blmpff · 8 months
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save-the-data · 2 years
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bankbonus “what a shame” | what zabb man OST
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aliceisathome · 2 months
City of Stars was a weird combination of pulpy fluff and some fairly serious commentary on social media, shipping and the damage it can wreak on RL partners and how shitty and hypocritical some 'fans' can be. I don't think the actors were quite strong enough to carry the Fueng and Krom roles unfortunately - I couldn't help thinking that Star Hunter has/had some better, more experienced options. I kept thinking about what BankBonus (PokTong in Gen Y)* could have done in these roles.
Stlll, a nice chat about sexual preferences early in the relationship (yay - verse boys represent), condoms (lube still a step too far it seems) and some positive trans rep. Plus some great friendships. Shame Fueng got his confidence for singing back though.
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Mind you, the giant pic above his bed of Fueng with an electric guitar being a rock god did rather undermine the whole lack of confidence in singing thing. Actually the whole house was a bit odd - the year round Christmas tree, the piles of (i think) the same gifts on the counter
Fueng and Khom can't keep their hands off of each other - something that's fairly rare in BL and the complete opposite in RL. Much appreciated boys, thanks, especially as the skinship and Job's rather nice 6 pack and pecs were the only thing keeping me watching during the rather flat eps in the middle. Shallow? Me?
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I was, in fact, more invested in the het couple of KorNamsom towards the end, slightly ruined by the very careful info dump explaining that they hadn't made out at all for the six months they were dating - god forbid Kod accepted the love of his life's body before she had the sex reassignment surgery. Yes, it was explained as her decision and she absolutely should have that choice but why was it even a talking point?
Anyway the final ep was charmingly domestic and sappy, And yes, since you ask, I would use Zendaya as an app. And Zendaya herself should be the CEO - much nicer than that muskrat.
*I see that the latter two terminated their contracts with StarHunter in Feb this year - fingers crossed for more opportunities moving forward. They were absolutely the only thing that kept me watching Gen Y...
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singto-prachaya · 1 year
So a new series from Kantana is coming called Low Frequency. Starring Ping Kantapat playing Thames Thinpat and Guitar Sarin playing Mon Manayu. They really be giving these 2 two lead roles already. The other is Partner In Crime. Bonus from Starhunter also posted this so I wonder if BankBonus will be in this as well? Please let that happen🙏
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productsreviewings · 1 year
Grant Sabatier, 38, turned a self-made millionaire in 5 years. He hustled, lower prices and benefited from one of many strongest bull markets in historical past. Sabatier says the financial uncertainty has created an "unimaginable funding alternative," however there's extra to wealth creation than timing the market. loading One thing is loading Thanks for signing up! Entry your favourite subjects in a customized feed when you're on the go Obtain the app In 2010, Grant Sabatier had lower than $5 to his title. However simply 5 years later, at age 30, he accrued a $1.25 million nest egg that allowed him to retire early — and creator the ebook "Monetary Freedom," the weblog "Millennial Cash," and co-founded BankBonus. .comSabatier, now 38, says he is seen his wealth develop partly as a result of he was fortunate sufficient to take a position throughout the inventory market's growth over the previous decade."I used to be the beneficiary of one of many best bull markets in historical past," he advised Insider.However he says shopping for the dip on the proper time is not all it takes to construct wealth, and it must be supplemented with life-style modifications and aspect engagements to extend your earnings. Sabatier says he is seen many individuals "obsess about chopping again" on bills which can be "unsustainable and make them sad" — which is why he advises folks to focus extra of their vitality on growing their earnings. "There is a restrict to how a lot cash you'll be able to lower, however there is not any restrict to how a lot cash you may make," he stated. "I want extra folks would deal with the upside as a substitute of mitigating the negatives."As recession fears grew final 12 months, some traders started making ready to capitalize on the subsequent market downturn to change into "recession millionaires." Whereas the financial system and inventory market aren't at all times growth or bust, traditionally, a struggling financial system has supplied traders with a possibility to purchase shares on a budget.When Sabatier began investing in 2010, the US financial system had already recovered from the Nice Recession and the inventory market had recouped a few of its losses. However the S&P 500 was nonetheless beneath its 2007 peak, and Sabathia was in a position to experience market waves over the subsequent decade. From March 2009 to March 2020, the S&P 500 gained greater than 400% – the longest bull market in US historical past.Though Sabatier acknowledges the key function the inventory market growth performed in constructing his private wealth, he finally attributes his monetary success to the steps he took a decade in the past to make more money and lower prices. As a result of to have any likelihood of capitalizing on a down market and producing huge returns down the highway, he says there needs to be cash to spend money on the primary place.
