#badboyhalo likes buff quackity
mcyt-correct · 2 years
Bad: Quackity? More like Buff Q ;)
Quackity: D'okay- r- cHILL OUT BAD- I told you that's not me iT'S NOT ME-
Bad: I figured out why people call you Big Q
Bad: Cuz you're SWOLE
Quackity: O-
Bad: You got pegs for DAYS
Quackity: <.< >.> •.•
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fruit-sauce · 9 months
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back at it again with my insane AUs that make no sense to everyone except me
I can barely describe this myself but I'll sure try:
These were mostly based off the designs lining up well, they don't all make sense, some can best be described as "I just felt it made sense" so I'll try my best
Jaiden/Nihilego - Even with Baghera and Forever's connection with the Federation, Jaiden is preferred and is treated really nicely/Lusamine is obsessed it; blue; I was more thinking of the Lillie Nihilego from the anime
Vegetta/Buzzwole - buff; "its my six-pack!" - Vegetta/Buzzwole liking to flex and show off
Nihachu/Pheromosa - Very pretty and feminine, as well as super badass; Niki's sweater reminds me of Pheromosa's shiny
Tubbo/Xurkitree - Tubbo immediately building that giant drill "world eater"/Xurkitree having said that it once raided a powerplant; they both relate to machinery in some way; it was either Xurkitree or Guzzlord ngl
Philza/Celesteela - green; flying
Tina/Kartana - color palette has lots of orange and white; both relate to plants, Tina - carrots/Kartana - grass type
Felps/Guzzlord - Felp's square he's digging out/Guzzlord having eaten mountains and buildings
Slime/Poipole - Slime is.... slimy.../Poipole being called "UB Adhesive"
Ironmouse/Naganadel - Purple and Pink color scheme; this one is another one where there is little reason, it just felt right
Antoine/Stakataka - Antoine's builds (specifically the pillars at his Moon) reminded me of Stakataka; the skin I used in the photo, you can see stuff peaking through his arms and legs that match with Stakataka's eye things
Missa/Blacephalon - there is no explanation for this one; I guess Blacephalon's shiny matches well?
Quackity/Cosmog/Cosmoen - just a little guy; Quackity being stuck in water/Cosmoen being stuck, unable to move or do anything until it evolves
Etoiles/Solgaleo - Star/sun symbolism
BadBoyHalo/Lunala - Night/bat/etc. symbolism
ElQuackity/Necrozma - Darker color scheme; in ElQuackity's last days, he came in to say things, then it started raining/Necrozma stealing the light from the world
Mr. ------/Lusamine - He managed to get all the members to the island for whatever reason and Lusamine obsession with the Ultra Beasts (and the room with all the frozen Pokemon resembles the ice chambers the latest members were in)
Baghera/Lillie - Based off recent lore and the "Manager's Children" AU/headcanon; I really like how Lillie from shy and meek, to gaining confidence and wanting to go out on her own journey (both in game and in the anime),
Forever/Gladion - Also from "Manager's Children" AU/headcanon; Forever and Baghera having a sibling-like bond
Cellbit/Type:Null - Close relation to Forever/Gladion; Cellbit works for the Federation/Type:Null was created by the Aether Foundation
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𝕍𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕖𝕪𝕓𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕋𝕖𝕒𝕞!𝕊𝕖𝕩 ℍ𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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about: dreamwastaken, sapnap, georgenotfound, karl jacobs, quackity, badboyhalo, callahan
warning(s): swearing, blood mentions
pronouns: you, your
note: I used to play volleyball for a few years and absolutely love it! Sadly I had to quit due to arthritis problems, but I'm exited that this is my first headcanon! :D Kisses! <3
note pt.2: I also have a taglist if you want to be added! Kisses! <3
summary: what you and the sex havers would play/be like on a high school volleyball team
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Let’s talk about our starter's positions
Quackity would most definitely be libero, because… well… you know (shotty)
But he’s slippery and fast so I think that he’d be really good at getting spikes
I feel like he would be some kind of natural in a way
Like he just showed up to practice one day with minimal experience and just keep popping up Dream’s deep and fast spikes
Everyone was so shocked, because he wasn’t even there to practice
He just showed up to drop something off for Sapnap and Dream kept whining that no one wanted to dig his spikes, so he was like “fuck it” and dug every. single. one.
