#bc i have some ideas that i really like but implementing them would mean i'd have to get rid of one of my favorite scenes in the dlc...
wildflowercryptid · 9 months
i've actually gotta sit down and write out the mjverse!indigo disk plot bc i probably am gonna change some things around, but my brain's too jumbled rn to just sort out ideas in my head.
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Hi again! So, in your Human LMK AU, what's the magic system like? Is it a mundane everyday thing that everyone or mostly does and can do, or is it a secret society thing? Is SWK a part of it legally, or is he more involved in the shady part? Is it like the Heavenly Court? How would you implement the Brotherhood into this setting? Was SWK born with magic or did he sought it out? What D&D class would he be? What magic are you giving SWK? I'd give him shape-shifting and transmutation personally, but unless you have other ideas for him, I'd support you. About Macaque? If you'd like to give him some other magic than shadows, how about wind and/or death? I'll wait for more info on the AU. Have a good day!
in the AU, magic is an everyday thing, yes, but we don't really focus on the mundane & casual magic here bc to the characters, that's nothing to really sneeze at. we do focus on how magic interacts with people :3 i call it "magic flavors" currently, but the name will probably be changed in-story. it's honestly just easier for me to understand what i'm saying by calling it flavors
so about these flavors.... (imma just copy/paste what i have in my notes lol):
The different signatures and tells that identify each magic user’s type is a person's own flavor of magic
Depending on the magic and how it interacts with others, there might be a positive or negative reaction
MK’s “meatball incident” where the food was either hexed, jinxed, or cursed and his magic is adverse to those types
SWK & Mac’s magic, though on opposite ends, interact positively with the other because the two have grown up together and know each other’s magic so well.
swk & macky are childhood friends to enemies to lovers and so they grew up used to the other's magic that even while enemies, neither of them feel affronted by the other's magic, nor can their signature harm the other unless the user themself chooses to do so
Even as enemies, their magic still reacts positively unless SWK or Mac make it harm the other (this does take some energy tho but it drives both of them up the wall with frustrations– mostly Mac)
Manipulates the different energies around a user and the environment
Meaning: the energies their signature of magic manifests itself in a type of magic that is the most suitable for them
and from a person's type of flavor you get your typical magic types (elemental, spatial, photo, and whatnot, idk the special names they have) and even with a user in those types of magic, they still have their own differentiation that makes their magic their own. the example i use in my notes is Mei's and Red Son's magic. in the AU, both characters are fire mages, BUT while Red Son's fire is your stereotypical red flame, Mei's is green
basically, magic is different for each person which is why you have times where people are adverse to other magic their own is not used to.
and then the notes go on to talk about Magic Circles bc when any character casts a spell, just like in the show, a magic circle pops up, and that is also differentiated/specialized for each magic users. i won't go into it here bc i do want space to answer your other questions, but just know Magic Circles are an important symbolic part of the AU. honestly, most of the magic in this AU has a thematic and symbolic feel to the story bc this is the only way i am able to create a sustainable magic system for myself.
Is it like the Heavenly Court?
i'll be honest, i have not gotten to the Heavenly Court in the brainstorming process as much. they don't really have much of a foothold in where the story is currently going, but we'll see!
Is SWK a part of it legally, or is he more involved in the shady part?
