#batu's tag
sntoot · 1 year
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had an Experience in aetherial research facility (regrets) anyways this is exactly how that cutscene went right?
lahabrea immediately targeted me after we mocked him in the linkshell and tried to kill me (understandable but hurtful) (i am just a little guy)
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starstruck358 · 8 months
Part 4
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Previously, Birby and the little guy were walking down a trail to the next land, until a wild girl came and messed up the creature! But Birby helped him, and moved on.
Next, they are now at the next land called Tea Tundra. The two kids walk on the snow talking.
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Birby instantly goes on the ice with the creature, without knowing that his friend isn't a pro at this.
So he get's up and goes to the bug, and lends out a hand.
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The two skate on the ice, while Aijo's heart is racing.
Birby feels a little love, but he assumes that it's freind love.
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they walk off the ice, and continue on with their journey to save the world.
while something's waiting for them at raspberry roll...
ooc, I now pronounce the ship name, aijoby >:)
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m0th-gh0st · 1 year
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I'm gonna be real with y'all I can't remember the last time Ive drawn traditional art with a pencil.
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hellou-i-guess · 7 months
Hello, hello
Welcome to what is probably going to become a series of rants about the very unimportant details of books that live rent free in my head
Today I present to you:
The older brother of a least mentioned side character in a (unfortunately) very unapreciated sci-fi ya book
Now that that introduction is out of the way I have thoughts about Daniel Batu Wing from Warcross.
And I was not kidding about the character introduction. Warcross has a fandom with like 4 people in it in total, which is tragic in my opinion. Asher is a side character, the captain of the team and out of all of the friends Emika makes during the events of the book the one mentioned the least. So, now imagine how much his brother is mentioned.
I'll tell you - it's about 1.5 pages and 2 by-the-way mentions in around 600 pages of the duology.
So what are the things we know about Daniel:
He's Asher's older brother (if I had to guess maybe like 2-3 year age gap)
He's a famous actor and stuntman
He comes off arogant in Asher's memory when he is touched by Zero
He's Day's ancestor, so at some point he was married/had a girlfriend/one night stand - procreated so to say
And... that's about it really
So not much as you can see.
Now, what I have thought about reading the book and what led to this post is Asher (as a character I wish had more developement) and in turn his relationship with Daniel and that somehow led to a very badly done psycho analysis.
On to the bussiness.
The first time we see Daniel mentioned is when Emika meets Asher. She says that he is famous and that Asher was originally known as his younger brother and Ash gets a brief cold look at the mention of his brother.
The second time is when the dorm is blown up and Hamilton mentions that Asher's parents and brother are there to see him.
The third time is the memory in which we find out maybe the root of the problem between the brothers.
I would like to present to you my personal headcanons for the ages of Daniel and Asher. I like to think that Asher in the series is 22-23. Which would make Daniel somwhere around 25. I may explain my way of thinking this later, this is already long and I have told you nothing that you did not already know.
Why are the ages important, you may ask? The memory. Since Emika places the memory some 8-9 years, before the events of the series. The boys would be around 14 and 16.
From what we know their parents are getting a divorce and their house is a mess as well as the relationships in their family.
Daniel's way of dealing with this? Absolutely ignoring the situation around him. For what I understand to be a significant amount of time - a couple of years would do the trick.
So he sees what is happening and ignores his feelings and thoughts about the matter.
Why? Simple - he's neglected and feels alienated from his family so he alienates them back.
One another headcanon I would like to mention, that sort of makes Daniel's attitude and things he says make sense, is that Asher lost the use of his legs in an accident some time before their parents divorce.
This, understandably, makes the parents dote on Ash and in turn neglect Daniel.
And I say this because to me at least it seems that Ash does not understand that Daniel does not want him around and sees Ash as a problem. Most likely due to some change in dynamic Asher is not aware of. Which is perfectly understandable because why would his relationship with his brother change?
We see some evidence for this in:
Asher: Where are you going?
Asher: You know what? You don't have to tell me? I don't have to know every single thing about your life, when you clearly don't care for me.
Daniel *sarcastically*: You only need me to care. Don't you have enough people giving you attention already?
Or something along those lines, I have the translated copy.
He sound so bitter and jelous there.
