virovac · 3 years
Kaiju ideas so far for my Austrailian Atom spinoff (if TT does host a story compilation some day like he hopes)
So far
My girl Bajingis and my boy Artilleron
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Other than that:
Koala (most developed)
Inhuman shaggy haired humanoid that’s possibly not even a mammal (feels too out there actually now that I think about it, since even I don’t have a plausible origin)
Cane Toad kept captive and poison harvested for use against other kaiju
Several ideas for cattle herding dogs and sheep dogs, could be bad if they end up still protecting herbivore kaiju damaging the environment, but others could be good boys...[maybe an elderly dog could feel reinvigorated by yamaneon]
A minor-scale plant-based kaiju that is a terrifying hivemind that while it doesn’t eat humans, has no problem attacking them if they dare interfere with its growth and can be cunning in making use of human transportation networks to spread its seeds...
edit Another idea
Emu version of King Ghidorah crossed with the Giant Claw
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tyrantisterror · 7 years
I just saw Beast of Hollow Mountain courtesy of MST3K, and I just realized my description of Bajingis' nostrils and teeth must have come from seeing a poster of this movie when I was younger (probably on the Jurassic Park Institute website and its timeline of dinosaurs in film).
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virovac · 4 years
Thinking of dusting off my girl Bajingis and writing some stories for her
Names meant little to her, she had no mate to give her one and the sounds used by her mother to address her were a memory that had faded possibly before the Mesozoic era even began.
My lady synapsid monster who winters in Austrailia.
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I think a good opening entrance to her would be a kaijufied sheep, dealing with heavy wool under the hot sun, finding merciful death by her jaws.
Not pictured: her encrusted eye from which she she can fire scorching heat beams 
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virovac · 3 years
Creating a koala kaiju
Parts of research I am not looking forward to
Looking up Austrailian 1950s slang for public exposure and female m*sturbation
Pictures of koala burn victims
And no I will not be describing the first in detail...that’s why I’m looking for euphemisms
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virovac · 3 years
so Round up of ATOMverse monsters canonically, semicanonically and I headcanon as being created as a result of the USSR attempt to nuke kaiju
(All art and models by author of the series, tumblr user Tyrantisterror /author William Cope)
Lets’ look at the two canon ones first
The Writhing Flesh
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Turns out nuking a kaiju point-blank pulps them, but the regenerative abilities will be raised to sea-sponge levels...the parts of several kaiju twitching remains merged together to create The Writhing Flesh (also known as “Cuddles”)
Their fellow abomination, Gorale, was from the remains of a yeti-descended kaiju farther from the blast fusing with a dying whale caught in the blast.
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(I chose the author’s homemade puppet incarnation for visual aid, as the dorsal fin’s position in artwork bothers me)
More below. Links to sources in next post.
The semi-canonical Dreg, 
from the create a contest entry by tumblr user bugcthulhu
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Dreg’s kaiju mother was rendered all but dead by the nuke and her dying body redirected all resources to her altered child. He emerged from her corpse
Dreg is what happens when a kaiju’s powers are destabilized.  He grows far faster than is normal for a kaiju, and his metabolism is even more exaggerated, giving him an insatiable lust for flesh.  His growth spurts result in a body that is bursting with energy but lacks any stability, making him a frenetic and violent creature by default.  When he satisfies his uncontrollable hunger, Dreg can reach a massive size and develop into a vicious fighting machine.  However, he cannot recover from damage in the reliable way most kaiju do, and ultimately reverts to his fetal form when combat takes its toll on him.
of note is that Tyrantisterror headcanons that his mother was the same species (or close relative) as my own semi-canonical entry: Bajingis
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Others I just headcanon existing in-universe as they are designs author created in the past
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Conquerverm I’m almost postivie was in a previous outline of the story on TT’s now gone devianart account (back when it was meant to be a futuristic sequel to B-movies and kaiju films called the Second Age of Monsters rather than a period piece), being one of an honestly bloated list of monsters set to appear in the Siberian monster zone.
