globalcourant · 2 years
Unveiling of the IAEA Director General's bluff about the consequences of Iran's compensatory measures
Unveiling of the IAEA Director General’s bluff about the consequences of Iran’s compensatory measures
According to IRNA, Stephenie Lichtenstein wrote in a tweet on Friday: The confidential report of the International Atomic Energy Agency on the removal of surveillance cameras of the Atomic Energy Organization in Iran was sent to the member states of the Board of Governors last night. He said he had studied the content of the report through a source, adding that the report showed that despite…
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xhemilbeharaj · 3 years
Po vjen dimri, familja e Bajram Sulejmanit nga Levani "pret" brënda ato që bien jashtë
Po vjen dimri, familja e Bajram Sulejmanit nga Levani “pret” brënda ato që bien jashtë
Fier – Çifti Barjam dhe Hëna Sulejmani nga Levani prindër të 5 fëmijëve por që ata jetojnë së bashku me dy vajzat në një godinë që është tejet e amortizuar ku në pjesën ballore të saj mbahet nga tre shtylla improvizuese që të mos shëmbet ndërsa muret brenda  janë me shumë çarje. Godina është ndërtuar që në vitin 1955 dhe ka pasur shumë funksione si shkollë, kopësht, çerdhe deri në kapanon për…
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bearrepublicnetwork · 4 years
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I haven’t heard this album since I worked at Gold’s Gym in Venice Beach, CA, which was one of my best times of my life. After a year of darkness in my world, I found myself homeless and couch hopping, sleeping in my car, couriering for dope dealers, or driving for call girls just to stay afloat with gas in my car and a bite to eat. It was a random job from a random classified ad in the Recycler Paper that saved my life and got me into fitness and caring for myself on the road toward a new adventure of life. I listened to this cassette tape every day and when I used the gym for the first time, Gregory Hines came up to me and asked if he could work in with me. I knew that moment, I was right where I was meant to be and that everything was going to be alright. #truestory #theadventureofmylife #lifeisanadventure #fatemeetsfreewill #theparadoxoffateandfreewill #barjames #barjameslakebiwa #comeforadrink #marvingaye #whatsgoingon #vinyl #vinylexperience #albumexperience #albumstarttofinish https://www.instagram.com/p/CGw65qcJl2f/?igshid=eikn54nkrv6j
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etaali · 3 years
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İran'ın 82 yaşındaki LİDERİ.
• Times dergisi manşeti:
- İran'ın 82 yaşındaki lideri, 32 yıldır en şiddetli fırtınalardan etkilenen bir ülkeyi yöneterek, onu Orta Asya'nın en güvenli bölgesi haline getirdi.
 82 yaşındaki İran lideri, bir daha olmaması şartıyla bir yudum su bile almadan halkıyla 3 saat konuşuyor! (Siyaset biliminde buna üçlü model (dil-norm-konuşma eylemi) denir.
 İranlı lider, 80 dakikalık üçlü model konuşmasıyla Hitler ve Churchill'in 9 dakikalık üçlü model konuşması rekorunu kırdı.
 İran'ın 82 yaşındaki lideri ekonomi okumamasına rağmen uluslararası ekonomistler tarafından alkışlanan ülkesi için birkaç yüz sayfada modern ekonomik tartışmaları yazıyor !!!
 82 yaşındaki İranlı lider, bir saatlik solo konuşmasında halkın yaralarını tespit ediyor ve toplumun güçlü ve zayıf yönlerini basit bir şekilde aktarıyor.
 İran'ın 82 yaşındaki lideri, toplumun düşük gelirli bir üyesi olarak yaşıyor. İşin en ilginç yanı, çocuklarını ülkenin sorumluluklarından uzak tutmasıdır.
 İran'ın 82 yaşındaki lideri başka bir ülkenin kralını (Mina olayı) bir ültimatomla alarma geçirdi. Yani konuşmanın ertesi günü göz ardı edilen sözler yerine getiriliyor !!!
 İranlı lider, savaş alanında (8 yıl) kalma rekorunu kırdı.
 82 yaşındaki İran lideri, uluslararası meseleleri ve gelecekteki dünya siyasetini (Barjam, Yemen savaşı, Trump'ın başkanlığı vb.)
 İran'ın 82 yaşındaki lideri o kadar güçlü bir politikacı ki, dünya casus örgütlerinin yıllar önce hazırladığı hassas dünya savaşı planını birkaç dakikalık konuşmayla etkisiz hale getiriyor.
 Dünyanın hiçbir yerinde 82 yaşındaki bir lider tek başına dağa tırmanmadı !!!
