#bb adrian raines
kinda-iconic · 4 months
Can I just say…
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puredoesnotmeankind · 10 months
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Get yourself a man who can do both
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adrianrainesfangs · 5 months
Meanwhile, on fangbook:
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Original below the cut
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gaiuskamilah · 11 months
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sacramentum bloodbound | M | 4.2k words | gaius augustine/adrian raines post bloodbound: origins, canon compliant warnings: canon-typical violence, internalized homophobia, power imbalance, unhealthy relationships, implied sexual content
[read on ao3]
A sprawling estate. A lavish garden, and a marble mansion at the center. This was Adrian’s prison, his ivory tower where his Maker had decided to stow him away for the past fortnight. A beautiful little paradise with its own Garden of Eden, where god placed the man that he had formed.
The ornate doors of Adrian’s prison opened and Gaius ushered him in, a reassuring hand placed on the small of Adrian’s back. Their clothes were singed, ruined, and they carried with them the smell of smoke—a reminder of Adrian’s failures that night, and the revelation Gaius delivered him in the fire. They were gods amongst men, and it was Gaius—the one highest in their order—who gave Adrian the honor of receiving the gift of godhood.
The doors clicked shut. Adrian stood in the foyer as his eyes adjusted to the dim interiors of the manor. The candles had been blown out and the heavy curtains had been drawn just in time for sunrise. Melancholy filled Adrian as dawn approached, the knowledge of never being able to fully appreciate first light again weighed down on his spirits. 
“Dawn is approaching, dear Adrian,” said Gaius from behind him. His Maker laid a hand on his shoulder and Adrian turned to face him. Fingers brushed away the soot on his cheek. “Let’s get you clean now, shall we?”
Adrian absently nodded. He followed Gaius into one of the many bath chambers in the manor. The curtains were drawn shut and the room was lit with candles, illuminating the chamber with an almost eerie glow. In the middle was a large bath, large enough for two. Steam from the warm water wafted through the room, and the sweet aroma of the bath was a pleasant assault to Adrian’s senses. 
Gaius had planned it all for Adrian.
Gaius removed his cape and set it aside. Adrian watched as Gaius removed his shoes, then undid the catches of his doublet. Gaius’ clothes fell away to a puddle around his ankles, leaving Adrian’s Maker as bare as the day he was born. 
Gaius turned to Adrian, a languid, cat-like look on his face. “Unless you want to ruin them even more,” said Gaius. “I do not suppose you plan to bathe with your clothes on, do you, my dear Adrian?”
“You will be joining me?”
Adrian’s question was answered by Gaius stepping into the bath. His Maker slipped into the water and quickly disappeared under the surface before he emerged seconds later, noticeably cleaner. Gaius stretched his arms across the sides of the bath. “The water is perfect. Don’t waste it, my dear.” 
After a moment’s consideration, and not without hesitation, Adrian undid his clothes and pulled off his shoes. He entered the water and kept a distance from Gaius, or, well, as much distance as he could put between the two of them in the bath. 
“Come closer, dear Adrian,” said Gaius. Adrian obeyed and moved closer to him. “Turn around. Let me wash your hair for you.”
Mild surprise washed through Adrian but he complied, turning his back to the elder vampire. “No one’s washed my hair for me since I was a child,” said Adrian.
“In a way, you are. A child, I mean,” said Gaius. Gaius’ hands threaded through Adrian’s hair, lathering it with soaps and oils. His touch was soft, and it was such a jarring contrast to the things Adrian witnessed him do earlier that night. “ My child. My progeny, as all vampires are. You have been reborn, with my blood in your veins.” 
“I don’t suppose you do this for all your children,” said Adrian as Gaius rinsed away the soap in his hair and bathed him clean. “I’m having a hard time imagining you doing this with that Lester fellow.” 
Gaius snorted.
“Castellanos, as useful as he is, is no better than a pig. There are many more things I would rather do than set foot in a bath with him,” said Gaius. “And you are correct. I do not do this for all my children. You are a special case.”
A house burning. A family of three dead at their feet, and group of bandits with them. In the middle of it all, Gaius, as fearsome as an angel of death, as he hovered over Adrian and held his face in his hands, as he told him of the special place Adrian would have next to him. And Adrian remembered, that even with the house burning down around them and the with the smoke that filled his lungs, he couldn’t tear his gaze away from the red eyes of his Maker.
“You said that earlier tonight as well, that I’m special,” With the suds washed away from his hair, Adrian turned to face his Maker. “Why? Why me?”
“The war with the British is over. The colonists have won, and with their victory comes a new twilight for us. Soon, I will rule as King amongst the vampires of this land. And you—” Gaius reached out and took Adrian’s face in the palm of his hand. Gaius’ thumb moved across Adrian’s cheek in soothing motions, and Gaius moved in closer. Adrian could hear his heartbeat in his ears, and no doubt Gaius could too. “—will be my hand. My soldier. My beautiful prince.” 
Dawn had fully broken by the time Adrian and Gaius exited the bath. Adrian sat atop his blankets, propped up and long sitting, while Gaius sat at the edge next to him. Adrian was exhausted, the events of the night wore him downt to his bones. But he wasn’t allowed rest yet, no—Gaius had other plans. One last task for the night, his Maker promised.
Gaius held an amulet in one hand. On the circular ornament was a special insignia of a convex crescent moon. “You are of my blood, the blood of the eternal covenant. Of eternal life. But even with me in you you remain susceptible to eternal death,” said Gaius. “To ensure that you never stray away from our blood, passed down to us by the First, our Goddess, I will put my mark on you.” 
“Mark… me?” Adrian was caught off guard. “What do you mean?”
Gaius held up the amulet in his hand. “I will mark you with my brand and infuse my blood with yours, tying you to me, so you never trod the path of eternal death.” A pause, and then, with just a bit of what Adrian knew by now to be a false innocent look: “Unless… you refuse?”
Adrian had never seen one, but Gaius had described to him a number of times what the alternative looked like. Ferals. Monsters with ashen gray skin and talons as sharp as a knife. They were mindless, driven only by hunger, all humanity and conscience and life taken away from them. As conflicted as Adrian was in his second chance at life, becoming a feral was far worse.
Adrian shook his head. “No, no. I accept.” 
Gaius reached out and brushed his fingers against Adrian’s cheek with a smile. “I had faith that you would.” 
Before Adrian could react, Gaius moved to kneel on him, one knee next to Adrian’s side and another between his legs. Adrian watched as Gaius produced a bright blue flame in his hand and held the amulet above it with the other. Gaius heated the ornament until it burned red hot. He then extinguished the flame and pressed the palm of his hand to the metal. Adrian’s eyes went wide as the sound and smell of Gaius’ burning flesh filled the room, all while his Maker seemed unfazed by the procedure.
How many times has he done this before?
“Admittedly, this will hurt.”
Gaius reached out and pulled Adrian by the arm, ever so closer to him. Gaius then pressed the burning metal onto the rounded contour of Adrian’s shoulder, which drawed a pained sound from the younger vampire. On instinct, Adrian jerked away, but Gaius’ grip was ironclad. 
“Gaius,” Adrian cried. “It hurts—it burns—”
“I know. Just a few more seconds,” hushed Gaius. “The pain will fade. I know you can take it.” 
Adrian met Gaius’ eyes, which was filled with assurance and pride. He held onto his Maker as the burning pain faded away to a comfortable warmth. Gaius pulled the amulet away, and on Adrian’s skin was a red burn in the shape of Gaius’ brand.
