#bang yongguk fluff
spacequokka · 5 years
Coffee Mates
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Word Count: 2.2k Warnings: Nothing but fluff for my heart. Pairings: Yongguk x Reader Summary: A regular customer catches your eye, leading you to buy a SeoulMate device to see if he's the one.
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Yongguk came in about the same time every day with a journal tucked under his arm. He hardly ever walked to the counter. No, it was more of a shamble or a shuffle. The baseball cap he wore was often pulled down low so you could barely make out his eyes.
But you always knew it was him. You could tell by the curve of his lips.
"Good morning and welcome to Starbucks,” you gave him the standard greeting. He nodded and gave you his order. "Name?"
He paused as he usually did. Maybe he was trying to remember the name he'd given you the day before. Maybe he thought about giving you his real name. "Yongnam."
You arched an eyebrow at him as he stretched the name out towards the middle. He had almost taken the risk but changed his mind. You smiled at him. "Okay, Mr. Yongnam. Coming right up!"
He nodded and took a seat near the window where he flipped open his book. You would look at him every so often as you filled his cup with cappuccino. He was frowning today. You wondered what troubled him but knew you couldn't ask. He wouldn't possibly appreciate you butting your nose into his business.
As you put the lid on the cup, a thought struck you. You grabbed a towel used it to pick up Yongguk's cup so that his name was facing you. You took a marker used to scribble names on the customers' cups to add a quick message then called his name out. He hopped out of his seat and picked up the cup with a nod of thanks before heading back to his place. He never grabbed a stirrer or extra sugar. He seemed to like his drink the way you made it. The thought made you smile.
The next customer breezed in through the door, stealing your attention away as the morning rush started. By the time you had served the last patron, "Mr. Yongnam" had left. There was a napkin left on the table, and you rounded the counter to snatch it up before someone else did.
"Thank you, _____.”
You smiled as you pocketed the napkin. And so the habit of writing little messages on Yongguk's cup began.
The next week he came in wearing his usual garb but sported stubble. The baseball cap did little to hide the bags under his eyes. When he spoke, it sounded like he had been gargling rocks. “Coffee. Black.”
“Whoa. You’re really cranking it up there. Mr…?” You let the question hang as you smiled at him.
“Ugh. I can’t even remember what name I used last.” His head dropped forward then he huffed. “Yongguk.”
Your eyes popped open at the change. “O-okay, Mr. Yongguk. Can I get you anything else?”
“If you don’t mind, please bring it to my table.” He grumbled as he swiped his card. He left before you could even hand him the receipt. Your heart went out to him. You’d pulled many all-nighters for college before, and the memory of being a sleep-deprived zombie wasn’t pretty. You picked up a cup and wrote his name with care. After a moment to think, you added a message of encouragement. When it was ready, you picked up a stirrer and sugar just in case and took his order to his table.
“Here you go, Mr. Yongguk.” You sat the cup down carefully and placed the extras next to him.
“Thank you, ____.” He picked up the cup and sipped carefully. After quietly smacking his lips together a few times, he slid the stirrer and sugar packets back to you. “I don’t need these.”
It surprised you. His cappuccino order was normally sweet. “Are you sure? Isn’t it bitter?”
He took another lazy sip as he looked you in the eyes. “No. It’s just right. As always.”
You blushed, unable to keep the stupid grin off your face. "You drink black coffee that often?"
He shook his head as he took another sip. "No. I needed something stronger this morning. I have a deadline I'm trying to make. I just make sure to get here early so you can make my order. You always use the right amount."
A customer came in signaling the end of your conversation. You turned back to him and smiled. "Well, enjoy. I hope things go well for you."
His eyes dropped to the message you'd written, and he smirked. "Me too."
A few days passed without you seeing him, and you wondered about him. Was he okay? Did things go well with the thing he was working on? As you wiped down the tables for the morning rush, the bell on the door rang. "Welcome to--" You looked over your shoulder, and the words died off.
It was him.
He went to the counter, eyes up on the menu. You hurried over to the register. You never had to force a smile with him. "Good morning, Yongguk. The usual?"
Yongguk smiled at you and nodded. "Yes, _____. The usual." You picked up a cup and started to scribble his name on it when he spoke again. "Have you heard of the SeoulMate Finder?"
You paused and looked at him. "The watch thingy?"
He laughed and lifted his wrist for you to see. The device looked like a spiffy smartwatch, but instead of the traditional clock face, it had a radar arm that spun around. "I got one the other day."
"Does it work?" You swallowed and said, "I mean, have you found your soulmate?"
To your relief, he shook his head. "I don't think my soulmate has bought one yet. But my friends all ran out and bought one." He shrugged and stuffed his hands into his coat pockets, hiding the device from view. "Just playing the waiting game."
"Oh." You nodded. "I thought about getting one. The price is steep."
"It is," he said. "But it may be worth it, don't you think?"
The glint in his eye made you tingle from head to toe. With a smile, you told him the total, and he swiped his card before going to his usual seat. You realized that it was as far from the door as possible without being unable to see the counter where you worked. Could he...?
You took a second to think about the message you wanted to write. Yongguk didn't need one, but you couldn't resist. Thinking of his quest to find his soulmate, however passive, you wished him good luck. When you had finished the order, you took it to him as per the norm.
"Thank you, _____," he said as he reached for the cup and almost touched your hand. You gave him another smile and bounded back to the counter. If it wasn't clear before it was clear now. You had more than a crush on him. However, you barely knew him. It wasn't likely that a confession would persuade him to forget about the soulmate thing. Unless you were his soulmate.
That evening, you browsed the online store of the SeoulMate website. There were different kinds, each suited for different lifestyles. You thought about getting one of the more dynamic models, but all you wanted was to see if Yongguk was your soulmate. The one that merely scanned whoever you touched seemed to be the right choice. Luckily, it was on sale.
Days later, you wore it to work. It was an inconspicuous little ring that fit on your index finger. You could feel its quiet hum against your skin as it worked.
The shop's door rang as it swung open. Yongguk stepped in with a small group of people, one of whom was female. She had an arm slung around his shoulders, laughing loudly at something the other had said. Your heart dropped into your stomach. Did he find her already? Had you wasted your time and money?
The group went to a table in the corner, out of view. He sat down without once having glanced your way. You inhaled deeply and turned back to work, determined to not let this get to you. It was okay. It wasn't the end of the world. There was sure to be someone out there...
The thought of anyone else hurt. You had gotten used to the idea of Yongguk. It felt right. You stole another look at the group in the corner. It was as if you didn't exist, which was weird since he always ordered first.
"_____?" A deep voice called from behind you. You spun around to see Yongguk standing at the counter, a shy smile on his face.
"B-but you just walked in with," you sputtered, looking back at the group. "Who--?"
Yongguk leaned to the side. "Oh, that's my twin brother and older sister." He chuckled. "I asked them to meet me here."
"Oh!" You sighed with relief then quickly covered your mouth. "I mean, oh. Yeah, that was odd. You didn't sit in your normal seat or order and--I mean, what can I get you today?"
He laughed. Outright and in your face. Even though you wanted to crawl into one of the cabinets and die, the sound of his throaty laugh made your skin tingle. He had the cutest gummy smile. You would love to see it more. "It's okay."
"Huh?" You tilted your head to the side.
"A lot of people mix us up. You don't have to be embarrassed. If anything, I'm glad you knew something was off. It makes me feel special." He ducked his head as he grinned.
You blinked a few times. Was this real? "You are my best customer. You're pleasant to be around."
He nodded. "I guess I should order something. What do you recommend?"
Your jaw dropped. "You're nothing going to order the usual?"
He shook his head. "No, I'm craving something new, different. I don't think my usual is working for me."
You hesitated then looked over your shoulder at the menu. "If you want something chocolatey, I recommend the mocha chocolate chip. It's my favorite."
His grin made your heart skip a beat. For a second you thought you would have a heart attack. "I'll try that then. If you recommend it, it has to be good." You gave him another smile, this one shy. You picked up a cup and wrote his name on it as he paid for it. He lingered at the counter as you made the drink. "Is that a SeoulMate?"
"Huh?" You stopped and looked at him. "Oh, yeah! I just got it yesterday."
"What made you buy one?" He leaned onto the counter as you did the topping and lid. "Are you looking for your soulmate too?"
You laughed as you slid the cup to him. "Well, it occurred to me that if my soulmate is out there looking for me, or even just wanting to know I exist, I'd have to have one on. So, it's not that I'm looking for one. I just want them to know I exist. So they won't be lonely."
He nodded and stood up straight. "I see." He exhaled and showed you his SeoulMate. The interface was a bright teal. There was a bright flickering circle in the center. "It's been pointing me to this location since yesterday."
You found it hard to breathe for a second. You trembled at the implication.
He looked over your shoulder at your co-workers behind you. "Do any of them have a SeoulMate?"
You looked over your shoulder at the men and women behind you. "I-I can ask." You turned around to see a knowing smirk. "What?"
"I don't think any of them have one. But, I'll ask. Right after we rule you out." He held up his hand for you. "I know what my SeoulMate says. Why don't we see what yours says?"
You nearly fainted. What if he wasn't your soulmate? Would he be disappointed? Would he stop coming to the store? What if you misread him and he didn't want anything to do with you? What if --
You slipped your hand into his and all the doubtful thoughts faded away. You rubbed the ring across his warm palm. There was a soft whir then a click. Your ring went from a crystal clear color to teal, matching his SeoulMate. Butterflies filled your stomach, and you found it difficult to look up. You were afraid of his reaction.
"_____, look at me, baby."
Your eyes widened, and you looked up at him. That gummy smile was stretched across his face as his eyes crinkled shut. Warmth spread through you as his other hand covered yours, creating a pocket of love. "Yongguk?"
"When I bought this, I hoped it would point me to you. I got pulled away for a couple of days so I didn't get to see you, but I wanted to. I wished I'd had the courage to ask for your number or even ask you out." He lifted your hand to his lips, brushing them across your knuckles. "You do more than make the perfect cup of coffee. You know how to cheer me up and give me hope for a great day. Being near you is so soothing."
You covered your mouth with your free hand and bounced on the ball of your feet. "I had hoped -- I really wanted -- Oh, wow."
His chuckle traveled up your arm. "So, you'll go out with me? Maybe see a movie or walk on the beach?"
You watched as he laced his fingers with yours. "I'd love to."
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Yongguk - The reason I live is you ♥
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Member: BAP’s Bang Yongguk
Pairing: Idol!Yongguk X Female!Reader
Genre: Smut, Angst, Happy end
Warnings: Fighting, smut
Words: 2,275
Summary: You don’t fight. But this time you do. And it seems like making up involves a lot more, than just talking,
A/N: Y’all are thirsty. I’m not rly happy with this (’cause let’s face it I’m bad at writing smut [because i don’t eally know what’s too much to handle])but i hope I didn’t murder your request too much @perfectly-sarcastic ♥
You don’t fight. Don’t get me wrong, Yongguk and you definitely argue sometimes but you never really fight. One of you always hits the emergency break, avoiding the worst. Tonight, though, is different. Yongguk came home, exhausted by a hard day at work, his anxiety grabbing onto the edges of his consciousness – and you could feel it.
So you did your best, preparing his favorite dinner, which he left untouched. Massaging his tense shoulders, only to be pushed away rather ungentle. You then decided that it might be better for you to go to your shared bedroom to relax a bit, maybe read a book. The quiet toddle of your naked feet could be heart throughout the quiet apartment, so when a deep sigh suddenly accompanied them, you almost stopped walking - almost, because you were sure that Yongguk didn’t want to see you right now. Although your feelings were hurt, you understood that maybe, he just needed to relax a bit and be on his own. Calm down and then he would return to being the cuddly, soft Yongguk you know.
