#battle of manga red riding hoods
fairytale-poll · 10 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
She's a silly witch apprentice who's kind to everyone and can also transform into a powerful magical girl warrior
Akazukin is a red riding hood. She's a red riding hood magical girl
while i dont know much about akazukin chacha and otogi jushi akazukin, i want to encourage everyone to vote for them because 1) they're both losing 2) they're such cute magical girls!!!! Literally magical girls are the best and so underrated. Feel like besides for the classic Sailor Moon, nobody cares about magical girls unless they're in some way dark or fucked up. justice for the sweet, cute magical girls! vote chacha and akazukin!
She has many weapons that are based off of literary things like checkovs gun and things like that she also looks like child due to a witches curse but she found a way to look normal and sorry for so little but the heat has fried my brain please read it as it is good and only 3 volumes long it is also a manga
The manga was cut short way before its time. It's my best friends favorite manga. :(
Her only friend is definitely a lesbian.
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owlcryptid · 4 months
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Latest book buys + some thoughts and short reviews under the cut??
Cursed pirate girl (vol 2) by Jeremy Bastian
I bought the first volume last year, and I really can’t get enough of the gorgeous art in this. Look at this!!! The minutious etching, the paneling, the way the speech bubbles play and change shapes on the pages….
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The story is a pirate girl looking for her legendary father in a mysterious world with a sea full of pirates and strange creatures. I’m a sucker for this kind of medieval inspired aesthetic and I am having a fantastic time. The look is so wonderful and weird, including in its narration, it’s definitely a unique one. A solid recommendation on my part!
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I also managed to get it signed hehe
Millenium Darling (Sennen Darling) vol 1-2 by Iwasawa Midori
In the 80s, a jock with a big heart is saved from a strange robot attack by a young clockmaker who turns him into an overpowered cyborg (as you naturally would!) that he names Millenium Darling. Then follows the battle against a series of mysterious robotic cyborg monsters powered by magic magatma stones.
Look, I shouldn’t even be surprised that I’m eating this shit up. It was tailor made for Me specifically. I mean, LOOK at this synopsis. The dynamic between the main duo feels good to read, the artstyle is full on 80s goodness despite it being a modern work, it’s fun, it’s kitschy, it’s queer, and I can’t wait for the next volume. I don’t think this one is available un english, though. But keep an eye out for this one!
Red riding hood’s wolf Apprentice - Final testament to the stars (vol 1) by Sayaka Mogi
This one caught my eye at the FIBD So I brought it home. It’s a coming of age story of two little werewolf twins. I don’t have much to say except that it’s pretty cute. I will try to get the next one to see where this is headed though.
#DRCL Midnight Children (vol 1) by Shin’ichi Sakamoto
The new manga by the master Shin’ichi Sakamoto, I cannot overstate how much I like his previous work Innocent and Innocent rouge… This one is a retelling of Dracula.As usual the art is gorgeous and detailed, the ambience is mysterious and even feels unreal at times in a way that he really knows how to nail. I’ve heard that he’s made a lot of changes from the original novel, but since I haven’t read it (…yet) I am going in completely blind on that part, but so far I am really liking it!
I saw his masterclass in Angouleme where he talked about his influences for this work. A world where beauty is slowly fading away, the advent of the modern world, the changing status of women in society at that time… Also Dracula looks like Michael Jackson and he likes to come in dancing. What can I say. It works and it’s so fucking good.
That’s it for this batch! I don’t have the ambition to make full fledged reviews so this is more like a stream of thought, but if you read it all, thank you! And I hope you saw something that interests you.
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kawaiilizzie · 1 year
Trivia - Shion Akamatsu
Serious thanks to Tale of @tokuteasings​ for supporting my OCs. Let’s continue with Kaede’s love interest, Shion Akamatsu, played by FRUITS ZIPPER’s Noel Hayase! I can guarantee you’re in for a surprise with her.
Warnings: Spoilers for Saber and some romantic relationships per Rider tradition.
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The kanji of her name (姫媛) means ‘princess beautiful’ while her surname (赤松) refers to the Japanese red pine.
She is a lover for fashion and is keen on changing Touma’s wardrobe choices with Mei’s help. Both of who she met while delivering books to Touma’s bookstore.
She has feelings for Kaede which she confesses to her during the final confrontation with Bahato and Yumeko leading up to Xross Saber’s debut.
Like Kaede, she’s a college student who took a waitress job at Magi Manga Cafe to make a living for herself. They decide to go attend college more post-series.
Both she and Kaede like strawberries as their favorite fruit.
She once made a cat-like hissing sound when a rude customer shoved her while leaving after being told to by staff. Something which Kaede found absolutely adorable.
Her determination and willingness to enter the battlefield without any powers of her own has caught the eye of both Tetsuo and Sophia, who agreed that someone like her can become a great swordswoman. Shion herself is more than willing to go through the training if it meant keeping her friends safe and getting to fight by Kaede's side. This leads her to become the third Kamen Rider Espada.
Ikazuchi enables Shion to move as fast as lightning strikes to the point where she seems to teleport. She also has the Raiju no Arashi Wonder Ride Book, which is based on Raiju, the companion of Raijin from Japanese mythology exclusive to her.
Though she doesn’t get lost when she’s not with the other Riders, the Megid would always take the chance to take Shion hostage before Ikazuchi chose her, they don't do it as often when she became Espada.
She likes to dress up as Little Red Riding Hood, even on the battlefield. One time in particular was during the confrontation with the Megid quartet in the end of the first arc which gave her the nickname 'Red' (Or Aka-chan) by Lennox.
When Kento returned to the group after Xross Saber’s debut, she and Sophia used a spell which enabled him to transform into Espada via fusion into her own body. Essentially making them the two-in-one Swordsman of Thunder, W/Double style. It’s definitely awkward with their lovers, but they’re okay with it in battle.
Much like Touma, she and Kaede decided to retire from swordsman duty to focus on their personal lives post-series with Shion letting Kento become Espada again. Though they're more than willing to fight again if it meant saving the world.
She likes to practice guitar in her free time. Something which was influenced by her actress Noel Hayase, who also does so.
She and Kaede share an apartment together and are close roommates.
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panvani · 3 years
Mochizuki Jun The Case Study of Vanitas Anime da Vinci Interview - pt. 1 -
An interview with MochiJun about Vanitas was uploaded to Anime da Vinci, and while I’d seen a lot of partial translations, I haven’t spotted a full one. This is my attempt. Corrections and suggestions are gladly accepted. The link to the original is at ddnavi, appended with interview/808972/a/. Since the interview is pretty long, I’ll be breaking it up into three parts.
The opening paragraphs of the article are just the same summary/promotional lines from every other official Vanitas source, so I won’t bother translating them again.
To summarize its contents: Mochizuki talks about inspiration for Vanitas and her time in Paris, how she wants to make people want to go to Paris, and a little spoiler.
She conceived the character of “Vanitas” during her first trip to France...
- Please tell us the details of how The Case Study of Vanitas was born. What kind of idea created this work?
Mochizuki Jun: Aahh, how far should I go back... ahaha...? For my next work [after Pandora Hearts] I’d been thinking, “I want to draw either vampires or a school setting~” and I conceived the character of “Vanitas” during my first trip to France. While sightseeing in Mont Saint-Michel, I mused on drawing “the story of a single vampire who’d watched over an island for something like one hundred years.” Everything else about The Case Study of Vanitas came from that one idea, and the general forms of Vanitas and Noé were born there.
MJ: There were a ton of things I thought about doing for my new serialization after Pandora Hearts, like increasing the number of romance and battle elements. With regards to battle scenes... to be honest, when I was drawing Pandora Hearts, the head editor told me to cut down on them since “you kind of suck at this,” and I wanted to give up. I started thinking, though, like “I don’t draw them so of course they suck! If I drew them more, they’d be good!” and frantically studied to improve with every volume. I have to get way better at anatomy and the composition of fight scenes in comparison to my last work... is what I thought.
- What drew you to vampires in particular? If there are any vampire stories you especially like, please tell us.
MJ: I don’t remember exactly what the first vampire I ever saw was, but when I was little I was really impacted by the movie Interview with the Vampire [based on the novel by Anne Rice.] When I watched it, I was captivated by the tragic and fleeting existence of vampires, as well as the blood sucking scenes, so those ideas were planted firmly in my mind. Plus, it probably had an effect on my fondness for stories with a dynamic between a young man and a girl. This is a little off-topic, but it’s actually where I got the name for the Crimson-Shell protagonist. [The two main characters of Interview with the Vampire are Louis du Pont, a young vampire man, and his adoptive daughter Claudia.]
- Why did you choose to set the story in 19th century Paris? What sort of impression did your first visit to Paris leave?
MJ: Paris was the first place I’d ever visited outside of Japan, so I thought it was huge. I’d been invited as a guest to Japan Expo, and my heart wouldn’t stop pounding the entire time I was on the plane. Everything I saw seemed so new. Noé and I shared our kind of joy for Paris.
MJ: Since then, when taking personal trips overseas, I’d pay really frequent visit to this on-site publishing house in Paris. Their accompaniment for every question or problem I had when it came to any aspect of French culture was really helpful. Since I’d been so blessed to have them, I was able to go into writing ready, thinking “yeah, I’m gonna draw a manga set in France!”
- Yamaguchi Ryuu-san, who got his start designing for Final Fantasy, produced some fantastic drawings of the Paris Catacombs and Notre Dame Cathedral for The Case Study of Vanitas. That being said, it’s interesting how your Paris has not the Eiffel Tower, but a huge “Tower of the Sun” in construction to conflict with the real Paris. Please tell us about any difficulties you’ve experienced when drawing Paris.
MJ: I’m always troubled by the balance between “where I should stay true to the Paris of this time,” and “where I should create a false Paris.” I’d be super happy if this manga made someone take the chance to go to Paris. So, I had a strong passion to invite favoritism for Paris, and wanted that “the manga backgrounds should be the same as Paris!” There are falsehoods in my Paris, but the designs were taken from the real, present day world.
- With such names as the unresolved Beast of Gévaudan Incident, the Marquis de Sade, and Dr. Moreau, never before has Paris been made to adopt such an uncanny and bewitching atmosphere. If you have anything that might be a little bit of a spoiler, please let use hear it.
MJ: The Paladins of the Catholic Church draw their motif from the legend of Charlemagne. The characters from Vanitas aren’t actually the same people as those in the legend, but I like to play around with the shared relationship dynamics and character traits. [”Paladins” refer to the twelve highest ranking Knights of Charlemagne from French mythology collected in what is known as the Matter of France- the most famous of these stories is called the Song of Roland.]
MJ: Then, all of the Malnomen have their motifs taken from fairy tales or famous works of fiction [i.e. Loup Garou, based on Little Red Riding Hood, and Naenia, based on the story of Faust.] At first I thought “well, it’s set in France, so I’ll limit myself to stories documented by Charles Perrault,” but by the second volume I’d expanded my boundaries to the Brothers Grimm and was getting my hands on other stories too.
Pt. 2 here.
Pt. 3 here.
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lost-in-yujikiri · 4 years
References of Classic Literatures in SAO
This post are thoughts I have on discord plus discussion with friends. I didn’t intend to publish this publicly but this was so well-received and a friend asked me to do so, so here it is.
Below are the classic works that I think SAO main arcs took many inspirations from:
1) Aincrad arc & Little Red Riding Hood
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- Asuna is the Little Red Riding Hood, with Kirito as the brooding hunter who protected her and led her to a happy ending, and Kayaba is the wolf who disguised himself as Asuna's "Grandma" (aka her caretaker).