Gaius held out his wrist. “Draw my blood, Adrian,” was his command.
After a moment’s hesitation, Adrian gingerly took Gaius’ wrist and sank his teeth into the tender flesh. Gaius’ blood filled Adrian’s mouth and stained the white sheets as Adrian cut Gaius’ skin open with his teeth. Adrian let out an involuntary moan as he tasted Gaius’ blood. His Maker’s blood was invigorating. It was the most delicious thing he’s ever tasted, and it felt like torture when he pulled away. He swallowed the blood and and pretended to not notice how Gaius’ eyes flitted to his lips as Adrian licked it clean.
Gaius pressed his bleeding wrist against Adrian’s sleeve. The burn glowed orange as Gaius’ blood infused with Adrian’s, the two of them becoming one in the younger. The skin knit itself together and twisted into the image of Gaius’ brand, now permanently etched onto the place where their skin burned as one and their blood bound together.
They met each other’s eyes, the atmosphere undeniably charged between them. Gaius cupped Adrian’s face and pressed his lips against the younger’s. Adrian, for the life of him, couldn’t help but reciprocate in kind. He wrapped an arm around Gaius’ torso and threaded another hand in his hair. Just like his blood, kissing Gaius was intoxicating; he kissed like he wanted to devour Adrian whole. It was as searing as his bright blue fire, as searing as him. 
Adrian was breathless by the time Gaius pulled away. Gaius took his cheek in one hand and kissed the other. 
“Welcome, my dear.”
Adrian woke up alone that evening, the other side of his bed cold. Mixed feelings rose within him—disgust, relief, shame. It had only been weeks since Eleanor passed, and here he was, his heart still alive and beating and his lips kissing someone else, another man no less. What was worse was that he enjoyed it. It was a relief, to have been so close to someone else again, after days of being alone, just as much as it was Gaius leaving him alone.
His despair at being left alone again had almost settled in when Adrian noticed a new set of clothes sat on his dresser. With it was a short note written in what was Gaius’ script:
Get dressed. We leave at midnight. 
Adrian had almost gotten himself accustomed to the silence and isolation from his Maker that this filled him with surprise, and, curse his damned heart, hope. Two nights in a row together, after almost two weeks of seclusion? It was almost too good to be true. 
Bring your sword.
Memories of last night rose to Adrian’s mind. Gaius had always said that Adrian had a special place in his court, his plans of the world he was to create. Adrian was to be his prince. His soldier. 
His executioner. 
Adrian then felt all too aware of Gaius’ brand on the rounded contour of his shoulder. Shirtless, he faced the mirror and ran a finger on the brand, tracing the crescent moon mark. He then absently lifted a hand to his lips, remembering the way Gaius kissed him. He was Gaius’ now, his body permanently marked by Gaius, and his heart pumping blood infused with his Maker’s. 
He banished these thoughts and dressed himself. Gaius needed him tonight. Gaius Turned him, needed him, wanted him by his side. Adrian owed it to him to try.
Adrian watched as the moon climbed into the sky. At her peak at midnight, the doors of the manor pushed open and Adrian found himself once again looking into the eyes of his Maker.
Gaius greeted him with a smile. His Maker said: “I’m glad to see you well and ready, my dear.”
“I assume wherever we are going tonight is important?”
Gaius raised an amused eyebrow at him. “Impatient, my prince?” he teased. Gaius placed his hand on Adrian’s arm, right where his brand was. Adrian swore he could feel it burn. “But yes indeed. My plans are almost complete. There only remains one final kink that needs straightened, one that I need you for.”
“What do you want me to do?” asked Adrian.
Gaius caressed Adrian’s face, with a touch ever so soft, and said: “You will kill my soldier.”
Adrian stood in the shadows of a lavish underground temple. It was cavernous, lit only by candle, with statues and art decorating its halls. At the end of the hall was a throne, in front of it an altar, and on the wall behind it a stone mural of a woman. The First Vampire, Gaius’ goddess, if Adrian had to guess.
Adrian tore his gaze away from the mural. He wasn’t alone. In the temple was a beautiful brown-skinned woman with long, straight hair. She wore a fine red dress and carried with her an aura of pure power. With her was a boy with long and curly strawberry blond hair, dressed in aristocratic garments. He couldn’t have been older than thirteen, but Adrian guessed he was probably older than Adrian himself. 
Adrian’s sword weighed heavy in his hand. A mix of fear and anticipation churned through Adrian at what was to come.
“Your—Your soldier?” Adrian asked in disbelief. “You would—would have me kill myself?”
“Not you, my dear,” reassured Gaius. “But a beast like us, with the name Banner Westbrook. A knight I Turned across the ocean, in Europe. A loyal soldier he was, until he strayed too far from me, too close to colonists. He is of my blood, as you are, and I have observed him closely. I know that tonight he will leave me. He will turn his heel and refuse to bend the knee. He will refuse to see me as his King, just as the colonists reject theirs.
“He will be my soldier no more. Tonight, you will take your sword, and you will end him. You will be my soldier.” 
The sound of opening of the slab at the end of the room jolted Adrian out of his thoughts. A man in knight’s armor entered the temple. Blood dripped down his chin as he staggered and approached the others. 
Was that the beast Gaius referred to? The man who stood in Adrian’s rightful place? 
Adrian watched as the woman in red glared at the man. “You are late,” she said as she gave the man a cold gaze. “Where were you?”
“I was hungry,” he said as he wiped the blood off his lips. The two of them traded looks of disdain. “Gaius did not even tell us why we had to come here, and I notice he is not here either. Why should I be punctual if he does not extend to us the same courtesy?”
That was him, then. Banner Westbrook, Gaius’ traitorous soldier. Adrian’s task.
The woman rolled her eyes. “I am sure he has his reasons.”
“Oh, and what would those be?” Banner sneered. “I would love to hear them.” 
“That is his business, not ours.” 
“Ah yes, Kamilah, always so eager to leap at your King’s defense,” said Banner. He threw the word king as if it was an insult.
“And you are always looking to find fault with his decisions!” Kamilah’s voice rose.
The boy stood between them. “You are both acting ridiculous,” he said, with an evident French accent. “Can you spend one moment not at each other’s throats?”
Banner turned to the boy. “This does not involve you—”
A familiar laugh rang throughout the temple. Banner’s words were cut short at the sound, and all of their eyes turned toward the top of the stairs. Gaius descended slowly. He walked with an air of grace as he smirked and surveyed the others. 
“Children, children,” their Maker said. “Why do you fight? I come bearing great news.”
“News of what?” asked Banner.
“I come from Yorktown. The war is over,” said Gaius. The others turned to him in disbelief. “The British have surrendered. The colonists have won.” A moment, then he added with a self-satisfied smile: “With a little special assistance, of course.”
Gaius continued: “We rejoice. This land is ours for the taking.” 
This was met with mixed reactions from the three. The boy was overjoyed with the promise of celebration, Banner with disappointment at the cessation of violence, and the woman Kamilah asked: “What does all of this mean for us?” 
Adrian watched as Gaius strolled over to Kamilah and brushed a strand of hair from her face. He tucked behind her ear and looked at her with something no less than adoration. “Ah, Kamilah. My Queen. Ever so practical, my love,” he said. “I have struck an accord with the leaders of this great new nation.”
Gaius then walked over to the man he tasked Adrian to kill. He clapped Banner on the back, his hand lingering for a moment. Adrian winced as he watched Gaius treat Banner with such familiarity. 
