tempelbeast · 17 days
This time we have renders of:
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Kalama, Vakama and Nuhrii.
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Vhisola, Nokama and Kai.
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Tehutti, Midak and Whenua.
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Makani, Matau and Orkahm.
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Ally, Onewa, and Piatra
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Mazeka, Nuju and Ehrye. I know Mazeka never was on Mata Nui. The idea is that The Order send him to secretly check on the Metru Nui Matoran on Mata Nui. He was spotted when he got grabbed by Nui-Rama. He kills it, and falls straight into Ko-Koro.
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Iruini, Dume and Norik.
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Dalu, Jovan and Velika.
Any thoughts?
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 2 months
People have made points like this before (albeit with different characters), but it's really funny that these are the same character:
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But these two aren't:
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voidaspects · 5 days
Slowly but surely building out my full Order of Mata Nui collection.
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My remaining checklist is as follows:
1. Get the remaining pieces for Tobduk
2. Get the remaining pieces for Krakua
3. Think about how only Johmak specifically is entirely absent
4. Cry
5. Take solace in the fact that I already own Jerbraz
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sandiaheadonline · 2 months
Old fanart based on this post
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Headcanon that when he was still being trained by The Order of Mata Nui, Krakua did not fully believe he was the one supposed to become a Toa, insecurity reinforced by the fact that he heard that maybe Mazeka would have been a better option since he had been the one saving his life and showing bravery and heroism when fighting Vultraz.
However, one day after a very rough training session with Helryx, Mazeka walks up to a battered and saddened Krakua and tells him that he believes he has what it takes to be a Toa, giving Krakua back the confidence he so much needed at that moment.
Idk, I just think it's wholesome and would have like to see them bonding more.
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xenon-noble · 1 year
MOC: 'Prime' Lariska
I've noticed a lack of knife gal recently
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randomwriteronline · 5 months
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look at my sense of humor boy
cant put these notes in the tags bc theres. too many so im adding lil things here
the Order's signature is a shaved head due to the Great Spirit Robot being bald;
only exceptions are Ancient (being a spy he has to lay low), Krakua (still isn't a full member), and Helryx (that's where she keeps all the moral issues and regrets);
Botar's mess of a mouth is the closest I could come to the one he actually has in his set. No i'm not giving him the cat ears
the Makuta's signature is buzzed hair, important noses, harsher edges, and an arched upper lip;
Teridax (depicted here) looks fairly distinct compared to them and slightly more like Mata Nui due to his destiny being to help his "brother" reunite Spherus Magna with its moons. His face is also technically that of the Great Spirit Robot.
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sepublic · 1 year
            Actually, I have a solution for Melding Teridax and the Shadow Takanuvas; Have them kill each other during the Battle of Bara Magna.
         We know the Bionicle team was uncertain whether the franchise would even get a proper ending, due to its poor sales; They even had to fight to get a measly climax in the form of Stars, rather than nothing at all. So I wonder if the reason why Greg set up characters like Melding Teridax and Tuyet’s survival, was simply as a failsafe in case the line was abruptly cancelled, and it went down to him to write the final battle against Makuta, via the serials.
         But as we know, we got some Av-Matoran builds and a comic that resulted in Mata Nui killing Makuta, somewhat by accident; Which meant Melding Teridax and Tuyet no longer had a purpose. Melding Teridax was introduced back in 2008, at the end of Brothers in Arms… Only to finally be brought back in Reign of Shadows, after the final Bionicle comic had been released, after Makuta was killed by someone else.
         So there’s no point to Melding Teridax, anymore, certainly not as a lynchpin against his prime counterpart; And I guess he could be used as a way to rebuild the Brotherhood of Makuta, but we already have Miserix for that. Unless Greg thought he was beyond redemption and/or planned to have Velika kill him off. So… may as well get rid of Melding Teridax in a weirdly poetic way, against the one who beat him in so many universes.
         And yes, I know Greg retconned Takanuva’s victory as Teridax throwing the fight, but I’m ignoring that. It undermines Mask of Light’s story, plus Greg confirmed that Teridax legitimately lost to the Toa Metru and that wasn’t part of some master plan, so why not have him legitimately lose to Takanuva as well? Especially since in 2008, he clarified just how utterly terrified all the Makuta were of him, to the point of drastic actions to prevent a Toa of Light (not that Tridax without an E seemed perturbed, since he somehow defeated Takanuva in other timelines).
