#battle of myton
scotianostra · 9 months
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On December 25th in the year 1319 a two year truce between Scotland and England began.
This little known peace treaty is often overlooked, probably due to the Bruce’s government issuing the Declaration of Arbroath the following year.
After Bannockburn King Edward II of England never forgot his humiliation, and he threatened war against Scotland. The Bruce got there first, raiding south as far as York in a bid to capture prisoners to be held for ransom. Edward also had his troubles at home with a trebellion.
The King was also talking to some of the great Northern lords and it looked as if they would do a separate deal with the Bruce to stop him destroying their land. Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, was one of the rebel barons but paid for it with his life after the Battle of Boroughbridge was won by forces loyal to Edward.
Encouraged by ending the civil war in England, Edward came north with a great army, but Bruce deployed the same tactics he had used prior to Bannockburn, destroying anything that could be of use to the English, who were forced to retreat when famine and disease broke out.
In September 1319 The Bruce won a decisive battle at Myton in Yorkshire
Earlier that year Edward II had moved an army North and laid siege to Berwick in an attempt to recapture it from the Scots. In response the army of several thousand Scots, commanded by the Earl of Moray and the Good Sir James Douglas, bypassed the Northern town and marched through the north of England torching all in their path. Their secret objective lay in Edward’s court at York; where they hoped to abduct Edward II’s wife, the 21 year old Queen, Isabella. On September 20th 1319 they neared York and The Battle of Myton ensued.
The outcome of this unequal contest was never in doubt. Formed up according to their custom in a single division, the Scots uttered together a tremendous shout to terrify the English, the Highland charge began racing towards the men from York, who straightaway began to take to their heels at the sound.
The York contingent was an odd mixture of men thrown together to meet the emergency, including priests and monks losses were reported of 3,000, among them Nicholas Flemyng the city mayor.
For Edward II, already at odds with many English nobles, it was another disaster. Meanwhile the victorious Scottish army retreated back across the border into Scotland carrying their ill-gotten gains and prisoners.
Afterwards Edward was forced to raise the siege of Berwick and ultimately agreed to a two year truce.
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lebaronlordking · 2 years
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Saturday Afternoon Reggae Show DJ LeBaron Lord King March 12, 2023 [email protected] kpoo.com
4:00 PM E.N Young - Raggamuffin 4:03 PM Inna Vision - Bad 4:05 PM Jimmy Cliff - Children 4:09 PM Cham - Ghetto Story 4:12 PM Tony Rebel - Jah Is By My Side 4:16 PM Eek A Mouse - African Children 4:19 PM Gosso D Thunder - Tyrants 4:22 PM Marcus Gad - Ready for Battle 4:26 PM Culture - No Night 4:31 PM Cedric Myton - Rat Trap 4:35 PM Yaadcore - Ghetto Youths 4:39 PM Steel Pulse - Prodigal Son 4:44 PM Black Uhuru - Soul Ska 4:48 PM The Wailers - Jah Is Mighty 4:50 PM Willie Williams - Armageddon Time 4:53 PM Earl Sixteen - Find A Way 4:57 PM Ras Kidus - Where Is Jah Love 5:01 PM Kabaka Pyramid - Mr. Rastaman 5:04 PM Damian Marley - Welcome To Jamrock 5:08 PM Protoje - Late at Night 5:11 PM Stranjah Miller - Ruffa Than Dem 5:15 PM Khalia - Time 5:18 PM Christopher Ellis - Rub a Dub 5:22 PM Sevana - Blessed 5:25 PM Junior Kelly - Paradise 5:30 PM Damian Marley - Living It Up 5:34 PM Reggaeville - Settle Down 5:37 PM Alborosie - Natural Mystic 5:42 PM Junior Delgado - Sons Of Slaves 5:48 PM The Wailers - Buffalo Soldier 5:53 PM Chronixx - Skankin' Sweet 5:57 PM J Boog - Nuh Wan Dat 6:01 PM Luciano - No Night In Zion 6:05 PM Luciano - It's Me Again Jah 6:12 PM Dezarie - Not One Penny 6:16 PM Barrington Levy - Murderer 6:20 PM Samory I - Son Of David 6:24 PM The Wailers - I Shot The Sheriff 6:29 PM Pasnbesa - Rhythm of Life 6:33 PM Culture - Why Am I A Rastaman? 6:38 PM Matisyahu - Sunshine 6:41 PM Buju Banton - Driver A 6:44 PM Shaggy - Mad Mad World 6:48 PM Popcaan - Next To Me 6:55 PM Sonjah AKA Royalty - Ganja
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 #oakland #bayarea #california #jamaica #america 
#reggaeville2022 #mylifeisreggae #kpoo #kpop 
#californiaroots #worldareggae
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bantarleton · 3 years
The Battle of Myton - Veteran Scots vs English Priests
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The year was 1319, and Scotland’s Wars of Independence were going well for the northern kingdom. A famous victory over the English at Bannockburn five years earlier had cemented the rule of Robert I (Robert the Bruce) and left England on the brink of civil war. 
