molly-ghuleh · 10 months
Hi pretty, i want "i think i deserve a kiss" for the prompts with Cardinal Copia, pretty please ? i love you, you're amazing!!!
Kiss Prompts: "I think I deserve a kiss"
Cardinal Copia x reader
SFW! Contains: assistant trope, overworked trope, sickeningly sweet fluff, pining, suggestive if you squint, the titties and beer mug
Thank you for requesting my lovely!!! <3
Kiss prompts
The Cardinal's office is bathed in soft light from his various mismatched lamps. The Sun had set hours ago, but there was an important deadline that had caught up with the two of you. You, as the Cardinal's Clergy assistant, dutifully sit at your little desk in the corner of his office as Copia hunches over his own in the center of the room.
"What time is it?" You ask softly. You're sure it must be past midnight by now. This damned budget report from Papa's most recent tour is due on Sister Imperator's desk by the morning, and that woman wakes up unfathomably early.
Copia pulls up his cassock sleeve to glance at his watch. "It is, eh, twenty-three past midnight," he says. His voice is gravelly with the lack of sleep.
The two of you had been awake since six that morning with the sole intention of compiling every expense report under the Ministry's roof. Receipts, invoices, and account statements litter Copia's desk. He dictates each total to you and you type away on your laptop, entering the data into a mile-long spreadsheet that makes your computer run hotter than the fires of Hell.
Judging by the way Copia runs his fingers through his hair, there's still a ways to go--you'd learned to read his body language during your tenure as his assistant. You sigh and stand from your chair. Your back pops in a concerning manner, but you're far past caring. "Time for another pot of coffee?" You offer. Even if he says no, you'll make one for yourself if only to stretch your legs.
"You are far too good to me," Copia utters softly, looking up at you. His hair falls over his forehead from how often he'd ruffled it in frustration. His biretta had long since been discarded. The top few buttons of his cassock are undone, making him look delightfully unkempt.
You want to run your fingers through his hair.
"Maybe I just like coffee," you tease back, lips quirking with the sarcasm. Being tired makes you sassy. It's something that the Cardinal has said he likes about you. It makes working late more fun, he'd said, and that phrase had fuelled your hopeless little crush for months.
He simply huffs a laugh through his nose and you exit his office, mugs in hand, your slippers (which you kept under your desk for nights like these) scuffing along the tile of the dark corridor. The kitchens are a short walk from the Clergy's office wing. You're surprised there isn't a groove carved into the floor tracing your path from Copia's office to the coffee pot with how much caffeine the two of you manage to consume.
Despite late nights like these, the work is rewarding. You're on good terms with most of the Upper Clergy (you never know where you stand with Sister on any given day), you have special privileges to the Clergy break room, and you get to spend your days with Cardinal Copia, pining after him like some lovesick teenager.
At least you have your hand.
You rinse out the used mugs while the new pot of coffee brews. You prepare yours how you like, and make his with the attention to detail of a coffee shop barista who subsists on tips alone. Copia likes it lukewarm and sickeningly sweet. He would prefer a latte of course, but you don't have the time nor the energy to make one, so he'll have to settle for half-coffee-half-creamer and an unholy amount of sugar. Still, you smile, because you know exactly what he'll say when you place the mug in front of him, and you know exactly which witty retort you'll think in your head.
You make your way back to his office, bumping the heavy wooden door open with your hip while you hold one mug in each hand. His favorite is a plain white ceramic mug with the words 'rat dad' in bold black letters--a gift you'd given him after a year of working as his assistant. Your mug is a hand-me-down from him, his second-favorite, which says 'titties and beer' and which you're pretty sure Terzo had given him as a joke.
"Here," you say softly as you place his mug in an open space on his desk.
Copia sighs in relief and looks up at you. "I don't deserve you, tesoro," he says. He immediately takes a sip of the coffee and hums.
And your witty retort: "Yes, well, I think I deserve a kiss," you think as you turn to move towards your own desk.
The sound of Copia sputtering and coughing behind you makes you jump. Your tongue tingles with the sensation of recent words. They practically echo in the relative silence of his office, and immediately you realize your mistake. Your heart plummets.
You get sassy when you're tired, but you also tend to say what you're thinking.
"You, eh, you-- what?" Copia stutters. You can barely bring yourself to look at him out of sheer embarrassment.
"N-nothing!" You respond, too quickly and too high-pitched. He'd heard you, and you know he heard you, and he knows that you know.
You sit in your desk chair and pretend nothing happened. The monitor of your laptop does nothing to hide your deep blush or the line between your brows.
Copia's office is silent for a few moments, until his chair squeaks in the familiar sound of him standing. You brace yourself to be reprimanded, to be told that it is wholly inappropriate to say such things in front of your boss, or to be fired completely. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Instead, you see the deep red of Copia's cassock at the edge of your little desk, and he clears his throat. You swallow dryly and meet his gaze, absolutely mortified. A bead of nervous sweat rolls down the back of your neck. Stupid, stupid--
"I- I think you may be right, tesoro," Copia says, his voice shaking slightly. His lips quirk up at the corners which makes his mustache twitch. "We have, eh... danced around it for too long, yes?"
Oh, sweet Lucifer take me now.
Copia braces his hands on your desk and leans forward, bringing his face inches away from your own. You can feel his warm breath ghost over your lips. "I think you are long overdue for a kiss, dolce. Many, in fact."
Before you can say anything, he places his lips so sweetly against yours. His mustache tickles your top lip and his nose bumps against yours, but it doesn't matter. You're kissing him, and it's real, and it feels good. Where your heart had sunk before, it practically leaps out of your chest, hammering against your sternum. You lean into the kiss.
Copia pulls away far too soon and you chase his lips, but your cursed desk gets in the way. Instead you stare at him dumbly. Are you drooling? You might be drooling.
"The budget report, tesoro," Copia gently reminds you. Right. The budget report. "But, I plan to kiss you again and again once it is done, si? You, eh... deserve it."
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deetz-ghuleh · 8 months
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You Will Never Walk Alone
─ Papa Emeritus IV Copia x F! Reader ─
rating: 18+ Mature | MDNI
word count: 1.4k
warnings/tags: SUICIDE ATTEMPT! , self-harm, angst, mental illness, depression, anxiety, pills/medication, comfort, some fluff.
a/n: At first I wasn't sure about writing this, but then felt compelled to complete it. This is a very sensitive topic for some, but I feel it’s something important to discuss.
This is my way of dealing with a dark period in my life where I almost lost myself, as well as a heartfelt appreciative thank you to this band. Ghost has brought a lot of us back to the light and for that, I am eternally grateful. 
Please take care of yourself. If you are struggling, please reach out to someone. If someone you love is struggling, please let them know you're there for them. Sometimes all we need is a caring gesture. You are never alone. You are important and worthy of love. You are a survivor. I love you. 