- Kayaba's nickname is the same name as the central character of Wuthering Heights (Heathcliff), both men created their world of their own obsessions (for OG Heathcliff is his love with Catherine, for Kayaba is his castle dream) and during that creation they ended up destroying a lot of lives, even innocent people involved.
2) Fairy Dance arc & A Midsummer Night’s Dream
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- Fairy Dance might take references from A Midsummer Night's Dream with Fairy King & Queen Oberon & Titania, who are a married couple under quarrels (Asuna and Sugou). The Fairy Dance arc also presents the themes of falling in love with the wrong person (Suguha/Leafa’s feelings for her brother/cousin Kazuto/Kirito) and unrequited love (Recon to Leafa, Leafa to Kirito) albeit in a different way than the original story.
3) Phantom Bullet arc & Sonezaki Shinjuu 
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- The classic kabuki play Sonezaki Shinjuu (The Love Suicides at Sonezaki) is a story about close acquaintances/families/lovers being tangled in conflicts of opposing sides, with the main couple performing a double suicide ending so they can be husband and wife in afterlife (just like Kyouji & Sinon). In SAO Kyouji tried to force the double suicide on Sinon but it failed.
3) Alicization arc volume 9-14, Eugeo’s story & The Little Prince
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- When people see Alicization cast many might think of Alice in Wonderland first. However Eugeo's whole story in Alicization 1st half was most likely inspired from The Little Prince, with Eugeo as the Prince, Kirito as the Prince's wise old buddy and also the story's Narrator, and Zuberg as the Prince's Rose flower in his homeland which he loves so much but was separated from for so long. Only Alice S30 is the Alice in Wonderland, which is why she isn't the one Eugeo looked for.
- Friendship between the Narrator & the Prince is somewhat similar Kirito & Eugeo, in how the Prince is the only one who truly shares the world view of Narrator. In stories of his own journey, the Prince met a lot of adults, each of them showed their greed, selfishness, ugliness in their way, and the Prince's pure heart couldn't understand or withstand most of them. Just like Eugeo's naivety and pure heart can't accept even the littlest unfairness and evils of his world.
- The Prince thought he didn't love his rose in the correct way, and during his journey he knew his rose isn't so special because there are millions of beautiful roses on Earth. But later he learned that it's the time and space that he spent nurturing his rose that made the rose truly special and distinct. Isn't that similar to how Eugeo learned that love is giving, like nurturing flowers continuously?
- However, the Prince agonized then because he was in a place too far from his home and he left his rose for too long that it might have been eaten, like the distance and long pining towards the Alice in Eugeo's past that killed him inside, while his childhood has long gone.
- In The Little Prince's ending, the prince followed a poisonous snake's offer that if he lets it bite him, he would be able to return to his planet with his beloved rose (Quinella's deal, anyone?). The narrator realized what would really happen but couldn't stop the Prince. Before following that offer, the Prince told the Narrator please look at the stars to remember him, if it looks like he has died, it is only because his body is too heavy to take with him to his planet. The next day, the Prince's body couldn't be found and in his later journey, the Narrator ask the readers if any of them have seen the Prince. In Eugeo's story though, instead of creating an ambiguous ending, Reki presented both ends of the Prince's fate literally. Eugeo died in a sacrifice of his choice, and at the same time went into the light with the little Alice in his past (aka the Little Prince's rose).
- Kirito, just like how the Narrator who believed the Prince didn't die, continued to live in his own world of darkness like the time he spent with Eugeo hasn't gone.
4) Alicization volume 13-18, Alice Synthesis 30′s story & Alice in Wonderland
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- Alice Synthesis 30, from an empty knight who has no knowledge of the world with a forced Knight identity, was thrown to the unknown in War of Underworld and had to fight off everything and figure her self-identity out on her own, has parallels with Alice in Wonderland. Original Alice fell into a rabbit hole into Wonderland when she followed the White Rabbit, while Alice S30 fell from Floor 85 of the Cathedral when she fought after Kirito, both Alices learned about the mess that is happening in the world they're in after this.
- The original story is more about all kinds of creatures and humans in Wonderland rather than just about Alice herself, while War of Underworld is also more about people participating in the War rather than just about Alice S30.
- Kirito is the cheshire cat who guided her somewhere along the way but left her on her own device at some point. There are pig-lookalike creatures called "Rath" in the original Wonderland story, and in SAO we have RATH company who is monitoring project Alicization as well as the pig-lookalike Orcs in WoU. In many versions of Alice in Wonderland the stories involve a coup d'état towards a tyrant queen, in Alicization we have a Quinella as similar type of ruler whom Alice S30 and her friends fought against.
- At the end of both stories Alices left the mess in their "Wonderland" to get to real world. Though for OG Alice it's getting back to reality, while for Alice S30 she just got thrown to another "Wonderland" where she has even less attachment to as well as being shunned by most other humans without being able to go back to the UW she knows.
5) Kirito’s character arc in Alicization & Yu Boya and Zhong ziqi:
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Kirito's character arc in Alicization was inspired by the story of Yu Boya & Zhong Ziqi, whose story has invented the words 知音知己 ("2 souls who understanding each other's tone & self the most") which usually get translated to English as "bosom friends", Chinese usually called them the epitome of friendship/ companionship. In Japan their names are translated as "Haku Ga" & "Shou Shiki".
Full story can be found here:
Summary: Boya was an accomplished statesman from the Kingdom of Tsin and also an expert musician who played the "qin". One day as he played a musical piece on the river when he sailed to the Kingdom of Chu, he met a woodcutter named Zhong Ziqi, who might be poor but is very knowledgeable about music & what Boya's soul wanted to convey through his music. Being very happy that he could find a partner who can so quickly clicked with him, Boya & Ziqi stayed with each other talking for 3 days. Though Ziqi eventually had to go back to support his parents so they had to part with a promise of seeing each other again. The next year Boya went to find Ziqi, only to hear from Ziqi's father that he had died while trying to both work to support his family & study to catch up to a successful man like Boya. Boya played his last piece of music in front of Ziqi's grave and then destroyed his beloved musical instrument and swore to never play it again, because the life friend who could understand his heart & soul was no longer in this world. He then told Ziqi's father that he would adopt Ziqi's parents and support them like Ziqi did, saying "I was one with Ziqi and he with me. Do not think of me as an outsider."
So Kirito = Boya who are both accomplished in life (battles/social hierarchy), Eugeo = the woodcutter Ziqi who's inexperienced but wise and shared a love of something (swordmanship for Kirito & Eugep/ music for Boya & Zhong Ziqi) with the other man, both died young before they truly accomplished any of life goals. Their deaths devastated their friends, Boya destroyed his own musical instrument and his own musical ability, while for Kirito even though he was right at the chance to wake up from coma, due to the guilt of Eugeo’s death he intended to use his sword to stab himself, but having no sword so he tried to destroy his heart instead.
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In the end though Kirito was stopped by a fragment of Eugeo’s soul, who give him the strength to stand back up again.
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Personal thoughts:
- I find it interesting that Kirito is very apt for 2 different roles in the Little Red Riding Hood and The Little Prince, more than any roles with other heroines. In Aincrad/Progressive he is the hunter who managed to protect the Riding Hood Asuna from the wolves and in one way or another lead her to her own happy ending. In Alicization he is the best friend to the Prince Eugeo, he wanted to show the Prince the world and lead him to happiness too, but ended up having to watch his Prince walking to his own death.
- Mother's Rosario is treated as a side story in the original Web Novel and not a full-blown arc, so it doesn't have classic references. But Reki said in an interview along with the author of yuri manga/anime Bloom Into You that it's the most yuri-esque story he has ever written (despite not being technically yuri).
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harusha · 5 years
by last 2 gens, I meant SUMO and SWSH. I loved XY, but liked SUMO characters better. USUMO could have made great sequels. Lillie as prof. Gladion as champ, Hau as a kahuna. Etc. Would also make the transition to wormhole traveling more realistic if they were set in a universe where the events took place. I loved Gen 2 for letting us see Kanto 3 years later, and BW2 for letting us see what's changed in Unova. Just frustrating with the direction of things
Whoops, sorry anon. I never got the notification for this, so this is probably a week old or so. Tbh, I feel you though. I don’t want to be a spoilsport, but it feels like the mainline games are riding somewhat on name brand at this point. Making games is hard don’t get me wrong, but there’s a lot going on w/ SWSH rn on release.
I love the whole sequel stuff, but my only concern is “canonzing a protag.” Like…look at Alexio/Cassandra from AC:O. Sheer madness in how those arguments go on “canon. Like, I like ambiguity because I can avoid that.
Tbh alongside the sequel idea and the coherency it would bring, I would love it if wormholes let you go to the OG timelines (RBY–>GSC, FRLG/RSE–>PDPT/HGSS->BW->BW2), and that’s why you get hidden abilities, rare Pokemon, and increased shiny chance. They could just explain it as the wormhole changing the Pokemon’s characteristics. RBY timeline is basically “no one had abilities,” hence the drastic changes, FRLG timeline could be “they decided to go with you, and now they changed to fit your timeline.”
 Like they wouldn’t have to put every single region in; they could even just make it to where you visited parts of each region, perhaps the most iconic locations and/or moments, as a post-game/high difficulty thing (everyone is set to lv. 100 and have ideal spreads+sets). Like dropping in on Mt. Silver at the foot of the mountain, and have the area name pop up as “???” and have the player traverse the dungeon (w/ the HGSS encounters but inflated to 80s-90s so the observant veteran player can go “hmm this is familiar”) and have it accumulate in walking in on EthanVSRed on Mt. Silver, and it ending up in a double battle with them. Like that would blow people’s minds and make them realize what the post-game is, a love letter to every single generation so far, and set the stage for the rest of the post-game.
They don’t even have to confirm the canon protagonist for Johto if they just cover them up in snow gear (ie. put a cloak on them and have the hood up), and give them Meganium, Typhlosion, Feraligatr, Tyranitar, Raichu, and Espeon/Azumarill. The three starters, the Pseudo-Legendary of the generation, Raichu to parallel Red (also small callback to how Ethan was supposed to be Red’s younger brother in the old GBC pamphlet), and Espeon if they want to showcase the OG day/night cycle gen+it being the gift Pokemon and a Easter egg part of Red’s original team. Azumarill is if they prefer to reference the childhood friend.
They could even make this a chance to up the difficulty through the excuse of “alternate universe/wormholes caused their Pokemon to change abilities.” Make Red’s and Ethan’s teams complement each other and have them carry optimized spreads and sets for doubles. Ex. Blastoise or Pikachu with Fake Out and Focus Sash sets up rain and Ethan’s Raichu w/ Air Balloon/Choice Specs and carrying Thunder+Surf and has Lightningrod (wormhole shenanigans gave it a Hidden Ability) and so forth. Give them things such as Magic Bounce Espeon, Dual Screens Meganium, Mega Charizard X (wormholes made it happen), etc. Just showcase them as a bonus challenge and their status as legendary trainers akin to Mameo from Digimon. Perhaps give a reward of something like “Red gave you that extra Master Ball he never used” or a music player from Ethan so you can listen to curated songs from the older games. Or even simply clothes modeled after their original designs (Leaf and Kris outfits for girls and Red+Ethan for boys; or make it all available as unisex outfits where the inspiration is obvious but it’s not exactly the same).
And if they want to make it even more of a nostalgia bomb, have Ethan’s Raichu have a spiky/notched ear to imply that it’s a timeline where the special Pichu evolves and had Surf instead of Pain Split as the special move.
Other iconic moments could be dropping in at Turnback Cave and traversing Distortion World again and saving on Lucas, Dawn, and Cynthia and rescuing them from Giratina. Reward is catching Giratina and a battle against Cynthia, Lucas, Dawn, and perhaps Cyrus. Avoids picking a canon protagonist and arguments over who should have showed up. Focus is single battle gauntlet with each trainer giving a choice on whether you want to heal after each victory (exception is Cyrus).