In 1318 the Scots reinforced their success by capturing the vital border town of Berwick. After five years of raids into the north of England, the fall of the heavily fortified town spurred Edward II and his barons into retaliatory action. Along with his queen, Isabella, he mustered the host and marched north, laying siege to Berwick while the queen remained in York. 
Despite investing Berwick by land and sea, the Scots resisted, led by Walter Stewart, the High Steward of Scotland. King Robert wished to lift the siege, but knew that engaging Edward’s larger army in a pitched battle would be unwise. Consequently, he dispatched a raiding force led by his foremost lieutenant, the Black Douglas, into Yorkshire, hoping to draw Edward’s attention away from Berwick.
The Scots seemingly had news of the queen's whereabouts, and the rumour soon spread that one of the aims of their raid was to take her captive. As they advanced towards York, she was hurriedly taken out of the city by water, finally gaining refuge further south in Nottingham. Yorkshire itself was virtually undefended and the raiders had an uninterrupted passage from place to place. William Melton, the Archbishop of York, set about mustering an army, which included a large number of men in holy orders. While the force was led by some men of standing, including John Hotham, Chancellor of England, and Nicholas Fleming, Mayor of York, it had very few men-at-arms or professional fighting men.[5] From the gates of York, Melton's host marched out to face the battle-hardened schiltrons, some 3 miles (5 km) east of Boroughbridge, where the rivers Swale and Ure meet at Myton. The outcome is described in the Brut or the Chronicles of England, the fullest contemporary source for the battle;
The Scots went over the water of Solway...and come into England, and robbed and destroyed all they might and spared no manner of thing until they come to York. And when the Englishmen at last heard of this thing, all that might travel-as well as monks and priests and friars and canons and seculars-come and meet with the Scots at Myton-on-Swale, the 12th day of October. Alas! What sorrow for the English husbandmen that knew nothing of war, they were quelled and drenched in the River Swale. And their holinesses, Sir William Melton, Archbishop of York, and the Abbot of Selby and their steeds, fled, and come to York. And that was their own folly that they had mischance, for they passed the water of Swale; and the Scots set fire to three stacks of hay; and the smoke of the fire was so huge that the Englishmen might not see the Scots. And when the Englishmen were gone over the water, so come the Scots with their wings in manner of a shield, and come toward the Englishmen in a rush; and the Englishmen fled, for they lacked any men of arms...and the Scots hobelars went between the bridge and the Englishmen. And when the great host had them met, the Englishmen almost all were slain. And he that might wend over the water was saved; but many were drenched. Alas, for sorrow! for there was slain many men of religion, and seculars, and also priests and clerks; and with much sorrow the Archbishop escaped; and therefore the Scots called it 'the White Battle'...
Many men were pressed into service who were not trained soldiers, including those who were monks and choristers from the cathedral in York. As so many clerics were slain in the encounter, it also became known as the 'Chapter of Myton'. Barbour gives the English loss as 1,000 killed, including 300 priests, but the contemporary English Lanercost Chronicle says that 4,000 Englishmen were killed by the Scots, while another 1,000 were drowned in the River Swale. Nicholas Fleming was among those killed.
The Chapter of Myton had the effect that Bruce was looking for. At Berwick it caused a serious split in the army between those like the king and the southerners, who wished to continue the siege, and those like Lancaster and the northerners, who were anxious about their homes and property. Edward's army effectively split apart: Lancaster refused to remain and the siege had to be abandoned.
The campaign had been another fiasco, leaving England more divided than ever. It was widely rumoured that Lancaster was guilty of treason, as the raiders appeared to exempt his lands from destruction. Hugh Despenser, the king's new favourite, even alleged that it was Lancaster who had told the Scots of the queen's presence in York. To make matters worse, no sooner had the royal army disbanded than Douglas came back over the border and carried out a destructive raid into Cumberland and Westmorland. Edward had little choice but to ask Robert for a truce, which was granted shortly before Christmas.
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jackhkeynes · 5 years
14th Janver
“Perhaps we should have sent for a Kentish witness! They might learn the subtle craft of ending the wars they start.”