         Mazeka asks himself, who can defeat Teridax? And decides… How about another Teridax? So how does OUR Teridax of the prime universe respond to this? Well, he remembers one of his last battles, the one that reduced him to a wisp of energy hopping from body to body, far too vulnerable for his liking. What can defeat a Teridax? How about a Takanuva that already has? Three of them, in fact, just to play it safe.
         It’s weirdly poetic; In the end, no matter what universe or combination of them, Takanuva defeats Teridax, in a manner that takes them both out. It’s not like Greg seemed that interested in picking up the Shadow Takanuva storyline anyhow; He sets up Vezon to lead them, only for Vezon to be immediately whisked away on an Olmak adventure, with no explanation or transition for him putting on that mask instead of awakening the Shadow Takanuvas. And aside from a brief bit of one waking up during the Reign of Shadows…
         Well, we have three unceremoniously massacred by Melding Teridax. We have two controversial, AU plot threads, resolved at once, in a way that echoes a classic Bionicle tale but in a very distorted, twisted way. Kill two birds, or two alternate selves, with one stone.
         Of course, our Teridax knows this match-up might not go the way he wants; After all, the elements are swapped this time, and Light works as a counter to Shadow. That gives Melding Teridax an edge over any Shadow Takanuva… So better even it out with multiple Shadow Takanuvas, if not all of the ones that survived Destral. 
       They strike down Makuta just like in the original story, and when he gets up, this time it’s framed as a moment of heroic valor, rather than a nightmarish villain who won’t quit. It’s a dark, or bright, reflection of the first movie; Takanuva and Teridax both fall, and it’s up to a third party to escape a rumbling cavern. Because unlike last time, Mazeka can’t bring anyone back, not the wielder of Light, nor Takanuva.
        This means Melding Teridax isn’t useless, because he’s at least good for taking down ONE unresolved threat, if not the one he was set up to do; And it’s a threat that he kind of has experience with, given what happens in the main universe. Same for the Shadow Takanuvas, who get to be a threat to someone worthwhile, and even kill them, albeit in a pyrrhic victory that comes across as a cruel mockery of Mask of Light’s climax. 
        After all, Mazeka, Melding Teridax, and the Shadow Takanuvas never show up after the battle in Ba-Koro. May as well make that their ending; Have Mazeka survive the second great cataclysm on his own, since most of the Matoran Universe’s population did. Granted, an ideal, alternate take on the story wouldn’t have any of these, nor would it have the ridiculous cop-out ending for Brothers in Arms... 
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musurvivalistguide · 4 months
When it comes to Matoran languages, I know that the common language in the Matoran Universe is...well, Matoran. But the other day, I was mulling over some notes for something I had written before when I realized: what do they do when someone can't speak?
I don't mean someone who can't speak the language like the rahi, but someone who either lost their voice entirely due to an accident or maybe was "born" without a voice. Do they have some tools to try and repair or replace any possible wires that might be affecting their speech, or is it an organic component in their biology that can't easily be replaced or fixed? Or even those who completely lose their hearing or come into existence without their hearing? (If either are even possible to begin with, but let's just imagine here)
I was reading back on some of the old stories (namely when Mazeka and Jerbraz went to save Krakua from Vultraz), and I got hit with a curious thought for De-Matoran. If whispering is enough to disturb them, and possibly writing messages takes time (and causes noise since they're writing/scratching on stone), wouldn't it be easier and quieter for them to communicate via hand and arm gestures like how we (for example) have American or even Australian sign language? Or any other variation from around the world?
I know that Nuju speaks in clicks and chirps, but he also uses hand gestures. Now, whether any of those gestures are the Matoran variation of sign language or is just the equivalent of a person "talking with their hands" is up for debate, but it seemed like an interesting thought of it being like sign language he's using.
Just seemed like an interesting thought to mull over how they'd translate letters and words/actions using their hands and arms. Like, would some of them be close enough to what we would know and recognize, or would there be completely different hand shapes? Probably more the latter than the former, but I digress.
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teelguy · 2 years
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some more various bonkle anime ladies
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tiredspacedragon · 10 months
Melding Teridax is going to have the worst time adjusting to the prime universe. He's going to be so confused as to why there are so dang many Toa around and barely any Matoran, and then even when he does remember that the Matoran are the small ones in this universe, you just know he's going to screw it up all the time. Keeps accidentally referring to Mazeka as "Toa Mazeka." Absolutely infuriates Tahu when they first meet because he unintentionally brushes him off as an unusually bossy Matoran. Has got no idea what to make of Turaga. Bless.
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toaarcan · 11 days
I find myself wondering how things would've gone down with the Hagah contest if Greg and Bob had never rejected the idea of the two special edition sets in 2005 being Dume and Nidhiki.
