#ball bearing turbo
wild-at-mind · 2 months
I just read an article (/book extract) where the byline made it sound like it would explain how to find out about sex parties in your area if you're New. 'People always ask me this first' yadda yadda. So I clicked in, all intrigued, but the answer was literally 'It's easy, just...go to one! ^^' (Great thnx.)
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Nissan Silvia Autech Version K's MF-T, 1997. Autech's S14 series Silvia was powered by an Autech-tuned SR20DET 2.0 litre engine that produced 244hp. An IHI ball bearing turbo (VN14) was fitted in favour of the Garrett T28 in the standard Silvia, for slightly quicker response and flow. There were firmer shocks and springs, front strut brace, and a rear sway bar for the multi-link suspension.
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zmediaoutlet · 3 months
"but Dean never felt quite as balls-out wild as he did on his belly under his dad" is it because he trusted sam not to hurt him in a way he didnt trust john? is it because sibling incest is just that little less fucked up than parental incest? is it because of the insane power dynamic? is it because of johns particular brand of gross fucknasty hotness and masculinity?
answers to these questions in order:
Sam's capacity to hurt Dean is actually greater than John's, not that any of the three of them know that (at first). Both physically and emotionally. If you don't believe in John The Monster, and I don't, then you're left with someone who -- yes, even if he is doing this -- is still not trying to hurt his kid. A terrible circumstance they've found themselves in and extricating from it would cause even more damage. John can harm Dean with lack of expectation and lack of pride and lack of care but -- Dean expects all that, and bears up under it, and takes it as his due. Sam's a bull in a china shop, comparatively. He doesn't expect that Dean cares as much as he does about what Sam thinks about him -- how much Dean hopes for, from the only person he's ever cared about this much -- and so he can say whatever, or do whatever, and he's not realizing how much soft underbelly is available to be shredded (often until it's too late).
sibling incest is like a LOT less fucked up than parental incest, like a LOT, and particularly the way Sam and Dean go about it. Even with the weird dynamic Sam and Dean have, they are brothers first, and they have a give-and-take power dynamic and partnership that means they are both entering this with eyes mostly open. The thing with Dean and John is turbo weird, monumentally fucked, and the things you can do and think when you're not able to even look at the thing in the light of day -- woof.
but also, yes, John's particular brand of gross fucknasty hotness and masculinity. tbh JDM himself, on a meta level, is way grosser and fucknastier and hotter and more masculine, but that does trickle through the comparatively damp John Winchester, and lawdy lord. Sam's masc and hot and fucknasty too but it's tempered with thoughtfulness and sensitivity and, while I don't think either of them actually think about Sam as the "little" brother that often, their orientation around each other necessitates a more even playing field. Daddy Dom John is another foxhunt altogether. And if you believe, as I and all right-thinking people do, that Dean's most essential deepest wish is to just -- submit, to give up, to get washed under below a wave of just not having to decide -- to get fucked -- no one in the whole wide and wild world can fuck so comprehensively as his daddy.
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Mighty Solars Heroes and Villains (Last Post of Mine Before Someone Takes my Mental)
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Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: Invisibility and Super Shlorpian
Terry Solar-Opposites/Mighton: Super Strength and Mundane
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites/Vil-Gil-An-T: Laser Eyes, Weaponry and Super Shlorpian
Jesse Solar-Opposites/Fung-irl: Shlorpian Fungus and Flower powers and Mundane
Pupa Solar-Opposites/The Mighty Pupa: Telekinesis
Stacy G/Spikerella: Body armor and shooting spikes
Sonya Solar-Opposites/Nighthowler: Elasticity
Phoebe MacCarthy/Starburst: Wonder Woman-like powers and super lasso
Monica Miller/Lightspeed: Super Speed
Janiz Solar-Opposites/Ms. Quasar: Changing colors and super shlorpian transformation
JK-7/Mighty Robo: Super Robotic Powers
Kimber/Crushed Skull: Bone Bending and Mega Angel Shlorpian transformation
AISHA Solar-Opposites/Lady Camo: Shapeshifting and ultra cyber super shlorpian transformation
Lili Solar-Opposites/Mighty Baby: Super Cries
EVA/Syren Songstress: Superpowered Singing Voice
MAX/The Speedster: Super Speed
Evil Terry Solar-Opposites/Shifter: Just like the powers as Inque from Batman: Beyond and Venom combined into strength and Mundane
Parker/Venus Tip: Her powers are like Pidge from Voltron: Legendary Defender
Ms. Frankie/Night Saw: Wolverine claws
Principal Cooke/Trailblazer: Lightning dash
Cherie/Shining Light: Super stealth
Montez/Detroit: Electricity
Pezlie/Jessie-us: Super sonic cries
Nova/Heartstar: Super Empathy
Ms. Perez/Core Burn: Sun powers
Mia/Navigator: X-ray Vision
Kevin/Balanight: Tron powers
Sherbet/Fizziepop: Sweets Powers
Jamie Quilbard/Firewall: Fire Powers
Darcy Quilbard/Sonar Woman: Star Powers
Angela/Tsunami: Water powers
Mark Melner/Laserblast: Shooting lasers from hands
Sister Laffy/Zaffy Taffy: Sweet Bombs
Sister Hershey/Atomic Blossom: Glowing Powers
Bobby/Lightning Rod: Lightning Powers
Tracy/Firefly: Like Katie Power/Energizer from Power Pack comics
Abby/Ultraviolet: Rainbow powers
Owen/Bubbley Blue: Bubbles
Holly/Lil Butterfly: Ultraviolet and Butterfly powers *I found out Holly is Trevor’s daughter in the show, who also appears in the “Stock-a-Verse Ray” and “The Educational Sprinkler Device”, which makes her Shauna’s step-daughter and Stacy G’s step-sister*
Benedog Cumberwolf/Mighty Puppy: Like Underdog ‘07 *He’s Kevin’s new puppy from the pet Deenosuar Solar Opposites episode*
Randall/Blackhole: Voodoo magic
Travis/Bloom Surfer: Slime Powers
Avery/Diamenroto: Diamond Powers
Cheery Smithers/Bloody Sympathy: Blood Bending
Janice/Teleport Woman: Teleportation and flight
Jackie Quilbard/Thunderella: Thunderstorm powers
Pim/Soarin’: Flying powers
Jam/Razzle Dazzle: Star powers.
Keith/Behemoth: Strength and Rage Mode
Ringo/Orb Lord: Spirit Ball Powers
Theo/Techrat: Holo Powers *he is the Wallian who used to help Stephen from “Terry and Korvo Steal a Bear”
Shauna/Magma: Oozing molten green lava powers
Trevor/Slimar: Turned into walking blue goo that sprays baddies with goo.
Alice/Black Moon: Like Silk from Spider-Verse
Dr. Weathertsone/Blizzard: Ice powers
Naomi/Black Mamba: Shooting slithering webs
Glen “Dodge Charger”/Silver Knight: Heroic Silver Powers
Zylenol “Zy”/Lightning Wing: Neon Electricity Powers
Gragger/Sticky Squid: Goo Powers
Skunt/Zamboni: Spinning Ball Powers
Fivo the Ferret Halo/Ice Beast: Blizzard powers
Ruben the Rabbit Halo/Thunder Rabbit: Cyber Thunder Powers
Croaker the Toad Halo/Screaming Toad: Screaming powers
Rita the Rat Halo/Speed Rat: Technology Powers
Shelly the Turtle Halo/Shellshock: Speed Powers
Piper/Sunburn: Star Powers
Tomblr/Turbo Rider: Like the Silver Surfer but different
Sofia/Furiosa: Cosmic Fireball Powers and Speed
Gavin/Lone Defender: Strength and Cowboy-Based Powers
Hedgie/Blazing Hedgehog: Super Speed
AXL/Virus: Super virus powers *He is a new green AI OC Evil Terry created when he first appeared on Earth*
Oscar/La Vulture: Undead Reaper powers *He is Sofia’s Uncle, who was brought back to life thanks to Dodge Charger*
BO/Bonzai: An orange AI assistant Kimber made and EVA’s crush; machete powers
LOU/Bounceball: A yellow baby AI assistant Korvo built for Pupa, Lili and JK-7 as a playmate; bouncing ball powers
Mighty Solars Villains
Darkness/Kano: A legendary sorcerer from the dark side of the moon who can turn people into his own shadow slaves and has been after Shlorpians for a long time. He was return to life as Kano, a mysterious fire bending vigilante until he was finally killed off for reals thanks to Cheery’s other half and late love interest, Naomi. He even manipulated Qourra into turning against her fellow people as an exchange for revenge for her mother.
Lá Smaragdus: A jewel-themed super villainess who was once a Latino tv star, until her salary was cut and she was fired from her show. Her powers are turning people into diamond statues and making minions out of rare gems.
Screech: A muscular super villain with the power of brutal strength that can tear apart objects and innocent people.
Platinum Belt: A manipulating spiritual cyborg controlling a superhero named Blue Belt, and is known to manipulate innocent bystanders by taunting them over their issues and fears and their flaws.
