bangtanfancamp · 5 years
✨21 Questions tag!✨
Hi! I got tagged by @curly-bangtan ✨ 😭 which was so stinking nice :’) I feel like such a ghost on this platform so it’s lovely when I feel like I have friends....so let’s hop to it
1. NICKNAME: honestly, my own name (Christiana : kris-JOHN-uh) is such a handful for people to pronounce that we hardly ever get to nicknames, but I do have just a couple- Christi-mama, C. Willy, ‘Chana, poison ivy, Jean grey (ya girls very intuitive)
2. ZODIAC: Libra baby!
3. HEIGHT: almost 5’7”
4.HOGWARTS: hufflepuff (I’m told I have a lot of personality similarities to Luna lovegood)
5. LAST THING I GOOGLED: liminal space, what can I use if I don’t have a philips screwdriver
6.FAVORITE MUSICIANS: besides BTS, I love the Civil Wars, Brooke Fraser, Dodie Clark, Noah Gunderson, Sara Mclachlan, Billie Eilish, Julia Michaels, Finneas, Kesha, hillsong United and tons of others. I really love music
7. SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD: lately, I’ve been in love with the acoustic versions of “la la lost you” “strange land” and “low key” by Nikki and I just fell down the Jackson wang rabbit hole so “bullet to the heart” “titanic” and “I love you 3000” with Stephanie poetry have been on heavy rotation. “Break my heart again” by finneas is gorgeous too
10.DO YOU GET ASKS: only when I update my jungkook drabbles 😅 which is so encouraging then, but I honestly really love interacting and I don’t get to do it near enough. I’d love to get more!!!!
11. AMOUNT OF SLEEP: 7ish hours on average? I adore sleep though.... really wish we spent more time together.
12.WHAT ARE YOU WEARING: a long sleeve mauve babydoll dress, black tights, black ankle boots, long camel colored duster, a silver midi ring with Jimin’s name that I wear on my pinky
13. DREAM JOB: I’d love to be a touring singer song writer, or a novelist who wrote only via typewriter who lives in a beautifully isolated woodland cabin with no WiFi so I just Henry David Thoreau it in nature, or a baker in a small downtown area where people travel everywhere on foot or on bicycle to have my fresh baked bread and a hot cup of coffee, or a missionary in India who helps rescue girls from sex trafficking
14. DREAM TRIP: touring the Pacific Northwest, luxuriating somewhere along the Mediterranean in Greece, sipping something cozy whilst bundled up anywhere in the UK, having second breakfast in New Zealand
15.INSTRUMENTS: just a frighteningly rudimentary amount of keyboard and guitar. I pick it up quickly but forget it almosy immediately. I am a vocalist though. I’m really passionate about singing
16.LANGUAGES: unfortunately just English 😭
17.FAVORITE SONGS: “Iris” by the goo goo dolls and “landslide” by Fleetwood Mac
18. IF YOU WERE AN ANIMAL, WHAT WOULD YOU BE? oh hands down, I’d be a rabbit. 100% gentle, smart, affectionate, needs community but thrives in the quiet, very nurturing, mates for life, playful + cuddly, self preservation is alarmingly high, is naturally so high strung they could give themselves a heart attack, big eyes and a cute little rump, delicate but strong ✨
19.FAVORITE FOOD: I LOVE FOOD YALL😭 LOVE IT. I’ll try just about anything. :)I love chipotle. But also peppermint tea, fruit smoothies, sushi, poke, milk tea, Chex mix and lots and lots of other things 💕
20.RANDOM FACTS: I am a licensed cosmetologist and specialize in doing bridal + bridesmaid hair :) I love doing intricate, romantic braids and updo styles and get to do a wedding almost every weekend while assistant teaching pre-k during the week.
Also, I am garbage at technology but have 4 different tumblr blogs. If you’d like to know what they are, you can message me. But I just separate my interests so each one feels cohesive and not super random. However, I dont have a laptop and strictly operate on mobile so I can never figure out how to reply to asks, messages, or comments with the correct corresponding account because of my homeschooled, cavewoman lack of technical skill.
Also, also, I freaking HATE wearing pants. I’d never wear a pair of jeans again if I didn’t have to. Dresses til I die! I prefer to wear as little clothing as possible 🙈 I have some autoimmune issues that can cause a lot of physical pain and I sometimes I just can’t stand tight clothes touching me. So I feel the most comfortable and most like my self in soft floaty spaghetti strap dresses that just barely skim my body.