And Asher ( who is not good at dealing with people, like at all (also a post for another time)) calls out on Daniel's coping mechanism (ignoring the divorce). In which part I understand given the next part of the conversation where Daniel tells Ash that he isn't doing much better and Ash, not at all reading the situation or understanding that Daniel also means ignoring the divorce, says that Daniel is not doing much better, but at least his victories are the reason they have food on the table.
First of all, some A+ parenting, right there.
Second of all, Dany straight up goes for Asher's throat after this and that entire conversation causes a rift between them.
Very fun on all sides, as you can see.
What's fun to point out is that Daniel acts like a threatened animal. He was ready for jumping at his attacker the first available moment from the moment Asher refused to put the matter to rest.
We see this from Ash's POV, but how would it look like to Daniel?
He has a small career, that he's very proud of
He's starved for attention from the people he needs it from the most in his teenage years
The only attention he gets from family comes from the very reason he is neglected (not to say Asher is at fault here, because he is not. Daniel just seems to place the fault on him)
All of the family's finance and well being is put on the shoulders of the youngest member of the family who is disabled
Like, he, as most older siblings (it's a curse), feels the need to, in some capacity, provide something to the houshold when the parents clearly don't, but he only continues to ignore the situation at hand.
If their parents have not gotten a divorce, Dany would have probably ran away from home a mnd cut all contact.
And like all things that are ignored, the sitation at hand comes to bite him in the butt in the form of Asher (the aformentioned problem) who just keeps on pressing the sore spot until Daniel has to options - run away again and keep the cycle going or bit back and get rid of the problem. And bite he does.
To his credit, Daniel was most likely 16 at the time of this and none of us emotionally mature at that age, he delt with his emotion really badly, took it out on the wrong person and soured his relationship with his family.
They have most likely made up (I do not think that the cold look Ash had at the mention of Daniel was because the had bad blood, but rather that Emika put him again in the back of his brother's shadow when Ash worked hard to get out of it). Why do I think this? You don't fly half-way across the planet to check on someone you don't like/don't speak with/have bad blood with, when if he wanted to come across as caring he would have called or texted. Or ask third party who knows what happend and has seen Ash like Roshan, Hamilton or their parents.
So yeah, to sum up this way too long of a rant in which nothing was said, Dany was just a teenager in a horrible situation with which he delt badly.
And to those who have suffered through this, thank you :)
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noodle8 · 2 years
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was encouraged to do this with a fallout ship and I now tag you gamers to try!!!! @batterislove @necro-hamster @neuroticreno @lost-in-interwebs @deadwapiti :D
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kusurrone · 8 months
TAG GAME!!!!! taged by @transaeneas
Real name: Kira and Yakov (aka Jacopo)
Gender: russian
Best friend: fan of Eren Yeager
If my life was a TV show: последняя прямая линия с Владимиром Путиным
How do I feel: no idea
Last song: mï poyedyem mï pomchimsya na olyenyakh utrom rano
Favourite colour: white
Last movie: Cargo 200 by Balabanov or dog's heart i dont remember really i don't watch much (i think im gonna draw something for both. love me some assaultion from a policeman who's dealing with an accident about a girl that he had caused and a living dog's inner organs out)
Last TV show: la figlia del capitano (DEFINETLY GONNA DRAW (although i did already) but REAL (RUSSIAN) version)
Sweet, spicy or savoury?: korean carrot (sweet + spicy)
Relationship status: Im 15
Last thing googled: a word about Igors regiment orginal historical text read💔 піздецъ
Current obsession: do i have to answer that? actually russian literature (preferebly Lieskov rn) and studying in general. probably great russian revolution and civil war talking about history, molecular biology, analytic organic chemistry, isoprocesses. yeah i actually do love them.
Looking forward to: finish reading all the 100 russian novels and poems for literature and russian exams and 30 topics for art history exam.
Currently reading: War and Peace, drafts of purgatory of Dead Souls, Fiammetta, Metamorphoses. what a gang. Although I've read and analyzed like 5 books this month (Crime and punishment, Lady Makbiet of Mtsensky ugezd, Toupee artist, The charmed traveller, The garnet bracelet)
Song stuck in head: Ya tiebie nie vieryu - Grigori Leps & Irina Alliegrova
Favourite food: bread
Dream trip: anywhere literally. what is possible for me - i would like to visit Dagestan, Ural, Buryatia, far Karelia, maybe Sarai-Batu (BECAUSE THERES A GIANT SAND HEAD OF CHINGISKHAN) again but in spring because summer was impossible with all the insects 🥶🥶. What i can only dream about - somewhere Mediterranean and Alaska. preferably Italy of course and you already know what territories preferebly.
tagging @boydrudolo @fizzycherryart @hyodyton @ipostdantememes
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lamyaasfaraini · 6 months
Day 10 - Tag someone that you appreciate
30 days ramadan challenge
Tentu saja aku sangat menghargai suamiku @sagarmatha13 walaupun aku belom jadi istri yg baik tapi aku selalu menghargainya. Kalo lg jemedud bin jutex monmaap yah *salim.
