#when i could have easily convinced myself to buy more lol
guinevereslancelot · 5 months
what is it with me and spending stupid amounts of money on frivolous things every january 🤡
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ghostbur for the bingo :)
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I have cried over Ghostbur. I have cried. This probably doesn’t sound like much, but I personally hardly ever cry. It is a Momentous Occasion if I shed a tear—which I have done for my love Ghostbur <3 His story is so unbearably tragic and sad and much of it fills me with anger, and just… he really makes me Feel Things. A lot of things.
At this point I sorta wish Ghostbur was my OC 😭 Because then I could give him a canon happy ending that does not involve Limbo or merging with Wilbur. Like. I dislike Both of those things with quite a passion. I want Ghostbur to be mine I want to give him canon soft blankets and canon soup and canon hugs with Friend and canon happiness & healing :( I also get very easily upset over Ghostbur takes that I don’t like, or when I see people mischaracterizing him, and I just feel so protective lol EVEN THOUGH I know he’s not my character! He is simply… so special and dear and beloved to me. I want to protect him :(
Literally my Ghostbur playlist is like 30 hours long okay I am not even joking. If I listen to a song, there is a High chance that I associate it with Ghostbur—a high chance!!! And this isn’t just with music either; I see sweaters, I see blue flowers, I see sheep, I see red hats, I see many many things, and I think of Him <33 My obsession over this little guy is Boundless and I could probably make anything about Ghostbur if I were to think about it enough. I’m half-convinced that every single AJR song could fit Ghostbur.
I really don’t project onto characters that much, but oh. Ghostbur 😭 He’s already an extremely relatable guy to me (a rarity, I hardly ever find characters I relate to) and he’s also become very important & special to me, and I’ve… really accidentally found myself projecting 😅 I did not mean to do this!!! What do you mean he sneezes when he looks at the sun. What do you mean. I didn’t do that. That’s how he came in the box. I’m telling you. Believe me.
His yellow sweater is soooooo <3 I have been wanting to find and buy a yellow sweater that looks like his but I CAN’T FIND A GOOD ONE!!! MISERY!!!
*clings to the one-and-a-half Ghostbur streams that we ever got* Aksgajsgajsgjafs I know he showed up in a lot of other streams, but we didn’t really get much Ghostbur-centric content. A few good things, a few important things, but mostly he was there to talk to others/be friends with others/etc. I wish we could’ve gotten a few more streams because I want to see what his facial expressions were :((
Oooooh boy, snazzy indeed. Yes.
Ghostbur has an entire section of my brain all to himself lol, that’s what it feels like XD I have Other Parts Of My Brain and then I have Ghostbur. He lives there now. He does not pay rent but I don’t care because I’m happy to have him <3 I love this man.
*points* BEAN!!! He is soooo sweet and adorable I just <333
I cannot even tell you how many awful rancid Ghostbur takes I have seen 😭😭 Like… oh they make me angry. They fill me with so much rage. I will rant about these things. Likeeeee it’s super rare for me to find a Ghostbur fan who actually gets his character; most Ghostbur enjoyers have really strange, incorrect ideas about him. It makes me upset :(
I have so much Ghostbur Knowledge stored away oh my goodness!! <3 I could go on and on for hours about this man, he Does something to me that cannot be contained. I love Ghostbur.
But oh my gosh he got so much crap in his canon story and with the fandom oh my gosh. And his ending??! Please. I hate his ending with my whole being it makes me so genuinely upset and I hate it. Very AAAAAAAAH y’know.
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what is your mclennon take
All righty then, feel like I haven't been asked this in two years.
(throwback to @phoneybeatlemania asking me this on anon on like day two of my having this blog <3)
I wanna preface this by saying I'm hyper-aware that multiple takes more or less fit the facts. I'm often reading up on what people who disagree with me are saying and try to consider their arguments as seriously as I can. Because of this, I don't feel entirely confident committing to one single take; more, a spectrum of scenarios I find more or less plausible.
(putting this under a read more cause I'm annoying lol)
At this point you can't really convince me John wasn't bi; the evidence is ample and IMO conclusive. Combining that with things John said after the breakup, some of his behaviours and words while the band was together makes him being attracted to Paul seem very likely to me, and I generally operate under that assumption though I do try to sometimes consider other possibilities.
Generally, I don't really buy into the idea that Paul is (meaningfully) attracted to men for two reasons: 1) he's denied it + continues to do so, and I dislike going against someone's word without good reason and 2) all the evidence I've seen for it feels very… Circumstantial. It seems more like a post-hoc explanation for a bunch of not necessarily related behaviours rather than concrete proof. (for example comparing when Paul started growing a beard to when he and Linda got together and concluding a general "return to the safety of heteronormativity" in mid-'68 based on that)
That being said, that doesn't mean I think Paul couldn't possibly be bi and I do see how the fact that he's still alive means that anecdotes like the ones we have of John confirming his consistent interest in men would not have emerged as easily and readily as they did once John died. (and conversely, Paul has outlived most Beatle-era people; I doubt much will come out from that time period at all in the near future, unless his kids decide to share things, but loyalty appears to be the currency of the McCartney Clan so…)
And also, I've seen this implied multiple times so let me reiterate: thinking Paul is not attracted to John is not equivalent to thinking Paul had an in any sense normal friendship with John. I believe that, no matter what, John was important to Paul to a probably slightly unhealthy extent and I don't discount that he's referred to John as some type of soulmate.
Now, timeline-wise, I consider myself somewhat of an outlier in that I'm highly skeptical of the idea that John was attracted to Paul from the moment they met (and, for that matter, if proof of Paul's attraction to men emerged, this skepticism would extend to him as well). But I also don't have some timeline I'm personally subscribed to because I think the evidence on this front is convoluted and somewhat contradictory. I'd say it mostly indicates to me that either a) John experienced multiple waves of infatuation which ebbed and flowed over the years or b) he was somewhat possessive of Paul before he was actually attracted to him. (or a combination of these two) Another thing I don't feel particularly confident about is at what point this attraction would have become conscious (and I err on the side of not believing an unconscious attraction could have lasted especially long)
I usually try to approach them holistically as people and when I can leave the romantic/sexual stuff unaddressed because I think a lot of aspects of their relationship can be analysed regardless of the precise nature of their dynamic. On the other hand, I do acknowledge that both these men were very sex/love-oriented and thus I can't discount it completely.
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invisiblegarters · 1 year
GAP Ep 8 & 9
Episode 8
Sam is so thirsty and I love that for her. Although damn her for quitting and leaving both Mon and me very frustrated. Woman. You don't just rile someone up like that and then go to sleep!
I also really love that she's clearly gone out to buy Mon jammies in her color.
Eh, I think that Mon is more than capable of asking for what she wants, though. I mean, yes, Sam started it and then didn't finish, but Mon is also allowed to ask for what she wants.
KIRK I'm starting to not like you stop interrupting.
LOL oh the work brain trust. Putting two and two together and getting forty five (okay that's not fair. They're on the right track they just have the entirely wrong person). Literally the only reason Kirk wants her back is because she knows about the whole Ms. Sexy Smirk thing (okay, okay, her name is Nita, but Ms. Sexy Smirk fits her).
I have to say, I appreciate Sam's sense of drama. And I did get a kick out of Mon continuously thwarting her attempts at a Lady and the Tramp moment. Aw, "I watched web dramas and they do the same things." I love her.
And we're getting down to business! Finally! Get it, girls!
*insert a few moments later pic*
Although I have to say them calling their friends to tell them how initiate sex is hilarious, as was Jim showing up with a giant bottle of alcohol to be like "just get drunk and your hormones will do the rest."
Nail advice is smart but also, you guys had to know that already, right? Right?
And then, finally. Get it girls! For real, this time.
HA oh my GOD, Sam. It's good that she only has four facebook friends but dear lord.
Okay this whole Kirk thing is a mess. I get that Mon feels like she's stuck in between a rock and a hard place, but honestly, this could very easily be resolved if people would just open their damn mouths and talk. And Kirk needs to stop dragging Mon into completely open areas and grabbing her hands.
I don't mean to laugh at Kirk thinking that Sam is jealous over him, but I am. I really, really am.
Damn, Sam isn't pulling any punches. I want to be mad at her but well, she's hurt and angry and NO ONE IS TELLING HER ANYTHING.
Basically this all Kirk's fault and he's officially on my shit list.
Episode 9
Aw, Mon.  She's such a sweetheart that I hate to see her so sad. I do think that she's being a bit dramatic, but I get it. Sam always goes straight for the throat when she's hurt. Hopefully Mon gets her to work on that in that gentle way that she has.
Also, okay, the way everyone in this wakes up with perfect hair amuses me. But did Mon sleep in her clothes?
Pfft, does Kirk still think that Sam is jealous over him? Honey, no.
Mon's parents are so sweet.
I sometimes forget that Sam is supposed to be royalty then they do things like sitting on the floor because she is and I remember.
Sam stop being a dog for Mon it's giving me ideas.
Good on Sam for admitting that she was jealous. But seriously, she really really needs to work on that temper of hers. I say this as someone with a nasty temper myself.
Aw, couple bracelets.
Oooh, Mon taking charge of sexy time. Get it, girl! I absolutely love the frenetic piano during this scene. And ha, I love how much it shook Sam. Just enjoy it, girl.
Ms. Sexy Smirk is back! And throwing down the pink gauntlet. Pink is Mon's color, Ms. Sexy Smirk. And uh oh, she's clocked the couple bracelets. I just do not trust that woman - I mean, clearly I am not supposed to, not with that smirk, but still.
She even talks like a supervillain lol. Those pauses midsentence to smirk smirkily at Sam. Is it wrong that I do like her? I know she's gonna cause trouble but I do. She's just clearly having a great time.
I knew this betrayal was gonna bite Kirk though - pretty sure he did too, on some level, even if he convinced himself that Sam would see the good of it.
GO SAM. I honestly thought she'd use Kirk going to Ms. Sexy Smirk as an excuse to break up with him and not mention the whole thing with Mon, but nope. I do think she was kind of using it as a bludgeon but also…well. I never thought she'd do the thing at all. And Kirk has no right to look at Mon like that, lol. I guess he is genuinely into Sam but my dude, how you missed that she doesn't feel the same is beyond me.
Is this where his villain arc begins? Because I could be here for that.
I knew Ms. Sexy Smirk wanted in Sam's pants. Knew it. I mean, not that I blame her, but Sam already has the pink that she wants or needs in her life. Ms. Sexy Smirk is gonna be trouuuuuble, though, and I'm kind of here for it.
Okay, okay, love Sam walking in on Chin and Yha going at it and just walked right back out like "excuse me, just looking for my bracelet, pretend I was never here." It's hilarious and I know that the fear of being fired is real but I also know that Sam isn't going to do it - either Mon will talk her out of it or she'll realize what a hypocrite it makes her.
Oh Chin is married? I didn't know that. Messy.
Getting it on at work. This is exactly why you can't punish Yha and Chin, Sam. But I do like that in the end she chose not to. I need Mon to quit like yesterday, though.
Pfft at Sam locking the door. I do like that these two can't keep their hands off of each other, but also, work is work! Stop doing this at work!
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SEE? THIS IS EXACTLY WHY.  Also pfft, Yha can make all the uncomfortable expressions she likes but she's the one who kept listening. I do love how delighted she is with the whole thing. "Plot twist" indeed. But Mon should still quit, probably. Go work with Tee. Then come bang Sam on your lunch break. 
Okay the destroyed office is pretty hilarious though.
I cheer a little every time a same sex couple is or gets married in one of these dramas, especially in a country where same sex marriage isn’t legalized. I like to think it’s a push for marriage equality. Keep pushing, dramas!
Sam. Sam. What are you doing? You know you can't marry Mon, not really. Unless you want The Worst Grandmother to cut you off, too. I dislike Mon's "I'm not good enough for you  (and ha at Cher being like "does she fly? I see her feet right there on the ground")," but she's making good points. I'm betting in the end Sam probably won't have to give up everything but they don't know that, and it's fully possible she will have to. I don't know if she's thinking that part through.
And I can see that episode ten is going to be ramping up to the ep 11 separation, sigh. Time to see how Mon's backbone handles The Worst Grandmother, I guess. Kirk, you are such a little weenie.
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purplesurveys · 1 year
Do you have any bananas in your house right now? I don’t think so. We’ll have them sometimes as my sister likes bananas, but not at the moment I’m pretty sure. Which overrated tattoo are you sick of seeing? I find that people my age actually have unique tattoo designs across the board, which is cool and refreshing to see every time...but I guess I am a liiiittle tired of seeing the minimalist line tattoo type. It’d be awesome to see bolder and more colorful tattoos. Is it easy to distract you? Definitely not when at work, but otherwise yeah. My sister in particular finds it hilarious how I can easily jump from one topic to another.
Do you prefer to drink from glasses or mugs? Mugs. Feels ever so slightly fancier.
What was the last thing you taught a younger kid? I can’t even remember the last time I was around one. Kids scare me because I never know what type I’m gonna get hahaha. Are they gonna be rude with their replies? Will they ask me how babies are made?
Are the clocks in your house mostly digital or analog? Analog.
How long have you had your television(s)? This one in my room has been around for 15 years and still works like a beauty. It was previously in the living room but after we got a few new TVs, this one got transferred to my room.
Do you like watching movies made with CGI or do you prefer hand-drawn ones? I don’t have much of an opinion (or knowledge, even) on this.
Where did your parents buy their car(s)? The Santa Fe was bought from a Hyundai...store? distributor? (what even do you call the branches?) itself. My Mirage is secondhand but I have no clue from whom it was gotten. Do you know why your grandparents chose your mother’s name? I actually don’t have a clue. My grandma is VEry religious though so that had to have played a hand.
What is your favourite kind of soup? Cream of mushroom is the BEST kind and it’d be hard to convince me otherwise. Miso tastes fantastic too.
Have you ever made your own musical instrument? No.
What do you think of Leighton Meester’s singing voice? Did her singing career ever take off...? I remember really liking Good Girls Go Bad but it seems as though none of her other songs ever took off as much as that one did. Anyway, her voice is fine at least for that song; wouldn’t know how to speak for the others if any.
Do you think you’d do well at teaching the English language to a foreigner? Probably not. I’m fluent in English, but it’d be hard for me to actually explain the different concepts. I just know how to speak the language lol.
Is it weird to hear your name in movies or TV shows? It kind of makes me jump, yeah. It’s a familiar name but not common, so it often surprises me hearing it outside of being called it myself.
Have you written a resume before, either for yourself or someone else? I’ve done my own resumé and I’ve helped others when they made theirs, but I’ve never done someone else’s entirely.
Did you know that they plan on releasing a movie based on The Smurfs? They did, back in like 2010 or something. I never understood the excitement, but you do you.
What is your favourite thing about snow? I’ve never seen it so I wouldn’t know.
Do you consider Lady GaGa’s appearance artistic, or just plain weird? Artistic. Never found it weird and the people who usually did (at least in my own experience) were the annoying religious people anyway.
