#thaï boys love
nbvcx12 · 9 months
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Mohk and Day are so cute
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forevertry79 · 1 year
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AVATARS 400x640px | Jeff Satur (Acteur/chanteur Thaïlandais) 
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Thaïs (La Scala, 2022): Reactions, Part I
another day, another olivier py production
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yup! it’s an olivier py production alright!
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the monks have apparently invested in neon lighting
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despite this, we have some almost vienna levels of lighting
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that’s better also why not use dreams as ways to estimate ETA i guess
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also what’s with the boys’ school uniforms
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secondhand catholic guilt
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this is not going to be the triumph you think it is, athanaël
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“for the record: i’m telling you this is a bad idea”
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it’s the little musical moments like these chords and texturing right here that make massenet a genius
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very sleep much comfortable
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athanaël: what the malarkey
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“send help”
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“dude litchrally i’m poor and you’re a monk aren’t y’all supposed to help the poor”
“i’m now going to physically assault you”
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dude you didn’t even see thaïs. you saw a random woman without a shirt on. stop deluding yourself.
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Area Baritone Sings Magnificently And Loves The Floor A La Jonas
(“savannah that is prostration, a catholic religious ritual thing.” i am aware. let me be a little facetious.)
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bouncer in the house
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Area Baritone Gives Entire City Bad Yelp Rating (while continuing to sing MAGNIFICENTLY)
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nicias’ outfit is a VIBE happy pride month everyone
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like come on. fabulous. (also this tenor is GOOD)
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“well i’m homophobic so.”
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when even the LEAD (ish) TENOR tells you not to do something, perhaps you should not do that thing
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it’s giving cabaret vibes
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“you think he’s a hot priest like fleabag?”
“i mean…”
“one, please stop. two, i’m a monk not a priest.”
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“okay now it just feels like you’re making fun of me :/“
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i always love this makeover scene (even though there really wasn’t much of a makeover here and also the tempo was kinda weird)
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“tomorrow i will be nothing more to you than a name…” that line always hits different
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he’s Conflicted TM
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okay but for real aside from the scene itself, the music is just so HOT
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“i get you’re trying to ruin the vibe but really you’re just making it more interesting so haha”
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she reads him like a BOOK
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and a parting challenge!
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
Do you play any sport ?
bro i'm sorry the answer is going to be 45meters long cuz i played every sports on earth 💀 no but i'll stick to the ones i did the most and for a long time
first, i played football in a club since i was 5 until 11 because in france, at 11 the girls cannot play in the boys teams anymore and there was no girl team around 💔 i still play football with my friends tho but not as seriously as before. to remplace football, i did athletics cuz i loved running 😭
i'm also doing karate since i'm 8!! it's probably the one that makes me feel the best and i learned sm things through it. it's a different mindset than some other combat sport because it's a martial art. i think i got a lot of my values and principles from this. i also used to do muay thaï and i loved it </3 but i didn't do it for more than two years cuz i was doing too much sport at the same time 💀
annnnd finally i'll stop with dance!! i learned it on my own at first then i took hip hop classes and now i'm taking waacking classes 🤞🏼
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zoomboyslove · 3 years
Teaser What Zabb Man ! At JapanExpoThailand
Y Moment of BankBonus and PeterBoss
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bounpassion · 3 years
💠Album Boun Noppanut💠
Twitter Update July 27, 2021
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areyouokaayy · 5 years
WHY? Tin and Can. What is This end? Season 2?? Im crying
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nerdferatum · 3 years
😭 (Describe their worst Valentine’s day.) , 🌹 (What sort of day would they plan for their love interest?) , and 💔 (Have they ever had their heart broken?) for Thaïs Wiseman, please?
Thank you for the ask!
Thaïs worst Valentine's day was right after she broke up with her first boyfriend. This ties with the only time she would admit to be left heartbroken. She is uncomfortable knowing everyone has an easy access to her mind and when she found out that boy was using his abilities to do stuff for her without putting the effort into knowing her, she was hurt. It felt like he was tricking her and he didn't really respect her. She isn't an optimistic person, but she still expected the person she was with to acknowledge her boundaries and wanting to know her.
