crossoverquest · 1 year
Pretty Cure and Crossover Quest: Basilisx
Basilisx (Earth-13)
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Species: Koopa
Rank: Commanding Officer
Basilisx is the leader of the Axem Rangers as they are in the Super Mario Bros. Movie’s continuity and a high ranking Koopa tasked with keeping the peace in areas where Bowser has jurisdiction. He knows petrification magic and uses it to great effect alongside Wolverine-esque claws.
Spoilers under cut:
Basilisx went on a journey to recapture Bowser for the Mushroom Kingdom when news of his capture by Cure Mori reached his ears. He was doing his job in the Dark Lands when Kamek told him about Cure Mori’s rampage. Loyal to Bowser to a near fault, Basilisx will go to any reasonable length to ensure his safety at the very least.
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kinglarrykoopadx · 3 years
My top 10 all time favorite characters
10. Captain Basilisx (SMBZ)
One of the few redeeming factors of SMBZ, Captain Basilisx is one of Bowser’s more threatening forces. An incredible badass who’s better than Shadow the Hedgefart (fight me) that has Medusa’s gaze and is the only one out of Bowser’s army who canonically kills Mario in the og series (the Reboot does not count, it does not exist to me). And his theme song, like god damn, that remix of Show No Tears from DMC3 is a banger. The only reason he’s this low is cause Basilisx is a one time character. His debut episode, The Great Doomship Offensive, was his final episode because Carl Marx Haynes refused to put him in the reboot, so thanks a lot, Alvinlaskan Bullworm.
9. Rosalina (Mario series)
Is anyone surprised she made it to this list somehow? Rosalina first appeared in the masterpiece of a game, Mario Galaxy. She watches the Comet Observatory and was accompanied by thousands, scratch it, millions of Lumas. They did her dirty in Mario Galaxy 2 by reducing her appearance to a cameo in the base game, and 3D World made her a straight up playable character to wash off the disrespect. She’s pretty much the only Mario princess that I adore. Pauline’s not my type, I despise the hell outta Peach, and Daisy is too sassy for my liking. Why she is at number 9 is that I don’t like her as much as I used to. Don’t get me wrong, I still liked her, I just don’t like her as much. Still a decent Mario character though.
8. King K. Rool (DK series)
Another case of Basilisx, he’s basically if Goofy from Disney tried to be Bowser. He’s many things. A boxer, a king, a scientist, hell even a pirate captain. His goal varies throughout his appearances. In the first DKC game, he wants to hoard all the Kongs’ bananas. In the 2nd and 3rd, he plotted revenge against the Kongs. In 64 is where he’s most serious, cause he wants to BLOW UP DK ISLAND with his Blast-O-Matic. he’s a wacky one, but that’s what we all adore from him. The reason he’s this low is that he’s another case of Basilisx. He’s underused as hell, he and the Kongs haven’t batted eyes in years. And truth to be told, I really wish he’d stick around. The villains we got in the recent DKC games are just generic as hell. Tiki Tong is Knucklotec but before Odyssey happened, and of course the Walrus is the main villain of Tropical Freeze. How anti climactic.
7. Blaze (Sonic series)
While I stated before that my faith on Sonic sinks as deep as the Mariana Trench, she’s one of the better Sonic characters. She’s the anti Sonic where while Sonic is social, caring and all about action, Blaze is an introvert, has no friends, and plans ahead. Kinda like everyone in 2020 when you put it in perspective. She has incredible fire powers and is the guardian of the Sol Emeralds, the Sol Dimension’s Chaos Emeralds, which looked like the Royal Rubies/Savvy Sapphires/Equable Emeralds from Dragon Quest. At first, she was hostile towards everyone except Cream, but in the end of Sonic Rush, she had character development and grew fond of everyone. She’s one of the best Sonic characters, and Sega did her dirty by pulling a Basilisx. Seriously, Generations was her last appearance, not counting spinoffs.