♡ If You Have Ghost, You Have Family ♡
AO3 link
tag list: @ghu-leh @baelzbu @sodoswitchimage @ghuleh-recs @bupia @onlyhereforghost
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It happened gradually. It always did.
A pain that slowly, but surely, begins to consume you. 
It feels like some sort of curse that has followed you your whole life. It was a vague memory when you were a child, but as you got older, the feeling settled in a dark corner of your mind, steadily traveling toward your heart.
It manifests in different ways - not eating regularly or getting enough rest; isolating yourself, indulging in unhealthy habits, pushing people away, and losing interest in anything that brings you joy.
And you are so good at masking, at acting like nothing is wrong. If they only knew. If only you let them in. 
Not all days are lousy. Sometimes you feel a spark of happiness for a few minutes, days, a week maybe…
And then it vanishes - like a small withering flower, petals fading away into nothingness.
You had mentioned it to Copia a few times. He had confessed similar thoughts and feelings. He was a sensitive soul, it didn't surprise you. When he joked one day about being lonely, you began spending more time together. You didn't want him to ever feel the same anguish. You wanted to give him the same comfort and support he had graced you with. His thoughtful words, and his presence had kept the storm at bay, at least temporarily. 
But tonight is different.
All of the built-up sadness rushes through your body like an untamed river, threatening to drown you in emotions so dark and monstrous they seem impossible to escape from. Years worth of agony come crashing down on you all at once. How long can someone take before they break? 
You are so tired. Exhausted. Overwhelmed.
Your hands tremble with the pill bottle as tears cascade down your cheeks - your mind cruelly reminding you that no matter how hard you try, it will never get better. You will always feel empty. You will always be a burden.
It'd be better if you just disappeared, the voice says. 
Copia couldn't sleep. Something was wrong, he felt it in his gut. 
He knocks on your door.
He had noticed a change in you lately - your distance, the polite smiles you forced yourself to give, a growing sorrow in your beautiful, expressive eyes. But he stayed silent for fear of pushing you away or making you uncomfortable. How could he have been so careless? You were close friends - he should have known, should have asked you. The guilt is so heavy it physically hurts him.
No answer.
His jaw clenches, his anxiety worsening. He hesitates for a moment before slowly turning the handle. Open. 
The room is dark, the curtains drawn tightly shut, leaving very little light to illuminate the emptiness within. Copia walks towards the bed and sees you lying there… unmoving, almost lifeless. As he gets closer, he could make out a bottle of sleeping pills discarded on the bedside counter, and a trail of clothes on the ground. His heart sinks but he refuses to give in to the fear that is gripping him.
"C'mon, dolcezza. Open your eyes for me," he whispers.
When you don't reply, he sits down next to you and takes one of your cold hands into his warm one. Your fingers are icy and your pulse is weak. Tears sting his eyes as he realizes the gravity of the situation. It makes him sick to his stomach. It can't be. Not his sweet, kind sorella.
Feeling an odd presence, you move slightly. "Copia… " you finally speak, your voice barely above a whisper. You could only open your eyes halfway. Everything felt numb, the slow pace of death blanketing you in its embrace.
"I'm here, I'm here." He reassures you with a firm squeeze of your hand. Panic rips through his body. Swiftly, he stands, picking up the phone and calling for one of the doctors in the infirmary. "P-please get here as quick as possible! È un'emergenza (It's an emergency)!" His voice wavers. Saying it aloud made it even more real. But thank Lucifer below, you are alive. Shallowing breathing, but alive.
Burying his face in your chest, tears fall onto your nightgown. "Stay with me, bella. Stay with me. Ti scongiuro (I beg you)."
The infirmary lights burn his eyes as he paces in the waiting area. It felt like his heart had moved to his throat. He had been waiting for what seemed like hours. If only this had been a bad dream, a nightmare he could easily wake up from.
He could hear the distant sound of footsteps. Dr. Benedetti, one of the Ministry's physicians, emerges from the room you were being treated in. Copia rushes towards him, his eyes filled with desperation.
"Dottore (Doctor), how is she?" he asks, his voice shaking.
"She's stable, Your Eminence. She will need lots of rest, and I recommend that she begin therapy sessions as soon as possible. We can also discuss medications that might help ease her symptoms. I gave her something to help her sleep." He replies, a look of sympathy on his grizzled face.
"Can I see her?"
"Yes, of course. She's sleeping."
With a nod of gratitude, Copia enters the room. Even though you're alive, he can't shake the thought of what could have happened if he hadn't found you.
His heart bleeds in his chest as he looks at you, remembering the fear he felt when he found you half unconscious. He pulls up a chair next to the bed and takes your hand, stroking it gently with his thumb. He removes his leather gloves, the need to feel your skin is almost unbearable as if you might disappear if he doesn't touch you. You stir mildly but don't wake up. He finds some relief in seeing your chest rise and fall with your breathing. 
"Perdonami (Forgive me), mia cara. If only I had noticed sooner," he whispers, his voice hoarse with emotion. "Can you feel me longing for you? Come back to me."
His voice is far away, but you hear it.
He sees a single tear fall down the side of your face. You heard him.
"Mio cuore (My heart), you hear me, si?" You don't move, still frozen in your medicated sleep. He looks at you longingly before pressing a light kiss on your forehead.
Your body feels sore and tired, but you're aware of your surroundings. His kiss breaks through the fog clouding your mind. You open your eyes lightly and see his face, worry quickly turning into glee at seeing you awake.
"Bella!" He smiles, lunging forward to wrap you in a tight hug.
The warmth of his skin makes your heart swell with emotion. "I'm so sorry, Copia," you sob on his shoulder. "I hurt you. I shouldn't have. I-"
"Shh, dolcezza, please don't cry," he asks, wiping tears from your face. You didn't hurt me. I blame myself for not realizing how much pain you were in. Oh Satanas, I am just glad I was there to help you." 
"You can't blame yourself. I-I am just weak." You turn your face to look at the window, feeling remorseful for breaking his heart in such a way. "I am-" 
"Weak, tesoro? No, look at me," he grabs your cheek to meet his duochromatic gaze. "Why do you say this? No, amore mio, you are the strongest person I have ever met."
"Strong?" You stare at him puzzled. No one had called you strong before. 
"Si, strong. The way I see it, tesoro, you have struggled for a long time, but you kept going. And guarda (look), you are still here."
That soothing voice once again consoles you, washing away any guilt you feel.
You let your eyes linger on him for a minute. He always had been beautiful to you, but now he looks positively radiant. He was a lifeline; a light in the darkness.
Copia leans in and brushes his lips against yours. It's a tentative kiss - he stops himself. You're so vulnerable, he shouldn't kiss you, he thinks. But it feels like he will burst if he doesn't. 
