#ball vampirov
theodorebasmanov · 5 years
I was on the musical “Tanz der Vampire” in the Musical Comedy Theatre. It was great! It was in Russian but Count von Krolock was played by Drew Sarich from the USA and he sang in German (I was surprised why not in English, but now I probably know…) with subtitles. You know that my German is absolutely awful so I understood about two words from five and not always. But even I got that Russian subs weren’t always correct so I decided to search for the original lyrics. Well… It wasn’t the only reason I searched for them. The other reason (maybe even more important one) was Herbert. What did you think? That Teddy can just calmly pass by the gay platinum-blond vampire? Of course not. I fell for him from the first sight. And then during his scene with Alfred (“When love is inside you”), I was on pins and needles because I was with my parents (if you know what I mean). I’ve got some suspicion about it because it was written in the program that “Herbert drop unequivocal hints to Alfred” and that picture:
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I found the original lyrics and not without astonishment realized that phrase about butt was there. And the other Russian lyrics were also quite close to the original but a little bit poetic. I already know “When love is inside you” in Russian and in German by heart. I also decided to find the English version (English translation can’t be worse than the Russian, can it?) and was shocked one more time: the lyrics of this part in English IS worse than in Russian because yes, they removed my “favourite” phrase about butt BUT they added another one. About peeled banana. Peeled freaking banana. Then I watched the record of the English version (probably Broadway) and realized why people say that Herbert is not representation (well, German version also isn’t very representative, but comparing with the English) – it has so many differences with the German… I can’t even describe it (you can watch it yourself), it has only one thing - “I’m straight! I’m Lutheran! I’m alive!” phrase and no more advantages.
While searching for the English version I found the episode from an old movie with Portuguese subs with the same plot. Some more researches gave me this movie’s title “The fearless vampire killers” (well, if somebody had read the musical’s Wikipedia page more careful, he would have found out about the original Polanski’s movie right away). Of course, I’m going to watch it.
I’ve got a little list of “When love is inside you” records in different languages (here you can see the Broadway version too). I even found the Japanese version and it’s also quite strange, but not so strange as the English one.
When love is inside you:
(all the videos are below the text)
German (probably not the best, but it’s not difficult to find another):
English (probably Broadway):
Russian (also isn’t difficult to find another):
And one more time about Herbert – he is just soooo sweeeeet! No. Sweet is not enough. Er ist so süβ! Honigsüβ! Herrlich! Hübsch!
In good conscience I should have written the whole post in German but, firstly, I’m too lazy, and, secondly, in that logic, I should have written it at first in Russian and I don’t really want to. So, German speakers, relax, there will be no torture for you today.
Moreover: I was searching for some cool stuff about the musical here on Tumblr and realized two things:
1.        It VERY popular. I’ve even seen the term “tanzblr”. And this community seems to be closed and I’m afraid I can’t really add something to it. (If somebody from that community saw that post and wanted to tell me that I’m wrong and I’m welcome in this community, please do it, I will be absolutely happy to be wrong.)
2.         It has a very strong Russian community. At least half of posts (or even more) with the tag #herbertvoncrolock is somehow connected with Kirill Gordeev (well, he plays Herbert not only in Russia but still).
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elenavonkrolock · 2 years
«Кровь, милый…»
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«… слижи её!»
photos taken from VK
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trupowieszcz-moved · 3 years
actually i would like to eat a medium rare steak right the fuck now. like right now . in bed even. nightly meat craving
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supersnowscosplay · 5 years
Alfred to Krolock: when I get Xanax it’s all over for you fuckers
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wilwarien · 7 years
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A Ball for the Undead - Bal Vampirov
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dragonslcyed-blog · 7 years
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siegelst · 5 years
i been looking at the translation for that bal vampirov and i found another translation that seem to sound similar to what the people in the video was saying but who knows really.  but I'm going to leave it here anyway. 
H:   Close your eyes, everything gradually and no one here will replace you. Morning will give us this moment and the cold outside the window is not a hindrance.
G:   While we are here in a warm bed, blood waves along your neck. The touches are quivering and serene, we apparently found what we wanted for a long time.
A:        Here we will not find problems, just you and me in this crypt. Time will harden at this moment, all that I have I will give you.
S:    Teeth clench tightly, that's all I need. Ready to run after you to the ends of the world so that you bit me in the neck
Chorus: [x2]: Blood is pouring between us, we found love in this castle Do not get wet in the rain and today we are just the two of us. Blood is pouring between us, we found love in this castle Do not get wet in the rain and today we are just the two G:   Again your voice, it is like a cradle. I'll bite you so that you become mine.
A:   My jacket sits on it so well, And her eyes beckon me so, even kill.
chorus:  Blood is pouring between us, we found love in this castle Do not get wet in the rain and today we are just the two of us. Blood is pouring between us, we found love in this castle Do not get wet in the rain and today we are just the two
H:   The night is with you, it means that we will not sleep, I take you and go bite professionally.
S:  You wear your costume, I like the cloaks so much I found an evil count among thousands of men.
G:   I arrange a ball, you checkmate, And you do not even know that now you do not like chocolate. You do not like bread, bananas, sushi, coffee and carrots From now on, the baby in your diet is only blood
H: Zakroyte glaza, vse postepenno, i nikto zdes' ne zamenit vas. Utro dast nam etot moment, i kholod za oknom ne pomekha.
G: Poka my zdes', v teploy posteli, krov' techet po vashey sheye. Prikosnoveniya drozhat i bezmyatezhny, my, po-vidimomu, davno nashli to, chto khoteli.
A: Zdes' my ne naydem problem, tol'ko vy i ya v etom sklepe. V etot moment vremya zatverdeyet, vse, chto u menya yest', dam tebe.
S: Zuby krepko szhimayutsya, eto vse, chto mne nuzhno. Gotov bezhat' za toboy na kray sveta, chtoby ty ukusil menya v sheyu
Pripev: [x2]: Mezhdu nami l'yetsya krov', my nashli lyubov' v etom zamke. Ne promoknite pod dozhdem, i segodnya my tol'ko dvoye iz nas. Krov' l'yetsya mezhdu nami, my nashli lyubov' v etom zamke, Ne promoknite pod dozhdem, i segodnya my tol'ko dvoye
G: Snova vash golos, eto kak kolybel'. YA ukushu tebya, chtoby ty stal moim.
A: Moya kurtka sidit na ney tak khorosho, I yeye glaza menya tak manyat, dazhe ubivayut.
Pripev: Krov' l'yetsya mezhdu nami, my nashli lyubov' v etom zamke, Ne promoknite pod dozhdem, i segodnya my tol'ko dvoye iz nas. Krov' l'yetsya mezhdu nami, my nashli lyubov' v etom zamke, Ne promoknite pod dozhdem, i segodnya my tol'ko dvoye
H: Noch' s toboy, znachit, my ne budem spat', ya tebya zaberu i professional'no otkushu.
S: Vy nosite svoy kostyum, mne tak nravyatsya plashchi, chto ya nashel zloy schet sredi tysyach lyudey.
G: YA ustraivayu bal, vy mat, I vy dazhe ne znayete, chto teper' vy ne lyubite shokolad. Vy ne lyubite khleb, banany, sushi, kofe i morkov'. Otnyne v vashem ratsione tol'ko krov'.
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расписание дат выступлений Сара в россии. Бал вампиров. Июнь. Date schedule of performances of Sarah in Russia. Vampire ball. June. Исполнители: Елена Газаева Ирина Вершкова Анна тесс Artists: Elena Gazaeva Irina Vershkova Anna Tess Dates are subject to changes
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