#bc celebrating is important ♥
ocheeva · 1 year
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bestie @astrangedoor​ made me a greeting card for the holiday ♥
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morkofday · 10 months
Hello Vish! Congratulations on your milestone. Thank you for creating and sharing all your beautiful edits with us, I really love and enjoy seeing them on my dash. I hope I'm not too late for sending you prompts. I have several of them because I'm not really good at choosing a show/pairing + text combination, so I'm not sure if these will work but I'm just going to try. Please feel free to choose whichever combination that meets your interest, or just ignore them if you think they're not something you prefer to do.
1) The Eclipse (AkkAyan) + Quotes from George Orwell, 1984: (a) “Perhaps one did not want to be loved so much as to be understood.” or (b) “If you loved someone, you loved him, and when you had nothing else to give, you still gave him love.” or (c) “We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.”
2) Enchanté (AkkTheo) + Quotes from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince: (a) “And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” or (b) “It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.”
I hope one of these combinations works for you, if not, that's okay too :) Thank you, and I hope you have a lovely day! 💜
hello april ♥ thank you for all your lovely words and the prompts ^^ i've enjoyed them and i'm so very happy to have you here! i knew ever since i received this ask that i'd go for one of the akktheo prompts you gifted me. i adored enchante and never got to make any edits for it before, so i wanted to try. both quotes were lovely, but for some reason, i got stuck on the rose.
here's what i came up with
i hope you enjoy the edit ♥ have a wonderful rest of your week!
(some extra rambles under the cut!)
so i didn't have a very definite plan for this edit, other than that i wanted this to work as some type of "bookmark" visually. as the little prince is, well, a book and they tie akktheo's journey with the said book very tightly, i wanted this bookmark to work as their timeline? does this make sense? i hope it does haha.
the rose travels with them through their relationship ever since it first appears before akktheo's first kiss. this made me think about the "time wasted for your rose" as they both kind of... idk. they both waste time on each other and figuring out this thing between them. but they willingly do it. every time, it's time willingly given away. that wasted time, it matters to them.
so i wanted the rose to just appear a lot in this edit. to be present and show these changes in their relationship. how it all starts with a little spark, in an unlikely place, and grows despite the hard circumstances (within theo as he guards it by himself for a long while). then it finally gets a home as akk starts discovering his own feelings and accepts them.
then akk moves the rose to theo's care, thinking it will be better off there. i took this as a way of akk giving his heart away. the rose symbolises that. he took care of it with all his might and now it's with theo where it belongs. he tries to take care of theo but feels that theo is better at taking care of both of them.
and then... well, the petals scene was supposed to symbolise their romance and the romantic moments between them. the celebration kind of. the cheer and joy and falling even deeper in love. the soft moments, spent surrounded by their now blooming love.
and then there's the rose that withers as theo gets hurt and akktheo separate. the rose that hurts theo (literally as he pricks his finger on it) and starts dropping its petals. the rose theo no longer knows how to take care of and the rose that eventually witnesses theo leave back to france, alone.
but bc this was supposed to be happy, i ofc had to include the akktheo reunion in france (in that very horrible cgi france XD) so the hug is there. with the lonely rose... well. let's just think that the rose now has a new life somewhere. all that time wasted on it wasn't for nothing.
i hope any of this makes sense! i loved making this edit and i personally enjoy the colors in this a lot ^^ also it was fun going through enchanté again, i miss that show and i miss the soft, sweet forcebook ♥
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lafiametta · 1 year
hellooo! so, i love the content you make for olek and ling yi - they're such a lovely couple that absolutely deserve more content, so your musings and fics fill me with joy! - but i do have a preference for your brooklyn!au after all, i watched 1899 bc it started as a period piece! so i wanted to ask what would their first special occasion together! maybe christmas? maybe getting their first place together? i kinda love a young couple, hard on the money, but doing their best to have their first special holiday or occasion together! ♥ and about your modern scenario: how would them have met? tinder-like app or those 'destiny brought us together'?? like a 101 dalmatians love-story lol (btw, would they have a pet? would they adopt one once they decided to move in together??) i have SO many questions for you but for now these will be enough lol thank you for the beautiful work you make for them!
Thank you so much, Anon — I'm glad you've enjoyed everything!