Have Lucas/Dawn mention how they like trading and that’s why one of them has two starters (or multiple gift Pokemon) to help avoid narrowing down the canon protagonist. Lucas could work in Trick Room (Torterra, Cresselia/Dusknoir, Vaporeon, Magnezone, Heatran, Machamp). Showcases the notorious number of roamers/legendaries in Sinnoh, Mt. Coronet evolution, trade evolutions (GTS), a new gimmick of the gen in Trick Room, and incorporates a gift Pokemon). Dawn could work with Iron Fist Infernape, lead Empoleon w/ Stealth Rock (showcase that infamous entry hazard), Paraflinch Togekiss, Porygon-Z, Lucario, and Glaceon. Gift Pokemon+showcases the (then) new evolutions of that gen.
Have Giratina be like lv. 80-100 with Totem Pokemon stat to explain how in the darn, everyone lost with those sorts of levels.
RSE could be dropping in on Brendan and May going up Sky Pillar and setting Rayquaza off to stop Groudon and Kyogre, and it starts a side quest of following them to experience the climax of the Hoenn Saga. Climax is them itching for a fight from seeing your skills. Have Brendan (Sceptile, Mega Blaziken, Celebi , Salamence, Starmie, and Latias) and team up with Steven and May (Mega Swampert, Gardevoir/Gengar, Latios, Metagross, Jirachi, and Ninetales) with Wallace in a doubles. Both teams have callbacks to stuff like the manga (Brendan with Celebi and Salamence), references the two Pseudos of the generation, the roamers, trading with Orre for the promotions (Celebi and Jirachi for US and JP respectively) and Red/Leaf in Brendan’s case, Wally’s OG signature, or even the OG Mystery Dungeon. Have Brendan wear his Emerald outfit while May wears the Ruby/Sapphire outfit to blur who the canon protagonist is. Bonus fight could be seeking out Archie and Maxie in their atonement/voluntary isolation for a fight.
BW is dropping in on Hilbert and Hilda encountering Kyurem (since it feels wrong to interrupt N’s goodbye tbh). Teams would be [Contrary Serperior, Samurott, Victini, Archeops, Zoroark, and Mandibuzz] for Hilbert and [Emboar, Keldeo, Genesect, Volcarona, Braviary, and Carracosta] for Hilda. Their teams aren’t amazing, but it’s meant to showcase the generation’s fossils, gift/event Pokemon, and version exclusives. Have it be you saving them from the snow and from Kyurem. Have them talk about how they’re thinking of setting off together to find their friend N, and how much they want to see him again. Make it emotional and have them talk about what they’ve learned about Pokemon from him and their interactions on their journey.
BW2 is saving Rosa and Nate from Ghetsis’s murder attack and fight Ghetsis. After you all return to a Pokecenter, have the two of them challenge you to a Rotation and Triple Battle respectively. Rosa runs a rain team with Drizzle Politoed, Octillery, Smeargle, Kabutops, Kingdra, and Ludicolo while Nate runs a Sand Team with Hippowdon, Sand Rush Excadrill, Rhyperior, Garchomp, Scizor, and Gliscor. Have it be a gimmick to where weather is infinite again in this wormhole location since their teams are meant to be a callback to the weather wars of gen v and the stars of those teams.
And have N show up to thank you for saving Rosa and Nate since he was almost too late right as you are leaving through a wormhole. Have the player tell him about what Hilbert and Hilda said and how they want to meet him again+urge him to meet his friends again and have it end with N saying something to the effect of “…I’ll think about it.” and leave it on an ambiguous note to whether he will meet them.
And finally, have it end with Red encountering Mewtwo in Cerulean Cave and have it diverge by you saving him from Giovanni (he lied about quitting and it’s only after you defeat him that he leaves for isolation until Ethan/Lyra/Kris beat him up again). Ends on a note of “this is where it all began.” Reward is catching Mewtwo and battling Red in a single. Here, they can make his team diverge from canon because it’s pre-Mt. Silver Red/alternate universe. Alakazam, Dragonite, Zapdos, Persian, Eviolite Chansey, and Mew. Showcases popular threats of that gen+trade evolution, irony in Red having Meowth’s evolution (Giovanni is associated with Persian b/c anime), the mythical #151 and source of playground rumors, the pseudo, one of the “your reward for exploring” stationary legendaries, etc.
Could even do a bonus of letting you travel to Kalos (but just the port) and meeting Serena and Calem who are both arguing about fashion while waiting for Sina and Dexio. Make their reason for battling you something lighthearted like you interrupting their argument to say “both of your fashion senses suck.”
Have them carry [Delphox, Chesnaught, Tyrantrum, Furfrou, Mega Gyarados, and Goodra] and [Greninja, Talonflame, Aegislash, Mega Kangaskhan, Meowstic-M, and Aurorus]. Showcases starters, Megas, radical gender differences, fossils, popular threats of Gen VI meta, Furfrou cuts, etc.
And if that’s too much, just recreate parts of the legendaries OG encounter dungeons, Cerulean Cave for Mewtwo, Bell Tower for Johto, etc.
Like…Gen VII was the “this is the 20th anniversary of Pokemon” gen and that would have been a great time to pack everything into one gen. Like…they had space for multiple walking Pokemon animations on the cart that they could have taken out or even tweaked these ideas so the dungeons would be slightly smaller (ie. fit to cart) or reduce the weirdly high number of Lillie models in the game. This isn’t an entire region (or regions) either, but snapshots and small locales to revisit. It also incorporates more fights with the Team Leaders at higher levels and difficulty.
Like idk, I made myself sad because I realize this would never happen unless some mad lad decided to create a massive rom hack/expansion, Masuda gets a larger team (and Pokemon stops with the yearly releases so the team isn’t pressured as much), etc.
Idk, I feel like the games for the 20th ani weren’t as good in hindsight for what they made out to be a year of Pokemon. But that’s just me griping again about Alola.
Also perhaps solviing all this gives you a final wormhole where you’re taken to fight Leaf. Give her Clefable (Clefairy’s original yet scrapped mascot thing), Golem, Flareon, Jolteon, Aerodactyl, and Omastar. Showcases fossils, gift Pokemon, other Eeveelutions, etc.
22 notes · View notes
namikala · 6 years
Upcoming mobile otome games (23 Nov 2018)
And it’s time to update the old list of games that interest me as more new games have been announced and some of the games on the previous list have been released already.
Definitely at least trying
Crimson Clan 
about a ‘game of despair’ that’s some sort of RPG??
nothing on gameplay yet
bias: Kazuki 
release date: end of 2018
sorcerers who help you regain the ability to feel and love after it is stolen from you by an evil sorcerer
still nothing about gameplay but apparently you have to form a team of sorcerers
bias: Kannagi
release date: end of 2018
Namu Amida Butsu: Utena 
Buddhas fighting against demons and kleshas (revamp of the now defunct mobile browser game) 
'battle game’ similar to Touken Ranbu & Bungo to Alchemist
bias: Shaka Nyorai 
closed beta: end of 2018
about exorcists called 'kagura bukan' who fight with swords and songs
nothing on gameplay yet but most probably a rhythm game of some sort? 
release date: 2019 
Arcana: Boundless Horizon  
about fairy tale heroines who wished for happiness and were turned into boys 
'miniature garden x ikemen training' game
bias: Lot (Red Riding Hood) 
release date: 2019
Edit: Can’t believe I forgot this one!
Toraware no Palm: Refrain (Traditional Chinese ver.) 
sequel to Toraware no Palm
mystery adventure dating sim?? 
release date: 2019 (they aim to release the Chinese one at around the same time as the Japanese one! Thank you, Capcom Taiwan!)
you are the president of a brand-new talent agency
idol game, nothing on gameplay yet
bias: probably Yu coz he's 'eveyone's big brother' voiced by Atsushi Tamaru 
release date: 2019
zodiac animal boys
from gameplay released so far it might be a battle card game??
bias: Hitoshiki 
release date: delayed till early 2019
[I want to like it coz of my yandere sheep boy voiced by Kouki Miyata but the gameplay screens revealed so far don’t really impress me...]  
you are the therapist/counsellor for idols, supposed to explore the darker side of the idol world
not quite sure what sort of game it is even after looking at some of the gameplay!
release date: 2019
Dankira: Boys, be dancing! 
training + rhythm game, gameplay revealed so far looks really good
release date: 2019
Readyyy! Project  
training +  rhythm game (??), have a feeling the release delay is coz Sega has decided to revamp the gameplay since the current gameplay doesn’t seem to incorporate any aspects of the awesome MV animations they have shown so far?? 
release date: 2019?? might be released after Yumeiro Cast ends??
[I’m losing interest in it honestly. The MVs are fantastic, the music is good and the character designs are pretty, but I’m just failing to connect to it... Plus can’t help thinking that something happened at Sega that made them have to choose between it and YumeCast... I’m still unhappy about that...]
Ken ga Toki (Traditional Chinese ver.) 
there was Beta test version a month ago but I didn’t have time to try it, another one that I’m losing interest in actually
Edit: And forgot one!
boy's brass band
nothing on gameplay yet
release date: 2019?
Edit edit: One more!
