#banks day 4.4
mysimsloveaffair · 1 year
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Mason: It’s about everything - or nothing. I don’t know. I - I just want you to leave me alone.
Wade: But I’m your brother. I can’t just leave you alone. Please tell me what I can do to fix this.
Mason: You’re not interested in fixing it. Not really. You’re just interested in having everything for yourself.
Okay, but what does he mean by that? Is it Perla?
Wade: So this is about Perla? Look, I didn’t know you were interested in her. I’ll back off. I’ll never talk to Perla again.
Mason: Perla was my friend! My friend! My only friend.
Wade: I know, and I was wrong for pursuing her.
Mase continues as if he doesn’t hear me.
Mason: You have plenty of friends, but you had to take her too! She’s not even your age.
Wade: I know, and I’m sorry. Please - tell me what I can do!
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living400lbs · 1 year
"Congressional salaries are $174,000. That pay has not increased since 2009; in real dollars, salaries are the lowest they’ve been since 1955. Our health insurance is purchased on the Affordable Care Act exchange. We pay 30% of the premium; the House of Representatives pays 70%, similar to most workplace insurance plans. ... Mandatory pensions take up 4.4% of the salary.... two residences are required; votes keep House members in Washington, D.C., about a hundred days each year. No housing allowance or per diem is paid, and no tax deduction for business housing is permitted. ...
Juxtapose these facts against the misconception that people become rich by serving in Congress. ... Congress is full of multimillionaires for the same reason that the NBA is full of tall people. It’s easier to get recruited and win with such advantages. Serving in Congress does not pad your bank account any more than playing basketball adds inches to your height. While we might accept physical attributes in athletes as natural or desirable, wealth does not give a better perspective for politics. It undercuts the purpose of representative democracy.
Americans rightfully fume that congressmembers trade stocks, convinced that insider information is misused, but we refuse to squarely address the harm that comes from representatives having such wealth in the first place. From 2019 to 2022, over 130 members of the House of Representatives each traded over $100,000 of stock. To trade that dollar volume in a year, these folks are either addicted day traders who cannot manage their money (much less our economy), or—and this is the reality—they own stocks worth many multiples of what they traded.
Representatives who are my peers in age and years of political service—like Cindy Axne, Mike Garcia, Ashley Hinson, Ro Khanna, Tom Malinowski, Blake Moore, Kim Schrier, and Mikie Sherrill—have each traded over $1 million while in office. In my life before Congress, I knew that people with net worths in the tens of millions were not my peers. Pretending they are in Congress is an indignity."
From I Swear: Politics Is Messier Than My Minivan by US Rep Katie Porter
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
It was an unusual protest, even by the standards of a city that has experienced hundreds of them over the decades.
A Leap Day demonstration this past Thursday at the shipping container wall around People’s Park in Berkeley continued a tradition of using leap year’s extra day for protest. But in addition to the usual banners, chants and music accompaniment from a small marching band, there were… slingshots.
Organizers from the Slingshot Collective launched seed bombs — solid dirt balls filled with seeds — over the double-stacked shipping containers and into the now-former park using slingshots, both store bought and homemade.
“People go to a lot of boring protests, and this is an alternative and we are protesting real issues,” volunteer James Palmer said during the event. The Slingshot Collective has hosted a Leap Day protest every four years since 2000, according to Palmer.
The Leap Day protest began at the corner of Bancroft Way and Telegraph Avenue, with demonstrators marching to Chase bank to protest their climate policies and support for the “Cop City” development in Atlanta, Georgia, before making their way to the perimeter of what was formerly known as People’s Park.
“With the shipping containers, obviously we can’t push them over, we can’t get over them,” Palmer said. “We wanted to figure out a way to express our displeasure, not only at what’s happening, but at the ridiculous overreaction of building a wall like this.”
“We wanted to figure out a way to express our displeasure, not only at what’s happening, but at the ridiculous overreaction of building a wall like this.” James Palmer, protester
A recent Berkeleyside report that found UC Berkley spent upwards of $4.4 million dollars on security at the site, “…which is like a crazy overreaction to basically a small number of Berkeley hippies,” according to Palmer.
“We are the people who they’re worried about, the people that they’re trying to keep out, and we’re not dangerous,” Palmer said.
Protesters like Elisa Smith are hopeful that the community that centered around People’s Park will find a new home.
“The park, it’s all ages, all colors, all genders, all economic backgrounds, all together and that kind of breaking of bread that can happened in common space — it’s something magical at the park,” Smith said. “These days it’s like a real lucky thing to have a place where we’re all together, just all walks of life.”
Although the protest was peaceful, community members who did not appear to be present for the march to the location began spray painting shipping containers as the event came to a close. No arrests were made, but officers took photos and video of at least two adults and one child using spray paint on the containers.
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drfinancial · 2 years
Private Moneylender or Bank Overdraft: Which option is best the SMEs?
Finally, you receive a call. The customer is interested in placing an order after reviewing your catalog and prices. They are working with your business to draft a contract. You feel happy and a little concerned. Even if you are managing a sizable order, your cash register isn't quite overflowing.
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You call your bank manager on the advice of your accountant and request a short term loans so that you may start manufacturing. Although empathetic and kind, the management declines your request. Because of the relative youth of your company, you are unable to provide the necessary collateral.
He keeps asking you to apply for overdraft credit on your current account, so you finally do. You haven't utilized this facility, therefore you don't know how it works.
How do company loans for bank overdrafts function?
Having a current account entitles clients (i.e., company owners) to access a bank overdraft facility, which is a type of credit. The bank authorizes a specific sum as the maximum. Up to this amount, you may withdraw cash or pay with a check for work-related activities. For overdraft credit, the majority of banks will need collateral, which may be investments or fixed deposits.
Other characteristics are:
The interest     rate is typically 1% to 2% more than Malaysia's prime lending rates, which     are at 4.4%.
The amount     you draw that exceeds the balance in your current account is subject to     daily interest calculations.
There is no     time restriction on when overdraft fees must be repaid, but the bank has     the right to stop offering this service at any moment and demand payment     for the overdraft.