I'll tell you that I also started watching 1899 as a period piece, which is probably why I like writing stories set within the canon (with the occasional foray into a still-very-historical AU setting!). If it ends up going full sci-fi next season, I definitely will still be watching, but I'm not sure I will love it quite the same as the first season.
Within the New York AU, I like to think of the two of them sharing their cultural traditions and celebrations (Olek bringing Ling Yi to Midnight Mass for Christmas, Ling Yi taking Olek into Chinatown during Lunar New Year to see the paper lanterns and the music and festivities), but the special occasions that are individual to them (birthdays, new jobs) or that they share (anniversaries) are more important. Olek always remembers the anniversary of the day they met (October 21) — and of course their wedding anniversary will be a big deal as well... :) For a special occasion, I love the idea of them celebrating their new life in America by doing something quintessentially American, like celebrating July 4th, maybe by taking the streetcar to Coney Island where they could walk on the beach or visit one of the amusement parks.
For the modern AU, they met by chance (although I suspect destiny played a hand in it somehow): Ling Yi came to the United States from Hong Kong to work as a model (although she's also a dancer and an aspiring actress hoping to break into those fields as well). She was on her way back from a casting call when she got stuck in an elevator. The fire department was called, but the first one there — and the person who ended up getting her out — was Olek. He's a mechanic (although he's also done construction and auto repair, as well as mining back in Poland) and happened to be in the building as the emergency call went out. Ling Yi was freezing cold by the time he got her out (the AC was going full blast, and she had only been wearing a slip dress to the casting call), so of course he offered her his jacket — and then she asked for his number.
And, yes, of course they need a pet! That's why Ling Yi is getting Olek a puppy for Christmas... ;)
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vigilant-cleric · 24 days
Sunday spice delivery service ♥ @yourfavoritetiefling (Also in heat bc I milk that trope)
Bernard was not happy to be put into the evening shift. Scheduling his rutting days was an easy task until today   —   Just say you had a celebration to attend to every other month, nobody questions it. It was only so long before he had to be unfortunately drafted in. He was sour, not entirely visible if it wasn't for his tail to lash out in annoyance from time to time. Only a few more hours, then he could take a cold bath at home. Only a few more . . . hours.
That was nuts, insane. Why oh why today   ?   Bernard made it very clear he was really not up to hanging out at his work place. There wouldn't be anything interesting happening anyway. Just because some watchknights couldn't make it tonight. 
He sat there, elbow propped onto his armored leg, face in his palms, while the occasional huff leaves the tiefling's lips. Inaudible murmurs, that were most likely not in common   —   infernal whispers cursing his misfortune. The cleric's tail curls  &  uncurls restlessly, trying to occupy itself with wrapping around his own ankle in desperation. And he was being eyed by no other than his higher up, Ashen.
      ❝ I know a painter who would do a great job drawing a portrait of me, if you get tired of staring, sir. ❞     Bernard commented before the fiery gaze ascended to meet the fellow Helmite's. But his look wouldn't stay rested on his face   —   soon wandering over Ashen's shoulders, chest, torso before catching himself doing the very same thing the cleric called the watchknight out for. A sigh.
The man massaged the bridge of his nose in visible frustration. It wasn't entirely aimed towards the silent staring, no, he was pissed off by himself, his bodily reactions he tried to prevail over. Get the upper hand.     ❝ Really don't feel like spending the night here, Ashen. Are you sure there is no way I could sneak away   ?  ❞     The tiefling must have asked said question for the fifth time tonight. It's not like the trusty wasn't loyal to his duties, by god no, just very . . . aroused for biological reasons. Barely able to sit without squirming, his tail having a mind of its own, his heart rate going all over the place   —   Horrible.
     ❝ It's a . . . bad timing for me. ❞
Ceremonies, masses, public prayers, weaponry consecrations and so on - to Ashen, a priest of many years, these had become habit. Every text, every recitation and every movement of the ceremony engraved in his mind, never to leave it again for the number of times he had been through the motions. Much like the drill that he had learned as a Hellrider and which had never left his memory, sometimes surprising himself with marching down the street in much the same way he was taught then.
