#banded bullfrog tadpole
tadpoles-yay · 6 months
Todays tadpiole,
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The banded bullfrog/asian painted frog/digging frog/Malaysian bullfrog/common Asian frog/painted ballon frog or more commonly know as the chubby frog tadpole
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These many named goobers are actually a personal favourite species of mine
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And I own one
his (I think) name is Potato (I am aware that’s a basic name) but we mostly call him Guenouille which is French for fuog. There aren’t any typos in the previous sentence. I am serious.
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hehe beeg boi colors
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Im feeling generous, so here’s
All of this weeks homeworm art
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Yellow tailed melanids
Melanornis xanthocaudis
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Southern megabird
Titanornis gigantis
Struthiopsittacidae indet.
Passeripsittacidae indet.
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Dome headed flower eater
Pachycephalogekko ferrucephalis
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Ocean grydle
Xenopelagis ichthyomorphis
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Striped Redneck
Erythrocephalis migratorius
Spotted sea dragon
Pelagodraco septentris
Western Pilotpole
Ductogirinus naucrates
Black tailed albarrots
Ardeapsittacis diomedus
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Tiger sharkpole
Squalogyrinus tigrinus
Eastern Pilotpole
Ductogyrinus striatus
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Digging finpole
Fossopterygius paternis
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bestfrogbracket · 1 year
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African Bullfrog: Visually similar to the edible bullfrog, their Southern African ranges overlap and the two are often confused. They are aggressive and will bite with sharp teeth when threatened. Males congregate in ponds, where they call for females, viciously fighting for prime territory at the centre of the group. Once eggs are laid, the males stick around to watch over them and attack any threats while expanding the pond if necessary, so that it remains wet, although they have been known to eat the tadpoles they guard. They can live up to 45 years!
Yellow-Banded Poison Dart Frog: Mostly found in damp parts of Venezuela, these frogs have a unique adaptation amongst poison dart frogs – they will enter a period of dormancy when their habitat grows too dry. This allows them to survive much lower humidities than other members of their family. When mating, males and females will circle each other, stamping their feet, and the female will stroke the male’s back and face. Males shift the eggs around so that they receive enough oxygen, and after the eggs hatch he carries them to separate pools of water on his back.
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Frogs on the Brain
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I have frogs on the brain. This comes naturally - my mother has been saving amphibians from making poor life choices on highways for years. Now I have tadpoles in the pond outside our house and think about frogs each morning as I make breakfast.
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A few of at least 50 tadpoles in our pond Thankfully, frogs are cute and goofy looking enough for me to want to create in multiples. The first one I tackled is the Banded Bullfrog, aka "chubby frog" that I named Moon. I wanted this one to be pretty realistic and even added a little bit of beading to get the horns on his back. The picture on the right was my inspiration shot - not too bad if I say so myself!
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The second project is an entire bouquet of poison dart frogs. I can't believe how many colors and designs these little guys come in naturally. Once I got started, it was difficult to stop. Now I need to make a second branch of them as well and I still want to do some additional clean up on these but I would like to introduce you to Bella, Castor, Hemlock, Sarin and Ricin.
