#baddie bernie
I want to get down on my knees and marry Bernie, Ashe, Ignatz, and Shamir. The ultimate archer baddies
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alisonscotlock · 1 year
tagged by @sarahlancashire 💖
scott & bailey - this is the show that got me into fandom and fanfiction (reading and writing) and basically without it i would never have met any of my internet friends. aside from that, i am not immune to fictional middle-aged female detectives with wine-red nail varnish - gill murray and julie dodson i’m looking at you both. special mention to any and all episodes written by amelia bullmore bc gdi the woman is a comedic genius
home fires - i don’t really go for war stuff usually, but this cast drew me in and thank the gods it did bc this was gorgeous. this is the show that gave me my username bc alison scotlock is the loml. it has it all - great stories, beautiful cinematography, excellent acting, a great soundtrack, plentiful pretty ladies for the milf lovers amongst us...
yonderland - only wanted to choose one show by the six idiots and honestly it could have been any of them, but yonderland won because it’s just so CLEVER while being utterly silly, which is absolutely my kind of thing. negatus is supposed to be the baddie but is just... silly and incompetent, which makes him adorable. lots of wise elder vex’s lines became lil echolalia things for me for months after i watched it
call the midwife - this is the show that has been with me for the longest time. it started when i was 15 and it’s seen me through so much and it’s my annual ‘let’s have a big cry every sunday in january and february’ comfort show with a side order of intense emotions. i have loved and/or appreciated 99% of the storylines, midwives and nuns. phyllis crane and sister julienne are my LOVES
dinnerladies - victoria wood. need i say more? this show is like an old friend to me. i can’t remember the first time i watched it but i must have seen it over 15 times. victoria’s writing is incredible and all of the cast are VERY good at bringing her characters to life. this is a get to know me and also my family kind of show - it’s the one we will all sit and watch and laugh along to and we quote it every day
last tango in halifax - look, i’m not saying some of these shows to get to know me aren’t mildly to extremely traumatising, they’re just the shows that have had the most impact on my life. sally i will never forgive you for THAT and also series 5 was so weird, but this was the first show with wlw in it that i watched after i came out and also caroline elliot is another loml (ok i have a lot...)
mum - sitcoms with added pulling hard on the heartstrings are where it’s AT. this is SO well-written and i’m a sucker for that realism. if you think it’s slow and boring then you’re watching it wrong. cathy walker, i love you. she’s so gentle. you know this show is good bc there’s a het relationship that i cry about. it’s the yearninggggg
holby city (series 14 - series 21) - again, this is not The Best by a LONG shot, but berena was my whole life when i was not great mentally and had very little else. they are my ultimate ship and bernie wolfe has my whole entire heart and basically the ik they’re fictional but if the two of them can go through the most traumatising shit and still be “happier than i ever thought possible” finding the love of their life at over 50 years of age, that gives me boundless hope <3
not tagging anyone, but if you see this and would like to be tagged, consider yourself tagged!
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baddiebernie · 4 years
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I love y’all ❤️
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umamiclown · 5 years
yall serious question cs i dont live in the us n litchrally everything ive consumed abt the us presidential election seems to be misinformation...what is going on with the biden thing?? i thought it was a faceoff between him n bernie currently why r people being told to not vote for him already?
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yesitsmewhataboutit · 3 years
Bnha Boy’s Favorite BET/VH1 Show To Watch With You
(Bakugo, Kirishima, Shoto, Hawks, Shinsou)
Anything Tyler Perry
And I mean anything
He loves the drama and gets so invested
I cannot tell you how many times he’s watched and rewatch Sistas and Meet The Browns with you
He always had his snacks and blankets ready
You will cuddle and eat with him for hours while watching and being invested to whatever he decides that day
It’s honestly amazing
And the Madea movies?