Times dergisi, Eylül
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nr1204-blog · 6 years
آقا محسن نامجو، ببین صدای گریه‌هامو که به عرش خدا رسیده دست‌های سفره‌ی دلم به شعر و قصه‌ها رسیده ببین که التماس من می‌شکنه حتی قلب سنگ‌و اگه بری به کی بگم دغدغه‌های این دل تنگ‌و غم توی قلبم بال پر گرفته این زندگی‌مو خاکستر گرفته غم توی قلبم خاکستر گرفته این زندگی‌مو خاکستر گرفته صب کن ببین بهت چی میگم گوش کن به من این آخرین ... #نامجو #mohsennamjoo @mohsennamjoofanclub @mohsennamjoofans #nr1204 #barjam #iran #music #musicsonati #musicirani #mohammadreza_shajarian #homayonshajarian #gemini #voa #bbc #manoto #tehran #zahedan #balochestan (at Tehran, Iran)
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pooya-jahankhah · 7 years
از صبح كه رسيدم ژنو ١٦٤٠ بار به مسائلى كه به برجام مربوط ميشه فكر كردم . كنار درياچه lac léman كه وايميستى از اونطرف ميشه لوزان رو ديد كه ادم رو دو برابر به فكر فرو ميبره ( يعنى ٣٢٨٠ بار). به ظريف و كمر دردش، به عراقچى، به نطنز و فردو،به داماد ايرانى جان كرى به اوباما كه خودش رو جر داد ، به اين ترامپ خاك تو سر و در اخر از همه ياد كسرى ناجى و اينكه چرا هيچ وقت موهاشو شونه نميكنه. يك ان صداش توى گوشم طنين انداخت ، ياد لغت 'مقر سازمان ملل' افتادم ، خنديدم و همونجا اين ويديو رو به ياد رفيقمون و التهاب اون روزها رقم زدم. . .#bbc #bbcpersian #kasranaji #bbcfarsi #barjam #iran #swiss #switzerland #geneva #journalism #برجام #برجام2 #ظريف #ژنو (at Geneva, Switzerland)
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‏‎😄☺☺😃My hot clips💓💋💛💚 😍😵Please follow me 😍😱😍 #d #dab #sexy #ctr #klid #hae #htrefuge #fugh #nearly #germany #germanshepherd #ger #faro #farms #garden #gardening #dress #dresses #dressy #happybirthday #happy #happybirthdaytome #happytime #time #timessquare #fer #feria #iran #trampoline #tram #barjam #muslm #girl #gilan ‎‏
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apelmedia · 5 years
Bredhin rrugëve të Shqipërisë. Policia në kërkim të 3 të rrezikshmëve, dënuar me burgim të përjetshëm
Policia e Shtetit njofton se ka prangosur 3 te shume kerkuar per vepra penale te cilet ishin te lire rrugeve te Shqiperise.
I dënuari me burg përjetë Barjam Boci
Në datën 24 qershor 2015, në fshatin Lazarat, Gjirokastër, gjatë një operacioni policor është vrarë me armë zjarri punonjësi i Policisë së Shtetit I. B., si dhe janë plagosur punonjësit J. I. dhe P. H.
Shtetasi Barjam Boci ka qenë pjesë e grupit që ka qëlluar në drejtim të Policisë.
Barjam Boci është dënuar me burgim të përjetshëm nga Gjykata e Krimeve të Rënda Tiranë, për veprat penale “Vrasja me dashje në rrethana cilësuese” dhe “Grup i strukturuar kriminal”.
I dënuari me burg përjetë Alban Baftjari. Në datën 7 mars 2001, në fshatin Shetel, Shijak, Durrës, shtetasi Alban Baftjari, në bashkëpunim me persona të tjerë, ka shkuar në orët e vona të mbrëmjes, në banesën e shtetasit Xh. B., për të vjedhur dhe ka plagosur rëndë shtetaset Sh. B., S. B. dhe shtetasin Xh. B., i cili për pasojë ka gjetur vdekjen. Alban Baftjari është dënuar me burgim të përjetshëm nga Gjykata e Rrethit Gjyqësor Durrës, për veprat penale “Vjedhja me pasojë vdekjen, në bashkëpunim” dhe “Armëmbajtja pa leje”.
I dënuari me burg përjetë Jashar Begani (Begami). Në datën 21 korrik 1997, në zonën e stadiumit “Qemal Stafa” në Tiranë, shtetasi Jashar Begani (Begami) ka vrarë shtetaset A. L. (B.) dhe Z. K. Jashar Begani (Begami) është dënuar me burgim të përjetshëm nga Gjykata e Rrethit Gjyqësor Tiranë, për veprat penale “Vrasja me paramendim” dhe “Armëmbajtja pa leje”.