- origin unknown; popularly attributed to General Guillen daus Santz on the eve of the Battle of Margès, 1501
For example, Thieves’ Script was a simple replacement code used to convey secret messages between Mercian forces in the final years of the Wars of Fealty. It is said to have been adapted from similar systems used by gangs of housebreakers in Nottingham, though how such systems came to the attention of King Andrew’s court is unclear. It worked by converting each letter into a sequence of three symbols, and is a very early forerunner to codes like steeplescript [1] or even modern one-zeffre encoding [2].
- Hommes en Noir; une Histoire d’Espionnage by Agathe Bisset, published by Éditions de l’Université à Paris, 2003
F: (Wars of) Fealty
It is unfortunately characteristic of the nations of Albion that, just as the opportunities afforded by the Novamundine [3] landfall were becoming apparent to leaders across Europe, we devoted almost fifty years to battle over the location of a single chair…
- The Alphabetical Albion by Lucas Osborne et al., published by Winchester Scholastic Primers, 1920
14th Sep: Arrived at Brest. Storm inland delayed delivery of beef so departed several hours behind schedule.
18th Sep: Did not make port at Bournemouth. Cannonfire and conflagration even in the harbour. Will resupply instead at Honeflower.
- logbook 1492 for the myton [4] “São Tomé”, en route from Port Calè to Damvath.
[1] codes similar to Morse code, for example; used in telegraphy.
[2] binary and digital encoding, such as ASCII or Unicode.
[3] of the New World; American.
[4] a type of merchant ship in wide use during the late fifteenth century.
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vampyjoong · 7 years
Remember Me for Centuries
Awwww, what about a Jeonghan where they age until they’re 18 years and stop aging after that. And then they only start aging again once meeting their soulmate, so that they age together
yeeee bb i love ageing aus
2.7k words unedited i feel like asking someone to be a proofreader would be good but fuck it
you can’t quite remember when you stopped ageing
you can’t even remember the century you were born in
in a world full of children, you were the grandmother
the furthest back memory you could recall was The Battle of Myton
you had no real cause to join the battle, all you wanted to do was join the fight for the thrill
through the years you’d regained the skills you’d learned, such as blacksmithing and sword work
these skills were rendered useless in the last century but they were still something useful to know
you’d travelled the world before the invention of planes and motor boats
you knew languages still in use and those that had died out
you knew the regional dialects as well as the common dialects
your original accent, whatever it was, had faded out long ago to a neutral tone
you had gained friends and lost them in the most tragic ways
your family line had long since died out, with you being the only remaining ember after your great great great niece dying before she could wed
you were a walking relic, the only one of your kind that you had met, and you weren’t sure when you would ever meet another
with the lack of ageing, other processes faded out
your hair hadn’t grown a millimetre since your 18th, and your skin was still glowing, albeit cold and still
you’d forgotten what it was like to be warm and loved
sounds dramatic, is less so
however life wasn’t all pain and suffering
you’d been around for a lot of good things as well
you’d been around for the berlin wall coming down
and for the legalisation of gay marriage in all the countries that had allowed it 
and you had been in the crowd for Barak Obama being selected as the president of the US
you had journals detailing your life
you’d started them from your 18th and had continued till this day
they had started in a language consisting of extra letters and runes, but now you just used whatever language came to mind
whenever you forgot a word in one language, you just wrote down whatever language you could remember it in
your thoughts mustve been very confusing to a mind reader, you thought in different languages for each sentence, and sometimes for each word
your handwriting, although you had centuries to perfect it, had stayed a scribbling mess
you looked through them when you had a week to spare
your passport was confusing to most
but you didn’t mind
after all you got to meet so many people and see so many people
you liked to make it your mission to try and find your friends reincarnated into there next lives
sometimes they had the same face
sometimes the same personality or name
but you always found them which made losing them a little less painful
you’d become the fairytale to many
once there was a rumour that you were jack the ripper
how foolish that was of them to assume
of course you weren’t, you were the one following him every night
the skirts made it difficult but a lady had to travel in styyyyle
you’d moved for the past 20 years before settling in south korea for some jazz
of course you preferred to live somewhere where you fitted in but you liked the culture
you had a line of contacts made over the years of people who could get you things like a good house and good jobs
also known as the internet
god bless wifi
when living there, you also made an actual contact 
a shaman who could find peoples reincarnations if you had one of their belongings and could tell you their new name and where they were born
very handy person to have around, and of course you became friends with her
she was very young, only in her early teens when you first met her, and she helped you when you needed to find some friends passed 
when your friend Moon LuiHua passed, you went to the shaman to see if then knew who they would be born again as
their name would be Xu Minghao, born and raised in china, but they would find you at some point in korea
well that was a load off, you liked your apartment and didn’t want to move
things weren’t so bad on the other side thankfully
jeonghan had only been around for a century, and had stayed close to his family the whole way down
his great great nephew knew him as old uncle jeonghan
absolutely adorable
he took life as it came, and knew that one day he would find you
he had heard about a shaman that could find people in the stages of reincarnation and who they would be born as again, but he decided against it