21. AESTHETIC: I am an INFP in the MBTI, a 4 in the ENNEAGRAM and an HSP (highly sensitive person) so all in all, I am extremely driven to cultivate my personal aesthetic in its purest, most authentic form. It really heavily impacts my mood + headspace. I love nature so plants, flowers, eucalyptus, lavender and pampas grass are everywhere always. I love soft lighting- so my apartment has loads of candles and string lights everywhere. Gauzy sheer curtains. Gold and rose gold details. Soft, cozy rugs and textured pillows. Lots of DIY-art and re-done furniture that I’ve painted white. Moon + star details where I can sneak them them. Lush throws and a fluffy white duvet. Tons of windows and as much natural light as I can get. So very cozy, very feminine, very soft, very peaceful so my over analytical brain has a space to rest. That’s all my home- my personal clothing + beauty style shifts with my mood but I drawn towards whatever makes me feel most like myself- blush toned dresses, silky nightgowns, simple gold jewelry that glints in the light, lots of cozy sweaters, soft shorts, bare feet whenever possible, my natural curls or blown out beachy waves, loads of blush and a fiercely flicked cat eye. (I require eyeliner)
Tagging: @laurelevermore @thedreaming-poet @sandyfata13 @urlocalkpoptrash @chaoticneutralwriter @kimcheeeeeeeeee @jhspetitegf @hayjeon @lamourche @underthejoon @kpopfanfictrash @lorengarcia-yut @outrotearot7 @bts-luvvv @madmadmilk
I wasn’t really sure who to tag? So I just tagged a few accounts of either writers I deeply admire on this platform or super kind strangers who have taken the time to invest in my writing :) (and some people are both!) I hope your next day rocks your socks off and all your wildest + simplest dreams all come true! Have a glorious whatever it is, wherever you are.Thanks for sticking it out to the end 😅✨
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bangtanfancamp · 5 years
Can a n y o n e please teach me how to link my masterlist on mobile???? And how to add the keep reading tab to mobile posts???? 😭
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bangtanfancamp · 5 years
Ya girl is itching to write!!!! My bday is October 9 and if I could ask for anything, it’s for time to write some lighthearted, deeply infatuated love stories about my favorite boys.
I mean, it’s Jim-frickin-tober!!! My favorite balletic boy’s birthday! Id love to write some lovey dovey fluffy Drabbles.
Unrelated! (Maybe should be a separate post, but I’m here now so 🤷🏽‍♀️)
THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who has liked, reblogged, messaged and commented on the Jungkook series!!!! It has meant the absolute world to me. It truly truly warms my heart so much :’) thank you for your input + love even as the updates have become more sporadic. You guys really are so amazing. There are asks that have popped up on just the worst days ever and your encouragement has floored me. And I never think anyone sees these posts but I got an ask once acknowledging something I said in passing in one of these and I just melted. I cannot figure out a more articulate way to thank you for just being marvelous, miraculous human beings!!! :’) I think my INFP is showing with all these sentimental adjectives, but I stand by them. Lol.
The very first post in the series is like 1 like/reblog away from 400 likes/reblog!!!! And I am SO EXCITED ABOUT IT :’) i could weep!
I want to celebrate in some way and would REALLY love some feedback on how to do that. I don’t usually get a lot of replies to questions or ask/q&a/drabble games (maybe I would if I were more present 😅) but I want to do SOMETHING to celebrate 🎉!! Especially since you guys have supported a series that began as something super emotional and cathartic for me :’)
So let me know how to love you and thank you in return!!! I love hearing from you so so much(if it ever takes a while to get a reply, I’m probably just overthinking how to reply 💕)
The next thing I currently have queued up is a Jimin idol au! one shot , but my gift to myself this year for my birthday is to take one day off of work just to do whatever my little hummingbird heart desires and (as mentioned) I am craving a writing spree :) so we’ll see how this beautiful October week goes! (Especially since it’s finally cooling off here in Texas! Down in the 70s FINALLY) ((time for some lavender milk tea and creative writing!!!🙃✨🌱🍵))
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bangtanfancamp · 5 years
Holy crap! Guess what???
Hi guys!
I just started a Ko-fi page! I adore writing and sharing it with you guys. Honestly, I miss it like crazy.
I’m in the process of trying to find a new job after being let go from one of my favorite places I’ve ever worked. So I haven’t been prioritizing writing like I want to because it is a hobby and I need to be an “adult” right now. But I thought maybe I could combine my need and what my heart wants.