You move towards him. "Kiss me, Papa. Please." His hand comes up to cradle your face, and he plants a delicate kiss. A warm emotion spills inside you, feeling his love enveloping you from within. "You will never walk alone, tesoro," he promises, looking deeply into your eyes.
As you indulge in his touch, the caress of his lips turns more fervent. And for the first time, you are brimming with a sense of joy, of peace, of hope.  
✦ 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗄 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝗈 𝗆𝗎𝖼𝗁 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀. 𝗂𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒 𝗆𝗒 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 and want to support me, please consider leaving comments, kudos, or reblogging my posts. :) ✦
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bupia · 7 months
I was tagged by the dearest, @sodoswitchimage @zombiesnips-blog & @deetz-ghuleh @copias-sewer-rat (I know you guys tagged me on @baelzbu but i will do it here because, I don't know) thank you very much for tagging me !
Last Song: Still waiting - SUM 41
Favorite Color: Black
Currently Watching: Chucky & Rick and Morty
Last Movie: When Evil Lurks
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Sweet & Sour sauce counts?
Relationship: Single
Current Obsession: Ghost, vampires (always have been)
Last thing Googled: A Brazilian meme
Tag list: @molly-ghuleh @ghulehunknown
I'm very shy to show my face so you guys can have cardinal's kisses.
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copias-bats · 8 months
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Thank you @moonlightbewitched for the tag!!
I tried to not fill it with just ghost and avatar and I think I sort of succeeded lol
Colossus - Avatar
On the Beach - Avatar
Phantom of the Opera - Ghost
Idolatrine - Ghost
Affluenza - Eureka Machines
Spillways - Ghost
Butchered Tongue - Hozier
Am I Demon - Danzig
Twenties - Ghost
Stay - Ghost
No pressure tags (I barely know anyone on Tumblr I'm sorry if you've been tagged already): @da-rulah @anamelessfool @rightintheghoulies @demolition-alien @baelzbu @hyperobsession @kuukorppi @the-hole-in-terzos-shoe @dantesunbreaker
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terzosinfernalpartner · 10 months
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Photos from the Camden, NJ ritual.
Edits and watermark by @baelzbu
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molly-ghuleh · 9 months
May I ask for a Secondo one? Because I would like to hear from you how Secondo would be in bed with a reader who is insecure of her body and would be trying to hide herself from his eyes, like, asking for less light and etc.
My dear @baelzbu, you may ALWAYS ask for Secondo because I am ALWAYS soft for him <3 This is f!reader since you mentioned pronouns hehe. NSFW under the cut, 18+ only please!
First of all, the moment Secondo sees you he thinks you're the most beautiful creature in the room. In the world, even.
He knows he has to have you.
Also. I have to say. He will NOT take you to bed only once. He will be so infatuated with you it's not even funny
Takes his time seducing you. Halfway through charming you into his bed he realizes he actually enjoys your company
You grow into more than a lay for him (sorry I'm so soft for Secondo accidentally falling in love, shoot me)
He's always complimenting your beauty because he can tell by your body language that you're insecure about it
"Bellissima, cara" "Sei più che bella per me" "Sembri una dea uscita da un dipinto"
The first time he invites you to his chambers, you're so nervous that you almost say no
But how can you say no, when he's so sweet and expressing genuine interest?
If you're into it, he'll send you a box containing lingerie that he'd think you'll look amazing in, with a note instructing you to wear it that night
If it's more of a spontaneous thing, he'll be so eager to discover what's under your clothes, what you feel comfortable and pretty in
"Lascia che ti scarti, il mio piccolo dono di Satana"
He's expecting you to be a little shy, he'd picked up on that aspect of you from watching you and getting to know you
So when that first expanse of skin is exposed and you try to cover yourself up, he gently coaxes your hands and arms away so he can see your beauty
Kisses every inch of your skin. And I mean every inch
Leaves little bite marks and hickeys in places you feel particularly insecure about, so you know he loves those parts enough for both of you
I feel like he'd like dim light anyways, because it's more sensual and romantic. But when you ask for complete darkness, he's a bit taken aback
Teases you by saying, "I can blindfold you if you'd like, dolce. That will make things very dark, no?"
But then will reassure you that he wants to see you, that he thinks you're a goddess walking the Earth and that's half the reason he wanted to pursue you in the first place
(The other half is because he's a THIGH MAN)
Reallyyyyyy takes his time making sure you know he finds you more than attractive
Runs his hands over your thighs, your belly, your chest, your ass. Worships you like the goddess you are in his eyes
Makes you cum at least twice before he even thinks about taking pleasure for himself
If you have the urge to cover yourself up still, he'll gently take your hands and pin them above your head with one hand while touching you, caressing you, pleasuring you with the other
Eye contact king. Wants you to KNOW who's making you feel this good. But also wants to see it when he brings you the most pleasure you've ever felt
Goes above and beyond for you. Really pulls out all the stops because you're the most attractive person he's ever seen
If he thinks he can walk away from having you in his bed and not think twice, he's very wrong.
Can't stop thinking about how you looked under him
Wonders how you might look on top of him? Needs to find out.
Pretty soon he's addicted, and every encounter you have makes you more and more comfortable because he's always telling you how sexy you are
Secondo likes being in control but if you ever initiate and want to lead, he might come in his pants before you even touch him there
In short. He is the most generous lover in the world and will make sure you know he wants all of you.
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copias-sewer-rat · 6 months
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Secondo's little mischief against you at the library leads to the perfect opportunity to try something new, a brand new window of lustful opportunities opening for both of you.
We are almost there everyone! I hope you enjoy reading this chapter just as much as I have enjoyed writting it. Special thanks to @baelzbu/@bupia for all her support on this adventure and to @yollur for his beautiful Secondo art which immensly fuels my thirst for the Mr. Worldwide impersonator. Tw/tags: smut, +18 warning, established relationship, m/f relationship, teasing, vouyerism, overstimulation, use of cuffs, use of sex toys (dildo, sucker and plunge), dom!reader, sub!Secondo, cum eating, panty sniffing, slapping, edging, orgasm denial. 3.9K words.
Read also on Ao3 | My Masterlist Previous chapter | Next chapter
The excitement you are feeling is too much to hold. Your steps carry you swiftly towards your room, the cogs in your brain turning, already anticipating your plan. You have been thinking about this for a while. The idea of being a dom to Secondo has always been hiding at the back of your mind, always present. Talking to Secondo about it had never led to anything, not that he was against it or that he had declined the proposal, far from it, but there was never a good excuse for you to be dominating with him, never a feasible chance for you to assert some type of power. You knew you needed it, you were not as serious as him, as terrifying as him. Except now you had a clear and honest reason for it to happen: revenge.
