in their direction while he is playing basketball with Arniel and Kobe. His cousin Kobe hurriedly stole the ball from his hand and shoot, again he loses the game twice. “Adrian was trap, chasing the cat from a tree he can’t climb down because of the dogs surrounding the tree where the cat is. Adrian is scarred of the dogs. ” Jan who had the same age as him was telling all what had happened and now breathing heavily because of running. “He is crying. He’s helpless in there.” “Where?” panicked strike in his heart as the thought that his little cousin is in a big trouble. His cousin needs him.“There! There!” a running Levi pointed out where Adrian’s location is.
Outside of the house’s of Kobe. They all run and seen the helpless Adrian crying while hiding in the branch of a tree while the dogs are barking angrily at him. “Help me please! Someone help me!”Adrian while crying and shouting at the top of his lungs. “How can we help him, Aaron? The dogs are so huge!” Arniel said. Aaron bravely walks towards the dogs. “Aaron! Be careful of a dog’s bite it hurts so badly!”
Levi said to him stopping him from moving forward. He stop and shout at Adrian to let go of the cat that his holding.
His not scared of the dog’s bites. As long as Adrian is safe he will endure the pain if ever he will be bitten by the dogs. “Aaron can do it, god is within him.” “ADRIAN !” I called him as soon as he let go of the cat his holding “Run from the gate now.” As we run together hand in hand from the gate, where my cousins are waiting I pray to god my braveness and thanking him for our safety and my wisdom. As my cousins are cheering my braveness to save Adrian they shouted ‘you’re our hero’.
I felt proud. I’m a hero!
“That day I felt proud of myself Marinie because I became a hero, I told my mom about what happen and she is so proud of me but she also told me to beware of my action. She said I am becoming like my father.”
“Your daddy hurriedly grabs the gun son to the enemy, I kick their feet and smash their face then I punch and punch and punch!, They landed on the floor and I hurriedly grab the last man and said you’re under arrest and you’re not getting away from all the crimes that you did.” My eyes look wide and wider I was amazed of my daddy’s story, my dad is brave! I WANT TO BE LIKE HIM!
“What had happened next dad?” Now that he’s nine years old, he is willing to listen to all he’s father’s combat stories about being a soldier.
“Bad will never wins against the good, “after his father finish all his stories thats full of smashing, punching, kicking and gun firing. Thank god he’s father is still alive and kicking!
I was amazed and I believed my father's capabilities when I was young about his dedications for his work .but eventually even I'm happy of the action moves and fighting skills about my father’s work my mom will contradict his works.
“What if you get shot? What if you never stole the gun from your enemy? You will be shot in the body several times by your enemies without you knowing and fighting it.” He accidentally heard all the sermons of his mother towards his father that day.
"Bettina, That’s in the past now. It did not happen alright? I’m in front of you now talking, arguing and alive” his father answered while holding his teary eye mother's hand. "I’m worried at you Art when never you’re on your mission.
"This is my work, before we knew each other. This is my job and as a soldier I need to protect our country's people."
As I walk outside of the room. I immediately hide back inside of the backdoor of my room when I heard my mother started crying.
"You’re always not around Art, Aaron was always asking where are you? He grow up not having a father by his side because your busy . I can't tell him that we are here in this situation because of you .Hiding like a thief because we are threaten to be killed by your enemies.” mom pushes dad a side. “Art, I’m tired, tired of this mess .Since I’m pregnant with Aaron, I’m all ways hiding. Scared to be caught because of your stupid job .Mom was right I should have not married you in the first place!”I heard dads gasp. "BETTINA, what are you talking about? Before we get married I already settle it with you - "
"Yes, Art you already cleared it to my face that we are not your first priority. Never will be your first priority because we are just your family I understand clearly even though your not their when I give birth to Aaron, I did understand you even it’s so difficult in my part because I need you that time ,I need my husband beside me caring and supporting me, but you’re not there."
"Why do you have to castigate me now? Bettina? Aaron is now nine years old why do you have to dig the past that was nine years ago."