Insert foto dulu jadoel dulu dari challage "when yall started dating" ikutin aja yg lg hype yekan~ wkwkwk
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9 tahun yang lalu ini yaampun. Sudah mengalami ups and down dalam pacaran dan juga pernikahan. Kenapa kami masih bisa bertahan, tentunya atas izin Allah, usaha kami juga dan saling menghargai. Hubungan kami ngga mulus tentu saja, banyak kerikil, batu besar segede dosa, jalanan terjal ah you name it lah. Mudah2an dengan saling menghargai, ingat apa yg telah masing2 dari kami korbankan utk satu sama lainnya, this marriage life's going strong till jannah InsyaAllah..
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saratogaroadwrites · 1 year
For King and Country (1/122)
For King and Country | saratogaroad rating: T total wordcount:  280,466 characters: Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, Roland Crane, Aranella, Batu, Tani, Lofty, Leander Aristidies, Bracken Meadows relationships: Roland Crane & Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, Aranella & Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, Roland Crane & Aranella, Batu & Tani, Batu & Evan, Tani & Evan, Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum & Lofty, Rolander other tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Mother-Son Relationship, Father-Son Relationship, Place Slowly Becomes Home People Slowly Become Family, Found Family, For Want of A Nail warnings: none
Pulled from his world by mysterious powers, former president Roland Crane finds himself caught in the middle of a coup meant to take the life of the young King Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum. Joining forces with Aranella, the pair of them set out to aid Evan in making his dream of a kingdom where everyone can live happily ever after a reality.
But the road to peace is a long and treacherous one and there is no promise of success in a world where darkness spreads ever thicker with each passing day. If they are to stand a chance, they must stand together, for king and for country.
(A retelling.)
Gunshots echoed through the cavernous space beneath Ding Dong Dell. The sharp cracks were quickly covered by a high, terrified scream.
“Roland!” Evan screamed, his voice near to breaking. Halfway across the cavern, Roland Crane, former president and once-again-20 year old, hissed curses between his teeth.
“Stay back!” He shouted at Evan, but the young boy was in no hurry to move and join the fray. He stood there, paralyzed with fear, as the monster that had been the Black Knight charged at Roland again. They’d been locked in this makeshift arena, trapped by roiling and snapping violet flames, for what felt like an eternity. Roland must have gone at it a hundred times by now but it was almost as if nothing he did to this thing even made a dent in it. His sword forms were rusty, sure, but by now there should have been a lot more wounds on it, a lot more blood on the mossy stone beneath their feet.
Given the circumstances, Roland chose to ignore the tiny, panicking piece of his mind that was screaming “zombie!” at him. Alive or undead, he had to keep this monster focused on him.
If it turned on Evan, the young king wouldn’t survive a minute.
“Hey!” Roland shouted as the creature turned its attention to Evan, “Over here!”
Another shot cracked through the air, catching the creature in the face. A streak of red opened up beneath its eye, but Roland’s triumph—he could hurt it!—was short lived. The creature reared back, and with one massive arm swiped at Roland. He leapt back—too slow!
The glancing blow sent him flying back, left him landing hard and rolling on the damp, slimy ground. He’d barely come to a stop and already he could feel the bruise blooming across his side as he lay winded on the uneven ground. Everything grayed out for a moment, his ears ringing.
“S-stay back!” Evan. All he had was a knife! He couldn’t fight this thing off!
Feeling the creature’s thudding footsteps through his back, Roland struggled to roll back to his front. He lifted his head, teeth grit; the monster was too close to Evan, taking plodding footsteps towards him like a cat who’d finally cornered the mouse.
How ironic.
“Get out of there!” Roland shouted, struggling to his hands and knees. “Go!”
