oneshortdamnfuse · 1 year
@ariesbilly tagged me to do 10 songs I’m currently obsessed with! ☺️
In no particular order, songs currently in my favorites playlist:
The Death of Peace of Mind - Bad Omens
Chokehold - Sleep Token
No Surrender - Judas Priest
Raise Your Horns - Amon Amarth
Spillways - Ghost
Lost - Linkin Park
Hope - NF
Someone Else - Rezz & Grabbitz
Marlboro - MiyaGi
HVA SA DU - Den BB & Oskar Westerlin
I’m tagging @nightlyponder , @sirmarsian , @anatomicalhearteyes , @allshesaidwasyes , @orlamcsupercool , @baphometsss , @gayalexisrose , @antivan-surana ! No pressure 💜
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tearyphoenixx · 2 years
tagged by @baphometsss thank you baby i LOVE speaking about me too
 slow burn or love at first sight // fake dating or secret dating // enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers // oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence // hurt-comfort or amnesia // fantasy au or modern au // mutual pining or domestic bliss // smut or fluff // canon-compliant or fix-it // reincarnation or character death // one-shot or multi-chapter // kid fic or road trip fic // arranged marriage or accidental marriage // high school romance or middle aged romance // time travel or isolated together // neighbors or roommates // sci-fi au or magic au // body swap or gender bend // angst or crack // apocalyptic or mundane
my addition : hanahaki disease or soulmate au tagging : @telesiod @guileastos91, @l1ghth0p3, @autheane, @ihavenosoul12, @southernwindsarrow, @bluberry-star, @aquaticnaho, @silversilence14, @dorkousloris, @foolish-gal, @glitchygoblin, @dam1e, @flightlessdevotee, @oddlykip
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ghoste-catte · 3 years
G, Q & T! ♥
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it?  
Ohhhh, the halcyon days of my youth ... My veryvery first OTP was Merry and Pippin from Lord of the Rings. A friend introduced me to the concept of fanfiction because her big sister was really into it, and I very quickly went from “well this is weird” to “actually I love this”. My entire justification for shipping them was pretty much “they’re my two faves”, lol.  In my defense, I was in like seventh grade and the LOTR movies had just come out (dating myself here), and my friends and I were all absolutely obsessed with them. Like, watching all the deleted scenes and actor commentary ... it was a whole thing. Anyway, that was back in the day where a lot of content was scattered across people’s private websites, various LiveJournal communities, and (gag) fanfiction.net. So it was really hard to find content, which there wasn’t a lot of for that ship to begin with, and I pretty quickly moved on to other ships and fandoms. 
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why  
I used to be a huuuuuge WolfStar (Remus x Sirius from Harry Potter) shipper. That was back when the Harry Potter books were still actively being published (between books 3 and 5 I believe), and there was so much content, which I absolutely soaked up like a sponge. I can’t really say why I moved on from it. I just sort of gravitated to other fandoms after the last book, I guess. I’ve occasionally dipped back in to see if I could catch some of that spark again because, genuinely, my obsession with them was consuming--I read so much fic, I made art, I make mixes, I made collages on the floor of my bedroom--but I just haven’t ever been able to really recapture it. And of course in recent years, canon has left an increasingly sour taste in my mouth, so it’s hard for me to imagine returning to it. 
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)  
My headcanons are generally pretty flexible? I sort of start out fresh and new with each story and build around what I want the story to be about, rather than having a preestablished fanon world in my head. Hell, I bend canon to fit my needs all the time too. 
The one thing I would say I really, really feel strongly about is that interpreting Gaara’s violent childhood as the result of schizophrenia in modern/non-Naruto AUs is a fundamental misunderstanding of his character and the nature of his mental health in canon. Gaara does not experience psychosis in canon. He has neither the positive (hallucinations, delusions) nor the negative symptoms (withdrawal, self-neglect, catatonia) of schizophrenia. He is perfectly aware of the division between reality and his own thoughts, it’s simply that what is going on around and within him is, y’know, magic bullshit. If anything, he’s too firmly immersed in the pain of his reality to the point that it’s inescapable for him and the only way he can cope with it is through externalizing. And using the fact that he had a literal demon sealed inside him and that he was an extrajudicial murderer as a teen (because all the Naruto characters are murderers, really, it’s just a matter of whether or not that murder is sanctioned by the state) is just ... a gross misinterpretation of both what Gaara went through and why he was the way he was AND what schizophrenia is at the same time. Plus it plays into very nasty, very ableist tropes about people with psychosis being violent and murderous, especially when the AU has Shukaku manifesting as a command hallucination that makes Gaara hurt people. I can be sold on a lot of different mental health issues as a modern OR canon interpretation of Gaara’s experiences (and I’ve written him with a variety of different struggles in my own fics), and I’m not wholly opposed even to him having psychotic symptoms, as long as the line isn’t drawn from “he has psychosis” to “and that’s why he hurt people as a child/teenager”. 
fandom meme: come at me friend!