#tdi_1_e8e .td-doubleSlider-2 .td-item1 { background: url(https://apel.al/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/te-kerkuarit-33-80x60.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; } #tdi_1_e8e .td-doubleSlider-2 .td-item2 { background: url(https://apel.al/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/te-shume-kerkuarit-80x60.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat; }
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from WordPress https://apel.al/njesise-e-kerkimit-prangos-3-te-rrezikshem-denuar-me-burgim-te-perjetshem-bridhnin-rrugeve-te-shqiperise/ via IFTTT
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xhemilbeharaj · 2 years
Ilir Meta, takim me Presidentin e zgjedhur, Bajram Begaj 
Presidenti Ilir Meta ka zhvilluar një takim me kreun e ri të shtetit, Barjam Begaj. Në një postim në Facebook, Meta ka publikuar disa foto nga ky takim dhe shkruan: Kënaqësi të prisja sot Presidentin e zgjedhur, z.Bajram Begaj dhe t’i uroja sërish suksese në detyrën e lartë, që e pret në interes të vendit dhe të gjithë qytetarëve.
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bearrepublicnetwork · 4 years
BAR JAMES, a great place to come and unwind. I’m enjoying the experience. They’re open sporadically on limited hours. But it’s worth keeping up with what they’re up to around here. This is my kind of joint. Dig, something that people have forgotten, something the younger generations kinda missed out on, the album experience. An album, originally since the very first 33-1/2rpm LP record was released, is carefully thought through to make for one long play (LP) experience. From the first song to the last song, they were meant to be experienced in that order. But since iTunes and mp3 as well as NAPSTER illegal downloading cheapened music into 99¢ audio snacks, the whole album experience kinda fell by the wayside. I’m glad this place is around and hope to come here more often. #barjames #barjamesminamihama #comeforadrinkstayfortheexperience #albumexperience #ourlifeinjapan #shiga #minamihama #lakebiwa #滋賀県 #琵琶湖 #analogexperience https://www.instagram.com/p/CGw2ahFpR8G/?igshid=xg8iei3gcbr2
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pejvak3-blog · 6 years
چرا ما برجام را پاره نکردیم؟ خبرآنلاین/ رئیس کمیسیون امنیت ملی و سیاست خارجی مجلس شورای اسلامی گفت:
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lostboyflies · 7 years
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The sockeye strummers +my new brother @nolanwoodard on the drums, gettin our groove on at the pbar! 📷 @serenabadgley my favorite hype girl #sockeyestrummers #haines #pioneerbar #music #barjams
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thechasefiles · 4 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 4/5/2020
Good Morning #realdreamchasers! HAPPY MAY DAY! Here is your daily news cap Monday 4th May, 2020. There is a lot to read and digest so take your time. Remember you can read full articles via Barbados Government Information Service (BGIS), Barbados Today (BT), or by purchasing a Daily Nation Newspaper (DN).
MASCOLL: NO NEED TO PRINT MONEY – Government’s ambitious push for a six per cent surplus under the Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation (BERT) programme, sanctioned by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), has been readjusted to one per cent. This revelation was made by Government’s Chief Economic Advisor, Ambassador Dr Clyde Mascoll, who contended that since the Mia Amor Mottley administration was still aiming at a net positive in the face of a $2 billion stimulus package to combat the economic effects of COVID-19, recent fears about the printing of money (financing of Government by the Central Bank) had been misplaced. “In these circumstances, we have to relook the capacity of the Government to run a surplus and therefore there has been a reversal to the extent that we will now relax the target of six per cent primary surplus and bring it down closer to one per cent. What is happening in that environment is that once again, Government is going to extract less than when it was having a six per cent surplus.  “So, the fiscal room that you are hearing about is that Government no longer has to have a surplus of $600 million. It would instead be around just about $100 million,” said Mascoll, who was a guest today on Starcom Network’s Sunday Brass Tacks radio call-in programme. (DN)
GOVT, NUPW STATEMENT ON NATIONAL ASSISTANCE BOARD – Government and the National Union of Public Workers (NUPW) issued a joint statement today after discussions relating to staff of the National Assistance Board (NAB). NUPW President Akanni McDowall said on May 2 that there had been “conflicting information coming from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Elder Affairs” concerning the quarantining of NAB workers. This is after six employees of the state entity tested positive for the coronavirus a week ago. Please see the statement below: Government and the leadership of the National Union of Public Workers met today under the chairmanship of Acting Prime Minister Santia Bradshaw, to discuss a number of matters related to the cluster of positive cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) diagnosed among the staff of the National Assistance Board (NAB) and the associated implications for the staff, the clients of the NAB and the broader public health management of COVID-19 in Barbados. This meeting was constructive and productive with discussions being guided by three main principles and priorities:
• Protecting the health and wellbeing of the entire staff of the NAB and their families who have been impacted either directly or indirectly by these events
• Ensuring there is no compromise of the health and wellbeing or quality of service delivered to the more than 1 000 clients of the NAB
• Maintaining the principles of sound public health management in the management of this NAB cluster that have guided the implementation of the National Pandemic Plan for COVID-19 in Barbados.
The meeting agreed as follows:
• All members of the staff of the NAB on active duty since the diagnosis of the first case linked to the NAB cluster will be tested for COVID-19
• All members of staff of the NAB testing positive for COVID-19 will go into isolation for treatment at the Harrison’s Point Isolation Centre.
