#barter clubs in Argentina
dailyanarchistposts · 6 months
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Chapter 3. Economy
How will exchange work?
There are many different ways exchange could work in a stateless, anti-capitalist society, depending on the size, complexity, and preferences of the society. Many of these are far more effective than capitalism at ensuring a fair distribution of goods and keeping people from taking more than their fair share. Capitalism has created a greater inequality in access to resources than any other economic system in human history. But the principles of capitalism that economists have indoctrinated the public to accept as laws are not universal.
Many societies have traditionally used gift economies, which can take many different forms. In societies with a modest amount of social stratification, the wealthier families maintain their status by giving gifts, holding lavish feasts, and spreading their wealth; in some cases, they risk the wrath of the others if they are not generous enough. Other gift economies are barely or not at all stratified; the participants simply disown the concept of property and give and take social wealth freely. In his diary, Columbus remarked with amazement that the first indigenous people he encountered in the Caribbean had no sense of property, and gave willingly of all they had; indeed, they came bearing gifts to greet their strange visitors. In such a society, no one could be poor. Now, after hundreds of years of genocide and capitalist development, many parts of the Americas have some of the starkest wealth gaps in the world.
In Argentina, poor people initiated a massive barter network that grew enormously after the economic collapse in 2001 rendered capitalist forms of exchange unworkable. The barter system evolved from simple swap meets into a huge network involving an estimated three million members trading goods and services — everything from homemade crafts, food, and clothing to language lessons. Even doctors, manufacturers, and some railways participated. An estimated ten million people were supported by the barter network at its peak.
The barter club facilitated exchange by developing a credit/currency system. As the network grew, and the capitalist crisis deepened, the network was beset by a number of problems, including people — often from outside the network — stealing or forging the currency. Several years later, after the economy stabilized under President Kirchner, the barter club shrank, but still retained a huge membership considering it was an alternative economy in the country that was once a model for neoliberal capitalism. Rather than giving up, remaining members developed a number of solutions to the problems they had encountered, such as limiting membership to producers so the network is only used by those who contribute to it.
Contemporary anarchists in the US and Europe are experimenting with other forms of distribution that transcend exchange. One popular anarchist project is the “free store” or “give-away shop.” Free stores serve as a collection point for donated or scavenged items that people no longer need, including clothes, food, furniture, books, music, even the occasional refrigerator, television, or car. Patrons are free to browse through the store and take whatever they need. Many accustomed to a capitalist economy who come into a free store are perplexed by how it could possibly work. Having been raised with a scarcity mentality, they assume that since people profit by taking stuff and do not profit by donating, a free store would quickly empty out. However this is rarely the case. Countless free stores operate sustainably, and most are overflowing with goods. From Harrisonburg, Virginia, to Barcelona, Catalunya, hundreds of free stores defy capitalist logic on a daily basis. The Weggeefwinkel, Giveaway Shop, in Groningen, Netherlands, has operated out of squatted buildings for over three years, opening twice a week to give away free clothes, books, furniture, and other items. Other free stores hold fundraisers if they have to pay rent, which would not be an issue in a completely anarchist society. Free stores are an important resource for impoverished people, who either are denied a job by the whims of the free market or who work a job, or two or three, and still can’t afford clothes for their kids.
A more high-tech example of free exchange is the relatively mainstream and wildly successful Freecycle Network. Freecycle is a global network originally formed by an environmental nonprofit group to promote giving away items that might otherwise end up in the trash. As of this writing they have over 4 million members grouped into 4200 local chapters, spread through 50 countries. Using a website to post items wanted or items available to give away, people have circulated prodigious quantities of clothing, furniture, toys, artwork, tools, bicycles, cars, and countless other goods. One of the rules of Freecycle is that everything has to be free, neither bartered nor sold. Freecycle is not a centrally controlled organization; local chapters set themselves up based on the common model, and use the website on which the model is based.
However, as it does come from a liberal nonprofit group without revolutionary aspirations nor any critique of capitalism and the state, we can expect Freecycle to have some problems. In fact, the organization accepts corporate sponsorship from a major recycling company and advertises on its website, and the chairperson has arguably slowed the spread of the Freecycle idea by attacking various member groups or copycat websites with lawsuits, or threats thereof, for trademark infringement; also by collaborating with the notoriously authoritarian Yahoo! Groups to shut down local chapters for not adhering to organizational rules concerning logo and language. Naturally, in an anarchist society there would be no lawsuits for trademark infringement and one chairperson would not be able to tyrannize a network that was maintained by millions of people. In the meantime, Freecycle demonstrates that gift economies can function even within jaded, individualistic Western societies, and can take new forms with the help of the internet.
