#basically aliens got high off chemicals that kids produce
doctor-mccoys-sanity · 8 months
Rewatching Children of Earth bc it’s the most depressing piece of media i have ever watched
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lithy-the-invader · 4 years
Yes hello please tell me everything about your original idea 👀
I am very glad you gave me an excuse to just make an way to long post at 2am in the morning when I should have been asleep an hour ago <3
So the general premise is :
A far away alien race catches a transmission of a very corney and sappy scifi show from earth, think it is real and go off on an epic journey through space to find the utopic united planet system depiced in the show to join their rows while picking up other aliens along the way.
And now off to the meat of this post lol:
The story and setting bits:
So it starts off with three relatively young aliens from a planet that is shared by two diffrent races but also heavily plagued by racism and based on slave culture. The dominant race is very agile and over ground ground dweling bipedal spicies which is in general hermathroditic, they have the ability to see a wide variety of the light spectrum and therefore more colors and phenomena we can't see without instruments of sorts. Also they lay eggs and even tho they are omnivore they mainly live as vegitarian. They can see more colors and stuff BUT they are terrible at seeing in low light situations. The subjugated species is a mainly underground living species with for arms and four eyes. They are pretty strong, generally smaller than the other species, are more like us with their genders and are super good at seeing in very low light situations. But they mainly see the world in reds and greens AND are pure carnivores.
Anyways the three states I will call them catch the transaction while playing with some high tec equipment as children. The family of the two topsurface guy is rich bc of some space mining business and actualy bought a playmate and her parents so their kids could have company and also they can afford high tier education. So the three kids play with the stuff and accidentally catch tidbits of an age old transmission called "Captain Jack's search through the stars" and even tho they can't understand a single thing they get infatuated by seeing a crew of odly similar looking but still diffrent aliens working together on eye level. So they learn the language and try to understand more about the depicted utopian plane of existance only to decide that they want to leave their society to join the conglomeration of planets and come back as positive example to change the ways of their people. They do their best to study and learn things that could be usfull on a space travel, they even invent a lill upgrade for the already existing engines of the space ships of their people till they one day... Well steal a ship and start their journey.
Ofcourse their parents (both species) aren't exactly amused and are going to try to bring their children back (and accidentally do a lill something about the state of their society while doing so ) but yeah for the most part the three are now blasted off into space trying their best to find their way to earth while actualy pretending to be already part of the conglomeration they saw in the show.
They are going to be joined by two of the last members of diffrent races that basically killed themself by beeing stupid (the races not the last two survivors). Basically they gonna encounter a solar system with two plates that due to their elliptic trek around the star (screw physics who needs that anyways)change positions in regular intervals which made it possible to exchange chemicals between the two atmospheres which in turn was produced by the habitat species of the plant and needed by the other. They started a war bc of ethical differences and wups wouldn't you know it killing the other species slowly killed both and so the last one surviving is a midelaged scientist who more or less adopted a kid from the other species and does his best to keep them both alive. He will join the crew as doctor (there is a plot about why but damn I am already typing for an hour) and his lill buddy will stay a telepathic ( yes the lill dude is telepathic) secret for a while bc grumpy skelli raptor dad (insider name for him he is acrualy called G'nor) freas his new friends would understand what is going on. They get a really heart-warming story later on and the lill guy (they sre called Ift) is going to help the crew develop a universal translator so they don't have to rely on their telepathic skills as much.
Two other people that will join the crew are a headhunter named Corena and her adoptive father Terp a bar owner and tender. They formerly were tasked to bring the crew down bc they intruded the wrong sector of the galaxy but after getting into trouble as well for not killing some runnaway Idiots with basically no weapons on board or on their belt they both join them as Security officer and on board canteen/bar expert. They also accidentally bring a plague of feral potochillas on board which are quite adorable little creatures but also very miscifious.
