#specially thr who is she song by i monster
littlepuffy4ever · 2 years
Also... I be so cringe
Some musics make me think of Heket X Amber (that one shamura follower oc that becomes a follower down the line)
And my brain worms wont stfu someone kills them
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awigglycultist · 2 years
Random How the Grunch Cribbed Christmas thoughts/fav things/live blog/ect. Look you know the drill probably.
"Jinkles Christ what an embarrassing way to start!"
"shake your asses!"
Also Esther with the lights on them djdjjd
*farts into mic* "L'Chaim"
Why is Gwen flossing oh god
The applause sign nddbbd
Esther showing everyone a qr code for everyone to give them money ndjdn
"I can't believe you trust the internet with your money, I keep mine where its safe, irl in the unlocked glove department of my van parked out front... Theres cameras! Jesus Christ!"
"in your hometown where you would revice no attention or fame :)"
"and we're out!" "glad I don't have to listen that" "oh you know what sorry now we're out"
"I got an appointment out back with Jolly Ol Saint Dick"
The whole bit with Scrags interrogating Rudy nfjdd
"she knows we have a special bond. And I think her husband knows that too"
"Keith Swanson you puckish imp!"
"yeah we all agree she's trying to pig out on that Keith beef in thr sheets right?"
I think I would die if I was Ace
Poor Scrags
"it's also a waste of my stage time"
There he is. There's the grunch.
"I do not want to look like one of those amateur shows where there's a long blackout and people judt stumble around like idiots"
Ah yes non denominational Santa
"how old are you supposed to be in this song?" "six" "six?"
"Santa" "what?" "boner" "fuck"
Buddy they seem like they wanna fuck you bc of the song
"baby J, papa G, and... The third one"
"or join us on the naughty list" "I totally fucking will" "Keith"
Esther not being able to read the card is so funny
I love how fucking excited Esther is the moment they see Kirk
Rip Scrags
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"my absolute. Best. Friend."
The Esther and Kirk handshake is incredible
I immediately absolutely love Kirk also so I get where Esther is coming from
"happy... Christmas everyone!"
Orlando's entrance is absolutely wonderful
"oh hey uhmm" "it's like the reindeer" "reindeer"
"and that's my childhood trauma.. Being privileged."
"do what my family did, celebrate both" "pft okay. You can do that!?"
"aren't you a sight for whore eyes"
I'd love to know if this would take place before or after ep1 of sisbib bc of Rhoda's Ark being one of the sponsorships
The absolute tension between Gwen and Lisa
"move on!"
Scrags has no idea what he's doing
"will the squad ever come to Florida?" "absolutely not"
"as the only Christian in the squad uhm... It me" "okay, holy spirit doesn't equate to holiday spirit dipshit" "oh my god can Christians just come out on top for once?"
Omg Nick Gage could write an awesome rock song about Christmas
The bit where Esther is on the floor seemingly about to fall asleep only to go right back into the song is great
Honestly incredibly rude if the grunch to knock everything over after Scrags just cleaned up, I don't even care about him stealing presents or....pissing into the diffuser
"if Gwen was giving anyone a handjob I would know about it!"
"do we have any fuckable singles in the audience?"
"I'm joking! I'm half joking"
So who's gonna do the math to figure out how many lawsuits he has against him and how many years he was in prison
I love Orlando
Also. I shout this out all the time but absolute shout out to the background acting in this show
Are they allowed to use this song?
Keith absolutely ROCKING OUT
Scrags screaming omh
"oh I don't know maybe a vengeful monster wHO WE JUST BEETLEJUICED INTO EXISTENCE"
Ah finally. Brian playing a women
"multi-generational ogies with the neighbours"
No he's right Pirates are super cool
:( Scrags <3 beloved poor guy
Joey saying bye to that person getting up in the middle of a song djdndkdb also that person left for the bathroom at the wrong time. Like they left right around the start of the song and then came back at the very end of it when everyone was absolutely going crazy applauding for the song, they really missed the best song
We definitely need more Joey and Corey duets
"what do you want Scrags?" "DAAADDD"
"Scrags what were you thinking?" hey it's not his fault you went live right as he had an emotional song with Orlando about his daddy issues
Omg didn't know Brian could play violin
Scrags just. Sulking. In the background.