he decided that if their friendship was true, they would find him again
good logic there bb
he travelled for a while before deciding to stay in korea where his family were 
sometimes he felt a little alone in the world because everyone else was fleeting but he was staying the exact same as he had done the past god knows how many years
he tried to avoid getting too close to people but when he met someone someone called Joshua in 2013, he became close friends quickly
and when jeonghan got a job at a local restaurant and met someone called seungcheol, they became close friends as well
slowly, friends of friends became best friends
jeonghan knew that eventually he would regret becoming such good friends with them but for now, he would enjoy the company
for anyone that payed attention to my breakdown, here is where it reverted to every time :)
it was when chans 19th rolled around that he felt so so old but so young at the same time
because in the blink of an eye it would be chans 89th birthday and he would be the same as before, just more lonely
it wasn’t until minghao came home and announced that he’d met another immortal that he started to feel hope
you had gotten a cat 10 years ago and my god was she fussy
her name was Li and you had found her while looking for pets
you’d heard that some animals could be immortal, until they found and bonded with an owner, and even then would only age once their owner aged
sounded perfect tbh
within the first month though you realised how fussy Li was
you had already gathered that she had a good understanding of english as she sometimes nodded and shook her head when an answer was needed, or when you were looking for something and asked her cos you thought it would help you remember, she brought it to you in a few minutes
lifesaver, this cat was
but then you realised that she was used to being treated like a queen
she was born in the Ming dynasty, and was a royals cat
she sure wanted to be treated like one it was unreal
so you had to get the good stuff weed cat food jeez liz
so one day, after she turned her nose up at some stuff from the pet store, you had to get some proper food from the supermarket nearby
and when pulling up to get your stuff cashed up, you saw him
it was your friend Moon Lihui
youdve recognised him even if he had a different face
you remembered the times you spent running form the cops, getting matching dragon tattoos in the traditional style but in the shape of an infinity symbol because he reckoned you two would always find each other for eternity
and it seems the bastard was true considering how he was in front of you as clear as day
and it appeared he was still a mind reader, considering he looked up at you with shock and surprise
and when you went to pay for your items, you two caught up
he had found his soulmate, another mind reader, and he was having fun in this life
he also got another dragon tattoo in the same style as he had it last life
what a coincydink pronounced co-ink-ee-dink, ref- coincidence
you two decided to have a mate date every week
most of the time you two spoke in chinese unless minghao wanted to learn something in korean
then one week, you turned up to the cafe and your friend, Xu Ru was  sitting next to Hao
well thats a turn
you remembered walking down the banks of a river 1000 years ago with him, remembered him reading to you under a tree, remembered getting a secret tattoo with him in 1935 to commemorate your friendship
you got his name in chinese on your back
unfortunately the ink had faded away to a few dots over the years
and this was the soulmate you reckoned, as he looked up after hearing everything you said and smiled
there he was
you almost cried as you ran over to see them
“Who is this????”
“This is my soulmate Moon Junhui”
of course they’d swapped last names, only the fates would find this as funny as you
they decided to stay out of your thoughts as you started laughing
minghao had already experienced the messed up languages after one cafe date when he accidnetly listened in and heard a paragraph in your mind in chinese, korean, english and gaelic
it was a confusing place in your mind
lmao i mess up the few things i know in spanish french and english sometimes, i don’t even know much spanish and french
both him and jun mixed up korean and chinese sometimes
so you weren’t alone
you three hung out for a few weeks before they mentioned that they had an immortal friend like you
you got very excited and almost asked them to tell you who they were before they stopped you 
they claimed it wasn’t the right time yet and that it’d happen soon
you were disappointed and ranted thoroughly to Li when you got home
the next week when you met up, you talked for a while before deciding to ask jun if you wanted to get matching tattoos again
you thought violently his way about what they used to be like and about how you and Hao
he agreed so you both decided to get each others names in chinese
and while there, they announced a few friends would be joining for the tattooing 
they didn’t say which ones though so you didn’t know if immortal guy was joining
oh well
you booked an appointment for the next day and you were all set
you woke up with Li waking you up just after your alarm you had just slept through
Love Li
you ran to get ready
you had a sports bra and a nice green flannel on so you could get the tattoo on your back easily
plus it was a warm ass day and its nice to have ventilation if necessary
when there, you met mingyu, seungcheol and jeonghan
you weren’t told anything about them but you did feel a rush of something when you got there
i smell something fishy
it was the cat food on your sweatpants
not joking
Li spilled some accidentally
anyway, first it was Juns turn, and he got your name in beautiful chinese in your handwriting
you got his name in his handwriting, and you knew something was wrong when blood spotted up
that hadn’t happened since your 18th birthday, and you almost cried because that meant one of those boys was your soulmate
once you two were done, you decided to do a test
which was handy because hao and jun decided to take you home to their dorm where them and the other boys stayed
and when you walked into the largest room, there was a man with a blazer and a fake mic
he didn’t appreciate the yelling
and so the game show started
you started a round of questions
“Who’s the oldest out of you all??”