Sabatier says that bettering one's expertise, negotiating the next wage, beginning a aspect enterprise and studying books about investing or entrepreneurship are good methods folks can put themselves on the trail to incomes additional earnings.Along with his $50,000 digital-marketing job, Sabatier took on aspect hustles that included constructing web sites, flipping domains, pet-sitting, promoting live performance tickets and flipping classic mopeds. This helped him improve his earnings to over six figures yearly."If you wish to obtain monetary independence as rapidly as doable, it is advisable step up your aspect hustle recreation," Sabatier advised Insider final 12 months.In his mid-20s, Sabatier stated he put about 80% of his earnings into index funds — and he recommends that younger Individuals make investments "as a lot as they'll now." "You may come out forward over the subsequent 10, 20, and 30 years," he says, including, "The perfect time to begin investing was yesterday. The second finest time is right this moment."
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
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heretherebedork · 2 years
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I think you better save your mouth for something else. Like what? For example, my delicious food.
These two don't just share a moment, they share a moment every time they're given half a chance.
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certifiedsidedish · 2 years
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PokTong + sexy times on the sofa (part 1 | part 2)
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lutawolf · 2 years
Watch "🥰🥰🥰 whatzabbman
The chemistry that BankBonus always bring! Zing! BossPete are awesome as well. Only two episodes and I'm totally hooked.
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zoomboyslove · 2 years
Teaser What Zabb Man ! At JapanExpoThailand
Y Moment of BankBonus and PeterBoss
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aliceatwork-blog · 2 years
Gen Why? Episode 12
It’s over - I’m so relieved.  So many good actors were so badly served by this debacle but it’s done. Phew.  In this final ever episode:
Mark continued to be the absolutely bestest boyfriend in the entire world and I think Kit might realise that he really lucked out here.  They were very cute and the whole ‘darling’ thing was just darling. 
We were ROBBED of a PokTong kiss and sexy times scene. Robbed.  My only consolation is that the actors Bank and Bonus are appearing together in the horribly named What Zabb Man which starts next month and if Channel 3 can let Starhunter get away that shower scene I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a bit of heat for this one. 
Jack and Koh got a blown kiss and a couple of cheek kisses which was sweet and all but overall a bit of a waste. Still, at least they appeared in more than one scene.  
Phai and Sandee got a nice chat about love in the cafe but that was it. Another wasted opportunity.
And finally... I thought that we were going to get away without Thanu and Wayu attempting a seduction scene but sadly it was not to be. And even though I was watching on 2x speed it felt like I’d lived through the entire THREE YEARS of the time skip. The actors have chemistry in the BTS footage but man, they are awful together in front of the camera. They’re being paired in another BL later this year according to MDL. I’m scared.  
Still, let’s end on a happy note.  Bye bye my wet boys. 
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blmpff · 4 months
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Gen Y (2021) 2x2
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absolutebl · 2 years
What Zabb Man!
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quick pitch
What Zabb Man! 
(Thailand April-May on YouTube) 
Main Tropes: enemies to lovers, tsundere/tsundere, rich/poor, foodie romance, CEO 
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It's like Star Hunter has FINALLY grown up with this show. 
WZM was better than we have any right to expect with decent pacing and a foodie theme threaded through the narrative as both love language and plot driver - which I have been WAITING for. Basically CEO falls in love with a street vendor’s food, recruits him to work in his hotel, falls in love with him, and that’s the beginning. Class struggles! Kitchen drama! Papaya pounding (not a euphemism)! Chef poaching (not literally)! Spicy scenes (yes literally)! It’s all so delicious. 