TT redrew them for  30 Day Kaiju Challenge Round 2
 I think accidentally turning the intestinal parasites of a kaiju into kaiju themselves by way of dropping a couple of atom bombs on one 
In the previous 30 day challenge he came upwith another kaijufied parasite which I headcanon came from the same incident:
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I headcanon Titantick as another parasite on one of the mammalian kaiju, a overachiever barely hanging on against their powerful immune system, until they got a second chance at a new life with the drop of a bomb.
Given these two parasitoids would came into existance in Siberia, I imagine they quickly burrowed underground (or into a huge kaiju) to get warm and might be existing without Russia’s knowledge.
Other possible parasite kaiju include barnacles and whale lice lurking in the Siberian sea unnoticed, kaijufied at the same time as Gorale’s whale half.
Also a word from the author on the moral here.
Yeah, sure, scientifically an atom bomb would kill Godzilla.  Allegorically, however?  Allegorically, you don’t solve a problem made by the reckless use of nuclear weapons by recklessly using nuclear ******** weapons.  Allegorically, dropping an atom bomb on the product of an atom bomb makes MORE PRODUCT OF AN ATOM BOMB.
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tyrantisterror · 7 years
I don't know why but I kept imagining there are a lot of sheep kaiju in Austrailia. So I did a quick search and found many sheep thyroid glands were secretly examined for deposits of radioactive material after the Maralinga tests, so that's pseudoscience waiting to happen. Well now I know what Bajingis is eating besides livestock. Add in some giant rabbits in homage to Night of the Lepus (adapted from an Austrailian Novel) and we've got valid prey-set for all the Austrailian contest entries.
If ATOM ever takes off to the point where spinoff storylines are plausible, I definitely think we need to make one set in Australia.
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virovac · 7 years
Create a Kaiju Contest Entry 2
Place of Origin: Gobi Desert
Date discovered: April 17,1956,
Date of awakening:  May 1, 1956
Notable stomping Grounds:  Coldouthere (a newly emerged Antarctic Island), Austrailia
Height: 80 feet
Length: 145 feet
Aside from the standard kaiju abilities,  she posses the “angry eye”: A beam of searing green light mixed with an less visible heat ray blasting from from the bone filled eye-socket on her left side. The outer layer of armor is lased while also cooking the endodermis of an enemy.
Almost a fitting reversal of how primitive retrosaurs gave rise to species similar in build to the synapsid pelycosaurs that preceded them, Bajingis is a synapsid with a build similar to the True tyrants that came long after. In body-plan Bajingis is similar to a true tyrant, except for her plantigrade feet, and the fact she is covered in tannish brown hair (which has raised many questions about where in synapsid evolution such coverings first appeared). A patch of dark brown hair occurs on her throat, almost as if an alternative to a dewlap. Her back posses three small dark grey stripes. While her ancestors probably had a coat of hair,her sheer woolliness seems to be more of  a disorder than an actual adaptive feature: as she shows no other adaptions for a cold climate; and her flaring nostrils would be extremely vulnerable to frostbite if she were not a kaiju.  However, her kaiju metabolism has allowed her to survive quite well in her chosen home: the recently unsubmerged island Coldoutthere.
While her head is reptilian, it lacks any of the bony crests common in retrosaurs; and the synapsid features of different specialized teeth are apparent, with both slicing and crushing teeth present. Her whiskers are small and undeveloped.Some kaijuologists have described as her head similar to that a Dimetrodon  but with eyes more ventral to the and teeth more like a dinogorgon. However, a more accurate comparison is probably a Titanophoneus with less prominent canines on the upper jaw and a more robust lower jaw. Her powerful  forearms are similar to those a kangaroo, but more muscular, and with slight traces of webbings in the paws. The tail can best be described as having a shape somewhere between a crocodile and an otter’s, tipped with a vestigial, black tadpole-like paddle.She lacks either the ability or creativity to use her tail in combat, except as a counterweight for a kangaroo-like kick, an appropriate ability for a kaiju who treats Australia as a vacation spot.