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I plan to make around 20 of these, all different, and let people choose 4-5 to include on a branch. However, I only have 2 cool curly locust branches left though so I need to come up with another option as well. Please comment on what you would suggest. Read the full article
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The same to you - all of them 🎃
200: My crush’s name is: Ryan, Eli, Claire, several others I cant name for complicated reasons 
199: I was born in: 1997/a hospital 
198: I am really: Intense weather in my calmness or excitement 
197: My cellphone company is: T-Mobile
196: My eye color is: Light green
195: My shoe size is: 9 1/2 wide (i usually have to do like a 11 for high heals)
194: My ring size is: ??????? probably big I have chubby fingers
193: My height is: 5′ 6″
192: I am allergic to: nothing unless you count idiocy 
191: My 1st car was: A blue 2007 Ford Focus and I LOVED her
190: My 1st job was: A server for Cheddar’s Casual Cafe 
189: Last book you read: How to Ruin Everything by George Watsky 10/10
188: My bed is: A king with lots o’ pillows and blankets and is very comfy
187: My pet: 2 cats, 5 kittens, 6 dogs, 2 snakes, 1 bearded dragon, 1 leopard gecko, 4 turtles, 1 bullfrog tadpole, and bunches of fish
186: My best friend: is a boy i met a month ago because i have intimacy issues
185: My favorite shampoo is: Dead Sea’s Argon oil shampoo is so good to my poor dry curls
184: Xbox or ps3: I use an Xbox to watch Netflix but I don’t play video games
183: Piggy banks are: Cute decorations but go unused
182: In my pockets: $2, some lint, a rubber band, and something weird i took out of my dog’s mouth earlier
181: On my calendar: I have nothing written in it but it has cool pictures of bears
180: Marriage is: Cool because of the financial benefits but other than that unnecessary to prove one’s love. I want a wedding though because I want a pretty dress
179: Spongebob can: Make me hate my life a 3am
178: My mom: Died of breast cancer and smoked a lot of pot
177: The last three songs I bought were? I can’t remember ever paying for music but the last three i listened to are: Cherry Wine by Hozier, Strong As An Oak by Watsky, and San Cristobal by Mal Blum
176: Last YouTube video watched: A slam poem by Neil Hilborn called Liminality
175: How many cousins do you have? I have no clue? At least 10 on each side, but i’m sure there’s way more than that
174: Do you have any siblings? 2 older brothers, 2 older sisters, ans one younger sister 
173: Are your parents divorced? They were never married
172: Are you taller than your mom? Nope! She was like 5′10′
171: Do you play an instrument? I can play hot cross buns on the recorder and thats the best i can do
170: What did you do yesterday? I slept and ate beef jerky[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: No, but i do believe in lust and infatuation at first site. I think  love takes time to grow.
168: Luck: Yes like, as in karma
167: Fate: Catch me in the right mood and i do
166: Yourself: NOOOOOPE
165: Aliens: Yes
164: Heaven: No
163: Hell: Yes, it’s called Texas
162: God: Naaaaah
161: Horoscopes: I think they’re accurate generalizations
160: Soul mates: Yeah but not like the traditional; kind of way, i think we have lots of people we’re meant to be with in various ways
159: Ghosts: Yes and No i go back and forth
158: Gay Marriage: 100%
157: War:0%
156: Orbs: Idk what this is talking about but sure, ill root for them
155: Magic: No, Im a science gal[ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: Hugs
153: Drunk or High: High, drinking gives me a tummy ache
152: Phone or Online: Online
151: Red heads or Black haired: Red heads
150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes
149: Hot or cold: Cold
148: Summer or winter: Winter
147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn
146: Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
145: Night or Day: Night
144: Oranges or Apples: Apples
143: Curly or Straight hair: Curly
142: McDonalds or Burger King: Mcdonald’s
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: White Chocolate is the key to my heart
140: Mac or PC: PC
139: Flip flops or high heels: HIgh heels even though i cant walk in them
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Sweet and poor
137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke
136: Hillary or Obama: Obama
135: Burried or cremated: Cremated, the idea of rotting creeps me out
134: Singing or Dancing: Dancing but im bad at both
133: Coach or Chanel: Idgaf
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: ??????
131: Small town or Big city: Big city
130: Wal-Mart or Target: Wal-Mart
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: I hate Adam Sandler
128: Manicure or Pedicure: Manicure
127: East Coast or West Coast: West Coast
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas all the waaaaaay
125: Chocolate or Flowers: Flowers, preferably potted
124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney i’m scared of roller coasters
123: Yankees or Red Sox: I dont sports[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: Its stupid and bad and i hate violence 
121: George W. Bush: Okay, looook, i dig his paintings, okay???
120: Gay Marriage: gimme that shit i want that shit
119: The presidential election: I could be down for violence against trump
118: Abortion: everyone should have safe access to abortions, they save lives
117: MySpace: I never had one? Does it still exist? I may make one for fun? 