On a more happy note, she would be so excited to spend valentine's day with Gray! She would be nervous at first, though, because it is a big deal. Since they know each other for years, they would have a chill evening at home, trying to get him to cook and talking until late at night. Thaïs doesn't need a big show to feel loved.
Emoji Valentine's Asks
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monotonous-minutia · 4 years
Cendrillon (Met 2018)
Started last night, fell asleep halfway through (it was a weird day), the post somehow survived without being saved and here we are.
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I wonder if there are any spoilers on the walls.
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POWER TO THE TROUSER ROLES mezzos rule (I know that’s not what he meant but given there’s a trouser mezzo in this opera I can’t help but wonder if it’s a pun)
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second time I’ve seen her as Cinderella and so far Massenet’s is more depressing than Rossini’s
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okay this is a bit trippy
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I love her so much
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those horses area liiiiittle creepy
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Prince is sassy
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okay that ballet or whatever was super weird and a little disturbing tbh
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and it’s just going to keep getting weirder isn’t it
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he’s having it about as much as I am
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now things are happening very quickly also I’m getting a lot of Greek Chorus vibes from this piece
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what am i supposed to focus on i can’t keep my eyes off either of these two i think my head is going to explode
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yeah definitely more depressing also subtitles please quit it with the question marks, this is week 16 you should have it figured out by now
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the choreography just keeps getting weirder but Kim was made for this role so I can forgive it I suppose
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wait what
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but apparently you don’t get a name
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hello goodbye i’m dead
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so wait that WASN’T the happy ending?
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oh dang well that happened also what is it with these French bass-baritone dads that just stand there while their children lie dying on the ground
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cause of death two mezzos being insanely adorable and in love
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sure mom, sure
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I mean you had me going there for a while also Lucette’s smile ahhh
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meta af
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come on cowards let your mezzos kiss onstage
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I still love her despite her unexpected moral ambiguity
This was my first time with this opera and it was very interesting. A lot of unexpected twists and turns and very depressing at points; it’s been a while since I’ve read the original original fairy tale so I’m not sure if it’s going for greater accuracy or if Henri Cain likes torturing audiences or if Massent’s music just lends itself best to depressing (the only other operas of his I’ve seen/heard are Thaïs and Werther so).
The fact that the Prince is a mezzo though sold me 1000% because, well, you know me...
I kinda want to talk to the choreographer to see what exactly was going through their mind with this production because the dance sequences were super weird and (as mentioned above) a little disturbing...like at one point it insinuated that they ate the Prince...which...how does one come up with that, let alone have the place of mind to pull it off...
the set was interesting though, with all the text on the walls from the story. It really lent itself well to the surreal sound of the music (which was fantastic at evoking the fairy tale feel) and the strange, extremely flowery libretto. The costumes for the supers were pretty Extra and I get they were going for a comic feeling but it was kind of distracting and didn’t really suit the more somber feel of this piece.
even if the production had been terrible though it still would have been worth it because this cast was phenomenal. Like a production with just one of them would have sold me but ALL FOUR IN ONE PLACE like seriously it was a diva awesomeness overload and that might have been part of the reason I couldn’t finish it in one sitting.
For one thing, Joyce DiDonato pretty much owns the role of Cinderella now in any incarnation and it may be my personal opinion or it could be fact, who knows. I can’t get over how amazing and versatile she is and that voice and her face and she’s so cute and her acting is on point and her expressions and her chemistry with the other performers and and and ahhhhhhhhhhhh she pulled off the smol sweet fragile tiny adorable sad selfless spritely little Cinderella so well and I died.
Kathleen Kim as the Fairy Godmother was a stroke of genius. She was so PRETTY and her voice matches the character perfectly and all her little quirks and expressions really portrayed the depth of this character who was a very surprising incarnation. She’s not the totally sweet, altruistic fairy that we’re used to. Idk what her whole plan was, or her motives, of if it’s just a French Opera Thing that everything has to be more complicated and it’s not complete if all the heroes aren’t at the brink of death at some point, but whatever the reasoning, Kim OWNED it and despite my initial disbelief at the unexpected twist she convinced me. I don’t think just anyone could pull that off. Kim is something special.