“In exchange for our services during the war, they have permitted us to live here secretly, in the colony of New York. They will not hunt us. They will not police us. So long as we remain within the state, we may live as we wish. Forever,” said Gaius. “They know what we are capable of. I do not imagine they would dream of a betrayal.
“We shall be able to feed and thrive as we please, allowed to flourish under the cover of darkness. We shall be our own free nation, a kingdom of vampires, ruling over the night.”
This was met with joy and excitement from the boy and Kamilah. Banner, as Adrian anticipated, felt different.
“A kingdom?” Banner asked dryly. He then leveled a scorful look at Gaius. “I thought we were fighting to free ourselves from a king.” 
Gaius took a step forward and gave Banner a predatory smile, one with a just a little too much teeth. He put a hand on Banner’s shoulder. Adrian knew he was dead. 
“Our kind needs the rule of a strong first,” said Gaius. 
“Spoken like a man who plans to try his hand at tyranny,” said Banner.
“Careful, Banner. You exist because of my mercy. I gifted you my blood, with Turned you into the god that you are,” said Gaius, his voice level. “As any creation before his maker, it is not too much to ask that you bend the knee.” 
Banner pulled away from Gaius, rage written all across his face. “You promised us freedom. Freedom for all of us, not just for you!”
Gaius opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by Banner: “No! I am sick and tired of your scheming. I refuse to listen to another word. I vowed to never again bow to anyone. Not to a mortal king. And not to you. We fought for our freedom, and I am taking mine!” 
Banner turned his heel to leave. Kamilah took to a step toward him, and urged him to rethink. But the soldier’s mind was decided: he was leaving them. He was leaving Gaius. 
A fool’s errand. It was painful for Adrian to watch. No matter how much Banner would resist, or how Gaius would try to make him see, Banner’s fate was already signed. Gaius was only prolonging the inevitable.
“I made you, Banner. I dragged you from the mud where you lay dying and from my blood gave you life. I made you the glorious beast that you are now,” said their Maker. Anger seeped into his face now. “Would you really turn your back on me?”
“I am not a beast,” spat Banner. “I am a man. And I will live and die free.” 
Adrian almost admired him. Almost. 
Adrian watched as Banner headed for the door. His grip on the hilt of sword tightened and he readied himself. He was tasked to kill Banner. He needed to kill Banner, else that Gaius see Adrian’s failure and look for someone else. Adrian poised himself to strike, to reveal himself, and—
Gaius raised his hand up and Banner froze in place, as though held by invisible strings. Both the boy and Banner cried out in shock; even Adrian is taken aback by the display. Only Kamilah remained unmoved, her face morphing into one of expected resignation. 
Banner struggled against the invisible bonds, his body writhing but unable to move. A blue flame started to glow in Gaius’ hand, bathing their Maker in an eerie and menacing blue light.
“H-How are you doing this?” Banner choked out. A loud crack reverberated across the room as his torso bent unnaturally. 
“I have power beyond your conception. My blood runs in your veins. My blood grants you strength. You are a child. I am part of you. I made you ,” said Gaius. His eyes glowed red. All traces of his calm demeanor was gone, replaced with a look of disdain and disgust for his treacherous soldier. “And what I giveth, I can taketh way.” 
Gaius clenched his fist. Banner screamed as humerus pierced through the skin of his right arm. He hovered above the ground as his feet twisted backwards. His talluses jutted out and he let out a howl of pain. His blood stained the temple floor as Gaius continued to puppet his body. Their Maker twisted Banner’s limbs in different directions, cracked the bones of his ribs and his shoulders, all with a turn of his wrist.
It was then that Adrian became all too aware of the blood in his veins. Not just his blood, but Gaius’. Gaius was in him, infused in the very substance that kept him alive , and the brand on his arm only further strengthened Gaius’ hold on him. 
Banner was wrong. They were not men, who could live and die free. They were beasts, bound by body and blood to a capricious Maker. 
“You need me, Gaius,” Banner gritted. One last attempt to grovel back into his Maker’s good graces, but futile all the same. “I’m your soldier…” 
“I was in your place once. I still am. I was and am the soldier of the First, loyal and unflinching for Her. I have enacted Her will for thousands of years,” said Gaius. “So what a truly pathetic and mutinous soldier you are, so quick to change your mind at the slightest threat that came your way.”
Gaius continued: “I will say, you are correct. I need a soldier, but it will not be you. I do not need a soldier as unfaithful as you.”
Adrian’s mouth felt dry. He prayed to whatever deity there was to give him the strength to fulfill his task ahead, to be kind of soldier his Maker was and needed, even if the thought of it scared him to death.
“So…it all comes to this?” Banner gasped out. “You are going to kill me?”
Gaius’ eyes met Adrian’s. Adrian gripped his sword, the same cavalry sword he used in the war. All eyes turned to him as he stepped out of the shadows, but he kept his gaze steady at his Maker, as if he were the only one in the room. 
“I await your command,” said Adrian, like a loyal soldier, an executioner. 
Gaius’ red eyes glimmered with sadistic glee. His fangs extended past his lips as he gave Adrian a proud smile. With an encouraging nod, his Maker commanded: “Do it.” 
Banner’s protests were cut off as Adrian steeled himself, spun, and slashed his sword through his neck. It all happened in a blur. Banner’s body crumbled into ash before his head could even reach the floor. His clothes fell in a heap onto the floor, that and a few bloodstains being the only evidence that the fallen soldier had ever existed. 
Adrian’s gaze turned from the clothes on the floor to Gaius, who gave him a smile prouder than ever before. Adrian internally preened at the silent praise. That was all he wanted at the moment—to be good, to be good for Gaius, for his Maker. The boy’s shock and Kamilah’s reaction at Banner’s execution hardly registered in Adrian’s ears.
Finally, Kamilah asked: “Who is this?”
With eyes that didn’t leave Adrian’s, Gaius said: “The newest member of our covenant. Adrian Raines.”
Adrian strode to Gaius, not paying heed to Kamilah and the boy. He dropped to his knee. Gaius layed one hand on his shoulder, and extended the other. Adrian eagerly took the latter, leaned forward, and kissed his ring. 
He had done it—there was no going back now.
“My king,” said Adrian. 
“Rise, my dear.” 
Adrian stood to his full height, but kept his eyes on the floor. Gaius took his chin and raised it to meet his eye. “Do not hide yourself from me,” he said. His Maker then pressed a chaste kiss on the side of his lips, with Kamilah and the boy as witnesses. “You are my beautiful, warrior prince, in whom I am well pleased.” 
some notes because i think they're fun and i like sharing things:
1. bloodbound's timeline is weird and inconsistent and fucks me up. adrian is turned in 1781 around christmas. in a tapestry scene, gaius mentions "coming straight from yorktown" which implies he took part in the 1781 siege of yorktown, a decisive battle in the american revolutionary war which took place in october. the two month disparity is weird to me, because why would he wait so long to announce it to the others? also he was in virginia while adrian was turned in new york. so i tried to reconcile that and the fact that gaius had isolating adrian in a manor alone in bb: origins by making it around two weeks after adrian was turned. gaius is a busy bitch.
2. sacramentum is latin for sacrament, which in ancient rome meant a soldier's oath of allegiance. this was eventually adopted by christianity, and now you have the sacraments. the story is meant to reference four sacraments. you get my love if you can guess them.
3. bible verses are referenced thrice. you get my love again if you caught them. i love using the bible for yaoi.
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celestial-passions · 1 year
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My Mc and the Bloodbound characters as anime characters. Couldn't for the life of me get a darker skin tone filters for Kamilah, Lily, Priya, Jax and Rheya. And some of thier names and Surnames changed too bc of this filter.