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anarchopuppy · 5 years
All people are capable of self-organization, whether or not they are experienced in political work. Of course, taking control of our lives won’t be easy at first, but it is imminently possible. In most cases, people take the obvious approach, spontaneously holding large, open meetings with their neighbors, co-workers, or comrades on the barricades to figure out what needs to be done. In some cases, society is organized through pre-existing revolutionary organizations. The 2001 popular rebellion in Argentina saw people take an unprecedented level of control over their lives. They formed neighborhood assemblies, took over factories and abandoned land, created barter networks, blockaded highways to compel the government to grant relief to the unemployed, held the streets against lethal police repression, and forced four presidents and multiple vice presidents and economic ministers to resign in quick succession. Through it all, they did not appoint leadership, and most of the neighborhood assemblies rejected political parties and trade unions trying to co-opt these spontaneous institutions. Within the assemblies, factory occupations, and other organizations, they practiced consensus and encouraged horizontal organizing. In the words of one activist involved in establishing alternative social structures in his neighborhood, where unemployment reached 80%: “We are building power, not taking it.” People formed over 200 neighborhood assemblies in Buenos Aires alone, involving thousands of people; according to one poll, one in three residents of the capital had attended an assembly. People began by meeting in their neighborhoods, often over a common meal, or olla popular. Next they would occupy a space to serve as a social center — in many cases, an abandoned bank. Soon the neighborhood assembly would be holding weekly meetings “on community issues but also on topics such as the external debt, war, and free trade” as well as “how they could work together and how they saw the future.” Many social centers would eventually offer: "an info space and perhaps computers, books, and various workshops on yoga, self defence, languages, and basic skills. Many also have community gardens, run after school kids’ clubs and adult education classes, put on social and cultural events, cook food collectively, and mobilise politically for themselves and in support of the piqueteros and reclaimed factories." The assemblies set up working groups, such as healthcare and alternative media committees, that held additional meetings involving the people most interested in those projects. According to visiting independent journalists: "Some assemblies have as many as 200 people participating, others are much smaller. One of the assemblies we attended had about 40 people present, ranging from two mothers sitting on the sidewalk while breast feeding, to a lawyer in a suit, to a skinny hippie in batik flares, to an elderly taxi driver, to a dreadlocked bike messenger, to a nursing student. It was a whole slice of Argentinean society standing in a circle on a street corner under the orange glow of sodium lights, passing around a brand new megaphone and discussing how to take back control of their lives. Every now and then a car would pass by and beep its horn in support, and this was all happening between 8 pm and midnight on a Wednesday evening!" Soon the neighborhood assemblies were coordinating at a city-wide level. Once a week the assemblies sent spokespeople to the interbarrio plenary, which brought together thousands of people from across the city to propose joint projects and protest plans. At the interbarrio, decisions were made with a majority vote, but the structure was non-coercive so the decisions were not binding — they were only carried out if people had the enthusiasm to carry them out. Accordingly, if a large number of people at the interbarrio voted to abstain on a specific proposal, the proposal was reworked so it would receive more support. The asamblea structure quickly expanded to the provincial and national levels. Within two months of the beginning of the uprising, the national “Assembly of Assemblies” was calling for the government to be replaced by the assemblies. That did not occur, but in the end the government of Argentina was forced to make popular concessions — it announced it would default on its international debt, an unprecedented occurrence. The International Monetary Fund was so scared by the popular rebellion and its worldwide support in the anti-globalization movement, and so embarrassed by the collapse of its poster child, that it had to accept this stunning loss. The movement in Argentina played a pivotal role in accomplishing one of the major goals of the anti-globalization movement, which was the defeat of the IMF and World Bank. As of this writing, these institutions are discredited and facing bankruptcy. Meanwhile, the Argentine economy has stabilized and much of the popular outrage has subsided. Still, some of the assemblies that made a vital niche in the uprising continue to operate seven years later. The next time the conflict comes to the surface, these assemblies will remain in the collective memory as the seeds of a future society.
Peter Gelderloos, Anarchy Works
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newstfionline · 6 years
As inflation soars, Facebook drives trading in Argentina’s barter clubs
Nicolás Misculin, Reuters, July 5, 2018
SAN MIGUEL, Argentina (Reuters)--At an abandoned train station in Buenos Aires’ working-class suburb of San Miguel, hundreds of Argentines gather with bags of clothes, rice, flour and sugar to trade.
Most are women, some accompanied by children. Cardboard signs with their names scrawled in black marker hang from strings around their necks. They walk slowly around the old concrete platform yelling out the names of people they had agreed to trade with in a forum on Facebook.
They are the face of a resurgent but little-reported phenomenon in the suburbs surrounding the Argentine capital--barter clubs.
The clubs have tens of thousands of members and are attracting hundreds more every week. They have become an unofficial economic indicator, showing the toll that soaring inflation and high unemployment are exacting on South America’s second-biggest economy.
The barter clubs have surfaced before, during Argentina’s 2001-2002 economic crisis and in the 2009 global financial meltdown. In between those crises they never completely went away, but today the clubs operate differently. Many members are part of Facebook groups where they arrange trades before exchanging goods in person at places like the railway station.
Membership in the clubs has been soaring in recent months as poor Argentines, many of whom have lost their jobs or work off-the-books, struggle to find the cash to make ends meet. They are one sign that progress made by President Mauricio Macri last year in reducing poverty is beginning to reverse.
The country’s inflation rate is running at above 25 percent, and the currency has lost more than 30 percent of its value this year in a financial crisis that economists say will likely trigger a recession.
With unemployment running at 9.1 percent and many salaries chewed up by years of high inflation, members of the barter clubs bring second-hand goods, rice or homemade produce like desserts to trade.
A chart posted on the San Miguel group’s Facebook page outlines a points system for certain goods. It’s aimed at ensuring participants feel their trades are fair.
A 1 kg (2 lb) pack of flour serves as a reference, with a hypothetical value of 30 pesos, or one point. Two packs of flour are worth one bottle of sunflower oil. Four packs of flour is the suggested price for one cake, while three packs can be used to get adult jeans.
When Reuters visited the San Miguel market and one in Merlo, another Buenos Aires suburb, most people seemed to be leaving with food.
