#bakuo x reader
pamgkrthwrites · 4 months
Captive Consort Chapter 1 - Blood of War and Rings
Warning, the following content is for an 18+ audience. If you are under the age of 18 do not read the content below. Warning, the following content has disturbing/triggering themes such as; Yandere, Arrange(Political) Marriage, Religious/Cultural Differences, Imperial Harems, Self Harm for Religious Practices. I do not support or encourage these themes or actions, they are merely written fictional events for entertainment. The character(s) depicted within this post are over the age of 19. (This list may get updated with each new Chapter Update)
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Taglist: @yazminetrahan @emmab3mma @dreamcastgirl99 @optimisticprime3
Fandom: BNHA
Pairing: Bakugou x Female Reader
Additional Pairings: Iida x Ochako, Kirishima x Mina, Mitsuki x Masaru, Mitsuki x Inko
Themes: Fantasy AU, Arrange Marriage, Political Marriage, Cultural/Religious Differences, Yandere, Greek Inspired Reader, Imperialism
Summary: Your country has been at war with the Barbarians for almost a year, and the Barbarian Prince, Katsuki Bakugou, has requested a peace treaty. Problem is, he is demanding either a large sum of money that your country can not provide, or you as his bride. You're from a culture inspired from Ancient Greece, while Bakugou is from a culture inspired by Imperial Japan, Imperial Russia, and Vikings, so there are are going to be a more than a few issues that arise from this and how people treat you differently.
A/N: I literally have an assignment due to tomorrow but no I spent MY ENTIRE WEEK writing this. I might be mentally unwell......... ANYWAY Hello hello. This is probably the LONGEST thing I have ever written for one chapter. Be prepared for Melissa Slander.
Word count: 10k+
"Father, you can’t seriously be considering marrying me off to that barbarian prince?!” You stood before your father in disbelief.
He couldn’t actually be considering this proposal, right?
Your father sat at his desk, the treaty paper in his hands. “He says he’ll stop the war if our nation gives him money that we do not have, or marry off one of The Nine Shachou Member’s daughters of marrying age. Unfortunately, you’re the only one who is of marrying age and has yet to be married.”
“But father-!”
Your father slammed his hand on the table as he stood up before shouting at you. “You will do as I say, child! We cannot afford to continue this war with the barbarians! Let alone with the rest of their savage continent! At least this way, we have a way of controlling them!”
You bit your lower lip, trying not to cry. You should’ve known this wouldn’t have worked.
You are merely an object to be traded for these monsters.
“You’ll be shipped over on one of our boats. I’ve been told it’ll take thirty days for you to reach their continent if everything goes smoothly.” Your father said as he sat back down. “You’re just going to have to deal with this, child.”
You gripped the side of your dress. “When do I leave?”
“We will be sending our response to those barbarians at first light tomorrow. It is already written up.”
That wasn’t an answer to your question. “Am I taking anyone with me?”
“That depends on the prince’s response. He may not allow you to go with any maids or guards.”
You were silent as you looked down at the floor. 
“I recommend you pray to the gods while you still can, child.” Your father told you. “Also bring miniature statues of them as well. That continent of savages worship different gods to us. I will pray to Soteria to protect you.”
You clutched the beads around your neck, each of them symbolising one of your many gods.
After a week had passed, you were instead shipped by carriage with your father to meet with the prince and his men at their camp.
Your mouth smeared up when you noticed the wet mud before your feet.
“Fourth Shachou,” You heard a gruff voice with a thick accent say. “We hope your journey was safe.”
You turned to see a green haired man with freckles on his cheeks. He stood at one hundred and eighty-three centimetres tall and had green eyes. He didn’t wear typical clothing you saw of the barbarians, but you could still see it was from their continent, but with the skin that was showing you saw a large amount of scars. All differing in lengths and widths.
Your father gruffed as he left the carriage and walked over to the young man. “I see you know our tongue.”
The green-haired man kept a smile on his face. “We speak the same language, Fourth Shachou.”
You got down from the carriage, holding the skirt of your dress up to avoid it being dirtied from the mud. The green-haired boy looked towards you and scanned your face. 
“This is my daughter.” Your father put his hand on your back as he said your name, pushing you forward.
“I am Midoriya Izuku.” The green-haired man introduced himself. “I am childhood friends of the Barbarian Dragon Tribe Prince, Bakugou Katsuki.”
“Dragon Tribe?” Your father repeated. “I thought there was only one group of those barbarians.”
“Be careful of your tone, Fourth Shachou.” Midoriya warned before answering your father’s question. “Back in times of old, there were many Barbarian tribes. With the rise of the Demon Lord a hundred years ago, the tribes were either wiped out or forced to merge together to be stronger in numbers. The Dragon Tribe is a result of Humans Barbarians and Dragon Shifters Barbarians merging into one Tribe. They are currently considered to be the largest Barbarian Tribe throughout all of known history of Nihon. They continue to use the name of The Barbarian Dragon Tribe to remember their fallen brothers and sisters.”
Yourself and your father watched as Midoriya went on a ramble of Barbarian history. Once Midoriya was done, he looked at you two and noticed how you had both reacted to him. He blushed lightly.
“Sorry- Didn’t mean to ramble.” He quickly pushed out of his mouth. 
“And what is your relationship with the Tribe, boy?” Your father asked. “To our understanding, they don’t let outsiders into their tribes easily.”
Midoriya seemed taken aback by your father’s statement. “They don’t typically like those from outside of Nihon to join the tribe. You might be mistaking the actions of the tribe to Kacchan. Kacchan is very standoffish to even meeting those outside of the tribe.”
“And who is this Kacchan?”
“Oh- Sorry, I mean Prince Bakugou.” Midoriya said offhandedly. “Kacchan was the nickname I gave him when we were children.”
Your father scoffed.
Midoriya looked at you. “If you are ready, I can take you to go meet him-”
“Women of Girisha are not permitted to speak to men without permission of their father or husbands, let alone walk off somewhere private with a man who is a stranger to her or her family.” Your father glared at Midoriya. 
Midoriya paused, looking up at your father with a look in his eye. His lips were in a line and his eyebrows were knitted.
A smile quickly painted his face, but it was no longer the smile from before. “Yes, my apologies. I had forgotten that was a custom for your people. I simply wanted to ask if she was ready to meet with the Prince.”
Your father replied. “I will be needing to discuss the travel arrangements with him.” As if that was an answer to the question.
You saw the strain on Midoriya’s face. “Of course. Follow me then.”
Midoriya turned and started to lead you two to a large tent, the tarp fabric being a red copper colour. On the ‘door’ to the tent had a symbol on it. The centre of it had a symbol of the first number. To the sides of the character were simplified wings, which met at a base before the numbered character. The symbol was painted on the tarp with a black ink.
Midoriya raised a hand as he got to the door. “Please wait here for a moment.” He said to the two of you before heading instead to the tent himself.
Leaving your father and you standing in the mud.
Your father sneered. “This place is a pigsty. It’s muddy, it smells, and none of the people here smell as if they have bathed.”
You looked down at your shoes, grimacing how they were dirty now. You wondered if your own nation’s army camps looked like this too. It’s not like you would ever know, women weren’t allowed near the army camps.
The tarp opened, seeing Midoriya’s smile. “You can come in now, Fourth Shachou.”
You followed in after your father. You bowed your head as you curtsied while your father merely bowed his head.
“Greetings, Prince Bakugou Katsuki. I am the Fourth of Nine Shachou Member,” Your father introduced himself, stating his name and family name. “As we agreed to in the peace treaty agreement, my daughter.”
You stood back up straight, introducing yourself by name to a man with wheat ash blonde hair and crimson red eyes. He was slouching in a chair, but if he stood up he would easily be one hundred and ninety-six centimetres tall. He had broad shoulders, with a tattoo that matched the symbol on the tent door. He wore a teal crop top that was laced up at the front, an orange sleeve with black patterning starting at his wrist to his mid upper arm, navy denim pants, a red coat with fur coating the neck line, high-low fur skirt that was held up by a dark brown belt, knee high grey boots, and leather armour on his knees and shoulders.
The man was staring at you, his eyes glued to your face and refusing to look away from your face. His finger tapped on his face, as if calculating something.
“I wanted to discuss-” 
“When did I allow you to speak?!” The blonde’s voice was loud, his attention now brought to your father. His glare would throw knives if they could. When your father wasn’t responsive, the prince let out a grunt, pushing his hand down his face. “Make it short.”
Your father hesitated before he spoke. “We have yet to discuss how my daughter will be transported and when the wedding will happen.”
“It’s happening tomorrow.”
“Excuse me?”
A cough came from a man who stood at one hundred and ninety centimetres tall with red hair and ruby red eyes. “His Majesty means the two will be flying there by dragon’s back today, which will allow the wedding to happen tomorrow evening. Traditionally, Barbarian weddings happen at sunset.”
Your father let out a nervous chuckle. “I see you are eager to end this war.”
“I’m eager for my old hag of a mother, the Empress, to stop sending me letters about her almost twenty-one year old son not coming back home.” The blonde corrected.
Your father suppressed a smile by gripping his own hand tightly that his nails dug into his palms. 
The beast of the East is easily controlled by the dominant woman in his life.
“Unless you want to transfer ownership of your daughter now and we get flying this second and have a late evening wedding?” The prince asked with a smug smirk.
Your father paused. “Ownership?”
“That’s how your people treat their women, right? They need permission to speak, which implies ownership over them.”
“I… Guess that is one way of interpreting our customs.” Your father grimenced. “I will permit her to travel to your continent for tomorrow's services. I expect that she will be housed within a separate room.”
“Of course.” The princes said with a smug expression. “I will get one of our axe-maidens to look after her.”
“I’m sorry, an axe-maiden?” Your father questioned. 
“Yes, a woman trained in wielding a battle axe.” The red head explained with a smile. “They start training when they are virgins sure, but they don’t have to stay forever to be an axe maiden.”
The prince looked over his shoulder, giving the red head a look. The red head looked away quickly.
Your father scoffed. “Of course. That will be permitted. Where should we place my daughter’s luggage?”
The prince paused for a moment before making a hand movement to Midoriya. “Tell them to put the luggage with Raccoon eyes’ luggage. We’ll fly separately.”
“Of course, Kacchan.” Midoriya smiled at the prince before walking out of the tent.
Once Midoriya had left the tent, the prince looked back at your father. “Better, Forth Shachou?”
“Will my daughter be permitted to send and receive letters?” Your father asked.
The prince’s lower eyelid twitches. “Yes, she will be able to send and receive. How long it will take will depend on the ocean.”
Silence grew between the two men as they glared at each other. You turned to look at your father’s face, seeing a frustrated expression.
You wanted to ask what it meant, but the expression on your father’s face gave you the answer already.
“Kirishima,” The blonde looked at the red head. “Get your wife, and tell her she’ll be taking care of my betrothed.”
The red head nodded before walking past to leave the tent.
“We use the word intended.” Your father told the prince.
“Fortunately for me then that your daughter will be married to me. Therefore, she will be married in my culture and its beliefs.”
“Does that include your nation’s gods?”
The prince was silent. “I will not be forcing a belief system onto your daughter. She will be free to believe and practise her own beliefs as she wishes. At most, she will be asked to watch one of our rituals.”
“Very well.” Your father looked down at you then the prince. “Should I leave you two betrotheds alone?”
The prince lifted his head off his hand by about 2 inches. He stared at your father, searching to see for any ill intent before his eyes landed back on you. His eyes almost dug holes deep into your skin.
The prince breathed in through his nose. “...That is acceptable.”
Your father smirked to himself.
Weak men can easily be controlled by a woman’s influence.
Your father bowed his head before turning his back to the prince. He leaned close to you and spoke. “Behave.” Your father walked past you, leaning you alone with the prince.
The prince kept his eyes on you as he stood up. His steps towards you were slow, stopping when he was thirty centimetres between you two. His eyes were glued to you, soaking in your inner being. He took a breath in through his nose.
Was he smelling you?
“On Nihon, we address each other by our family names or titles unless we are close.” He told you. “Because we soon will be having the same last name, would it be alright if I called you by your given name?”
You slowly nodded your head, hesitating to speak. “That’s fine.”
“Would it also be alright if you called me Katsuki?”
“I can do that.”
He nodded, non-verbally communicating to you that he understood.
His eyes fell from your face and to the bead around your neck. He slowly pulled his hand to the beads and gently held onto them, tilted them to get a better look.
“What are these for?”
“Each bead represents one of our gods.” You told him as your hands went to one the beads. “This one is for our Goddess Soteria, a Spirit Goddess of Safety, Salvation, and Protection from harm.”
Katsuki was quiet as he let go of the beads. “Do you pray to her often?”
“Yes, she is my family's patron god.” You let go of the bead, your eyes landing on his necklaces around his neck. “Do yours also represent your gods?”
Katsuki looked down at his beads. “No, nothing religious. These are traditional cultural practices my family does. Each loop represents an event in our lives. The orange ones represent my birth, the red ones represent when I first used my magic, and the claw looking one represents my warrior spirit at the first religious hunt that we do.”
You gently held onto the necklace that was longer than the rest but had very little beads. “And what does this one represent?”
He watched you carefully, looking down at the three beads on that chain. 
“... An event that happened during the summer after my sixteenth birthday.”
He’s being vague for a reason. Best to drop the subject.
You dropped the beads and the subject.
“Bakugou I heard you wanted to-!” A feminine voice boomed into the tent.
Katsuki’s head lifted from looking at you, now glaring at whoever walked into the tent. You saw how his mouth went into a scroll and how his cheek twitched.