What do you usually do when you have trouble sleeping? Reddit is the best weapon for something like this. Has my eyes feeling heavy in minutes.
Are you satisfied with your social life (or lack thereof)? Sure. I wish my friends could be more outgoing sometimes because I’d love to see them from time to time too lmao but I mean I love em all the same.
What TV show do you just assume you wouldn’t like? Law & Order and all of its 1,000,000 spinoffs.
Do your friends have more money than you? Probably.
Who always has the power to make you feel intimidated? Hm, probably Bea.
Do you have more bread or cheese in your house? Bread.
0 notes
ruleofexception · 3 years
Ok so! For fic questions I was wondering 1) what are your top three favorite fics that you have written (are writing/wanting to write)? 2) What fic of yours has hit you MOST in the feels? 3) And what fic of yours would you consider the FLUFFIEST :3? [small question: but any specific headcanons or extra thoughts you wanna dash on any of your fics? :3] Hope this is okie!
Ohhhh! Of course! This is more than okay <3 
All great questions. Okay. Uhm...
1) Top three favourites would probably be:
- The Fall of the Crown rewrite! I actually look forward to Saturday nights now, just to post the next chapter haha. I do still need to wrap up the final chapter/epilogue, but am finally done editing the last few chapters (we're up to a whooping 227K)!
- Unheavenly Creatures! I. Love. This. Fic. It's easily one of the ones I'm most proud of. And I have a lot of fun when writing it. I'm so excited for FOTC to finally wrap itself up, so I can dive into this one and do it justice <3
- If my brain ever gives me more than just random shenanigans for Life Eternal, I would love to continue this one. But, until I figure out a plot I'm happy with, this'll be one of those fics that sits on the back-burner with the rest of my poor drafts. So many pots on the stove. All of them burning.
2) Most feels:
I have exactly two fics that have made me cry while writing them: Sword & Bauble and Fall of the Crown. S&B for the obvious reason (I legit cried my way through writing ch 1 and the only reason I could keep going was because I just kept muttering that it would be fine. That I would fix it). And you've yet to see the scene that made me cry in FOTC (and as it's not until like, ch38, you won't see it for a while lol). But I definitely teared up and had to walk away and make myself some tea (hahah), because it was hitting me right in the feels.
I'll be honest, I rarely write strictly fluff-fics, so this was difficult. If we're talking ‘long-fic’, with the most fluff rot-your-teeth scenes, I'd probably say All These Years or Forgotten. One-shots/drabbles might be Names or this prompt from Joanna's bday a few years ago!
And small the headcanon question is below the cut because I have no self control and wrote you a novel.
Headcanons that I like (or make frequent appearances in my fics):
- One that is pretty much canon at this point (and is repeated in almost every fic I can squeeze it into), is that Obi is a cagey mofo who does not trust or like having people tend to him. Like, he won't tell anyone that he's hurt. Ever. The only time he admits to being injured is if someone notices. And I think that it takes Shirayuki a long time and a lot of bribing to get him to confide in her and for her to be able to properly treat him. I fully believe that at least some of their time in Lilias has been spent with Shirayuki chasing after him, offering to buy him dinner or a drink, if he'll just sit still long enough for her to examine whatever injury he's managed to get while he was training (eventually it gets to the point where he's comfortable enough going to her with injuries. But also, he may have started associating having her patch him up, with having a belly-full afterwards lol. Obi's brain: Get healed. Get snacks. More time with Shirayuki. It's wins across the board.). And as much as I know Obi trusts Ryuu and thinks him a good pharmacist, I don't think even Ryuu is able to treat his injuries like Shirayuki can (if Shirayuki isn't around, and it's not that bad, he won't go seek help. The most he'll do is like, slap a bandage on it and call it a day). Which means I am also convinced that the reason he didn't pull away in this scene:
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was because 1) they weren't even meant to find out he was hurt, 2) he had an audience (Zen would have been even angrier with him, if he'd pulled away and refused treatment) and 3) this was more for Shirayuki than it was for him.
He's not that hurt. He'd have just left it to scab over and do its own thing, if he was the only one who knew about it. But he lets her do it anyways, because it makes her feel better that he has a bandage.
- Another one that's basically my canon lol... Aside from maybe Garrack or Lata, Shirayuki is the most colourful and casual curser. She doesn't usually curse loudly (like Garrack does) or mumble curses at or about people (like Lata), but she does curse, almost constantly, under her breath. Spills an ink-well? It's just five minutes of her muttering 'fuck' and 'shit' as she tries to clean up the spill. She sees/reads something strange and unusual and it's a 'what the fuck' so quiet that no one else really registers what she's said. And I will forever believe that the moment, right before she jumps off that tower and into the water for Popo's bell, she just sorta shrugged to herself and went 'fuck it, let's do this I guess'.
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- I also think that Shirayuki is the kind of person who has two anger settings: 1) Tread carefully or I will throat punch you with no hesitation and zero remorse, and 2) we got into an argument about paint colours and you said ‘I don’t care’, which is a bold-faced lie because clearly you do care, so I took every single paint chip from the store and now they’re tacked up on our wall until you make a decision.
- A HC I really like, but haven't really called much attention to or explored, is the one where Obi is colourblind and that's why he's so hum-drum about her hair. Because her hair isn't anything (for him at least) to bat an eye over. Like, he knows it's red, because people keep telling him that. But that, in no way, defines who she is to him.
- Recently I’ve been vibing with the HC that Obi wouldn’t kiss Shirayuki (especially a first kiss) when they’ve been drinking or are intoxicated. He wants to. And he definitely thinks about it. A lot. It may even come close. But he doesn’t want to feel like he’s taking advantage of her, or have it be something she regrets come morning. If there’s going to be a drunk anything that happens between them, Shirayuki is the one who starts it and any chance he gets, Obi just keeps asking her if that’s what she really wants and if she’s sure.
- Obi didn’t win Shirayuki’s hair-bauble from that fight. I don’t know whether it was one of his few possessions from before (maybe it used to belong to someone important to him) or if he purchased it beforehand JUST for her, but a I don’t buy it for one second that he was fighting some thug and the winnings just HAPPENED to include a hair bauble. He 100% used the fight as an excuse to give it to her.
- While I do really like and appreciate the idea that Ryuu doesn’t think of Obi and Shirayuki as his parentals, I refuse to accept it lol. In any fic, when I have the opportunity to have Ryuu call either Shirayuki ‘mom’ or Obi ‘dad’, I take it. They are his parents and I will die on this hill. 
- Also, while we’re on the subject of Ryuu... there is a small part of me that likes the idea that Ryuu is Kain’s bastard son. I realize it’s probably a bit of a stretch, but I so don’t care haha. So, for your consideration: we don’t know much about Kain other than he died ‘tragically’ when Izana and Zen were still fairly young. After his death, Haruto took over for a while, but then she peaced out to the north because she was suddenly ‘allergic’ to the palace. Now. We all know and love the Crazed King Kain theory (basically canon lol). I like to think that Crazed King Kain knocked up one of the staff members and, in 9 months when this servant girl comes forward with a wholeass baby, saying that it’s his, Kain is actually thrilled, because yayyy! Another son! He wishes to go about actually having the boy legally recognized as his son and Haruto loses her shit (probably not the first time she’s caught Kain burying his dick somewhere it shouldn’t be, but definitely the first time his infidelity has sired an illegitimate - soon to be legitimate - heir that would feel no obligation or fealty towards her). So, Kain’s accident is no accident (hard to legitimize a bastard, if the king is dead and parliament is - for the most part - unaware of said bastard lol). The servant girl is dealt with. And Haruto basically gives the baby to Haruka to ‘figure it out’. Haruka opts for keeping Ryuu close (easier to control and monitor the child, when living near/in the palace - just in case genetics decided to make a mini-Kain). Haruka low-key freaks out the day that Ryuu starts asking around about what happened to his parents and tells Garrack that she needs to stop him from questioning or it’s the last question he’ll ever ask; Garrack just sits Ryuu down and tells him that his parents died, shortly after he was born (not a lie). And that’s the end of that. Eventually, when Haruto’s guilt catches up with her and she can’t stand to see Ryuu around the palace, she packs up and leaves, claiming allergies. The older Ryuu gets, the less like Kain he looks and the more freedom he’s given. ANYWAYSSSSS. It’s a bit like grasping at straws. But I like it.
- And we’ll end with a FOTC specific thinky-thought (I guess it’s sort of an easter-egg now?) that’s somehow both vague and spoilery? I actually hummed and hawed about including this in here, because we haven’t even seen this character yet, but aside from a few disconnected lines here and there, I don’t actually make reference to this scene (it really is just a nice little thought that lives in my brain rent free). So! That said, since FOTC is technically a canon-divergence fic, this canon scene with the roka harvesting would have happened. It is my delightful little thinky-thought that there is a specific FOTC character he’s mistaken Shirayuki for in this scene. Kudos to you guys if you remember this and figure out who it is.
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And, there you have it. Some headcanons and thinky-thoughts I enjoy. I could keep going, I’m sure. But those are some of my main ones that, at this point, are basically canon for me ahaha
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undercoveravenger · 4 years
The Scales of Justice
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Creature Week 2020: Day Five
Pairing: Cato x Dragon Shapeshifter!Male!Reader
Request: “Hi so I just saw your ‘creature week announcement’ and was wondering if I could ask for a hunger games one again lol. A Cato x male reader, but the reader is a shape shifter(turns into a dragon). Could it be a fantasy AU? One where Cato is hired to hunt down the male reader but Cato ends up falling for reader because he sees that the reader isn’t a bad person/creature? I’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense.”
A/N: God, I love dragons.
There were few honors that meant as much as being personally selected for a mission by the Gamemakers, the ruling class of the Capitol. It meant you were talented, skilled, trusted with knowledge about the goings-on of the court, even if only the pertinent details were shared with you. It meant that you could expect honor and wealth upon your return.
Cato supposed that that was why he hadn’t been surprised when the messenger came to find him. He’d been one of the kingdom’s most valued knights since he’d been old enough to join the academy. He had known that it was only a matter of time until he was given a high-stakes mission of his own, but this? To be the one chosen to slay a dragon? Cato couldn’t be prouder of himself.
He was still glowing with pride as he scaled the mountain that the beast had made its home on, though there was a slight tremor in his hands as he approached the wide entrance to the cave the dragon was dwelling in, wide and dark like a gaping mouth ready to swallow him whole. He took a deep breath as he came to a stop on the narrow ledge outside the dragon’s den, steeling his resolve before drawing his sword from its scabbard and  making his way into the cave.
It took his eyes a moment to adjust to the relative darkness of the cave, but he was stunned by the sheer size of the cavern around him. He turned in a slow circle as he took in the towering ceiling and curved walls, easily the size of the grand ballroom at the castle, with every surface carved so smooth that he could almost see his reflection in the gleaming onyx stone. He gaped as he realized that the smoothness of the rock must have been caused by the dragon’s scales and wings dragging over them as it made its way further back into the cavern each day.
His brows furrowed as he realized something even more peculiar about the dragon’s den: there was no dragon to be found.
Cato slowly wandered deeper into the cave, remaining on alert even as he reached the back of the huge room and found that it did not end there. Instead, a sharp turn behind an outcropping of rock revealed a much smaller antechamber that had been dug meticulously out of the inside of the mountain. The smaller room was filled with piles and piles of gold and jewels that towered over him, though unlike the larger chamber, the walls and ceiling of this room were rough, as though the dragon was not in here often enough for its scales and spines to wear away at the rock. The blond was amazed at the sight of the beast’s hoard, though he was still confused; everything he had ever heard about dragons had taught him that they were notoriously protective of their hoards, so the very fact that it had put its hoard in a room it couldn’t even fit in was odd.
Cato whirled around as gold coins came cascading down a pile on his left, brandishing his sword high in anticipation of the great beast itself. He hesitated at the sight of a (h/c)-haired male that looked about his age picking his way slowly down the heap of treasure, clad only in a worn pair of breeches. Cato found his eyes tracing the stranger’s features longingly, fingers itching to reach out and cup his face in his hands and lips aching to tell him that he’d make sure that nothing could do him harm again, for surely he must have been some stolen prince for as handsome as he was.
The (h/c) froze at the sight of him, visibly tensing like he was going to try to run away. Cato could see his eyes darting from the knight toward the entrance into the larger cavern.
“Hey, it’s alright,” Cato called up to him, a soft smile twisting his lips upward as the (h/c) looked back toward him. “I didn’t come to hurt you.” He sheathed his sword and held up his hands to show he meant no harm, unsure as to whether the presumed captive could understand him at all. “My name is Cato, and I can protect you from the monster.”
The (h/c)’s eyes narrowed suddenly, flashing dangerously in the low light as he turned away, carefully making his way down the pile of gold until his bare feet met the cold stone of the cave floor. “I doubt that very much,” he huffed, shoulders tense as he strode further into the antechamber.
“Excuse you?” Cato asked, a little offended. “I’m a knight of the Capitol! I’m sure I could handle myself against an overgrown lizard!” he protested as he followed after the stranger.
The stranger snorted in amusement, though he didn’t turn to look at Cato as he ducked into yet another small chamber, this one with a small fire smoldering in a pit dug into the floor. Sunlight streamed in through a small hole that had been carved into one of the top edges of the room to let smoke out. “I’m sure you could.”
The knight was beginning to think that his imprisonment had driven the stranger mad. “Then why did you say-” 
Cato was cut off by the (h/c) turning sharply to look at him. “I did not say that you could not hold your own against a dragon. I meant that I doubted you were not here to hurt me.”
The blond’s eyebrows furrowed as he stared in confusion at him, “Why would I hurt you? You were put at risk from the dragon the same way my kingdom has been, if not worse. You can come with me back to the Capitol, and then, when you’re feeling up to it, we can return you to your own kingdom.”
The (h/c) rolled his eyes, turning away again and heading for the fire. He dropped down to sit before it and dragged a piece of roasting meat from a skewer that Cato had not initially noticed. “I have never been at risk from the dragon that lives here and neither has your city. The only humans he injures or kills are those that would take his life if he did not defend himself.”
“How do you know that? Dragons are vicious! They’d sooner turn a city into an inferno than live in peace!” Cato snapped, now fully convinced that there was no saving whoever this guy was, no matter how attractive he may be.
The (h/c) raised an eyebrow challengingly, “Then why haven’t I done it yet?”
Cato’s mind went blank as he stared down at him. “Why haven’t- what?”
The (h/c) set aside his food and pushed back to his feet, turning his back to Cato and revealing an intricately detailed pair of batlike wings tattooed down the length of his back. As Cato watched, the ink seemed to dance and shift against his skin, the lines and shapes lifting and spreading as it became three dimensional. As the formerly tattooed wings came to life color faded into them, turning black and white shading into gleaming scales the colors of rubies. Each wing extended above the (h/c)’s shoulders by nearly half his height and flared wide on either side of him.