“This is how you thank me for bringing home money? For buying the apartment?” It’s barely 10 minutes later that Yongguk walks through the door. You’re curled up in the middle of your bed, pillows all around you, and a romantic book in your hand. “What do you mean?” you close the book carefully, after putting a piece of paper between the pages as a bookmark. You heard of people bending the pages to remember where they are, but in your eyes, they are monsters. “I’m in a bad mood and you just decide to curl up and read? To leave me alone? I bought this apartment! I pay for your clothes! Our food!” You feel yourself become defensive. You cross your arms over your chest and look at him with rage. “First, I cooked your favorite food and tried to massage you. When you didn’t eat the food and pushed me away I thought that you just want to be on your own for a while. Calm down.” You take a deep breath in order to remain calm. “And second. . . I go to work as well. I might not be an idol, but I work from seven in the morning to four or five in the afternoon. I earn money as well. I never asked you to buy my stuff, but you always insist that you love buying my stuff.” You know that you are by now bright read in your face.
You never wanted him to buy your clothes, your food, pay for your dates. The fact that he holds this against you now hurts and angers you. “Well I didn’t want to be alone! I wanted you to just be by my side and hold me. But you would never understand me. You don’t understand how I feel.” He turned around and angrily walked towards the door, making you jump out of bed and follow him. “Where are you going?” You demanded to know when he put on his warm jacked and slipped into his shoes. “I don’t know, probably some pub. Maybe I’ll find someone who will understand me.” You look at him in shock, his words like a slap in the face. Tears are filling your eyes, threatening to spill as you look at him in disappointment. “If you step through this door I won’t be here when you return.” His implication of possibly cheating on you – something he would never do, you know that – hit you really hard. He hesitates and turns around to see your eyes filled with tears. Your breath is going hard and when he realizes how you could interpret his words, his eyes widen. “Y/N. You think I’d. . .” He raises his hand, reaching out for you but you just step back, your eyes fixed onto the wooden floor next to your feet. “You think I’d cheat on you?” He steps right in front of you and takes your face into his hands, lifting it, so your eyes meet his. “People do stupid stuff when they are angry and drunk. I don’t think you’d do it but. . . You made it sound like that and you are so angry.” You feel yourself shake; your eyes are searching the room for somewhere to look other than his eyes. “Babe. . .”
He’s at a loss of words, so he only presses his lips against yours, which surprises you, so it takes you a second to respond. This second makes Yongguks heart race in fear and his kiss becomes more desperate. You respond to his kiss and his hands wander to your hips, lifting you up to wrap your legs around his middle. You  fumble with his thick jacket, struggling to take it off, when he starts carrying you to your bed. “Shoes.” You say in a scolding manner as you hear his soles against the floor. He smiles into the kiss and kicks the shoes off and carries you to your bedroom where he drops you onto the bed. Your eyes look up at him and you feel the love for him spill over, washing away all the doubt that tried to creep into your heart and brain, replacing it with a warm feeling. A stray tear runs down your cheek and Yongguk bows down to you, his lips catching it and moving to your ear, leaving a soft, damp trail behind. “Don’t cry. I will never leave you. I’ll make sure you remember.” He presses you into the pillows you left on the bed and runs his full, soft lips over your jawline, down to your collarbone, where he gently sucks on the tender flesh, making you moan softly. “I hate that you doubted me.” He says as he proudly examines the lovebite he left behind. “Yongguk. Don’t beat yourself up over it. ” You say and look down at him. “I will make you remember.” There is a fire in his eyes and you know that he won’t be soft or gentle tonight. You will be dusted with small, purple circles, because Yongguk likes to mark you as his when he is rough. Your legs wrap themselves around his hip and you can feel his erection against you already wet core
All the anger is just gone and replaced by passion. “This has to go.” He whispers, staring at the shirt you are wearing – one of his - and he doesn’t take the time to take it off you but rust rips it in half. You gasp and he presses his lips to you now exposed nipple – you already took your bra off when you came home because it’s just too uncomfortable. Yongguks arms wrap around your waist as you arch your back and he lifts you up, removing the fabric and throwing it across the room. You feel the mattress beneath your body again and shiver as his left hand makes its way to your exposed nipple, working on it, carefully tugging it and massaging it, bringing you pleasure. When he is finally satisfied, he kisses down to your pyjamabottoms – a pair of shorts with animated cats printed all over them, but they are so short, that they are barely worth mentioning. He leaves behind a trail of hickeys and then swiftly takes off your shorts, leaving you no time to adjust to the cold that suddenly hits your wet core, because his warm lips immediately replace the fabric. You feel is tongue slide over your clit, massaging it, making you moan his name. “Yongguk please fuck me.” you gasp when he slides one finger in, but you know that he is not planning on letting you cum immediately. Yongguk is in a playful mood, which often results in you begging him to let you cum.
He drives you so close to your orgasm, but right when you are about to grasp it, let go of everything, his mouth disappears and his fingers follow. “Yongguk” You whimper and he kisses you softly, letting you taste yourself on his lips. “I don’t want you to cum like this. I want to be inside you. . ” You look at him and are still able to see the pain in his eyes. It’s hidden in a faraway corner of his mind, but not far enough. He takes off his clothes himself, his eyes not leaving you and when he is finally naked, he enters you completely in one, swift thrust. You gasp for air, needing time to adjust to his size, but he doesn’t give you any time, he just starts to move fluently inside you, your moans could be heard throughout the entire apartment, and when you finally cum, he joins you. He softly pants next to your ear and keeps moving – something that almost feels painful in due to how sensitive you feel after an orgasm. The two of you keep going and when he collapses next to you, you curl into him seeking his warmth because the cold air of your bedroom is resulting in goosebumps spreading all over your exposed skin. Yongguk quickly wraps the two of you up in one of your blankets, pressing kisses all over your face. “I love you” he whispers and you just make an agreeing noise, because you are too exhausted. Your upper body is covered in purple marks, you feel sore between your legs and your muscles are exhausted. “Sleep, babe.” Yongguk instructs and you agree, falling asleep almost instantly, only to be woken up by a nightmare a few hours later.
The bedroom is dark and quiet except for your breathing. The dream felt so real and after your argument with Yongguk it hit really close to home. You can barely remember what happened, but you know that it was related to the argument the two of you had and you remember seeing Yongguk with a woman in your bed. Tears run down your cheek and you sit up to walk to the bathroom and calm yourself down. Unfortunately the strong arms are so tightly wrapped around your body, that Yongguk wakes up as soon as you move. “It’s not time to wake up babe.” His rough sleepy voice would usually make you melt into a puddle, but now it  makes you shiver and drives tears  to your eyes, because the thought of one day, waking up without him, breaks you. “Babe?” Yongguk is immediately wide awake and sits up, looking at your face, illuminated by the dim light of the alarm clocks on your night stands – two, because the two of you wake up at different times – and presses you into his body. It happened before – you, waking up due to nightmares after having arguments, but this is the worst is has ever been. “Nightmare?” Yongguk whispers and you nod into his chest. You start seeking his touch and straddle him, kissing his lips and running your hands into his hair. Yongguk kisses you back softly and quickly detaches his lips from yours, rubbing his nose against yours. “Are you sore?” he asks, nuzzling your neck softly. You nod and press your body into him, sneaking your fingers between the two of you and touch his soft member. “Not when you are sore.” He says softly. It’s something he made up in his mind. He wouldn’t sleep with you when you were sore. “Please” you beg and keep massaging his now erected member as you press your lips to his. His walls crumble and you feel it, resulting in you raising your hips to align his erection with your entrance and you lowered yourself onto him, carefully moving on him. Yongguk moans and showers every part of your body he could reach with kisses, whispering how much he loves you. When the two of you cum, you lay back down and fall back asleep.
“Babe, wake up.” You open your eyes and see Yongguk in a pair of snug boxer shorts. You stretch and look at your alarm clock. It’s Saturday and you are off work, but usually Yongguk should have left for the studio two hours ago. “Why are you here?” you look at Yongguk and see that he is your big, cuddly bear again. “I didn’t want to leave you. Not after tonight. Not after what happened yesterday.” He looks away, clearly ashamed by what he said last night. “I ran you a bath. While you’re in there I’ll go and get breakfast.” He brushes your hair out of your face. “You could just wait and I’d make breakfast” He shakes his head and kisses you. “I already showered and told them to prepare it. I’ll go get dressed and get it now.” You stand up and flinch because of the sore feeling between your legs. “Take your time.” He says and takes a pair of pants as soon as you entered the bathroom. You saw roses everywhere and lower yourself into the warm bathtub, wincing when the warm water hits your sensitive core and the pain makes you remember what he did to you last night, making you blush. You stay in the tub for half an hour and then wash your hair and body, then dry yourself off and dress yourself. “Babe?” Yongguk calls as he enters the apartment. You walk down the hallway while drying your hair. He raises multiple bags and smiles at you with his huge, gummy smile.
You don’t fight. Usually, but this time, you did. However, this fight wouldn’t break you. It only made you relationship stronger.
A/N:Do you guys know that some of my titles are lyrics translated into English? without consulting google, can anyone guess where this title is from?
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Dating Moodboard || Bang Yongguk 
Swirl Edition
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sweetjekyll · 3 years
Aphrodisiac Connoisseurs — Bang Yongguk
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pairing: Bang Yongguk (BAP) x Reader
genre: one-shot, love at first sight, some light smut with a dash of fluff rating: 18+. IF you are not of legal adult age, please do not under any circumstances read this work as it is not meant for underage readers. chapter warnings: heavily implied SMUT even though it’s nothing graphic, sexual content, alcohol consumption (Please read carefully the warning tags in the masterlist and those at the beginning of each new work of fiction to avoid any unpleasant misunderstandings.) word count: roughly 1k+
↳ Main Masterlist
A/N: this is for my babyz out there and those who would just love to savor some wine with our one and only Bang Yongguk <3 and for @vivaoh​, I hope you like it bby 🥰
⟶ To my dear readers: feedback is highly encouraged and important! as it gives me motivation to write with more passion, knowing that you like what you are reading. Please LIKE and REBLOG so more people can find this and read it. ❤ My askbox is always open for questions or to chat ❤
Enjoy! ❤
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A glass of a deep red wine sat comfortably in your right hand, rolling the liquid slowly by tilting the stem of the glass between your fingers; you lazily stared as it oscillated a couple of times and then decided to bring it closer to your nose, taking a quick whiff and then licked your lips in anticipation for its taste. It smelled of sweet grapes, yet it tasted rather acid and made you scrunch your nose.
You eyes went quickly back to look at the liquid after you moved away the glass, but as you pondered whether you should just leave your second glass on the counter and call it a night, your pupils caught sight of a dark haired man grinning softly towards your way. Were you tipsy and possibly imagining things? Well, it was a possibility indeed, but in an inebriated state of mind you felt a sense of boldness and grinned back, tilting your glass towards the handsome stranger for a silent toast. He reciprocated the gesture and held your eye contact as you both took a sip from your respective glasses of wine. You weren’t sure if the warmth inside your chest came from the Merlot or the brief exchange of intriguing glances.
“Huh, how interesting,” you thought in an attempt to distract yourself from the lingering feeling of the handsome man’s attention on you, you eyes scanned the few patrons of the bar you found yourself at on a lonely weekend night. It was quiet despite the radio playing a soft jazzy tune, and you preferred it that way. It was a rare occasion to be able to enjoy such a peaceful night after long hours of work almost every day of the week, your friends had other things to do and you didn’t have a significant other to keep you company either… Not that it mattered, you were perfectly content enjoying your solitude in that moment.