You turned your head, seeing a woman with light pink skin, messy pink hair, yellow horns, black sclera, yellow iris and stood at one hundred and seventy-five centimetres tall. Her mouth was shut and small as she sweat bullets upon seeing Katsuki’s face.
“Sorry, was this a bad time?” She asked.
Katsuki snarls his upper canines at the woman. He shuts his eyes and takes in a deep breath through his nose. Katsuki addresses you by your first name. “This is Kirishima Mina. She’ll be escorting and protecting you and who you will be travelling with to Nihon.”
Mina looked up at the prince, having a silent conversation before turning to you. She suddenly rushed towards you and held your hands in her own. “It’s nice to finally meet you! I’m Kirishima Mina! You can just call me Mina so you don’t get me confused with my husband.”
You were a bit startled by her forwardedness, trying to take a step back. Your back bumped into the prince’s chest, making you step forward towards Mina.
Mina leaned to the side and looked up at the Prince. “What’s first on the agenda today, boss?”
“You’re flying her to meet the Empress.” The prince replied. “The old hag will take care of everything until the wedding tomorrow.”
“Sorry- The wedding is tomorrow?!” Mina stared at the prince before looking at you. “Oh goodness! We don’t have the time!” She looked back at the Prince. “Wait until your mother hears about this!”
“Yeah yeah.” The prince gruffed. “Just make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible.”
“Right on it!” Mina smiled as she held onto your arm and started to guide you out of the tent. You noticed a few of the barbarians’ eyes on you once you left the tent, noticing your father’s eyes were not one of them.
The girl that was all pink guided you to an area that had bags of luggage, some of yours was mixed into that. There you saw Midoriya and the red haired man who you were pretty sure was called Kirishima.
Kirishima saw Mina, a side smile quickly forming on his face. “Mina! You came back quickly!”
“You could’ve told me the wedding was tomorrow!” Mina whined to her husband. 
Midoriya chuckled. “I’ve never seen Kacchan this eager to hurry something up.”
“He often complains that a rushed job isn’t a good one.” Kirishima sighed. “Yet all he has wanted to do regarding this is get it rushed.”
Mina turned to you with a smile. “I’m going to shift and these two are going to load our luggage onto me. This might take some time so try to find a comfortable place to sit.”
You were a bit confused in what Mina meant by that until smoke started to emit from her skin. A sudden cloud of smoke was around her body up to four times of her normal height. Once the smoke cleared, a pink Wyvern Dragon that had a yellow shine to its scales stood at  four times her normal height. She now stood at over seven metres tall, and that's when you didn’t count her yellow horns.
Kirishima sniffled, having a large smile on his face. “My wife's dragon form is so pretty, doesn’t she?” He asked you.
Kirishima stared at you, his smile going slightly flat when he noticed you weren’t responding.
“Oh, right.” Midoriya tapped Kirishima’s shoulder. “The custom for Girisha Women are that they have to have permission from their father or husband to speak to other men.”
Kirishima seemed shocked by this news. “But, didn’t-?”
A whine came from the big dragon, making Kirishima bring his attention back to her. He chuckled and started to move. 
“Sorry my love.” He told her. “I’ll start loading stuff on.”
You watched as the Dragon form Mina laid on her stomach as Kirishima put on a harness on her. It allowed one to sit in the centre of a circle but also allowed luggage to be strapped to the sides.
Midoirya tapped your shoulder, giving you a smile. “I know you can’t respond, but I do need to warn you that the flight from here to the capital will be over seventeen hours long. Mina should be able to push herself to fly the enter time, but you should sleep when night falls. Kacchan will be a couple of hours behind you.”
You simply nodded your head before turning back to watch Mina and Kirishima communicate somehow as they loaded everything up. You could only understand Kirishima’s end of the conversation, and it just sounded like banter.
You heard your name being called, and when you turned you saw your father. “Come here child, I wish to speak with you.”
As you walked away from Mina, Midoriya and Kirishima, Midoriya watched as you obeyed your father. They exchanged a look between each other. Mina’s dragon form let out a found, and in response Kirishima rubbed his hand along her body.
Once you were close to your father, he spoke to you in a hushed voice. “What did the prince talk to you about?”
“He asked if we could call each other by our given names, and then about our necklaces.” You answered your father, your hand going to the beads around your neck and starting to fiddle with them.
Your father had a smug expression on his face. “Really? Seems like the barbarian prince is weak to the woman around him.”
You pressed your lips together, thinking about how Katsuki reacted to Mina rushing into the tent. Though it was always possible he was just angry that the conversation was interrupted. 
Best to remember to not accidentally cut him off or interrupt him in the future.
“What do they plan to do with you now?” Your father’s voice cut through your line of thought.
“The Prince wants to send me over to Nihon as soon as possible. I’ll be leaving as soon as they finish packing my belongings onto the dragon shifter.”
Your father raised an eyebrow at you before looking at the pink dragon behind you. “I can’t believe they refused to ship you via boat because of possible sea monsters, and yet will happily throw you into the sky.”
You really doubted they made that decision because of safety concerns. They probably made that call because the war would only be considered postponed until the wedding happened. 
Maybe they were worried you would withdraw your consent to get married to The Prince?
Maybe that explained why he seemed kind with you alone in the tent.
Once the wedding happens though, I doubt he’ll keep up that act for long.
“Try to become close with The Prince.” Your father told you with a hushed voice. “Make him loyal to you and only you.”
You hesitated before nodding your head to your father. “I’ll write to you once I’ve settled in.”
Your father nodded his head. “Do try to be safe, child. We don’t have much information on their way of life, so we have no idea of the world you're about to be thrusted into.”
“Fourth Shachou,” A voice spoke. “I do hope you aren’t being rude about the people who will be taking care of your daughter.”
You both turned to see Katsuki there, his eyebrows knitted as he glared at your father. You noticed how he was slightly slouching. His eyes only darted to you for a moment though quickly went back onto your father to glare at him.
“Of course not, Prince Bakugou Katsuki.” Your father told him. “I am merely telling my daughter to be safe is all.”
“Oh really?” Katsuki raised an eyebrow at your father. “And how would you recommend your daughter to stay safe in a foreign land, Fourth Shachou? By staying in her room all day?” Katsuki turned his head slightly to Midoriya. “Is that not what we saw happening in some of the estates? They had locked their daughters and wives in a room?”
As Midoriya stuttered out of agreement, you remembered a lesson you were taught while growing up.
If a city is under siege, it is best to lock women in a hidden room for their protection.
You bit the inside of your mouth, one of your hands gripping your arm. If you did end up having to be locked in a room, wouldn’t that just mean you weren’t safe? 
“I simply don’t want my daughter to be victimised while under your care.”
“She won’t be.” Katsuki glared at your father. “No one who has ever been under my care has gotten hurt, and considering your daughter is to become my wife, I’ll be putting extra effort into it.”
“We’ll have to see how successful that is.” Your father snarked back.
Your father and Katsuki glared at each other. Midoirya came from the side, soft smiling at you. “It’s time to leave now, miss. I’ll help you-”
“No you won’t, Deku.” Katsuki turned, glaring at Midoriya. 
Katsuki stomped over to where Mina was. You tried to follow closely. Whatever this atmosphere was, you did not want to find out.
Once Katsuki got close to Mina, he gently grabbed hold of your waist and lifted you up. He let you lean on him as you climbed up onto Mina’s back and into the saddle. You heard your father start to complain to Katsuki about how to handle you properly. You elected to ignore it for now, trying to sit comfortable on the cushions that seemed to be strapped down to the saddle.
“How about you say your goodbyes to your daughter instead of correcting me!” You heard Katsuki’s voice boom aggressively as he addressed your father. “Considering this may be the last time you see her, I suggest you make it a kind goodbye.”
Last time?
Was Katsuki planning to get rid of you as soon as he could?
You looked over the edge of the saddle, seeing your father carefully approach.
You also noticed the glaring looks Katsuki, Midoriya, and Kirishima were giving you.
Of course, it all makes sense now. They are waiting for you to be alone and kill you. Of course they don’t like you and your father. Why did you think they would like you?
Your father called your name. “Just try to stay safe. Write to me about your progress there.”
You nodded your head, waving down at your father.
Mina stretched out her wings and jumped into the air, her wings starting to flap to keep her in the air. She started to ascend higher into the air before starting to fly through the sky, away from the war camp. She moved much faster than any boat or carriage you had been on.
You secured yourself as you felt your legs shake and shut your eyes.
Breathe, everything is going to be alright.
Just breathe.
You were woken up by a sudden landing, jolting you awake..
You were no longer in the air.
You sat up and rubbed your head, hearing people yell around you. You looked off the side of the saddle, seeing a woman who looked just like Katsuki yet shorter and wearing a crown on her head yell at staff around her. To her side was a man with brown hair and glasses, speaking very softly.
The woman looked up at you before smiling. “Good morning, young one. Would you like assistance getting down?”
You weakly nodded your head, rubbing your eyes and yawning.
She gave a laugh before yelling at someone to help you. Suddenly, a woman who appeared to be a witch of some kind floated up.
She had brown auburn hair that stopped at her shoulders except two side tufts that were a bit longer, brown hazel eyes, and hair skin that made her cheeks a soft pink colour. She was wearing a dark pink witches hat that had fake beige dragon horns, a vertically striped dress that ended at her mid thighs, black stockings, pink boots, and a green cape that was warmly wrapped around her neck and flowed down past her knees.
She smiled softly at you as she extended a hand out to you. “Grabbed hold of my hand and I’ll help you down.”
You looked down at the floor, wondering how the hell did Katsuki helped you up in the first place. You gently took her hand, and soon you felt your body become lighter. She was tugged down by someone in silver metal armour with a green cape coming from their armour. Once your feet touched the floor, she said ‘release’, which was followed by that light feeling going away.
The blonde woman walked towards you. You guessed this was Katsuki mother - and therefore The Empress - you bowed your head and curtsied before introducing yourself.
“Oh no need to do that, young one.” She chuckled, helping you up. “We will be family by day’s end. I am The Barbarian Empress of The Dragon Tribe, Bakugou Mitsuki, and this is my husband. Consort of The Barbarian Empress of The Dragon Tribe, Bakugou Masaru.”
As you bowed your head to Masaru, you noticed the witch float up again and started to float down the luggage. “It is nice to meet you, Empress’ Consort Masaru.”
He smiled. “It’s nice to meet you too, young lady. If I may ask, how old are you?”
“Nineteen, sir.”
“Hmm… And when is your birthday?”
You answered his question.
“So you were eighteen when the war started I see. Regardless, it seems like we will have to change the wine out for some grape juice.”
You blinked out of confusion. “Sorry?”
The Empress spoke. “At Barbarian Weddings, we have a cup the couple drinks out of. The couple must cut their hands and spill some blood into the cup before they drink from it. We see this as a form of physically connecting the two bodies together. The wine we use simply covers up the taste of the blood.”
“Why does the wine need to be switched to grape juice though?” You asked.
“The drinking age is twenty.” The Empress answered.
“I understand. Back home, our drinking age is eighteen for women, sixteen for men..”
“... Really? That’s interesting.” The Empress had forced a smile when she replied to you.
Masaru quickly spoke to try and heal any offence his wife might’ve offered you. “What do your people traditionally do during their weddings?”
“We drink wine to connect with the gods before cutting our hands and spill blood on the Goddess of Marriage, Hera’s statue so she can tie our fates together.” You informed them. “If a divorce were to happen, the statue would be broken.”
The two were silent, their mouths closed as they looked at you.
“It’s alright,” You told them. “I won’t expect The Prince to participate in my religious’ practices. I am marrying into his culture, not the other way round.”
The two seemed shocked by either your wording or what you had said, but before they could say anything, the witch had said the words ‘release’ once more.
You turned and saw all the luggage had been neatly placed on the ground. The witch started to float up again and take off the saddle that was around Mina. 
The Empress turned her attention back to you before speaking. “We don’t believe in divorce. The only way to separate from one’s spouse for us is through death.”
The knight - that had been standing off to the side for a short while - took off his helmet as you saw a man with dark blue hair and rose red petal eyes.
“Sorry to interrupt,  Barbarian Empress of The Dragon Tribe Bakugou Mitsuki.” He bowed his head to The Empress. “Shall I start to transport the Barbarian Prince Bakugou Katsuki’s betrothed’s luggage to her room?”
Does that mean you and Katsuki won’t be sharing a room?
“That would be lovely, thank you, Iida.” She smiled at him. “If you run into Miss Yaoyorozu or Miss Jiro, could you ask them to come see me please?”
“Of course,  Barbarian Empress of The Dragon Tribe Bakugou Mitsuki!” He bowed his head before picking up a few bags of your luggage before running off so far there was a strong gust of wind and a dust trail behind him.”
You watched as the dust trail faded away.
Did he really just address her by her full title? Twice? Were you expected to do that?
You heard a thump sound, and upon turning your head you saw the saddle had come clean off of Mina’s back. Smoke appeared around the Dragon form of Mina, and soon the more human looking form of her appeared.
Mina stretched her back, followed by some popping or cracking sounds coming from her back. She let out a sigh as she relaxed her shoulders, yawning.
The witch softly laughed. “Long night, Mina?”
“I want to have a nap so bad, girl.” She whined.
The Empressed called you by your name before gesturing to the witch. “This is Iida’s wife, Ochaco. She’ll be looking after you while you get ready for today and while Mina is resting.”
“No it’s fine, I can deal with it.” Mina yawned.
“Mina, you should rest.” Ochaco rubbed Mina’s back. “Once Eijiro gets here, I’ll send him your way.”