Seungkwan, the ‘game show host’ looked panicked before yelling out “NEXT QUESTION PLEASE”
“Who’s a cat person??”
they all raised their hands
“Who likes sleep??”
one person called jeonghan
“Who’s the one weird uncle or cousin who’s always at family events?”
again the one same guy
“Who has travelled more than ten times?”
one guy
“who has too much time?’
one guy
when you were sure who it was, you said that to seingkwan who loudly exclaimed “ITS TIME FOR ROUND TWO!” and stared off dramatically to nobody
then awkwardly grabbed your hand and let you to the elevator where you awkwardly waited and everything was just awkward
he led you to the back garden where you were led to a dunk pool
one person would answer questions about you and if they were right, they answered another until they were wrong and they got gunged into the pool
it was really fun
they kept going in circles, but one guy stood out 
“Likes sleep”
“Spends a lot of time thinking about life”
“Knows so many languages”
“worries about loosing her friends”
wow he was spookily good at guessing about you
you were suspecting things were up
the last round, followed by a trio of gunged guys, was a dance/sing off
this was entirely for fun and giggles
they all found sing and seungcheol and mingyu rapped for you as well as sang
jeonghan sang a beautiful song called Pinwheel that his friend woozi wrote and produced
then they had a ranking system
3rd place was seungcheol unfortunately but he wasn’t mad
2nd was mingyu mainly cos he had cooking skills
1st place was jeonghan because he seemed to be the closest match to you
then you were told everything
he had been around for a century or two and had been in some of the same situations as you
he was schocked when he found out how old you really were, and how many journals you had (one for every 3 years)
you invited him round to your place to get to know each other better and for him to meet Li
Li surprisingly liked him very much and curled into his lap when he sat down
you learned a lot about him in the short time you were together
he never went to a shaman because he believed in true friendships, he only knew korean and chinese, and he was still connected to his family line and was in almost every christmas and family photo taken
his great great niece knew him as “creepy uncle yoon”
he found out that you were a certified genius and were absolutely ancient
and that you spoke in many languages
you could communicate with anyone
you showed him your dialects from korea
he was shook
you both found it funny how you both were technically 18 but everyone had to call you two hyung and noona no matter what 
after that day, you two met p so much and went on dates
one day you went to the local museum and found to your displeasure, a portrait of you from the victorian era in a corset and dress
it was lab led “The Forever Woman”, and underneath it had a short description
“The forever woman is an enigma. She appears every few hundred years, only to disappear after some event. Rumoured to be seen in many countries, she makes her home, searching for her forever man”
“please don’t look, i looked hideous during that time, I was trying to fid jack the Ripper and he was causing havoc on my beauty routine”
then you realised the next few pictures were still just at different time periods and countries
“I swear im not narcissistic, i just got bored a lot”
he found it hilarious and decided to draw you once every year
then you two had to split to go home, and you honestly didn’t want to
and when it started to rain, you knee you definitely had to go home but you stayed staring at each other
then he leaned in and kissed you softly for the first time
for the first time in the longest time, you remembered what it felt like to be warm and like you were truly home
when you separated you stared at each other before you whispered gently 
“You didn’t court me first”
he laughed at you, causing you to smile and lean in again for an even softer kiss
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crisistru-blog · 7 years
                Age: 17                 Hair:Green(Bald,Extremely Long Mohawk)                 Height: 5' 8                 Weight: 165 lbs                 Likes: Laughing hysterically. Making people uncomfortable around                        him Fighting. Plotting on Kuraishisu.                 Dislikes:Slow talkers. Non fighters. Weaklings. Emotions.Wolves.                          Kuraishisu. Moon gazing.                 Title:The Mist: Frontline blade( foot soldier)
Ketsucho has a past shrouded in mystery. Having no real memory of his childhood or anything good in nature.He was raised by the tyrant King Nui Myton along with his older step twin brothers Zaski and Zubo. Nui may be the only one that can shed light on his past and up bringing.Combat and death is all that Ketsucho has ever known and now he is currently  working as “the Mist”, a code name meaning  frontal bladesman. Although amongst his clan this is the lowest rank one could achieve, Ketsucho embraces this title even surpassing the rank itself.To him it’s no fun when the opponent is hinted on the magnitude of a fight and besides title doesn't make the fighter.....well all the time...... again according to him....Ketsucho has a strange hate and animosity toward Kuraishisu of the Okagitsu tribe and fortunately for him, he is given a task by Nui to capture him and bring him in dead or alive.....of course it would take no scholar to know what Ketsucho prefers.... Cold and unpredictable Ketsucho seeks out his most worthy prey to date.