Evan jolted and scrambled away, but there was nowhere to go. All he could do was run in circles, the pair of them trapped in here with the monster and it knew that. This time, it didn’t give chase but instead seemed to brace itself, purple and aqua flames gathering in its open mouth. Roland’s heart raced: if that hit anyone alive, then—!
“Run!” He shouted again, but it was too late. Aqua and purple flames flared to life in the monster’s mouth. He could feel the heat from here. Roland tried to get to his feet, staggering as his body refused to cooperate. He couldn’t get up fast enough, couldn’t clear the distance between them fast enough and—
Suddenly there was a flash from beside him. Roland jerked, barely catching sight of Aranella as she burst through the barrier of flames around them. In the same instant, the monster let loose its flames right at Evan, stunned into stillness. Without stopping Aranella ran right at her young charge, ignoring his shout of surprise as she grabbed him under the arms and twisted, throwing him clear of the flames without losing her momentum.
But the ground beneath her was uneven, and her foot caught. She stumbled, and Roland could only watch in horror as the blast caught her in the leg. Her scream rang through the cavern in concert with Evan’s shout.
“Nella!” The boy screamed, his voice breaking right down the middle. Heart in his throat, Roland found his gun in his hand before he’d even realized he’d called it. One shot to the face stopped the monster’s blast, and two more drove it back. Roland lurched to his feet and kept shooting, driving it further and further back. He snarled as it roared at him, rearing back, but then—one foot slipped!
It had reached the edge of the platform. The mossy stone crumbled away, leaving one massive leg hanging over the edge. Unable to balance, it stumbled backwards, arms wheeling, head thrown back in a massive roar that echoed through the stone around them. It tried to catch its balance, but it was too late. With one last roar, it tumbled over the edge of the platform and into the depths of the abyss all around it. Roland dismissed his weapons with a growl.
Body protesting, he whirled around. Aranella was sitting up across the platform, Evan on his knees beside her. Quickly taking stock, Roland ran to join them. He was sore, bruised, and muddy. Evan had a scrape on his cheek and his palms were red, his finery more mud than silk. They would be fine. But Aranella…
“Well,” She grit out as Roland came to a stop beside her, “That was a bit embarrassing. So much for my dance training.”
“Nella…” Evan whimpered. They all looked at her leg then, the one that had been caught in the blast. Roland swallowed hard, his stomach somewhere near his ankles. He’d seen bad burns in his day, the deep red and blistering white of a palm that had accidentally touched a burner but this…this was worse. Her skirt had been burnt away, leaving everything from the knee down of her right leg blackened. Oddly, it wasn’t shrunken or shriveled. Still, it looked painful.
“Can you stand up?” He asked her, grimacing as he realized how foolish a question that was. She swallowed hard, face pinched in pain.
“I’ll manage,” She said as Evan scooted back, reaching out to offer what support he could. Lurching, Aranella began to rise. “We should move while we still—”
As she got her weight beneath her, her knee suddenly buckled. With a short cry she began to topple forward; Roland lunged forward to catch her before she could hit the stone floor. Evan dropped to his knees beside them.
“Nella!” He gasped, “Nella, are you all right?!”
She hissed between her teeth, hiding her face in Roland’s chest. He held her up, looking down at her leg. Was it worse than he’d thought?
Some part of his mind went “yes!” very loudly, even as the rest of it slammed into a screeching halt. Aranella’s burn was moving.
Except, that wasn’t a burn. There was no way it could be a burn. Gleaming purple and green and blue it reminded him almost of an oil slick on the pavement…if oil slicks writhed and twisted of their own accord. Stomach flipping, Roland swallowed hard. He helped Aranella to sit.
“That’s not a burn.” He said. She nodded at him, tucking Evan beneath an arm.
“Forbidden magics,” She said tightly. Her face was pale, the marks on her leg continuing to twist. “Some sort of curse, I’d imagine.”
“A curse?” Evan stares at her, blue eyes blown wide. “What do we do?!”
Before Aranella could answer, she turned around. Roland caught it a second later: in the distance, the clank of armor and shouting. The soldiers had found their way down. Roland cursed but before he could speak, Nella turned to Evan.
“Listen to me,” She said firmly, cupping his face with both hands, “You need to go. Run as far away from here as you can.”
“You have to survive!” She said, then stopped and took a deep breath. “You have to live, and become the ruler I know you will be.”
Roland watched as understanding dawned on Evan’s young face. He shook his head vehemently, ears going flat to his skull.
