#bakougo katsuki x reader
katsukikitten · 4 years
Hewwo! I was wondering if you could do a Bakugou x Fem Athlete reader? I use to be a wrestler and when I watch bnha and see their workouts/training, it brings me back to the good times where i use to slam ppl into the floor lol (im soft i swear-). Maybe reader goes to a boot camp and doesn't see bakugo for awhile and they come back hella buffed up and can even lift Bakugou with ease, maybe they're a weightlifter?? Idk but i wanna see bakugo shook at his strong gf lol
I hope you like this my dear.
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You were what most people called a behemoth.
A thick woman with muscle on an athletic build instead of thick hips. Your shoulders were broad, strong and could carry the weight of the world.
And often times it did.
It used to bother you that you were not as femme as other girls. As cutesy and petite until one day you came to the realization that you'd never look like the women on the front of magazines.
And that was a o fucking kay. And everyday since then you fought with yourself and your self image.
Because bitch you were a queen.
And being a confident cut throat queen added to your muscular stature had most *boys* avoiding you like the plague.
But that was fine because you were looking for a M! A! N!
Although you didn't know you'd find him so soon and in such an odd package.
It took one deadly smirk aimed at you for you to fall head over heels.
And it took one knockout punch for him.
Depsite the mutual feelings the two of you only ever interact or text to spar. You too worried that you're reading into his excitement too much. Thoroughly convinced he only sees you as a bro he can actually go all out with.
While he is too fucking oblivious to even realize he had feelings for you. Paying you compliments and even bragging on you in class with simple songs of praises such as "Tch. Y/LN would break your puney fucking arm in a wrestling match Kirishima!"
The doting ash blonde would eye you then, smiling proudly daring anyone to test your strength.
And double daring anyone to comment on that powerfully beautiful body of yours.
If he heard a single off colored comment or joke about you, whether you were there to defend yourself or not he would step in. Hands popping with unkempt rage as a shit eating grin erupted on his kissable lips.
The thought of him defending your honor had your cheeks burning with blush as you waltz through the thick doors of the gym, exactly where Kirishima said you could find him. Silently thankful that he is wearing headphones with music loud enough that he does not hear the door shut as you spy his damp, sculpted back pull his body upward as he counts with barely a grunt.
Well into the upper thousands as your heart flutters, body heating to the point that your kneecaps melt. Struggling to stand you turn on your heel, losing the nerve to tell him goodbye although you will only be gone for a short month. Still you wonder if you should send a text, thumbs hovering over the lit keyboard debating if he would even want to read a stupid message from a lousy extra like you.
And it wasn't like you'd get a reply while you were gone and even if you did where you were going your phone would be no better than a glorified iPod touch with the lack of signal out in bumfuck nowhereville.
You decide against it sliding your phone into your leggings pocket as you tighten the straps on your book bag setting out for what will hopefully push you in the right direction.
Camp is hard as you knew it would be. You were training with the best strength oriented quirk pro heros in the game! Sending you through grueling obstacle courses with semi truck tires and endless pits of sand and mud.
Not to mention you were pushed to the point of puking more often than not. Still you somehow made friends in between the exhausting training and gnarly cafeteria food. Laughing, helping one another and even exchanging numbers with promises to text when a mythical bar of service was found.
Cool water drips form your hair as you plop down on the bottom bunk with a sigh, your bed mate pokes her head out to look down at you. Meanwhile you stare at the last text your friend Mina had sent you for the umpteenth time this week. A photo of you and Bakugo sharing a rare laugh during training both of your cheeks flushed and hair clinging to sweating foreheads over a joke long forgotten. But the feeling would never fade.
You damn her silently for being so sneaky and sneaky enough to catch both you AND Bakugo off guard.
"You've been sighing like you're s/o is away at war!" She chides, "So who are you staring at?"
This gains the attention of the other two girls in the bunks across the way, eyes gleaming at the thought of sharing crushes. Heat flushes your skin bright pink as you attempt to lock your phone but swift hands above snatch it from your normally steely grip.
"Oh." Is all she says as she looks closely at the photo, Bakugo shirtless with, dripping with sweat and wearing his best smile as you're three quarters to the camera cheesing hard as hell.
"Well shit I'd be sighing too. Your man is hot as hell! Does he train with you?"
"A..ah he's um not.." Fear grips your windpipe as you try not to sound creepy as fuck for looking at a picture of what is only your classmate. You clear your throat, "We're just sparring partners."
"What?!" She zooms in on his face before showing it to the other girls and yourself as best she can out of your reach, "My sparring partner never smiles. Make him your man!"
"I'm not his type, Kimi!" You rush out, embarrassment having you cover your face. Shit you'd never be his type.
You couldn't imagine anything more than a petite fiery or even just plain shy girl who wore dresses and heels. A woman with all the right curves that would dangle from his arm as he showed her off. Not some brute who could practically snap any man in half.
Your heart sinks into your gut, tears threatening to spill.
"Then what's his type?" She asks dryly above you. Mind racing as you think of how Bakugo looks at the opposite sex, hell even the same sex in your class and you come up with the same face each time. He wears his ever agitated snarl and that's if he even glances their way. Scarlet eyes narrowed into slits save when the look at you. They are narrowed only from the effects of his upturned lips.
"I reckon he ain't got a type then?" She says staring down at you from over her mattress. You avoid eye contact as you speak.
"I...I just can't see him with me. I'm all bulky and burly like." You flex your banded arms for emphasis before pointing at your bunk mate above, "While you're more toned and that of a fitness magazine model."
"So what? So fucking what! Haven't you seen me oogling you all week? Or the other women who would kill to have your gains! We see it sis, we see it and stan it. You carry muscle where most women DREAM to!" She jumps from the top bunk lifting your shirt up to your sports bra," Abs bitch, you've got washboard abs! Meanwhile my stomach can barely become flat. And your back! Ugh don't get me started how you're stronger than super girl with that toned back and beautifully rounded ass. Why are you selling yourself short?"
Your lack of answer is met with a harsh slap on your stomach before the timed lights in the cabin die out.
"The first thing I want you to text me about is how you asked that hottie blonde out." She threatens before jumping to the top bunk like an agile cat.
The month ends with tight hugs and a long ride home. You welcome the scenery of the winding roads and mountains as the train speeds past, muscles screaming from the month before.
And stomach growling wanting nothing more than a home cooked meal. If you did the math right on the chore wheel. You'd be coming back to Katsuki's cooking. You slip in and out of conciousness dreaming of spicy grilled chicken.
A surprise waits for you as you get off at your stop for the train. The platform crowded with familar bodies of class 3A
as you dismount from the steps.
"WELCOME HOME Y/N!" They shout in unison as Mina and Urarka rush in for a hug. You pull away laughing before your eyes scan for a blonde and when they come up empty your stomach twists for a moment. Mina pulls your thoughts away as slips her pink arms through yours guiding you towards the exit of the train station. She fills you in on the things you'd missed that fun summer month.
Swimming, fireworks, watermelon.
All activities that they planned to do again of course, espeically now that you were back. Not to mention her now boyfriend, Kirishima who, always the gentleman, took your bags to carry on your soon to be journey down six blocks back to UA, to home.
Still you wish Bakugo would have come to greet you too, you pull out your phone for a moment. Ready to text Kimi how you were gonna be forever alone, instead you lock your phone angrily shoving it into your bag.
With each step closer towards the dorms your body becomes heavier, weighted down with your mood drop that you brush off as "I'm just tired Mina-chan" endlessly until you reach the dorms.
The class floods into the their third year dorms as the smell of food wafts over your senses, causing mixed feelings to fist fight in your stomach.
"I'm just gonna get some sparring in before dinner." You smile at Mina, as you head out clad in your ever present athleisure wear, short black shorts and a tanktop.
The outdoor punching bag takes the brunt of your anger, of your disappointment and mostly your own self loathing over being upset over your training buddy not coming to greet you.
Still it stings to know he didn't even bother to show up. Hell he didn't even greet you at the damn door to the dorms!
Arching your fist you slam it into the bag that bursts open as the chain snaps, soaring into the treeline behind the dorms. You huff, back turned before your stomach growls, begging to be fed.
You collect yourself as you hear the sliding door to the living room open.
"Oi! Y/N!" His voice comes out biting as he approaches. You look to the source damning your heart for fluttering at just the sight of him. You notice his skull shirt seems a bit tighter than when you last saw him, muscled arms flexing as he keeps his calloused hands in his pockets. Harsh eyes look you up and down. Roving over your body making you feel naked beneath their intensity as he silently assess your thick frame. Scarlet lingering on exposed soft thighs that he may or may not imagine himself between sometimes. It took the entire month of his "sparring" partner gone to realize she may have been more than just that.
He fights the blush on his cheeks before a devilish grin overtakes his normal snarl.
"Atta girl, coming back stronger than ever. Bet you kicked some ass at camp huh?" His praises has your heart soaring as your body moves on it's own. Anger melting into warmth as you scoop up the muscled man into a bone crushing hug, giggling as you swing him in a circle. That is before you realize your giddy action could make him seem weak, something Bakugo loathes. You set him down with several rushed "Sorry"s before he grips your wrist tightly. Eyes boring into yours as he struggles to keep his breathing even.
"No I should be the one who's sorry." He growls.
"For what?" He answers as he pulls you closer to him until your lips crash into his. Hands roving up your toned arms before strong fingers pull at the hair at the nape of your neck deepening the kiss while you turn into putty in popping hands. After a few moments he breaks free, looking over your stunning features.
"For not fucking doing that sooner. For not fucking realizing that I admire more than just your strength." He looks away slipping his hand into yours as he pulls you back to the dorms, "Come on! I didn't make my girl's favorite just so it could get cold damn it!"
He drags you into the house as you watch after him before you snap a photo sending it to Kimi with a caption underneath.
"He beat me to the punch."
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So, I was hoping you could do this scenario idea I had! It's where Iida's girlfriend always wants to do cute things together, like go out and watch the stars and cuddle in each other's rooms, but obviously he never agrees cause that's breaking the rules. So he slowly is forced to watch as he loses her to someone else do does want to do those things and break a few small rules for her. Preferably Bakugou, since their opposites. It's just an idea but I hope you like it! Thank you so much!
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Iida + Bakugou
“Come on Iida Tenya! Please! There is supposed to be a meteor shower tonight can’t we watch it out on the roof?” You followed your boyfriend down the hallway, holding his arm as you tried to convince him to watch the beautiful shower that was due to happen, “it won’t be long! I can get us up on the roof no biggie and even get you to your room before anyone notices-“
“That is breaking a rule, (Name)! We can’t leave our rooms past curfew. That is an hour and a half after it.” His voice was filled with a tone that you knew you couldn’t fight. You always called it the No-Tone. There was no use fighting it.
“Okay..” you sighed, letting go of his arm to slow down, your eyes catching your pink haired friend. You darted down the hallway, linking arms with her as you whispered, “Do you want to see some Meteors?”
Her grin was all you needed to already know that at least someone was willing to join you on a fun night out. It wouldn’t be romantic but at least you wouldn’t be staring at the sky alone.
“I’ll invite the boys!”
“Perfect! The more the merrier!”
“where’s your boyfriend?” Bakugou asked, holding out a blanket Mina had brought with her to you. “Shouldn’t he be here?”
