#barraki young
fancyfade · 3 years
I really like the way Hardware (1993) addresses the topic of superhero ethics.
Quick synopsis of the set-up: Curtis Metcalf, genius inventor, comes from a working class family and winds up from his perspective being set up to be the heir apparent to the inventor/businessman, Edwin Alva, who takes him under his wing and funds his schooling and, once he graduates, his projects. However Alva was actually just funding his schooling and appearing to encourage him in his endeavors so he could lock Curtis in a contract that gives him no rights to the royalties his inventions makes Alva (unclear if he has any like legal right as in copyright to his inventions as well I would assume not but it was not addressed yet). Curtis can’t work for a competitor either in the same field so he’s essentially stuck working for Alva if he wants to do what he’s dedicated his entire life to (inventing technology stuff).
Curtis initially tries to get some blackmail material on Alva so he can get out of his contract, but finds out Alva is involved in the criminal underworld via weapons and drugs dealing and smuggling.
also the character’s races are important to the story: i’m going to not comment a lot on this because I don’t want to be talking out my ass, so I’m going to just be like... relating things without commentary or sourcing what the original intent was from the creators: Curtis is a black man and likens what Alva did to him as slavery. Denys Cowan, one of the co-founders of Milestone comics and artist on hardware 1993 and the new series, who worked with the main author of hardware (1993) dwayne mcduffie, mentions that Hardware’s experiencse and the way he is treated (especially the glass ceiling) are part of how it felt to be a black creator in comics (link). (Back to the comic, not the interview) Curtis points out how many people perceive him as angry and bitter with a chip on his shoulder (Curtis describes himself as angry for good reasons). Alva is a white man who is too big and has his hands in too many pockets for the evidence curtis initially got on him to stick.
This is why Curtis created hardware: initially, his plan was to blackmail alva, when he finds out what Alva is up to he tries to send the evidence to the authorities because it goes beyond his personal problems with Alva. Then when that fails, he creates his armored suit (which he calls Hardware) to interfere with Alva’s operations and prevent him from doing more damage while getting revenge.
When he initially starts out as Hardware, Curtis has very little social life, he divides himself entirely between working his day job as cover for Alva, then working his night job as Hardware. he barely sleeps due to this. When he’s hardware, has a variety of lethal weaponry, the biggest of which is his omnicannon (which seems to like.. explode everything? he KOs a helicopter with it). He uses his weapons only on people working for Alva who are usually trying to kill him as far as I can tell. He’s also pretty unconcerned with killing them. He blows up a helicopter with someone still in it, shoots people, drops a guy he had pulled out from a helicopter from an unsurvivable fall, and cuts off a the arm of a construction worker who was holding a gun on him.
Curtis is more thinking on his end goal (getting revenge on Alva and stopping Alva’s criminal enterprises) than he is the means he takes to get there.
Pretty early in the run, Curtis is injured and found by his long term female friend Barraki. Since she finds him in his Hardware armor, he has no choice but to tell her what’s going on and she is disgusted. She views Curtis as extremely selfish -- she refers to it as him killing people “because his boss wouldn’t give him a raise” with no visible remorse. Curtis says he has no remorse period, not just no visible remorse. Barraki leaves and says doesn’t feel like she actually knows him.
Curtis obviously cares a lot about her opinion, because once she makes her stance on it clear he is kind of at a loss of what to do. When she asks him what he wants, he says he just wants her approval (also that she’s his only friend and he doesn’t want to lose her).
He winds up solving things as Hardware non-lethally for a while (replaces his omnicannon supershot with a neural net to paralyze people rather than blowing them up, tho he still has access to the omnicannon’s main shell for when he needs it), gives alva’s employees in the stuff he’s blowing up time to evacuate, etc
Then he has like I guess this... dream sequence? Guilt induced dream? Where he is seeing the people he harmed (the guy who’s arm he chopped off talking to him about his injury and losing his job, the dead bodies of the people he killed) and then Curtis talking to him as he is Hardware (like a his non-armored civilian version is berating his armored version for his life choices) and giving him a running commentary on his own life up to this point. People who are either personally important to him (Barraki) or socially important (a priest, Oprah) attack him for his decisions. Then when it comes to who speaks in his defense in his dream, it’s his employer, Alva, who created this situation from when Curtis was a kid to exploit him and benefit off Curtis’s talents and treats Curtis as no more than a cog in his machine (When Curtis initially approaches Alva for his profits, he does so with the assumption he’ll get them, because he had believed Alva to be like a father to him, Alva laughs at him and says he’s not respected, merely useful, and dehumanizes him by likening him to a dog).
Dream Alva’s defense of Hardware’s previous actions is that as Hardware, Curtis is doing what he was supposed to do -- treating other people as expendable resources in pursuit of his goals. So in Curtis’s guilt, he likens himself to Alva, the man who has been treating him like a tool.
I think this is kind of interesting because it’s something I’ve seen a lot in recent discussions of whether it’s okay for superheroes to kill people and one of them is that when you kill a person you’re not just killing that person. You’re killing whoever they were to the people who cared about them, if they’re looking out for anyone you’re affecting whoever they were providing for as well -- I think that’s why the initial person who appeared in Curtis’ guilt-dream was not someone he killed but the man who’s arm he cut off. There’s sort of this commentary on humanizing people I suppose with how the villain so clearly dehumanizes Curtis and treats him as a tool to his own ends, and then how we see Curtis imagining how the people he injured or killed while being Hardware might be affected not just in terms of “they got injured or killed” but also he imagines whatever their lives beyond working for Alva were. Curtis’s guilt is humanizing them in his head where earlier he said he had no remorse whatsoever.
Throughout the comic, there’s this metaphor for being trapped in a cage and then getting out but not actually being free (initially told through Curtis’s pet parakeet he had as a kid -- the parakeet flew out of his cage and tried to get out via the window, but only kept busting his head against the window, unable to understand he couldn’t go outside)
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[image: 3 comic panels from hardware 1993 #1 showing young curtis metcalf standing in front of a window where a parakeet is laying down on his side with his  feathers ruffled. curtis grabs the parakeet gingerly in his hands and puts the bird back in the cage with a clang. his internal monologue reads “my bird made a common error. he mistook being out of his cage... for being free.” end image]
Curtis straight up says that his earlier actions as hardware were not letting him be free: he turned hardware into another cage.
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[image: 3 comic panels from Hardware (1993) #4 showing barraki young and Curtis Metcalf standing and talking. Curtis is initially looking down regretfully at his hardware helmet. He says “I built the hardware armor to help me escape from the cage that alva put me in. Then I proceeded to turn hardware into yet another cage.” he looks at a parakeet that is flying around his house (his new pet) and says “see, Alva will make a mistake... eventually. And then I’ll put him away for good. That’s still very important to me. But it’s not going to be my whole life.” end image]
I don’t know whether the cage was supposed to only be in terms of how he conducted himself as Hardware or whether it also extended to work life balance (right after this he says that he was not going to make putting Alva away his whole life, he is letting Barraki in rather than pushing her away and he got the parakeet) and also his general view of the world (I already analyzed how he changes the way that he views the people working for alva). Either way I feel like the way that it was addressed was in a very satisfying manner that never wound up being preachy but did ask a lot of questions.
more commentary on the parakeet analogy from the writer of hardware: season one (the new relaunch)
The original Hardware #1 opened with a flashback of a young Curtis Metcalf remembering his pet parakeet escaping its cage only to be stopped by a barrier of glass, mistaking “being out of the cage for being free.” A brilliant meta-commentary, Thomas believes that it is “one of the greatest monologues in the history of comics,” and perfectly captures the entire story of being black in America.
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girlsofcomics · 5 years
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Barraki Young
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Milestone: The Dakota Universe - Series 1 (1993)
#67 Barraki Young
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0m3g45n1p3r4lph4 · 3 years
Who We Left Behind
Here’s my entry for @malwarewolf-mocs Bionicle Writing Contest 2022!
Who We Left Behind - Jaller and Hahli look out to the new world, and reminisce on one of the most important figures that brought them there. 
Read on AO3, or read below!
    The night was young over the new Ta-Metru of Spherus Magna. The walled-off volcanic city bustled with busy Matoran and Agori, some toiling away at forges, others engaging in sport, and some merely socializing after a busy day. The sight was nostalgic to Toa Jaller, who sat atop the outer wall, observing. It hadn’t been all too long ago since Jaller would have worked amongst them, either guarding the city from Rahi attacks or forging tools and masks. It had been just a few days over a year ago since Jaller was a Matoran, with no vision of becoming a Toa. It had been one year since Jaller returned to Metru Nui from the subaquatic Mahri Nui. One year since the Toa Mahri challenged the Barraki to secure the Kanohi Ignika. One year since the Great Spirit was saved from death.
    One year since Matoro’s sacrifice.
    Jaller’s mask of Echolocation picked up movement behind him. Turning to look, he saw Hahli climbing the ladder to meet him. 
    “I figured I’d find you up here. Any other day and it might seem strange.”
    “You’ve been counting the days since?” Jaller inquired.
    “Of course I have.” Hahli took a seat next to him, looking over the Matoran rather than meeting his gaze. “Most of the world never even knew what happened. It’s only fair we remember him how we can.”
    Jaller pondered this for a moment. “It’s just strange to think about. Matoro… did what he did, to save Mata Nui. To save our world.” Leaning against her, he continued, “I guess it just seems strange that we’re leaving that world behind, even after all this time.”