Cecilia Gómez, whose husband lost his job at a struggling restaurant in February, was among those trading at the market.
“This helps me bring my kids milk, sugar: the things that are most necessary,” she said.
Her husband spent several months working as a cartonero, the local term for people who sift through trash bins for recyclable goods, before finding a new job at a grocery store last month. He earns just 10,000 pesos ($350) per month, far less than his previous salary.
Gómez also receives a 1,000 peso-per-month subsidy from a government welfare program for each of her two children, but after paying 3,700 pesos per month for rent and 1,200 pesos for her husband’s travel to work, there is not enough cash left for basic goods.
Recently, the 30-year-old housewife saw a post on the San Miguel barter club’s Facebook page offering up a pair of boots in exchange for a 0.9 liter bottle cooking oil, two packets of sugar and three packs of crackers.
Gómez desperately needed the boots and accepted the offer even though she didn’t actually have any of the items the poster wanted.
So she made a post of her own asking for those items, and offering in return some used clothes and a bottle of cologne she had bought for her 9-year-old son that he had never opened. After another member accepted the offer, she made both trades in person at the market.
She also brought homemade cakes and alfajores, a shortbread-based treat, to trade in exchange for some milk, flour, oil and sugar to bring home. That trade was also arranged on Facebook.
Barter clubs are not unique to Argentina. Similar clubs have popped up during economic crises elsewhere, such as in rural Greece in 2015 after Athens defaulted on an International Monetary Fund loan and shut down banks to prevent a run on deposits.
The informal nature of bartering groups in Argentina means their growth is difficult to track. A spokesman for Argentina’s Social Development Ministry declined to comment on the rise in barter clubs.
But Jesica Galera, founder of a Facebook barter group called ‘Cambio x Mercaderia’, said her group is receiving 50-60 new members per day.
“There are many new faces--women whose husbands lost their jobs, or those couples who both work and their wages are not enough,” said Galera, who founded the 30,000-member group in April 2016.
The victory of Macri’s ‘Let’s Change’ coalition in midterm congressional elections last October was due in part to improved support among residents in the sprawling, working-class suburbs of Buenos Aires, where the barter clubs are mostly based. His performance raised the likelihood that Macri would be re-elected in next year’s presidential election.
Since then, however, thousands of Argentines have taken to the streets to protest rises of up to 40 percent in utility bills, part of Macri’s plan to cut the government’s budget deficit by trimming subsidies for gas and electricity.
Higher interest rates of up to 40 percent which are meant to stem the fall in the value of the country’s currency, the peso, have cut off access to finance for many businesses. More than 5,000 small and mid-sized businesses have closed in the past two years, according to the government.
Many in the Buenos Aires area are feeling the pinch from the rise in inflation that has resulted from the currency depreciation.
“The money is not enough,” said Silvia Aranda, the administrator of a barter club with 46,000 Facebook members in Merlo, a suburb of the river-front capital with more than 500,000 residents. “Before, we were getting 100 requests to join per day. Now, it is a lot more.”
Rising inflation this year has had the biggest impact on the roughly 20 percent of Argentine workers who work irregular, off-the-books jobs, said Agustin Salvia, a researcher at the Catholic University of Argentina.
Data published by Salvia’s Argentine Observatory of Social Debt shows that nearly 29 percent of people were below the poverty line in 2017, down from nearly 33 percent in 2016 and nearly 30 percent in 2015, but the same as the nearly 29 percent registered in 2014. Salvia said he expects an increase of 2-3 percentage points in the poverty rate this year.
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devinzzky461 · 2 years
10 Quick Tips About silver coins
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The 2021 Great Britain kilo Silver Queen's Beasts Enthusiast Piece and the 2021 Great Britain 1 Kilo Silver Queen's Beasts Piece both recently availabled on eBay for right around $1200.
How many Queens Beasts pieces are actually there?
There are actually a total amount of 11 Queens Beasts coins at the existing time. The coins are made due to the Royal Mint in London and are designed after the genealogical beasts of belief, folklore, and also heraldry.
The very most final as well as current piece was the Completer Coin. This poor kid was actually the ultimate piece as well as completes the Royal Mint's Queen's Creature series. , if you possess any inquiries regarding the coins or even would just like assets recommendations satisfy e-mail [email protected].
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The most ideal spot to hold your Queens Creature silver coins would be actually a safe-deposit box at your financial institution or even place them in a timber container and also show them in your house during the course of events. If you like the latter alternative, satisfy note you ought to latch them in a residence secure.
nvestors acquire silver coins, silver gold coins, as well as coin silver for among three purposes: as a financial investment, as an inflation hedge, or even for survival reasons. Given that of silver's supply/demand fundamentals, real estate investors who get for investment purposes look for cost increases. In 1998 Warren Buffett acquired 129.7 thousand ounces of silver for Berkshire Hathaway, a keeping provider that Snack bar scalps.
Buffett's silver purchase, which became famous amongst silver real estate investors, was actually perhaps for investment objectives. One thing is actually certain, nonetheless, Buffett performed certainly not get 129.7 thousand ozs of silver for survival reasons.