Bonus, Dracula and The Assho-Err I mean Baron.
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Lowkey want a Bloodbound anime series now 🤔👀
Tags: @surrenderronnie1 💙💜💙
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thelucyaddams · 1 year
One of my favorite Bloodbound moments 😍🔥
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xx-rpr · 9 months
Random Headcanons I have for my Bloodbound characters:
Nikhil once went on a mission with Gaius and MC. They were destructive as always. He never accompanied them again.
Spa Day with the Gang: MC and Gaius getting into trouble once more.
MC visiting Kamilah. Garden and Tea the whole day. Gaius watching from a distance like a creep.
MC and Gaius have a kill scoreboard. They are on each other’s board.
Jax teaching his fighting class. Looks out the window. Gaius and MC fighting a group of The Daughters of Rheya in full skincare mode.
One time Jax was trying out a new look and everyone roasted him.
Raines Corp. is hosting a charity fashion show. MC, Jax, and Gaius are recruited as models.
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senatorraines · 2 years
top 5 adrian moments?
okay so u want to me to go feral . that's fine KSKSJDBDBDBDMKDDK
under the cut because no one needs to be subjected to this level of mental illness unwillingly
ask me my top five anything!
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these are in no particular order expect the first one bc OF COURSE
1. love bridge scene/dancing on the boat/etc. - im sorry this altered in the chemicals in my brain like ????? he is SO in love with mc IT'S SICKENING AND THE SLIGHT MENTION OF ETERNITY LIKE THEY PUT CRACK IN THIS SHIT !!!!!!!! like it is my favorite diamond scene EVER we get "adoring smile on his face as he gazes as you" "and yet ur the most beautiful thing here" "i thought u didn't know abt the love bridge" "i just wanted to hear it from ur lips. what do you think, shall we?" AND "to our eternity "eternity can mean something very different to u than it does to me" ANDDDDDDD THIS:
like they r everything to me and thank u for giving me an excuse to talk abt this scene bc it is simply thee BEST
2. NOT HER NEVER HER 🥰😍😋🤩🥺😁💗 - LIKE IM SORRY I THINK ADRIAN IS ALLOWED TO GO JUST A BIT APESHIT FOR THE SAKE OF MC ! and when he does there is simply nothing else like it i fear ! i won't get into how we were robbed of dark!adrian and how book 2 was literally building up to that bc i would like to stay sane but this scene is everything n then some ! (also the parallel of mc wrapping her arms around him and being like "come back to me" to in the book 3 finale when mc possesses rheya's power and adrian says "i love you come back to me" LIKE MY GOD)
3. adrian taking the serum and spending the day with mc - it's just so cute 🥺💗 like that's my man! and these descriptions:
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the writers WANTED me to fall in love with him and it worked! also in book 3 when u can invite him to mc's dream sequence and he actually really feels the sun on his face for the first time in 200+ years 🥺 i love him sm
4. adrian injecting all of the serum and jumping out the window with mc - THIS SCENE IS INSANE LIKE WHEN THE BB SCENES HIT THEY HIT !!!!!!! like come on:
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he was so sexy for this and also the description of adrian popping his bones back into place ❤️ hehe
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zhoras-bitch · 1 year
My Playchoices MCs #11
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There's been a lot of Bloodbound on my dash lately and it made me want to shake off the dust from my BB headcanons. This Evita, my precious little ball of depression and existential dread. If you know who I named her after, you get a cookie. Also, yes, I stole her middle name from @gaiuskamilah. Headcanons under the cut.
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Was almost a literature major, but went into communications instead after her parents vetoed the idea with, ‘You’ll never get a job with that degree!’ 
She does like social sciences, but her real passion is stuffy old books (affectionate). Specifically, she is partial to deep, dark, sometimes surreal and maybe a little tedious works. I can see her reading Dostoevsky, Camus, Unamuno etc.
Besides Spanish and English, can speak decent French and Portuguese.
Went back here to add that she's a trans woman after this headcanon has completely taken over my brain.
Evita's Bloodkeeper abilities began to manifest when she was very young, way before her transition and before she even knew she was trans. The visions started caming to her in the form of dreams, and seeing how bloody and cruel vampire history is, those dreams were often pretty fucked up. So Evita was a perpetually tired and kind of jumpy kid and teen. Thankfully, she didn't remember most of those dreams back then.
Evita grew up in a Catholic family, so the existence of vampires and their whole lore were hard for her to reconcile. By the end of book 3, she's not even sure what she believes in anymore.
Doesn’t like lying and is kind of bad at it.
Her wardrobe is kind of dull. Evita's style is business casual, with no bright colours or flashy patterns. She wears a lot of black and even more button-up shirts.
Prefers tea to coffee.
Very much asexual, cannot determine whether her feelings are romantic or platonic to save her life.
She had a… relationship with Lily where they were toeing the line between friends and lovers for years. And then Lily died before they could figure it out.
Yeah, the series finale is not really a happy ending for her. Post book 3 Evita is a total wreck. She's going through a crisis of faith, her best friend is dead, and without her, Evita feels like the last thread that connected her to her humanity is gone.
On the bright side, Adrian promotes her to be the representative of Raines Corps. internationally (yay?). Evita uses the opportunity to travel around Europe and other parts of the world. For a while, I think she distances herself from Adrian, Kamilah and Jax. She needs the time to just reflect.
During that time, she finds purpose in seeking out newly turned and just lone vampires and helping them navigate their new life. If there's s risk they might turn Feral, she gives them her own brand, a lily. She didn't plan to rule over them or anything, but over the years she kind of naturally starts being referred to as the leader of her own clan.
Gaius and she have a... relationship. They meet when Evita is traveling in Europe sometime after the finale. And they find themselves in a similar place psychologically: struggling to understand who the fuck they even are and what they are supposed to do with their lives. Like with Lily, it's all on the verge of romantic and platonic (that's a theme with Evita). And with their long ass vampire lifespans, it probably takes them decades to figure it out.
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Hello @mynotsohealthyobsession , I hope you're doing well. I really enjoy your fanfics and have a fic request for you (since I have no idea how to write it myself but I believe you can do it!):
A fic similar to the Choices Book "The Princess Swap" where your Bloodbound MC, Amy (business woman and/or vampire) swaps roles (or the other way around) with Nightbound MC (hunting partner and/or future fae duchess).
Pairings: Amy(F!MC)×Adrian & Alex(F!MC)×Nik
ONLY IF YOU WANT: EXTRA: If possible, you could add pets too just like the characters in Barbie movies had when they swapped roles. I know your BB MC loves dogs and I don't know about your NB MC, but she has a perrikin. Maybe she is a cat person and have a cat. Also very interesting, dog person vs. cat person?! Or Adrian Raines vs. Nik Ryder.
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I mean, in my opinion, both MCs do have a few similarities like discovering Supernatural World, having family secrets, four LIs and they both have died once. You know.
Hi darling! Thanks for the request! This isn't exactly what you ask for, but I hope you enjoy it!
Disembodied - Part 1 / 8
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Warning: Mention of death // Angst // Fluff
Pairings: Adrian Raines X MC // Nik Ryder X MC
Words: 1.515
As always, tags in the reblog!
Amy felt her body was heavy and different. Funny. She always thought that it was the opposite when you die. Slowly, her senses started to wake up. She heard people shouting around her and the clear sounds of a fight. Was Gaius still alive? She forced her eyes open and the light dazed her. After a few seconds, she realized it was the sun. She looked around, panicked. "Adrian?" Amy asked, scared to find ashes but instead noticing a city that clearly wasn't New York. "Guys?"