• The entire staff of the Country Road Office of the NAB, which is the main location of the cluster of cases, along with members of their households will undergo a period of 14 days quarantine dating from last exposure to a confirmed case, at facilities designated by the Ministry of Health & Wellness.
• The Government of Barbados through the Ministry of Health & Wellness and the Ministry of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs will take every reasonable measure to protect and promote the welfare of those in quarantine or isolation including the quality of accommodation, nutrition and access to appropriate pyscho-social support.
• All additional staff of the NAB who may have come into contact with an infected member of staff would have done so outside of the contagious period and therefore there is absolutely no COVID-19 public health risk associated with engagement with the staff of the NAB and therefore no need for the public to be concerned.
• The Home Help Workers and other field staff of the NAB who have been tested for COVID-19 and are negative and who have been assessed and cleared by the Ministry of Health & Wellness will continue their duties in support of the elderly in care or shut-in as of Monday May 4, 2020.
• All Home Help Workers and other field staff of the NAB will continue to be provided with full personal protective equipment (PPE) as per the protocols of the Ministry of Health and Wellness.
• All outstanding payments of wages and salaries to NAB staff which may have been delayed by the requirement of quarantine of the office staff will be paid no later than Tuesday, May 5, 2020.
• The Government of Barbados in consultation with the National Union of Public Workers will develop a channel for communication with the staff of the NAB to keep them abreast of all relevant developments and to assure them of the continuing support of both entities as this situation is managed.(DN)
SHOP OWNER’S PLAN UP IN SMOKE – Wayne “Jingles” Carrington was looking forward to restocking his shop with alcohol and foodstuff with some of the COVID-19 restrictions being lifted from May 4. But he will have to rethink that plan as his uninsured home and shop in Golden Rock, The Pine, St Michael, went up in smoke on Friday night after the gas stove exploded. “I lost all my money. I put the money on the bar with the intentions whenever I get things, I would go out and buy a small portion. When things happen tomorrow, [May 4], I did really plan to restock my place. I tell myself this opening ain’t going be for long, so I will get heavy stock so I would be okay for when that time comes,” he said from his brother’s Wildey, St Michael home today, where he is now staying. The 62-year-old said he had just finished cooking and was about to make some gravy when the incident occurred. (DN)
FOUR HOUSES DAMAGED IN FIRE AT BANK HALL – Four houses were damaged in a fire at Bank Hall, St Michael this morning. Barbados Fire Service Divisional Officer Ernie Fields said firefighters were called to the area at 11:45 for reports of buildings on fire. He said the four houses were occupied by six people but there were no reports of injuries. Three fire engines and 13 firefighters responded to the blaze. Fields said one of the houses was extensively damaged while the others suffered minor damage. The fire was subsequently extinguished. (BT)
UPDATE BODY OF TEEN MISSING AT SEA FOUND – The body of 16-year-old Amalee Mayers of Beach Mount, Bathsheba, St. Joseph who was missing at sea was discovered this morning about 6 a.m. by a resident from the area. Police Public Relations Officer, Inspector (ag) Rodney Inniss said, the body washed up on the beach near the area where he had gone missing near Tent Bay. Police are on the scene conducting the usual protocols of forensic examination. (DN)
IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENT NOTICES – The Barbados Immigration Department will reopen on May 4, from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. with new guidelines, in an effort to limit the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19). A press release from Government said physical interaction with the public will therefore be restricted to people paying outstanding fees, until May 18. All other clients are asked to call 535-4100, or email [email protected]. Clients visiting the department are required to wear masks, whether disposable or cloth, and the physical distancing requirement of remaining at least six feet apart must be observed. Additionally, all applications for the renewal and or grant of any permit or form of status, which expired during the period March 28 to May 4, are now extended until May 30, 2020. New applications will not be accepted until May 30, and applications that have already been submitted will be evaluated and clients ontacted by the relevant personnel. (BGIS)
BARJAM PRESSING ON - A proposal to allow journalists to record court hearings is under consideration following a submission from Barbados Association of Journalists and Media Workers (BARJAM) to Attorney General Dale Marshall. That was one of the initiatives the group announced on May 3, World Press Freedom Day. It said following the request for reporters to do audio recordings of proceedings in court, it was informed that the matter was forwarded to the Registrar of the Supreme Court for discussion with the judiciary.   “We look forward to a favourable outcome,” said president Emmanuel Joseph. His comments were contained in a press release to mark World Press Freedom Day in which he also saluted the “hard-working and productive members of the reputable media fraternity in Barbados”. “I say to all media personnel, especially the front-line reporters and photographers and their media houses, stand up and take a bow for weathering the COVID-19 storm which is still raging, to keep this country abreast of developments surrounding this devastating virus. Your day will come for reward in this generally thankless profession,” Joseph said. He stated that while the COVID-19 virus has blocked a number of plans and programmes by BARJAM, including this month’s media awards, there was progress on others. The association made successful representation to the leadership of a key organisation which had on two occasions in February and March, turned away media workers after notices had been sent to the media houses. “Based on the proposals outlined in the entity’s response letter to us, following what they described as a series of miscommunications, and once they act on