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noelroeimfisher · 7 years
baphometsss replied to your photo “was everyone aware that the distribution of the percentage of women in...”
Obviously I'm not American but maybe it's to do with female minority areas having mostly male-dominated industries... which are attracting men from other areas of the country?
yeah i think thats a good explanation for the female minority areas in the west...but i think im still kinda surprised by like how heavily concentrated the female majority areas are in the southeast like that?? im probably just missing something abt which industries are where tho
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gaalee-events · 3 years
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Here's Part 2 of the GaaLee Hallo-Week Wrap Up! There were so many creations, they wouldn't all fit in one post.
Part 1 is here!
The full list is below the cut:
Day 5
Movie Night
Cutting Teeth (M) by@ghoste-catte (a_gay_poster on Ao3)
Cinema (NR) by@koni5dream (koniXchiwa on Ao3)
The Addams Family
On A Full Moon Date Night, Ch. 5 (GA) by@munofsilver (MunofSilver on Ao3)
The Amityville Horror
fear makes the heart beat faster, Ch. 3 (M) by@goblin-b0i (g0blin_b0i on Ao3)
Day 6
Scary Stories
Forest Night (T) by@acc-clone (somerandomuser on Ao3)
My family is... (T) by@acc-clone (somerandomuser on Ao3)
Black Cat (E) by@acc-clone (somerandomuser on Ao3)
Bad memory (T) & Art by@acc-clone (somerandomuser on Ao3)
Red stain (T) by@acc-clone (somerandomuser on Ao3)
Best friend (T) & Art by@acc-clone (somerandomuser on Ao3)
Halloween Birthday (T) & Art by@acc-clone (somerandomuser on Ao3)
Don't blink (T) & Art by@acc-clone (somerandomuser on Ao3)
Babysitting nightmare (T) by@acc-clone (somerandomuser on Ao3)
Cute Aggression (Art) by@acc-clone (warnings: blood, murder, cannibalism)
On a Full Moon Date Night, Ch. 6 (GA) by@munofsilver (MunofSilver on Ao3)
"People don't want to see what can't possibly exist." - Terry Pratchett, Mort
The People of Suna Love Their Kazekage. From a Distance. (NR) by@goblin-b0i (g0blin_b0i on Ao3)
Day 7
Art by@acc-clone
I Don't Need a Costume ('Cause I'm Already a Freak) (M) by@ghoste-catte (a_gay_poster on Ao3)
Art by@luminoustarrz
Familiar Yet Alien (GA) by@philosopherbouquet (FanFictionEngineer on Ao3)
Free Day
Art by@acc-clone (warnings: blood, guns, zombies)
Art (NSFW) by@baphometsss
Wolf boy (M) by@koni5dream (koniXchiwa on Ao3)
Baby one more time (NR) by@koni5dream (koniXchiwa on Ao3)
On a Full Moon Date Night, Ch. 7 (GA) by@munofsilver (MunofSilver on Ao3)
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gaalee-bingo · 4 years
gaalee bingo wrap-up (part 1)!
yesterday was the final ‘official’ day of gaalee bingo. thank you so much to everyone who participated! there was an amazing turnout of 18 creators and over 65 new works created in just one month!! i am so astonished with the reception this event received. thank you so much to each and every participant!!
as a reminder, if you still want to create something for a bingo square, please continue to ping the blog and i’ll continue to reblog them even after the end of october. i just can’t commit to continuing to make badges or to a 24-hour turnaround after october. 