“Hi.” Your hazy train of thoughts was quickly put on a halt as soon a velvety and deep voice reached your ears. He had your full attention, pupils dilated and nose flaring as you took in the wild musk scent of his cologne, a cozy black cardigan enveloped his body as a chest tattoo picked from behind the collar of a white t-shirt. Not really the kind of guy you would expect to be solo and drinking wine out on the weekend. But then again, it’s not like you were wearing a cocktail dress or something else that was fancy; a pair of jeans and a turtleneck were just fine for drinking wine by yourself… or in company.
And you could’ve sworn you stopped breathing the moment you saw him up-close, feeling warmth pool in other parts of your body too. “Hi,” you couldn’t help but smile back at how friendly yet shy he sounded and looked, black wavy hair brushing against his eyelashes.
“I saw you sitting alone from across the bar and I thought I should keep you some company, if that’s alright with you?” You don’t think you’ve ever heard a man speak with such a baritone voice, and it was pleasant to listen to. You weren’t really planning to spend the night with anybody, in fact, you had turned away the advances of others, but this guy gave you a good feeling. Yeah, you were definitely sober enough to acknowledge that, but still tipsy enough to think “what the heck, let’s do it!”. You simply nodded, smile slowly growing bigger as you watched him place his glass of wine on the counter and pull the stool towards him so he could sit next to you, leaving some room so that he wasn’t too close either. “I’m Yongguk.”
“Nice to meet you, Yongguk.” You introduced yourself as well and again tilted your glass towards him. “So, what are you drinking tonight?” You asked him a simple question to make for some conversation, not many people are wine enthusiasts like yourself.
“Pinot Noir.” He furrowed his brows slightly as he looked at his glass, picked it up and gave it a light swirl before inhaling the aroma. “I believe the label on the bottle said France.” He ran one of his hands through his wavy locks of black hair, then looked back at you with a glimmer in his eyes. “What about you, mademoiselle?”
“Merlot, I believe the label said Italy.” There was a moment of silence where you couldn’t take your eyes off of each other’s, breath caught in your lungs with your lips parted because you were too stunned by his aura to speak… and this time you knew that the warmth inside your chest wasn’t from the wine.
It wasn’t long before you abandoned the empty glasses on the old, wooden bar counter and made your way to his place, chanting his name like a mantra until the early hours of the morning. Soft lips and gentle hands soon started exploring your body’s every curve, making you moan and melt at every touch. Both of your senses were heightened from the aphrodisiac nectar you shared and little to no words were needed to know that there was something that just drew you in like magnets.
The way Yongguk had you writhing in his bed made you ask for more and he always gave it to you, like a reward for taking him so high and holding him there for as long as he needed it. By the morning the tips of his fingers were drawing imaginary constellations on your back, following invisible lines from one mole to the next one, making you squirm and giggle until you were finally awake in the arms of a man you never wanted to let go of. A youthful smile you were sure would give you butterflies every time you looked at him for more days to come.
And he felt the exact same way. He felt it from the moment you looked back at him in that dim, old bar, he just knew you were meant to meet and be together like a puzzle piece… Not that any of you could explain it with any sort of coherent logic, you just both knew.
Oh, wine… What a powerful aphrodisiac.
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prettywordsyouleft · 3 years
Amazing Together
Pairing: Bang Yongguk x female reader
Genre: fluff / enemies to lovers
Warnings: mentioning of alcohol
Prompt: “I’ve always loved you.” - #16 of Idea Starters
Word count: 1429
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“I’ve always loved you,” you murmured into his skin, delighted when a husky chuckle responded. Peering up at the handsome man, you smirked. “So maybe it wasn’t love at first sight.”
“I think contempt would be a better fitting word, don’t you?”
“I didn’t exactly hate you either.”
“It was close,” he answered, and you shrugged playfully. Toying with your bare skin, he smiled. “But now, we’re close in another way.”
“Intimacy suits us,” you agreed, and he chuckled again.
“I don’t want you in any other way.”
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If someone had told you eighteen months ago that you would end up laying in Bang Yongguk’s arms whispering nothings at one another, you’d laughed hysterically. You would have been convinced something like this would only happen with you held at your own will or under the influence of something strong. Because when you first met the man, you had no time for him.
The feeling was mutual.
“Do we really need to hang out with him?” you implored Youngjae, who checked his watch before shooting you a look. You sighed heavily. “You know, I don’t get how someone like you is friends with someone like him.”
“Watch it. Someone like me is also friends with you. Some might say that’s unfathomable too,” he retorted, grinning when you reached out to swat him. Dodging your swing, Youngjae shrugged. “Yongguk and I go way back. And he’s new to this area. It’d be unsavoury of me to leave a friend in the lurch.”
Grumbling, you looked around the bar, hoping something came up to prevent Yongguk from joining your group of friends tonight.
You had enough of him last Friday night to wish for this one to be peaceful. However, five minutes later, your luck was up, the tall man walking over to your booth and smiling genuinely at his friends.
Your friends.
You knew it was petty. After all, Youngjae had known Yongguk a whole lot longer than you had known him. But as his current closest friend, you felt as if the connection he had with you was just as valid. If not stronger than the one he had with some guy returning from overseas.
At first, you were intrigued by his dark eyes and wavy hair. What was his story? What made Yongguk tick? That curiosity had been burned by his curt responses, barely answering you before talking in-depth with Jongup and Youngjae about their youth. You were bitter, feeling more and more like the outcast around your friends than you ought to.
Yongguk made no attempts to get to know you, half the time you believed he didn’t even acknowledge your presence. A sour taste formed in your mouth and was difficult to swallow down with the beer you consumed.
Daehyun chuckled at your side. “Y/N, slow down on that. Someone might take advantage of you if you’re not in your right mind.”
You heard a snort then, your eyes glancing across the table to where Yongguk sat, his lips curled up in the faintest smile.
It was then when you decided you would only ever despise him.
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“Y/N! Come on!”
“No way am I working with him!” you answered, shaking your head vigorously in the process. “Nope! Nothing you say or do could make me take Yongguk on as a client.”
“Nothing? You were pretty desperate for these the other day,” Youngjae countered, and you wished you hadn’t looked up, your barriers crumbling in the face of temptation.
Snatching the concert tickets to your favourite band out of your friend’s hand, you gasped. “How did you get these?! It was sold out within five minutes!”
“I know a friend who knows some pretty important people.”
“Who?” you murmured, checking the tickets over for their validity.
“Your new client.”
Snapping your focus up, you blinked slowly. “How would Yongguk be able to get tickets like this?”
“Spend some time with the guy. There’s a whole lot to him that you know nothing about.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’d like to keep it that way. Mysteries have never enticed anything further than a burn from the flame for me.”
“You’re so poetic,” Youngjae mused, clasping his hands together. “Perhaps you could illustrate something equally as grand to Yongguk’s work.”
“I’m not interested,” you announced, holding onto the tickets Youngjae went to pluck out of your grip a little too much still. Arching an eyebrow at you, Youngjae removed them from your reluctant hands.
“Well then, I guess I’ll just have to ask Junhong if he’ll want to come see-”
“Junhong won’t appreciate them like I do!”
Youngjae’s eyebrow shifted up again. “Just admit it, already.”
“Fine. I’ll take him on as a client. But only because you bribed me in the most painful way. I’ll remember this.”
“Oh, completely. What’s a best friend worth if they don’t use your weaknesses against you?” Youngjae commented with a laugh, your scowl not deterring him. “I think this will be a wonderful opportunity for you both.”
“Hardly. He’s intolerable at best.”
“So are you.”
Youngjae’s smile softened. “I honestly believe you could be amazing together if you stopped hating on one another.”
“You live in fairy tales, Youngjae. In the real world, Yongguk and I will be nothing.”
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“So, is this not the real world, then?” Yongguk breathed into your ear, trailing his lips along the side of your neck.
“It sure feels like a dream to me,” you told him giddily, nuzzling into his touch.
For some time, it had felt that way too.
The project you worked on together had been a surprisingly great success. And in the process of collaborating, you opened up with him, Yongguk’s broody and aloof nature finally seen as shy and cautious instead.
“You don’t hate me?” you asked when the project was done and dusted, catching Yongguk by surprise.
After blinking, he composed himself and shook his head. “Why work with someone you dislike?”
“Well, sometimes talent is worth attempting to make an arrangement with.”
Yongguk cocked his head to the side. “Was it that bad for you in the beginning?”
“Considering you barely acknowledged my existence in our group of friends, yeah.”
“Ah,” he simply said, nodding softly. “I’m sorry if you thought that.”
“What else was I meant to think? You hardly answered me.”
“I was often flustered by you.”
“By simple questions?” you wondered, and Yongguk’s gaze diverted to the wall. “Why be flustered by me?”
“Perhaps you don’t own a mirror.”
Frowning at his statement, you moved closer, acutely aware of how this made him uncomfortable. Yongguk didn’t quite meet your gaze, and you slowly smiled. “No way.”
“It’s been a pleasure working with you, Y/N.”
“We’re talking about other things than work now, Yongguk.”
“I was attracted, yes,” he admitted painfully, gathering his things up from the large table you had sat at all afternoon finalising your project.
You jumped in front of him. “Was?”
“Are you no longer attracted?”
“I see you’re having fun at my expense. Might I remind you that it was you who declared me the enemy.”
“You left me no choice with how little you offered!”
“How much should I offer you now?” he asked, his hesitancy evaporating. The way Yongguk stared at you now, completely unbridled, took your breath away.
It wasn’t like you to be at a loss for words, but your answer failed to arrive in a timely fashion.
You were certain the look within his dark eyes now seemed a little too satisfied.
“Should we have dinner together?”
“Why?” you breathed, and Yongguk’s expression faltered. You blinked away from his stronghold, realising the rejection you were inadvertently sending as a message. You shook and then nodded your head. “Yes! Let’s do dinner.”
“You can ask me all the questions you want to.”
“Are you trying to cause me heart failure?”
He smirked. “I know you like to talk a whole lot more than I do.”
“I’m not sure how well I’ll talk tonight.”
“Have I thrown you off?” he wondered, and you groaned loudly.
“Why do I feel like I’m going to have to deal with an incredibly smug Youngjae soon?”
“What’s Youngjae got to do with anything?” Yongguk asked, and you dismissed the question before linking your arm through his as you both headed for the exit of your studio.
Maybe Youngjae was right, you thought as you glanced up hopefully at Yongguk leading you towards his car. And as he opened the passenger door for you, you smiled.
We might just be amazing together.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[B.A.P Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist] | [Request Guidelines]
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rscenarios · 7 years
Yongguk - Differences
A request from @idkijustneedanotheraccount that was sent forever ago for how Yongguk would handle being in a relationship with someone who is different from him? Their personality is goth, shy at first, but very caring. I don’t think I conveyed much difference and this is kind of short, but I hope you guys enjoy! I’m trying to get back into writing on a regular basis but life is still busy. -Admin Em
Warnings: none. Fluff ahead before Yamakazi destroys us all. (Seriously, that teaser is amazing)
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Yongguk lies in his bed with a smile as he admires your sleeping face. You seem at peace in your dreams and your usual dark makeup is missing. Although he found you beautiful with or without it, he appreciated the times he was able to see your bare-face. He remembers the first time he saw you at a charity event. Even from across the room you surprised him. Perhaps it was rude to think, but you looked so...different from everyone else at the event.
