#baekhyun hd
darikmur · 6 months
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littleprincehyun · 1 year
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oscargoldksoo · 1 day
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EXO BAEKHYUN ✧ Pineapple Slice MV Special Photo
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Can I Stay? (A Baekhyun Story) Part 2.
Pairing: You x Baekhyun
Rating: M
Word Count: 5.4K
Warnings: Longing looks, unspoken stolen glances, daydreams and overreactions, an unspecified age difference, an English story that uses the word Noona for lack of another word in English that carries the same feeling, if you don’t like this, then don’t read this story.
Author‘s note: remember all those years ago I said I’d write a Baekhyun x Noona fic? This is that fic.
Inspired by the Ray LaMontagne song Can I Stay
Tag List: @andimoon @his-mochi-cheeks
Links: Can I Stay? Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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The important parts of the meeting were a blur.
The very important, critically vital, future deciding parts of that meeting, yeah, that meeting filled to the absolute brim with the most VIP of VIPs was all kind of a blur.
You probably did fine. You’d done enough of these by now that you knew you could trust your mind to perform expertly on autopilot.
Metrics to report? You had them.
Deliverables? In spades.
Facts to show where your team outshone the others? Child’s play.
Story after story of your team’s very clear successes with you, their trusty captain at the helm? You had too many to recount, even when you picked just the best scenarios it still felt like bragging.
But that was the point of these things. Showing off for the people who mattered; the senior directors, the production team leaders, the deep pockets, the huge investments, and the big opinions who’s fortunes grew fat and heavy off the backs of the labor of thousands. The decision makers, the cord cutters, and the trigger pullers were all present today.
Meetings like this didn’t happen often but when they did they always mattered.
As you went through your slides and your carefully planned speech you kept your eyes steadily ahead of you at a level just above all of their heads. You’d occasionally allow your gaze to touch upon a few select sets of eyes such as the Company’s Vice President’s no nonsense eyes that watched the presentations with expert level eagle eyes ready to pop off a difficult question at a moment's notice for some of the less prepared members of this upper management team. You’d had none from her. Only a rare tick of her head with an impressed eyebrow lift and an even rarer concealed smile toward you as you were speaking. Many of the others eyes that watched you had far too much pressure when you allowed yourself to lock on, so you mostly looked at the foreheads and you kept your wits about you.
You only very briefly held President Byun’s eyes — the President of this company who had famously worked his way up from the bottom, or so his Wikipedia page said.
The President’s eyes bore a striking familiarity in their shape and in their color to his son’s. A superficial familiarity, because something deeper was very different from the set of eyes that carelessly burned a hole right into the very center of your chest almost an hour ago out there in that secluded hallway.
You could physically feel that same careless set of eyes on you now. A tingling sensation came from the left section of the room where the assistants to the management team stood by armed to the teeth with items ranging from a fresh set of batteries for a wonky laser pointer, a spare laptop for a machine on the fritz, to a box of every single cable and adapter and connector known to all of current and past technology on the off chance that some important person with enough zeros in their bank account might wish to connect a 1991 LaserDisc player to the several thousand dollar HD projector system installed in this meeting hall.
You were winding down now, finishing off with a well received joke that brought out an audible chuckle from the room and you could feel the pressure lessen as you easily answered the few questions that were posed.
You couldn’t help the way your eyes began to drift to the left side of the room. As if you had been called by him, your gaze moved so damned easily. It was probably because your speech was all done and you’d reached the end of the slide. You’d never quite mastered exiting one of these things with poise and ease and when your eyes drifted over they naturally settled right onto Baekhyun���s face.
The feelings that coursed through you were conflicted. Comfort and concern. Sanctuary and danger. You wanted to look at him. He felt like a friend and a comrade in here amongst so many others that expected and demanded so much from you. He was safe. He had been safe. He’d helped you prepare for the weeks leading up to this and you knew he was on your side. And you’d been holding it in so well. No one suspected a thing, you were sure of it. You’d been on top of the pesky crush you’d been hiding ever since you met him. And it had been just that. Just a silly passing crush.