"No Art it wasn’t nine years ago that you lack. Ever since you married me I never ever feel that I have a husband, that I am married. I made the biggest mistake of my life marrying you! , you are always so good at promising. I should have done the right thing. I should have not married you when you impregnate me.”
"Stop you don’t mean that! Right? We love each other."
"I don’t know anymore I love you still Art, but I can’t no longer contain myself being scared every day. Doubting when never you’re always away. I don’t know when you will come back alive or dead. I don’t want to endure the pain anymore when never I wanted you, needed you by my side." I wanted to cover my ears because of their shouts, while fighting each other. I never understand anything at all that they arguing.
I pecked at them then I saw dad hugging mom so tight.
"I love you so much Bettina and I love Aaron too."
"If you love us please leave your job alone! I want a peaceful life for you and for my son."
"No I will not leave my job Bettina many Filipino people need a soldier like me.”
“How come you always priorities others more than your family? You are the one who we need Art, Aaron needs you! Please Art! You have already served enough being a soldier to all the people in this nation., Please I beg you to be selfish enough and choose us just for once in your life." Aaron doesn’t know if his father answered it .He just saw them hugging while his mom was crying really hard. The next day, his father’s gone again to save other people’s lives.
Aaron was twelve years old when his father’s rank in the army elevated. Until he became a major general they are present in his father’s ceremony. There is a pin that his mother put in his father’s uniform then everyone clap and I salute my father. "One day, you’ll be the hero Aaron.” He said while messing my hair.
There was no new in his family’s set up. He was eighteen when he enrolled a university in manila for a criminology course in college he tried his best to have a higher grade in the first semester because he was inspired and he did have a high grade. After the whole semester was done he was really excited to go home to his mom to tell the good news and his mom will give birth soon in this month. The month of February he will have a baby sister.
“Mom, did dad called you?” I asked mom while I was busy peeling a green mango for her. Next week is her due date.
"Yes son he called yesterday, he’ll try to be with me when I give birth to your baby sister.” Mom’s nose crease. “But I will no longer hope it’s just a promise that he’ll break."
"Mom, don’t say that, dad will be with us, he is trying his best to be with us alright, so he will be here when you give birth. So cheer up mom.” as I console my mother and defend my father.
Mom did not say a single word .she just eat the green mango that I had peeled." Mom what’s the name of my baby sister?” Mom held her tummy. Your dad like the name Cassandra, while me I want Amelia.” I laugh “My baby sister’s name stinks! I like Cassandra than Amelia, mom.” he teased his mother. "Aaron! My disgraceful child!”Mom laugh at my joke and said “I love that name don’t murder it.”
I nod at her "Then Amelia Cassandra Quider is the name .Ah it’s perfect for a royal princess, Mom! That sister of mine is imported .She’s a god send from us."
We laughed at what I said and my mom pinch my ear. “’I’m glad you’re here my big baby you make your mother happy you are my hero who save me from my loneliness.” "Oh God! My mom is such a drama queen.” Mom laughed again and hugged me. "My big baby doesn’t want some loving! Come here and I’ll give you a kiss.” “Mom!” I called her then averted my face so she can’t kiss my cheek. She laughed and mess my hair.
Our laughed continue as we make jokes when we heard loud gunshots. Mom scream “What is it Aaron?” as she saw me looking in the window.
Suddenly I held my left shoulder as I saw my flowing blood, I was shot. I yelled loud because of the pain and hurriedly lay down on floor .
"Mom,be safe lay down!” I yelled and acted like I don’t mind the pain in my shoulder. My mom shivers while hiding under the table as I am trying crawl to her side. 'Dad!dad! Help us ' his trying to shout for Dad’s help in his mind. Where are you? What happen? how come someone wants to harm my family? Where are you dad we need you!
I cried as I got shot on my back .Mom cried too as she saw me in pain. “Mom …” I cried as I felt that my body is numb and the pain was invading my whole body with fire that can burn my skin, and I got shot in my leg again. “Aaron!” A horrible cry was evident on his mother’s face as she saw me in pain. The gunshots did not stop from falling in our house like a rain."Aaron, son!” I look at my mom who called my name but my vision was blurred because of the pain that inflicted my body. Mom needs me I need to stay Awake and alive she needs me and my baby sister needs me! "Mom, don’t move your safe in there just stay there, I’m alright” I shouted at her when she started to move under the table to save me.
