faeriefrolic · 1 year
for the simblr ask game: 🐬
Ohh this is hard because there's so many good ts3 challenges out there!! A Different Kind of Jam challenge that I'm currently doing is really interesting (I cannot WAIT for gen 3 omfg murderous horse girl💅) but I also like the random legacy challenge! I want to try out the zodiac challenge, whimsy stories and I've been cooking up a tokyo mew mew based challenge that's been sitting in my drafts for a bit 👀
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happy-lemon · 2 years
Hello! List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥ thanks! I have a feeling you might choose Keahi (eyes emoji)
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Although his great-great-great-great grandma Nara Hinata forever holds the number one place in my heart, Keahi runs a very close second because he has that same intangible quality that makes him special and, like Nara, he has the most expressive face.
Keahi is an insatiable reader. Whenever he has nothing else to do, he immediately heads for the bookcase.
He is both impeccably honest and emotionally intelligent, so his parenting style is truthful and empathetic.
He gets along with both siblings, but Malia is his favorite.
Feminism is his third favorite f-word. (Fable is first, obviously.)
He would like to fall in love with someone, but he doesn't want any more children.
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
Do you relate to any of your ocs? If yes, why? 🚨 Send this to 10 simblrs you adore ❤️
GASP! An ask that isn't a bot! 😱😱😱 Hehe, thank you for including me! ❤️
Y'aaaaaaall! The way I relate to Aiden. 😭😭 When I created him in Sims 2, I was 18 and if you can name a weirder age than 18, I'll give you a homemade chocolate chip cookie. You're legally an adult but mentally still a child but you've grown out of being a child but you're not fully ready to be an adult but everyone expects you to be. It's a weird state of limbo where everything is so stressful for no good reason. Is it any wonder I chose to create an alien with a fear of everything? I mean, it wasn't that deep at the time. I just thought it was funny, but in retrospect, it really says a lot about where I was in my life.
And now? I relate to him even more. Not just because we share an anxiety disorder, but because I have learned (as Aiden is learning now) that if you want a place to fit in, you have to make it yourself. I hope it comes across more as I develop Aiden's character but it should be starting to show a little by now that he was a bit of a misfit back on his home planet, too. Obviously, he doesn't fit in on Earth, but he didn't really fit in on Sixam, either. He's still figuring out who he is and where he truly belongs.
That's a feeling I have struggled with my whole life. As you get older, you slowly give up trying to find your identity in other people and start thinking about who you really are as a person. You still feel like you just crash-landed from another planet, but you slowly learn how to be the best alien you can be. You make friends with wonderful people who enrich your life, you find new hobbies, you surround yourself with things that make you happy (even if they seem silly to some people), and yeah you still panic about dumb shit but that's ok.
I am Aiden and Aiden is me. 👽💚
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simblrpositivity · 8 months
@bastardtrait 's mix of heart wrenching stories and cheeky posts ❤️‍🔥
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beebeesiims · 2 years
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
this is so hard, because almost every sim in my current household is my favorite but since @bastardtrait made a post about them today, i'll start with the heads of my household: #phibby!!
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Ibrahim Emre Lucky by @bastardtrait
- Has a rib tattoo that says just as long as there are stars above us, in honor of the first night he told Phoenix he loved her and their daughter Aurora. - Has saved the aforementioned daughter from death TWICE. - Moved to Copperdale to teach theater at the high school (he was in drama as a child) but is currently the head of the arts department as well as one of the theater teachers. - Is the one who posed the idea to Phoenix of adopting their youngest, Samuel Valentine, when one of his students approached him about her pregnancy. - Like his fathers before him, he regularly calls his children sprogs. But as of recently, he's started slipping into Turkish when he's exasperated. - Bonus fact: he was prom king. Suck on that, Jakob!
If you want to read more about Ibrahim, please read the Lucky Legacy over on Ron's tumblr!