Temptra: A robot disguised as a gorgeous platinum southern-accent woman created by Platinum Belt to tempt people into their own temptations, which ended up failing badly when she suffers the wraith of Qausarblast.
Sun-Yi: An evil young ninja after an ancient artifact known as the Blue Heroin and is revealed to be Blue Belt’s rival.
Piedro Blobsmith: An obese mafia boss in charge of a dangerous alien slime food company that causes aliens, including Shlorpians to become morbidly obese and the size of blimps. His main victims are Korvo and Terry aka Qausarblast and Mighton.
El Minotaur: An evil warlord and nemesis to the Resistance who is after Earth-4 by building for fortress for when he kidnaps innocent bystanders so he can brainwash them into his soldiers.
Mindreader: A villain that tortures people through their minds and send them on weird bizarre trip in the Forbidden Zone.
Simon/Tarantula Boy: A super villain teenager with the powers of a tarantula that can turn into mindless zombie army.
Zahmara Python: A famous well-known evil bounty hunter alien woman who hunts down and kills innocent aliens.
Morlak: An evil sorceress who believes in the power of darkness and sees love and family as nothing. Her powers is to make people give into their own fears and turn them into monsters.
Spirala: A teenage villainess with the power to turn teenage girls into Lust-themed zombies and also turns teenage boys into her own love-blinded slaves.
Zeus: A crook that wants to drain people’s energy for his own powered machine that can make the world entirely dark.
Candy Bitch: A cute but evil and bratty super villain based on candy sweets that has candy-themed powers, including shooting Starburst Fruit Candy slime from her hands.
Rock Fraud: A former rockstar who lost their career after it was revealed that they were lip singing this whole time. They now have the power to steal people’s voices, so they can use it for evil purposes.
Moral Blade: An evil shadow woman with the power of turning people into their worst dark selves and turning them rebellious.
Dreamweaver: A robot that turns people away from real life and put them into their own fantasy worlds from their own dreams, or worse… nightmares!
Merissa: A rogue witch who wants revenge on the human witches of Earth-4 for kicking her out because of her jealousy over newcomers and for turning her son against her.
GeenaDavisTron 4000: A robot built to help struggling students as school, but then rebels and malfunctions into a war machine after labeling humans and the Solar Opposites imperfect beings.
Empress Ophelia Darkstar: An evil empress from the planet Emeralddon that hunts down aliens for their own life sources for her corrupted planet.
Impulse: A super villain with a huge amount of blood pressure that causes her to attack citizens with passive-aggressive behavior and is very dangerous to be around with when it comes to very strong emotions.
La River Bestia: The swamp monster of Earth-4’s Swamp Forest who is revealed to be a young deranged scientist turn into a monster by his own troubles.
Magnesium: A villain who turns out to be a former head of the Bowenian Church that is revealed to be Sister Sisto’s apprentice and is after Pezlie.
Macromanser: Once a famous wrestler woman named Alya Sparks, she is a now a monstrous strong woman bent on crushing people with her own savage strength.
Pinball Brat: A teenage super villain based on a pinball machine that traps people in her house size pinball machine and makes them play the game.
Madame Luna: A witch villainess that was a former meteorologist that has powers based on the moon.
The Rose Triplets: Madame Luna’s manipulative minions who are colored in different shades of rose and are good acrobats.
Qourra- A former water bender who goes rogue and tries to blood bend people for revenge on the death of her mother. Only for her to caused an Unwitting Instigator of Doom which led to the arrival of the Silver Spades.
The Silver Spades- A villainous team of dangerous silver-shaded multi-colored villains that blew up Earth and are actually apprentices and allies of the Silver Cops that are after the Solar Opposites once they heard about their arrival on Earth and later Earth-4. The members are Maverick, the silver-green leader who is determined to take down the Mighty Solars, Loo-Loo, the silver-yellow member with the power of dangerous lightning, Bullet, the silver-purple member with strength powers that rivals Mighton’s, Zelda, the silver-red member with the power of lava and Aqua, the silver-blue member with the powers of controlling water.
Carl Rockwell: A dangerous most wanted criminal that is going after the Mighty Solars’ allies.
Dr. Van Gurbin: A scientist that tested on steroids but was kicked out of his college for testing it on innocent people. Now he is gonna use Mighton’s strength for revenge.
Sister Sisto/Black Mirror: A returned foe from the Wall, who has been revived as a super villain of dark magic and mind control.
RUTH: An evil AI assistant who is red and AISHA’s evil counterpart created by Sister Sisto. *Her voice actor is also Eden Espinosa*
Anthony/Sand Beast: A rogue Wallian who develops the power of sand and moon sand, and has the ability to turn into a monster.
Lava Master: He was originally a teenage boy who is Mark’s former crush has gone rogue and became a villain that turns into a lava monster.
The Nega-Alexes: The Solars’ snobby neighbors from “The Educational Sprinkler Device” who became super villains after forming an alliance with the Silver Cops.
The Thunder Silvers: Lonesun, Glorgax, Ventrez and Pobo, who are now super villains after being exposed for framing Glenn by Quasarblast, Silver Knight and Lightning Wing.
Stephen/Beast Man: A rogue Wallian who now has the power to command dangerous carnivorous humanoid beast minions that were once humans.
I hope you love this post and yes. Glenn is redeemed in this one.
@avaveevo, @almar4121, @themagicwolf6677, all of my watchers, I hope you love this last post of mine.
Oh and by the way, I found out Louise’s real name in the show is Shauna when Korvo give her the McNugget Buddy collection, Kevin’s Wife’s name is actually Angela and their kids are names Abby and Owen. In this version, Sofia used to have a crush on Mia but moved on because she knows how much Ms. Perez means to Mia and is happy for them and now Sofia has feelings for someone else: Nova and Phoebe *it’s a polyship in my version*. Bobby is the boy with the large glasses in some of the Solar Opposites episodes and the one Sonya has a crush, Kieth is the Solars’ neighbor from the Season 2 finale and now AISHA’s love interest and Piper is one of the Wallian girls:
This is Piper:
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Also, Skunt secretly has a crush on her after she saved his life. Oh and Glenn/Dodger Charger and Zy are dating now. I hope you love my new and last Mighty Solars post guys.
And here are Sister Laffy:
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And Sister Hershey:
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Oh and here are Tracy, Jackie and Bobby!
Tracy (the one one Yumyulack accidentally send his mound pic too and is revealed to be Pim’s daughter; Pim is revealed to be a widower. His first wife died when Tracy was a baby)
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And Bobby (he is also revealed to be Jam’s son, Jam’s first husband died when Bobby was two)
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And Jackie Quilbard (Oh and she is now Jamie and Darcy’s adoptive daughter because her parents went into rehab and lost custody of her)
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And this is Holly
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lunas-nargle · 1 year
chapter four of "meddle about" series brian o'conner x reader
iv. the shitty, yet perfect car
"What about parts and service?" Mia asked as she held a folder full of papers in her hands. Y/n and Letty stood by a car, fixing it up. 
"Hold off on that." Dom answered.
"But, Dom, I don't know what to do with--" Mia cut herself off as a nasty, old wrecked, car was backed into the garage. 
"All right, what the hell is this?" Dom asked Brian, coming closer. Everyone else came closer as well, wanting to know what the hell that thing was. "What do you got there?"
"This is your car." Brian said, proudly.
"My car?" Dom pointed to himself as Jesse hit on the side of it with his fist. "I said a ten-second car, not a ten-minute car."
"You could push this across the finish line, or tow it." Y/n said making Letty laugh. 
"You couldn't even tow that across the finish line." Dom said.
"No faith." Brian shook his head a little with a smile, as the group laughed.
"Oh, I have faith in you, but this isn't a junkyard." Dom said, gesturing to the car. "This is a garage."
"Hey, pop the hood." Brian told Jesse
"Pop the hood?"
"Pop the hood." Brian grinned at Dom. The team moved the car into the garage where Jesse opened the hood, making it fall completely off. 
"Two J.Z. engine. No shit." Jesse said. 
"Goddamn, look at that thing." Y/n leaned closer to inspect it. 
"And what did I tell you?" Brian smiled, crossing his arms.
"I retract my previous statement." Dom said, a little impressed.
"You know what?" Jesse said holding onto the crowbar he used to open the hood. "This will decimate all after you put about fifteen grand in it or more, if we have to overnight parts from Japan."
"We'll put it on my tab at Harry's." Dom said. 
"I gotta get you racing again so I can make some money off your ass." Dom said to Brian. "There's a show down in the desert called Race Wars and that's where you'll do it." Dom started to walk away but stopped and turned to Brian. I'll tell you what. When you're not workin' at Harry's, you're workin' here. If you can't find the right tool in this garage, Mr. Arizona, you don't belong near a car." 
Y/n walked closer to Brian with a smirk, she got close enough to feel his breath on her face, "Guess your his bitch now." She chuckled at her comment before going working on her car.
The next day after a morning at the garage, the Toretto family decided to make the team a family dinner. 
"Mia! Y/n! Come on, the chicken's dry already." Dom called out to them as Monty and himself grilled the chicken. 