This seems like a logical and simple way to get a micro business loan Malaysia for your immediate financial needs or other fund requirements, such as business expansion or renovation, the purchase of more modern and essential equipment, a brief cash crunch caused by lower-than-average sales, or liquid funds to sell a seasonal good or service.
The small company owner in the aforementioned circumstances is fortunate to obtain unsecured credit. Now for the challenging part.
Examining paperwork:
For applications and supporting documents for overdrafts, banks have strict guidelines. Much documentation, including your company's financial reports, must be submitted. Before processing your request, banks may require up to 3 weeks to review your application, verify your paperwork, examine your business's revenue and profitability, and check your credit rating and payback history.
Every small to the medium-sized firm will eventually require funding.
There is no assurance that you will get final permission despite the thorough review and lengthy procedure. You could not receive a credit extension after carefully waiting for one. To make matters worse, because of a delay in gathering money, you are obliged to decline that deal that could have changed your life.
You sometimes can't wait for money since it will hurt your business and revenues. You can experience a sudden financial deficit or need money for unforeseen equipment maintenance or raw material replacement.
There are situations when you lack the paperwork required to obtain a bank loan. You might not be qualified for standard loans or government grants if you are a start-up or an unemployed individual operating a new firm.
So, is there a secure funding option?
Borrow money for your business from a licensed money lender:
Since they are reliable solutions with liberal laws and procedures, licensed money lenders are often used in Malaysia. Less paperwork and rapid approval are guaranteed.
Complete an online form, provide some simple documentation, and then wait a few days. Your unsecured business loan will be approved, and the lender will get in touch with you to arrange an immediate cash release. You may borrow any amount of money if your business, store, or other commercial endeavor is older than two years. This is dependent on the risk tolerance of the lender and your repayment capacity.
For smaller loans, money lenders won't be finicky about credit scores, but they could run a credit check before making a large business loan. Based on the amount borrowed, interest rates are typically fixed monthly rates. Negotiations over interest rates and flexible repayment options are both possible with a private moneylender.
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newstfionline · 2 years
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
‘Perfect storm’ swirls as Canadians face hot inflation, rising rates (Reuters) At a warehouse on an industrial stretch in Ottawa, giant metal crates of donated groceries are piled high as volunteers sort canned goods, pasta and other foods to be distributed to pantries around the Canadian city. Demand has surged 33% at the Ottawa Food Bank from pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels, with visits up as spiraling grocery, gas and rent prices, along with fast-rising borrowing costs, leave more Canadians struggling to make ends meet. “We are absolutely seeing more people,” said Rachael Wilson, chief executive of the Ottawa Food Bank, adding the organization is now spending C$6 million ($4.4 million) a year on food, up from C$2 million pre-pandemic. “That’s because the cost of food has risen ... but also because of the number of people that are turning to a food bank right now,” said Wilson. “It is unfortunately a perfect storm.” Canada’s headline inflation rate has eased to 6.9% from a peak of 8.1%, but food costs are still accelerating.
Poll workers train for conflict (AP) Milwaukee’s top election official surveyed about 20 poll workers gathered in a classroom in a city building stuffed with election supplies, then spoke frankly about the tense environment they may face next week when the city expects more people watching their work than ever before. “So who is worried about observer disruptions?” Claire Woodall-Vogg, head of the Milwaukee Election Commission, asked the group. “Who has read things or heard things on the news, and you’re a little nervous? I am. I’ll raise my hand,” she said, smiling. A few of the workers raised their hands, too. They’re not alone in their concern: Election officials across the country are bracing for confrontational poll watchers fueled by lies about the legitimacy of the 2020 election spread by former President Donald Trump and others, even after Trump’s loss was upheld by repeated reviews, audits and recounts, and courts rejected legal challenges.
Brazil’s brash President Bolsonaro mum after election loss (AP) In Brazil’s capital on Monday, the silence was deafening. Nearly a full day after President Jair Bolsonaro lost his bid for reelection, the usually brash right-wing leader had neither conceded defeat nor challenged the results of the country’s closest political contest in more than three decades. Bolsonaro hadn’t spoken a word to reporters camped outside the official residence or the supporters who regularly gather nearby. Nor did he post on his otherwise prolific social media platforms. The only sign of protest came from Bolsonaro-supporting truckers who blockaded some roads across the country.
With Western Weapons, Ukraine Is Turning the Tables in an Artillery War (NYT) On the screen of a thermal imaging camera, the Russian armored personnel carrier disappeared in a silent puff of smoke. “What a beautiful explosion,” said First Lt. Serhiy, a Ukrainian drone pilot who watched as his weapon buzzed into a Russian-controlled village and picked off the armored vehicle, a blast that was audible seconds later at his position about four miles away. The war in Ukraine has been fought primarily through the air, with artillery, rockets, missiles and drones. And for months, Russia had the upper hand, able to lob munitions at Ukrainian cities, towns and military targets from positions well beyond the reach of Ukrainian weapons. But in recent months, the tide has turned along the front lines in southern Ukraine. With powerful Western weapons and deadly homemade drones, Ukraine now has artillery superiority in the area, commanders and military analysts say. Ukraine now has an edge in both range and in precision-guided rockets and artillery shells, a class of weapons largely lacking in Russia’s arsenal. Ukrainian soldiers are taking out armored vehicles worth millions of dollars with cheap homemade drones, as well as with more advanced drones and other weapons provided by the United States and allies. The Russian military remains a formidable force. Still, there is no mistaking the shifting fortunes on the southern front.
Russia’s security service works to subvert Moldova’s pro-Western government (Washington Post) When thousands of protesters gathered last month outside Moldova’s presidential palace calling for the country’s pro-Western leader to step down, the man behind the demonstration—an opposition party leader in exile in Israel—soon received plaudits from Moscow. One senior Russian politician praised the protest organizer, Ilan Shor, as “a worthy long-term partner” and even offered the Moldovan region led by Shor’s party a cheap Russian gas deal, according to Shor’s press service. Referred to as “the young one” by Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), the 35-year-old Shor is a leading figure in the Kremlin’s efforts to subvert this former Soviet republic, intelligence documents and interviews with Moldovan, Ukrainian and Western officials show. The documents—part of a trove of sensitive materials obtained by Ukrainian intelligence and reviewed by The Washington Post—illustrate how Moscow continues to try to manipulate countries in Eastern Europe even as its military campaign in Ukraine falters. The FSB has funneled tens of millions of dollars from some of Russia’s biggest state companies to cultivate a network of Moldovan politicians and reorient the country toward Moscow, the documents and interviews indicate.