You had fully planned on saying goodbye to him in three weeks time and moving on with your life with yet another unrequited love under your belt and a few unrealized fantasies in your head to hold you over until you found enough hours in the day to actually start dating someone. Someone closer to your level. A similar enough age not to raise any eyebrows at work, and a similar family background. Just someone normal and definitely not someone from a family like Byun Baekhyun’s. While the age gap between you and Baekhyun wasn’t completely unheard of, the gap in social status was pretty vast. Sure you’d reached a level of professional success through sacrifice and hard work but every single hard earned dollar you’d made was the result of your own efforts.
How would you even begin to compare to this man? Baekhyun and you came from entirely different worlds.
How much trouble would you be in if all these leaders found out you were falling in love with their very own untouchable Prince? How much of him were you actually allowed and how far would your fall from grace be if you took too much?
Baekhyun’s smile was wide and genuine and his eyes shaped into little half circles. His hands were moving with the silent secret applause he gave you with just the tips of his fingers before shooting two quick thumbs up in your direction. You held your breath as you looked at him. You found it difficult to do both of those things simultaneously it seemed.
‘You’re so cool!’ He mouthed and you pulled your lips in between your teeth to keep your face impassive. It was self preservation. You knew you should not have looked for him at all.
The room was in motion again as the next team manager took to the center of the room. You took your seat for the rest of the meeting and steadied your gaze to the front of the room. You would not, absolutely would not waver.
But your memory, like your eyes earlier, drifted in his direction. You stared straight ahead ignoring the strong pins and needles feeling over your skin that came from the assistants section and your mind replayed the feeling of his long thin fingertips slipping along the surface of your face. His fingertips that touched along your jaw at first then moved higher. So light it felt like silk over a porcelain vase until those fingers threaded into your hair behind your ear, his pinky at the nape of your neck, his thumb pressing over your earlobe and the soft warmth of his palm along your jaw, guiding your face to him; urging you into his lips.
His lips and the yielding uncertainty in them.
His lips and the warmth of the exhale from his nose.
His lips, begging and your own, too scared to reply.
The speaker at the front of the room had said something funny. An audible chuckle sounded out around you and you dropped your hand from your face quickly and your index finger released its touch on your bottom lip and you looked around, chastising yourself for letting your mind wander in this way. The slight panic that you’d missed something important pulled at your nerves and your eyes, out of habit, sought out the familiar.
You found him so easily. He stood out like a sparkling Diamond in a room of rocks. The giggle in the room was winding down but those brown eyes were already locked into yours the second yours found his. Baekhyun’s expression was flat and serious and it was obvious that he, like you, wasn’t laughing. Perhaps he had missed the joke as well. Baekhyun was quiet and he was motionless, sitting amongst a group of assistants who could never really be his peers, they all giggled and whispered among themselves all worked up from the end of this tortuous meeting or from the entertaining speech they’d all been witness to, you couldn’t be certain.
You caught onto his eyes from across the meeting room. There was a moment of almost peace, when you looked at his serious face and he stared at you in silence, clearly lost inside his own thoughts.
The moment did not last long because his eyes seemed to widen and a bubble had popped, awakening him or alerting him, his posture changed and he pulled back instantly, averting his gaze with a recoil of his features he lifted a hand to rub over his face; he looked away from you. You wondered what had him so engrossed. What had been interrupted inside of his mind just now.
Had your own self resolve been weaker, the curiosity might just eat you alive from the inside out like acid.
Bodies were moving around the room. Your name was called by many a friendly smiling face pulling someone you simply just had to meet. Your introductions were filled with flattery on the excellent work you always produced. You were humble and you were grateful.
Out of the corner of your eye you caught the bounce of a blonde head of hair in the crowd as the small groups mingled about.
“My son has been making his way through the company learning the ropes from the very best we have in each department!” A deep voice boomed and your ears caught a few friendly chuckles as responses as one important man showed off to a group of other important men.
“When are you moving onto the next team?”
“I want to stay where I am for longer. I still have a lot to learn from my manager.” You were close enough to make out Baekhyun’s voice through the murmur of the crowds around you.
“Nonsense,” the old man began and to your surprise, Baekhyun’s voice firmly interrupted.