With wobbling legs she stood, frozen when she was her reflection in the shop window in front of her.
This obviously was a nightmare. She clearly has died and, for some reason, she was in hell. These weren't her hands. Nor her face. And she definitely didn't have gray hair. These leather clothes, with the front soaked in blood, weren't her clothes. She turned to see a blonde guy fighting with a creature she had never seen in her life.
"Nik! Watch it!" Amy turned to a familiar figure running to the stranger. She had only seen him once in Vegas but that was definitely Cal, the werewolf. The fight kept going but the pale creature seemed too strong. Suddenly, it turned its ugly face to her.
"Shit!" Before she could react, it rapidly ran to her.
"Alex! No!" The blonde guy, both shocked and what seemed scared, shot arrow after arrow, following it. "Run!" But it was impossible, the creature was too fast. Amy covered her face with her arms and, to her shock, she heard a pained scream from the other side. The creature was whining with a huge wound on its side.
"That power…" Said a tall girl with smoking hands.
"Alex! Do it again!" Amy nodded at Cal's words unsure, sending her hands forward, praying for a miracle. Her palms expelled a bright strong magic that sent the creature flying up, tearing it apart, until it fell, dead. Amy fell to her knees, exhausted.
"Alex!" Nik, as Cal had called him, ran to her, dropping his weapon and kneeling to observe her. "Are you okay, Rook? What happened to your wound?"
"I think I'm fine." Her voice sounded so strange to her.
"You think you are fine?!" He seemed irritated.
"She might be still in a daze, Ryder. Let her be." A second girl said.
"I just want to know if she is okay, Katy." He looked intensely into her eyes and Amy missed Adrian's stare. She hoped that he and the rest of the gang were okay. "For god's sake, Alex! He stabbed you in the chest with his hand! You fucking died!" She felt her throat dry. She had been stabbed, yes, but with a sword. By Gaius.
"Amy! Stop!" Alex heard a male voice screaming but she couldn't focus on the words. She was so hungry, and that woman's blood smelled so delicious. "Amy!" A strong hand seized her wrist, stopping her. A pair of blue eyes that weren't Nik's observed her face with awe. "You are alive." The tall man smiled. "Amy, you are alive."
"I'm not–" But before she couldn't finish, the world turned black.
"So you found her in Central Park, Raines?"
"Yes. She was about to attack a wounded woman. When I stopped her, she didn't seem to recognize me."
"She's probably still adjusting. It's been four days after all."
The voices sounded around her but she didn't recognize any of them. Alex felt strange… different. The last thing she remembered was Thomas' hand piercing open her chest, killing her. Alex opened her eyes and four unknown faces looked at her with concern.
"Oh my god!" The girl with glasses ran to her, tightly hugging her. She pushed the woman away, standing up.
"Lily, give her space." A woman with a stern gesture said.
"Amy, are you alright?" The tall man wearing a suit asked, looking concerned. She didn't answer, her eyes studied the space she was in. It was an elegant office, with a huge closed window. She rushed to it, opening the curtains.
"Oh my god…" She didn't know how but she wasn't in New Orleans anymore. Instead, a smoking New York was in front of her. "This can't be happening." She said, furrowing at the different voice that came from her mouth.
"This is a nightmare," Alex whispered.
"I know how much you love New York, Amy. I wish you hadn't seen it like this." Alex didn't turn, now looking at her reflection in the window. A long-haired woman looked back at her. She moved like her but her features were unknown. Alex extended her hand towards the glass and so did the other woman. A hand on her shoulder, even gentle as his, made her flinch. "My apologies."
"It's fine."
"I'm sorry to ask this, but could you give us a moment of privacy?"
"Of course. Jax, Lily, come on." The other two headed to the door. "Don't forget about the meeting, Adrian."
"I know." She felt nervous, even though the man was watching her with concern and fondness. "Amy, are you aware of what is happening?"
"Not completely." He leaned against the desk.
"That night, in the Met… You were dying. And, as I held you, I made a decision." Adrian sighed guiltily. "I turned you."
"Yo-You turn me?"
"You are a vampire, Amy. Just like Lily, Jax, Kamilah, and me."
"Come on, come on. Please work." Amy pressed and held the power button on the phone again, expected but the screen remained black and broken. "Damn it!" She threw it against the wall, frustrated. Amy sat on the edge of the sofa in, from what she understood, was Nik's apartment, where this Alex girl was staying. Amy had found the phone in her jacket. She intended to call her own cell and see what happened. It was a long shot but, If she was in Alex's body, could Alex be in hers? Unfortunately, she couldn't confirm or deny that theory at the moment.
She didn't want to ask for a cell phone and respond to questions she might not have an answer for.
For the moment she had decided to play along. It was better that they thought she was Alex instead of saying that someone else was in Alex's body and everybody thought she had lost her mind. Even though she already was thinking that.
She closed her eyes and her mind returned to Adrian and the Met. She could see his face, contracted with sorrow, as he held her. 'And I lo–' Was he saying that he loves her? She missed him and was scared of what was happening. Her eyes burned with tears that slowly rolled down her cheeks and she allowed herself to sink into the moment for a little.
"Alex?" Nik's voice cut the silence as he walked through the front door. He had left her to change her clothes.
"Yeah?" Amy quickly dried the tears away, composing herself.
"The gang is waiting for you to start the celebration." Nik walked to her, sitting beside her. She unintentionally tensed. "Before we head downstairs, I…" He scratched the back of his neck. "You know I'm not good at this."
"This?" Amy asked, confused.
"This. Talking and… Feelings." He cleared his throat. "About what happened before Thomas' attack, I–"
"Nik." Amy cut him off, "It's been a long and... Extremely weird day. Can we talk another time? Please?"
"Sure, Rook. C'mon, let's get you a drink." He stood and went to the door with Amy following him. Whatever he was about to say, she wasn't the person it was meant for. And, honestly, there was only one man she had feelings for… and she was determined to return to him.
"Amy, please say something."
"I…" Alex returned her gaze at the window, looking at her reflection again. It seemed so unreal. "I understand." She honestly did. If someone dear to her were dying, she would definitely do whatever it is in her power to save them. Even turn them into a vampire.
"I know we haven't talked about your turning before but the mere thought of losing you was unbearable for me." Adrian said, deeply looking into her eyes. Alex turned away, scared that, somehow, he noticed it wasn't Amy's soul inside her body. "I'm truly sorry."
"Don't worry about it, Adrian." She forced a smile. "You have a meeting now?" Adrian nodded, still attentively observing her.
"Yes, indeed we do."
"With the rest of the vampires?"
"Not exactly. With Moira Pembrooke, about New York's situation."
"The Secretary of Defense?" Her jaw dropped and Adrian gently smiled.
"Are you interested in participating?"
"Yes!" Adrian chuckled.
"Let's go then." He made a gesture as he wanted to take her hand but, after observing her with a slight furrow between his eyebrows, he just fixed his sleeves in place, walking out of the office with Alex following him. She needed to be cautious. She not only was surrounded by four vampires but powerful people too with connections in the government.
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 1 year
Meet My MC: Lyra Lexington
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I'll edit this to make it cuter and more detailed while I play the story but here's what I have so far!