“He didn’t want to break curfew,” You responded, your smile twitched slightly, your eyes filling with some kind of sadness as you took the blanket from your grasp. “Thank you for coming though I know you tend to sleep early-“
“I used to watch meteor showers when I was a kid. I would have stayed up anyways. Besides,” he sat next to you, looking up just in time to watch one shoot across the black sky. “It’s better with those you’re close too,”
“So you like us?” Your smile grew, becoming more genuine as you looked up to watch about a dozen more shoot by. “You’re not so bad when you’re not yelling at Midoriya,”
His hand hit your shoulder playfully, not hard enough to hurt but not soft enough to show that he thought you were weak. A small smile growing on his lips when he heard you stifle a laugh, your head tilting down to look at him, still grinning.
The rest of the group joined you guys, Mina coming in to bump into your side as she gasped in awe at the lights above her.
“Girls and boys are not allowed in each other’s rooms unless there are more than four people (Name),” Iida said when you showed up at his door, holding a bag of food in your grip. You wanted to see if you could convince him to let you in but his eyes were already telling. Though this time he looked slightly apologetic so maybe- “We can work on homework the common room though!”
Your eyes lit up at that suggestion. You had barely seen each other all week. Even if he wouldn’t let you hang out alone in his room as long as you could spend a few hours with him!
“We just have to finish in the next 15 minutes or so since that’s when curfew will be-“ he looked down at his watch, keeping in mind of time and when you both should be back. You two had 30 minutes.
“Ah.. don’t worry then.” You sighed sadly. As much as you wanted to spend time with him you know you’d just make it downstairs and then the two of you wouldn’t even get some alone time. You had looked into the common room and it had been filled with most of your friends.. you were better off just waiting until the weekend. “We don’t have much time. Let’s schedule for the weekend instead.”
“Okay, thank you for understanding,” he smiled, closing the door on you while you stepped back, signalling that you were just going to head back to your own dorm.
You shouldn’t be so upset, you thought to yourself. You rejected his offer. But.. you just wished he would let you hang out with him alone. In an intimate area. You didn’t have to kiss or anything you just wanted to hang out, cuddle or hold hands at least!
“Oi, what are you doing up here?” Bakugou asked, steeping into the elevator. He stood next to you, watching the elevators close as he waited for your response.
“I was just talking with Iida,” you spoke, your eyes meeting his briefly, forming a small smile before you looked back down at your feet.
“I’m surprised that rules-are-the-law kid let you in,”
Your bitter laugh told him otherwise.
“He didn’t.” You gripped the bag harder, your eyebrows furrowing in frustration.
“Then.. want to come to mine?” His voice was filled with confidence, looking at you with his hands shoved on his pockets.
Your head snapped upwards, looking at him as if he had said something absolutely crazy. He was slightly taken back by your response. Had the request really been so uncalled for.
“Yes. Actually, I’d really like that,” spending time with a friend right now was the perfect remedy for your less-than-kind-thoughts you’ve been having.
He pressed the button to the common floor again, watching the light turn off before pressing floor 4. His movements quick and he had to tell himself to calm down. His heart shouldn’t be beating this quickly. You had just accepted his invitation as a friend, nothing more.
“I hope you like Beef stew,” You said as you stepped out of the elevator, following him to his room. Your mood already feeling slightly better upon having someone to talk to.
“It better be fuckin’ spicy,” He commented, opening the door to his room and entering it. You followed close behind, taking a good look at his room as you shut the door behind you. Responding in a monotone voice,
“It has a little spice to it but Iida doesn’t care for it to be crazy spicy. So I made it sort of tame, honestly it was my first time cooking for him.. I had hoped to share it” your eyes continued to wonder around his room, taking in every piece of it. You had never been in it but it was very simple. Truthfully, you had almost expected it to have more of a Bakugou vibe to it. It was way more tame.
“Wait you made it?” He looked back at you, taking a seat on the floor. You joined him, slowly taking the large container out of the bag.
“Yeah! Here,” you handed him a bowl and chopsticks. Eagerly grabbing one for yourself as you carefully filled your bowl with the ingredients. “He says that store bought tastes like shit and he’d rather puke it up than have to swollow that stuff down,” you took a bite out of one of the pieces, humming happily upon feeling the heat of it. It wasn’t half bad! “My words not his,”
“I figured. I don’t think he even knows some swear words”
“There have been some close calls,” you said back, smiling when you saw his eyes widen. You could already feel your ego grow.
“This isn’t half bad. Not as spicy as I would have liked but.. not bad.”
“Well I do try,” you winked at him.
The rest of the night was spent with the two of you chatting. You didn’t think you could have had this much fun with bakugou. You had spoken with him a few times since the last time you all hung out and he seemed like a pretty funny person, his snarky comebacks were actually somewhat endearing.
It was exactly what you needed to get your thoughts back in order.
“Hey (Name),” Bakugou greeted as you stepped into the elevator. He had been hoping to meet up with you since the last week you had all hung out. Immediately though he could see your stiffened form. “You’re upset,” he stared boldly.
“Iida said he couldn’t have lunch with me since he had some student council business to take care of,” you let out a long sigh, “I get that he’s busy but this is the sixth time this week, not including the week before.”
“Momo has been sitting with the girls all week,” he stated, your head nodding sadly at hearing this.
“I know.. I just don’t understand..”
“So eat lunch with me,” his mind wandered to a nice place he could take you. He knew this ramen shop that was fairly cheap so he could pay for the two of you without you feeling too guilty, “I was going to go out so I wouldn’t have to deal with Mina yelling at me to make her lunch anyways.”
“Really! Where were you thinking?”
“There’s this ramen shop close to my-“
“Ramen! I’m in!” The elevator door opened and you stepped out, eager at the chance to finally get away from the school and do something fun, “I’ll meet you at the doors at 12 then!”
He didn’t think he could wait for the clock to turn to 12.
“Hey Iida!” You greeted happily, walking past him to Bakugou who sat not too far away from your boyfriend. Your hand was holding something in it as you held it up to Bakugou “check it out!”
“How the fuck did you manage to get it?” He asked, his eyes scanning the book in front of you. It was a book detailing All Might in all of his years, even secrets of his past.
“(Name).. what is that?” Iida questioned, stepping forward to see what you were showing Bakugou. The other male glaring up at him.
“Ah! Iida! It’s a book that’s all about All Might! It came out just the other day. Bakugou and I had been talking about wanted to read it!”
“Oh- I see.” His eyes trailed to look at Bakugous cold ones. Your voice rattling on about it while the two boys glared are each other.
Since when had you and Bakugou gotten so close?
“-and there’s a movie that they released with the book all about All Might! I bought a digital copy so we’re going to watch it! Right Bakugou?”
“Right.” He responded with a smirk, a hand reaching out to grab the book from your hands. “Thanks for letting me lend the book from you, I know how much you hate when people take your shit”
“It’s fine since it’s you,” your voice was sweet, smiling happily before turning to Iida “oh! Do you have more Student council things to do today? Or can we have lunch?”
“I’m sorry (Name)-“ he spoke with an apologetic voice “but-“
“Then eat lunch with me (Name). I made extra Tantanmen last night.”
“Tantanmen is spicy. (Name) doesn’t like spicy food-“
“Actually Bakugou got me really into it! I’m in. Save me a bowl of Tantanmen Bakugou!” With that the school bell rang and you all quickly went to your seats, a small smile on your face.
Why was Iida so frustrated with that?
He stretched his arms out, his back cracking as he did so. It was the first time he had gotten all of his work finished in a decent time. It wasn’t just homework but there were a few things he wanted to finish for himself before he wanted to call you up. He eyed the clock. If he called you now the two of you could hang out for an hour and a half before curfew.
He pressed on your icon, sending a message your way as he cleaned up his papers, putting his work in the rightful place. You were usually so quick to respond. He was surprised you hadn’t answered by the time his hand touched the papers.
You hadn’t seen the text until an hour later, hitting Bakugou in the shoulder as you answered Iida. You couldn’t lie to him and would rather get a lecture about leaving then about lying.
“Take a picture with me!” You threw your arm around his neck, taking a picture of the two of you before he could complain. You sent that to Iida explaining that you and Bakugou were out to do some shopping.
A second later you received a paragraph from him, laughing at how quick he sent it you just apologized and told him you’d leave soon even though you weren’t going too.
“Is that Iida?” Bakugou asked when you shoved the phone into your pocket. Moving to stand next to him while the two of you thumbed through different jackets.
“Yeah, he’s upset we snuck out,” you pulled out a black jacket, holding it up to him so you could see if it looked ok. “Maybe we should get you a red one? You could wear a black shirt underneath it so it’s kinda be like your hero costume... maybe add green gloves?”
“You’re thinking too much about the colour scheme, black is fine. It’ll be cold when we go hiking,” he unzipped the jacket in your hand, feeling the fabric on the inside. “This one is perfect. Now let’s find yours,” he moved to leave this section but your hand stopped him, still sifting through the jackets in front of you.
“Black would look good on you. You should chose black too,” he commented, his hand releasing your arm as he picked out a jacket that looked pretty much exactly like his. The black was slightly lighter and the sleeves had a hole where you could fit your thumbs.
“If we’re going to match let’s go back to where we were and get the exact same one. Usually Mens is cheaper anyways.” You picked out a copy of his jacket, slipping it onto your shoulders. Before turning to face him, “well?”
“Perfect,” he commented, his eyes looking you over as he nodded his head. “It’ll keep you warm,”
“Then this one!” You took it off of your shoulders, putting it back on the hanger. You held it, happy with your purchase. “We should start heading back-“
“If you’re worried about your boyfriend I’ll deal with his screaming,” he walked alongside you, tilting his head to the side as he spoke, “I don’t care. Besides, you still need boots,”
You grinned, bumping your shoulder into his. You couldn’t even feel your phone vibrate with a message from Iida.
“Where are you two headed?” Iida asked, he had just gotten back from his morning run when he saw you and Bakugou dressed up. He decided to ignore the fact that you were wearing the same jacket as him.
“Why do you wanna know-“
“Suki’s mom invited me to go hiking with them for the weekend!” You grinned happily, gripping your backpack tighter. “Don’t you remember?” You tilted your head, “I told you a few weeks ago? Back when we had lunch together,”
“Ah, yes no I remember,” he lied, “sorry I didn’t realize that it was this weekend. I hope you have fun,” he spoke quietly, turning to leave the two of you. When... when did you start calling Bakugou by his first time and when did you start getting so close with Bakugou’s family? You hadn’t even met his own.
Bakugou pressed his gloved hand to the small of your back, breaking you out of your trance. He hated just how quickly Iida seemed to bring out your mood. You were excited just one second ago to go on this trip with his family.. now you were saddened to see how little you were in Iida’s mind.
“Come on. My mom will be outside waiting for us. She’s been dying to see you again,” that seemed to perk you up, smiling up at him again.
“Yeah that bitch has been on my ass since you said yes to coming with us. She wants you to come over for dinner more often,”
You scoffed, hitting Bakugou with your elbow. You were so used to hearing Bakugou cuss his mom out but it always felt wrong everytime you heard him say it. You never corrected him though. You could see how he could think that, his mom was intense and crazy, just like him.
“Then let’s head out!”
You texted Iida, inviting him to watch a movie with you. You already expected him to say no so you didn’t bother to mention that you and Bakugou had intended to watch it together.
You had expressed interest in the horror movie once during a conversation with Bakugou. He was quick to rent it. He offered to watch it with you the next day the two of you had a night free so you could stay up late.
He didn’t think he had seen you so excited since the last time you two had hung out.
“If you get scared you can hang onto me,” you joked, leaning against the arm of the couch as he sat next to you, doing the same.
“As if,” he scoffed, pressing his foot against your leg, kicking it as he reached for the remote. “This isn’t even that scary.”
