yennefer-x-tissaia · 9 months
@badassheda replied to your post “Who is the captain of the SSA Yenaia?! Opinion...”:
I'm sorry but where the hell is Rita??
​Blatant Rita erasure right there!!
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(As in, I forgot about her because I only associate her with slapping Ciri and demanding wine. Sorry Rita.)
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thegirl20 · 11 months
@badassheda replied to your post “Yennaia ficlet (set during 3.06)”:
You nailed it I suppose🥲
​My motivation for writing the wee ficlet was that I expected them to have that kind of conversation at that point and was surprised there was basically no talking at all.
So they did kinda have that conversation, just two eps later 😉
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*takes off grey face mask* OMG it's you! You wrote some of my fave fics for the ship, including the very first one I read!!! Damn I love your fics. I'm definitely in the process of reading all the fanfic I can find (that are also to my tastes). I'm surprised that there are so few fics in general though, even for the main het ship given that the show was saved by the fans. Anyway, I really hope the s5 trailer is going to drop when they do that talk with the cast on youtube on the night of the 8th
*looks around* Are you talking to me? 
No but really, thank you! (Now I’m curious as to what fic that was). I write for fun, so It’s always nice to know people enjoy my fics :)
And yeah, the Expanse is popular show, but apparently not with content creators? The few things that are out there, fics, fan art, gifs, and vids, they’re all awesome but there isn’t a lot. I had hoped that with the move to Amazon we’d grow a little (not too much though, big fandoms are a mess). But oh well, at least we have all good creators. 
Oh god, yeah I hope I can stay up for that. I kinda doubt it because work and all, but I NEED to see it. 
Also y’know, if you want to chat or whatever, feel free to hit me in messaging :D
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roslin · 4 years
You can thank your brother then. I've only played the games and haven't read the books but the games are some of my absolute favourites. There certainly was lots of eye candy😄 I myself was very reluctant to watch but it all turned out great, and I loved Henry as Geralt, he did an amazing job. The fact that season 2 is only coming in 2021 makes me want to jump out of the window too though💀
god bless my brother, the real mvp
i’ll try to get him the games for his bday, i owe him big time now! 😁😁(and yes, having to wait till 2021 is very rude 💀)
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now at @queencalanthes!!!
so!! it's finally happening!! i've been thinking about moving blogs for a while now because the secondary blog feature is pretty cool of tumblr but it has its limitations. this blog was never supposed to grow the way it did nor become anything else than my witcher sideblog, but i am so grateful for every one of you that has stuck around and supported me through my different obsessions this last year. but now i want to make making gifs my main thing because i’m dumb, and i think for that the best thing is remaking to be able to interact with everyone like i want to and stop having 254 secondary blogs (it's gotten a bit out of hand).
so if you guys are still interested in my content, i'd love it if i could see you all there!!
it's still gonna be pretty much the same as it is here. all sorta posts of things i enjoy, pretty gifs, pretty (evil) ladies... my usual nonsense. the things i enjoy will probably change regularly but everything i've ever created content for will likely make a comeback and still get reblogged. and obvs as soon as the witcher s2 comes out there'll be a lot of that too. basically just like this blog, yeah, and hopefully i've managed to get everything that was here there too. the only difference will be that it will now be my main blog and hopefully a bit less dead than this one, fingers crossed
tagging my mutuals under the cut <3
@lucifermorningstars @stuckinreversemode @abednadir @blairwitchz @100letters @sabrinaglevissigs @mitchellsbeca @authorette44 @gwenspendragons @ohtwilight @myannaburing @merrowbell @marvellouslymadmim  @lady-of-the-cunts @theoldkenzari @bard-llama @tibo30 @necroprankster @corvo-bianco-lilacs @annasassiart @loveexpelrevolt @yennefer-de-vries @badassheda @steve-rogers @witcherislovewitcherislife @astreetcarnamedliv @novak-fan @jzxr7 @nataliaivanovna @ryanofcintra @rikertroi @nelliefrommars @poppykru @dykejaskiers @trolloperski 
mutual reveal party for most of you i guess uggh i suck but i appreciate you all so much
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eternalmoongoddess · 4 years
Okay since I've been tagged TWICE, I better do this. Thank you @femmeoftheunderworld and @badassheda XD
Rules: list your 10 favourite female characters, one per fandom, then tag 10 people
1. Kassandra - Assassin's Creed Odyssey
2. Lexa - The 1OO (I refuse to put in the right tag fight me)
3. Nomi Marks - Sense8
5. Maze - Lucifer
6. Nanami Touko - Yagate Kimi ni Naru
7. Trini - Power Rangers (2017 - the best one)
8. Arwen - Lord of the Rings
9. Rey - Star Wars
10. Diana Prince - Wonder Woman
Okay, I don't know 10 people so.