Star Hunter... did you serve this one up just for little old me? Sure seems like, since no one else consumed it. Well... I do have a high space tolerance. 
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I think I have finally figured out Star Hunter’s brand: CHEEKY. 
Will this review be full of food puns.
Oh yes indeed. 
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Sure this show gets absurdly over cooked and falling apart messy in tone, it's like Star Hunter just CAN'T help but over egg the plotting (see what I did there). I imagine their workshopping is a hoot, it's a bunch of young actors being ridiculous, and the chaos just leaks onto the screen. But all the acting is on point, and ... FOOD! 
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(Yes I have eaten my body weight to som tum. Why do you ask?)
The leads are actually pretty good (previous in Hidden Love). 
Poon is a great character because he is tsundere WITH good reason. And he’s portrayed with depth and sweetness for all his salty pride. 
Also I'm not opposed to a bit of a CEO romance in my BL. Alpha being won over by love and som tum, tasty. 
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But what I really loved was that Athip loves Poon first for his food. When Poon runs away Athip finds him because of his food. Arthip begs forgiveness by eating Poon’s food. 
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But it’s PokeTongue (AKA BankBonus who play Teng & Mayom) who once more steal the bacon. Honestly they dominated Gen Y 2 and now they are doing it again. Just give them their own show already! 
They absolutely crackle on screen together and it’s such fun to watch, who cares about plot? 
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Thai language moment: Pronouns 
Teng & Mayom’s relationship negotiation scene (see image above) jumped around between pronouns khun/ter for you & pom/rao for I so much I couldn’t follow the nuances at all. But I can say that that pronoun hopping was part of the negotiation of intimacy between them, and changes the whole tenor of the scene. 
This is one of those I wish we had translator notes on. 
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Food moment: Mayom 
Star gooseberry (Phyllanthus acidus) is no relation to the gooseberry (Ribes) many of use grew up with in the UK. They tase a little similar in that (like cranberrys for the US folkz) they are sour and astringent, but they grow on a tree (not a bush) and are quite cute. 
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More on Mayom & Teng 
For this particular couple I liked their claiming segment. 
First I should say I'm starting to notice faen being translated more as “partner” instead of boyfriend, or VERY rarely “lover.” I’m not sure this is more or less accurate, it’s certainly more precise, but there’s just no direct translation so part of me wants them to leave it faen at this point. 
We should all just learn it and adopt the word into English, it’s a better gender neutral term than anything we got. Lover is overly explicit and old fashioned. Significant other is awfully stiff and cumbersome. Partner has multiple non-romantic meanings, especially in a workplace setting. 
Faen is a good word, single syllable, easy to say, nice mouth feel, pretty, reminds me of the Scots fain (which has a LOVELY meaning). 
Still it’s certainly interesting to see “partner” start happening in BL, adds to the modern feel. Like they’ve been listening to the queers, again.   
(I expanded on my faen feels because of comments.) 
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Secondly, because Teng broke up with his ex due to the closet, this is one instance where Mayom’s possessiveness is justified by the narrative since Teng needs it to feel confident in their relationship. Hence the live broadcast claiming scene.
In the end, this was the foodie romance set in the Thai Restaurant industry I have always wanted. The machinations of being in food service formed not just setting but also plot. Perhaps if Bite Me, Love Area and some of the ones from Korea (My Sweet Dear, Tasty Florida, Ocean Likes Me, To My Star) hadn’t disappointed me in this regard, I wouldn’t be so generous with this show. And to be fair, it probably should get a 7/10 by my normal standards. But What Zabb Man was cooked up exactly to suit my palate (and apparently no one else’s) so it gets a 8/10. 
RECOMMENDED, especially if you like Thai food.
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aliceisathome · 2 years
Gen Why? Episode 12
It’s over - I’m so relieved.  So many good actors were so badly served by this debacle but it’s done. Phew.  In this final ever episode:
Mark continued to be the absolutely bestest boyfriend in the entire world and I think Kit might realise that he really lucked out here.  They were very cute and the whole ‘darling’ thing was just darling.