At Least 140 Killed in India as Suspension Bridge Collapses (NYT) At least 140 people were killed after a century-old pedestrian bridge collapsed in the western Indian state of Gujarat on Sunday evening, sending hundreds plunging into the Machchhu River, officials said. About 350 people were on and around the bridge, a major tourist attraction, at the time of the collapse, said Brijesh Merja, a minister in the Gujarat government. A large number of those who died were children, women and older people, according to officials. The bridge collapsed four days after it was reopened to the public and about seven months after the start of renovation work. Built in 1880, during the Victorian era, it is about 755 feet long.
Shanghai Disney shuts over COVID, visitors unable to leave (Reuters) Shanghai’s Disney Resort abruptly suspended operations on Monday to comply with COVID-19 prevention measures, with all visitors at the time of the announcement directed to stay in the park until they return a negative test for the virus. The Shanghai government said on its official WeChat account the park was barring people from entering or exiting and that all visitors inside the site would need to await the results of their tests before they could leave. Anyone who had visited the park since Oct. 27 would need to test for COVID-19 three times in three days, it said. Shanghai reported 10 locally transmitted cases for Oct. 30, all of which it said were people without symptoms.
In Xi’s China, even internal reports fall prey to censorship (AP) When the coronavirus was first detected in Wuhan in late 2019, reporter Liao Jun of China’s official Xinhua News Agency told conflicting stories to two very different audiences. Liao’s news dispatches assured readers the disease didn’t spread from person to person. But in a separate confidential report to senior officials, Liao struck a different tone, alerting Beijing that a mysterious, dangerous disease had surfaced. Her reports to officials were part of a powerful internal reporting system long used by the ruling Communist Party to learn about issues considered too sensitive for the public to know. Chinese journalists and researchers file secret bulletins to top officials, ensuring they get the information needed to govern, even when it’s censored. But this internal system is struggling to give frank assessments as Chinese leader Xi Jinping consolidates his power, making it risky for anyone to question the party line even in confidential reports, a dozen Chinese academics, businesspeople and state journalists said in interviews with The Associated Press.
South Korea begins probe into deadly Halloween crush (Reuters) South Korean investigators combed footage on Monday from more than 50 state and private closed-circuit TV cameras as well as from social media looking for answers to how a surge in Halloween party-goers trapped in narrow alleys killed so many. As the country began a week of mourning, the death toll climbed to 154. Another 149 people were injured, 33 of them in serious condition. Tens of thousands of revellers—many in their teens and twenties and dressed in costume—had crowded into narrow streets and alleyways of the popular Itaewon district on Saturday for the first virtually unrestricted Halloween festivities in three years. Chaos erupted when people poured into one particularly narrow and sloping alley, even after it was already packed, witnesses said. On Monday, people laid white chrysanthemums, drinks and candles at a small makeshift altar off an exit of the Itaewon subway station. Jung Si-hoon, a retiree, placed an old wooden cross at the altar, saying nothing could be done to bring back all the young people who had died. “Those poor people, all at similar ages to my grandchildren... What more should we say? We should pray for them and wish they rest in peace,” he said.
Iran charges female journalists who helped break Amini’s story with being CIA spies (Washington Post) The two female Iranian journalists who helped break the story of Mahsa Amini, the 22-year-old Kurdish Iranian woman whose death in the custody of the so-called morality police last month sparked a nationwide uprising, were formally accused late Friday of being CIA spies and the “primary sources of news for foreign media”—the former a crime punishable by the death penalty in Iran. Journalists Niloofar Hamedi and Elahe Mohammadi have been held in Iran’s notorious Evin prison since late September as Iran’s clerical leaders have struggled to contain an outpouring of public anger and protests calling for their overthrow. In the joint statement sent to Iranian media late Friday local time, the Iranian Ministry of Intelligence and the intelligence agency of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard, the highly-feared guardians of Iran’s security state, accused the CIA of orchestrating Hamedi and Mohammadi’s reporting, and said “allied spy services and fanatic proxies,” planned the nationwide, leaderless unrest. Both Hamedi and Mohammadi’s top editors denied the charges Saturday and said the journalists were only doing their jobs. “What they have referred to as evidence for their charges is the exact definition of journalists’ professional duty,” the Journalist Association of Iran said in a statement Saturday.
Tight race in Israel (AP) Israeli voters appear to be hopelessly deadlocked as the country heads to elections once again on Tuesday, with opinion polls saying the race is too close to forecast. Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who governed for 12 years before he was ousted last year, is asking voters to give him another chance, even as he stands trial on corruption charges. The current prime minister, Yair Lapid, has billed himself as a voice of decency and unity. He hopes his brief term as head of a caretaker government has shown voters that someone besides Netanyahu can lead the country. In Israel’s fragmented political system, neither Netanyahu’s hard-line Likud party nor Lapid’s centrist Yesh Atid is expected to capture enough seats in parliament to form a new government. Instead, each hopes to secure the required 61-seat majority in the Knesset, or parliament, with the support of smaller political allies. If neither succeeds, Israel could soon be facing another election, after already holding five votes in under four years.
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accapitalmarket · 1 day
Sterling claws higher after BoE holds rates, UK100 lower
UK stocks bounded higher on Thursday after the Bank of England (BoE), as widely expected, left the cost of borrowing unchanged at 5.0%.
The BoE’s Monetary Policy Committee, which cut interest rates for the first time in four years at its August meeting opted to leave them unchanged by a majority of 8 to 1 this time
UK GDP growth has stalled recently, with data last week showing the economy stagnating for the second consecutive month in July. Analysts had been expecting in a 0.2% uplift.