Secondo had made a mess of you in the library, for sure he was having the time of his life in your rooms, laughing at your predicament. It had taken a while for you to be able to exit the area, the aftershock and the bliss had made you unable to think straight, far less walk straight. So, you had sat there, collecting and listing all the ideas that you had had over the years about how to make Secondo beg, cry and moan for you. It must be a kink of some sort, you think, but the idea of having Secondo under you, moaning, salivating at the pleasure you are giving him… such a manly man, reduced to a begging orgasmic puddle of bliss and cum and moans and cries and Italian obscenities… It drives you insane. It is not a want, it is a need and oh, by Olde One, you are going to get that man to scream your name in need and pleasure like the little whore you know he can be.
In a few minutes you reach your rooms, stopping in front of the door. You are nervous, you can tell, but you need to look serious for this, angry even. It is time for the show and the curtains are rising.
When you enter, Secondo is completely naked and spread on your bed, peaceful and next to the pillow full of his cum. That almost gets you, but you hold your non-serious reaction and instead offer him a deafening silence.
“Tesoro! I was certain you would be able to come back on your own two feet! Buon lavoro!” The look you give Secondo is one of annoyance, it is crucial for your plan to work. He needs to feel like he has hurt you. You walk slowly, ignoring his comment, barely passing next to him but close enough to notice him raising a brow. Placing the book you had gotten from the library on your nightstand table, you turn away, not looking at him anymore. “Cara?” He asks, a bit hesitant.
You head towards the bathroom, hoping for Secondo to follow you. Turning the faucet on, you start cleaning yourself on the sink, mostly your makeup and the sweat that had accumulated from your spicy public adventure. Suddenly, the sound of bare feet against the bathroom tiles alerts you that Secondo is right behind you, and as you raise your head from the sink, his gigantic figure looms above you with an apologetic look.
“Tesoro, please, talk to me. Are you mad at me?” He asks, his voice sounding a bit dry.
As much as it pains you, you need to hold on a bit longer. He has to feel guilty enough to get him just where you want him. Secondo in the meantime is trying to get you to speak by enveloping your waist with his big arms and torso while nuzzling his face on the crook of your neck and inhaling your scent. Of course, he knows that if you truly didn’t want him around you would say something.
“Cara, my love, tesoro, empress of my heart… per favore, tell me what bothers you. Was I too rough? Did you not like it?” You exhale, trying to sound exasperated and walk towards the door, standing just outside the bathroom. You wait there, Secondo coming right behind and with that, you turn. He is, as you imagined, leaning towards you, both hands grabbing the exercise bar that stands at the top of the door frame. His beautiful figure is launched forward, glistening with sweat and his cock lazily twitches between his legs.
“Gosh, I love it when you ignore me, you are so fucking hot, but also, you are so mean to me, love… parlare, per favore.” That’s it, you have him just where you wanted him.
Closing the gap between your bodies you reach to kiss him gently, you don’t want him to get too desperate, just unfocused enough to act. Your tongue brushes his painted lips, savouring the greasy taste, asking for permission, which he gives, and you kiss him deeply but slowly. Secondo hums in your mouth, of course, he was desperate for contact, for your kisses.
Slowly you part from the kiss, and Secondo’s eyes are open, looking up at where his hands are, where his cuffed hand is, tugging at it with a surprised look. Moments before, you had extended your hands, taking advantage of Secondo’s posture to cuff one of them to the exercise bar. Secondo could have known a lot about your whereabouts at the library, but what he couldn’t have guessed is that you had stopped by Terzo’s quarters to ask for a pair of handcuffs. Terzo had hilariously accepted with a: “I don’t really want to know, but make him suffer.”
“What is this, tesoro mio?” Secondo asks, still looking at his now imprisoned hand.
“I told you that I was going to get my revenge, one way or the other…” You peck his lips playfully.
“And this is your idea of revenge? Cuffing me up to the bar?” Secondo scoffs and you laugh as if that was the most hilarious joke you had heard in your life. That makes him stop his mockery completely.
“Caro, you truly don’t know me if you think I would leave it to just that, oh no. I have a whole… session prepared just for you.” You tease, heading towards your wardrobe, looking for something very specific. After a few seconds you see it, the Secondo-shaped dildo and the vibrator that you bought along with it. Slipping the dildo into the silicone toy provides a pop sound that makes Secondo jolt. He is unable to see what you are doing from his angle, you could be sharpening some knives to cut off his dick and he wouldn’t know. But no, your revenge is going to make him beg.
Very slowly you walk towards the bed, your steps deliberately sensual and with a low vow that gives a perfect angle of your ass, you place the dildo on the mattress. Without moving, you glance back to see Secondo swallowing hard, his soft dick twitching slightly, already ready for another round.
“Tesoro, what-?”
“I don’t want you talking” you interrupt “I just want to hear you beg and moan as I take what I need from you, understand?” He nods. “You are going to be taking only what I give you, and I don’t want you to cum, if you do, there will be no prize afterwards, capisce?” Secondo blushes, his naked form heating from the teasing and the threats, and subsequently, his cock starts to get larger and rise from its place on his thigh. “And to ensure you don’t do it… I brought something to help you, aren’t I nice?” You laugh, leaving the keys to the cuffs right beside the book, a reminder of his ‘crime’ against you. Then, you stand up, reaching for the wardrobe once more to get all the tools you need for your punishment. On your way there you take off your shirt, discarding it on the floor, your lacy black bra the only thing between the cold air and your tits and you can feel Secondo’s gaze burns into you as if taking away the items of clothing that linger on your body. You blush slightly, but you do need to keep your composure, you are in charge for once, and you don’t want that role to falter right at the start of it all.
At the wardrobe once again you retrieve two things: a clitoral sucker and a penis plunge. The sucker you leave at the bed, next to the dildo, but the plunge you take with you directly to Secondo. During your whole stroll towards him, he is looking into your eyes, hard and punishing and primal, but there is nothing you can do to avoid how wobbly your legs feel when his darkened orbs burn into your soul. Once there, positioned almost skin to skin, you touch his cheek, his eyes still looking at yours, but he smiles candidly and then it turns into a toothy grin filled with desire. You kiss him, this time passionately, taking the hand on his cheek directly to his half-hard cock. Secondo doesn’t know what you are planning, you have surprised him this time, not that you don’t every single day as he discovers new things to love you for, but this? Oh, he is going to love seeing this side of you. You taking the lead surely wasn’t on his mind but now he cannot think of anything else. Palming his erection makes him hiss, your cold hand on his hot member creating this chill of need that makes Secondo’s blood rush to the place he needs it the most. With a few pumps his tip comes out of hiding accompanied by a soft groan. Secondo tilts his head backwards as you move your hand up and down, trying to get him as hard as possible.
“Love… without lubricant, this is starting to hurt a bit.” He comments and you chuckle bitterly.