I haven’t seen her in as many things but imo Alice Coote is one of the best trouser mezzos. I don’t really get into gendered appearances or ways of moving around because gender is fluid and not binary etc. etc. but for the sake of storytelling and character portrayals DANG (WO)MAN she nails it to the point that if I see her in an interview or something offstage I invariably think “Oh, what, she’s not actually a boy” ALSO she is just EXTREMELY cute and sassy and I love her expressions and pretty much everything about her so yeah. Also I can’t express my nerdy happiness that the two leads are mezzos. But also frustration because excuse me, it’s not a fairy tale if the prince and princess don’t kiss at the end, that’s like the whole point, and I’m pretty sure if he’d been a tenor they’d let it happen, but god forbid we get the tiniest bit of gay onstage.
And Stephanie Blythe--I keep seeing her in all these incredibly different roles and keep thinking at some point she’s not going to be able to pull it off because they’re all so different and then I keep getting more impressed because she does pull it off and then I feel bad for doubting her. This evil stepmother also had a surprising ending and I couldn’t tell if it was supposed to be funny or ironic or maybe both, but, like Kim, Blythe was excellent at capturing the ambiguity.
sooooo anyway that’s me nerding out about my divas and I’d give the production 3/5 probably, points taken for the weird costumes and disturbing ballet sequences and not letting the ladies kiss onstage. But the cast gets 100/5 because, well, if you got this far you know why.
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sorasfishing · 4 years
#Noctislistening - Jou Edition (4 of 12)
#noctislistening digidestined series for more!
Brought to you by @earlgreymon​‘s Digidestined FM and @tangledupblue​‘s Digidestined-inspired playlists. Go listen right now!!
I must say I needed Jou’s musical vibes these past few weeks. There’s a lot going on and I hope things slow down for me soon. But at least I got my music to give me solace!
Last time, we had a dance party with Miyako (#3). Next up, we will bop to the beats with Koushiro (#5)!
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This is really for the OTP. One True Partner - Gomamon!!!
Digidestined FM (Jou version) @earlgreymon​
I had only heard of Kings of Convenience but never really got into them. At my university I explored radio broadcasting so for a few semesters I was a radio host at the university’s indie radio station - so I heard a lot of music in the same realm. (*cue younger Noct borrowing many CDs and burning them onto her laptop to find a new band to like*)
Anyway, other than bringing me back to those days, this song, “Cayman Islands” is incredibly zen. 
Sleeping At Last has a similar sound. In fact, so do the other artists and music mentioned for Jou. I listened to “Saturn” by this band - it’s my favorite planet. :D
It’s been a while since I’ve listened to The Civil Wars, but I liked them and I was sad that they broke up. :( For this playlist, I listened to “The One That Got Away”.
I remember listening to one Sigur Ros’s songs years ago but I confess I forget the name of the song x( I liked it though, lol. A friend sent it to me! So I listened to “ Glósóli”.
Of the artists that Takeru recommended to Jou (other than Sleeping At Last) I am more familiar! MIKA is so much fun! I was in love with his first album when it first came out, and I had the pleasure of getting my “I love you MIKA” sign getting stolen by the man himself! lmao.
For this playlist I decided to play “Popular” featuring Ariana Grande, but I must admit I haven’t followed him much after his 2nd album, though like with many artists I’ve been listening to in these headcanons, I would love to listen to more of his stuff!
James Arthur has one of those swoon-worthy voices :) I listened to “Falling Like the Stars” but I know him more from his “Say You Won’t Let Go”, and his X-Factor videos on Youtube *starry eyes here*
Seal of Approval @tangledupblue​
Boy’s got classical music and ocean/rain sounds?! This playlist is incredibly relaxing and calming. Perfect for Jou who needs it when it comes to being so hardworking in his studies and eventually in his medical profession - things that can cause high levels of stress.