    Hahli chuckled, putting an arm around him. “Look at you, getting mushy now. Not that I can blame you, of course. I still miss Ga-Koro, but when I think about it… All that we left behind is a part of this new world. The Great Ocean is here, we’ve established new villages and cities, it’s the same suns of Paradise.”
    “I suppose you’re right,” Jaller smiled sombrely. “I just wish Matoro could be here to see it.”
    “Of course. I’m sure everyone that knew him does.” Looking west towards New Atero, Hahli added “Sometimes I hope that he somehow can see it, even through the Ignika’s eyes.”
    Jaller looked up to the stars, remembering the prophetic Red one that still loomed over the night sky. “Do you think the rumours are true?”
    Hahli followed his gaze. “The Red Star? I’d rather not get caught up in rumours, even if I’m hopeful some of it may be true. If anyone we knew truly did end up there, I’d be thrilled to give them all a welcome tour - but it’s still just rumour until the Toa Nuva come back with more information. Besides, Matoro wouldn’t want us to wait for him to get comfortable in the world he brought about.”
    The two sat in silence for a while longer before Jaller asked, “Did you keep track of people back during the Great War?”
    Hahli turned to look at him. “What’s this about?”
    “I just mean, did you know who was where, doing what?”
    “Not really, I suppose… I heard things from others, but I was working in my part of the village. I never really left until I got put on the Kohlii team, and I never had any involvement in our guard team.”
    Jaller pulled out his old Ta-Koro guard ensign. “I had a careful watch over all of Ta-Koro. Everyone was accounted for, defences were tight, and I performed frequent headcounts. Aside from the Charring, we had no casualties, not even during Ta-Koro’s destruction at the hands of the Rahkshi. And even then, compared to all the other villages - whose defenders I was in contact with - Ta-Koro ultimately faced the least destruction and fewest casualties until the very end. And yet, once we became Toa, I relaxed my leadership. I’d worked with all of you before, and with our collective experience I was hoping we’d see the culmination of all the Toa’s successes before us, only for us to lose a Toa and end up defeated so often afterwards. It leaves me wondering often… could I have saved him? If I’d been more firm, would we still be a full team? Could we have avoided everything that befell us during the Destiny War with Matoro’s help?”
    “Jaller.” Hahli interjected. “Don’t forget why we lost Matoro. Whether we like it or not, that sacrifice was inevitable. If it hadn’t been him, it would be you, or me, or Kongu or Nuparu. Anyone, really. If Matoro hadn’t gone when he did, Mata Nui would’ve stayed dead.”
    “Was this his destiny, then, do you think? That the Great Spirit would create a soul so noble as to be used for such a sacrifice?”
    Hahli scoffed. “I’m no Turaga, but I couldn’t imagine anyone’s intended destiny being death, no matter the reason. But maybe,... maybe that makes it more significant. Maybe Matoro was always destined to help the world in his own way, and he took that to the ultimate end when the world needed it most. I just hope he finally built up some self-respect in those last moments, like we had for him.”
    “I just hope,” Jaller sighed, “that he had positive thoughts at all.”
    “He brought us back home; He could’ve saved the world and let us find our way back, let us finish our battle with the Barraki… but he carried us home, too…”
    Jaller turned to her with a smirk. “Look at you, getting mushy now.”
    “Oh, hush you.” She said with a playful nudge.
    The two sat in silence for a while longer, listening to the sounds of a world bustling with more life than they could’ve imagined before, a paradise on the heavens the Great Beings left for them. A world with a greater sense of Unity, another world they can perform their Duty throughout, a world they were Destined to bring about and live in.
    Thanking Matoro again for helping bring them all there.
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sepublic · 3 years
          Mantax is a cautious sort. He is of the belief that everyone and everything else is some type of enemy waiting to form, a liability in the works, an incoming threat- And that he must find a way to deal with and control it. From a young age, his mentor taught him to beware everything, that there was not a thing to be trusted- And it was a lesson Mantax took well to heart, as he survived terrible massacres and betrayals. Compared to the other Barraki who acted rather idealistically at times, as open figures to be venerated and rallied around- Mantax was of a coldly pragmatic and secretive nature.
          He did not like to be seen and preferred to be as anonymous as possible, and his warriors followed suit. It may have meant that Mantax had far less recognizability, not as much cultural impact as others- But he made up for this in brutal efficiency. Mantax preferred to keep his thoughts and feelings close to his heart, only reveal that which was strictly necessary- And it made him rather difficult when it came to cooperating with others. Kalmah was frequently stressed at the cards Mantax deliberately hid from the rest, Takadox’s prying nature found it frustrating, and Ehlek simply didn’t trust that kind of nature.
          Mantax was slow and cautious, and not afraid to back down, run away to live another day- He always bided his time and waited for when the opportunity was right. He had the least victories, but also the least losses as well of the Barraki. Mantax was careful, and thus more than willing to admit something as a lost cause… For as long as he and his troops survived, they could always recuperate and return, strike at the perfect moment.
          Mantax had a masterful patience… But it also meant he had the least momentum of the Barraki, and thus the least territory and speed. However, he was not at all someone to underestimate, for he certainly fortified an impenetrable defense- If one could even find it. Better safe than sorry was his motto, hence why Mantax always preferred to bide his time… Much to Pridak’s frustration, who saw him as a slow coward who held everyone back.
          Perhaps it could be said that deep, deep down… Mantax was motivated by fear. By a fear and wariness of others, that led to a great desire for safety- And the only way to be secure was to have control over everything else. Only at the top could Mantax be safe, only in mastery of all could he account for every possible threat. Everything was at best temporary, and Mantax constantly lived as if his every moment was in danger- To the point where one could say he did not truly live, Mantax merely avoided Death. These two things, it seems, are not the same.
          As a result, Mantax considered every possibility, had a backup plan for any issue- And a method for any scenario, a way to kill everyone he’d met, if need, probably, be. He was coldly thorough and paradoxically stoic, despite his inner fear- Or rather because of it. And because of Mantax’s need to leave no stone unturned and get things right, should something slip past him and cause trouble, Mantax would never forgive himself for it. He would work to rectify the mistake, and ensure that he’d never make it again- Or any other kind of mistake.
          For any failure could mean the worst, so there was a professional standard Mantax held himself towards. One he learned from, choosing to adapt and flow with resistance, rather than overpower it regardless the way Ehlek or Pridak would. Mantax needs to be better than this, than the others- Or else he won’t be anything at all to begin with. He is motivated by caution, and is this less concerned with seizing victory. And in the end, Mantax nurses a deep and wounded pain, a bitter scar, that he vows never to allow happen, ever again.
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thedcdunce · 5 years
“I never thought about dying before. It makes me want to live.” - Hardware
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Real Name: Curtis “Curt” Metcalf
Gender: Male
Height: 6′ 1″
Weight: 170 lbs (77 kg)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Genius Level Intellect
Martial Arts
The Hardware
Curtis' Personal Car
The Hardware
Custom Handgun
New Earth
Citizenship: American
Base of Operations:
Hard Company
Alva Technologies, Dakota City
Mitchell Metcalf; father
Denise Metcalf; mother
Marital Status: Married (Barraki Young; wife)
Education: College graduate with seven scientific degrees
First Appearance: Hardware #1 (April, 1993)
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Genius Level Intellect: Curtis Metcalf is one of the most brilliant scientific minds on the planet. He has created breakthroughs in metallurgy, computer science, nanotechnology, and plasma weapons. Curtis is also Earth's foremost expert on Cooperative technology having studied and reverse engineered devices aboard Icon's lifepod.
Mechanical Aptitude
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Computer Hacking
Martial Arts: Curtis Metcalf is a good hand-to-hand combatant, having been trained by his father in the martial arts.
Firearms: Skilled in the use of various types of firearms of his own design.
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The Hardware: All of Curtis Metcalf's superhuman abilities derive from a sophisticated suit of armor called the Hardware. There have been several different versions, labeled 2.0, 3.0 et cetera.
Shell: The basic armor is a plasticized metal alloy of Curtis' own design. Using a device called the Shell Forge, Hardware coats his body from head to toe with this material.
Superhuman Durability: Once polarized, the shell serves as a skintight, impact-resistant foundation upon which his external armor rests. Though not bulletproof, the shell is highly bullet resistant and can easily shrug off small caliber gunfire. It also has ablative capabilities that offer protection against low-level energy attacks like electricity and laser beams.
Superhuman Strength: The shell has programmable polymers integrated into its structure. Initially, the shell amplified Curtis's strength fifty fold, meaning that he could lift 5 tons under optimal conditions. However, Hardware's battle with the SYSTEMatic Mark III indicates that Curtis has significantly increased the shell's strength augmentation abilities.
External armor: The external systems of Hardware's armor are stored within the nano-robot housing pods in his helmet and shoulder pads. These systems are constructed by nano-robots, microscopic machines that are released via main control systems in the helmet. The external armor is powered by high efficiency batteries called power packs installed in the shoulder pads.