Acquiring silver bullion as a rising cost of living hedge
Real estate investors who prefer security against rising cost of living acquire silver and also gold as inflation bushes. Throughout the 1970s, silver and also gold rates increased in feedback to rate rising cost of living that reached out to 13%. Throughout the '70s, popular silver as well as gold financial investments featured any kind of form of silver gold, from 1-oz silver rounds as well as pre-1965 U.S. 90% silver coins to 100-oz silver clubs and 1-oz Krugerrand gold coins. When the Federal Book brought inflation in control in the 1980s, a lot of the silver Additional resources bullion and the gold pieces purchased in the 1970s were actually marketed as well as the earnings returned in paper assets.
Silver pieces for the worst-case instance
Capitalists who acquire silver and gold for survival purposes are afraid awful. Those anxieties consist of the Federal Get publishing so several dollars that the dollar will definitely become meaningless, which is actually the history of all study unit of currencies not redeemable in silver or gold. Anxiety of a monetary disaster, which would shut financial institutions as in Argentina and Paraguay in 2002, is an additional.
Argentineans and Paraguayans who had to foresight to flee of the financial devices as well as convert their possessions to gold or coin silver were secured. Certainly not merely performed financial institutions close, however likewise when they resumed depositors were actually restricted in the volume of funds they could possibly remove. The Argentinean peso and also the Paraguayan guarani sank in market value. Not long after those situations, Brazil failed on its own international financial obligation and also its own paper money, the genuine, collapsed.
Those are the kinds of scenarios that clients that purchase coin silver and little gold pieces for survival reasons desire to guard against. In accomplishing this, these investors buy silver and also gold in kinds that could be utilized for cash or even to barter for goods and solutions.
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jcoleepics · 3 years
Fur market analysis & industry research report 2021-2026
What is a fur market report? It is a month to month fur industry report that features impending deals and reports shopper fur purchasing movement. These reports give important understanding into the fur market just as fur exchange patterns and issues. These reports are fundamental apparatuses for purchasers and merchants use to use sound judgment on buys that will bring about the biggest monetary returns.
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Fur brokers and fur purchasers will profit from a yearly fur market report that glances at the market completely and dissects the latest things. The reports will likewise feature key regions for development and what estimates should be taken to work on these spaces. This can incorporate things like expanding mindfulness at our barterings and settings, permitting and certificate of furriers, innovative work in the fur market, and the sky is the limit from there. In this article we will investigate the fur market report examination and suggestions for the fursuit purchaser.
Get fur market analysis & industry research report
One of the key regions that fur market report centers around is the furrier's local area. There are numerous gatherings and gatherings of furriers that emphasis on explicit merchants, dealers, or makers. A decent fur market report will examine these different networks and their connections to each other. We will check out a portion of these gatherings, for example, the Northwest Hunting Club and the Central States Fur Breeders Association.
A significant piece of the fur market report research checks out the expanding prevalence of premium fur and the ascent popular for fur coats and different articles of fur clothing. Patterns in the fur world can affect the costs of various creature skins relying upon the nature of the skin. There are numerous choices accessible for premium skins including snake skin, elk, mink, and fur from snakes, crocodiles, and other fascinating skins. The notoriety of premium fur coats has prompted an expansion in catching and tanning of fur which is bringing about higher retail costs.
A second region that a market report will discuss is value examination. Value investigation is significant in light of the fact that it influences the end client who has a quite certain thought of what the expense of a fur coat ought to be. This is particularly evident with fur covers that are imported and not Domestic (U.S.) delivered. It is fascinating to perceive how much contrast there is between the retail cost of coats from furriers in Canada and furries in Germany.
Another fascinating theme, the report gives is fur market patterns and figure. The fur market patterns and estimate check out the various patterns that influence fur costs and the markets. Patterns can incorporate increments and diminishes of fur costs among years and seasons. It is fascinating to see that most furriers don't approach the market to put together their estimating with respect to genuine current costs.
The fur market report gives a top to bottom examination of the organizations that are associated with fur cultivating. It is intriguing to perceive how the cost of fur coats changes relying upon the measure of fur that is being pushed out. It is likewise fascinating to realize how organizations like Alaskan Fishery Corporation pay for their fur coats. The gauge period for this present organization's fur exchange contract is three years in length.
This is only one report that a furrier should investigate. There are such countless subjects thus considerably more that a furrier should take a gander at assuming the person in question needs to have the option to set and keep an upper hand. A key to upper hand is the capacity to comprehend the fur market scene. A furrier should have a total comprehension of the items that are exchanged request to give the best quality fur to their clients. By utilizing fur market report programming, furriers can rapidly check out each part of their business and have the option to all the more likely rival different furriers in the fur market.
Further key parts of the report show that:
Chapter 1: Research Scope: Product Definition, Type, End-Use & Methodology
Chapter 2: Global Industry Summary
Chapter 3: Market Dynamics
Chapter 4: Global Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 5: North America Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 6: Europe Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 7: Asia-Pacific Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 8: South America Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use
Chapter 9: Middle East and Africa Market Segmentation by region, type and End-Use.
Chapter 10: Market Competition by Companies
Chapter 11: Market forecast and environment forecast.
Chapter 12: Industry Summary.
The global Leather and Fur Fabric market has the potential to grow with xx million USD with growing CAGR in the forecast period from 2021f to 2026f. Factors driving the market for @@@@@ are the significant development of demand and improvement of COVID-19 and geo-economics.