Mom held her stomach while trying to hold my hand to drag me in her side. "Son! " She leaves her hiding place so she can save me to be under the table made of a narra tree. I scream and cried as I saw my mom got shot in her chest. “Mom!!" my loud voice echo in all the corners of the house as I shout while looking at my mom who is now trying to breath evenly and she got shot in the back too . And the entire place becomes dark.
As I woke up my whole body was in pain. I was lying on the hospital bed, as it register to my head that I’m alive! All that was happen to him sudden flash in his mind “where is my mom? What happen? Where is my baby sister?” My relatives gasp as I sit on the hospital bed .they tried to calmed me and called a doctor to diagnose me. “Where is my mom? Is she okey? Is my baby sister okay too? Are they already safe?” He heard all his aunt’s cried .his now breathing really hard. He was anxious. “What happen?” “Your mom gives birth, Aaron! Your sister is safe she was in the incubator.” “So where is my mom? Is she okay? Is my dad here? Did he know what happen?” “Aaron, your mom …she’s gone …. Bettina is gone..She chooses to first save the baby than herself. She died after giving birth two days ago.”
The doctor said to minimize my movement so my wound won’t be open, but it did not stop me to run at my mom who was now lying in the coffin. My world collapse as I hold the coffin and look at my mom’s face. “Mom..mom, don’t go mom please wake up ,mom please I beg you please wake up!” “Aaron, that’s enough!”. “Mom! Mommy!” I never felt so helpless and broken before. How come it turns out like this? Why did my mom died? “Mom! Cassandra will grow without a loving mother, you don’t want that mom, right? Mom, why did you leave me? Mom!” I was crying like a kid begging mom to wake up. She’s alive this is not true it is just a dream my mom is alive. “Mom!Mom!” I have nothing to say I am angry at myself, in pain and empty from all that had happen in my life it was a tragedy .My beloved mother was gone .I didn’t even have the chance to say goodbye . I did not protect my Mom! I’m not a hero! Mom I’m so sorry. I said it again and again. I feel the pained that will soon crush my heart into tiny little pieces. “Mom, I love you mommy” everything’s too late.
It’s the fifth day of his mother’s wake .He did not do any thing but to guard his mom and never even sleep ever since he left the hospital. The person who’s behind his mother’s death was imprison he was an enemy of his father. His father is the one who give justice to his mother’s death but he those not mind at all because his great so called father will not be home comforting him. Even if he doesn’t go home he don’t care anymore. “Aaron, you need to rest! Cassie is in their sleeping in your room if you like to sleep beside your baby sister. She’s there.” His relatives called Cassie as a nick name of his baby sister. He shakes his head as a sign he don’t want to go. As he saw his father he said “You have no right to be here!” they’re standing on the entrance door was his father. “Son, I need to see your mom, I need to. Please. You need me as a father now, Aaron.” “I don’t need you” he coldly said, “Son.” “I thought you protect and save people, dad.”“ But where are you when we need you when I and mom were in danger? You’re the one to be blame of my mother’s death. Mom was gone because of you! If you just chose to live that damn job of yours we should not be in danger! She should not be died by now! She will not choose who would be save first! If you just hurriedly come home, mom would still be alive today!” His father cried in front of them in front of all the people from his mother’s wake. Aaron held his tears and acted like a stone. “Mom endures all the pain and waited all of your time that you can give just for her, even if she is in pain because of her being pregnant without you, she always takes care of me and always understands you. You wanted to be a hero! A saint! To everyone! Congrats, dad! You have save everyone’s lives except my mom’s life!” “Aaron.” “Have you seen that? Mommy is in there! She’s sleeping peacefully and never ever will wake up .How can you start doing your promises now! When the women you have promise to be with her, Died! If you wanted to be a hero YOU SHOULD PRIORITIZE YOUR FAMILY FIRST! You should stop being my dad because ever since I grow up you’ll never ever act like my father at all. I.HATE.YOU.” he’s father gasp and the pain are evident in his eyes as I spoke every word. His father tried to reach him but failed as I walked away. His dad is angry at him and his angry with his dad too. Seemed fair enough .He hated his father to the core. He is not a hero .Not anymore for him. My heart is a stone for my father. I promise my self that I will not be like him .never ever be like him.he’ll be wiser .if ever he had a wife he will love her and filled her with all the attention that he have, he’s wife will not be like his mother . He promises that to his self. But he was oblivious that he was becoming like his father.