“Who allowed you to speak? I surely did not.” You spat at him, Secondo looking back at you with a dumbfounded stare. Who are you and what have you done with his tesoro? He is not complaining however, this is turning him on so fucking much. “We are going to try this…” You say, showing Secondo the plunger. “If you don’t like it let me know and I will take it out entirely. This is supposed to help you not to cum, but I am sure you can take it, huh?” The explanation seems to have fallen on deaf ears because he looks like he wants to let you do whatever you want to him. “Do you understand?!” You shout, hitting the door frame with your hand, in return getting Secondo out of his trance. He nods fervently, seemingly scared of your sudden anger “Bene.”
With care you grab Secondo’s erection, pumping it again a couple of times and getting the plunge ready to enter his dick. Slowly you tease his tip with the device, situating it on its urethra and with a teasingly slow motion you push the plunge inside. Secondo hisses, his spine arching so you stop until he signals that you can continue, and you do until it is all the way in.
As a reward for his good behaviour, you kiss him fervently. “You did so good my love, I am so proud of you!” You coo, and Secondo smiles, noticing that his cock is twitching slightly, probably stimulated by the plunge. “Unclasp my bra for me, will you?” Secondo obeys, getting his free hand behind you which makes you close the gap between you two, your covered breasts touching his naked chest. Once he manages to unclasp your bra, it falls right to the floor and now your bare breasts are touching his burning surface. They feel so soft against his skin, like the softest pillows he has ever felt. How bad he wishes he could do to them what he did to the cum-filled pillow lying on the bed. No, he thinks, right now he must behave, he has to be a good boy so he can get the reward you have promised. Nonetheless, that doesn’t stop him from being a little teasing brat and raising his hand and trying to touch them. You catch him in the act, slapping his hand downwards. “Ah ah ah!” you shake your head “No touching, not you, not me… just watch and take what I give you, remember?” He nods once again, amazed by how well the dominant role suits you. “I might need to punish you for that…”
You push Secondo aside, entering the bathroom once more and placing yourself looking at his broad, muscled and very seductive back. You prepare yourself as best as you can and without a word you slap Secondo right on his left butt cheek, making him hiss and leaving a reddening mark on the white surface of his very tender ass. “That’s for the scene at the library!” You announce and then go again, this time on his right cheek, making a dry and echo-y noise that reverberates all along the dark bathroom behind you along with another grunt from Secondo. “That’s for fucking a pillow instead of me!” and then you go again, this time slapping his whole ass with one motion. “And that’s for trying to touch my tits when you were not allowed to!” With that Secondo moans sweetly, the pleasure from the pain leaving him breathless and oh, the sight before you is glorious. Secondo’s perfect ass, so perfectly sculptured is red and steamy and full of the marks of your small hand, compared to his that is.
Leaving him alone you return to the bed and just before you do anything else you strip completely before him. Of course, you do it slowly, you tease him. You sit on the bed, looking directly at him. The shoes come first and you take a moment to massage your ankles and your feet, both sore from the pressure you did at the library, which makes you moan, but of course, you exaggerate it and in return you see Secondo pushing his lips together, trying to hold something in. Rising to your feet once more, you grab the waistband of your pants, stretching them slightly and sliding them to your feet. The only item of clothing left on you are your matching black laced panties, like the last bow on a pristine-looking present that you are going to tear apart in a few seconds, but you are going to savour this.
You sit once more on the bed, pushing yourself backwards until you are in the middle of it, the undone sheets around you nestling your body perfectly and the dirty pillow… right next to your head. Laying down there, you open your legs and bend your knees until Secondo has a perfect view of your glistening panties, stained with the previous release. The drama has to continue, this is going to be the best acting anyone has ever seen, so you throw your hands backwards, one of them falling on top of the pillow.
“I just got so frustrated, reaching an orgasm so strong all alone, trying to be quiet, it was so…” you exhale again “…unfair.” With a quick motion you sit on the bed, your boobs bouncing against your chest. “And here you were…” you say, grabbing the pillow “moaning and grunting as you pleased, fucking a pillow instead of my tight cunt that is always needy for your cock?” Two fingers search the inside of the pillow, the cum there is cold but still liquid, you take out some and inspect it, rubbing your fingers together, feeling the sticky texture. “I honestly feel insulted…” and with that you open your mouth and push the two fingers to your tongue, sliding them down and leaving the trace of Secondo’s release glistening there for him to see what he is missing.
On the bathroom door, you observe a very tense Secondo, the shadows of the room hardening his features, his white eye shining against the dark, and right now, he is flexing his free hand, probably trying not to touch himself to the very nice show you are offering.
Discarding the pillow to the floor makes a wet sound, a given with how much Secondo cums inside of you regularly. Nonetheless, it never ceases to amaze you just how much jizz he can produce. Once you let him do so after all of this teasing, you hope for it to be the best release of his life.
There is a small moment of realization on Secondo’s face when you go and reach for the dildo. The vein on his cuffed hand gets more visible, he is grabbing the bar with too much force. ‘But the real spectacle hasn’t even started yet!’ you think, looking at Secondo in the eyes. The air stays still, and no sound in the room can be heard, none at all that is until you turn the vibrator on and Secondo lets out a low-pitched moan, music to your ears.
You turn it off after a couple of seconds. Secondo’s head falls forward, thankful for the moment of calm, but then you turn it again and press it against your clothed entrance. Secondo jumps, his knees go forward and he screams in pleasure.
“AAAAAAHHHHHHH, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckkkkkkkkkk……….”
From your position you see Secondo’s dick vibrating, the entirety of it, the same rhythm as the toy, just as you had suspected.
The tingly feeling feels amazing but you need more contact, so turning off the dildo once again you take off your panties. Secondo huffs, grateful once more. It seems like the mix of the vibrations and the plunge are making him edge over and over again, but he also seems to be enjoying the punishment. You make the panties into a tight ball in your fist and throw them towards Secondo who, in the last second, looks forward and grabs them with some difficulty.
“Just a little reward, so you can feel me closer.” You explain, blowing him a kiss.
The feeling of the toy next to your core right now is not that of silicone but of Secondo’s hot and pulsating flesh, the bluish light that surrounds it confirming it.
“Here we go again dear… remember, don’t cum…” and with that the dildo vibrates again. Instantly, Secondo brings your dirty panties to his face, muffling his moans and groans, inhaling your scent. His dick vibrates once more and you can feel it so clearly teasing your wet and dripping entrance. But you need more.
As best as you can, and without stopping the dildo this time, you reach for the sucker, turning it on and pressing it against your clit. The mixture of both the sucking and the vibrations make you lay entirely on your bed, your knees folding, your legs opening, each pushing hard against the bed.