Due to, like monotremes, lacking mammaries, she was first referred to as male by the press; and with her tendency to attack human vehicles and structures  in her island home, it took a long time for kaijuologists to get close enough to investigate.
Bajingis’s most well known aspect is her left eye socket.The eye socket is completely encrusted with yamaneon infused bone,from which she can fire a terrifying beam of green light that can leave horrible , if not very deep wounds on other kaiju. What circumstances could have caused this unique growth is of great interests to kaijuologists.
A strange quirk of her regeneration is that, for any wound not along her belly, the injury will first heal with wrinkly  gray-green scales, then changing to a more mammalian covering. The time for the change is inconsistent between wounds, and a fierce enough battle can leave her patchy for several months. Still, she has shown a demonstrated preference for cold environments, only moving into Australia occasionally when the mood suits her, but prolonging her time there if a fight leaves her waiting for hair to grow back.
Many kaiju have been discovered in Yamaneon caverns they almost certainly did not originate Bajingis is one of them. Discovered hibernating in a relatively small Yamaneon cave along the border between Mongolia and China, her discovery became a matter of tense negotiation between the two governments. Parties of both governments debated hotly on how to deal with the slumbering kaiju, only made worse by how China had just three years earlier blocked Mongolia’s recognition by the United Nations. The argument would become moot. A Beyonder Alliance scouting party awoke her, either accidentally or intentionally, and she made a mad rush south all the way to the ocean. During her island hopping, she gained her name in the Philippines as a corruption of of Bungisngis, a giggling gigantic cyclops of folklore that was said to once menace what is now Orion,Bataan. She somehow found her way to Antarctic Ocean; perhaps following an internal compass dreadfully out of date with the shifting of continents and the repeated flippings of the earth magnetic field. Eventually she made herself at home on the island of Coldoutthere, an island recently brought to the surface by one of the several megaquakes caused by atomic tests hitting yamaneon deposits.
From her home of Coldoutthere ,she mainly feeds off the wildlife she can get on other nearby islands, however occasionally she makes her way into Australia for no apparent reason except her own curiosity. In this way she has come to be an irregular party in the conflict between Australia and its resident kaiju. Thankfully she avoids cities, preparing to stick to the wilderness or ranching territories.
A relative of mammals so similar to retrosaurs has brought into question into the paleontological community what made retrosaurs so successful in comparison. Dr. Wilhelmina Lerna  has opined such comparisons are not advisable due to three reasons: that Bajangis relatives have not yet  been found in fossil record, it is not known what type of ecosystem they lived in, and that it is not even clear what size its nonmutated kin tended to be. Still, people cannot help but draw comparisons and ask why no mammalian land predators ever reached the sizes of predatory retrosaurs. Her hunting and territorial instincts are linked to a mammalian metabolism, actually makes her less social than many reptilian kaiju because her instincts often tell her there is not enough food to go around (despite the fact yamaneon in her body chemistry making this incorrect). If her ancestors had survived the Permian extinction, they would easily have been outcompeted by retrosaurs. Still, Bajingis is an animal evolved to “live fast, die young”that has been granted near immortality, making her a terrifying combatant.
Bajingis does not make friends easily, nor does she particularly desire them. With a roar like the shrieks of a thousand tortured mice, or a hiss like a steam vent, she will bellow challenges to even the weather itself. Like a hyena, her main way of showing affection is to go “see I could hurt you, but I didn’t”, or her unique method of greeting of gently locking her jaws with those of another kaiju.
While willing to tolerate humanity in their territory , she attacks any vehicles or built structures within her own Antarctic domain. Most peculiarly, she seems to have a strange sense of kaiju solidarity:she assumes humans are at fault in any kaiju-human conflict and will instantly side with the other kaiju present. In fact she will instantly come to the aid of any kaiju under military attack, even if normally she would consider then a prey item. This has gained her several friendships among Australian kaiju in her visits and she seems to honor this comradery in return by making no attempt to feed upon them. The main other way she tends to form relationships is through cooperative hunting, be it it herding clusters of smaller prey into traps or ganging up on another kaiju. She is one of the few kaiju to use her “special abilities” regularly in hunting, using her eye to blast away armor or thick hide and then focusing her attacks on the wound she has created. A partner makes thing much easier for her since she is blind in the eye socket she shoots her beam weapon from. However bonds developed through hunting are not as strong, and she will turn on former allies if she feels they are declaring too large a share of the spoils.