“Don’t say anything until you watch it! It’s actually pretty interesting! I think you’ll like it!” You slapped his ankle. Taking a sip of your soda you leaned back.
“Thank you,” you said when he pressed play, the pictures flashing on the screen in front of you.
“What?” He asked, confused about why you had just thanked him for kicking you but when he looked closely he could see your facial features soften.
“For watching this movie with me, thank you.” Your eyes darted to look at your phone, typing a quick reply before putting it back in your pocket. “He said no”
“Well I don’t think a law abiding student like him would be able to watch something like this anyways. His small fragil mind would explode at the even suggestion of a woman’s shoulder sliding out of a shirt, much less watching her have her head ripped off” he reached over, resting his arm around your shoulder, “so fuck him. Let’s just watch this movie.”
You smiled, nodding as you leaned your head back on his arm, reaching over to eat a handful of popcorn as the movie continued. Tonight would be fun. He’d make sure of it.
You knew this had to be done. The two of you had been growing apart. Anytime you tried to reach out he’d refuse to do anything. You knew he was busy. He had so much on his plate but, you two hadn’t spoken in a month. Any text from you was responded with silence or a short text back.
It was done between you two. You were too tired of having to constantly tell him that you wanted to spend time together, that you wanted to be a couple.
If he didn’t want to be then you wouldn’t make him.
“Iida.. I think we’re done.” You spoke quietly, looking at him in the eyes. You could feel his body stiffen, his eyes looking off to the side.
“(N-Name) i dont want to end us-“
“Iida. You’re too busy for me,” you sighed, raising a hand to rub your neck, trying to sooth the tension in it. “I don’t want to end on a bad note. So let’s just make this mutual, you’re too busy for a relationship so I won’t tie you down.”
What could he say? He knew you were right. You weren’t happy.. he had known that for a long time but he still didn’t want to let you go. But here you were.
“Okay,” he whispered back, holding a hand out for you to take, he wasn’t sure what else he was supposed to do in a situation like this. “Let’s stay friends then,”
“Yes,” you held his hand, shaking it as if it was a business transaction. You had to hold back a lump in your throat as you thought about the fact this was about as physical he had been. “I wish you well Iida,” you turned around, leaving his room.
Iida followed you, stepping out briefly to watch you leave. His own throat running dry when he sat Bakugou leaning against the elevator door so it wouldn’t close. His hands slipping out of his pockets as you sped up. Your arms wrapped around him, gripping his shirt. Bakugou looked up at him as he pulled you into the elevator, glaring at Iida as the doors shut on the two of you.
It hurt to see you grow so close to Bakugou, his heart falling everytime you called his name sweetly instead of his own, his hands raising to rub his eyes.
“Suki! Are you busy tonight?” Your voice crossed the classroom despite you tried to keep it quiet so you could speak with him only. Bakugou’s head looked up.
“I’ve got some homework to finish-“ He tilted his head back, his eyes glaring into Iida’s “as long as you’re not loud you can come work on it with me.”
He knew why he had done that. It was a jab at him for not meeting your needs. It was Bakugou’s way of showing off how much better he was for you. He was what you needed. What you deserved. He ducked his head, his eyes looking down at his homework as he heard your quiet voice once again.
“Thank you Katsuki, thank you.”
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deities-fanfiction · 4 years
How the Bakusquad hugs
hi ya im getting off my ass and actually writing instead of rebloggoing
yeah i know weird-
No warnings at all its all fluffy. can be romantic or platonic.
Kirishima :
❤️ will crush you if you let him
❤️ if you need a hug but don’t wanna just say it out loud or like go over to him cause like that can be embarrassing  just text him and he’ll rush over and practically tackle you
❤️ known for completely enveloping all of you
❤️ will pick you up and spin you around if he’s in a good mood
❤️ if your sad and need a hug he instantly switches to petting your hair and kissing the top of your head
❤️ biggest sigher during hugs he’s just very very happy
❤️ overall very very sweet 20/10 thats my husband
Mina :
👽gives very sisterly hugs...it sounds weird but here me out
👽 mina will most likely just casually hug you at the side of you or behind you
👽her hugs are protective like you’ll get hurt if she isnt there
👽 will go to you for hugs more often than you go to her
👽 she does pat your head like your a little kid and will squish your cheeks to tease you a bit
👽 sad hugs have her calling you cute pet names and softly hyping you up
👽 overall very chill and can you tell ive never written for mina ever?????
Sero : 
📼 i couldnt find a tape emoji i just-
📼 lets be honest hugs turn into you cuddling then falling asleep
📼 will bury his face in your shoulder if he can
📼 expect to be tickled at least once
📼 sad hugs. this boy will go above and beyond a hug trust and believe he will ask if you want snacks and a movie
📼 hand on the small of your back all the way
📼 in all very wholesome. not too often but always appreciated
Kaminari :
⚡ literally adorable
⚡ “me?...me!” so exited-
⚡ picks you up off the ground all the time
⚡denki would most definetly give you an extra squeeze and if he’s brave enough give you a mini shock
⚡2000% ruffles your hair
⚡ sad hugs? if you let him theres a warm hand on your back under your shirt with the other arm around your shoulders
⚡ almost like you’ll fade away. he wont let you go until you literally tell him to let go
Bakougo :
💣 more often than you think
💣 definetly does it sometimes to spite izuku even though izu has no reason to be jelous
💣 not very tight and will always depend on  how tight your holding him
💣 he is a little bitch about them when your in a good mood-
💣 “moron your lucky i let you get away with this!”
💣 sad hugs oh my god- . wont try cheering you up like others but if your like kinda sad the very second he holds you the tears just pour.
💣 he doesnt wanna make you feel embaressed because if you went to him its because this is dead serious and you really need some silence. he is no snitch
💣 overall not too soft but still doesnt mind all that much. [if your too clingy he will just hand you over to kiri to deal with]
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shotorozu · 3 years
i feel like im annoying lol but here i am again 🥴
🥴 how do da boys react to a super bimbo mc like shes busty, sweet, innocent, helpful as much as she can be and doesnt really realize when people are hitting on her, she just thinks theyre being extra friendly. (Tamaki, izuku, shoto, denki, bakougo) or any of ur choice
Sorry if I’m being annoying ( •᷄ὤ•᷅)? and tysm
bimbo s/o
character(s) : bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, amajiki tamaki (bnha)
probably (?) part one // ?
legend : [Y/N = your name] female! s/o, quirk not specific
headcanon type : fluff, crack (x reader)
note(s) : sooo 🤩 it’s my birthday tomorrow, not excited about that?? not sure! but im definitely gonna post more tomorrow, just because
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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bakugou katsuki
you didn’t seem like his type tbh. you’re kinda an airhead, and you’re sweet and helpful to everyone
and awfully innocent,,
so, you seemed like the person that bakugou would try and stay away from, but nope!
not in this case. i’m not sure what conspired in this explosive blond’s head, but he had a oddly specific attraction to you
he used to hate being around you, but it’s also quite entertaining being around you but why, you may ask?
not only are you super nice, and helpful, but you’re very likable too! which caused you to get secret admirers, and fanboys
but you also so happen to be clueless as fuck, so katsuki would always stick around— obviously very amused, only to tell you what their true intentions are
“what do they mean, go out? like,, outside?”
“no, dumbo. they wanna date you.”
“..like the calendar?”
“hah?? are you dumb?” he actually hated how oblivious you were at first, but he just got used to it
but this clueless airhead trait of yours is what he also hates, because when he developed feelings for you— he’d have to tell you
and,, he’s not the best with being direct with romantic stuff. so— you can see how that went.
he ended up confessing you in the most direct way he could’ve said it, but you still. didn’t. understand.
“fuck sake, i want to be your significant other. your fucking lover, the bitch that’ll be with you until this dumbass brain of yours stops working.”
okay, he was a little too direct, but at least you know his feelings!
when you both finally get together, everyone is shocked. like,, you, the sweetheart that likes helping people— dating thee bakugou katsuki??
everyone thought you were threatened to date him, because you didn’t understand other people’s advances— but in reality, katsuki just told you what he felt
straight from the heart.
also, since you’re also quite busty, katsuki loves sleeping on them— he literally won’t sleep, until he has his head resting on those milkers of yours
“maybe this is all you’re good for, huh? a fuckin’ head rest. there might not be anything up there, but at least it gives me some good fuckin’ sleep.”
he,, doesn’t mean that. you’re useful in so many other ways, but he loves pretending that he thinks that way, because of your replies
“ah, yes! i’m fine with being your head rest, katsuki. rest well, love!”
you’re not hurt, because he makes it a point to tell you multiple times a day that you mean lots to him.
but he gets super mad when people tell you that you’re stupid. because he can only tell you that!!
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todoroki shouto
you also didn’t seem like you’d be his type,, everyone thought he would’ve wanted someone that’s smart as momo, or something similar
but he’s very content with being with you, for reasons he can’t seem to figure out.
he has his habit of watching you help people from afar, and he couldn’t help but smile whenever he engages in conversations with you
yeah sure, you might be more of an airhead than most people— but you have a heart of gold! and that’s what gathered his attention
sometimes, he’s quite clueless to some social cues— but even he can connect the dots
which you can’t seem to do. but you’re in luck! shouto’s usually the one that tells you what they mean
it’s something he loves and hates, only because of how popular you are with people in general.
sometimes, shouto debates if he should even tell you what they mean— because well,, he likes you.
usually, shouto would interpret things to you like this
“,, they like you,, romantically.”
“shou, are you sure? they look like they wanna be my friend!” he lets you call him by his first name, just because of how content you look by calling him ‘shouto’
he ends up whispering something into your ear, and your eyes light up in realization. “oh! so how princess bubblegum likes marceline?”
“,, yeah.”
but being shouto todoroki has it’s advantages. he isn’t afraid of being as direct as he could possibly be.
“may i have the honor of being your lifelong partner?”
“oh, romantically. i’d love to be your lover, Y/N.”
“..oh! that’s what you meant.”
the way he sees you stumble with your words, as you pace back in forth— completely flustered by his words
makes him smile
and it all ends well when his friends see that his wallpaper is literally him laying down on your chest
which is something he always wanted to do
“shouto,, did you finally confess?!”
“yes. they said yes.”
they’re not really surprised that you understood, courtesy to shouto’s bluntness.
he is your protector against all of the people that make you seem useless. man literally lashed out when his father asked him to date someone with ‘more intelligence’
“Y/N may not be the definition of being book smart, but Y/N’s not useless!”
in short— he’s the bimbo protector! he’ll always be patient around you, and he would never dare to dumb you down.
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amajiki tamaki
oh lOrd, please help him
you’re so kind, sweet, and helpful. you’d help anyone— regardless of their personality. and that’s what made tamaki interested in you
but you’re also very popular. which he could see why— since you’re attractive in a unique and special way.
tamaki absolutely disliked the idea of your kindness being taken advantaged of. i mean,, the guts of some people!
but he also hated being the one to break the news to you good or bad
he’s not good with the blunt stuff either, and he might’ve been worried about being around you— because well,, you look like you wouldn’t even hurt a fly.
“tamaki, what do they mean by ‘coming home with them for a nice time’ do they.. want to play mario cart with me?”
he looks like he needs to pass out, but he ends up telling you anyway. he’s just lucky that you could hear him.
but he sighs in relief when you end up kindly declining
nejire and mirio are SO amused by this pairing. i mean, it’s an interesting dynamic! how could they not be invested?
yet, they refuse to even explain things to you, especially when tamaki’s around to do said explaining
because apparently, ‘it’ll help you socialize more, especially with Y/N!’
but remember when i said that tamaki wasn’t great with the blunt approach? yeah— he’d have a heart attack, just trying to explain his feelings
“i— uhm how do i say this,, would you like t-to go out for some dinner with m-me?”