They definitely had to beg him to be on the team, because he was like “why would I do that???” 
Come to think of it, he most likely was going to long before he agreed, because he thought it was funny to watch Dream beg on his knees for him to join
And the only reason he accepted was because he was either bored or out of spite for George
Dream would be middle because man is tall and buff, so blocking and spiking would be no problem to him whatsoever
He’s probably been playing volleyball his whole life, so he’s just been naturally good at it for years
Like, all of his siblings have been star players on a volleyball team at some point and I stand by that
That’s actually how he got into the game
He probably played with his older sister’s team when he was really little because “my big sister plays volleyball so it must be cool! :D” It was adorable
I feel like he was a outside hitter for a while because he was really short and lanky before he hit puberty
But when he shot up, he’d honed his spiking skills to the point where he could put the ball literally wherever he wanted 
Dream would most likely be captain, because of how long he’d been playing, his leadership skills, and the fact that he’s weirdly good at pep talks and speeches
At some point this guy came up to him after overhearing his pre-game pep talk and literally pleaded with him to host a TED-Talk
George just seems like he would be a good setter
I don’t know why
Maybe because he’s so lanky and tall
Dream was probably the one who got him into volleyball when they were young, because he wanted a setter so he could practice spiking and George was like “okay?”
So, setter. Very good. Likes to taunt the other team with Quackity.
He definitely could distract the other team by not-so-subtly flirting with them
It doesn’t even matter if they’re straight, George just has that kind of charm and skill that he could be chatting them up while setting up the ball, distracting the other guy completely, causing George to get and assist or push the ball over
It’d piss off the guy’s other teammates too until they experienced it… they’d understand
Plus, I’m like 98% sure that his school would have a fanpage for him (pretty boy things)
I’m jumping around all the positions and I don’t care
Karl would play opposite
He’s tall and can spike and can set almost as well as George
I also think he’d be really good at tipping the ball
Like he can spike well when he needs too, but he’d be notorious for catching the other team off guard and tipping it right behind their outside hitter
He also seems like the kind of person who the other team would underestimate until the game really got going
He’s a pretty kind and gentle looking person and you wouldn’t always expect that kind of person to be a sneaky bastard
Like, they’d try to spike it in his direction, because they don’t think he’d be able to block or something
Or they try to set it over and his tall ass would just *tip!* right in a blind spot
Sapnap would take Dream’s old position of outside hitter, because he never really shot up like his best friend
Although he does the best in the back row because of his height and how quickly he reacts to tips or short spikes, this man can jump
Like, if he’s in the front row, George will try to set him first, because of how high Sap can jump and how hard he can spike
Sapnap’s been playing as long as Dream, except he got into it because he thought hitting a ball was cool and he liked the sound the volleyball made when it slammed on the ground
He probably practiced Libero before Quackity joined the team, just because of his height and his quick reflexes
Though, he didn’t mind when Q took his spot for the sole purpose that he could finally play front row from time to time
Punz would play the right side hitter
Because of his height and build, Punz would be one hell of a blocker and block the ball almost every single time
Like he’s so good at it it’s funny
But the times that he doesn’t end up blocking it with his hands, he ends up blocking the ball with his face
The funniest part is that he usually sends the ball back to the other side when that happens
If that doesn’t happen, then his face usually pops it up so either George can set it back over or Dream can spike it
Along with having the most blocks out of everyone on the team, he gets the most injuries on the team… hence the face blocking
Like, there would have to be a nurse on stand by just for him, because he gets hurt so often
According to him, “My nerves are so shot in my face, that I can barely feel the bleeding!” He says this while blood trickles out of his nose…
The we have our coaches: BBH and Callahan
They treat the boys like their own family, but get annoyed with them so fast
In their defense, the boys are a pain in the ass and annoying as hell
Bad, is the main coach and is generally very stern but kind and fair in the way he coaches
He never actually played volleyball in high school, but his mom was the coach for a state college team, so he grew up around coaching volleyball and was taught how to play regardless
Most of the teams he’s coached won national championships
Now Callahan is more of an assistant coach, but actually used to be a star player
He’ll play with the boys, usually as a hitter
If they piss him off somehow, he’ll wipe the floor with their asses with him spikes
It’s very funny to witness
And guess what, you are the stand-by nurse! Hooray!