But data on Wednesday showed inflation holding steady at 2.2% in August, above the BoE's long-term 2% target, while core inflation and services inflation both accelerated.
The BoE rate decision came a day after the US Federal Reserve announced a 50-basis points rate cut. On Wednesday, US stocks were volatile, ending lower after an initial rally, but the bulls won out in early trading again on Thursday, with big gains for all the main indexes.
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On currency markets, the rate decisions saw sterling push 0.56% higher against the dollar at 1.3287. Meanwhile, against the euro, the pound was up 0.26% at 1.914.
At the stock market close in London, the blue-chip FTSE 100 was up 0.9% at 8,308, while the broader FTSE 250 index jumped 1.6% to 21,162.
Heavily weighted miners rallied as copper prices hit a two-month high on a weaker dollar, with Anglo American up 3.7% and Antofagasta ahead 4.6%.
Retailers were higher, with JD Sports up 4.6% and Primark owner AB Foods ahead 0.7%, boosted by positive sector news. Clothing retailer Next rose 4.4% as it once again upgraded annual earnings guidance after full price sales in the first six weeks of the second half of the year rose 6.9%, materially exceeded expectations.
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Online grocer and logistics group Ocado rose 2.1% after it upgraded its revenue guidance for Ocado Retail - its joint venture with Marks & Spencer following a strong third-quarter performance which saw retail revenues jump 15%. Marks & Spencer also gained 1.8% on the news.
Elsewhere, Bytes Technology advanced 7.8% as it said trading has remained strong since it updated the market at its annual meeting in July.
But Close Brothers fell 5.6% after revealing it has agreed to sell its wealth management arm for up to £200mln to funds managed by Oaktree Capital Management and as it released in-line full-year results.
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thomine · 2 months
apricity : the warmth of the sun in the winter ft. gaming
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pair: gaming x reader info: minor 4.4 Lantern Rite spoiler (like a one-word spoiler, lol), not proofread word count: 1k links: requests are open! note: requested by @isekyaaa (thank you!!!) & yes i accept repeat prompts so long as it's not for the same character.
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There is no reason for your family to be at Qiaoying Village, so you create one. Leveraging how they've never been to Chenyu Vale, you entice them on a stress-free day trip to the North. You'll be their guide and plan everything.
Unfortunately, your family remains unbothered. Even suspicious, but they're right that you're not yourself. There is a reason why your family has not travelled upward—the trip is tedious and dangerous. You need to hire a guard which is costly... but you are prepared. You will not do this much if it is just a normal holiday.
"Someone paid for my meal when I lost my wallet," you explain, exasperated since none of your white lies budged them. "I hope to bring everyone to watch his performance to return the favour. That's all."
"You should have just told us that," your mother says. "Of course we'll go if you need to return a favour."
After her comment, the rest of your family agrees. Somehow, your plans expand to include your extended family since your mother finds you have a coupon that waivers your next payment with Sword and Strongbox Secure Transport Agency.
You eventually accept the newcomers, but on the condition they will watch your friend perform.
That's how you end up at Qianying Village with practically a village of your own—but you aren't complaining. The more the merrier for you, especially when you see the look on his face.
Your relationship with Gaming is peculiar. The day you lost your wallet was an ordinary day until he insisted to pay for your meal. You were hogging up the queue, and his deed should have just ended as that—an act of kindness from a stranger, but tradition states that you have to return every favour, so you readied yourself to be of use when you find him.
The stars aligned and you caught him practicing a dance in the outskirts of Liyue. It was your chance to offer your helping hand, which he accepted bashfully. You knew helping him for practices was not the same as him paying for a meal, but if you did it frequently, it will stack to match, right? A few days after, he one-upped you by bargaining for an item you wanted that was out of your budget.
With the item in your possession, you needed to try harder, and a cold war began. Who would have the pleasure of saying the last "I insist"?
That was why you were devastated to know Gaming was leaving Liyue after his spectacular performance at Lantern Rite, and he was giving you a coupon he requested from his work for you.
"I insist," he said.
The coupon weighed heavy in your hands, but the news had a numbing effect that you couldn't let go of the flimsy piece of paper. Shouldn't there be a tomorrow where you'd find him along the streets and pay him back? Wouldn't there be a next time where he scouts you among the crowd and helps you again?
Days with Gaming were never ordinary, but neither were they when he left. There was a deep-seated dissatisfaction that left you restless. Walking along the street you first met him amplified it. Sitting at the bank where Gaming used to train aggravated it. Looking at the coupon you've tucked between your favourite notebook annoyed it.
It must be your pride that has set like the sun.
On the fated day, you grab front row seats for every family member. They watch the blend of dance and drums in awe, but you are fixed on Gaming whose face is covered by his lion mask. You wonder about his reaction—if he even sees you at all.
At the end of the performance, you consider meeting him backstage to brag how you'll have the last say and this will be the end of the ledger, but you did not expect him to dash from the platform and hug you just as the crowds are dispersing. The whispers of your family tickles your ears, a probable reason for the heat clustering on your face, but you ignore it when Gaming pulls away.
"You came!" he exclaims. "You should have told me or something. I would have prepared much more if I knew!"
"Uh-uh," you say, wagging your finger. "Do you think I'll let you have the upper hand?"
Gaming laughs, and you are stunned at how you ached to hear it again.
"I can't thank you enough. Really! I was worried the seats would be empty, but the cheers were loud enough for me to forget that."
"I'm doing this as thanks for all the things you did for me. Now we're even."
"Does that matter? Since I'm the host, let me bring you and your family around. When are you heading back?"
"Today," you mumble and swallow when his face dims. This should be the moment you bask in your sunny pride—yet it is the opposite of apricity, the warmth of the sun that is touching and fulfilling. Instead, the dissatisfaction in you is at an all time-high. "I'm leaving today. The coupon you gave is only viable for one payment, so I can only afford a day trip."
"That's not an issue! I'll personally escort you and your family back, free of charge—"
"Gaming," you say, "You've done a lot for me. I really can't accept this."
He blinks. Then, quietly asks, "Do you see it as a burden?"