Sure, he had seen various idols with the gothic style, but he couldn’t recall seeing someone at a charity like this. Still, you had a smile on your face as you seemed to make conversation with the people around you  He was captivated until you looked up from what you were doing, Yongguk looked away quickly. He didn’t want to be rude.
His attention returned to the package he was working on for the children’s hospital. If someone spoke to him he would reply, but he committed himself into the work as much as possible. After he had a small stack of boxes he gathered them and took them to the large moving van, adding to the growing stacks. As he turned to step off the truck he felt himself collide into someone.
“I’m so sorry, sorry,” he said, his words coming out rushed as he did his best to grab the person. Only one of the boxes fell.
“Sorry, I took too many,” a voice piped up.
“Let me give you a hand,” Yongguk offered, grabbing the fallen box before taking a few from the person’s stack. When he had enough boxes to see the person’s face he nearly gasped. It was you.
He noted a blush forming as you gave a shy smile. He wondered if it was from running into him or if you had seen him looking at you earlier. “Thank you, I’m _______________,” you introduced yourself.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Yongguk,” he said politely as he added the boxes to the rest.
A silence fell between the two of you as you left the van and went back to your work areas. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, Yongguk liked silence, but he did want to get to know you more. He just wasn’t sure how. Especially if you really had seen him staring. He could apologize if he got close to you again, but that could also be awkward if you hadn’t seen him earlier. This debate went on as he kept working until the event organizer started their closing speech, thanking everyone for their time and how much it would mean to the children and their families.
Yongguk put his final few packages with the rest and then began helping to clean the venue even though there were plenty of staff around to tend to it. As the crowd grew smaller Yongguk caught a glimpse of you again and he found himself smiling that someone else had stayed too. He wanted to speak with you again, but he still wasn’t sure what to say. Nothing seemed right to him.
“Oh it’s you again,” a soft voice broke him out of his thoughts. He found you standing next to him, collecting some of the leftover paper. He can vaguely hear some music playing from the earbud that dangles at your side. “Yongguk, right?”
“Yes, ____________?”
“Right. Nice to see you’re still here.”
“I try to help as much as possible,” Yongguk shrugged..
“Me too. It’s nice that so many people were here today.”
“Yeah. What are you listening to?”
You seemed mildly surprised by the topic change until you look at the earbud that isn’t in your ear. Yongguk hadn’t meant to catch you off guard, but music was something he could talk about with ease. It always fascinated him to see what other people liked. You tell him the name of the song, adding that it’s one of your favorite songs from your favorite artist. “The lyrics just speak to me. I love songs that have meaningful lyrics that I can relate to or be inspired by.”
He gave an understanding nod.
“What do you listen to?” You asked as the two of you finish cleaning up.
“I like to listen to many different styles. I try to have as much inspiration for my own work.”
“Oh, you write songs?!” There’s an excitement in your voice that makes Yongguk’s heart swell with joy. He’s also a bit relieved you didn’t seem to know he was. Right now he was just Yongguk, not Bang Yongguk, leader of B.A.P.  It made things feel a little less awkward.
“Well, I’m headed this way,” you gestured in the opposite direction of Yongguk’s bike. “It was nice to talk with you.”
“You too,” Yongguk nodded. As you started to walk away an idea popped into his head, “Would you want a ride?”
“To where you need to go. I could give you a lift if you want?” As much as he wanted to be home, he didn’t like that you would be walking alone. It wasn’t safe.
“A lift would be nice,” you mused and follow him to his bike.
Immediately he hands you his helmet. “I usually don’t give rides so you can have the helmet,” he admits.
“What about you?” You didn’t like the idea of him being helmetless.
“I’ll be okay. I drive pretty slow anyway.”
You purse your lips, still unsure about his offer. He didn’t want to admit he felt nervous about it as well, but he wasn’t going to let his fear overtake him when you were having a risk.. “Are you sure?”
Yongguk simply nodded and once you did as well he got on the bike. As you put on the helmet you give him the address and sat behind him as the engine started. Your hold on him wasn’t too tight since he was true to his word and went pretty slow. You would warn him when a turn was coming up, but soon enough you were outside your apartment building.
“Thank you again,” you smiled as you gave back the helmet.
“No problem,” he smiled, strapping the helmet on. He took his time doing so, he could see there was something you weren’t saying.
“Could I get your number?” You said quickly, using all your courage. You eyes went wide, shocked that you had managed to ask. “I mean, so I can take you to dinner to repay you for the ride sometime,” you added.
“You don’t need to do that,” he told you. “But I can give you my number.”
With that you handed over your phone and he put his information in before wishing you a good night.
It wasn’t long after that that you’d reached out to him for the dinner. Yongguk still didn’t like leaving his apartment, so he convinced you to meet at a small restaurant that was just down the block from him. He felt bad asking you to go out of your way, but you agreed. When he arrived he spotted you easily, dressed in a similar fashion to how you’d been at the charity event. Plus the restaurant wasn’t busy which quickly helped his nerves. Conversation was light, the both of you shy about the situation. Still it was nice, and for a while Yongguk forgot all his worries.
The two of you kept in touch after that, getting to know each other more and more. You came out of your shell more and when Yongguk told you of his fame you didn’t change. You were true to yourself and Yongguk found himself falling for you. He had his worries about confessing to you since he still felt like you were from completely different worlds.
While he was more reserved, you were free in most situations. Sometimes you were still shy. You were shy when he managed to tell you how he felt, but admitted to returning his feelings. Being in the relationship didn’t change much except that there was small forms of skinship in public. You would take his hand in yours when you could tell his anxieties were rising. He would place a protective arm around you when you convinced him to be out late at night. Sometimes it seemed that the two of you could silently communicate.
Things weren’t always perfect. Sometimes the odd looks the two of you got in public made things tense and the tension couldn’t always be brushed off. There were times the two of you would have arguments about how he wouldn’t eat or sometimes you seemed to expect too much out of him after his long days. The fights never lasted long, the two of you cared too much about each other for them to be. All you needed was some time apart, but once the time was taken you talked things through.
Last night the two of you had almost had a fight and it made Yongguk especially happy that you had stayed with him. He was glad you didn’t fight, that you had stayed calm even though you were frustrated. He knows he doesn’t always makes things easy. He knows sometimes he puts his career first, but he was working on it. He was being better and you were still here to work with him. The two of you were a team even on the days you seemed to be on opposite sides.
Unable to resist any longer, he places a kiss on your forehead. “Wake up beautiful,” he whispers.
You give a sleepy hum and nuzzle into his chest but say nothing.
“Do you want breakfast?”
“Not yet. Let’s just say in bed. It’s nice here.”
“Now you sound like me,” he laughs.
“Your influence has rubbed off.”
“Yours too,” he reminds you.
“I know, you asked about breakfast,” you tease as you look up at him, a smile on your half-asleep face.
“Oh shush,” he laughs again before leaning down to kiss you.
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nctwayvangels · 7 years
I'll be always by your side (Yongguk scenario)
Pairing: Bang Yongguk / You Genre: Slight angst/ fluff / mental ilnesses Word count: 1455 Rating: I would say at least 13+ as there are mentions of depression and mental ilnesses that can be triggering for some people. If you feel triggered by these things please don’t read.
“Gguk, can you please come home now love? You’ve been here in the studio for so long.”-You pleaded, feeling your voice crack as soon as you spotted your boyfriend, sat in front of a desk with multiple crumpled paper sheets around him. “Just give me some more hours babe, I’m almost done with this new song.”-Yongguk explained, not taking his eyes of the desk, bitting the top of his pen as he came up with new lyrics to finish another one of his masterpieces. This was Yongguk, and no matter how hard it was for you to see him sacrificing his health, his well being, for the good of the majority, you also knew that there was no point in arguing with him, not when he was so concentrated in something and not after being diagnosed with his mental illness. “I’ll give you some more hours Bang Yongguk, only a few and no more okay?”-You stated convinced, feeling your lips turn into a smile when you saw him turning around to face you, offering you a smile. Something so simple but at the same time so meaningful after spending weeks straight without seeing him smile honestly, without having to force it a single bit. Yongguk nodded, agreeing with your request.-”I’m still gonna buy something for you to eat. It’s already past midnight and knowing you like I do, you probably haven’t eaten anything all day. More like you haven’t eaten anything considerably healthy for the past days, considering the amount of ramyun bowls I’m seeing.”-Looking around his studio, you lost count of them, some being hidden by the countless paper sheets. Yongguk had never been the messy type of guy, sure he wasn’t the tidiest person you knew, but the state of his studio surely wasn’t what you were used to. However, you wouldn’t say neither ask anything, he was slowly getting better, slowly going back to the previous smiling, happy Yongguk, and you as his girlfriend could only stand by his side supporting him, being his pillar in every moment either it was good or bad. “I don’t really feel that hungry..”-He started, coming up with an excuse to why he didn’t felt like eating. You rolled your eyes, ignoring the sentence that came out of your mind. “What was that that you said? Please bring enough food fod the two of us babe. Thank you for waiting for me so we could have dinner together, I love you so much baby you have no idea of it. Was that it? I think so!!”Totally sounded like it. You’re welcome Gguk!”-You exclaimed cheerfully, pecking his cheek.-”I’ll be back in a while!” “(Y/N) take my jacket with you at least. Not only is cold outside but people might as well recognise you.”-Yongguk pointed out, lowering his head embarrassed-”I don’t want you to get in trouble only because of me babe.”-He confessed, glancing up so he could meet your eyes. You sighed deeply, not knowing what you should do to assure him that he would never be a problem in your life. You kneeled next to his seating figure, laying your head in top of his lap. “Yongguk, hear me out love okay?”-You asked, waiting for his answer that was given as a simple nod. You relaxed, feeling his breathing as well as one of his hands playing with a few strands of your hair.-”Both our companies and our fans know about our relationship. They’re really happy for us, and are only wishing us the best of the best. Besides that, my group’s promotions already ended so there’s nothing to worry about.”-You looked up, and caressed his cheek with the back of your right hand.-”You’ll never be a problem, a bother, call it whatever you want,in my life Yongguk. I love you, I want to be by your side in every moment either good or bad. So please don’t push me away.”-You got up, cleaning the thin layer of dust that your jeans collected from being kneeled on the floor.-”Me and the rest of the boys will support you in everything that you do. We won’t rush you to get better faster, we just want our happy leader back.”-You said, smiling at the end.-”Now if you excuse me love, I’ll buy food so that we can finally eat. See you in a bit!”-You kissed his cheek, picking up one of his jackets from the top of the small bed he had bought to have in the studio, leaving your boyfriend behind in the middle of his thoughts. The cold breeze hit your face, reminding you of the cold times that were about to come. Winter, just as you expected, was being extremely cold and severe right from the beggining. How bad you wished for Spring to come quickly. You ran to the nearest convenience store, picking up a few food items as well as cleaning ones. If you were going to wait for Yoongguk to finish his song all night you might as well do something useful and clean his studio. Paying for everything, you took your time to reach Yongguk’s studio, wanting to leave him alone a bit longer so he could process all of your previous words. You hoped that at least a few of the things you said, had sunken by now. You opened the door with the spar key your boyfriend had gifted you with, finding him still concentrated in the same worn out paper sheet. “I’ve brought food and cleaning supplies.”-You chanted, lifting the two white plastic bags. You dropped them on top of the table, positioned next to one of the walls, and started taking out the food.-”They’re not exactly the healthiest food choices but I mean, you can’t expect much from a convinience store. I promise that tomorrow I’ll cook some amazing home made dishes. I’m pretty sure you’re missing that type of food after all this time.”-You continued, offering him a bento box, as well as a pair of chopsticks. Yongguk smiled at you, pronouncing a low thank you as his way to demonstrate how your little action meant so much to him. He put his food on top of his desk, and he got up, walking towards you. “Babe, I never really got to thank you for everything that you’re doing for me. I know that these past few months haven’t been easy, and I’m really sorry for that.”-Yongguk spoke, staring right at your eyes. He caressed your cheek, making you immediately smile by feeling his touch once again.-”You have been so caring, so loving, putting up with every single one of my problems. I just don’t know how to thank you enough.”-He confessed, now putting his other hand on top of your other cheek. Not wanting to rush anything, he slowly leaned in, taking your lips with his, and starting a slow but passionate and sweet kiss.-“Have I already told you that you’re the woman of my life?”-He asked, putting one strand of your hair behind your ear and gaining an happy chuckle from you. “Only a few couple of times if I correctly recall.”-You answered light heartedly, not being able fully believe that Yongguk had finally made a joke, recalling his past self. “Let me live for once please.”-He pleaded, rolling his eyes due to how unforgivable you tried to be and sound like.-“I seriously love you more than anything (Y/N). You may not realise this but, I’m really thankful for having you in my life. And if it depends from me, you’ll always me in it.”- Yongguk confessed, stealing one more kiss from you, followed by a romantic one on your forehead. “Hmm.”-You looked up, so you could look into his eyes. Okay, more like try, the height difference between the two of you being a considerate number.-“I’m still waiting for the day I’ll become Mrs. Bang.”-You suggested cheekily, winking at him. Yongguk gave you one of his radiant, gummy smiles before kissing you once again. “Just wait a bit for it baby, when the time comes and I finally gather enough courage to ask you in marriage, I’ll make you the happiest girl in the world.”-He assured you, having such a certain look in his eyes that you couldn’t help but nod. After all, this was Bang Yongguk. Yongguk was loving, he das more than what you could ever ask. And having him by your side for the rest of your life? Suddenly life didn’t appear to be that bad. Sure it wasn’t easy, it would never be. But with Yongguk by your side you were sure of one thing. Together, every problem would be surpassed because in the end what really mattered was love. The love you two felt for each other.