Curtis' Personal Car: When he became Hardware, Curtis Metcalf was initially reluctant to use his personal car for crimefighting. However, he soon realized his car would be useful in situations like undercover operations in which his other vehicles like the Skylark would be too conspicuous. To this end, Curtis made extensive modifications to the car to improve its effectiveness as a crimefighting vehicle. Curtis has owned two cars. The first was a 1992 Lotus Esprit, which was destroyed by the costumed assassin Volt in an unsuccessful attempt to kill Metcalf. The second was a 1996 Dodge Viper GTS, which first saw action when Hardware aided his father Mitch Metcalf in bringing the crime boss Top Dog to justice. This car was destroyed by a missile fired by one of Top Dog's henchmen. He did not immediately replace it with a third car.
The Hardware: The armor comes with a versatile arsenal of weapons and tools.
Plasma Whip
Retractable Sword
PLASER (Plasma Laser)
Energy Field
Fluid Gun
Custom Handgun: In his civilian identity, Curtis usually has carried a traditional handgun for self-defense. However, he increasingly found himself facing superhuman foes that could not be defeated with a mere gun. So, Curt began developing high-tech, easily concealable weapons to fulfill this need. Most notable of these is his watch, whose face flips up to reveal a hidden compartment containing a miniature version of his Omnicannon shell. In weapon mode, the watch uses pressurized gas to propel the shell toward a target with enough explosive force to destroy a car. Due to its small size, the watch only has enough ammo for one shot and lacks computer targeting systems, requiring Curt to manually aim it. A pressure field of Curt's design prevents the mini-shell from being accidentally detonated if he bangs the watch against a wall or similar hard surface.
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Curtis Metcalf, alias Hardware is a superhero vigilante operating out of Dakota City. He is a genius inventor who has designed an advanced armored exo-skeleton with an immense arsenal of technological weaponry. He wages a one-man crusade against crime by night, fighting against his former mentor, Edwin Alva, and the international syndicate S.Y.S.T.E.M.
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Curtis Metcalf was a child prodigy from a working class neighborhood, born to Mitchell and Denise Metcalf. At age twelve, famous inventor Edwin Alva took notice of his gifts and developed a personal interest in him. Alva paid his way through the top schools in the country, Curt graduated from high school at age fourteen, and got his first college degree at fifteen. After completing his education on scholarship, the only requirement was that he would come to work at Alva Technologies, where he was given an enormous salary, his own staff, and the freedom to work on anything he wanted. This paid off, and his inventions made millions of dollars for the company. Throughout his life, he considered Alva to be the closest thing he had to a friend, and more of a father than his own dad had ever been. Believing he should receive a higher share of the profits he generated, Curtis asked Alva for a pay raise and found out what the old man really thought of him. Alva had absolutely no respect for Curtis as anything other than a useful servant, and regarded their relationship as dog and master.
Enraged, Curtis tried to quit his position but was contractually obliged to never work for a competing company. Instead, he turned to blackmail. Searching for a blight on Alva's record, he instead discovered that his boss was a complete monster who was also a major figure in the covert international crime network S.Y.S.T.E.M. After submitting the evidence he had found to the proper authorities, Curtis was completely ignored. The level of power and corruption Alva had achieved permeated the legal system, and made it impossible for him to be taken down by conventional means. Instead, Curtis decided to bring him down himself. Making use of the vast technological resources at his disposal, he created an advanced suit of armor that allowed him to fight against the criminal enterprises of his enemy by night, using the alter-ego Hardware. Alva struggled every night against the high-tech dreadnought, unaware that he is funding his own arch-nemesis, who operates out of his basement.
From the beginning of his career, Hardware battled with all types of villains, most of whom were hired by Alva to kill him. From the body doubling assassin Reprise to the tech-inspired Technique, none of them could best the armored avenger. Within months, Hardware relentlessly picked Alva's organization to pieces, costing him millions of dollars. However, one day Edwin Alva discovered Hardware's true identity and appeared in his hideout! Alva's original rage turned into something else. Impressed by Curtis' tactical abilities and courage to stand up to him, Alva made him a stunning offer. In return for Hardware's protection and occasional help, Curtis would be made his second-in-command and allow him to dismantle Alva's criminal organization. Curtis accepted the deal, believing he could shut down the bad parts of Alva Industries and S.Y.S.T.E.M. easier this way. But first, he would need new armor.
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New Armor, New Beginnings
In the months that followed, Alva seem to be living up to his end of the bargain, divesting from his criminal operations and training Curtis in the intricacies of running a multinational corporation. Deciding to go out with a bang, Alva decided to announce his retirement at the grand opening of Utopia Park. But when riots break out, Alva decided to take the safety of Utopia Park into his own hands. Donning a new prototype armor, Alva sacrificed his life to save a group of people from being crushed.
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sepublic · 4 years
           The Powers That Be are those Xians who reign above the rest. They are the most powerful of Xia’s elite, upper-class; Members of its upper-echelon of society who hold great dominion and control over various facets of Xian existence. These range from the duplicitous Roodaka, CEO of the all-powerful Vortixx Industries; To Turaga Dume, the powerful and authoritarian dictator of Artidax; And Nicron, the incredibly wealthy banker and economist of Stelt.
           But amongst the Powers That Be, there exists a group of six individuals; Hidden beings elusive from the sight of the public and even most Xian nobles. These select six have had their faces hidden for millennia, and are the most powerful of the Powers That Be. Even the likes of Roodaka and Dume must bow before their absolute and total power, because these shadowed figures control the Codrex; The Eternal Engine and Xia’s primary source of power. No army could hope to match theirs if it doesn’t have any power to run on, and for this reason and more, these six individuals reign supreme as the most powerful Xians in existence, and arguably Xia’s true ‘kings’.
           Their name? The Barraki- The warlords of Xian past, who led and fought their armies in the War of Six Kingdoms… Approximately eight-hundred years ago.
           Centuries ago, before Xia began its industrial revolution, there existed six warlords of rising power; Pridak, Ehlek, Carapar, Kalmah, Mantax, and Takadox. These up-start conquerers succeeded in building empires larger than any other seen in Xian history, absorbing and assimilating neighboring kingdoms into their arsenal and establishing total control. Their famed visages were spread across their respective empires, with statues and offerings and other forms of tribute dedicated to them. The six Barraki were regarded as the most powerful Xians in all the land, and to some, were practically gods.
           The Barraki were momentous, with all of Xia more or less gathered beneath at least one of them; Something never before seen with any other empires in history. A select few groups retained independence, such as the nomadic Skull Raiders or the northern kingdom of Iconox; But generally speaking, wherever one stepped, they would be within the borders of a Barraki’s empire.
           Predictably, the Barraki were not sated with just a sixth of Xia; And upon encountering the empires of one another, declared war. Each hoped to have total control over the entire island, and be forever remembered throughout Xia as THE Xian Emperor. Thus ensued the War of Six Kingdoms, by far Xia’s bloodiest and most brutal conflict. Young soldiers were freshly-churned out and slaughtered, villages and cities erected before being burned down, as the Barraki directed the entirety of their kingdoms’ efforts towards conquest.
           But one day, just as the War of Six Kingdoms began to reach a stalemate; The Barraki vanished, seemingly from thin air. Decapitated and leaderless, their empires collapsed as others attempted to take control in the ensuing vacuum of power. Six kingdoms fractured into many more, and eventually, the dust settled and Xia resumed its normal business prior to the creation and expansion of the Barraki.
           Shortly afterwards, Xia’s industrial revolution began. Inventors and engineers began devising brilliant schematics for powerful machines that could change the face of Xian industry, mechanizing the process of mass-production. Factories were built and devised, and complex technology and lights spread that relied on electricity and other intricate forms of energy to be fueled. Xia itself became engulfed in this wave of technology, reliant on the machines that made up the island itself; And in turn, the entire island of Xia became dependent on the Codrex, the Eternal Engine that powered it all.
           Despite conspiracy theories, the Barraki did not die; If anything, they ascended. Rumors of a massive ‘treasure’ at the core of Xia, a secret worth dying over, reached their ears. Eager for an advantage over the others, the Barraki set out in the dead of night with a small group of their most trusted followers and attendants, and explored the caverns below Xia. There, they came across one another, and after a brief conflict, the six Barraki headed off alone to Xia’s core.
           There, they found a titanic, metallic sphere; An ancient machination potentially older than Xia itself, located within its heart. Entranced, the six Barraki recognized that they had found something larger and grander than even all of them combined; And so they reached out and touched it.
           Like the Great Forge of Okoto, the Codrex activated –or perhaps reactivated- at the touch of six, powerful souls. In a burst of energy, the Codrex’s mechanisms began to turn, generating pure energy that had no outlet to go, building up.
           Upon being struck by the flash of energy, the Barraki were changed. Like the Mask Makers who awakened the Great Forge, they were imbued with pure Life energy that rendered them immortal beings with superhuman qualities and attributes. Feeling the raw power coursing through their veins, the Barraki realized they had found Xia’s greatest secret; And like any secret, it would cease to be a secret if everyone knew of it.
           A quiet agreement was made over blood that night, signed with the massacre of all their nearby attendees and servants to keep quiet. The six immortal Barraki agreed to go into hiding; It seemed that the best way to rule Xia with the Codrex was to do it from the shadows. If their subjects saw them last eternally throughout the decades without aging, inevitably people would try to find out the truth of their immortality; And in turn, they would learn of the Codrex. Thus, the Barraki must remain hidden, to the chagrin of some like Pridak or Kalmah- Although Mantax and Takadox were perfectly fine with this.