My tears fall as I heard his story the pain was evident in his eyes too .I saw his eyes are sorely red with tears I was a bad person towards him he was holding back his past so that’s why he was being like this an loaf, unemotional cold man on the outside but was a broken soul on the inside “I’m sorry I didn’t know” I hug him tight and said the word that I wanted to tell him since I become his wife “I cared for you. So if you feel like you wanted to cry and wanted to talk again, I’ll listen.”
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seyaryminamoto · 6 years
I've seen A LOT of people thinks Azula is one of the best villains created ever. Can you please list the reasons why? I'm interested.
Well, I’d think it’s kind of obvious, but if you would like to know…
Azula is a really successful character, and that makes her an even better villain. She defies a lot of typical villainous tropes because of many reasons I’ll explain later, but first of all I will insist on one thing: she is a CHARACTER, and not simply a villain. She’s not written merely as a foil in the way of the protagonists, even if she indeed serves as a foil. But she has her own goals, her own strengths and flaws, and as the story progresses you discover the complexities of her character that make her, by far, the best villain in the Avatar franchise. Yes, some people might say she’s not the best villain of all time, I’m not going to force you to agree on that if you like anyone else better, but the reasons why she stands out so much begin right here.
So, first off, she’s a character. She’s not omnipotent, she’s not undefeatable, she’s someone with a mission and who stops at nothing to achieve it (stubbornness of this kind is usually seen as positive traits in main characters, but it’s seen as terrifying in villains). She sets herself up for failure in some ways, as she has unstable and unequal relationships with her friends and everyone else around her, and she has unresolved issues with her mother and her father, not to mention a tumultuous relationship with her brother. So with both her strengths and flaws in mind, Azula feels like a villain who fits in the world we’ve seen so far. Nothing about her is particularly over the top, her bending skills are above and beyond everyone else’s because that makes her a bigger threat, yet Iroh can bend lightning too, for instance. It’s not presented as something unthinkable, even if she is extraordinary for it. She doesn’t really disrupt the rules of the Avatarverse for having blue fire, or for bending lightning, so she’s basically perfectly plausible in this universe.
Azula raises the stakes. Azula gives both Aang and Zuko a brand new villain they both struggle against in their own ways. Azula is out to capture them both, and she will do whatever it takes to succeed, so with her arrival into the show, the characters are somewhat split into three groups in Book 2: the common factor is that she’s always their enemy. A girl who only travels with two other girls can fight and chase both your show’s protagonists and keep them on their toes all along. Have you thought about how awesome that is?
Now, why do I say she defies villainous tropes? Well, I only just reblogged a fun post where they pointed out that Azula strikes Aang down when he’s in the middle of his Avatar State transformation. How many times have you watched shows where this happens? I watched plenty of magical girls shows as a kid, and I am a known Digimon fan: how many times didn’t I joke about how villains should just take out the good guys when they’re wasting 15 seconds of screen time, more or less, by transforming and acquiring all their powers? If you were anything like me, these tropes take you to a point where you have to knowingly suspend your disbelief and simply accept the lack of logic in the matter.
But no, Azula strikes. She sees Aang is floating up there, all extraordinary with his Avatar State mojo, and she decides there’s no point in fighting evenly when he’s in full power. She decides to take out this threat in whatever way she can, regardless of how underhanded and morally wrong it may be. But isn’t that the kind of behaviour you’d expect in a villain? The kind of thing that suits a bad guy, the thing that makes them a serious threat?