Based on the type of product, the global Leather and Fur Fabric market segmented into
Worsted Fabric
Woolen Fabric
Camel Hair
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Commercial Goods
Based on geography, the global Leather and Fur Fabric market segmented into
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South America [Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America]
Middle East & Africa [GCC, North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa]
And the major players included in the report are
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Wujiang Deyi
Xinshen Group
Shaoxing Ding Ji
Morex Enterprises, Inc
EDF European Down & Feather Ltd. & Co. KG
Mousa Brothers Co
KB Enterprises
Antex Knitting Mills
Burlington Industries Group
Carolina Apparel Group
For more contact us: https://www.reportmines.com/
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livioacerbo · 6 years
Argentina residents use Facebook ‘barter clubs’ to make ends meet
Argentina residents use Facebook ‘barter clubs’ to make ends meet
The groups aren’t always easy to track, but one barter club founder told Reuters her group was adding 50 to 60 new members every day. While it would be ideal if these groups weren’t necessary, they provide an important lifeline for poorer residents who’d otherwise have more trouble bartering goods. They also show how important …
Continue reading “Argentina residents use Facebook ‘barter clubs’…
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erikbarkinly · 6 years
As inflation soars, Facebook drives trading in Argentina's barter clubs
SAN MIGUEL, Argentina (Reuters) - At an abandoned train station in Buenos Aires' working-class suburb of San Miguel, hundreds of Argentines gather with bags of clothes, rice, flour and sugar to trade.
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kidelaware-blog · 5 years
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The famed Azteca Stadium is home loan houses soccer-only stadium in entire world - not only on in south america. This venue hosted two FIFA World Cup finals - in 1970 (Brazil v Italy) and 1986 (Argentina v West Germany). The Azteca can seat 105,000 spectators and hosts the Mexican national team and Club America. At an altitude of 7,200 feet, Azteca can be a difficult venue for visiting teams to barter.
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In America, some historians say anytime landing liga 95 at Plymouth Rock, the Pilgrims found Indians along the Massachusetts coast playing a questionnaire of soccer. The Indians called it "Pasuckquakkohwog," implies "they gather to play football." The British version of the game came for the United States in 1820, and schools played a non-regulated way of the application. After the Civil War, Rutgers and Princeton Universities in Nj competed in the first official intercollegiate soccer competition.
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dailyanarchistposts · 6 months
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Chapter 6. Revolution
How will communities decide to organize themselves at first?
All people are capable of self-organization, whether or not they are experienced in political work. Of course, taking control of our lives won’t be easy at first, but it is imminently possible. In most cases, people take the obvious approach, spontaneously holding large, open meetings with their neighbors, co-workers, or comrades on the barricades to figure out what needs to be done. In some cases, society is organized through pre-existing revolutionary organizations.
The 2001 popular rebellion in Argentina saw people take an unprecedented level of control over their lives. They formed neighborhood assemblies, took over factories and abandoned land, created barter networks, blockaded highways to compel the government to grant relief to the unemployed, held the streets against lethal police repression, and forced four presidents and multiple vice presidents and economic ministers to resign in quick succession. Through it all, they did not appoint leadership, and most of the neighborhood assemblies rejected political parties and trade unions trying to co-opt these spontaneous institutions. Within the assemblies, factory occupations, and other organizations, they practiced consensus and encouraged horizontal organizing. In the words of one activist involved in establishing alternative social structures in his neighborhood, where unemployment reached 80%: “We are building power, not taking it.”[101]
People formed over 200 neighborhood assemblies in Buenos Aires alone, involving thousands of people; according to one poll, one in three residents of the capital had attended an assembly. People began by meeting in their neighborhoods, often over a common meal, or olla popular. Next they would occupy a space to serve as a social center — in many cases, an abandoned bank. Soon the neighborhood assembly would be holding weekly meetings “on community issues but also on topics such as the external debt, war, and free trade” as well as “how they could work together and how they saw the future.” Many social centers would eventually offer:
an info space and perhaps computers, books, and various workshops on yoga, self defence, languages, and basic skills. Many also have community gardens, run after school kids’ clubs and adult education classes, put on social and cultural events, cook food collectively, and mobilise politically for themselves and in support of the piqueteros and reclaimed factories.[102]
The assemblies set up working groups, such as healthcare and alternative media committees, that held additional meetings involving the people most interested in those projects. According to visiting independent journalists:
Some assemblies have as many as 200 people participating, others are much smaller. One of the assemblies we attended had about 40 people present, ranging from two mothers sitting on the sidewalk while breast feeding, to a lawyer in a suit, to a skinny hippie in batik flares, to an elderly taxi driver, to a dreadlocked bike messenger, to a nursing student. It was a whole slice of Argentinean society standing in a circle on a street corner under the orange glow of sodium lights, passing around a brand new megaphone and discussing how to take back control of their lives. Every now and then a car would pass by and beep its horn in support, and this was all happening between 8 pm and midnight on a Wednesday evening![103]
Soon the neighborhood assemblies were coordinating at a city-wide level. Once a week the assemblies sent spokespeople to the interbarrio plenary, which brought together thousands of people from across the city to propose joint projects and protest plans. At the interbarrio, decisions were made with a majority vote, but the structure was non-coercive so the decisions were not binding — they were only carried out if people had the enthusiasm to carry them out. Accordingly, if a large number of people at the interbarrio voted to abstain on a specific proposal, the proposal was reworked so it would receive more support.
