#bc i love the david austin roses so much
guinevereslancelot · 5 months
what is it with me and spending stupid amounts of money on frivolous things every january 🤡
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ikrahs · 5 years
(a long) summary of (so far) my not so berry challenge
haley reese (first gen) (honestly dont remember much about her)
honestly a mess. she died early by overheating and it was the worst thing. 
she was with kyle, who i thought was her soulmate but she rejected his proposal so i guess i was wrong lmao
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but then she found sebastian (the best man) and they eventually got engaged
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and then married 
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they had baby rose (second gen) and bella 
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she then died of overheating (when rose and bella were little toddlers) and i hoenstly vividly remember this so well and i was so shocked bc this wasnt supposed to happen and i guess at this point i failed the challenge 
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sebastian doing all he can as a single parent to make sure the girls got everything 
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he then eventually moved on with saanvi 
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and they got married (although rose didnt like her)
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and had baby xavier who was the best lttle brother for rose and bella 
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look at little xavier
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the marriage unfortunately didnt last though :((
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teen rose and david who i thought she would end up with as they were best friends from a young age but they just never found each other at the right time 
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teen bella and seb!! so cute!! they both loved painting and ended up owning a shop where they sold their painting which bella still owns now in memory of her dad. she still paints and sells them
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seb as an elder :((
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lmao here’s them both rose and bella as babysitters and this shot is so funny) at this point sebastian has passed away and rose took on the role of looking after bella and as a young adult she took the role of caregiver of teen bella 
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bella briefly dated conor as a teen who was the cousin of her best friend austin  but they didnt last long
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bella and austin (brother of david). these guys were best friends who had feelings for each other which is why bella and conor didnt last. this picture is so funny because the girl photobombing is who austin ended up with. guess i shouldve taken the hint 
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bella and austin again!! i really wish they had ended up again but she rejected his proposal and they could never get past that in their relationship 
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at this point rose wanted to live on her own without having to look after bella so she moved out on her own with david (who were now just friends) and hope (her best friend)
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but she still spent so much time with her family including her step brother xavier
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bella eventually set up rose with ronan (who had been a friend of bella’s for a long time). rose really did like him and they went camping together for a bit. rose then moved out of the apartment as hope and david got married and it was time for her to find her own self. she moved into a home on her own for a bit. until she fell pregnant accidently with summer (third gen).
her and ronan then moved in together in the home. and rose ensured that summer spent lots of time with her cousin (bella’s child). and hopes they will become best friends 
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rose was fine with everything the way it was and didnt feel the need to get married but ronan had a different idea and proposed to rose which rose didnt reject although she really wanted to...
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rose tried her best deflecting the wedding day and unknown to her ronan had organised her a suprise wedding which bella warned rose about causing a big argument between rose and ronan. ronan tried to make it up to rose by organising a wedding dress looking at a local boutique. 
it was then summer’s birthday so they played happy famillies as they celebrated summer becoming a child
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the wedding day eventually came and rose left ronan at the alter as she couldnt go through with it at all
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rose left the house and moved into an apartment on her own. working on loving herself and spending time with herself and organising fancy dinner parties with her friends. 
enjoying her time on her own without anything to hold her back. having summer on weekends as summer wanted to stay with her dad who she is closer to
here she met annalise (who really loves working out she even works out at parties lmao)
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this went very well for them both but annalise was married. rose didnt want to pressure her into doing anything as she took this very chill. as she also didnt want to jump into another relationship. 
as she fell more deeper she eventually tried convincing annalise to leave her spouse which she accepted to as she didnt feel that strong attraction anymore. 
and then rose took the chance to propose to annalise (she turned into an elder as i played with another household)
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and rose then got married as an elder
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ronan also has now moved on and is at early stages with savanna and hopes to move in with her soon
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