“FUCK, Satan, oh fuck… that’s amazing!” Your hips buckle forward and your eyes shut from the pleasure.
“MMMMMMMM, GHHHHHH!!!” You hear from the bathroom door and your eyes open to look at Secondo, you have never seen him as beautiful as he is right now.
He looks so lost in the agony and the pleasure you are providing. His gigantic form looks weak and needy, his paints are messed and mixed together with patches of grey spreading across his neck and cuffed arm. His knees are trembling, barely holding him in place. His dick is throbbing and vibrating with ecstasy, the plunge almost unable to stop his release. Your panties are in his mouth, muffling his cries. His eyes are filled with tears and his free hand is digging into the flesh of his leg, making it bleed.
His image, so fucking sinful, so fucking perfect. You are sure he is thinking the same about you, how perfect you look with his dick between your legs, how insanely tempting you are lost in your pleasure. You regret not having him close right now because you just want to kiss him, so deeply, so fucking much it is making you dizzy. The sucker takes your clit deliciously, sending shock waves of pure lust through the nerves of your head, your chest and ending on your toes, which twitch and contort with involuntary delight. Your hips launch forward once more, the toy vibrating in your entrance, getting coated with your juices.
“mmmmm! MMMM! HMFFF!” Secondo ‘says’, it was a good idea to give him your panties. You make a mental note about him looking delicious and gagged for future indulgences.
“You are taking it so well, agh, you feel so good, vibrating for m-me, mmmm, teasing my entrance, the place where you belong, between my legs, my dearest sinful serpent…” With a flick of a switch, the vibrations from the dildo go faster and you start to rub it along your folds. “Oh my dear… agh, aaaaaa, so fucking good, so good for me, so so good…” You moan. At this point, you cannot see Secondo, the tightening in your abdomen making you close your eyes in pleasure. However, if you did open your eyes you could have seen Secondo almost falling to the ground in pleasure, both of his hands now grabbing the exercise bar, his knuckles white, his eyes fixated on your form, twisting from the pleasure and he can’t do a fucking thing. It almost makes him feel like a dirty peeping Tom, seeing you so horny, taking all that you need and him wanting to fuck you so badly but just hide in the shadows.
Despite all of that, you don’t need to see him, even if you feel his eyes on you, his sweet noises are enough to fuel your imagination. That added to all the stimuli between your legs sends you over the precipice.
“Secondo, fuck, I’m coming, I’m coming, fuck, fuck, fuck, look at me, agh- SECONDO!” You cry, your release so strong that you even squirt over Secondo’s length.
With that, your saliva-filled panties fall from Secondo’s mouth. “AUGHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHH” You hear his scream and look at him with a worried look. He seems to be fine, he is looking at his enormous erection with pride and he hasn’t come, he has made it through.
With uneven breaths you stand up, get the keys for the cuffs and go to help your love.
“I-I did it…” He breaths, raggedly, he has made a lot of effort but he does look proud so all your worries dissipate.
“You did! I am so proud of you! Did you like it?”
“It was fucking perfect… so hot, fuck, you were so selfish tesoro, fuck me... We have to do this more often…” Secondo says, a truthful smile on his lips. Instead of saying anything you grab his neck and peck his lips, something brief and sweet.
“Tesoro, are you going to leave me like this?” He remarks, nodding his head towards his throbbing erection.
Unlocking the cuffs you offer him a devilish grin “What do you mean? I am not finished with you... because your wish is my command."
Italian translations:
Buon lavoro: good job
Cara/o: dear
Tesoro (mio): my teasure
Bene: good
parlare: speak
per favore: please
capisce?: understood?
Taglist: @da-rulah @m0rbidmacabre @jogjosmowwdkfs @foxybouquet @oh-my-beel @allthisandtea @st4rving4in @deetz-ghuleh @redthefieryginger @mae-mei-m @sodoswitchimage @discountdemonwarehouse @molly-ghuleh @ghulehunknown @thew0man
Let me know if you would like to get tagged!
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deetz-ghuleh · 7 months
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Terzo Re-Animated
─ Papa Emeritus III Terzo x F! Reader ─
rating: 18+ Explicit | MDNI
word count: 2.5k
summary: After having some trouble reaching your orgasm, you decide to pay your headless Papa a visit.
warnings/tags: necrophilia, decapitation, decapitated head, cunnilingus, masturbation, mention of blood, blood-sucking, blood-drinking, horror elements, death, dead body, feminine reader, reader has a vagina, use of sex toys, nudity, some humor.
a/n: Sorry not sorry! I had to write it! Inspired by my favorite horror film, Re-Animator. If you've seen the movie, you know where this is going. If you haven't, you might just have a wtf-did-I-just-read moment, so please read the trigger warnings/tags.  Also, a quick reminder that I do not condone any actions depicted in this fic, it is written for entertainment purposes only. Enjoy!
AO3 link
tag list: @ghu-leh @baelzbu @sodoswitchimage @ghuleh-recs @bupia @onlyhereforghost @mae-mei-m
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Your orgasm was close. 
So, so close. 
With your mouth open in suspended pleasure, you rub little circles on your clit and push the vibrator inside your pussy in perfect rhythm.  
Almost there…
Then it’s gone.
You stand and rummage around for another vibrator on your nightstand, but it's not the one you prefer, and you're too lazy to leave the comfort of your cozy bedsheets to get a new pair of batteries.
As you flop back on your bed, memories of Terzo flood your mind. He was the one who taught you to indulge in sexual pleasure, always patient and willing to do whatever it took to make you cum multiple times. And his tongue. That fucking tongue would have you sobbing in pleasure, with your neck arched and toes curled. You fondly remember his unmatched iris flickering with passion and intensity at the sight of you. The way you desired each other was addicting, and no one else has made you feel the same since then. 
OK. Maybe that will do it. 
Closing your eyes, you bite your lip and begin rubbing at your clit again, sliding in and out your warmth with your middle finger. You imagine Terzo's cock thrusting into you again and again, the feeling of him filling you so deliciously, his heated kisses, the filthy words he would whisper in your ear.
But it's no use. Nothing is working.
And now the painful remembrance of his death has you wondering why you still hadn't visited him. It's been almost a year.
After his death, they kept his head in one of the Ministry's private galleries. Why they thought that was a good idea was beyond you, but it was one of those senior clergy decisions no one questioned. All you knew was that it made for a lot of improper jokes and unseemly behavior among your group of siblings. Some were too frightened to approach the gallery at all. Believable. A few others said they had sneaked in and played with his poor head like a football. The nerve! Your poor Papa. And others lied and said that he had talked to them. OK, sure, like they wouldn't just flee at the sight of a talking head! Even if it was Terzo. But your curiosity had been piqued nonetheless. You just never had the guts to go in and see it, see him, for yourself.
