#bc i really lik their silly love story
littlepuffy4ever · 2 years
Also... I be so cringe
Some musics make me think of Heket X Amber (that one shamura follower oc that becomes a follower down the line)
And my brain worms wont stfu someone kills them
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blookmallow · 11 months
reviewing spirit animatronics for 2023
i almost forgot again. but here we are
apparently the website doesnt display animatronics that are sold out so im trying to dig for them... this isnt a complete list im doin my best
anyway lets GOooooooo
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im gonna start with my favorite look at this silly little guy. something about this design is just incredibly endearing to me and the stringy guts look pretty good in motion too. hes cute and i like him. his description says he was a guy who kept scaring everybody all the time and one day he scared an old lady who turned out to be a witch so she turned him into a pumpkin. and now hes stuck like this bc he could not behave himself. i love gourdo i want him 10/10
Eternal Rest
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its a tombstone. theres a sad crying face and it turns into a skull face and screams at you. thats... thats it. it looks fine but its just really basic, this is doing nothing for me
Poor George
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this guy was at my local store for a while. hes pretty fun, he flips around and his face changes. i like his funky stripes. makeup design looks extremely art the clown which is just making me wish they had him instead
its at least an attempt at a unique design. but according to his description, the story here is he was just a nice regular clown who had a terrible accident but somehow survived. you can see his bloody torso when he turns. this isn't a zombie clown monster, this is a man who desperately needs medical assistance
also no explanation for why he has two faces. he doesn't appear to be intentionally meant to be conjoined twins or something so if hes supposed to just be a regular guy im not sure whats going on there
they also came out with another killer klowns animatronic this year too, hes BIG but i dont have much to say about that one other than it looks good glad to see the klown rep increasing
i guess ill also mention here that they have a mars attacks alien figure now too, which doesn't really do much, it just moves its head a little but the lighting is cool and the design looks really good and seeing it inspired me to go watch the movie, so. shrugs. i like him
Heckles the Clown
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here we have i think the first Sad Clown spirit animatronic? i cant think of any others ive seen. he kind of has creepy uncle energy but isn't really scary. hes just sad. he is a pathetic shell of a man weakly trying to sell his balloons and i just kind of feel bad for him. i did not notice in the store that his balloon actually has a light-up face in it which is cool. apparently according to his description hes actually using poison gas in his balloons which is a neat idea but is extremely unclear from the animatronic itself, i never would've known that if i hadn't read the description, so,
his face sculpt looks pretty good though. hes a pretty well designed figure i just think his whole deal is unclear and just makes me feel bad for him. help this man
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i do love a scary clown but all of these are starting to look pretty much the same to me. the colors are visually striking (i like the use of the blue accents especially) and i like the bloody bowling pins but at this point it's just kinda like, yep, that's another tall spooky clown. great for all your tall spooky clown needs but its not really that memorable. 4/10
Death Stalker
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THIS thing however, looks sick as FUCK and i really want to see it in person. i dont know what the fuck that is. i love it. it breathes smoke and has way too many teeth. the description offhand mentions it lives behind an abandoned doll factory for no apparent reason. i love this thing 11/10
i think it might be built from the same body structure as their krampus figure that i also really liked
The Black Heart
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ok i dont know about anyone else but i just find this one extremely confusing all around
he gives off protective dom skeleton boyfriend vibes. in the store i saw this and figured the woman was his victim and hes showing us his kill to threaten us, but it also looks like he's protecting her, so i didn't really get what was going on. the description says she tried to do some weird ritual ive never heard of where you lay in a grave and your true love will arrive to kiss you and wake you up snow white style at midnight, but instead she ended up with this guy as her "master" but it also refers to him as her "partner"
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"the fuck did you just say about my wife"
so i guess they have some kind of bdsm relationship going on. which, y'know, if she's into that, id say good for her, but she doesn't move at all, she appears to be dead or unconscious. she also looks like she's emerging from his waist or something bc like, i guess they made her skirt the same color to hide that she's there until he reveals her, but i didnt even realize she had a lower body at all,
anyway the design is really confusing to look at and i don't really understand what their whole deal is. the faces look really good though. 5/10
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leatherface in the HOUSE!!! i dont really have a lot to say here other than i think he looks great and i want you all to see him. 7/10
Darling Dolly
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i fucking love this thing look at that. salad fingers doll monstrosity what the fuck is going on here. there was one in our store very briefly but it wasn't working and disappeared pretty quickly which just made it even weirder. this has a fantastic "what the FUCK IS THAT" factor and i just wish it had better functionality bc i was really excited to find out what it does and it turns out it pretty much just screams at you. i feel like a slower, creeping movement with spidery fingers and whispering sounds would have been more effective. its definitely scary though. i want more wild designs like this i love this thing
the backstory is... a little girl dug up a cursed doll in the yard and her mother tried to bury it back but got struck by lightning and became nightmareishly fused together with the evil doll which just. doesn't make sense to me i feel like trying to create an explanation for this figure is actively a detriment to it i like it better just as a Horrible Inexplicable Demon
9/10 could have been executed better but great design
The Cauldroness
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pretty much just your standard witch. i like the way she's posed, this figure is more interesting to look at than a lot of the standing ones. the movement in her hands looks pretty good. i like her face. she also looks like salad fingers. maybe im just seeing it bc im trying so so hard to manifest him into existence even though i know they'll never make one sfjkg
anyway this is simple but i think it works well, 5/10
Dagger Mike
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look at this ridiculous little gremlin. his name's dagger mike. hes got knives. his torso makes no sense. i love you dagger mike 6/10 hes not good but he makes me laugh and i like him
i do like the vintage clown look here though. i just think his body looks stupid and his existence is very funny to me in a way i cant articulate
Floating Spirit
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its a ghost. it goes ooooo. 10/10
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authenticaussie · 7 years
Q, R, and U?