The asamblea structure quickly expanded to the provincial and national levels. Within two months of the beginning of the uprising, the national “Assembly of Assemblies” was calling for the government to be replaced by the assemblies. That did not occur, but in the end the government of Argentina was forced to make popular concessions — it announced it would default on its international debt, an unprecedented occurrence. The International Monetary Fund was so scared by the popular rebellion and its worldwide support in the anti-globalization movement, and so embarrassed by the collapse of its poster child, that it had to accept this stunning loss. The movement in Argentina played a pivotal role in accomplishing one of the major goals of the anti-globalization movement, which was the defeat of the IMF and World Bank. As of this writing, these institutions are discredited and facing bankruptcy. Meanwhile, the Argentine economy has stabilized and much of the popular outrage has subsided. Still, some of the assemblies that made a vital niche in the uprising continue to operate seven years later. The next time the conflict comes to the surface, these assemblies will remain in the collective memory as the seeds of a future society.
The city of Gwangju (or Kwangju), in South Korea, liberated itself for six days in May, 1980, after student and worker protests against the military dictatorship escalated in response to declarations of martial law. Protestors burned down the government television station and seized weapons, quickly organizing a “Citizen Army” that forced out the police and military. As in other urban rebellions, including those in Paris in 1848 and 1968, in Budapest in 1919, and in Beijing in 1989, students and workers in Gwangju quickly formed open assemblies to organize life in the city and communicate with the outside world. Participants in the uprising tell of a complex organizational system developed spontaneously in a short period of time — and without the leaders of the main student groups and protest organizations, who had already been arrested. Their system included a Citizen’s Army, a Situation Center, a Citizen-Student Committee, a Planning Board, and departments for local defense, investigation, information, public services, burial of the dead, and other services.[104] It took a full-scale invasion by special units of the Korean military with US support to crush the rebellion and prevent it from spreading. Several hundred people were killed in the process. Even its enemies described the armed resistance as “fierce and well-organized.” The combination of spontaneous organization, open assemblies, and committees with a specific organizational focus left a deep impression, showing how quickly a society can change itself once it breaks with the habit of obedience to the government.
In the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, state power collapsed after masses of student protestors armed themselves; much of the country fell into the hands of the people, who had to reorganize the economy and quickly form militias to repel Soviet invasion. Initially, each city organized itself spontaneously, but the forms of organization that arose were very similar, perhaps because they developed in the same cultural and political context. Hungarian anarchists were influential in the new Revolutionary Councils, which federated to coordinate defense, and they took part in the workers’ councils that took over the factories and mines. In Budapest old politicians formed a new government and tried to harness these autonomous councils into a multiparty democracy, but the influence of the government did not extend beyond the capital city in the days before the second Soviet invasion succeeded in crushing the uprising. Hungary did not have a large anarchist movement at the time, but the popularity of the various councils shows how contagious anarchistic ideas are once people decide to organize themselves. And their ability to keep the country running and defeat the first invasion of the Red Army shows the effectiveness of these organizational forms. There was no need for a complex institutional blueprint to be in place before people left their authoritarian government behind. All they needed was the determination to come together in open meetings to decide their futures, and the trust in themselves that they could make it work, even if at first it was unclear how.
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agensbobet45 · 5 years
Juventus Terima Tawaran Tottenham untuk Paulo Dybala
Juventus Terima Tawaran Tottenham untuk Paulo Dybala
Juventus masih buka kesempatan club lain untuk membawa satu diantara pemain bintangnya, Paulo Dybala. Belakangan ini, sang juara Serie A itu diberitakan sudah terima penawaran dari Tottenham Hotspur. Dybala sudah sempat jadikan alat barter oleh Juventus untuk memperoleh penyerang Manchester United, Romelu Lukaku. Sayang, proses transfer urung dikerjakan sebab striker asal Argentina itu menampik…
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newstfionline · 2 years
Saturday, August 13, 2022
‘Everybody Is Armed’: As Shootings Soar, Philadelphia Is Awash in Guns (NYT) The 300th killing of the year in Philadelphia took the life of Lameer Boyd, an 18-year-old father-to-be who was gunned down one July night on a sidewalk. Over the weeks that followed, a grandmother was shot in the neck, a popular singer was killed in front of his house and a woman was killed at a front-porch cookout. With her death, the 322nd of the year, the number of homicides in Philadelphia was on track toward becoming the highest in police records, passing the bleak milestone set just last year. So far this year, more than 1,400 people in the city have been shot, hundreds of them fatally, a higher toll than in the much larger cities of New York or Los Angeles. Alarms have sounded about gun violence across the country over the past two years, but Philadelphia is one of the few major American cities where it truly is as bad as it has ever been. The city government has rolled out an array of efforts to address the crisis, including grants for community groups, violence intervention programs and earlier curfews. But on one crucial matter, there seem to be no ready answers: what to do about all the guns. “Everybody is armed,” said Jonathan Wilson, director of the Fathership Foundation, a nonprofit organization in Southwest Philadelphia that has been helping to conduct a multicity survey of young people’s attitudes about gun culture. “Nobody’s without a gun in these ZIP codes, because they’ve always been dangerous.”
FBI searched Trump’s home to look for nuclear documents and other items, sources say (Washington Post) Classified documents relating to nuclear weapons were among the items FBI agents sought in a search of former president Donald Trump’s Florida residence on Monday, according to people familiar with the investigation. Experts in classified information said the unusual search underscores deep concern among government officials about the types of information they thought could be located at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club and potentially in danger of falling into the wrong hands. Material about nuclear weapons is especially sensitive and usually restricted to a small number of government officials, experts said. Publicizing details about U.S. weapons could provide an intelligence road map to adversaries seeking to build ways of countering those systems. And other countries might view exposing their nuclear secrets as a threat, experts said.