since there was so much content, i’m sure there were square fills that got missed, so here’s a convenient hub of all the squares that were filled, alphabetically by creator (fics/art that may not be sfw will be noted). there were so many that i hit tumblr’s post size limit, so this is part 1 (A-L): 
secret admirer: Plants and Envelopes 
desert flora: art
height/size difference: art
touch starved: art
baphometsss / kuroashi
soulmates: soulmates never die, a gaalee playlist
stuck together: art
love letters found: Hairsbreadth 
jealousy: Eye of the Beholder (rated M)
shinshoubyou: shinshoubyou (gaara pov) - playlist
soulmates: Word and Deed, chapter 1
long distance: Word and Deed, chapter 2
“that’ll never happen”: Word and Deed, chapter 3
pet dads: art
desert flora: art (mild nudity)
touch starved: art
thief: art
masquerade: art
ghoste-catte / a_gay_poster
love letters found: Intricate Rituals (rated M)
stuck together: Getalong
festival: Asagao (rated M)
monster: A Lesson in Bloodletting
dreams: I’ll Build a House Inside of You, chapter 1
beach day: From the Mouths of Babes
demon slayer AU: art
itsneverteddy / Its_Never_Enough
cheesy pick-up lines: Cursi Love (in English and Spanish)
friends to lovers: art
training together: art
curls/curly hair: art
beach day: art
family time: art
magic AU: art
desert flora: art
lilac-writes / LilacNoctua
pet dads: Love Bites (so do chihuahuas)
injury: Feel Something
camping trip: Cold Snap
little gifts: Sweet Things
heist: Stolen Gem, Stolen Heart
masquerade: Beneath the Mask, chapter 1
part 2 here!
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sagemoderocklee · 4 years
Do you have any favorite GaaLee fan artists?
oh boy that’s hard just cause ive been so MIA in fandom lately that I’m not even sure who’s still active. I also feel like there are a lot of ppl who aren’t like specifically focused on gaalee who will do like one incredible piece and then never post more gaalee content.... there has def been some cute stuff in the tags by artists i hadn’t previously seen um.... im just gonna list some artists but i can’t promise that they are still active artists:
@eliddz @flightlessdevotee @alienhyena (doesn’t really do gaalee art anymore but has some stunning pieces from the past!) @lemondrop-pop (did some really beautiful art to art of love!) @purrmaows (has two really cute gaalee pieces) @millenniumfae-artblog @chicken-dumplings @beansnake (not super active in the gaalee fandom anymore but still) @baphometsss @jozzyart @mozziky (has a really amazing zombie!au) @heatmiiiiser @tuttiefruttiegaalee @scifiji @aloofwindbag @scarletcloack (does really cute meme redraws as gaalee) @letters-to-gaalee (not really active anymore but) @ayumilovesstars @beatinhart (did a really cute piece for the gaalee fest last year not sure if they still do gaalee art per say) @frogurts @fan-of-the-night @vantaseer (has a couple cute pieces)
this is just like a long list of a bunch of ppl ive reblogged stuff from but again not all of these artists are still active or were necessarily putting out a lot of gaalee content, but still wanted to give them a shout out regardless. you can also check out @puregaalee for art since it’s just a big blog of gaalee content.
and like if you are a gaalee artist, feel free to reblog this so that anon can check the notes!
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egregiousderp · 5 years
It was impossible for me to come up with a way to explain but how the hell did you manage to ge the soft texture of your pencil drawings in your WORDS????