ok so, since i already established that magic is sort of like a normalized thing in this AU (urban fantasy and similar to lmk's own magic normalcy), imma use this question just to talk about my boy <3
Sun Wukong, in the AU, is the most powerful mage of all time (fitting with his op prowess in jttw) and is kind of a modern celebrity in this world. that being said, his rise to fame happened in an interesting way. originally, Wukong started out in the "shadier" side, think underground fighting ring and stuff, and gained the name Monkey King from how a lot of his offensive moves and magic could be likened to a monkey's flexibility. even though Wukong was known far and war in the underground world as the best offensive mage, Wukong did crave to make a name for himself out of it (also, this was when his relationship with his parents was at its worst because they believed he was sinking his future & he wanted to prove them wrong)
his first real news outbreak was more negative than positive, but Wukong took it in full-swing (any press is good press) and ran with it. and while this is where the backstory gets a little fuzzy, just know that Wukong was someone people knew to be an all-round bad dude, nobody was able to get a good picture of him (any who tried either got their camera destroyed or head smashed in). he wa ruthless and craved people's fear. at some point, Wukong is eventually captured and sent to some kind of magic prison which is where he meets Tripitaka, and to save my plot-holey self, just know that from then on, Wukong worked to improve himself & when let out, turned a full 180 and used his powers for good, which led to his infamy switching from fear to adoration.
which is the wukong we meet in the AU
How would you implement the Brotherhood into this setting?
they would be swk's old pals when he was menace. other than Macky, they would be the only one's who would notice any significant changes in swk's magic and fighting skills. Azure, if you would like to know, is very miffed about it, and Peng never thinks to consider that maybe the secrets he could be spilling are stuff swk doesn't want to be spilled (they do consider, but ignore it anyway). Yellow Tusk...idk he's there (sorry T^T haven't touched on his role)
anyway, their inclusion in the story would be much later, so i'm ok with keeping it vague
Was SWK born with magic or did he sought it out? What D&D class would he be? What magic are you giving SWK?
imma just answer these all here lol
in this AU everyone is born with magic, or rather, magic interacts with you even when you an infant. what i have in my notes is that magic develops with the user in this AU. depending on your age or mental state or even your growth- magic grows with you.
as a mage develops, their magic would evolve with them. it depends on the user how their magic signature changes but the colors and feeling of it will stay stagnant (maybe more saturated or forceful but stagnant all the same)
so yes, swk was born with magic, but also yes, he did seek it out and hone it down in order to be the very best (like no one ever was).
as for DND class....i'd still say monk, but with the AU maybe a multiclass of sorcerer and monk????
ok so swk's magic is, uh, interesting to say the least because he does push the boundaries of how a person can manifest their own magic. so his magic focuses on light, clouds, and shape-shifting, but the real kicker here is shape-shifting because manipulating clouds and light is easy. a piece of cake for him. but manipulating himself??? manipulating his body into taking shape of another person or animal or inanimate thing???? that is something swk can't help but experiment with.
can shape-shifting just be him enlarging himself? with his magic, yes. can shape-shifting be swk turning into a gigantic kaiju monster? yes. can shape-shifting be swk impersonating his parents so he can go on a class trip out of the city even though he's grounded? yes.
About Macaque? If you'd like to give him some other magic than shadows, how about wind and/or death?
so i will admit to unoriginality bc Macky does have shadow magic in this AU 👉👈 BUT! he also has smoke magic and illusions ✨✨✨ also unoriginal, i know, but they fit so well for him and wanted to write it!
so his shadow magic will be fairly similar to how he uses his shadows in the show, but with smoke, that's just because i know he'd use it to be a dramatic bitch <3 illusions is sort of to complement swk's shape-shifting since while he can't reconfigure his own body, he can make it appear as if he had. (also, macky's magic does complement swk's and i kind of like their magic complementing each other, sue me)
but yeah, there you go!
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bravewolfvesperia · 7 months
/ I want! to try! something out!
as someone who loves single verse for muse experience shaping, I'm really interested in non-same mun*** thread connection; for each different Yuri of course. that would mean interactions for teen Yuri would shape things in other muns' threads in his adult verse for example*** (and some threads may become memories for instance regardless of age).
interactions with Claw, Asteria Yuri, Rays Yuri, and Transgressor Yuri would follow a similar pattern in that their own verses retain thread connections with different muses.
this would be fully opt in and mutuals of mutuals. info below!