“No, not nonsense, Dad. I’m staying on this team for two more projects, at least. Maybe more. I haven’t even been involved in the beginning and end of anything yet because My Daddy keeps moving me around like a chess piece just to one-up his friends.” Baekhyun’s voice was quiet enough for the others in this room not to hear him, but you’d grown so accustomed to his particular way of speaking that you could just make out every word he spoke to his father, despite how under his breath he tried to keep it.
“How am I supposed to show my face around these people if you keep pulling me out before anything gets finished? How do you think that makes me look? Do you think that earns me any of their respect?”
Your curiosity betrayed you when you turned your head around just enough to catch the determined look on Baekhyun’s face. You felt a strange mixture of shock and pride watching him respond with such purpose and confidence to his father’s whims that you felt your jaw drop open just a little just from the surprise of witnessing this. You were so caught up in what he was saying and how he was saying it that the small tick of his eyes in your direction caught you off guard and made you flinch. How long had he known you were here? He certainly didn't let your eavesdropping stop him from making his point. His eyes touched yours only for a moment before he inhaled a steadying breath, lifted his chin and spoke his final piece.
“Respectfully, If you want to be able to trust me with your company in the future you need to start trusting my judgment about my life right now, Sir.”
The old man didn't speak right away but Baekhyun’s eyes didn't stay on his father’s face. Those flighty eyes of his gave you away instantly. President Byun turned his head, following his son’s eyes to find you standing close by; not close enough for it to be obvious that you had heard the entire exchange, but your proximity to and your current work with Baekhyun certainly made you feel guilty for lurking around the two family members having a private conversation.
The president didn’t betray any conceivable suspicions he may or may not have had of you, but you did find yourself pulled forward out of your duty to the company and pure politeness.
You greeted them both with a smile and respectful head nod and even reached out to shake President Byun’s hand as he addressed you by name and complimented your presentation. It was a conversation that had been repeated all afternoon and you responded in kind, giving humble appreciation for your excellent team and their efforts.
You’d expected the pleasantries to be the end of it, but the President kept speaking with a wry smile and a genuine twinkle in his eyes this time.
“So you are the reason why my son suddenly has the guts to stand up to me for the first time in his life,” he remarked matter of factly and you heard the deep chest filling breath Baekhyun slowly inhaled beside you. He then cleared his throat out loud and crossed his arms over his chest. The gesture had no effect on the old man who was clearly not new to embarrassing his children.
“Baekhyun has been an incredible addition to my team. I haven’t known him for very long but what I knew right away was that your son has an incredible sense of conviction and determination — he must take after you in that regard.”
This brought a grin to the President’s face and he reached out a heavy hand to lay over his son’s shoulders. Baekhyun’s face held a barely concealed wince and he rocked back and forth on stiff legs. He really should have tried harder to control his face. You’d had the same forced smile on your lips for a solid hour and a half now and your cheeks were starting to go numb from the efforts. For a man who smiled as easily as Baekhyun did, he really didn’t seem to be able to turn it on at a moment’s notice when he didn't genuinely mean it.
“I’ll tell you what,” President Byun turned to speak to you, “You turn him into you and I’ll promote you to Director.”
You pushed the final laugh out of your chest at the ridiculous promise and you said your farewells. You really needed this meeting to be over so you could get out of these heels and into the quiet sanctity of your office. You had several tasks left for the day and not enough hours left in the work day to get them done.
You gathered your things and you gathered your own important person and you left. While, no, you didn’t physically drag Baekhyun out of there, he followed on his own without so much as a word or even a glance from you. Your silent egress down the hallway toward the elevator was echoed by the familiar comfort of his quiet trailing footsteps. When you paused inside the elevator with a light hand to keep the doors open, he kept his eyes down at his feet and stepped inside.
The elevator doors closed and you stared ahead of yourself at the blank silver elevator side panel and he stared ahead at the numbers panel and you instantly missed the excitable chatty assistant you had before today.
This Baekhyun was too quiet and too serious. This Baekhyun was holding his breath beside you and you knew it because when you stole a glance at his face his cheeks were pink and his eyes and mouth were all closed up tight, ready to pop.
