#batjokes also except they dont
6th love language i fucking kill you
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batdoe · 4 years
Sorry if this is a dumb question but a friend thinks its bad if I like Gotham Batjokes and I dont know why. Is it bad
That’s not dumb!!! Tbh, I had a relationship really start to deteriorate because of my interest in batjokes (and I’m completely cut off from that person now but there were loads of other issues in tandem to that). It can be scary and people get really like... aggressive about it, I’ve seen it from both sides but most batjokes shippers kinda just wanna do their thing, y’know? My view is, people are valid to dislike it, think it’s toxic, etc etc etc... because in a lot of cases, it is! Personally, I like a lot of the softer content that involves healing but I can enjoy the more intense stuff as well. It’s all personal preference! I certainly have my limits and think there is some stuff that goes to far, but as a whole, a lot of the people I interact with in the fandom are kind and have good intentions.
The reason I personally am able to enjoy it whereas I could never bring myself to like something like Jarley is, Joker and Harley are very reflective of many real life abusive relationships, just in a very fictional comic book setting. Whereas Joker and Batman are more on equal footing, like Joker is absolutely still a piece of shit but Batman, unlike Harley (up until leaving him WAY TO GO BABE IM LOVE YOU HARLEY), is not willing to just accept him being awful or even excuse it cause he “loves him”. I always like the interpretations that Batman really does want to see his rogues heal with Joker as no exception to this. Anyway, I’m rambling! I definitely don’t think it’s bad, but I also don’t think people are wrong for disliking or being uncomfortable with it! That in mind though, I don’t think it’s okay to be rude to someone else for liking what they like, y’know? As long as you aren’t forcing them to look at content they aren’t comfortable with and it’s not something actively condoning prominent real life issues, you should be left alone to enjoy it in your own spaces with others who like it!
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