Watches at least one every 2 days
His absolute favorite thing to do is have a binge day and binge them all
That’s it
There’s no explanation
You’ve asked him many times, and he doesn’t even know
But he’s obsessed
He’s share his theory’s and ramble as you watch
It’s adorable
Andrea is his favorite hands down
She’s too much of a baddie for him not to love and worship the ground she walks on
He of course loves you more but it’s a close battle
Everybody Hates Chris
He nearly dies of laughter every time he watches any episodes
He loves it so much
He cannot stand Caruso
His blood boils anytime he’s on screen
Keigo always says he loves Tonya even though she’s a brat he hopes your kids will come out looking like her cause she’s adorable
It was the cutest thing you’d ever heard him say
He also proceeded to explain how he wanted at least 2 adorable little girls
And he said he feels for Chris so he’s going to make sure his 3 sons all get along and there will be no bullying or teasing tolerated in his household
Bernie Mac, Everybody Hates Chris, Martin, and the Madea movies
So I even need to explain?
Katsuki strives to be like Bernie
He’s loves the threats and stuff Bernie says to the kids
It’s Katsuki, are you surprised?
He said if his daughter is ever like Vanessa he will “bust her head till the white meat show”
You watched his heart break when he found out Bernie died
Watched his show on repeat for 2 months as he should
If you thought he loved Bernie, his love for Rochelle exceeds that 10 fold
He loves her and is constantly yelling “YOU TELL EM ROCHELLE. HELL YEA”
Makes you laugh every time. You love it
Speaking of Rochelle
He loves Martin so much cause of the shade Martin and Pam throw at each other
He takes mental notes wanting to use some of them cause they’re just that great
Madea is on top before all of them
Shes his literal spirit animal
This man almost died the first time he watched Family Funeral when she smacked Hattie
And he only laughed harder when she did it again to her and Uncle Joe
You thought you were gonna have to take him to the hospital he was laughed so hard
Literally almost coughed up a lung
Martin and Fresh Prince
He loves the humor in Martin
He finds it nice and loves to cuddle and watch him and Gina
He loves there relationship
He’s thinks they’re adorable
He always does the most adorable laughs when Martin and Pam are going back and forth
Or Sheneneh does literally anything
He finds her amusing
10/10 best thing to do: watching Fresh Prince
As you know, he’s not big on… emotions
But he will smile and groove a little with you as you sing along and dance to the Fresh Prince intro
He watches you lovingly when you sit up from his cuddles as a new episode starts and you sing along being cute. He’ll grab your hand and just smiling as he watches you
Literally his favorite thing ever
He also loves Will Smith in general
And will watch any movie he’s in cause he knows it’ll be hilarious
He’d never tell you cause he’s embarrassed but he’d love to have a handshake with you like Will and Jazz have🥺
For my baddies in the back: @ofblckwriters
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milquetoast-on-acid · 3 years
Dear Santa, here's my wishlist for Season 23/2.
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What's in the letter (which looks like it will be addressed this season! )
Elliot and olivia having actual in depth conversations about him leaving her and why. I need more that what we got last season. I need this to be a continuing thing they talk about for a long time
Elliot and olivia having actual in depth conversations about their feelings. (this will probably be tied to the letter.)
Dealing with Elliots PTSD and healing.
Seeing Elliot in therapy for his PTSD
Seeing some old faces including Elliot in 500. I want munch and Cragen and Jeffries and Cassidy so it'll be the original ogs back together again.
More Olivia + Stabler kids, Kathleen asking olivia for info on her dad's undercover op and his wellbeing
Eli realizing that Olivia saved him and his moms life once and that she helped to deliver him.
Bernie fucking shit up and trying to get her son to go live his life like she wanted him to.
Olivia + Bernie (although I'm not sure we're going to get this)
Elliot having a blast undercover and getting to play a 'character' not like himself. I want a fantasticly earned reveal to the baddies.
Wheatley fucking more shit up. Maybe an escape from prison (how is this man going to be doing stuff with Elliot undercover? ) maybe going after olivia, maybe outing Elliots undercover but in the end I want him in jail
More couple parallels
Elliot + Ayanna bromance (I love their partnership! More of Ayanna teaching Elliot to be a better man and what its like to be a gay black woman)
What's going on with the lawsuit? Is that still a plotline? Nothing happened with it other that to divide Ayannas loyalty.
Elliot/olivia + rooftops + more hot fights and olivia bossing him around
An earned Elliot/Olivia hookup (the slowest slowburn needs to happen but I still want realism! )
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bustedbernie · 4 years
I am so disappointed in AOC. She is a smart young woman with some bold ideas, but the Bernie Bro crowd keeps holding her back from her true potential. She could use her considerable energy to go after the GOP but she's continuing to go after the Democrats, members of her own party! I wish she could realize that she's better than that and grow up a bit more. She has so much potential and it is depressing to watch her waste it.