Also on their journey to earth they gonna find a genetic reconstructed human who was 'build' by dna samples on some space garbage that somehow got to a planet with very intelligenent life forms that basically decided against space travel bc they saw other planets weren't ready yet and therefore got stuck on their home planet bored and curious taking every opportunity they can to get to know other life forms without leaving. She because she is a mix of multiple incomplete dna samples doesn't have eyes or a fully functioning nervous system (again I know that's not how genetics work but damn it this is fiction) so those are substituted with 'cyborg'-parts so she can live. She won't really join the crew, even tho she as a tec savvy person will sometimes help out with engineering but rather wants to be a passanger to get to earth and finally get to know her own race for the first time in her life.
I got a tone more but ehhh need some sleep now hahaha hope everything makes sens and I hope you enjoyed my brain salad.
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superwolfiestar · 5 years
Partners in Times Ch. 10
After the ride in the time hole, the past and future heroes, arrived back at another part of the Mushroom Kingdom's past: Mushroom Wood Forest.
This place is a spooky and humid forest located west of Shroob Castle. There were many trees, rocks resembling Manny Eggs, and an odd factory at the deepest part of the forest. The heroes were fazed by this place. As they walked onwards, they started a conversation:
"So the forest has also been taken over by the Aliens… That's not a good thing." Panchito said.
"Yeah, they probably won't stop until they conquer everything in the Mushroom Kingdom." Jose guessed.
"That's a fair point, Jose." Panchito pointed out.
"Say, is it just me, or are those trees looking…odd?" Jose glanced at the trees; some of them seemed like they were strapping something… But what.
He decided to take a closer look at one of the trees, and…
"H-Help…!" a voice was heard, startling both Joses.
"Wah! Tree talked!" Young Jose flinched.
"Wait a minute… Did I just hear a voice from the tree?" Panchito questioned while staring suspiciously at the tree. He walked closer to it, and saw that a body of pig was indeed strapped to the tree's trunk! Young Panchito then playfully pokes the man’s body, but it didn't seem to move.
"No motion…" he replied quietly.
"Hold on… Panchito! Remember back at what happened at Hollijolli Village? I think that all of them that the Alien abducted are taken here! But why do they need those poor innocent people for?" Jose pondered.
"I can answer that to you." Stuffwell said in a distressed tone, jumping out of Panchito pocket. "You see, the Alien are masters of high-tech and genetics, so they used their abilities to genetically-engine those trees and place all of the abducted the people in them." He then faced away the heroes for a bit while continuing. "All of the people species have some sort of life force called vim. When the vim is extracted from them, it resembles a green liquid with transparent images of sad people spirits."
"That sounds…dark." Young Panchito remarked.(AN: Remind me again how this game is for kids!?)
"Indeed. Now, take a look at the ground." Stuffwell directs the heroes to a strange brown cable installed in the ground and some sort of lime-green liquid was flowing inside. "This root leads to a series of network roots under the ground. See that lime-green liquid inside? That's the vim. Those trees are extracting the vim out from them, where it is transported by its roots to the Vim Factory, located at the heart of the forest. Without their vim, the people lose their coloration and slowly become part of the trees before dying."
"That's horrible!" Young Jose whimpered.
"And now the Aliens are using vim as their fuel for their Shroob Saucers with special chemicals." Stuffwell turned back to the heroes. "It is said that a bio-mechanical Wiggler robot is the one who converts the vim into fuel and transfers it to the Saucers."
"So that's the reason why the Aliens are capturing the people…" Jose confirmed.
"If this keeps going, there won't be any more of them to govern the Mushroom Kingdom…" Panchito lamented.
"Now I can't imagine the Mushroom Kingdom without them…" Jose whimpered.
"Alright, Stuffwell, you're able to see the past, present and future, right? Could you tell us what happened exactly to Boy Princess Donald and Princess Della once they've arrived at this time period?" Panchito said.
"If you really want to know… Very well." Stuffwell replied while closing his eyes. "As soon as they arrived in this time, they were attacked by the Shroobs…"
Shortly after the younger heroes had fled with Young Zeus to the Koopa Cruiser, Professor Gyro's time machine had just arrived at the past version of Boy Princess Donald's Castle, which was wrecked by the Shroobs. The machine's doors open, and Boy Princess Donald and Princess Della came out. They became shocked by the castle's state.