Kaikan Phrase Climax: Next Generation
idols, sequel to the manga/anime
nothing on gameplay yet
release date: 2019
18 notes · View notes
collectorscorner · 6 years
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ACTION LAB ENTERTAINMENT Albert Einstein Time Mason #1 (Cover A Dave Johnson), $3.99 Albert Einstein Time Mason #1 (Cover B Tony Donley), $3.99
AFTERSHOCK COMICS Animosity #16, $3.99 Hot Lunch Special #3, $3.99 Last Space Race #1 (Cover A Alex Shibao), $3.99 Last Space Race #1 (Cover B Juan Doe), $3.99 Moth And Whisper #2, $3.99
AHOY COMICS Wrong Earth #2, $3.99
ALBATROSS FUNNYBOOKS Spookhouse 2 #2 (c 4), $3.99
ARCANA STUDIO Supersonic GN, $14.95
ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Archie Halloween Spectacular #1, $2.99 Archie Volume 6 TP, $17.99 Betty And Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #267, $6.99 Jughead The Hunger #9 (Cover A Adam Gorham), $3.99 Jughead The Hunger #9 (Cover B Thomas Pitilli), $3.99 Jughead The Hunger #9 (Cover C Marguerite Sauvage), $3.99
ASPEN COMICS Artifact One #1 (Cover A Romina Moranelli), $3.99 Artifact One #1 (Cover B J. P. Mavinga), $3.99 Artifact One #1 (Cover C Romina Moranelli), AR
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BLACK MASK COMICS Black AF Widows And Orphans #3, $3.99 Devil Within #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Maan House & Meghan Hetrick), $3.99 Devil Within #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Meghan Hetrick), $3.99 Oh S#!t It's Kim And Kim #3, $3.99 Survival Fetish #4, $3.99 We Are Danger #3, $3.99 Wilds #5, $3.99
BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENT Warcraft The Sunwell Trilogy Volume 2 Shadows Of Ice TP, $12.95 Warcraft The Sunwell Trilogy Volume 3 Ghostlands TP, $12.95 World Of Warcraft Volume 4 HC, $14.95
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CINESTATE FANGORIA Fangoria Volume 2 #1, $19.79
COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1634, AR
DANGER ZONE Dollface #16 (Cover A Dan Mendoza, $4.99 Zombie Tramp #53 (Cover A Celor), $4.99
DARK HORSE COMICS EC Archives The Haunt of Fear Volume 5 HC, $49.99 Gantz G Volume 2 TP, $13.99 Incognegro Renaissance HC, $19.99 Joe Golem Occult Detective The Drowning City #2 (Of 5), $3.99 Plants Vs Zombies Volume 11 War And Peas HC, $9.99 Quantum Age #3 (Cover A Wilfredo Torres), $3.99 Quantum Age #3 (Cover B Marco Rudy), $3.99 She Could Fly #4, $4.99
DC COMICS Absolute Kingdom Come HC (New Edition), $99.99 Border Town #1 (Ramon Villalobos 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Catwoman #4 (Cover A Joelle Jones), $3.99 Catwoman #4 (Cover B Stanley Artgerm Lau), AR Cursed Comics Cavalcade #1, $9.99 DC Essential Graphic Novels 2019, AR Detective Comics #990 (Cover A John Paul Leon), $3.99 Detective Comics #990 (Cover B Mark Brooks), AR Flash #56 (Cover A Dan Panosian), $3.99 Flash #56 (Cover B Howard Porter), AR Hawkman #5 (Cover A Bryan Hitch), $3.99 Hawkman #5 (Cover B Matteo Scalera), AR House Of Whispers #2, $3.99 MAD Presents Don't Let The Penguin Drive The Batmobile HC, $14.99 Plastic Man #5 (Of 6), $3.99 Red Hood And The Outlaws The New 52 Omnibus Volume 1 HC, $99.99 Red Hood Outlaw #27 (Cover A Pete Woods), $3.99 Red Hood Outlaw #27 (Cover B Yasmine Putri), AR Scooby Apocalypse #30 (Cover A Patrick Olliffe & Tom Palmer), $3.99 Scooby Apocalypse #30 (Cover B James Harren), AR Suicide Squad #47 (Cover A Dan Panosian), $3.99 Suicide Squad #47 (Cover B Francesco Mattina), AR Supergirl #23 (Cover A Stanley Artgerm Lau), $3.99 Supergirl #23 (Cover B Amanda Conner), AR Superman #4 (Cover A Ivan Reis & Joe Prado), $3.99 Superman #4 (Cover B Adam Hughes), AR Terrifics Volume 1 Meet The Terrifics TP, $16.99 Titans #27 (Cover A Clayton Henry), $3.99 Titans #27 (Cover B Jose Luis), AR Wildstorm Michael Cray #12, $3.99 Wonder Woman #56 (Cover A Yasmine Putri), $3.99 Wonder Woman #56 (Cover B Jenny Frison), AR
DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT Art Of Troma HC, $34.99 Art Of Troma HC (Deluxe Edition), $129.99 Barbarella Volume 1 Red Hot Gospel TP, $17.99 Boys Volume 1 The Name Of The Game TP (Signed Edition)(not verified by Diamond), $16.99 Boys Volume 10 Butcher Baker TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 Boys Volume 12 The Bloody Doors Off TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 Boys Volume 2 Get Some TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 Boys Volume 3 Good For The Soul TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 Boys Volume 4 We Gotta Go Now TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 Boys Volume 5 Herogasm TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 Boys Volume 7 The Innocents TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 Boys Volume 8 Highland Laddie TP (Signed Edition), $24.99 Boys Volume 9 The Big Ride TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 George R.R. Martin's A Clash Of Kings #13 (Cover A Mike S. Miller), $3.99 George R.R. Martin's A Clash Of Kings #13 (Cover B Mel Rubi), $3.99 George R.R. Martin's A Clash Of Kings #13 (Cover C Mike S. Miller Black & White Variant), AR George R.R. Martin's A Clash Of Kings #13 (Cover D Mel Rubi Black & White Variant), AR George R.R. Martin's A Clash Of Kings #13 (Cover E Mike S. Miller Virgin Variant), AR Project Superpowers #3 (Cover A Francesco Mattina), $3.99 Project Superpowers #3 (Cover B Ed Benes), $3.99 Project Superpowers #3 (Cover C John Royle), $3.99 Project Superpowers #3 (Cover D Philip Tan), $3.99 Project Superpowers #3 (Cover E Stephen Segovia), $3.99 Project Superpowers #3 (Cover F Sergio Davila), $3.99 Project Superpowers #3 (Cover G Francesco Mattina Virgin Variant), AR Project Superpowers #3 (Cover H Stephen Segovia Black & White Variant), AR Project Superpowers #3 (Cover I Ed Benes Virgin Variant), AR Project Superpowers #3 (Cover J Stephen Segovia Virgin Variant), AR Pumpkinhead Volume 1 Sins Revisited TP (not verified by Diamond), $19.99 Red Sonja Tarzan #5 (Cover A Walter Geovani), $3.99 Red Sonja Tarzan #5 (Cover B Sergio Davila), $3.99 Red Sonja Tarzan #5 (Cover C Aaron Lopresti), $3.99 Red Sonja Tarzan #5 (Cover D Roberto Castro), $3.99 Red Sonja Tarzan #5 (Cover E Walter Geovani Black & White Variant), AR Red Sonja Tarzan #5 (Cover F Sergio Davila Black & White Variant), AR Red Sonja Tarzan #5 (Cover G Aaron Lopresti Black & White Variant), AR Shadow The Death Of Margo Lane HC (Limited Edition), $39.99 Vampirella Volume 2 The God You Know TP, $19.99
FAB PRESS Renegade Westerns Movies That Shot Down Frontier Myths SC, $39.95
FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND Famous Monsters Of Filmland #290 (2018 Annual), $24.99
FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKS Disney Masters Volume 5 Romano Scarpa Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse The Phantom Blot's Double Mystery HC, $29.99 Pogo The Complete Syndicated Comic Strips Volume 5 Out Of This World At Home HC, $45.00
FILMFAX Filmfax #152, $9.95
FIRST SECOND Zita The Spacegirl Trilogy Box Set, $38.97
GALLERY 13 Stephen King's The Dark Tower Beginnings Volume 5 The Battle Of Jericho Hill HC, $24.99
HACHETTE PARTWORKS Doctor Who The Complete History Volume 78 The Twelfth Doctor Stories 259-261 HC, $18.99
HEAVY METAL MAGAZINE Iron Maiden Legacy Of The Beast TP, $9.99
HISTORY PRESS 007 Diaries Filming Live And Let Die HC, $24.95
IDW PUBLISHING Beauty Of Horror Ghosts Of Christmas Coloring Book SC, $12.99 Donald And Mickey The Walt Disney Showcase Collection TP, $24.99 Dread Gods #4 (Cover A Tom Raney), $3.99 Dread Gods #4 (Cover B Bart Sears), $3.99 Dread Gods #4 (Cover C Kelley Jones), AR Frankenstein Alive Alive The Complete Collection HC, $24.99 From Hell Master Edition #1 (Cover A Eddie Campbell), $7.99 Girl Town TP, $19.99 Great Treasury Of Christmas Comic Book Stories TP, $24.99 Impossible Incorporated #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Mike Cavallaro), $3.99 Jekyll Island Chronicles Volume 2 A Devil's Reach GN, $19.99 Magica De Spell Giant Halloween Hex #1 (Cover A Francisco Rodriguez Peinado), $5.99 My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Volume 15 TP, $17.99 My Little Pony Nightmare Knights #1 (Cover A Tony Fleecs), $3.99 My Little Pony Nightmare Knights #1 (Cover B Brenda Hickey), $3.99 My Little Pony Nightmare Knights #1 (Cover C Andy Price), AR Punks Not Dead Volume 1 Teenage Kicks TP, $19.99 Star Trek Discovery Succession TP, $19.99 Star Wars Adventures Tales From Vader's Castle #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Francesco Francavilla), $3.99 Star Wars Adventures Tales From Vader's Castle #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Kelly Jones), $3.99 Star Wars Adventures Tales From Vader's Castle #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Francesco Francavilla Black & White Variant), AR Tangled Hair-Raising Adventures #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Eduard Petrovich & Rosa La Barbera), $3.99 Tangled Hair-Raising Adventures #1 (Of 3)(Cover B Gabby Zapata), AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe Volume 5 The Coming Doom TP, $19.99 Transformers Unicron #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Alex Milne), $4.99 Transformers Unicron #5 (Of 6)(Cover B James Raiz), $4.99 Transformers Unicron #5 (Of 6)(Cover C Fico Ossio), AR Transformers Unicron #5 (Of 6)(Cover D Francesco Francavilla), AR
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KODANSHA COMICS Again Volume 5 GN, $12.99 Descending Stories Volume 9 GN, $12.99 Heroic Legend Of Arslan Volume 9 GN, $10.99 Waiting For Spring Volume 8 GN, $10.99
LION FORGE Catalyst Prime Astonisher #11, $3.99 Quantum Mechanics GN, $12.99 Timothy Top Volume 1 The Green Pig GN, $12.99 Voltron Legendary Defender Volume 3 #4 (Cover A Mariko Yamashin), $3.99 Voltron Legendary Defender Volume 3 #4 (Cover B Rubine), $3.99
MARVEL COMICS Amazing Spider-Man #7 (Cover A Humberto Ramos), $3.99 Amazing Spider-Man #7 (Cover B Sujin Jo Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Amazing Spider-Man #7 (Cover C Terry Dodson MKXX Variant), AR Amazing Spider-Man #7 (Cover D Terry Dodson MKXX Virgin Variant), AR Asgardians Of The Galaxy #1 (Matteo Lolli 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Avengers #2 (Ed McGuinness 5th Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Avengers #7 (Sara Pichelli 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Avengers #9 (Cover A David Marquez), $3.99 Avengers #9 (Cover B Jong-Ju Kim Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Avengers #9 (Cover C J. G. Jones MKXX Variant), AR Avengers #9 (Cover D J. G. Jones MKXX Virgin Variant), AR Ben Reilly The Scarlet Spider #25, $3.99 Blade Blood And Chaos TP, $34.99 Captain America #2 (Leinil Francis Yu 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Captain America #4 (Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99 Captain America #4 (Cover B Jack Kirby Remastered Variant), AR Captain America #4 (Cover C Jack Kirby Remastered Black & White Variant), AR Captain America #4 (Cover D Maxx Lim Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Captain America #4 (Cover E John Cassaday MKXX Variant), AR Captain America #4 (Cover F John Cassaday MKXX Virgin Variant), AR Cosmic Ghost Rider #3 (Of 5)(Dylan Burnett 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Domino #7, $3.99 Edge Of Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 4)(Gerardo Sandoval 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Edge Of Spider-Geddon #2 (Of 4)(Alberto Alburquerque 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Exiles #9 (Cover A David Nakayama), $3.99 Exiles #9 (Cover B Rahzzah), AR Extermination #2 (Of 5)(Pepe Larraz 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Hunt For Wolverine Dead Ends #1 (Ramon Rosanas 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Iceman #2 (Of 5), $3.99 Immortal Hulk #7 (Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99 Immortal Hulk #7 (Cover B Maxx Lim Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Immortal Hulk #7 (Cover C Mike Deodato Jr. MKXX Variant), AR Immortal Hulk #7 (Cover D Mike Deodato Jr. MKXX Virgin Variant), AR Infinity Wars #1 (Of 6)(Mike Deodato Jr. 