The (h/c) turned to look at Cato, formerly (e/c) eyes glowing golden with the power emanating from him. “I’m the dragon that lives in this cave. If I were going to destroy your town or the people that live there, I would have done it.”
Cato’s azure eyes were wide as he eyed the dragon, “You- You’re the- But why…?”
“Has it occurred to you that maybe I just want to live?” The shape-shifter’s wings pulled tight against his back, storming back into the treasure chamber. He snatched up a small pouch from one of the heaps and scooped a few handfuls of gold coins into it. “Here,” he held it out to Cato, “Take this and disappear. It should be more than enough to buy you transport and a new start somewhere far away. It’s the same deal I made every other knight that your Capitol sent to kill me.”
The blond’s brows furrowed, a little disappointed in his fellow knights. “That worked on all of them?”
“Not all of them.” Cato was confused for a moment until he understood the remorseful look on the (h/c)’s face. “But I did what I had to.”
Cato hesitated, torn between what his duty demanded of him and what his heart told him. Eventually he found the strength, “You didn’t have a choice.”
“No,” the shape-shifter said softly, eyes fading back to their original color. “But you do.” He held out the bag of gold, “You can take this and leave, or you can draw your weapon and try to do what those before you could not.”
The knight’s eyes flickered between the offering and the hilt of his sword as he considered his choice. He slowly pulled his sword from his scabbard, examining his reflection in the gleaming blade for a long moment before throwing it aside. “What if I want another option?”
“And what would that be?” The (h/c) replied, raising an eyebrow.
Cato bit his lip, lowering his eyes nervously. “I want to understand you better.”
The dragon-shifter’s face remained blank for a long moment, but relief washed over Cato when a pleased grin found its way to the (h/c)’s lips. “That can be arranged.”
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det395 · 3 years
ty sm arlo @throwing-roses-into-the-abyss for tagging me :D
1- how many books are too many books in a series?
i need a lot of convincing already to agree to the commitment of any series but i think if i fall in love with one then i’d be happy if it’s pretty long. but i think 4 books is a good number for a series
2- what do you think about cliffhangers?
hhhhh i want all books to be rounded out satisfactorily, but a bit of a cliffhanger can be fun
3- hardback or paperback?
paperbacks, with a passion! they’re cheaper, smaller, lighter, easier to hold/bend into position, i hate hardcovers where the sleeves are slippin and slidin, and i dont mind the look of worn books at all in fact i think it’s pretty cute (which i might just be saying bc i wreck all my books ok im gonna shove them in my backpack it cant be helped) and i want my bookshelf to be consistently paperbacks so i get Angery when new books only come in hardcover and i have refused to buy books for that reason. but i have a few used and gifted hardcovers
4- least favourite book?
i can’t say that i hold any real grudges against any books, but there is one book “in the name of the family” that my parents gave me for christmas, maybe bc i had a GoT phase? and it’s my only 1 star book. it’s probably not a BAD book but oh my god i could not get through it, every paragraph was torture because it was just so fucking BORING and i didnt understand the historical context or what was going on, nor did i care at all
5- Love Triangle, yes or no?
i feel obliged to admit that i will still go ham for the twilight love triangle if prompted, even if some (a lot) of it annoys me i fuckin love that drama so alas i cannot claim superiority in my tastes, but usually these days if i see a love triangle i scream at my book “JUST BE POLY!”
6- the most recent book you just couldn’t finish
star eater, which made me sad to abandon! it wasn’t even bad, hell it was about cannibalistic zombie nuns so it was right up my alley, but something about it fell so flat and i didnt care at all and i had another book that i wanted to read so i DID. bc i want to dnf more easily instead of forcing myself to suffer through books im meh about. but it still made me sad to not give it a full chance, even tho i think if it’s not great for the first bit, there’s not a big chance it’s going to turn around
7- book you are currently reading
the ocean at the end of the lane by neil gaiman! i am enjoying it
8- last book you recommended to someone
the secret history by donna tartt to a couple of friends! have already promised to lend it out once i buy a copy lmao. loved ittttt SO MUCH
9- oldest book you read
maybe frankenstein, 1818? i dont read many classics, and i also dont know when they’re from usually so i could be forgetting something, but probably isn’t that likely that i’ve read anything before the 1800s
10- the most recent book you read ?
(most recently published?) probably the final volume of attack on titan!
11- favourite author?
ahhh i don’t have a favourite and that seems like a lot of pressure to choose, i just have authors that i enjoyed enough to want to try more books by. some of those authors (not in order) are patrick ness, emily st. john mandel, shirley jackson, haruki murakami, benjamin alire saenz, stephen king, maybe donna tartt now. idk none get Master status in my books that ill read anything they write and i have big issues with some of these even ghdfjs and i have the feeling that im missing some
12- buying books or borrowing books?
was just talking today about how cute it is to borrow books! but im probably the biggest reader of my irl friends so it’s usually me buying all the books and then lending them out instead of the other way around lol….
12- a book you dislike that everyone else seems to love
didn’t HATE these but just wasn’t a big fan: jane eyre, the night circus, difficult women, couple books by akwaeke emezi that i wanted to love
14 - bookmarks or dogears?
bookmarks! ahhhh dog ears stress me out no creases!! im always smoothing out creases. sidenote: someone once bought me a metal bookmark and i was like wow fancy and then it ruined the pages lmao never again
15- The book you can always reread?
i rarely do rereads, id probably get sick of any book. excited to reread the haunting of hill house tho maybe that will become mine
16- can you read while listening to music?
sometimes i need it, sometimes i have to turn it off in order to see lol
17- one POV or multi POV?
one pov preferably but multi pov can be done so well
18- do you read book in one sitting or in multiple days?
ive only ever read one book in one sitting and that was eclipse lmao. i definitely don’t have that focus anymore, it always takes me a while just because my mind wanders
19- who to tag:
ill tag @realisaonum @uttermywish @overcapitalized @natigail @tarredion if you guys want! :D
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veethewriter · 3 years
hi! i hope you’re doing well so far. is it alright if i can have a matchup?
i’m a 17 year old filipino girl with dark brown eyes and long dark brown/black hair (ngl, can’t really tell what my hair color is nowadays LMAO), standing at 5’2. i’m a sagittarius, and i’m an INFP
i’m pretty quiet and shy, and i’d much rather not talk in social situations where i’m with of strangers. if you wanna talk to me, i’d much rather you come up to me first since i’m awkward as hell. however, if i do begin to feel comfortable around you, i become a bit more talkative and energetic. funny enough, i have no problem talking to internet friends. i could literally have a new mutual online and i’d be the first to send them a message (i kinda think of myself as an introvert IRL, but an extravert online haha).
in my free time, honestly. the only things i do are watch anime, read manga, listen to music (lately i’ve been obsessed with the j-pop idol group, akb48), and write fanfiction.
some other random things about me:
whenever i sleep, i have to hold something like a huge plushie or a pillow. i also have to be in a dark room (with little to no light) and listen to ambient music or soft piano with rain to fall asleep faster.
i have dreams of becoming a nurse in the future.
i feel like i blush easily, idk why (no one’s ever pointed out whenever i’m blushing but sometimes i can feel the blood rushing into my cheeks LOL)
i’m obsessed with the japanese brand, sanrio. my favorite characters are cinnamoroll and gudetama. i just love all things cute, chibi, and pastel!
i love going on road-trips, i especially love just being the car and listening to my music while looking at the view outside the window.
on a bit of some seriousness, i have a bad habit of not telling anyone that i’m upset about something or if i’m feeling a bit lonely/hopeless out of fear that i’ll be a burden (i just hate bothering someone, especially when i know they got other things to worry about). i also tend to fear that someone’s mad at me, but i’m too scared to ask them, and i fear about letting down the people i love.
oh God, i hope this isn’t too much for you. i had a feeling it was going to be a bit long, sorry about that LOL. but tysm!
Of course I can!! Thank you for the ask!! I think you would go best with asahi!!
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When you and asahi first meet it was at one of his games, one of your friends had force you to go so she could cheer on the team. The team was cleaning up the gym after the game and found a lost phone, a few minutes later you were walking back into gym with a worried look on your face. Asahi realized this was probably what you were looking for and returned it to you, that's how you two started talking.
After a while of you asahi being friends, he started to grow feeling for and started to be super nervous around you. You wanted to know why and accidently over heard him talking to noya about it, asahi's team finally convinced him to confess to you and when he did you happily said yes. Asahi was surprised you said yes but was happy and started to plan a date for you two.
Asahi will probably sit next to you and work on homework while you read (he's too scared to lay his head on you or anything, he doesn't want to hurt you on accident). Either that or you'll sit on his lap and read together. Asahi doesn't mind listening to music while you two go to bed, in fact he actually finds it calming himself. If you want to go somewhere and just sit in your car, asahi will gladly join you or if you wanna be alone during some moments he'll give you, your alone time.
Asahi will buy you big plushies to sleep with and will probably cuddle you from behind while you hold onto the stuffie. When asahi has games he doesn't mind if you don't come, he know you don't really like social events but if you do show up he'll be super happy. Asahi can tell when your upset and comfort you as best as he can, he doesn't like to see you upset. However if you don't wanna talk about it he'll just comfort you by hugging you.
Asahi loves watching your favorite shows with you, he'll make a bunch of snacks so you two have something to eat while you watch. He also loves it when you blush he finds it super cute however he doesn't say that out loud because he doesn't want to embarrass you. Asahi also never really gets mad, if you upset him somehow he'll sit down with you and calmly talk to you about it. This boy may look scary to some people but really he's just a huge softie!!
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jawritter · 4 years
Living With Regret
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Summary: Death can be hard to deal with in any aspect, but when you’re in the life, it's something you deal with all to often, and carry with you until it's your turn to burn.
Warnings: Angst, Drinking, mentions of OC character death, swearing, hints of depression. I think that's it.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 2387
A/N: This is a Patreon Exclusive that I’m bringing to Tumblr as a way to celebrate the return of my electricity! LOL! Please do not copy my work! This fic is unbeta'd, so all mistakes are mine!! I hope you all enjoy this one!!
Want more? Check out my Masterlist! Not on Patreon yet? Check the link below and for just two bucks a month you can get exclusive stories and make request!
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The hunt was bad, very bad. You had lost a friend, another piece to the puzzle of your heart now gone permanently from you, leaving a new hole to form a hard callous over. You wondered ideally as you pulled your duffle off your shoulder, and dropped it onto your bed if you would ever get used to losing people, or would ever one hurt as bad as the first time?
You knew hunting was hard when you’d gotten into it, but how could you live in a world that monster existed in, and not try and fight back? To you that would have been just like rolling over and giving up. 
 When that Werewolf back in your hometown had killed your parents, you had readily joined the Winchesters. Much to Dean’s dismay, he would have rather you go on to try and live a normal life, but how were you supposed to do that after what had happened to you? Nothing had ever been fixed by anyone burying your head in the sand, and pretending that it didn’t exist in hopes it would all go away. 
You had been with the boys since John had died. So it was safe to say that you had been with them long enough to know that no matter how much you were hurting right now Dean was hurting that much worse. 
He didn’t know Ben very well, but he carried the same name as Lisa’s son. That alone had opened up some bad memories for Dean anyway. Tonight though, as you watched your friend’s body burn, you could see it in Dean’s eyes, regret. 
He didn’t open up very often to anyone. Dean had walls that would have made the architects of Jericho jealous. Marching around those bad boys for seven days wouldn’t have done shit, because you had been marching around them for years and to no avail. 
You had always carried a torch for the elder Winchester. Even though you weren’t dumb enough to tell him that. If Dean thought anyone was getting too close to him he’d push them away as a way of “keeping them safe,” because he believed that he had some target painted on his ass that would doom anyone he cared about. 
The two of you had somewhat of a “friends with benefits” arrangement that worked out well for the life that you lived, and you were determined that if that part of him was all you could have, then that would be enough.
Dean had two settings after a rough hunt, he’d either be in here tearing your clothes off, and using you as a way to erase some of the pain he felt for just a little while, or he’d shut down completely for days and not let anyone in. Looks like tonight was going to be the latter. 
You rummage around in your special stash of whiskey that you keep for special occasions, and a couple of tumblers before heading to Dean’s room. If Dean wanted to shut down and block everyone out then you knew the only way to stop it was to force your way in, well as far as you could anyway, and try to pull it out of him. 
Dean was the kind of guy that carried things with him. He never let it go. Never. He held onto things better than a nun with a grudge. He carried every loss, every mistake, every failure, and he would take it to his grave. You attributed that to John Winchester’s A+ parenting. 
Dean was always to be the perfect son and in turn the perfect soldier. Even though you know Dean as an adult now realized that John was nothing but a narcissistic, abusive asshole, he was his dad, and it still hurt, and he still carried the way he raised him. 
You didn’t bother knocking on the door of Dean’s room. It was cracked away. So you just pushed it open, and Dean barely even turned to look at you from his position on the bed with his headphones in place. You could faintly hear the classic rock music blaring through them. Probably hoping it would be loud enough to drown out whatever voices in his head that was screaming at him tonight. 
He pulled the headphones off with a sigh, and set them on his nightstand next to his bed, giving you a weak smile as he shoved over to give you sitting room, and taking one of the tumblers and the whiskey from your hand. 
“Spill Winchester?” you said, flopping down next to him dramatically, trying to keep this conversation as light as possible so that Dean wouldn’t just shut down, and stop talking. If you could even get him to start that is. 
Dean let out a long exasperated sigh as he poured a healthy three fingers to each glass. 
“Just… I don’t know. I guess I’m just tired tonight, sweetheart. I'll be fine in the morning.” Dean said, taking a generous drink from his glass. You stared at him with narrow eyes until he snorted a sarcastic laugh, and shook his head. “Okay, so you didn’t buy that then.” 
“How long have we known each other, De? I think I can tell when you're bullshitting me by now,” you state matter of factly, watching him closely as you take a sip of your drink.
Dean licked his lips before pulling his plump bottom lip between his perfect white teeth, eyes a thousand miles away from this room. 
“I guess I’m just tired of losing people, Y/N/N. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there fast enough to save Ben. I’m sorry you had to burn your friend’s body tonight.”
You watched him closely, knowing full well that wasn’t even a scratch on the surface of what was really going on with Dean. You had known him too long. You decided to play along anyway, and see if you could get him to open up to you a little.
“Dean, it’s part of the job. Ben knew the risk, and it didn’t matter how fast we got there it was too late. He drew the short straw. It could have easily been any one of us. At least now Ben can rest, at least now he doesn’t have to fight anymore.” 
You hoped you sounded convincing because right now you weren’t even sure about how much rest people got in death. You had killed enough ghosts and fought enough Demons to know that you didn’t always get a white robe, and a beach house on the shores of paradise when you died.
Dean nodded his head, and took a long drink from his glass, polishing it off, and refilling it before settling into his pillow that was propped against his headboard. His eyes looked distant and dark, and you knew that even if you got him to open up just a little tonight, it would scratch the surface of horrors Dean had seen in his life.