"No, it's…" What is it? Why do you feel exasperated? You look at Gaming and a wave of emotion thrusts the truth out. "It's weird to visit without a reason, right? But it's also tiring to keep finding one. I just want to see you again."
Gaming's eyes grow wide. You tear your gaze from him to prepare for the worse, but he grabs your hand.
"Then let me escort you home so we have more time together. No other reason needed."
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author's note: the first time i wrote for apricity... i was thinking along the lines of feeling apricity... so for this request i went along the lines of not feeling apricity even though one expected it, except there is no sun LOL.
the initial scene i had for this idea was... gaming doing lion dance & reader capturing that moment akin to receiving apricity, but it felt a little too cliche so i dug around his character stories & found an interesting aspect to his character! anyways, fun story! took a while because brainstorming took a while, and i got busy with other things. oops.
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head-post · 3 months
Kyiv may receive $50bn aid package from G7 countries, military aid from NATO countries
Ukraine may receive a large-scale aid package from the G7 countries and additional support from NATO countries in the near future.
A senior EU official said that they had prepared an aid package for Ukraine, which will be announced on June 13. As the source pointed out, Ukraine will be allocated a 50bn-dollar loan, which will cover the account proceeds from the frozen assets of Russia. Kyiv will be able to use these funds to rebuild the country.
According to the Commission, about 210 billion euros from the Russian central bank have been frozen in the EU. Brussels-based financial institution Euroclear recently announced that it will collect about €4.4 billion in interest in 2023. This is by far the most important institution in the EU to hold assets belonging to the Russian central bank.
There are currently no plans to use the Russian central bank’s funds directly through the expropriation decree. One reason for this is legal considerations and the likelihood of retaliation. For example, it is conceivable that EU companies operating in Russia could be subject to expropriation.
Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is expecting her counterparts from Germany, France, the UK, Japan, Canada and the US to attend the three-day G7 summit at a luxury hotel in Borgo Egnazia in Puglia in southern Italy this Thursday. EU Council President Charles Michel and Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will also be there.
NATO support
Meanwhile, Norway has announced that it has allocated 240 million euros to Ukraine for air defence (air defence).
The Norwegian Foreign Ministry said in its official account on X:
Norway will contribute € 240 M to air defence measures for Ukraine. Today, Germany confirmed that it, together with Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands, will finance re-procurement of a Patriot system so that 100 Patriot missiles can be quickly donated to Ukraine. Norway will contribute € 125 M to this co-operation.
Earlier the Netherlands reportedly allocated 60m euros for the purchase of drones for Ukraine. The country will receive, among other things, surface drones and drones with a first-person view function. On Tuesday, Prime Minister Mark Rutte said that the Netherlands would additionally allocate a new package of 138 million euros to Ukraine, including for energy infrastructure repairs and humanitarian aid.
Read more HERE
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04JUN24- #Ecuador #CDs 'The interest rate on fixed-term deposits in June is the highest in the last fifteen years: how much do I earn if I deposit $10,000 for a year?
"The interest recognized by financial institutions such as banks and cooperatives for fixed-term deposits (CDs) reached a record percentage of 8.44% in June 2024, according to the history published by the Central Bank of Ecuador every month.
It is the highest performance in the last fifteen years, at least since January 2008. (Yes, there are institutions that offer higher returns for extended CDs).
The trend of investing in banks and cooperatives, freezing deposits for a certain time to receive a profit in exchange from the chosen financial institution, continues because there is a high return.
In the case of fixed-term deposits, we must look at the reference passive interest rate, which is what financial institutions pay in exchange for maintaining a deposit for a certain period of time.
The ECB publishes the annual reference deposit rates depending on how long the amount remains.
The reference deposit rate in June 2010 was 4.4%, so it rose 4.04 points from then until June 2024.
And between June 2023 and this month it went from 7.03% to 8.44%.
High inflation and the increase in interest rates abroad push and pressure local banks to also raise interest rates within the country so as not to lose their deposits.
The percentage is an average, since ultimately the return received will depend on what each financial institution recognizes and the time the amount is frozen.
How much interest do I earn if I deposit $10,000 in a fixed term for one year?
According to the ECB's reference interest rate table, the annual return for freezing a deposit for a period of 181 to 360 days is 8.48%.
If a citizen freezes ten thousand dollars in a policy for a period of 360 days, he will receive $848 in interest, so upon completion of the term he would receive $10,848.
The most used term is 181 to 360 days, which is adjusted depending on the time that it is finally decided to freeze.
For example, if you decide to open a term account or policy with a deposit of ten thousand dollars, freezing them for 210 days (seven months), the capital will earn a cumulative return of 4.95%, which means $495. In the end, you will receive $10,495.
But if the agreed time is 240 days, that is, for eight months, the return that the same ten thousand dollars would earn would be $565 with a return of 5.65%. Finally, the amount that the depositor will receive will be $10,565.
The calculation is made by dividing the interest for twelve months, in this case 8.48% for 12. The result is multiplied by the number of months that the money will ultimately be kept frozen.
The agreed performance will be obtained the moment the planned period begins to run.
How much money is there in the policies?
The last figure available corresponds to the month of April 2024 when fixed-term deposits in private banks totaled 20,793.61 million dollars.
Added to this value are the 14,723.43 million dollars that are in policies of the institutions of the popular and solidarity economy (cooperatives and mutual societies).
Which adds up to a total of 35,517.04 million dollars.
The most used term in banks and cooperatives is 181 to 360 days with 10,478.56 million dollars frozen in banks and cooperatives.
In April 2024 there were 386,580 clients with fixed-term deposits in private banks, according to the Datalab system of the Association of Banks of Ecuador (Asobanca).
The latest figure available from the Superintendency of the Popular and Solidarity Economy, which regulates cooperatives and mutuals, indicates that a total of 793,987 clients had a policy in this type of financial institutions in March 2024.