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oneshortdamnfuse · 1 year
I got tagged by @nightlyponder to share 5 songs I've been listening to lately 🤗
If You're Shooting with the Left that Means the Right Side is Free - Ashbury Heights
Chokehold - Sleep Token
Adieu - Rammstein
Holes in Your Coffin - PHILDEL
I tag @allshesaidwasyes , @sirmarsian , @thediktatortot , @robthegoodfellow , @baphometsss 💜
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knockedsoloose · 7 years
Thank you for the tag @alinok ♡
name: jame but if we are getting accurate it’s jamē 
nicknames: before I moved to chicago my friends back home used to call me james. I love that and I wish people still did. my sister calls me poopsie
zodiac sign: leo
orientation: maybe fluid?? does that count lol
nationality: american
favorite fruit: banana or blueberry
favorite season: summer
favorite book: god I don’t even know anymore someone pls rec me some
favorite flower: peony or sunflower
favorite scent: something that is a bit musky like men’s cologne
favorite color: mmm I’d say red but to wear black
favorite animal: red panda :’)
coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: definitely coffee
average sleep hours: probably like 7 hours
cat or dog person: I reallllly love both
favorite fictional character: lord I could go on for ages, but at this moment legit all the youngins on The Get Down, Lukas Waldenbeck, and the eight on Sense8. My forever favs are Mickey Milkovich, Brooke Davis, and Allison Argent. Oh and also Jack Dawson ofc
number of blankets you sleep with: one
dream trip: iceland
blog created: december of 2010 I believe
number of followers: 895
I am gonna tag: @noelfshr @mandyfuckinmilkovich @struttinglikeprongs @mollyfaraday @aphilipshea @baphometsss :)
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ghoste-catte · 4 years
gaalee - 6, 20, 24 ❤
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
Hmm, this was a tough one, because frankly both of them are straight-up pretty weird looking. I know in canon Gaara has a bunch of Suna ladies that crush on him, but you’ll notice it’s only Suna ladies (and Fuu) which leads me to the conclusion that Sunan aesthetics are less about looks and more about power. Power = attractive, which is why Gaara seems to attract a flock of lady admirers, in my opinion. ‘Cause listen, the dude looks like he hasn’t slept more than a few hours in the past ten years, and he’s the only person I’ve ever seen who managed to make himself look worse by running a comb through his hair. Plus he smiles in a really unnerving way (Have y’all seen that photo of all the Kage from Boruto where Gaara’s making the grimace emoji expression? That’s what I’m talking about). 
Anyways, now that I’ve just dissed Gaara’s looks really hard, let’s talk about physical attraction. I don’t see Gaara as being particularly invested in his partner’s looks overall; he just doesn’t strike me as the type. I think he likes Lee because Lee is kind to him, and doesn’t hold a grudge, and is strong. I think he likes that Lee is in many ways his equal and that he doesn’t have to worry about protecting Lee (his thoughts on the relative vulnerability of his partner compared to himself comes up a bit in the Gaara Hiden light novel) ... at least, he doesn’t have to worry about protecting Lee from anyone but Lee’s own self-destructive impulses, for the most part. Physically, I think he would then be attracted to Lee’s body/muscles, because that’s a physical representation of his strength. Also I think Lee’s turtle mouth is cute, so let’s go with the little turtle mouth as well. 
Of the two of them, Lee is definitely the more physically oriented and probably finds a lot of things attractive about Gaara, although as I’ve already established, I hc that Gaara is a straight up little sand gremlin in physical appearance. But I think the feature that would sell him would be Gaara’s eyes. Not because they’re unique or because of the tanuki marks or anything, but because I think when he first starts learning to read Gaara’s expressions, he conveys everything in his eyes. The rest of his face is relatively impassive and inexpressive, so as they’re getting to know each other I think Lee spends a lot of time staring at Gaara’s eyes to try and figure out what he’s thinking and feeling. And that probably grows into something of a favoritism.
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
Oof, okay, this is gonna be a somewhat long one because they each have like three people who are the most important in their lives. 
So, for Gaara:
Kankuro thinks Lee is weird as hell, but ultimately well-meaning. He respects a guy who lulls you into a false sense of security by looking like an animated green bean and then straight up clocks you in the face so hard you shit your pants. I do think him and Lee butt heads on occasion, because they’re both stubborn as hell and Kankuro’s a bit of a bastard while Lee’s very noble, so they don’t have very well aligned values. And neither of them is willing to back down from a fight. So there are probably some family dinners where Kankuro gets this close to flipping a table because he can’t believe how stupid Lee is being about something, Gaara why do you even put up with this dude? But there’s definitely a respect there, and Lee is a genuinely nice guy, so Kankuro probably takes advantage of that a little bit (”Lee, can you run to the store and get me...” and Lee of course says yes even though Kankuro has two perfectly functional legs). 
Temari initially doesn’t trust Lee. I don’t think she believes at first that Lee isn’t playing the long con and going after Gaara for revenge. It takes her a long time to realize that, no, Lee really is just like that and that he genuinely doesn’t hold a grudge at all. She’s also the most likely to get worked up about the political implications and be scared for how this might affect Gaara’s standing. I think Shikamaru probably sells her on it a bit, because he’s known Lee for longer. And I think seeing how happy Lee makes her brother and how Lee makes Gaara come out of his shell really seals the deal for her. 
Naruto doesn’t get it, but he’s supportive. You know that meme that’s like “he’s not quite there but he’s got the spirit”? That’s Naruto’s approach to basically anyone’s relationship. He doesn’t have any room to judge anyway; his romantic life is a complete shitshow. And Naruto’s pretty guileless so I doubt he really even thinks through any of the potential pitfalls in their relationship. Gaara tells him and he goes “Oh okay, cool!” and then back to talking about Sasuke. 
