#bankruptcy raleigh
weiklawoffice · 2 years
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What Happens to Your Savings Accounts if You File for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
In general, you don’t have to worry about your savings and checking accounts if you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Raleigh, NC.
You can even open new bank accounts as long as the court approves it. You can even have your Chapter 13 payments deducted automatically from your bank account to make the process more convenient.
However, Chapter 13 debtors are not completely immune to having their bank accounts garnished.
Here’s a closer look at what you need to know about your savings and checking accounts if you’re considering Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Raleigh, NC.
Chapter 13 Protects Your Bank Account Funds (in Most Cases)
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is often called a “reorganization” bankruptcy because it allows debtors to reorganize their debts and create a repayment plan to pay back their creditors over time.
Unlike Chapter 7, which liquidates your assets to pay off your debts, Chapter 13 lets you keep your property and assets. This includes your savings and checking accounts
In some cases, Chapter 13 may also allow you to keep funds in your bank account in excess of the exemption amount. The caveat is that you’ll need to work these excess funds into your Chapter 13 repayment plan.
Banks, Credit Unions & the “Set-Off” Privilege
While Chapter 13 bankruptcy offers protection for your bank account funds, it’s not 100% immune from creditors.
Namely, banks and credit unions have what’s called the “set-off” privilege. This allows them to take funds out of your account to pay off any debts you owe them.
This is particularly common among credit union members, who usually have auto loans, personal loans, mortgages, and other debts with their credit unions in addition to their checking and savings accounts.
Still, that doesn’t mean they can just take funds anytime they want from your accounts. If you’re concerned about this happening to you, please mention it during your free consultation with Attorney Weik.
What NOT To Do If You Have Bank Accounts & Are Considering Chapter 13
Chapter 13 has powerful protections in place for debtors – as long as you avoid sabotaging your own filing in the first place.
Never do the following to your bank accounts if you plan on filing for Chapter 13 in Raleigh:
Don’t make any large deposits or withdrawals without consulting with your Weik bankruptcy attorney first.
Don’t try to hide any assets by transferring them to friends or family members. This is considered fraud and can result in jail time.
Don’t close or open any bank accounts without prior approval from the court.
Don’t sign over any bank accounts to anyone else without court permission.
Don’t take out new loans or lines of credit without first informing Attorney Weik and getting court permission.
There are other things to avoid doing as well – which is why it’s always best to consult with a knowledgeable Raleigh Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney before taking any action.
Call Weik Law Office today at 919-845-7721 for a free consultation, and set up a time to speak with one of our friendly professionals. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
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datascraping001 · 5 months
Bankruptcy Email Lists
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A comprehensive database of contact information for individuals and businesses who have recently filed for bankruptcy is available through the Bankruptcy Email Lists and Bankruptcy Mailing Lists. Businesses and organizations can use these Bankruptcy Email Lists to reach out to potential customers and clients who might need bankruptcy-related legal or financial services. Bankruptcy Email Lists is available in USA, UK, Canada, France, UAE, Australia, Germany and Europe. To ensure the highest quality of information, our Bankruptcy Email Lists are accurate, up-to-date and regularly verified. Businesses can effectively target and market to individuals and businesses who have recently experienced financial difficulties with our Bankruptcy Email Lists and Bankruptcy Mailing Lists.
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gadgetsforusesblog · 1 year
The family behind First Citizens Bank has seen its wealth double to $2.2 billion after buying SVB's assets out of bankruptcy
A branch of First Citizens Bank in Raleigh, North Carolina. First Citizens Bank has acquired assets from Silicon Valley Bank.Melissa Sue Gerrits/Getty Images The family behind First Citizens Bank has seen its fortunes soar since buying SVB’s assets. CEO Frank Holding Jr. and his sisters’ combined wealth has doubled to $2.2 billion, according to Bloomberg. The Holding family has bought more…
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newstfionline · 2 years
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Ordinary Investors Who Jumped Into Crypto Are Saying: Now What? (NYT) In early November, Adrian Butkus, a 43-year-old father of two, put $600,000—much of his life savings—into an account at BlockFi, a cryptocurrency trading firm. BlockFi had marketed the account as risk free, yielding 6.5 percent interest, more than Mr. Butkus could get anywhere else. Just days later, as the collapse of the cryptocurrency exchange FTX shook the entire crypto industry, Mr. Butkus asked BlockFi for his money back. But the firm had suspended customer withdrawals, citing its close financial ties to FTX. By late November, BlockFi, too, had filed for bankruptcy. Mr. Butkus doesn’t know when—or if—he will see his money again. He is one of millions of individual investors around the world who poured money into digital assets, believing the cryptocurrency industry was a stable financial system. They were cleareyed about the volatility and big price swings of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. But what has come as a big surprise to many is that the firms where they deposited their money lacked the basic protections offered by a brokerage or a bank.
US power grid has long faced terror threat (AP) Investigators believe a shooting that damaged power substations in North Carolina was a crime. What they haven’t named yet is a suspect or a motive. Whatever the reason, the shooting serves as a reminder of why experts have stressed the need to secure the U.S. power grid. Authorities have warned that the nation’s electricity infrastructure could be vulnerable targets for domestic terrorists. Tens of thousands of people lost their electricity over the weekend after one or more people opened fire on two Duke Energy substations in Moore County, which is roughly 60 miles southwest of Raleigh. In January, a U.S. Department of Homeland Security report warned that domestic extremists have been developing “credible, specific plans” to attack electricity infrastructure since at least 2020. The DHS report warns that extremists “adhering to a range of ideologies will likely continue to plot and encourage physical attacks against electrical infrastructure.” The department wrote that attackers would be unlikely to produce widespread, multistate outages without inside help. But its report cautioned that an attack could still do damage and cause injuries.
Colleges Give Inaccurate Price Details in Financial-Aid Letters (WSJ) A federal watchdog is calling for Congress to establish tighter regulations on how colleges and universities describe their financial-aid packages, saying the information most schools now share with students and families is woefully inadequate and even misleading. The U.S. Government Accountability Office said the aid letters that are supposed to lay out tuition, fees and other expenses, and what grants, loans and other financing options are available to cover those costs, lack crucial information that would allow families to compare institutions. At their worst, some financial aid offer letters lead students to enroll in schools they can’t afford.
Honduras suspends rights in 2 big cities amid gang crackdown (AP) Honduras became the second country in Central America to impose a state of exception suspending some constitutional rights to help fight street gangs when a decree took effect Monday. The extraordinary measures target the capital Tegucigalpa and the northern business hub of San Pedro Sula, which have both struggled under the sway of powerful gangs like Barrio 18 and MS-13. The decree published Monday will last one month, but lawmakers will have the ability to extend it, something that has happened repeatedly in El Salvador since a state of exception was imposed in March.
He Vowed to Transform Rural Peru. Instead He’s Facing His Third Impeachment. (NYT) At a livestock market high in the Andes Mountains in northern Peru, Estaurofila Cieza recalled the joy that erupted in the region when a fellow campesino, or poor farmer, was elected president last year. “Everyone celebrated. Every last one of us,” Ms. Cieza said. “We thought, ‘finally, someone who knows what it is to work the land.’” Last year, Pedro Castillo became Peru’s first left-wing president in more than a generation after campaigning on promises to address the poverty that rural Peruvians have long disproportionately suffered, and which worsened under the pandemic. But today he is engulfed in crisis with questions multiplying about whether his presidency will survive. In less than a year and a half in office, Mr. Castillo has named five different cabinets, faced six criminal investigations and, on Wednesday, confronts a third impeachment attempt in Congress, which the Peruvian leader has threatened to dissolve. Peru’s young democracy has already been hobbled by years of high-level corruption scandals resulting in five presidents since 2016. Mr. Castillo’s tenure has only deepened the sense that the country’s political system is broken.