Source: https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/informes/la-tasa-de-interes-por-los-depositos-a-plazo-fijo-en-junio-es-la-mas-alta-de-los-ultimos-quince-anos-cuanto-gano-si-deposito-10000-dolares-por-un-ano-nota/
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market-news-24 · 4 months
Looking for an affordable smart home security solution? Meet the $19 Blink Mini and the $24 Kasa cameras. These budget-friendly devices offer reliable surveillance options, with features like motion detection and night vision. Perfect for keeping an eye on your home, these cameras make advanced home security accessible for everyone. Get peace of mind without breaking the bank! Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, Variety may receive an affiliate commission. One of the best-reviewed indoor security cameras on the Market today, the Blink Mini Cam records in full HD with night vision and two-way talk. It’s never been easier to keep an eye on your home thanks to the seemingly endless number of security camera brands available right now. If you’re looking for a great indoor security camera, you’ll want to take advantage of this new Amazon deal, which gets you the best-selling Blink Mini smart security camera on sale for just $19.99. Regularly priced at $29.99 and above, the new discount saves you 33% and brings the Blink Security Camera down to its lowest price yet. You can also find the deal at Target. What’s more: the offer includes 30 days of free access to the Blink Subscription Plan, which lets you track and stream up to 90 minutes of live footage from your camera, and save and share clips online. AMAZON DEAL Blink Mini Smart Security Camera Reviewers say they like how the Blink Mini is portable and discreet enough to be placed anywhere in the home. It provides secure monitoring with crisp 1080p HD video, night vision, motion detection, and two-way audio. It also sets up super easily. This is one of the best-reviewed security cameras online, with a 4.4-star rating from a whopping 283,000 verified shoppers online. More than 70% of reviewers give it a full five-star rating. This Amazon deal gets you the Blink Mini HD camera and a 30-day free trial to the Blink Subscription Plan, which lets you save and store videos and see a live stream of your home for up to 90 minutes at a time. Shop the deal here at Amazon or get the security cam deal at Target. Another great security camera deal on Amazon is the Kasa Indoor Smart Security Camera for just $24. This is one of the most popular security cams online, with more than 28,000 verified reviews. AMAZON DEAL Kasa Indoor Pan/Tilt Smart Security Camera The Kasa Home Security Camera is a pint-sized cam that sits easily on a bookshelf, side table, or countertop. The camera provides crisp and sharp viewing in full 1080p HD quality. The pan and tilt function ensures a wider frame of view. Pair the camera to your phone to control exactly what you want to see. We’ve used this security camera for years, and it’s great to keep an eye on your pets, as a nanny cam, or for extra peace of mind when you’re out of the house. Night vision mode is surprisingly clear and we like the two-way talk function, which we’ve used to talk to our pets. Fortunately, we’ve never had to use the audio feature to talk to intruders, but it’s good to know the option is there.
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mysimsloveaffair · 1 year
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I begin breaking into Hondo’s so-called ‘friend’s’ warehouse. But just as I progress, one of the First Order officers taps me on my shoulder and asks to see my security clearance. Luckily, Hondo made sure that I had what I needed. The officer returns my ID, and I go back to work, successfully securing Hondo’s package and plenty of credits to go along with it.
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roamnook · 5 months
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Informative Blog | RoamNook
An Informative Blog on the Power of Data
Welcome to RoamNook, an innovative technology company that specializes in IT consultation, custom software development, and digital marketing. Our main goal is to fuel digital growth by providing cutting-edge solutions to businesses across various industries. In this blog, we will be diving deep into the world of data, highlighting key facts, hard information, numbers, and concrete data.
The Power of Data in the Modern World
Data is the lifeblood of the modern world. From businesses to governments, data plays a crucial role in decision-making, problem-solving, and understanding trends. In the era of digitalization, massive amounts of data are generated every second, presenting both an opportunity and a challenge.
Let's take a look at some staggering numbers:
Over 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are generated every day.
By 2025, it is estimated that 463 exabytes of data will be created globally every day.
90% of the world's data has been generated in the last two years alone.
More than 4.4 zettabytes of data were created in 2020.
By 2025, it is predicted that the global datasphere will grow to 175 zettabytes.
These numbers clearly indicate the exponential growth of data and the increasing importance of effectively utilizing it for valuable insights. Businesses that can harness the power of data have a competitive advantage in today's fast-paced digital landscape.
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Data Analysis
Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role in analyzing and extracting meaningful information from the vast amounts of data available. With the advent of advanced AI algorithms, businesses can uncover hidden patterns, make accurate predictions, and optimize their operations.
Here are some key highlights:
Machine Learning (ML) algorithms can analyze large datasets and make predictions with incredible accuracy.
Computer Vision algorithms can analyze images and videos, enabling applications such as facial recognition and object detection.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms can understand and generate human-like text, revolutionizing communication and content creation.
Federated Learning allows multiple devices to contribute and learn from a shared model without exposing their data, ensuring privacy and security.
Reinforcement Learning algorithms can learn through trial and error, enabling autonomous decision-making in complex environments.
AutoML tools automate the process of building and optimizing ML models, reducing the dependency on manual labor and improving efficiency.
By leveraging these AI technologies, businesses can gain valuable insights, automate processes, and enhance decision-making based on concrete data.
Real-World Applications of Data-Driven Decision Making
The applications of data-driven decision making are vast and varied across industries. Let's explore some examples:
Banks and financial institutions use data analysis to detect fraud, predict market trends, and personalize financial services for customers based on their spending patterns.
In the healthcare industry, data analysis enables early disease detection, personalized treatment plans, and the development of AI models that can diagnose and predict patient outcomes with high accuracy.
Retailers leverage data analysis to optimize inventory management, forecast demand, personalize marketing campaigns, and provide personalized product recommendations to customers.
Transportation companies utilize data analysis to optimize routes, predict maintenance needs, enhance fleet management, and improve overall operational efficiency.
These are just a few examples, and the potential applications of data-driven decision making are virtually limitless across all sectors.
Why RoamNook is Your Trusted Partner for Data Solutions
At RoamNook, we understand the transformative power of data and its ability to drive business growth. With our expertise in IT consultation, custom software development, and digital marketing, we are dedicated to helping businesses harness the full potential of data.