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killjoy-loveit · 4 years
For the Rest of My Life
A/N: Welcome to Spring Season Stories! This is the 16th of the daily stories in April, so be on the lookout for more! If you’re wondering what the posting schedule is, then search ‘Spring season Stories’ on my blog and the calendar should pop up. I would like to clarify that everything written in this story is complete fiction and isn’t to be taken as a true portrayal of reality. As always, the links for my masterlists will be in the notes, though I have come to find (after months of doing this lmao) that on mobile you have to click my reblog of the post to actually get the links- same applies to desktop.
Summary: Sometimes the future brings surprises.
Word Count: 628
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     If someone were to tell you three years ago that you’d be here, there’s no doubt you would have thought they were messing with you. Three years ago was the first date you went on with Yongguk, and to say it was awkward was an understatement. Silence had encompassed the two of you, a bubble of your own making which even the noise of the rest of the world couldn’t trespass. In fact, despite both of you saying you’d call at the end of the date, neither did. It wasn’t until a couple of months later that you ran into him again, and, let’s just say, the rest was history.
     “What are you doing?” You question loudly, grasping Yongguk’s hand to stop him from dumping the salt into the bowl.
     He stared back with confusion written plainly on his face. “Putting in the salt? Am I not meant to do that?”
     Sighing you resist the urge to run your hands through your hair. “Not that much,” you say quietly, guiding his hand away from the bowl. “It’s in teaspoons, not tablespoons.”
     After fixing the almost mistake, which would have resulted in a cake with just too much salt to make anyone question it. Of course, a part of you was certain that had the batter gotten messed up irreversibly, that the instructor would have let you start over. She was a very nice lady, a bright smile, cherub cheeks, and kind eyes. Her name’s Penelope, and she kind of reminds you of Santa Claus’s wife, Mrs. Claus. 
     “Has everyone added in the dry ingredients?” Penelope asks loudly, clapping her hands together after wiping them on the multi-colored polka dot apron tied around her waist.
     “Yes,” you respond softly.
     Once making sure that everyone had done as asked, Penelope gave the next steps. “Alright, so now what you’re gonna want to do…”
     Time flew quickly from then on out and it wasn’t long before the cakes were put into the oven. The next step was to make the icing, something you were sure might end in a mess, purely because you couldn’t resist swiping a bit of it and dotting his nose with it. Yongguk then retaliated by getting icing on your cheek, which led to a small icing fight, laughter filling the room at your antics. Penelope did send you to the bathroom before you could cover the counters from the icing fight, telling you both to get cleaned up in mock exasperation, but you could hear the amusement bleeding into her tone.
     “Look at what you did,” He chided you after stepping into the bathroom.
     “Me? I didn’t do a thing,” You respond playfully outraged. “I am innocent of that which you have accused me of.”
     Yongguk laughed, turning the water on to wash the icing from his hands. “You started it, all I did was retaliate a bit.”
     “Hmm, I don’t know,” you muse, almost tapping your chin in thought before yanking your hands back when you remembered the frosting. “Wasn’t it fun though?”
     “With you, everything is fun.”
     “Don’t get all sappy with me, you know I cry easily.”
     In a few minutes, once all the icing was gone from your skin, you wrapped your arms around his waist. “I love being with you.”
     A smile appeared on his face. “I feel the same about you, and it’s something I want for the rest of my life.”
     Your eyes go wide, a small gasp echoes in the bathroom. “The rest of your life?”
     “With you, I want everything,” he murmured. “And that means the rest of our lives. That is if you want the same.”
     A single tear fell down your cheek, voice trembling as you spoke. “Of course I want the same, you goof.”
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jae-bummer · 5 years
The Silence of Growing
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Request: Qhh!! Open requests? Well seeing as you write Yongguk better than anyone else I've read, could I please request #2 yongguk?            
2) “Well, you certainly proved a point. I’m just not sure if it was the one that you wanted.”
Pairing: BAP Yongguk x Reader
Genre: Angst/Fluff
. Yongguk's POV
Pulling down on the hemline of his oversized, knit cardigan, Yongguk smiled at himself, taking in the image of his grin reflected back at him. He swiveled in front of the mirror one last time before nodding to himself.
He had never been the type to necessarily double, or in this case, triple check his outfit selections, but today felt different. There was a fall feeling in the air making him nearly giddy with the weather change. While some people experienced seasonal depression when the colder months hit, he seemed to have the opposite reaction. As soon as the first autumn breeze rustled past his hair, he was a different man.
"Who are you trying to look good for?" Jongup asked, lifting a brow.
Yongguk spun toward his friend lounging in the sitting area of their shared apartment. "Thank you for confirming how I good I look."
"That didn't answer my question," the younger man sighed, keeping from rolling his eyes.
"I guess I didn't realize that you expected an answer," Yongguk smirked.
"If you avoid the question, I'm just going to assume you're going to see Y/n," he muttered. Glancing toward Himchan, Jongup nodded in solidarity with the fellow friend who had now joined them in the small living room.
"You guys going on a date?" Himchan asked, glancing up at Yongguk as he plopped beside Jongup.
"We don't like to put labels on things," Yongguk hummed, checking his vibrating phone.
Y/N: I'm here.
Yongguk hastily tapped on his screen that he would be down in a moment before looking toward his friends again. "I'm not saying that there is anything wrong if we did want to put a label on our...friendship, but-"
"Relationship," Himchan corrected. "Call it what it is."
"He hates that word," Jongup grinned. "Commitment issues."
"I disagree," Yongguk said softly. "I am not afraid of commitment, I am-"
"He's afraid of what happens if the other person isn't as committed," Himchan finished. "Our softie would never admit it, but he's afraid of a broken heart."
"My heart will never break over some torrid liaison," Yongguk sighed. "Heartbreak is reserved for much more important things."
"I wonder how Y/n would feel about being called a torrid liaison," Jongup clucked.
"You won't have to wonder if we ask," Himchan teased.
"You won't have to ask if I kill you both," Yongguk grumbled.
"You're too sensitive to be the killing type," Himchan sighed. "Like a man afraid of heartbreak would ever get his hands dirty with a double murder."
"You'd be surprised," Yongguk hissed. "And for the second time, I'm not afraid of heartbreak."
"Then why are you so afraid to ask Y/n to be a couple?" Himchan asked. "You two have been seeing each other for months."
"Because love, much like time, is a self imposed construct that isn't real," Yongguk sighed. "it's just a word humans crafted to explain the feeling of chemicals combining in your brain when you're infatuated with someone."
"So what you're saying is, you don’t plan to fall in love with Y/n?" Jongup asked, tilting his head.
"If it were real, maybe," Yongguk chuckled. "But we're speaking in hypotheticals here."
“Hypotheticals or not,” Himchan hummed. “I think it’s silly for you not to admit that you at least have some sort of feeling toward Y/n.”
“Oh, i certainly have some sort of feelings,” Yongguk nodded. “But to say it’s love may be overstepping. Love is a chemical imbalance in the brain. It’s the universe’s way of making sure you continue to breed. i have enough chemical imbalances where serotonin levels are concerned, so why would i want to throw another type of imbalance around?”
“Love isn’t practical enough for you, is it?” Jongup chuckled. “It’s not opportune for you, so you’d rather pretend that it doesn’t exist.”
“There’s no pretending here, friend,” Yongguk chuckled, shaking his head. “If Y/n expects for me to fall head over heels in love, it may take awhile.”
Your POV
You shifted your weight from one foot to the other, gnawing on your lip in annoyance. He said he would be downstairs at least ten minutes ago, so what was taking him so long?
You and Yongguk had known each other for quite some time, but had just recently begun seeing each other more romantically within the past few months. While you weren’t rushing for him to express his feelings, you were interested in seeing a little more enthusiastic displays of his affection. You had hoped without hoping that tonight would be the night he asked you to become more serious, but if his tardiness was a precursor to the nights’ events, you were happy to never admit you had hoped at all.
“Screw it,” you grumbled, launching toward the steps of his apartment building. Might as well see what the hold up was.
Climbing stair after stair, you tried to calm your annoyance. It wasn’t the first time Yongguk had made you wait, and you were certain it wouldn’t be the last. Technically it could be seen as a larger metaphor for him making you wait to be an official couple, if that day were to ever come. Perhaps that’s why you were so irked. You weren’t just annoyed by his lack of punctuality today, but in general.
Reaching the landing of Yongguk’s floor, you stomped toward his apartment. Reeling back your annoyance, you knocked on the door, instantly becoming more annoyed as no one appeared to open it.
For a second, you were worried. What if he had slipped and hit his head on a counter top and was passed out on the floor? What if he had fell victim to a mounting anxiety attack and decided to lock himself in his room instead?
Feeding in to your imagination, you found your palm on the knob, and gave a gentle push. The door sprung open with little effort and you quickly slid into the entryway.
You suddenly felt incredibly foolish as you heard the laughter echoing from the living area and down the hallway. If Yongguk were hurt or upset, surely his friends wouldn’t be laughing. A heat of embarrassment began to travel up your neck as you heard Yongguk’s voice as well.
“Oh, i certainly have some sort of feelings,” You heard Yongguk insist. “But to say it’s love may be overstepping. Love is a chemical imbalance in the brain. It’s the universe’s way of making sure you continue to breed. i have enough chemical imbalances where serotonin levels are concerned, so why would i want to throw another type of imbalance around?” 
Tilting your head, the heat of embarrassment quickly changed to a heated anger. What was he talking about?
“Love isn’t practical enough for you, is it?” Jongup chuckled. “It’s not opportune for you, so you’d rather pretend that it doesn’t exist.” 