“I have lost so many people. Friends, family, other hunters that died way before their time like Ben. He would have been pretty close to Ben’s age by now, he may have been only a few years older than the Ben I knew.” 
Dean’s eyes shifted over to you carefully. You sat quietly and just waited for him to continue. Determined not to push him in any way.
“I will never not regret exposing them to this life, even if Cas did erase their memories,”  Dean said, shaking his head, and playing with the string on his sweatpants. 
“You mean because you still love Lisa?” you asked, mentally slapping yourself before for not keeping your mouth shut, and asking him something so personal. Dean chuckled at the shocked look on your face, knowing damn well you didn’t mean to say that.
“No, I never loved Lisa. She was… Comfort when I needed the distraction after Sam went to the cage. Then, when I found out Sam was back, she was a burden. She never supported me. No matter what I never fit into her perfect little Stepford husband, picture-perfect family. 
You must have had a shocked look on your face because Dean chuckled again into his glass before he refilled yours.  “Don’t look so shook, sweetheart.” 
“Sorry,” you mumbled, looking down at the brown liquor in your glass, and avoiding Dean’s watchful gaze.  
“I guess, I just always thought that you loved her because you told Sam to never bring her up again.” 
Dean nodded his head thoughtfully. “That was regret talking. I felt like shit because I felt like I ruined their lives. When I should have just left them alone. If I would have just left them alone, then Lisa wouldn't have gotten possessed, and almost died, and Bed would have maybe had a real dad.” 
You thought about that in silence for a long time before taking a sip of your drink again. Letting it burn all the way down to your toes, warming you, pushing the cold you felt inside away for just a little while.
“I guess I haven’t really ‘loved’ anyone, since Cassie,” Dean said. Now that a crack in the dam had formed, it all seemed to be waiting to flood out, and you were more than willing to listen. 
“I told her things about me no one else knew. I trusted her, and she ripped my heart out. Not once, but twice. After that, I’ve never really been able to let go again. Never really could trust another woman. I wouldn’t let myself get close to anyone. Well, anyone except you.” Dean said, giving her a half-hearted smile before turning his attention back to his spot he’d been staring at on the wall. 
“I carry so much regret. Things I could have changed but wasn’t good enough or fast enough to change. Joe and Ellen died because of me. Ash died because of me. Bobby died trying to save me. I left Jack alone with mom knowing that he was unstable, so that’s on me too. Kevin is somewhere staggering around a ghost that I will probably have to hunt and salt and burn one day. That’s because of me. I let myself get close to one woman, and she fucked me up so bad that I can’t get past it, and that’s because of me.”
Dean let out a dry laugh before his eyes turned to meet yours. “I can’t look back on one damn thing I’ve done in my life that I can say I’m proud of. Except for maybe the fact that Sammy turned out okay. Other than that I was never good enough, and I never will be.” 
If your heart could have stopped beating, and you still be breathing, at that moment you were almost sure that’s what had happened. The truth in his little declaration, or at least the truth as he saw it, was enough to break your heart into an unfixable, shattered mess. 
If only he could see what you saw. Someone who was smart, handsome, funny, charismatic, talented, strong, a hero. One who had endured more hurt and heartache than any one person should ever have to in their life. Someone who was constantly cut down, and underrated. Someone who deserved so much better than what this life had given him. Someone who deserved love, whether he believed it or not.
In a momentarily fit of bravery, you reached across the empty space in between you, and grabbed his hand in your own. Dean looked down and smiled a little, lacing his fingers with yours before bringing the back of your hand up to his lips, brushing a quick peck across your skin. 
“Dean, you can’t blame yourself for everything that goes wrong, John was an asshole, Cassie was a bitch, Lisa was an unsupportive moron who didn’t realize what she had, Jo? Well, Jo died a hero, just like she always wanted. Ash and everyone else knew the dangers of this life, just like Ben did, and you can’t carry all that with you all the time. Dean, you’ve saved so many people. The good outways the bad, trust me.”
Dean’s eyes searched yours for a moment before he leaned in and closed the distance between you, brushing his lips lightly over your own before kissing you slowly. It was a tender thing, one that was laced with fear, and hurt, and regret, something that Dean would always live with no matter what you say to him. 
This life comes with some form of regret to everyone, but no one should have to shoulder it all alone. If he’d ever just let you, you’d gladly help to shoulder some of his burdens, but tonight was not the night to talk about that. 
Tonight, tonight Dean just needed you to be close to him. So that’s what you intended to do. 
When Dean finally broke the kiss he leaned his forehead against your own, taking a deep breath before pulling the covers back, offering her a spot next to him. “Stay with me tonight baby girl?” he said in more of a plea than a question. You smiled and nodded, making yourself comfortable in his arms as his lips brushed over your own again after he flipped the lights off on the old lamp sitting on his bedside table.
Dean didn’t know how to tell you yet, but you made him feel things he never thought he’d feel again. Having you this close to him right now, made his heart feel like it could beat a little easier. He could feel himself falling for you as you fell asleep in his arms. He wouldn’t tell you though, not right now. He did vow that it would be soon because tomorrow wasn’t promised, and he was determined that this time, this time he could finally have that thing he was missing the most in the shitstorm of regret, hurt, and scars, and that was you. The piece that had been missing all along. He may have lived his whole life with regret, but that didn’t mean he had to die in it, and whether you knew it or not, you gave him something he never thought he’d have again… Hope.
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Forever Tags: @deanmonandnegansbitch​ @hayleeharling​ @flamencodiva​ @coldmuffinbanditshoe​ @bxbyizzy​ @rain-dance-goblin​ @itmejado​ @supernatural3002​ @teresa-67​ @deanwanddamons​ @rvgrsbrns​ @bi-danvers0​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @i-love-superhero​ @akshi8278​ @lyss-dw79​ @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @thecreatiivecorner​ @aflamboyanceofgays @vicmc624​ @busy-bee-angel-misska​ @justanotherwinchester​ @brilovesdeanwinchester​ @idksupernatural​ @lyarr24 @amandamdiehl​ @love-jackles-37-blog​ @miraclesoflove​ @Waywardsistershy @emoryhemsworth​ @dean-winchesters-gardian-angel​ @softsebastian​ @tatted-trina6​
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just-mirko · 4 years
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lavender petals - part 1
Mirko x Reader
Angst, Slow-ish burn, fluff, 
WC: 4.1K
  A steady and constant roll of tapping continued outside
where the rain poured down in fleets of cold water. The little drops all
together sounded like thousands of typewriters; the tiny stamps pressing fresh
ink stains into parchment. The storm did not only darken the sky but slowly,
the concrete was dampened into a charcoal shade and the glass windows collected condensation. The scent of petrichor had not reached where I was, but the
second I stepped outside I could already feel it overtaking my senses. have caused me to be
upset, and make me curse the heavens, but today, the rain started just as the
the shop was about to close, only 30 minutes till I would lock the doors and turn
around the little double-sided sign; switching it to “welcome” to “come back
later. I could not anticipate any customers would actively rush to my store in
the terrible weather, so I accepted it as an easy break where I could stay inside
and relax with warm herbal tea. 
            My shoes squeaked beneath me when I turned back to the
service counter. Aromas and floral notes were everywhere I stepped. Even if you
stood still, they still changed. orchids, roses, daisies, and violets all
dancing together in harmony. 
            Once I reached behind the counter, I could see every
corner of the shop in its array of colors that seemed duller than usual from
the lack of sunlight. Nonetheless, they still stood out against the dull pots
and glass vases.  
            ‘I should be done for the day’ I thought to
myself, already having swept the floor, put out the new flowers, and clipped
the old ones before the storm arrived. An overdramatized sigh passed my lips
when I went to sit at the stool next to the register. 
            Sitting behind the register was always slightly
inconvenient, because blocking my view of the entrance to the store was a
large, and I mean large, bouquet of fresh lavender sprigs. They were normally
used as filler plants but had just come in today and I still could not decide
what to do with them. Additionally, I lacked a new arrangement to add them too,
so they were left out to stand alone.
            By far they were the most prominent in the store. Their
sized rivaled all the large wedding table pieces we had. And the smell, though
calming, gave me a headache after being with them all day. 
            It is not like anyone would buy them either. They were not
as easy on the eye as a rose, three times as expensive, and once again,
typically used as filler flowers. 
            I settled on scrolling on my phone to distract myself
from thinking about what to do with them. I did not want to wait too long to
sell them lest they wilt.  
            ‘Oh look, my webtoons updated.’
            Fifteen-minutes passed quickly and mindlessly. Only 15
minutes till I could lock up and go home. The storm still had not relented, and
now, the rain was accompanied by large clashes of thunder and lightning. 
            These days life was quite simple. It was not exceptional
nor terrible, but a mediocre and peaceful existence that brought me the chance
to do what I loved. I had friends I visited occasionally, a small business that
was doing well with the white day just around the corner (an eastern type of
valentine’s day).  But no matter how many
flowers I had, it wouldn’t quell the little part of my heart longing for
something more. 
            The lightning what getting closer outside. It got louder
and louder, making me jump in my seat a little. 
            The rain slammed into the ground, but something else was
happening as well. Something in the background of sorts. 
            A resonating bang that sounded nothing like lightning
erupted nearby. A car alarm blared as well. 
            ‘Could it be a villain?’ I asked myself as I look
over the purple blossoms to see if I could see what was going on from outside
my window. Alas, it must have been a street down. 
            ‘Why would they fight in this type of weather though?’
Villain activity has spiked rapidly in the last few weeks as the League of
Villains had risen to power than out of nowhere disappeared without a trace. Not
to mention the capture of stain had encouraged many of the morally grey
antagonists to step out of the shadows in pursuit of their own type of justice.
Everyone had their own definition. 
            I tried to stay up to date on villain activity but so
much was constantly happening. Three times a week we got a new story. In the
beginning, the attacks seemed petty and selfish. Things like; “3 criminals rob a
local bank” or “Enraged fire-type quirk user burns down workplace” but today,
they were more organized, harder to stop. All the villains were working towards
a greater goal that was easier to see. 
            A little bit ago, one of the most popular quirks inclusive
department’s CEO joined the LOV after an all-out fight. Many were injured. It
was practically a bloodbath. Citizens remember seeing ice and blue fire merge
in giant tornados in the sky. The entire building disintegrated without a
trace. A witness with still in shock commented that she saw a UA student emerging
from the rubble, but that claim was shut down instantly by that student’s very
own teacher. 
            Unease was everywhere. People even began to stop trusting
figures of authority out of fear they might not be who they said. I was not a
target to any kind of villain myself, but who knows if I could become just
another statistic on the news.
            Police sirens came into earshot. 
            I guess it was a criminal after all. Soon enough I would
be able to find a nice little article online detailing everything that happened
with a cover image of an unscathed hero smiling at the camera as if all were
well. How they tried to convince us that all was wel-
            The chime of bells interrupted my thoughts when someone
came through the store door, very close to closing time. 
            When I looked up at them, I completely froze, unknowing
of what to do say, even think. 
            Before me stood… Mirko? Mirko. Mirko the Rabbit Hero. The
number #4 hero. The best female hero. And she was- Injured? 
            She stood with her shoulders rolled back but she was
panting heavily. Her platinum hair dripped water onto the pristine checkerboard
floors I just mopped. Across her, the skin on one of her shoulders was a crimson
slash. The blood that came from it dripped partially into her hair, staining it
slightly; and partially mixed with the water she was absolutely drenched in. She
looked cold in the light hero gear. 
            In her weak state, she still held an air of strength. When
I looked up in obvious shock at her condition, I was met with piercing red eyes
and a smile I would describe as manic on anyone else. 
            “C-can I help you—are you okay?” I stumble out when I
started to panic, realizing that she just fought the cause of all the racket
down the street.         
            My response only looked to entertain her, and she smiled
wider chuckled then pulled her hair over one shoulder: twisting it to ring out
the excess water (and blood).
            “Yea, you do sell flowers, right?” She said. We were
obviously on different pages. She seemed completely relaxed as she was still
bleeding a watered-down red puddle onto the floor. Meanwhile, I was seriously
concerned about her health. Online, I simply assumed that every pro-hero held a
façade. That they were not as cocky, brave, or positive as they seemed once the
cameras were cut. This though was a spitting image of every picture of her I
had seen. Despite that, nothing could have prepared me for this in person-encounter.
            “Y-yes I sell flowers” 
            I frantically scanned across the store for something for
my eyes to latch onto. My fingertips pressed hard against the side of the
resister to the point where my fingertips were turning white and my knuckles
began to cramp. 
            Mirko walked forward. Despite her injuries, she did not
have any limp and strolled casually over to some of the display stands
near the front window. I fidgeted with my finger while I stumbled over to where
she was. Her gaze we currently focused on some white lilies, though she soon
switched to some yellow roses. 
            “What is the, um, the occasion- For the flowers?” The
words tumbled out of my mouth. They felt out of order and out of place. Seeing a
hero in public is a strange thing. As amazing as they are, you always suspect
that there is an underlying threat of danger. You are both drawn to them yet
repelled by the hint. It's always ‘Why would a hero be here.” That wasn’t
the occasion now though. She was just- here for flowers? She was definitely just
off from work and needed a few band-aids; at most, stitches. My mind still had a
rough time thinking over why she so casual. I hoped this doesn’t happen often
for her. 
            Mirko’s fingers paused when she traced the outline of an
imported lily. 
            “A friend of mine got his ass beat up by a walking flamethrower”
The way she said that, so lightheartedly, with a slight smirk on her face, but
sadness in her eyes confused me. 
            “Is he a hero too?” I inquired; taken aback by the lack
of filter.  It had nothing to do with the
flowers, but my curiosity got the best of me. 
            “Hawks.” She shortly stated before turning back towards
            A look of recognition must have crossed my face as she did
not explain any further and just continued. 
            “So…” She crossed her hands over her chest and looked up
towards me (we using Mirko’s canon height today cause she short short lol).  
            “What flowers would be best for ‘get better idiot’” Her
hair was still disheveled and soaking wet but the ethereal glow the rain seemed
to give her face made me want anything but eye contact. I shouldn’t really get
flustered so easily, but when a celebrity built like a Greek goddess steps into
your shop looking like she’s straight out of war…  
            “Well, I wouldn’t be able to make any custom arrangements
today because I’m closing-“I looked down at my watch for the time. “5 minutes
ago, but we have many premade sets and custom vases if you’re interested?”
            I tried to seem chipper and avert my gaze from her hair,
bleeding shoulder, and foot that was insistently tapping on the wet floor, but
in between each word I stole a glace that did not go unnoticed. 
            “That’s okay, I’m fine with a pre-made bouquet.” I
fiddled with my thumbs once more. She was really giving me nothing to work
            “Any flowers in specific you like?” I asked, grasping for
straws. Mirko’s expression was perfectly neutral and ambiguous. Even if she
gave me a color, I could work off that, but all I had was a name and extra
mopping to do. 