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $5.99 Infinity Wars #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Mike Deodato Jr.), $4.99 Infinity Wars #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Ron Lim), AR Infinity Wars #4 (Of 6)(Cover C Gerardo Sandoval), AR Infinity Wars #4 (Of 6)(Cover D Sujin Jo Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Infinity Wars #4 (Of 6)(Cover E Javier Garron Connecting Variant D), AR Marvel Knights Black Widow By Grayson And Rucka The Complete Collection TP, $19.99 Marvel Masterworks The Invincible Iron Man Volume 11 HC (Book Market Edition), $75.00 Marvel Masterworks The Invincible Iron Man Volume 11 HC (Direct Market Edition Volume 266), $75.00 Ms. Marvel #35, $3.99 New Mutants Dead Souls TP, $17.99 Quasar Cosmos In Collision TP, $34.99 Solo A Star Wars Story Adaptation #1 (Of 7)(Cover A Phil Noto), $4.99 Solo A Star Wars Story Adaptation #1 (Of 7)(Cover B Leonard Kirk), AR Solo A Star Wars Story Adaptation #1 (Of 7)(Cover C Luke Ross), AR Solo A Star Wars Story Adaptation #1 (Of 7)(Cover D Movie Variant), AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Jorge Molina), $3.99 Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover B George Perez), AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Javier Garron), AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover D In-Hyuk Lee Connecting Variant), AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Mark Bagley Peter Parker The Spider-Man Variant) , AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Pasquel Ferry Spider-Gwen Variant) , AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover G Jay Fosgitt Spider-Ham Variant) , AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover H Michael McKone Miles Morales Spider-Man Variant) , AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover I David Nakayama PS4 Spider-Man Variant) , AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover J Todd Nauck Peni Parker Variant) , AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover K Gerald Parel Spider-Man Noir Variant) , AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover L Will Sliney Spider-Punk Variant) , AR Spider-Man Deadpool #40, $3.99 True Believers What If Dr. Doom Had Become A Hero #1, $1.00 True Believers What If Spider-Man Rescued Gwen Stacy #1, $1.00 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #37, $3.99 Venom #1 (Ryan Stegman 5th Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Venom #2 (Ryan Stegman 4th Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Venom #7 (Cover A Ryan Stegman), $3.99 Venom #7 (Cover B Sujin Jo Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Venom #7 (Cover C Frank Cho MKXX Variant), AR Venom #7 (Cover D Frank Cho MKXX Virgin Variant), AR Venom First Host #1 (Of 5)(Mark Bagley 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Venom First Host #2 (Of 5)(Mark Bagley 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 What If? Punisher #1 (Cover A Christopher Stevens), $3.99 What If? Punisher #1 (Cover B John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant), AR X-23 #5 (Cover A Mike Choi), $3.99 X-23 #5 (Cover B Yoon Lee Kim Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR X-Men Black Mojo #1 (Cover A J. Scott Campbell), $4.99 X-Men Black Mojo #1 (Cover B Salvador Larroca Mugshot Variant), AR X-Men Black Mojo #1 (Cover C J. Scott Campbell Virgin Variant), AR X-Men Cyclops And Phoenix Past And Future TP, $29.99 X-Men The Magneto War TP, $39.99 X-Men Uncanny Origins TP, $17.99
MARVEL PRESS Miles Morales Spider-Man Novel SC, $9.99
MYMOVIEMONSTERS.COM Scary Monsters Magazine #110, $9.95
NBM Breaking The 10 Set, $24.99
ONI PRESS Shadow Roads #4, $3.99
PANINI PUBLISHING Doctor Who Magazine #529, $11.99
PANTHEON BOOKS Anne Frank's Diary The Graphic Adaptation HC, $24.95
PEGASUS First Man GN, $25.95
REBELLION/2000AD 2000 AD Pack August 2018 (2079-2082), $27.00 Dredd Final Judgement #1, $3.99 Sniper Elite Resistance #2 (Cover A Patrick Goddard), $3.99 Sniper Elite Resistance #2 (Cover B Eduard Groult), $3.99
RETROFIT COMICS All The Sad Songs GN, $10.00
RUNNING PRESS Mini Zoltar He Speaks Kit SC, $12.95
SOLO PUBLISHING Cinema Retro Movie Classics #7 (Roadshow Epics Of The Sixties)(not verified by Diamond), $13.95
STARBURNS INDUSTRIES PRESS Hellicious Volume 1 TP, $9.99
STERLING PUBLISHING Make A Nerdy Living, $14.95
STONE ARCH BOOKS Scooby-Doo Encyclopedia SC, $9.95
SUBLIME Coyote Volume 1 GN, $12.99
TEN SPEED PRESS Comic Book Story Of Professional Wrestling GN, $18.99
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Friends Bruttino Plush, AR Tokidoki Cactus Friends Cactus Dog Jr Plush, AR Tokidoki Cactus Friends Porcino 10 Inch Plush, AR Tokidoki Cactus Friends Sabochan 10 Inch Plush, AR Tokidoki Cactus Friends Sandy 9 Inch Plush, AR Tokidoki Unicorno Valentino Plush, AR Transformers Generations Power Of The Primes Legends Action Figure Assortment 201803, AR Transformers Generations Power Of The Primes Voyager Action Figure Assortment 201803, AR Uncanny X-Men 2018 By Leinil Francis Yu Poster, AR Vampirella Bottle Opener, AR Vintage DC Comics Batman 2019 Wall Calendar, AR Vintage DC Comics Supergirl 2019 Wall Calendar, AR Vintage DC Comics Superman 2019 Wall Calendar, AR Vintage DC Comics Wonder Woman 2019 Wall Calendar, AR Vintage Sci Fi 2019 Wall Calendar, AR Walking Dead Compendium Group Comic Box (not verified by Diamond), AR Walking Dead Day 1 Inch Button, AR Walking Dead Day Walker Mask, AR Walking Dead Factions Comic Box (not verified by Diamond), AR Walking Dead Negan Limited Edition Statue, AR Walking Dead Saviors Comic Box (not verified by Diamond), AR Witcher Knit Scarf, AR WWE Superstars 144 Piece Bucket O Button Assortment, AR X-Files Agent Fox Mulder 1/6 Scale Figure, AR X-Men Black Emma Frost By J. Scott Campbell Poster, AR X-Men Black Magneto By J. Scott Campbell Poster, AR X-Men Black Mystique By J. Scott Campbell Poster, AR
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artsyfartsyaono · 6 years
Hi! You seem to really like that Grimm character. I dont know anything about force of will but you make me curious about him. Can you tell me about him?
Hnnng I hope you’re prepared for a long post 8)
In the most basic sense Grimm is prince then King of the Light Palace and of the fairy tales. He was Force’s first main hero and kick-started the fight against the forces fighting against his world by defeating Dracula and, after being sealed within the fairy tale world, helped Lumia unlock her power and helped Pandora protect the people against the Cthulhu within his story.NOW FOR THE JUICY DETAILS YOU GOTTA READ INTO  Grimm is a wise young prince that spends all his time reading and napping.
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Ever since he was young he loved reading fairy tales, so much so that when Dracula came his powers awakened, allowing him to summon fairy tales and use their magic. (the following is taken from a rough translation of the Japanese article)
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Despite growing up having a cushy palace life, when it comes down to it Grimm is courageous, brave, and determined to fight for the greater good. His power over the fairy tales grants him the strongest source of hope, the ultimate power against despair.
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(essentially that hope from stories everyone knows, like Red Riding Hood, provide the ultimate hope against despair)
Further proven by the fact that his ruler card has easy access to all five attributes, something unique to him even now, years later, and makes him to this day one of the best rulers.
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He’s also super sassy in the gag comics and tbh I feel that’s canon
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After that war, Grimm continues to use his power to fight for good. When crowned King he worked to unite everyone under the Light Palace in order to help those affected by the attack, as well as summoned all the fairy tales that wanted to live in the real world and gave them all a home (mass summoning like that takes a LOT of power). He only settled down after he and his wife Pandora had their son. (the manga doesn’t go any further unfortunately)
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Thirty years later (making him about 45-50) he’s still a kind and just ruler while still retaining his carefree attitude. However, as soon as a threat arrives, he jumps straight into protecting his people and doing what he can to fight back.
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That’s Grimm and his character, but as of recent I’ve been talking about him being a tragic hero and how he deserves to be happy. I said it sorta in a previous post, but I shall detail it because goddamnit he deserves happiness.
Firstly, Grimm and Pandora do die during the battle against Lapis. In order to allow Pandora to finish her spell, he takes a hit by a spear rigged to explode, holding back the explosion until her spell is finished, then releasing it and dying together.
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It’s sad yes, but not the sad part. The battle ended in victory because of it so in the end it was okay. That is, until Kaguya resets the timeline to save one of her mothers, Fiethsing. In doing so, the future Grimm and Pandora died to protect is lost, making their sacrifice pointless.
Reiya (the new hero) does travel back and takes Grimm out from his timeline in order to take him back and use his powers to create a point in the story, in other words using his story based powers to help create a world (as that’s how time travel works in this story; in order to travel back you destroy the point in time and all before it, then recreate it as a new world). Due to time travel rules, Grimm is now an only child. However, Lumia (now corrupted) also finds him and aims to kill him. Reiya helps restore a bit of his memory of her, and despite it all he wants to do whatever he can to help.
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Also this is his wife in this new timeline in the past (she was originally from this point 10′000 years ago but had been trapped in a time prison). So his wife is now a child, and because Millium was on the planet when time reset he no longer exists.
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In short; Grimm was kind, good, and pure and didn’t deserve bad things. Now he’s 10′000 years in the past because his friend destroyed and reset time, he’s slowly regaining his memories from the original timeline, his sister is possessed and is trying to kill him, his wife is in her mid teens at the oldest (he looks like late teens now so that may not be too too bad?), and their son now never existed. Until the story is finished being written and we get a conclusion, our only hope for Grimm’s happy ending is this:
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Widdle babu Millium showing up in the last set of the story. Hopefully this means Pandora and Grimm are able to be together again, have little Millium again, and live happily ever after
And there you have it, my essay on Grimm and why I love him to itty bitty bits~
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fairytale-poll · 10 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
She's related to Red Riding Hood, has costumes of Red Riding Hood, and she has ten hoodies in various shades of red. She's sapphic. She's autistic. She's a dog person. She's little beepo.
Technically this might be stretching it because she was casted into this play exactly once (though she has two cards dedicated to it due to the Encore cards). Anyways she always wears around a big red hood outside of this play but that's not directly based off of Little Red Riding hood from my knowledge so it doesn't matter much. What does matter is that Yuyuko keeps up her pattern of being casted in roles where her character either dies or suffers a lot (this one being the latter) in this play, though thankfully I'm not sure that she wrote herself into this narrative this time
She's a silly witch apprentice who's kind to everyone and can also transform into a powerful magical girl warrior
Akazukin is a red riding hood. She's a red riding hood magical girl
while i dont know much about akazukin chacha and otogi jushi akazukin, i want to encourage everyone to vote for them because 1) they're both losing 2) they're such cute magical girls!!!! Literally magical girls are the best and so underrated. Feel like besides for the classic Sailor Moon, nobody cares about magical girls unless they're in some way dark or fucked up. justice for the sweet, cute magical girls! vote chacha and akazukin!
She's literally the cutest and OG magical girls are underrated.
Vote Chacha!!!!! She's literally the cutest and OG magical girls are underrated.
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doneses · 7 years
Final Fantasy Influences in RWBY
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So it’s no secret that Monty Oum was a huge fan of the Final Fantasy series. As someone who’s also a huge fan of the series I thought it’d be fun to explore a lot of the things I think RWBY drew inspiration from. There’s not really much of an order to this, just various things I’ve noticed. This is also just my opinion on things so don’t take it too seriously. (I won’t be including stuff from FF15 since that was not out yet at the time RWBY was started and the stuff similar to it are most likely coincidence.I’m also only counting the stuff from the core series as those are the ones I am the most familiar with.)
Gardens/Seed- Academy/Huntsmen & Huntresses
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In both FF8, and in RWBY, the main characters start their journeys at an academy that specializes in the training of powerful mercenaries: SeeD and Hunters. They have a similar age range (15-19 in FF8. 17-21 in RWBY), and both schools have rigorous and dangerous exams that the main characters have to survive and pass in the beginning of the story. They both also have a dance in the relatively beginning of the story. They also both have a uniform that the characters wear on occasion.