116: Reality TV: i dont ever watch it, i avoid it like the plauge
115: Parents: Mine were grade A shit
114: Back stabbers: What goes around comes around
113: Ebay: I use Amazon
112: Facebook: Its filled with my racist family, i avoid it 
111: Work: I watch my niece and nephew (twins) and i love it
110: My Neighbors: I don’t interact with them ever
109: Gas Prices: why so expensive pls give me break
108: Designer Clothes: catch me in wal-mart clothes i bough 4 years ago
107: College: I want but cant afford halp
106: Sports: no
105: My family: I love them but they fkn annoy the shit out of me with their political views
104: The future: stop.[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: My niece yesterday
102: Last time you ate: I am eating a bowl of mac n’ cheese right now
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: I saw my sister’s in-laws last week and i loooooove them! I made slime with the kids
100: Cried in front of someone: When i found out my ex was cheating on me like two months ago
99: Went to a movie theater: Went on a date with a cute boi like a month ago and w saw Baby Driver it was so good
98: Took a vacation: The only vacation ive ever took in my life was with my ex and his family to Florida last summer
97: Swam in a pool: Less than a week ago
96: Changed a diaper: Yesterday, i change them for a living
95: Got my nails done:last summer
94: Went to a wedding: My oldest sister got married last week!
93: Broke a bone: when i was like 3????
92: Got a peircing: two weeks ago i got my nipples done
91: Broke the law: this morning when i got high
90: Texted: Im texting cute bbs  right now[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: My boi Ryan who is a fkn idiot i love him
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: I already left home and only miss having someone else cook and clean because my roomates are hopeless
87: The last movie I saw: The Last Five Years
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: When i can move far north and start a loving and respectful communist sex cult
85: The thing im not looking forward to: Getting up for work at 5 in the morning
84: People call me: lame
83: The most difficult thing to do is: exist
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: i sure haven’t i’m Safe
81: My zodiac sign is: Libra
80: The first person i talked to today was: Ryan
79: First time you had a crush: i liked a boy named Antonio in second grade
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: no one? 
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Ryan last night when we said a stupid Ricks and Morty quote at the same time
76: Right now I am talking to: my cat Beatrice 
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: probably cry a lot
74: I have/will get a job: working with kids!
73: Tomorrow: I will be very tired
72: Today: I am very tired
71: Next Summer: I will be very hot
70: Next Weekend: Im going to tie ppl up with rope
69: I have these pets: see 187
68: The worst sound in the world: A baby crying because they’re hurt or sad
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: my ex inbox me for his url so you can tell him hes a meanie
66: People that make you happy: My nieces and nephews and also my bff
65: Last time I cried: last night because the damn dog was so cute
64: My friends are: amazing and deserve the world
63: My computer is: slow and bad but i still love her
62: My School: was down the road from a prison, which my mom was in years ago
61: My Car: is old and smells like my mom’s cigarettes 
60: I lose all respect for people who: are racist, homophobic, sexist, trans-phobic, Islamophobic, anti-semetic, ect. 
59: The movie I cried at was: the beginning of Guardians of the Galaxy
58: Your hair color is: Auburn
57: TV shows you watch: Game of Thrones, Criminal Minds, Sense 8
56: Favorite web site: tumblr.com
55: Your dream vacation: stargazing in Alaska 
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: when i fucked up my siatic nerve in a car wreck in January 
53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium-well
52: My room is: cold and messy and covered in kittens
51: My favorite celebrity is: Harry Styles
50: Where would you like to be: on a beach in Iceland with a person playing a ukulele 
49: Do you want children: Only if i have more than one long term partner living with me 
48: Ever been in love: Yes 
47: Who’s your best friend: see 186 its Ryan
46: More guy friends or girl friends: no
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: when my cat comes to me and just lays where shes barely touching me 
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: My best friend from high school who committed suicide 
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: no
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: no
41: Have you pre-named your children: I want to name my kid Coraline but id also like to do something not defined by a single gender?
40: Last person I got mad at: My sister because she left the dogs inside all day while i was at work even though shes a stay at home mom and so the poor things had accidents and no one was happy
39: I would like to move to: Canada
38: I wish I was a professional: mom[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: white chocolate truffles 
36: Vehicle: vintage beatles 
35: President: Alexander Hamilton
34: State visited: Florida
33: Cellphone provider: ?????