"Oh my mushroom! What's happened here?" Boy Princess Donald questioned in shock.
"EEEK!" Princess Della suddenly shrieked. "Donald! Look over there!"
The twin saw a group of aliens coming towards them. They stopped a few inches away before opening way to their leader, Princess Penumbra of Shroob. Their leader have gray purple eyes, her eyes shadow was deep purple with three white dots. She wore a reddish pink dress that’s similar to Boy Princess Donald dress that has a high reddish pink collar attached to her gown, her green earrings and silver tiara, and the long white glove.
"Who are you?" Boy Princess Donald asked in a frightened tone as Princess Penumbra approaches him and Princess Della.
"S-Stay away from us!" Princess Della backs off, alongside Boy Princess Della.
Princess Penumbra then raised her arms, and began to charge some sort of energy.
End of Flashback
"…Boy Princess Donald and Princess Della were separated from each other by the Shroobs." Stuffwell continued. "I can't seem to detect Princess Della anywhere, I'm afraid…but I do know that Boy Princess Donald was taken to somewhere on the Kingdom's past. To where exactly, I don't know…"
"I knew it…" Panchito growled under his breath.
"Stuffwell, back to the peoples' situation, should we check the factory?" Jose asked.
"Well, yes. I can sense a Cobalt Shard somewhere in that horrid place." Stuffwell answered.
"Really? Sweet! Then we should definitely check inside!" Panchito grinned.
"Yeah! We should!" Young Panchito grinned back.
"*sigh* if you say so, BACK TO ADVENTURE." Stuffwell sighed deeply before walking to the path leading to the heart of the forest with the heroes following him.
Of course, they had to fight their way through enemies like Boo Beagle, Elasto-Piranhas Beagle, and Koopeleons Beagle in the forest to get to the factory. After solving a puzzle involving fire to burn out the trees blocking the way leading to the factory, they finally reached the heart of the forest, where a bunch of spikes were placed around, and saw some Shroob Saucers flying directly to the Vim Factory, possibly to refill their fuel tanks.
In order to enter the factory, they had to break the circuit that was guarding the front entrance by activating the two antenna towers located at the top left and right corners of the area. Once both circuits were broken, the heroes entered the factory.
The Vim Factory is a factory built by the Aliens before the arrival of Boy Princess Donald and Princess Della to the past. Certain chemicals are mixed with the vim extracted from the people to produce fuel for the Saucers, and this place is where this process occurs. The being who transports the fuel to the Shroobs' UFOs was a robotic Wiggler-like Alien, who stays at the top floor of the factory. The factory's layout basically consists of purple walls and many machines at the later rooms.
Why laterooms you may ask? Because once the heroes set foot into the factory, two Hammer Beagle Bros wearing what appears to be mind-controlling helmets blocked their path instantly.
"AREA RESTRICTED. ALL NOOB INTRUDERS 2 B HAXORED BY US L33T HAMM3R BROZ!" One of the Hammer Beagle Bro on the right spoke in a robotic voice.
Suddenly, a nose-like vacuum came down from the ceiling just a few inches away from the heroes.
"What the-?" Jose eyed the vacuum above them.
Just then, the nose vacuum begins to suck in…the adult heroes!
"WAH!" they screamed as their heads were sucked into the nostrils. The young Super Caballeros and Stuffwell gasped at that.
Then, the nose vacuum started to drag away the adults to the left.
"NOO!" the young Super Caballeros cried out as they pursued after their older selves, but they were out of reach and they were carried away to another room. The two Hammer Beagle Bros went towards the youngsters and Stuffwell and the one on the left spoke.
The youngsters had no choice but to fight on their own against the Hammer Beagle Bros so that they could save their adult selves from a slaving fate. Thankfully, they had Stuffwell to help them.
The Hammer Beagle Bros first executed an attack together that was similar to the Knockback Bros. The youngsters dodged the attack and Young Sonic and Young Tails attacked them by using a green shell at them.