Our team of experienced professionals excels in:
Data analysis
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Computer Vision
Custom software development
Digital marketing strategies
Partnering with RoamNook means unlocking the power of data-driven decision making and gaining a competitive edge in your industry. Let us help you navigate the complex world of data and AI, turning raw information into valuable insights.
Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can transform your business into a data-driven powerhouse.
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Discover the future of digital growth with RoamNook - your trusted partner for IT consultation, custom software development, and digital marketing. Unlock the power of data and AI to drive your business forward. Visit our website at www.roamnook.com to learn more about our innovative solutions. Fuel your digital growth with RoamNook today!
Source: https://www.marktechpost.com/2024/04/23/this-ai-paper-proposes-a-novel-bayesian-deep-learning-model-with-kernel-dropout-designed-to-enhance-the-reliability-of-predictions-in-medical-text-classification-tasks/&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwiPsvDx1fKFAxXEFFkFHcTvBg4QxfQBegQICBAC&usg=AOvVaw3OB0RZD6pnVtC4DT3OjljZ
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Power Bank Wireless 30000mAh - Versatile Portable Charger
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With its compact size, high capacity, and multiple charging options, I was excited to see how it would enhance my on-the-go charging needs. My experience with the Power Bank Wireless has been mostly positive. The built-in cables were convenient and saved me from carrying extra wires. The battery life was impressive, lasting through multiple charges, making it ideal for travel. I particularly enjoyed the solar charging feature and the different LED lighting modes, which came in handy during camping trips. However, I did encounter some issues with the solar charging taking longer than expected and not providing a substantial charge in limited sunlight. Large Capacity and Compact SizeCredit - Amazon.comBuy On AmazonThe Power Bank Wireless 30000mAh Portable Charger offers a significant battery capacity of 30000 mAh while maintaining a compact size of 168*88*30mm. This allows for charging an iPhone 12 up to 8.7 times, a Samsung S21 up to 6.1 times, and an iPad mini 5 up to 4.4 times. It is recommended to charge the power bank upon receipt before initial use to ensure optimal performance during daily charging needs.Power Bank Wireless 30000mAh: Versatile Charging OptionsCredit - Amazon.comBuy On AmazonWith built-in cables for Apple, Android, and type-c devices, as well as USB input and output ports, this power bank offers versatile charging options. It supports simultaneous charging of up to 5 devices and also features wireless charging functionality. Simply place a wireless-enabled phone on the back of the power bank and press the power button to initiate charging, making it a convenient all-in-one charging solution for everyday use.Solar Charging and LED LightingCredit - Amazon.comBuy On AmazonEquipped with a solar panel, the power bank can be charged using sunlight, making it ideal for outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, and emergencies. Additionally, the device offers three LED lighting modes for various situations, including bright mode, SOS mode, and strobe mode. The intuitive controls allow for easy access to different lighting options, enhancing its utility in diverse settings.Power Bank Wireless 30000mAh: Enhanced Safety FeaturesCredit - Amazon.comThe power bank utilizes a lithium polymer battery with advanced safety features, including protection against over-temperature and overload conditions. To maintain the longevity of the device, it is advised to avoid dropping it from heights or exposing it to extreme conditions. These safety measures ensure a reliable and secure charging experience for users, providing peace of mind during daily use.Power Bank Wireless 30000mAh: Customer-Centric After-Sales SupportCredit - Amazon.comThe product comes with a 90-day return and exchange policy, complemented by 24-hour after-sales service via email. Customers can reach out for assistance with any queries or issues, and the support team is dedicated to resolving concerns promptly. This commitment to customer satisfaction underscores the brand's focus on delivering a positive user experience and ensuring the product meets the needs of consumers effectively. Pros: - The Power Bank Wireless 30000mAh Portable Charger has a large capacity, allowing it to charge devices multiple times before needing to be recharged itself. - It comes with built-in cables for Apple, Android, and type-c devices, eliminating the need to carry extra cables. - The power bank features solar charging capability and three LED lighting modes, making it ideal for outdoor activities like camping and hiking. Cons: - Some users found the power bank to be too big and heavy, making it less practical for everyday use. - The solar charging function may not be as effective in regions with limited sunlight, reducing its utility for some users. - Despite the high capacity, a few customers reported that the power bank did not meet their expectations in terms of charging efficiency and performance. Read also: - BLAVOR Solar Power Bank: The Ultimate Outdoor Portable Charger - VTOMAN Jump 1500X Power Station: Your Reliable Portable Solar Generator - Jackery Portable Power Station: The Ultimate Outdoor Power Solution - POWEROAK 400Wh - A Reliable and Versatile Portable Solar Power Generator for Emergencies and Camping Conclusion In conclusion, the Power Bank Wireless 30000mAh Portable Charger offers a versatile and reliable charging solution for everyday use. While it may be slightly bulky for some users, its functionality and performance make it a worthwhile investment. The safety features and after-sales service provided by the brand add to its appeal. Overall, I would recommend this power bank to those looking for a convenient and efficient charging solution, especially for outdoor adventures. Questions & Answers: Question: Can the Power Bank Wireless 30000mAh Portable Charger charge multiple devices simultaneously?Answer: Yes, the power bank features two USB output ports and can charge up to 5 devices at the same time.Question: 2: What is the warranty and after-sales service provided for this product?Answer: The power bank uses a lithium polymer battery with safety features such as over-temperature and overload circuit protection. However, it is advised not to drop it from a height or expose it to extreme conditions to avoid damage.Question: Is the power bank durable and safe to use?Answer: Buy On Amazon Read the full article
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tknblog · 7 months
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tjmondigo · 11 months
So first let's talk about what is happening between israel vs palestine
Early in October 2023, Israel and Hamas, the militant Islamist organization in charge of Gaza since 2006, went to war. Along with murdering and injuring hundreds of soldiers and civilians, Hamas fighters invaded southern Israeli cities and villages across the Gaza Strip border and fired rockets into Israel. They also took scores of hostages. Israel was caught off guard by the strike, but it soon launched a lethal counterattack. The Israeli cabinet officially declared war on Hamas the day after the attack on October 7, and the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) were then given orders by the defense minister to impose a "complete siege" on Gaza. Since then, Israel has ordered the evacuation of over a million Palestinian inhabitants, and the two sides have engaged in regular rocket exchanges.