Shinra Electric Power Company- Schnee Dust Company
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Now I actually noticed something neat that I never noticed with Shinra, that they can be abbreviated to SEC, similar to how the Schnee Dust Company is commonly abbreviated to SDC.
In both RWBY and FF7, these two companies are powerful and villainous and have made their fortunes by mining a natural resource that is used for fuel, and to give people magical abilities. Both the SDC and SEC engage in military action (Turks and SOLDIER with the SEC and providing/developing mechs for the Atlesian military for the SDC), and experimenting on monsters (the Armored Gigas in the White trailer being a Geist Grimm experiment according to the manga).
Materia- Dust
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It’s a naturally occurring resource in the world that is used to give the characters magical abilities and is crystalline in design. Materia is name dropped by Monty when explaining what Dust is.
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A terrorist group with a white and red banner that has a history of warfare with the evil megacompany of their worlds. Main characters from both series are members (or former) members of the group, and both had/have a large burly man as their leader. Only major difference is AVALANCHE is an eco-terrorist group and presented as heroes while the White Fang are a racial terrorist group and presented as villains.
Crystals- Relics
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Four powerful macguffins that the protagonists and antagonists are both after that can give them a ton of power and can change the world.
Al Bhed/Viera- Faunus
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Al Bhed are a minority group who face persecution and have a unique genetic trait. In FF10 and in RWBY one of the main characters is secretly of this ethnic group and has to deal with racist behavior from one of their team mates.
Viera are literally bunny girls. While the al bhed have more in common with the faunus in story, the viera are closer in appearance.
Summoning- Schnee Semblence
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Now there are a lot of Summoners in FF but Monty was known for his love of FF10 and of Yuna and I think that’s who’s summoning ability Weiss’ abilities are based off of. Yuna is capable of summoning dead spirits that take the form of Aeons and uses them in battle. Weiss, and other Schnees, can summon enemies that they have killed and have them aid in combat. Yuna’s summoning and Weiss’ also seem a lot more of a closer bond then say, Rydia or Eiko’s  were or the ones were summoning is just a job class.
Aerith’s Death- Pyrrha’s Death
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An extremely shocking and brutal death scene of a beloved female character that is used to spur the protagonists to action and kick start the larger segments of the story.
Sin-  Ancient Grimm
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Not a lot of similarities, other then they ‘shed‘ smaller enemies and are huge and capable of decimating cities if they want to.
Uncomfortable Laughing Scene
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Yeeeeeaaaah, those scenes are cringey. I took from it that Ruby was struggling to keep her composure at seeing something that reminded her of Pyrrha after watching her die and started to laugh obnoxiously to cover up her issues, similar to how Tidus had his uncomfortable laughing scene to cope with his own issues. Or maybe that Ruby scene was meant to be funny and bunny jackets are hilarious, who knows.
Auron- Qrow
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Red and gray color scheme, drunks, and a father figure to the main character, alongside using a similar weapon as the character they watch over.
Tifa- Yang
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A bare knuckle brawler who’s a childhood friend of the main protagonist, is the team mom, and objectively considered the ‘prettiest‘ character of the main cast. Both are also fans of butt capes, given Yang’s timeskip outfit and Tifa’s Advent Children outfit.
Kefka- Tyrian
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Now this one’s a bit of stretch and I really hope they don’t pull a Kefka with Tyrian late on in the story but here we go.
They’re both the insane right hand of the (apparent) big bad of the story, both have a flair for the dramatics (Tyrian’s theatrical behavior during his fight scene and well, just look at Kefka). Both also have an insane laugh and boy do they like to laugh.
Quistis- Glynda
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A blonde, glasses wearing combat instructor at a school for specialized mercenaries. Both wield a bdsm style weapon (whip/riding crop) and are proficient mages.
Zidane- Sun
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A blonde monkey man who breaks the law a lot, has a sunny personality, and fights alongside a dark haired princess.
Ruby- Iris
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Now I said I wasn’t going to bring up FF15 but this is a unique case. I think this is an instance of RWBY serving as inspiration for FF.
FF15 was in production between 2006-2016. Red Trailer came out in 2012, with Vol1 coming out in 2013. RWBY is very popular in Japan, and I don’t know if there is a way to learn when Iris was added to the game’s production.
Iris is the younger sister of the stronk fanservice character of the game, wears black and red, has a red hood, short black hair, is 15 years old, and grows up to be a famous Hunter; a daemon slayer after the time skip. She’s cheery and happy, and has an interest in mechanical things (her fascination with Lestallum and how it’s maintained). Iris is a hopeless romantic and fights with her fists.
Ruby is the younger sister of the stronk fanservice character of the show, wears black and red, has a red hood, short black hair, is 15 years old, and dreams of being a Huntress; a Grimm slayer. She’s happy and bubbly, and is mechanically inclined, alongside loving weaponry. Ruby doesn’t have an interest in romance and can’t fight without a weapon.
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Weiss literally uses a gunblade, and Raven has an odachi. But other then that, most of the weapons in RWBY line up more with Lightning’s style of weaponry in FF13; a melee weapon that transforms and can take a gun form and also collapse for easier storage.
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Both FF and RWBY thrive on amazing looking costumes that are hella impractical and use way too many belts for a rl person to wear. But damn do they not look amazing.
Both RWBY and (most) FF have a science fantasy setting, with continents that look really silly.
Both RWBY and FF love their hard rock and piano’s, and have amazing scores and soundtracks.
Fight Choreography
Saying Advent Children was a big influence on Monty would be an understatement. RWBY’s fight scenes are fast paced, hectic, and make gravity and the laws of physics its bitch. This is hard to explain in written format, so I’d recommend watching a fight scene from Advent Children and then compare it to one from RWBY to see what I mean.
Light v Dark Themes
Recurring theme in a lot of the older FF games, the forces of Light against the forces of Darkness. RWBY has the Light and Darkness Brother Gods myth, and they will most likely play a larger role in the future.
Party of Four
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FF games traditionally have 4 (or 3) party members and oh hey would you look at that, RWBY has 4 members. Iirc Monty also said he based the team’s fighting styles off of his preferred rpg team line up. (If anyone has figured out what class Ruby is, let me know ^^)
Strong female characters
I think it’d be easier to name FF female characters who aren’t strong in their own ways. And the entire premise of RWBY is four strong women living their lives and stopping evil, alongside the slew of other notable female characters in the show.
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The moon plays an important role in the stories of FF4 and FF8, and although the moon hasn’t done anything of plot importance, the fact it’s shown so frequently in scenes and is a prominent image in RWBY (alongside how its brought up space travel is still being developed in Remnant) I’m pretty sure it will play an important role in the future.
Parent Issues
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A lot of the characters in FF have really bad parents, parent issues, or are orphans. A lot of the important characters in RWBY have really terrible parents, and their issues with their parents playing a role in each member of Team RWBY’s personal storylines. Jecht and Tidus’ relationship being the most famous example from FF of a strained child-parent relationship, and given Yang’s obsession and hatred of Raven, it seems the most likely place of inspiration (alongside Raven and Jecht being antagonists and being involved in the Deeper Lore of their respective universes, and of being members of a team with the parents of one of the other main characters).
So yeah, those are my thoughts about all the stuff I‘ve noticed in RWBY that could have been inspired by Final Fantasy. Hope you enjoyed reading this ^^.
RWBY FF style poster done by digitaleva- https://digitaleva.deviantart.com/
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kawaiilizzie · 1 year
Trivia - Kaede and Ayaka Shinaki
@tokuteasings inspired me to write this while also revealing more about my characters (Something which was intended). Who better to start with the two holders of the Lobera alias, the Shinaki sisters?
Warnings: Spoilers for Saber and some sad stuff in-between honestly.
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Kaede Shinaki (Played by FRUITS ZIPPER’s Yui Sakurai)
Both her and Ayaka’s surname is read with the kanji meaning ‘Heart of Autumn’ (心秋) with the kanji for ‘heart’ (心) read as ‘shin’, befitting the naming theme of Sword of Logos members.
She’s an aspiring singer who took a waitress job at Magi Manga Cafe (マギマンガ喫茶, Magi Mangakissa) to save up to pursue her dream while making a living for herself as a college student. This is inspired by her actress Yui Sakurai, who is a highly experienced idol.
She was inspired to pursue a singing career when she met her favorite artist (Played by Airi Suzuki, who Yui admires) who served as a comfort source after her sister's death who gave her inspiring words that led her to that path.
A unicorn plushie (One of her favorite mythological creatures alongside the fairy) she owns was given to her as a child by Ayaka before her sacrifice. Kaede still keeps it to sleep with in the present day.
Aside from Shion, Tetsuo, and Sophia, the other SoL members didn’t know it was her in Lobera’s mantle as she was often in suit when she gets involved in battle. She reveals her identity in the betrayal arc when Touma and Yuri are getting their asses handed to them by both Yumeko and the lied to SoL Riders and so seeing no choice but to step in, Kaede joins in to help them escape.
She loves sweets. Cupcakes in particular are her favorite sweet treat, especially with strawberry frosting, sprinkles, and a cherry on top.
Cinderella is her favorite non-WRB fairytale with Little Red Riding Hood being her second favorite. While she wouldn’t call Snow White her favorite, she’s more neutral on it.
When it comes to her powers, she can use wind and water magic alongside ice. Sound is a less used one that Tetsuo taught her and Ayaka to expand their understanding of elemental magic, which the two both make use of along with the environment in battle. She can also siphon wind and water magic from other users to make into her own.
Can make different crystalline items and creatures which are ofc made of ice, but appear crystal-like. For civilian usage, she can create an unsharpened ice pencil to fiddle and do spin tricks with when bored. In combat, she can materialize entities that can be used to attack, like a giant polar bear or weapons like another sword for duel wielding should the situation call for her to try and mimic Ren's technique.
She owns a copy of Ayaka’s Sword of Logos outfit which Tetsuo had made. She starts wearing it when she goes into her one-on-one duel with him in the betrayal arc as if non-verbally saying to Tetsuo "Ayaka would've never wanted this, I'll bring you to your senses."
She doesn’t like seeing her friends suffer and is willing to help them even if they think all is lost. This along with her kindness and supportive nature has made her the heart of the team while she and Shion both value family, friends, and love above all else.
Ayaka Shinaki (Played by Tao Tsuchiya)
She joined the Sword of Logos shortly before Ryo did.
Kind and supportive are what best describe her personality.
She deeply values her family, something which the other Northern Base swordsmen respect her for.
Initially, the surviving Sword of Logos members didn’t want to tell Kaede and her parents what happened to Ayaka after her death, but Tetsuo, who Ayaka holds a deep bond with, told them any way with Sophia tagging along as Kaede views her as a second mother.
Was in her mid to late 20s at the time of her sacrifice.
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mangaredditdotcom · 4 years
Heroines Game.
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Alternative: ヒロインズゲーム
Description : Alice, a the leader of a popular idol group, finds herself lost in a dark evil forest. There, she meets 'Heroines' who battle to the death for their 'Happily Ever After'. Alice, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, what bloody tale will these girls tell...? #MangaReddit.com, #ReadFreeMangaOnline Read Free Manga Online at MangaReddit.com: https://mangareddit.com/p/heroines-game_1584396121.html
Read more.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Manga the Week of 3/7/18
SEAN: We continue to bring you Manga the Week of, despite the danger of last-minute announcements from Kodansha, despite the near-constant release date shifts from Yen Press. We are here for you, the reader.
Dark Horse has the 4th volume of that Psycho Pass prequel, Inspector Shinya Kogami.
Ghost Ship has a 2nd volume of Yokai Girls, which considering its genre I found better than expected.