I'm strongly thinking of trying to make as many interactions as possible*** be retained in a single verse. this is mainly because I don't consider every interaction or every muse to be in their own single condensed verse. like, Yuri talks to Raven and only shares that entire verse with Raven? unless it's specifically got points of AU-verse interest, I prefer it to be in a larger world! where that interaction will be a memory of his in other threads!
again, this would be opt in*** and you'd all be effectively "main" verse for each Yuri (child, teen and adult are all in the same verse as each other, but the others are in their own verses, hence why a thread with teen Yuri may affect a thread with adult Yuri), and I'm always up for doing side verses outside of main verses with people's muses independent of this. if we wanted them to meet two or more different ways, we could do that - I would just consider them to be separate verses that either can have a continuation of.
when interacting with multiples of characters, their interactions would be kind of like... branches of a single verse? so think of it like... event happens with a muse. Yuri is interacting with two of the same character after that event's timeline. that event still happened for my muse.
when dealing with multiples of a character, the referenced interaction/experience/thread will only pertain to one of them and that mun will probably know if it's them or not them, but I'd still love to have some threads that have connection to each different mun's take on that character. plus, if two muns with the same character opted in, that's basically how it'd have to go - just, everyone understanding "this is/is not a reference to my muse" as needed. obviously it makes the whole "single verse" interaction idea more complicated, but I'd like to simplify it by saying that particular thread is within the same verse as that referenced mun's muse.
***the reason this would be opt in and when it would show up:
some threads with others may be referenced (sometimes very) vaguely within other threads, but this will only be done within mutual spaces!
that is, if the person I'm writing with, that I'm about to make a reference to, also follows that other mun. if all three or more of us follow each other, that's the only time I would do it, due to the possibility of any bad feelings between non-mutuals, etc. someone I'm writing with may not like the person whose muse I'm referencing if I just reference the muse of someone they don't even follow. I don't know why someone is not following someone I follow and it's not my business, and I'm not here to create bad feelings for anyone.
in other words, you have me, writer A, writer B, and my thread with writer A. I'm about to reference a past or existing thread with writer B. me, writer A and writer B must all be following each other and writer A and writer B must have both opted into this (would be done via likes on a post). if Yuri is interacting with a Raven and I want to reference that in a post where I'm interacting with a Judith, both Raven-mun and Judith-mun (figurative people bc I know an entire Zero (0) Judith-muns at this time) must have opted into this verse idea and must be following not just me, but each other.
I'm not implementing this right away, but it's something I'm considering.
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neonsbian · 9 months
hi vinnie <3 since you’re like my resident writing oomf i gotta ask: do you have any tips on motivating & inspiring yourself to write and get through a writer’s block? seeing you post about your writing is so inspiring but i’ve been struggling for months now rip </3
hmmm tbh i dont rlly have a good answer for you other than teach yourself self-discipline. ive been writing for almost a decade (crazy to think abt lol) and in that time ive basically had to teach myself to commit to writing.
writing is just like any other artform, it's a skill that you build gradually by practicing consistently. the best way to do this is to come up with a goal in your mind and actually work towards this. i don't mean like, deciding you want to write a novel and just writing right away (though that does work for some people) but building steps to slowly achieve that goal.
let's say you want to write a novel. great! the first thing i would do is find time in my schedule to write. a lot of people assume that means sitting down for hours at a time and just typing away but finding time to do that in todays society isnt easy and personally, it's more effective for me to find gaps and short moments to just write for a bit. for me, the most writing gets done when im constrained for time. and you don't have to do it all at once! you can write a little bit at different points of the day too.
i also plan what im going to write before i write it. this doesn't mean i outline necessarily (i don't do that until the second draft) but before writing a scene, ill have a vague idea of what i want to happen in that scene. sometimes it changes as im writing but i never go into writing without a vague idea of what's going to happen.
