rebelmeg · 4 years
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*Slams down some salt and angst*  No, I will never be over this.  Just in case you were, y’know, wondering.
ANYWAY, I made this sadness for my @buckybarnesbingo flash square “Memories”
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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The BBB Flash Bingo is now OPEN!
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The cards are below the cut, so feel free to peruse and pick the one you want.  There are no signups required for the flash bingo, but you will have to fill out this form to get your badge if you get a bingo. 
The flash bingo will last until the end of the month, and masterposts need to be in by March 5th so we can share it on the Grand Masterpost.
If you’re posting to AO3, make sure to post to the BBB Special Events collection, and if you post/share on Tumblr, make sure to @ us and tag #bbbflash2021 so we see it.  We’ve also got our Discord server open as well so you can share there.
Same rules apply as with the regular bingo concerning what counts as a fill, and all other rules.  If you need a refresher, you can read those here, and the FAQ is here.
This bit is important, so please read.  Different from our previous full and flash bingos, we are now requiring you to fill out a submission form every time you make a fill.  This is to make it easier to track fills on our spreadsheets and put together the weekly roundup.  If you do not fill out the form for every fill, we will not know you have made them, and you will not get your badges.
Let us know if you’ve got questions, and LET THE FLASH BEGIN!
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lbibliophile-mcu · 5 years
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Decorating Bucky’s Metal Arm
“I’m noticing a trend with these gifts…”
“Start with these. I will find a set in Russian for your birthday.”
“Hey, Mr Barnes, look what  I found. Now you can always have the Avengers with you.”
“I heard about Nat’s plan, and  thought you might want to work up to it.”
“Really, Skywalker. Bare metal is only acceptable on prototypes and War Machine; go add some  colour to that arm. Better yet, get Cap to do it.”   “For when you need to find a pen to make notes. And I apologize … Tony chose the designs*.”
“I heard about Natasha’s and  Clint’s plans, and thought you might want to work up to it.”
“Alright punk, hit me. What did you get?”
“Well, apparently my team doesn’t tell me things. So, Merry Christmas.”
*the pens read ‘Warning: armed and dangerous’, and ‘Winter Smolder’
For: @buckybarnesbingo​ flash - 1: presents @star-spangled-bingo​ 2020 - Avengers Tower
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eirlyssa · 5 years
For the longest time, all Bucky had known was cold.
He'd fallen into it years ago, had been found by HYDRA and turned into the Winter Soldier, kept in cryo between assignments. He had known fear, and depression, and he'd felt like he was frozen from the inside out.
But then there was Steve, who found him and brought him to the compound. A welcoming home where he found Tony, with his bright energy and his sun-kissed skin and his warm brown eyes, who smiled at him. And for the first time in years, he felt warmth spread through him.
A short drabble for card 4 “Tony Stark” for the @buckybarnesbingo flash event, because I made a mistake. Can also be found on Ao3.
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trashcanakin · 5 years
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Made for @buckybarnesbingo Flash Bingo: 5 - Cozy
Bucky & Tony take a well needed vacation over the holidays this year; to spend some time to relax in each other's comfort.
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nashapixie · 5 years
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Bucky Barnes Bingo holiday flash card 4
Fill: Twinkle lights
Bucky and Tony are going to spend the first holidays together at the Tower, that's full of twinkle lights to chase away all the dark thoughts and feelings.
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sparkly-angell · 5 years
Carols from the Past
Bucky Barnes flash Bingo Holiday Card 3 - Jingle Bells
“All I want for Christmaaaaas…” Tony jumped down from his living room couch, wobbling on his legs but successfully holding himself together, even in his drunkish state. He took a deep breath, pointing his index finger at Bucky while his other hand held the remote control close to his mouth, in a foolish impersonation of a mic, “It’s yooooooooooooooooou!!!!!!!!!!”
His voice cracked right at the end, and Bucky bursted into a joyful laugh, Tony following right after. He couldn’t hold himself anymore, he’d been biting his lips the entire time Tony performed this karaoke version of this Christmas song, but the poor state his boyfriend was in barely helped him stay composed.
Tony hadn’t been able to hold himself, no, Bucky snorted fondly, lost in thought as he danced in front of the television. He had been so eager to show Bucky everything about Christmas traditions and its entanglement with the pop culture of the 21th century, they started celebrating on the 24th.
“Relax,” Tony had said when he asked if they weren’t starting things too early, “there are a lot of countries that celebrate Christmas on the 24th. Just sit back and enjoy. I want you to have fun.” his eyes had shone, very much alive.
It was technically the first time Bucky would be celebrating Christmas after finding himself in this new century, and even if it was overwhelming, because even his best friend seemed to know how things worked nowadays, Tony helped him navigate through it all with ease.