@yesiamsleepy, @super-rangers, @jayenator565, @khaleesileksa.... uhhhhhh! Oh right, my favourite otter @happyandstupidotter. 5 is enough, right?
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th3fragile · 7 years
*pretty promising, in the centre, good salary, etc. My job will be to handle German clients' orders for their offices and make sure everything is okay. So I'll have to speak German but I hope I'll manage D: For now there's training and shit. Hahaha aww thank you lovely *hugs* How are things with you? Are you feeling any better? Does uni start soon?
SO HOW WAS IT???jesuS I am so excited. tell me EVERYTHING thanks. AND HOW IS LIFE GOING love friends etc. I take forever to answer so i am always behind with everything sksbsksha anyway I have an exam tomorrow ; ; and yeah lessons start next week!
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iamnotoriginalphil · 6 years
The Art of Love - Chapter 22 (Carol x Reader)
Well, this is it. Thank you so much to everyone who has followed me along this journey and thanks you so much for reading each and every chapter. I’ve enjoyed writing this so much but the end has arrived. So for the final time, I hope you enjoy this chapter.
You could hear the kids whispering about you. There was no better place for a rumour to spread like wildfire than a school. You could feel the stares following you through the halls and hear your name over and over again. Carol had been on edge all day, snapping at children, and forcing the students to work in silence. She’d confiscated more than a few notes.
You’d been trying to ignore it all. You were surprised how many kids had listened to Davis. You hadn’t thought people would believe Davis. He was hardly popular. You could only assume it was the nature of the news that made it interesting it enough to spread.
Carol had been avoiding being on the same side of the room as you. It was as if she was trying to prove to the world that she was indifferent towards you. You couldn’t figure out how it was helping. It wasn’t as if she had been kind to you before, or given you preferential treatment. If anything, in class she’d been just as much of a bitch to you as she was to everyone else.
All morning you kept catching her eye and she’d immediately look away with a curl of the upper lip and a harden gaze. She was acting as if just acknowledging your existence wold confirm all the rumours. It was beginning to get on your nerves.
You had to wait all morning to have even a short conversation with her. She kept you away from her, going on more trips to see administration in the few hours before lunch than you’d seen her take the entire time you’d been working there. You tried to pretend it wasn’t due to the whispers in the hall this morning, but it was hard to believe that.
You waited for the last person to leave the class, closing the door behind them. You lent back against it, stopping Carol from leaving. She glared at you from her place beside the chalkboard.
“Well, that was an interesting morning,” you said, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Fucking Davis,” she hissed.
“Yes, he did cause this,” you said, “did you see him this morning? Couldn’t even look at me.”
“I’m going to end him,” she snapped.
“Why?” you asked, “why is it so bad that they know?”
“They can’t know,” she snapped.
“But why?” you asked, shrugging away from the door.
“You are mine,” she said, “I won’t share you with them.”
“Or, you could let them know I’m yours,” you said, “so then you never have to be worried about sharing me.”
You turned, leaving her to her thoughts. You ignored the way the students were looking at you, ignoring the whispering and the pointing. You pushed your way into the staffroom.
Anita was grinning at you when you sat down across from her. You rolled your eyes, taking a gulp from your mug of coffee. She handed you half of her sandwich and you took a bite from it.
“Been hearing some interesting things in the halls,” she said.