            ‘I wonder if blood will stain my tile’
            What she said next seemed to fit with the personality I
was slowly assembling her. 
            “You guess.” And with that, she turned to look at more
bouquets and potted plants that lined the shelves. 
            The lavender! I thought, finally thinking I had found a
way to get rid of them but realized that may not be well suited as a get well
soon gift. 
            Hawks. Hawks. Hawks. The bird hero. The bird men. Red
feathers, right? 
            Because of the hero’s color pallet, per
se, I was drawn to red roses and yellow daisies, maybe some red and white
lilies. I found an arrangement I thought fit on one of the shelves next to a
window, where it was still raining outside. I carefully picked the flowers up;
their silky petals caressed my hand. Two petals floated down onto the floor as
I relocated them back to the assembly station. 
            “Would you like a vase with this?” I questioned. Her ears
perked towards me, shocking me in the slightest. Of course, it was not unusual,
but with how she seemed to hear me from across the room without turning her
head made me fear that she would hear my heartbeat racing in my chest. This was
a hero. A real-life hero. God, I hope I do not mess this up. 
            “Mmmhnn,” She said, inflecting that meant yes. I walked
near a shelf where we stored them and looked at the variety of glass, plastic,
and even porcelain vases reserved for special occasions. My eye was stuck on a
red one that caught the soft lighting of the store beautifully. I reached up to
grab it and held the cool glass in my hand. With the sleeve of my jacket, I
began to brush off some of the dust, ignoring the mark it left.
            “Ooh, I like that one” I heard from behind me. Quite
startled I jumped, and the vase left my hand, seconds from crashing into the
floor. Before I could blink, Mirko had caught it agilely. 
            “The color is nice,” She said as she turned it over in her
hands, clearly pleased with having shaken me. 
            Honestly, the banter was a nice break from today. I guess
it would not hurt to lighten up a little. 
            “Yea,” I said with a gentle smile. 
            I had almost finished totaling her order and was putting
the flowers in the box to protect from the rain when I looked over at Mirko and
saw her quite intrigued by the lavender practically overtaking my desk. 
            “We just got that lavender in! It's fresh and quite relaxing.”
I hummed to myself, pleased with the wrapping I did on Hawk’s bouquet.
            “How much for them?” She asked turning to me inquisitively.
            “Well lavender isn’t normally sold alone but that’s about
10 arrangements worth” I said pointing to the sheer number of flowers. Upon
the counter, they were more than two feet tall. 
            “So?” She said, resting her elbows upon the table and leaning
in to smell the lavender even more. The ivory ears atop her head sloped
downwards a little more reminding me of a little puppy when they got pet. An
obvious show of their aromatic effects. 
            “Two-hundred, though I could definitely get you a smaller
amount if you would like, they’re sold twenty per bundle just because of how
hard they are to transport and a how delicate they te-“
            “I’ll take them all,” She said with an aggressive smile
and firm shake of her head. There was a switch in her tone like she suddenly
decided she revealed too much of herself to the general public. I did not like
thinking that though. That she saw me as the public. Everyone wants to be
special sometimes.  
            “How was errr- work today?” I asked, clearly insinuating
my concern for her condition.
            A small shadow passed over her face. Her eyes got a
little darker and the corners of her mouth turned down before her typical passionately
a confident smile came back.
            “Nothing I can’t handle” Those smug words were
accompanied by a flourished wink that was embellished her white eyelashes.
            “I heard a crash nearby. Was there a villain?” This time
she did not hesitate to answer. 
            She finished paying and gave me an address to deliver
them to tomorrow. One to a hospital, and one to a home address. I expected a
PO box and assumed her address was not something she just gave away, but that was
not the only thing I was warmly excited about. Instead of signing “Mirko” her
formal hero title on the receipt, She signed her real name, Rumi Usagiyama.
            The weather was much more considerate this morning. When I
awoke, golden rays filtered light through my lashes into my eyes. The faint
sound of birds chirping and bustling people in the city below faintly reached my
            I lived right above my flower shop, making my commute to work
 conveniently. I chose to dress a little bit nicer today, opting for a cream-colored
turtleneck and dark washed jeans instead of my normal gardening attire. Spring
was right around the corner in Musutafu Japan. Winter was leaving and the city
was in the awkward middle state where it's too cold to wear spring clothes but
too sunny to stay in jackets. 
            Since yesterday was Saturday, I had today off, kinda. I
just had a few flower deliveries to complete before I could go back home and lay
on the couch eating watermelon sour patch kids (ichor itself) and reading
terribly done 9k fanfics online. (Wow! Our reader!! Is super!!! Self!!!!
            My brain had completely blocked out everything that
happened last night, so when I checked my order list and saw Rumi
written in neat handwriting, my confusion was immense. 
            ‘So, It wasn’t a dream then…’’ huh.”
            I walked downstairs into my store. I saw a few
schoolchildren peeking in the dark windows since there were no lights on to look
at the flowers. I waved to them and then chuckled to myself when they left tiny
little handprints on the glass. Tall buildings could be seen across. A café, a
tattoo shop, a little library, and many small businesses that were nestled right
in the center of town where they got lots of attention. Around the back exist to
the stores were where most of the employees parked. My friend and co-worker had
called in sick this weekend, so it meant I had to do all the deliveries myself.
            I went over to the storage room. A wave of cold rushed
over me and sent tingles down my entire body. This was always kept cold to keep
the flowers alive longer, but always hated retrieving boxes from there. 
            I steadily grabbed the lavender-filled box and stacked
Hawk’s arrangement box on top of it. The white cardboard stood so tall in front
of me when I held them I could barely see when I walked out the back door and
over to my car where I nearly dropped them loading them into my car’s trunk. 
            I clumsily got into the driver’s seat and started the
engine to head to the first address. Hawk’s hospital. Right in the center of
town, it was only 10 minutes when you accounted for traffic.             
            The hospital was the nicest in Mafatsu, with white pillars
and balconies on some patient's rooms. Only the best for heroes. When I got out
of my car and drew near, the building felt like it was swallowing me whole in
its large size. 
            My soft footsteps appeared insignificant with prestigious
doctors and nurses bustling around in choreographed chaos. When I got to the reception
area, a pink-haired nurse with a kind smile greeted me cheerfully. 
            “Hello! How can I help you today?” She began typing before
I even said anything. Maybe a prediction quirk. 
            “Hey, I’m here to drop off flowers from Mirko for Hawks?”
            She nodded in understanding and scanned her eyes over my
body, then the box I was holding, all while typing fluidly into a computer. Finally,
her gaze broke and she looked down at a small printer that made a small sticker
with the words visitor pass in bolded font. 
            “He will be on the top floor, level 60 in room 219. If he
isn’t in his room, just call a nurse with the pager in there, he’s been getting
out a lot recently.” She rolled her eyes in annoyance. 
            “He really just wants to get back to work but whenever he
flies he leaves a trail of blood and feather in his path”
 Her hair swished when she leaned over to give
me the papery sticker. Her fingertips brushed against my palm for a second
longer than platonic before she went back and waved goodbye to me. Her cheeks were tinted slightly pink.
            The encounter made my heart rush but that might just because
it’s the first romantic-ish thing that has happened to me in a while. I mean
she was pretty- but we scarcely talked. My palm still tingled where our hands
touched though. I was so distracted I did not notice when I found myself in Hawk’s
            I had never delivered anything to a hero before. Should I
just drop them in and leave? My hand rested atop the doorknob questioning how
to do this. The fluorescent hospital lights desaturated everything including my
ability to make cohesive thoughts. 
            Just as I opened the door, I heard a shattering sound,
something collapsing, and then 
            “Wait no shit-“Another thing fell to the ground. “-fuck” I
carefully opened the door. To see Hawk’s the pro hero, clutching his side with
one hand, and holding a sideways IV drip in one hand, but the fluid bag itself
was on the floor, along with some kind of glass and a medical device I couldn’t
identify from the various dents and scratches on it. It did not look like he
noticed me yet, he was much too preoccupied. 
            “Hey should-“ 
            “AH!” He yelled turning towards me. I couldn’t flinch
fast enough before three-foot-long red feathers with murderous intent came
spearing towards my head. Within that instant in closed my eyes prepared to be
dead but when I opened them up, the feathers were hovering just centimeters
away from my skull.
            I shocked me that I was still holding the flower box when
I checked. My eyes were wide as I stood still, jaw open, not a single breath
leaving my mouth. 
            “Are you a new nurse or something?” The feathers remained
there. I gulped before answering, my body felt light, flight, or fight already taking
            “I’m a- a florist.” I gestured down at the box with my
logo on it, and he seemed to relax a little bit. 
            “Oh.” He replied and the feathers returned to beside him.
He tried to make the IV drip stand back up again, but in a futile attempt he
gave up, just letting it fall to the group beside the other tools. He turned away
from me.
            ‘He is obviously in pain right now’ He faced away just
to hide the scowl and how much he was now clutching his side. 
            He looked over his shoulder “Who sent you?”
            “Mirko” I responded relieve that he was no longer about
to kill me. 
            “Where should I leave the flowers?” 
            “The table next to my bed” I stepped over there. An
assortment of papers where there is messy handwriting that I had no place in
reading. Nonetheless, I caught the words “Touya.” Too bad I didn’t know any Touyas.
I sat the box down and opened it up.
            Luckily with everything that went on, I didn’t destroy any
of the blooms. 
            “Did Mirko say anything about me?” He questioned quickly.
As much as he tried to seem tough, he valued her opinion very much. 
            “Get well soon and all of that, nothing much, she was too
busy teasing me, you know?”
            “Mirko was? Teasing you?” His eyebrows furrowed in confusion
before settling into a knowing look. 
            “Ohhhh” He winked. 
            “No no, it's nothing like this I promise I just met her.” 
            “Mmmn k” He didn’t believe me in the slightest. 
            “Just watch out she packs a punch” 
            Hawks walked over to where the flowers were and observed
the arrangement. He had a particular fondness for the red lilies, the same ones
that Mirko liked. He talks about her punch though reminded me of the crashes
and villain attack last night.
            “I hope she’s okay, she seemed pretty beat up last night
after the battle.” 
            “Eh, she recovers inhumanly quick. Something to do with the
rabbit in her.”
            He looks over to me and paused. 
            “What’s your name?”
            “(Y/N Hmmm) He mumbled to himself like he was getting
used to the way it sounded. 
            “I can’t imagine this will be our last encounter (Y/N),
It was nice to meet you.”
            I smiled graciously and sighed. 
            “Nice to meet you too.”
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league-of-thots · 4 years
For You, mae amare
Pairing: Shouto x reader
Warnings: sensory deprivation (mild), little bit of food play, nipple clamps
Word Count: ~3.3k
A/N: This is a rather late bday fic for the wonderful @burnedbyshoto im sorry its late!! I really wanted to get shouto as well as i could so i may have re-written it a few times LOL. in all seriousness im so happy to call you my friend and i hope you enjoy!!
         It’s a normal day when you decide to ask your boyfriend to try a little something new in the bedroom
“Hey Shouto,” you start. He looks up from his book, the hand that had been stroking your leg gently stopping as he quirks an eyebrow at you. “I’ve been thinking about something, and I’d like you to hear me out before you decide on anything.” You’re a little nervous at what he’ll think, given its outside the normal range of your activities, but mostly you’re excited to see if he’ll agree to it.
         “That’s something you say before you suggest something that is probably dumb, or something I’m not going to like.” He says with a pout, and you have to crush the urge to reach out and brush the longer strands of his hair above his undercut back into place.
         “Shouto, how was I supposed to know that the ropes would snap, they said they were quirk proof!” you say exasperated, having been over this multiple times. “You’re too hot baby.” You smirk at him and he groans at your words.
         He sighs, “Fine. I’ll listen to it, but I swear if it’s anything else where I’m off the ground I’m putting my foot down.” You knew he meant it, Shouto was a man of few words, but one that stuck to them. You remembered how long it took to convince him that changing his hairstyle would not drastically alter his fighting. Midoriya had been close to tears by then end when he’d finally decided that he wanted to spite his dad more than he cared about miniscule changes in his fighting style.
         For a pretty quiet guy, he got his point across when he wanted to and was oddly stubborn about certain small things.
         So, you’d explained to him, a couple times having to reassure him there was no chances for him to fall, your idea. To your surprise, he actually seemed interested in it, you could tell from the way he bit the inside of his cheek and the slight quirk of his eyebrow.
         People that thought Shouto Todoroki didn’t show his thoughts with his body were wrong, you could read him like an open book. Right now, that book was telling you that he found the idea of you much smaller frame dominating him and taking away his senses and movement was extremely interesting to him.
         You knew that you had him on board with you even before he gave his verbal consent, and you were exhilarated at the possibilities that would be open to you. You sit up straight and pull him over by his shirt to give him a quick kiss in your good mood and immediately got back on your phone to start doing some more in depth research on what you could do to him, and what you should possibly stay away from.
         Something that was intriguing to you was how easily you’d be able to incorporate kinks that the two of you already had and fulfilled quite often. Apparently, it would also feel different for Shouto, who during the time would be deprived of a few senses, which was something else to consider. You wanted to use the familiarity Shouto would have with the normal motions to calm him through the sensory deprivation so he’d enjoy it, but if it would also feel new to him, you didn’t want to overwhelm him.
         Another thing stressed was that aftercare had to include slowly and carefully giving him back his senses and to make sure he was well comforted afterwards. That wouldn’t be a sweat for you, you liked to think that you gave damn fine aftercare and you feel like Shouto would agree with that.
         After research and planning, you decided to check if you still had ample supplies for your ideas, which was a good idea because you realized you were low on lube, candles and sauces. You wanted to stick to only touch based ones because you wanted to take away his sight, and didn’t want to startle or turn him off with harsh sounds. It was also the reason you decided to only do it with his eyes completely covered, you know that Shouto prefers being eased into new ideas in the bedroom, one of his own personal requests that you always make sure to follow.
         You don’t have time during the next few days to actually head out to the shop and restock on supplies and buy a few new things. It makes you impatient and Shouto can tell and it amuses him to no end.
         “I mean I could just fuck you normally? I know it’s not as, ah- thrilling?, as your idea. But I’m not a bad lay.” He nearly hides the laughter in his voice but you catch it, and give him an unimpressed look. But you take him up on the offer anyways, not being one to turn down sex with your amazing boyfriend.
         It also made you a lot less antsy to get your idea rolling, you decided to just go with the time would show itself when it was ready. Besides, having it come about naturally would be way more fun for the both of you. So, you placed some order online instead of rushing out and waited.
           Just over a week later, you came home to your house with a package sitting on your front porch. At first, you’d forgotten what it was, but were quickly reminded when you thought about it, and you jogged up to your door with some pep in your step. Shouto wouldn’t be home until later that evening, had already told you not to wait up for dinner, and so you’d have time to prepare.