“oh sure! i should go tell mirio and nejire” you’d say that with a smile, and it felt like he was going to pass away on the spot.
nejire and mirio were the ones the tell you that ‘no, tamaki doesn’t want to be friendly with you, because he wants to romantically date you.’
and it felt like forever when they were explaining how and why, while tamaki was sitting in the corner.
but thank GOD! because you like him too!
super hesitant on resting on your chest, i mean,, to him, it looked like the nicest pillow for the deepest sleep! but he wasn’t sure if that’d be okay
because no!! to!! taking!! advantage!! of!! Y/N’s!! kindness!!
speaking of that, despite the fact that he’s socially awkward— he will not hesitate on defending you from any haters!
like, when people say that “tamaki and Y/N are such an awkward couple. tamaki’s super awkward, it looks like there’s nothing in Y/N’s brain. maybe she’s brainless”
because how dare they. not everyone is book smart— but that doesn’t give people the right to call you stupid!
“Y/N’s not brainless! she’s kind, helpful, and the sweetest p-person i have ever met. i suggest you take that back!”
in short— it gives him heart palpitations just having to explain things to you, but at the end of the day, it’s all worth it, if he can be with you
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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× Please read the warnings, a lot of 18+ / minors do not interact content! ×
☆ - fav / ♡ - love / □ - mark for later
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Various characters
> Island of monsters - @sugarfairychan
> pretty young thing
Todoroki “Icy Hot” Shoto
> Yandere fae Shouto x Reader
Keigo “Hawks”
> Hot mom’s near me - @junisfics
> intertwined - @yanlovex3
> experiment 184
Todoroki “Dabi” Touya
> Strangers On A Train (Dabi x Reader)
Bakougo Katsuki
> rookie mistake
Todoroki Enji
> Mounting- Yandere!Centaur! Enji x Human!Reader (forced)
Bonus content!
> Dabi's fear of feelings and connections
> the pain of tomuras world
> actor au!
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daisies-write · 4 years
Hi there! I've just discovered your blog!
If either of you want to write this, im cool with that, im not really sure if I'm supposed to choose one of you.
But! I did want to request some head cannons about Izuku, Bakugou, and Kirishima with a female reader.( we're just gonna pretend that they can dance)
But what do you imagine each boy would dance to, to impress Reader? Like for example, who does swing dancing? Who just settles for club grinding? ( you don't gotta use those two examples)
( I just miss dancing, so imagining some handsome anime men dancing with me? Heck yes!)
Thanks for taking the time to read and answer this!
Dancing headcanons
Izuku Midoriya x reader; Bakougo Katsuki x reader; Kirishima Eijiro x reader 
I am so sorry this is short anon :/ I don’t know much about dancing, but I hope you enjoy this fic nonetheless!
Requested by: anon
TW: none
Writer: Ari
Word count: 347
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Izuku Midoriya
He would most definitely have a very hard time asking you to dance
Like he’s blushy blushy, his palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy, mom's spaghetti
And so you’d have a hard time understanding him
But after a while you manage to understand him
I feel like he’d probably choose a type of swing dance
He may or may not step on your toes cause he’s a bit nervous
But after a while, he gets used to it, and can keep up with the pace
But, to be honest, he’s quite a good dancer, and you enjoy dancing with him very much
Bakugou Katsuki
He won’t ask you to dance with him
Or tell you about how he can do it
So you just find out he can dance from his friends
And now, naturally, you want to see him do so
Now, how do you get a hotheaded guy to do what you want?
“Hey Katsuki, Kaminari told me you can dance” “And what of it?” “I don’t believe it, I bet you’d trip on your own feet”
So he will try to prove that he can, in fact, dance
He’s the type to breakdance 
And you gotta say, you’re quite impressed
But it’s not like he needs his ego to be inflated more than it is
“Hmm, not bad” 
Kirishima Eijiro
This time, you’d be the one asking him
To which he happily agrees
Since Kirishima is so energetic, and his dancing would also reflect that
So I’m gonna go for either a shuffle dance or some hip hop
It might turn into a bit of a dance-off after a while, but nothing too big
It’s really fun dancing with him, and you guys try to do it more often
When he wants to be romantic, you guys go for a simple slow dance
Basically just wrapping your arms around each other and swaying to the beat
It’s really sweet and you both like being able to be close to each other 
You find listening to his heartbeat soothing as well
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bakugou-tm · 6 years
Bakugou-tm Masterlist
Lazy (s/o) 
Butt pinching (s/o)  
Alpha Baku & Omega s/o that steals his clothes for her nest  
Bakugou seeing s/o in swimsuit (NSFW) 
Angelic s/o that is crazy strong in battle  
S/o that messes with Bakugou in public (slight NSFW)  
Short s/o 
Dragon King Bakugou traveling to island of amazons  
Bakugou making friends with his strong rival  
Exploring haunted mansion  
Mineta sneaking into girl’s dorms (inspired by @sup-poki post)  
Bakugou meeting (s/o) & child he left from high school (slight domestic) 
Easter scavenger hunt (slight nsfw)  
(S/o) and kids cleaning Bakugou’s cuts (domestic)  
Building collapses on (s/o) that saves people
Bakugou doing something nice for Izuku’s sister
Bakugou seeing s/o in swimsuit (NSFW) 
Bakugou’s European (s/o) being made fun of for forgetting Japanese words  
Villains attack Ground Zero’s wife and kids at his house (domestic) 
(S/o) crying and hugging family after fight (domestic) 
Fantasy AU Bakugou and Dragon Trainer (NSFW) 
Bakugou hurts (s/o)’s feelings so he makes it up to her  
Boys try to hit on (s/o) and Bakusquad protects her  
Bakugou saving you and colleagues from villain 
Jealous Bakugou at beach  
Bakugou taking (s/o) to water spring 
Comforting angry/sad Bakugou  
Bakugou and colleague having to go as undercover couple  
Bakugou and (s/o) watching fireworks  
Bakugou’s crush having same birthday but not telling him  
Bakugou’s birthday with family (domestic)  
Artsy (s/o) makes Bakugou birthday gift but is nervous to give to him 
Bakugou has party but leaves with s/o (slight nsfw)  
Bakugou showing up to class with surprise cake from s/o  
Bakugou finds out wife is pregnant (domestic)  
Bakugou and s/o finding baby on mission (slight domestic) 
S/o falling on Bakugou with quirk that puts thoughts on skin  
Bakugou’s kids hang out with his parents (domestic)  
Bakugou family meets up with Bakusquad (domestic)  
S/o praising Bakugou when he feels down  
Super soft s/o that’s a medic  
Reader kissing stranger to learn language  
S/o is former delinquent and child of mafia  
Bakugou’s s/o meets parents for first time  
Bakugou with super sweet yet clumsy s/o  
Bakugou has nightmare and accidentally hurts s/o  
Bakugou having a hot moment until realizing s/o is on period (NSFW)  
Bakugou finding tired and stressed s/o on floor crying  
Bakugou and s/o painting new baby’s nursery 
Dying kiss  
Jealous kiss  
Goofy kiss  
Angry kiss  
Bakugou wanting alone time with s/o but kids interrupted (part 1) (domestic & slight nsfw)  
I thought I lost you kiss  
In the dark kiss  
S/o snapping on Mineta after making inappropriate comment 
Crush getting hit by quirk that makes heroes seem like villains  
Pirate Bakugou and s/o AU 
Father’s Day surprise (domestic)   
S/o getting trapped under rubble during fight  
S/o getting a dog that ends up liking Bakugou  
S/o breaking up with Bakugou since he only focused on being a hero  
S/o being proud of Bakugou after sports festival  
S/o being put into coma from being kidnapped then waking up  
Bakugou wanting alone time with s/o but kids interrupted (part 2) (domestic & nsfw)  
Shy s/o sneaking to Bakugou’s dorm  
Pizza delivery boy Bakugou  
Bakugou gets called from police on anniversary finding out s/o is dead
Why (song fic)  
S/o showing up to Bakugou’s dorm angrily after being forced into quirk marriage  
S/o reuniting with Bakugou after being captured  
Esta Noche (song fic)  
Bakugou and s/o switching hero costumes  
S/o that can deliver illnesses to others finding villain that killed their parents  
Bakugou takes family on vacation (domestic)  
S/o constantly being tired from school & training  
Twisted Fates Prologue  
Twisted Fates Chapter 1  
Twisted Fates Chapter 2  
Twisted Fates Chapter 3  
Scarlet Night Chapter 1  
Scarlet Night Chapter 2  
Scarlet Night Chapter 3  
Original Characters
Bakugou x @technicallyflamey OC  
My Other Half Chapter 1  
My Other Half Chapter 2  
My Other Half Chapter 3  
My Other Half Chapter 4  
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katsukikitten · 4 years
Irritated 7
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A/N This took me way too long imo 6k words bbs, please enjoy. The next part is in the works! Buckle the fuck up after this chapter yall. Please enjoy xoxo
"Katsuki there is no need to knock they'll be out soon!" Kirishima says practically hanging off of a muscled arm.
"Oi shit hair we are gonna be late if we don't start walking now." The hot head snarls.
"Ah but perfection cannot be rushed." Todoriki says as he patiently waits with deadly hands in his pockets.
As if on cue Mina opens the door with a dramatic flair, eyes only for the ruby haired man. As if on a catwalk she sashays to Kirishima, sporting a glitering knee length amethyst dress that compliments her bubble gum pink skin. Followed by Jhiro in a white and black ankle length dress, Uraraka who wears a floor length muave pink and Momo comes out in a stunning blood red with diamonds dripping from her neck like frozen dew.
Denki, Izuku, Kirishima, and Todoroki smile in unison holding out their hands.
The men quickly become a color coordinated accessory to the band of gorgeously dressed women. Donned in all black suits while the color of their ties match each dress perfectly. Deft scarlet eyes notice the pairings quickly as the couples begin to mingle, fighting the blush on his cheeks as he looks over himself. His suit, vest, and even tie are all black and he can only assume that you will come out paired to him. As if it were some sort of symbol or sign that you were destined to be his counterpart.
Even if it is only for tonight.
Panic begins to set in as the couples flirt for longer than a few moments. Fear that you may have slipped out without their knowledge.
"Oi, Mina where is...?" But he never finishes his question as you walk from the room, asking if they have their key before slamming it shut.
"Wow Y/N, you look..." Izuku starts, compliment stuck in his throat before Katsuki finishes it for him.
"Fucking stunning." He growls lowly, drinking you in. The black dress has a plunging V in both the front and back, stopping just at your solar plexus and mid back. A slit runs up the side to mid thigh so that Katsuki, and every other man, is mesmerised with each step.
And no one can miss the giant garnet so deep in hue it could have been a drop of dried blood resting dutifully on your breast bone secured by a golden chain.
Bakugou grits his teeth as you approach him with your normal items, his hands deep in his pockets to keep them off of you.
"Kaachan. If you don't mind." You beam before he snatches the items stowing them away, sure to let his eyes dart away from you. The other couples exchange looks choosing to start making their way towards the exit and soon the dizzying party. Katsuki offers you his arm with a snarl to which you hesitate. Looking at it as if diffusing a bomb before you grab onto his arm, hand clasped tightly around a strong bicep.
The party was not small by any means and staring at it from behind a heavy dark curtain did not ease your anxiety over the matter.
What if your entrance was lame?
Fucking lackluster?