Argentine VP Cristina Fernández guilty, 6 years for fraud (AP) Argentine Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner was convicted and sentenced Tuesday to 6 years in prison and a lifetime ban from holding public office for a fraud scheme that embezzled $1 billion through public works projects during her presidency. A three-judge panel found the Peronist leader guilty of fraud, but rejected a charge of running a criminal organization, for which the sentence could have been 12 years in prison. It’s the first time an Argentine vice president has been convicted of a crime while in office. The sentence isn’t firm until appeals are decided, a process that could take years. She’ll remains immune from arrest meanwhile, as long as she can keep getting elected. Her supporters vowed to paralyze the country with a nationwide strike. They clogged downtown Buenos Aires and marched on the federal court building, beating drums and shouting as they pressed against police barriers.
Germans Have Seen the Future, and It’s a Heat Pump (NYT) After decades of heating their homes with relatively cheap Russian natural gas, Germans are facing exorbitant prices for energy. The search is on for an alternative source of warmth that is climate-friendly and free from natural gas. Enter, the heat pump. Using a technology that dates to the 1970s, these boxy machines have suddenly been embraced across Germany—so much so that heat pumps are often sold out, and the wait for a qualified installer can last months. The German government is among the fans. “This is the technology of the future,” Robert Habeck, the minister for the economy, told reporters last month while announcing a government plan to promote heat pumps. “To achieve our goals, we want to get to six million customers by 2030,” Mr. Habeck said. Heat pumps work like a reverse air-conditioner, using a large fan that draws air past tubes with refrigerant to extract warmth from the outside environment. The cost for the electricity needed to power a heat pump is about 35 percent cheaper than natural gas, according to Verivox, a company that compares energy prices for German consumers. The savings are even greater for those who can run their heat pumps off solar panels.
Germany’s Scholz: We must avoid dividing world into Cold War-style blocs (Reuters) German Chancellor Olaf Scholz warned against creating a new Cold War by dividing the world into blocs and called for every effort to be made to build new partnerships, writing in an opinion piece for Foreign Affairs magazine published online on Monday. The West must stand up for democratic values and protect open societies, “but we must also avoid the temptation to once again divide the world into blocs,” wrote Scholz in the piece. “This means making every effort to build new partnerships, pragmatically and without ideological blinders,” he added. “Germans are intent on becoming the guarantor of European security that our allies expect us to be, a bridge builder within the European Union and an advocate for multilateral solutions to global problems,” wrote Scholz.
Support slipping for indefinite U.S. aid to Ukraine, poll finds (Washington Post) A strong majority of Americans continue to support sending arms and economic aid to Ukraine, according to a poll released Monday. But as the conflict drags into winter, Americans are divided over whether Washington should push Ukraine to reach a negotiated peace as soon as possible. More than two-thirds of respondents back supplying Ukraine with weapons and economic assistance, and about three-quarters support accepting Ukrainian refugees and sanctioning Russia, according to the survey conducted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs last month. But with Russia’s war in Ukraine in its 10th month, and no end in sight, Americans are split over whether Washington should urge Ukraine to reach a peace settlement with Russia imminently, the survey found. 47 percent say Washington should push Kyiv to reach a peace settlement soon.
Blocked By The European Bloc (CNN) On Monday, one of the West’s biggest financial attacks against Russia took effect. The E.U. has now stopped buying most of Russia’s crude oil exports, a move that was also accompanied by a price cap on Russian crude exports by G7 countries. This cap allows countries like China and India to continue buying Russian crude, but limits the Kremlin’s revenues to $60 per barrel. Europe normally gets roughly a third of all its oil imports from Russia, so the embargo shows just how dedicated the E.U. is to piling financial pressure on Moscow. Europe will no longer accept any Russian oil imported by sea, the most common way that Russian oil makes its way to the bloc. In 2021, it imported roughly $50.7 billion worth of crude oil and $24.3 billion of refined oil, about two-thirds of which came in by sea.
China bids farewell to ex-leader Jiang and his era of relative openness (Washington Post) Top Chinese Communist Party officials gathered in Beijing on Tuesday for a memorial service to honor former president Jiang Zemin, in a display of unity and strength at a time when Chinese leader Xi Jinping faces widespread frustration over his strict coronavirus restrictions and iron-fisted rule. The Tuesday morning ceremony at the towering Great Hall of the People in central Beijing concludes a week of national mourning. News of Jiang’s death Nov. 30, from leukemia and multiple organ failure at age 96, came as Chinese security forces were cracking down on frustrated and mostly young urban residents who took to the streets in more than a dozen cities to protest primarily against “zero covid” restrictions, but also Xi’s repressive politics. In the Jiang era the country hit its highest pace of growth, there was a relatively open cultural, if not political, atmosphere, and the relationship with the United States was mostly improving.
In Sweeping New Law, Indonesia Outlaws Sex Outside of Marriage (NYT) Indonesia, the world’s third-largest democracy, cleared a sweeping overhaul of its criminal code on Tuesday, outlawing sex outside of marriage, defamation of the president and sharply expanding its laws against blasphemy. The new rules, which also apply to foreigners in the country, have drawn criticism from human rights activists, businesspeople and students. Opponents also said that the rules threatened the global reputation that Indonesia, which has the world’s largest Muslim population, has built as a tolerant, widely secular nation. The raft of changes come after a rise in religious conservatism in the Muslim-majority country.
Rebels killed hundreds in Democratic Republic of Congo, officials say (Washington Post) Nearly 300 people were killed when rebels attacked villagers in the Democratic Republic of Congo last week, officials said Monday, raising the death toll from an earlier estimate of 50 as fighting intensified in the country’s east. The government blamed the carnage in Kishishe in North Kivu province on the M23 rebel group, which denied responsibility for the attacks. M23 is largely made up of Congolese Tutsi, an ethnic group present throughout the Great Lakes region, according to the Brussels-based International Crisis Group. The rebellion was long dormant but reemerged last year to threaten the Congolese government in Kinshasa. Tens of thousands have been displaced by the resurgence of fighting in eastern Congo.
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masterofd1saster · 2 years
CJ current events 17nov22
Important article:
Justin Fox wrote  Are Republicans Right About America's Crime Wave? Let's Look at the Data.  Maybe read the google cache?  