6. Metal Sonic (Sonic series)
In the Sonic series, Metal Sonic was the chad to Sonic’s virgin. He was first introduced in Sonic CD, as Sonic’s faker, who strived to be better than Sonic. And can I just say that Metal Sonic is 99.9% better than regular Sonic, despite Sonic kicking his ass multiple times? Safe to say that the scrap brain has acheived his life’s purpose (hohoho-) . He has speed that outmatches Sonic, can overheat his circuitry to catch up with Sonic when he’s far behind, but the biggest highlight was when he turned to flying metal godzilla. And his theme songs never cease to disappoint. Stardust Speedway is a banger and What I’m Made Of. Dear god, WHAT. I’M. MADE. OF. If you never smiled hearing this, don’t even speak a single word, cause you’re an alien and I’m calling the FBI. The only problem with him is he’s another Blaze/Basilisx. His last official appearance was in Generations, not counting Forces cause he was a hallucination at the time, and Mania was made by Whitehead and not Sega so it doesn’t count. The only reason he’s higher than Blaze is because I prefer him over her.
5. Vivian (TTYD)
In this tumblr, I normally trash talk TTYD, but now, let’s talk a positive from the game. Someone get me the bucket, cause after this section, I’m gonna barf. Anyways, Vivian from TTYD is by far the most developed out of the TTYD roster. We get glimpses of her being abused by Beldam and eventually in Chapter 4, she has a change of heart and joins your party, practically defying her purpose in life. She also has a wide array of useful attacks. Shadow Fist being her neutral special, Veil which is basically Bow’s Outta Sight, Fiery Jinx which inflicts Burn, and Infatuate which confuses enemies with a kiss (might as well call this The Thousand Kisses Door). The reason she’s this low is cause she’s not exactly my favorite female character in paper Mario, she’s rather the 2nd best.
4. Koopalings (Mario series)
Maybe I watched too much Bowser’s Koopalings for this one, but shut up, this is my list.
3. Bowser Jr (Mario series)
Bowser’s spoiled son here takes the 3rd place for multiple reasons. One, look at him. He’s adorable. How could you hate him you soulless pricks. Two, he’s smart as hell. I mean it’s evident since his debut, he literally framed Mario and got away with it. And mind you, framing someone for a felony is not easy. Takes years of planning, lawyers, hiding of evidence, and did I mention lawyers? And it doesn’t stop there. Unlike Bowser who normally uses brute force, Jr here uses all sorts of tech to keep Mario at bay. Megahammer, Mecha Jr, Boomsday Machine, you get the idea. Third, his father son relationship with Bowser is adorable as hell, seriously, HOW DO YOU HATE THIS GUY.
2. Olivia/Bobby (Origami King)
It was hard ranking these two individually but then I decided to put them both in the same tier. First up, my favorite Paper Mario character, Olivia.  She’s basically a precious sunshine baby and if you dare lay a single scratch on her, I WILL BE FORCED TO TRAVEL THE WORLD AND BACK TO FIND YOU AND WHEN I DO, THEY HAVE TO MAKE ANOTHER COFFIN FOR YOUR FUNERAL. Yeah, her hints usually don’t help and I can see why there are people who hate her, but that’s what kids do, and I don’t even wanna see how an Olivia hater parents his kids. I just assume they donate them to an orphanage or something. I was kinda sad to see her go honestly, she was the only one travel companion out of the modern trilogy that I feel actually matters. And now, we have Bobby. He’s basically a Bob Omb who was a passenger of the Princess Peach (the narcissism, I know) until Olly took over and he eventually lost his fuse and memory. He doesn’t do much in battle, but his story arc is his spotlight. Eventually, he got his memories and the fuse he kept as a memory for his fallen bestie, which means it’s time to say goodbye. I know some TTYD fanbitch is gonna question his death because “aLl bOb oMbS sUrvIvE aN explOsiOn” but listen. Bobby isn’t a special case like say, Bombette or Bobbery. He’s just a regular factory made Bob Omb, which means he’s gonna die should he explode. And not gonna lie, that was one of the saddest videogame moments I experienced in my life. I almost cried, true story, and it takes a lot to make me cry. Olivia’s despair doesn’t help either. He was a valiant hero, a chad, and most importantly, he was a FRIEND. The reason they’re not on the top is because there’s one surpassing the two of them, and all who know me know who he freaking is.