Hell you couldn't even THINK of a fucking song let alone pick one out for this idiotic entrance that was thrust upon you.
Still panic rises in your shaking hands as your scroll through your spotify trying to come up with anything worthy of your 10 to 20 second entrance.
"Izuku, you're up first." The man with the clip board further agitates your state, "I've got your songs ready, except Y/LN's. We need to know very soon."
Izuku walks onto the stage with confidence as the chorus of Champion by Fallout boy rings out.
Just as the beat begins to crescendo again he jumps into the air, leg cocked before he unleashes a kick strong enough that a strong wind blows through the building.
Whistling and whipping people's hair stunning them into silence before they erupt into a deafening cheer.
A pit settles in your stomach as you bite your lip with enough force that a coppery taste threatens to invade your mouth, your saved songs and play lists stare back at you with disinterest in your turmoil.
Strong hands slap onto your shoulders before lips are at your ear. 
"Its just a song. It's just an intro. Your fans will love whatever the fuck you pick out or do. I promise. You just gotta fucking believe in yourself for once." Katsuki growls contradictory to what his hands convey. He gives a soft squeeze before his song begins to play. Suddenly a song pops into your head and you whisper to the stage hand before you can talk yourself out of it.
The blonde makes his way to the stage mimicking where his pin is on his hero costume as the hyped song echoes over the slightly drunk crowd that screams the lyrics to the rap song.  He would pick this song wouldn't he?
It was literally named after him Bakugo! By Kamil.
The song starts out with the iconic sound before transiting to the verse he picked.
The most tame out of all of them and probably the one he was forced to settle with.
"Grenadier bracers on my wrist, I'm about to pull the pin Come at me with all your might or I'ma melt off all your skin Howitzer impact if I'm pissed, Bitch I told you I'ma win Bitch, get back before I blast, I said I'll do it again wit' a grin
Like I'm Bakugo, turn they soul to fuckin smoke Bitch I'm boutta pop, bitch you know I'm boutta blow up Only need these hands I don't need no fuckin pole Once I get a grip, I might blast yo fuckin dome up"
He wears a manic grin as he let's off several large explosions, destroying the sleeves to his suit, leaving his toned arms exposed and smoking.
The crowd screams louder than Deku as women claw at one another at a chance to touch their daddy hero.
Your cue comes as a hush falls over the crowd instantly influences by the chaotic somber chords.
Chords that slowly begin to build into something more as you waltz onto the stage. Each step calculated, your gaze cold as you look upon the crowd that stares up with wide eyes. Holding their breath as they wait to see what it is you will do.
You guess you've always been the wild card huh?
Slowly you choose chairs, tables and even some candles to float, turning agonizingly slow in the air as the song's lyrics become darker. As if entering the room of a witch who's mind was slowly descending into madness.
"Hush."  You say with the song as the beat drops killing all of the lights in the room as you levitate, illuminated by the glow of your power as your eyes appear like two moons on an ink black sky.
Phones that were recording levitate with you as you hold your arms out, toes pointed beautifully even in heels.
The song's beat comes back around to another verse before all of the lights become blindingly bright, things returned to normal, phones returned to hands all in the blink of an eye. You take that step you never took with the same cold look.
As the crowd stares on wondering if it were all just a dream before a smile cracks on your face confirming that it was indeed real.
The crowd is deafening as they scream, chanting your name and flooding social media with your display of power.
Izuku gives you a shocked face before grinning from ear to ear with a thumbs up as Bakugou stares at you indifferently. He realizes just how much you've been holding back.
A smile plays on his lips as the crowd dies down, the DJ choosing to start off the party by playing the full song you had chosen. Cradles by Sub Urban as the women of 1A ambush you for a blurred night.
Two sets of eyes follow you throughout the night.
It isn't long before you are totally shit faced and sweaty from a night of dancing. Inhibitions and worries long since drowned out by the soothing affects of booze.
Magic is what you called liquor as you levitated all of your squad's drinks above your heads as the group swayed to the music.
"Tenjia! Can we please dance with you?"  A lovely woman competes with the music and wins out. You look to the fan before looking towards your new found friends. They encourage you to mingle with your fans, insuring you they wouldn't be far.
But you go far as you find yourself deeper on the dance floor, drunkenly dancing with another group of women. Hours pass by like seconds, the dance floor slowly beginning to thin but not by much.
Someone tugs harshly on the crook of your arm causing you to turn on your heel hand raised in rage fueled panic.
When your eyes meet scarlet you relax as he pulls you to the fringes of the crowd until the two of you break free of the damp bodies only to be met with a slumped Izuku.
Burning eyes cut to you before a growl is exhaled from the hot head.
"Dumbass Deku drank way too much and puked all over the fucking bathroom. We gotta go." Alcohol clings to his breath as he pulls you closer to the sleeping jade haired man. You dig your heels in deeper than any mule causing Bakugou to turn towards you with a glare.
"What about U-san can't she take Deku to her room?"
"No. She can't." He bites out, "They all left to take Toru back to the room who also got too fucked up."
He pulls again and still you do not move earning you the nastiest glare he can muster. Which isn't much considering how diluted it is by both your stunning looks and the influence of deadly amounts of booze.
"I dont wanna leave I'm having fun!" You pout, Bakugou's grip tightens before he gnashes his teeth.
"I'm not leaving you here alone." A threat and a promise all rolled in one as he holds your gaze for several heartbeats. You feel the weight of his stare, especially so once his eyes begin to wander along your body. He yanks you to him, pressing you into his toned chest.
"Stop being a fucking brat and help me." He snarls in your ear as your knees begin to turn to jelly. You push him away with an exaggerated huff crossing your arms, watching with scrutinizing eyes as he hooks an arm under Deku. Scarlet narrow on you, hinting that you should slip under the other limp arm. Instead you use your quirk to support the drunkard.
The cool summer air does nothing to sober the odd trio. If anything it furthers your irritation of having to leave the party, your heels do not help in the matter as they begin to pinch your feet hinting they will cause blisters.
You stop dead in the street audibly whining as you fuss over your shoes.
"I dont know why you had to drag us out Kaachan. I was finally making fucking friends and I was finally having a good time again since..." Nausea settles in your stomach, Bakugou stops to look over his broad shoulder. Just as he is about to snarl out a question you inturpt by stomping towards him.
"Take my heeeeellllss!!!" You whine, brandishing them obnoxiously. Izuku groans as Bakugou snarls.
"Put them in my fucking pockets damn. Just watch out for glass and stop whining!!!" He bites, slowly losing his buzz as his normal sour mood settles onto his shoulders. Competing with the weight of a complicated relationship donning jade green hair.
You shove them as best you can into his pockets before leaning away, humming the song for your intro.
Bakugou cannot help the smirk that forms on his lips as he thinks of you floating as if it were nothing.
"I told you you'd fucking kill it." He says as the two of you finally drag Deku to the front doors of the hotel.
"Kill what?" You prompt, mind lost to the ease of alcohol. A heavy scarlet gaze falls onto you, when he sees your confused face he rolls his eyes.
"Dumbass, you were so worked up over it !" He half shouts, suddenly a blush blooms on your cheeks as you realize what he meant.
"Oh." Your cheeks flush further as he walks through the automatic doors, you stand outside.
Your drunken mind roaming before settling on the tile floors. Spiraling over the thought of walking bare foot on tile or carpet that isn't in your home. Defying logic as you've just walked the streets with no problem.
But the mind does as it pleases under as it does under any influence.
Katsuki re adjusts Deku's weight as it takes him a moment to realize you're not holding him up as well as you had been before.
"Oi!" He hisses turning towards you only to stare at you through glass doors. His heart pounds, he does not like you outside of his reach so late at night while do heavily intoxicated. He practically drags the dead weight he is carrying as he rushes outside for you.
His worry comes off as severe irritation and agitation as he glares down at you.
"Why are you still outside?" He snarls and you fight to keep yourself from shrinking back. 
"I don't want my feet to get dirty. Can...can you carry me?" You keep your headed bowed, waiting for his inevitable explosion. When he barely makes a pop or a suck of his teeth you look up at him through long lashes.
His heart catches in his throat lodging the no that was steadily rising up his windpipe. Your eyes don't look as harsh as they normally do, they seem wider, more innocent. Doe like in nature, contradicting the predator that your dress suggests. He grinds his teeth.
"How do you propose I carry you?" He gestures to Deku whose is now floating on his own.
"I ride your back silly!" You shout with glee turning him around and jumping onto his sculpted back before he can say no. You giggle in his ear, taking in the scent of caramel with delight as he growls profanities while holding onto your thick and bare legs.
"I'm not a fucking pack mule." He murmurs to himself as the three of you board the elevator. Depsite it being a short ride you find yourself getting sleepy, lying your head on Katsuki's shoulder failing to suppress a yawn.
Deku's door appears before you quickly and you wonder if you had fallen into a cat nap. You stare at the numbers, senses slowly becoming heightened as your eyes flicker to your own door.
Would you find items from your bags missing?
Or Would there be more gifts for you to discover?
"Oi, magic hands. His key." Bakugo adjusts your weight hinting that he cannot use his hands, clearly over this whole situation.
"I don't need his key." Is all you say as you pull on the handle from within his room, the door opens itself yawning in the darkness of the room.
Your nails bite into Bakugou's shoulder before he begins walking in, hoping that you're focused enough to float Izuku to his bed. Your grip on his shoulders does not let up until Katsuki flicks on the small foyer light with a grunting struggle. Biting nails ease up as you pad into the dark room.
Although you are scared that someone may be lurking in the shadows you press forward, wanting more than anything to protect the two people behind you.
Light floods the room from overhead as Katsuki flicks on another light switch revealing nothing but a bed and neatly packed suitcase. You sigh before guiding the lush onto the plush white duvet.
"Alright, let's go." The hot head growls, flicking off the lights. That you flick back on with your quirk.
"No, we need to take care of him properly Suki. He can't sleep in his suit! What if he gets sick?!" You hiss, while items around the room begin to move on their own as if a ghost were present. Turning on the tap, pulling down a rag to wet with cool water, floating a trash can by the side of the bed. 
Bakugou leans against the wall with a snarl, watching as you work. He notices how you choose to use your hands to free him of his shoes and socks. Before they make their way to his jacket, a sliding it off gently before pulling his shirt from his pants. Nimble fingers unlatching buttons slowly causing something to stir within the ash blonde. When you hands reach for his belt that something multiplies tenfold.
Bakugou Katsuki will die before he admits that something was jealousy.
He nudges you out of the way with his hip.
"Go get that rag before the sink fucking over flows." He hisses to which you give him a cold look disappearing into the bathroom.
Bakugou pulls harshly on the pant's legs, ripping them from Izuku leaving him in jade green boxers and a white shirt. He grumbles turning on his side to face Bakugou.
"Th..thank you Kaachan. W...will you text Ohacho that I'm okay?" His voice comes out raw, hand clutching to the hot head who threatens to pop. He goes to hiss no but Izuku rambles on.
"Y/N seemed to have had a good time. I know she's been a little worried and stressed lately but she shouldn't be. She's got you looking after he Kaachan..." Deku's eyes water for some reason as the blonde's face burns, eyes darting to the bathroom door where he hears you humming, he is unsure if you can here him or not.
He hears you let out a small curse as you fumble with what sounds like a pill bottle with a child safety cap. A drunk's worst enemy. He sucks his teeth.
"I don't think she likes me much." The blonde sighs while Deku's hand tightens once more.
"She gravitates towards you, especially when we are in a group." With that Bakugou scoffs.