It never occurred to him that one of the younger clerics may be severely struggling with impure thoughts at times where all was needed was to focus for an hour or two, recite what they had been taught and go on their merry way. He was tempted to temper Bernard's emotions, tell him that learning self-restraint was an important part of a cleric's duties.
But he remembered that his urges were stronger than a human's. And that, most of all, if Ashen had acquired such self-control, it was because most of his learning was done in deep grief. He sometimes had similar urges then, but no wish to fulfill them. His lover was gone. He had no interest in sharing a bed with anyone else. They would never make him feel the same. He had lost any taste for life and its pleasures, and all he could do was to repeat the then watchknight's words like a mantra: better to have loved and lost, Ashen, then never have loved at all. He doubted it then.
So he was inclined to leniency. A sigh escaped his lips, crossing his arms as he watched Bernard. It took him long, inescapable seconds before he decided on what to do with the tiefling.
"You may retire to your quarters, then. But do not forget that you owe your duty to a higher being than us priests. Though you are allowed to stay home for the night, I would like you to pray to Helm before bed. That shall do to make up for the missed mass."
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kpophubb · 1 year
Hiii baby💓 I hope you slept good☺️ ⛄️ 4pm
I think I'm still receiving it honestly I'm like still under the impression (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ ♥
Also all the posts like the design; like the way you put everything together it's just so pretty like it's aesthetically so pleasing 🌟
You attached so many pictures of hyunnie 🥹 I just can't take my eyes of those things
I just want to put them somewhere just to save all of this all of these memories, I want to collect everything put it in the 📦 lock 🔒 put the 🔑 on my neck to always have it with me🥺💞🙈
I was thinking yesterday that like what did I do to deserve all of these from you🥹🥺 I also want to be the person that you could lean on, the person that would make you happy🥺
I'm so happy 🥺thank you💞
As for the ✉️ #1😞 I'm so sorry I cannot send it again it was like available one week and after one week it was automatically deleted from the system when I uploaded it there😟 I checked today but I don't have it anywhere.., but it's OK I will write more💗🫶🏻 so please just don't be sad about it OK,? I don't remember what I was talking about,but it was probably something that I have already said through the asks that I send you this week🙈☺️🥰
You're so sweet and adorable🌟🌸💓 maybe one day I will send you the physical letter why not?😃 of course if you want
I was worried that other things that I attach some like cute memes and stuff you could’ve also not seen, but I checked on it and you mentioned that you so other attachments and I'm just so happy💞
Thank you so much for worrying about me🥺 you're like my sweet angel you know🥺💞 I think I even added first song to our playlist angel baby by troye sivan 🎶
“I'll tell you how I almost died
While you're bringing me back to life
I just wanna live in this moment forever”
I'm also listening now to your recommendation with darling of 17 and it's just so cute 🥺🥺
Oh my gosh I'm getting emotional and I have to go now:( but happy tears 🥲💋💖❣️ oh my God you're so kind to me I just want to do a lot of things for you to repay you🥺
I didn't finish reading your last reply it's so weird but I want to save it for the evening when I'm back from things that I have to finish today👉🏻👈🏻
I'm so happy you had to peaceful celebration nothing crazy I know a lot of people don't like holidays they complain that they have to be with their families but I guess yours was good right?😃 I want to hear more about you🥲💞
I wish you could read my mind 🙈😄there's so many things that I want to tell you , ask you , talk about ..that I feel like my brain is 💥
~ your happy 🐁
Hi my 🐁 anonie!! ❣️ yes ofc I’ve been sleeping 11-12 hours everyday, ofc I’m brimming with energy lol😤 how about you?