It’s a J-Novel Club release bonanza next week. We get a 5th Arifureta, a 7th In Another World with My Smartphone, a 5th Infinite Dendrogram, and a 10th Invaders of the Rokujouma?!. Something for everyone.
Kodansha has some print novels next week. They’ve got a 2nd hardcover of their re-release of Battle Angel Alita in a Deluxe Edition. (No, she’s still not Gally. Why confuse readers now?) and a 4th volume of Frau Faust.
MICHELLE: Yay, Frau Faust!
ASH: Indeed! I know a lot of people who are very excited about the deluxe edition of Battle Angel Alita, too.
SEAN: There’s also ongoing digital series, with Ace of the Diamond 9, All-Rounder Meguru 6, Black Panther and Sweet 16 7, Drifting Dragons 3, and Pumpkin Scissors 19.
MICHELLE: I do so love Ace of the Diamond.
SEAN: Seven Seas gives us 3rd volumes of more interesting than I expected Beasts of Abigaile, and less interesting than I expected Red Riding Hood and the Big Sad Wolf (this may be the final volume of the latter).
Vertical has a 10th Devils’ Line.
And the rest is Viz, I’d normally say, but we do have some Yen holdouts at the end. For Viz, though, there’s lots of fun stuff.
On the shonen front, we have Astra: Lost in Space 2, Bleach 72, Boruto 3, Haikyu!! 21, Hunter x Hunter 34 (yes, it still exists), One Piece’s 23rd 3-in-1, One-Punch Man 13, And Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V 3, which is still a very awkward title.
MICHELLE: I’ve missed One-Punch Man.
ASH: I’m probably most excited for more One-Punch Man and Haikyu!!.
ANNA: Haikyu!! is a favorite in my household, and I need to get caught up on One-Punch Man.
SEAN: Seinen debuts! Kaguya-sama: Love is War (Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai – Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen) is a Weekly Young Jump comedy/drama about two student council members who have fallen for each other but are determined NOT to be the first to admit it. I am looking forward to this one a lot.
Ongoing shoujo series include Anonymous Noise 7, Bloody Mary 10 (another final volume, I believe), The Demon Prince of Momochi House 11, Queen’s Quality 3, and Skip Beat! 40. (Is Skip Beat North America’s longest shoujo manga by now?)
MICHELLE: Yes, it has surpassed Boys Over Flowers, which had 37.
ASH: Lots of great shoujo coming out next week! I have some catching up to do.
ANNA: Very excited for shoujo!!!!
SEAN: Shoujo debuts! The Young Master’s Revenge (Kimi no Koto nado Zettai ni) is a LaLa series by Meca Tanaka, author of Meteor Prince and the “whoops, schoolteacher romance, can’t license this” series Faster Than a Kiss. A young man had a childhood where he was run ragged by his childhood friend. He’s now back to take revenge on her… but are things still the same?
MICHELLE: And a couple of older series like Omukae desu. and Pearl Pink. I haven’t read those yet, but I did enjoy Meteor Prince.
ANNA: I have Pearl Pink stockpiled somewhere in my house, but haven’t read it yet. Am looking forward to this series.
SEAN: We also have some Yen runoff from February… in fact, we’ll be having that all month. BTOOOM! is up to Vol. 20. Sigh. Dimension W is at 9, there’s a 7th Today’s Cerberus, and a 12th Trinity Seven.
Yen’s debut next week is Tales of Wedding Rings, which has already been running digitally on Crunchyroll. It appears to be a standard high school romance, but isn’t. Think fantasy with lots of fanservice. It runs in Big Gangan, so falls under seinen.
March is coming in like a lion! (though alas, March Comes in Like a Lion remains unlicensed). What are you getting?
By: Sean Gaffney
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through-a-blackhole · 7 years
fairy tail top 5 ships:
i had been in love with fairy tail for about six years now, and i had grown to love the characters, the world itself. i just wanted my first tumblr post to be about these ten cinnamon rolls:
5. gray and juvia
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i was actually not too crazy about this ship, but i do believe that they go well together. gray is a character who’s tsundere and never needs to rely on anyone. juvia is a sweet emotional girl and i think she is just what gray needs to break down that icy exterior he made for himself. i think that gray is learning to rely on her a little while still remaining independent. also, juvia is what gray needs: someone patient enough and flexible to his whims. my favorite scene of theirs is when juvia knitted gray a scarf on their 413th day together and gray brushed her aside at one point, but still used the scarf anyway.
4. gajeel and levy
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these two are obviously cute. i love how quickly levy forgave gajeel and how gajeel learned to trust levy. it’s like the big bad wolf protecting red riding hood. levy’s the only one emotionally strong enough to handle gajeel’s temper tantrums and he’s the only one who can get under levy’s skin. my favorite part is in the manga when gajeel told one of the spriggan 12 that he’d “follow him to the underworld” if they even thought of hurting levy. 
3. jellal and erza
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for me, these two have the most depth of all the couples. their relationship is a tad more mature even whilst dramatic and full of angst. i love the fact that jellal gave erza her last name and how erza always believed in jellal. both have strong personalities but i can imagine jellal looking on in amusement as erza wreaks havoc around the guild. i like how jellal is probably the only one who ever took erza’s heart and vice versa. my favorite (and most hated part!) was when jellal told erza he was engaged and erza trying to laugh it off that, yeah, it has been 7 years of course he would have fallen in love with someone else. but really, jellal just felt he wasn’t enough for erza and had to redeem himself first. 
2. zeref and mavis
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let’s be real. these two go together in the best possible way. both are sweet, both cinnamon rolls and both great in magic. but the fact that it was zeref who taught mavis magic at her request, kinda sealed the deal for me. i just thought of zeref being lonely for more or less 300 years and used to being shun away by people and yet there’s this little wisp of a girl who brings him illusion animals because she wants him to feel happy. mavis is the first one to actually identify zeref’s curse. i can imagine zeref being all shy and sweet with mavis being an energetic kid running around the place. but when someone dares to threaten mavis, he’d probably finish them off without batting an eye. my favorite part of them both is when they finally got together when the curse took both of their lives. i love how they’d probably be having adventures in the afterlife. 
1. natsu and lucy
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need i explain more? here are the basics, what people keep hearing: he first brought her to the guild. that was just the start. people always remember natsu catching lucy and saving her like the dragon saving the pretty princess. lucy also saved natsu countless of times. i love how no one can seem to calm down natsu except lucy. a touch from her keeps him from attacking the enemy. these dorks also have the strongest bond in the guild. natsu also keeps more mementos of lucy than mementos with erza or gray or happy. my favorite part is when after they battled a shit ton of enemies and coming out victorious, lucy just hugs him from the back. and he asks, “what’s the matter lucy?” like, was she okay or was she feeling lonely because of course he would be ready to make her smile. the entire series is lowkey about them.
-a princess and a dragon -an angel and a demon -a writer and a book
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megareviews · 5 years
Winter 2019 1st Episode Impressions
Back again after Issues prevented me from doing these 1st impressions last year. New year new me new season, let’s try to get all four seasons reviewed in a timely manner.
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3D Kanojo: Real Girl 2: I would prefer less self-insert otaku protagonist romances in general, which includes those shows getting multiple seasons.
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Ameiro Cocoa sideG: I don’t know how a show that’s entire 1st season was 30 minutes long could bore me so I don’t expect them to retain me as a watcher for 5 seasons.
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B-PROJECT: Zecchou*Emotion: The second season of what looks like male idols, so… hard pass.
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BanG Dream! 2nd Season: When I get fully into idol anime, this will be near the top of the watchlist. I’ve seen the scenes from the first season and this one and there is a big upgrade in quality, not that it was particularly difficult given the rough 1st season.
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Bermuda Triangle: Colorful Pastrale: As far as I can tell this is a mermaid slice-of-life anime with characters based off of the card game Cardfight!! Vanguard. I’m interested as far as most shows are not about the supernatural creatures that are mermaids, but there isn’t really anything else that’s pulling me in as of the first episode.
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Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019) (Boogiepop and Others (2019) / Boogiepop Never Laughs (2019)): I cheated on this one and watched two episodes before writing this, because the first two episodes premiered at the same time. Good thing I did because episode two explains pretty much everything that was barely set up in episode one. One threw a bunch of names and story bits at the viewer between romantic rooftop chats between the titular character Boogiepop and some guy. Two showed the viewer everything that Boogiepop was vaguely describing and introduced us to the main spookies of the show. Overall the animation felt stiff and generally revealed actions of characters rather than showing them, though the few supernatural events peppered in looked relatively nice. The concept is the only thing keeping my attention on it for the time being, but that’s a weak lifeline.
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Circlet Princess: When I saw VR e-sport in the description, I was excited, but if the sport doesn’t progress beyond the 1v1 duel that was showcased in the first episode, they I probably won’t care. The show starts out by accidentally introducing the main character to a new sport by fighting an ace in it, and then progresses to her transferring to the school where the sport originated from, only to find out that the school no longer has a club for the sport. From this I’m going to guess that the show will just be her struggles to revive the game at the new school with friends she’ll make and train for a rematch against the ace, since their first bout ended in a tie.
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Date a Live III: As somebody who’s watched all the previous material for this show (two seasons, two OVAs, and a movie), I was surprised at how good the second half of this episode was. The first half was a fairly normal slice of life x harem hot pot scene to reintroduce the main cast minus my favorite character. After that came the introduction of the newest addition to the growing list of enemies that will eventually join the harem, codenamed Witch. Her main abilities seem to be transformational powers, changing her enemies weapons into much less lethal objects and disguising herself. After the main guy accidentally angers her, she decides to use these powers to ruin his life, which I won’t spoil because that’s the best part of the episode. Overall, I can’t really recommend this series but if you’ve made it to season two, the art style might be different… again, but keep going.
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Dimension High School: There are many shows that I struggle to fully classify as anime, and this one is probably one of the oddest, as about half of the show is live action, with 3D CG for the other half. The premise is very simple: solve the puzzles of the sphinx or lose what’s the most precious to you. If the main cast was more interesting or if it wasn’t trying to be purely comedy, this could be a fun show to watch, but there’s just a lot going on that doesn’t really work well together
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Domestic na Kanojo (Domestic Girlfriend): Another show with a premise that theoretically could be interesting, but I am fairly certain is just going to be pseudo-incest garbage. So we got a main character who has a one night stand with a girl he meets at a mixer, and then it turns out that his father is getting re-married and the girl becomes his new step-sister. I think there is some promise in this as a concept, as that is just supremely unlucky and not really anybody’s fault for how awkward that is, but the key visual and title of the show looks like it’s going to be a romance after these high school kids become family. Oh yeah in addition the main character has a crush on his teacher at school who becomes his other step-sister due to the re-marriage.
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Dororo: A modern adaption of an old manga (by Osamu Tezuka) about a child trying to get back the pieces of his body that his father traded away to demons in exchange for successful leadership of the lands he lived in. The first episode was pretty introductory to the main character, who hasn’t been named yet, and the titular Dororo, a very young but talented thief. The action has been pretty cool so far, and the full body prosthetics of the other main character are a nice touch, though I’m not sure how that will continue as he defeats the demons to reclaim his body.
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Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue (My Roommate is a Cat / Sometime, Your Roomate is on Your Head): An eccentric writer who works as alone as possible because other people are just too loud, while visiting the grave of his parents and finds a cat that inspires his new work. At first he loves this cat for being so inspirational, but ends up getting annoyed with having to balance taking care of it while writing his book. From his perspective it’s a bit of a boring story with a goofy twist at the end, but then when we watch the same events narrated from the cat’s perspective, it’s quite a bit more interesting. Only somebody who really likes cats, or this cat in particular, could make it through this whole show, as I’m expecting ~50% of it to be a slog to get through.