“No!” He shouted, voice catching around a sob, “No, Nella! I can’t! Not without you!” He hiccuped again, though the sound was lost beneath the clank and clang of nearing armed forced. If they were still here when the soldiers arrived, then…
Roland looked down the corridor, teeth grit. They were running out of time and options. He knew what Aranella was doing, knew that this was a final goodbye to someone she clearly loved very dearly. It was the logical thing to do, but—
He took a breath. They could leave her here and run, leave her to the real risk of being killed, or take her with them.
Leave a young boy bereft of all family…or not.
Mind made up, Roland moved.
“Evan,” He said, startling them, “Move.”
“Move.” He said more firmly. Evan’s tail fluffed up as he drew in the breath for a protest but Roland cut him off with, “I can’t pick you both up at once.”
Roland saw the moment it dawned on them. Evan scrambled away and Aranella, well, she didn’t look happy.
“You’ll do no such thing—”
"Sorry about this," He said, scooping Aranella up before she could finish. She was a little heavier than she looked, firm muscle in his arms as he slung her over one shoulder. She yelped in surprise, instinctively grabbing onto his coat to keep from slipping.
“Just hold on.” He said, grabbing Evan by the arm. He stared up at the odd sight, then nodded and turned away. Tail streaming behind him, Evan ran. Roland shifted his grip on Aranella and took off after the boy, leaving the clank of armor far behind them.
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sntoot · 1 year
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i think im playing blm properly (giving a heart attack to @asleepinawell)
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starstruck358 · 9 months
Part 3
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Previously, Birby fell from the sky and met a friend on the way. And now they're going to save the world from the evil.
Birby and the little guy talk and talk, they are walking down a trail
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All of a sudden Birby hears rumbling somewhere, and he is concerned about it.
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A girl who is riding a animal goes at full speed at Birby and his friend.
The pink bird dodges the girl, but the little guy doesn't
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Birby doesn't like it when his friends are hurt, nor feeling down.
But the creature ignores of what just happened, and they both start walking down the trail.
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Someone was watching them from behind the tree in the distance, without them knowing.
They start thinking of what to do with them
@theworldofkirby or @doroche
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m0th-gh0st · 1 year
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various doodles from class
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pearonthegas · 1 year
was tagged by @gxtzeizm to do this!! (thank you babes) So here are my favourite albums (kind of, right now, at least)
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further joy - the regrettes
i love - (g)i-dle
5sos5 - 5sos
Kepala Batu - insomniacks
I nominate anyone and everyone to do this cuz it's fun but also specifically @lewki @tsuchansworld @teamnick @summersun4youforever etc etc xx HAVE FUN
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Paket Outbound Leadership Training, WA 0819-4343-1484, Gemilang Tour
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Paket Outbound Leadership Training - Hub 0819-4343-1484, Gemilang Tour melayani Paket Outbound Edukasi Alam, Vendor Outbound Team Building di Bromo Batu Malang, Training Motivasi Karyawan di Bromo Malang, Outbound Team Building di Bromo Batu Malang, Paket Gathering Perusahaan di Bromo Malang.
Hubungi kami via Whatsapp atau Klik https://wa.me/6281943431484
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Paket Outbound di Pantai Malang Selatan
Pantai Malang Selatan menawarkan panorama alam yang menakjubkan dan keindahan laut yang mempesona. Paket Outbound di Pantai Malang Selatan memberikan pengalaman yang unik dengan kombinasi kegiatan pantai dan kegiatan Outbound.
Peserta akan terlibat dalam berbagai aktivitas yang meliputi permainan kolaboratif, olahraga pantai, dan tantangan tim. Dalam suasana pantai yang menyegarkan, peserta akan merasakan semangat kebersamaan dan kegembiraan yang meningkatkan solidaritas tim. Ini adalah paket yang sempurna untuk menggabungkan kesenangan dan pembelajaran dalam sebuah acara Outbound.
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Keyword yang sering dicari tentang kami adalah : Paket Wisata Di Malang 2 Hari 1 Malam, Outbound Malang Outbound Di Batu, Paket Wisata 1 Hari Di Malang, Lokasi Outbound Di Batu Malang, Wisata Malang 1 Hari, Paket Wisata Di Batu Malang, Paket Batu Malang, Paket Wisata Batu 1 Hari, Eo Gathering.