Iida returned back, grabbing more bags then running off again.
He was gone for maybe twenty-five seconds and he came back for more bags already? How fast is he?
And why was no one else reacting to what was happening?
There were rumours of the Island of Nihon having a high percentage of magical powers, but you weren’t expecting to see two - three if you counted Mina - people using their magical powers so openly.
Mina yawned, nodding her head and bowing her head to the Empress. “I hope everything goes well before The Prince gets here, Your Majesty.”
The Empress smiled. “Thank you for your kind words, Mina. Now go rest. I’m sure Katsuki would be thrilled to see you at the wedding.”
Mina sighed before picking up her bags, putting two on her bag and carrying two under her arms. She smiled at you kindly, her gaze upon you being soft. “Try not to stress out before the wedding, okay?” She told you as she started to walk away.
“Now, let's get you inside.” The Empress smiled at you. She turned and started to walk towards the large palace. The columns on the building were a light grey, almost matching the mountains behind the palace. The outside wall itself was a soft green with painted gold on. “This is the Winter Palace, and those mountains behind it are what we call the Dragon Range. It’s believed to be the original birthplace of our Dragon God. The Dragon Range takes up roughly sixty percent of our land. There is a massive tunnel system within the mountains where our dragon shifter brothers and sisters keep their hoards.”
Iida returned, stopping before the Empress. He bowed his head. “Barbarian Empress of The Dragon Tribe Bakugou Mitsuki, I have put the Barbarian Prince Bakugou Katsuki’s betrothed belongings in their room. I have also found Miss Yaoyorozu and have informed her of your request to meet you. She said she will be meeting you along the way in escorting the Barbarian Prince Bakugou Katsuki’s betrothed.”
“Thank you, Iida.” She smiled at him. “Make sure the Todoroki Family is playing nice today, please?”
“Of course, Barbarian Empress of The Dragon Tribe Bakugou Mitsuki.” Iida bowed before running off again, this time in a different direction.
Once the dust settled, the Empress turned to you. “He may be the most responsible and reliable out of the original group that went to go fight the Demon lord a few years ago, but he is too formal at times I fear there is a stick up his arse.” She softly laughed before turning to Ochaco. “No offence, Mrs Iida.”
Ochaco smiled at the Empress. “It’s alright, your Majesty. Tenya has his own charm on how to do things.”
Once you four had climbed up the steps, the Empress and her consort looked out to the view. You turned, and saw a beautiful view of the land below the mountains being a wide open green land before meeting the ocean. You saw in the distance on both sides, land curving inward on itself, revealing the landmass continent of Nihon was an earthy atoll. In the distance, you saw the headlands of the atoll - which were often referred to as the Heaven’s Gates within the rare texts your nation had on Nihon.
“Those green pastures down there are the rest of our Empire.” The Empress told you. “It’s where all the human barbarians used to live before the rise of the Demon Lord. And the water mass from our coast to the headlands is known as the Ocean's Heart. We believe the landmass that houses the god’s came from that section of Nihon.”
“It’s rather beautiful.” You said softly. 
“Yes, it is.” The Empress hummed. She suddenly slapped her hands together, startling you. “We must start getting you ready. We have a big day ahead of us!”
The Empress started to walk inside, expecting the rest of you to follow.
“There are five sections of the palace. Front, Back, Courtyard, Left Wing and Right Wing. This is the Front of the Palace, the entryway. Everything staff related is located to the Left Wing and therefore, the corner connecting the Front and Left Wing is the ball room. Everything the Imperial Family does is on the Right Wing, therefore the corner connecting the Front and Right Wing is the Library. The Back is where all the apartments are. The Back Right Wing Corner is the Emperor or Empress’ apartment and the Back Left Wing Corner is the Heir’s apartment. The rest of the apartments are often used as Guest rooms if the Imperial Couple does only have one child.  The courtyard is at the centre of the enter Palace. Following?”
You nodded your head. You were a little lost but you understood enough to somewhat follow along.
The Empress’ Consort seemed to read what was on your face before gently patting your shoulder and smiling. “We’ll offer you a map so you don’t get lost.”
The Empress continued. “There is a guest garden which is accessible on the Left Wing and a private garden which is accessible on the Back. Overall, there are over one thousand and five hundred rooms.” The Empress continued as the group entered into the courtyard. “There are three levels. Ground level is the only level guests have access to, even if they are in a guest room it’s on the ground floor. Servants and Guards have access to all floors, but their main walkways are on the top floor. The middle floor is where the Imperial Family operates.”
… You were so lost.
“The Prince will help you if you need any help.” Ochaco smiled at you. 
“One can only pray.” The Empress groaned, rubbing between her eyebrows. She then switched to muttering in a language you were not familiar with. It was harsh on the throat.
Masaru responded in the same language, but how the pronunciation sounded was different. His words sounded softer, still rich consonants but his vowels were softer.
She groaned. She turned to you. “If my son gives you any trouble, please do let me know. I don’t want him to be a burden on his first wife.”
First wife?
Ochaco then spoke to you to answer your unspoken question. “Barbarian Law states those of the direct line of the imperial family are allowed to have up to nine spouses. First spouse is Consort, second to ninth spouses are concubines. This is to make sure the Imperial Line can continue via blood.”
“Though filling all eight concubines spots hasn’t been done in four generations, and even then that Emperor used his eight concubines as secret guards.” The Empress spoke. “And on top of that, the Imperial crown can be passed down by mentorship or by battle. I was passed the Crown via winning a battle to the death against the previous Emperor who got the crown via mentorship. We believe only the strongest can rule the Barbarians.”
So your safety isn’t secure, is it?
“I doubt the Prince would take in a second spouse.” Ochaco tried to reassure you. “I don’t think he’s the type to deal with the politics that come with having multiple spouses.”
You looked at the plant life you were walking past, getting closer to the other end of the palace. You hesitated before speaking. “If I may ask, Empress, how did you meet your consort?”
“He was my dress maker.” The Empress answered truthfully.
“How many concubines do you have?” You asked carefully.
The Empress continued to smile. “Only one.”
The rest of the walk was rather silent, The Empress and Consort leading you to the apartment section of the Palace. Surprising to you though, they guided you into your apartment section through the ground floor.
Once inside the apartment, you noticed how there were stairs leading up to the middle floor. The ground floor seemed more of a hosting room more than anything. There was a study that looked dusty, a weapons room with many weapons missing, a dining room, and two more additional hosting rooms. One that looked like it was already claimed by the Prince, and a second that had nothing in it for now.
It looked rather dusty, uncared for.
“I’ll make sure Katsuki takes you to the storage room tomorrow so you can pick out some furniture you’d like to decorate this space with.” Masaru said to you. “If you don’t like anything there, we can get it custom made for you. You can make yourself feel right at home here.”
“Shall I guide you upstairs?” Ochaco asked you.
“That is where our influence of this day ends for now.” The Empress spoke. “I’ll let the Priestess know you have arrived. The wedding will be starting at six in the afternoon when the sun sets. After your bath I suggest you have a nap. It’s going to be a long day.”
You watched as the Empress and her husband left before being led up the stairs. There were two bedrooms, a bathroom, and two dressing rooms. All of your belongings were put into the empty dressing room.
“We can unpack your things after we serve you breakfast.” Ochaco told you. “The Prince should be arriving around the time breakfast starts to be served. I’ll quickly summon a maid to give you a bath, though I’m not sure if there would be hot water active right now. Most barbarian families have baths after dark.”
“It’s alright, I can bathe myself.” You told her. “How my people bathe is by having bath houses, or we simply were ourselves in a stream or a lake close by. I preferred bathing myself in the stream by my family home, so cold water isn’t an issue for me.”
Ochaco was taken back by what you said, looking at you with a concerned and shocked expression. “Weren’t you worried someone would see you bathing?”
“Our Goddess of the Wild Hunt wouldn’t allow such a thing.” You told her. “And even if a fool were too, the punishment would be death.”
She stared at you, a shocked smile was on her lips. She turned away for a moment and mumbled something under her breath. You raised an eyebrow at her before dropping it. You really shouldn’t be surprised if the people here looked or talked about you because of the customs you were used to compared to their own.
“I need to get my soaps from my belongings, so we may as well start to unpack.” You told her as you moved to the empty dressing room and knelt down to pull out your belongings.
One of your bags had no clothes in it whatsoever, mostly carrying all of your religious items such as your miniature statues of the gods. For now, you put those items on a shelf and put your bathroom supplies off to the side.
Pulling out your clothing from your other bags took some effort. Half of your clothing was for warmer weather, which meant the fabrics were thin and breathable, sometimes even see through. While your window clothing was a thick cotton and would cover up your entire body. Only when you pulled out what was planned to be your wedding dress did Ochaco make any sort of noise about your clothing.
“That’s so beautiful.” She smiled at it widely and brightly. The dress was a maxi dress, having ve neck, bishop sleeves, an empire waist, and a handkerchief hem. The fabric was an almost white cream colour, being a lightweight fabric. “Did you pick that out yourself?”
“No,” You told her truthfully. “One of the other Shachou’s daughters who is married gave it to me.”
“Shachou?” She tilted her head. “What's a Shachou?”
You thought for a moment, thinking about how to describe it. “Back home, we have nine elected politicians. Those nine are called The Shachous, and they are ranked with the length they have held their power for. They govern Girisha, debating and voting amongst themselves policies and laws. They are voted in by the voting base, which are men who own land and pay taxes, and men can only pay taxes once they earn a certain amount of wealth.”
“Oh, so similar to the Shiketsu Kingdom?”
You stared at her. “Sorry, I am not familiar with that.”
“They are one of the Kingdoms of Nihon, located on the western headlands. They have a Royal Family, but they vote in a President every ten years. The President works closely with the King and Queen while the Vice-President works closely with the heir to the throne. Though only people who own a home in their capital can pay taxes and are able to be voted into office.”
“... That's similar I guess.” You answered her. “Though, we don’t have a royal family. We overthrew them almost two hundred years ago.”
“So does that mean the people of your home nation disapprove of this marriage?” 
“... I think they would only be angry about it if The Prince imposed himself as our next ruler.”
“But do they disapprove?”
“... They approve on the principle that the war is over. That is all.”
You didn’t see the Prince, even after you had finished unpacking, bathed, had breakfast, had a nap on his bed, and had lunch. The only evidence you saw that he had returned was that his belongings had been making their return to the apartment the entire day.
The maids had practically locked you up in your dressing room, and they had given you bowls of strawberries and watermelon to snack on. They did your hair and did your makeup all while looking at some notes on a piece of paper.
You were disassociating for most of it, only being brought back to reality with a soft knock at the door. A feminine voice spoke from the other side of the door, saying your name with care. “I’m Yaoyorozu Momo, the Empress asked me to see how things were going. May I enter?”
You looked at how the maids reacted before answering. They continued to work around you, not giving the voice any mind.
So far no biases showing.
“You may enter.” 
Then in came a half naked lady, making your cheeks warm up.
She stood at one hundred and ninety-three centimetres tall, had black hair and eyes, while was wearing a metal armoured bra of some kind and metal armour on her hips that held up what would be mistaken for underwear, a fabric flowed from the bra and wrapped from behind her, a armour neck brace which held up a green cape, thigh-high stockings, oranges elbow gloves, and armours boots that reached her knees.
You were shocked by her attire, though no one else in the room seemed to be.
She smiled warmly and sweetly at you that you felt guilty for questioning her attire.
“I hope everything is going well.” Her smile beamed. “I made sure the maids had all my notes on what your culture’s hair and makeup typically looks like for weddings. I was so honoured that the Empress even knew of my love for your culture’s aesthetics. 
You were silent for a moment before turning to a maid. “Could I see myself in a mirror please?”
“Yes ma’am.” Said one of them before giving you a mirror. You were surprised to see your hair was done perfectly in the style your people did during weddings and they did it in such a way it suited you. The make up as well made you feel beautiful.
“I’m glad you seem to enjoy it!” She beamed before blushing from nervousness. “I should reintroduce myself- I’m Yaoyorozu Momo, I’m a Mage Commander for the Barbarian troops. My magic allows me to create things from my body, though it uses the fat on my body. It’s why I dress in such a way.”
“I see.” You looked down at her cape. This is now the fourth person you’ve seen wearing a green cape. 
“Usually for Barbarian Weddings,” Yaoyorozu broke you from staring at her cape. “Both the bride and groom wear matching earrings. Prince Bakugou will be wearing his on his left ear for the wedding and we were just wondering if it would be alright if we asked you to wear some on your right ear?”
“I don’t have my ears pierced.” You told her, you were about to explain why but she began talking.
“I am aware your people only allow oracles to wear earrings, but these ones wouldn’t need you to piercing your ears.” She walked over to you and a section of her skin started to glow. She cupped the area that was glowing right before the light stopped, crocheting down before you. She presented to you what was in her hand, which were four gold earrings that had a clip maniche for the back of the earring. “These are clip-on earrings. They won’t require any form of piercing onto your ear. They might be a little painful considering the size of the earrings, but I think they could still work.”
You gently picked it up from her hand and took a closer look. The earring itself was two centimetres in length less than a centimetre in width. Where the gold would be connecting to your ear was a very tiny bulge on both sides.
“... This is acceptable.” You told her. Her face lit up and you heard a maid somewhere sigh in relief. 
“May I put them on you?” She asked. Once you gave a nod, she carefully reached to your right ear and started to put them on your ear. Surprisingly to you they were painful, though they were slightly heavier than what you expected. She pull away and gave you the mirror so you could look at them.
“They look very well on you, ma’am.” One of the maids told you.
“Do you like them?” Yaoyorozu  asked.