*** As the CDC doesn’t have data on crimes other than homicide, and also doesn’t report anything below the county level, the FBI’s statistics remain essential to understanding what’s going on. Starting with them and filling in blank spots (and replacing some clearly incorrect data) with numbers from police department websites and news reports, I was able to assemble what I think are pretty reliable 2021 homicide statistics for the 50 largest US cities (as of July 2021, No. 50 was the Dallas-Fort Worth suburb of Arlington, Texas, estimated population 392,786). A full listing of 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2010 homicide rates for all 50 cities can be found at the end of this column. Summed up, they paint a picture similar to the CDC’s, albeit with even higher homicide rates for big cities than for the counties they’re in.***  
Baltimore and St. Louis are independent cities, meaning they appear as counties in the CDC data, allowing for detailed demographic breakdowns of who’s dying of what. With homicide, it’s mainly young Black men. I’ve written about this phenomenon before and haven’t come up with a brilliant plan to fix it, but the numbers for these cities in particular are just astonishingly awful. In Baltimore, Black men aged 15 through 39 made up about 10% of the population and 60% of the homicide victims in 2021. In St. Louis in 2020, it was 7% and 58%. Over the past five years the homicide rate for this group has averaged 292 per 100,000 in Baltimore, and 382 in St. Louis, compared with an average for non-Black Americans in the CDC data of 3.5. It can be hard to get one’s head around such numbers, so think of it this way: at these rates, a Baltimore 15-year-old who happens to be Black and male stands a 7.3% chance of being murdered before he turns 40. In St. Louis it’s a 9.6% chance.
Five of the 10 cities with the lowest homicide rates in 2021 (Virginia Beach, Arlington, Raleigh, New York and Boston) also have Black population shares well above 13.6%, so it’s not like there’s some inevitable connection between race and violence. There might be some connection between income and violence, as all but two of the high-homicide-rate cities (Washington and Oakland) have median household incomes below the national median and all but three of the low-homicide-rate cities (El Paso, Arlington and Mesa, and the latter two just barely) have median incomes above it.(1)***
Now that life is returning to normal, this artificial depression of crime rates is going away. Robbery was up 13% and assault up 3% over the first half of this year in the 70 cities reporting data to the Major Cities Chiefs Association. In New York City, where murder is down 14% year-to-date, the total number of what the city classifies as major crimes is up 30% and at its highest level since 2006. The number of reported petit larceny offenses (shoplifting, mostly) has never been higher.***
Who will notice a little chump change?
FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried denied speculation on Twitter that he had flown to South America after the cryptocurrency exchange filed for bankruptcy.
When asked whether he had flown to Argentina, as rumors swirled on social media, the former chief executive told Reuters via text message that he was in the Bahamas, where the company is headquartered.
Bankman-Fried, 30, served as the CEO until Friday.
He also denied "secretly" transferring $10 billion of customer funds from FTX to his trading company Alameda research and denied implementing a "backdoor" in FTX's bookkeeping system.***
Reuters reported, citing two people familiar with the matter, that at least $1 billion of customer funds had disappeared, with records revealing the financial hole.
When asked about the missing funds, Bankman-Fried responded: "???"
In a release, FTX said John J. Ray III had been appointed CEO in his stead.
Also on Saturday, FTX said that it was moving funds into offline storage after reporting "unauthorized transactions."
Analysts said millions of dollars worth of assets had been withdrawn from the platform.*** https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/ftx-founder-bankman-fried-denies-fleeing-to-south-america-amid-crypto-collapse/ar-AA142uI4
The dumping of the FTT token drove the token's price down beyond the capability of Alameda to support it. Then, with market signals of distress rising, FTX faced its own crisis as rumors of distress led to an unsurprising run on the exchange, as clients withdrew funds. That’s when we discovered SBF’s real game: He had used the assets of clients of FTX to prop up Alameda's balance sheet at some unspecified point and had built a backdoor into FTX’s accounting systems to evade detection. 
It is an absolute no-no to tap into client funds for company activities, as John Corzine, former governor of New Jersey, discovered when he used such funds to prop up his commodities broker, MF Global, during a trade that went bad. Like time in jail bad. Except John Corzine managed to parlay extensive political connections into a lenient conclusion. Pay it all back, and don’t do it again. We have to wonder if SBF saw the writing on the wall and hoped to achieve a similar outcome with his donations to the Democratic Party by becoming Too Big to Jail. ***
After years of neglect, perhaps the SBF and FTX debacle is enough to lead regulators to grapple with the knotty issues of crypto. The important decisions that are going to be made over the next several years will unquestionably bring us closer to the next evolution of money. Whether private, which I believe is highly unlikely, or state-sponsored, in the form of a Central Bank Digital Currency that carries its own considerable risks, it is almost certain that change in the monetary system is coming. 
Predictably, the claims from the crypto community are increasingly coalescing around the argument that this was regulators’ fault. Enough nonsense, please. The industry, as it exists today, is built on a foundation of memes and lies. The objective has always been to drive panicked buying of a speculative asset, as the FTX saga demonstrates yet again. There are real issues with the global financial system, and the misinformation spread by the crypto industry has delayed rather than accelerated reform.
But that’s okay. Because Sam says he’s really sorry.*** https://www.commonsense.news/p/the-32-billion-crypto-scammer
Remember Sen Corzine?
Jon Corzine has had almost as many next acts as a six-hour opera by Wagner, but this time it appears as if he is finally about to take his curtain call and depart the Wall Street stage for good.
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission brought charges against Corzine last week tied to the collapse of his futures trading firm, MF Global, in late 2011. The CFTC said Corzine had misused nearly $1 billion of customers’ money to prop up its operations in the midst of a liquidity crunch. “Corzine bears responsibility for MF Global’s unlawful acts,” the regulator said in its civil complaint (PDF), which also charged the company’s former assistant treasurer, Edith O’Brien.
In an agreement with the CFTC that’s still subject to court approval, MF Global has agreed to make sure its commodity customers get back the amounts owed to them as of October 31, 2011, when it declared bankruptcy. It has also agreed to pay a $100 million penalty. The CFTC doesn’t have the authority to bring criminal charges against Corzine, but it is looking to ban him from the futures and options industry, a ruling that would be tantamount to ending his Wall Street career.
It would be an ignominious end to the career of someone who had once reigned over New Jersey as its governor, and, before that, over Wall Street as the senior partner of Goldman Sachs. Corzine, 66, has been brought low for alleged misdeeds running a relatively insignificant trading firm a fraction of the size of Goldman. And he’s being charged by a regulatory agency that is regarded by some of its peers, as well as those it regulates, as a toothless and mildly irritating group.*** https://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Columns/2013/07/02/Jon-Corzine-What-the-Hell-Happened
Mexican anti-drug video
Go Philly!  Larry Krasner asks “is there a problem, officer?”
DENVER — The two juveniles arrested in connection with a deadly apartment fire in Lakewood that happened Oct. 31 were charged Thursday with 100 counts each, including first-degree murder and first-degree arson.
The two boys, who are ages 12 and 14, were charged as juveniles. The 100 counts include one sentence enhancer for each victim who lived at the Tiffany Square Apartments near W. 9th Avenue and Sheridan Blvd.
The fire killed 31-year-old Kathleen Payton and her daughter, 10-year-old Jazmine Payton-Aguayo, and displaced residents in all 32 units of the complex. Ten people were injured. Prosecutors have alleged the boys may have used Molotov cocktails to start the fire.*** https://www.denver7.com/news/local-news/juveniles-arrested-in-connection-with-deadly-lakewood-apartment-fire-face-100-counts-each
from Nellie B
→Brittney Griner is going to a penal colony: The WNBA star caught in Russia with a small amount of hashish oil is not just imprisoned but being sent to a work camp. Nothing is more nightmarish. Axios put out a helpful “What Brittney Griner could face in a Russian penal colony,” told in the site’s chipper bullet-point tone.  
Penal colonies are the descendants of Russia's Soviet-era forced labor camps, known as gulags.