No but like seriously, the amount of times you’ve had to put in a dislocated shoulder or stitch up Punz’s face or even personally buy surplus amounts of braces because your boys can’t seem to not get hurt is ridiculous
The most unusual part is that you’re their age
Your mom was a physical therapist for sports and you had been her assistant since you could walk
The fact that you have so much experience and are good at what you do is the sole reason that the school let a high school senior be a stand-by nurse for the men’s volleyball team
It also helps that your mom is the school’s physical trainer, so it’s not like she’s not there too, it’s just that your job is to your boys while her job is for everyone else
You have known all of the players and coaches for forever
It helps that your mom has worked with the coaches for a while, so they’re family friends and you’re a part of the player’s friend group
You most definitely hold a special place in all the boy’s hearts to the extent that they have all dropped something at some point, because you needed something
And it’s not pretty if someone from the opposing team makes gross comments about you when they’re on the court
There has been many fistfights to say the least
And god help the poor suckers who try to catcall you to your face or say some gross comment to you, because you absolutely wreck them every time
It doesn’t even matter if they’re twice your size, “It’s so much more fun when you know what to break” is one of your favorite lines
So long story short, you don’t get messed with often
Now for how they act on the court… oh god
You know how the starters are a group of pretty boys… yeah
Obviously, there are crowd favorites like Dream (he says he doesn't like to brag, but he’s lying because he loves it) and Quackity (he finds it funny)
But then there are the fan-culture favorites like George, because he’s absolutely beautiful and he knows it
Regardless, all of them are show-y
Some more than others *cough* Sapnap *cough*
Because of that, they like to mess with the other team
It can come in the form of flirting or taunting, but only they know which tactic they’re using exactly
It’s not like they’re not a skilled team, they’re absolutely cracked, it’s the fact that it’s so much more fun to mess with the other team
Or so it has been described to you
They’ve done it for so long and no one really cares that much (everyone does it), so that’s why Bad or Callahan never tell them to stop
BBH is the only one who gets annoyed by it, from our team, based on the fact that it’s not fair, because “you know they can’t affect you, so by saying and doing those vulgar things– it gives you an unfair advantage.”
They always look so proud of themselves after that recurring comment
You find it absolutely hilarious
And the only team that has actually come close to getting under their skin was the SBI, but that’s a story for a different time
But yeah, the whole team is just one massive family and you all protect each other… more or less
You can pick or beat on each other, but no one else can do that or else they’re get seriously beat up or verbally bashed 
But, it’s all part of the game
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dreamcatcherrs · 3 years
when you accidentally hurt yourself; mcyt x reader
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it doesn't matter how small the wound is, even if it’s a scratch, clay will pick you up and carry you in a princess hold and onto a counter
probably has a whole first aid kit to help fix you up again, and does so with very gentle touches and small kisses
he was born for this moment
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laughs as he helps you onto your feet again, asking you if you're okay so it’s safe to keep laughing
throughout the day, though, he keeps asking you if you're still okay, and trails his fingers over your arm comfortingly whenever he sees you wince from the pain
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cradles your face in his hands, squishing your cheeks together so much that you have to tell him that that’s actually more painful than the injury itself
he cleans up the place where you hurt yourself, kissing it better and then watching your favourite movie together
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immediately rushes over to help you, checking every place on your body to make sure you aren't seriously hurt
treats you for an ice cream to make you feel better, and gives you a whole lecture about being more careful
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as he’s helping you with cleaning up your cut, he proceeds to remind you of how ridiculously clumsy you are; “how did you even fall over nothing?”
you pout at him for the rest of the night to get some free cuddles out of him “but I’m hurt, techno :( you have to cuddle me now.”
what can he do but to give in?