“I know,” you agreed, “who knew Stacy got pregnant at Gavin’s party?”
She laughed but slid into the seat beside you. She took the sandwich out of your hands, taking her own bite from it.
“What are you going to do?” she asked, more seriously.
“Not much we can do.” You shrugged, “she’s angry about it though.”
“She’s angry about everything,” she said, handing you the sandwich back.
You ate in silence, not sure there was anything else you could say about it. You finished your coffee in silence and passed your yoghurt to Anita. She took it from you with a nod of thanks.
Derek slammed into the room, his face red and his teeth bared. He saw you, stopping in the middle of the room.
“You,” she shouted, pointing at you.
You looked at Anita who shifted away from you almost imperceptibly. You stood, not sure if you were about to shouted at, fired, or would have to make a run for it. You edged past the sofa.
“You fucking bitch,” he shouted, “you absolute twat.”
“What?” you asked.
“You have destroyed the sanctity of this school,” he yelled, “you’re going to destroy us.”
“What have I done?” you asked.
“Carol,” he shouted.
You rolled your eyes and walked past him. He turned with you and you realised you could see the vein in his forehead. Spittle was flecking at the corners of his mouth. You turned away from him, pushing your way out of the staffroom. Students were standing outside, staring at the door as if it was about to bite.
Carol was standing there too, looking as if she were about to murder someone, probably Derek. She grabbed you by the face and kissed you. You could hear the hall fall silent and the staff room door slam open again. So much was going on and you weren’t sure you understood it.
“Of fucking course,” Derek shouted. You jumped. Carol wrapped her arm protectively around your waist, putting herself between you and Derek.
“You can’t swear in front of the students,” Carol said, “Are you having a breakdown?”
You could hear the students tittering. You would have joined in, knowing Carol always swore in front of students, but Derek was genuinely scaring you now.
“You’ve gone too far this time Carol,” he snapped, “I won’t have this kind of thing in my school.”
“Is this specifically about me, or just plain old homophobia?” she asked. She sounded amused. You hated it.
“You are abrasive, border line abusive, and difficult to work with,” he said.
“But she’s a good teacher,” you said, stepping up beside her.
“She’s a pain in the ass,” he snapped.
“Sure, but she gets the job done,” you said,
She gave you an eye roll for that but her hand was still resting on your waist so you found it hard to care. Derek threw his hands up in defeat.
“Either you go or I do,” he said.
“Bye then,” you said, turning away.
Carol followed you back down the hall. You passed all the students who’d been whispering about you. Now, they were dead silent, watching you pass as if you were a funeral procession. She grabbed your arm, guiding you into the art room again.
“What did you do to him to push him off the edge?” you asked, turning towards her.
“I asked for a kiln,” she said.
You couldn’t stop the giggles from bubbling up. She was smiling at you. You had to lean against one of the benches, having trouble breathing between the laughs. Carol walked past you, taking her usual place at her table, legs kicked up, paper in hand.
“He’s actually quit,” Anita said, rushing into the room.
“Good,” Carol said.
“You can be so callous sometimes,” Anita said, but she was smiling.
“Get out of here,” Carol said, flicking her hand at the blonde woman.
She rolled her eyes at you but left without complaining, miming for you to call her later. You wandered over to Carol, the laughing now abated. You sat on the corner of her desk and she looked up at you with a small smile.
“What made you change your mind?” you asked.
“About what?” she asked.
“Being public.” You shrugged.
“He was shouting at you,” she said with a shrug, “he needed to know he can’t mess with you. That you’re mine.”
You lent forward, kissing her softly. She kissed back until she heard the hushed whispers of students from the doorway. You looked over, smiling at the small gang of girls clustered in the doorway. You waved them in, getting up off the desk.
“Good job, Miss Beckett,” one of them said to you.
“Thank,” you replied, not really sure what you were being thanked for but you’d take it.
You waited at the back of the room, smiling when you caught Carol’s eye. She rolled her eyes but you could see her smiling too. You couldn’t help the surge of love course through your body. She was all you wanted and you had her. You’d never been so lucky and you never would be again.