1. Bowser (Mario series)
I mean, c’mon, who else would it be? He’s basically the supreme chad to Mario’s virgin. He’s one of gaming’s most iconic villains and he deserves that fucking role. He’s incredibly badass, like look at Giga Bowser and Fury Bowser and tell me he’s not the icon of awesome. If he’s not, don’t speak to me. Hell, even Pyrrhon from Kid Icarus Uprising acknowledges his badassery, if you’ve seen Hades’ Misguidance Season 2. He’s also crazy powerful, being able to conquer entire galaxies and punch out castles, TWICE. He even punched an entity of darkness to oblivion once. And did I mention he’s an incredible parent? He’s one of the most complex Mario characters, and that’s why we love him, is it not? For me, this is rather the case of rooting the villain more than the hero. And if I get judged for it, then so be it. I wish one day for a standalone Bowser game (Inside Story does not count) where Bowser beats the shit outta Mario. I salute you, King Koopa, you don’t need a crown to be my ruler, my throne’s already yours.
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adokle · 5 years
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Hey, Whatssss The Matter?! by JoeAdok
SMBZ’ s still pretty good you guys.
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redclawedpro · 3 years
Mario vs Basilisx animation for an SMBZ collab I’m participating in.
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shadow624 · 10 years
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kinglarrykoopadx · 3 years
Another day, another batch of unpopular opinions
- oh, eat me, Olivia is best girl in Paper Mario franchise.
- I like Pokemon Sword. Not the best, but it’s alright. Although for some reason, the DLC gives me a hollow feeling.
- the writing of the partners in TTYD and 64 suck ass, once you’re done with the chapters they’re introduced in, they serve little to no story purposes except Vivian and Bobbery. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but with the newer trilogy (Sticker Star included), at least they gave their partner characters some form of personality, despite one of them being so easily hateable (Kersti!) And that’s the only time I’m gonna give Sticker Star any praise whatsoever. As for the older games? The writing of their partners except Vivian and Bobbery makes me wonder why the older games are so perfect.
- I’m willing to die as a guy who defended Origami King’s combat system
- coins in Origami King aren’t useless because they make the Ice Vellumental battle less frustrating by stocking up on Shiny Fire Flowers, so git gud, noobs
- I hate how the optional superboss of TTYD is just a Gloomtail reskin. And keep in mind, the Mario RPG series is no stranger to original superbosses, they did it in Mario RPG in the SNES era and that was a few years ago!
- FreeMelee spammers can rot in hell, whenever I try to enjoy a Nintendo post at the time, it feels like I’m checking Satan’s mailbox.
- SMBZ reboot is shit. It quadrupled the problems I had with the original SMBZ. No Basilisx, the Koopalings are there (in all honesty, I like Koopalings, I just hate seeing them in an episode to die), and Mecha Mario is a shitty replacement for Basilisx.
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kinglarrykoopadx · 3 years
Unpopular opinions galore!
- I don’t think Cars 2 or The Good Dinosaur is that bad, really.
- I’ve mentioned this before, but outside of Super, I can’t see what of 64′s and TTYD’s soundtrack made people piss their pants in excitement.
- I never had high hopes for sprite series outside of Super Mario Bros : Heroes Of The Stars, Carl, Bowser’s Koopalings, and DK Island because they’re usually carbon copies of SMBZ. Metal Sonic is the main villain, Mario and Sonic team up to stop him, Bowser as a side villain, like my god, what does it take to find sprite animations with original ideas around here?!
- Mania and Generations are living examples that Sonic’s remaining lifeforce is nostalgia.
- Basilisx from SMBZ > Shadow the Hedgehog
- WatchMojo’s Pokemon vs Yo kai Watch video is trash as fuck, it’s evident as hell that they are biased as shit because they didn’t even give Yo Kai Watch a single point. Might as well be renamed to WatchBiased.
- Mario’s death never really impacted me critically. I’ve been gone from console gaming for long enough to not care.
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