Scrags putting up the applause sign for the show getting cancelled ndkdndnd
Keith having these signs prepared to ask for a threesome. Omg.
Brian quick changes!!
Honestly tho what a fun uplifting song
Their step forwards djdndn
"to get over this whole sad boy routine..."
"a threesome with her and who else?" *gets down on one knee and presents himself*
"this is a really long black out"
Joey nearly knocking over the mic sjdndj
"hide your kids hide your wives hide your presents!"
"maybe finally this year the grunch will finally take me and this nightmare will be over"
"he thinks moses is like the Santa of Hanukkah and I thought it was too funny to correct"
Yeah this really is terrifying
Keith you idiot
Yeah go off Gwen
Scrags and Esther doing hand motions in the background for the notes and make faces while Gwen misses her notes kdnddn
"his stink glands you see... We're.. So... Fucking bad"
Wonderful accent Scrags
The slow no fighting ndjd
Oh boy there's three grunches now!
Scrags finally held the sign up right :)
How dare they not give him a song
"Orlando, you remember!" "absolutely not."
Keith yelling "this is what I do when I'm happy!" when Esther tells him to stop flossing sjdbdn
Rip Rudy
"some random y2k spy wear I had lying around"
The fact Keith's first wet dream was too one of Esther's parents....
"yeah I got a lot of guilt" "ah yethe one thing you Catholics and us Jews have in common" "pretty sure the Jews call it 'gelt'" "nah that's chocolate coins" "no it's not"
"how many nights of Hanukkah are there??"
Reprise time!
This show really is great and I Iove the music and really wish more people were watching it and talking about it
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fangirlings-things · 4 years
Being the 8th Hargreeves sibling and your relationship with the others headcanons
• Requested by @fangirlsarah16
(Maybe I wrote too much, got carried away?? Sorry, I got excited because I love this show and these characters)
Credits →
• Luther GIF: @dailyhargreeves ;
• Diego GIF: @sebastianstaan ;
• Alisson GIF: @Out-of-my-head ;
• Klaus GIF: @dailyhargreeves ;
• Five GIF: @whitehead ;
• Ben GIF: @umbrellasource ;
• Vanya GIF: @dailyhargreeves
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• Your family is a mess
• I mean, all of your siblings think that
• And you can't help but think the exact came
• Your whole childhood seemed like an experiment in the hands of your father and the love you got was from your siblings only
• Pogo was always there when you needed him
• He was quite nice and even gave you candies sometimes, behind your father's back
• As you grew up you managed to control your powers and actually do some super hero stuff, which you liked very much
• The idea of helping others amazed you
• You have a good heart, a remarkable attitude and always a smile on your face
• Those things made you the safe harbor of the others whenever they needed advice or help with something
• Being Number 8 sometimes made you feel like you were less than the others, that you were not special enough
• They would all deny that instantly, in their own way to make you feel confident about yourself because you're amazing
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• Luther is your big brother
• So he is protective and he loves you with all his heart
• But honestly, you were usually the one who did the protecting
• Everytime father would make him feel bad with harsh words you would stand up for him and talk back to your dad fearlessly, which would make Luther love you even more
• He is just a big teddy bear who needs love
• And you would always be there to give him the love and caring that you all lacked from your father
• He was the one who seemed to hurt more because of it though
• He asks only you for advice about Alisson
• And through the years you had to over and over reassure him that it was okay for him to have feelings for her
• Whenever he would call himself a monster you would slap him in the arm with all the strength you had (not that it would hurt him though)
• You just wanted him to feel good about himself and not like some freak like he usually called himself
• Just big bro and little sibling being cute really
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• Diego and you are like partners
• Batman and Robin is an expression Five have used before to describe you two
• When little he would use you as a target and throw his knifes around you to pratice, which once literally made Alisson punch him in the face
• He is super protective
• Loves to have you around all the time
• Sometimes you get pretty estressed about his obsession with protecting you, but you know he does that because he loves you
• Constant fights because he is stubborn and you can be hot headed
• He is sweet even though he tries to hide it and sometimes you would take advantage of it, giving him puppy eyes that he simply could not resist
• Throwing insults at each other when mad
• Slapping him everytime he does something reckless
• Which is pretty common
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• Alisson has always been your inspiration
• You would look up to her for everything
• She does not accept anyone to make fun of you, even the others
• She would protect you to the death, as she has almost done before