You felt hollow as the men’s laughter hit you like the truth you had been avoiding. In all of your hopes for Yongguk to confess, it had never occurred to you that perhaps he hadn’t loved you at all.
“There’s no pretending here, friend,” Yongguk laughed as well. “If Y/n expects for me to fall head over heels in love, it may take awhile.” 
Swallowing, you felt yourself choke on your saliva. You hadn’t realized how dry your mouth had become. You also hadn’t noticed the lump of emotion struggling it’s way down your throat. As soon as the whimper escaped your lips, you regretted stepping foot into the apartment. You remained cemented in your spot, wide eyed and teary as Yongguk and Jongup’s necks strained around the corner, looking at your placement not far from the door.
“I was waiting,” you choked out, unsure of what to say. “I thought something was wrong and...”
Yongguk’s face fell as you spoke, realizing you had heard a piece of his love-scorned diatribe. Jongup’s expression slid to one of shock as he cut his eyes at his friend.
“Y/n, I-” Yongguk began, taking a hesitant step toward you.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, attempting to hold back the tears that had been brewing for what seemed like the entirety of your courtship (or lack thereof.) “I shouldn’t have.”
Turning on your heel, you fled from the boys, not bothering to stop even when you heard Jongup’s gloomy response.
“Well, Guk, you certainly proved a point...I’m just not sure if it was the one you wanted.”
Your feet kept moving until they hit the concrete of the sidewalk, finally stopping long enough for you to catch your breath. It wasn’t as if he had said that he didn’t love you, or that he never would, but the indifference hurt. Sure, you were mortified to admit you had essentially broke into his apartment. And yes, it looked as if you were spying on their conversation. But mostly, your heart ached with how apathetic the man you had grown to love had spoken about his own feelings towards you.
You had full knowledge that relationships weren’t always equal. Both people involved weren’t always on the same page or had the same caliber of emotion as the other, but this came as a shock. Yongguk had shown no sign of disinterest or lack of willingness to pursue things. Tonight, he had joked about love as if it were a mythical story parents told their children about before bedtime.
It hurts when you realize you aren’t as important to someone as you thought you were.
“Y/n,” Yongguk’s husky voice called from behind you. You didn’t want to turn around, but you knew that you would anyway.
You also knew you looked incredibly sulky as you turned to face him. Tears still slid down your cheeks and you felt your eyes growing puffy. You weren’t even terribly sad, but the excess emotion seemed to spill out through your tear ducts.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly, stepping cautiously forward. “I didn’t think you would ever hear me say anything like that.”
“Either come closer or stay away because this in between is exhausting,” you choked, hardly able to look in his direction.
Heaving a sigh, he crossed the distance between the two of you.
“I don’t just mean here,” you croaked. “But with our relationship as well.”
Glancing at him, you shook your head. “Not relationship. I don’t even know what this is anymore.”
“It’s a relationship,” Yongguk whispered, his deep voice hardly registering words at such a low tone. He felt silly correcting you after he had just used the word “friendship” himself with Himchan.
“Didn’t sound like it up there,” you muttered. “And for the record, I would like to say that I thought you slipped and hit your head on something, so I was terribly worried that you were in your apartment dying, but instead, you were just making fun of how much you didn’t love me.”
“Well, that sounds like a dramatic take on the situation,” he sighed. “But If we’re putting things on record, I wasn’t making fun of how much I don’t love you. In all actuality, I love you very much.”
You blinked for a moment, uncertain if your brain had fabricated that last sentence. “And I quote, if Y/n expects for me to fall head over heels in love, it may take awhile.” 
“That didn’t sound very convincing, did it?” Yongguk winced.
“You don’t believe in love,” you whimpered. “You said it yourself.”
"Of course I believe in love," Yongguk sighed. "Even if I'm too much of a coward to admit that to my closest friends."
“So you were saying it was all an act?” you said quietly.
“I can admit freely to you,” he began, breaking eye contact. “That i have fabricated so many walls around myself, that I don’t even know how to be honest with my friends about my emotions sometimes. I don’t want to seem weak. I don’t want them to think that I’m distracted or less of who I was just because I have found myself caught up in feelings.”
“Who said it makes you weak?” you murmured.
“My own anxieties,” Yongguk nodded. “People in love are wrapped up in those they care about. They’re opening themselves up for heartbreak and hurt. It seems like love is a fool’s game and I didn’t want the people around me, who I think so highly of, to see me as a fool.”
“Then what about me?” you prodded. “Had no problem making me look like a fool in the process?”
“You have never been a fool,” Yongguk chuckled sadly. “If anything, you’ve been the brave one. You’ve been so open with how you’ve felt about me...you’ve made me realize just how silly I look even caring about the jokes my friends may have thrown my way.”
“Which they wouldn’t have, by the way,” you pouted.
“They wouldn’t,“ he nodded. “Really, I’m the only one standing in my way of being open about how I care about you.”
“And how is that exactly?”
"You make me feel things that I can't explain away,” Yongguk whispered. “Real love isn’t this spontaneous, electrifying, cartoon feeling. Real love is deliberate, it’s a choice. It’s for better or worse. It’s making you more of who you are and helping you accept what you could be. I’ve never felt more of myself than i do when I am with you, and if that’s not some inkling of love, maybe i’m a fool that doesn’t know what love is.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but could only close it again.
“Let us grow together, let us have our roots intertwined,” he said lowly, leaning down to press his forehead against yours. “Let me make up for the past five minutes with our future moments. Let me show you that I can learn.”
You chewed on your lip, unsure if you were about to cry or swoon. “Okay.”
“Okay?” he chuckled. “That’s all?”
“Anything I could possibly say after that would pale in comparison,” you murmured.
You could feel his gummy smile grow even though you couldn’t see it. His eyes were shut as his face stayed close to yours, and his hands snaked around your waist. You remained quiet, enjoying the moments of shared breaths, and just being.
“How lovely the silence of growing things,” Yongguk whispered, pulling you even closer to him. You smiled as well, taking in his scent and the pure feeling of being with him, finally on the same page. “Thank you for not walking away from the silly boy who wanted to pretend that he didn’t know what love is.”
“You knew all along,” you hummed, nuzzling your nose into his neck. “You just needed a little prompting.”
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Yongguk - Dangerously Innocent ♥ [Part 13]
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Member: B.A.P’s Bang Yongguk
Pairing: MafiaLeader!Yongguk &  You
Genre: Angst-ish
Warnings: Swearing, Blood, Shooting and other Mafia stuff.
Words: 1,456
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Epilogue.
A/N: I feel like I’m seriously more excited than you guys. someone stop me.
Yongguks POV
This is pure torture. I can hear her every now and then, but I can’ move my body. I can hear her talk to me. She sounds so scared and fragile and I just want to wake up and take her into my arms, but I can’t. She tells me how she fell in love with me. Her first impression of me, how she used to be scared of me, and at first my heart falls in fear. I don’t think that she realizes that the heart monitor picked up speed when she says she was  scared of me, but when she tells me that she fell in love with me just a few weeks later it calms down again. Her skin on mine is so soft. I miss her touching me, her lips on mine. I just want to wake up and hold her again. Apologize and never leave her side again.
She tells me that she was scared I’d stop loving her and if I swear, if I were conscious I’d probably stop breathing. My love just grows stronger every second she’s with me.  Himchan comes in and tells her that he’s going to teach her how to take care of me and my first reaction is that I want to stop him. I don’t want her to watch me and the others get injured. I don’t want her to get hurt. I now know what people mean when they say that a person is their everything, because she is mine. She agrees and he starts teaching her just a day later. I immediately recognize that its her who changes my bandages, not Himchan, and when I hear a low chuckle, I realize that he notices too. My heartbeat monitor picked up speed – not a lot, but noticeably.
But Y/n isn’t the only person I can hear. Zelo comes in every now and then. He talks to be about his day and about what happened. He told me that they killed the leader of Black Widow and took a few of their members’ captive. He tells me about a young girl, a child, they had their. Y/N has been really protective of her and has been taking care of her whenever she’s not with me or Himchan.  Y/N told him that the child brought her food and that she is probably the only reason why she’s still alive –She didn’t want to leave the child alone. I make a mental note to thank her if I ever get to see her. That poor kid must have been through a lot and I want to make her live better. Maybe we’ll be able to find her parents.
Youngjae, Daehyun and Jongup often visit me together. They’re always with Y/N, since Zelo instructed them not to leave her alone. They barely speak, most of the time they tell me to wake up.
It must have been at least three weeks when I first open my eyes. Y/N has been telling me about her day, about how she learned how to draw blood correctly and that she was able to do that on another member.  “That sounds amazing babe!” It’s only a whisper and my voice is so goddamn hoarse that she almost missed it but she heard it. “Yongguk! You’re awake” I look at her for a second but soon my eyes flutter shut again. And I fall  back into darkness.
Over the next week I fall in and out of consciousness. Sometimes, Y/N is by my side, sometimes Himchan is by my side and once, Zelo was there. Today is the first time I am actually able to do something more than saying a few words. My eyes open and I see Y/N by my side. I carefully raise my hand and see the needle in it and flinch. I hate needles. Y/N is in a comfortable chair right next to the bed, her head is on the hospital bed and she is fast asleep. I raise my hand to touch her hair and she wakes up immediately. “Yongguk!” Her eyes are shining and I smile at her. “Y/N.” Her name leaves my lips and she smiles. “Thank god you’re awake” she brushes a strand of hair away and smiles at me. “What’s today’s date?” I see her smile sink and my heart speeds up. “It’s 17th October.” Her voice is a whisper “I’ve been asleep for more than a month?” I swallow. I left her alone for more than a month. “Don`t worry. Zelo took good care of everything.” She stands up and touches my hand. “I’ll get Himchan to take  a look at you.” She leaves the room and I can hear her sob on the other side of the door.
She doesn’t return when Himchan enters the room.
You avoid Yongguk for the next few days. It’s not like you don’t care about him. You want to be with him more than anything, but you don’t know what will happen between the two of you and you need to sort out my emotions first. You spend most of my time in Melodies room. She’s the young girl they found in black widows hide out. She does not remember her name, so you named her Melody. Her room is white and has many toys in there. The others have been trying to gain her trust. You see the Barbie doll Daehyun gave her, The Nintendo Zelo gave her. She even has a hamster. Unfortunately she doesn’t trust anyone but you. She doesn’t trust men in general.
It’s been 6 days since you’ve last seen Yongguk and right now you’re sitting in Melodies room, brushing her golden locks. You had to cut most of it unfortunately, but now it’s healthy and soft. “Y/N?” Her small voice is a whisper. You realized a few days ago that they probably kidnapped her as a child. She speaks perfect Korean but she told you that she remembers some French. “Yeah sweetheart?” you start braiding her hair. “Who’s the man that carried you out of your cell?” She was in the room when Yongguk got shot. “He’s someone I love quite a lot.” you admit and she turns around, ruining the braid. “Are you boyfriend and girlfriend?”  You giggle and carefully tug on a strand of her hair. “We were. But He had no time for me. So I left and that’s how I met you.” you brush her cheek. She’s like a little sister to you and you want her to be more comfortable around the others. Someone clears their throat and you turn around to see Yongguk standing there. He’s on crutches and has lost a visible amount of weight. Your heart aches. “Who’s your pretty friend over there, Y/N?”His voice is soft when he says your name.  Melody jumps up and hides behind you. “That’s Melody.” you reply and lift the girl up into your arms. She’s heavy for you, but still too light for her age. “Don’t worry Melody. He won’t hurt you.” Yongguk looks at you and you would give everything to know what’s inside his head. “I won’t.” he comes over and Melody hides her face inside the crook of your neck. “Don’t be scared Melody. He’s nice. Really. His voice might sound scary but he really isn’t.” She looks at Yongguk and he pouts a bit. Your heart goes crazy and you watch her lean over to Yongguk. He takes her into his arms despite his crutches and she cuddles into him. He’s shaking because of the weight and you inch closer to him. He must have lost a lot of muscle mass and he’s still weak. “Yongguk. Set her down.” Your voice is soft and he shakes his head and watches her play with his hair. It has grown quite long but you still like it. You like him. No fuck that. You love him. “No we’re having such a good time. Right Melody?” She nods and you love how she trusts him immediately. You imagine having children with him. The way he would hold your child, but you realize that there might never be a thing like that.  That children may never be in the picture. “Yongguk set her down. You just woke up.” You scold and he sighs and sets her down. “Melody Y/N and I will now go outside and talk, but we’ll be back really soon, okay?” He tells her in a soft voice and she nods. He gestures to the door with his head and you follow him silently, the door clicking shut behind you. “What is it you want to talk about?”