A simple carnivore, humanity would find her tolerable if she stuck to her own domain. Failing that, if she  was willing to work cooperatively with humans to hunt kaiju harming the Australian ecosystem, it would well be worth the loss of the occasional herd of livestock. However the fact she will side with kaiju against humanity in any conflict has made her neutralization a top priority for the Australian government. Unless she comes to a revelation that humanity is not always in the wrong in its conflicts against kaiju, she will need to be captured or killed.
Homage to the Old One Eye and her ally, the  leader of ”the furry tyrannosaurs from the north” from Flesh comics. Old One Eye led an army of carnivorous dinosaurs against time traveling cowboys, and this inspired Bajingis’s combination of viciousness yet willingness to dedicate herself to a cause of what she perceives to be the greater good. She was also somewhat inspired by the “T-rex” superman fought,and Attack of the Killer Shrews.
The Day and month from her year of discovery comes from the date the feathered tyrannosaur  Yuutyranus was named and published.
For the “Kaiju War” of Australia, a sort of homage to the Great Emu war, she acts as a sort of foreign mercenary, coming and going as she pleases.
Originally I was going to have her in the Siberian Monster zone, and have her try to assemble the kaiju there into a sort of militia to keep out human interference following the Beyonder invasion, but I then realized the Siberian monster zone might be on its last legs by that time. Eventually I decided to put her in Austrailia with Artilleron.
I considered first having the crew that discovered her attacked by kaiju lice, in an homage to Rodan, but ultimately felt it was too distracting. Also I was unable to find any pictures of Permian parasites in amber.
All prehistoric life referenced in her biology section was checked to make sure they were known in the era ATOM takes place.
Her slight aquatic adaptations are partially an explanation for her willingness to travel between land masses, and also a reference to how all modern day egg laying mammals are either aquatic (platypus) or descended from aquatic ancestors (echidnas).
The fact her name is based off a Philippines myth is from me looking for inspiration for names wherever I can, and plotting her course from Mongolia to Australia realizing it worked. It also plays on the fact that reporters in Tyrantisverse come up with hilarious names for kaiju. Still, like how Promythigor is a better name than Prometheus, Bajingis is a much better name than that of a mythological figure that is only alike in having fangs and a single eye. So good on you, fictional culturally insensitive reporter that named her..
For some reason, I imagine that if she were in a movie the puppet for the closeup shots would be noticeably inconsistent with her stop motion models, and the stop motion models also being inconsistent in their features.
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tyrantisterror · 7 years
ATOM Create A Kaiju Contest Entry List
We’re over two weeks into the ATOM Create a Kaiju Contest with a little under five weeks remaining, and already there are a plethora of amazing entries!  So many, in fact, that I figure it’d be helpful to compile them in a list - both for me and for those of you who are still working on yours and want to check out the competition.
If your entry does not appear on this list and was posted as of 3/16/2017 it was lost in the mail (so to speak).  Please contact me to make sure I’ve seen it.
For those whose entries ARE on the list, know that you are still free to revise your entries before the due date - nothing will be judged until March 16th, so if you think of some important revision you are free to make the change!
The full list of entries is after the cut!