They are also a source of revenue, with many housing manufacturing plants for food or clothing, and others doing construction work.
Good to know. Never leave America.***  https://www.commonsense.news/p/tgif-if-twitter-dies-tgif-goes-with
A spokesman for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi confirmed to Fox News that Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin sent Pelosi a handwritten apology note regarding the assault on her husband, Paul Pelosi.
The spokesman also confirmed the speaker has accepted the apology.
Youngkin faced backlash for a remark he made at a Virginia campaign rally for GOP candidate Yesli Vega when he said, "There’s no room for violence anywhere, but we’re going to send her back to be with him in California."*** https://www.foxnews.com/politics/youngkin-sends-handwritten-apology-nancy-pelosi-dig-paul-pelosi-attack-house-speaker-accepts
Still want to keep Portland weird?
***He kept a sword handy by wedging it in a sofa and created a "makeshift alarm" by putting a painting against a door with a shoebox on top, so that "it would fall and create a lot of noise if the door was opened," prosecutors said.
The man heard the shoebox hit the floor early in the morning on Sept. 15 while he was watching videos on YouTube.
Valdivia entered the home with a key, and was dressed in full Michael Myers regalia, including the character’s white mask and blue jumpsuit. Valdivia was holding a gun in one hand and a hammer in the other, Willamette Week reported. 
The man staying in the home retrieved the sword, as there was nowhere to run and escape Valdivia, and "a struggle then ensued," prosecutors said.
The man stabbed Valdivia, who then fell to the floor. Another resident in the home tried to stop the bleeding with paper towels and called 911, but the homeowner was declared dead after paramedics arrived at the scene.
Investigators later determined that the firearm recovered near Valdivia’s body was actually a pellet gun painted black.
The DA’s memo concluded that Valdivia was "wielding what appeared to be two dangerous and deadly weapons" while committing burglary.  https://www.foxnews.com/us/portland-prosecutors-decide-against-charging-man-fatally-stabbed-landlord-dressed-michael-myers
What’s the matter with you?
A Wisconsin nurse accused of amputating a dying frostbite patient’s foot without permission – and allegedly telling coworkers she would display the body part in her family’s taxidermy shop – has been criminally charged.
Mary K. Brown, 38, was charged last week with physical abuse of an elder person, intentionally causing great bodily harm and mayhem. A criminal complaint obtained by WQOW detailed that Brown was a hospice nurse at the Spring Valley Health and Rehab Center in Spring Valley, where she was assigned to care for the unnamed 62-year-old male frostbite patient.
The patient was admitted to the facility in March of this year, and health officials determined he was close to death by May. He had "severe frostbite" on both feet after the heat in his home went out, according to the criminal complaint.***
The man had not asked for his foot to be amputated and a doctor had not given Brown permission to carry out the amputation, WQOW reported.  *** 
Another nurse was in the room at the time of the amputation and said she was holding the patient’s hand. She reported his grip became tight and he moaned during the procedure, the outlet reported. Another nurse told investigators with the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office that she spoke to the man after the amputation and he relayed that he felt everything and that it hurt. Another nurse said the amputation was not done correctly. ***   https://www.foxnews.com/us/wisconsin-nurse-accused-amputating-frostbite-patients-foot-planning-display-taxidermy-shop
If some prudish woman has puritanical hang ups about my self pleasure habits, maybe she should catch another flight
ROMULUS, Mich. (FOX 2) - A man was taken into custody at Detroit Metropolitan Airport for allegedly exposing himself on a JetBlue flight Monday night.
"If he hired me, I would say you couldn't wait, seriously?" said Dennis White.
And that’s coming from a defense attorney. The flight isn’t even two hours – but for one passenger, a local man allegedly couldn't wait to masturbate.***
You expect them to be in a good mood?
Strangely, it’s a not photo of someone pushed onto subway tracks
***  OVC is delighted to announce the launch of a new logo, which is a testament to the history of the office and a representation of our ongoing efforts to help crime survivors find their justice through rights, access, and equity. ***
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Flint meme?
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How to find out you’re fired
Chris Magnus, the Biden administration's top border official, has resigned after refusing the Department of Homeland Security secretary's order to step down amid the worst border crisis in America's history, the Washington Examiner has learned.
Magnus sent President Joe Biden a short letter Saturday thanking him for picking him to lead the nation's largest law enforcement agency and resigning from his post.***
Magnus disclosed in the Friday letter that CBP had already locked him out of his official Twitter account as CBP commissioner Friday.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/defense-national-security/cbp-chris-magnus-resigns-post-refusal-biden
Police in Southern California have located the remains of a woman who went missing missing from her home Thursday.
Rachel Castillo, 25, of Simi Valley was reported missing Thursday evening after her sister, who lived with her, came home to an alarming scene.
"As soon as I saw the blood, that's when I realized something wasn't right," Emily Castillo told ABC7 Los Angeles. "So I called my mom to let her know to come over and then I immediately called 911."
According to Simi Valley police, officers who responded to the 911 call found a "significant amount of blood" inside the home and "evidence that a struggle occurred inside." According to family, Castillo's phone, keys and car were all still at home.
On Sunday afternoon, Simi Valley detectives found Castillo's remains in rural Antelope Valley, a region near the western edge of the Mojave Desert. After the discovery of her body, police arrested her ex-husband Zarbab Ali, 25, on suspicion of murder. Family members said Castillo dropped off their two young sons with Ali on the day she disappeared.***  https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/search-for-missing-california-mom-Rachel-Castillo-17581159.php
If you’re looking for a material solution, ketamine is not it
Prosecutors last week dropped the criminal case against the last protester still facing charges after a large 2020 demonstration outside an Aurora Police Department substation over the death of Elijah McClain.
Daxx Dalton, 25, had been charged with false imprisonment, engaging in a riot and obstructing government property in connection with the July 3, 2020, protest outside the police precinct.
During that protest, as many as 600 demonstrators surrounded the police station for several hours to protest police violence and officers’ treatment of McClain, who died after he was violently stopped by Aurora police in 2019 and injected with ketamine.
During the protest, some participants used ropes to tie shut the police station’s doors, obstructed those doors with furniture and blocked surrounding streets with makeshift barricades made from construction materials, bike racks, rocks, fencing and other scavenged materials. Eighteen police officers were inside the precinct at the time.
Two months later, several protesters were charged with a slew of crimes, including attempted kidnapping**** [most cases dismissed]
Mason continued to prosecute Dalton, however, as well as another protester, Cameron Frazier. Records show Frazier pleaded guilty in December to illegally possessing a weapon; other charges against him were dismissed.***  https://www.canoncitydailyrecord.com/2022/11/14/elijah-mcclain-protest-charges-dropped-daxx-dalton/
“Disbarred” is usually a warning sign
A disbarred Denver attorney pleaded guilty Monday to felony theft and admitted to defrauding an investor in his business of $125,000.
Steve Bachar, 57, pleaded guilty to one count of felony theft and a second count of misdemeanor theft as part of a plea agreement in which he will receive a deferred judgment on the felony charge, which means it will be wiped from his record if he meets court-set conditions for the next two years.
