#ban score
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postpunkindustrial · 1 year
Annihilation (Song from the Motion Picture) by Ben Salisbury & Geoff Barrow
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🕯100 for Ashwin🕯
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liebelesbe · 3 months
btw i used to always want Spain to win in those silly soccer tournaments (EM & WM), bc if my family is forcing me to watch soccer (which I don't like) I will at least not be cheering when the stupid Germans (reason I'm forced to watch) score a goal. the first time I did this Spain won the entire tournament btw. And my entire extended family was mad at me. For making Spain win.
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epicdogymoment · 5 months
too many 3 letter acronyms with multiple meanings we need to start using the rarer letters PLEASE
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lightgriffinsect · 11 months
so in class someone said "your batting skills are like pak national team level" and my friend was like "that is nOT a compliment" which. yeah lmaoooo
someone else called a different classmate Babar Azam after she badly missed a ball in PE today
what i'm saying is. we're up against Bangladesh today and the target is literally 205 runs. we have 50 overs total.
pakistan you cannot screw this up even if you tried please we need this so badly
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thatwizardofearthsea · 11 months
I love FS tag on Tumblr. People are super sweet and supportive. So I still come here and read their comments, check out their gifsets. Though this so called sport doesn't deserve none of that attention. I feel so sorry for those talented atheletes whenever I watch a competition. Since they lost their most of viewers in recent years they even got more unhinged with their fixed scores. Their biggest agenda is to make another fake US gold medalist in men's field though their so called golden boy sucks in many ways. So they gaslight people profoundly instead.
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tutuandscoot · 1 year
Well thank f*ck I didn’t waste my time actually making that valeriy and vasilia post..
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dstantstargazer · 1 year
nothing like looking at my bank account to rly motivate me on getting a job
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sendmyresignation · 1 year
uh oh we've reached watching video essays on sports level derangement while filling out applications someone needs to take me out back and have me shot i sound like a drunk uncle these days ranting about the detroit lions
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verkele · 1 year
Breaking my embarrassingly stretched out ghost moment to emerge from the deep ditch of my recent life situation to announce that i have just committed the most financially irresponsible act i’ve ever done in my entire life haha. Out of frustration and spite. Cast aside the safe and steady lifestyle of my people in favor of becoming more like an actual normal member of modern society. Drained out my preposterously caricaturesque Laihian blood more potently stereotypical than the butt-of-those-jokes demographic of my dad’s original home town, the person already 3x more “Laihian” than those old school joke books could even dream of who raised me like no other lifestyle could ever exist. I am doing what, to my current knowledge, not a single person in my entire extended family has ever done. Buying a car new and unused. I am done with combustible lemons and at this point blowing a couple years of yet unearned future income feels like a less of a risk than continuing the toxicly cheap lifestyle with single-year (maybe 2 if (un)lucky) shitass time bombs that have a 50/50 chance to detonate when turning the key.
What a big pent-up ramble. Also been busy developing so much more fun stuff for Chompstation server and y’all should hop over there and witness all the fun vorny things I’ve added so far. https://wiki.chompstation13.net/index.php/Chomp_Station_Wiki not mentioned on wiki cause outdated af lmao. just posting link for more links. Gotta hop ingame or discord to witness the things live~
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smellslikebot · 2 years
my original neopets account is old enough to drink in the US
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aflawedfashion · 2 years
Liza made the podium in the Russian final!
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Adeliia Petrosian 🥇
Kamila Valieva 🥈
Elizaveta Tuktamysheva 🥉
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randommoodposts · 2 years
AU where everything is the same but this time tomura owns an arcade (yes half of the machines will purposely drop the items)
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melonpond · 2 years
Still thinking about that weird version of ping pong that the kids at my highschool used to play. In order for someone to score a point, the ball had to bounce at least once on the opposing side of the table, and then bounce twice on the ground. If it only bounced once on the ground and the other person hit it back onto the table, it was still in play. Does that version of ping pong have an actual name or is it something my school made up?