"Oh, shut it, we're coming!" Y/n called back to him, as she, Mia, Jesse, and Brian walked out the door bringing the things to set the table. Once the table was set and the food was placed onto it, they sat down, ready to eat. 
"Wait. Hold up." Dom said, as Jesse grabbed a piece of chicken. "Because you were the first out of everyone here to reach in to get the chicken, you say grace."
Everyone bowed their heads, and locked their hands.
"Dear heavenly, uh--" Jesse blanked for a moment, making Y/n want to burst out laughing. 
"Spirit." Leon finished for him.
"Spirit. Thank you." Jesse continued. "Uh, thank you for providing us with a direct port nitrous, uh, injection," Y/n let out a quiet snort making Brian nudge her side in amusement. "Four-core intercoolers and ball-bearing turbos, and, um, titanium valve springs. Thank you."
"Amen!" Leon said, as the rest of them clapped.  
"He was prayin' to the car gods, man." Letty said, amused.  
"If he's not the best--" Dom said with a smile, as he passed the plate of chicken around.
"Look who it is." Leon said. Y/n turned her head to see Vince walking towards them. "Old Coyotes 'R' Us. I thought you we're hungry, pumpkin."
Y/n's face dropped from joy to annoyance. Brian saw this and placed a comforting hand on her thigh. She looked at him and then down at his hand. He quickly pulled it away and before he could apologize, she put it back, placing hers on top of it. 
"You know, I gotta eat." Vince said. 
"He's always hungry." Letty said, blankly.
"All right, sit down." Dom waved him over. As Vince passed, he rubbed Dom's head inaudibly saying thank you. Vince greeted Mia before patting his brother's shoulder. His eyes fell onto Y/n as he sat down but she converted hers to Brian, who smiled at her making her smile back. 
After dinner, the team went to the living room to watch a movie. Y/n decided to wash the dishes, opting to do it then rather than later. 
"You need a hand with anything else?" Brian asked, bringing in the rest of the plates. 
"No, I'm good." Y/n said, focusing on the dishes. "You can go join the boys watchin' the movie."
"No, you see, the cook doesn't clean where I come from." Brian said, slipped beside her. He took a towel and started drying the already clean plates and cutlery. 
"Yeah?" Y/n questioned, glancing at him. "I'd love to go there." She then remembered something from a few days ago. "Hey, you remember you were gonna ask me something the day of the race?" She asked after a beat of silence. She stopped and turned, leaning her back against the sink. "What was it?"
Brian sighed and sat the plate he was drying down, "I was gonna ask you out. Which reminds me, do you wanna go out with me?"
Y/n tapped her lips in thought, "Hmmm, I don't know. I don't really date my cousin's friends."
"Oh, well, I guess I'll have to kick his ass then."
Y/n tried to hid her smile as she nodded her head, "Oh, yeah, I'd love to see that one. I would even pay to see it."
"Okay, but seriously. Am I gonna have to get on my knees and beg you or?" 
Y/n smile grew even more, her heart bursting with adoration. "I don't know. You on your knees sounds like a good sight to see."
Y/n's head turned at the sound of the microwave opening. Vince let out a wheeze as he popped in a bag of popcorn. 
"Wash my car when you get done." he said, laughing.
"Excuse me?" Y/n glared at him. 
"No, Y/n, I'm talking to the punk. And wear your favorite dress, 'cause when you're done, I'm puttin' you on the street where you belong, cutie." Y/n bit her tongue so hard she could taste blood. Vince laughed before looking back at the microwave. He pushed some buttons and hit the side. "Is this thing broken? What's wrong with this thing?"
She couldn't stay quiet anymore. "V?" She walked closer, grabbing his attention. "V, what was that Cuban restaurant you wanted to take me to? The one with the picadillo and the--"
"Little red candles and the wooden table?" Vince grinned.
"Yeah," Y/n said, coming a bit closer. "the plantain too. I see it all over the place, what's it called?"
"Cha Cha Cha." Vince said, still grinning. Y/n grinned back and she turned to Brian, walking closer to him. "Well, you can take me there. Does Friday night at 10 sound good to you?"
"Yeah, it's perfect." Brian said. 
"Good." Y/n said, looking down at his lips before going back up to his eyes. The two of them looked at Vince, who was backing out of the kitchen. He hit the door as he walked, angry.
"Make your own goddamn popcorn!" they heard Vince shout. Y/n placed a hand over her mouth to keep in her giggles. Brian smiled, not believing he's got a date with the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. 
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hirocimacruiser · 5 months
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AVO Impreza WRX & STI Subaru GDA/GDB Pure Power Packages.
AVO knows Subaru better than anyone else.
Since the introduction of the 4-cylinder turbo, we have spent over 34 years of experience pursuing faster driving.
From AVO's unique turbochargers to intercoolers to match all power levels.
AVO Turbo World is an industry leader in the design and production of turbo systems.
We follow a unique engineering philosophy that emphasizes efficiency and efficiency, without relying on dangerously high boost pressures. This is manifested in the following four company principles: optimization of the intake system, opening of the exhaust, thereby creating the best intercooler, and absolute excellence in engine management that integrates the entire package. Do not cause non-conformity to the application. Thousands of hours of design and testing go into every WRX and STI performance part, but most of that time is spent doing what we think is most important. . This means that all turbo systems work seamlessly with the original engine, transmission, and electrical system. Our ``Subaru Performance Program'' is based on the quality of its design, perfection, materials and manufacturing technology.
We are unrivaled in this area. When carefully selected and correctly equipped, you will experience intense power and driving pleasure.
With our accurate service and maintenance, you can enjoy years of trouble-free enjoyment.
AVO Edge Series Ball Bearing Turbocharger
Are you looking for that extra edge in your races? AVO's Edge series, ball bearings.
How about a turbocharger? Our turbochargers, which have been recognized around the world for many years, are available in a variety of sizes to suit any size. With turbochargers supplied all over the world, you can't expect better performance, response, and drivability on both public roads and races. Water and oil cooling provides maximum reliability in all conditions.
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webkinztournament · 1 year
Skell's Opinions - June 23 Polls
They're funny, I swear. Please remember that these are just virtual pets and stuffed animals. I will not rise from the depths of hell to strike you down for liking them (as metal as that would be).
Something about pets with spots just looks nasty. The signature German shorthaired pointer has a cute plush, but please, keep those in-game spots away from me. Also earth fawn looks like leafeon. Here's a cute image of the dog plush as compensation to whoever this take pisses off.
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Reindeer calf's smile sees something in my soul that even I didn't know was there. Fear. It's some kind of fear. He looks cute in-game though, promise. I have to give it to purple goldfish, however, for having the cooler pet specific item (and being purple).
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Honestly, poodle and mocha pup are equally as good. Defaulting to poodle for simply being more OG.
Wow I hate the cute octopus, but I hate the pioneer pony's patterning more. From afar, it looks like its flesh is falling off the bone. Put it out of its misery.
I can't stop thinking about how the kiger mustang looks like Chris Mclean's ponysona. HELP.
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Lollipop snail looks like something out of Turbo (derogatory).
Akita puppy comes with a cherry blossom hot tub??? Yeah no springy kangaroo is dust.
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We did it. We found the worst Webkinz. It's texting puppy.
Literally what is on top of groovy gorilla's head, it looks like a sea anemone gone parasitic.
Ya'll. Ya'll. The Rottweiler has a pool table with a chain on it. And his food is served in a studded bracelet. The Webkinz I never knew I needed.
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Hoppy floppy bunny wins by virtue of not being celestial unicorn.
Signature horse is VERY cute, but I had to side with Rockerz cat for being horrendous in the most endearing scene-kid-wannabe way.
Weimaraner is the obvious choice when up against a print catastrophe. What is wrong with you all for voting musical Dalmatian? There's worse prints, but I stand firmly on my ground.
I dislike the tinker pets, but I hate the goblins.
Brilliant penguin has a way cooler pet specific item than 2023 French bulldog.
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Ok, tanuki versus axolotl is a wild matchup. These two are tanks that could easily destroy many other foes, and yet they wound up together. Pity. I sided with tanuki for weeb points.
I'll admit, I voted for glamorous gorilla ironically.
*Sigh*, do I have to pick the cat? Well, black panther cub was up against ballet pup, so I guess I do.
Kiwi parrot is a very cute concept, but I'm handing it to the sea otter for also being cute, and, more importantly, having a plush.
Chonk boi expectation versus adult human man reality:
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White swan. Based.
Cocoa dinosaur is a lesson in how to do Valentine's day without inadvertently telling me you only learned 2 colors in preschool (pink and red).
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Angora bunny has a cute plush, but they really dropped the ball with the wing-like ears. Buttons bear is stinkin' cute, however, and comes with a little sewing machine. Bless.
Basset hound. It has everything. Being a classic pet, having a cute plush, and, most importantly, being able to wear more than just shirts, hats, and glasses. Sorry not sorry, blue bay dolphin.
Signature cheetah is so yellow, it looks like cheese. I like cheese.
The boxer is inoffensive, but sheep is baby.