A huge thing that makes Azula absolutely extraordinary in my eyes, and it makes me think of Iago from Othello often: Azula plans and succeeds, at least in Book 2 and half of Book 3. She works hard, she doesn’t always win, things go wrong at times and yet? At the very moment where it mattered, Azula got what she wanted, just as Iago got what he wanted. No kidding, Iago gets caught, but not before he destroys Othello in the exact way he intended to. And THAT is what makes a villain worthwhile. The villain’s goal can be something as simple as stealing candy from a child, but if he succeeds and gets away with causing exactly the effect he intended to, regardless of what it costed, that villain is miles better than your average “I want to destroy the world because the writers were giving the hero something to fight against” villain.
So, Azula’s biggest scary factor is that she can be successful. And she’s NOT a big hazy bad guy, like her father, or all other Fire Lords: she’s out in the field, fighting her own battles, planning her strategies and making everything fall into place if she can.
As I said before, she CAN fail. She does, lots of times. But the show does something LOK, for instance, never really did: Azula wins in Book 2. In LOK Amon’s cause allegedly helps fix the bending privilege problem, and Unalaq gets to bring the spirits back, and Zaheer nearly makes Korra disappear forever, and Kuvira somehow gets to fix the Earth Kingdom in her own way. But… they’re all defeated. Zaheer and Kuvira end up in jail, Amon and Unalaq even DIE. None of these bad guys got to actually succeed, their causes apparently did, in roundabout ways, but not them as individuals. 
Azula, on the other hand, succeeds in every level. Azula succeeds where so many others failed, even being the only character who ever came remotely close to killing Aang. She takes over Ba Sing Se with a plan that comes into place right in front of the viewer, and if you love her you relish in this (as I did), if you hate her you are horrified by how EVERYTHING IS GOING HER WAY. It’s not merely her cause that succeeds, the show doesn’t try to tell you that Azula’s victory is good in some roundabout way. Azula is portrayed in a bad light, as a villain, as a real threat to the heroes, and to the values the show is presenting. And she doesn’t wait around for others to fulfill her orders: she goes out to take care of things herself, even fighting without her bending if that’s is how she can protect her nation and father.
As a comparison: how many times in Book 1 did any of us ever really think Zuko was going to succeed at capturing Aang? I, personally, never really thought he was going to do it, not only because of spoilers but because Zuko didn’t feel nearly as threatening as Azula did. Was it because of his temper? Was it because of humorous situations written around him? I don’t really know, but Zuko, as annoying and persistent as he was, and as often as he showed up in pursuit of Aang, never seemed likely to get what he wanted. And he didn’t, despite he had a few chances for it. The writing always frustrated his attempts to capture Aang, or to set traps for him… basically, Zuko always failed when it mattered most.
And Azula failed, plenty. But she didn’t simply fail: she changed her tactics, found new ways to handle the problem, and eventually when Book 2′s ending arrives you’re left with the feeling that this girl simply cannot be stopped. She’s not like Zuko, who worked hard but it never paid off. She’s not like Zhao either, who also made his efforts and found new resources but still failed more often than not. She’s not simply a bending powerhouse like Combustion Man, nor was she like Long Feng, who, yes, was successful for most his life but we only get to meet him when things start to go wrong for him. And she’s also not like Ozai, who was indeed the ominous final boss waiting to show himself at the very end of the story.
So, Azula manages to be a character while being a villain, something rare in mainstream media (seriously, this is the problem of every single Marvel film except for the original Thor. This is why none of their villains are truly memorable or meaningful). And she also manages to be a successful villain, rather than another of those “scary” ones who really seemed to be about to succeed but were stopped at the very last minute: no, she gets what she wants, kills the Avatar as far as she knows, captures her uncle, brings her brother home, and takes over Ba Sing Se. She hits the jackpot, pretty much, but it wasn’t a matter of luck: it was a matter of skill, of adapting to the circumstances and working hard for the sake of her mission.
And that’s just Book 2. In Book 3 she keeps up the efficiency until the betrayal, foiling the brilliant Invasion plans and succeeding at stopping the heroes yet again. By the time her breakdown happens, it’s source really goes back to Azula’s own flaws and problems, to character issues that, although present, were yet to be explored. Yes, it’s terribly convenient for Zuko that his sister would lose her mind exactly when he needed her to, but even then, Azula’s downfall serves to enhance her character’s complexity. It could have been handled better, but as it was, it allowed the viewers to see how damaged she truly is, deep down, and that, again, is what makes her a character and not simply a villain.