         You knew it’d been a few tough weeks on him, so this was bound to be a way to relieve some of that pent-up frustration. He did the same for you after all. Until then though, you had a few hours to kill, so you ordered some Thai take out and sat down to watch some Netflix on your couch.
         While you were eating you got a few texts from Shouto saying he almost got out early, but there was an emergency that he had to go help with. Sending back a quick “Stay safe, I love you,” you turn off Netflix in favour of the news, trying to see what was going on that had taken him away from home.
         You turn it on to see that a villain had caused a truck to crash with a gas station, creating a large explosion and setting fire to the surrounding buildings. You saw some sheets of ice going up to cover the building and you knew that was why your boyfriend had been called in to help. He had a good quirk for helping to contain the damage and helping to rescue civilians from the buildings.
         Part of you wanted to watch it, but part of you hated seeing your boyfriend throw himself into dangerous situations. You couldn’t turn it off though, you had to watch as he saved person after person, teaming up with his sidekicks to make sure that the most unstable zones were taken care of first.
         Luckily, everything seemed to go fine, and the news eventually switched over to something else. You tried to relax, easing your mind with the fact that you saw the entire thing taken from an emergency zone to a relatively stable situation. You give him a quick text, telling him you saw him on the news, asking him if he was all right. He quickly shoots you back a quick thumbs up and a “be home as soon as I can”. Sighing in relief you go to grab a drink from the liquor cabinet, craving some alcohol to calm the rest of your nerves. Gin is the way to go tonight, you think, quickly draining a first glass and pouring yourself another.
         By the time Shouto comes into the house, you’re mildly tipsy and you run up to greet him as he hangs his jacket up in the front closet.
         “Shoooou-!” You throw yourself into him and he reacts with reflexes befitting a tired pro hero, quickly turning and catching you. “Missed you, babe!”
         “Yeah, I missed you too- wait, are you drunk?” his eyes narrow in concern.
         “No, hun, just a bit tipsy.” You bring him down and start kissing him intensely, the excitement, anxiety and love you felt today just tipping over into your actions. He responds easily to you, pulling back only when he needs to breathe.
         “What’s gotten into you tonight?”
         “Just missed you today, I was stressed about you, and excited ‘cause the toys came in. You’ve had such a hard week and I’m so excited, I think you’re going to love it Shou, I really do!” you’re babbling a bit but he follows your words, eyes never leaving your face as you talk.
         “I’m sure if you thought of it for me that I’ll really enjoy myself, love.” He presses his lips sweetly to yours, and lets you take control. You lick into his mouth, he tastes like strawberries – he must’ve had some before he got home – and you slowly guide him to the bedroom. Your lips never leave his until you’ve gotten him onto the bed.
         “You trust me, right?” You know he does, but you want him to verbalize it.
         “Of course.”
         “You’re going to tell me if you need to stop then, alright?”
         He gives you a look that clearly says ‘let’s get on with this, then’ and you roll your eyes.
         “Fine, fine, I’m getting the stuff now. Get your clothes off.” You hurry over to where you’d kept them all put together.
         “I thought you’d want to rip them off given you’re being the dom tonight, babe?” You can hear the teasing tone of his voice and you ignore him, slowly turning around.
         “Get them off. Now.” Your hand is on your hip as you glare at your boyfriend from across the room. You see him take a deep breath, eyes taking you in. His pupils are dilated, betraying his excitement he’d tried to hide with his teasing.
         You toss the things onto the bed as he scrambles out of his clothes, you slowly taking them off as you walk towards him. You’re wearing the pale blue that happens to be his favourite. Sitting down in front of him on the bed, you grab the rope from beside your body and you crawl over him. You kiss him deeply, hands grabbing his as the two of you get lost within each other. You pull away panting when you’ve managed to maneuver his hands above his head, grinning down at your dazed boyfriend.
         You quickly tie his wrists together, tying his wrists to bedpost behind him as you go back down to kiss his neck, slowly, sensually. He groans, trying to grind his hips up from underneath you. You move to sit down above his hips so he can’t do anything, the tent in his boxers obvious.
         “You don’t get anything yet Sho, don’t be impatient.” He whines a bit at that, but stops wiggling around. You go back down, pressing open mouthed kisses to his chest, leaving marks every few kisses and he grunts in approval.
         After marking him up a bit, you ease off of him, looking to get the thick and soft eye mask you’d gotten and turn to him.
         “Yeah, let’s do it Y/N.” You love how dishevelled he looks just from the small make out sessions the two of you had, his cheeks red and breathing thinner than usual. You carefully ease the blindfold over his eyes and kiss him gently. You admire your handiwork and stroke his hair. You can feel him shudder beneath you; he loves it when you stroke his hair.
         “Feels ok, Sho?” He nods once in assent. “Alright then let’s see how this feels then.” You begin working you way down his body, hands smoothly going down caressing the taught muscles of his sides. You leave marks all down his body and he groans in pleasure at the sting of the bites. You love to mark him almost as much as he likes to mark you, and you love the way the red and purple bites look on his pale skin.
         When you reach his boxers, you’re unsurprised to find them stained with precum, his length still straining against the fabric of his clothes. You slowly wiggle them down and his cock springs up to slap his stomach. He lets out a sigh of relief that turns into a stifled moan as you like a stripe from the bottom of his cock to the tip, teasing the tip with swirls from your tongue.
         You take the head into your mouth and he bucks his hips upwards, trying to get you to stop teasing him. You pull off completely and he groans in frustration.
         “Be good and just sit there Sho, or else I won’t let you cum at all, how’s about that?”
         “No, don’t do that, I’ll stay still. Just please get on with it, it feels so good…”
         “Don’t make me stop you again.” You warn, and he shakes his head almost frantically.
         Taking him once again into your mouth, still slowly, you notice he’s straining so hard against his impulses to fuck upwards into your mouth. Seeing him do this for you fills you with power and lust, and you suddenly take him deep in your throat, your nose tickling his neatly trimmed pubes.
         “Fuck!” he shouts out in surprise. “God you feel so fucking good babe, you’re so good to me!” Bolstered by his praise, you continue to bob your head, quicker than before. You feel your own slick dampening your panties and you hear the noises he’s making, loving how wrecked he sounds. You look up to see his head thrown back and your hand goes up to play with his balls.
         He must like that, because he cums without warning, leg muscles tensing up as thick ropes of cum shoot down your throat. You swallow it all with a little difficulty and pull off of him. He’s breathing heavily, his dick now soft again, but you know with what you have planned, that won’t be the case for very long.
         “That’s just the start Sho. I have a bit more for you.” You say, grabbing the nipple clamps from beside you. You circle the cool metal around his nipples until the pebble up and you clamp the first one down, which he takes stoically. The second one however, elicits a soft whimper from him. “Ah, but you’ve done this a few times before, babe. Does it feel different now?”
         “Better,” he chokes out. “It feels better.”
         “Well that’s what I was hoping for, so that’s good for me to hear.” Having said that, you grab the chocolate sauce you’d gotten and click open the cap. “You know what I have, don’t you Shotou?”
         “Something in a bottle, I don’t think its lube?”
         “It’s not.” You then start to pour some of the sauce down his stomach, putting some up by his collar bones and neck. “Keep your mouth closed.” He nods once more as you pour some of the sauce onto his lips. Leaning down, you start kissing him, tasting the sweet chocolate, and he takes that as an open invitation to open his own mouth and get a tast for himself.
         You stay there, making out with him, the sweetness making it more fun, until you pull back and start licking away the sauce on his neck.
         “Ah, your tongue shouldn’t be allowed to move like that! How am I supposed to stand a chance?” His voice is pitched low with arousal. You smirk against his skin, but don’t answer, continuing to enjoy the sweet moans – and sauce – as long as you could.
         However, after moving down to his stomach, his noises, cut off. You look up and see the reason why, he’s bitten his lip to keep from crying out anymore. That won’t do.
         “Shouto, I want to hear you, pretty boy. Stop biting your lip please, or else I won’t ride you like I planned and you can use your hand.”
         “No, no. Alright fine. You’re picky today.”
         “I’m going to do you a favour and ignore that one.” You slip off your panties, seeing as he’s hard again as you straddle him. You loved riding him, it was so fun to set the pace and make a mess of him.
         You line yourself up, and ease yourself down slowly. You wince a little from the stretch, so caught up that you’d forgotten to prep yourself, but with a few rolls of your hips you got him completely inside you. The vein on the underside of his cock felt as good as always, and you teasingly clenched your muscles and Shouto let out another set of curses that would have his PR team in tears had he said that in public.
         Laughing slightly, you begin to bring your hips up slowly, and slam them down all the way. As you set a pace, Shouto catches on and starts bucking up into you as you slam down, hitting deep into your pussy, and you let out a cry of surprise and pleasure.
         “Shit, Shouto! Just like that!” you can feel yourself clenching in pleasure around him, the entire situation and the stimulation of your clit slapping against his hips bringing you closer and closer to your own orgasm.
         Shouto must sense this, because as you falter, he thrusts up into you harder, grunting at the exertion, having to do it without much help with his arms. He manages to hit that spot inside you that has you seeing stars and crying out his name as you clamp down on his cock and cum. With a final thrust deep inside you, Shouto comes as well, releasing once again and then sinking into the mattress.
         You ease yourself off, whispering sweet nothings to your boyfriend and lying down beside him, running your fingers through his soft and silky hair. You feel blissed out from you orgasm so you forget that he’s tied up and can’t take off the blindfold.
         “Hey, Y/N? I do love having you snuggled against me, but I think it’s way better when I can actually hold you.”
         “Oh my god, I’m sorry Sho!” you quickly scramble up, untying his wrists from the bedposts and each other. You hold his much larger hands in your own, kissing at the slightly irritated skin that came from the bindings. You do the same thing, showing lots of love and care to his chest as well after removing the clamps. Throughout this, you hear sighs of satisfaction and pleasure from your boyfriend.
         You slowly take off the blindfold as look into his eyes. He grabs your face gently, guiding you in for a kiss that’s all sweet and slow. You sigh as he pulls away, and you set your head down onto his chest, looking up at his face. He stares back at you, lovingly.
         “So? Yes, no, maybe?”
         He chuckles. “Yes, way better than the swing.”
         “When are you going to drop the damn swing already?”
         “Hey, I didn’t drop it, it dropped me.” You groan and stick your face into his chest. “In all seriousness, it was really different. But in a good way.”
         “I’m glad. You feeling a bit more relaxed?”
         “Yes, but I’m sure I’ll feel even more relaxed if we can clean up and cuddle a bit.” You laugh at the rather pointed suggestion.
         “Alright, princess. Let’s go get us all cleaned up then.”
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ghost-ghost-baby · 4 years
Scales pt. 4a //yan!bakusquad fantasy au//
a/n: im so fuckin sorr this took so long lol, it was actually written but life was too crazy to edit/post. i had to make this angsty so it wouldnt turn out horny
Pt. 5
warnings: swearing, mature themes? mentions of past abuse/trauma
Things felt weirdly normal when you woke up, and despite the memories that flashed through your head you kept your cool. You needed to be logical, it was the only way you’d be able to get out of here alive. Denki was in your arms when you finally opened your eyes, and a weight lifted from your chest. Oh thank gods you were together. That made things easier. The room was… undoubtedly luxurious, Shigaraki sure knew how to play nice when he wanted. Horror shot through you when you saw the iron collar clamped around Denki’s neck. Fuck, you knew what that was. you’d seen it used before, and Denki wasn’t going to be able to help with it on. You’d need a diamond to get it off, unless you could get the key. Fucking Shigaraki, he’d be here soon to gloat. The fucker loved nothing more than being validated for what he’d done.
“I didn’t appreciate your little stunt.” Shigaraki finally showed his face, and your eyes narrowed as you stared at him from the bed.
“If you were bored you should have just told me. I thought you liked the solitude while I was busy, but obviously I was wrong.” He took a seat next to you and your skin crawled, had he gotten crazier? “But that’s all in the past now, and you have your own pet to keep you entertained.” Oh yeah he absolutely lost it while you were gone. You stayed silent as you watched his fingers trail over your leg to Denki’s sleeping form next to you. The threat was clear despite him staying silent. If you tried anything, he’d take it out on Denki.
“Thank you.” You had to force the words out, any feelings you had right now didn’t matter. You just needed to keep Denki safe, and that meant keeping Shigaraki happy until you could get away. It worked, his chapped lips stretched into a grin as he made himself comfortable besides you, showing no intention of leaving any time soon.
“They did WHAT?” Katsuki flung his sword across the room, the metal sending up a puff of feathers when it hit the bed. He’d just gotten back from a war meeting, and this was the first thing he had to hear?
“How dare that dry ass motherfucker send his cronies here, I’ll get Y/n and Denki back myself.” He snarled, and Hanta had to jump on him before he could leave .
“Katsuki, calm down, if you go rushing in it’ll only make the situation worse.” Mina crouched down, making sure she was in the blondes line of sight so he had no choice but to listen.
“Yeah man, Izuku can help, right?” Hanta added, still pinning Katsuki down. 
“And Shoto too, we have allies Katsuki, we don’t have to just rush in.” Mina glanced at Kiri, who nodded in agreement despite the fact he wanted nothing more than to bolt to wherever you were. He just needed to make sure you were safe. At least Denki was with you, the two of you could take care of each other for the time being, and it would be enough that the bond wouldn’t hurt anyone.
“Fine, get them here, now! We need to do this quickly!” Katsuki gave in with a snarl, the more people he had to crush that extra, the better.
Fingers tapping your thigh made you jump, and you dropped the book in your hands as you turned to Denki. He’d just been…dozing, barely waking up to eat and drink.
“Oh, you’re awake. How do you feel?”
“Weird, kinda out of it… where are we?” Gold eyes darted around the room, horror growing in them with every passing second. “What happened to Mina?” Denki was starting to panic, and you had to grab his hand to make him look at you.
“She got away, I sent her back to Katsuki so she could get help.” You soothed, hand smoothing over his hair. “You know what they're like, I'm sure they're planning something right now.” He didn't look convinced, and you wondered how he hasn't noticed the iron around his neck.
“Why can't we just break out?”
“If there's a sure opportunity for us to escape I'll take it, but you can't fight with the collar on, and I can't get it off while we're here.” You grabbed his wrists to stop him tearing at it, there was no use.
“Don't try to use your powers, okay? I'm not sure what it'll do, but the ones I've had have never been good. Your powers will activate the selected gem, and depending on that the collar will do something. I don’t want to risk it.”
“How do you know all this?” Denki squinted at you, and you dropped his arms, hands folding in your lap as you thought about how to explain that.
“I um, always had a talent for magic, my teachers kept track and when I graduated Shigaraki noticed and I uh… didn’t exactly go along with him at first, so he chose a… harsher…? Way for me to learn and fit into his… role for me.” The words stuck in your throat on the way up, you never thought you’d have to tell anyone that.
“I know it might be… a lot, and I promise I’ll tell you everything when we get out of here, but you need to trust me, okay Denki?” You couldn't look at him, your whole plan needed him, you couldn’t leave him here alone.