• She confides with you about Luther and you always have to bite your tongue to not say something he had already told you before
• Sibling loyalty, huh
• She finds it astonishing how you always try to see the better side of things
• You love her daughter
• Sometimes you would all hang out in the park just to see your niece smile and laugh, happy
• You keep in touch whenever you can
• She is an amazing sister, period
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• You love Klaus with all your heart
• He is unique in every way and you kinda envy him for that
• You liked to pretend to be models and try over and over different clothes when you were little
• You two never had a fight
• Like, never
• It's amazing for the others how good you understand each other and can keep a healthy friendship
• Him telling you about all the ghosts he has seen before
• He is soft
• And you are soft
• So you would watch movies and cry together while also crushing on the actors and eating popcorn
• His calmness amazes you
• Trying to prevent him from drinking too much whenever you can
• Sometimes though, you would end up drinking too
• And the others would hear you two laughing out loud during the night and dancing to 80's songs
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• Five's intelligence always makes your jaw drop
• You ask him all about his time travels and wants to know everything, from the clothing to the culture and costumes of that time
• He is happy that someone actually has brains and curiosity in that family so be would gladly share it all with you
• Trying not to laugh when he makes smart comments no one else understands except for Pogo
• He is cold and distant from the others, so you would try to change that and get him to warm up to you
• It wouldn't be a complete sucess, but he would definitely be more comfortable around you than around the others alone
• Being extremely sad when he gets lost in time
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• Ben is thr sweetest thing ever
• He was a well educated child with a good behavior and grew up to the image of it, being perhaps the most centered, focused of all the siblings
• Including you
• Always asking him about the monsters from other dimensions
• Being devastated when he dies
• The others had to comfort you for weeks non stop where all you did was cry
• When Klaus tells you he can see Ben, you would be amazed and filled with joy
• Talking with him through Klaus all the time
• Which would annoy Klaus but of course, he would never prevent you from talking to Ben
• He knew how special those moments were to you
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• Vanya never really bonded with the others
• And that includes you
• For quite a while she was like a stranger to you but then, when you two made an effort to really now each other, you realized she was a very nice person
• Letting her confide to you about how excluded she feels in the family
• Trying to include her
• Fighting every single one of the others when they say she is weird
• Visiting her often, getting breakfast together on her favorite coffeeshop
• Being cute together
• Just forming a great friendship
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honkhonkrichard · 5 years
some adult losers club headcannons
richie loves all of Billy Joel’s music
Richie and patty get along really well!! they’re great friends and it makes Stan Happy
Patty is a huge chatterbox and a little bit of a scatterbrain and everyone is surprised to see Stan loves her but yall
Stan loves patty so much. every time he looks at her his heart thumps and he always gives her heart eyes
And patty loves stan!!! she loves him and always has and always will
Beverly, kay McCall, Audra Phillips and Patty have girls nights!! they all meet up at a bar or they go for lunch or they hang out at someone’s house and its good. they drink and talk and laugh and its good, 
Richie is an actor, comedian, and musician, by the end of 2016 (post-IT) he has 4 studio albums, 3 comedy specials, and 78 credits (with 5 awards!!) He started out as a DJ in college, but from there he went into music and acting
Ben gets his best work done in bookstores and libraries!! He loves the atmosphere
Beverly once had a breakdown that resulted in her locking herself in her office and bursting out 38 hours later and declaring “I’M BRINGING CAPES BACK.” 
Mike collects bottles/bottle caps, as well as maps of varying types, and mugs
Richie came out as bisexual to the public in an interview in 2014
Beverly’s brand name is Firecracker
Eddie has no public shame after IT took his arm. He will say dumb shit in public. He doesn’t care if people judge him for going into an adult store. 
Sometimes kids will ask Eddie about his prosthetic arm and Eddie always happily explains that his arm got torn off by some monster who eating pushy, question asking kids
Eddie isn’t a fan of children
Richie owns 16 guitars
After IT, beverly starts to wear bolder makeup, to spite tom, who hated it when she wore anything that wasn’t nude/natural 
Richie is covered in tattoos
When he’s stressed, Mike stays late at work and reorganizes/cleans the library
Even at the the ripe old age of 40 Bill is still going through his emo phase
Ben gets really flirty when he’s drunk. He turns into the personality (see: fuckboy) he looks like he has
Mike has published a few children’s books!! 