Nicknames: Ly, Little Miss Valedictorian, Doc, Lady, Queen
Born/Raised: Singapore -> New York -> Los Angeles
Books: Ride or Die, Queen B, Nightbound/Bloodbound, The Elementalists as a well-known Historian, and Crimes of Passion I and II (again, I haven't finished all of these books I just thought of this MC on the go)
Face Claim: Alyssa Raghu -> Naomi Scott/shredz55 (Insta)
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Zodiac: Aquarius
Fashion Style: "Girl Next Door" with a hint of Bohemian Chic
Love Interest: Trystan Thorne
Past Relationships: Logan, Colt Kaneko, Professor Ian Kingsley, Nik Ryder, Violet Hale (OC) Past Flirtationships: Mona, Cal, Vera
Education/Major: BA in History at UC Berkeley; MA in Anthropology and Ph.D in Archeology at Harvard University; Magic Training at Pendergast College of Elemental Magicks
Great Great Great Great Great Grandmother: Desire and Decorum MC Great Great Great Grandmother: The Unexpected Heiress MC Godparents: Adrian Raines and Evelyn "Evie" Rouge Father(s): Lord Elric; Detective Antonio Lexington (FC: TBD) Mother: Lilavati "Lila" Solaris (FC: Nayanthara) Half-Brother: Tialo Maternal Cousin: My Queen B OC/The Elementalists MC Children (Twins): Amber Marguerite Thorne and Alice Nayeli Thorne Pet: Arcane (A Perrikin)
Lilavati left her extremely controlling family after leaving for college to major in Economics, where she met Adrian Raines, and the two became close friends (she was already dating Lyra's father and unknowingly pregnant). As far as her family knows, she's a Board Member/Head of Business for Raines Corporation. In actuality, she's a witch who eventually started working as a kind of supernatural diplomat to ensure peace between supernatural beings, which ended up being for the NYC vampire clans. She's under the vampire clans' protection (but she associates most with Adrian since they're the closest). She was extremely happy for Adrian when he met Evie and fell deeply in love with her. After Lyra is born, she asks Adrian and Evie to be her godparents. In my head, Evie shows up at some point during Nightbound in the Priya Lacroix scene and mentions how much Lyra reminded her of her mother (it took Lyra a second to recognize who Evie was because it's been a while but she knew Evie was a familiar figure). Antonio blames Adrian and Evie (and the rest of the BB crew) for his wife's death and ensures they stay away from his daughter by moving to a smaller home in LA.
Fun Facts:
She's a very talented Carnatic singer! Her extended family wanted her to continue but as much as she loves to sing, she didn’t want to pursue it as part of her future
She is fluent in English and Spanish but proficient in Telugu, Malayalam, Tamil, and Dravokian. She learned Spanish from her father and Telugu, Malayalam, and Tamil from her mother. Her parents spoke those languages at home alongside English, but she became less fluent in the languages her mother spoke after she died. And after marrying Trystan, she obviously learned Drakovian
She’s from a wealthy family, or technically her mother was, but she left her old life to have her freedom before Lyra’s older cousins were even born. Lyra herself has an even larger inheritance after her mother died, but her father didn’t feel comfortable using her family money “irresponsibly.” She plans to use that money for her education.
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kinda-iconic · 2 months
Summer Nights
Author's note: Started off as a drabble (was in need of some fluff); turned into something more.
Words: 1800+
Pairing: Adrian Raines x Human!MC (Amy)
Tagging: @bloodboundismylife @choicesfannatalie22
Don't know who else to tag, nowadays.
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Amid the summer months, Amy was not known to spend her nights confined inside the sanctity of her apartment. Instead, she often found solace at Adrian’s penthouse, the city’s skyline providing her with a newfound comfort that her own simply could not provide.
Last night was no exception.
A trickle of golden light illuminates her features, the radiant warmth of sunrise gracing her skin with an iridescent glow. A soft groan escapes her as she reaches up, her forearm sleepily draping over her face; she lays like that for a moment, basking in the tranquil embrace of morning before slowly sitting up, silken bedsheets falling to rest above her thighs. Amy smiles softly, placing her hand amidst the rays, tilting her head as she admires her fingers from afar. 
A strong arm wraps itself around her waist, drawing her further into their embrace. Amy shakes her head in amusement, tracing her fingertips across its surface. She inclines her head towards her companion, leaning down just enough to press a tender kiss to his temple, her voice soft and comforting.
“I need to get out of bed, Adrian.”
He shakes his head despondently, expressing his displeasure with a pout, brows creasing slightly as he slowly opens his eyes, smiling drowsily up at her.
She giggles softly, carefully caressing his face in between her palms.
“I need to go.”
He groans, shaking his head once more, his arm constricting around her midsection.
He lazily pulls himself flush against her, burying his face in her side, his warm breath ghosting her skin.
“Call them and say that you’re sick,” he murmurs.
“And what would I say?”
“Tell them that you have the flu,” he mumbles groggily, his nose wrinkling as it encounters the hem of her pyjama top.
“They’ll never believe that.”
“They will if you cough a couple of times,” he turns over, resting his head on his forearm as he gazes up at her, his expression softening as his eyes befall hers; he reaches up, his knuckles grazing the nape of her neck as he speaks with conviction, his next utterance spoken with jest. “A little sniffle here and there…an occasional cough…”
“Are you encouraging me to pull a sickle?”
“If it means that I get to keep you in my arms a little bit longer…”
She playfully pats his chest; a mischievous laugh escaping him as his fingers enclose around her wrist, drawing her closer. They look at one another for a moment before he leans in, capturing her lips in a tender kiss, their bodies entwining as he carefully pushes her back down onto the bed, a soft gasp leaving her as her back connects with the mattress. He kisses her once more, his hands grasping onto her waist before moving down to her hips, his kisses growing more impatient as they trail along her jaw and neck. She closes her eyes, truly enjoying the moment…
“Is that Mr Harrison?”
Her eyes open, widening in disbelief as they fall upon Adrian, who remains in place, a triumphant smirk blossoming on his features…
…holding her mobile to his ear.
She reaches for her phone, but he manages to block her, lightly swatting at her hand every time she attempts to retrieve the phone.
“Unfortunately-“ she makes a second attempt for the device, but is swiftly deterred as he pins her wrists to her stomach; once she has ceased, he continues, “Amy is unable to come into the office today.”
“She woke up with a fever this morning. A slight cough, blocked nose…the usual…”
He looks down at her once more, just to be met with a feigned scowl. He chuckles quietly, his grin widening as he returns his attention back to the call, listening to the man on the other end of the line.
“Uhuh…uhuh…yes, I’ll…I’ll let her know. Thank you, Sir.”
Adrian ends the conversation, tossing the phone across the bed.
"Clyde hopes that you make a speedy recovery."
“You’re unbelievable.”
“But you love it.”
He nuzzles her shoulder, pulling back just enough so that he can see her face.
“Looks like you’re stuck with me for the rest of the day, after all.”
She shakes her head in disbelief, the corner of her mouth curving upward.
“You are full of surprises, Mr Raines.”
“That I am,” he kisses her forehead before wrapping her in his arms, his chin resting in the crook of her neck, “that’s why you love me.”
“I can think of a hundred reasons, but…sure. Let’s go with that.”
He lets out a contented sigh, holding her close to his chest as he begins to sing.
“Look at the stars…look how they shine for you-“
She turns abruptly, regarding him with a quirked brow.
“Serenading me with Coldplay, huh?”
“I’ll serenade you with anything you want,” he beams, sliding the strap of her pyjama top down her forearm, exposing her shoulder; he presses his lips against her skin, exhaling softly as he moves to repeat this action on her adjacent side, “Coldplay…Taylor Swift…you name it, I sing it.”
“What about the Beatles?”