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wilbur soot:
“awww baby, what happened?”
coos at you a lot, and even though you barely even scraped your knee, he still acts like this is the worst injury you could ever get
cradles your face a lot, even though that’s far from where you hurt yourself💀
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when you land face first onto the ground, schlatt can't help but to laugh loudly at you
he comes to help you when you stand up and… actually look hurt. when he sees that, he takes it seriously immediately; “hey… no no, don’t cry.”
wipes your tears away with his thumb and kisses your forehead, but despite being soft in the moment, he definitely laughs about it later
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corpse husband:
“oh no.” he only laughs a little… but then even more when you turn to shoot daggers at him with your eyes
picks you up and sits you on his lap, massaging the place where you hurt yourself since he knew you'd be getting bruises there in no time
offers to buy you your favourite snacks, and honestly, who can turn down that offer?
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karl jacobs:
“AHHH what are you doing y/n?! are you trying to send yourself to the hospital?”
he panics so much, for no reason istg; “karl, I’m fine.” “maybe we should actually go to the hospital. just in case!” “honey, I just slammed the door onto my finger. that's all!”
he doesn't calm down before you're cuddled up in his arms
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nearly catches you before you fall. well… nearly.
“are you okay???”
lets you lean all of your wait on him when you walk home, and will even carry you if he has to
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starts peaking frantically in dutch, which really only makes you roll your eyes
“will you stop speaking dutch already, it’s not like I’m dying.”
despite your attitude, he still helps you with checking where you hurt yourself, tenderly pressing onto it
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laughs for an eternity while he helps you up, ignoring the way you're looking at him as he goes to check where you hurt yourself
speaks to you in spanish to make you forgive him for laughing, cause he knows you love when he does that
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sits you down on a chair and pulls one out to sit in front of you, looking all sweet and ready to take care of you...
and then he pulls up your shirt slightly, just to tease you, resulting in you slapping his shoulder, causing him to laugh; “oh, this wasn't where you hurt yourself?”
… you had hurt your leg -_- he knew exactly what he was doing
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tells you to lean your head back and lay down, while he rushes out to the bathroom to get a roll of toilet paper for your nose bleed
as he stuffs your nose with the toilet paper only moments later, he lectures you not to do that again
“only you could get a nose bleed from opening a pickle jar!”
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watches as you miserably fail to walk on your foot after falling, and bends down, ready for you to jump onto him
gives you a piggy back ride home with no issue (we all know he’s on his  BUFF SLIMECICLE arc) and gives you a nice foot and leg rub
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tilts your face up, so he can study your face very closely for any scratches, knowing you'll be a blushing mess from it
manages to hide his smirk a little when telling you that you look fine, letting his hand linger before walking away from you, going back to what he was doing before
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“oh my god, baby, are you okay?”
giggles at the whole incident to make you feel less awkward about it, patting your head as he sits you down
gestures for you to give him your hand and rubs smooth circles over your knuckles 
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jack manifold:
pulls you into his arms in a hug, stroking your hair comfortingly and sits you down after you damaged your head
“on the bright side, you won't have any less brain cells than before!”
he ends up getting more hurt than you did once you’re done with him😠
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points and laughs at you, and if in public, he pretends like he doesn't know you, doing the “we irritating” move
obviously he comes over to help you once he’s laughed it off, going soft for you when seeing that you're bleeding
“oh nooo, y/n🥺” tells  you to pog through the pain
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uhh I’m pretty sure this man watches grey’s anatomy daily, so he’d be spitting some facts, even unneeded, in your face
oh, you hit your head? he’ll be checking if your pupils are dilated to see if you might have a brain bleed, even though you literally only fell out of bed
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when you slammed your head into the cabinet door when looking for some flour, ranboo quickly comes over to you and coos at you like you're a baby
“ohhh what did you do :(?”