“Okay Y/n, but I’ll hold you to that promise.” You couldn’t help startle when Denki surged forward, nuzzling your neck and wrapping his arms around your waist. This wasn’t the reaction you expected, he went along so easily?
“O-Okay, just follow my lead, he needs to let his guard down and I… know how to do that.”
“The meeting was awful, honestly that scum are lucky I have you to calm me down… so I don’t have to resort to more extreme methods.” You’d tuned out most of Shigaraki’s rant, Denki had fallen asleep and you didn’t see the point in waking him for this. The king had his head in your lap, your fingers carding through his hair with a familiarity you hated. Shigaraki turned so he was facing you, one hand coming up to caress your cheek and you were lucky he was delusional enough to think the shudder that ran through you was good.
“Hmm? What happened this time?” You forced the words out, pretending to care really fucking sucked. His answer was lost as Denki started to stir next to you, oh god why’d he have to wake up now? He was gonna say something bad and it’d be over for the both of you. Shigaraki was still mumbling on while your eyes were fixed on Denki, humming your acknowledgment at the appropriate intervals so he’d think you cared.
“I swear it’d be better if I just ripped their heads off, then I could just stay here with you.” These words were mumbled into your skin,, Shigaraki going from laying in your lap to straddling you and hiding his face in your neck before you could do anything to stop him. You hated when he got like this, it could last for days if he was feeling particularly insecure or clingy.
“But then you’d have nobody to do what needs to be done, and you’d be spending even less time here.” Denki spoke and your heart stopped, oh god oh god ohgod. Shigsraki pulled back to look at the blonde, eyebrows raised as he considered that option.
“You have a point.” The king shrugged before he went back to your neck as if nobody had spoken, lips brushing against your skin as he grew bolder. Unease surged through you at the contact, the force of it through the bond almost made Denki transform, but he remembered you needed him to be good so you could get them out of here, and so he settled for buying his face in your thighs. He really hoped you knew what you were doing, and that the others were planning something. A knock at the door had your heart jumping into your throat, and after a growled answer from Shigaraki, Dabi entered the room. His voice was bored as ever while he spoke, something about needing Shigaraki back in the war room because their scouts had spotted something. A grunt left the king as he started to get up, unable to stop himself nipping at your neck before he pulled away, the red already blooming had him satisfied enough to slink over to Dabi and, in turn, leave you and Denki alone again.
“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry this is all my fault-“ your anxiety took over the second the door closed, throat clogging up and tears clouding your vision. Kiri should have just left you to die, then none of them would be in this mess.
“C’mon, you’re okay, come back to me now.” Denki pulled your chest to his, forcing your breathing to follow his as he focused on calming you down. Your eyes slowly came back into focus, gold was the only thing you could see for a moment before Denki pulled back.
“Is that better?” His hand brushed the tears off your face, a comforting smile on his face. How could he look so angelic in this situation?
“Yeah, sorry about that.” You wiped your nose, humiliation setting in as you realised how pathetic you must look, you needed to be stronger if you were going to get out of here alive.
“There’s nothing to apologise for, this is a tough situation.” Denki shrugged, he didn’t want to pressure you into talking about your past, but something big had obviously happened. Your unease was still flooding through the bond, easily alerting Denki to the fact you weren’t fine, worse, you were lying to him about it. He just wanted to help. Maybe he should try and distract you? Opting to cheer you up any way he could, Denki cuddled into your side, making sure he was monitoring how you felt though the bond. Your gaze shifted as the blonde rubbed over your skin, making a noise you could only describe as a croon while his face nuzzled against your neck. The noise was… weirdly comforting, and it wasn’t long before you felt some of the anxiety leaving you. Denki was over the moon, you were responding so well! His crooning picked up at how happy he was, and you let your head rest on his shoulder, your own hands finding his and intertwining with them. You were almost asleep when the door opening had you jumping awake, Denki slowly blinking as he figured out what had spooked you. Confusion was all that remained when you saw Dabi there, Shigaraki nowhere to be seen as he closed the door behind him.
“I talked to Shoto, I’m gonna help you out.”
“Dabi agreed to help us, but in return he wants Shigaraki alive, for himself. It’s the best chance we have, he’s the kings right hand.” Shoto deadpanned, completely unbothered by the snarling warrior being held back by Kirishima next to him.
“I wanna rip that bastard to shreds, fuck Dabi, we can do this without him.” Katsuki finally managed to get out after he’d been calmed down, a task that took several minutes.
“It’d take longer, you really want to sacrifice Y/n and Denki so you can kill someone?” Hanta had to help hold Katsuki back at that remark from Shoto.
“Katsu, Shoto’s right, our priority needs to be getting them quickly, not killing Shigaraki.” Mina placed her hand on Katsuki’s shoulder, the thing that finally calmed him down enough to mumble out a fine and get on with the actual planning.
“Finally, now what we’re going to do is cause a distraction on the battlefield, during which Dabi will knock out Shigaraki and get Denki and Yn to a safe destination we’ll go to after the battle. Now, onto the details…”
“You’re what? No way, it’s a trap right? Shigaraki is testing my loyalty? I’m not falling for something like this again.” You shook your head as you paced the room, Denki still sitting on the bed and Dabi lounging on a chair next to the desk. It was exactly the kind of thing that bastard would do.
“Bakugo told me to tell Denki about the dandelions.” Dabi ignored your rant, instead turning to Denki and raising his eyebrows at the blonde. Lower lip between his teeth, The blonde slunk over to you, grabbing your hand tightly before he spoke.
“It’s not a trap, Y/n, he’s telling the truth.”
“You don’t know that, what if they captured someone that told him?” You hissed, eyes darting over to the nonchalant figure in the chair.
“Hey, you asked me to trust you before, I need you to trust me now. Okay?” He presses a kiss to your cheek when he was finished, and despite your best efforts that smile got to you, made you relax and squeeze his hand.
“I-Fuck. Okay, I trust you.”
Taglist under the cut (let me know if there are any problems/you want to be added)
@averydrearydiana@wolfygecko@baby-snart@ssnaketongue@that-one-piece-oftrash@emilysimaginesblog@generousdigitalartartghost@slowly-gently@toffee1812@izzys-complete-insanity@sexisquid@icecreamguru03@tessamarie22@peculiar-faerie@lunaralpha270@max7500@graduatedmelon@everstrange1@saltytocrusade@dark-side-blog2@tinyspacesaurus@shimyshimyagustd@teacaku@shinethesensational@yooalicee@radnickeltoadbat@superrllama@trinshappyplaces@kai-iaa@mini-kunoichi-universe@estellegladiolus@kirapholia@lemonmaim@skylerstorm2@phantomfunguschild@naked-canadians@meaper112@cute-cotton-tail@xxnatashahicksxx @elektraeriseros@alpacalunches@a-mistake-tbh@evienorville@kirapholia@lemonmaim
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neighborhood-goblin · 3 years
Nameless O’Haryth Fic Chapter One uwu
Word count is like 1081 
idk what else to put up here
I’ve never written fanfiction can you tell
there’s fluff?? idk what else to say lol
This’ll be posted on ao3 at somepoint
“Marty, you’re single, right?” Grace asked, flipping through a textbook mindlessly. Marty glanced up from his gizmo to cast a quick look at his cousin, before shifting his gaze to peer at his boyfriend. Luther was currently hunched over his phone, tapping away at some puzzle game that Marty didn’t recognize. 
“What?” He questioned, dragging himself back to the conversation. 
“I asked if you were single. There’s this girl in my English class that keeps asking about you.” Grace responded. Marty groaned internally. On one hand, if he told her that he was single (which wasn’t true), then she would insist he go out with the English girl (which he really didn’t want to do), but if he told her he was taken (which was true), then she would demand answers. He really didn’t want to supply answers. 
Marty and Luther existed in a little bubble, safe and comfortable only because no one knew about it. They held hands, flirted- even kissed- but only when they knew that they weren’t being watched. There were a few reasons for this: 
 OOPS’s policy on same-sex couples was a little iffy
 Luther’s parents weren’t at all thrilled by the notion that their son was gay
Marty and Luther wanted to avoid the whole ‘coming out’ thing as long as possible. It wasn’t that either of them was ashamed of being gay or bi respectively, it’s just that ‘coming out’ seemed like a hassle, especially when they could just be with each other and not have to worry about anyone else
“Tell her I’m taken.” Marty finally replied, deciding that alluding to the fact that he did have someone in his life was better than Grace making him go out with some girl that he didn’t know.
“Are you just saying that, or is it true?” She inquired skeptically. 
“It’s true.” He said, trying not to look at Luther, lest he give them away. 
“Okay, then who is she?” Marty stiffened. He had not planned for this, although he assumed it would be something she would ask him. He mentally cursed himself and tried to come up with something believable. It did not help that Luther had tuned into the conversation and was now shaking with silent giggles. 
“Like I’d tell you, nose-picker.” Marty sneered at his cousin, who rolled her eyes and shut her textbook. She leaned closer to smirk at him.
“Then I’ll find out myself. And when I discover that you are in fact single, you get to go out on several dates with that deeply annoying girl from my English class.” Her blue eyes bore into his. Mischief was decidedly not a look he liked on her. 
“You won’t discover that I’m single.” He quipped back, despite the fact that he had no idea on how to make it appear as though he had a girlfriend. Grace stood up, and beamed maliciously at Marty before hurrying off to wherever nerds went outside of the library. Probably to suck up to a teacher. He glared at the doorway she’d exited from. 
“So you got a girlfriend, huh.” Luther grinned at Marty. 
“Shut up.” Marty transferred his glare to his red-headed boyfriend, before coming to the conclusion that he would inevitably need his help. “So...:”
“If you’re about to ask me to help you convince Grace that you have a girlfriend then the answer is no. However, I could be swayed upon the purchase of cookies.” 
“Luther your parents are like billionaires or something. Buy your own cookies.” 
“I thought you wanted my help.” 
“Not if it means buying you cookies.” 
“Okay, here’s what I think we should do. I’ll call you while you’re around Grace, and you can pretend like I’m whatever chick you’re supposed to be dating.” Luther sat criss-cross on his and Marty’s bedroom floor, crunching thoughtfully on a cookie. “Change my contact to ‘Baby’ or ‘Babe’ or something.” 
“I feel like she could guess pretty easily that it’s you I’m talking to.” Marty scrolled through Instagram absentmindedly, admittedly not as invested in faking a girlfriend as he should’ve been. “You have to be there when I’m on the phone so that she doesn’t suspect anything. We might need a third person..”
“Oh yeah, who are we gonna recruit? Dylan? Bridget from Grace’s English class? It’s literally just us.” 
“You’re making me regret buying you cookies. It does not feel as though you’re helping.” Marty complained, leaning back against the side of his bed. 
“I don’t see you coming up with any ideas.” Luther huffed, sidling up to Marty to see whatever he was looking at on his phone. “Ugh I’m bored. It’s not fun to gaslight Grace if we don’t even have a solid idea as to how to do it.” Marty sighed and rested his head against Luther’s shoulder.
“We can come up with ideas tomorrow, it’s already like eleven; let’s go to bed.” Marty stood up and flicked off the light, and the pair crawled in his bed. He rolled over to face Luther and murmured a quick I love you before drifting off to sleep. 
Marty woke up to sunlight streaming into their room. One of Luther’s arms was thrown across his waist, the other flopped over the edge of the bed. He shook Luther awake. 
“Urgh. What day is it?” The younger boy groaned, rubbing his eyes with his free hand. Marty rolled his eyes.
“Saturday, Luther.” He answered. Luther nodded slowly, his eyes still shut. 
“That means I can go back to sleep.” He said, curling inward and pulling Marty closer. 
“We have to work on my fake girlfriend. Who knows what Grace has been up to while we’ve been asleep.” Marty was slightly concerned about having already run out of time. At this point, he didn’t care so much about the whole ‘going out with Bridget’ thing, rather he was more focused on the fact that he didn’t want Grace to be right. Again. She usually was.
“Time isn’t real.” Marty laughed at that, and decided that a few more minutes of sleep couldn’t hurt. He laced his arms around Luther’s midsection and tangled their legs together. 
Mornings like this were easy and relaxed, and they made him glad for the safe bubble in which Marty-and-Luther existed. He didn’t like to dwell on what would happen when they were finally on the outside of it. Probably nothing; he was probably being dramatic, but still, nonetheless, he was happy with the way things were.
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artbyfuji · 4 years
R,,,Reincarnation AU; Summer and Raven keep meeting each other (and falling in love ofc lmao) everytime. 🏃
I think my ass just wrote a whole fic up in here lol:
You were the heir to the throne. I was assigned as your personal guard. You hated this life, your family formed you into the perfect being. The smartest. The wisest. The best fighter. But you hated it. They saw you as an object. Just like the subjects of their kingdom. They cared only for status, willing to sacrifice them all in a moments notice. You said I was the first person to view you as something more than a name. More than just the heir to the Rose Kingdom. One day in the royal library, you suggested it. “Let’s run away.” You showed me an old map of the castle, secret tunnels leading outside of the kingdom. 
I was loyal to the kingdom that gave me a chance to be something. But my loyalty to them couldn’t compare to my loyalty to you. We ran away. Crept through the tunnels and fled as far as our legs would take us. We were free, just the two of us, and in that moment, we shared a kiss. It was just us for maybe a year, but forces beyond our control wanted to break us apart. Enemy kingdoms were on the hunt for us, if you were killed it would benefit them immensely. They found us in the cottage we built by the river, it was two assassins intent to slaughter us. We fought but you were always stronger than me, I never understood why they would make me your guard if you could so easily defend yourself. Perhaps it was so I could take the fall in your stead. Maybe that’s what your family viewed me as, not a person, just a shield.
I was over powered, laying by the river bed bleeding out, wouldn’t make it much farther. The assassin grinned as he scraped his blade along the ground. He charged to stab me, but instead of hitting me…. the blade pierced right through your abdomen. I never noticed that you killed the assassins partner, never noticed you jumping into his path. Until it was too late. He pulled the blade from you, and the sound you made hurt me more than these wounds ever could have. But with the last of your strength you killed him, sliced his throat while he was mid swing. You then limped over and laid down beside me. We stared up at the sky, stars were visible and the dusk began to slip away. The sound of the river flowing drowned out our weak breaths.
Your bloodied hand grabbed for mine squeezing it as tight you could manage. Then we turned to look at each other, your lone silver eye piercing me to my core. Your smile barely masked the pained emotions creeping under the surface. I wanted to be angry with you. for taking the blade for me. But some reason, I felt nothing…. I was just lost in your presence. You looked me in the eyes and said it “we’ll find each other again.” It was a statement like you were positive this wouldn’t be the end of our story. I smiled… because I believed you. We both looked at the sky again. Watched the stars shine in the dark blue night sky.
Until it was black that consumed us both.