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Egao no Daika (The Price of Smiles): We’ve got a princess who’s just turned old enough to start taking on more of her kingdom’s duties and the people supporting her in different divisions. While she just wants to put a smile on everybody in the entire world’s face, that’s a tough job for a space 12-year old to do. That’s the plot from the first half of the episode, while the second half is a decent mech battle between some new additions to the kingdom’s defense force, and the ace of the force, who happens to be a childhood friend of the princess. There’s a lot of places that this show could end up going, so I’ll be sticking with it for at least a little while.
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Endro!: So, the heroes defeat the demon lord, the credits roll, and wait hold on there’s still another 17 minutes left in the episode. We’re suddenly back in adventure school teaching the heroes how to be proper adventurers, and the new teacher for their class is… the demon lord? The demon lord got sent back in time and now tries to stop the heroes from becoming strong enough to beat them in the future, and fails so much that they end up advancing the heroes’ progress. I can only describe the artstyle as saccharine, which is the main thing holding me back from watching it in season, but if you can stomach it this looks like a fun show.
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Fukigen na Mononokean Tsuzuki (The Morose Mononokean Continued): Season two of something that I didn’t find interesting.
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Girly Air Force: Two childhood friends escape Shanghai due to alien attacks that are mainly focused in China, only to have the ship they’re fleeing on be attacked by aliens. Like most media with alien invasions, standard military force is useless against them, but Japan has the secret weapon to deal with them. There’s a squadron of planes piloted by artificial humans programmed to overcome the technological advantages the aliens have, which happen to be based near the protagonist. He apparently is a stabilizing factor for the artificial humans, who are all female by the way, and gets recruited into this secret branch of the Japanese air force as a support unit. Based on the first episode, I bet this is going to be a harem with the pilots, or at least a bad romance, which I’d rather not spend time finding out if I’m right.
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Gotoubun no Hanayome (The Five Wedded Brides / The Quintessential Quintuplets): When a poor genius meets a family of rich, nearly failing, quintuplets, that sounds like a win-win situation, except the guy manages to get on the bad side of four of them before realizing that they were who he needed to tutor. It’s also framed as a flashback for this guy’s wedding with one of the five, so it can’t be a harem… right? So far it’s pretty lighthearted and I can get behind a guy who orders a yakiniku set minus the yakiniku because it’s the most cost effective item on the menu.
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Grimms Notes The Animation: In a world where everybody’s fate is written down on an individual book and there are many worlds based off of fairy tales, there also exists beings known as “Chaos Tellers”, who seek to destroy these worlds by rewriting people’s fates. Fighting to keep the stories intact are a group of people whose books of fate are blank and can take on the forms of famous story figures. The first episode shows an example of this fight through the story of Red Riding Hood and has a unique take on fate by framing it through these fairy tales.
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Hulaing Babies: If you thought this show was about babies doing hula, you’d be 50% right. It’s about high school girls trying to make a hula club, and other than that all I can really say at this point is the art is uniquely soft and springy, so I’d recommend checking it out purely for that at this point.
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Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen (Kaguya Wants to be Confessed To: The Geniuses’ War of Love and Brains / Kaguya-sama: Love is War): Instead of having one character that’s too embarrassed to confess to the other for a rom-com, this show is about both characters too proud to do so. The show is incredibly dramatic for the characters bouts of wit to try and force each other to confess first, while being incredibly oblivious to each other’s and even their own feelings. In addition to following the thought processes of the main characters, there’s the narrator who sounds like he should be in a shounen battle anime rather than a rom-com, but he fits in perfectly with the ridiculous tone of the show.
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Kakegurui xx (Gambling Addiction xx): Horny gambling is back for a second season, and guess what, everyone’s still horny and gambling. This season reminds you of this with an advanced game of chicken, which includes a finger guillotine and the opponent betting on the fact that the protagonist has the ability to feel fear, which the viewers show know by now, she does not.
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Kemono Friends 2: After the director was fired during the success of the first season, the second season feels lackluster compared to the previous one. If you liked season one, check out Kemurikusa right below this for where the animation studio and director for this went.
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Kemurikusa: A post-apocalyptic survival of a group of siblings living on a chain of islands and fighting against “Red Bugs” who appear from “Red Mist”. They all have some form of supernatural power, but struggle to find enough resources to live, and while gathering water from a lake, they run into a human who ends up being able to sense the Red Bugs. It’s done by the people who formerly made Kemono Friends, and it definitely looks similar, but the genre is quite a bit different, so try it if you like the genre or the staff, you might find something that broadens your horizons.
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Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai (The Kotobuki Squadron in the Wilderness): Once you get past the weird way that some characters are 2D and others are 3D, this is a great show. It’s about a squadron of pilots fighting to protect a cargo blimp, and the fighting scenes that take up a good chunk of the first episode are amazing. Even watching on a pretty small screen, it felt like you were actually flying around in a plane with how the camera was used, and while I’d assume there’s not usually music playing during a dog fight, it was never obtrusive and sounded right for how it was used.
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Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka (Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka): After a large war against creepy stuffed animal aliens, the five out of eight surviving magical girls return to dealing with humanity, as their enemies are no more. We follow one who swore to quit being a magical girl at the end of the war and is just trying to reintegrate into society. This is an issue due to the PTSD she suffers from, her former superior officer trying to recruit her to training future magical girls, and outbreaks of terrorism in Japan. My enjoyability of this show will be determined by if they go down the “help soothe the girl who fought wars in middle school’s PTSD” path which would be great or “Maybe the real evil in the world is humanity” path, which would be… less great.
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Manaria Friends: Cygames is bringing back it’s Rage of Bahamut characters for one more anime, which I’m up for. It looks like a slice of life in a girl’s academy, and that’s about all I got from the first episode. It’s got a dragon girl as a main character (yeah it’s Grea), so I’m willing to see if there is any sort of a plot, or if it’s just gals being pals.
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Mannaka no Rikkun (Rikkun in the Middle): Well… this show was supposed to have aired by now, but I can’t find any traces of it on the internet.
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Meiji Tokyo Renka: I knew from approximately 3 seconds in that this was adapted from an otome game, and just kept going. Our main character has ~2 personality traits which was more than I expected given the source, a love of roast beef, and depression stemming from the lack of interaction with other humans since her friends found out she could talk to ghosts in elementary school. After the setup of those traits, she gets transported to the Meiji era by a hot dude magician, nearly gets run over by a carriage containing two hot dudes, and then goes to a party with roast beef and more hot dudes. Oh yeah and the main character and hot dudes can see the ghosts that the main character has been talking to since she was a child.
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Mini Toji (Mini Katana Maidens): A series of shorts for people who liked the character designs from Toji no Miko, but couldn’t get into the story/fights/CG. Shows the off time of the characters and helps develop some others who didn’t get as much screen time in the main series.
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Mob Psycho 100 II: A good episode to get back into the Mob Psycho 100 flow, showing how Mob uses his powers with people and against spirits, brings back some characters the viewers might have forgotten about, and revealing at least one interesting secret.
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Pastel Memories: A slice of life-looking show that morphed into a steampunk action show in the last two minutes. After the shutdown of the manga and anime industries, Akihabara becomes a normal city, with only vestiges of the otaku hub it once was remaining. The first episode introduces us to the cast of characters working at a café with daily customers in the single digits, and a request in their guestbook to read a certain series. This prompts a search of the entire district to find all the volumes from the last bookstores open. There’s a whole swath of character archetypes showcased and a couple of motifs that seem odd, at least until the genre shifts right at the end to how some enemy is destroying the existence of the same series that the cast worked so hard to gather.
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Piano no Mori 2 (Forest of the Piano 2): I’m not suffering through ugly CG fingers and hair for whatever the story here might be, I’ll get the story from a printed form instead.
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Revisions: During a kidnapping incident in elementary school, the protagonist and his friends are told that they will be the people to save the world in the future by a mysterious hooded figure who helped them. Since then the protagonist is the only one in his group to still believe in those words, and lives in a battle ready state all the time, only for their school to be teleported into the future with a giant robotic being to terrorize, capture, and / or kill the students and teachers. Helpless to save the people he cares about, the hooded figure shows up again, without memories of the protagonist’s group, but still offers the protagonist a secret weapon because she recognizes his name. It’s all in CG, but it’s a mech show so it actually looks decent, and those last facts are probably the deciding factors in whether a person should watch this show.
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Rinshi!! Ekoda-chan: A short about a poor girl living in the city and working multiple jobs to make ends meet? The episode is 23 minutes long like a TV-length show, but most of it is an interview with the director and voice actor for Ekoda, because it changes with every episode. Kind of an odd way of doing it, but if you enjoy the ‘behind the scenes’ of other movies and shows, this show packs that in the main show, otherwise you can just watch the first couple of minutes for the animated story part of it.
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Star☆Twinkle Precure: Pretty Cure is a monster of a series that I may or may not ever watch any of.
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Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (The Rising of the Shield Hero): With a double length first episode, a lot happens, and a lot of red flags are raised for me. I’ll try to keep the length of this similar to others by streamlining what occurs which is: four heroes are summoned from different realities to save a kingdom from invaders, each with their own legendary relic, three of which are weapons, and our main character gets a shield. Due to him not playing a game in his world that function like this world, and the lack of being able to wield a weapon, nobody joins him except one lady who dumps a fake rape accusation on him while stealing his stuff, causing him to lose trust in others, and leads to him buying a 10-year old demi-human slave. There’s just so much reasoning that’s either damaging to real people or downright nonsensical to fuel this guy’s persecution that I can’t reasonably find a way to enjoy this.
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Ueno-san wa Bukiyou (How Clumsy You Are, Miss Ueno): Starring a super genius middle school inventor trying to confess to her crush through “testing her inventions” with him during science club meetings. Unfortunately he is incredibly dense and when given the opportunity of (arguably) most boy’s dreams, he gives reactions of either confusion or scientific boredom. The tests as of episode one are somewhat perverted and since they’re middle schoolers, so I generally don’t feel too comfortable watching them.
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Virtual-san wa Miteiru (Watching Virtual-san / Virtualsan – Looking): A show featuring a large cast of Virtual YouTubers (VTubers) which is executed as a large series of shorts like episodes from their respective channels. For some of the more knowledgeable about VTubers, the main cast are some of the more popular characters, while missing two of the most popular, Kizuna Ai and Kaguya Luna. The animation and art quality vary rapidly between the signature styles of various VTubers, and overall it feels like watching a bunch of hyperactive kids interact. They do promote lesser known characters, in sections where they give brief introductions and ask for viewers to send in their own characters to promote.
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W’z: It’s listed as a sequel to Hand Shakers, which I found an odd premise with clashing art between great 2D are and hideous 3DCG.
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Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! (An Angel Flew Down to Me!): A show that was relatable for about a minute before becoming creepy for the rest of the show. It’s about a shy, cosplay crafting college girl who… falls in love at first sight with her 5th grade sister’s friend. I thought UzaMaid last season was a creepy enough show starring a pedophile, but somehow we’re already on another level of creepy. It almost alleviated the main issue I had with UzaMaid (College student with an elementary schooler is still illegal, but closer in age than an ex-airforce pilot) but introduced quite a few problems, such as bribing the target with sweets to wear certain clothes and take pictures in them, and the target agreeing to come back as long as she gets more sweets, since they’re homemade by the college girl.
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Yakusoku no Neverland (The Promised Neverland): The other of the two shows that I’ve read the source material for, and as of episode one it looks like it will be a great adaption of the original. The story takes place in an orphanage where the kids train their minds by constant testing, and their bodies by playing tag in the forests. There’s a decent amount of spoilable plot that goes on other than that so I’ll just leave a recommendation to watch. The music and shot composition just often enough hint at the viewers that something is wrong before the big reveal at the end of the episode.
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