cradles your head in his arms and let’s you rest against his chest for a while to soothe the pain
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tag list✰
@zayenz @terribletoothbat @0t0n1n @0125cm @yukiuheh @shinee-is-5-forever @regularnoceur @b01nk-b0w@christhebish@nutritious-emo-crackkk@bookishreid@giavanna-707 @reddiesmcdonalds@cosmins@vixxzial@autumnpleaves@paradigmax@meaganjm@shiningsunrises@moralofwalls@username1212131@gxldentaestuff@innitdream @televisionpresent38 @bubblyanis@zurami@highoffhockey@popinjaytaylor@196os@livsbaby@doubts-of-gold@bunlina@retrav @mcyt-is-my-life@aleaisntcreative @my-shitpost-of-writing @my-shitpost-of-writing@clownsdrowning@pissbabywastaken@shiningsunrises@tie-dyed-dumbass @death-by-rats@simpfordraco @bippity-boppity-boopa@neongreendaydreams  @vibin-by-myself@littlepotatos0w0@christhebish @pipp-poppz@btsiguess-kpop@prettysmallfries@hiyoko-kos@kenmxskitten@fudrudy@weepingartanimespy@rhino-zucchini@goldenstarofthunderclan@melonmarz@ubeicecreamisthebest@polaroidinurroom @ady-yoo@isimpforeveryone@edenhollandd@ineedtogetoutofhere@glitter-night @hamilsandersfam@mothheart-witch @wrong-exit@trashcanfullofdork @hellfirepheonixx @marshmallow-babe@isimpforeveryone @ky50621 @randomcloud@wormie4k@dinonuggies50  @p4rty-t4ttoos@aspenthegremlin@book-of-anarchy @jeyacore @thetattooink@gogywasfound@millavalntyne@junob1ade@ubeicecreamisthebest@karida @i-have-paws-love@drvgonraja@eatasslikegrass@creamofweep@venusomega@lunarfedora@rowe-n @wreny24 @vincent-stargogh@floatingplanets@vernon-dursley@childhoodgrunge@fivxss@hexagonclash@crazyjuls12@littlebabysandboxburritos@shifted-dreams@lenamarie666@reinyrei@sozvuchiy @weaslvy-mxlfoy@aiofheavenandhell@honeyglaazed@carisle-mikealson@ineedtogetoutofhere@twist3dtinkerbell@cracraforfandoms@angel-dazey @leia-starly @smiithys@squiddyyyy@c0wc0ww@animeweeb019284 @m00-bl00m-k0le@stqrs-thoughts @jenlouvre@uhhhguiltypleasures@trappedchest@punzrights@trashgremlin36@cyberrsoot@elebeleb @k3nn3dis-crap@karlshoodies@rascal-in-banishment@heartbroken-writer@bartok-the-magnificent@ihavenoideashelp@goldiefox1@bethybop@helluhru@venuzblr@pha5ed5tar50 @cscooop@bethybop@lunareclipse-13@http-strawberryy@mahitophobic@ahmya-4@dracoscumwh0re @darkdaria1 @jiminifiess@orchardangel@shyorchider@cupcake54492@natsueyama@honeyconnie@notacardigan@maybeshroom @sbi-is-my-onlysanity @yoshi-rikuaeshetic@gayyysunflower@sarahwasfound@ditzyjitters@queenelkiexx @jinxy175 @starlight-writes-stuff@youngstarfishdinosaur @dilfpunz​ @officialsimppage​ @sa-edal​ @lemon-cow @someinsanefangirl​ @noncannonships@simplestradicalform @buzzer-s​ @ariespirate​ @moonlight-394​ @sloxth-poe​
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owlyspirit · 2 years
A stardew valley type game set in dsmp where you have to
- fight off Sapnap so he doesn’t kill your livestock
- fight off George so he can’t burn down your crops
- fight off Dream every end off the season bc you kinda just barged into his plot of land and build on top of it
- if your farm gets big enough and carries a ton of building there is a small chance Techno might appear with the syndicate trying to destroy your farm bc it looks too empire like
- if you get too tired you can buy medicine off Ponk to boost your stats
- Tommy and Tubbo can appear on your farm to either just hang out or move around things in order to prank you
- sometimes Ranboo just appears on your farm, confused why he is here and you have to lead him off it
- Foolish will have every now and again request that you give him certain materials and in return he might give you awesome goodies you need as well
- there is a small Easter egg where you can find Alyssa or Callahan just chilling on your farm, there is an even smaller chance you can see both, if you interact with them you can get a random buff
- Connor will sometimes just break into your home and squad down for a few days
- Wilbur might try to start any weird campaign on your farm and rally people, you can let it happen or destroy his efforts
- Quackity can come on your farm, destroy anything in your farm only to hold a speech about legacies and disappear again, of course you could try to fight him off before he gets the chance
- You can talk to Philza and on random days he will teach you new enchantments for your gear
- You can talk to Niki and on random days she will teach you any new recipe to you which can boost stats
- sometimes Jack Manifold has missions for you a la detective style where you have to find items off of a few clues he got
- you can meet both Skeppy and Badboyhalo in the town center who can argue with each other and you can either watch the chaos or stop them from divorcing again
- it’s very complicated but you can fight Mexican Dream in a very difficult boss fight and if you win you can date Mamacita
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lin-nin · 3 years
Status: CLOSED Inbox: 32 One-shot requests: CLOSED Headcanon requests: CLOSED
Try and have a vague plot idea if you want to request a one-shot! If I’m given a plot I’m more likely to be able to write (feel free to be very specific) an actual one shot. Entirely vague things are likely to wind up as headcanons.