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mariacallous · 2 years
The countries of the Global South are furious, and they’re heading to Egypt to vent their ire. From Nov. 6 to 18, representatives from the world’s developing countries will be at the seaside town of Sharm El Sheikh for the 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference, more commonly referred to as COP27, with one central goal on their collective agenda: to make rich countries finally own up to the harms that the climate change they are responsible for causing is inflicting itself in the form of floods and rising seas, wildfires and droughts on their populations. The issue is not new—it reverberated through the COP26 in Glasgow last year—but in the aftermath of flooding that submerged a third of Pakistan, as well as droughts across much of Africa and Asia, and disappearing island nations in Oceania, there is a fierce determination that won’t be deflected so easily this time around.
“We have failed to avert climate change, we’ve failed to minimize it, now we have to deal with it,” Saleemul Huq, director of the International Centre for Climate Change and Development in Bangladesh, told Foreign Policy. Huq has advised the poorer countries, including his native land, at all 26 previous climate summits. “If this doesn’t happen in Egypt, the whole COP process will become irrelevant, unfit for its stated purpose,” he argues.
Indeed, there is every indication that the gulf between the rich and poor countries is so great that a bitter standoff could upend the climate talks, just when substantial progress on mitigation and adaption, the COP’s main focus, is so urgently required.
For years now, the poor countries of the Global South have sought compensation, sometimes referred to as reparations or  “losses and damages,” for the humanitarian and physical fallout of climate change. They have labored to have redress recognized as a third pillar of the negotiations next to mitigation and adaption, but thus far, to naught. In moral terms, their logic is airtight: They have contributed minimally to the greenhouse gas emissions responsible for global warming, yet they are bearing the brunt of its wrath. Climate justice dictates that the historical emitters should be liable for the damages.
This summer, for example, turbo-force monsoon rains left much of Pakistan underwater, with 1,700 people dead, 8 million displaced, and 1.7 million homes destroyed. The Pakistan government estimates $30 billion to 35 billion in losses. The unprecedented high waters caused widespread devastation to farms, bridges, railways, roads, and other infrastructure, including schools and hospitals. Today, hundreds of thousands of people are still living in tents. Studies show that climate change “likely increased extreme monsoon rainfall in Pakistan” and will continue to do so as the increase in temperatures approaches the 2 degrees Celsius mark.
This year, Africa—the continent most vulnerable to climate crisis, according to the United Nations—experienced a fourth consecutive year of below-average rainfall, precipitating one of East Africa’s worst droughts in decades. In Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya, 18 million people endured extreme hunger.
The less affluent countries feel aggrieved because, historically, the likes of South Asia and East Africa have contributed only infinitesimally to the processes behind climate breakdown. Today, all of Africa contributes only 4 percent of global carbon emissions. Its historical footprint is even smaller. Per capita, the average Kenyan emits just 0.33 tons of carbon dioxide. Pakistan’s share of global emissions is just 0.5 percent, with a per capita emissions figure of 0.9 tons. In contrast, the U.S. global share 14 percent and per person emissions at 15.5 tons. Looking back, the United States is responsible for 25 percent of historical emissions. The European Union and the United Kingdom together stand at 22 percent.
Thus, the rage of the poorer countries is legitimate and rational. “Our territories contribute the least to the climate crisis, yet we pay the ultimate price for our world’s carbon addiction,” said Conrod Hunte of the Alliance of Small Island States.
“There is so much loss and damage with so little reparations to countries that contributed so little to the world’s carbon footprint,” Pakistan’s climate minister Sherry Rehman told The Guardian, “that obviously the bargain made between the Global North and Global South is not working. We need to be pressing very hard for a reset of the targets because climate change is accelerating much faster than predicted.”
At this year’s U.N. General Assembly, U.N. Secretary General António Guterres hailed loss and damage as a “fundamental question of climate justice, international solidarity and trust,” adding that “polluters must pay” because “vulnerable countries need meaningful action.”
The developing countries are not coming to the COP with a money figure in mind, but rather to expand the COP 27 agenda by adding to it the topic of establishing a facility that adjudicates losses and damages. Although they also demand that there be a separate pool of money to address historic costs, it is the principle of liability that they first want recognized. “What is critical for developing countries,” said Liane Schalatek of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, an international think tank based in Germany, “is that the finance through a loss and damage facility be additional to the support for mitigation and adaptation that developed countries already provide.”
Indeed, the Global South has been unable to turn compensation claims into a permanent part of the U.N. climate process. In Glasgow last year, they failed again as developed countries dug in their heels against it. The United States and the European Union, in particular, fear nothing more than being held legally accountable for their historical contributions to climate breakdown. One study estimates that by 2030, developing countries are likely to face $290 billion to $580 billion in “residual damages” a year. This figure accounts only for damages from global warming that cannot be prevented with adaptation strategies.
Unlike the governments of Scotland and Wallonia, a region of Belgium—and more recently Denmark and Germany—which are open to discussing reparations, the United States is pushing back, with a logic of its own. U.S. climate envoy John Kerry argues that the climate negotiations should be looking forward, spending energy and monies trying to head off the worst of the climate crisis (through processes of decarbonization), while helping less wealthy countries to adapt best they can to the changed circumstances. In other words, let’s not cry over spilled milk, but get on with ensuring that more milk’s not spilled. “If developed countries do not commit to loss and damage financing, the poorer countries might need some other funding commitments on adaptation to show good faith efforts and to prevent COP27 from becoming a failure,” says Schalatek of the Böll foundation.
Should worse come to worst, the poorer countries might simply refuse to play ball, throwing into jeopardy progress on the headline issues of reinvigorating the national climate goals that participants agreed to in Paris in 2015. The intention is to recalibrate the 2030 emissions-reduction targets in line with the 2015 Paris summit’s goal to keep warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius. “The poorer countries cannot be expected to upgrade their emissions commitments without a significant uptick in financial support,” said Schalatek.
Despite the moral imperative, the Global South’s hopes to actually institutionalize another basket of funding is probably doomed, even if it makes its way onto the agenda. In 2009, the well-heeled countries committed to mobilize $100 billion per year for developing countries to pay for climate measures. But every year since they’ve fallen short of this $100 billion pledge. In 2020, developed countries came closest to their goal mobilizing between $21 and $83 billion— depending upon who is counting—for climate funding in the Global South.
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radiant-future · 1 year
Se'arah (GAMEPLAY)
Se'arah covers the shoto archetype, as one might expect given they're the main character. Se'arah's gender can be chosen by the player, but has no bearing on gameplay.
Se'arah's stated class is Wanderer, changing to Dark Hero after a certain point in the story, and he/she wields a sword in an improvised fighting style that incorporates street brawling. He/she has a Movement of 5 by default. His/her Map Action is Rally Spectrum, increasing the attack, defense, and in-battle ground speed of all allies within 3 spaces when used.
Se'arah's Creature is a Tiger, built into a shape resembling a four-wheeled buggy.
Se'arah's battle stance is a made-up one that is humanly possible but very impractical for fighting, with his/her sword raised in his/her left hand to be nearly even with his/her head, as if perpetually readying a stab forwards, while his/her right arm crosses over his/her body defensively.
For Se'arah's "entrance animation" in battle, he/she walks in while twirling his/her sword, stopping with it in his/her battle stance. His/her taunt is a fancy shuffle in place on his/her feet while saying a quip to his/her opponent.
Se'arah has four choices of weapon, like most characters, but a fifth one is obtained in the story and can be used in multiplayer upon completing the story.
Silver Sword: The basic all-rounder. Is Silver by default in PVP, but starts as an Iron Sword and can be upgraded to Silver in Story Mode.
Killing Edge: Overall less damage, but increases the Skill Gauge gain per hit. Can be upgraded to Slaying Edge in Story Mode, but remains a Killing Edge in PVP.
Brave Sword: A noob's weapon of choice, this weapon has mostly the same stats as the Silver Sword, but grants a few autocombos that deal less damage and grant less reward than performing the same combos manually would, like Dragon Ball FighterZ autocombos.
Firesweep Sword: A hyper risk/reward sword. The Firesweep Sword has the most damage of any sword and can break guards, but if a foe initiates combat, your own attacks are disabled for the first 10 seconds of the round, so you cannot fight back for a third of the engagement. As a saving grace, if you have a Turbo Mode effect active, it won't start depleting until you can attack again.
Alondite: Substantially slows down the frame data of all of Se'arah's sword attacks, but has comparable damage to the Firesweep Sword, doesn't lose any combos, and changes his/her Sword Wave from a grounded shockwave to a large multi-hit sword beam.
Now, on to Se'arah's actual moveset.
Universal Normals: 5L: A backfist with his/her right hand. 5M: A swipe of his/her sword across his/her shoulder. 5H: A meaty overhead sword swing. 5S: A forward-stepping stab.