She’s fallen into the trap of blaming democrats for our issues and not the real baddies, the GOP. 
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butwhatifidothis · 3 years
I would've loved to see some Black Eagles/ CF recruits try and escape but Hubert attempts to stop them and blackmails them. We sort of get that in SS with Bernie and Petra but that's all.
Yeah!! Something like that would have been so cool to see, but I guess it too blatantly shows CF as the baddie route so yeah ;(
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neoromances · 4 years
red, white, and royal blue: my thots - i didnt realize this was adult fiction the cover looks like every YA romance novel that has ever been made, ever - didnt expect the audiobook reader to speak aloud some non-explicit M-rated smut, but thats all on me. this was longer than i thought it would be everything is under the cut :)
what i liked: - cute and silly rom-com moments - all the characters are relatively functional competent adults and its not     infantilizing - enemies to lovers (-ish? does enemies count if youre both faking it?) - explicit minority representation - acknowledgement of the british royals as a legacy of colonialism and imperialism - acknowledgement of some american queer history what i disliked (aka my minor criticisms): - if youre going to be a millenial harry potter nerd the least you could do is not write drarry fanfiction and then publish it with different names <3 -  if youre going to be a millenial hamilton the musical nerd the least you could do is acknowledge that the only reason you keep bringing up alexander hamilton is because of some musical. and this isnt even a call to validation for the millenial hamilton nerd reader, im not even entirely sure there was a reason to bring UP the recurring motif of hamilton because the author really doesnt do anything with it other than for the author to be like “look i listened to this musical back in 2016 and i really like it soo.....” - its a romcom so this isnt. a huge criticism but the plot was very,,, predictable. not inherently a bad thing because i didnt come into this fiction with the expectations of a tragedy or major plot twists or anything, but, within the genre of rom-com romance novels the story itself limited by the fact that its universally expected to have a happy ending. - throwaway cheap one-liners that represent both the characters and the authors political takes - that ending with the election result was the most boring shit in my LIFE. wrap it up, folks, i honestly dgaf about alex’s mom’s campaign. this is a romcom i know shell win.
what i really disliked: - the treatment of british and american political spheres. aka this wet-dream liberal america. this america that elects some woman president two terms in a row, and not donald trump. again: this book is a rom com and im NOT expecting it to delve into the deficits of the current american government but it feels weak that its only really a vague one-liner near the beginning that acknowledges the US imperialist state and the fact that the MC’s mom is a war criminal. - okay yeah i KNOW it was written pre-pandemic and there was absolutely no WAY the author could have predicted it but the fact that she chose to set it in the future during the 2020 elections,,, not much i can say but BIG yikes. it comes off as insensitive and yes- adds to this above image of a perfect, democratic, idyllic, founding-father perfectionist patriotic america that doesnt get involved into these things like pandemics. - the main baddie (vaguely?) is a republican which in and of itself is representative of the narrow-mindedness of the author- (as in: democrats=good, republicans= bad and evil and conservative and campaign-sabotaging). truth is theyre all bad <3 - again, the richards or whatever they were were painfully supposed to be a trump mirror but it was done very poorly the only realistic thing in this novel was that no federal reform or election drop ever came of the confirmed sabotage of the claremont campaign. - hatsune miku binder thomas jefferson but its gay latino bernie sanders - this book was so pandering towards america the brave + the beautiful and other patriotic bullshit while it kept relentlessly criticizing britain for having the exact same nationalist ideas.
its a cute story; its commercial adult fiction in this new age where its possible to monetize off of queer stories. would this story have worked it if were a straight couple? i mean, yeah. at least in the spheres that im in, this book is popular because its queer fiction. the author does go into attempts to look at the realistic political ramifications of a high-profile same-sex couple but in the america that im seeing right now? its not viable. in the creation of this utopia where the queer and high-profile gay characters arent subject to endless scrutiny and vitrol (something that the author could have looked at more instead uhhh, i dont know, the mom-presidents political campaign), mcquinston has effectively created this book that is so distanced from the political happenings of realities she may as well have written henry as the prince and alex as the son of the leader of two completely fictional, made-up countries and gotten the exact same story across.