their measures, the conflict between media professionals and the organisation is unlikely to happen again. “I can also state that a window of hope has been opened for the news media and the Barbados Defence Force (BDF) to work more closely together in a mutual and respectful partnership of information flow. I cannot say anything more specific at this time, except that I represented BARJAM earlier this year where I was invited to address an interactive session for security operations personnel of the BDF during a one-week training workshop in which media relations was a key component,” Joseph stated. Still at the top of BARJAM’s agenda is the establishment of a Benevolent Fund to assist members who fall on hard times and the need for Government to introduce that long-mooted Freedom of Information Bill into Parliament. The media body was recently admitted to sit on the UNDP’s Global Environmental Facility Small Grants Programme National Steering Committee for Barbados. The programme offers financial and technical support to civil society organisations for community-driven projects that contribute to conserving global biodiversity, adapting and mitigating global climate change, protecting international waters and preventing land degradation. (DN)
BACK IN COURT TWO WEEKS LATER – Two weeks after fisherman Anthyne Douglas Jones said he was sorry for having drugs and it would not recur, he was back in court on similar charges. And on May 2, despite the pleas of his attorney Queen’s Counsel Michael Lashley, the 59-year-old, of Colleton, St John, was remanded by Chief Magistrate Ian Weekes. Jones appeared in the District “A” Magistrates’ Court Criminal Court No. 2 charged with possession of cannabis, trafficking and supplying on May Day, in relation to $2 900 in drugs. He pleaded not guilty and prosecutor, Sergeant Theodore McClean, objected to bail, stating that Jones had several convictions for drugs and was before the court only a few weeks ago.(DN)
CONSIGNEES WITH PERSONAL EFFECTS URGED NOT TO COME TO PORT – Consignees with personal effects at the Port of Bridgetown are required to utilize the new Home Delivery System and will not be allowed entry into the Port for collection of shipments. Barbados Port Inc. in collaboration with the Customs & Excise Department, authorized local freight forwarders (consolidators) and truckers, will be offering a full home delivery service for all personal effects, effective Monday May 4.  Consignees should not come to the Port. These arrangements will remain in place for the next two weeks to allow for the safe clearance of cargo backlog, without large numbers in Port. The protocol will then be reviewed to gradually allow limited self-service clearance by appointment only. Consignees have the option of working with an: Authorized freight forwarder, Authorized trucker. If you elect to work with a trucker when contacted by your freight forwarder about your cargo, you will be required to contact the trucker of your choice. How it Works - The Freight Forwarder or Trucker will: Manage all relevant documents, Arrange for signature of customs declaration by you, Facilitate processing of the documents through ASYCUDA World, Make arrangements for the processing of all monies (electronic or cash payments) due by you, Confirm with you payments due either on delivery or through pre-payment, Pay all associated fees and duties owed to Customs and the Port on your behalf, Collect your cargo from Shed 2, Deliver your cargo to you, Where cargo has been flagged for inspection by Customs, the shipment may be examined on your behalf by the freight forwarder or trucker, or you may be required to be present in person at the Bridgetown Port for interview. You will be advised by the freight forwarder or trucker. Unless requested to be present at an inspection, you will not be allowed to enter the Port. All persons presenting at the Port of Bridgetown to conduct business are reminded that strict health and safety and social distancing protocols must be observed. All visitors are required to wear face masks, utilize sanitization stations and follow the directives of security personnel. Should you require any assistance, please call 434-6101.   (BT)
COVID-19 CASES REACH 82 - A 55-year-old Barbadian male has tested positive for novel coronavirus (COVID-19), bringing the national count to 82. A statement from The Ministry of Health said the latest case, an employee of the National Assistance Board, came into contact with two known cases. He brings the number in isolation to 31. No one was released from isolation today, so the number of recovered people remains at 44. Seven people have died. Fifty-one tests were done by the Best-dos Santos Public Health Laboratory yesterday, and results were returned for 46. The total number of tests done by the laboratory now stands at 2 420. (BGIS)
CHANGES IN PETROLEUM PRICES FROM MIDNIGHT - The retail prices of gasoline, diesel and kerosene will decrease, effective midnight Sunday, May 3. Gasoline will be adjusted from $3.57 per litre to $3.09 per litre, which represents a decrease of 48 cents; the price of diesel will drop by 37 cents, from $2.89 per litre to $2.52 per litre, and kerosene will go from $1.01 per litre to 73 cents per litre, a reduction of 28 cents.These price adjustments are in keeping with Government’s policy of allowing retail prices to be reflective of those on the international market.  (BGIS)
The world is facing the rapid spread of the Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic. As we continue to do our part in Barbados please remember to stay home but on the days you have to go out wear your masks, practice social distancing (stand 6-10 feet away from each other), practice good daily hygiene, eat healthy, exercise and keep your mind active. There are 242 days left in the year Shalom!  Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram for your daily news. #thechasefiles #dailynewscaps #bajannewscaps #newsinanutshell #coronavirusinbarbados #nationalresponse #dailynews #thechasefilesblog
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epikairocom · 6 years
Αυτές είναι οι νοικοκυρές…γυναίκες αράχνες – Έκαναν φύλλο και φτερό τα καταστήματα και έφευγαν σαν κυρίες (ΦΩΤΟ)
Στην δημοσιότητα έδωσε η Αστυνομία, κατόπιν σχετικής Διάταξης της Εισαγγελίας Πρωτοδικών Αθηνών, τα στοιχεία ταυτότητας και τις φωτογραφίες των 7 μελών συμμορίας, που διέπραττε συστηματικά κλοπές ενδυμάτων και υποδημάτων από καταστήματα. Πρόκειται για 7 νοικοκυρές που είχαν γίνει ο εφιάλτης των καταστηματαρχών.