He also will receive probation on the misdemeanor count as part of the plea deal, District Court Judge Eric Johnson said Monday. Johnson advised Bachar that he will face between two and 12 years in prison on the felony charge if he violates the terms of the deferred judgment.***
Bachar, who served in the White House under President Bill Clinton and in the Treasury Department before he moved to Denver, was criminally charged a year after he was sued in two separate lawsuits and accused of mishandling nearly $2 million in funds intended for personal protective equipment during the pandemic.
He was ordered to pay $4.5 million in those civil cases, which are not connected to the criminal case against him. He was disbarred in June, at which time authorities noted he had not paid any of the civil damages.*** https://www.denverpost.com/2022/11/14/steve-bachar-guilty-plea-theft-denver/
Shooting 5 people isn’t tumult?
You would think that the most important fact about Christopher Darnell Jones Jr. is that he allegedly killed three University of Virginia football players and injured two more students in a shooting.
But the Washington Post also wants you to know that Jones “flourished” despite a “tumultuous childhood,” up until the part where he tried to kill five people.
They needed four different journalists to team up and write a puff piece about Jones, headlined “Suspected U-Va. gunman had troubled childhood, but then flourished.” Evidently, the social media honchos at the Post recognized that this didn’t play well and deleted the tweet promoting the story, but the headline remained.
The content of the piece wasn’t much better. The four journalists focused on a 2018 profile of Jones in the Richmond Times-Dispatch, which detailed how Jones had been “celebrated for overcoming” his rough childhood. Jones’s mother told the Washington Post that “Chris was a good kid” before hanging up, and the outlet parroted a line from the story about how Jones’s mentors had “helped him let go of his anger.” According to the piece, “Jones appeared to flourish in the years that followed.”*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/the-washington-post-writes-puff-piece-for-alleged-uva-shooter
The irony is killing me
The Department of Justice and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) [14nov22] announced settlements with four separate solar farm owners to resolve alleged violations of the Clean Water Act. The alleged violations were construction permit violations and stormwater mismanagement at large-scale solar generating facilities: a site near LaFayette, Alabama, owned by AL Solar A LLC (AL Solar); a site near American Falls, Idaho, owned by American Falls Solar LLC (American Falls); a site in Perry County, Illinois, owned by Prairie State Solar LLC (Prairie State); and a site in White County, Illinois, owned by Big River Solar LLC (Big River). The states of Alabama and Illinois joined in the Alabama and Illinois settlements.
These four solar farm owners are all subsidiaries of large international finance and investment companies, and all four used a common construction contractor for the development of their solar farms. Together, the four settlements with these defendants secure a total of $1.34 million in civil penalties and ensure that remaining construction will take place in compliance with Clean Water Act stormwater permits. The settlements resolved claims alleged in four separate complaints the government also filed today.***
Solar farm construction involves clearing and grading large sections of land, which can lead to significant erosion and major runoff of sediment into waterways if stormwater controls at the site are inadequate. Increased sediment in waterways can injure, suffocate or kill aquatic life; damage aquatic ecosystems; and cause significant harm to drinking water treatment systems. To avoid these harms to the environment and public health, parties responsible for construction of solar farms are required to get construction stormwater permits under the Clean Water Act and comply with the terms of those permits. Each of the complaints filed today allege that the owners of these four sites violated their construction stormwater permits in similar ways: failing to design, install, and maintain proper stormwater controls; failing to conduct regular site inspections; failing to employ qualified personnel to conduct inspections; and failing to accurately report and address stormwater issues at the site. The complaints filed against AL Solar and American Falls Solar also allege unauthorized discharges of excess sediment from their construction sites to nearby waterways.*** https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/settlements-resolve-clean-water-act-violations-four-solar-farm-construction-sites-alabama
A federal grand jury in Topeka, Kansas, returned a three-count indictment, unsealed [14nov22], charging former Kansas City Police Department detective Roger Golubski and three other men – Cecil Brooks, LeMark Roberson and Richard Robinson – with conspiring, decades ago, to hold young women in a condition of involuntary sexual servitude. Brooks, Roberson and Robinson are also charged in a substantive count with holding a young woman, identified as Person 1, in a condition of involuntary servitude; and Brooks, Roberson and Golubski are charged in a substantive count with holding another young woman, Person 2, in a condition of involuntary servitude.
According to the indictment, from 1996 through 1998, Brooks provided a location at Delevan Apartments in Kansas City, where young women were held and where Brooks, Roberson and Robinson used physical beatings, sexual assaults and threats to compel young women to provide sexual services to men. Then detective Golubski is alleged to have accepted money from Brooks; provided protection from law enforcement for the criminal activity, including sex trafficking; and forcibly raped the young woman identified as Person 2.*** https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-kansas-city-kansas-police-department-detective-and-three-others-indicted-conspiracy
who lost in FTX?
*** Brady and Bundchen: Tom Brady and ex-wife Gisele Bundchen joined a cohort of celebrity investors in FTX in 2021, receiving substantial equity stakes in exchange. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback has likely lost most, if not all, of his. Brady was featured in an ad promoting FTX in 2022.
Other athletes: Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry, tennis player Naomi Osaka, and Los Angeles Angels player Shohei Ohtani had all signed previous agreements with FTX to promote the company.
Investment firms: Several prominent investment companies are also notable losers. The Silicon Valley-centered venture capital fund Sequoia Capital held a 1% share in the company, once estimated to be valued at around $200 million, according to Forbes. FTX also had investments from the Singapore-based investment firm Temasek and the crypto-centered investment firm Paradigm.
Political action committees: Bankman-Fried was heavily involved in politics and was identified as the second-highest donor in Democratic politics this year. With the crypto billionaire's finances melting away, it will leave many PACs without funding in the future, which could have significant consequences for future Democratic campaigns.
Philanthropic efforts: FTX's founder was a proponent of "effective altruism," a movement oriented toward objective data to determine the effectiveness of charitable endeavors. A number of groups involved in effective altruism have been placed in danger by FTX's collapse. Bankman-Fried also donated millions to several nonprofit opportunities through the FTX Future Fund and Building a Strong Future, backed the anti-disease group Guarding Against Pandemics, run by his brother, and provided funding to news groups such as Vox, ProPublica, and the Intercept. Two-thirds of a $5 million grant provided by Bankman-Fried to ProPublica has been put on hold while the nonprofit group reviews its finances.  https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/technology/ftx-bankruptcy-who-is-affected
BJS has released
Law Enforcement Agencies that Employ School Resource Officers, 2019.
UVA murders
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — The University of Virginia community mourned on Tuesday as new details emerged both about the three football players killed in a campus shooting this week and the criminal charges the suspect, a former player, faces.
"It feels like it's a nightmare, to be honest with you. And I'm ready for somebody to pinch me and wake me up and say that this didn't happen," university head football coach Tony Elliott said at a news conference Tuesday afternoon.
University officials and police have said a student, Christopher Darnell Jones Jr., 22, joined a group of about two dozen others on a field trip Sunday from the Charlottesville campus to see a play in the nation's capital, about 120 miles (195 kilometers) away. When their bus arrived back on campus, Jones opened fire, killing the three players and wounding two others, one of them also a football player, authorities said.
Ryan Lynch, a 19-year-old sophomore student on the trip, told Philadelphia TV station KYW the suspect pulled out a gun as they arrived back and pushed one of the now-deceased football players, stating: "You guys are always messing with me."*** https://www.npr.org/2022/11/16/1137072021/the-uva-shooting-suspect-faces-an-initial-court-appearance-wednesday
Idaho murders
Police in Moscow, Idaho, believe a knife or other edged weapon was used to kill four University of Idaho students this past weekend, providing an update about a homicide case they describe as "an isolated, targeted attack." Whoever is responsible for the deaths remain at large.