@raffleupagus‘s entries:
Pogo Tomiyama, the giant one-legged gnat
Kaerugon, an enormous heroic toad
@bugcthulhu‘s entries:
Bocagran, a daffy, floating prehistoric salamander
Dreg, a tumorous kaiju driven by its insatiable hunger who sometimes reverts to smaller, pathetic form as a result of its unstable biology
@takingturnsatrandom‘s entries:
Blasteroid, a heroic, human-loving starfish
Sibaun, a mangy coyote monster
Hammerbeak, an axe-faced quadrupedal bird
Vermamand, a colossal flatworm
Herpradon, an amphibious chameleon
@cerothenull‘s entries:
Aiguan: a dragon-like flying retrosaur that adapted to live in the sea rather than fly through the air
Osteogre: an improbable hybrid of aquatic retrosaur and placoderm that vaguely resembles a fish-like humanoid
Scutlgor: a sweet, nurturing centipede
Onigoro: an oni/ogre-like sasquatch kaiju
Ublen, a devilish beast from New Jersey
@skarmorysilver‘s entries:
Julkath, a wooly, sabre-fanged feline
Bamutan, a strange serpentine fish
Oz (and children), a bizarre winged marsupial
Gnashphalt, a toxic sludge monster
@dinosaurana‘s entries
Barusstrakk, a Venusian monster with hammer and sickle-like arms
President Rushmore, a bizarre golem accidntally made out of the sculptures on Mt. Rushmore
@theload‘s entries:
Pengku, a bizarre prehistoric missing link between birds and reptiles
Parakon, a serpentine, sail-finned lizard
@connorricks‘s entries:
Dangalar, a bizarre monster controlled by unseen puppetmasters
Normus, a horrifying fusion of man and beast
@titleknown‘s entries:
Malorel, a crystaline entity partially made of Yamaneon that uses the human Karrol Bishop as its host
Panku, a gooey alien in an egg-shaped robot suit
The Head, a big giant head
Javelarro, a wild pig whose healing factor keeps it going well after the point where it desires death
Playboy Rumble, a hard light playboy bunny
@canadian-tuxedo-mask‘s entries:
X-nertha, a fusion of ground sloth, automobiles, and several ghosts
Captain Sensation, a giant plant-human hybrid with a spicy attack strategy
Malzzang, a wicked wasp woman with an army of smaller wasps at her beck and call
Lance, a mutant possum with the brain of man’s best friend
Pescalagorio, the living sea floor
@highly-radioactive-nerd‘s entries:
Blastra, a strangely familiar burrowing retrosaur
Voce Fortissimo/Sibelisaurus, a duck billed retrosaur with amazing acoustic abilities
King Solomon, a blinged out babboon
Salagara, the extraterrestrial guard lizard
Tutandra, a mummified land-shark-like retrosaur
@glarnboudin‘s entries:
Salikor and Terravia, a long necked sea tyrant and a flying retrosaur (respectively)
Tabboagan, a sledding retrosaur
@akitymh‘s entries:
Kabold, an alien vampire
King Horn, a bizarre alien whose ape-like form only slightly obscures its extraterrestrial anatomy
Rampart, a retrosaur with particularly strange arms
Sevarahz, a pink martian
Awkwas, an amphibious retrosaur
@quinnred‘s entries:
Odinokiy Soldat, a kaijufied and heavily mutated human who is the result of extreme genetic and radioactive experimentation
Papaver Magnus, a walking and possibly thinking poppy bush that can even intoxicate other kaiju
King Benkantan, a massive monkey, but, moreso, a purveyor of fruits
Humarr Petram, a group of massive crustaceans that pretend to be islands to lure in prey
The Slickener, an bizarre monster whose venomous anatomy and unknown origin baffle scientists
@godzillakiryu91‘s entry:
Rayken, a giant gila monster
@bowlofgabe‘s entries:
Clawdia, a pair of conjoined twin crabs who fight with flair for the citizens of Mexico
Eldritch Ed, a pitiable fusion of a astronaut and his animal test subjects that nonetheless became a defender of humanity
@iamthekaijuking‘s entries:
Plume, an affectionate and loving prehistoric bird kaiju
Bubblor, a baby kaiju from another world
Shēnghuó tǎ, an alien kaiju that coincidentally resembles Chinese architecture
Dhyandogen, a rare peaceful Beyonder kaiju
Unit 01, a hybrid of human, plant, and retrosaur
@virovac‘s entries:
Artilleron, a strange herbivorous retrosaur that can fire its gastroliths as though they were cannonballs