Phoenix Avani Hightower Lucky
- Is the oldest of a set of twins (the other is her brother, Finch). She also has an older sister named Autumn. - Got pregnant as a teenager during her very first woohoo with Ibrahim. - Is max parenting, cooking, dancing, charisma and at least like 2 or 3 other skills. - Started out teaching math at Copperdale high school, but is now the chancellor for the Copperdale school district. Her goal was always administration after being denied the chance to apply for early graduation or a spot as valedictorian during her time at Harborview High School. Despite the fact that she was a perfect student, had only ever missed the 2 days it took her to give birth and recover, and was voted both prom queen and head of the cheerleading team, the administration felt it reflected poorly to allow her to represent the school in an official capacity due to her status as a teenage mother. Her goal has been to change the system ever since. - Has a "sleeve" of star tattoos in honor of the night she climbed out of her window to see Ibby (the first night she said she loved him) and their daughter Aurora. - Bonus fact: her gamertag is queen.lucky
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simside · 2 years
kinda wanna start a vanilla save where i just go and act like a homewrecker in the lives of all the sunset valley families. i’ll just run around and let my sim get pregnant with everyone’s kids and just have a mega household
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bobapplesimblr · 2 years
artist meme: 4, 5, 7?
4. how often do you draw?
I haven't drawn in so long. Like really just sat down and drew for my own enjoyment. And that's mostly driven by demotivation and possibly depression? I've been in art school since the 10th grade, because where I live when you get to high school you choose what kind of area you want to go in. Ex.: Science, Languages, Art, etc. And I took visual arts from 10th - 12th grade and then spent 2 years in animation school. I drew less and less the deeper I got, and now I almost completely stopped. And that fact breaks my heart. I love drawing but I don't even want to draw anymore. And that's really saddening to me
5. digital or traditional?
I love watching traditional art (from 1 very specific art channel on Youtube, Drawing Wiff Waffles, she does a lot of drawing in her sketchbook and I love it!!) but I more easily make finished pieces in digital form. I do enjoy making traditional art from time to time, and I'd love to try and force myself to fill an entire sketchbook in like, a month or two maybe, just to get myself back in the groove of drawing, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.
With traditional art I love drawing from life, I love drawing the human figure, and I fucking LOVE drawing with pen and highlighters. And for finished pieces I preffer to use alcohol markers and colored pencils on top when needed. And for example, I'd love to get back to drawing hands. I fucking love drawing hands. I wish I had a third arm to take pictures of my other hands with. Oh my god I love to draw hands.
7. do you prefer sketching, outlining, or coloring?
Traditionally I love sketching, but in digital art my favorite part of all time is *overpainting*. It's when you have your sketch and your flats down and then you use layers on top of all of that to paint the details and make things look smooth and polished and finished.
and here's a comparison! (i painted the skirt on the wrong layer thats why it looks the same. And I kinda gave up on the shoes I was so tired that day)
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That is 100% my favorite part of a fully finished digital ilustration. Second favorite would probably be coloring.
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simmancy · 2 years
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
I finally feel like I can answer this LMAO. I've had it in my inbox for MONTHS.
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Meet Avalon Lang!
She was adopted by parents who struggled to conceive their own kids, and she was raised in Strangerville.
She left Strangerville when she was a Teen after successfully passing an audition for Plumbob Entertainment.
While she did not debut, she ended up finding talent for producing music--and that's where she made her name.
Her producer name is AppleTree.
She used to be an in-house producer for DBD, but she's since struck out on her own.....
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natolesims · 2 years
hiiii thank you sm for posting your NSB, I am absolutely devouring it today and loving every second <3
AJVSJSBSKSKS I NOTICED ;A; thank you so so so much 💕💕
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lre333 · 2 years
hellooooo it’s so nice to see you back in my dash, I missed you ❤️❤️❤️
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BROOOOOOOOO i’m still catching up with everyone’s shenanigans after falling out of the loop for a minute, and lemme tell you, seeing your posts again is the daily vitamin of filthy delicious enrichment that i crave😋 lololol ~ i missed you too, Ron!! thank you for the welcome 😌❣️
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moonfromearth · 18 days
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🎁 300 Followers Celebratory CC Free Sim Dump!! 🎁
I can't believe the blog has made it to over 300 followers!! 😱 Thank you all so much for following and being so incredibly supportive. It really means the world to me. 🥰
I know I haven't been around very much but I promise that this is the beginning of me posting more again! So stay tuned for the return of the Horse Ranch series and my upcoming For Rent series that will probably be getting teased more soon... 😏
With that out of the way, here are the sims!