You loved Carol Denning, and despite her unwillingness to say it, you knew she loved you too. And that was enough.
Tags: @girlhomosonly @gayvaanburen @prettysureimgayxo @gaycaroldenning @hennyxrussell @darlingcherries @lokislilcaribbeanprincess @nocturnal—mistress @marla-black @marvelismylifffe @georgie-porgie-pies @myluromance @whymecarol @villxneve @your-prison-daddy @keisha-deann @stylebydesignxo @timebeckons @eclipses77 @lovingcaroldenning @badassheda @novellaqueen @babysaints @thecaroldenning @aquilasaurus @tab-i-laugh @sociosapphic @caroldenningg @thetravelingdreamer97 @saturn6th @denningaesthetic @aspiring-bookcollector @carolsmyprisonwife @shizbran @theclairebearuniverse @wtfffisgoingonn @unreal-amrie @mexicanto​ @thcgoodside @badlandszz
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yennefer-x-tissaia · 10 months
@badassheda replied to your post “Do you have any thoughts about Tissaia seeing...”:
There's actually already a fic featuring something like that: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48982471/chapters/123573931
​There you go - a fic about Yen's new scars: But I have promises to keep (And miles to go before I sleep) by Runaway_Writer
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thegirl20 · 1 year
Yeah, I mean I really can see why people see the mother/daughter thing, although I also like to argue that a mother can have more than one child and yet Tissaia cares about Yennefer than all the others combined lol. Fine, I suppose some people would still see it as parent/child but there would certainly be no small amount of people shipping them. And very few would judge those people for shipping.. Oh I'm under no impression that there's any indication of their relationship going/being romantic
Are you saying Tissaia plays favourites?? How could you suggest such a thing? Perish the thought!! 😉
Yes, Yennefer is Tissaia's favourite, but I think we do get to see her brand of care and compassion for her other wards. She tries to help Fringilla see the error of her ways and return to the right side. She keeps Triss' presence a secret (initially) to protect her and is visibly upset when Triss is angry at her betrayal. She calls them 'my girls'.
I don't actually think we got enough time with the mages to really understand what's going on with them and how everything fits together. I've gleaned a lot from what others have told me about the books, but the show is very surface level in terms of history and lore.
If I'd been writing the show, it would have been called 'Aretuza Academy' and would have shown all of the relationships develop and grow between the sorceresses and would have explained more about the heirarchy of the Brotherhood and how the Council works and stuff.
As it is, I don't think the show does a good job of even telling us where Tissaia sits in the pecking order. In Season 1, she's essentially a teacher and is overruled more than once by others (Yennefer's placement, going to war against Nilfgaard). In Season 1, we barely saw her use magic at all, other than to redirect the lightning bolt Yennefer directed at Sabrina. I've said this elsewhere, but I don't think Fringilla's use of dimeritium to disable Tissaia was actually all that effective, because we as an audience had no idea what level of threat Tissaia was to the other side. If we thought that Tissaia was a high level mage/archmistress and that she single-handedly could have taken down Nilfgaard, then taking her out of the game would have been an 'oh fuck' moment. But we had no basis for thinking that, as we had not seen her unleash her power. Personally I think the gravitas of MyAnna's performance was the only reason anyone had to think that Tissaia was a powerful player, because I'm not entirely sure the narrative supported that. In the first ep of Season 2 we got to see her use her powers more than we had in the entirety of season 1 (seemingly unaffected by inhaling lungfuls of dimeritium), but her level of influence with the Brotherhood and the Council still doesn't seem all that impressive (telling Yen she has to kill Cahir because others want her to etc).
Anyway, I digress.
What I was trying to say is that I think a lot of how we view the characters and relationships in The Witcher comes from our own interpretations and fanon and knowledge from other versions rather than what's been presented on screen, because what was presented on screen was relatively little.
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f-utuere · 7 years
so i got tagged by the loveliest person, my beautiful twin @hippieheartedmoonwitch 💙🌹✨
RULES: If you can, list the top ten songs you are listening to lately, and tag ten mutuals to do the same.