I write NSFW and SFW, please specify which you would prefer!
I try to keep things gender-neutral and vague for most one-shots and requests, though I stray more towards AFAB content for smut. If you'd like AMAB content, don't be afraid to ask, I write it as well!
I default to Dream SMP Canon, though I'm open to origins SMP as well! You're welcome to request either!
I do not write for the content creators or people behind the characters, just the characters! I find it personally uncomfortable to write about the real life people, regardless of if they are comfortable with it themselves.
I write for the following characters, not content creators:
Wilbur (+ Ghostbur)
Quackity (SFW Only)
Tubbo (Platonic/SFW Only)
Tommy (Platonic/SFW Only)
Ranboo (Platonic/SFW Only)
(More will be added later)
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Chaos Club (Discord)
WIP List
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Tribulation & Tenderness (Multichapter) - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Buff!Techno x Reader (Headcanons) - 1 2
Technoblade when the reader injures their hand (Headcanon) - X
Emerald Heirlooms (T&T Based Oneshot) - X
Techno realizing he’s falling in love (Headcanon) - X
What’s Mine Is Yours (Oneshot) - X
Techno accidentally killing his S/O (Headcanon) - X
Techno losing his child (Headcanon) - X
Techno with a crush who wears a lot of gold (Headcanon) - X
Techno finding his S/O using his shirt as a pillowcase (Headcanon) - X
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A Mother’s Love & Grief (Oneshot) - X
Wolf!Reader x Philza (Headcanon) - X
Philza realizing he’s falling in love (Headcanon) - X
Philza losing his child (Headcanon) - X
Philza with a crush who wears a lot of gold (Headcanon) - X
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Alcohol-Scented Sweet Nothings (T&T Based Oneshot) - X
Dream realizing he’s falling in love (Headcanon) - X
Dream with a S/O who sings (Headcanon) - X
Dream accidentally killing his S/O (Headcanon) - X
Dream losing his child (Headcanon) - X 
Dream’s favorite types of kisses (Headcanon) - X
Dream with his S/O at night and in the morning (Headcanon) - X
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Wilbur realizing he’s falling in love (Headcanon) - X
Dancing with Wilbur + Ghostbur (Headcanon) - X
Wilbur + Ghostbur with a S/O who sings (Headcanon) - X
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Schlatt realizing he’s falling in love (Headcanon) - X
Schlatt with a S/O who sings (Headcanon) - X
Schlatt accidentally killing his S/O (Headcanon) - X 
Schlatt losing his child (Headcanon) - X
Schlatt’s favorite types of kisses (Headcanon) - X 
Schlatt finding his S/O using his shirt as a pillowcase (Headcanon) - X
Fun & Games (Drabble) - X
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Puffy realizing she’s falling in love (Headcanon) - X
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Dancing with Eret (Headcanon) - X
Eret seeing you in their clothes (Headcanon) - X
Eret’s favorite types of kisses (Headcanon) - X 
Eret with a crush who wears a lot of gold (Headcanon) - X
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Dancing with Sam (Headcanon) - X
Sam seeing you in his clothes (Headcanon) - X
Sam with his S/O at night and in the morning (Headcanon) - X
Sam with a crush who wears a lot of gold (Headcanon) - X
Sam finding his S/O using his shirt as a pillowcase (Headcanon) - X 
As The Minutes Tick By (Drabble) - X
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Fundy with a S/O who sings (Headcanon) - X
Fundy seeing you in his clothes (Headcanon) - X
Fundy’s favorite types of kisses (Headcanon) - X  
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Bad accidentally killing his S/O (Headcanon) - X
Bad losing his child (Headcanon) - X
Bad with his S/O at night and in the morning (Headcanon) - X  
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Sapnap seeing you in his clothes (Headcanon) - X
Sapnap with his S/O at night and in the morning (Headcanon) - X
Sapnap finding his S/O using his shirt as a pillowcase (Headcanon) - X
Revival (Drabble) - X
Sunshine (One-shot) - X
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Enderian!Ranboo with a Merling Best Friend (Headcanon) - X
Ranboo befriending a witch reader (Headcanon) - X
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Avian!Tommy becoming friends with his Elytrian Rival (Headcanon) - X
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Revival (Drabble) - X 
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Revival (Drabble) - X
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Loved By A God (Oneshot) - X
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from-cj-with-love · 3 years
Rating Dream SMP character based off of how ripped they are.