It seemed a nerve was being worked up.
It seemed maybe something was incoming and your hackles began to raise. This was the last thing you wanted to happen inside this enclosed space with no escape.
Perhaps it would be an apology for the stolen kiss in your sanctuary. An apology for taking that particular funny joke too far just for the sake of laughing at you.
You weren’t always like this; cynical and mistrusting. Sometimes you let the delusions play out. A microscopic voice inside whispered a hopeful and naive, ‘perhaps it would be a confession.’ You bit down a little on the side of your tongue to keep from making a sound. Someone like him? Surely he had his pick of women. He was so handsome, young, smart, capable, and he came from money. The kind of money that controlled the world.
You were a few of those things, you had your own money, not the world controlling kind but you could take a nice vacation anywhere in the world and even travel first class without batting an eye, and you even had your fair share of suitors. Hell, just this morning the creepy married father of two in your building ogled you in the elevator — gave you the old up and down and a suggestive wink.
And when you got off the bus at work this morning the homeless man across the street who usually shouted nice ass, changed it up and shouted nice tits at you and he was right. Your tits did look nice today. And perhaps the most eligible, most exciting of your suitors, the handsome new barista behind the counter at Starbucks who for three days in a row, had drawn a small sharpie heart after your name on your coffee cup. That could be flirting, right? The tiny little black thing perfectly drawn, as if he’d taken his time with it like he might, with you.
There was a change in Baekhyun’s face. You saw his lips purse outward and he slowly began to exhale the breath he had been holding. His cheeks were still pink but his eyes were open and he cleared his throat and angled his torso toward you a tiny bit.
It was happening, he was ready to apologize for playing silly tricks on you.
He was ready to pull apart that hole inside of your chest with his slippery fingertips and let out the last scattered fragments of your self esteem.
“Miss Manager,” he addressed you, alone in this quiet elevator without anyone else around to care, without his usual nickname for you. His voice held a seriousness that you’d never heard from him before. It made the air inside of this elevator feel stale and stuffy and you looked away from his grave face and his trembling lips.
The first words out of his mouth burned as they hit.
He didn’t call you Noona. He always called you Noona. From the very beginning there was affection and endearment in that word he used to address you by and you had been annoyed by his audacity and the unearned familiarity of that word at first, but the absence of it in this very moment paired with that look on his face and his flat out refusal to meet your eyes had your mind reeling and your skin crawling from the emptiness of it all.
Three more weeks. You had three more weeks, or less if his father decided to pull him sooner.
Maybe it was better this way. Maybe it would hurt less to sever the ties of familiarity now and go back to a strictly professional relationship with your temporary assistant Byun Baekhyun.
The elevator dinged and the doors opened and you inhaled a swift breath to speak.
“If you are going to apologize to me, there is no need. Let’s both just pretend it never happened.” You struck hard and you struck fast and you watched his face just long enough for the realization to hit him. You watched his face just long enough to see the quick blinking in his eyes and the way his jaw muscles clenched down hard.
It was better this way. He wouldn’t get attached to the Noona who didn’t deserve his sweet nicknames and you wouldn’t have to survive being left again. Not that your last several romantic relationships were anything to compare to this functional strictly work relationship but there was a sort of sick satisfaction in you finally being the one to say it first.
‘This is over.’
‘We should end this.’
‘I’m in love with someone else.’
‘She’s pregnant, I’m sorry.’
He was stuck in the elevator again.
“Assistant Byun, are you coming?” You couldn’t help yourself with the overly formal title. Afterall, he started it with that Miss Manager shit inside the elevator and you could feel your emotions getting the better of you as he stood there silently watching you without moving his feet.
You had tasks to finish for the day. You both had so much work to get done.
He wasn’t moving.
“Are you mad at me?” His question was as small as it was childish. This was a professional workplace. Your jaw dropped and your head tilted and you just looked into his eyes for a second. Was this man really asking you this just outside of your office where your entire team worked?
Yes. Yes maybe you were mad at him, but you’d be damned if he knew about it. You closed your eyes and inhaled slowly.