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boreal-sea · 3 months
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I have made you a chart. A very simple chart.
People say "You have to draw the line somewhere, and Biden has crossed it-" and my response is "Trump has crossed way more lines than Biden".
These categories are based off of actual policy enacted by both of these men while they were in office.
If the ONLY LINE YOU CARE ABOUT is line 12, you have an incredible amount of privilege, AND YOU DO NOT CARE ABOUT PALESTINIANS. You obviously have nothing to fear from a Trump presidency, and you do not give a fuck if a ceasefire actually occurs. You are obviously fine if your queer, disabled, and marginalized loved ones are hurt. You clearly don't care about the status of American democracy, which Trump has openly stated he plans to destroy on day 1 he is in office.
Ok fine, I spent 3 hours compiling sources for all of these, you can find that below the cut.
I'll give at least one link per subject area. There are of course many more sources to be read on these subject areas and no post could possibly give someone a full education on these subjects.
Biden and trans rights: https://www.hrc.org/resources/president-bidens-pro-lgbtq-timeline
Trump and trans rights: https://www.aclu.org/news/lgbtq-rights/trump-on-lgbtq-rights-rolling-back-protections-and-criminalizing-gender-nonconformity
The two sources above show how Biden has done a lot of work to promote trans rights, and how Trump did a lot of work to hurt trans rights.
Biden on abortion access: https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/08/politics/what-is-in-biden-abortion-executive-order/index.html
Trump on abortion access: https://apnews.com/article/abortion-trump-republican-presidential-election-2024-585faf025a1416d13d2fbc23da8d8637
Biden openly supports access to abortion and has taken steps to protect those rights at a federal level even after Roe v Wade was overturned. Trump, on the other hand, was the man who appointed the judges who helped overturn Roe v Wade and he openly brags about how proud he is of that decision. He also states that he believes individual states should have the final say in whether or not abortion is legal, and that he trusts them to "do the right thing", meaning he supports stronger abortion bans.
Biden on environmental reform: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/10/07/fact-sheet-president-biden-restores-protections-for-three-national-monuments-and-renews-american-leadership-to-steward-lands-waters-and-cultural-resources/
Trump on environmental reform: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/climate/trump-environment-rollbacks-list.html
Biden has made major steps forward for environmental reform. He has restored protections that Trump rolled back. He has enacted many executive orders and more to promote environmental protections, including rejoining the Paris Accords, which Trump withdrew the USA from. Trump is also well known for spreading conspiracy theories and lies about global climate change, calling it a "Chinese hoax".
Biden on healthcare and prescription reform: https://www.hhs.gov/about/news/2023/06/09/biden-administration-announces-savings-43-prescription-drugs-part-cost-saving-measures-president-bidens-inflation-reduction-act.html
Trump on healthcare reform: https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/07/politics/obamacare-health-insurance-ending-trump/index.html
I'm rolling healthcare and prescriptions and vaccines and public health all into one category here since they are related. Biden has lowered drug costs, expanded access to medicaid, and ACA enrollment has risen during his presidency. He has also made it so medical debt no longer applies to a person's credit score. He signed many executive orders during his first few weeks in office in order to get a handle on Trump's grievous mishandling of the COVID pandemic. Trump also wants to end the ACA. Trump is well known for refusing to wear a mask during the pandemic, encouraging the use of hydroxylchloroquine to "treat" COVID, and being openly anti-vaxx.
Biden on student loan forgiveness: https://www.ed.gov/news/press-releases/biden-harris-administration-announces-additional-77-billion-approved-student-debt-relief-160000-borrowers
Trump on student loan forgiveness: https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamminsky/2024/06/20/trump-knocks-bidens-vile-student-loan-forgiveness-plans-suggests-reversal/
Trump wants to reverse the student loan forgiveness plans Biden has enacted. Biden has already forgiven billions of dollars in loans and continues to work towards forgiving more.
Infrastructure funding:
I'm putting these links next together because they are all about infrastructure.