Η δράση τους δεν εξαντλείτο σε αρπαγή παπουτσιών και ρούχων, αλλά με την ίδια μέθοδο έκλεβαν τρόφιμα, ποτά και διάφορα άλλα είδη από σούπερ μάρκετ.
Συγκεκριμένα πρόκειται για τις συλληφθείσες:
1. MUKAJ (ον) Anila του Mihal και της Evrioni , γεννηθείσα στις 31-3-1964 στην Αλβανία
2. DUKA (ον) Majilinda του Remzi και της Beshe , γεννηθείσα στις 10-4-1966 στην Αλβανία
3. CACAJ (ον) Kristina του Barzam και της Merjeme , γεννηθείσα στις 27-6-1970 στην Αλβανία
4. PRASTAJ (ον) Rezarta του Barjam και της Merjeme , γεννηθείσα στις 2-4-1981 στην Αλβανία
Και τις μη συλληφθείσες 5. BITRI (ον) Athina του HARIZ και της MARIE , γεννηθείσα στις 12-5-1955 στην Αλβανία
6. KASHARI (ον) Gjinovefa του SOTIR και της KALLIOPI , γεννηθείσα στις 31-10-1951 στην Αλβανία
7. ΣΟΥΛΙΩΤΗ (ον) Κατερίνα του Σπύρο και της Μαρίας, γεννηθείσα στις 13-1-1962 στην Αλβανία
Η συγκεκριμένη δημοσιοποίηση, χρονικής διάρκειας μέχρι 24-11-2018, σύμφωνα με τη σχετική Εισαγγελική Διάταξη, αποσκοπεί στην προστασία του κοινωνικού συνόλου και την ευχερέστερη πραγμάτωση της αξίωσης της Πολιτείας για τον κολασμό των παραπάνω, καθώς και ομοειδών, αδικημάτων που τυχόν θα αποκαλυφθούν.
Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, παρακαλούνται οι πολίτες να επικοινωνούν με τους τηλεφωνικούς αριθμούς 210-6875115 του Τμήματος Ασφαλείας Αμαρουσίου και 210-6411111 της Διεύθυνσης Ασφάλειας Αττικής, για την παροχή οποιασδήπ��τε σχετικής πληροφορίας. Σημειώνεται ότι διασφαλίζεται η ανωνυμία και το απόρρητο της επικοινωνίας.
from epikairo.com https://ift.tt/2HASkxZ
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localfa1 · 6 years
ترامپ به دنبال توافق بهتری با ایران هستیم
ترامپ به دنبال توافق بهتری با ایران هستیم
ترامپ: به دنبال توافق بهتری با ایران هستیم/ باید بتوانیم وارد سایت‌های نظامی و هسته‌ای ایران شویم
به گزارش ایلنا به نقل از ای بی سی نیوز، ۲ روز پس از خروج از توافق هسته ای ایران، «دونالد ترامپ» رئیس جمهوری آمریکا گفت که به دنبال توافق جدیدی با تهران است که برای آمریکا و ایران بهتر باشد.