“I want the Christmas Eve to be just the two of us.” Bucky had said, hoping that if he had a preview of what would be happening in the next day with all the Avengers included, he would be able to enjoy it more.
Tony had agreed without a second thought, and promptly arranged everything they would need for that day. That’s how they ended up where they were now, in the genious’ penthouse drinking an unholy amount of eggnog and singing these traditional christmas songs.
Even though Bucky couldn’t get drunk, his blood still coursed through him lazily, giving him the perfect headspace he needed to enjoy the holiday. Maybe he was drunk with love, he pondered, looking as Tony babbled on about the next song he would sing.
He was at peace as sat back on the couch, drinking his eggnog and watching with mirth as Tony hips moved recklessly in what Bucky was sure he thought was sexy, but ended bordering adorable, to the rhythm of bells from the new song he chose to eviscerate.
Tony cleared his throat, gave him a clumsy wink, and started singing.
“Dashing through the snoooow…” Bucky rolled his eyes at the smaller man’s performance. His lover was many things, but a good singer was not one of them. “In a one-horse open sleeeeigh,” Bucky frowned, nostalgia hitting him in the guts.
He knew that song. 
Flashes of his younger self singing it with Steve rose in his mind. For a moment, he was back in Brooklyn, with his Ma and Stevie, eating turkey and huddling together near the fireplace, singing happily to the tunes from a nicer time.
Tony’s voice brought him to the present, although with a small twinge from his heart at the new (old) memory. He smiled as his lover stumbled closer, stretching a hand for him, and Bucky went with it.
He rose from the couch and rested his hands on Tony’s hips as the man lead them to the center of the living room, where they had previously moved away the coffee table so they could dance. He enjoyed the feeling all on his own, listening Tony sing his childhood song for a while, before the urge to join in overtook his abilities to stay put.
He joined Tony on the chorus.
“Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh!” he got so involved with the music, he hadn't realized Tony had completely frozen between his arms, and looked at him open mouthed, until he opened his eyes and looked at Tony.
“What, sweetheart?” he asked, the smile on his face never phazing.
“You know this song.” Tony’s question sounded more like a statement than it probably should.
Bucky snorted and kissed Tony right next to his lips.
“Of course, you dummy. Some songs are older than me.”
Tony mock gasped. “That can’t be true, you are ancient.” Bucky giggled.
“That makes this song what? Prehistoric?”
Tony nodded eagerly, but a tiny smile creeping on his face broke his acting, “Most likely.”
A beat of silence, both looking into each other’s eyes before breaking into a set of loud laughs. Tony was breathless by the end of it.
“No, but seriously.” Bucky cleaned the tears from his eyes after he got himself under control, hands going back around his tiny boyfriend hips. “Isn’t this a Thanksgiving song?”
Tony tilted his head to the side, frowning. He swirled Bucky’s long locks with his finger as he answered. “No?”
“Are you sure? Cause I’m almost a hundred percent sure we sang it on Thanksgiving.”
“Jarvis?” he asked, not taking his eyes from Bucky’s. The music had ended a few seconds ago, yet they still swayed slightly, both oblivious they were doing it.
“Sergeant Barnes is correct. The song was initially written for Thanksgiving festivities in the late nineteenth century, although became a known Christmas song in the beginning of the twentieth century, the exact date is a mystery, I’m afraid.”
“Thanks Jarvs.” Tony said, blinking at the new discovery. “Well… we live and learn, don’t we?”
“Yup.” Bucky said, popping the ‘p’ stronger than necessary. He gave in the urge to lean down and kiss Tony properly, heart beating faster as Tony let out an approvingly hum and brought their bodies closer.
The kiss heated up quickly. They broke apart, both panting for air as they flushed their chests together. Tony smirked mischievously.
“I still haven’t shown you the best part of Christmas yet, sugar.”
Bucky raised a single eyebrow.
“Oh? Show me, then.”
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Tony Stark Flash Bingo:
010 - Dum-e - WinterIron
Bucky Barnes Flash Bingo:
Link: Tumblr
Filled: Card 4 - Tony Stark
Ship: WinterIron
Major Tags: moodboard, High School AU, yearbook
Summary: It’s the end of the school year and the yearbooks are out. Tony is heading to MIT and Bucky to the Army. Long distance relationships are hard, but they are going to try - or at least, Bucky convinces Tony they are not doomed to end in a catastrophe. The next two years will be hard, but letters, calls when possible and love will keep the relationship going strong. Life has a way of turning your world upside down when you least expect it though and the true test of their love is about to come.