As of 2018, the vast majority of Israelis (74.3%) identify as Jewish, with Muslims (17.8%), Christians (1.9%), Druze (1.6%), and people of other religions (4.4%) following closely behind. Israel is the only nation where the majority of people identify as Jewish. Israel is home to a variety of Christian and Jewish faiths, while the majority of Muslims identify with the Sunni tradition. Israel is home to about 41% of the world's Jewish population. It is rare for members of Israel's major religions to convert; instead, individuals who identify as Jews, Muslims, Christians, or Druze almost always stick with the faith they were raised in.
All Palestinians, including those who reside abroad, are Muslims. On an identification card issued by the Israeli government, every resident of the Palestinian Territories must indicate their religion. This document states that 98% of Palestinians identify as Sunni Muslims.1 Christianity is the main minority religion, with an estimated 52,000 Palestinian Christians thought to have resided in the occupied territories as of 2013.2 It is also believed that the number of religiously unaffiliated Palestinians (i.e. atheist or agnostic) in the West Bank and Gaza is very small.
The Green Line, which technically divides Israel from the West Bank and was also established during the 1949 Rhodes Armistice Talks, which were held between Israel and Jordan, is commonly viewed as the default border between Israel and a future Palestinian state. The border, which was the first official political division of land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, was superimposed onto the landscape and reflected the outcome of the war. Some adjustments were also made, particularly in the Wadi Ara region to allow Israel to maintain a territorial link between the coastal towns and Afula.
The West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip are included in the Occupied Territories, which are under the legal control of Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA), with much of the region being under both parties' purview. Violence between Palestinians and Israeli security forces continued in Israel, Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank. The PA Basic Law, which serves as an interim constitution, declares Islam as the official religion but asks for respect of "all other divine religions." In the course of the year, attacks outside the Green Line in Jerusalem, Gaza, and the West Bank claimed the lives of 91 Palestinians and eight Israelis.
The West Bank, which includes East Jerusalem, and Gaza make up the OPT. In the OPT, there are about 4.5 million Palestinians (2.7 million in the West Bank and 1.8 million in Gaza). In order for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to be realized, a sovereign and unified Palestinian state based on the pre-June 1967 lines (the borders that existed before Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza in June 1967) would be established on this territory, with East Jerusalem serving as its capital.
Potash, bromine, and magnesium are examples of mineral resources; the latter two come from the Dead Sea's waters. Phosphates and trace amounts of gypsum are found in the Negev, copper ore is found in the arava, and minor marble is found in Galilee. Small oil resources have been discovered in the northern Negev and south of Tel Aviv since Israel started limited petroleum exploration in the 1950s. In addition, the nation has natural gas reserves offshore in the Mediterranean and in the northern Negev, northeast of Beersheba.
Natural resources abound throughout historic Palestine, including fresh and ground water, arable land, and wildlife. land and, more recently, natural gas and oil. Seven decades have passed since Israel's founding as a nation. These resources have been misused and corrupted in a number of ways. These include common Land theft by the Palestinians during the ongoing Nakba, water exploitation as a result of failed negotiations, and a When gas or oil is discovered in or under occupied land, finders-keepers law applies.
Abraham founded the idea that there is just one God, the universe's creator, which is where the people of Israel (also known as the "Jewish People") derive from (see Torah). The patriarchs of the Israelites are described as Abraham, his son Yitshak (Isaac), and his great-grandson Jacob (Israel).
The enormous political changes and battles that brought this tiny territory to the attention of the world have had a significant impact on the social geography of modern Palestine, particularly the region west of the Jordan River. Israeli Jews made up nearly half of the population west of the Jordan at the beginning of the twenty-first century, with Palestinian Arabs (Muslim, Christian, and Druze) and other smaller minorities making up the remainder. Despite the fact that millions of immigrants have come since the State of Israel's inception in 1948, the Jewish population is becoming more and more made up of people who were born in Israel. The majority of the Arab population is descended from Arabs who resided in the region for many centuries before the mandate period and during it.
One of the initial targets of the historic Hamas ground invasion into Israel was the music festival. It might also be the most lethal. Israel's search and rescue group estimated that there had been at least 260 fatalities.
Additionally, militants carried out raids on neighboring settlements, killing and kidnapping locals—in some cases, entire families—while moving from house to house. More than a full day after the assault started on Sunday afternoon, the Israeli force was still fighting Gaza militants in various locations. Seven hundred people lost their lives in Israel, and more than three hundred more were left critically or badly injured. Israeli airstrikes on Gaza has resulted in about 400 Palestinian deaths.
I'm a pro israel because first of all hamas people are the one who attached first and there are many theories that hamas or other militant people at palestine are kidnapping people specially girls to undergo terrible experience such as rape, abuse and many more.
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belleofxofficial · 11 months
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Top 5 Market Highlights for the Upcoming Week
Earnings Season Momentum: The third-quarter earnings season is gaining momentum, with several major U.S. corporations set to unveil their results. Expectations are high for improved profit growth following a subdued first half.
U.S. Economic Data and Fedspeak: All eyes are on Fed Chair Jerome Powell's remarks on Thursday as he addresses the Economic Club of New York. His insights are closely monitored as part of a broader focus on U.S. economic data.
Oil Market Dynamics: Oil prices saw a nearly 6% surge last Friday, marking Brent's most substantial weekly gain since February. This spike is tied to concerns that the Middle East conflict could escalate further, with Israel initiating ground operations in the Gaza Strip.
Insight into China: Economists are anticipating fresh data on gross domestic product (GDP) to reveal a modest year-over-year uptick of 4.4%. However, this figure remains below Beijing's annual growth target of around 5%. Reports also suggest that the government is considering increasing its budget deficit to meet the 5% growth target for this year.
U.K. Economic Updates: The U.K. is scheduled to release its latest employment report on Tuesday, followed by inflation figures for September a day later. These figures are the final data points ahead of the Bank of England's November meeting, making them of particular interest to market observers.
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