That’s more or less the gist of it, but there’s other reasons too, no doubt. All the same, Azula sets a hard bar to match for many villains in mainstream media, and only a handful of them have reached it (if they have, I don’t know how many have overcome it). And that would be why saying she’s the greatest villain of all time has become such a popular thing to do as of late :’)
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fluffi · 3 years
i think it was because god's menu was released around the same bp and svt made their comebacks. same thoughts tho on gm > bd and i was also glad that bd got the wins gm didn't. and same with the streaming mvs while studying : ] ahh, the easily distracted people we are. (reading cut and litol font bc poor ppl who see this on the dash TT)
i've heard chinese ballads (usually osts of films and from a chinese friend) and their songs really tend to tug on my heartstrings. i hope sm gives shotaro more stuff to do soon :[ with some of the units being active and sungchan being an mc on a weekly show, it makes me wonder what he's doing. do you think nct will form a new subunit?
no, i'm not lactose intolerant so it really took me by surprise. it was a one-time thing. hopefully it doesn't happen again. i can't really say i'm a big fan of ice cream but it's good occasionally yk as a treat to yourself. and ahhh, i miss drinking smoothies. my favorite stall has been closed for nearly two years now, idk if they ever re-opened since our city mall burned down :[
i think it's an nct thing? it's why i never get tired of them bc they're always active in a way. you should've seen how things went down last year! march 127 album, april dream mini-album, may 127 repackage, june wayv album and the whole nct 2020 thing. it was a wild year. about the track, i listened to it once and forgot about it. might give it a few more listens but it might not grow on me at all. yes! wasn't a big fan of hot sauce at first too bc i thought the intro was weird (not jaemin's part, like the first thing that plays). and yes, that hook loops in my head 24/7. i even made it my instagram bio.
stray kids world domination indeed! and i agree that their performances were really impressive (specially the deadpool one, best one yet) but sometimes i would fancy ateez' more. i didn't watch kingdom too bc it stressed me out as a multi. always caught between being happy for one group and being sad for the others. and atz and tbz! you're still getting into nct and you're thinking of adding 19 more boys! judging from what i know your taste in music is, i think you'll like tbz's music better since there are a lot more soft songs there than in atz. but do give both discographies a listen in the future!
oh izone! i've only heard of them at music shows and dance choreo compilations bc of them being in sync. they're really satisfying to watch! i thought their title tracks were catchy as well! quite unfortunate that i never got into them really. but again, i dont think i can handle stanning temporary groups.
i'm starting to see a pattern in your biases :D i wouldn't be too surprised if you'll be drawn to jeno at some point in your dream venture. dream is soooo easy to love so if you really end up ulting them, i would understand why. and also, YES PLEASE WRITE FOR DREAM AND TAG ME IF YOU WILL. THANK YOU ><
thank you! :c don't get your hopes up tho, the masterlist must've been interesting to browse but are the fics truly worth it? XD i think not. since you already know koe, i'm reccing users @/rouiyan, @/nsheetee and @/loonacitys. i don't have that much fluff in my ficrecs blog. i think, i've heard of lvdsc before (maybe even read a fic or two) but i can't find their blog now. be careful in privating your works, you might end up losing them forever if you don't keep track of their links...(?) that's what happened to the works that i privated :/ take me with you if you move blogs ;n;
seungmin frequently left updates abt what he was doing, left good nights and good mornings, the occasional i miss you. he called fans 'baby' once. not sure if it was a mistranslation, or really just a one-time endearment. other than that, nothing beyond the usual. seung vlives always make me cry ;n; he always look so adorable and precious. also the gif, the fic was more on fake head-butting really but yes you could say it was also a fake nose boop bc it sounds cuter. i'll make sure to tag you on future seung content on the dash. (time to officially claim him as your ult, yes. dont make him secret anymore :3)
sorry it took me a while. tumblr went batshit. the ' werkl;' stopped working midway and i got busy with school yesterday. also haechan birth today and i'm so emo abt it. it's literally just a boy turning 21.
little font and cut saga lets go!!