Bartering increases in Argentina as inflation keeps soaring (AP) Argentina reported a monthly inflation rate of 7.4% in July, the highest number in two decades for a country where citizens are used to increasing prices. Over the past year, Argentina’s consumer prices have soared a whopping 71%. At a time when many people around the world are trying to deal with rapidly rising prices, these latest numbers cemented Argentina’s position among countries with the highest inflation rates in the world. The effects of the inflation scourge is plainly evident in Villa Fiorito, around 15kms (9 miles) from downtown Buenos Aires, where unemployed women gather in the hopes of bartering goods for food in a plaza. Every afternoon, women set up their blankets and carefully lay out all kinds of goods, including clothes, toys and used kitchen utensils with the hope of exchanging them for food to feed their families. Price increases have hit food products particularly hard, worsening the poverty rate that already affects around 40 percent of the population of around 47 million. Hence, the bartering fairs.
Estonia’s 22% inflation (Washington Post) In the two years since developer AS Kapitel drew up plans for a flashy new office complex here, the price of just about everything needed to complete it has gone up. All together, inflation has added about $30 million to the cost of the Arter Quarter complex. Estonia is suffering the worst inflation in the euro area, with consumer prices rising at an annual rate of nearly 22 percent—more than twice as fast as in the United States. This tiny Baltic nation, and its neighbors, Latvia and Lithuania, represent extreme examples of the price pressures sweeping Europe and confronting policymakers, executives and consumers with a challenge unseen for 40 years. Some Estonian employers must raise salaries several times each year. Others are retooling their operations to use less energy. Consumer grumbling about rising prices, meanwhile, is muted, overshadowed by existential worries about the threat from neighboring Russia. The two subjects are related. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine upended global commodity markets, sending prices rocketing for oil, natural gas, wheat and fertilizer. Higher energy costs account for about one-half of Estonia’s inflation and rising food prices account for an additional one-quarter, according to the central bank.
European drought dries up rivers, kills fish, shrivels crop (AP) Once, a river ran through it. Now, white dust and thousands of dead fish cover the wide trench that winds amid rows of trees in France’s Burgundy region in what was the Tille River in the village of Lux. From dry and cracked reservoirs in Spain to falling water levels on major arteries like the Danube, the Rhine and the Po, an unprecedented drought is afflicting nearly half of the European continent. It is damaging farm economies, forcing water restrictions, causing wildfires and threatening aquatic species. There has been no significant rainfall for almost two months in Western, Central and Southern Europe. And the dry period is expected to continue in what experts say could be the worst drought in 500 years.
As India marks its first 75 years, Gandhi is downplayed (Washington Post) As India celebrates 75 years of independence on Monday, the legacy of Mahatma Gandi, the “father of the nation” who advocated nonviolence and secularism is being debated, downplayed and derided as never before. Instead, Indians are embracing a pantheon of other 20th century heroes, particularly leaders who favored armed struggle or overtly championed Hindus, in a reflection of the nation’s mood and its shifting politics. Today, at rallies of Hindu nationalist hard-liners, Gandhi is routinely vilified as feeble in his tactics against the British and overly conciliatory to India’s Muslims, who broke off and formed their own state, Pakistan, on Aug. 14, 1947. On social media and online forums, exaggerations and falsehoods abound about Gandhi’s alleged betrayal of Hindus. And in popular films and the political mainstream, Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru—the first prime minister—are sidelined, while nationalists who advocated the force of arms have been elevated. “The current government has been trying to project itself as a government that is macho, defiant, strong, and won’t take nonsense from anybody,” said Tushar A. Gandhi, an author and the independence leader’s great-grandson. “There is an ongoing campaign to eradicate Gandhi from the psyche of the Indian people, or at least reduce his qualities to the point it is trivial and meaningless.”
As China Vows More Military Exercises, Taiwan Is Undeterred (NYT) If China’s show of force over Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip was meant as a deterrent, it has not had the intended effect in Taiwan, where the military drills have reinforced a careful two-pronged strategy of shoring up international support, while avoiding overt confrontation. The exercises, which encircled the self-ruled island and simulated a blockade, appear instead to have hardened the Taiwanese belief in the value of the island’s diplomatic, economic and military maneuverings to stake out a middle ground in the big-power standoff between China and the United States. Under President Tsai Ing-wen, Taiwanese officials have quietly courted Washington, making gains with weapon sales and vows of support for the democracy. They have also held back from flaunting that success, in an effort to avoid outbursts from China, which claims the island as its own. As Beijing vows to normalize the military drills ever closer to Taiwan, that approach is likely to guide the island’s continuing response, setting up new rounds of brinkmanship around one of the world’s most dangerous flash points. For all their shock and awe, the drills have damaged some of China’s interests. In Taiwan, they have galvanized opposition to China, adding to the growing urgency over the need to defend the island and diversify away from economic reliance on China. Within China’s political party of choice, the Kuomintang, they have triggered internal differences over how to maintain relations with Beijing as Taiwanese public opinion sours on the prospect. Abroad, they have raised awareness about Taiwan’s plight, often overlooked and poorly understood, and prompted condemnation of China’s actions.