The theme for this was chosen via poll and I had so much fun seeing what everyone picked! I don't know why I was so surprised that "families" won because I wasn't sure what I expected to win 😆
All four of these families are cc free (if it says cc in the gallery I swear there's no cc! I haven't figured out the culprit but it still says they have cc in my gallery so idk 🤷‍♀️) and all have set careers, clubs, skills, and dynamics! Hopefully they all turned out good 😅
Enjoy! 😉
Full Sim Dump [Google Drive]
[Profile photos, brief descriptions, and individual household download links are all under the cut!]
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Household 1 - The Li-Suwan Family
After quitting her job after the birth of their first child, Ying was hoping to go back into the work force, but with two new babies and her mother around, that's near impossible! Meanwhile, Min is in her rebellious phase, feeling like the whole world is against her, except for her grandmother. Erik is struggling to make friends and Kenny is the golden child but feels his crown slipping a way with the new babies in the house.
Li-Suwan Family Download Link [Google Drive]
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Household 2 - The Hawley Family
Husbands Grant and Will have completely devotd themselves to the raising of their three kids, but with their oldests attending college classes their parenting roles are beginning to dwindle. Kamryn has given her all to school while Kayson enjoys a more laid back experience, frequenting the campus parties. Youngest, Hallie, dreams of being an actress but for now enjoys her childhood with family dog.
Hawley Family Download Link [Google Drive]
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Household 3 - The Whitaker-Perez Family
Sloane and Karla have been waiting forever to adopt a child, and finally after all their years of waiting young Zane has entered their home! An energetic, rambunctious kid, Zane isn't quite sure what to make of his new mothers, one a quirky school teacher and the other a serious and professional doctor, but he's hoping that they'll all get used to their new family dynamic… However long that could take.
Whitaker-Perez Family Download Link [Google Drive]
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Household 4 - The Barretts
Jayda Barrett is planning on going places. She's climbing up the corporate ladder, slowly but surely, with big dreams of becoming a huge executive or CEO, a position that brings in the big simoleons. Jayda is a single mom to an imaginative and horse loving toddler, Myla, who roams the house going on grand adventures with their cat, Carrot, already developing big dreams of her own.
Barrett Household Download Link [Google Drive]
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faeriefrolic · 11 months
☆ — put this star in the inbox of your favourite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity!
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bastardtrait · 9 months
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oh what’s that? A TRIPLE crossover? would I dare to do something so maniacal? why in fact yes I will. Crow and Jayson are a spare couple from the 3rd generation of the Nova legacy, who did canonically live in san my soooo it’s kinda perfect.
transcript & slight sim spice under the cut:
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Month 2, week 2 - The Crow's Perch Bar
CROW, from inside: You already know who he is…Iain Lucky! San My's latest crooner.
IAIN: (playing and singing) JAYSON: You got this, bud!
JAYSON: God, am I ever glad for Iain nights. CROW: (smirk) "Iain nights"? You mean Wednesdays, babe? JAYSON: No, I mean Iain nights, which are way better than Akira and Miko nights because those motherfuckers cannot sing. Iain, though? Baby Christ weeps. CROW: Someone's got a crush, eh? JAYSON: Well, it helps that he's a cutie, doesn't it?
Month 2, week 3
JAYSON: There's our favourite guy. Buy you a drink? IAIN: Sure, Jay, whatever you're having. CROW: He's having you, dear. (smirk) Or he'd like to, anyway. IAIN: Uh…aren't you guys married? JAYSON: Sure. And that's why we exclusively play together. But! Wow! Aren't we getting ahead of ourselves, husband mine…?
CROW: Iain…come here, bud. IAIN, distracted: …yeah.
JAYSON: Last chance to tap out. IAIN: No way… don't stop. JAYSON: Good boy.
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occultpuppy · 11 months
I love when people take the time and legit go through my little stories. It gets me so soft and tender 😭😭 This was just a little space to be creative when I didn't have a whole lot of wiggleroom for that during a really depressed part of my life and I'd always lurked outside the simblr community but never had one till last year and honestly, the people I've met and made connections and friendships with have just been so incredible to my mental health. I have a problem with isolating really bad so when I get positive mutual interaction with people, it helps me SO MUCH and reminds me to not lock myself away from everything.
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reality-refuge · 1 year
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Wedding Bells CAS Challenge - Rustic
In which Jack, a runaway from the city, became the farmhand on on the Barnhart family farm.
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beebeesiims · 4 months
even at his lois pj is still a family guy 😔🫵🏼
none of these words are in the bible.
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