Resolve:Ketsucho prefers up close and personal battles. Ketsucho's clan pride themselves on using  unusual weapons. Ketsucho favors the dagger and chain. He does carry a small sword but rarely uses it, some even speculate its just for show or even worn intentionally to throw his opponents off. The dagger is connected to a chain that can easily be attached an detached at once for fast defensive and offensive maneuvers.Ketsucho also carries a vast arsenal designed not to weigh him down.Some items range from poisons to  small  throwing daggers.Due to the extreme torture training and harsh mental sharpening, Ketsucho is highly durable and ignores most pain even in the worst of situations. The regimen he underwent was designed for that of a demigod according to his clan and anyone who attempted to undergo this training often resulted in death while those who did manage to make it alive, succumbed to pure insanity.Ketsuchuo is a master in the art of assassination and stealth and his hand to hand combat is second to none. Note that Ketsucho's fighting style has never been documented and it can only be compared to someone fighting without the properties of gravity.
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ealdgyoswannhnesce · 10 years
At once, he turned, his dark hair concealed by his dented helm. Watching William stride over to her, the blaze from the sky absorbing the silver, Rhian held her breath as he removed his headgear, his dark hair matted with sweat and grime. Not allowing her eyes to stray, she felt her cheeks twitch as the exhausted men around them wolf-whistled and William, smiling weekly at her, held out his arms. Almost falling into him, exhausted with nerves, Rhian lent against him, breathing in his scent of leather and sweat, his mail grating her skin. It did not matter that the Lord Edward had been fooled by the Scotch, her husband and his men had returned and the enemy for all she cared could go to the devil
me - historical novel
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On December 25th in the year 1319 a two year truce between Scotland and England began.
This little known peace treaty is often overlooked, probably due to the Bruce’s government issuing the Declaration of Arbroath the following year.
After Bannockburn  King Edward II of England  never forgot his humiliation, and he threatened war against Scotland. The Bruce got there first, raiding south as far as York in a bid to capture prisoners to be held for ransom. Edward also had his troubles at home with a trebellion.
The King was also talking to some of the great Northern lords and it looked as if they would do a separate deal with the Bruce to stop him destroying their land. Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, was one of the rebel barons but paid for it with his life after the Battle of Boroughbridge was won by forces loyal to Edward.
Encouraged by ending the civil war in England, Edward came north with a great army, but Bruce deployed the same tactics he had used prior to Bannockburn, destroying anything that could be of use to the English, who were forced to retreat when famine and disease broke out.
In September 1319 The Bruce won a decisive battle at Myton in Yorkshire
Earlier that year Edward II had moved an army North and laid siege to Berwick in an attempt to recapture it from the Scots. In response the army of several thousand Scots, commanded by the Earl of Moray and the Good Sir James Douglas, bypassed the Northern town and marched through the north of England torching all in their path. Their secret objective lay in Edward’s court at York; where they hoped to abduct Edward II’s wife, the 21 year old Queen, Isabella. On September 20th 1319 they neared York and The Battle of Myton ensued.
The outcome of this unequal contest was never in doubt. Formed up according to their custom in a single division, the Scots uttered together a tremendous shout to terrify the English, the Highland charge began racing towards the men from York, who straightaway began to take to their heels at the sound.
The York contingent was an odd mixture of men thrown together to meet the emergency, including priests and monks losses were  reported of 3,000, among them Nicholas Flemyng the city mayor.
For Edward II, already at odds with many English nobles, it was another disaster. Meanwhile the victorious Scottish army retreated back across the border into Scotland carrying their ill-gotten gains and prisoners.
Afterwards Edward was forced to raise the siege of Berwick and ultimately agreed to a two year truce.