Because let's not kid ourselves, the Hagah contest was a shitshow. TTV decided to run all four subject characters at the same time, and Eljay and Mesonak took the whole thing on their own shoulders, and as a result it took basically the whole of the year. The arguments started almost as soon as the subject for the next contest was chosen, as some people wanted the creative freedom to do whatever, and some people wanted the designs to be restricted so they'd look good next to Norik and Iruini.
Not helping matters was that the first contest had demonstrated that the community's definition of a Toa was wide and the voters wouldn't necessarily choose something that looked good next to its official compatriots- Helryx is a good MOC, but she's built to match up with the Toa Mata, who were built to a much smaller scale than the entirety of the Order of Mata Nui sets, and she ends up at about eye-level with Mazeka, a character who notes her physically-identical Melding counterpart as being "Tall."
If they didn't have Norik and Iruini as a benchmark, though, that goes out of the window. With all six Hagah unseen, then it's highly likely that we wouldn't know anything about what they looked like. We wouldn't know about the metallic armour, we wouldn't know about the reshaped masks, we likely wouldn't even know about the Metru Build thing. Uniformity would go right out of the window, because of sets like the Mahri and 08 Nuva.
The contest would likely be an even bigger shitshow, of course. It took them around a year to do four characters, throwing two more into the mix would probably take even longer. There's a non-zero chance that a six-character contest doesn't finish before Greg gets laid off. However, it may have started earlier without the initial wave of arguments. Or they could've been just as bad for different reasons.
I think there'd still be a bunch of Metru builds in the contest, even without the two sets as a measuring stick, because the contest was just before (and likely contributed to) the tail-end of the fandom-wide obsession with the Metru build as the "Perfect" Toa (it's not, for the record). Without a whole year of incredibly same-y MOCs, and a contest where we had to judge them against each other, that love-affair may have lasted longer.
However, it's also possible that without there being the two sets, the Hagah would've been a lower priority for TTV. There would've been no incomplete team of official sets to round off. Instead, the characters that likely would've been in that position of being the "Missing" members of a team with two official sets would've probably been the Mangai.
I don't think TTV would've been nuts enough to run nine contests at once, but I do think there probably would've been the same arguments about whether a Metru build should be mandatory and what is a Metru build anyway, just about Tuyet instead.
And without the Hagah contest, I don't think we would've had that wonderful moment post-finals where people who had managed to avoid the hellscape that was the actual forums during the voting process got to see that team of six (mostly) new Toa lined up together for the first time in ages, and getting hit right in the nostalgia feels. For all its faults as an actual process, the Hagah contest ultimately did manage to create a team that mostly looks uniform, and mostly looks like they could've been sold as sets back in '05. The one outlier, Bomonga, still looks great too. I love him being the (relatively) biggest bungus of a Toa to ever grace the GSR, and the MOC's quality definitely outweighs the annoying brain gremlin that says "Lego never would've made him like that." Yeah, they wouldn't have, and it doesn't matter at all.
I'm still going to go to my grave insisting that Nidhiki is just Iruini with a green mask and a different weapon.
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arr-jim-lad · 4 months
reading late stage bionicle stories is a challenge bc i read like 1 chapter every few days before sleep and at this point the story follows like five different groups of characters that split up and join up at different parts of the story and every time i read again i need to check back to see what the fuck happened last time lmao
like who's mazeka and why is he with evil teridax-- oh right mazeka is the super soldier matoran and that's the good teridax who mazeka brought back from the alternate universe he accidentally stumbled into. that happened in the last story i was reading which, in the middle of reading, told me 'hey you should go read this chapter in this other story before you continue the current one' like ok lmao
it's honestly a little bit exhausting & i miss the novels, but it's also a lot of fun to read stories that feature side characters so prominently
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 5 months
Somehow I thought that Kalmah's weird souped-up Hordika-feet were exclusive to him, but they actually appear in multiple sets, including one I had!?
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tinnitusinhumanform · 1 month
in character side-blog for my stupid chronically online oc... check it
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kanohivolitakk · 2 years
Me: I dislike Lesovikk and Mazeka because they feel pointless to the overarching story and just exist in the world.
Also me: yeah Lariska is pointless to the overarching story and just exists in the world, and that’s precisely why i like her.
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xenon-noble · 1 year
Biovember day 26
I mean, with all the time and resources the Order put into arming and training Mazeka, it’d be a waste to not turn him into a Toa if they had a chance.
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Also I know the whole “no toa in the order because toa can’t kill”, but since Mazeka was trained to kill when he was a Matoran, he’d probably be able to do it as a Toa.
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