“No,” you lied and he watched your face too closely so you spun around on your heels and walked swiftly back to your office, taking quick steps through the rows of cubicles filled with your team members to reach your office door and you pulled it open, half wondering if he was still stuck back in that stupid elevator. Maybe you could send him a chair and a desk so he could get some work done in there.
Inside of your office was quiet. You had your plants in the corner beside the window that offered a nice view of the city and your desk was covered with stacks of files that needed your attention. You kicked off your shoes and tossed them away. Your blinds were open to the rest of the team’s area and a few minutes after you entered and heard the single click of the door behind closing you telling you that you were completely alone at last.
Then another sound happened.
The door opening again, the door closing again, the sound of a human body inside of this closed office with you. A body who had sprinted across the crowded office full of your entire team, no doubt calling insane amounts of attention to himself in the process and you heard the telltale sounds of that human body behind you, somewhere lower now toward the floor.
To your horror, you spun around quickly to find Baekhyun down on his knees with his head hung low and a look of severe penance on his pretty face. The blinds of your office were open and several curious faces peered around their computer screens, trying to get eyes on whatever was going on in the bosses office right now.
You rushed to the blinds, pulling them closed as quickly as you could, which you realize only makes things look that much worse and would only make those peering faces that much more invested in the drama.
“Baekhyun, get up. People are watching.”
You had to step around him to reach the next window. He was very much in the way.
“Not until you forgive me, Miss Manager.”
There it was again. You angrily yanked the last of the blinds closed and stood in place with a hand on your chest as you willed your emotions to calm down. This was work. It was ridiculous of you to be so upset at his title for you. Hadn’t you been the one insisting a month ago that he call you that?
Behind you, he was still down on the floor and you felt a tiny poke that stung on the back of your heel.
“You have a blister,” his voice whispered quietly before the sounds of his movement signaled that he was moving around the room.
Two hands landed on your shoulders and gave a gentle push. Your legs resisted at first but the push became less gentle and you risked either falling flat on your face or giving in to his pushing.
“Assistant Byun, I assure you, I am more than capable of handling my own blister.”
“Evidently not, Miss Manager, it is already popped and bleeding.”
The pushing turned to steering and his response to you was downright snarky sounding. You found yourself shoved into a side chair in the middle of your office and you landed with a huff, immediately crossing your arms over your chest and offering as hard a glare your eyes could manage.
You glared at the man who was crouched down on the floor in front of your feet and his eyes glared back at you with a matching intensity that took you off guard. Why was he mad? Was he mad just because you were mad? Without his own reason to be mad? How dare he?
He was gripping your foot. You gave the smallest tug, resisting this but his hand wrapped around tighter as he ticked his tongue in annoyance.
“Be still,” he scolded without earning any sort of authority at all. He was leafing through a first aid kit that you had no memory of ever seeing before in your office.
“I told you I could do it myself.” When you snapped back at him, his eyes shot up at you.
“Miss—” as soon as the first word of that stupid formal title left his lips you rolled your eyes hard. You had absolutely no control over it. It just pissed you off to hear coming from his lips. “-Manager,” he finished but his eyes widened marginally at your obvious reaction.
“Miss Manager?” He said again, softer this time with a question in his tone. You set your jaw, tightened your arms over your chest and looked across your office.
“Noona,” he called and your jaw unclenched as you bit down on your upper lip. You could feel warmth creeping up your neck and filling your cheeks and you swallowed away the saliva that pooled under your tongue and you did your absolute best not to look down at him.
“Noona,” he called again and your eyes darted down into his. Your eyebrows rose a few millimeters in response to him and gone was the snarkiness and glare in his eyes as he looked at your face. There was something softer brewing in those eyes that watched you now. You saw the beginnings of a smile on his lips.
“You’re cute when you’re mad,” he said with a lift of a single eyebrow and he looked down at your foot. He was spreading some sort of ointment over the open blister on your foot now that you’d stopped fighting him about it.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Baek. I already told you I wasn’t mad.”
“You were so mad, you almost kicked me when I was begging for forgiveness earlier,” he said in a mock serious tone. He was pressing a bandage carefully onto the heel of your foot and you felt afroned by his baseless accusation. His joke. You did no such thing! You felt a small laugh escape your chest and you pushed forward with your foot, the one he was holding in his hand and pushed it lightly against his chest. His balance teetered but he stayed upright and held on tighter to your foot to keep his balance.