Only limited information has emerged about the killings, as member station Boise State Public Radio notes. Here's what we know so far.
The victims range from a freshman to a senior
The four students, three women and a man, were found dead in an apartment on King Road near campus on Sunday, after police responded to a report of an unconscious person.***  https://www.npr.org/2022/11/15/1136871897/idaho-students-moscow-killed-homicide
In other stabbing news,
LOS ANGELES — A man walked into a downtown Target store on Tuesday and stabbed and critically injured two people, including a 9-year-old boy before he was shot and killed by a security guard, police said.
The stabbings took place shortly before 6:30 p.m. in the Target store at FIGat7th, a large multi-level open shopping plaza located in the city’s Financial District.
The man, described as 40 years old and homeless, came into the store, grabbed a large butcher-style knife from a shelf and approached a 9-year-old boy, saying several times that he was going to kill him, Police Chief Michel Moore said at a news conference.
When the boy tried to move away, he stabbed the boy in the back, wounding him in the shoulder, then went to another area of the store where he stabbed a 25-year-old woman in the chest, Moore said.
Other people in the store pulled the woman into a pharmacy and closed the gate to protect her, the chief said.
A security guard tried to subdue the attacker with a baton but then shot him and he was declared dead at a hospital, Moore said.*** https://nypost.com/2022/11/16/los-angeles-target-stabbing-attack-injure-two-people-including-9-year-old-boy/
California’s First Lady testifies
Jennifer Siebel Newsom — wife of California Gov. Gavin Newsom — became visibly appalled when asked to recreate how she faked an orgasm on the stand as she gave evidence during the sexual assault trial of Harvey Weinstein.
California’s first lady balked when defense attorney Mark Werksman asked her how she “indicated her pleasure” during the alleged 2005 incident at the Peninsula hotel in Beverly Hills, where she claims Weinstein raped her.***
On Tuesday, Werksman continued to grill Siebel Newsom about why she faked an orgasm with Weinstein, when he had just allegedly raped her.
The distraught former actress turned documentary filmmaker admitted on the stand she faked her orgasm so Weinstein “would be done.”
“I was making noises to get him to finish,” Siebel Newsom said in tears. “He had already raped me. … This is so gross. I’m sorry.”
When Werksman peppered Siebel Newsom with questions concerning details about her prior testimony regarding the alleged rape, she replied: “What you’re doing today is exactly what he did to me.”
Werksman also asked Siebel Newsom about dozens of emails she sent to Weinstein after the alleged rape, including emails soliciting support for Gavin Newsom’s mayoral campaign in San Francisco.
The emails, dated between 2006 and 2008, were displayed on a screen for jurors and included Siebel Newsom reaching out to Weinstein for meetings.***
Part of surveillance state
***TikTok has developed one of the most powerful machine-learning algorithms ever—one that is able to reveal people’s unknown desires to themselves. 
Every day, every hour, every waking minute, TikTok is hoovering up seemingly infinite bits of information about its users—their tastes, hobbies, political views, sexual preferences, their facial structure, the sound of their voice. Ostensibly, all this is meant to provide a better product. It should also be noted that this information can be used for spying, influencing millions of users—even waging war. Every time we swipe for the next video, every time we post videos of our own, we are helping the world’s most sophisticated police state learn more about us. 
When ByteDance announced it was expanding into the U.S., in 2017, I had recently been kicked out of China’s westernmost region of Xinjiang for investigating the beginnings of what the State Department has since labeled a genocide. Some 1.8 million people, mostly Uyghur Muslims, would soon be hauled away for such crimes as praying and not showing sufficient loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party. This mass internment has been made possible by AI and camera surveillance that can record every moment of people’s lives, even installing government surveillance cameras in private living rooms.***
the idea that a massive Chinese tech company is a wholly private entity—answerable to no one but its shareholders—is laughable.***
In 2018, Zhang Yiming, the founder of ByteDance and TikTok and the former CEO, posted what can only be described as an apology to the Chinese premier for failing to live up to the party’s expectations. “We have placed excessive emphasis on the role of technology,” he wrote, “and we have not acknowledged that technology must be led by the socialist core value system.”
In 2021, the Chinese government acquired a 1-percent stake in a subsidiary of ByteDance and picked up a board seat on the subsidiary—deepening its ties with the social-media platform. That same year, the government adopted the Data Security Law, which mandates that technology companies hand over their users’ data—including that of Americans—if requested.*** https://www.commonsense.news/p/how-china-got-our-kids-hooked-on
Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) announced Tuesday that he invoked the Invasion Clauses of the U.S. and Texas Constitutions to deal with President Joe Biden’s (D) immigration crisis on the southern border.  *** https://www.dailywire.com/news/texas-governor-greg-abbott-declares-invasion-on-southern-border
Is it Pres Biden’s alone?  Anyone remember 
The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA or the Simpson–Mazzoli Act) was passed by the 99th United States Congress and signed into law by U.S. President Ronald Reagan on November 6, 1986.
The Immigration Reform and Control Act altered U.S. immigration law by making it illegal to hire illegal immigrants knowingly and establishing financial and other penalties for companies that employed illegal immigrants. The act also legalized most undocumented immigrants who had arrived in the country prior to January 1, 1982.*** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_Reform_and_Control_Act_of_1986
Art I, Section 10:
No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.
Art IV: “Section. 4. The United States shall *** protect each [state] against Invasion;” 
Texas has National Guard.  Ships going to help?  Enter treaty?  Engage in war?  With whom?
Love to be on that jury
STATE V. MELORY CORT (CONT JD)WhenMon, November 21, 11:00am – 11:15amDescription
22CRB01667      ASD/NA
Probably should be Melroy Cort.
***  Thurs
Fired Miami police chief Art Acevedo will be the latest interim police leader in a Colorado city where officers and paramedics are being prosecuted in the death of a Black man in 2019. 
Aurora, a sprawling, diverse city east of Denver, announced Tuesday that Acevedo had reached out to officials there offering to serve as the city's second interim police chief while the search for a permanent chief drags on. 
After leading departments in Austin and Houston, Acevedo was hired to become Miami's police chief last year. The city's mayor hailed him as the Michael Jordan and Tom Brady of police chiefs. But Acevedo created controversy by taking over the internal affairs unit that investigates police misconduct and making significant changes to his command staff. 
He was fired after six months on the job. 
Acevedo later sued, saying his firing was in retaliation for speaking out against corruption and reporting abuses of power by elected officials. 
In April, Aurora fired the police chief it hired as it was under scrutiny for the killing of Elijah McClain, 23, who was put into a chokehold by an officer and injected with a powerful sedative. The fatal encounter provoked national outcry during racial injustice protests in 2020.*** https://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/national-politics/article268797737.html
Execution news
MONTGOMERY, Ala. -- Alabama is preparing to execute a man convicted in the 1988 murder-for-hire slaying of a preacher’s wife, even though a jury recommended he receive life imprisonment instead of a death sentence.
Kenneth Eugene Smith, 57, is scheduled to receive a lethal injection at a south Alabama prison on Thursday evening. Prosecutors said Smith was one of two men who were each paid $1,000 to kill Elizabeth Sennett on behalf of her husband, who was deeply in debt and wanted to collect on insurance.