He hums his approval, “especially the Beatles.”
She closes her eyes, leaning back as he begins to pepper kisses along her collarbone.
“Which one?”
“Which song did you have in mind?” He replies quickly, “I know them all.”
“I am happy with whichever song you choose.”
“Careful now,” he collects her hair into his fist, draping it over her right shoulder as he regards her inquisitively, “or I might bless you with your very own concert…” he pauses momentarily, grazing the pad of his thumb across her bottom lip, “live from the comfort of our bed.”
“Well, I am ill…” she smiles coyly; he returns the gesture, their shared happiness evident in the gentleness of his touch as he cups her chin with his palm, his gaze drifting down to her mouth.
“Maybe too ill to attend this performance.”
“I might need to see a doctor.”
He places his hand on her forehead just to briskly remove it, feigning a wince.
“You definitely have a temperature.”
“Oh?” She tilts her head, “and what do you intend to do about cooling me down?”
“Who said anything about cooling down?”
She tuts, swatting his chest.
“I thought that was more presumptuous than flirtatious, personally.”
“It can be whatever you want it to be,” she rests her head on his shoulder, “do we have any waffles left?”
“I brought a new pack yesterday.”
“Good,” she rubs her stomach, “because I am in need of sugary goodness.”
Amy begins to move towards the edge of the bed, but Adrian beats her to it, gently easing her back down onto the covers.
“You think I’m going to let my sick girlfriend get her own breakfast?” He walks over to the dresser, collecting a fresh pair of joggers; he starts to dress himself, only stopping to pass her a bottle of water from the side, “what kind of boyfriend would that make me?”
“A busy one?”
“I’m never too busy for you.”
He walks back towards her, pressing a loving kiss to the top of her head.
“I’ll be right back.”
He disappears into the kitchen, the door closing quietly behind him. As the silences settles in, Amy moves over to the window, opening the curtains slightly as she admires the city down below, a soft warmth enveloping her a mere moment later as Adrian embraces her from behind, waffle in hand. He passes it to her with a smile, kissing her temple.
“You can’t be in the sunshine,” she frowns, “you’ll burn.”
“A few seconds won’t hurt,” he whispers softly, following her gaze to the busy streets, “besides, if it means that I get to share in this moment with you, then I shall remain here until I am nothing more than a pile of ash.”
“Please don’t say that.”
“You’re right,” he sighs, “just think of the cleaning bill you’d have for this rug.”
He laughs heartily, “I’m only joking.”
She nudges him slightly, taking a small bite of her waffle, “you really should get in the shade, though.”
He shakes his head.
“Just a little bit longer.”
The pair remain like that for a minute more, neither one able to take their eyes off the beautiful sunrise before them. It is only when Adrian speaks that the silence is broken, replaced with a feeling of melancholy.
“I think that was the first sunrise that I have seen in a while.”
“Do you miss it?”
“Sometimes,” he pauses as if lost in thought, but it isn’t long before he returns his attention back to her, his once sad demeanour replaced with one of gratitude, “but why should I mourn my mortality when I have been blessed with something even more precious in return?”
“What’s that?”
“You,” he smiles lovingly down at her, “I love you, Amy.”
“And I you,” she replies, holding her breakfast up to his mouth; he takes a generous bite, eliciting a soft smile on his behalf, “more than you know.”
"And I will be eternally grateful for that."
He exhales, placing a comforting hand on the small of her back.
“I would like to spend more time with you.”
“You already do,” she beams up at him, “we’re pretty much inseparable now.”
“Do you think that it is too much?” He questions, a sudden vulnerability seeping into his tone, “I don’t want to stop you from living your life.”
“My life is a lot more exciting with you in it.”
“Do you mean that?”
She nods, her demeanour one of reassurance and compassion, “I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true.”
“Even if it means that we can’t do anything during the daylight hours?”
“I’m more of a night owl, anyway.”
He grins sheepishly; she reaches upwards, the pad of her thumb tracing along the curve of his jaw.
“I work at nights, remember? Being your PA and all.”
“Unless a certain Mr Harrison requires your assistance,” he replies comically, “did he not need your guidance opening a document on his computer last week?”
She shakes her head; Adrian’s brows crease in befuddlement.
“Is that not the story?”
“He never got that far.”
“I…I’m afraid that I don’t - ”
“He didn’t know how to turn the computer on.”
He opens his mouth to speak, but his words fail him. His shock elicits a chuckle from Amy, her attention never straying from his face.
“Not what you expected, huh?”
“And he is…”
“One of your new IT guys.”
“Ah,” he grimaces, cupping the back of his neck, “maybe I should ensure that he receives adequate training, seeing as that is his job and all.”
“He’s a nice man.”
“Who doesn’t know how to turn a computer on, apparently.”
“I think he was overwhelmed.”
“That’s a possibility,” he appears hesitant, as if unsure as to how he should continue, “I’ll get on that tomorrow.”
She greets him with a puzzled look, uncertain.
“Are you not at work tonight?”
“Oh no,” he playfully swats the back of her thigh, causing her to gasp in surprise, “I have a sick girlfriend to look after.”
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puredoesnotmeankind · 11 months
Okay so while I absolutely fucking hate Lily dying and am crushed by it (I know Jax can die too but talking about Lily specifically), I have to appreciate the THG parallel, with Lily being the main reason MC truly became a part of the vampire world and got to intertwined in it. It began with saving Lily something that had been more important to MC than anything and she had had been desperate to do anything to save her. Things after that became so turbulent and MC had been time and time again been forced into situations and had little choice but she always had Lily and knew it was worth it for having saved Lily. For Lily to die, it's poetic in its cruelty (Don't get me wrong I still don't like the fact she could die, even though it does make sense for someone to die, and I would've hated it even more if she was the only one who could've died, and I think that it would've been a genuinely shit plot point. I also don't like that the choice was only between Jax and Lily)
Though PB could've also gone another way with this. It would've been so iconic and make so much sense if MC's main LI died, paralleling Rheya and Demetrius. I'd absolutely despise it but like imagine. We'd also have been able to feel, as the reader, some of Rheya and MC's anguish at having the person you love more than anyone else die, and understand their rage to a larger extent. But of course that wouldn't have boded well with the audience so PB didn't take that route.
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gaiuskamilah · 7 months
do you guys think the tumblrinas in the bb universe are debating whether or not adrian raines rpf is ethical or not especially in the timeline where lily lives and a movie got made.
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cadybear420 · 8 months
Masterlist of all my important Choices MCs (and their LIs). (NOTE: List is subject to frequent updates) OLD POST. The proper MC masterlist is here.
Unlinked and uncolored MCs do not have a sprite made for them yet.
You're welcome to ask me questions about any of these MCs! Yes, even the ones that I haven't fleshed out as much yet, it will help me build their characters better.