Info dan Reservasi :
Gemilang Tour
WA 0819-4343-1484
WA 0819-4343-1484
WA 0819-4343-1484
Link Whatsapp
#PaketOutboundEdukasiAlam, #VendorOutboundTeamBuildingdiBromoBatuMalang, #TrainingMotivasiKaryawandiBromoMalang, #OutboundTeamBuildingdiBromoBatuMalang, #PaketGatheringPerusahaandiBromoMalang
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basilesroom · 2 years
OC Name Meaning Tag
Thank you as always @mschvs <3
Rules: List the meanings of your OC's names
I'll do this with my highest fantasy wip because everyone else has just normal English names
Astraea/Hënë- Star (Greek)/Moon (Albanian)
Lorelei- Alluring enchantress/ relating to a rocky cliff on the Rhine river(?) (Germanic)
Imrie- Strength or power (Hungarian)
Aleric- All-powerful ruler (germanic)
Batu- Loyal (Mongolian)
Dua- Love (Arabic)
Elio/(king)Helios- The sun (Latin/greek)
Ren- Lotus flower (Japanese)
tagging @mschvs again because I want to see more and @talesofsorrowandofruin
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zaruba-needslove · 1 year
Got tagged by @real-life-senshi so we see how this goes 😃
The Rules: Tag (9) people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the following:
Kim Dogi/Kang Hana (SBS Taxi Driver) - What I can say? A pair-up between a vigilante and an officer of law was just so sweet. They don't even need to openly confess what they thought about each other, you can just look into their eyes and oh! You can see that they really care deeply for each other. I really do hope the production team can book Esom if they doing Season 3 cos it didn't feel right that she's not around. And I hate the idea that the team not being able to make use of their relationship with Hana in their mission to pursue justice.
Jean-Luc Picard/Beverly Crusher (Star Trek: The Next Generation/Picard) - The greatest OTP ever! All my love to my dearest Starfleet Captain and later Admiral and my dearest Starfleet Medical Officer and Doctor whose relationship spanned decades and across space. Whether it's just the TV Series, movies or the novels, you just gotta love the Picard-Crusher combo. They're just made for each other. I ship them, the whole Enterprise D crew ship them... what to hate about them?
Sakata Gintoki/Shimura Tae (Gintama) - Hahaha... who else better fit as Gintoki's other half besides our own Otae? Both have their own strengths, no one else could support each other so strongly as these two very wild fighters of Kabukicho.
Yukawa Manabu/Utsumi Kaoru (Galileo) - My dear KOH+ pairing. Could there be any other more adorable pair than these two? Could there be any other pairing more awkward at expressing their attraction to each other compared to these two?
Bonus: Sanzo & Son Goku | Tang Sanzang & Sun Wukong (Gensoumaden Saiyuki | Journey to the West) - I had a bias for this pair ever since I first read/watch the first Journey to the West adaptations it's hard to not love this
LAST SONG - Lel... I forgot what song I last listened to, but I guess Hyungsik's new song fits the bill? Since I did finish watching Our Blooming Youth today 😃
CURRENTLY READING - Unh... I had a bunch of books that I need to resume reading, but i guess in this case it'll be Honda Tetsuya's The Silent Dead since i was rereading it atm.
LAST MOVIE - Higashino Keigo's Silent Parade. Or was it Mechamato the Movie lol.... i forgot www
CRAVING - Normally I'd say durian mochi since it's been a while I had it but nowadays it's been hot weather all the time, I want ABC (Air Batu Campur/Mixed Shaved Ice). Or choco sundae, really. (Sorry Gin-chan, I'm not THAT fond of strawberry tbh)
TAGGING - @s00hyebeens, @sisiwritesfanfics, @whenwhereandwho, @miemoraes, @astarlightmonbebe, @spark-so-floss, @hiiragiyunablogworld, @flaim-ita, @thecaffeinebookwarrior Tagging random names in my follower list but feel free to join in if anyone else wants
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lamyaasfaraini · 1 year
Fam-Gath at Cibubur part 2
(selama acara berlangsung)
Sayang sekali memang ngga semuanya bisa ikut, kelg tasik sepupu2 aku yg lain jg gabisa ikut, ada yg hamil, ada yg suaminya masuk kerja hari sabtu. Hiks sedih yaa.