“Us. I need to save this. Save us.”
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noona-clock · 5 years
Cuddling with Yongguk
1. I already told you but congratulations on 8k! 2. Can I request one of those cuddle lists with Yongguk? ☺️ 
Ahh, thank you, @bangyongguktigger ! And, YES, you can!! I hope you like it!
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs used in this post.
-Admin B
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So, I can’t even begin to describe how soft Yongguk cuddles would be.
I will try.
Imagine this, if you will:
you are in a dark - but not too dark - room
the temperature is just a little chilly
not cold enough to be shivering
but not warm in the slightest
the perfect temperature for a fuzzy blanket
so you are wrapped in a fuzzy blanket.
It’s blissfully soft and cozy and fluffy
and you’re so warm
but not too warm
and maybe there’s a fire in the fireplace, too
and you’re sipping wine 
eating something super delicious and decadent
like chocolate truffles
and you’re like ‘damn I feel so comfortable and rich with this wine and these truffles and I’m so warm and I, like, never want to get up.’
That’s how it feels to cuddle with Yongguk.
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Lots and lots and lots and lots of cuddles happen at night.
Like, really really really really late at night.
Because he works a little too damn much
but you’ve tried to get him to come to bed earlier
and he just doesn’t
and you have learned to pick your battles
because Yongguk is worth it
and you do not want to lose him over something like what time he goes to bed.
But anyway!
When he does finally drag himself to bed
after hours of working in his studio
he flops onto the bed
lets out a tired groan
basically doesn’t even try to be quiet and sneaky and let you keep sleeping
and he immediately clings to you.
So, sometimes Yongguk is the big spoon
and sometimes he is the little spoon.
At night, he is the little spoon.
Because he’s so tired and stressed from working
he just needs to be held and comforted
so even though you’re faskfjeagking t i r e d
because it’s like THREE IN THE MORNING
you still lift your arm up
and let him snuggle up against you
I mean...
wouldn’t you?
He nuzzles into your neck
and mumbles about how amazing you are
and how much he loves you
or he talks about whatever he was working on
which you don’t really understand
but it’s cool.
If he needs to vent, he needs to vent
and you let him.
It doesn’t take long for you to fall back asleep
and he’ll fall asleep still cuddled up to you
because being in your arms after working for so long
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heh heh heh see what I did there?
Anyway, it DOES feel so good
and LOWKEY - lowkey - he still works so late just so he has an excuse to cuddle you like this.
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So, obviously, you cuddle when Yongguk is stressed
but you also cuddle when you are stressed.
And Yongguk is super observant
so he can always tell when you’re stressed.
He’s also learned not to ask you if you’re stressed just to make sure
because you’ll usually lash out.
Not because you’re upset with him, of course
but because you’re stressed!
Instead of asking or saying anything or commenting on the fact you seem tense
he’ll just come up to you and start rubbing your shoulders.
And after a while, he’ll take your hand and lead you to either the couch or bed
depending on the time of day.
If it’s close enough to bedtime, then obviously, the bed
He’ll sit down or lie down
hold his arms out for you
and then you’ll just
kinda fall in.
He wraps his arms around you so tightly
Kisses your head.
He doesn’t say anything until you do, though.
He doesn’t want to risk you getting upset
and he knows you just need some time to unwind
calm down
That’s what he’s here for.
Relaxing, calming cuddles.
Nobody does that better than Yongguk.
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So... when you’re stress cuddling
at night
in bed
I mean
I think you know where this is going.
His arms are around you
your back is flush against his chest
he’s spooning you
and nuzzling the back of your neck and shoulders.
When you’ve let his cuddles release all the stress from your body
you turn over, turn around in his arms.
At first, you just revel in the feeling of him holding you.
You bury your face in his chest and neck.
He murmurs something
doesn’t really matter what
because just the sound of his deep voice soothes you
*wink wink*
turns you on.
You wiggle one arm in-between the two of you
and let your finger trace over his chest tattoo
and then you kiss it
and then you kiss his lips
and then...
I will let your imagination run wild.
You’re welcome.
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tywriteskpop · 5 years
soft cuddles with Yongguk please
Your head lay on his chest, listening to the soft rhythm of his heartbeat. It was soothing, having the reassurance that he was there with you and just having this time with him amidst his busy life. A lazy home day was exactly what the both of you needed. Watching movies and eating snacks.
Every time Yongguk had to move you to get up, you whined, watching and waiting for him to come back so you could use him as your personal human pillow. He always shot you that gorgeous smile of his as he laughed at you in amusement, saying, “I’ll be right back.”
He would come back with fresh drinks for the both of you, and you’d dismiss them completely just to wrap your arms around his waist again. Your body was curled up against him, basking in the warmth he provided despite the blanket that rested over your legs.
When he tried to get up again, you locked your hands together, pressing your face in his shirt defiantly. “I need to grab the remote, love,” he chuckled. You shook your head. “Leave it. I don’t care what we watch.” Yongguk settled back against the cushions, rubbing his hand gently up and down your back.
You both lay there comfortably, vaguely paying attention to the quiet volume of whatever movie was playing on the television. The quiet hum and his gentle caresses was enough to starting lulling you into a light doze.
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iwritekpopthings · 5 years
Drabble Request- 'I Married an Idiot'
Characters: You, Yongguk
Genres/ Warnings: Fluff
Word count: 321
Request: #54 & 94 with Yongguk
#54: Why’s there a pregnancy test in the trash? #94: You’re an idiot. I married an idiot.
Yongguk walked in after a long day at work to find you sitting on your bed curled up with a book. You were nearly asleep when he came over and kissed the top of your head. “Hey babe, how's it going?”
“Pretty good.” You stretched and smiled up at him. “How was work?”
“It was good. We finished a song today that we've been working on for a while.” He slipped off his shirt and walked into the bathroom to wash his face. However, something caught his eye. “Hey, why's there a pregnancy test in the trash?” He stuck his head out of the door to look at you with concern.
You squirmed and hid under the blankets. “No reason?” You could practically feel him approach the bed. He sat on the edge and looked down at you despite your blanket coverage.
“Are you feeling okay?” He asked, concern still in his tone.
You peeked out from the edge of the covers and nodded. “I.. This morning I just felt really off. And my period is late and I was freaking out and-”
Yongguk chuckled and kissed your forehead again. “I understand.” You relaxed, glad that he wasn't going to make fun of you for reacting like you did. “I mean, if you're that eager to have a baby, we could-”
“No, no, it's fine!” You interrupted, freeing your hands from the blanket and placing your hands on his chest. “That's definitely not what-”
He leaned in and kissed your lips. “I'm teasing.”
You pouted and smacked his shoulder lightly. “You're an idiot. I married an idiot.”
“But I'm your idiot.” He laughed, keeping the atmosphere light.
You smiled at him. “Well yeah, that's true.” You brought your hands up to cup his cheeks. “I love you.”
Yongguk leaned in and rested his forehead against yours, placing a kiss on your nose and lips. “I know. I love you, too.”
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
Down By The Lake - Part 5 (Final)
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Summary: It was only meant to be a stolen moment between you and your lover Daehyun and ended with him framed for murdering your best friend. With the assistance of your aloof friend Inspector Bang, could you find the real culprit called The Pauper, in time to clear Daehyun’s name?
Pairing: Jung Daehyun x reader ft. Bang Yongguk
Genre: murder mystery / periodic au / horror-ish
Warnings: murder / death / dark content given the nature of the storyline
Down By The Lake will be shared daily at 10am NZST.
Preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
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When you opened your eyes, you expected to see the afterlife. And if seeing Daehyun’s face was the first thing you did when you woke up in heaven, then you were certain it had been worth it.
Until you realised heaven looked a lot like your chambers.
You were also not alone with the man you loved; instead, your room was full of many people. Groaning, you came to your senses as the pain settled in.
“This is not where I expected to be,” you croaked and Daehyun’s hand around yours tightened.
“This is exactly where you need to be,” he told you and you glanced at him before noting the look within your father’s face on the opposite side of the bed.
The elder shook his head tiredly. “You could have warned me. I almost lost the one person I hold the dearest.”
“My Lord, with all respect, would you have allowed Y/N to be the bait in the trap?” a deep voice enquired and angling your head around Daehyun’s, you spotted Yongguk sitting in a chair at the end of your bed. He had his glasses perched on the bridge of his nose as he perused a stack of reports. Finally, he glanced up and smiled warmly at you.
“Whilst I am certain my Lady has many questions as you all have comforting words to share,” Clare announced, ushering Daehyun up from his position beside you. She clapped her hands together loudly and even challenged your father with a stern look. “She is still a lady at best and one in which multiple men have spent a vast amount of time within the private quarters of. Now that you can see she has returned to us, I will ask of you all to leave at once.”
“But I have not-”
“She is my daughter and-”
“Very well, Y/N will bother me when she is ready to,” Yongguk finished, climbing to his feet and following the others forcibly being pushed to the exit.
You gave Clare a look and then sunk further into your bedding at her own harsh stare in return. You let out a heavy sigh. “Must I regain full health first?”
“That you must, my Lady.”
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It was a week later when you were able to leave your bed. Aside from your father, who was graciously allowed to sit with you for an hour each afternoon, much to his chagrin and Clare’s reluctance, you had not seen either Yongguk or Daehyun since waking up.
And Yongguk was right; you had many questions to bother him with.
“I need to go out today, Clare.”
“You will not,” she ordered and you glowered at the lady maid.
“If I do not possess the knowledge I require by the end of today, I fear I will fall ill again from too much thinking. Will you accompany me or not?”
“I will, however, only to the parlour.”
“Why there?” you questioned as the woman smiled. “Clare, what are you holding privy from me?”
“Oh, you will soon see, my Lady.”
Walking slowly, and with the aide of Clare, you made it to the parlour room without much discomfort. Opening the doors, you gasped when you found what had been a space set up for conversation over cross stitch, now looked like an entirely different room. Two large tables sat in the middle of the room facing one another, stacked with reports and books.
And at either station sat your longest friend and your lover.
You reached to hold onto your head. “What on earth is this?”
“Our current headquarters,” Yongguk announced simply and you stepped into the room, Clare shutting the door behind you. Moving over to them, you came upon Yongguk’s table first. He was reading notes that contained rather graphic diagrams and you shivered, wrapping your arms around yourself. You definitely had endured your fair share of frightening experiences recently and were not ready for anything further.
Daehyun smiled at you weakly. “I suppose this is a sight you might have never expected.”