Elizabeth Sennett was found dead on March 18, 1988, in the couple’s home on Coon Dog Cemetery Road in Alabama's Colbert County. The coroner testified that the 45-year-old woman had been stabbed eight times in the chest and once on each side of the neck. Her husband, Charles Sennett Sr, who was the pastor of the Westside Church of Christ in Sheffield, killed himself one week after his wife's death when the murder investigation started to focus on him as a suspect, according to court documents.
Smith’s final appeals focused on the state's difficulties with intravenous lines at the last two scheduled lethal injections. One execution was carried out after a delay, and the other was called off as the state faced a midnight deadline to get the execution underway. Smith's attorneys also raised the issue that judges are no longer allowed to sentence an inmate to death if a jury recommends a life sentence.
John Forrest Parker, the other man convicted in the slaying, was executed in 2010. “I’m sorry. I don’t ever expect you to forgive me. I really am sorry,” Parker said to the victim’s sons before he was put to death.*** https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/alabama-execution-set-murder-hire-preachers-wife-93458116
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Oklahoma plans to execute a man Thursday for the torture slaying of his girlfriend’s 3-year-old son in 1993.
Richard Stephen Fairchild, who turns 63 on Thursday, is set to receive a lethal injection at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary in McAlester. Fairchild, an ex-Marine, was convicted of killing Adam Broomhall after the child wet the bed. Prosecutors say Fairchild held both sides of his body against a scorching furnace, then threw him into a table. The child never regained consciousness and died later that day.
“The method of Adam's murder can only be described as torture," prosecutors from the Oklahoma attorney general's office wrote to the state's Pardon and Parole Board, which voted 4-1 last month against recommending clemency for Fairchild.
Attorneys for Fairchild argue that he was abused as a child, is mentally ill and is remorseful for his actions.*** https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/oklahoma-prepares-execute-man-year-olds-killing-93458441
Darrell Brooks sentencing.  [Crushed 8-year-old Jackson Sparks, three Dancing Grannies, and others to death.]
***On the day of the attack, Sherry Sparks searched frantically for her sons, Tucker and Jackson, in the moments after Brooks sped through the crowd, mowing down people as if they were speed bumps. Jackson didn't make it, and Tucker was badly injured.
"Do you have any idea of gut wrenching it is to have to explain your 12-year-old son but his little brother isn't going to make it his injuries are too extensive for his little body to come back from and that he won't be coming home with us over again," Sparks said. "This morning, I should have spent the morning making breakfast, taking him to school, hearing about his day later and said I'm standing here in this courtroom asking for justice for my boys. We came so close to losing both of them that day. I miss Jackson every second of every single day. I feel gutted and broken it hurts to breathe sometimes. It hurts to live without him here."*** https://abc7chicago.com/darrell-brooks-threat-sentencing-waukesha-christmas-parade-attack-trial/12458489/ 
Disruptive & removed - https://twitter.com/WISN_MINTZ/status/1592994837430939648
Brought back, disruptive, and removed again - https://twitter.com/WISN_MINTZ/status/1593016051499151360
If you want to read rambling whack, look at https://www.fox6now.com/news/darrell-brooks-sentencing-waukesha-christmas-parade-11162022
Judge sentences Darrell Brooks to 6 life sentences and 762 years in prison https://www.wisn.com/article/waukesha-parade-attack-darrell-brooks-sentencing-day-2/41979722
What’s the worst that could happen?
Washington, D.C., wants to lower the maximum sentences for criminals and make life easier for criminals who illegally own guns.
The D.C. Council unanimously approved changes to the city’s criminal code, which would reduce maximum sentences for burglaries, carjackings, and robberies. It would also reduce penalties for illegal gun possession, including for carrying a pistol without a license and for being a felon in possession of a firearm.***
Meanwhile, as of September, there were 330 reported carjackings in the city, up 23% compared to last year. D.C. residents risk having their car stolen simply by loading or unloading groceries. Carjackings have been rising in the city since 2019, and it isn’t just their cars that are at risk. Washington Commanders rookie running back Brian Robinson was shot twice in an attempted carjacking in August, and a Pakistani immigrant was killed in 2021 when two carjackers flipped his vehicle.
The lower penalties for illegal possession also come as the city has failed to get its homicide issue under control. In 2021, the city hit 200 homicides in November, the most in the city since 2003. This year, the city hit 100 homicides in June, the fastest it had hit that mark since 2003. Homicides have increased every year in Washington, D.C., since 2017.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/dc-wants-to-lower-sentences-for-carjackers-and-felons
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cameronlawrl · 2 years
There are different types of bankruptcy available for individuals and families in North Carolina. Chapter 7 is the most common type of bankruptcy…. For more information contact our law firm attorneys and call us today at 919-980-9949.
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ampmsupermovers · 3 years
Employing An Attorney For Your Bankruptcy Case
If you’re considering filing for bankruptcy, you need to be aware of the fact that a lot of people make a mistake in hiring attorneys. They hire a lawyer to assist them with their case only after going through the initial consultation and briefing sessions. This is not advisable because you might end up making a wrong decision in selecting an attorney who charges on an hourly basis. Therefore, for quick resolution of your financial issues, it is important to go for individuals or firms that offer fixed fees on their cases.
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followmelife · 3 years
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Do you need any best Bankruptcy lawyers in Raleigh ? Sheree and Kerry are providing their exceptional and best services in your bankruptcy. The sooner you contact,the sooner you can resolve your current financial problems.A free consultation is available here ; https://www.cameronbankruptcylaw.com/
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cameronbank · 3 years
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Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Case Timeline
Cameron Bankruptcy Law presents bankruptcy terminology and also provide a Chapter 13 bankruptcy case timeline on our website. We believe in excellence as both a virtue and a compulsion. Get In Touch!
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weiklawoffice · 11 months
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If you’re considering filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Raleigh, one of your main concerns may be protecting your retirement funds. After all, it’s likely the largest asset you have and in some cases, the sole source of income in your senior years.
The good news is that your retirement plan is generally safe from creditors and debt collectors during a Chapter 13 bankruptcy case. However, there are some nuances to be aware of – which is why we strongly recommend talking to Attorney Weik before you make any decision.
Here’s what you need to know about protecting your retirement accounts when filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy in Raleigh.
What Happens to Your Retirement Plan When You File for Bankruptcy?
When it comes to filing for bankruptcy in Raleigh, NC, your retirement plan will be treated differently depending on whether you file for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13.
In a Chapter 7 case, the court will typically exempt all of your retirement funds from liquidation. That means they won’t be used to pay off any of your debts.
In a Chapter 13 case, all of your retirement funds will also be exempt from liquidation – but they may still be counted as part of your income when calculating your repayment plan. This means that if you have a large balance in your retirement account, it could affect how much you owe each month under the plan.
The specifics depends on a case-to-case basis, and Attorney Weik will explain it to you during your free consultation.
Exemptions for Retirement Accounts in Raleigh, NC
In North Carolina, all tax-exempt retirement accounts are completely protected under federal law. This includes the following:
403(b)s Profit-sharing and money purchase plans
defined benefit plans
North Carolina bankruptcy laws also offer unlimited exemption to Roth IRAs and IRAs under state law. And unlike many other states, this includes inherited IRAs.