           Through proxies and puppets, they contacted engineers and inventors. By analyzing the Codrex’s ancient mechanisms, these inventors were able to reverse-engineer the Eternal Engine and create advanced forms of technology. A great city was established and founded, right above the Codrex, and its powerful machines and factories all got their power from massive underground cables connected to the Eternal Engine below. The Barraki began to rule through proxy, puppet-leaders, often assassinating minions once they had reached their usefulness and trading them out for fresh blood; No one could truly be trusted at this point.
           And as that famous city of legend grew and expanded, the knowledge of its technology spread. The rest of Xia began to industrialize, and more cities allied with that City of Legends, sharing in its massive swathes of infinite energy, none the wiser as to its source. All of Xia became rooted in technology, separating further into a strict lower and upper-class. To compete with anyone else, a Xian must have powerful technology; But that technology was useless without an energy source. And by controlling Xia’s main source of energy, the Barraki had total dominion over the entire island…
           Since then, the Barraki have ruled from the shadows, guiding Xian politics, economics, and so forth. They have influenced and swayed Xian culture from the shadows, directing upper-class nobles and elites from the darkness. Only the most esteemed of the Powers That Be know of their existence, and it is a true privilege to meet the Barraki first-hand and learn of the six who control all of Xia.
           Xia became more or less ‘conquered’, save for the district of Zakaz; But that needed to remain lawless, so as to create a thriving wartime industry. Inevitably, the Barraki found themselves bored, having found total control, but being unable to flaunt it. They wished for more lands to conquer, but there was nothing beyond Xia except the endless oceans and their raging hurricanes.
           Then came Kratakal, the Rahkshi from Okoto. Through the son of Makuta, the Barraki learned of another land out there; The mythical island of Okoto, a natural paradise of spirits, elements, and power. It was a land brimming with life-energy, the very thing that the Codrex generated, the very power that made the Barraki immortal. They saw the reality-warping abilities of the Kraata and became obsessed. Plans were discussed of launching a Xian invasion of Okoto, so the Barraki could relive their old glory-days as warlords and conquerers.
           Alas, it was not meant to be; The massive hurricanes beyond Xia ensured that travel between islands would be nearly impossible. A small, sleek canister could make the voyage, but ultimately it would be an impractical venture. The likes of Pridak were incensed, not caring about the cost because to the warlords Okoto was THEIR right, as kings entitled to ruling. If it weren’t for that blasted ocean, they could easily invade Okoto; The Brotherhood of Makuta and its swarms of Skull Spiders would be no match for them, they reasoned!
           Once again, it seems as if fate smiled upon the Barraki. The Shadowed One, leader of the Dark Hunters, succeeded in hijacking the Codrex right beneath their noses. This would normally be a disaster; But with Makuta’s Mask of Life, The Shadowed One transported the entire island of Xia right next to Okoto, before being foiled by an Okotan expedition and slain by his own lieutenant Lariska. With the Codrex back beneath the Barraki’s control, the island of Okoto was now just beyond the shores of Xia, barely even a few miles away…
           Since then, the Barraki have mobilized their armies. They have begun to exercise their authority, pulling together nations, governers, and soldiers to invade Xia. The six warlords, eager to conquer Okoto after all this time, have now kickstarted the Xian-Okotan War. Now, their forces clash with the Okotan Alliance, who stands against their mindless expansion and conquest.
           On the side, a Xian rebellion, a revolution unlike any other has begun to brew. With Xians seeing that a better life IS possible through Okoto, many have had enough are choosing to rebel. Thanks to the Okotans, knowledge of the Codrex and its role as Xia’s primary energy-source has spread throughout both lands. Now a rising rebellion is forming across the island, hoping to overthrow the Powers That Be, and leading them is the Order of Mata Nui; a secrective organization that has recently revealed itself and hopes to defeat the Barraki.
           With all bets off the table, the Barraki have revealed themselves. And while many question how these six warlords are alive after all this time –with some theorizing them to just be impostors- there are those who know the truth. The Mask Makers Ekimu and Makuta recognize the effects that an ancient machination has had on those six, having felt identical immortality themselves.
           While the Barraki lead a war against the Okotan Alliance, they also lead a war against the rebellion; The Core War, named after the primary objective of the Eternal Engine. Whoever controls the Codrex, controls Xia’s power and thus the entire island by consequence. The Barraki are incensed by the blatant insolence of their subjects, and hope to suppress them. In the process, they have formed a tenuous alliance with the Brotherhood of Makuta. The Barraki know that Makuta is not to be trusted, and likely intends to betray them (they have their own plans vice-versa)… But regardless, the Brotherhood wants the Okotan Alliance gone, and so do the Barraki.
           These aligning interests are for the best; With the Brotherhood’s capture and execution of Kratakal, they now control the Kraata and the means of creating them. And without Kraata, the Barraki can’t power their Exo-Toa armies. Thus, the Brotherhood and Barraki are allied, and under Makuta’s orders, Roodaka is producing Exo-Toa and various other war machines for the six warlords at a fraction of the cost. Together, the Barraki will take over Okoto; And in time, they will prepare for Makuta’s inevitable betrayal, and deal with the Mask Hoarder later.
           After all, that fool couldn’t even conquer an entire island! Meanwhile the Barraki have control over Xia, AND will soon dominate Okoto. Soon… for now, they are secretly paying the Nynrah Ghosts and other engineers to create ‘bootleg’ forms of Kraata energy and wave-lengths, hoping to find a way of powering the Exo-Toa without the Power Serpents. Kraata are simply life-energy, and the Codrex produces this constantly; All they need to do is replicate that special wavelength, and perhaps they’ll be able to power their Exo-Toa without need of the Brotherhood!
           Once THAT happens… They’ll be prepared to eventually betray Makuta. But for the timebeing, that upstart failure has his uses.
           There are six Barraki warlords;
           Pridak is the self-appointed leader of the Barraki, a title that means little practically-speaking. Easily the proudest and arrogant of them all, Pridak believes it his divine right to rule and conquer, having clawed his way from the bottom and arriving at the top. Thus, he believes all his victories are earned, and that more are due to him. Pridak is a ruthless, vicious individual with a penchant for bloodshed and a love for battle. He is hot-headed and can kill subordinates on a whim before perceieved slights against his godly honor. Nevertheless, he can still manage to be practical… It frustrated him when he couldn’t invade Okoto at first, but he nevertheless listened to reason. How else could he be such a brilliant tactician, having created the largest empire of the Barraki?
           Suave, confident, and charismatic- These all describe Pridak. He believes himself to be the peak and pinnacle of physical being, and it is not hard to see why; He loves posing for paintings and sculptures. A few parties have seen him roam around entirely naked for guests to enjoy his beautiful, sculpted physique. Pridak is terrifying and intense, and demands total loyalty from guests and minions; Once, he ordered a noble to kill her husband to prove her loyalty to him, reasoning that words meant little without actions to back them up. Pridak is entertained in combat and loves to personally participate in it, enjoying a good fight as well as brutally tearing apart his enemies.
           Takadox is a beautiful, dazzling Barraki. Once a pharaoh in the deserts of Zakaz, even before he found the Codrex he had scarlet eyes; Enchanting eyes of psychedelic beauty, like staring into a kaleidoscope of colors. Since his beginnings, Takadox has had the unique ability to hypnotize others, and since becoming immortal those abilities have become even more powerful. Through hypnosis, clever manipulation, and ruling through proxies, Takadox was able to back-stab his way to the top.
            He is an incredibly charming and distracting individual, with a beautiful voice like a siren’s. Takadox is musically-gifted, and it is considered the greatest honor to listen to him sing. Takadox is both a composer and a conductor, having penned brilliant works of music before leading orchestras of the most skilled musicians into playing them. Much pressure is put upon performers to convey his music, and failure can mean execution.
          Takadox loves to treat others as puppets, toys, and play-things, utilizing his hypnosis to completely control servants. He has employed it upon performers to better control them, and he greatly enjoys forcing people to do things they never would through hypnosis; It makes Takadox feel powerful and superior. He is a natural sadist, making his slaves do his bidding and exhausting them to the point of death, knowing they can’t refuse, and has had many he has hypnotized –ranging from servants to nobles that have angered him- dance for his amusement. Takadox has used his hypnosis to access the secrets of others, and values total control over anything else. A master-manipulator, he doesn’t need to be flashy, and is fine with pulling the strings from the shadows.
          Ehlek is a Lekara; A race of aquatic beings found both on Xia and Okoto. Ehlek succeeded in uniting the Lekara clans scattered around Xia’s shores, rivers, and lakes, uniting them beneath his banner and controlling most of the island’s water-source. By controlling the waterways, transport between his empire was the fastest and most efficient, making up for a geographically smaller size; Ehlek managed to expand his armies beyond the shores by inducting kingdoms bordering him, but regardless it seems his specialty was in the water.
          Ehlek is aware of his outsider-status as a non-human among the Barraki, and knows that they underestimate him for allegedly being limited to the water. However, Ehlek understands that water is also the essence of life, and far-outdwarfs the land with its oceans; He believes that in the end, HIS armies will rule, expanding into the vast oceans while his fellow Barraki remain isolated on comparatively tiny islands.
          He is a high-strung, short-tempered individual, capable of bearing grudges eternally. Ehlek has a tendency to lash out bitterly at those he perceieves as having wronged him, or even just for having things that he does not. Since his ascension as an immortal Barraki, his temper has cooled; But he can nevertheless be an impulsive, wrathful leader, and he has employed incredibly brutal executions in the past, being a person with little trust.