“... They will go well with my dress.” You told her, not wanting to admit you liked them there.
Yaoyorozu  stayed crouching before you. “I need to tell you something before the wedding begins.”
Your heart sank, fearing the worst. 
Were they going to sacrifice you or kill you right after the wedding?
“I know for your traditional weddings, the night after the wedding is usually the couple’s first time.” Yaoyorozu spoke gently. “For us, we wait until the woman’s first period after the wedding just so we know the first child is of the married couple. Though the Empress and the Prince have been informed of your culture and traditions regarding the first night, it is unclear what the Prince wants. Which is very unlike him.”
You tilted your head at her comment at the end. 
Unlike him? 
“So I just want to warn you that if you two don’t do it for the first time tonight, then please don’t take it personally. He probably doesn’t want to overwhelm you. Or on the other hand if he does ask if you two could do it tonight, don’t feel pressured to say yes. I know Prince Bakugou seems rough around the edges but he is sometimes surprisingly respectful.”
Why was she doing this? Why is she trying to warn you about this?
It didn’t matter what happened tonight. You were now property of the Prince because of the Peace Treaty. It didn’t matter if you were or weren’t in Girisha, you were still a man’s property. 
“Can I ask you something?”
She gently gripped your hands with hers. “Anything.”
“Why do you, the Iidas and Midoriya wear the same matching green cape?”
The maids froze, looking over their shoulders to watch the interaction. Yaoyorozu was taken aback by your question, not expecting the question to be about a cape.
“Well, the cape shows which Prince I am loyal to.”
“I thought there was only one Prince of the Barbarians.”
“... Officially. Honorary Prince Midoriya Izuku by the status of his mother being the second spouse and first concubine of the Empress. Midoriya was born three years before the two had met and was fourteen when the Empress killed his biological father. It’s the only way to legally transfer spouses for us barbarians, to beat them in a battle to the death.”
You remembered what the Empress told you earlier, that the imperial crown could be passed down via a fight to the death. 
Does that mean if someone challenged Katsuki to one of these battles while being emperor and he lost, you would be handed over to the next Emperor or Empress?
Once the sun started to set, you were brought out of your dressing room wearing your wedding dress by a woman who had blonde hair, aqua eyes, and stood at one hundred and seventy-one centimetres tall. She wore oval framed glasses, a white with pink accents priestess dress, and a small green cape.
Seems like Midoriya has many who support him.
She smiled politely and bowed her head to you, calling you by your name. “It’s an honour to meet you. I am Priestess Shield Melissa. Since you have no father figure with you here today, I will be walking you down the aisle before you exchange vows.”
You bowed your head slightly. “Thank you, Priestess.”
She paused. “Why are you bowing your head?”
“Back in Girisha, we see Priestesses as higher status since they have a higher connection to our gods than most of us do.” You informed her.
She made a face. “Well we don’t do that here.”
“I understand, it’s simply my customs-”
“Then I recommend you keep your Girisha customs to yourself.” She butted in. “Our Prince has already decided to go against our traditions by marrying you before he is supposed to. He is supposed to only marry after his twenty-first birthday, which is in forty-one days anyway but he was adamant this ‘wedding’ should be done right away.”
You stared at her, though not surprised someone was rude to you, simply shocked it was a priestess and so openly.
You were expecting someone to be rude to eventshully.
“I recommend you start learning our ways sooner rather than later. Prince Bakugou is not known for being nice to outsiders.” She glared at you before turning her back to you. “Let’s get going now. I don’t want to be blamed for you being late to your own wedding.”
She turned on her heel and started to walk out, expecting you to follow. Gripping onto the beads around your neck, you put your hands together and brought them to your face as you started to pray to your gods.
“Goddess Soteria, please gift me with your protection and safety.” You mumbled under your breath. “Goddess Hera, please bless me with a good husband who will not hurt me.”
Melissa rolled her eyes as you continued to walk. You were so consumed with praying, you didn’t realise you had reached your destination until you bumped into the back of Melissa.
She looked over her shoulder, raising an eyebrow.
“Members of the Imperial Family do not apologise. Now, place your hand on my forearm so we walk down the aisle.”
You turned your head to look, seeing a long wedding aisle that was over one hundred metres in length. 
The longest aisle back in Girisha was barely forty metres long and you were expected to walk down one that was more than double?
“Are you ready?” Melissa asked with an annoyed tone.
You gently put your hand on top of her forearm then started to walk with her for almost two minutes. You tried to ignore the stares you knew you were receiving, keeping your eyes on the red carpet before you.
When Melissa moved her arm away, it was because you had reached the end of the aisle. You saw Katsuki’s grey boots before tilting your head up to look at him. It appeared that the left side of his hair was gelled back, showing his piercing on said ear to the crowd. 
His red crimson eyes were glued to you. He looked at you up and down, looking at the dress you were wearing.
He didn’t give anything that showed he approved or disapproved of the dress, though his eyes seemed to focus on where the beads around your neck were sitting.
Melissa forced a cough to force Katsuki to look at her. 
“Today we are gathered here at sunset to bare witness a man and woman be forever tied together in matrimony, taught to us via the gods.” Melissa started. You heard soft mumblings in the audience but decided to give it no mind for now. “Barbarian Prince of the Dragon Tribe, Bakugou Katsuki, do you take this woman as your wife, to live together, to hunt for her, to love her, to honour her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for long as you both live?”
Katsuki looked back down at you, his eyes unreadable. “I do.”
Melissa turned to you and said your name. “Do you take this man as your husband, to live together, to bear children for him, to love him, to honour him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both live?”
To hunt for her and bear children for him? 
You didn’t know where those lines came from or why it was in the wedding, maybe it was just a barbarian thing?
“I do.”
Two children walked up to you. A fourteen year old girl and a twelve year old boy. Both had hair that was either blonde or a very light brown, brown eyes, and freckles on their noses. Both held red pillows, the girl’s sat a short blade and a miniature statue of your Goddess Hera - how she had it you had no idea - on it and the boy’s having two rings.
Katsuki picked up a ring that housed a crimson ruby. He gently grabbed your hand and slid the ring on your ring finger as he spoke. “I, Prince of the Dragon Tribe, Bakugou Katsuki, take this woman as my wife from this day forward, for better or for worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part.”
You picked up the golden ring and grabbed Katsuki's hand. Sliding on his ring on his ring finger, you stated your name. “-take this man as my husband from this day forward, for better and for worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, till death do us part.”
As you spoke, Katsuki picked up the blade and cut into his left hand. Once you had finished the ring exchange he picked up the statues, smearing his blood on it. You cut into your left hand, tracing the scar from previous religious rituals. He passed the statue to you so you could smear your blood on it.
Melissa passed Katsuki a chalice filled with grape juice. He squeezed his hand so his blood would pour into the cup before passing it to you and taking the statue from you. As you did the same to pour your blood into the chalice, you noticed how rough Katsuki passed the statue to Melissa.
Katsuki took the cup from you, keeping eye contact as you took a sip from it. He passed it back to you, putting his hand securely under the cup as you took a sip. Melissa took the cup, raising it into the air.
“By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Gods, I pronounced these two husband and wife!” Melissa announced to the audience. “You now may kiss the bride.”
Suddenly, Katsuki grabbed your face and pulled you close. His lips met yours with passion, leaving you confused. You closed your eyes as the crowds started to cheer and clapped.
As the crowd continued to cheer and clap, Katsuki pulled away with a smirk.“You're mine now, and you won’t be going anywhere.”
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stringledcheese · 3 years
Bakugou Katsuki x M!Reader
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: lil’ bit of angst thrown in there and some fluff too. 
A/N: I really enjoyed writing this so I think it turned out well :]
Walking out of the training ground, Bakugou smiled a grin that was something short of demonic. He may have been tired, sweaty from his quirk use, and filled with adrenaline, but he was a emotion that most would say was pure joy.
Of course he was joyful over pummeling ‘dunce face’ in hand to hand combat. Finally getting to justify punching him once he breached that thin threshold Bakugou had for annoyance? It was a good day in his eyes.
Bakugou clicked his tongue into the silence, becoming aware that he reeked of smoke and sweat. As well as the tiredness started to weigh down on his eyelids. He began to quicken his pace so that he could get back to his dorm and shower and get to bed before he ran out of energy. Though that was all thrown out the window as he heard it. Humming.
Not just any humming, lord knows that Bakugou’s heard a lot of humming in his 16 years of life. It was a quiet humming, with a smooth voice, but the melody was one that Bakugou could never forget. He loved it to much to ever fully let go of it, instead just pushing it into the depths of his mind for it to be forgotten about. Though at the sound of it, memories resurfaced in his mind and he stopped in his path.
Bakugou let out a grunt as he plopped his small body down onto the park bench. Furrowing his brows as the person besides him stopped humming. He turned his head so his fiery crimson eyes met your large, doe like eyes that seem to be portals to a far away land. Bakugou never understood how your eyes were so pretty, but at that age he didn’t understand a lot of his emotions about you.
“Hey! Why’d you stop? I was listening, keep going!” Bakugou demanded with a huff.
Though all he felt was his face heating up as you turned away and giggled, not even slightly swayed by his tone. You were always the only one who never cared about Bakugou’s attitude. His heart felt fuzzy as he opened his mouth to retaliate against your giggles.
But you met his eyes once again, and his words left his throat as his chest tightened.
“Why, do you like it?” You smiled your small smile. Imperfect yet beautiful.
“Of... of course I do dumb dumb...” Bakugou mumbled as he turned away, unable to bare another moment of your eyes on him.
You giggled again, paying no mind to Bakugou turning into a beat at your soft voice. 
“I’ll be sure to sing it more often then Suki!”
This was it, this was the day he was gonna tell you. Bakugou was going to tell you how he felt about you. He was going to tell you he had loved you with his heart and soul and if you wanted to be his, he would be yours. 
He would finally tell you that you shone brighter than any star and you were more beautiful than the moonlights glow on a quiet night.
Bakugou was going to tell you as he sat next to you, resting his head on your shoulder. 
Outwardly he was calm and listening to your song that you had hummed to him so many times. Whenever he needed to calm down or needed something to listen to in the background. He listened to your song, pretending to watch the sunset from the top of the building you both sat upon. But his mind was racing with possibilities. 
You were always there, through thick and thin. When his temper got ahead of him you stayed calm and never backed away and ran. When he needed company, admitting to it or not, you’d be there with him. He’d be there for you too, helping you understand your school work or hugging you when things got ruff. He never understood why he would help you. He wouldn’t help anyone, they were all extras in his goal to become that top hero in his dreams. Though somehow, you weren’t. You were always apart of that dream to cheer him on, and to encourage him.
Always there to be his biggest fan and number one supporter.
It took him until he broke down in his room one night, confused and disheveled, he searched for why he felt like this about you. Why did he always feel that fuzzy feeling around you? You were his best friend and the only one he would ever even think about letting into his heart. But, you were a boy, he couldn’t have these feelings for a boy, surely not. Right?
But, no matter how hard Bakugou tried to deny it. No matter how hard he tried to act normal and bottle up his feelings. When he would look up at your large doe eyes that haven’t changed a bit since you both were kids, still beautiful and hypnotizing.  It just felt...right. As your song ended, Bakugou knew that you were the only one that could make his heart feel whole. 
This was it, he was gonna tell you. He was gonna tell you right there right then.
“Hey Suki’, I have to tell you something.” You sighed, you sounded so... sad?
Immediately Bakugou hopped up from your shoulder, back straightening as he turned to face you. 
“YE- um- yes?” Bakugou stuttered, making him wish that he could have blown himself up.
You kept your eyes glued to the ground, refusing to look at Bakugou as sorrow was written on your features. His stomach dropped and fear begun to swallow his mind. Did you already know? What could it possibly be that made you sound so sad?
“My.. parents, they told me this morning. We’re moving. I don’t know where but its far from here because it’s for work or something. I’m sorry I just...” You sniffed, the first tear falling from your eye.
Bakugou's mouth fell open as he stared at you, tears of his own beginning to quickly cloud his vision and threatening to pour from his bright fiery eyes. You turned to him and engulfed him in a hug, squeezing him as you buried your face in the crook of his neck. Allowing your tears to freely fall into his shoulder. Bakugou weakly tried to hug back, though his own shock and tears were hitting him far beyond being able to think about anything else. 
You were going to be gone? Forever? Surely if your moving he would never see you again? No... no, no, no that wasn’t right. You were meant to be there forever, you were his one constant, you couldn’t leave. Maybe that was a bad thing, wanting you to never leave. But in that moment all Bakugou wanted was you. Yet you were being ripped away.
“Y/N... I” He tried to choke out something, anything through the tears cascading down his face to unveil his emotions to you before it was too late. Instead, all he did was bury his head in your neck. Following your lead as he dampened your uniform shirt with tears. Finally hugging you back, lord knows how long it would be until Bakugou might get to hug you like this again, if he ever did.
Bakugou snapped back into reality, shaking his head and wiping away the tears that began to start forming. 
That couldn’t really be you right? No... you moved before the last year of junior high there was no way you were here. But then, how was he hearing that same melody he’d heard so many times before. That only ever sounded right, sounded complete, when it same from you.
Bakugou just, froze. Not sure of what to do, yes he still did have feelings for you. He never had feelings for anyone else and he was unsure if he ever would. Though would you really even care about seeing him again? After two years? His heart sunk at the thought.
Bakugou walked closer to the source of the melody, hiding behind a tree just before the source. ‘This is stupid.’ Bakugou thought, ‘I should just get back to the dorms it’s getting too late for this bull shit.’ Yet he peeked around the tree, gripping onto the ridged bark for support as he laid eyes upon... you.