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 Be Careful About Withdrawing Funds from Retirement Accounts 
We understand that times can get tough when dealing with overwhelming debt – which is why it can be tempting to withdraw funds from your retirement accounts early as a way of paying off bills or making ends meet.
If creditors believe that you withdrew money with the intention of avoiding repayment (i.e., fraud), they could try to seize those funds as part of a lawsuit or garnishment order  even if they would normally be exempt under federal or state law.
That’s why we recommend talking to Attorney Weik before making any decisions about withdrawing money from these accounts prior to filing for bankruptcy in Raleigh NC. 
Protect Your Golden Years with Weik Law Office 
Filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy can help keep your retirement funds safe while giving you breathing room from debt collectors.
To learn more about how this works for your situation, contact Weik Law Office today at 919-845-7721 for a free consultation. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
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Legal Services Email List
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Marketing within the legal industry demands precision and relevance. Reaching the right audience with the right message can significantly influence client acquisition, brand visibility, and overall business growth. The Legal Services Email List by LawyersDataLab.com offers a solution to this challenge, enabling legal professionals and marketers to connect with a wide array of contacts within the legal field. This tool is invaluable for those aiming to refine their marketing strategies and enhance their outreach efforts.
List of Data Fields
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- Attorney Full Name
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paraparaparadigm · 3 years
H Walter and Walter P Fuller
Father and son "ahead of their times'
By BETTY JEAN MILLER Published Oct. 13, 2005
The Walter Fuller Community Center at 7891 26th Ave. N bears the full name of neither H. Walter Fuller nor Walter P. Fuller. It's just "Walter Fuller," and perhaps that's best, for it would be difficult to separate the deeds of the father from those of the son.
H. Walter Fuller, the father, was an Atlantan, born in 1865. He came to Tampa in 1883 as a victim of tuberculosis and engaged in citrus farming and coastal trading. His future began to take shape when he moved to Bradenton in 1886 and went into road building and contracting. He also served Manatee County in the Legislature for 10 years, first as a representative and then as a senator.
H. Walter Fuller's career in construction led him up the coast, where he helped build military fortifications at Fort De Soto and Egmont Key during the Spanish-American War, and he began building roads in Pinellas County.
Because he had owned and operated an electric street car company in Bradenton, Fuller was given charge of managing and extending St. Petersburg's street car lines, which were privately owned.
And thereupon began more than six frenetic decades of Fuller enterprises and activities in Pinellas.
The senior Fuller moved here in 1907 with his wife and five children. With financial backing of another developer and investor, Jacob Disston, from 1909 to 1917, Fuller extended Central Avenue and the trolley car line to Boca Ciega Bay, increased the trolley system from seven to 23 miles and bought thousands of acres of real estate, much of which was in the Jungle area. The trolley line gave access to this land.
He became a millionaire and is credited with starting the city's first real land boom from 1911 to 1914.
Around this time, son Walter P., who was born in 1894, was a partner in and manager of 11 corporations controlled by his father, including a Tampa Bay passenger steamship line, a Gulfport to Pass-a-Grille boat line, and St. Petersburg's first electric power plant.
Alas, H. Walter overextended himself and went into bankruptcy in 1917, which at that time was a disgrace.
But he soon recovered.
With a $1-million advance from a Philadelphia banker, the Fullers bought back most of the land they had lost by 1921. The two also started the Laurel Park real estate development in Hendersonville, N.C. Eventually Walter P. bought out his father's St. Petersburg interests and the elder Fuller turned his attentions to North Carolina, where he stayed in real estate until he died in 1943.
Walter P. Fuller at various times owned 3,200 acres in St. Petersburg and 2,500 acres in central Pinellas County, owned the Pass-a-Grille Hotel, developed the Jungle area and built the Jungle Prada restaurant and shops on Park Street N, which included the Gangplank, the city's first nightclub. He also built the Jungle Hotel, crown jewel of the Jungle development. At Fifth Avenue and Park Street N, the hotel even had its own radio station and airport, for WSUN Radio emanated from there and the Piper-Fuller Airport was nearby. The hotel is now Admiral Farragut Academy.
The $750,000 in assets the junior Fuller had in 1923 was parlayed into $7-million by 1925. A year later, Fuller history repeated itself and he lost it all in the real estate collapse.
St. Petersburg Beach Realtor/historian Frank Hurley knew both Fullers, and particularly remembers their activities on the beaches.
"They were ahead of their times. I always pay tribute to the pair of them, because when most people saw sandspurs and scrub palms out here, (at St. Petersburg Beach) they saw a community.
"But the Fullers were opportunists," he continued. "And they were very competitive."
He tells the story of how Vina del Mar came to be: "The Fullers owned the Pass-a-Grille Hotel at about 26th Avenue. Boats would come over every day from Gulfport and go around Mud Key," now Vina del Mar. Because Mud Key was attached to the beach by sand flats, boats went to the east of it. This would take them to the Lizotte and other hotels in the Eighth Avenue area of Pass-a-Grille, where most of the guests would embark before coming north to the Fuller hotel.
"So the Fullers dredged out a channel on the (west) side of Mud Key, so the boats could now come up there and the tourists would get to the Pass-a-Grille Hotel dock first," Hurley said.
Walter P. Fuller was even more versatile and venturesome than his father.
His wheeling and dealing is said to have begun with his mother's stove falling apart when the young Fuller was in the eighth grade in Manatee County. His dad didn't have the $28 to buy a new one, but young Walter had $32 in the bank. His dad talked him into buying three of his lots for $10 down each and $2 a month. The $30 went to buy a new stove, but the boy had to figure out a way to earn the necessary $6 a month to keep up his land payments.
He got four jobs as a janitor with pay totaling exactly $6. He got up at 5 a.m. to work before school, and through various enterprises bought four more lots. He sold all of his lots for $1,500, making enough money to get him into the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1911.
Fuller's UNC record was so unusual that it, too, bears mentioning. To earn more money, he arranged to be campus correspondent for such newspapers as the Charlotte Observer, the Raleigh Times and the Wilmington Star. It is said he was the only student on campus with an office, a secretary and a car, a 1910 Hudson.
When the H. Walter Fuller Enterprises collapsed in 1917, Walter P. went back to journalism at the St. Petersburg Times. He became its city editor, left here to edit and manage the Manatee River Journal in Bradenton. Then it was back to St. Petersburg in 1919 to ride the real estate roller coaster again with his father.
By 1930, down and out in real estate again, Walter P. went into the bond business, then started the Fuller's Florida Letter in 1933. Through this, he was for 12 years the authority on public finance, business and economic conditions.
In 1936, the junior Fuller ran for the state Legislature, and stayed two terms. He was defeated in his bid for the Senate in 1940. He was appointed chief clerk of the House of Representatives in 1943, coming back following this to be a feature, political and editorial writer for the Times.
But once more he heard the siren call of real estate, and Fuller left the Times. In the late 1950s, he amassed yet another fortune, estimated at $1.1-million. He lost it in the land collapse at the end of the decade. But this time he stayed in the business, writing on the side. He published two Florida histories, lectured at local colleges and engaged in horticulture. He retired from real estate in 1971, died two years later at the age of 79.
Information for this story came from St. Petersburg and the Florida Dream, by Ray Arsenault; The Story of St. Petersburg, by Karl Grismer; The History of Pinellas County, Florida by W.L. Straub, and Times files.
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