          Hailing from darker regions of Xia, Mantax and his people were taught by necessity to hide and lurk in the shadows, striking rapidly and concisely. A master of stealth and assassination, Mantax led an army of samurai against his rivals, with his own personal clans of shinobi to perform murders on select individuals. Mantax is a stern, secretive individual; He is the least socially-inclined of the Barraki and not much for small-talk, always keeping an eye out for danger. For everyone he meets, he makes sure to understand exactly how to kill them should the need arise; To Mantax, he has no friends or allies, merely enemies he hasn’t killed yet.
          Easily the most elusive of the Barraki, Mantax is an incredibly patient and cautious warlord. He knows when to cut his losses and retreat, and prefers subtlety and being unknown. He appears the least to nobles in formal events, instead using his time gathering information on others, surveying Xia, and training his own fighting skills. Information and secrets are the key to victory for Mantax, and he is always vigilant and keeping a close-eye on is fellow Barraki. To call him paranoid may not be entirely correct, as it would imply that Mantax’s wariness is unfounded.
          Carapar is a loud, boisterous, and seemingly-agreeable individual. He hailed from the steppes and plains of Xia, leading nomadic tribes on horseback as he swiftly raided, conquered, and pillaged his enemies’ settlements. Carapar is proud of his raw, physical strength and prowess, being the largest of the Barraki. Unlike the others, he likes to be seen as approachable and amicable, like a friendly politician who will gladly shake one’s hand and brightly smile at them. But beware- Carapar is at heart a treacherous, cunning individual with a mind for dirty tactics. He has no honor, and will resort to any trick in order to win; Once, he violated the rules of parlay with an enemy tribe, poisoning the food at their feast to ensure his victory. Yes, there were also children present at that feast; But he does not care.
          While his tactics can be subtle, by the end of the day Carapar is a brute in how he considers others. Since his rise to power as an immortal Barraki, Carapar has often visited subordinates unprompted, hoping to charismatically pull them into his circle of supposed trust. He has led frequent hunts with honored guests, occasionally heading into Nynrah to kill Vorox and take them as trophies; He has a penchant for displaying the heads of creatures, and even sapient enemies, that he has slain. Sometimes a servant will exceed his patience, and Carapar will drop the façade entirely before bluntly getting his point across.
          Kalmah is a hedonist, an emperor who once led legions of centurions to conquest. Now, he throws the most lavish, extravagant parties; According to him, he fought for the right to be a king, so it only makes sense that he lives like one. Kalmah prizes luxury, wearing the finest threads, all while greedily hoarding wealth. The flashiest of the Barraki, Kalmah suffers from frequent boredom and will hold brutal games and gladiator matches in the Coliseum Atero, all for his personal amusement.
          He has a penchant for the finer things in life, such as delicious cuisine, and he has a zoo of exotic animals and beasts, many of whom are the last of their king, and others from Okoto itself. Unfortunately, Kalmah is also a sadist, and he enjoys subjecting his pets to cruelty. Sometimes he’ll feed others to them, or force nobles or servants that have displeased them into facing off against beasts in the arena. Kalmah can be loud and spoiled about what he wants, and believes himself worthy of praise. He enjoys parades, and would rather not dirty his own hands, being displeased with the ‘lesser’ facets of life and preferring servants do the deed for him. Kalmah is highly possessive of his wealth, and to have his own possessions dirtied is a personal insult to him by extension in his eyes.
          The six Barraki wielded armor and weaponry in the past; Since their ascension amongst the Powers That Be, they have since taken to wearing more modern clothing. Nevertheless, they’ll still dress up every now and then, either to show off or train and hone their combat skills, ensuring they remain sharp as ever. And with the recent Xian-Okotan War, the Barraki have begun to don and wield their old armor and weapons like the good old times…
          In combat, Pridak wields his Shark Tooth Blades; A pair of incredibly-sharp swords, said to be crafted from hundreds of carefully-compressed shark teeth. They are of a beautiful craftsmanship, and capable of scarring even Protosteel; Weapons befitting of a king, in Pridak’s eyes. Pridak’s Shark Tooth Blades of a beautiful ivory that is stark-white, an identical coloration to his armor.
          Takadox wields a pair of long, thin blades that are slightly-curved at the end; He prefers to hold them upside-down, as part of his confusing, dance-like fighting style. Ehlek has a pair of Protosteel tri-talons that he attaches to either hand, to shred opponents with. Mantax wields a long sword, but also prefers daggers and hooks. Carpar has a wide, dual-edged blade, while Kalmah relies on a pair of whips in combat, as well as a crossbow, preferring to keep his opponents at arms-length.
          As a whole, the Barraki jointly-rule Xia as part of the League of Six Kingdoms. They hold the most wealth and stocks in just about every property and company out there, and their authority is absolute. With a snap of their fingers, they could rend an entire city razed, and there is no one who is permitted to disobey them. Even incredibly secure locations like the Archives must fully-yield to the authority of a Barraki, who is immune to rules that are normally uniform amongst all.
          The Barraki have orchestrated Xian politics to ensure an oligarcy with them at the top, keeping workers in line while having a select group of nobles for their upper-class. Xia is structured to leech as much power and wealth as possible from the island and its inhabitants, with even a war-time economy established in the district of Zakaz. To those that know them, they are truly the most terrifying people in existence; Servants are usually dominated by the most advanced and loyal of machines.
          Those who ARE alive are tied to their masters for life, with their living quarters established upon the various properties, mansions, and villas that the Barraki own. They regularly trade out servants and puppet-leaders, but the pay from them is also very good at least. Each of them have quarters in the Coliseum Atero’s tower, and at its peak is a meeting room for war-strategies and other important events. Among those who know them, the Barraki often host extravagant events to flaunt their power and wealth, and will occasionally sharpen their skills in combat against desperate slaves and the like. Just about every powerful Xian on the island answers to them, and is vulnerable to their control over the island’s power-supply.
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sepublic · 4 years
Order of Mata Nui
           A paramilitary organization shrouded in secrecy, the Order of Mata Nui was created as a way of fighting back against the Powers That Be in a manner that is discreet and untraceable. The brutality of their enemies and the harsh realities that Xians have to face have conditioned the Order to be similarly ruthless; Many saw the downfall of the Volunteer Militia as being contributed to the heroes’ ‘softness’ and blatant publicity. In contrast, the Order of Mata Nui operates entirely from the shadows, taking great pains to keep their existence a total secret. Even to the Barraki, their potential presence was considered, but never outright confirmed; And in their fight to liberate Xia, the Order has committed many acts of espionage, extortion, blackmailing, assassination, torture, etc.
           The Order of Mata Nui was founded by their ancient leader Helryx, as far back as the War of Six Kingdoms; Back then, Helryx was but a small, young, and fragile human girl who could do little to fight back against the bloodshed that her home regularly witnessed. Determined to make a difference at any cost, Helryx vowed to not let the deaths of others be in vain; She too would kill, but she promised to let her murders accomplish something in the end.
           Since then, the secretive Order of Mata Nui has operated from the shadows, recruiting members from any corner of Xia. They have tracked the progress of Xia’s industrial revolution, working to undermine the Powers That Be as much as possible, to varying success; It is unknown how terrible the situation on Xia would be had they never existed.
           The Order of Mata Nui worked to assassinate dictators and tyrants, and influence public opinion against such groups. In the Artidax District, many of them are employed as hackers, working to undermine the propaganda of Turaga Dume and leak the secrets of the Xian aristocracy to the public; The truth must be known. When the Nynrah Incident occurred, many Order agents worked quietly to facilitate evacuations and contain threat, while just as many also found potential servants and recruits amongst the mutated Vorox.
           Unlike conventional ‘heroes’, the Order is willing to perform unethical acts, in the name of the greater good. Helryx has seen what noble intentions and actions have done; But for now, it is best to keep noble intentions, while trading in heroic actions for more underhanded and even downright despicable means. In the past, the Order have experimented on others without consent, killed, robbed banks to fund their own activities, etc. Many of Xia’s Lekara were experimented upon them without consent to become ideal, underwater assassins. In order to maintain important secrets, the Order has even killed many innocents in the past; All in the name of the greater good.
           Because secrecy and anonymity is their key to survival, all Order members have access to masks, cloaks, and other means of disguise. They are trained in the arts of stealth, interrogation, code-breaking, etc., and communicate with one another almost entirely in encrypted messages, usually delivered manually; Wireless communications can be intercepted and are thus a liability, with the individual known as Nidhiki having accessed a few Order of Mata Nui messages himself.
           And while quick to strike and utterly ruthless, the Order of Mata Nui also recognizes that its numbers and strength is small and few compared to that of the Powers That Be; If they feel the risk is too high, members will not go on a mission to avoid being compromised and found out. Agents that are a liability and at risk of revealing the truth –whether they want to or not- will sometimes be killed by their comrades to keep them silent. Mysteriously-funded projects are supported through proxies, many of whom know little of what they are doing, and are just as quickly assassinated to keep quiet. Many mysterious deaths have been attributed to organizations such as the Dark Hunters; But in reality, it is the Order of Mata Nui. If at risk of being caught, agents have access to suicide pills, and some even have Viruses that will completely devour their body and leave nothing behind; Although these vials are helpful in assassination, at least one is always kept on an agent’s person in case it needs to be turned on themselves.
