#bc i haven't had the booster and they require it
unintentional--sass · 2 years
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arosebyan0thername · 2 years
Work related rant under the cut
My coworker is pissed that we have a new store manager who doesnt give her as much authority as our old one, so now shes throwing a fit and practically refusing to work. My SM and I found a bunch of price tags in the trash which were supposed to go up on my coworker's weekend, and then we wonder why none of the price changes are getting done accurately. She doesn't do anything even remotely physically strenuous, including just literally taking the fucking trash out. She cites her knee problems, but my SM literally was transferred to our store the week she came back from knee surgery, and with EDS I've had bad knees since middle school. Not everyone's pain is the same and you can't compare experiences with disability, but it's not fair to the two of us that we have to work through our pain every single time because she never ever does. And today, she left literally as soon as I clocked in, and my cashier leaves at 6. So I get 5 hours today to do a whole list of things, most of which were supposed to be done in the back room, which I can't do when I'm alone. She got her covid booster and flu shot at the same time yesterday, and I know for a fact the pharmacist told her that could make her extra sick bc she got it where we work and he's required to say that to everyone. I'm not mad that she went home early because she was feeling sick. I'm mad that she made a decision which she was very very well aware could lead to her being too sick to work. I'm mad that she consciously and fully informed made a choice to put me in the position I'm in today. She decided to get her covid booster and flu shot at the same time in the middle of the week instead of last week when she knew she would have Saturday and Sunday off work to recuperate. I've been wanting to get mine since the updated booster came out, but I've been waiting because I haven't had a time when I could do it and then take time off yet. I was going to wait and do it the Friday before her weekend, because I fucking know I don't want to be at work with that. And it's not like she just wanted to get it the moment it was available to her, because we've had it for a week or so already. She could have done it this past Friday!!!! And now im stuck doing all of the work that she should have been doing for her last two and a half hours plus all the work I was supposed to be doing while i had her and could work uninterrupted, plus everything else I was already gonna do today. I'm just really fucking tired of her but my SM refuses to actually fucking do anything about it
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regularly scheduled programming- the queued/scheduled post tag
progress log- reblogs of wips i need advice on from my art blog, they get deleted from this blog about an hour after they get posted, but they do get archived on my art blog, (@bitchfitch (read the pinned post on that blog b4 following or scrolling too far, 18+ only)) under the #reblogin-for-archivin tag
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FAQ under the cut
are you bad-comic-art? Nope, i just picked a bad url.
Why do you know so little about comics? Its bc the only pieces of superhero media i have ever consumed were wolverine and the xmen when i was like 10 and both deadpool movies.
what's your name/ pronouns/ where are you from? I'm Zachariah/Zach/Zaz, he/him preferably but tbh i dont care and you'll see me refer to myself with whatever im feeling that day. and im from texas.
what program do you use? Infinite painter on my phone
how do i submit something? You can @ me, message me, or send it as a submission, but please do not attach it to an ask bc i can't save it to my phone from an ask.
whats accepted? any professionally produced narrative illustration. so comics and manga from any publisher are in, fan art is out. having said that i dont tend to change outfits bc i just dont know enough about any of these characters.
Can i submit my own art for critique? of course! just let me know in the ask you want a critique,
whats your art blog? @bitchfitch i dont post very often but when i do its usually gay nonsense. edit: i now post more often on bitchfitch than i do this blog el oh el.
why haven't you answered/edited something i sent? 1. tumblr might have eaten it, 2. it got buried under a bunch of other stuff, 3. i meant to answer it but i wanted to give it more thought and promptly forgot about it, 4. i already answered a very similar ask. 5.the edit would require completely redrawing the og image, im just too lazy to do that, but ill usually still post it with commentary
if i dont answer something just send it again like 3 days later.
Got a PayPal/ cashapp? i only accept pictures of Nightcrawler aka Kurt Wagner as repayment for what i do here.
why do you do this? funsies.
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