"Only cause I'm her walking purse. Now shut the hell up and tell me where your fucking phone is." He snatches his hand away, rooting through jacket pockets before pants pockets. His fingers touch the smooth glass that lights to his touch.
He guesses the passcode and the phone unlocks, he scoffs again at knowing Deku so well.
But what the blonde doesn't know is that you *had* heard them. You heard everything.
Still you act as if you didn't when you emerge from the bathroom as Bakugou slams the phone on the bedside table, not even waking the now dead to the world Izuku. You set the rag on his forehead earning a small smile, the pills sit idle by his phone that you now plug in for him.
"Alright alright stop babying him and let's get to bed." Bakugou hisses, half from annoyance and half from worry that dumbass drunk will run his mouth again. You cut him a nasty glare before leaning over the sleeping man to fluff his pillows.
Katsuki grits his teeth not allowing his eyes to linger on your toned ass for long. 
Suddenly strong arms are wrapped around you as Izuku curls into you, nuzzling into the side of your hip.
"Ochaco..." He hums as slight panic washes over you. How would you get out of his arms with out disturbing him?
Bakugou's popping hand lands hard on Deku's toned bicep, he seems unphased as he releases you with a loud snore.
"Come on, Y/N. Before he holds you hostage." A growl as he gives you a toned back. You stare at him for a long time before he turns around again snatching you up princess style.
"O..oi!" You stammer, slapping his chest to which your only reply is a devilish smirk as he makes his way into the hall way.
"You didn't want to get your feet dirty remember princess?" He stands in front of your door now as you fight the blush forming on your cheeks trying to remind yourself that only a few short days ago you wanted to kill this man.
Yet here is stood, holding you so delicately, demonstrating patience for you in situations where you wouldn't have done the same for him. 
He waits for you to do your door trick as you let the numbers burn into your retinas.
Was he in there? Waiting?
You hadn't seen him at the party so where else would he be. All the while Scarlet eyes see the fear in yours, he hates to see you like this.
Why wouldn't you just fucking tell him what was wrong so he could fix it?
Why did he even fucking care?
He wasn't sure, he just knew something changed between the two of you this weekend and he wasn't aware how much more things could change in just a few short hours.
You swallow thickly about to raise your hand before Katsuki starts walking towards his own door. You knit your eyebrows as you look up to him, he grunts as if to prompt you to open his door and you do.
"I wanted to watch another movie with you." Is all that he offers as he sets you down. You chalk it up to him being drunk as he leaves you alone in the foyer disappearing into the bathroom.
Steam begins to waft into the shared space with the bed and couch. The blonde pokes his head out to instruct you.
"Find a movie and get settled I'm not gonna be longer than five. I have a clean shirt you can use iffin ya want or I can get your something for you."
"I..I'm fine." You half stammer, almost stumbling into the room. 
You were weighted down with an emotion you hadn't felt in a long time. Relief floods you, seeping into your limbs causing them to feel like heavy sand bags.
The room spins from the booze and your racing heart beat as you unzip your long dress, stepping out only to plop onto the bed. You find the plastic remote quickly surfing before your eye lids become too heavy.
Bakugou keeps his promise and emerges from the bathroom in five minutes. Violently rubbing the towel on his head before tossing it into the bathroom clad only in his boxers. He spies you on the bed and freezes.
He wants to shout but you are seemingly fast asleep, he is instantly regrets not forcing you to take one of his shirts as you lie topless and in a small thong over the white duvet.
"Fuck...."He hisses both from the sight of you and the situation. He would HAVE to sleep on the couch tonight, no letting you convience him other wise. He charges his phone, rummaging in his bag for an extra cord before plugging in yours on the same side table. He looks to the closet for an extra blanket to cover you up but when he comes up short he has to stop himself from blowing the whole damn closet to smithereens.
The door groans from his grip and your sigh of content pulls him out of his fit of rage. His eyes linger over you while he wonders if he can get you under the duvet.
He himself sighs as he gently tries to wrap you in the part of the duvet that would have been meant for him. Holding his breath he tries to move it over your sleeping form as you roll onto your back. Just as he is ready to set it down and tuck you in your eyes snap open.
Glowing with panicked rage before easing into something soft.
Much too soft for Bakugou to decipher.
In the glow of the TV Bakugou looks extremely different. The flashing soft light paints him in such a way that you feel hypnotized by his red eyes.
Eyes that you've felt all weekend, eyes that bring no worry or panic or untapped rage unlike the other green pair that has hunted you down.
How could just a few days change things? How could a pleasant afternoon, an odd night and this moment right here with him hovering over you as he tries to be a man and blanket you change everything you though you knew about him?
How did the glow of the TV make him so fucking handsome?
Your hand snakes to the nap of his neck pulling him down so that you may capture his lips.  He pushes against your grip with all of his might.
"You don't want this..." He murmurs, eyes darting away, "I'm too..."
You watch his intense eyes dart away with the shadow of memories past. Ah, so he too felt as if he were too overbearing, too head strong.
Too fucking angry over nothing to be loved.
"Then lie with me Kaachan. I want that."  You move yourself beneath what is your half of the duvet, patting the sheets beside you.  He stares at you for a moment too long, suddenly you feel raw beneath his heated gaze, leaving you to wonder if you made the right choice allowing him to bring you in here.
As if reading your mind he sucks his teeth rounding the bed to plop angirly.  Giddy escapes your body in the form of a breathy giggle as you drape him in the duvet. Snuggling against his arm much to his dismay and blush.
"I'm gonna get too hot." But he makes no  move, if anything he adjusts his arm so you can snuggle deeper.  The movie lulls on as your drunken mind wanders, landing you in a devilish thought.
"You're much better than that body pillow." You tease, tracing a finger down his Godly chest, he goes rigid beneath you, "Less clothing too..."
He grabs onto your wrist, holding your gaze with a deadly smirk.
"Ah is this what you've been doing with it?" You blush furiously in answer while he laughs darkly, "Perv."
"I...no its different when it's the real thing. Your pillow is tacky your shirt isn't even ripped in the right places." You huff angrily, encouraging his smirk.
"You're right it is different cause this isn't the only thing I'd do to the real one." Heat blooms on your cheeks as you prop yourself up to better see those deep pools of scarlet.
"What would you do to the real one?" It's flirty and yet serious, as you press your bare breasts against his arm and chest hoping to get a rise out of him. He sucks his teeth holding your stare none the less.
"Firstly I'd fuck the brat out of her." He laughs then as your heart claws up your throat, "If she'd allow it. The real thing hasn't been herself lately. I'm.....worried."
You kiss him then, straddling him faster than he'd like. He fights to keep from kissing you back but once you bite his bottom lip and pull he loses all thought. Flipping you over, hungry lips and gnashing teeth find your neck and bare breasts living little blooming circles.
You moan out as he makes his way down. He notices your ripped skin coming to your face with a snarl.
"I'm not talking about it." You say grabbing the back of his neck, not allowing him to break free as he soon melts into your touch.
Fine you don't want to tell him? He'll just fuck the shit out of you and make you wish you had told him.
That you'll tell him everything that bothers you.
And he'll fuck you hard enough that eventually you'll tell him everything that makes you happy.
Because now he's having a hard time noticing from the fringes.
He devours you whole, kissing and biting as his fingers find your slick sex. He smiles against your neck as he speaks in a voice soaked in desire.
"So wet for me already little kitten?" You hadn't realized you liked the pet name until it falls from his kissable lips. You smile a deadly smirk, feeding his ego as you look him in the eye.
"Only for you King Explosion Murder."  You say it will all seriousness as his smirk turns into a dark chuckle.
"I guess Kirishima disclosed my pilot hero name huh?" His hand dips to your core, swirling quickly causing your eyes to flutter, "Its King to you got it kitten?"
You buck against his hand in response. He happily obliges, devouring your lips whole as you pant, moaning as the heat builds in your core. He edges you purposefully several times before you gasp out.
"Please..." He smirks then nipping at your neck.
"Please what?"
"Please King. Do your worst." Your breathy voice has him going mad as he places kisses down your breasts and stomach. Stopping to give small kisses around the bandage over your navel before you give him a gentle push further. He wraps deadly arms around your hips, spreading your legs as he bites into the tender flesh of your inner thighs.
You both moan and ooze in ecstasy as he leaves lovely bruising bites on your thighs before he goes onto you. Swirling his tongue along your needy clit as fingers pump into your core. He goes harder and faster with each loud gasp or moan you make, listening to your body as your core desperately grabs onto his fingers. Your head begins to swim from the threat of your first of many cum of the night. He smiles up at you with deadly scarlet eyes before he clamps down over your sensitive bud, sucking until you're a screaming thrashing mess.
"Bakugoooooooohhhh!" Is all you can say between outright moans as he over stimulates you with harder sucking and thrusts until you're cumming again and then once more before he crawls back up you.
Crashing a kiss onto your reddened face before he flips you over, raising your hips in the air and pushing you harshly against the bed.
He thinks better of it, removing his strong palm from the nape of your neck suddenly remembered how you've recoiled from his touch before.
"I'm okay...please..." You muffle, keeping your face comfortably smooshed between pillows and the soft mattress. Bakugou returns his hand without hesitation, pushing you further down as he teases you with the tip. Sliding it up and down your slick as you try to push agaisnt him.
He slides in slowly, inch by inch until he is still and deep within you. Causing you to attempt to get some friction after you feel him twitch. He starts with a slow but harsh pace, pulling all the way to the tip of his head before crashing back into you, hitting your clit nicely with his hanging anatomy. Over and over until it is faster and somehow harder as he ruts into you. Grunting as he goes encouraging your clenching moans as he eases both his and your frustrations.
For once in your life you relax, you take it as your body becomes limp, your back arching before his hands grab onto your hips, holding you in place. Your head swims, eyes flutter as you're starting to see stars.
Slowly you're learning in the time that he's fucking you that it's okay to rely on others, especially for pleasure. That it's okay to not have control.
Bakugou fights back the need to bust both literally and figuratively. His sweet salted caramel smell filling the intamite space, fighting the itch to let an explosion or two pop off of his arms.
"Fuuuuucckk kitten...you're so wet and good for me." His breathy tone sends you ever closer to yet another mind numbing crescendo. Heat washes over your body as he slows, you whimper in protest.
"I want you to cum King Katsuki..." Your voice is whiney as you attempt to buck against him to aid. He smirks, smacking your ass and watching with delight as it jiggles. He pulls at your hair, lifting you up as he leans over you to whisper closer to your ear.
"And where kitten do you suggest I do?" His voice is dark and ragged from vigorous work.
"In me." You say without hesitation, smiling deadly as he twitches in you.  You expect to have your face  shoved in the mattress once more but instead he flips you onto his back. Hand squeezing your throat a bit before he kisses your neck again. Leaving a large bruising bite on your collar bone.  He ruts into you again, coming up to hold eye contact with you as you wrap your legs around his toned back.
Normally this is when you would look away, the eye contact would be too much as someone had their way with you. But for whatever reason you cannot as if he were a train wreck you couldn't tear your eyes away from.
And for whatever reason he cannot tear his away from you either.  He has never finished facing a women, ever.
But he wants to. *Needs* to.
He wants to drink in how red your cheeks get, how your mouth forms over his name sending shivers down his spine. How your voice alone sends him into a crazed spiral that only you can placate.
He presses harshly against your hip bone as you pull him closer with your legs, he pulls on your nipple a bit causing another moan to fall from your lips. It encourages him to go harder and faster, hitting you in just right.
Sliding all over the g spot as his gaze holds yours stead fast. Sending you over an impossibly high edge as you feel him rut sloppily into you. Stars cloud your vision as you become unbearably hot, legs quivering, failing to stay on a toned back.