You don't know if it's your desperate need to cum, nostalgia, or both, but you feel motivated and decide it's time to pay him a long-awaited visit. 
You put on your robe and slippers and cautiously open your bedroom door. You peek outside and make sure no one is around. The halls are dark but dimly illuminated by the moonlight pouring through the large stained-glass windows, safe enough to help you through the shadowed corridors. Right away your senses are keenly attuned. It's dead silent - almost everyone is sleeping by now, save perhaps for some rowdy ghouls. Perfect.
You start walking, steadily at first, but the eeriness of the silent old abbey makes your feet accelerate, propelled forward by panic and anxiety. 
What the fuck is that? No one is following you, dumbass, just keep walking. The Eyeless Woman doesn't exist. Neither does Nihil's father's father's father's zombie.
The creepy tales you've heard since you joined the Ministry years ago had a way of creeping their way back into your mind whenever you were surrounded by darkness or heard some strange creaking sound around the corner. And the thought of seeing a decapitated head wasn't exactly helping your nerves.
You continue through the long hallways, trying your best not to get lost or dragged away by some harrowing creature.
You finally reach the gallery entrance and-
Of course, it'd be locked. Something your orgasm-starved brain forgot to tell you.
Fortunately, you brought your cell phone (totally not in case that awful creature managed to capture you). You knew Sister Rosaline had sneaked her way in months ago. 
A quick "Heyy are you up? I came to see Terzo, but it's locked. How did you get in??" text makes its way to her cellphone.
After a few moments of surveying your surroundings, biting your nails, and praying to Lucifer you don't get caught, she replies.
"__________, wtf. You don't usually text this late. You're there??"
"Yes. Please just tell me how you got in. It's so dark and creepy out here!!😭"
"Why didn't you tell me?? I would've gone with you! You can't go in through the front. There's a back entrance (it says "JANITOR CLOSET") and you have to jiggle it a bit, so it opens."
"Ok, I'll give it a try. Thanks, Rosy. 😗"
"Be careful!"
You make your way around the back and jiggle it just like she said. Nothing. 
You try again but with a lot more strength. Bingo. 
Quietly, you walk in and close the door behind you. Your hands wander around for a light switch. You find it and the lights amplify the room. An enormous collection of precious antiques, portraits, and rare books fill the walls and shelves. You take a moment to walk around and admire the grand opulence. Out of the corner of your eye, you spot a handful of oil paintings depicting various images of Lucifer's victory over the archangels. Another one with a stunning elaborate frame you recognize as Goya's Witches' Sabbath. Next to that a large-scale canvas of the Emeritus family tree. Everything was so detailed and beautifully haunting. The place was a treasure trove of artifacts you want to spend all day exploring, but you need to focus. You came here for him. 
As you keep walking, you notice several glass coffins below an ornate plaque that reads MEMENTO MORIERIS. You step forward until you see the royal purple underlining peeking through his Papal robes. How did they keep him so perfectly preserved? Some intervention from the Dark One, perhaps. You notice his head is not tucked away or hidden, but placed right next to his corpse. For a dead guy, he still looked so unbelievably regal and beautiful. His makeup is pristine as if someone came every day to have it repainted. 
Before you can even process it, you're reaching inside the coffin for the head. You admire him longingly, a painful tug in your heart reminding you of his untimely death, but a wave of arousal also rushes through you. Such a peculiar feeling - how can both of these emotions coexist? Even in death, he could do this to you. Unreal. 
Delicately, you bring his lips to your crotch, rubbing them against your clit. The "Are you seriously fucking doing this?" thought pokes at your mind, but you ignore it. The cold skin of his face sends shivers down your spine. Not the same, but it'll do. Plus it feels incredible to have him this close to you again. "Terzo, I've missed you so much..." You whisper as you grind your hips into his stiff face.
The slightest flicker of his tongue makes you jump.
What the fuck?!
Panicking, you drop his head, and it rolls away on the marble floor. 
They had told you he was alive, but you honestly thought it was a sick joke. Something to frighten the newcomers, or another story to tell around All Hallow's Eve.
Your eyes widen in shock as you see his head twitch slightly and give out a long crackly, raspy groan. 
You go to scream, but the shriek gets stuck in your throat. Your breath quickens as you back away towards the wall. Every cell in your body wants to escape, but your legs feel paralyzed. "Pa-Papa?" 
"B-b-loood....." He breathes weakly.
Did he just say blood? While your brain tries to comprehend what is happening, he calls to you again.
He's alive. That's his fucking head, and he's alive. 
Your chest feels tight against your spine. Breathe, just fucking breathe. You can't fucking faint in here. 
The hammering of your heart is deafening. Your hands and legs are trembling, but somehow you manage to keep your composure.
OK, he said blood. Is that what he truly wants?
You try to slow down your breathing some more and search around for a way to help him. Maybe there was a vial of blood somewhere you could just throw at him and leave. 
Still terrified, you tiptoe around him, not wanting to get too close. Had he transformed into a grotesque version of himself posthumously? Was he possessed? Would he even remember you? 
There was no blood anywhere that you could see, and this was taking longer than you had anticipated. Fuck your damn horniness. If you get caught, your whole life at the abbey will be ruined. Surely Sister Imperator would love to keep your head in her collection after this.
But despite the danger, you want to stay - you yearn for him, and being in his presence again, even in this unsightly form, was good enough. You might not get another chance.
Looking around the artifacts, a golden-crested knife catches your attention. If there was no other blood around, yours would have to do. You remove it from its display case and, with a bit of courage, swiftly pierce the skin of your thumb with its blade.
Hesitantly, you make your way towards the head. It hadn't moved again, and you wondered if he had gone to sleep. The whole thing was bizarre. You step closer and gently push your blood-stained finger into his mouth. He latches on and startles you, but you keep still. He sucks your essence, savoring the iron flavor, the sweet intoxicating aroma enlivening his senses once again. 
To your surprise, his monochrome eyes instantly fly open to meet yours. They are just as mesmerizing as when you first met but with an unusual intensity. You feel the tension slowly leaving your body as your mind once again engulfs you with memories of your time together. His gaze whips through your heart, and without thinking, you bring his lips to yours. The warmth of your skin warms his cold flesh as he returns the kiss. "Mia bella ragazza (My beautiful girl)." He murmurs, his voice still hoarse, but gradually coming back to its regular timbre.
"I-I can't believe I'm talking to you right now. It's...surreal." You respond, still in a heightened state of befuddlement.
"I've missed you too, amore." He grins, reminding you of the wicked desire that had captured you earlier when you first saw him. 
You avert your gaze in embarrassment. "Sorry, Papa. I didn't mean to, I just-" 
"We can continue, dolcezza," he interrupts. You only gave me a small taste and I want more. Please, bella."