Seeing you again shocked me to my core. We lived in the same town, I worked as a carpenter with my brother. You were an apprentice to a tailor. You wandered into our shop in hopes of getting a stool repaired. We looked each other in the eyes and just knew… knew of our past lives, of our struggles. Of our promise. We were finally together again. “I didn’t want to lose you again,” I said as we held each other in a tight embrace. “I didn’t want to lose you again,” I said as our lips pressed together for the first time, under that oak tree outside of town. “I didn’t want lose you again,” I said as we laid in the same bed, clothes long abandoned on the floor. “I wouldn’t lose you again,” I said as knelt in front of you holding a ring up. You laughed, and confusion flooded my mind, until you knelt down and showed me the ring you were hiding….. it made our love grow that much more.
We were set to be wed. We decided on late spring, the ceremony would be held on that cliff side you loved so much. The way the sky looked at sunset was a true marvel, with brilliant hues of orange and purple that would dance across the sky. Was this the happiness we deserved in our past lives? I remember regretting asking myself that. Because two months before our wedding, I fell ill. double pneumonia, they said i should cherish the days I have left because it wouldn’t be many. 
It was the eve of our would-be wedding when my body lost its battle. You sat beside the bed everyday soothing my pain. But this day was different, I could barely keep my eyes open, I knew the end was coming, and maybe you did too. Because you reached for my hand and squeezed it tight. You delicately brushed hair away from my eyes and through ragged breaths, I parted them as best I could. your lone silver eye piercing me to my core. It felt familiar. You smiled, leaned down and pressed a kiss against my forehead.
I spoke one final request. “Lay beside me.” I knew you wouldn’t deny it. You got up and walked around the bed, it dipped to my right. You lifted my head and placed it against your chest. Your shirt was soft against my sallow skin. You cradled my weak form. That’s when you whispered it. “We’ll find each other again.” I believed you. I closed my eyes and listened to your heartbeat.
Until i didn’t have the strength to even do that.
Maybe the frustration of how unfairly my life played out in my last incarnation is what caused me to pick such a violent path in the new one. My brother and I were bandits. Robbing train cars and stage coaches to make a living in this cruel world. When we met again I never expected to be looking down the barrel of your gun. It seems you too chose a dangerous path in your new life. You were the leader of a group of train robbers Ivory Rose, and we both had the same idea of robbing a train delivering gold. 
My brother and I joined your group. We took on whatever the world threw at us guns blazing. It was such a thrill, the rush of adrenaline as we dodged bullets together. I remember every close call we had, how the thrill of survival would sometimes turn to lust, how our bodies would meld together whenever we shared a bed in a heady mix of sweat and arousal. This life wasn’t going to end in a happily ever after. But we didn’t really care. We were just happy to find each other again.
Our dangerous life caught up to us. Wanted posters plastered in every town. wanted dead or alive. We stole from one too many of the wrong people and the Pinkertons we encountered chose “dead”. They trapped us in an abandoned lumber factory. They wouldn’t leave until they knew we were dead. You laughed as you reloaded your guns counted how many bullets you had left. I did the same, we both knew we wouldn’t make it far, but we weren’t ones to cower in fear. Everyone outside ceased fire for a moment, and if felt like the world ceased spinning for a moment, maybe giving us one last chance to say goodbye. We used that time to look each other in the eyes, your lone silver eye piercing my very core. We shared a kiss. Your lips burned like fire against mine. You said those words again. “We’ll find each other again.” I believed you. We ran out into gun fire. I can’t say I remember much after that.
But i’m sure you lasted just a bit longer than me.
Our time together lasted long this time. It was the turn of the century when we met, we were just children, I was 5 you were 6. And we became close friends. “Inseparable,” as everyone in town liked to call it. I remember all the days we spent under that weeping willow just outside of town. Picking flowers, or blowing dandelions in the wind. Sometimes I wished for simple things. Money to buy a pastry from the bakery, or a pair of shoes I saw the shoemaker putting on display. But in my teenage years I almost always found myself asking the same question. “Please let her love me back.” 
I sometimes wondered if you wished the same thing. A few years later, my wish came true and we chose to be more than friends. I was 20 and you were 21 when we shared a kiss. I would never forget how soft your lips felt against mine. But things were soon going to test our love.
In 1914 the great war began. In 1915 it was right outside our town.
Our love was strong even as air crafts flew over our town dropping bombs. Our love was strong even as we stood in the middle of destruction. Our love was so strong when enemy soldiers grabbed us and forced us to kneel down with other survivors. They shot down the line killing everyone until it was just the two of us left. It was so easy to see what we meant to each other so the leader of the group played a game. A fucking game. “Eenie” the barrel of his gun pointed to you. “Meenie” it pointed to me. “Miney” back to you. He stretched it on and on and ON until he said the final “moe” and the barrel landed on you. 
I remember screaming. Remember him tell the other soldiers to hold me down. I was scared but you just smiled. You looked towards me and just smiled. Your lone silver eye piercing my very core. That gaze, that beautiful gaze, it always had a way of erasing my fears. That’s when you said it “we’ll find each other again.” I believed you. I had to believe you. I would always believe you.
You died first. And the last thing I remember was how wrong it felt.
I was far older than you this time. The more decades that passed, the more convinced I was that I would never find you again. I sat in the gardens of the hospital, how curious it is knowing that you’ll die. They gave me three months to live. I craved your presence. What would you look like? Did you dying first in the last life break the chain? Would i never see you again? Would I be born again over and over cursed to never find you? Lost in my thoughts, a ball rolled towards me. Almost didn’t realize it at first but I could never forget that silver gaze. The child that came to retrieve the ball…. was you. Eight years old and just as sick as me. Was the universe laughing at us? Trying to finally separate us for good? For weeks we talked to each other. Right here in the gardens. You had the memories of past lives, but you were so young and you couldn’t understand what they meant. You called them “sad thoughts” memories of how you died in past lives would turn up in your dreams and it scared you. But you said once we met, they stopped. I enjoyed your company, but i hope you could forgive me for wondering what our time together would be like had we been the same age.
I remember always wondering how you died in our second lifetime. But maybe its better that I never asked.
One day you looked nervous. I asked what was wrong. You said you had a surgery in a few days, the doctors told you it would help your heart. I would grab your hand and squeeze, it was about the only thing I could manage to do for you in this lifetime. You looked up to me, your silver eyes pierced my very core, it was the first time I saw you without an eyepatch, there was such an innocence to them. I smiled and told you to everything would be okay…. and you believed me. 
A few days later I asked some nurses about you, about the child in Room 207. The somber looks on their face told me everything I needed to know. You died first again.
And this time you never said that we’ll find each other again.
I sit in these college classes everyday. Lessons these professors teach barely process in my mind. In my philosophy class I always look down at the woman with dark red hair tied in a half bun, her eye patch, her breathtaking silver gaze. We pass each other in the halls, on campus. Her dorm is right next to mine.
Sometime’s when I pull up on my motorcycle at my spot on the campus parking lot, she is there. Talking with a friend. Some guy with blond hair. The first time we met she admired the paint job on my bike. She attempted to introduce herself. “By the way my name is-”
“Summer.” I said. Was I smiling? I think so. But I remember concern clouding my mind when she looked confused.
“How’d you know? Have we met before?”
I remember you. I remember all your past lives. I remember that child with the ball. The woman knelt in front of the barrel of a gun. The train robber that took on gun fire. The tailor’s apprentice. The heir to the Rose Kingdom. 
So why don’t you remember me?
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tuanhood · 4 years
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pairing: mark tuan x reader
genre: fluff, best friends
word count: 1,700+
summary: your best friend mark can read you like the back of his hand.
a/n: this is just a lil drabble, nothing much. a similar thing has happened to me where you have someone who knows you so well... even when you don’t say anything and I think it’s the best thing in the entire world so I just thought I’d write up something REAL quick with it. lOL :) enjoy 
Being stuck in traffic wasn’t something you were particularly a stranger to. Often times when you were brought to a halt along with hundreds of other drivers you found yourself frustrated and severely annoyed at being stuck for an unknown amount of time or consistently traveling at an underwhelming pace.
However, today as you looked around at all of the fellow cars stuck with you on the highway, you felt ease from the passenger seat. This time you weren’t behind the steering wheel and you had company with you, the sun shining down on your face through the open window and a keshi song softly filling the space of the car. 
You turned to look at your best friend Mark who had his gaze focused on the car in front of him. Judging on the way he was slightly biting down on his lip, you could guess that he was probably annoyed by the slow movement of the cars around him, but with Mark it was hard to tell sometimes. Although the two of you had been close for years and spent a majority of your time together doing anything from having a night out at a club to him playing video games and you silently reading a book beside him, sometimes you couldn’t tell what Mark was thinking. 
To many people he came off as shy and introverted, and although you had peeled back many of Mark’s layers to know that wasn’t just who he was – he certainly didn’t share with you how he was feeling that often. Sometimes it was like pulling teeth to get Mark to tell you what he was thinking. And looking at him now, you once again get the feeling that you so desperately wish you could read his mind to know what he was thinking, even about something as small as traffic. 
“Hmm?” Mark hummed, turning his head towards you. 
His sudden noise after probably about twenty minutes of comfortable silence had startled you. It wouldn’t have surprised you if the two of you had remained silent until you reached Mark’s apartment, you had gone hours sitting in comfortable silence with one another. 
With a straight face and fixing his eyes back on the road, he replied with a question, “What is it? I can tell you want to say something, so say it.”
Somehow, he always knew. Mark always knew when you were thinking of something or whenever you wanted to say something. It baffled you how you didn’t even need to say a word, but somehow Mark just knew when you were deep in your thoughts or had something on the tip of your tongue even in a silent car. It made you feel guilty as a friend for how easily he could read you, but you couldn’t read him. 
You laughed and shook your head, turning to look back out the window at the car in the next lane over, not wanting to face Mark so he could see how right he was, “I was just thinking of something…” 
“Okay… And? I know it was something about me, so just say it.” 
Mark says it like it’s so easy, but you can’t help but feel yourself pull back from saying what exactly what you were thinking about. You didn’t want to risk an uncomfortable conversation about Mark not being that open with you when you’re both stuck in car together for who knows how long. 
“How did you know? How did you know that there was something I wanted to say?” Mark snorted and readjusts himself in his seat, leaning forward and then sitting back, his grip on the steering wheel shifting, “I don’t know… Because I just know you? I can just tell.” 
Somehow, you’re not satisfied with that answer, “Okay but I mean specifics. It can’t be that easy.” 
He shrugged, “It is that easy for me. I just know you like the back of my hand, what can I say? I probably know you better than I know myself…” He mumbled the last part as if he doesn’t want you to hear. There’s another pause, before he lets out an exasperated sigh with eyes still forward, “I guess when you’re thinking – well you’re always thinking actually,” he smiled, “you purse your lips and tap your fingers against your thigh in this weird rhythm that I can’t explain.”
“I-” You’re about to argue with him and disagree, but you’re left speechless because there really isn’t anything you can say to rebuttal him, because he is right. 
“Not to mention you kept looking over at me, so I figured it was probably something about me… I guess those are the things if you want specifics, but to be honest I don’t even think about it like that anymore. I know it’s weird, but now I just feel it almost like a comfortable sixth sense.” 
Mark shakes his head as if signifying that he’s crazy and knows it. But you don’t think he’s crazy, somehow you know what he means and although you felt like you sometimes didn’t get the whole Mark, you felt as though there were certain things you could just feel about him. You can feel whenever Mark wants to leave somewhere because he feels uncomfortable, you can feel whenever he’s hit a new high score on one of his games by the big goofy smile he tends to wear. Maybe you weren’t completely clueless when it came to your best friend.
“So, what was it?” Mark said, interrupting your thoughts once again, “were you thinking about what a loser am I for buying all this stuff that I probably don’t need?” He gestured to all of the furniture in the back of the car, signaling you to remember the original reason for your trip and venture into traffic. 
“No, it wasn’t about the furniture. You need that stuff.” 
“Are you sure? Come on when you move in with me then we’ll have too much stuff. Like two of everything – that’s no fun. I should have just bought less.”
Mark had been trying to convince you to move in with him to his new apartment for the last few months, and even after many responses telling him no, he was still convinced you were going to cave. Your opposition came from the fear that moving in together could ruin your friendship and maybe… change things. He had used the argument of “oh come on we’ve traveled together and we didn’t get into any fights,” which you countered with how traveling was much different than actually living together. 
You groaned and rolled your eyes, “Mark I keep telling you I’m not going to move in!” 
“Okay but just think about it. We both know you’re going to be over all the time using my electricity, my water and eating my food, so we might as well make it easier to pay all at once.” 
All you could do was simply hum in response and there’s another wave of silence that passes through the car. This time however, it feels a bit different than the comfortable quiet that you can sit with Mark in for hours. 
“What were you thinking about then? If it wasn’t about my furniture… or moving in.”
You shrugged, “I guess... I was actually thinking about what you were thinking about.” 
His eyes widened in surprise as his eyes left the mess of standstill cars in front of him to look back at you, “what I’m thinking?” He frowned a bit as if confused at the thought of anyone being fixated on what was going on inside of his head, “hmm... interesting... why?” 
“I just feel like maybe I’m not the best friend sometimes... I never really know what you’re thinking or how you’re feeling. You never really tell me so I kind of have to just... guess, but it’s so hard with you. It seems like you know every single one of my thoughts and feelings that I just feel bad I can’t do the same for you.” 
Mark bit the inside of his cheek and nodded his head in thought. He understood exactly what you meant and suddenly felt apologetic for your feelings. 
“I know I’m not the most... open or emotional guy, but you don’t have to worry about knowing what’s going on inside of my brain. You’re the most important person to me in my life and you know me better than anyone. So don’t worry too much,” he finished patting your thigh comfortingly. 
“Mark!” You groaned, not being quite satisfied with his answer.
“What!” He groaned back, matching your exact whine-y tone. At your silence and the cross of your arms in frustration, he continued, “you know me so well by not knowing me so well. You know? Like... you never push me to be this open, extroverted person because you know that’s just not me.” 
You understand him and you wave your hand not wanting him to go on, because you feel an uncomfortable squeeze of your heart from Mark being this candid, but nonetheless he continued. “You just make me feel so much like myself. Which I know... probably doesn’t make sense yet again, but that’s just what I think. See you wanted gushy, emotional and open Mark... well you got him I guess.” 
He placed his hand back onto your thigh and leaves it there for a moment. You find it comfortable and you almost outwardly say something when he removes it. But because he knows you so well, he places it back down and leaves it there. 
That comfortable silence settles back into the car and you feel thankful for Mark - someone who knows you like the back of his hand and someone who you too apparently know just as well. That comfort felt like more than enough for the two of you, but for the moment you were still a bit curious. 
“Okay, but what were you thinking about?” You asked him.
Mark’s smile reappeared on his face, eyes back on the road, just as it seems traffic has finally returned to its normal flow, “just how cute you would look in our new apartment.” 
You playfully hit him and he lets out a dramatic huff in pain. Gazing out the window, you know that he’s probably right about you caving. 
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