"Katsukiiii!!" You cry staying into scarlet pools that you drown in, he notices the slight glow to your eyes as small objects around the two of you begin to float. He let's off a small pop on his back before he sputters into you, pulling you close to him, breathing you in as he slowly thrusts. Breathlessly groaning in your ear.
Suddenly the room is plunged into silence although it is not uncomfortable.  You're shaking from both the experience of letting go mentally and from the exhaustion he has put on your body. 
"You okay?" He smooths a heated hand over your shoulder.  You feel fine, you feel better than fine, great actually but life does not allow you to feel that way for long. Your mind pulls back into a panicked mode when you hear a slamming door and footsteps in the hall.  Green irises try so hard to replace Scarlet in your very recent memory. Bakugou feels tepid tears hit his face. He pulls you into his chest rubbing your hand up the length of your back. 
"I...I just want to forget those fucking green eyes." You sob into his chest, clutching at nothing. Explosions echo in the room before he soothes both himself and you.  Quickly the booze and exhaustion pull you under, when you feel Bakugou pull away you wrap your arms around him harder than ever.
"Stay, please stay Kaachan...." You whisper, grip locked even as you fall victim to sleep.
Bakugou lies awake, over analyzing every sound in the hall way as he thinks. As he racks his brain of who you're fearful of with green eyes. He remembers then, that fucking creep staring at your door as if it were an open invitation to church.
Bakugou will pluck out those eyes for you. 
You just have to let him.
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scenario or headcanons for bakugou being uncharacteristically sweet and nice to his so and his classmates see
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No one was supposed to know, it was early in the morning in the comfort of the common room where you who sat. Your body resting comfortably against his form.
His hand raised to gently brush your hair away from your face. His hand lingering on your cheek as he brought you closer. His lips pressed gingerly against your own lips before he pulled away, resting his forehead against yours.
“Are you feeling better?” His hand trailed down your arm, linking his fingers with yours as he held it in his hand.
“Yes,” you smiled brightly, closing your eyes as you squeezed his hand in response, “a lot better thank you,”
“What’s this Katsuki being nice for a change?” Kaminari laughed as he motioned for the other students watching from a far to notice.
Bakugou jerked away from you, whipping around to glare at the group in from of him, his palms already starting to spark.
“Eh? What are you assholes doing up!” He growled glaring at them, a completely opposite site to what they had just seen.
“We have to practice for the concert, no need to be embarrassed, I think it’s vert manly!” Kirishima sent him a thumbs up, giving him a confident wink.
It only seemed to anger Bakugou more.
“Shut up you extras!”
You smiled, holding back a laugh as he fought back and forth with the other students, leaning against him once again as you felt his back rumble with each threat he threw at them.
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Hi, I really love your work, it really makes me happy whenever you post anything, it really brightens my day! I don’t know if you do emergency asks or anything of the sort but I’m kinda in a tough bind currently so I was wondering of you could do a scenario (or headcannons) about Katsuki comforting his s/o?
Aaahhh!! I’m so sorry I just saw this! I hope you’re doing well! And thank you for the kind compliment!!!
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His warm hand placed itself onto your back, rubbing careful circles as he leaned closer to your sunken form.
You haven’t moved from your spot at the table, sitting silently with the now cold glass of hot chocolate between your hands. For some reason, you just couldn’t get yourself to cheer up.
You had tried everything, different types of teas in foods, hoping that one or the other would boost you up. When they didn’t you relied on training and studying which only made you even more tired. You just felt like an emptied husk.
You didn’t know where to go from here.
His voice breaks you out. Dispute being rough there is a tone to it that’s concern. He’s worried about you! It shocks you.
“Come on,” he takes your hand in his and guides you towards his room. While you pass by two clocks you notice that it’s way past his bed time.
Why was he still up?
He pushes you into his room before you can ask that question, shutting and locking his door as he moves you towards the bed. He sits you on the bed, taking your shoes off before pulling the covers down as he waits for you to move in.
“Katsuki.. did I do something wrong?” You ask, confused as to why he was being so gentle to you. Honestly you would have expected for him to blow up the table you were sitting at and force you to talk. Not that you were complaining about this.
“What! You think you did something wrong!-“ he stops abruptly, remembering what Kirishima said. Taking a deep breath he motions towards the bed. “Just get in. We’ll talk then,”
You do, slowly crawling in as you pressed your body to the wall.
He follows closely. Pulling the blanket over you as he yanks you over to him, pressing your face into his chest. One again his hand finds your back to rub it soothingly, hoping to calm you down.
It seems to work. From the feeling of your form falling into him and your arm resting over his waist, humming as you allowed him to continue.
“Do you want to talk about what’s going on?” He questioned, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. He could feel your head move under his lips, not wanting to speak about what was bothering you. “That’s okay, I don’t get why you’re upset.. but.. if you want to talk about it or need help. Let me know. I don’t want you pushing yourself beyond your limit. I’m your boyfriend for a reason. So please, let me help.. when you’re ready.”
You nodded your head, snuggling closer to your lover as you let out a sigh, feeling his hand continue to rub comforting circles.
“Thank you.. I will.. when I’m ready,”
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Scenario of Bakugou and his fem! S/o After she is revealed to be the traitor. Then later Bakugou encounters her and tries to convince her to go back with him to be given a second chance.
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You both stopped, your heads both snapping to look at each other once you had realized who you had just passed. You should have noticed his dumb spikey hair and his pissed off attitude before he got too close. Now, with adrenaline pumping through your veins you took off, ignoring the yell of your name and the chase behind you. You pushed forward, running in between couples and ducking under alleyways. 
“Dammit (Name) just listen to me!” He yelled out, taking the opportunity to shoot himself forward now that you had ducked into an alleyway in an attempt to move to a busier part of the city. He crashed into you, slamming you hard towards the pavement underneath the two of you.
 “Bakugou let go!-” You rolled to the side, hitting him as hard as you could with your elbow to the side of his face. His grip faltered, just enough for you to stumble forward.
“Don’t even think about it-” he hissed, grabbing your leg he ripped it from underneath you, causing you to fall back onto the concrete. You looked back, ready to yell again but this time he flipped you over, holding one of your arms down with his foot while holding your other arm with his hand. His glare piercing through any of your words. “Don’t call me that” he hissed.
“What the fuck are you saying?” You growled, trying to kick him off of you but his grip on your arm tightened. You glared back, gritting your teeth in pain.
“Don’t call me Bakugou. Don’t ever call me Bakugou. Call me Katsuki. Don’t act like we don’t know each other.” He pressed his other hand to your shoulder, pressing his weight into it, “Come back with me. They’ll give you a second chance, you haven’t done anything that can’t be undone-”
“Can’t you see? It’s over. I’m done. I’ve crossed a line I can’t come back from.” You looked away, not wanting to see how his eyes seemed to express every emotion he refused to share. “It’s over Katsuki... I’m done for.”
“No, it’s not! We can help you! I can! Fuck (Name)! Don’t just fucking give up!” He growled, lifting his leg from your arm he straddled your waist, his hand that was once on your shoulder moved its way to your hand, his fingers intertwining with yours as he spoke, “Come back with me,”
“Hero! Anyone! Some boy has a poor girl pinned! I think he’s assaulting her!” A woman cried from the end of the alleyway, her hands waving frantically as she tried to get the attention of anyone.
“W-what! That’s not-” 
You shot up, pushing him down. Your hands now on his shoulders. You leaned down, whispering into his ear before you shot up, running past the woman and hiding in the crowds before a hero could show up and make an even bigger scene. The woman would at least slow Bakugou down.
You gripped your shirt, letting out weak breaths of air as you tried to keep yourself from crying. You couldn’t just leave now. You had already given them all the information the league had needed. They gave you a place to stay, a home... You couldn’t turn back on them now.
Bakugou however, laid there, his frustration only growing as whispers surrounded him until a hero did finally confront him. Only then did he stand up, wiping his hands on his back as he spoke,
“They stole my wallet,” He raised his wallet in the air, “I was just trying to get it back,” He stared ahead, not listening to the scolding he was receiving from the hero as he could only focus on your voice.
“I can’t come back Suki, it’s too late.”
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Hello? Hi! if your requests are still open or aren’t full, could I make a request for some head cannons for midoria’s and Katsuki’s childhood best friend, how they both handle their rivalry with this person in the middle, because they seem to calm them both down instantly? It’s can be platonic or not, whichever you want. This is just a little something spark your creative mind, THANK YOU! And good evening!
Sorry for not posting anything recently but I love this request so much. I just… fucking love.. platonic shit
Midoriya + Bakugou 
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There was a silent deal between the two of them to never bring you into their fights, albeit it was more Bakugou fighting with Midoriya.
Mostly because one-time Bakugou flew himself at Midoriya and you jumped in the middle and got the hit that was meant for Midoriya.
It made them freak the fuck out and Bakugou froze, thinking he had just injured you but then you stood up and told them to smarten up.
However, you had a gift…
Whenever Bakugou was blowing up you would show up and his mood seemed to improve. There was just something about you that calmed the two boys.
You could just reach over and touch his arm in mid-scream and he would stop to look over at you.
The boys were often seen hanging around you which floored the students because anytime those two were together it never ended well.
You guys could sit and watch a movie or talk amongst yourselves about the homework you guys were recently given.
It was just so calm with you around. It was like you were both of their better halves or their only impulse control. Or their shared last working brain
They both treated you with respect. They saw you as their equal.
Bakugou was gentle with you, although his voice often rough there seemed to be an underlying tone of kindness every time the two of you spoke with one another.
He cared for you.
With Midoriya it was the way he would dote over you, the way he was far more comfortable with physical touch when you were the one reaching for his hand or bumping your shoulder into his.
You were their precious friend and despite their own hardships between the two of them they had vowed to never hurt you in the process. They didn’t want to make them chose because they both knew how important they were to you.
Like when Bakugou was kidnapped and although you had fought to try and stop Midoriya from going, at the end of it you helped him free Bakugou and cried as you held the boy close to you.
Or when Midoriya and Bakugou had to face off against All Might you stared the teacher down when you saw just how badly Midoriya’s back had been damaged. You sat and kept heating pads on his back until he woke up.
Though there are times where Bakugou will try to trip Midoriya when you guys are with each other or try to tease him to get a reaction but you just step in and take both of their hands.
Also!! Just you laying on top of them while you hang out or all of your legs intertwined while you guys watch some documentary that Midoriya has wanted to see and although Bakugou doesn’t care for that kind of stuff he’ll join in anyways.
Just the different types of affections they show you… fuckin nice.
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I was wondering if i could request a scenario with Katsuki, Todoroki and Midoriya where they have a S/O but somehow, no one knew about it until someone started flirting with them or asked them out?? Thanks! (Btw when i mean that no one knew i mean like they thought everyone would know by not but apparently they havent lol)
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His hand wrapped around your waist as the student who stood in front of you suddenly stopped talking, going rigid as Bakugou’s eyes glared into the other boys. Daring him to continue. 
“What’s going on here?” He asked, his voice a low growl as the boy flinched, stumbling away. You nudged your boyfriend before looking back up at the boy, giving him an apologetic smile as you moved away from your boyfriend’s embrace to gently touch the boy’s arm,
“I’m afraid I already have a boyfriend. I’m sorry I cannot return your feelings,” The boy shakily shook his head his eyes still staring at Bakugou. You pulled away, giving him a chance to run before Bakugou attempted to attack him. As the boy clumsily ran down the hallway, leaving the two of you in the doorway. ou frowned, looking over at the angered boy.