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womanistgrrrl · 5 years
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"Bernie is leading a working class movement to defeat Donald Trump that transcends generation, ethnicity, and geography. That is why he is fighting to cancel all student debt. That is why he is fighting to make all school meals universal. That is why he is fighting for a humane immigration policy that treats immigrants as human beings and not criminals. And it's why Bernie is fighting to end our forever wars and truly prioritize human rights in our foreign policy–no matter who violates them. And it's why I believe Bernie Sanders is the best candidate to take on Donald Trump in 2020." 
-- Rep. Ilhan Omar (a fierce baddie who be knowing). 
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
15x1 Bullet Point Rambles
We’re BACK! Kisses!
A Bob Seger intro? Thanks for making us melancholy already, show
Welcome to the end, babes. I’d cry but I’m too busy watching this zombie fight interspersed with Jack’s empty eye sockets (yeesh)
They make for a crypt as a temporary safe haven. Good plan!
HEY look at that intro art! Was that an eyeball in there? Goo? Faaaascinating
It’s an odd mourning scene in the mausoleum with fighters outside and a body to mourn inside. Sam asks if Cas can heal Jack (Boris: Sam just…no bby)
Dean ranting about Chuck and his tendency to breaking into song is golden
Sam hears water and they plan to head underground to the sewers. Alas, there was another monster there.
Jack STANDS THE FUCK UP in the middle of the room. He’s got empty eye sockets… Cas realizes that Jack’s body is controlled by a demon. OH MAN
Belphegor the demon puts on Weekend-at-Bernie’s sunglasses to cover his empty sockets. OMG
There are newspapers in Hell? Because that’s a delightful thought. I bet they’re nothing but opinions pages.
Belphegor is a by-the-book lackey who just wants Hell to return to the way it was (Reminds me of some angels.)
“We are not twinsies” intoned in Cas’s voice is pretty much all I need
Look at Cas, always happy to bleed for the Winchesters
Belphegor’s spell…worked? It falls quiet outside and the bodies are all prone again. (What kind of spell was that really?)
Cut to Bloody Mary trying to tear her way out of cell phones and mirrors, to kill a young girl. Way to be tech savvy now, GURL
During the break we talk about Chuck’s vengeance against the Winchesters. Bringing back ghosts they’d destroyed is a way for Chuck to show how futile their efforts have been, when they usually lean on the people they saved and the baddies they defeated as a way to justify their lives
“Ghostpocalypse ™”
Contain the ghosts to buy some time. USE GHOST BUSTER PACKS and a firehouse containment system is my hot tip
They find the Woman in White murder scene. Sam flashes through it and realizes it might be the one they sent to Hell. Sam looks so stressed, poor lamb
Cut to the creepy clown hunting a mom and her child and my KID IS THIS AGE AND I FIND THIS VERY STRESSFUL
Cas is so creeped out by Belphegor wearing Jack’s body he has to leave the car. I feel for him.
People in the past worshiped a giant rock that looked like a huge penis. I can’t EVEN with this show. Everyone’s handsome, Belphegor notes. Especially Dean. IKR????
Belphegor asks who Jack was. “He was our kid. Kinda,” Dean replies. ;_;
We are appreciating Andrew Dabb setting up the dominoes in this episode
OH THANK GOODNESS the kid and mom made it
Sam gets to kill a clown so we’re pretty excited about this
Don’t worry, Cas whips out the ol’ shotgun and blasts away the clown. MMMMMMMmmmm noice
“Move your exquisite ass, please,” Rowena makes Dean say. LOL that’s our queen
Hey, is anyone else really suspicious about this demon with all these convenient spells ready to go? Demon ex machina?
HOLY SHIT Belphegor compliments Dean on his torture skills back in Hell. “It was art.”
Apparently Michael’s cage is open and traumatized Michael is just sitting there.
Cas heals Sam in front of these poor civilians. Sam introduces himself as “just as a guy” who, you know, “shot God.”
Oh no, Sam’s still having troubles with his equalizer gun bullet hole. There’s an energy Cas has never felt before and he can’t heal it. OH NOES
The woman in white finds the sheriff. The clown’s ghost is still around. This is….tricky business
(Does this mom remind anyone else of Jennifer Gray from Ferris Bueller? And Belphegor’s a nod to Weekend at Bernie’s? Just me?)