Anthology Profiles: AKA Singular Profile Braindump Posts for the Series that go through different MCs (eg. HSS, ILS, Untameable, RWB)
HSS: Jordan Price (Prime f!MC), Evie Ayana (OG f!MC), Cher Lee (HSS:CA f!MC)
ILS: Jo Hunter (Woods f!MC), Harper Addison Vance-Fisher (Beneath demigirl!MC), Cedric Zhao (Within m!MC)
MCs with Completed and Thorough Profiles
OG HSS f!MC: Evie Ayana (LI: Aiden Zhou)
MCs with Basic Simple Profiles
ILW m!MC: Cedric Zhao (LI: Jocelyn Wu, but also likes Amalia De Leon)
MCs for stories where I've completed playthroughs with their "official" story routes (links go to images of the MC sprite, profiles still pending)
ILITW f!MC: Jo Hunter (LI: Lucas Thomas, but also likes Andy Kang and Connor Green)
ILB genderfluid demigirl MC: Harper Addison Vance-Fisher (LI: either Tom Sato or Parker Shaw, most likely Tom)
BP f!MC: Cady Asshunter (LI: has trysts with all of them)
TNA f!MC: Eh IDC (LI: White Samuel Dalton)
MCs for stories where their specific story routes are in progress or need a replay (links go to images of the MC sprite, profiles still pending)
HSS Prime f!MC: Jordan Price (LI: ends up with Julian Castillo in OG HSS's prom)
HSS:CA f!MC: Cher Lee (LI: Ajay Bhandari) and her trans m!Twin Bear Lee
ES f!MC: Emilia Harris (LI: undecided)
TRR f!MC: Lew Asshunter (LI: East Asian Liam "Sexy Thicc Man" Rys)
BB trans f!MC Jasmine Yin (LI: White Adrian Raines, Kamilah Sayeed, and Jax Matsuo; can't decide which of them she becomes closest with though)
PM m!MC: [Name Still Pending] (LI: Black f!Hayden Young and Sloane Washington)
AME m!MC: [Name Still Pending] (LI: Probably MacKenzie Harris)
TH:M f!MC: Otto (LI: none, she's had and still somewhat has the hots for Ansel Crane and they have at least one hatefuck hookup)
MAH f!MC: Peggy Stone (LI: White Tyler Woods)
TPA f!MC: Jane Bond (LI: Agent Callum "Booty Galore" Grey, undecided which version)
DLS m!MC: Dick Ryder (LI: Hispanic Charlotte King, or rather "Peg" King)
MCs for stories where I haven't even started their "official" playthrough yet (links go to images of the MC sprite, profiles still pending)
OG HSS m!MC: Alan Parke (LI: either Emma Hawkins, Maria Flores, or both)
OG HSS f!MC: Violet Jones (LI: Michael Harrison)
ES m!MC: BJ Kingsley (LI: Estela Montoya)
PM f!MC: Penny (LI: Probably m!Hayden Young but I'm not sure)
AME f!MC: Jamie MacLeod (LI: Marries Jen Espinoza on the show, but her true love is Carson Stewart and she ends in a threeway poly relationship with them)
ROD f!MC: Adelaide Zhou (LI: Most probably Colt Kaneko)
TH:M m!MC: Bill (LI: Eris Huang)
LOA f!MC: Anjali Bhandari (LI: East Asian!Gabe Ricci, Aislinn Tanaka, and Joaquin Morales)
COP f!MC: Roslyn Rose (LI: m!Trystan Thorne, not sure which version)
MCs I have planned for stories I haven't even touched yet (links go to images of the MC sprite, profiles still pending)
TE f!MC: [Name Still Pending] (LI: Either Beckett Harrington or Griffin Langley)
Alpha m!MC: [Name Still Pending] (LI: East Asian f!Channing Lowe)
Alpha f!MC: Luna (LI: None, she is not interested in Channing and prefers to clap the cheeks of Asher and Markus)
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Choices Crossover Fics 2023 Masterlist
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+
January 2023
History Hates Lovers ✒️| Red Carpet Diaries / Desire & Decorum |Thomas Hunt x F!MC, Anabelle Parsons x F!MC - @peonyblossom
March 2023
Blood Moon ✒️| Bloodbound / Wolf Bride | Adrian Raines x F!Reader x M!OC - @khoicesbyk 🔥
Immortal Desires Harris (Series) | Immortal Desires / My Two First Loves Noah Harris x MC - @korgbelmont Part 5 ✒️ Part 6: Finale ✒️
May 2023
Harris A New Life ✒️| Immortal Desires / My Two First Loves |Noah Harris (MTFL) x Gabriela Adalhard (ID) - @korgbelmont
Serendipity ✒️Ⓜ️| The Royal Romance/ Open Heart | Drake Walker x MC, Bryce Lahela x MC - @deb-1106 and @walkerismychoice
Serendipity Part 2 ✒️| The Royal Romance / Open Heart | Drake Walker x MC, Bryce Lahela x MC - @deb-1106 and @walkerismychoice
In Times of Comfort ✒️| The Royal Romance / Red Carpet Diaries |Thomas Hunt x F!OC - @alj4890
Once (Series) | The Royal Romance / Red Carpet Diaries | Sam Dalton, Ethan Ramsey, Robin Flores - @peonierose Part 4 ✒️Ⓜ️
June 2023:
Angels in Hell ✒️| A Courtesan of Rome / Open Heart | Marc Anthony x MC, Tobias Carrick x MC - @boneandfur
Répondez,S'il Vous Plaît! ✒️ | Immortal Desires / It Lives | Multiple Pairings - @aallotarenunelma 🏳️‍🌈
Répondez,S'il Vous Plaît ! 2 (AU Series) ✒️| Immortal Desires / It Lives | Multiple Pairings - @aallotarenunelma 🏳️‍🌈
Dancing with Our Hands Tied ✒️| The Royal Romance / Rules of Engagement |Leo Rys x F!MC - @leelee10898
Friends with Rollerskates ✒️| Bloodbound / Open Heart | BB!F!OC and OH!M!OC - @ezekielbhandarivalleros
One Night in Cordonia (Round Robin) | The Royal Romance / Open Heart - @jerzwriter Chapter 8: All's Well That Ends Well ✒️Ⓜ️
July 2023
you’ll find me on my tallest tiptoes, spinning in my highest heels, love, shining just for you ✒️| Hot Coture & Crimes of Passion | Marco Di Vincezo x F!MC, Marguerite Thorne x F!OC - @peonyblossom
The Royal Romance, Crimes of Passion, Desire & Decorum, Blades of Light and Shadow
Shadows & Deceptions: A Royal Murder Mystery Parts 1 & 2 ✒️| Various Pairings - @storyofmychoices
Shadows & Deceptions: A Royal MurderMystery Parts 3 & 4 ✒️| Various Pairings - @storyofmychoices
The Royal Romance / Crimes of Passion / Desire & Decorum/ Blades of Light & Shadow
Shadows & Deceptions: A Royal Murder Mystery Parts 5 & 6 ✒️| Various Pairings - @storyofmychoices
Shadows & Deceptions: A Royal Murder Mystery Parts 7 & 8 ✒️| Various Pairings - @storyofmychoices
August 2023
Crimes of Passion / Nightbound
Crimes/Nightbound Drabble ✒️| Nik Ryder x MC, Trystan Thorne x MC - @lilyoffandoms
October 2023
Disembodied (Series) ✒️| Adrian Raines x MC, Nik Ryder x MC - @mynotsohealthyobsession Part 3 (of 8)
Endless Summer/Hero
Let the Shadows Fall Behind You ✒️| Jake McKenzie x MC, ES!MC & Hero!MC - @saibug1022
November 2023
Disembodied (Series) Part 5 ✒️ | Adrian Raines x MC, Nik Ryder x MC - @mynotsohealthyobsession
December 2023
Disembodied - Part 6/8 ✒️| Adrian Raines x MC, Nik Ryder x MC - @mynotsohealthyobsession
The Nanny Affair/Open Heart
Once (Series) ✒️| Sam Dalton, TNA F!MC, Ethan Ramsey by @peonierose Part 5
Immortal Desires / It Lives Anthology
Jouluyö - Christmas Night ✒️🏳️‍🌈🌟| Various Pairings - @aallotarenunelma
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