(just kidding, i cant do little font typing for long periods of time, makes my eyes go beserk haha.)
true true, im afraid for txt on music shows now because theyre going against some big names (literally bts like whatj jsdf what was hybe thinking). yeah, streaming mvs while studying aka watching mvs on loop lmao. i still want to stream skzs final kingdom performance on instinct but i remember that theyve already won!! hehe
ah chinese ballads always make me emo, i like to scream out lyrics to the songs at the top of my lungs and sit there on the verge of tears. its a cultural thing maybe *sobs*. ooh, what show is sungchan mc-ing in? ill check it out. i thought sm would make nct japan for sungtaro (i heard sungchan speaks japanese) so it was a shocker when they made...nct hollywood lmao. given the current circumstances we're probably not going to get a new subunit anytime soon :( hopefully taro will have stuff to showcase during that period of time.
burned down?? oh my, what happened to your mall? that sounds terrifying. i remember when the front of my school caught on fire and we were all ushered out but we thought it was a drill and didnt find out till years later lmao.
oh true, since theyre such a big pack too. constant comebacks and promotions haha, nctzens never catch a break with 23 members. i listened to the new track again (ive forgotten the name already) but i cant- i cant do it. its just not my style hhh. i rewatched the mv for the godly visuals though. i dont know if youre talking about that 'bibididibibidiododo' part by that female morphed voice at the beginning of the song, because i wasnt a fan of that too. it grew on me though.
same, actually! im not an atiny and dont stan any other group in the show besides skz but i watched each groups performance and ranked them haha. at times ateez would rank over skz, it was wild. also yeah, my other multi friend was freaking out about kingdom and ended up abandoning the show because she was so scared of the fanwars and having to deal with her 'conflicting feelings'. about the stanning thing, in my defense, i have a list of groups i want to stan and ive recently added tbz and atz. the list is long, i have a long way to go! also yeah, i dont prefer ateez's songs and i have a bunch of tbz title tracks in my playlist but if i approach their discography like i did with nct then i think i would like at least five songs.
izone are my queens. theres a reason why theyre the only girl group who made it to my ult list haha! super talented and filled with variety and visuals, a perfectly concocted group (literally, sobs in pd48 scandal). ah, temporary groups. yeah i cried about their disbandment for like 3 days straight, it was bad.
a pATTERN?? INTERESTING. DO ELABORATE. jeno, oh my gosh hes like bang chan. an intimidating-looking bear whos actually filled with love and softness on the inside. im currently having a jaemin run though, his make a wish fancam is doing some wacky things. also yeah, dream is really easy to love. i fell for them so hard, theyre all talented and cute and adorable and the team ambiance is so nice. really rising up my stan list now. i mightt write for dream! ill have to see, hehe.
personally i think the fics are going to be worth it. i can feel it in my boOOnes. ooh, recommendations! fun :D ill check them (and yours) out after i finish this 30k jisung fic. ive been trying to finish it since yesterday but i keep getting sidetracked. also, i made a mistake. its luvdsc with a 'u', maybe thats why you couldnt find it? ahh. thank you for the privating tip though! will keep in mind. and of course ill take you with me if/when i move blogs. we're friends now! <3
SEUNGMIN CALLED STAYS 'BABY'???!!@)(@#*()! I SHOULDVE BEEN THERE ASKDFJDF. im exciting for the fake nose boop drabble!! i love soft couple moments hehe. also yeah maybe its time to make him my ult...hes going to have to compete against jake my beloved ope.
dont worry about being 'late' or anything! we all have our own stuff to do. also yeah tumblr is weird asf sometimes. if you havent realized i typically answer longer asks around the same time everyday, when i get to sit in front of my computer and pull out my clickity-clackity keyboard. super relaxing.
AND YES HYUCKIE DAY!!! HES SO ADORABLE HONESTLY. im in love with all seven members of dream, my fic rec blog is currently filled with fics for them haha.
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