توافق جدید ترامپ با ایران
ترامپ در این باره گفت: امیدوارم بتوانم با ایرانی ها به توافق برسم، یک توافق خوب، کی…
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melbynews-blog · 6 years
Atomabkommen - Wenn die Erwartungen zu hoch sind
Neuer Beitrag veröffentlicht bei https://melby.de/atomabkommen-wenn-die-erwartungen-zu-hoch-sind/
Atomabkommen - Wenn die Erwartungen zu hoch sind
Es war am Morgen des 7. Juli 2015, als sich John Kerry und Javad Zarif zu einem Vier-Augen-Gespräch trafen – ohne ihre Verhandlungsteams. Die Außenminister der USA und des Iran kannten ihre gegenseitigen Positionen bereits in und auswendig nach mehr als zwei Jahren intensiven Verhandlungen. Sie brauchten weder Berater noch Dolmetscher. Während sie sprachen, konnten die anderen Delegatirtern nur abwarten, mit der leisen Vorahnung, dass ein Scheitern der gesamten Gespräche im Raum stand. Zwei Tage zuvor gab es bereits ein ähnliches Treffen zwischen Kerry und Zarif, in dem sich beide am Ende so laut angeschrien hatten, dass ein Mitarbeiter sie von draußen unterbrechen musste. Niemand wusste zu dem Zeitpunkt mehr, wo man eigentlich stand. Es war der Tiefpunkt der Verhandlungen um Irans Atomprogramm, zu dem die beiden Außenminister zusammengekommen waren. Ein Schlüsselmoment.
Es ist nicht viel über den genauen Verlauf des Gespräches bekannt, nur, dass danach innerhalb von sieben Tagen der Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA, auf persisch Barjam) vorgestellt wurde. Bei uns ist der Plan unter dem sogenannten Atomabkommen bekannt. Iran schränkte seine nuklearen Aktivitäten ein, die Weltgemeinschaft schaffte im Gegenzug die meisten Sanktionen ab. Es war ein Erfolg der Diplomatie, der im Kern auf die Vereinbarung zwischen Washington und Teheran zurückging und die direkten Verhandlungen zwischen den Außenministern beider Staaten.
Ruhani sei naiv, Obama schwach
Auch deswegen erhoffte man sich viel vom JCPOA. Es sollte nicht nur eine iranische Atombombe verhindern, sondern insbesondere das vergiftete Klima zwischen Iran und den USA verbessern. Jahrzehnte der Kooperation während der Shah-Zeit folgten Jahrzehnte bitterster Rivalität nach der Revolution, von der Erstürmung der US-Botschaft in Teheran 1979 über George W. Bushs „Achse des Bösen“-Rede 2002 bis zu gegenseitigen Hackerangriffen von 2010 bis 2013. So wurden die amerikanisch-iranische Beziehung zu einer der komplexesten in der Weltpolitik. Beide Staaten trieben die jeweilige Außenpolitik des anderen mit an, was vor allem in West-Asien negative Auswirkungen hatte und ein Faktor für die vielen regionalen Konflikte gewesen ist.
Es war allein deswegen ein Meilenstein, dass Kerry und Zarif im Juli 2015 so intensiv miteinander verhandelten und sogar eine Lösung erarbeiteten. Weder in Iran, wo Antagonismus zu der US-Regierung Teil der politischen Kultur ist, noch in den USA, wo die iranischen Machthaber durchweg als Terrorunterstützter erster Klasse gesehen werden, ist es einfach für Politiker, bilaterale Gespräche zu führen. Sowohl die jetzige Administration unter Hassan Ruhani als auch die Barack Obama-Regierung haben das zu spüren bekommen. Beide wurden nach dem Abschluss des JCPOA dafür kritisiert, der Gegenseite Konzessionen zu viel zugestanden und zu wenig dafür im Gegenzug ausgehandelt zu haben. Ruhani sei naiv gewesen, Obama schwach, so der Tenor.
Die amerikanisch-iranischen Beziehungen leiden
Allein die kritischen Stimmen machten deutlich, dass der Kernerfolg des Abkommens die Übereinkunft zwischen Teheran und Washington gewesen war. Schon mit Donald Trumps Amtsantritt scheiterte dieses Vorhaben. Seine Entscheidung vom 8. Mai 2018 das Atomabkommen aufzukündigen, hat das nur konkretisiert. Die Folgen beziehen sich insofern weniger auf das iranische Nuklearprogram, sondern die US-iranischen Beziehungen.
Technisch gesehen war die Konstellation hinter dem Abkommen wie folgt: Iran willigte ein, sein Atomprogramm, was trotz aller verdächtigen Aktivitäten nach 2003 nur ein ziviles war, einzuschränken. Dafür wurden internationale Sanktionen zurückgenommen. Übergreifend ging es jedoch viel mehr auch um das Aufschlagen eines neuen Kapitels mit dem einstigen Paria-Staat Iran, mit dem Verhältnis zu den USA im Zentrum. Der intensive Austausch zwischen John Kerry und Javad Zarif im Rahmen der Verhandlungen verkörperte diese Hoffnungen.