No pressure on you guys AT ALL !! But if you read a story and love what I do, but your girl a cup of ko-fi... or a few. Cuz I’ve got a baaaad boba habit 😅 (( ironically, I’m always getting floral milk teas or lychee drinks.... hardly ever coffee even though I love the taste))
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bangtanfancamp · 5 years
I am SOOO mad😡
I just spent the last hour trying to post two different Jimin fics and tumble screwed me over for both. I borrowed a laptop to try to post it because they were both too long for mobile. And I thought I’d finally gotten “honey” to post correctly, with the right description and right title font and gif and the KEEP READING TAB.
But I just logged in to mobile and there’s NO KEEP READING TAB- AT freaking all!!!! And I already returned the laptop I borrowed so I can’t fix it and I’m so angry I want to cry. 😡
This SUCKS!!! 🔥🔥🔥
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bangtanfancamp · 5 years
🌟Le tiny accidental hiatus has ended!!!! ✨
You guys have been so incredibly patient with me over this past month + of writing absence. Life has been a LOT. It hasn’t been bad- I’m grateful for the many good things that have happened. Especially the day 2 Chicago concert I worked my butt off to get to. It was incredible....
But before I left for that as well as since Ive been back, I just haven’t had the spare time or extra energy to devote to my writing. It’s simply gotten lost in the shuffle of chaos. Other fandoms that mean a tremendous amount to me ended in the last several weeks and my heart kind of broke- endgame was amazing, but then the magicians killed Quentin Coldwater and Game of thrones murdered Danaerys Targaryen.
Both of those characters meant so much to me personally and it kind of shattered me to see what became of both of them and how it ended and the tremendous uproar that followed. Because of that, my spare time was spent sorting the wreckage of that and without realizing it, I stopped writing my own stories. So I wanted to apologize for evaporating on this platform about our sweet 7. I still love them hard.
But all of that in addition to my brother and baby sister graduating college and high school, dealing with annoying car trouble, working on music and youth volunteer work, boyfriend stuff, lots of house sitting, all my freelance work with wedding season, general adulting and my personal health I’ve been a bit on overload. I didn’t neglect my writing on purpose, it just sort of happened amidst everything else. I’m not sure if you guys have ever heard of spoon theory, but your girl was so exhausted I would fall asleep within minutes of sitting on my couch just because I’d been going so hard and fast all day. Clean out of spoons before 5pm. I live in DFW so I was driving all over for everything !!! I wasn’t speaking up for myself and was taking on every opportunity offered to me, and dropping my plans to go take care of anyone who needed me. So I wasn’t dealing with terrible things, my inability to say no was just consistently leading me to care for others first and then try to tend to myself with whatever energy I had left- and obviously no artistic progress was coming from that.
Right now, I’m trying to take back my personal routine and attempting to reintroduce things that calmed me and made my heart feel rested and happy. So I’ve been making an effort to drink lemon water and peppermint tea in my mornings again, trying to remember to buy groceries so I can have 3 meals a day instead of randomly eating on the run and then realizing I only ate once that day, drinking kombucha again,getting back into yoga and cardio, picking up my favorite relaxing k-dramas again, getting caught up on all my podcasts which stopped downloading new episodes because I neglected them for so long, and trying to get my apartment back in proper order. ( I’ve been watching some Korean cleaning Asmr videos and let me tell you- as soothing and peaceful as they are, they make my super old American apartment feel so grungy by comparison. The Shame) I realized I haven’t made any art in ages, followed the artists I admire on social media anymore or bullet journaled like I used to love. I’m trying to figure out how to start that again, the planning especially because when I dont write anything down my brain feels like alphabet soup.....And I’m trying to generally move on from both this very real overload and these very emotional losses of fictional characters who feel like friends.
In light of that goal, one of the components that was making life truly grand and gravy for a while was writing and sharing it with you guys. I feel like I let myself and my friends down. But if you’d still like to find out what happens to our sweet boy, stay tuned :) teaser will be up CRAZY soon!!!!!
Thank you for all your support and taking the time to read this long thing..... thank you for every like and reblog on the jungkook series and my writing in general. Thank you for taking the gracious time to comment or send an ask or a proper message. They have meant the absolute world to me! And if I haven’t acknowledged them, PLEASE know it’s just because I wanted to take the time to give you back the same level of time and detail that you gave to me. You are all amazing. Thank you for allowing my stories to be a part of your lives and letting me a small part of loving these boys together.
Have a fantastic Friday!!!!
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bangtanfancamp · 5 years
Ooop.... am I about to drop a new fic out of nowhere today ?
Yep, yep I am 🙃
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bangtanfancamp · 5 years
Le little sis and I just touched down in Chicago!!!! Let’s go babiesssss!!!!!!!
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