Many of these artists I wasn’t really into but I learned to appreciate them more now in recent years, mainly for their soft beats and soothing sounds. :)
Naming my top 6!
Debussy - Claire de Lune // I kid you not, this is one of my favorite classical pieces of all time. I got to play this with my high school wind ensemble. I love this to bits!! (Note: there are so many versions of this - piano, orchestral, acoustic - I love them ALL)
Kina Grannis - Beyond the Sea // I don’t remember how I came across her, but I ended up listening to all of her music and I love her chill vibe and her voice is so soothing! 
Thaïs - Méditation
Enya - Orinoco Flow
The 1975 - Medicine // Aww! This is a pretty song ;_;
Ane Brun - Alfonsina y el Mar // This one is really lovely, I love her voice with the strings and the piano in the background <3
If the title doesn’t tell you already, with this playlist Gomamon knows that Jou loves him as much as he loves Jou!  💙 💙 💙
Are you in a sea of calm right now? Tell me your favorites from Jou’s playlists!
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nbvcx12 · 9 months
So I am watching the Bl last twilight omg this is so good I love the development of character of Mohk and Day
I really like that Day is not treated like he is a kid
I want a Mohk for myself 😭
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Parsifal (Met, 2013): Reactions, Part II
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd we’re back!!!
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...you okay there???
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Kundry deserves better
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there is no one worse than someone who thinks they know something when they don’t and refuses to admit it and instead spreads misinformation (not the context of this, but this line made me think of that)
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seriously this is just so cool
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oh WOW
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flooding the stage with blood is just...SUCH a cool directorial power move
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hi Jonas!!!
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with gorgeous ladies singing music like that, I would HAVE to come
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the ladies are a mood
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this feels kinda like a dream to me
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so does she just know all this stuff because she’s a sorceress and she can Do That???
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Jonas in his natural habitat again
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marvelous marvelous MARVELOUS
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hoo boy
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well DAMN
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pretty sure that’s just Extreme Catholic Guilt TM but DAMN this music
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and you have lived to tell the tale
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dude she’s right there also I’m pretty sure she was forced to seduce Amfortas
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“hello my name is Kundry and today I will be auditioning for the role of Lucia Ashton”
(seriously though this is a great monologue)
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she deserves so much better
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I love the look
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so this just spontaneously became Thaïs
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uh oh
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great HE’S back
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oh shit Parsifal has it now
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I cannot wait to see what these two do next
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and now for the journey back
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m05mo · 4 years
Here is literally every BL I've watched:
Have watched:
2 moons (ep 12)
2 moons 2 (ep 12)
3 will be free (ep 10)
Cause you're my boy/ My tee (ep 12)
Kiss me again (ep 14)
Dark blue kiss (ep 12)
My dear loser: Edge of 17 (ep 9)
Grey rainbow (ep 4)
He's coming to me (ep 8)
I am your king (ep 5)
I am your king 2 (ep 10)
Love by chance (ep 14)
Love sick S1 (ep 12)
Love sick S2 (ep 36)
Make it right S1 (ep 12)
Make it right S2 (ep 14)
Make it live : on the beach (ep 6)
My bromance (2016)(ep 12)
My dream: the series (ep 12)
Night time (ep 3)
Our skyy (ep 5)
Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey S1 (ep 6)
Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey S2 (ep 8)
Reminders (ep 3)
Tharntype (ep 12
Theory of love (ep 12)
The best twins (ep 8)
The effect (ep 3)
Together with me S1 (ep 13)
Together with me S2 (ep 13)
Until we meet again (ep 17)
Waterboyy (ep 14)
What the duck S1 (ep 20)
What the duck S2 (ep 8)
Why r u (ep 13)
Addicted heroin (ep 15)
Advance bravely (ep 30)
Beloved enemy (ep 15)
Dark blue and moonlight (ep 12)
History 1: my hero (ep 4)
History 1: stay away from me(ep 4)
History 1: obsessed (ep4)
History 2: right and wrong (ep8)
History 2: cross the line (ep 8)
History 3: Trapped (ep 20)
History 3: Make our days count (ep 20)
The Untamed (ep 50)
Till death tear us apart (ep 15)
The boy next door (ep 15)
Currently watching:
My Engineer
En of Love: Love Mechanics
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bounpassion · 4 years
♠️ Album Boun style ♥️
Stop to be so handsome 😺
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Source Twitter Fanbase
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rufinagertrude · 5 years
💐🌿🌺🌼 and 💫 for Nike boy!