There was no doubt it was you. Though you were taller, had a deeper voice, and your back was turned to him. It was that same you sitting on the bench right in front of him. Humming your silly little tune.
Bakugou looked down to his palm, would you still like him now? Would he still be your Suki’? Then it hit him, your. You always called him your Suki’. He was always yours, how was he so blind to just now see it. The thought alone drove him to have the confidence to walk up from behind the tree. Reeking of smoke, slightly sweaty, and aching from training. He sat himself besides you once more. 
Furrowing his ash blonde brows as your tune came to a stop in the middle of the melody. He turned to look at you. Meeting your eyes that were widened with shock, yup, haven’t changed at all.
“What the hell dumbass, I was listening, keep going.”
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks for reading!
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serenity-songbird · 3 years
Bakugou x mute!reader oneshot ?? 🥺
(Now we're talking!!! My first MHA request!!!)
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Breathe in. Breathe out.
   Focus on your breathing.
   Don't panic.
   Don't panic.
   "Oui!!! Short stack!!!"
   Ignore all outside distractions.
   Calm. Peace. Serenity.
   "Hey!!! Don't ignore me!!!"
    Everything is okay.
   "I know you can hear me, dumbass!!!"
   'WHAT!!!' You aggressively signed your hands. You may not be able to talk, but you can damn sure use facial expression and aggressive hand movements to convey a point.
   "Finally! Why weren't you answering me?" Your boyfriend, Bakugo wore his usual scowl and was crossing his arms.
   'I was meditating. Didn't you see me?' Your hand movements were a bit calmer now.
   "When the hell did you start meditation? That's stupid."
   "I don't think it's stupid. It's a really good way to calm your nerves." An eavesdropping Midoriya popped his head into the room.
   "Mind your damn business, Deku!!! Nobody asked you what you think!!!" Bakugo formed a tick mark on his head.
   'Look. The big exam is coming up and I need to relax. I'm extremely nervous. I will not fail or lose my cool. So please. Go. Away.' You closed you eyes again.
   "If you're so nervous then practice, dumbass. Meditating doesn't bring results."
   You ignored him and continued your meditating.
   'Peace. Calm. Serenity.'
   "Dammit!!! Answer me!!!" Bakugo growled.
   "Maybe I should try meditation..." Midoriya watched you with interest.
   'Peace! Calm! Serenity!'
   "No matter what you do, I'll always be better than you." Bakugo was getting ready to fist fight. You slammed your hand on the table making them jump.
   'PEACE!!! CALM!!! SERENITY!!!' You hadn't realized you'd been signing those words the past few times.
   "That doesn't look or sound calm nor peaceful..." Midoriya grew concerned.
   "That's it!!! You are I are going out!!! Meditation clearly sucks!!!" Your boyfriend dragged you away by the hand.
   'Awww. Are you taking me on a date to help me relax?' You're mood changed instantly at that thought.
   "No!!! I just had stuff to do today...So you're going to help me!" You didn't buy it.
   Bakugou may be crude and grouchy a lot, but he really was a great boyfriend. When you first transferred to class 1A, it was really difficult. You were a mute so people found it hard to communicate with you.
   But then came Bakugo (and Midoriya) who helped you. They had learned sign language as an extra curricular activity. (Midoriya thought it was cool and Bakugo went because he wanted to show off and be better than Midoriya).
   Bakugo was rude and mean at first, but you quickly realized that he wasn't so bad. Maybe he just didn't want to seem weak or that he cared for some reason. Whatever it was, it was hard to get along at first.
   Then you had a panic attack one day because of some jerk was bullying you for being mute.
   "Come on you piece of trash! Say something! I'll stop hitting you once you say you're sorry for bumping into me!"
   Obviously you couldn't...
   Luckily for you, Bakuo just so happened to be walking by. Normally he wouldn't care, but seeing you crying and getting beat up for something you couldn't control pissed him off. He didn't know why it pissed him off so much.
   So he sent the asshole to the school nurse with more than a few injuries.
   You were very thankful.
   He was nicer to you after that. Maybe a little protective too. He claimed that a weakling like you should learn to fight.
   You had gotten to know each other and developed crushes. Bakugo was stubborn. He didn't want to admit his feelings for you and had tried to avoid you once he realized. He should be focusing on his hero career. But when a random dude asked you out on a date, he marched up to him and said to stay away from his partner.
   You thought it was hilarious and couldn't stop the smile. He was super embarrassed about it and almost went off. But then you kissed his cheek and accepted his confession. When you grabbed his hand, he complained, but didn't pull away.
   You were pretty short because of your quirk stunting your growth. That's why he nicknamed you short stack.
   You were able to transform into any weapon you saw and even make parts of your body into weapons. You were more useful when you had a partner carrying you in weapon form, but you could also manage on your own.
   That's why you were so nervous. Even with Bakugo's training it was more difficult making certain parts of your body into weapons. It took time and energy. So you had to manage time wisely. You were doing this test by yourself so you couldn't have somebody use you in complete weapon form.
   You signed to yourself in frustration. Suddenly an ice cream cone was nearly shoved in your face.
   "Stop freaking out and just relax, Short Stack. Look I even brought you your favorite flavor." He didn't look you in the eye. Just glanced at the side with a frown.
   You smiled gratefully and started eating it.
   'Thank you'
   "Hmmph. You should be thankful. I wasted money on you." Your shoulders bounced as you wheezed through your nose in a laughing manner.
   He's such a tsundere.
You spent the day together doing shopping, chores, and relaxing a bit at the park. By now it was sunset and you two headed to the dorm before curfew.
   You had a satisfied smile on you face and the tension had left your body. Thanks to your boyfriend, you weren't as nervous as before.
   You helped him put away the groceries then did some special training until it was time to go to bed.
   'Thank you for helping me out today. I feel a bit more relaxed. The lessons you taught me today also helped. You're the best boyfriend ever!' You signed slowly out of weariness.
   "Yeah. Yeah. You'd be lost without me, I know." He waved you off. "Now get some rest. And I swear if you fail tomorrow, I will train your ass into the dirt til you pass." You felt yourself get smaller as he towred over you with evil eyes.
   'Yes, Sir...'
   He walked you to your room and you gave him a kiss goodnight.
   'Goodnight. I love you.'
   "Mmm hmm. I love you too."
   Bakugou stood outside the double doors to where you were currently taking your test. He was pacing back and forth and getting impatient.
   "Wow Ka-chan. You just be really worried if you pacing like that." Midoriya had walked up. He was to take his test after you.
   "Shut up, Deku! There's nothing to worry about! I'm their tutor after all! So of course (Y/N) will pass!"
   As he yelled at Midoriya, you walked out of the room. You looked pretty tired and your hair and clothes were a mess.
   Bakugou paused and narrowed his eyes at you. Had you actually failed?
   When you locks eyes with him you wearily smiled and pulled in for a hug. He had assumed the worst until you pulled away and did a thumbs up.
   'I passed!!! And it all thanks to you!!! Let's go out for ice cream and celebrate!!!' You did a tired little dance. You really loved ice cream.
   "Hmmph!!! Of course you passed!!! I'm just that great of a teacher. Obviously I'm better than Deku at training too!!!" Midoriya sweatdropped.
   You went out for ice cream later in the day. Bakugo complained that you shouldn't eat too much sweets if you wanted to stay fit and healthy. He allowed it this once since you earned it.
   No matter how many times he yells at you or acts like he doesn't care, you know that your explosive boyfriend really does love you.
   You wouldn't love him any other way.
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violetnotez · 4 years
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Bakugo x reader
⤷ Genre: Fluff+small amount of angst
⤷ Word Count: 5307+
⤷ Warnings: Drunk reader, cursing, also reader+Bakugo will be aged up (early 20′s, cause no underage drinking in this house!)
⤷ Synopsis:  Bakugo doesn’t have any feeling for you. You’re just one of his shitty friends and that’s it. He’s only picking you up from a bar after your breakup because you drunk called him and not because he’s worried you’ll get hurt. He doesn’t feel his heart pang when you say you want him to drive you to his apartment, not yours. He doesn’t completely turn beet red when he sees you change into his clothes.But, as much as he denies it, Bakugo realizes he loves you when you cry to him drunkenly , saying you wished you had a lover as sweet as him
This fic is for the @bnhabookclub Bingo Event! Here’s my masterlist to see all my work for this event! Also this was actually inspired by @shoutogepi​ HC of Bakugo and Kirishima taking care of their drunk s/o! I honestly loved this headcannons so much, and they really inspired me to write a more angsty sort of spin on it. Here’s a link to her post (I also explicitly asked her if it was alright to take inspiration from her headcannons, just in case!)
Bingo Slot: Realized Feelings
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Bakugo stepped his foot deeper into the gas, the engine in his car roaring as it zoomed through the dark streets.
Damn you and your shitty decisions.
He had been woken up in the dead of the night to his phone ringing annoyingly against his bedside table. Your caller ID of “Cute Shithead” was shining brightly against his face, his finger immediately taking the call. 
He had to admit, he was a little annoyed for you calling him so damn early in the morning, but hearing your voice immediately melted any irritation. By the way your words slurred together, you sounded completely wasted. That alone could turn him into a worried frenzy, but the tone of your voice sent ice down his spine.
You sounded so lonely, so defeated, as if you had lost all hope and were giving up. 
He rammed his foot again into the gas, following the directions to the club you said you were at as closely as possible over the roar of his engine. 
He was just being a decent friend and helping you out, he told himself. There was no other reason why he was helping you...it wasn’t because his heart practically dropped at the sound of your voice, or how he felt his chest tighten when you said “Please come get me Katsuki”
Or that you had called him, not anybody else, to come and get you. It was all platonic-he had to keep telling himself that.
He hastily pulled into the parking lot, his car swerving into a spot a little too haphazardly. He yanked the keys from the vehicle, closing the inky black door with a thud as he looked at the building in front of him. 
A bright, Neon green sign lit up the roof, a line of club goers filtering through as they waited for the bouncer to allow them in. It was pretty late in the night-2 am to be exact-so more people were stumbling out of the club than actually going on.
Bakugo quickly began to walk over to the establishment, his body weaving through drunken couples clambering to their cars or taxis. He was searching everywhere, helplessly trying to find your face in every person he saw.
Where the hell were you?
Bakugo turned to his side, looking at the asphalt that lead into the club. There were parking spots right there, all empty, probably for Ubers and Lyfts to come pick up people who had ordered them. THere were a few people sitting on the curb, waiting for their rides as they sat on their phone or blabbered drunkenly to their friends.
But then he spotted a familiar body, their shoulders slump down in exhaustion, their eyes downcast in defeat. He quickly made his way over, knowing exactly who that body belonged to.
“Shit y/n, the hell are you doing here by yourself-“
He quickly bent down, looking at you square in the face.
You gave him a weak smile, your eyes so full of relief and sadness he felt his heart ping from your expression.
He had to admit- you looked like a wreck. Your once meticulously curled hair was frizzy and in shambles from dancing, your makeup splotchy in places and black coating under your eyes. 
HIs calloused hands wrapped around your waist, his other arm gently pulling your free hand around his neck for support. He felt like he was moving a ragdoll-you complied with each of his movements, your body resting against his as if you depended on him
“Well, I did have some f-friends… with me…” your murmured out, your voice thick from sleep deprivation and alcohol.
“And the hell are they?”
“-they left a few hours ago…” you slurred,” I said I’d stay… a little longer”
Bakugo began to walk you to his car, the walk more like a stumble as he tried to guide you on your wobbling feet. He felt his insides heat up with an intense flame of rage, licking up and consuming his insides. How the hell could your ‘friends’ just leave you? THis was nothing like you, to be so impulsive that you became incredibly vulnerable in public. Something was seriously wrong with you, something you had to be going through.
“Shitty friends for leaving you like this.” he replied gruffly, making no attempt to hide his obvious anger. “Are you okay? Did anybody try and do anything funny to you?”
He was worried, he had to admit that to himself- you were clearly in a wrong headspace in a pretty sketchy place. Anything could go wrong, and he wanted to make sure that nothing happened.
Not because the idea of you dancing with another guy makes him want to punch a wall.
Or trying to lure you to his apartment made him want to yell and break that imaginary mans jaw, in order to keep you safe in his arms.
Nope-strictly platonic.
You scoffed at the blonde's words, a harsh chuckle spilling out of your chapped lips. “Of course Bakugo, everybody here wants to grope the girl who looks like she’s been crying all day-
“I’m fine-really”
Somehow, even with your slurring words and clouded mind, these words were the first sober syllables you had uttered.
But- if you were fine, you wouldnt be going to a club this late at night. You would have been smart enough to at least stay alert, not completely wasted, and you definitely wouldn't be by yourself. Your werent fine, and Bakugo knew it, because you werent being you.
He was impulsive, irrational, and went with his gut feeling, even if it was a stupid or dangerous idea. You on the other hand, were like his better half: calm yet forceful, a commanding tide to soothe the volcanic eruptions of his anger.
But now you were different, a choppy whirlpool of emotions that were locked away deep inside you, the effects changing your once calm and rational demeanor into something saddened and desperate.
Bakugo gave you a long look, his red eyes slanted as he tried to read what was on your mind.
He stopped your two’s trudging, finally being in front of his car.
A protest was dying to spill from his lips, to retort and fight back the obvious lie you had just uttered. But something in your tired voice made him falter, making him feel more empathy for you than frustration
“Okay then…” he sighed, “let’s get you home,”
  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚
It was unnervingly quiet.