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I ofc attached a lot of pics of hyunnie bc I know you LOVE HIM SO MUCH! I also know you love soobinie and sunoo? 💞 I want you to smile everytime you read my asks just the way I do when I get yours that’s why I write long answers and put a lot of emojis and paragraphs <3 🌟 aww pls that’s so sweet🥹 I always do this, I take photos of precious things and always save them in a specific folder on my gallery and sometimes even edit them w music and make them special!! 🫶🏻
you don’t have to feel lucky, I’m only doing what I feel like you deserve and what I love doing! 🤍 for me kindness and helping people are the most important things and I receive validation from making others feel comforted and good. I believe love is the most magical & healing feeling in the world so i always try to preach it and make others feel loved and appreciated! ❣️ you have no idea how happy I’m to read that you’re feeling happy rn. 🥺
ayee no, it’s sad that the letter expired :(( but if you say it’s okay, it’s okay then! </3 I just felt sad that you poured sm efforts into writing sth for me and I couldn’t even read it, let alone reply. But I promise I’ll look forward to and reply to ALL YOUR FURTHER sweetly written letters anonie! 💗 pls I’d love the physical copy, AAH I hope one day we meet magically😭 and I can give u lots of hugs and head pats and be there with you 🫂 + don’t worry I always see all the pics you attach, the skz hug pictures and the Pinterest love memes. So cute. Just like you are! 🫶🏻
PLEASE I was so obsessed with the song “angel baby” after you recommended it to me and told me first how you dedicated it to me. I felt so special. T-T and I also made video edits of heeseung with that song and posted for his bday here with the lyrics. The song is so catchy and comforting!😍 and don’t feel obligated to repay me baby love,, if you didn’t know I already feel an incredible amount of joy just being here, being me, writing my mind and talking to you people!! And you obviously, cause you’ve been so interactive since day 1, it just melts my heart🥺💖
Yes my trip was really healing tbh. I clicked a lot of pictures of the views (not me I don’t really click my own pictures lol😭) and I went w my mom and older brother so we had fun!! I don’t like big family gatherings as well..it makes me feel uncomfortable and anxious I just enjoy being w my parents grandma siblings and one aunt :p
hmph about me? I don’t really have a lot to say about me bc idk what to say I get so awkward and I don’t talk a lot about my personal life but currently I’m doing skincare^ like hyunnie? (Even our mask colours are the same lmao) I’ve not gotten any self care during my trip so now I’m doing a bit of care to restore my conditions haha. I also wrote in my scrapbook a while ago and listened to some songs. This year has been really good for me- I accomplished all my goals and grew a lot as a person and made many dreams come true. I’m so thankful. ❤️ atm I just feel really lonely..bc I’ll have to leave behind everything and my best friend behind and I’m so attached to them all, it breaks my heart </3
Feel free to talk your mind anonie! Anything you’d like to say I like listening to people talk cause it fascinates me how different people think and have unique perspectives and experience various emotions. I can’t wait to receive more asks from you and hear you talk to me! 💋
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dramatical · 3 years
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As part of my 3k followers celebrations, I’m doing creator spotlights to highlight all the amazing content creators that follow me! If you want one, check out my celebration post here!
Today’s spotlight is for Nikki @johnbroutledge​ ♥
Nikki’s style is very versatile, you can see all her creations HERE. I really liked how she plays with texts and colors & how she can enhance a b&w gifset with a flawless very colorful typography. I loved all these posts she did that have funny text posts or ao3 tags, and the gifs for the favorite characters are just so clean and crisp? I just really enjoyed looking at her stuff. My personal five favorites are:
Outer Banks ft Whisky Breath by Five North  I haven’t watched outer banks yet but i just really like what you did on this edit! I love the blendings in the first and last gif and the colors of the gradients you picked for it are just :chefskiss: 
That buddie scene ft a quote of kait rokowski Oh! My! Goodness!! This scene just lives in my mind rent free since i watched the episode. The way the quote just enhances the #pain and the red being the only color present on the gif T-T 
Outer Banks ft long live by Taylor Swift Now i wanna watch this show, just bc your edits make it seem so interesting! I really like this one, the font, the colors, i absolutely adore the middle gif! it’s just fantastic the little circles with the characters on them is cute as heck.
911 characters with “the __ one” description This one is soo fun! I love the colors you picked for all of them and the descriptions you gave them are so on point? buck being the golden retriever one, so true bestie.The color is masked so well in these and so so vibrant! I just really love this one
jatp ft the invisible string quote I just love that quote and it’s so fitting for jatp! Julie’s mom really sent these himbos for her daughter! I absolutely love how you “tied” all the gifs with a string, while also tying the quotes on them, it’s very cute. I also love how the string is the only thing with color on the gif, it gives it importance and brings focus to it first. A very very lovely edit T-T
Nikki, thank you for creating so many good edits! I hope to see more of them on my dash always <3
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