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lebaronlordking · 2 years
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Saturday Afternoon Reggae Show DJ LeBaron Lord King January 21, 2023 [email protected] kpoo.com
4:00 PM Burning Spear - Marcus Gravey 4:02 PM The Upsetters - Super Ape 4:06 PM Samory I - Blood in the Streets 4:10 PM Luciano - I Wish I Was There 4:15 PM ILah Medz - Bunn de Beas 4:17 PM Popcaan - Firm and Strong 4:22 PM Jesse Royal - Generation 4:25 PM J Boog - Good Good Feeling 4:30 PM Matisyahu/Mavado - Coming from Afar 4:34 PM Ras Kidus - Strong Like a Lion from Zion 4:37 PM Christopher Ellis - Rub a Dub 4:41 PM Toots & The Maytals - Do You Remember 4:45 PM Peter Tosh - Bush Doctor 4:50 PM Jah Mason - My Princess Gone 4:54 PM Popcaan - Next To Me 4:58 PM Bob Marley - Satisfy My Soul 5:01 PM Black Uhuru - Bad Girl 5:08 PM The Upsetters - Bird In Hand 5:12 PM Luciano - It's Me Again Jah 5:18 PM Eesah - Sound Boy 5:21 PM Lee Fry Music - Di General 5:24 PM Protoje - Switch It Up 5:29 PM Capleton - In the Game 5:32 PM Lutan Fyah/Countree Hype - Guide and Protect 5:36 PM Grace Jones - My Jamaican Guy 5:42 PM Buju Banton - Country For Sale 5:46 PM Baba Ras - Real Vegetarian 5:50 PM The Wailers - Natural Mystic 5:56 PM Junior Byles - Fade Away 6:00 PM Maxi Priest - Should I 6:04 PM Koffee - Raggamuffin 6:07 PM Protoje - Late at Night 6:11 PM Lutan Fyah/Luciano - Settle Down 6:15 PM Cedric Myton - Rat Trap 6:18 PM Don Carlos - Knock Knock 6:22 PM Toots & The Maytals - Monkey Man 6:25 PM Lovindeer - Wild Gilbert 6:30 PM Queen Omega - No Love 6:33 PM Dawn Penn - You Don't Love Me (No, No, No) 6:36 PM Damian Marley - Wanted 6:41 PM Bushman - Steam 6:44 PM Marcus Gad - Ready for Battle 6:52 PM Pablo Brown - Sweet Reggae Music 6:55 PM Khalia - Every Man
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lebaronlordking · 2 months
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Saturday Afternoon Reggae Show DJ LeBaron Lord King July 14, 2024 [email protected]
4:00 PM Errol Dunkley - Black Cinderella 4:04 PM Jah Bengie - I 'm An Ethiopian 4:07 PM Alborosie - Natural Mystic 4:11 PM Jesse Royal - Natty Pablo 4:15 PM Herb Green - Rootz Underground 4:18 PM Proteje - Late at Night 4:22 PM Ishal Bel - Rich Man's World 4:26 PM Junior Reid - Jail House 4:30 PM Jo Mersa Marley - Yo Dawg 4:34 PM YG Marley - Survival 4:38 PM UB40 - Food for Thought 4:42 PM Gappy Ranks - Maad Sick 4:46 PM Arise Roots - Rootsman Town 4:51 PM Bob Marley - Red Red Wine 4:57 PM Popcaan - Next to Me 5:00 PM Black Uhuru - Black Girl 5:07 PM Jah Mason & Littlerock Sound - No Trouble We 5:11 PM Marcus Gad - Ready for Battle 5:15 PM Sean Paul - No Fear 5:18 PM Norrac - Hypocrites 5:22 PM Chi Ching Ching - Wurl a Baff 5:25 PM Droop Lion - We Pray for Them 5:30 PM Eddie Grant - Electric Avenue 5:33 PM Wicked Dub Division - Not in My Name 5:37 PM David Conscious - Mighty Men 5:41 PM Max Romeo - Chase the Devil/Croaking Lizard 5:44 PM Chronixx - Smile Jamaica 5:48 PM Barrington Levy - Dance Hall Rock 5:52 PM King Tubby - Tubby's Dub Song 5:55 PM Max RubaDub - Trust and Obey 5:59 PM King Tubby - Corner Crew Dub 6:02 PM Dezarie - Not One Penny 6:06 PM Capleton - In the Game 6:09 PM Zion Head - Chalice Baptized 6:13 PM Jamu - Jericho Skank 6:17 PM Mysta - Empress Divine 6:20 PM Queen Ifrica - Girl Like Me 6:24 PM Gregory Isaacs - Badda 6:27 PM Ziggy Marley & Melody Makers - Justice 6:31 PM Jesse Royal - LionOrder 6:35 PM Burning Spear - Let's Move 6:40 PM The Wailers - Punky Reggae Party 6:46 PM Cedric Myton - No Counterfeit 6:50 PM Yaksta - Rich a Morning 6:52 PM Marlon Asher - Strictly High Grade 6:55 PM K Dottie - Enjoy Your Life
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scotianostra · 3 years
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On December 25th in the year 1319 a two year truce between Scotland and England began.