Bakugo had the music off, worried that the thumping bass would aggravate any possible headache you had as you curled up in the seat beside him, your high heeled shoes long forgotten on the floor of his car.
He drove much more smoothly than before, his eyes desperately trying to focus on the road. He wasn't used to this kind of you-he missed your smile, and the way you would joke and laugh with him. Of course he would act like he didn't like it, giving you snarky comments and off handed insults that would only push you even more to joke with him.
Now he felt like he was next to a shell of you- you were there, right next to him, but- You weren't there. Your smile, your spirit, your light- it was being blocked by some darkness inside you.
“Are-are you mad at me Katsuki?”
You finally spoke to him, making Bakuo’s eyes wide and his heart stop in his chest.
Why did you sound so timid?
Bakugo continues to glue his eyes on the road, his voice gruff yet uncertain.
“The hell I’d be mad at you for?”
“I don’t know…” you replied softly, “you just sounded-mad”
Shit- now he felt guilty, making you feel worse than you probably already did. It was just that he was worried, and sometimes his emotions came out quicker than his words. He just couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that you out of all people could act like this.
“Well, I’m not mad at you-I’m just-“ he sighed, trying to find the words.
“- the hell were you out that late? The club scene isn’t your thing”
You shifted uncomfortably in the seat next to him, cuddling yourself in closer to your body.
“I thought I told you-” you answered sadly, ‘I got dumped”
Bakugo blinked a couple times, the shock vibrating throughout his body. He knew you had a boyfriend, apparently Shindo Yo, the damn pretty boy of another hero agency.  You were his closest friend after all, so he dealt with the news as best he could, but Bakugo has never liked the guy. He always chalked it up to him being protective over you as your friend, but the way he used to feel so angry and so frustrated whenever he saw you hold hands or hug made him want to scream. A small amount of happiness filled up his chest by hearing you say you were single, instantly  making him feel guilty as he saw how distraught you were.
“The hell-“ he gulped out quickly, “what for?”
“Dont know..” you sighed, your face contorted in a grimace, “he-he said he needed to focus on his career-and that-that I was going to stop him from achieving his goals-”
Bakugo instantly felt anger erupt in his chest, his hands becoming clammy against the leather steering wheel.
“Wait-that dickwad, Shindo Yo, right? The damn extra won't amount to nothing, the hell he-”
He was rambling, the spiteful words spewing from his lips. He just couldn’t understand why your piece of shit of a boyfriend would dump someone as amazingly kind and caring as you, and go as far to say such awful words. It made him incredibly furious, and all he wanted to do was confront your now ex and give him a piece of his mind for causing you to act this way.
He was surprised though to hear your voice interject him, your tone stern yet pleading.
“Bakugo, can we not talk about it? Please?”
He wanted to kick himself for being so inconsiderate, an embarrassed blush creeping into his cheeks.
The car ride continued in silence, Bakugo staring at the road in conflict, you cuddling yourself into a small ball on the leather seat.
It continued for a few minutes, until Bakugo broke the silence by clearing his throat.
“Want me to drop you off at your place?” He asked gruffly, looking at you slightly from the side. 
He noticed you shift, turning to look at him with large, pleading eyes.
“Can-can we go to your place instead?” you squeaked out, almost as if worried by his response. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound mean earlier….I just- always feel so safe and warm when I go to your apartment, Katsuki”
Bakugo felt his heart quicken in his chest-you called him “Katsuki”, his name. Something in you saying that made him feel hot from flusteredness, but then you said you felt safe with him...he had never been more thankful for the darkness of night, because he knew his face was completely red.
He gulped, trying to build up the wall around his emotions you were trying to knock down. With each word or truth that spilled from your sleepy, drunken mouth, he found it harder to keep his feelings at bay. He took a deep breath, his clammy hands readjusting on the steering wheel.
You two were just friends.
He didn’t like you like that and you-you probably didn’t either.
He needed to be Bakugo, your best friend, your rock in hard times, not Bakugou, the blushing mess next to you that was concerned with his own feelings.
He clicked the turn signal on his car to the right, taking the route back to his home instead of yours as he sighed.
Bakugo pulled into the parking lot of his apartment building, the bumpy street roads now turning smooth as he fit his car through the metal gate and settled into a parking spot near his apartment. 
He turned the key of the car, killing the roaring engine as he stepped out of the car, the closing door as a soft thud as he commanded you to “Stay inside”.
Your sluggish head instantly perked at the statement, unable to understand what he had meant by that. But your body felt too tired, mentally and physically, and too weak to even protest. You stayed there, cuddled into the seat as Bakugo opened the door of the passenger seat, his arms outstretched as they tucked themselves under your body.
“Wait what are you-“ you asked sluggish, your eyes barely open as you wrapped your digits around his arms.
“I’m picking you up” 
HIs tone was calm and forceful, as if this was a completely normal occurrence between the two of you- which it wasn't. 
You instantly blushed at the prospect, excuses already forming on the tip of your tongue.
“You don’t have to, I can-“
“I could barely walk you to car and that was in flat ground,” he retorted back, I’m not gonna walk you up stairs-”
“Just let me do this”
He stated a little more softly, his voice gruff and low as he picked you up off the seat as if you weighed nothing to him. Your hands instantly latched onto his neck finding comfort by burying your head into the crook of his neck.
Shit-why you had to go and be so cute?
His grip around your body tightened, making sure you felt secure as he walked you up the plight of steps to his apartment. 
Something about this felt so surreal- your warm body against his, his hands wrapping your thighs, the way your hair felt against his cheek...these were all sensations that left his heart pounding.
All of this seemed to frustrate him as much as it brought him joy-he shouldn't feel any of these tingling sensations around you. He shouldn't feel weightless and giddy, or terrified he'd do the wrong thing around you all the time. It bothered him to know end, and made him feel so frustrated.
But the most frustrating part was the fact you were oblivious- that you had this secret power over him and you didn't even know it.
He finally stepped foot in his apartment, setting you down gently as he ruffled through his pockets for his keys. His hand was still wrapped around your waist, giving you some stability as he opened the door with a slow creak, ushering you inside.
You stepped inside, feeling somewhat out of place- you had been here countless times before: parties, get togethers, the meet up place before you would hang out with the Bakusquad….so why did it feel so strange?
The room felt more intimate in a way-you had never been here without someone else, usually Kirishima. 
And youd been here at night, but never this late, and the fact you had asked to sleep over- well, everything just felt so new and raw.
Thankfully Bakugo broke through your rapid thoughts, his vermillion eyes looking down at you with slight worry.
“You good? No needing to throw up or anything?” he asked gruffly. 
God he felt so close- you could practically feel his heat radiating into your body still, making your cold digits beg for his touch.
Your cheeks warmed at the thoughts, a small “Mm-mm” and a shake of your head the only thing you could muster to do.
He led you over to his room, passing the small kitchen and bathroom as he did.
“Then you need new clothes- get you out of that clubbing crap”
Your mouth instantly formed into a pout, your eyes looking up at your best friend.
“It's not crap-its pretty”you corrected him, your tone playfully hurt.
“More like tight,” he replied snarkily, “ how do you even move in that thing?’’
You were about to quickly retort back that he should wear the dress and find out, but then a sudden image of Bakugo wearing your skin tight dress at a club made you instantly double over in giggles. 
Bakugo gave you a questionable look, his red eyes almost judging your drunken, laughing form.
“I just keep it down with my hands silly,” you said in between giggles, your body flopping onto the plush comforter of his bed. Now you felt a little more at ease, as if the courage of alcohol had kicked into your system yet again.
Bakugo shook his head, his blonde locks swaying at the motion as he quietly said ‘Giggly ass drunk” under his breath. He began to rustle through his closet, trying his best not to stare at your form laying across his bed in such a body accentuating dress.
You hadnt seemed to notice Bakugo's rhetoric or dilemma, a soft smile gracing your lips stiill. Your propped your body up on your elbows, your tousled hair pooling against your skin.
“so what amazing little number are you gonna put me in now?”
You felt cloth instantly hit you square in the face, as if Bakugo had thrown it over his shoulder-most likely on purpose.
Usually you would attack the asshole for doing something like that, but you just felt too tired to even throw an insult back. Your lips pouted out once again, a small whine escaping your throat as you ripped the shirt from your face.
Bakugo grinned slightly at you ,finding your expression adorable as well as funny.  He watched you inspect the shirt, the fabric as dark as your dress.
“You would think interning with Best Jeanist would have left some fashion sense in you,” you spewed out, your face clearly distraught by the shirt he had given you.
He rolled his eyes, his grin now turning into a grimace. 
Was drunk you really that picky over a shirt?
“That was 5 fucking years ago, and I only interned with him cause he was one of the best,” he tried to defend himself, feeling his cheeks grown warm from your drunken disapproval. But his fiery personality kicked in, his tongue beginning to stutter over his words. “- just throw the goddamn shirt on before I let you sleep in that shit you call a dress”
“Or I could sleep in my underwear, there's other alternatives,” 
your words flew out of your mouth faster than you could stop them, a triumphant grin on your face as you saw how beet red Bakugo became.
A giggle escaped from your lips, the sound ringing softly against his ears.
“Dont worry Katsuki, Ill wear the clothes,” you gave him a soft smile, cuddling the clothing to your chest.
He blinked a few times, trying to get his heart to settle back into a steady rhythm.
This wasn't real.
You didn't make him nervous.
You were just his best friend- you being in his room, in a pretty dress, making flirty remarks didn't affect him.
You were drunk-you weren't yourself right now- so why did he feel so hopeful? And for what?
He quickly spun on his heel, turning around before you could catch the glowing in his cheeks.
“Whatever-just call me if you need help” he threw over his shoulder, his hands closing his bedroom food with a loud slam. 
Bakugo sat himself on the couch in his living room, his hands resting on his face, his elbow connected to his legs.
The hell was going on with him?
As he was brooding over his conflicted emotions, he heard the door of his room click open, and it seemed all his feeble attempts to slow down his heart went out the window.
There you were, clad in his black tshirt, the fabric pooling around your thighs and making your arms look tiny in the flowing fabric. You must have been wearing the shorts worn from under your dress, but still- he got a full view of your beautifully plush thighs, making heat rise to his cheeks.
Strange sensations filled his stomach, that tingling butterfly sensations filling his stomach-
The hell was wrong with him?
“For your clothes being so bland, they are pretty comfy…” you smiled up at him, his heart quickening at the small gesture.
You walked your way over the couch, resting your body opposite him, giving ample space between the two of you as you sighed in content.
“I could go to sleep right now”
Bakugo snorted, his arms wrapping against his chest as the heat continued to rise in his cheeks.
“The hell your not-”
You instantly pushed yourself up, cocking your head at Bakugou in confusion.
He had to admit it to himself- your looked-cute-, sitting there, your legs crossed with his shirt wrapped around your frame, your eyes wide and hair a mess.
He could get used to seeing you like this-
But shit he couldn't-didnt-think like that. You were his friend, nothing more.
“What do ya mean?” you asked “You were complaining about me two minutes ago, wouldn't you want me to go to sleep?”
He gave a small chuckle, his eyes looking down at the floor.
“Sure but-I'm not letting you go to sleep with all that shit on your face-”
Your hands instantly went to touch your face, your digit scrubbing against the skin.
You looked down, and there on your hand was your foundation, a tiny bit too dark as it had mingled with your bronzer and highlighter, black running against your skin like tire streaks on a road.
How did you not even feel that was on your face? How drunk were you?
The thought of you being so intoxicated you forgot you had makeup on seemed like the funniest thing ever, giggles dribbling out of your lips.
“Oh my god, I forgot!” you laughed, chuckles wracking through your body.
Bakugo simply shook his head, unable to contain a smirk from gracing his lips. He got up slowly, walking over to your side of the couch to offer you his hand.
“Alright cmon-you giggly ass drunk,” he smirked, his lungs tightening as you gave him a smile of your own, your smaller hand slowly taking hold in his larger one.
You leaned into his body, already accustomed to him being your support- he would at least admit it right now...you were cute
He walked you over to his bathroom, his digit flicking on the light switch. 
It was a little small, with enough room to hold two people inside. He gently pressed you against the wood of the cabinet, his hands grabbing your waist as he hoisted you on to the counter.
Any other day you would be embarrassed by this sudden closeness with your best friend but something about this felt bitter sweet. It had been so long it seemed like since someone had truly cared for you, being there by your side and making sure you were okay. It felt comforting to have Bakugou near you, but you knew this wouldnt last. You were drunk and feeling broken-is was just his obligation as your friend to get you through the night. Once you sobered up, itd be back to the way things were-bitterly lonely.
As you muddled in your emotions, your feet dangling against the cabinets, Bakugo was rummaging through in the cabinet next to you, emerging with a bottle of makeup remover.
You cocked your head at the bottle, the liquid inside an artificial yet soothing blue.
Why did he have that?
Bakugo stared down at the bottle in his hand, his red eyes quickly glancing at the writing on the side and setting it down on the counter, now rummaging for a cloth.
“This shit should work-”
Your hand grabbed the bottle, now inspecting it in curiosity.
“When did you get this?”
“Remember last time you came over,” he asked over his shoulder,” when the power went out in your apartment and you said you had to do your makeup?”
You simply nodded your head-you remembered that day. You had planned to go and watch a movie with your boyfriend-ex, and the screening was at exactly 12 am since it was premiering. You had wanted to look at least a little decent, but fate had gone against you and destroyed that plan halfway into putting on your  makeup. So you had of coursed called Bakugo, who grumpily obliged to let you use his apartment.