You chuckle, shaking your head at the absurdity of it all. "Please tell me this is not some fucked up dream." 
"No. I assure you it's not. I'm still pretty handsome, si?" He winks, and you can picture the arm movements he would have made if he had any. 
You reach down and plant a small kiss on his forehead. "Of course. My Papa is as beautiful as ever." 
"Bene, bene. Good to hear," he smirks as you place him on your lap. "And do you want to see if he can still make you cum with his tongue?" He teases you, a familiar look of seduction in his eyes. 
"Yes." You reply intently, tracing your thumb along his jawline. "But you don't have to if you can't-"
"Lay down and open your legs for me, tesoro. I don't want to rush, but I only have so much energy with a small droplet of your blood."
Your heartbeat quickens as your bare back touches the cold floor. You squeeze your eyes shut, and imagine him completely bare beneath you, all of him, like it used to be.  
A gasp rips from your throat as you feel his eager tongue delve inside your folds. "F-fuck!" You moan. You knew it would be good, but you had not expected it to be exquisite. He had not lost one ounce of skill.
The fiery embers of desire run up your spine, and again you find yourself rutting your hips against his face. You look down to see him expertly licking you, his makeup smeared, and for a brief moment, it feels like you're in some sort of perverted twilight zone. But you'd rather be here than anywhere else.
His tongue dances across your entrance with precise strokes, just how you like it, intensifying the feverish pleasure rippling through your body.
"Fuck, Terzo, ah, yes, please, it feels... so fucking good..." you choke out, the tension spiraling in your core. So quickly he turns you into a babbling mess. He doesn't reply, but you know he heard you when his tongue continues to swirl maddeningly up and down your slit, making your toes curl.
Clutching at the sides of his face, you push him further into your slick cunt, and he flicks at your swollen clit, coaxing another powerful moan from your lips. A red-hot rush of ecstasy makes your skin feel like liquid fire. He sucks on your clit obsessively, circling faster, and then licks back down again. You exhale shakily and clench your thighs together, careful not to hurt him. 
"Papa-I'm cumming-!" you cry out as you feel your walls tightening around his mouth, your pussy twitching and legs tensing as the climax overwhelms your mind. You let go of his head and stay motionless, panting and basking in your post-orgasm bliss.
You don't know how long you had your eyes closed, but you open them to find him lying next to your chest, in a mildly sleepy state.
"Papa?" you ask, nudging him a bit. He tries to talk, but it comes out slurred. You remember what he said about only having a short amount of energy. Caringly you pick him up and make your way back towards the coffin.
You give him a tender kiss before placing him back inside. It feels odd to leave him there after such an intimate moment. You long for the feel of his body pressed against yours, the warm caress of his embrace. You smile thinking of the way he used to cuddle with you afterward.
You throw on your robe and slippers and head for the door. As you leave, three unread text messages from Rosaline appear when you unlock your phone. The halls were still enclosed in a semi-darkness, and your figure glides through the empty abbey like a specter.
Opening the door to your dorm, you exhale a sigh of relief and crawl back into the comfort of your bedsheets. Things could have gone wrong, but you are still in one piece, you saw him, and you undoubtedly had one of the greatest orgasms of your life. Worth it.
You reply to Rosaline to ease her worries and promise her an update tomorrow. Your eyelids are heavy and now all your body wants to do is rest.
Half-awake, you feel a gloved hand brush against your cheek and see Terzo looming on the edge of your bed, his wispy hair swept forward, begging for a kiss. Your eyes fly open, and he vanishes, the pain of his absence forming a knot in your throat. Your heart aches, and you find yourself wishing ghosts were real, if only just for tonight.
✦ 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗄 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗌𝗈 𝗆𝗎𝖼𝗁 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀. 𝗂𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒 𝗆𝗒 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 and want to support me, please consider leaving comments, kudos, or reblogging my posts. :) ✦
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copias-sewer-rat · 7 months
Thank you so much for the tags @molly-ghuleh and @ramblingoak !! You are so sweet <3
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
un circolo vizioso di sangue e lacrime (dracopia x hunter reader - enemies to lovers)
In His Image (ch.2)
Strip Mario Kart (w/Copia lol)
Christmas collab (hehe)
ask box stuff
THE BLOOD DROPRING FROM THE DARK ROSE IS ALWAYS THE SWEETEST (it has been a while, but I want to finish it someday, I just need some courage)
Against the forces of heaven and hell, just us (it has been a while for this one as well... too many things in my head, a lot of stress, not enough motivation)
drabble (papa's in english class lmao, blame @baelzbu )
Tagging: @baelzbu @m0rbidmacabre @discountdemonwarehouse @fishwithtitz @deetz-ghuleh @writingjourney @copiasjuicebox @themratts
(if you have done it already pls ignore ahahahah)
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deetz-ghuleh · 7 months
thank you @portaltothevoid for the tag!
last song: living dead girl by rob zombie
favorite color: black, purple
currently watching: seinfeld
last movie: the exorcist
sweet/spicy/savory: i have a big sweet tooth. ice cream, brownies, honey, etc. i'm not big on spicy but do enjoy some thai curry and spicy ramen.
relationship: married to a special unicorn 🖤
current obsession: ghost. and ghost. and writing. and ghost.
last thing i googled: fragrant flowers (hint hint for a future fic)
selfie: don't have any good recent ones, so here's an oldie I like :)
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no pressure tags: @ghu-leh @baelzbu @sisterprocrastinator @onlyhereforghost & whoever else! (don’t feel pressured to post a selfie if you don’t want to! post a picture of whatever you want!)
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copias-sewer-rat · 7 months
I was tagged by the wonderful people that are @da-rulah and @ramblingoak, thank you dears... Let's go!!!!
Last song: Call Me Little Sunshine (because I was listening to IMPERA, as one usually does.)
Favourite colour: Forest green🌲and pumpkin orange🎃.
Currently watching: a YouTube video essay about the history of horror movies.
Last movie: Into the Spider-verse!! For the hundredth time.
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury: I am a whiny baby when anything has spice in it, it hurts my stomach a lot, so definitely savoury!
Relationship: Currently none, but I am meeting someone and we actually have a date today so let's see how it goes (I am very nervous help).
Current Obsession: Ghost, obviously, but I am also going back to my detective fiction obsession? I have been watching a lot of Alan Wake gameplay and I am considering rewatching Twin Peaks (also the FNAF obsession is back).
Last thing I googled: Béla Lugosi's filmography... I want to do a marathon 😂
Selfie: I don't want to show my face here (yet) so have a goobersona of me!
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Tagging: @fxnofthxngs @gothicwonderlust @zombie-rott @rightintheghoulies and @baelzbu
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terzosinfernalpartner · 9 months
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Sims characters by @baelzbu
Terzo and my beautiful daughter!! She’s so adorable!!
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