Bajingis, a synapsid that is curiously similar in shape to a paleo tyrant retrosaur
Pomogitan, a bizarre furry Venusian
Hagayag, a simian crone
@plebiantologist‘s entries:
Nosferatu, a vampiric hummingbird monster
Dromeo, a lovelorn bee monster that’s better off single
I-am-Fish-Mage’s entries:
Gurt, a hound that is literally an undead vampire
Ignorilla, a psychic sasquatch
@bonelessnerd‘s entries:
Manoamano, an extraterrestrial right hand of doom
Nogad, a living island
Rizablitz, a plastic-skinned size-shifting dog
@polygonfighter‘s entries:
Index, a tar monster with fossilized armor
Volcanus, a bizarre high temperature arthropoid
Sir Kaiju of Vaudeville’s entry:
Torgong, the mole monster
@scatha5‘s entry:
Cervere, the kaiju cat
@cstalli‘s entry:
Trifitan Arum, a group of fairy-like flora
@profcene‘s entry:
Gevlek, a cave hyena
@ask-drakos‘s entry:
Okhalee, a massive songbird
King Crustacean, four crustaceans fused together
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tyrantisterror · 7 years
Four files for you today!  We’re getting close to the end!
First up is @iamthekaijuking‘s dromaeosauris, Plumera!  This is the first time I’ve drawn a Scientifically Perfected (TM) dinosaur in years, so please be forgiving if the anatomy isn’t totally 100% scientifically accurate - I’m much more accustomed to Scientifcially Obsolete retrosaurs.  I also added a “ra” to Plume’s name to make her just a dash more monstery - hopefully that’s ok.  Plumera has a wonderful personality, being even more explicitly pacifistic than Bobo and also even more pink, both of which seemed nearly impossible.  She also adds another piece to the weird bird prehistoric puzzle of ATOM - a missing link between creatures like Pengku and ones like Hammerbeak and a few other entries we’ll get to soon.
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@virovac‘s synapsid monster Bajingis (original entry here) is next on our list, and with her she brings the idea that, for whatever reason, the retrosaur build was strangely common in ATOM’s prehistory.  The idea of there being a big, furry, vaguely Tyrantis-shaped monster in the South Pole is very appealing, and I’ve mentioned before how my headcanon is that she and Dreg are members of the same species (except Dreg is, y’know, horribly mutated).  She helps fill out the prehistoric weirdness of ATOM’s setting, proving that it wasn’t just the Mesozoic and the Ice Age that were divergent from our timeline.
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Our third monster for the day is @plebeiantologist‘s vampiric hummingbird, Nosferacul (original entry here)!  It’s another monster whose name I altered a bit - nosferatus are gonna be a thing in this setting and I try to limit things to a one monster per name rule, plus the portmanteau was really fun.  Nosferacul is both an excellent bird kaiju AND an excellent dracula kaiju, being a dapper and clever blood drinker who can actually be a little heroic and helpful provided a, well, generous donation from his fellow monsters.  I love draculas and desperately wanted more birds in ATOM, so this was a win/win.  Plus that color scheme is badass.
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Speaking of draculas, our last entry today is Gurt the vampire hound (original entry here) by iamfishmage.  Gurt’s vampiric label refers to more than just blood sucking and aesthetics, though, as he is one of a few entries that decided to dive into the lore of some of my non-ATOM stories (which share the same universe as ATOM) for material.  Gurt is literally a vampire, i.e. a full on undead beastie, and Gurt’s creator actually asked me several questions about how kaiju and vampires work in the setting to get the details of what a hybrid of both would be.  She wasn’t the first to press me for details about the setting, mind you, but still it was some very good research.  The result is a very SPOOKY kaiju, albeit a not-entirely-evil one - sort of the good morally ambiguous ambivalent counterpart to Pathogen.  Also its a big fluffy dog, and ATOM could definitely use a few more mammals.
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