1. Everybody Knows - Sigrid
2. Game of Survival - Ruelle
3. River - Bishop Briggs
4. 90201 (acoustic) - blackbear
5. Sink - Noah Slee
6. Where’s My Love - SYML
7. Thinking About You - Big Scary
8. Lips - Noah Slee
9. High On Humans - Oh Wonder
10. 1957 - Milo Greene
anddd i tag @rosecolored-boyy ⚡️ @blogquantumreality ⚡️ @bearonrooftops ⚡️ @psychopathic-bandaid ⚡️ @badassheda ⚡️ @marshnme ⚡️ @azirobb ⚡️ @aussie-sass ⚡️ @introziert ⚡️ @tagersgay ⚡️ and anyone who wants to do it ⚡️⚡️⚡️
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fratboykate · 4 years
Why is she coming for you lol you ain't even the one who made the original post. Could it be that she knows she'll get more attention here??🤔
That’s what I said! I just reblogged a post and she’s tagging me as if I’m the OP jklsdlhfgkjdhfgljksdfg She’s neglected and needs to get her moment somewhere. Gotta give her her crumbs.
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jayenator565 · 7 years
I was tagged by @all-the-gay-feels
1st Rule: tag mutuals you would like to know better - I can’t remember who has done this but @immochiball @chuckleshan @adhallya-kom-saltkru @snowvic @happyandstupidotter @all-the-dead-humans @marshnyou @badassheda @ofdreamcatchersandgaythings @lyook @bananat-panda @soldierofthenight @woahspace @anelegyperhaps
2nd Rule: Bold the statements that are true.
I am 5'7" or taller - Not even close. Not even a little bit. I wear glasses - I probably should though like lowkey I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair - meh it’s kinda medium length My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I cant stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: I can sing well - in my dreams I can play an instrument  I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch - ... define scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports - depends on the sport I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else   I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing Fandoms are my #1 passion - it is up there though I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite bands concerts
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a best friend - aayyee mac wya I live close to my school My parents are still together  I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone
RANDOM SHIT: I have break-danced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that was hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
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roslin · 4 years
HAI! How are you? :) I see you watched The Witcher too, what did you think of Calanthe?😍
OH! THE LIONESS OF CINTRA!!!!! hell yeah 10/10 😍😍😍
tbh my brother forced me to watch the witcher during christmas and i wanted to make him watch Watchmen instead, but he won, and i was very reticent about the witcher bc we don’t usually go for the same type of shows.. but then I saw the light. and by “Light” I mean eye candy. and it was funny as hell, and then that scene when Calanthe walks in covered in blood, beer in hand, acting like a badass asshole, i love her
im just 10 sec away from checking her tag 
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hi from your friendly neighbourhood depressed vanilla reader. 
this was actually so much fun to do. thank you @bard-llama for tagging me <3
i’m tagging @jzxr7 @badassheda @medeliadracon @corvo-bianco-lilacs @marvellouslymadmim @lady-of-the-cunts @jodhimay @yennefer-de-vries to come expose themselves with me. i wanna know 👀👀👀
do yours here
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khaleesileksa · 7 years
tagged by @marshnyou
tag 9 people you want to get to know better
-relationship status: I want to say I’m in a committed relationship with my bed but I haven’t even slept in it in the past nine days. I'm sorta cheating on it with my job.
-favorite color: Red
-lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick
-last song you listened to: A World Alone by Lorde
-last movie you watched: uhhhhhh. Mad Max: Fury Road I think??
-top 3 characters: Lexa, Clarke, ,,, *reads smudged writing on hand* raisin reese
-top 3 ships: Clexa, Clexa, Clexa
Books you are currently reading: LOL yeah right. Books. Sure. Nah. Fics are where it’s at for me. I’m reading Lightning Only Strikes Once rn.
Tagging @all-the-dead-humans @happyandstupidunicorn @jayenator565 @badassheda @snowvic why tf can’t I ever tag u Vic @leeshy-loo-squid-squad
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