Foto dulu sekeluarga sama pak ustadz nya jg. Ini aku save dari igsya adik. Foto kelg yg super ngga lengkap huhu. Btw dikolase sama hadiah doorprize nya si adik dpt toaster. Ih si beruntung!
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Kalo aku dpt apa? Ini dia sprei single bed hahaha gpp alhamdulillah yg sebetulnya kamimah butuh sprei king haha. Pelajaran bgt nih doorprize adik pas ambil nomer pake bismillah dulu kalo aku ngga pake. See the difference? Jgn sepelein baca doa gais hahahaha. Atuda gusti meni riweuh ku sambil makan. Kalap jg makannya banyaaaak dan terus di refill ya Allah alhamdulillah.. Oiya plus anak2 kicil dpt bingkisan kek snack ultah..
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Dari sekian banyak cuma 2 makanan ini yg aku capture
Dessert yg selalu diisi ulang karena semua kepanasan dan dahaga tanpa batas dari siang sampe magrib itu di refill mulu wkwk. Sebelah dessert ada cilok, foto lg itu baso.
Ngga ke foto ada parasmanan gepuk, ayam, asin, sayur asem, sambel, mendoan dll lah ya main course gt. Dimsum, puding, donat dan welcome snack yg superbanyak ituu. Kita semua kaya ngga ada jeda buat ngunyah lg dan lg dan lg. Sampe yg planning mau kabur ke mall terdekat katanya disitu ada ramen seirock-ya yg sungguh aku dan adik idam2kan, ngga jadi dong gmn bisa nampung di perut kami yg begah, mana kalo makanan nikmat pgnnya pas lg laper gaksiii.. Haa sudahlah bukan jodoh dgn seirock-ya huhu tunggu kami balik lg ke sana yaa. Ke daerah manapun yg ada seirock-ya nya pokonya.
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Meanwhile anak2 ngapain? Berenang lama bgt, gosong2 dah tuh huft. Kek org dusun yg nemo pool ya gamau berhenti ya Allah
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Segitu yg baru join anak2 kecil, abg nya belom gabung. Pas udah gabung penuh deh tuhhh. Sebetulnya emg tempting bgt itu gerah2 berenang, rasanya pgn lsg masuk ke air tp ya gmn gabawa baju renang trus malu aja itu smua anak2 wkwk.
Nah planning kuliner ke 2. Beli tuku! Pasti selalu ada yakan memasuki daerah jabodetabek itu, ternyata order via gofood lebih murah dan deket pula lokasinya, gaslaah itu jam2 disaat ngga kenyang bgt dan msh panas dahaga. Beli 10 cup..
Ini capture igs adikku. Iya bener! Sepupuku jg blg gt. Di daerah sini tukunya enak bgt, didaerah sini kurang manis, yg disini pait bgt. Karena kita baru nyobain 2x yg di tsm itu sm kemarin ya emg beneran beda. Menurutku enakan yg di cibubur, tp belom nampol bgt gt rasanya, ngga kaya makmur jaya. Kata sepupuku penggemar makmur jaya blg yg tuku yg 1 liter enak tp yg barusan di minum enakan makmur katanya. Haaaa knp ya tuku seengga konsisten itu? Hiks
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Yaudahlah tp nikmat aja sesoran minum tuku pinggir kolam setelah drama ngurus anak2 yg 2x mandi karena 2x berenang yg 1 pake baju renang yg 1 lg pake baju main haaaaa, mana disuruh udahan susah bgt hidih. Akhirnya nemuin kedamaian setitik menyeruput tuku sambil chit chat sama sepupu dan menikmati karokean yg ngga slesei2 para boomer dan gen x yg heboh joged2 hahaha. Kami geng Millenial disuruh nyanyi ngga ada yg mau.. Terlalu jaim~
Akhirnya famgath slesei tiba wktnya plg, beneran bubar kirain ada yg nginep ternyata kelg tasik jg plg. Habis magrib kita smua pamit dan pulang, mampir makan dulu di daerah kranggan sblm masuk tol, ayam kampung tp minumnya ngga ada es batu jd adanya minuman hangat. Hey ngana vikir ajaaaa! Emosi jiwa ya lg kegerahan adanya minuman hangat gmn siikkk. Haa alhamdulillah akhirnya nyampe jam set12 dan keadaannya kaya supercapeeeeq.. Kasur mana kasuurrrr
Tag @sagarmatha13
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