As for Lee,
Gai does not trust Gaara at all after he caught him trying to kill Lee in the hospital room. I think that’s probably something he never even brought up to Lee, because he wanted Lee to focus on his recovery. So when Lee ends up bringing up that he and Gaara are dating, Gai kind of pales and goes quiet for a minute and then tells Lee very seriously, “He tried to kill you.” And Lee is probably like, “Haha, I know but that was in a match! Anyone could have killed anyone!” and then Gai has to drop the bad news that no, it wasn’t just during the match. Ultimately though he probably gives Gaara a very stern “what are your intentions with my precious student” speech (that Gaara mostly doesn’t understand because it’s so flowery), but is convinced enough by Gaara’s answers that he gives him a big snotty, tear-filled hug. 
Tenten has kind of the same wariness around Gaara initially as Gai does, but she’s much slower to warm up. She sees herself as Lee and Gai’s common sense/”angel on their shoulder” and she doesn’t necessarily believe that Lee has his own best interests at heart. She probably thinks at first blush that Lee is just overcome with infatuation like he was with Sakura or any other spur-of-the-moment crush that he may have, and definitely thinks Lee is going to get hurt. She absolutely threatens Gaara, more than once, even though she wouldn’t stand a chance against him in a match. In my opinion would be the last of Team Gai to come around. She’s probably the person on the morning of Lee’s wedding straightening his shiny orange bow tie and asking him if he’s sure he wants to go through with it. 
Neji (who is alive, damnit) also doesn’t trust Gaara, but he has his own emotional walls up about caring for Lee. So on the surface he tells himself “what do I care, that’s Lee’s bad decision to make and I’m not responsible if he gets hurt”, but he is definitely on edge and wary whenever he sees them together. I think he and Gaara are more similar in personality though, in the sense that both of them have trauma that has made them emotionally closed-off, and Neji recognizes something of himself in Gaara and is probably the first person to actually believe that Gaara means what he says and doesn’t have bad intentions. He sees himself in that inability to express one’s feelings properly in a way that convinces others that you’re genuine, and he probably is the one to bring Gai around in the end. 
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
I answered this one here!
OTP ask meme!
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noelroeimfisher · 7 years
also thank you friends 💚
@omilkovich @baphometsss @oneshortdamnfuse @zudilio
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yourpostisnotgood · 7 years
http://oneshortdamnfuse.tumblr.com/post/159020439310/baphometsss-sleepdontvisit-discoursespy @oneshortdamnfuse has me blocked so i cant reply, but: how much power do you think I have, as a student executive, to block people from the gsa? I outright say in my post that I don't have the power to do that sort of thing and I haven't, yet you're behaving as though I do. What my post is pointing out is how cishet aces have, in the past, abused the good faith environment of my gsa, because they, as cisgender heterosexuals, (who happened to be ace) felt entitled to the space.
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academiefranglaise · 8 years
baphometsss a réagi à votre billet :I finally started watching Looking…and I kinda...
i actually quite liked looking! i want to see the wrap-up movie they did but i’m afraid andrew haigh will make it really anti-climactic
Oh I’m definitely loving it! (on ep 3 rn) Like it’s nice to have a gay show rather than just a show with gay people, there’s a really noticeable difference.
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oneshortdamnfuse · 5 years
baphometsss replied to your post: Hey y'all want to see my lumberJACKS go for a...
holy shit!! they look so dashing!! spriggan has 3 coats now. 2 quilted ones with furry collars that he doesn’t wear much bc he loses them too easily + one with a zip up the back that he already got a hole in. he looks very smart in them uwu
awwww!!! so precious! <3
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ekphrastics · 8 years
milan + chicago
milan: how do you think others describe you?
i really have no idea, i’m a terrible judge of what people think of me...i think i can come off as confident and cold...which would be a nice way of putting it. some people just think i’m a bitch which is fair lmao
chicago: what do you ache for?
a good college, that warm feeling you get when you’re laughing with a bunch of friends, lots and lots of blankets, museums and old buildings, candid photos, a killer wardrobe, someone to hold me tbh, when you listen to music and it hurts your chest, getting lost in a good book, sunsets and the sea, an easy sleep
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