2L: A swift crouching side kick. 2M: A crouching sweep kick. 2H: An overhead sword arc, think Ike up smash. 2S: A jumping uppercut that brings Se'arah into the air, allows him/her to combo into a jumping attack on hit.
j.L: A diagonal downwards elbow swing. j.M: A diagonal heel kick. j.H: An overhead sword swing that delivers a hard knockdown. j.S: A circular sword swing that covers a full 360º area. 6S (Advancing Overhead): A lunging bash with the hilt of his/her sword. 4S (Retreating Low): Se'arah drops on his/her back and thrusts both feet out before curling up his/her legs, rolling backwards, and rising to his/her feet. Sk (Throw): Se'arah swings his/her right arm up and out, then drives his/her hand forward to grab the foe. On success, he/she knees the foe away with a forward or up input, sweeps their legs out from under them with a backward or down input, or hurls them straight down if he/she is airborne.
Command Normals: 6M/Right Stick Forward: A hilt bash with Se'arah's sword in reverse grip. j.2L/Right Stick Down (stick input automatically shorthops): A divekick with substantial hitstun to lead into grounded combos.
236L/M/H: Quick Draw - Se'arah dashes forward with a wide sword swing. Light is about the same distance as 5S, Medium is slow but travels further, and Heavy has him/her freeze in place for a bit before dashing the fastest and furthest.
236S: Sword Wave - Se'arah rakes his/her sword against the ground, slinging a shockwave as a standard Hadoken-esque projectile. In his/her Alondite variation, this attack is changed to a sword beam with slower startup but a faster and stronger projectile.
214L/M/H: Sol - Se'arah performs a leaping crescent slash, the archetypal Dragon Punch. Medium rises higher than Light, while Heavy has him/her arc backwards through the air once the attack is no longer active, letting him/her avoid an anti-air punish.
214S: Patience - A parry. Se'arah crosses his/her sword over his/her chest in a reverse grip, and if struck, he/she can immediately perform any move and it will start on its first frame with an active hitbox.
236Sk: Luna - Se'arah raises his/her sword high before swinging it in a crescent arc. If this attack hits a blocking foe, it breaks their guard, staggering them. If used in the air, Se'arah plummets toward the ground with a sword hitbox all the way down. Sol can combo into Luna even if it misses, which grants no special properties but creates a sequence of movements near-identical to the iconic Aether.
214Sk: Eruption - Se'arah throws his/her sword, which flies toward the foe's current position, then rushes to catch it and makes an omnidirectional blast of wind (fire in Alondite variation) upon reaching it.
Critical Strike: 41236Sk: Renegade Aether - Se'arah pulls his/her sword all the way back and lifts his/her front leg, shouts:
"I'm done with you!"
"It's OVER!"
"Your life is mine!"
"Underestimated me!"
He/she then lunges with a slight jump to stab it forward. On hit, he/she impales the foe and swings them over his/her own shoulder, then back around in circles like a windmill, scraping them against the ground repeatedly, before flinging them into the air and bringing them back down in a plummeting slash. In his/her Alondite variation, the final impact makes a fiery explosion.
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hawkyguy · 22 days
Framed Painting "Pull's Ferry" By J H Swain Vintage Collectable Artwork Interior
Framed Oil Painting "The Ball" J. Tissot MAESTRI DELLA TAVOLOZZA Vintage Art
Milton Glaser Plate Art Rare Vintage Collectable 10" Limited Edition
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Vintage Peter Galvin Signed Artist Lithograph Print Limited Edition 108/250
Silver 925 Chain Men's Solid Vintage 3.1 OZ/85g OPT Fine Jewellery Good Quality
Framed Painting Artwork Realism By W Hanlock Vintage 1960-1970 Oil Canvas Great
Vintage Picture Framed Collie Dog Oil Painting 1983 Wall Art Work Interior Great
Vintage Spoons Engraved Set Of 12 Medieval Theme Stainless Metal Art Collectable
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Vintage The Monte Carlo Watch Silver 925 Genuine BROOKS&BENTLEY Used Outstanding
Vintage Royal Crown Derby Collector Plate "Migrant Bird" No:248 Josef Herman
Vintage 925 Sterling Silver Bangle w/ Scrolling Foliate Etching 59g Collectable
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Two Pounds Coin 2005 Rare Minting Mistake "Pemember" Small M Letter Good Quality
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Vintage Versace VJC Shoes Women's Heels EU39 Stylish High Fashion Great Quality
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Aneroid Barometer Thermometer Retro Old Style 1950 Hand Decorated Good Condition
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Bronze Figurine Musician Artwork Interior Design Collectable Handmade 1960 Great
Aneroid Barometer Retro Science Instrument Wall Hanging 1960 Great Condition
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Handmade 925 Silver Ring Jewellery Artwork Agate Amethyst Vintage 19g Size 6.5-7
Collectable Plagues Plates "The Street Sellers of London series" Set of 8 Great
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Antique Sardegna Nuragica Figurine 1920's Artwork Solid Brass Collectable Gift
Vintage Designer Chanel Women`s Glasses Frame 3034 C538 Made Italy
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0 notes
govindhtech · 3 months
AMD Radeon PRO W7900 Offers 3D Graphics & AI Workloads
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AMD Radeon Pro W7900 48GB
It’s run by AMD Radeon PRO W7900.
Built-in 48GB GDDR6 384bit memory link
Made for  AI computer use
Turbo Fan device for cooling
All copper for cooling and a metal frame
A fan with two ball bearings
Metal back plate for safety
Intended For AI Computation
Professional-grade graphics card: Made with parts of the highest calibre, this graphics card outperforms consumer-grade models in terms of stability and durability. Furthermore, the error correction technique of ECC memory efficiently lowers  AI training errors, guaranteeing accurate and trustworthy training results.
Massive 48GB VRAM: You may attain a maximum memory capacity of 192GB by supporting up to four graphics cards, which offers important benefits for training large AI models.
The most reliable and long-lasting fan construction is the double ball bearing fan, which is perfect for continuous long-term operation.
Verified by GIGABYTE  AI Testing: To guarantee peak performance during AI operations, the graphics card has completed specialised simulation tests for AI computing scenarios and passed GIGABYTE’s high-quality verification.
Radeon Pro W7900 gaming
Specifically engineered and optimised for multiple graphics card setups is the TURBO fan cooling system. Its blower fan design and metal cover efficiently release waste heat from the chassis. The copper fins design and direct contact heat pipe also improve heat dissipation efficiency.
Every Copper Cooling System and Metal Frame
Due to their superior thermal conductivity, the copper heat sink and vapour chamber are excellent at transporting and dissipating the heat produced by the GPU. The metal frame increases overall cooling efficiency by dissipating heat from other important components.
Double Ball bearing
Compared to the traditional sleeve structure, the dual ball bearing structure offers higher performance and a longer lifespan due to its superior heat resistance and rotational efficiency.
In addition to giving the graphics card an attractive form, the metal back plate strengthens its structural integrity and offers total protection.
Superior performance and extended system life are achieved by using Ultra Durable certified highest-grade metal chokes, reduced ESR solid capacitors, 2 oz copper PCB, and lower RDS(on) MOSFETs, along with an over-temperature design.
A fully automated production method guarantees the highest calibre circuit boards and removes the sharp solder connector protrusions that are typically present on the surface of PCBs. When building, this user-friendly design keeps your hands safe from cuts and accidental component damage.
The greatest power supply options for your graphics cards are available from GIGABYTE. The AORUS or UD series are the two options available for powering your graphics card.
AI TOP tool
The unique GIGABYTE app offers robust  AI computing support functions. You can quickly alter associated fine-tuning settings and watch the progress of LLM fine-tuning and hardware status thanks to its aesthetically pleasing interface, which greatly increases job productivity.
Superior Style. Superior Features
Discover the newest wave of expert graphics, designed to fulfil and stimulate your artistic vision.
Boost Your Output
Boost productivity and speed in your design and manufacturing processes for everything from automotive and aerospace to industrial product design.
Oversee Difficult Projects
In real time, take on challenging, expansive, photorealistic architectural, engineering, and construction scenarios while finishing other jobs at the same time.
Make Without Limitations
Large-scale 3D scene loading, real-time effect computation, AI-enabled functionality, and simultaneous workload encoding and decoding are all possible.
Performance of the Future Generation
Thanks to AMD RDNA 3 Architecture, the world’s first GPU with chiplet technology, you can develop huge designs and renderings or concentrate on daily chores with fast performance and low power consumption. Up to 48GB of dedicated GDDR6 memory is available.
Amazing Graphic Displays
With AMD Radiance Display Engine, you can create and enjoy beautiful images with up to 68 billion colours at up to 8K 165 Hz. This allows for remarkable colour accuracy and clarity for your creations. It is the first GPU series in the world to support DisplayPort 2.1 and offers complete coverage of the REC2020 colour palette.
AMD Radeon Pro W7900 price
Retailers don’t often advertise the high-end professional graphics card, AMD Radeon Pro W7900,’s pricing. However, the following is an estimate of its cost based on some facts currently available:
Approximately $6,600 USD: This pricing estimate is derived from the card’s listing on the website of an Indian retailer.
$3,17 a month: This financing option suggests a far higher total cost than $3,17 [source in USD] on the website of a US store.
Note that these are only estimates, and the final cost may differ based on the following:
Shopkeeper and any additional surcharge.
Region as well as any import taxes or levies.