Sam accidentally shoots Cas while they’re fighting ghosties. “You shot me,” Cas complains about this minor inconvenience
Belphegor starts the spell while they fight off this little gang of ghosts. The barrier’s erected around the town and then it’s time to run
Sam tells the clown to shut up from the safety of the other side of the barrier. I feel that that was very cathartic to him!
HEY speaking of clown cars, there are six people in the Impala right now. Who else can we pick up and jam in there?
The little girl thanks Sam (a reason for our team to continue and not give up, mayhaps?)
Dean is SO COLD to Cas, though he DID ask how he was. Belphegor is….not helping. (Also I kind of love him? So snarky.)
Sam tells Dean that the bullet doesn’t hurt. SAM you dirty liar. Dean calls back to their childhood and tells a knock knock joke. Awww look at these brothers.
Dean questions his free will. “We were just rats in a maze.” Dean bby. He questions saving people. He no doubt remembers his past torture, the literal hell he endured
Sam thinks that Chuck is out of the picture now and that he cut ties with not only the Winchesters, but the whole universe. He thinks Chuck headed off to go make a NEW universe (which explains this whole multiverse / multiple authorial drafts concept)
Trunk closes. “We’ve got work to do.” NICE SYMMETRY we approve
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baddiebernie · 6 years
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“I feel Bern”
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just guys bein’ dudes
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coffeekaspbrak · 5 years
Hey guys vote for Bernie if u a baddie
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mobius-prime · 4 years
241. Sonic the Hedgehog #173
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Round Up!
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley! Colors: Jason Jensen
So! What is this mysterious thing that Antoine is so determined to do? What is so intimidating to him that he needs Sonic and Amy to back him up? Well, the first page of today's issue tells us quite plainly…
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Compared to the constantly-in-flux love life of most of the other characters in this comic, it's so nice to see two characters who (aside from the hiccup caused by Evil Antoine) have remained pretty steady with each other throughout most of the story so far. And now they're about to get hitched! Especially considering how many other plot points have revolved around marriage and potential marriages, this is incredibly sweet and heartwarming to see - an actual marriage based on love and respect. With his main goal completed, Antoine's nerves finally crack though and Sonic has to steady him as he admits that he's been trying to work up the courage to do this for weeks, while Amy excitedly discusses girly things such as dress fittings for the wedding. Bunnie then takes everyone in search of Sally so they can tell her the good news as well. Sally is currently taking a call from Knuckles with Rotor in the brain trust lab, discussing Mina's current world tour and how the Chaotix are acting as her bodyguards in case of any other assassination attempts. Knuckles then mentions he's heard a rumor that Rouge has stolen the Master Emerald from Angel Island and is offering to sell it to the highest bidder, and apparently the only strange thing about this according to everyone present is that normally Rouge would likely want to keep the gem for herself instead of selling it. Really, guys? No mention of how the theft of such an important gem would likely be nearly impossible to pull of at this point with so much security, or how doing such a thing would cause the entire island to plummet violently to earth? Sally prepares to arrange a mission to go after Rouge at the same time that the happy couple and Sonic arrive in the room, and thus, that night finds the four of them split into two groups on watch for any sign of the emerald. Sonic and Antoine, while on watch, discuss their situation.
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I feel like Antoine here has kind of summed up what I had said before regarding The Slap - namely, that Sally's erratic and uncharacteristic behavior was a result of severe stress and trauma stemming from what happened during the year that Sonic was in space. Furthermore, those two aren't the only ones discussing Sally's current involvement with this mission - Sally herself has something to admit to Bunnie.
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I think in lieu of Karl making it clear before he left that Sally is self-aware about her behavior, Ian has made a point of clearing things up right here. Sally was once a core member of the Freedom Fighters, leading them all personally and participating in nearly every mission with enthusiasm. I still firmly hold to the idea that her parents, particularly her father, are who influenced her so strongly to give a lot of that up and transition to being a more distant, princess-like ruler instead, staying within the safe boundaries of the village. It's taken her a long time to work through her trauma and begin to get back to where she was before, but she's closer than she has been in a long time. Both conversations are interrupted by the abrupt arrival of several familiar faces - Bunnie and Sally find themselves facing a vengeful Nack, while Sonic and Antoine are up against Bean and Bark, the former of whom is as insane as ever.