           Weakness cannot be allowed within the Order, and it is often beaten out of one another in hellish training grounds, the majority located in their hidden base of Daxia. Skills are regularly tested and honed between missions. Code-breakers work day and night to decode encrypted transmissions that pass through Artidax, hoping to decipher the secrets of the Powers That Be and anticipate their move. Official agents have access to personal ‘tokens’ that bear the insignia of the Order, to prove membership; If in danger of being caught, such tokens are to be completely destroyed.
           Due to the secrecy of the organization, many members do not know the identities of one another, and most refer to one another entirely through codenames, their faces entirely hidden. It is not out of the question for two Order members to argue about which mission they should take, before later on passing one another in public life without recognizing each other. These painstaking measures are all for the sake of ensuring that if one agent is compromised, the entire organization will not follow; Only Helryx knows everything about the Order of Mata Nui… allegedly.
           Information and data is stored almost entirely in coded print, to prevent hacking. The locations of data are mixed amongst various high-ranking members, who have miniature-explosives surgically injected into their skulls, designed to detonate at will in case they are in danger of being interrogated.
           The Order of Mata Nui has agents in just about every sector of society, and even a few nobles and their servants serve as faithful members. The Order also operates through countless servants, many of who know nothing about the true order of their commands; Some are just paid and told to keep quiet as they work on their jobs in secrecy. The Order of Mata Nui has even hired Dark Hunters in the past to do their own dirty work, with the mercenaries unknowingly contributing to projects designed to hinder The Shadowed One.
           All agents within the Order of Mata Nui have their minds telepathically shielded to prevent; These mental shields keep them immune to mind-reading, brainwashing, and attacks on the mind. As a result, they are entirely immune to Night Wraiths, and their ability to infiltrate the dreams of others. The exact nature of how Order members accomplish this a closely-guarded secret. Ideally, the mental shielding of Order agents keeps them from having their minds read, against their will; But in case all else fails, the aforementioned suicide pills and explosives are worth considering. Some risks just can’t be taken, especially since the Order doesn’t know everything about the enemy- And to them, knowledge is the true power.
           Members of the Order don’t just exist on Xia, either; Prior to the merging of worlds, there were a select few on Okoto as well. It was through these agents that Helryx knew of the happenings of that mythical island, and for a while, Okoto’s existence remained another closely-guarded secret amongst the upper echelons of the Order of Mata Nui. When they knew of Okoto and how they discovered it is also another mystery.
           Decades after the Great Cataclysm, Helryx sent trusted agents Axonn and Brutaka to Okoto, to find the Mask of Control; She hoped to use it against the Powers That Be. Arriving on the mythical land, Axonn and Brutaka succeeded in locating the Mask of Control, but to their dismay a portion of Makuta’s soul was infesting it. When Makuta’s role in the deaths of several Okotans to create the Mask of Life had been revealed, a mad scrambled by the Mask Hoarder to don his forbidden mask resulted in the Mask of Control being knocked from his face, siphoning a portion of his soul in the process.
           Axonn and Brutaka realized that whoever would don the Mask of Control would be subject to the influence of Makuta, who would then be able to locate his lost mask and use it through the proxy of his soul fragment and whatever puppet he had seized. With no way of purging Makuta’s influence without the Mask Hoarder noticing the Mask of Control’s presence, Helryx gave the order to contain the Mask of Control within the Labryinth of Infinity; It was a liability and could not be allowed to fall into the wrong hands.
           For centuries, Axonn and Brutaka guarded the Labyrinth of Infinity, with only the two of them knowing how to access the specific path leading to the Mask of Control’s chamber. As per Helryx’s orders, they remained a secret to all on the island, choosing not to intervene lest they attract the Brotherhood of Makuta’s attention.
At some point, an Order Agent was compromised, captured by the rogue Morbuzakh and interrogated; When they ingested a suicide pill, Morbuzakh countered this with a rapidly-synthesized antidote. Despite the Order agent’s training and mental shielding, Morbuzakh eventually succeeded in pulling vital information out of them, before killing his unfortunate prisoner- Helryx never learned the fate of this agent and was deeply troubled over what information may have been compromised during this disappearance.
           Eventually, miners in the Voymari District unearthed a massive, hill-sized block of bohrok, one that was later melted down in the Great Furnace to reveal the lost Mask of Light. Realizing this was a dangerous weapon that could not fall into the wrong hands, Helryx had Order agents infiltrate the facility that the Mask of Light was kept in. The Order of Mata Nui succeeded in retrieving the Mask of Light, defeating UP-VK 8596 (later known as Seeker). The Mask of Light was contained within a specialized module to let it be safely handled; Physical contact with the Mask could burn and blind a person, if not outright incinerating them.
           With the help of Order agent Botar, the Mask of Light was transported from the island of Xia, taken to Okoto. Axonn and Brutaka took custody of the Mask of Light, and were ordered to prioritize protecting it over the Mask of Control; Helryx compared the Mask of Light to a Xian Heart that was set to go off at any moment.
           Like the Mask of Control, the Mask of Light was contained within the Labyrinth of Infinity, with additional security measures added to ensure that nobody could find it; Maze-like symbols and cubes would be needed to act as keys, which would unlock the 777 Stairs leading down to a series of chambers. In such chambers, various guardians placed by the Order of Mata Nui would act as obstacles to the Mask of Light. To top it all off, the path to the Mask of Light was even MORE complex and difficult to navigate, than the one leading to the Mask of Control.
           (When Brutaka went rogue and betrayed the Order, he made sure not to tell Makuta of the Mask of Light; He could allow the Makuta to take the Mask of Control, but letting the Brotherhood have access to Nuva would be a step too far for him.)
           During the Okotan Expedition to Xia, the Order of Mata Nui kept track of the Toa, Protectors, and their allies. While Kopaka fumbled his way through Artidax, a few agents anonymously contacted the Toa of Ice, using him to help fight back against Dume’s tyranny and authority. To the surprise of many, Kopaka didn’t die in any of his tasks. Later, Kopaka’s ‘anonymous allies’ helped him and a few others pull off a heist in the Archives, retrieving the Fragment of Earth in the process.
           Since Xia’s relocation to Okoto, many Xians have begun to rise up against their former masters. Seeing the paradise of Okoto and its society, which is able to function without the strict class-hierarchies of Xia, has been the final straw for many; They know now that the order set by the Powers That Be is a lie and a sham, and one too many incidents have piled on, ranging from the disappearance of Kratakal, to the Powers That Be prioritizing the securing of wealth over protecting citizens from the quakes when Xia flew.
           Now, an open Xian rebellion, the likes of which history has never seen, has begun to arise. And with the Okotan Alliance right next door, Helryx has seen a once-in-several-lifetimes opportunity; A chance to finally turn the tides against the Powers That Be. And with the Okotans needing help against the Barraki, and the participation of the Brotherhood of Makuta and the rise of Kraltarak…
           The time has come. The Order of Mata Nui has emerged from the shadows, revealing its existence as a paramilitary organization of spies and assassins. They have aligned themselves with the Xian rebellion, its leaders showing some suspicion; But beggars can’t be choosers. In turn, the Barraki are incensed and seek to utterly eradicate the Order, angered that so many Xians would dare defy them for so long, and eager to kill now that the closest thing to a face –their masks- have been seen.
           The Okotan Alliance is skeptical- There are some who want no part in assisting any Xians. But many, including the Toa, Protectors, and Ekimu, recognize that they need all the help they can against the Barraki… Besides, the Order of Mata Nui helped Kopaka after all. Even if the Order has blood on its hands, it’s better than nothing; And if both groups weren’t to collaborate, they wouldn’t be as effective, which would lead to a longer conflict and thus more atrocities committed for ‘necessity’.
          While the Order’s new allies are skeptical about their unethical acts and will even contend them, one cannot deny the greater threat at large. Thus, their allies in the Okotan Alliance and Xian Rebellion will turn a blind eye, for the most part, as they work together; The help of inside-agents within these organizations has made the Order of Mata Nui’s alliance with them easier. And as the Order of Mata Nui’s more heinous crimes are revealed, Dume has taken towards highlighting such atrocities to the Xian populace as ‘proof’ of the chaotic lawlessness of the rebellion.
          Alas, the average Xian is used to the same, and worse, from the Powers That Be; At this point, most aren’t even fazed. And the difference between the Order of Mata Nui and the upper-class is that one genuinely wants to make a change for the better, and will actually work and die for it…
          Makuta himself is also wary of the Order of Mata Nui; He is curious to how Helryx has lived for so long, and now knows how they have hindered him in subtle ways in the past. The knowledge of their past secrecy has made him somewhat paranoid of infiltrators amongst his ranks, and as he combs his Brotherhood for traitors and spies, he also seeks to unlock the truth behind the Order’s mental shielding.
          Intriguingly, many of the Order of Mata Nui’s higher-ranked agents have unusual abilities… Ones that cannot quite be explained by science. Many agents have subjected themselves to various experiments to become more powerful, but these unique members seem to have inexplicable powers, some related to the realm of Space. How the Order of Mata Nui’s agents can unlock such abilities are unknown, and Makuta hopes to potentially infiltrate the organization himself one day. For now, his Night Wraiths prove useless at accessing the minds of members that he’s managed to capture.