“It is, though it does perhaps answer one of my questions,” you replied softly, moving to see what was on Daehyun’s side. He also held similar files, though with a different case number. “You were never a stable hand by profession, were you?”
“I have been many a thing in my time, but I assure you, this is the role I am most capable in. I fancy your father may need to look further into the credentials of his employees after my less than stellar performance in the stables.”
Yongguk snorted. “At least you were incredibly equipped to have at least his daughter fooled.”
“Inspector,” Daehyun warned, and then grinned when Yongguk rolled his eyes. Daehyun then turned to you. “Say, would you like some fresh air?”
“Please, I have been trapped inside for too long.”
“Whatever happens out there, do ensure this time I am not needed for another re-enactment,” Yongguk warned and you bit your lip whilst Daehyun laughed heartily, ushering you to the doors that led out into the garden.
Once settled into your amble, you glanced up at Daehyun right as he went to speak.
Sharing a gentle smile, you gestured for him to go first. He pocketed his hands and sighed. “I need to apologise and explain a lot.”
“Well, thankfully for me, my head has recovered faster than my side injury has, leaving me quite capable of listening to both.”
“I spend a lot of time undercover working for Inspector Bang. I have been a great deal of things and done even more than you can imagine. I was placed by your side for information. You attend the most events, as the only daughter and heiress to this family, and further, had the closest connections to everyone in the elitist scene. That was my primary role, to gather appropriate information to help with our investigation.”
“Yongguk knew it was someone within my circles?” Daehyun nodded and you closed your eyes. “Did he expect me to approach you as well?”
“He had not believed you would have any interest in me further than as an outside person to talk to. He knew of your past behaviour of going to the stables to let out your frustrations, however, that was all.”
“Did you plan for this?” you asked with your head down, unable to look him in the eye.
It would make sense, given his mission. You gave Daehyun an easy way in to garner your trust and potentially more information. With your apparent adoration for him, he could have gotten anything out of you had he worded it right. Though, as you thought over your time together before the night you were separated, most of it was conversation about yourselves and what a future between you would hold.
You couldn’t help but let out a hollow laugh. Was everything he shared with you just there to help the investigation along?
“I had not. Admittedly, I accepted willingly to grow closer with you, as it would help with our findings. Apart from being the worst stable hand, I was honest with you as much as I could be. There were times where I pleaded with Yongguk for me to leave. I grew vulnerable around you to the point I was worried I was in too deep to be effective to my role.”
“Should I believe this?” you wondered, continuing to walk on, stopping when you realised Daehyun had not. You examined his face, his expression uncertain. Returning to his side, you caught the first tear as it fell.
“Seeing you mere inches away from death frightened me beyond belief. I was willing to give up anything, even my own life if it meant you would stay earthbound.”
“You fool, I am still here so why are you crying?” you asked, feeling your own emotions rising behind your eyes.
Daehyun gave you a watery smile. “I am thankful you are still here. When we found your name on the top of the killer’s hit list right before Lucy’s death, I knew I would throw myself in the line of fire to save you.”
“Is that why you held me back from saving her?” you breathed and Daehyun shook his head.
“She was already dying and there was no way we could prevent it when we got there. I saw the angle he took. I did not want you to bear witness of her final moments like that.”
You nodded, gripping onto his shirt as you tried to settle your emotions. “Y/N, if I could have saved her, you know I would have, right?”
“I just wish we had been there sooner. I should have just asked to go for a stroll and not a swim.”
As you continued to talk over everything, you found that Daehyun had been taken away only to take refuge in Yongguk’s home. You stared up at him, speechless momentarily. “You mean when I was there…”
“I was in the adjacent room listening on.”
“Then you heard that I had held suspicions over you!”
He nodded. “I would have been surprised had you not.”
“As for the investigations Yongguk and I did?” you prompted and Daehyun sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.
“I, unfortunately, got spotted.”
“Whatever do you mean?”
“Yongguk saw me up in the tree watching on. You know, you were awfully close with him. Is there anything in the past between you both? I asked him many a time and yet he refused to answer.”
You smiled. “Then perhaps we should leave it like that.”
“I despaired over you!” you exclaimed, your frustrations mounting. “Here I was, wholly believing that I was saving your life and you were gallivanting around the countryside with us!”
“I would not go as far to stretch the truth and say I gallivanted,” Daehyun remarked and you let out a scoff, turning on your heel to walk away. “Now you just wait up a second!”
Daehyun caught you easily and you glowered in his direction. “And Yongguk! He must have had succumbed to fitful laughter with how ridiculous I was! I fear I will never be able to face him again with how mortified I am right now to be played by you both!”
“I very much so doubt that man can even laugh. I have yet to see him do such a thing in the past five years I have worked with him. Not even a chuckle!” Daehyun pointed out and you tried ever so hard not to fall trap to his amusing statement.
Clearing your throat, you shook your head, moving on with your complaints. “I was in danger and you both let it continue!”
“It was a risk, yes. However, you did agree.”
“Only because I believed you were framed!”
“Okay, so is this the part I get down on my knees in forgiveness?”
“You believe I could accept such a thing?” you wondered, looking away just in time as Daehyun dropped before you.
“It was a necessary evil and I do apologise for the grievances I have stricken you with,” he implored and you angled yourself ever so slightly to see his face. Daehyun reached out for your hand, gripping it fondly. “It was the most challenging time of my existence, I’ll have you know. I had to remain invisible in order to fool you and the killer. Even if I saw you most days, it felt as if I only did so from afar. I could do nothing for you and had to rely on others to protect you in my absence. I cannot explain how antagonising that was for me.”
“Did you know there was a separate killer?”
“We did have our suspicions. Yongguk knew I was out there waiting since Lord Wilsford had used the track to escape before and that was why he let you go with him.”
You gestured for Daehyun to get up, letting out a lengthy sigh before slipping your arms around his waist, surprising him. “I have a few requests, of course, if I am to accept your apology.”
Daehyun relished in your closeness, his arms embracing you snugly to him. He hummed for you to continue.
“Will you continue to be undercover?”
“Whilst it is a skill I possess, I do not believe it is something I will be asked to do often now.”
“Do I have to concern myself of you luring another woman if you have to return to such a task?” you continued and he pulled you back to arm’s length.
“You approached me first!”
Giving him a look, you began to repeat yourself. “Will you-”
“No, I will never. My heart belongs to only one person and I could never betray that love.”
You smiled, satisfied. “Will you leave me in the predicament that I currently am in?”
“Which is?”
“Well, I am in want of a husband. Is that a role you wish to obtain?”
Daehyun smiled, leaning into you. “You are positively a wicked creature. I was worried you were going to turn me away for good.”
“I merely asked for your assistance in making an honest woman out of me. My father believes we have-”
“No, he has been informed of the truth after a very intense approach on his behalf.” Daehyun laughed awkwardly, looking a little uncomfortable. “There was some time between your coming back to us, Y/N.”
You laughed, imagining the approach your father had taken. “Still, I shan’t wait for you forever. You will be busy with your new position and I may find someone else who takes my fancy. There will be a new stable hand-”
“Must I confess my endearment for you right now? In the most unprepared manner?”
“Whilst I would love to hear it all, I do wish to be courted properly.”
Leaning in to kiss you, Daehyun rested his forehead upon yours. “I will thank the Gods every day that you returned to me.”
“You told me I could not leave you yet.”
“Can I be selfish and ask that you never do until it is time for us both to see another world together?”
“Who else would I risk my life for?” you replied, leaning in to kiss Daehyun again. “My heart is yours.”
“And my soul will become one with you when we say I do.”
“I want to hear that right now.”
“We cannot have one nice moment, can we? Did you not just proclaim you want to be courted properly? That will require time and-”
You cut off Daehyun’s words with another kiss, smiling into the embrace as you did so. “This is a very nice moment, my love.”
“One of many, now that you are safe.”
“Safe? Why with you around I do wonder if that is a word I can use. I saw the case-studies you and Yongguk are working on. What kind of mischief are you going to get yourselves into next?!
Laughing, Daehyun nuzzled you with his nose and sighed. “I believe that anything with you has the ability to be much more frightening than those who I chase down.”
“Does it scare you?”
“On the contrary,” he murmured, holding your chin within his hand as he angled in for another kiss. “I am excited for what will happen next.”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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nctwreckmylife · 6 years
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Yall be sleeping on the boyfriend of boyfriends Bang Yongguk.
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jinterlude · 6 years
Part Polar Bear
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↳ header is made by yours truly. I do not own the rights to the image used.
» Pairing: Bang Yongguk x Reader (Female OC)
» Genre(s): Humor & Fluff
» Warning(s)/Rating: N/A // PG
» Words: 521
» Based off the word: estivate (v.) - to be inactive or asleep through the summer’s heat and then come awake and alive in the winter
‣ 300+ Milestone Drabble M.List  
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You study Yongguk. Your eyes focusing on his body language. You can’t help but find it a bit amusing how his demeanor does this sudden change whenever Summer turns into Winter. Like how?
Slowly, your gaze narrows on your completely focused fiancé. A faint hum emits from you as you gently tap your fingers against your cheek. Throughout your relationship with the former TS entertainment artist, you’re always curious with anything and everything that he does. From sitting quietly in the corner while he observes his “brothers” to becoming complete mush when it comes to his dog, Tigger. The more you dwell on it, the more you come to the realization that you’re secretly engaged to a bear. To be more exact…Yongguk has to be part polar bear. What else can explain his personality switches?
Standing up from your seat, you casually walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you kiss him warmly on the cheek.
Yongguk chuckles. His deep voice will forever send shivers down your spine.
He turns slightly, returning your sweet kiss, before saying,
           “I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I promise I’ll be done once I finish this section for Junhong.”
You shake your slightly. Your eyes glowing with all the love and admiration you have towards the man.
           “It’s okay, Yongguk,” You pause, unwrapping your arms and taking a seat next to him, “But I do have to ask you something.” You state.
Yongguk raises his brow. Curiosity glowing in his eyes.
           “Oh? Well shoot.”
           “Are you part polar bear?”
Yongguk froze. His mouth gawking. He’s unsure if he should find your question cute or concerning. But he’s leaning towards the first one because you have the habit of asking him rather odd questions. One of the many reasons why he has fallen in love with you.
Tapping his chin, showing you that he’s thinking about your question, he lets out this long hum.
You patiently await his answer, almost on the edge of your seat. The anticipation is killing you.
Finally, after what seems like forever, his gaze flickers towards you briefly then towards the studio entrance. Yongguk sighs slowly as he shuts his eyes for a second. Then, he turns towards you and with the straightest face he can muster, he says,
           “Yes. I am secretly part polar bear.”
You shoot up from your seat, “Ah ha! I knew it! That explains why your demeanor changes whenever it goes from summer to winter!” You exclaim, beaming in happiness.
Yongguk stifles his laughter, slowly losing control over his serious façade. Why do you have to be so darn cute?
He too stands up and places his hands on your hips, pulling you closer to him.
           “Are you still willing to marry me even though you’ve found out my darkest secret?” He asks, eyeing you sweetly.
You smile warmly, pecking him on the nose, before answering,
           “Well, the fact that you went along with my odd question and humored me, I guess I’ll still marry you.”
Yongguk chuckles, “You guess?” He questions playfully.
           “Okay, I will marry you next year around this time.”
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A/N: Ahhh this was tooth hurting sweet! I mean, Yongguk deserves something sweet and fluffy because most of the stories I’ve come across for him is gang!AU where he’s this evil or bad ass person lol Not dissing because I do love me some gang leader Yongguk, but let’s take a break from that lol 
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- Kim
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