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Nack alone isn't much of a match for the two girls, and quickly finds himself subdued, while Bean and Bark take Sonic and Antoine a little longer, though in the end they too end up defeated. Bunnie and Sally go about tying up their new set of captives while Sonic and Antoine head out to find Rouge, who is nearby, lying on top of the emerald which is covered in a sheet. She's very unnerved to find herself suddenly faced by none other than Mammoth Mogul and Naugus, who have naturally been lured here by the promise of a powerful magical artifact. However, there's something… different about Naugus now…
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Mogul sends Naugus to try to take out his two new challengers with a new technique he's developed called a "shadow-meld," but they easily guess that he's trying to sneak up on them from behind and knock him out. A furious Mogul threatens them with his Ixis abilities, until a rapidly-growing engine revving sound reveals itself to be Sally on Nack's bike, dropping in from above to knock him out cold. With the most obvious threats out of the way, the heroes turn their attention to Rouge, but she quickly points out that she's on their side, pulling the sheet away to reveal the "Master Emerald" is nothing more than a table with a green lantern (no, not that one) underneath it. She then says that she did all this, helping them capture various baddies, for Knuckles and Knuckles alone, wanting to show him that she could "be a good girl and play by the rules," in perhaps the most stunning misunderstanding of what Rouge is actually like in the comics so far. Seriously, normally I appreciate Ian's take on most characters, but I think it took him a while to actually figure out Rouge's whole deal, because not once in the games does she pull anything like this solely for Knuckles' sake. Her interactions with Knuckles in the games mostly seem to amount to a lot of flirting, flustering, and teasing purely to make him angry and mess with his head - I believe there's even a line somewhere where she outright admits that he's "not her type" and she only does all that for fun. I mean, she is known for being a flirt after all, but that doesn't mean she's actually interested in everyone she flirts with - she's a manipulator. Now, of course that's not something that will ever stop fans shipping, and I'm certainly not one to judge people for shipping whatever the hell they want, but if we're talking canon, her actions here don't really make a lot of sense.
Anyway, Rouge does consent to help transport their haul of prisoners back home, and before they all head out, Bunnie and Antoine ask Sally and Sonic to be their maid of honor and best man respectively, to which they both say of course. As they get ready to head on back to Knothole, we zoom out to find that Eggman and Snively have been watching the proceedings the entire time from their cameras, with Eggman having hired Nack, Bean and Bark to attack just to be certain that the Master Emerald offered up by Rouge was fake. They then smirk as they discuss a new plan of theirs being right on schedule - something to do with the production of a "new fleet," which seems to have just been launched…
See Ya' Later Chao! (Part One)
Writer: Ian Flynn Pencils: Tracy Yardley Colors: Jason Jensen
On that ominous note, it's time for something much more lighthearted! Bernie comes out of her room one morning to find Jules and Sonic doting on a chao that's causing a bit of chaos in their home. She has no idea what it is or how it got in their house, so Sonic explains what he was up to yesterday, beginning with Rotor picking up a strong energy signature from the old, dried-up Lake of Rings that Robotnik sucked dry all the way back in the Sonic Quest miniseries. Thinking it might be a Chaos Emerald, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles all set out to investigate, only to be surprised by the sight of a chao garden thriving where the lake once sat.
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The three basically just played in the chao garden all afternoon and discovered what every young Sonic fan did back in '99 - the chao life cycle and how the way you interact with them affects their appearance, stats, and ability to reincarnate. Unfortunately, in the middle of their delightful chao-filled afternoon, Eggman showed up in a big mech with a drill on it, ready to mess up their day… Wow, guess both stories in today's issue end on a cliffhanger!
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marcosllorente · 4 years
FUCK MAN !! I swear white people wear me out. I cannot believe that Bernie ended his campagne because these white people want to vote for Biden (a deadass republican in disguise). It’s over for the US, i’m headed to whatever this country is 🏳️‍🌈 all the baddies seem to be there
id rather die than vote for biden 💙 usa madness
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