“You can’t be so mean! It’s not his fault he didn’t know we were dating” You huffed, gently hitting his side. He rolled his eyes and pulled you back into the classroom, only to be met with wide-eyed students.
“Why didn’t you tell me you two were dating!” Ashido cried, throwing herself at you as Bakugou gritted his teeth, his arm still around you as he glared at the girl, “You deserve so much more love than Bakugo can give you” She whined, only to watch Bakugou explode with anger,
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“ah sorry,” Your voice caused his head to look up, the conversation he was having with momo ceased when he saw a boy standing in front of you. His hand was on the other side of the wall, caging you in as he leaned in with a smug look, “I’m afraid I’m already dating someone,”
“Oh? And who might that be?” He questioned, tilting his head as you shifted to move, his other hand stopping you. Both Momo and Todoroki sped down the hall, Todoroki reaching there first as his hand rested on the boy’s shoulder, pulling him back. With a voice that was laced in poison, he spoke,
“I’m afraid (Name) is dating me and I would appreciate it if you would keep your space. Whether or not she has a relationship with someone else you should respect other’s wishes.” The boy watched, eyes wide as his shoulder suddenly became warmer, almost unbearable as he back away, knocking Todoroki’s hand off of his shoulder,
“Fine, whatever” He huffed as he walked down the hall, his shirt’s shoulder looking charred as a small reminder to leave you alone.
“(Name),” Momo spoke, her hands resting on your arms, “Are you okay?” You gave her a curt nod and a shy smile, scratching the back of your head as you spoke,
“Yeah, just surprised me more than anything,” You looked up at Todoroki, smiling when he wrapped his arm around your waist. Momo stepped back, her eyes growing wide as Todoroki bent down to press a chaste kiss to the crown of your head.
“You two are dating.” She stated, smiling when you looked over at her, your face flushing as you nodded, “Good.” She hummed as she continued down the hallway, “I’ll see you in class.” She waved goodbye to you, her pace quickening when she noticed Jirou sauntering down the hall.
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“I said no.” Your voice was firm, full of confidence as you pulled your arm out of the grip of the boy. He laughed, tossing his head back as he took another step forward. Midoriya, who just walked into this situation, immediately moved to stand next to you, putting himself between you and the boy.
“(Name), Aizawa-sensei is looking for you,” He said, smiling up at the boy before looking back at you. He turned his back to the boy, moving his arm out to give you a chance to move further away from him. You were quick to take the opportunity to get away from him, taking Midoriya’s other hand as you dragged him away. “Are you okay (Name)?” Midoriya asked as he walked closer to you, speaking quietly so the other student couldn’t hear you two.
“Yeah,” You gently squeezed his hand, the two of you stepping into the classroom, “Thanks for helping me out back there. He wasn’t leaving me alone.” You turned to stand in front of him. You pressed a quick chaste to his cheek before stepping away, “My hero” 
“You two are dating!?” Uraraka exclaimed, standing from her desk. You smiled happily while Midoriya raised a hand to rest on his cheek, looking away,
“Yeah!” You chimed, holding the hand you were still holding up, “We’ve been dating for a year now!” Cries erupted from the classroom as the two of you were suddenly bombarded with questions.
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idk how to explain this but: you know when two people are bffs/dating/whatever and they're together all the time, sometimes it's like one's family will 'adopt' the other one and the friend will end up calling their bff's parents mom/dad, feeling like it's a second home to them, stuff like that? could I please ask for headcanons for Izuki and Katsuki (separately, lol) with a close friend who has p much integrated into their family? sry if that doesn't make sense ahhh ';;
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You’ve known Midoriya since you were young and have always treated him with kindness so of course, Inko welcomes you into the family with open arms. 
You two often had sleepovers at his house, watching All Might movies and shows or playing games with one another.
You two bonded over your shared love of heroes and since then you two were pretty much inseparable. You constantly stuck up for Midoriya anytime Bakugou would insult him, knocking him down with your own quirk. 
You often ate over there as well, Inko cooking you your favourite meals and asking about your day like a mother would. 
You started calling her mom after a few years of knowing Midoriya and she didn’t really mind, smiling everytime you said it. She just hoped your parents wouldn’t mind. 
Midoriya honestly enjoys having you become like a second child for his mother. It’s like having another sibling and he’s kinda always wanted another sibling but it’s a little better because you’re also his best friend.
Even as the two of you got accepted in UA you still continued to grow close and when you two had to move out into the dorms you assured Inko, or rather mom, you would keep a close eye on Midoriya and try your best to keep him out of trouble.
She entrusted you with one of her necklaces, one her mother gave her when she was younger. She loves you with all of her heart and wishes you the very best in your future of becoming a hero.
You call her every other day to update her on what was happening at UA and with Midoriya.
You and Midoriya often train together, he likes trying out new techniques to use against people with your quirk. You two also try different moves that could help the two of you if you were face to face with a villain and couldn’t get help. 
Sometimes the techniques don’t work and sometimes they work rather well, either way, the two of you end up laughing, walking side by side as you two decide what you want to eat for dinner. 
You two often hang out in his room doing what you did when he was young, play video games or watch documentaries on heroes. 
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You grew up with Bakugou and despite him being a complete ass you two somehow clicked. Mitsuki loves you the moment she met you. 
You didn’t feed Bakugou’s ego but when he did deserve a compliment you would give him one. But the times he would step too far, pushing Midoriya down, you would knock him down with your own quirk and remind him he wasn’t the best.
Mitsuki made your favourite meals every time you were over, which was basically every night. Bakugou got sick of it pretty fast but she would ignore his complaints and watch as you happily ate your meal, thanking her constantly.
Masaru even enjoyed your company. Your personality was perfect for someone like Bakugou.
You two did have sleepovers at his house quite often, bonding over your love for All Might and video games. Although he hated it when you began calling his parents mom and dad at the beginning he began to slowly enjoy the sound of you opening the front door and calling out to them as you stepped into the kitchen.
When he had been kidnapped you visited his parents every day, just talking to them. They had already begun to see you as their second child. It was comforting to them to know that they had someone still thinking about them, about katsuki. You promised you would find him and you would save him.
You gave him shit when he got back, yelling at him for hours before his parents came by to visit. You stayed in the room and listened to Mitsuki yell at him but, despite you yelling at him earlier, you gently reminded her that he was safe now and some of the villains had been caught.
When you two had to move to the dorms you helped convince his parents to let them, even though they really had already decided they were going to let him. They trusted you and knew that you would do your best to keep him safe.
You two hung out in his room quite a lot and when you weren’t there the two of you would train against each other. Bakugou and you had this competition to see how well the two of you were improving and how many times you two won against each other. So far it’s 24:22. You’re winning.
You call his mom and dad every day in the beginning. Mostly because they’re lowkey worries for Bakugou and he doesn’t call them very often so you have to update them all on everything.
The absolute power move when you answer your phone, staring at Bakugou as you call his mother ‘mom’ in front of the whole class while you snitch on him is fucking amazing because of how he just blows up. You hang up and two seconds later his mom is calling him and yelling at him to be nicer to you.
Everyone goes to you anytime Bakugou is being a dick because you have his parents on speed dial and they find it funny when you call to tell them Katsuki is bulling someone again just to hear him yell in the background. 
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A scenario with izuku, tsu, Bakugo and Iida (separate) have a S/O who’s super quiet, and they have a quirk were they can give themselves extra body parts (eyes, ears, mouth, arms. Ect.) but they aren’t in the same class and she never told them about her quirk so when they go to the sports festival, they are in complete shock when she grows 4 extra arms. Plus she’s fighting so confidently they aren’t sure that’s their S/O?? (If you can’t tell, it’s my oc I’m getting the quirk from)
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His eyes grow wide as he jumps up, his hands resting on the railings in front of him. Uraraka slowly stood up, moving next to her friend with a concerned look and a friendly hand on his shoulder.
“Midoriya are you alright?” Her eyes slowly moved to the training field to see what her friend had jumped up at before her own eyes grew wide with shock, “Whoa! Is that (Name)!?” Her hands moved away from him to rest on the railing as well.
“Yes... that is (Name)... That’s (Name)!” He grinned as he watched you fight, moving with ease with your extra limbs, bringing down your opponent in seconds before standing up, smiling. Midoriya called out to you, viciously waving and when you looked up he gave you a thumbs up. Your face flushed upon realizing your boyfriend had watched you take down your opponent. 
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Her smile seemed to brighten as she watched you step onto the field, watching you with pride as you stepped with confidence. It was something she was not used to, another side to you she had yet to learn, however, as she watched your sides seem to twitch before more arms ripped your clothes she gasped quietly. 
When you took down your opponent, everyone clapping she moved out of her seat and out the door, quickly moving down the hallway in order to congratulate you on your win. Her own fondness for you growing as she called out to you, watching as your face flushed upon seeing her and your old personality coming back to warm her chest. 
“You did amazing” She chimed, taking your hand in hers as she smiled up at you. “I’m so proud of you!”
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He immediately stood up and shouted at you. Screaming that you had to beat your opponent. When extra arms grew out of your sides his yells slowly began to subside as he watched you fight with confidence. Your movements were fluid and you followed through with them easily.
His hands began to sweat as he watched you take down your opponent with ease, a playful smirk rested on your lips as you slowly stood up, your extra arms moulding back into your back. He watched as your head turned, seemingly able to feel his eyes on you. When your eyes met he watched as your face flushed. He stood up from his seat, ignoring Kirishima’s questions as he pushed past him, eager to meet you in the hallway.
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Iida watched in awe as you took down your opponent with your extra limbs, balancing on them before you threw yourself further into the lines, landing perfectly. You stood still, smiling proudly at yourself as cheers and applauds were yelled from the stadium. You walked back towards the building but not before looking up at Iida who looked into your eyes. Your confident facade seemed to crumble. Your face flushing as he moved to meet you in the halls, perhaps moving a little too eagerly. 
“You were astounding” He spoke, moving to place one hand on your waist. You smiled to yourself as he placed a kiss to your temple. 
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Can you give me some headcanons about how would Bakugou , Kirishima and Tokoyami (separate) act around a crush that usually look after him ( kinda mom friend) ? Thank you
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At first, he’s pissed, pushing you away constantly and ignoring you. He’ll yell at you and tell you to leave him be.
but then he grows feelings for you and he slowly begins to enjoy the attention you give to him.
He likes the way you run towards him after a battle, all your attention on him and no one else. It shows how you care for him more than others, even if you don't that’s how he perceives it. 
He loves it when you take the time to wrap up his injuries. 
At first, he hates it and it takes time to get him to feel comfortable for you to wrap his injuries up. He doesn’t like the idea of being babied but when he does finally get comfortable with it he has this sort of small smile as he watches you work.
He loves you
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He L O V E S it.
He loves that you care for him like a mother. You’re always looking out for him and he knows he can rely on you when he’s in a tough spot.
You have saved him quite a few times and managed to drag him out and he just loves you for that.
He loves it when you patch him up he has this lovey dovey grin on as he watches you with these gentle eyes while you scold him. 
The way you scold him and watch over him makes him feel too loved and cared for. He welcomes it with open arms. 
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He’s so flustered the first time you do it. He looks away and if you press further into the matter his covers his face. 
The idea of someone caring so deeply for him is overstimulating and overwhelming. He can't believe that you're so caring for him. It’s so... odd. 
The fact that you watch over him and scold him for reckless behaviour just makes him fall for you. 
When you take the time to take care of him, whether it be making him lunch or patching up his injuries, he has to hold back from overheating because W O W
You caring for him? Amazing. Yes. Please more.
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