i think setting a daily goal for yourself is really important. i know writing everyday seems kinda daunting, especially if you didnt do that before but like i said, writing is a skill you build gradually by practicing consistently and you have to be consistent. your daily goal can be a certain page count, word count, or chapter count. whatever works for you. i personally don't rlly like using quantifiable units as my daily goal bc that makes me like check the word count obsessively and prefer to use story markers as my goal instead. basically, i decide before writing i want to reach a certain point in the story by the end of the day. sometimes im in over my head and have to adjust, but it's more useful to think abt it that way for me.
also, if you're just starting out, i would make my daily goal relatively simple and easy to achieve. if word count is how you're counting it, then i'd set it to like 500 words. you might feel frustrated with how slow your progress is but it's more effective to slowly build a story than to write a huge chunk in a short amount of time and then never touch it again. and even if the progress is slow, at least progress is happening!
i know a lot of people have said this but you're also gonna have to allow yourself to write badly. i feel like this something that's difficult to implement into your mindset but it's essential to teach yourself this or else you'll never get anything done. shitty writing doesn't mean you're a shitty writer, it just means that your writing needs more work and the only way to achieve that is by working on it consistently.
i also personally think it's helpful to read the writing processes of other writers and try doing them yourself. lauren groff, for example, writes her entire second draft from memory which sounded absolutely insane to me but i tried it for one of my short stories. that method didn't really work for me but from her method helped me improve my own system. basically for scenes that were in the first draft but were going to be changed pretty drastically, i don't open my first draft at all and just write the scene. every writer's process is different and what works for one writer isn't always going to work for you, but it's still worth a shot to try it and one way or another, it'll help you understand yourself as a writer better.
to me, writing is self-discipline as much as it's art and building a system that works for you is going to take some time but it's necessary to achieve what you're hoping to achieve.
this ended up being longer than i expected but tldr: set a goal, do it everyday 👍
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polskiebagno · 2 years
What’s a cause or charity you care a lot about?
Describe the last good dream you had.
If you had to be a career criminal, what crime would be your speciality?
You’re queen of the world, what weird laws are you making everyone follow?
Are bonsai cruel?
Is it ethical to separate the artist from the art?
If you had to write a short story, what would it be about?
Is psychology as a discipline inherently problematic because of it’s white, European, male origins?
Your favorite breakfast food for a busy day? (Assuming you have time to eat breakfast)
What is the sexiest instrument someone can play?
1.broadly speaking, ending injustice, in all it's forms and shapes. charities are a great thing but i think a lot of people could use just a bit more solidarity and acts of kindness towards others rather than just donating to charities then turning around and being shitty :(
2. uhhhh i think last night i had a dream my friend texted me if i wanted to make pierogi together. sounds like a small thing but with the context of everything going on lately it was lively and carefree
3. a hitman for all kinds of abusers
4. when we were kids my sister and i read this book series where one of the characters had a list of changes to implement once he took over the world and they were things like not being allowed to call salt & pepper "spices", getting rid of odd numbers (every odd number would become even) and not being allowed to have a mustache without a beard. he died unfortunately but if i could i'd make all his ideas true
5. truly don't know enough to speak on it! never thought about it tbh
6. i think as a consumer of art you have the power to give it a whole new meaning, so i think it's possible to separate it and sometimes necesary BUT that doesn't mean just ignoring whatever the author had in mind. you need to know what you are reinterpreting. you need to know what certain themes mean or why a certain creative choice was made. otherwise you're just gonna eat up propaganda
7. definitely horror! i started writing one but kinda lost motivation. it was gonna be about killing your father <3
8. the origins are horrible, but i don't think they're the real problematic side of it. imo the bigger problem is this sort of mental ableism within the field where people who are supposed to help treat they clients and patients like lesser humans. and i don't think that stems just from the roots of psychology themselves, it's a bigger issue. but yeah it's absolutely a problematic field in a loot of ways and i'm really hoping that we'll be seeing some changes soon. hope i will get to be a part of them
9. overnight oats bc i don't have to make them i just take them out and eat them in bed
10. tbhhh as much as i admire people who can play anything (cause i just can't wrap my head around it) it doesn't do anything for me in terms of sexiness
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