32: Athlete: ?????
31: Actor: Nat Wolf
30: Actress: Maise willams
29: Singer: Radical Face/Hozier
28: Band: Bad Books
27: Clothing store: Wal-mart
26: Grocery store: Joe-V’s Smart Shop
25: TV show: Game of Thrones
24: Movie: Swiss Army Man
23: Website: see 56
22: Animal:  Monitors 
21: Theme park: i dont do theme parks
20: Holiday: Halloween
19: Sport to watch: does Yuri on Ice count?
18: Sport to play: no
17: Magazine: i don’t read magazines but i heard Teen Vogue is doing wonders
16: Book: The Kite Runner
15: Day of the week: Wednesday’s Child is Full of Woe
14: Beach: wherever i was in Florida 
13: Concert attended: Warped Tour 2015 there was a band called Onwards ect. it was so good
12: Thing to cook: homemade flour tortillas 
11: Food: Cheese enchiladas
10: Restaurant: This cute little place named Marianne’s thats down the road from my house she makes the best tamales 
9: Radio station: 94.5 The Buzz
8: Yankee candle scent: Clean Linen 
7: Perfume: i dont
6: Flower: Lilies 
5: Color: pink
4: Talk show host: Steve Harvey
3: Comedian: John Mulaney
2: Dog breed: Pit Bulls
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? 100%
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So, you mentioned a Wayne Tech science fair. So, of course, this means Bruce would have to meet smol Alex. Can you tell us about the scenario were Bruce's is like "this kid's good" and Kara is all "YOU CAN'T HAVE HER, BATS"? (Meanwhile, Diana has wandered over and is now instructing a tiny, gleeful Danvers on the finer points of swordplay)
Ofall the things Kara expects to see at the WayneTech Young InnovatorsExpo…
BruceWayne is not one of them.
She’sbeen invited to enough galas and fundraisers hosted by the elusiveMr. Wayne to know that he hardly ever bothers to attend. (She wasinitially confused at his seemingly dogged attempts to include her inthese things, given their somewhat…disparaging worldviews.
Andthen she learned that Alfred was in charge of the guest lists.)
Sowhen she spies Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Brooding across the way on the expofloor, she politely excuses herself from a conversation with one ofthe corporate sponsors and makes a beeline for the League’s grumpiestmember.
“Crawledout of your cave this morning, I see,” Kara says by way ofgreeting, her smirk betraying the fact that she’s entirely too pleased with her own joke.
WhenBruce responds, it’s under his breath, and in the unpolished grumblehe reserves for his…extracurricular activities. Not the smooth,cultivated baritone he saves for the public.
“Thatwas funny the first fifty times,” he tells her. “You need newmaterial.”
“Andyou need coffee,” Kara counters, surprised at the dark circlesunder Bruce’s eyes. He doesn’t usually display his perpetualexhaustion so…openly.
Brucedoesn’t deny the claim, which essentially amounts to ‘yes, give mecaffeine.’ Kara knows better than to expect a formal 'please.’
Soshe rolls her eyes and heads over to the nearest Sundollars kiosk,and orders two of whatever seasonal, sugary latte is available. (Shemay not expect a formal please, but that doesn’t mean she’s going toreward his bad behavior. So, no. She will not be getting him hispreferred dark roast.)
Whenshe returns, Bruce is, of course, nowhere to be found.
“Typical,”she sighs, and begins her search, tempted to down both coffees rightthen and there.
It’safter the eighth—or possibly ninth—foamcore board detailing thelife cycle of the American bullfrog that Bruce begins to regret hisdecision to make a public appearance at the Expo.
Fortunately,only a handful of the children seem to recognize him. (Thesechildren, Bruce notes, tend to have very…eager parents hoveringnearby.) Once he’s clear of the center of the floor, and meanderingalong the fringes, he can move with a little more freedom, and ignorevarious booths without feeling guilty.