          The Order of Mata Nui knows the risks it is taking. Each agent chose their life of secrecy, with some completing disappearing from society and being reborn under a new face, mask, and name. All agents have accepted their burden; Only the most trustworthy are allowed into the organization. Motives vary, but generally speaking, all members have been hurt and scarred by Xia in some way, shape, or form; Or they’ve seen others been hurt and cannot stand by such injustice. So although many of their past actions are indeed terrible, one has to note that the Order performs them beneath dire, desperate circumstances; And should the war end in victory for Okoto and the rebellion, perhaps finally the Order of Mata Nui can lay down its arms. Some agents are not averse to accepting the consequences of their actions and punishment, if it means that Xia can finally be liberated…
          The Order of Mata Nui has many members, in addition to the elusive Helryx;
          Axonn is a powerful, burly knight wielding a gigantic battle-axe, who can compel others to tell the truth. Once a conquerer, he helped Helryx establish the Order of Mata Nui. He helped to guard the Masks of Control and Light, and while faithful he has been criticized for being too much of a bleeding heart, compromising his own secrecy to help others; He once risked being noticed by Fenrakk when he rescued a young Takua from the Skull Spiders in the past. As the Xian-Okotan War rises, Axonn has been temporarily transferred from his duty of protecting the Mask of Light, to helping in the fight against the Barraki and Brotherhood.
          Brutaka is a rogue member, a former friend and close comrade of Axonn. Disillusioned by the centuries of brutality with no end in sight, he has seen the Order of Mata Nui commit atrocities that have barely made a difference. Seeking to do things under HIS command now, Brutaka has joined the battlefield as his own contendable player; He has assisted the Brotherhood of Makuta, and is allied with them once more alongside the Barraki. Using his knowledge on the Mask of Light, he is also helping a group of rogue Dark Hunters, led by Zaktan, into finding the hiding place of Nuva. Brutaka’s true goals are unknown.
          Botar is a towering giant of a creature, feared by even Axonn and Brutaka. He has a massive, fanged maw and a horrifying visage. One of the Order’s most powerful agents, Botar has incredibly powerful abilities of teleportation, able to warp across entire miles with objects and passengers in tow. While faithful to the Order of Mata Nui and usually serious, he can occasionally have his own dark sense of humor.
          Hydraxon is a senior-ranking Order agent. Once a prison warden, he realized the corruption of Xia and has since reformed, discarding his old name and identity in favor of the mask and codename he now bears. Hydraxon is responsible for training many of the Order’s new recruits, and is armed with a variety of blades, daggers, and boomerangs, a few of which can explode on impact. A master of the martial arts, he is a mentor to many and frequently assisted by his pet Energy Hound, Spinax; A creature capable of taking in the ‘scent’ of a target’s soul and tracking it across the distance between both islands of Xia and Okoto, back when they were separated.
          Trinuma is an Order agent with an uncanny ability to talk others into doing exactly as she desires. It is unknown if this is some sort of hidden power, or merely the result of genuine charisma; Either way, she is a skilled negotiator who has helped in securing useful deals for the Order of Mata Nui. She has recruited a few members into organization herself, and convinced a few of the Order’s prisoners and enemies into performing missions for them.
          Tobduk is a towering Vorox. Once a meek, dainty housewife, she was one of the first victims to be transformed by the Nynrah Incident, after being captured by rogue Visorak spiders and mutated into the being she is today. Horrifically traumatized by the incident, she was recovered by the Order of Mata Nui and inducted into the organization. Feeling a disconnect between her past life and current identity, the new agent renamed herself Tobduk and rapidly rose through the ranks as a feared, ruthless assassin. Tobduk is responsible for many of the Order’s most heinous acts and has innocent blood on her hands. She bears a personal vendetta against the Visorak and the Nynrah Ghosts. As a result of her mutations, Tobduk is an agile, powerful titan who can enter a berserker state. She wields poisoned daggers and machetes, as well as a staff shaped like a Doom Viper’s head, which can shoot forth white-hot beams of energy.
          Johmak is an obsidian, crystalline being, able to shatter into countless tiny crystals. These crystals can form into a floating cloud, or be used to tear apart and penetrate enemies. Johmak’s ability and unusual nature allow her to recover from just about any form of physical damage, and she is practically immune to it as a result. As a cloud of crystals, Johmak can enter tight spaces and is a skilled saboteur. Armed with a shield formed from her own essence, Johmak is a strong-willed agent who believes in ideals of freedom and resistance.
          Krakua is a grey-armored warrior with a powerful control over Sound, able to manipulate it to silence others, amplify noises, mimic voices, etc. Krakua has used their Sound abilities to a devastating effect, able to access frequencies that shatter almost any material, and cause internal rupturing of organs to enemies. For these abilities, Krakua is an ideal assassin, infiltrator, spy, torturer, and warrior. They are armed with a ‘tuning fork’ blade consisting of two long, silver prongs with which to better attune and amplify Krakua’s power over Sound.
          Jerbraz is a charming agent and spy for the Order of Mata Nui. A botched experiment resulted in him being rendered permanently invisible. He wields a Twilight Blade that can turn practically invisible alongside him, or blind opponents. He is a skilled assassin and infiltrator, and has been frequently teamed up alongside Krakua to watch enemies completely undetected, sometimes right next to them. Most intriguingly of all, the failed experiment has caused Jerbraz to have a presence in both the Light and Dark Worlds; If one were to warp between either realm, they would find Jerbraz still there, existing across the veil between worlds. For this reason, he is an ideal enemy against Night Wraiths, and is able to see into the Para-Realm; Allowing the Order to keep track of the Kraahl as well.
          Mazeka is a skilled decoder, encrypter, and hacker amongst the Order of Mata Nui. Once a skilled programmer, a massacre for the secrets of the company worked for led them down a long chain of events that resulted in their status as an Order agent. Now, they regularly work to intercept transmissions in Artidax, decode messages, encrypt Order communications, etc. They made anonymous contact with Kopaka during his arrival on Xia, helping guide the Toa of Ice in resisting Dume; Mazeka has long been stationed in the fight against the dictator’s propaganda and control of information.
           Scowe is a winged member of the Order, skilled in quiet transport across the skies. She has functioned often as a manual messenger, transporting physical letters containing encrypted data within to other agents in the dead of night. An incredibly stealthy flier, Scowe has managed to evade the sights of guards and cameras through her unusual ability to automatically ‘see’ through the eyes of everyone in her proximity. The owners of these eyes are completely unaware as Scowe is able to map out blind spots, navigating a completely unnoticed flight path through them.
           Deralte is a hulking, four-armed warrior armed with horns and a multi-bladed axe. He has the unique ability to ‘ignore distance’; When he swings his axe, the effects of that axe cutting into something will travel through the empty air between him and whatever is closest, immediately cleaving that object. Thus, he can swing his weapon, and in real-time, whatever is in front of him -within the distance of about a mile- will be sliced as if Deralte was right there. This applies to any of his actions; A hi-five will be immediately felt across a field as he reaches to meet it, for example. Because of Deralte’s unique ability to ignore the distance between him and a target, he is an ideal if unconventional ‘sniper’. Although his power only applies to his body and the axe he wields, Deralte has still managed to kill many unwitting targets, who die believing they were attacked by an invisible assailant that had somehow gotten close. The only way to avoid his attacks is either to get out of the way, or place something –or someone- in front of oneself.
           Boggon is a Vorox with well over a dozen, serpentine heads, with which he can survey the area all around him; Or attack with his fangs, while wielding a weapon in his hands. Operating within the Nynrah District, Boggon acts as a spy for the Order of Mata Nui, reporting the goings-on amongst the various Vorox clans, while researching into the potential existence of whereabouts of the mythical Keetongu.
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sepublic · 4 years
The Mountain
          In the mountainous regions of the Artidax District lies a sole mountain. While all other peaks on Xia have been mined, stripped, harvested, and built upon, this lone mountain stands out amongst the rest as being entirely bare. With the exception of sparse grasses and trees around its base that get thinner further up the mountain’s length, this mountain is mostly desolate, with an icy, snow-topped peak. Several animals live on this mountain, free from the influence of Xian industry.
          This mountain is the largest in all of Xia, and its peak is visible amidst the skylines of the cursed land’s cities. Given Dume’s controlling nature, it is unusual to see the island’s largest mountain entirely untouched, and no doubt the view from its peak could be enjoyable for nobles desiring a mountain resort. So why is this mountain left bare and untouched, graced only by Xia’s few remaining animals?
          Some will tell you this mountain is cursed, and it is… But to put it forth as simply and bluntly as possible, to the point without any metaphors;
          The Mountain is alive. It is a living creature, and it devours anything that steps upon its surface and garners its attention.
          The exact nature of The Mountain is uncertain. Various tales and rumors have sprung up explaining the unusual phenomenon; Some claim it is a rogue Xian Heart of Stone. Others believe it arose after the site of horrific crimes against humanity, watered and fed by the slain blood of the innocent. A few even assert that The Mountain is actually infested by nearly microscopic creatures that pry open the earth to trap prey and devour it.
          Whatever the reason for The Mountain, it is certainly alive. Historical records and anecdotes allude to it being around centuries ago, as early as the beginning periods of Xia’s industrial age; Curiously, such records allude to it being much smaller than it currently is today. As of now, its growth seems to have halted, but nobody can say for sure.