Accessibility and variations in the market.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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yoyik456 · 7 months
China Supplier jacking oil pump A10VS0100DFLR/31RVPA12NOO for power generation
"China Supplier jacking oil pump A10VS0100DFLR/31RVPA12NOO for power generation YOYIK is a research and development, production, sales, import agents in one of the manufacturing and processing enterprises. Our company was established in 2004. For more than 20 years, our company's products are widely used in electric power, petroleum, chemical, environmental protection, refractory materials, metallurgy, fire fighting equipment, natural gas, electronics, nuclear industry and other fields. Our company is willing to work with colleagues from all walks of life at home and abroad wholeheartedly cooperation to create a better future! Deyang YOYIK power plant, steel spare parts are as follows:
Yoyik can offer many spare parts for power plants as below:
DF-jacking oil pump A10VS0100DFLR/31RVPA12NOO-DF
rotary vane vacuum pump F3.SV10.4.1.A reciprocating pump 25SCV14-1B screw pump working HSNH440 pressure hose SMS-10/20-305mm-B relief valve DY25.PE337-EF single screw pump 3GR254W2 industrial vacuum pump KZ/RP100WS centrifugal water pump DFB100-80-230 oil pump cost 100LY-62 mechanical seal for pump BKMFX108A high pressure centrifugal pump DFB100-65-260 vacuum filter P-1964-1 sealing ring HB4-56J8-143 vacuum pump P-1745 centrifugal pump vertical DFB100-65-230 mechanical seal 53 mm DBF100-80-230 Hex screw 1-75-33008-721 trip solenoid valve 4WE6G/EW220-50NZ4 centrifugal pump parts 50-250-007 Oil-water alarm OWK-2 solenoid valve SVF2170 Steel pipe flange HG/T20613-2009 pressure hose SMS-10-305-C piston plunger pump 160SCY14-1B Mechanical seal HZB200-H75/60-G115-00 repair coupling 100LY-62-005 high pressure piston pump A10VS0100DFLR/31RVPA12NOO globe valve J1F1.6P-50 pressure hose SMS-15/N1/4-2438mm-B THREADED PIN 2BE1 353 OZY4Z solenoid valve 4WE6D62/EW220NZ5L pump mechanical seal 80AY5010 chemical centrifugal pump DFB125-125-250 OIL THROWER HZB200-430-01-02 Globe valve J41H-16C D100 vacuum filter P1825B jacking oil pump A10VS0100DFLR/31RVPA12NOO
OPC solenoid valve HQ16.110Z single screw pump DLZB820-R64B 300MW turbine AC lube pump sealing ring 125LY-35-5 electric motor centrifugal water pump -50-250 twin screw pump ACF080N4IRBO relief valve F3-CG-2V-6FW-10 Breathing valve PFD8AR mechanical seal N.D.E, L270 multi stage centrifugal pump YCZ50-250A solenoid valve 4WE6P6Z/EG220N9K4/V pressure hose SMS-12/N1/4-1829mm-B water pump DFB80-520-240 manual vacuum pump P-1751 servo valve D633-460B Oil angle valve QLF661HF-40P Seal ring 9LDTNB-4.5.6PJX-010 pump hydraulic 50AYZ-70 three screw pump 3Gr110×4 solenoid valve AS32061a-G220 manual vacuum pump P-1607 pumps parts hydraulic 65AY50*9 circulation pump 2PE26D-G28P1-V-VS40/10 vacuum pump P-1258 OPC solenoid valve GS020600V+CCP230D piston pump parts PVH74(QI)C-RM-10-C14 high pressure centrifugal pump DFB80-50-240 end suction centrifugal pump DFB80-520-240 solenoid valve 4WE6D6X/EG220NZ4/V HP ball valve KHB-M27×1.5-1212-02X mannual Butterfly valve K100DSF4PB3DN100PN1.6 300MW turbine AC lube pump Guide bearing 125LY-35-5 electric motor centrifugal water pump DFB100-80-230 vacuum pumps M02225.0BGCC1 Seal of vacuum pump in sealing oil system of turbo generator P-1764-1 Electrohydraulic servo valve MOOG-J761-003 Gear oil pump CB-1.2 jacking oil pump A10VS0100DFLR/31RVPA12NOO
0 notes
askthebests · 8 months
Top Mixer Grinder In India
For most homes, the mixer grinder is an indispensable kitchen tool, as it can be used for various tasks. Whether you need to prepare a smooth batter or need to extract and blend fruit juices, you can use it for almost all tasks. Presently, there are various types of mixer grinders available in India, each with its special functions. Hence It can be quite tough to select the right option. 
For this, here is a guide on the best mixer grinder for masala that will help you decide which mixer grinder is the best in India. Before buying a mixer grinder for your home, one should take into account the most important features such as specifications, pros, and cons.
1. Philips HL7756/00 Mixer Grinder, 750W, 3 Jars (Black)
If you are in search of a budget-friendly mixer grinder machine in India, this Philips HL7756/00 model is perfect for you. The machine is powered by a 750W turbo motor. It comprises a turbo motor that is extremely powerful and can grind most of the food ingredients. There are also three jars included with the machine: a 1.5-liter jar, a 1-liter jar, and a 0.3-liter jar.
2. Bosch Pro 1000W Mixer Grinder
Bosch brings to you a very unique culinary tradition made with German technology in Indian kitchens. One can enjoy the taste and texture of dry grinding with this machine as it comprises the most advanced stone grinding technology available. It also features a 1000-watt 3-C series motor with 100% copper windings, as it can produce high torque. 
3. Atomberg MG1 Mixer Grinder
This is one of the best mixer grinders on the market as it is made by using intelligent design, this appliance offers you the best user experience. It has a smart design and has a much lower motor noise as compared to the other options. In comparison to mixer grinders that use 750W-1000W motors, it utilizes much less power, or about 485W, and delivers a better performance of 18000 RPM. 
4. Sujata Dynamix DX Mixer Grinder, 900W, 3 Jars 
This machine Features double ball bearings for long-term performance and efficiency, the Sujata Dynamix DX 900W mixer grinder is one of the best when it comes to powerful and compact mixer grinders available in the market. 
So, there you have it friends these are some of the top contenders when it comes to the best mixer grinders to select from. 
0 notes
knownowlive · 1 year
Rattler Fishing Lure Review: Unbelievable Tail Shimmy Action!
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The Grandebass AirTail Rattler is the ultimate Carolina Rig, Shaky Head, TX-Rig or Weightless Rig lure that floats and stands straight up, with an incredible tail shimmy action on the fall and every rod twitch, making it a must-have for anglers of all experience levels. This versatile soft plastic lure is perfect for various fishing styles and has proven to be extremely effective in catching Wahoo, Spanish mackerel, Barracudas, walleye, crappie, perch, and white bass. With its beautifully machined brass/chrome design and easy mechanical functionality, the Grandebass AirTail Rattler is a game-changer in the fishing lure industry. Supercharge your fishing experience by adding the Turbo Rattler to your lure, designed to create turbulence and attract fish with its rotating ball bearings. For the best results, pair the stick bait lure with a Wacky Rig for attracting bass under docks, piers, and other less open water surfaces. In rough weather and choppy water, consider using spinner bait or crankbait to attract aggressive bass.
Unbelievable Tail Shimmy Action!
Introduction to the Grandebass AirTail Rattler Why the Grandebass AirTail Rattler is a must-have in every tackle box The Grandebass AirTail Rattler is the ultimate fishing lure for various techniques like Carolina Rig, Shaky Head, TX-Rig, and Weightless Rig. Its unique tail shimmy action on the fall and with every rod twitch makes it a go-to bait for all anglers. Regardless of your experience level, this soft plastic is a must-have in your tackle box. The versatile action of the air tail suits all fishing styles, whether you prefer a shaky retrieve or a fast and aggressive one. With the Grandebass AirTail Rattler, you can catch a wide range of fish species, from walleye, crappie, perch, and white bass to Wahoo, Spanish mackerel, and Barracudas. Its effectiveness is proven through underwater lure footage and user reviews. You can also supercharge this lure with a Turbo Rattler, which creates turbulence in the water to attract fish. So, get your hands on the Grandebass AirTail Rattler and experience its unbeatable performance on your next fishing trip. ResourceDescriptionUnderwater Lure Video and Review (GrandeBass Airtail Rattler!!)Watch underwater footage of the Grandebass AirTail Rattler in action.Rockport Rattler: Buy the Best Quality Rattling Swimbait and Live Bait Hooks For FishingDiscover game-changing fishing jig heads for improved performance.Ice Hole Tackle BB RattlerA versatile jig suitable for walleye, crappie, perch, and white bass.Rockport Rattler: Buy Best Quality Rattling Swimbait and Live Bait Hooks For FishingExplore a wide selection of rattling live bait fishing hooks and swimbait hooks. Stick baits are a popular option for attracting bass under docks, piers, and other structures in the water. They work well with various soft plastic rigs, but the Wacky Rig is the most favored among anglers. When fishing in choppy water, spinner baits, and crankbaits are efficient lures to use, as the bass tend to be more aggressive in rough weather and windy conditions. It's important to choose a lure that suits the depth zone you're fishing in. Remember to choose high-quality products from reputable bass fishing lure companies like Rattlesnake Tackle and Tackle Warehouse, ensuring you have the best soft plastics and accessories to enhance your fishing experience.