We were ROBBED of a PokTong kiss and sexy times scene. Robbed.  My only consolation is that the actors Bank and Bonus are appearing together in the horribly named What Zabb Man which starts next month and if Channel 3 can let Starhunter get away that shower scene I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a bit of heat for this one.
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Bye bye my lovely wet boys. 
Jack and Koh got a blown kiss and a couple of cheek kisses which was sweet and all but overall a bit of a waste. Still, at least they appeared in more than one scene.  
Phai and Sandee got a nice chat about love in the cafe but that was it. Another wasted opportunity.
And finally... I thought that we were going to get away without Thanu and Wayu attempting a seduction scene but sadly it was not to be. And even though I was watching on 2x speed it felt like I’d lived through the THREE YEARS  time skip. The actors have chemistry in the BTS footage but man, they are awful together in front of the camera. They’re being paired in another BL later this year according to MDL. I’m scared.  
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singto-prachaya · 2 years
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What Zabb Man EP2 gifs
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Kreditantrag - Kreditkartenzahlung, Kreditantrag für Wohnungsbau
https://de.bufinans.com/kreditantrag-kreditkartenzahlung-kreditantrag-fur-wohnungsbau/?wpwautoposter=1561313409 Kreditantrag - Kreditkartenzahlung, Kreditantrag für WohnungsbauGeschäftsideen - Bufinanshttps://de.bufinans.com/kreditantrag-kreditkartenzahlung-kreditantrag-fur-wohnungsbau/?wpwautoposter=1561313409 Leider können wir sagen, dass es ziemlich schwierig ist, alle Bedürfnisse zu befriedigen, wenn wir nur unter den Lebensbedingungen arbeiten, in denen wir leben. Wir brauchen jeden Tag etwas anderes und suchen nach Wegen, es zu haben. Während die Liste der Bedürfnisse speziell für Familien immer größer wird, ist es natürlich nicht möglich, auf alle diese Bedürfnisse zu reagieren. Wenn wir das vorhandene Bargeld für unsere Bedürfnisse verwenden, stecken wir im Bargeld fest und haben leider Schwierigkeiten, das Monatsende zu bringen. Hier kommt die Kreditmöglichkeit der Banken für Kunden ins Spiel. Eine der zuverlässigsten und zuverlässigsten Banken ALTERNATİFBANK A.Ş KREDITANTRAG Hier finden Sie alle Detailinformationen zu diesem Artikel. Die ALTERNATİFBANK A.Ş bietet Lösungen für die Bedürfnisse ihrer Kunden mit individuellen Darlehen und ermöglicht es ihnen, einfach und schnell Lösungen für ihre Bedürfnisse zu finden. Werfen wir einen Blick auf alle Details der von der ALTERNATİFBANK A.Ş. Alternatifbank – Abank Kreditkartenantrag Jedes Mal, wenn wir in Bargeld stecken, laufen Kreditkarten zu unserer Rettung. Die Verwendung von Kreditkarten hat in den letzten Jahren erheblich zugenommen und ist mit Ausnahme von Bargeld die am häufigsten verwendete Zahlungsmethode. Wie immer versucht es, seinen Kunden zu helfen, die eine Kreditkarte bei AlternatifBank A.Ş. Die Kreditkarten der Alternatifbank A.Ş werden Ihnen als ers Diners Club Card und Alternatif Bank Bonus angeboten. Die Ers Diners Club Card wird Personen empfohlen, die viel reisen und ihre Ausgaben im Bereich Essen und Trinken verbringen. Alternativer Bankbonus kann von allen Händlern mit VISA / MASTERCARD-Emblemen auf der ganzen Welt problemlos verwendet werden. Sie können die Bonusse verwenden, die Sie verdienen, wenn Sie mit Ihrer Karte einkaufen. Von hier Alternatifbank A.