          Regardless of its past, The Mountain’s current status is absolute and definite. On first appearance, it resembles just about any regular mountain, with some vegetation along its base, which begins to thin out further along its peak. At the very top is snow and ice, accumulated from the soaring peak’s unmatched altitude. All along the sheer cliff-faces and rocky slopes, one can find a couple of animals, from mountain goats to birds, to Cliff Screechers and Necrofinches and so forth.
          But scratch the gilded, seemingly-peaceful and natural surface of The Mountain, and one learns the truth. When cut, its grasses leak corrosive, burning acids. As for The Mountain itself… It does not feast too often. But when it does, it will suddenly shudder. A poor, hapless animal or any other victim on its side will be searched for, selected… And then the cliff-face will open. The stone itself will begin to absorb the body of its prey, folding in to ensnare its legs before curling in and crunching up the animal. Despite its cries for help and struggles, the prey will be unable to escape as it is slowly but surely absorbed into the face of The Mountain. The stone will close up permanently, and all that can be heard is the continued, muffled crunches of The Mountain from beneath its rocky surface.
          The Mountain’s living, all-devouring nature was discovered early in Xia’s industrial age, and for those reasons it was immediately left behind and forsaken as a spot for settlements. For the most part, it was left untouched, isolated to the frozen north; But eventually, development of that region for the computers of Xia began. The ice began to melt from massive swathes of heat pollution, but when progress made its way to The Mountain, now as large as the rest of its peers, explorers found themselves quickly eaten alive.
          Tales spread of The Mountain, but nobody could be bothered to kill it at the time. There was plenty of other space and real estate to use, and so The Mountain was left untouched as factories were set up elsewhere. Other peaks were used to establish broadcasting towers and satellite dishes, and The Mountain continued to be left unscathed.
          By the time of Turaga Dume’s rule as a dictator, he began to consider destroying The Mountain, finding the sight of it to be ugly; It was free and uncontrolled menace, rebelling against the very order he sought to maintain in Artidax. By then however, The Mountain was the largest peak in all of Xia, and a challenge much too difficult for him; A brief attempt to kill it by firing a Xian Heart of Fire into its side resulted in The Mountain suddenly trembling in pain. Due to its immense size, the tremors spread throughout Artidax, resulting in powerful quakes that devastated surrounding cities. If one continued trying to kill it, The Mountain’s thrashing death throes would tear apart and level most of Artidax. Humbled and defeated, Dume finally recognized the risk and power of The Mountain, and ceased any and all attempts to eradicate it henceforth.
          Besides- Even if he could destroy it, it was unlikely for Dume to be allowed to by many powerful Xians. For among certain circles of the Xian elite, there is a dark tradition, spanning back a few centuries… While most kingdoms that formed from the disappearance of the Barraki eventually industrialized, not all of them did so quickly, and not at the same time. Those near the north, within what was once Pridak’s domain, began to worship and deify The Mountain. They saw it as the embodiment of nature itself, here to test the power of Xians to survive at all odds.
          Enemies and death-row prisoners would be sacrificed to The Mountain, feeding the beast and enabling its growth. Not only that, but a tradition arose… Those who wished to ascend to the throne, either by slaying the current ruler or by inheriting it, must ascend its peak and return to prove their worth. If a Xian warrior could conquer The Mountain, then they had the ruthlessness and determination necessary to lead themselves and others to victory.
          Although this rite of passage was initially reserved for Xians in the region seeking political power and authority, as a means of proving themselves, it eventually spread throughout all of the societies surrounding The Mountain. Now, it became a rite of passage, a coming-of-age trial for the young of these groups to scale The Mountain. Those who returned were celebrated and hailed as adults; Those who didn’t were simultaneously mourned and disgraced posthumously. The Mountain itself gained religious significance and even deified by some.
          As the region developed into the Artidax District and the area industrialized, the tribes, kingdoms, and other groups around The Mountain followed suit. While many were relegated to thankless workers in factories, some were elevated to further status thanks to the accumulated wealth. As they had families that later inherited their wealth, the tradition of scaling The Mountain continued.
          Now, this dark tradition has persisted amongst certain members of the Xian elite. These ruthless members were either descendants of the original groups that practiced this rite, or were ‘inspired’ and chose to participate anyway. Amongst some noble families, it became required for an heir to scale The Mountain in order to earn their wealth; Likewise, it was also viable for siblings and relatives to compete for inheritance, by racing to the top of The Mountain and back. The first to come back received the most wealth; And if their opponent didn’t return, then they gained all of it! An overseer on a flying vehicle, and in later years a floating drone, would survey progress to test the legitimacy of an ascension and return, to ensure competitors did in fact go all the way up and down.
          For some companies, such as Vortixx Industries, ascending The Mountain became a requirement. If one intended to become CEO of the business, they needed to survive the journey; Competitors, if they returned alive, would be relegated to lower positions amongst the board and so forth. Unless the CEO was proven to be truly negligent and incompetent, they could not be fired; But someone else could challenge them for their position through The Mountain. The current CEO of Vortixx Industries, Roodaka, once ascended the peak with a friend during her youth- But when the friend’s foot was stuck in the cliff of The Mountain, which had just now begun to take notice of them, Roodaka was left with a choice;
          Save her pleading friend, and lead Vortixx Industries together as originally planned…
          …OR, take all of the power, wealth, and prestige for herself, and leave them behind, in turn not risking gathering The Mountain’s attention as well.
          Roodaka made a decision that day; And The Mountain enjoyed a new meal.
          Some tradition-bound Xian nobles will grant positions of wealth and prestige amongst the Xian elite to even the lowliest of commoners, but only if they successfully scale The Mountain. To these ‘Old Money’ folk, The Mountain is the true divider between the strong and the weak, and if a poor Xian can ascend it, then they deserve ascension on the societal level as well, or so the traditions claim at least. According to legend, those who reached the peak of The Mountain would grace the very surface of the heavens, closest to them than anyone else, before returning with their divine blessing to Xia below.
          Auditions to become a Xian noble are very few and far-between, and the elites who host such competitions can be rather picky and arbitrary about their choices. To be invited to compete is an incredibly rare opportunity, akin to winning the lottery; Especially since many races have ended with all competitors devoured by The Mountain anyway, no winner left to seize their respective portion of the prize.
          Due to the way wealth is distributed amongst those who successfully scale The Mountain, it is inevitable that most competitors would seek to sabotage, and even assassinate one another. The Mountain’s massive size means that it isn’t aware of everything happening along its body- It has to selectively search a location with its senses before settling on prey, and devouring it. Those who are stealthy and make little noise and don’t disturb The Mountain’s rocky surface can ideally get past without being noticed, so obviously Xians will sabotage one another by yelling, making noise, digging into the mountain-side, planting explosives, and so forth. Some will resort to outright killing one another in combat, or pushing them off the side of a cliff to be killed by the fall- The Mountain can sense blood and its attention is immediately drawn if so much as a drop lands on its surface.
          Some Xians will team up with one another, agreeing to help each other in order to guarantee survival and some degree of wealth, but of course the greedy will try betraying others at the last second, usually as they near the end of a descent. Some attempted betrayals have backfired, either from the greedy Xians being killed themselves by their betrayed comrades, or by The Mountain after its attention was gained through violence and bloodshed.
          Those who have earned the ire of a powerful noble will sometimes find themselves wrapped up and offered to The Mountain as tribute; But amongst such unfortunate Xians, some will be given the chance to survive on The Mountain for a certain period of time, and if still alive, will be granted either a lesser sentence or total amnesty. Unsurprisingly, Kratakal the celebrity has hosted a few brutal competitons on The Mountain for entertainment. Kratakal himself is immune to The Mountain, able to easily escape its grasp, and is unpalatable for it anyway, lacking any nutritional value and being too difficult to chew thanks to his invulnerable bohrok armor. Kratakal is amongst the small group of wealthy Xians who utilize The Mountain as a means of ascending select Xians to the nobility.
          Smaller predators still exist among The Mountain, furthering the danger; Animals continue to live on The Mountain, not only because it is possible to avoid its attention, but also because it is one of the few areas in Xia untouched by its industrial expansion. The Mountain itself is not gluttonous and will selectively desire a few meals every now and then to feed itself, but will otherwise leave its animal populations intact to breed and provide further steady streams of sustenance.
          Once The Mountain has a hold on someone, they are more-or-less screwed. It IS possible to break free of its grasp, but once its attention has been drawn, it will continue to pursue its prey by opening up massive chasms in its face until the meal inevitably falls in and is crunched apart. Victims that can fly have a decent chance of survival, but usually they’re much less weighty and nutritious than other meals, so they tend to be ignored by The Mountain anyway. Still, it’ll scavenge a dead corpse if given the chance. The Mountain hydrates itself with the blood of prey, but also with the snow and ice on its peak that melts into water.
          Although it was much more voracious in its younger years, happily devouring passing animals unaware of its true nature, as well as sacrifices and tributes, it has since settled down a bit more. Its massive form has become stable and hopefully reached the extent of its growth; Now, it requires surprisingly little to sustain itself, usually remaining in a deep slumber before periodically awakening to feed. The Mountain occasionally has feeding periods, where it remains awake for a certain amount of time, devouring plenty; It is during these recorded feeding periods that many ascensions up The Mountain are usually planned, to truly test Xian challengers.  
          Because of The Mountain’s danger, real estate along its base is incredibly cheap, but few are willing to buy land there. While its reach is technically limited and there is a certain boundary where the earth is not a part of The Mountain, nobody wants to risk it.
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