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mystuffmy · 5 years
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Quem me deixa assim eu já sei que no fim eu termino chorando
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rebelmeg · 4 years
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For the @buckybarnesbingo Flash Bingo, the prompt “Alpine” from Card 3.
And if you can’t read the text...
I wasn’t doing great.
Mentally, physically, emotionally...
And then one day outta nowhere, there’s this little scrap of white fluff that just walks right in front of me and sits on the toe of my boot.
And I smiled for the first time I could remember.
He stayed with me, even on the days I couldn’t remember who we were. He stayed.
And now I smile every day.  Because of the way he’s always underfoot, and how he looks at me like he’s judging me, and he cries when I leave.  I’m still here because of Alpine.
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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BBB Flash Bingo
Before Round Three gets going, we are going to have a flash bingo!
Never done a flash bingo?  No worries!  It’s a simplified bingo, where you have one row of five prompts, rather than a 5x5 card.  We will have several different rows to choose from, and there won’t be any signups required.  Just pick your favorite one and get to work!  We will have a BADGE for those that finish a row, and we have seen the rough draft.  SUPER CUTE!
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The flash cards will be released on February 1st, and you will have until the end of the month to play with them.  If you wanna do more than one, you absolutely can!  Just finish one before grabbing another.
Our AO3 collection for special BBB events will be where you want to post, in addition to the bingo-fills channel on the Discord, and also @ us here and use the tags #buckybarnesbingo and/or #bbbflash2021.
Regular BBB rules for fills still apply, and you can find those here.  And if you have questions beyond that, feel free to drop a line here, on the Discord, or email us at [email protected].
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rebelmeg · 4 years
Red Is...
Red is blood. Is anger. Is the color of pain and scars. Red is a room full of little girls with blank faces, not allowed to cry. Red is the star on his shoulder, the mark that makes him not his own.
Red is also her. Loose curls that whip through the air when she fights. Lips bitten in concentration when she faces down a target. The flush on her cheeks that is the last remnants of emotions she’s not permitted to feel anymore.
Red is good, and red is bad. Red is memories. Red is a part of himself.
Drabble for the @buckybarnesbingo flash, for the square “Red” on card 3.
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes & Tony Stark Characters: Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes, Friday (Marvel) Additional Tags: Angst, Flashbacks, Implied/Referenced Torture, Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Pre-Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Azzano, Surveillance, TropesAndFandoms21, Tony Stark Bingo Mark IV, Bucky Barnes Flash Bingo, Bad Things Happen Bingo Series: Part 4 of 2021 Bingos Summary:
Left behind in an old Hydra base when the rest of the team go chasing after the Winter Soldier, Tony Stark discovers he isn't the only person there. Although the Soldier doesn't know why he remembers the place. Tony can help with that.
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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Your Flash masterposts are due TODAY!  It doesn’t have to be fancy, just a list of your fills with the links.  Other info for each fill is handy, but not necessary.
Also, don’t forget to claim your BADGES!!!  If you made at least one fill, you can claim a Participant badge, and if you got all five squares, you get a Bingo badge!  You can claim them here, and we will be emailing them out this weekend.
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(gif art by @xxxxxx6x)
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
Can I have card #6 for the flash bingo? And also how do I sogn up for round three? I have never done a fandom bingo but I want to try!
You can do any card you want for the Flash bingo!  Just pick your fave and get started!  Feel free to save/download the image, and you can use it how you wish.  Make sure to tag us if you post your fills on Tumblr, use the BBB Special Events collection if you post on AO3, and we’ve also got the #bingolinks channel on our Discord.  And don’t forget to fill out the new Fill Submission form when you post your new fills!
Signups for Round Three will open on February 9th!  Those will be open until March 10th, so you’ll have a good long time to sign up.  We will have a form for you to fill out, and we’ll make sure to signal boost that so it’s easy to find.  If you signup during this time, you will be able to make changes if you don’t like some of your squares.
If for some reason you miss the signup period, that’s okay!  We will have late signups available and you will still be able to receive a card, you just won’t be able to make any changes to it.
We’re delighted to have you, and hope you enjoy the Flash Bingo!
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
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Fill Submission Form
This is a new thing we’re doing to help the mods keep track of all the bingo fills, as well as the badges people earn.
Don’t fret, we’ve made it as easy as possible to find and do.  On our Tumblr home page, you can find the link to the left.
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On the Discord, it is pinned in the #announcements channel.
The Fill Submission Form looks like this:
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For the flash bingo, that card number is the number on your card (1-8).  When our next full round of bingo starts in March, you will also have a number assigned to you that will also be on your card.  Everything else should be very self-explanatory.
If you have problems, please send us an ask here on Tumblr, email at [email protected], or ping us on the Discord.
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