Hemaintains a leisurely pace, hands in his pockets, observing the otherprojects from afar. Some are impressive. Others are…less so.
Hecomes a halt near the end of the aisle, and finds himself staring inopen confusion at one of the presentation boards.
He’s…notentirely sure what he’s looking at.
Hemoves closer, taking in the crude drawings, scribbled equations, andclunky low poly 3D models taped to the display board.
“…Isthis Kevlar?” he finally asks the kid behind the card table.
“…Kindof.” she shrugs.
“Kindof Kevlar.” Bruce repeats.
“It’san alternative.” And as Bruce looks back at the write ups, he cansee the slight difference in the makeup of the materials, as well asthe unique plating design of a proposed vest.
Ittakes a minute for Bruce to figure out where he’s seen it before—theoverlapping segments of armor.
“That’sa Trombusan design,” he says, and this time, when he looks over atthe kid, he really looks ather.
Young.Nondescript. Some sort of band t-shirt sticking out from beneath asweatshirt.
“It’s…yes.Kind of.”
There’sthat phrase again.
“Well,we don’t have the right kind of science to make something likeTrombusan armor. Not yet, anyway. At least that I could find,” shefrowns. “Maybe…the military does?” She looks up at him, “butnot regular civilians.”
Hestares at her.
“…Howold are you?”
“Twelve.And a half.”
Heshakes his head. “You—how do you know about Trombusans?”  
Thegirl shifts uneasily from foot to foot.
“Iwas, uh, there. In National City. During the attack,” she explains.“I saw the foot soldiers, and that gave me the idea for the platingpattern.”
“…Youbased your design,” Bruce says slowly, “off of an alien speciesyou observed during a hostile attack on a major metropolitan area.That occurred…eight months ago.”
Thegirl takes a moment before answering.
“…Yeah.Guess so.”
Brucehums quietly and rubs his chin.
ThatKara eventually finds Bruce is entirely a fluke. She gave up tryingto locate the AWOL billionaire and decided to see how Alex was doing,only to stumble upon Wayne, wearing that Look.
“No.”Kara says without preamble, or context, for that matter.
Butshe doesn’t need it, because she knows Bruce, and knows what’s goingon in that…labyrinthine mind of his.
“Oh,Kara, hey,” Alex starts to smile, but catching Kara’s stonyexpression, falters. “Um.”
“MissKent,” Bruce smirks, and plucks one of the paper cups from herhand. “Got a little lost on the way to the concession stand, didwe?”
“Don’tchange the subject,” Kara scowls. “And I did not. Also,you’re welcome.”
“Thisis not dark roast.”
“Youcan’t have her, Bats.”
Karadoesn’t bother to explain herself—she’s certain that Bruce has adossier on every single person in the building. Memorized. Andcolor-coded. Down in that damp, depressing cave of his. He’ll knowwho Alex Danvers is, who her parents are, knows they vacation inKansas occasionally, to visit…'relatives.’
“She’sgood,” Bruce says, and takes a sip of the latte. He cringes at thesyrupy sweetness. “We’re talking…Tim good.”
Karaopens her mouth to protest, but after a brief pause, “…Really.Tim good.” comes out instead.
“Mmm.”Bruce considers. “She could be. Given the right. …Opportunities—”
“No.No. No, Bruce,” Kara pinches the bridge of her nose. “No,you are not—you are not drafting another child intoyour…weird, vigilante club.”
“Wouldyou prefer I switch to dogs and cats? Livestock, maybe,” is thepointed response.
“…That’sdifferent, and you know it,” Kara huffs. “I’m notendangering kids—”
“Getoff your moral high horse, Kent,” Bruce interrupts.
Karais caught off guard.
“Shetold me she got the design from alien soldiers,” Bruce levels apiercing stare at Kara. His unwavering gaze makes Kara involuntarilyflinch. “Care to explain how she got close enough to make out theplate pattern?”
Karaswallows, shame burning a faint blush across her face.
Brucesays nothing, but his smile is unbearably smug. Kara desperatelywishes she could throw him into space. (Knowing Bruce, however, thejerk would have some portable bat-themed breathing apparatus.)