In general, Trump's "achievements" for infrastructure were to destroy environmental protections to speed up projects. Many of his plans were ineffective due to the fact that he did not clearly outline where the money was going to come from, and he was unwilling to raise taxes to pay for the projects. He was unable (and unwilling) to pass a bipartisan infrastructure bill during his 4 years in office. He did sign a few disaster relief bills. He did not enthusiastically promote renewable energy infrastructure. He created "Infrastructure Weeks" that the federal government then failed to fund. Trump did not do nothing for infrastructure, but his no-tax stance and his dislike for renewable energy means the contributions he made to American infrastructure were not as much as he claimed they were, nor as much as they could have been. Basically, he made a lot of promises, and delivered on very few of them. He is not "against" infrastructure, but he's certainly against funding it.
Biden was able to pass that bipartisan bill after taking office. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan that Trump tried to prevent from passing during Biden's term contains concrete funding sources and step by step plans to rebuild America's infrastructure. If you want to read the plan, you can find it here: https://www.whitehouse.gov/build/guidebook/. Biden has done far more for American infrastructure than Trump did, most notably by actually getting the bipartisan bill through congress.
Biden on Racial Equity: https://www.npr.org/sections/president-biden-takes-office/2021/01/26/960725707/biden-aims-to-advance-racial-equity-with-executive-actions
Trump on Racial Equity: https://www.axios.com/2024/04/01/trump-reverse-racism-civil-rights https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-37230916
Trump's racist policies are loud and clear for everyone to hear. We all heard him call Mexicans "Drug dealers, criminals, rapists". We all watched as he enacted travel bans on people from majority-Muslim nations. Biden, on the other hand, has done quite a lot during his term to attempt to reconcile racism in this country, including reversing Trump's "Muslim ban" the first day he was in office.
Biden on DEI: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/06/25/executive-order-on-diversity-equity-inclusion-and-accessibility-in-the-federal-workforce/
Trump on DEI: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-tried-to-crush-the-dei-revolution-heres-how-he-might-finish-the-job/ar-BB1jg3gz
Biden supports DEI and has signed executive orders and passed laws that support DEI on the federal level. Trump absolutely hates DEI and wants to eradicate it.
Biden on criminal justice reform: https://time.com/6155084/biden-criminal-justice-reform/
Trump on criminal justice reform: https://www.vox.com/2020-presidential-election/21418911/donald-trump-crime-criminal-justice-policy-record https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/05/trumps-extreme-plans-crime/678502/
From pardons for non-violent marijuana convictions to reducing the federal government's reliance on private prisons, Biden has done a lot in four years to reform our criminal justice system on the federal level. Meanwhile, Trump has described himself as "tough on crime". He advocates for more policing, including "stop and frisk" activities. Ironically it's actually quite difficult to find sources about what Trump thinks about crime, because almost all of the search results are about his own crimes.
Biden on military support for Israel: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/biden-obama-divide-closely-support-israel-rcna127107
Trump on military support for Israel: https://www.vox.com/politics/353037/trump-gaza-israel-protests-biden-election-2024
Biden supports Israel financially and militarily and promotes holding Israel close. So did Trump. Trump was also very pro-Israel during his time in office and even moved the embassy to Jerusalem and declared Jerusalem the capitol of Israel, a move that inflamed attitudes in the region.
Biden on a ceasefire: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2024/06/05/gaza-israel-hamas-cease-fire-plan-biden/73967659007/
Trump on a ceasefire: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-israel-gaza-finish-problem-rcna141905
Trump has tried to be quiet on the issue but recently said he wants Israel to "finish the problem". He of course claims he could have prevented the whole problem. Trump also openly stated after Oct 7th that he would bar immigrants who support Hamas from the country and send in officers to American protests to arrest anyone supporting Hamas.
Biden meanwhile has been quietly urging Netanyahu to accept a ceasefire deal for months, including the most recent announcement earlier in June, though it seems as though that deal has finally fallen through as well.
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