💐How does your OC handle being unwell or forced to rest in bed? Who cares for them and in what ways? Does your OC enjoy being doted on or are they a terrible patient? Reversed: is your OC good at taking care of others who are ill or in need?
   Depends on how sick/what kind of sick he is. But he either hates the doting and is gonna grumble and ‘he can take care of himself, get off his dick,’, or he refuses to leave the blankets and wants physical comfort as opposed to much else. As in he will refuse any other care and not do it himself either. Usually the deciding factor is whether or not there is a fever. So he’s either cranky and sniffly and grumbly and taking care of himself OR he’s sleepy and cuddly and refuses care. A terrible patient either way. 
   His bedside manner is a lil rough. But he’s there, and he made soup, what else do you want from him? Needy ass fucker.
🌿What way does your OC show that they care without using words? What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech?
   A fair bit of Nike’s love language is ‘inclusion’/’quality time’ - he makes time or makes room for you. Wants you to feel involved. And he’s not much of a pda freak, but there’s a noticeable difference in how much physical affection friends/family get and how much others get. Namely in that they are actually permitted to touch and be touched without fuss.
🌺What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
   Well, if it’s a normal person nightmare, usually he’ll ration himself up/out of it. He’ll do this absolutely while simultaneously pulling his absolutely non-existent blankie closer, or climbing out of bed to busy his hands.
   If it’s a trauma nightmare, well. Cold shower and alcohol is usually his go-to.
🌼Who are this character’s friends and found family? How did they meet, how long have they been friends for, could they ever be something more than just friends? What do they look for in a friend or a romantic partner?
   Nike doesn’t have a particularly huge close social circle - but he’s decidedly attached to all those in it. Thaïs is his closest friend, whom is only a couple months older than him, and like, the second person outside of his family he’s introduced to, being the child of his da’s childhood buddies. They grew up together. They could absolutely never be ‘more than friends’, but it doesn’t stop em from batting their lashes in jest. The only other friend of his I really have in head is one he actually met while competing against in some function as a kid. She’s not particularly fleshed out, and I know she took work a fair distance away after a while.
   Things like ambition and wits are things he tends to look for in his social circle, and likewise in romantic partners. No fun having people around who you can’t have a decent convo with. No fun having people with no drive to succeed and thrive around.
💫What is your favourite fact about this character and why?
   HM. Maybe the fact that he, like all dragos, is a huge baby abt the cold. But lowkey I think he’s a bigger baby abt it than most.
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👀- mun eyecolor? | 🏄- mun’s favorite hobbies? |🍔- favourite food?
Thank you
👀- mun eyecolor? 
The boring brown ;v; people tell me it’s such a deep, dark brown it’s almost black actually
🏄- mun’s favorite hobbies?    
hmm I love to go on long walks, to go hiking. I also like to draw from time to time. And of course, writing, even though I used to be very… “strict” with myself for the latter, to the point it became unbearable and I stopped writing for a long time. Now I’m trying again, but I’m being more gentle with myself, I’m putting less efforts into my writing, for it to stay something I can enjoy doing rather than some sort of… torture fkgj
🍔- favourite food?  
By far, italian and indian… and chinese/thaï. Though the last few years, I’m being almost completely vegetarian ( “almost” because I’m still eating chicken, fish and shrimps though.) Oh boy and deep fried food. Deep fried food is the most delicious food ever. Bless whoever first thought of frying food… (even though they are dead now =‘) ).
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