Ş Kreditkartenantrag Die zu befolgenden Wege sind folgende: Bedingungen Um Alternatifbank A.Ş. Kreditkarte, Sie müssen 18 Jahre alt sein und monatlich ein regelmäßiges Einkommen haben. Um eine Kreditkarte zu beantragen, reicht es aus, die nächstgelegene Alternatifbank A.Ş. Wenn Sie eine Kreditkarte beantragen, müssen Sie nur Ihren Personalausweis fotokopieren und das von der Zweigstelle bereitgestellte Kreditkartenantragsformular ausfüllen. Nach dem Ausfüllen des Formulars erhalten Sie Ihren Kreditkartenantrag, nachdem Sie ihn beim zuständigen Bankangestellten eingereicht haben. Sobald Ihre Daten überprüft wurden, wird Ihre Kreditkarte vom Kurier herausgenommen und an Ihre Adresse geliefert. Wenn Sie zum Zeitpunkt der Zustellung nicht anwesend sind, kommt die Karte zur Bank zurück. In diesem Fall können Sie die Nummer 444 00 55 anrufen, um Ihre Karte an Sie zurückzusenden. Die Kreditkarte wird zum Einkaufen geschlossen. Also, wenn die Karte Ihre Hand erreicht; Im Nachrichtenbereich Ihres Mobiltelefons müssen Sie "KKSİFRE ıp" eingeben und ein Leerzeichen lassen und die letzten 4 Ziffern der Karte und die Sicherheitsnummer auf der Rückseite an 4055 senden. Anschließend erhalten Sie das Passwort Ihrer Karte, das Sie erhalten wird für Ihre Einkäufe verwenden. Dann können Sie zur nächstgelegenen ALTERNATİFBANK A.Ş. ATM und ändern Sie Ihr Passwort, wie Sie möchten. Bei unveränderten Passwörtern gibt das POS-Gerät beim ersten Einkauf in den ersten drei Versuchen einen Fehler aus. Beim vierten Versuch wird Ihr Passwort in die Karte eingegeben und Ihre Transaktion wird bestätigt. Um dies zu vermeiden, ändern Sie Ihr Passwort am besten von Ihrem Geldautomaten aus, nachdem Sie Ihr Passwort erhalten haben. Ihre Kreditkartenabrechnung wird monatlich in der von Ihnen während Ihrer Bewerbung angeforderten Richtung an Ihre Adresse gesendet, entweder per E-Mail oder schriftlich. Die Zahlungswege der ALTERNATİFBANK A.Ş, über die Sie Ihre Kreditkartenschulden begleichen können, lauten wie folgt: ALTERNATİFBANKZWEIG ALTERNATİFBANK ATM ALTERNATİFBANK-INTERNETZWEIG PTT ONLINE-NIEDERLASSUNGEN HALKBANK-NIEDERLASSUNG UND HALKBANK-ATM Sie müssen keine zusätzliche Gebühr für Ihre Kreditkartenzahlungen in PTT-Online-Filialen und an HALKBANK-Geldautomaten entrichten. Alternatifbank – Dokumente zur Beantragung eines Bankdarlehens Bedürfnisse begegnen uns in allen Bereichen des Lebens und bringen uns zum Nachdenken. AlternatifBank A.Ş. hingegen findet mit geeigneten Darlehen Lösungen für unser Problem, um Ihren Bedürfnissen gerecht zu werden. Es ist möglich, Darlehen in Bereichen zu beantragen, die mit Ihren Bedürfnissen im Zusammenhang stehen, und zwar unter den Bezeichnungen Bildung, Bedürfnisse, Fahrzeug- und Wohnungsbaukredite. Um jedoch auf dem von uns benötigten Gebiet Kredite zu erhalten, müssen der Bank einige Dokumente über die Person vorgelegt werden, die den Kredit in Anspruch nehmen wird. Da diese Dokumente reale Informationen über die wirtschaftliche und soziale Situation des Kreditnehmers enthalten, kann die Bank den Kreditgeber näher kennenlernen. Mit diesen Dokumenten reagiert die Bank positiv oder negativ auf den Kunden, der das Darlehen nutzen möchte. Erforderliche Dokumente für den Kreditantrag der Alternatifbank A.