Q: How do you feel about collaborations?
I love them!!!! I’m not super good at them ‘cause sometimes I’m off the grid for a While but ??? they’re so much fun?? I love seeing what ideas other people have??? And I mean technically All of my fics are collaborations haha, I pitch them at lolles before they ever get written down/posted, and she helps prompt ideas when I’m stuck xD
and I mean atm I have the dragon/knight roleplay atm with @rboooks that’s ??? so interesting??? bc there’s no plot??? I super love it?? Im used to having some semblance of plot and this one is just!!! well let’s see!! and it makes me laugh at some of the things that’ve happened so far ;u;  And I had Insatiable too, which was a zoro+luffy tokyo ghoul au/rp that I wrote with nez that was !!! hella!!! I rlly like rps, can you tell??????
And then also one of my big bangs is being written alongside @minister-of-silly-walks​ and that’s really fun!!
Speaking of the big bang????? It’s like !!!! ???? my favourite event?????!!!!??? I get to pair up!!! with an artist!!! and throw ideas at them!!! and they get to throw stuff at me!!! and we get to talk abt ideas we have and scenes they want to draw and !!! The Coolest TM. (the reverse bang is also super cool bc of the fact that I get to write smth based off Super Cool Art/ideas but I digress) 
Collaborations are Hella^2 fun ;u; (and like i Know i mainly did the writing collaborations ((mainly bc there’s More of them)) but lik e,,,, if an artist was ever like Hey want to collaborate I would. Fucking Die. o m f g )
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
h hhhhhh these next two questions are Hard cries
I super hella humoungus love Tamora Pierce, she writes the most amazing female characters, and her stories are so interesting and like??? her fantasy worlds?? are so cool?? I really want to be a writer that does that in my books, and creates such vivid characters for people to look up to and adore. Holly Black & the writing partner of hers that I can’t remember the name of got me so interested in the fae as a kid,,,,I love writing stories that have faeries bc of like,,,all of their books and they way they portrayed the fae….
Enid Blyton and the author of deltora quest + rowan of rin for adventures and characters who could be afraid and ?? hot damn!!! seven books of fucking plot twist in deltora quest!! basically!!
But like…idk man. I’ve never really…..like. Had people that influence me ??? in those sorts of ways??? When i read books I get ideas and it makes me want to write, and different books give me different inspirations and sometimes fics give me inspirations and I just !!! idk!!! I find it hard to just point at someone and go Yes that person Influenced Me because!! a lot of the time that’s not really!! how it works for me I guess //GESTURES USELESSLY IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT.
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
hahah Why would you Do This, Im,,,,,,,,,,,,,like!! i can give you my opinions on ppl you send in but i could never!! pick a favourite!!! especially not three!!! favourites!!!! that’s too little!!!!! mhdgfjh my pain,,,
taisi has beautiful works!! they’re so well-written and they feel so in character in a way that doesn’t??? diminish their strengths in the story line??? I haven’t read Many but their fics are so nice. Like. idk. reading really really nice hot chocolate. 
and a favourite series of mine is !! He is beauty, he is grace, (that’s a lie, please save this man from himself) like honestly omfg this is,,,some of the only sanji fic I ever read, it’s always hilarious and well written bUT THEN LIKE?? ANGST??? AND YOURE LIKE WOW. THANK YOU. SO MUCH. UM. HOW DARE YOU??? i havent read All of them (just the ones posted on tumblr) but I Love it. Also i think like…my favourite line is (paraphrased) just, 
Girls? Hugging them, kissing them?
“I’d die,” he says.
Like #SAME sanji, s a m e.
and uhh I started reading this just to see if I would like it (because I am picky as fuck and I know I’ve mentioned this before BUT IT BEARS REPEATING) but i haven’t even read all of the chapters properly, omfg, but tides of light and cold (fucking superhero au!??!?!? holy shit?!?!?! y essss) and thicker than forget by @wordsdrippinginink are both so!!! awesome!!! I need to clear time in my schedule to actually read them and review them, but from the tiny scraps i have Snuck while Weak, they’ve been soooo interesting. (ALSO . FUCKING. MISSING: ONE DRAGON. I LOVE IT. I LOVE IT. HOT DAMN. A++ Every time i read it i get the teeny pang in my heart for ace and i Love that pang it’s The Best Pang aksdgf omfg)
also lik e,,,,,,,,,,anyone who writes mas,,,,,,,,,,,,has my heart,,,,,,,,,like,,,,,,,,,,there are no Lies here,,,,,,,,,,im such a Weak Ass Sucker,,,,,sobs ((my favourites are like,,,How to Live because i KNOW what’s fuckin comin but!!!!!! every time!!!!!!! it wrecks me!!!! my heart is!!!!!! in agony! it’s the besssst. and then ahHHH i love!!! uhhh it doesnt have a title but there’s a cinderella au w/ marco as cinderella by,,,words I Think and that’s such a good time and they have a royalty one ??? which i LOVE ??? ))
honestly Look I could talk about mas fics all day omfg
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