“You’llrecall,” Bruce says, smirking over his cup of coffee, publicpersona now firmly in place, “that the aim of WayneTech’s YoungInnovators Foundation is to foster and encourage young innovators.”Kara clenches her fists. “Alex is a young innovator. I’d merelylike to encourage her. And I’m sure her parents wouldn’t mind ascholarship. Or two.”
Karacan’t really argue one way or the other—that’s a decision for Alex,Eliza, and Jeremiah.
Shesays as much to Bruce, who turns to get Alex’s opinion on thematter…
Andis met with an empty metal folding chair.
“…Wellthat's—” Bruce starts to say, only to have Kara cut him off.
“Doyou hear…clanging?” He does not, but then, Bruce doesn’t have thebenefit of alien ears. “Sort of sounds like…swords.”
Bothare silent for a moment, mutual confusion crinkling their brows.
Andthen, in unison:
AlexDanvers looks entirely too thrilled to be learning swordplay from theresident Themysciran ambassador, and Kara wonders if maybe she shouldbe worried.
But,Alex is happy, shifting her weight and angling her arm, matchingDiana’s example and following her instructions as closely as she can;Eliza and Jeremiah don’t object (Kara absolutelycalled them, to see what sort of…sword privileges they were dealingwith here) and Brucelooks incredibly jealous.
“Idon’t know what has inspired this frown,” Diana joins the two ofthem as Alex inspects the practice blade Diana just…happenedto have. Because of course she did. “But I approve.”
“Youstole his newest sidekick,” Kara nods towards Alex. Diana’s smilegrows wider.
“Ohyes, I definitelyapprove.”
“Thisisn’t over, Kent,” Bruce vows, accepting, not defeat, but achallenge. “Tell the Danvers to expect some pamphlets in the mail.”
“Iwill.” She won’t. (Alright, she eventuallywill. Let him sweat a bit. He deserves it.) Bruce excuses himself,unable to handle more than one social interaction at a time.
“Heis a strange one, that Mr. Wayne,” Diana says. Kara lets out abreathy laugh.
“Youhave no idea.”
Alexwalks over, and hands the blade back to Diana, clearlyreluctant to do so, but she says she should get back to her project,she doesn’t like leaving it alone for too long.
“Thatkid with the tadpoles was eyeing my research,” she says with afrown. “I need to make sure he hasn’t like, touched anything.”
“Ishould be going as well,” Diana says. “Donna’s presentationstarts soon.”
Theysay their goodbyes and go their separate ways, Kara deciding to tagalong with Alex before diving back into press mode.
“Areyou better friends with Wonder Woman than Batman?” Alex asks asthey walk back to the booth. Kara casts a cursory glance in severaldirections before answering.
“Iwould never choosefavorites. Yes.”
“Yeah,she’s way cooler than Bruce.”
“Thisis very true,” Kara says, throwing an arm around Alex’s shoulders.Alex gets a mischievous gleam in her eye as she looks up at theKryptonian.
“Shemight be even coolerthan you.”
(Clark,of course, learns of the situation from Dick. Who heard it fromJason. Who heard it from Babs. Who heard it from Tim. Who heard itfrom Alfred.
“Goodchoice,” he tells her. “Wonder Woman’s my favorite too. But don’ttell Kara I—”
AndKara is there, mock-glowering at them both.
“Alienears,” she says.)
Notes:- When I originally mentioned the WayneTech science fair, admittedly I imagined Alex as older, maybe mid-teens. And that’s how I started to write her. But this clashed with the ‘tiny, gleeful Danvers’ in the prompt, so the compromise was pre-teen Alex, who probably comes off as a bit too precocious as a result.- Bruce and Diana are almost certainly OOC, I do apologize. 
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tadpoles-yay · 3 months
Todays tadpiole
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Hey is that the banded bullfrog tadpole what’s he doing here why is he whi-
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The swarm
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He so old
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Apparently these guys are filter feeders
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Too late to be a tadpole but look how polite he is!!!!! :D
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In hindsight it makes sense that they look alike they are from the same family…
Microhylidae btw
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