This little known peace treaty is often overlooked, probably due to the Bruce’s government issuing the Declaration of Arbroath the following year.
After Bannockburn  King Edward II of England  never forgot his humiliation, and he threatened war against Scotland. The Bruce got there first, raiding south as far as York in a bid to capture prisoners to be held for ransom. Edward also had his troubles at home with a trebellion.
The King was also talking to some of the great Northern lords and it looked as if they would do a separate deal with the Bruce to stop him destroying their land. Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, was one of the rebel barons but paid for it with his life after the Battle of Boroughbridge was won by forces loyal to Edward.
 Encouraged by ending the civil war in England, Edward came north with a great army, but Bruce deployed the same tactics he had used prior to Bannockburn, destroying anything that could be of use to the English, who were forced to retreat when famine and disease broke out.
In September 1319 The Bruce won a decisive battle at Myton in Yorkshire 
Earlier that year Edward II had moved an army North and laid siege to Berwick in an attempt to recapture it from the Scots. In response the army of several thousand Scots, commanded by the Earl of Moray and the Good Sir James Douglas, bypassed the Northern town and marched through the north of England torching all in their path. Their secret objective lay in Edward’s court at York; where they hoped to abduct Edward II’s wife, the 21 year old Queen, Isabella. On September 20th 1319 they neared York and The Battle of Myton ensued.
The outcome of this unequal contest was never in doubt. Formed up according to their custom in a single division, the Scots uttered together a tremendous shout to terrify the English, the Highland charge began racing towards the men from York, who straightaway began to take to their heels at the sound.
The York contingent was an odd mixture of men thrown together to meet the emergency, including priests and monks losses were  reported of 3,000, among them Nicholas Flemyng the city mayor.
For Edward II, already at odds with many English nobles, it was another disaster. Meanwhile the victorious Scottish army retreated back across the border into Scotland carrying their ill-gotten gains and prisoners.
Afterwards Edward was forced to raise the siege of Berwick and ultimately agreed to a two year truce.
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scotianostra · 5 years
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On December 25th in the year 1319 a two year truce between Scotland and England began.
Four years after The Battle of Bannockburn, The Bruce had seized control of the border town of Berwick from the English, the whole of Scotland was now under his rule.
Edward II moved an army North the next year and laid siege to Berwick in an attempt to recapture it from the Scots. In response the army of several thousand Scots, commanded by the Earl of Moray and the Good Sir James Douglas, bypassed the Northern town and marched through the north of England torching all in their path. Their secret objective lay in Edward's court at York; where they hoped to abduct Edward II's wife, the 21 year old Queen, Isabella. On September 20th 1319 they neared York and The Battle of Myton ensued. 
The outcome of this unequal contest was never in doubt. Formed up according to their custom in a single division, the Scots uttered together a tremendous shout to terrify the English, the Highland charge began racing towards the men from York, who straightaway began to take to their heels at the sound.
The York contingent was an odd mixture of men thrown together to meet the emergency, including priests and monks losses were  reported of 3,000, among them Nicholas Flemyng the city mayor. 
For Edward II, already at odds with many English nobles, it was another disaster. Meanwhile the victorious Scottish army retreated back across the border into Scotland carrying their ill-gotten gains and prisoners.
Afterwards Edward was forced to raise the siege of Berwick and ultimately agreed to a two year truce.
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ealdgyoswannhnesce · 10 years
Shuddering at the thought, watching the thinning clouds as they edged out of the golden sun’s way, she pushed away her childhood memories of thick trees masking her from the lewd yells of the northern men and cursed William for leaving her. True he had left enough men behind to fight for her, defend her if it came down to it, but they were not skilled with weapons, were clumsy and were more accustomed to shovelling pig dung than ramming a rake into a filthy Scotch man’s gut.
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ealdgyoswannhnesce · 11 years
With the fire of the burning haystacks entwined with the lusty barbarian shouts, he had mounted his horse and had ridden hard from them, watching many of his friends perish, their souls screaming for the King to draw his arms at Pontefract and not at Berwick.
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