“I did not!” You felt the first giggles break free from your chest.
“Look! You just did it again! This is an abuse of power!” He was laughing now, and his hand still hadn’t released your foot even though the first aid care was complete.
The hand holding your foot had wandering fingertips that gently caressed the skin over your Achilles tendon, seemingly smoothing the already smooth bandage there. With his other hand he carefully dropped the pieces of wrapper from the bandage into the trash can beside the chair you occupied. Your eyes followed as his slim fingertips carefully and slowly dropped each tiny piece of trash one at a time into the basket, taking way too long with it. They floated down and landed on top of an empty Starbucks coffee cup with the name Baekhyun written in black sharpie followed by a little hand drawn heart.
Apparently that new Starbucks hussie drew hearts on everyone’s cups.
Just like that you were down another suitor.
“Help me, somebody, anybody. This lady is crazy. She only paints half of her toenails,” he was outright laughing now gesturing to one foot with bright pink polish and the other with completely bare toes. You remembered your failed attempt at a home self care spa day. You’d gotten through a half a bottle of wine and half of your toenails when your work phone rang and you had to abandon your other foot to deal with a work crisis that only you could fix.
It somehow made you feel just a little sad, hearing how hilarious he found you. And knowing he was right about how much of a mess you were — with only a married sleaze and a dirty catcalling street bum offering you any sort of real attention, even if it was the absolute worst kind of attention.
You pulled your foot away. He was done with you now, he could have his laugh all he wanted on his own.
You had work to do.
You resisted the urge to kick him for real and stood up quickly, extracting yourself from his seated body and you made your way toward safety behind your desk where he never dared to step.
Only this time you felt him behind you in an instant with his hands grabbing your arms and shaking with the smallest pout on his lips. His laughter had quit the instant you stood up.
“You’re not still mad at me, right?” He was shaking your arm, pulling you back from behind your desk, where he must have known he wasn’t allowed.
“Right?” He shook your arm again. You knew this tactic. You’d seen it before. He was trying to wear you down by being annoyingly cute and he was really, really good at it.
Your anger had dissipated a while ago. This wasn’t anger you were feeling and you sighed out loud with your expression calm and steady. The anger was long gone. You had reached the final stage — acceptance.
Baekhyun would be leaving soon. You and him, he and you, the two of you like this together, it had an expiration date.
“We should finish our work,” you spoke clearly and plainly and his eyes widened as the shaking of your arm stopped and the pout disappeared.
“All of it, Baek. We should finish everything. And we should do a good job so you can get the most out of the last few weeks you have here… with me.” The last two words came out as a whisper and you had been staring down at the stack of folders on your desk.
Baekhyun was looking at your face. Gone was the cutesy act and the mocking laughter on his voice and his next words pulled your attention up from endless folders of work you still had to do.
“Noona, Can I stay?”
[To be Continued]
Links: Can I Stay? Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
136 notes · View notes
lysvinrouge · 9 months
18 de dezembro de 2023, segunda-feira.
Querido Baekhyun,
Eu detesto me sentir ainda como uma garotinha que não sabe dizer não ou não sabe se impor. A minha cabeça e insegurança são meus piores infernos e demônios. Mas, vou te contar o que houve desta vez.
Lá no início de 2022, minha mãe precisava comprar um notebook para que eu pudesse fazer o treinamento na Atento e, finalmente, começar a trabalhar. Acontece que compramos um de segunda mão no valor de 700,00 da marca Positivo.
Pense num notebook bosta, Hyun? Pois é, era a esse nível. Se usei ele mais de dez vezes nesses quase dois anos foi muito. Ele travava muito a tela e os teclados, isso me irritava e acabava que eu nunca conseguia fazer o que inicialmente planejava. 
O notebook ficou parado por uns bons meses, até que dia 29 de novembro de 2023, eu anunciei ele na OLX (você pode não saber o que é isso, mas em resumo é um lugar onde pessoas vendem itens já usados), no valor de 550,00. Uma menina chamada Nadija, se interessou e me perguntou no chat se eu poderia fazer por 500,00, e bem, eu fiz.