Dream - rotting in prison means no more muscles. 4/10
GeorgeNotFound - get up bitch. 0/10
Callahan - 1000/10 I will not be taking criticism
SapNap - hooo buddy. oh honey. 13/10
AweSamDude - could kill god with a a glance. and a trident throw. 10/10
DropsByPonk - my fucking monarch 8/10
BadBoyHalo - 20/10 MAJOR pectorals.
TommyInnit - god this kid’s been through it. he’s fought in wars, sure, but who has time to work out when you’re always put through the ringer? –2/10
Tubbo - built snowchester and a huge guardian farm. 9/10
ItsFundy - more agile and limber. like a fox. bc he is one. also buff furries terrify me. 4/10
Punz - heavy breathing 11/10
Purpled - Merc work, bedwars, building, the building paranoia that everyone he trusts is going to betray him and money being his biggest motivator. 6.5/10
WilburSoot - I was gonna just say “weak old music man” but then I remembered he worked in mines, shot bows, and was in an army. 7/10
JSchlatt - I was gonna just say “weak old alcoholic man” but then I remembered he guzzled protein powder and lifted weights. that’s concerning. 7/10
Skeppy - he’s made of diamonds which is a cheat code. 50/10 but you’re disqualified
Eret - walking around in fancy clothes and dresses constantly with all the beauty and showmanship in the world must be exhausting. 8/10
JackManifoldTV - Potatoes, spite, death, radiation, and mental illness do not a buff man make 1.5/10
Nihachu - She must be in pain from having to carry The Syndicate on her back 8/10
Quackity - uncomfortably buff. 7/10
Karl Jacobs - energy drinks, hiring someone to build his kingdom, and disappearing doesn’t exactly sound like a workout plan sir 3/10
HBomb - vaults. his village. grinding. the prestige. 12/10
TechnoBlade - he’s been carrying the weight of his sins since the potato wars. also mining and farming for hours. 15/10
AntFrost - he is Stick. Slinky. 3/10
ConnorEatsPants - sonic man has legs that aren’t that swole despite running so much. 4/10
CaptainPuffy - foolish, your dad is gnc as fuck. 10/10
Vikkstar123 - in tommy’s head he’s ∞/10 which is fair but in reality he is 6/10 and that’s fine
LazarBeam - Mr Beam there is never anything to say about you so I’m going to slap on 5/10 and call it a day
Ranboo - Genderman? More like Jellyman 1/10
HannahXXRose - bedwars, gardening, betrayal, it’s all gotta keep you swole. 8/10
Slimecicle - too-human charlie would be perfectly average. 5/10 goop boy? changing shape. ?/10
MichaelMcChill - man’s went full fucking super spy one time. and he’s been in the SMP business for years now. pretty damn swole. solid Mr McChill. 8.5/10
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mcyt-correct · 2 years
Quackity: You wanna explain yourself George? Why did you send this George? >:(
Bad: Is- is that you?
Quackity: That's- nnoOOOO THAT'S NOT ME-
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