#bc he almost always has rice and vegetables in his pantry at home....
ofgentleresolve · 2 years
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@theimpalpable​ sent in: "You can tell me." (Doc and Ray? C:) || new blog but they all still hate vulnerability 🙃 ( you can tell me prompt. )
Most times when Ray is cooking, it’s almost exclusively a solo activity. Being the only chef in a severely understaffed shitty diner is the reason that happens. He’s sure this is bound to break sort of HR law, but for now, he won’t say much. He doesn’t mind it- the quiet that it brings him, save for the sizzling of bacon grease on a pan and whatnot.
It’s probably not a great habit to get accustomed to either. For one thing, cooking in a restaurant requires teamwork. Clear communication between all moving parts for a seamless dining experience is a must, especially in restaurants that serve five-course meals.
Still. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t mind HELP in the kitchen here and there.
Usually, that’s Lam, but he’s not here right now. Neither is Lex-
Their loss, this time around.
“You know, this was the first thing I learned to make.” He admits as he smashes a few pieces of garlic, using the flat end of his knife and his palm. Not that he doesn’t trust Doc with a knife, but well, it’s easier to do the chopping himself. Doc, he’s assigned to separate the shrimp heads from the rest of the body before de-shelling the tail.
It’s after closing hours and coming in late, Doc mentioned he was hungry and not for any of the menu items.
Good thing Ray knows how to work with leftovers. ( And that he’s hungry too- it takes energy, really, coming up with genius ideas. )
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“We’ll make a stock out of it. My mom taught me that. And to always use day-old rice. She sucks at cooking, but she does know how to make FRIED RICE. And stir fry, but it’s difficult to mess that one up. “
And now that he thinks about it, he hasn’t spoken to her in a while. He’ll have to call home sometime soon. He wonders if Doc thinks of his family too- he’s never heard him mention them before…neither does Lex. But Ray won’t ask.
If he’s not willing to open that box for himself, why should he expect that of others?
Ray minces up the smashed garlic before pulling out a pot for Doc to use. “Shells and heads in here; can you grab some water too?”
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