Underwater Lure Video And Review
If you have searched for the ultimate Carolina Rig, Shaky Head, TX-Rig, or Weightless Rig, that will float and stand straight up, you have now found it. The Grandebass AirTail Rattler is a must-have soft plastic lure for every tackle box. With its unbelievable tail shimmy action on the fall and with every rod twitch, this lure will quickly become your go-to bait regardless of your experience level. The Grandebass AirTail Rattler is extremely effective and has proven successful with various fish species such as Wahoo, Spanish mackerel, and Barracudas. Its beautifully machined brass/chrome design and easy mechanical movement make it a reliable and versatile lure to have in your arsenal. For those who prefer visual proof of its effectiveness, there are underwater lure videos available on YouTube showcasing the Grandebass AirTail Rattler in action. Additionally, if you're looking for other fishing lure options, Rattlesnake Tackle Company and Tackle Warehouse are reputable sources to explore. Remember, when it comes to choosing the best lure for bass in choppy water, using a spinner bait or crank bait is recommended as bass tend to be more aggressive during bad weather and windy conditions. Stick baits, particularly the Wacky Rig, are also popular choices for attracting bass under docks and piers. Overall, the Grandebass AirTail Rattler is a game-changer that combines versatility and effectiveness, making it a valuable addition to any angler's tackle box. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUlMageFAxw&pp=ygUUUmF0dGxlciBGaXNoaW5nIEx1cmU
Game-Changing Fishing Jig Heads
The Texas Rattler Jig Heads are a game-changing fishing tool. These jig heads are specially designed to enhance your fishing experience in various ways. - The Texas Rattler Jig Heads have an unbelievable tail shimmy action on the fall and with every rod twitch, making them highly effective in attracting fish. - They are versatile and compatible with different fishing styles such as Carolina Rig, Shaky Head, TX-Rig, and Weightless Rig. - The Texas Rattler Jig Heads float and stand straight up, providing optimal visibility and presentation to the fish. - Whether you are a beginner or an experienced angler, these jig heads are a must-have in your tackle box. TitleLinkUnderwater Lure Video and Review (GrandeBass Airtail Rattler!!)YouTube LinkRockport Rattler: Buy the Best Quality Rattling Swimbait and Live Bait Hooks For FishingYouTube LinkIce Hole Tackle BB Rattler$1:17Rockport Rattler: Buy Best Quality Rattling Swimbait and Live Bait Hooks For FishingWebsite Link When it comes to finding the best fishing lure, there are several options available. Stick baits, like the Wacky Rig, are known to work well for attracting bass under docks and piers. Spinnerbaits and crankbaits are efficient choices for fishing in rough weather and windy conditions. Rattlesnake Tackle and Tackle Warehouse are reputable bass fishing lure company that offers a wide range of options for anglers. Soft plastics are also popular and can be a great addition to your lure collection. Whether you prefer live bait, rattling hooks, or artificial lures, experimenting with different fishing tools is key to discovering the best fishing techniques for your desired catch.
Ice Hole Tackle Bb Rattler Review
If you have searched for the ultimate Carolina Rig, Shaky Head, TX-Rig, or Weightless Rig that will float and stand straight up, you have now found it. The Ice Hole Tackle BB Rattler is a versatile fishing lure that can be used for various presentations. It is great for targeting species such as walleye, crappie, perch, and white bass. Whether you jig it plain, with spikes, or with live bait, this lure is extremely effective. It has proven successful with Wahoo, Spanish mackerel, and Barracudas. The Ice Hole Tackle BB Rattler is made of beautifully machined brass/chrome and has an easy mechanical function. It is a must-have for every tackle box, regardless of your experience level. Supercharge it with a Turbo Rattler to create turbulence and attract fish even more.
Rockport Rattler: The Best Rattling Swimbait And Live Bait Hooks
Rockport Rattler offers the best selection of rattling live bait fishing hooks in the market. Their range includes rattling croaker hooks and rattling swimbait hooks, both of which provide significant advantages in fishing. Rattling croaker hooks are extremely effective and have proven successful with various species such as Wahoo, Spanish mackerel, and Barracudas. These hooks feature beautifully machined brass/chrome construction and easy mechanical functionality. On the other hand, rattling swimbait hooks are designed to supercharge your lure with a Turbo Rattler. These hooks are specifically designed to create turbulence in the water, attracting fish with the movement and rotation caused by the ball bearings inside the hook. With Rockport Rattler's high-quality and innovative designs, anglers can enhance their fishing experience and increase their chances of success.
Supercharge Your Lure With A Turbo Rattler
If you have searched for the ultimate Carolina Rig, Shaky Head, TX-Rig or Weightless Rig, that will float and stand straight up. You have now found it. With an unbelievable tail shimmy action on the fall and with every rod twitch, the Grandebass AirTail Rattler will become your new go-to-bait very fast! This soft plastic is a MUST for every tackle box regardless of experience level. The action of the air tail is perfect for just about every fishing style. To enhance your lure's performance, consider incorporating a Turbo Rattler. Designed to move through the water and rotate - creating turbulence - the Turbo Rattler causes the ball bearings inside to generate sound and vibration, attracting fish from a distance. This added feature can significantly increase your chances of a successful catch. The Turbo Rattler can be easily attached to your favorite lure, making it compatible with a variety of fishing techniques.
Stick Bait: The World's Best Fishing Lure
The Stick Bait is considered to be one of the world's best fishing lures due to its popularity and versatility. It is compatible with various soft plastic rigs, but the Wacky Rig is the most favored among anglers. Stick baits are effective for attracting bass under docks, piers, and other semi-enclosed water surfaces. They can be used on any type of day, but they work best in these specific situations. In choppy water, a spinner bait or crankbait is recommended for bass fishing. This is because bass tend to be more aggressive during bad weather and windy conditions. It is important to select a lure that is suitable for the depth zone where you will be fishing. There are several fishing lure companies available such as Rattlesnake Tackle and Tackle Warehouse, which offer a wide range of soft plastics and other fishing gear.
The Best All-round Fishing Lure
Exploring The Qualities Of A Versatile All-round Fishing Lure If you have searched for the ultimate Carolina Rig, Shaky Head, TX-Rig, or Weightless Rig that will float and stand straight up, look no further than the Grandebass AirTail Rattler. This soft plastic lure is a must-have for every tackle box, regardless of experience level. With its unbelievable tail shimmy action on the fall and with every rod twitch, the Grandebass AirTail Rattler will quickly become your new go-to bait. Featuring an action perfect for various fishing styles, such as shaky head, Texas rig, and weightless rig, this lure delivers exceptional performance. Whether you're targeting bass, walleye, crappie, perch, white bass, or species like Wahoo, Spanish mackerel, and Barracudas, the Grandebass AirTail Rattler is extremely effective. Its versatility and high-quality construction make it a top choice for anglers. Fishing ZoneRecommended LureShallow flats in rough weatherSpinner bait or crankbaitUnder docks, piers, and not-so-open water surfacesStick bait (particularly Wacky Rig) For more information and underwater lure footage, you can watch the video review of the Grandebass AirTail Rattler. Alternatively, you can explore other rattling live bait fishing hooks and swimbait hooks available from Rockport Rattler to enhance your lure's performance. Remember, when fishing in choppy water, choose a lure that is efficient for the depth zone you'll be targeting. The action and versatility of the Grandebass AirTail Rattler make it a strong contender for the title of the world's best fishing lure.
The Best Lure For Bass In Choppy Water
Rattler Fishing Lure ReviewStrategies for fishing bass in choppy water- When fishing bass in choppy water, it is important to select the right lure and techniques. - If you're fishing in shallow flats during rough weather, consider using - Bass tend to be more aggressive during bad weather and windy conditions. - It's recommended to use a lure that is suitable for the depth zone you are fishing in. - Stick baits, particularly those used with a Wacky Rig, work well for attracting bass under docks, piers, and other not-so-open water surfaces. For the best results, it's important to experiment with different lures and techniques to find what works best for you in choppy water conditions.
Conclusion And Final Thoughts
- The Grandebass AirTail Rattler is the ultimate Carolina Rig, Shaky Head, TX-Rig or Weightless Rig lure that floats and stands straight up. - It has an unbelievable tail shimmy action on the fall and with every rod twitch, making it a go-to bait for any fishing style. - Regardless of experience level, this soft plastic lure is a must-have for every tackle box. - It has proven to be extremely effective with Wahoo, Spanish mackerel, Barracudas, walleye, crappie, perch, and white bass. - Rockport Rattler offers high-quality rattling live bait fishing hooks, croaker hooks, and swimbait hooks. - For added attraction, you can supercharge your lure with a Turbo Rattler that creates turbulence in the water. - Stick baits, especially the Wacky Rig, are popular for attracting bass under docks, piers, and other not-so-open water surfaces. - When fishing in rough weather or windy conditions, spinnerbaits or crankbaits are efficient lures for aggressive bass. - Some recommended fishing lure companies include Rattlesnake Tackle and Tackle Warehouse.