Neuer Umgang der beiden Länder
Wenige Monate nach Abschluss des Atomabkommens konnte man bereits erste Erfolge erkennen: Nachdem im Januar 2016 zwei US-Boote in iranisches Gewässer fuhren und ihre Besatzung festgenommen wurden, ließ die Regierung sie nach nur wenigen Stunden wieder frei. Vor dem Abkommen hätte dieser Vorfall zu großen Spannungen geführt. Jetzt genügte ein Telefonat zwischen Kerry und Zarif. In der belasteten Geschichte zwischen den USA und Iran war das ein signifikantes Zeichen für einen neuen Umgang miteinander, der mit dem JCPOA seinen Anlauf genommen hatte.
Doch das war auch gleichzeitig das Problem: Beide Seiten wollten zu viel in zu kurzer Zeit erreichen. Oder sie mussten, bedrängt von Kritikern, schnelle Erfolge vorweisen, die den Kurswechsel mit den erbrachten Konzessionen rechtfertigen. Die Abschaffung eines jahrzehntelangen Feindes brauchte handfeste Änderungen. Für Iran: wirtschaftliche Verbesserungen. Für die USA: eine Änderung von Teherans Regionalpolitik. Es ging gar nicht um den technischen Aspekt des JCPOA.
Es fehlten konkrete Maßnahmen
Genau darin ist das Abkommen gescheitert. Es war von Irans Machthabern illusorisch zu erwarten, dass sich durch den formalen Wegfall von Sanktionen alle ökonomischen Probleme des Landes lösen würden. Das konnte nicht passieren, vor allem nicht in so kurzer Zeit. Gleichzeitig war es von den USA ebenso illusorisch zu erwarten, dass Teheran einen strategischen Kurswechsel vornehmen und essentielle Bestandteile seiner Sicherheitspolitik abwandeln würde. Die tiefen Gräben zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten und Iran, die sich über Jahrzehnte gebildet hatten, konnten nicht einfach durch ein einzelnes Abkommen überwunden werden. Dafür hätte es mehr Zeit gebraucht – und eine stabilere regionale Lage.
Es ist am Ende die Frage, ob beide Seiten durch ihre zu großen Hoffnungen enttäuscht wurden oder weil sie, bedrängt von Kritikern, Erwartungen erfüllen mussten, die nicht zu erfüllen waren. Trump – als Speerspitze jener Kritiker, warf Iran genau das vor. Sie haben das Abkommen nicht technisch, sondern übergreifend verletzt, weil Teheran den Geist des JCPOA nicht respektiere und seine Außenpolitik nicht geändert habe. Im Iran bemerkte man wiederum, dass der US-Firma Boeing im September 2017 durch den US-Senat untersagt wurde, trotz eines Vertragsabschlusses Flugzeuge zu liefern. Und das mit der Begründung, dass das iranische Militär diese nützen werden, um Bashar al-Assad in Syrien zu unterstützen.
Eine Kosten-Nutzen-Frage
Wie es jetzt weitergeht, hängt an mehreren Faktoren. Die USA können leichte Sanktionen verhängen, ausgerichtet auf Irans Atomprogramm und einzelne iranische Entitäten, oder harte Sanktionen, die direkt auf Irans Wirtschaft zielen. Im letzteren Fall sind UN-Sanktionen wie vor 2015 ausgeschlossen, weil die Vetomächte Russland und China diese nicht mittragen würden. Für eine volle Wirkkraft unilateraler US-Sanktionen müssten die Europäer mitziehen, denn der Handel zwischen Teheran und Washington ist nahezu inexistent.
Trumps Rede selbst hat das Ausmaß der Sanktionen offengelassen und in inkohärenter Manier sowohl Strafmaßnahmen gegen Irans Wirtschaft angesprochen als auch gegen das Atomprogram. Trump will sich alle Optionen offenlassen und auf Zeit spielen. Sollten harte Sanktionen erlassen werden, wird es also darauf ankommen, wie die EU reagieren wird. Man kann diese entweder mittragen oder blockieren, wie es 1996 bereits in einer ähnlichen Situation geschah.
Iran hat währenddessen klargemacht, dass man das Abkommen aus einer Kosten-Nutzen-Perspektive betrachtet. Solange ein Gewinn erkennbar ist, werden die Vertragsinhalte weiterhin respektiert und das eigene Atomprogram eingeschränkt. Im Falle von harten Sanktionen der USA, die beispielsweise Finanztranskationen mit Iran von in- und ausländischen Firmen unter Strafe stellen, wird Teherans wahrgenommener Nutzen schnell schwinden. Das Land wird wahrscheinlich aus dem Abkommen austreten. 
Ein Lichtblick bleibt
Doch wird sich Brüssel gegen Washington stellen und damit in Zeiten eines drohenden Handelskrieges riskieren, die Fronten zu verschärfen? Lediglich der technische Aspekt ist noch zu retten. Damit kann man Washington und Teheran ein paar Jahre Zeit geben, einen neuen Anlauf zu starten. Und zwar bevor die angestauten Spannungen in einem Krieg explodieren. Die einzige Hoffnung ist, dass keines der beiden eine militärische Konfrontation möchte.
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