No entanto, no anúncio estava explícito que eu NÃO RECOMENDAVA PARA TRABALHO E/OU ESTUDOS PORQUE TRAVAVA MUITO. Ela quis mesmo assim. Ao chegar em casa o notebook estava descarregado e ela falou comigo e foi mantendo o contato sobre lentidão. Então pensei: deve ser por conta da memória, vou te dar um hd que tenho aqui de 1T (Baekhyun, você deve ter noção do que 1T significa).
Só que desde o dia 14 essa querida me manda orçamentos de técnico e cobra algo da minha parte porque o notebook fica resetando sozinho. Mas poxa, eu não sou culpada por isso. Eram problemas que nunca aconteceram sob meu uso, e eu apenas enviei um áudio dizendo que não poderia ajudá-la nessa situação. Mostrei pra Luiz, pra minha mãe, pra Jamille e, até mesmo, pra minha super Luana. 
Todos eles disseram que não é culpa minha e ainda complementam com “ela quer mais o quê?”
Fico me perguntando se realmente estou agindo de “má fé” com ela, só que não acho justo eu resolver algo que não é mais problema meu. Quando vendi pra ela, o notebook apresentava apenas problemas com lentidão, e do nada o notebook estava a resetar e desligar sozinho?
Segundo ela, ao levar num técnico, a bateria estava viciada e não tinha como ela ter viciado em 17 dias de uso. Existem mais de trinta mensagens dela as quais eu só visualizo, deve ser algum tipo de masoquismo da minha parte porque realmente fico pensando sobre minha humanidade e caráter.
Será que estou mesmo agindo de má fé? Será que sou tão cruel como Fernanda e Jéssica disseram que eu sou?
São tantas questões e para todos que eu conto meu lado da história, dizem que não tenho que fazer nada. Mas, por que essa angústia não passa? Por que me sinto culpada? Por que eu me sinto… ruim? 
É exaustivo pensar sobre coisas desse cunho pra mim. Eu poderia responder a ela tudo o que penso? E se ela me processar? Eu sequer tenho dinheiro o suficiente para pagar meu cartão que vence daqui há 7 dias. Está tudo tão ruim e eu sinto que cada dia a mais me torno expert em mascarar minhas dores.
Eu tenho medo do que realmente sou. Eu tenho pavor de ninguém gostar comigo de verdade. De qualquer forma, eu não sei o que fazer em relação a todo esse relato resumido. Eu me sinto mal, mas também não acho justo tudo cair em cima de mim. Porém, voltando ao início, eu ainda me sinto uma criança que não sabe lidar com conflitos e situações desse cunho sem alguém pra me guiar, isso é terrível e angustiante. Eu nunca irei crescer?
Hoje vou no terreiro com a tia de Luiz. Nunca fui em um e espero que seja uma experiência de muitos aprendizados. Prometo contar tudo pra você depois, estou chegando ao acesso norte. 
Com receios e amor, Renata
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92chanbaek92 · 4 years
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cr. on pict
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yeolchie · 4 years
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-please don't repost without credit ♡
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baekyieunnie · 6 years
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baekhyun lucky one photoshoot | like if u save or use ♡
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Not me watching Baekhyun live and thinking HD must be glad to have him harasinf her less now that he can work again
Not me thinking the same thing but when he mentioned he had been sick for 3 weeks out of January jeez imagine what a big baby he was, being cared for by his hot doctor wife 💀 💀 💀 💀
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flashbaeklight · 6 years
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Adventures with Baekhyun: taking a selfie
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exo-stentialism · 3 years
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yxxna · 3 years
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throwback : exo-k for l’officiel hommes korea august 2012   ©
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candescentkpop · 3 years
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Stills from Electric Kiss
EXO: Electric Kiss
Exo Part 10 / ∞
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mjm9-13 · 4 years
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Yixing, would you stop being cute ?
Your brother's in a scandal!
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92chanbaek92 · 4 years
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yeolchie · 6 years
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Baekhyun, Busan One Asia Festival 2016 💕🤓
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