Bakugo’s hands gently took the bottle from yours, his hot skin brushing against yours as he applied the liquid to the cloth. His frame fit snugly in between your legs, your inner thighs brushing against the fabric of his sweatpants.
 “Well, You left it-” 
He simply stated, everything in his being trying to keep his tone leveled as he began to wipe your skin clean of the events from the night. 
You had never seen Bakugo be so gentle- he was taking his time, focusing on one small area and then moving onto the next. His strokes were even and light as air, not digging into your skin or forceful in any way. 
“And- and you kept it?” you gulped out, your eyes searching his own vermillion ones.
Bakugo was scared, terrified even-he didnt want to look you in your eyes. 
Would he do something he regretted if he did?
He was trying to control himself, to fight everything in him all night to not let you catch on to him, to not let you or himself see his true emotions...he was getting too tired to fight, and he was scared that he’d let something slip that he didnt even know about himself yet.
“Well yeah, I wasn't just going to throw it away,” he answered,” I figured you'd come and get it,”
He paused, his hand faltering against your skin for the smallest second. Maybe-it wouldn't hurt to say something...you were drunk after all, you wouldn't remember most of tonight probably….
“-also,” he gulped out, his heart beating in his chest, “ Its nice to have reminder of you here too,”
Your eyes instantly widened, the wind knocked out of your chest, constricting almost in pain.
Why did that make you feel so-so fluttery inside?
And why did it hurt so much?
Maybe because it almost sounded like-Bakugou may care for you? More than just a friendly way?
No-it couldn't….he was your best friend….but god, it felt so good to be cared for, to actually feel wanted-
And of course had to be by someone you knew you never had a chance with.
Your shoulders began to shake, realizing how much you must have screwed up-you lost your boyfriend, was humiliated by him, and then humiliated your own self by losing control. 
Bakugo was the only one you had truly could count on-he was the one person you called, and he had shown up to get you. He had tried his best to keep you comfortable, went out of his way to keep you safe, his best to keep you happy…
How long had it been since someone had been this caring to you?
Your shoulders began to shake, the weight of everything crashing down on you, tears spilling across your cheeks like rain droplets outside a car window.
How did everything turn out so wrong?
Bakugo instantly noticed your change, his body instantly panicked and worried.
“Shit-y/n, you okay? Whats wrong?” he asked, his tone desperate as he set the cloth down and wrapped his hands around your forearms, securing you as wave after wave of tears racked your body.
He wrapped you into a slow hug, his warm palms placed firmly against your back as you instantly wrapped your arms around his neck.
He felt so warm and safe, your noise buried into the soothingly sweet smell that was him. 
“Katsuki I-I-Im sorry, I didnt mean to-” you blubbered out, trying your best to apologize over your heightened emotions.
Bakugo had no idea what to do- was this just something you did when drunk? He had no idea why you had started crying, and he hoped it wasn't something he did- but telling by how in pain you looked and how quickly you welcomed his embrace, this was something he didnt do and couldn't fix-at least not quickly.
He continued to hold you tightly, his hands beginning to become clammy against your back.
“Dont say sorry-Your fine, just- tell me whats wrong,”
He felt your hands ball his shirt in your fists, your chin digging deeper into his skin.
“I wish I could find a guy as great as you,”
Bakugo’s face turned beet red, his arms stiffening at your words- when he asked what was wrong, he didnt mean something like that.
But the truth comes out when you're drunk, and Bakugo fully believed in this saying…
Did that mean-you liked him?
He couldn't deny it now- it was too hard and everything was against him at this point.
Just the small prospect of being your lover made Bakugo’s heart quicken, the little sentence you just uttered destroying the wall he had kept to protect himself from the truth.
He liked you.
Alot actually.
He scoffed, trying  his best to remain calm as he cradled you in his arms.
“Im not as great as you think I am,”
He felt you cuddle yourself even deeper into his neck, your hair tickling his jawline.
You seemed to be calming down as Bakugo had had a mental crisis….your sobs were now sniffles, and you werent breathing as hard. But you still were cuddled deep into his body, as if using him to block yourself from the outside world.
“No you are, you really are…”you sighed quietly, “ even if you are an ass sometimes, you are very kind and sweet-
“I just wish I could date someone like you,”
How could he even say anything after that?
How was even able to respond?
He wouldn't-Bakugo decided to hold you quietly, as if you never said anything...but those words were echoing inside his head.
God- you could date him in a heartbeat. But, reality kicked into Bakugou- you were drunk, and just got dumped. You were just starved of touch and affection from that.
There was no way sober you would have said something so revealing as this- you saw him as his best friend, nothing more and nothing less of that. You wouldn't jeopardize your relationship by saying something that could mean the end of your friendship.
Bakugo felt the tightness of your body loosen, your breathing now regular, something so different from a few minutes ago.
“Y/n?” he asked quietly, almost timidly as he waited for a response.
Bakugo sighed, a small, tired smile playing on his lips
“You fell asleep huh?”
Bakugo playfully rolled his eyes as your quiet demeanor spoke the truth for him.
His hands found themselves placed against your back, wrapping against your body once again so that your legs were around his waist, his arm supporting you as he carried you back to his room.
Maybe in the morning you would remember this...maybe not. He was conflicted- a part of him hope you didn't, so your relationship could resume as normal, but- something in him hoped you remembered. And hoped you wanted to talk more about it- because if you felt the same way and meant it, he wouldn't mind to see if you two could be more than just friends.
He pecked a look at your sleeping form, your smushed face against his shoulder making his heart fill with warmth.
“Shit-if only you knew...I would date you-
“even if your a giggly ass drunk,”
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httpswwwtbhkcom · 4 years
How does the Class 1a react to their Classmate’s s/o
[@httpswwwtbhkcom’s masterlist]
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x Reader, Denki Kaminari x Reader (Separately)
Warning: Swearing (Typical Bakugo), Some wrong grammars (sorry) , some overreacting Denki. Long stories for Bakugo i got carried away (sorry), some angst but fluff in the end. (for denki)
Genre: fluff(?), a bit of angst
f/d: favorite drink, Y/n: Your name, L/n: last name, S/o: significant other
A/N: My first Headcanon! Hope i won’t edit this. Anyways, Enjoy! 
Happy Birthday Denki Kaminari -w-
+A/N: i think im not for headcanons. I write to much. i prefer oneshots more. sorry again
++A/N: Might edit this the next day. It’s late. Good night, Good morning, and Good afternoon for every people in the world ♡
Reader: Neutral
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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Katsuki Bakugo:
Summary: You were a new student at the infamous UA highschool, You were late at enrollment. But you still got inside UA’s recommendations. You had a quirk that always involve water. It was quite powerful since you wasted no time in training your quirk in America, but your always dehydrated after every practice. your first day in UA was the worst for Bakugo, one of Bakugo’s friends i’m watching you kaminari had ‘accidentally’ shouted something that both you and Bakugo were not ready to show the world for. Poor Bakugo was embarrassed. same to you.
Reader’s quirk: Something that involves water
Warning: Swearing
No one knew about Bakugo’s s/o except for the Bakusquad. 
He really wanted his relationship a secret. He didn’t really like people invading you since he loves you dearly.  
(skip these warnings. they might be not important or something)
[Warning: Long ass story.] 
About how you two met and stuff like that;
He was your childhood family friend (same with Izuku but that’s in a different story), He had grown feelings for you when you both grew together. Because of your Family business, You both went in separate ways. You went to America while Bakugo stayed in Japan. You promised that you two would still keep in touch, and you did. Calling and texting each other every single day. Few years had passed. You finally went back to Japan. Meeting your childhood everything again. 
You tackled him once you saw him. You almost cried, finally meeting your childhood everything again, but taller, more mature, more handsomer? well whatever,  You missed him and He missed you, that’s what matters right now.
“Katsuki! I have many things to tell you about America.” You smiled. “Yeah, yeah, i miss you too.” He replied. “Let’s go inside, the shitty woman might be happy to see you again.” He continued. You replied with a giggle then followed him home.
At his house..
“Woah, It’s cleaner than before!” You joked, Resulting that you got bonked behind your head by Katsuki’s Hand.
“ Oh my. Y/n!  How are you? Does it hurt? Katsuki don’t do that to a lady!” Katsuki’s mom, Mitsuki Bakugo shouted at his son, and she was prettier than before, You thought. “Hah? Shut up old hag! It didn’t hurt much! I wasn’t even that hard!” Bakugo argued. ‘Mother like son’ you sighed. “Hello Mitsuki, I’m fine. It didn’t hurt.” You replied, trying to stop the arguement of the mother and the son. “But woah, You look really beautiful today.” You complimented. “Awh Thank you Y/n sweetie, see katsuki. You should be like Y/n here.” Mitsuki scolded. Then They argued again, then Katsuki’s Father, Mitsuki’s husband, Masaru Bakugo came and greeted you. Then tried to break their arguement. 
Time skip:
after a month in Japan, You enrolled in UA, same class with your boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugo.
[Warning: Make it two Long ass stories]
How did the Bakusquad knew about you two dating? How did you met the Bakusquad?
After a few days (Saturday) You and Bakugo decided to ‘hang out’. So Bakugo declined hanging out with the bakusquad (as always) but Kirishima thought begging will help like last time, but it didn’t. So the Bakusquad was confused. Saturday, The Bakusquad (-Bakugo) went out to go to the park near a cafe where you and Bakugo was in. Then The Bakusquad saw you ‘hanging out’ with Bakugo one time in a cafe. ‘Bakugo denied hanging out with the bakusquad because of a girl. Omgomgomgomgomg’ Mina thought. So typical Mina, Had fangirled outside the cafe, shipping you(as a stranger to them) and Bakugo together, since Bakugo always hangs out with them. While Kaminari went inside the cafe to greet you two. following with a Kirishima and Sero pulling him back outside and apologizing to his behavior. You paid no mind and looked at Bakugo, Who was pissed. You held his hand “Hey, it’s fine.” You replied. “Are they your friends Katsuki?” “Hah? No. No matter what, their extras to me.” He scoffed, you giggled. “Hey it’s fine.” “No it’s not. Dunce face ruined everything.” He sighed, still a bit pissed. “Atleast they care about you.” You said, still holding his hand. “Yeah yeah whatever.” He looked at the window. Seeing Mina scolding Kaminari while Kirishima and Sero waved at both of you then stupidly grinned. Bakugo looked at you again, You were looking at them. He sighed. Making you look at him. “Hm. You ok?” You asked, quirking a brow. “Yeah, im going to talk to them.” He stood up, letting go of his hand. Then he went outside. You were checking outside of what your lover was doing. 
“Why the fuck were you interrupting us?” His voice was loud enough to be heard by the Bakusquad and the passerby’s who was staring at the show. “Uhhhh Hi Bakugo! Didn’t see you there. How are you?” Kaminari,who was trying to change the subject, made Bakugo more mad. Everyone in the Bakusquad except for Bakugo and Kaminari facepalmed. “Hah? Trying to change the subject won’t save you dunce face.” His hands were making some small sparks, ‘I guess that’s my cue to help’ You sighed, taking your last sip of your f/d. then throwing the empty cup in the trash bin. 
Bakugo was making his way to Kaminari, His hands ready to throw Kaminari to the next country, Then He felt someone touch his shoulder. “HEY-” “Stop it Katsuki. Your scaring him.” You watched as his  hands lowers down then he apologizes. The Bakusquad was shooked. Bakugo. Apologizing? ‘Am i dreaming or something????’ they thought. Bakugo had never apologized like that. Hm weird “Oh hey” You greeted “I’m Y/n L/n. Are you Katsuki’s friends?” Now you sound like his mother. Great! “i think so-” The red haired stopped. He was a bit stiff. Katsuki glaring at him. “Hiiiiii I’m Ashido Mina. Nice to meet you Y/n!” She was friendly. and you were happy about it. “This is Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, and Hanta Sero.” She continued. You greeted them. They greeted you back. “Hey are you Bakugo’s girlfriend?-” The pikachu looking guy snickered but the pikachu boy who was named Kaminari got hit at the head, by the red head, Kirishima “Be quiet Kaminari man, you don’t want Bakubro trying to kill you again right?” The red head scolded. Poor Kaminari,,,, “She is my girlfriend Dunce face, got a problem with that?” He growled. His face were a bit red, embarassment? angry? flustered for no reason? Don’t know, Don’t care. And that’s how you met the Bakusquad. they were lucky to have you help them for Baku-problems. Though Kirishima, being Bakugo’s ‘best friend’ or so you thought, Didn’t need help because that is “Unmanly”
Continuing ....
He really didn’t like public relationships since his s/o would be involved. Some people would annoy you with questions and he didn’t like that. 
So that means the first day of UA for you will be Kaminari’s death wish
Skipping to your first day in UA
“Class, This is Y/n, L/n. Please let them feel like home. I know it’s late. But make them feel welcomed. Now do whatever you want. I’m going to sleep.” You stood infront while Aizawa makes his way to his yellow sleeping bag. You saw some familliar faces then smiled. 
Kaminari gasped, Loud enough that everyone was looking at him. “OMG I REMEMBER YOU” He stood, pointing to you. Curious faces was looking at you and Kaminari. “YOUR BAKUGO’S S/O” Then that’s how he almost died at lunch. Both you and Bakugo were a blushing mess. You stood there like an idiot, cause you did not move at all. Eyes were on you and Bakugo. Oh noes. I guess Kaminari’s dead. ‘He’s in big trouble’ The others muttured. Everyone be like :O
They were shooked. So at lunch, was as he expected. Almost everyone has been asking you questions, But you answer most of them. Cause a short grape boy named Mineta was asking inappropriate questions. 