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The Grandebass AirTail Rattler is an exceptional fishing lure that is a must-have in every tackle box. Its unbelievable tail shimmy action on the fall and with every rod twitch makes it the perfect go-to bait. Whether you're using a Carolina Rig, Shaky Head, TX-Rig, or Weightless Rig, this lure will float and stand straight up, attracting various fish species. Suitable for anglers of all experience levels, the Grandebass AirTail Rattler is a game-changer that will enhance your fishing style. Don't miss out on this amazing lure! Read the full article
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rpmtrish · 1 year
Meet The New 7275 Next Gen Turbocharger
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INTRODUCING THE NEW 7275 NEXT GEN Proven to provide a 15% improvement over our previous generation! Key Features of the 7275 Next Gen Turbo: Most powerful 72mm H cover turbocharger on the market - Brand New Next Gen 7x7 CEA (Competition Engineered Aerodynamics) technology compressor wheel machined from a 2618-aluminum closed die forging for strength and optimized airflow - All new compressor cover design with flow enhancements and advanced machining techniques providing 15% more airflow and greater efficiency at higher pressure ratios - Compressor cover includes machined speed sensor port (sensor not included) - Air/oil-cooled opposed angular contact ceramic full complement ball bearing center section (CHRA) for quick turbo response, durability, and high thrust capacity - High flow 11-blade turbine wheel design featuring high-temperature resistant alloy - No price increase over the Gen 2 version In stock and ready to ship Click here to shop the 7275 Next Gen #turbonetics #precisionturbo #rpmmag #rpmmagazine #nextgen Read the full article
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wiackcom · 1 year
Hennessey Performance Engineering has revealed an exciting new open-top variant of their track-focused Venom F5 hypercar - the Venom F5 Revolution Roadster. This stunning convertible model combines the outrageous performance of the Revolution with the thrill of open-air driving. Overview of the Venom F5 Revolution Roadster The Venom F5 Revolution Roadster is the convertible version of Hennessey's hardcore, track-focused Venom F5 Revolution coupe revealed earlier this year. Key highlights include: Open-top body style with removable carbon fiber roof panel Same powerful 1817hp twin-turbo V8 engine as the Revolution coupe Optimized aerodynamics for improved track performance Lower weight than standard Venom F5 Roadster Ultra-stiff carbon fiber monocoque chassis construction Striking exposed carbon fiber bodywork on special "Bare Carbon" models Strict 12-car production run, with each car costing over $3 million Hennessey has engineered the Revolution Roadster to retain the stellar handling and performance capabilities of the track-oriented Revolution model, despite its convertible layout. Detailed Overview of the Roadster's Design The Hennessey Venom F5 Revolution Roadster incorporates a number of unique design elements to transform the coupe into an enthralling open-top hypercar. Lightweight Removable Carbon Fiber Roof Panel Constructed from carbon fiber composite materials Weighs just 18 lbs Held in place by 4 quick-release bolts and 2 latches Lined with Alcantara fabric for luxury finish Optimized Bodywork and Aerodynamics Sharp front splitter and dive planes for stability at speed Giant rear wing generates substantial downforce Roof-mounted air scoop directs airflow to engine Suspension tweaked specifically for the Revolution models Striking Exposed Carbon Fiber Models "Bare Carbon" editions feature exposed carbon weave throughout Showcases full carbon fiber monocoque and body panels Ultra lightweight construction Raw, race-inspired aesthetic Other Design Details Small rear window made from extra-strong glass Provides view of engine compartment Distinctive Hennessey and Venom F5 badging Dual exhaust pipes emerge from rear diffuser Power and Performance The Hennessey Venom F5 Revolution Roadster is powered by the same phenomenal twin-turbo V8 engine as the coupe. 6.6L Twin-Turbo V8 Engine Displacement: 6,600cc Twin ball bearing turbochargers Power output: 1817hp @ 8,000rpm Torque output: 1193lb-ft @ 5,000rpm Redline: 8,500rpm Dry sump lubrication system This monstrous motor provides supercar-shredding performance: 0-60mph in under 2 seconds 0-124mph in under 4 seconds 0-186mph in under 8 seconds Top speed estimated at over 300mph The engine is visible through a glass panel in the rear hood, highlighting the mechanical masterpiece powering this breathtaking roadster. Performance-Focused Chassis and Suspension Lightweight carbon fiber monocoque chassis Fully-adjustable suspension system Track-tuned for the Revolution models Provides exceptional grip and responsiveness Despite being a convertible, the carbon fiber monocoque chassis ensures the Revolution Roadster boasts similarly sharp handling as the fixed-roof Revolution. Exhilaration of Open-Air Driving By transforming the track-oriented Venom F5 into an open-top roadster, Hennessey has created a model that offers the thrill of roof-down driving without compromising performance. Full Sensory Driving Experience Open cockpit provides vivid sensations Engine noises and rushing wind fully audible Maximum driver engagement with the road Designed for High-Speed Open-Air Fun Chassis rigidity ensures precise handling at speed Aerodynamic elements keep car stable with roof removed Capable of hitting 186+mph with no roof! Pure Exotic Roadster Exhilaration Harness the full 1817hp twin-turbo V8
Accelerate from 0-60 in under 2 seconds roof down Experience track-ready performance with open cockpit The Revolution Roadster allows owners to immerse themselves in the intense performance of this hypercar with no roof overhead. Strictly Limited Production Run In keeping with Hennessey's dedication to exclusivity, the Venom F5 Revolution Roadster is strictly limited to just 12 examples worldwide. Ultra-Low Production Volume Only 12 cars will be produced ensuring this roadster remains an extremely rare sight Available By Special Order Only Not available through dealerships Sold directly through Hennessey Requires special order by selected clients Costs Over $3 Million Base price starts at $3 million "Bare Carbon" models cost even more Super-wealthy elite only need apply! With such tiny production, the Revolution Roadster will surely become an instantly collectable modern hypercar. Revolution Roadster vs Original Venom F5 Roadster The new Revolution Roadster differentiates itself from the existing Venom F5 Roadster in several ways: Performance and Handling More hardcore, track-focused experience Further optimized aerodynamics Revised suspension tuning for greater grip and agility Styling Aggressive additions like front splitter and rear wing Bare carbon fiber exterior on special models Exposed carbon weave highlights construction Exclusivity Strict 12 unit production limit Not publicly available through dealers Sold solely by Hennessey by special order While both offer open-air V8 power, the Revolution Roadster is tuned for focused track performance rather than luxury road driving. Hennessey Venom F5 Models Comparison ModelRoof StylePerformance FocusProductionPriceVenom F5Fixed CoupeHigh Speed24 cars$2.1 million+Venom F5 RoadsterConvertibleLuxury30 cars$2.2 million+Venom F5 RevolutionFixed CoupeTrack24 cars$2.7 million+Venom F5 Revolution RoadsterConvertibleTrack12 cars$3 million+ Hennessey has expanded the Venom F5 into a series of hypercars tailored for different priorities like high speed, luxury, or track performance. The Revolution Roadster sits at the top as the most exclusive model. 5 Key Facts About the Venom F5 Revolution Roadster Open-top variant of the track-focused Venom F5 Revolution Powered by 1817hp twin-turbo V8 engine Optimized for speed with aggressive aerodynamics Ultra-stiff carbon fiber monocoque chassis Limited to 12 units priced over $3 million each FAQs What is the power output of the Venom F5 Revolution Roadster? The Venom F5 Revolution Roadster is powered by the same twin-turbo 6.6L V8 engine as the Revolution coupe, producing 1817hp and 1193lb-ft torque. Is the Revolution Roadster street legal? Yes, the Revolution Roadster is fully street legal in the US. It meets all required safety and emissions standards to be registered for road use. What is the top speed of the Revolution Roadster? Hennessey estimates a top speed over 300mph. Exact figures have not been verified or announced yet. How many Revolution Roadsters will be built? Hennessey is limiting production of the Venom F5 Revolution Roadster to just 12 units worldwide. How much does the Revolution Roadster cost? The Venom F5 Revolution Roadster is priced from $3 million. The special "Bare Carbon" editions cost even more. The Future of Hypercars is Open-Top With the arrival of the phenomenal Venom F5 Revolution Roadster, Hennessey has proven that modern hypercars can retain extreme track capabilities without a fixed roof. This brilliant convertible announces the future of multi-million-dollar exotic supercars is open-air. Hennessey has expertly engineered the Revolution Roadster to thrive on both road and track. Its stunning marriage of groundbreaking performance and open-cockpit freedom confirms roofless construction does not automatically sacrifice handling precision and purpose.
As an authoritative industry leader, Hennessey's focus on honing an open-top hypercar/supercar demonstrates a trustworthy shift in the segment. Future models will undeniably follow the Revolution Roadster's confident lead. Driven by expert craftsmanship and insight, the Venom F5 Revolution Roadster introduces a long-awaited new era of hypnotic open-top hypercars built for the world's most demanding motoring enthusiasts. Hennessey proves with supreme authority that unprecedented performance and maximum exhilaration need not be exclusive desires - they can thrive together in harmonious roofless splendour. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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