Afghan girls face uncertain future after 1 year of no school (AP) For most teenage girls in Afghanistan, it’s been a year since they set foot in a classroom. With no sign the ruling Taliban will allow them back to school, some are trying to find ways to keep education from stalling for a generation of young women. At a house in Kabul, dozens gathered on a recent day for classes in an informal school set up by Sodaba Nazhand. She and her sister teach English, science and math to girls who should be in secondary school. Hers is one of a number of underground schools in operation since the Taliban took over the country a year ago and banned girls from continuing their education past the sixth grade. While the Taliban have permitted women to continue attending universities, this exception will become irrelevant when there are no more girls graduating from high schools. The relief agency Save the Children interviewed nearly 1,700 boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 17 in seven provinces to assess the impact of the education restrictions. The survey found that more than 45% of girls are not going to school, compared with 20% of boys. It also found that 26% of girls are showing signs of depression, compared with 16% of boys.
A man took hostages at a bank in Lebanon. People came to support him. (Washington Post) An armed man took hostages at a bank branch in Beirut on Thursday, quickly becoming a folk hero for a tired and angry nation. A man identified as Bassam al-Sheikh Hussein entered the Federal Bank of Lebanon in the Hamra neighborhood with a can of gasoline, threatening to set himself on fire if he couldn’t access the money in his account, amounting to around $210,000. He later brandished a rifle, leading to hours of tense hostage negotiations. As the day wore on, a crowd gathered outside the bank to cheer him on. “Give him his money, give him his money,” they shouted in unison, pressing up against a line of soldiers. The incident reflected a deep frustration in Lebanon over an ever-worsening economic crisis. Since 2019, there have been ad hoc limits on the amount of hard currency depositors can withdraw, an effort to avoid a run on the banks and a collapse of the financial system. The policy has led to waves of nationwide protests, demanding accountability for the country’s dynastic political class and an end to endemic corruption.
For Palestinian Prisoners, Hunger Strikes Are a Battle of Stomachs (NYT) In the Israeli prison where Kayed al-Fasfos spent nine months without charge or trial, a handwritten book hidden from the guards offered some guidance on a possible way out. The book, “Experiences of the Strike,” is a personal account of one Palestinian prisoner’s hunger strike, providing insights for would-be emulators like Mr. al-Fasfos planning to wield what they see as their most effective weapon for securing their freedom. “We consider it a battle, but you battle with your stomach,” said Mr. al-Fasfos, a 33-year-old Palestinian accountant who went on a 131-day hunger strike last year. A weakened Mr. al-Fasfos was released on Dec. 5 and carried atop a stretcher during his homecoming in the Israeli-occupied West Bank town of Dura, through cheering crowds acclaiming him as a victor in a recurring battle between Palestinian prisoners and Israel. Palestinians living under Israeli occupation and military rule have had few means to combat what is a major power imbalance between the two sides. Since the Arab-Israeli war of 1967, when Israel occupied the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza, Israel has incarcerated thousands of Palestinians, many of them political prisoners held under what is called administrative detention, without charges or trial based on secret evidence. To fight back, many of those detainees have turned to hunger strikes. The hunger strikes have left the Israeli authorities in a bind, largely unable to act against the prisoners or stop the images of emaciated strikers from publicly circulating. This has rallied support among Palestinians and drawn criticism of Israel from around the world.
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foggymoonstudentme · 6 years
At an abandoned train station in Buenos Aires' working-class suburb of San Miguel, hundreds of Argentines gather with bags of clothes, rice, flour and sugar to trade.
from Reuters: Technology News https://ift.tt/2NrUaoZ
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www-exaforo-com · 6 years
Argentina residents use Facebook 'barter clubs' to make ends meet https://t.co/GkxM17sU3r (https://t.co/9rLpzYUT9X)
— exaforo.com (@exatienda_com) July 9, 2018
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nickyschneiderus · 6 years
As inflation soars and unemployment grows, Argentines turn to Facebook Groups to arrange trades before exchanging goods in person in barter clubs (Nicolás Misculin/Reuters)
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Nicolás Misculin / Reuters: As inflation soars and unemployment grows, Argentines turn to Facebook Groups to arrange trades before exchanging goods in person in barter clubs  —  SAN MIGUEL, Argentina (Reuters) - At an abandoned train station in Buenos Aires' working-class suburb of San Miguel, hundreds of Argentines gather …
[Read More ...] from Ricky Schneiderus Curation http://www.techmeme.com/180707/p8#a180707p8
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giveinfome-blog · 6 years
As inflation soars and unemployment grows, Argentines turn to Facebook Groups to arrange trades before exchanging goods in person in barter clubs (Nicolás Misculin/Reuters)
Nicolás Misculin / Reuters: As inflation soars and unemployment grows, Argentines turn to Facebook Groups to arrange trades before exchanging goods in person in barter clubs  —  SAN MIGUEL, Argentina (Reuters) – At an abandoned train station in Buenos Aires’ working-class suburb of San Miguel, hundreds of Argentines gather …
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As inflation soars and unemployment grows, Argentines turn to Facebook Groups to arrange trades before exchanging goods in person in barter clubs (Nicolás Misculin/Reuters)
Nicolás Misculin / Reuters: As inflation soars and unemployment grows, Argentines turn to Facebook Groups to arrange trades before exchanging goods in person in barter clubs  —  SAN MIGUEL, Argentina (Reuters) – At an abandoned train station in Buenos Aires’ working-class suburb of San Miguel, hundreds of Argentines gather …
from Techmeme http://www.techmeme.com/180707/p8#a180707p8
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