“ i wonder how Y/n and Bakugo started dating. I mean like, Y/n is so nice while Bakugo was so. so mean.” Kaminari pouted a bit jealous Bakuo himself got a s/o before him. “I guess opposites attract” Mina laughed
“Any lasts words Dunce face?” Bakugo’s hand was so close to Kaminari’s face that one explosion  and his face goes to recovery girl, burned. “Uhhhh. You got a nice girlfriend?” Then he went off running outside the lunch room. Bakugo chasing him. “Someone go get Y/n!” Someone shouted. “No running!” Iida yelled, but none of them listened. You were in the halls after escaping the questions, going back to the classroom, so when you saw him chasing Kaminari again, you sighed. then you know what happened next
Video not mine. Just found it in Youtube. Credits to: Icy Hot
 You both were in Bakugo’s room. And you saw a Baby Katsuki video, so you showed it to Bakugo cause why not? “Hey katsuki look at this” You giggled, showing the video to your boyfriend
“You look so cute!” You giggled “W-where did you get that from?!” He stuttered. “My mom sended it to me earlier! You and your weird but cute antics. just so cute!” you were fangirling, while he was stared at you, “You call falling cute? That’s rude dumbass” He pouted. “No, Your singing dummy!” And that’s how he blushed hard. “Love you Katsuki.” You laid your head down to his shoulder, yawning. He smiled. “Love you too.”
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Denki Kaminari:
Summary: You and Denki were dating for a few months. The only person you interact with in class 1a except for Kaminari was Mina. Mina was the matchmaker herself so that’s why she knew about her. It was your lover’s birthday today. So you and Mina thought to surprise him (Making his class confused and surprised too).
Your in the support course too, in another school  
Reader’s quirk: Double
A/N: This is a bit more different than Bakugo’s, since it’s Denki’s birthday. -w-
Warning: In this story, When Denki Kaminari’s birthday is ignored or forgotten by his s/o, He overreacts and starts to worry himself too much, Swearing
The day before his birthday...
“She’s real! I’m not lying this time!” Kaminari argued. “I don’t trust you. You kept lying about your ‘girlfriend’ for months! How can i trust you if you keep lying to yourself?” Jirou shot back, even quoted the ‘girlfriend’ word. “Do you guys trust me?” Kaminari asked for the others who were inside the classroom. “Sorry bro...” Kirishima apologized. Bakugo shooked his head as a ‘no’. Everyone disapproved, well except for Midoriya. Who was trying to leave the classroom and a Mina who already left. Kaminari locked eyes with the green haired boy, “Well? How about you Midoriya?” He asked, his eyes waiting for a yes. The green haired boy only froze once his name was heard. Every eyes in the room because to bore through Midoriya, making him uncomfortable. “S-sorry...” He said shyly. In which Kaminari only groaned in response “I’ll show you that she’s real!” He shouted to his classmates who was leaving the school to their respective dorms. He only heard a “Yeah yeah whatever Dunce face.” from Bakugo himself. 
With Mina and Y/n..
“Mina!” You waved, earning a wave back from your best friend. “Hi bestie!” “How are you?” You asked. “Oh im fine. I have a favor....It’s about Kaminari’s birthday.” She whispered the last part, like someone was following her or something. “Oh what is it?” You were curious. She whispered the ‘plan’. “Oh! I’m free tomorrow! Good thing we have no school tomorrow. I can ready everything at the dorms with the help of some of my friends.” You giggled. “Are you sure?” Mina was a worried, especially you doing things on your own. “Yep! i’ll be fine don’t worry. I won’t overuse my quirk. i promise” You promised, which was supposed to be broken tomorrow since you really want to do this for your boyfriend. “Ok then, i trust you.” “Thank you then. I want all of the class to act normal kay? And text me if you guys are going upstairs. We need to plan this perfectly.” You replied. “Got it boss.” Mina joked, then left to go back to the dorms.
Everyone in the class knew Kaminari’s Birthday was tomorrow. So to have no suspicion at all, Mina made a group chat with all of the Class, except you and Denki of course (She wanted to surprise her fellow classmates too). She texted the plan to the group. and they agreed.
The text, Just for fun.
8:00PM ~Today~
Mina: Hey guys!
Bakugo: What the fuck is this?
Iida: Bakugo! No swearing
Bakugo: Why? This ain’t the original Group chat so why not? Mina did this in the first place. Why blame me?
*Iida and Bakugo argued in text so let’s skip that*
Izuku: Please stop kacchan
Bakugo: Shut up Deku.
Kirishima: Woahh Chill Bakubro
Bakugo: Shut the fuck up shitty hair
Iida: Bakugo!
Uraraka: Did i just heard an explosion?
Jirou: Yes, you just did
Mina: Guys.
Everyone but Bakugo: Yes?
Bakugo: What the fuck do you want raccoon eyes?
Iida: Bakugo! Stop it.
Bakugo: Make me four eyes
Tsuyu: Guys, Mina is telling us something! Be quiet. kero
Mina: Thank you Tsu. As i was telling, it’s Kaminari’s birthday tomorrow, so how about we make a surprise birthday party for Kaminari?
Sero: But how? We have school tomorrow.
Hagakure: How about i do it myself? I can take off my clothes then prepare.
Ojiro: Aizawa will notice that you left. no floating uniform, no hagakure.
Hagakure: Haha right.
Mina: Reply to Sero: Don’t worry i got it covered. All we need to do is act normal or something. We all go to the dorms like we always do. Hang-out, or something else just act natural. No need to be worried.
Ojiro: But whose going to ready things out?
Mina: I said i got it covered. Do you guys even trust me? :(
Izuku: O-of course we trust you Mina.
Mina: Ok good! Again. Act Natural. 
Bakugo: Yeah yeah we know it already. we ain’t blind
Mina: Sheesh! fine just checking.
Sero: To Kaminari’s birthday!
Everyone except Bakugo. Again: To Kaminari’s birthday!
Mina: ... F for Bakugo in the chat
Kirishima: F
Sero: F
Jirou: F
The others except Bakugo: F
Bakugo: Ugh Fine. To Dunce face’s birthday, Happy?
Mina: Very, Goodnight!
Everyone: Goodnight 9:47PM ~Today~
The next day...
You sneaked inside the dormitory, with a teacher’s permission (Since you didn’t want attention of other people/teachers walking by in the morning and letting you out of the school. and being banned there). Inside Mina’s room.
“Are you sure ‘bout this?” Mina asked, currently worried and instantly regretted on involving you but your Denki’s s/o so why not? Your a teacher’s pet and a social butterfly. so that’s good right? you’ll get out in every arguement right? Meh, you asked for permission, you get permission. “Yes Mina, Don’t worry. I’ll be fine” You reassured her so that’s fine right?
When Mina left, you were already decorating the living room (just pretend they have their own campus with each floor, first floor for class 1a. Just pretend. I have my own imagination, Oh wait. i think they do have their own campus? i forgot :P) Then you felt your phone buzz... a notification, you took your phone out of your back pocket. thought that was Mina, but it was your beloved boyfriend, Denki Kaminari
Denki’s nickname in your private chat is Pika pika bitch♡ because he wanted to have it. he even blackmailed you that if you changed his nickname, he will not give you kisses for a month. your nickname in private chat: Love of Denki’s life♡♡ was made by you. cheesy right? but i had changed it to You Just in case
7:10AM ~Today~
Pika pika bitch♡(Denki): Hey Love! Am i interrupting you?
You: Hey Denki! Ah no, your not interrupting me. Well... i have no school today and i have my free time today!
Pika pika bitch♡(Denki): Awh your lucky! I wish that i could hang out with you. Sadly i can’t. I have school :(
You: Bummers... :(
Pika pika bitch♡(Denki): We can hang out later after my school right? Your free later right?
You: Aw sorry baby, can’t. i have to meet up with my friends later at the mall.
Pika pika bitch♡(Denki): Oh, :(                                                                                                                  Can’t you tell them to Hang out next time instead?
You: So sorry bby, but it’s one time only! We can hang out Next week. My treat~
Pika pika bitch♡(Denki): Ok then. I can’t say no to free food!
You: Thank you bby! Love you.
Pika pika bitch♡(Denki): Love you too♡
7:47AM ~Today~
You accidentally forgot to say happy birthday to him in text. You were busy decorating you just forgot about it, And you regretted lying to your s/o that your going to hang out with your friends. which was a big no-go to Kaminari himself.
With Denki, since you were decorating the living room....
Denki was the first one to go to school since it was his birthday
Denki sighed in disappointment since his s/o didn’t remember his birthday. Who are those ‘friends’ that was more important than him? He told you about his birthday right? Did he forget? Or did you forget? He was sad. How did you forget about this? It’s his birthday today. Why won’t you Atleast say Happy birthday for him?  A happy birthday from text would be fine for him. So why won’t you do it? Why did you forget? Was he not important enough to atleast remember his birthday? Please tell him atleast a happy birthday- “Happy birthday man!” “Happy birthday kaminari.” “Happy birthday!” everyone greeted him happy birthday. How nice. Well he was still sad but it’s worth it right? Your the one preparing, their the one whose saying happy birthday to him. He was still down.-
 Bing! A Notification... From The Kaminari Family.
7:50AM ~Today~
Mother: Happy birthday Denki♡
Father: Happy birthday! My son, be a pro hero like what you really are!
Denki: Thank you Mom, Dad! I love you both♡
Mother: We love you too. Were proud of you too. Go reach your goal and be a successful pro hero!
8:01AM ~Today~
He was a bit less disappointed. Atleast his family still remember it right? Well that’s a bit of his worries had fallen.
The school had ended and nothing out of the ordinary had happened. As promised when they were going to the dormitory, Mina texted Y/n that they were going to the dorms
5:01PM ~Today~ Cute Alien queen♡(Mina): Were going back to the dorm! Get ready.
Twice the cuteness♡(You): Oh ok, Everythings set. i’ll take a minute nap at Denki’s dorm. I’m kinda tired right now.
Cute Alien queen♡(Mina): And You promised me you wouldn’t overuse your quirk.
Twice the cuteness♡(You): I didn’t overuse my quirk! I might or might not added to many decorations. 
Cute Alien queen♡(Mina): That’s still overusing your quirk.
Twice the cuteness♡(You): Fine fine sorry. I was just too excited for Denki’s birthday that i got carried away.
Cute Alien queen♡(Mina): Apology accepted. Just don’t do it again
5:10PM ~Today~
With Denki and the others
Denki was the first one to the door, While the others were behind him waiting to get the door opened just to say a loud “happy birthday!!”. But some were anxious if Mina was actually joking or not. They would be a big fool of themselves and it would ruin everyone’s reputation.
Once he opened the door, He was dumbfounded. How did they decorated the living room while everyone was with him the whole time?
A loud “Happy birthday!” was shouted behind him once he opened the door. He was happy. finally happy they actually remembered. But the question was. Who decorated this? Hagakure? She was invisible but no. she can’t do all of this by herself, Plus he saw floating uniforms. Maybe it was Uraraka’s quirk that made it float? No. Maybe the teachers? No, they would just greet him happy birthday. Maybe some people that he didn’t notice leave? No. He swore that he checked every single one of them with him in the classroom. No one left. And nothing was out of the ordinary. Did they do it after he left? No there were too many decorations. So who did it?
“Aw Thank you guys for making this for me. I was pretty shocked myself, Shocking right?.” He joked the last part. but no one laughed. just some ‘your welcomes.’
“We didn’t do that Dunce face.” Bakugo admitted. Leaving a shocked Pikachu standing dumbly right outside the room. “T-then if you didn’t do that then who did?” He asked. “Dunno. Mina told us the plan-.” Ojiro answered. “Mina!!!! Thank you!!” He hugged Mina, who was laughing her ass off “I didn’t do this myself. i planned it. Someone else did it by themselves.” The whole class was like :O and was very confused. ‘like waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? themselves? How????’
Who can do it by themselves? definitely not them. Everyone looked at each other in curiousity and ask of who did it. Making Mina laugh. “Wait.. Their here?!” He asked his voice rising a bit. Mina nodded. He had let go and ran to go search for you in a lightning speed
The other’s be like “??? what do you mean ‘their here’?” All of them asked. “ His s/o is here.” She said proudly, making the others jaw dropped while the others where laughing I’m talking about you Bakugo “Your joking right? Dunce face can’t even have a lover since he sucks.” He laughed. While the others were seriously staring at him in disgust.
With Y/n and Denki 
“Y/Nnnnnnnnnnn!” Denki ran full speed to his room, finding you lying down in his clothes, already awake because of the ruckus you heard. “Happy birthday Denki” You smiled. 
“Guys this is my s/o, Y/n.” He proudly introduced you to his classmates. “Nice to meet you.” You bowed. The others greeted back. “I told you she was real!” He shouted. “Yeah yeah whatever, so Y/n,-” Jirou ignored Denki. Every student started to ask questions, making you giggle at the attention that the class gave you. leaving a speechless Kaminari and a Bakugo. “Hey guys! It’s my birthday right now! Give ya’ll attention to me!” Kaminari cried. “Shut up Dunce face.” Bakugo scolded, leaving the crowded room. “R00D” 
“You should come here and visit us more often!” Uraraka replied before you left, “Sure! sorry i can’t stay that long though. My sensei told me to come back to the dorms.” You waved goodbye to the others. Denki tackled you then lustfully whispered “You shouldn’t lie to me like that. You almost gave me a heart attack when you said you were busy with someone later. that someone was more important than me. When your going to visit, your going to have a big punishment.”. You gave him a goodbye kiss then left, flustered.
Edited: July 16,2020
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