When the Hammer Beagle Bros were about to execute their attack again, Young Panchito and Young Jose finished them off with their Green Shell Attack once more.
The Green Shell also managed to knock off both Hammer Bros' helmets, breaking them, and they were back to their normal states.
"So the Aliens must of have placed those helmets on them for mind-control…" Stuffwell guessed.
"I kind of felt bad for them…" Young Jose said.
"Whoa… My helmet antenna! It's broken! Oh, man, YESSS!" the Hammer Beagle Bro on the left cheered once he got up.
"Hey… Mine broke to! Talk about lucky! I mean, didja HEAR what was coming out of my mouth?" the other Hammer Beagle Bro replied once he also got up.
"I know, dude! Seriously, who talks like that?! Anyway, I think these kids freed us!" he directs to the two youngsters.
"Ya think? You little fellas trashed our antennas?"
"Yep!" Young Jose nodded.
"You bet!" Young Panchito gave thumbs up.
"Right ON! Seriously, thanks! You boys saved our bacon. We were…not right in the head." The Hammer Beagle Bro on the left thanked. "So listen, you gotta let us thank you by hooking you up with these spare hammers!"
The Hammer Bros handed a hammer to both youngsters. Despite having a metal head, they weren't that heavy. At least for the boys.
"Wow! Thanks a lot!" Young Panchito thanked with a big smile.
"You're welcome, dude!" the Hammer Beagle Bro on the right replied. "Now YOU can be Hammer Bros! But we'd better teach you how to use 'em first."
The Hammer Bros taught young Super Caballeros the basic Hammer Swing, to smash any obstacles in the way, and the Baby Drill, where both young heroes drill underground to pass under closed gates and find all sorts of buried things, like beans.
With those new hammers, the youngsters and Stuffwell moved on into the factory to rescue the adult heroes, who were taken somewhere into it. After solving a series of puzzles involving the use of hammers, they soon reached a room with a giant tree, and saw the adult heroes' heads sticking out that tree's nostrils! Gross!
The kids broke the orbs strapped to the tree's roots, and eventually, the tree blew out air from its nostrils, releasing the adult heroes, who bounced around the room before colliding their heads with each other.
"UGH!" they groaned from the impact before falling on their butts to the ground.
"Ow…" Jose groaned as he rubbed his head.
"Are you two okay?" Young Jose asked.
"Yeah…" Panchito responded.
"At least we're out of that disgusting vacuum that looks like a nose." Jose said as he and the rest gets up. "But who saved us?"
"Peek-a-boo!" Young Panchito said playfully as he jumps and tugs on Panchitk's pant leg.
"Kids!" Panchito exclaimed with a big smile.
Panchito and Young Panchito high-fived, and Jose picks up Young Jose and hugs him while crying and cuddling his cheek. Stuffwell stood there on the back, watching the two versions of the heroes having fun while smiling.
But then, another one of those nose-like vacuums came in and it blew out two Spiny Shroopas Beagle, making the heroes flinch before going into the battle.
The Spiny Sherpas Beagle tried to jump over the adult, but the little ones countered with their hammers, leaving the adult brothers surprised.
"Whoa! You actually got hammers?" Panchito asked.
"Those two Hammer Brothers back there gave them to us!" Young Panchito explained.
"If that's the case, then I have an idea."
Panchito went towards one of the Spiny Shroopas Beagle and lifted up Young Panchito above his head before the kid smashed the Spiny Shroopa with his hammer and the help of his adult self, killing it instantly. Jose then did the same to the other Spiny Shroopa with Young Jose.
"That was a close one!" Panchito let out a sigh.
"Neat trick, me!" Young Panchito exclaimed.
"I've learned a lot about using a hammer on my previous adventure at my time." Panchiot smiled.
"Well, we've finally reunited with the adult heroes. Now we can move on." Stuffwell interfered. "After all, you all want to shut down the operation and find the Cobalt Shard… Right? BACK TO ADVENTURE!” He jumped back to Panchito pocket
The heroes then proceed further into the factory.
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