Ş. wohingegen; Geburtsurkunde Dokument Ihrer registrierten Adresse Einkommensnachweis (Lohn oder Pacht usw.) Wird dem Wohnungsbaudarlehen der zur Immobilie gehörende Ball abgenommen, werden 0 km Proformarechnung für das Fahrzeug ausgestellt Nachdem Sie die oben genannten Dokumente erstellt haben, können Sie die gewünschte Darlehensart problemlos bei Ihrer nächsten Alternatifbank A.Ş. beantragen. Zweigstelle und Sie können Ihr Darlehen erhalten, nachdem Ihr Antrag genehmigt wird. Alternatifbank – Abank Loan Zinssätze Wie bei allen Banken gibt es einen Zinsantrag für die Kredite, die Sie bei der Alternatifbank A.Ş. Für allgemeine Darlehen, Wohnungsbaudarlehen und Fahrzeugdarlehen Alternatifbank-Darlehenszinssatz Für das Jahr 2018 2,79 wie bestimmt. Zusätzlich fallen Gebühren für die eingesetzten Credits an. Zusätzliche Gebühren sind wie folgt; Verbraucherkredit – 50 TL, Lebensversicherung 77 TL Fahrzeugdarlehen – Kreditverteilungsgebühr 100 TL, Lebensversicherung 75 TL Wohnungsbaudarlehen – Kreditverteilungsgebühr 500 TL, Lebensversicherung 493 TL, Hypothek 500 TL, Expertise 690 TL Alternatifbank – Wohnungsbaudarlehensantrag Einer der Träume jeder Familie ist es, Gastgeber zu sein. Um jedoch ein Hausbesitzer zu sein, müssen Sie entweder eine lange Zeit angesammelt haben oder ein Hausdarlehen verwenden, um Ihr Traumhaus zu bekommen. Leider fällt es uns schwer, Einsparungen bei unseren Lebensbedingungen zu erzielen, und zu unserer Rettung werden immer mehr Wohnungsbaudarlehen vergeben. Es ist eine der zuverlässigen Banken der Alternatifbank A.Ş., die es ihnen ermöglicht, ihre Träume in kurzer Zeit zu verwirklichen, indem sie ihren Kunden, die von einem Eigenheim träumen, Wohnungskredite gewähren. Wenn Sie ein Haus besitzen und eine Hypothek für diesen Zweck nutzen möchten, können Sie die nächste Alternatifbank-Filiale aufsuchen und detaillierte Informationen zu Ihrer Hypothek erhalten. Mit den entsprechenden Zahlungsmöglichkeiten können Sie sowohl Ihr Wohnungsbaudarlehen bezahlen als auch in kurzer Zeit dieses Traumhaus haben. Alternatifbank A.Ş Wohnungsbaudarlehen Kurz ausgesprochene Information für; Reife: 3- 120 Monate Fonds und Steuern: KKDF und BSMV werden im Wohnungsbaudarlehen nicht berücksichtigt. Versicherung: Für Wohnungsbaudarlehen ist eine Lebensversicherung erforderlich. Die Höhe des verwendeten Kredits kann je nach Alter und Geschlecht der Person variieren. Wohnungsbaudarlehen werden in TL angegeben. Alternatif Bank – Informationen zur Antragstellung Kunden, die Wohnungsbaudarlehen, allgemeine Darlehen und Fahrzeugdarlehen in Betracht ziehen, können vorläufige Informationen zu den Darlehen erhalten, indem sie die Internetadresse der Alternatifbank A.Ş. oder die Nummer 444 00 55 über den Kundendienst anrufen. Ausführlichere Informationen erhalten Sie jedoch bei der nächstgelegenen Alternatifbank A.Ş. Filiale und finde Antworten auf alle Fragen, die du stellen möchtest, oder frage nach der Art der Gutschrift, die du von autorisierten Kundenberatern erhalten möchtest. Die nächstgelegene Filiale erfahren Sie durch Eingabe unserer Internetadresse. Alternatifbank A.Ş. Die Filialen sind werktags von 09:00 bis 17:00 Uhr geöffnet und am Wochenende nicht besetzt. 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