20% of the money Beverly’s company would make goes to women’s homeless shelters and supporting women leaving abusive households
Patty went to university to become a kindergarten teacher (she was for 5 years), then she became a cop (6 years) and then she settled on a family lawyer 
Richie believes that stanley uris is the funniest motherfucker on the planet
Richie talks about Stan (or at least has so many stan stories) that people actually recognize stan in public
Richie in a 2017 interview: “I once gotta text, from Stan, that said I’m sitting in a cafe in new york and some teenagers fucking recognized me because of you You asshole I got excited I thought my accounting business hit NYC NO ITS BECAUSE YOU TALK ABOUT ME TOO MUCH and it was probably thr funniest thing he’s ever said
Stan is the richie of his work’s social circles
Mike can’t whistle
Kay McCall is a functional, distinguished lesbian. her coming out to Bev (and unfortunately Tom) is the cause of Tom firing her from the firecracker company
Stan and Patty love musicals
Richie doesn’t tan and he finds it the single most frustrating thing about himself (he burns and leaves freckles lol) 
Richie has all the social media (@RichRecords on Twitter, @Trashmouthrecords on instagram, he’s also on snapchat from time to time (but not often) and he sometimes twitch streams himself playing video games) 
He’s on instagram the most but there’s also the fun game his fans play, which is this week on Richie Tozier liked
Richie cannot dance. Neither can ben. It’s horrible.
When Stan and Patty (finally) have their baby (a girl named Daisy) Stan asked Richie to be the god father. Richie cries and says yes
Richie’s parents are buried in a private grave behind his grandparent’s Italian villa side by side. protruding out of them are stone hands holding one another
ben goes blep
Mike does a lot of scrapbooking/arts and crafts!! 
he also gives a ton of stickers out all the time. the losers club thinks he should be a teacher. He refuses this with a bashful smile. 
Mike is an openly gay man (he came out in 2002)
Mike once got a donation of $10,000 to help repair/rebuild/better the library. it was anonymous, except for the signature RT
Richie’s full, legal name as of 2016 is Richard James “Trash” Tozier 
his stage name is Trashmouth Records
Richie has his own late night talk show by the time he’s 50.
Eddie expands his limousine company (Wings on Wheels) to LA to live with Richie
Ben’s favourite video game is Minecraft. Same with Mike. They play together, sometimes, even though Ben feels like maybe it’s a bit silly. Mike always assures him it’s great
Stanley, who grew up getting visciously bullied for how he looks/skin colour, grows up to be arguably the most attractive out of the lucky 7
Patty, Bev and Richie all call each other Babe
Bill’s office is covered in sticky notes and papers taped to the wall 
Mike’s favourite song is american pie by Don McLean
Richie plays guitar, piano, saxophone and kazoo
Stan plays violin
Richie, Stan, Eddie and Mike all wear glasses
Bev, Ben and Bill make fun of them for this
ben and Bev have 3 kids together. Eileen, Elliot and jackson
Bill lives with Mike
everyone is alive and well
feel free to ask me to expand on any of these points
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tawneybel · 6 years
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Because I mentioned I was going to eventually get rid of my old shower curtain, my mom surprised me and got me an Edward Gorey one. Gashlycrumb Tinies! 
One of the recent ghost books on ghost I read mostly just (intentionally or not) taught me how to fake spooky sh*t at seances but in the entry on mirrors it mentioned looking into one at night was considered bad luck. But that’s kind of hard to avoid. I already knew using candlelight to look into a mirror is considered to be unlucky but I think a cellphone’s flashlight doesn’t count. Anyway, going to the bathroom at night is going to be spookier. :D 
Life’s been kind of hectic lately, mostly due to things outside of my control. I want to get a new job this summer. And fix my sleeping schedule. I’ve been getting stress dreams again for the first time in a while. I don’t count a bad dream as a nightmare unless I wake up terrified but it still sucks. Going to ask my doctor if melatonin is a good idea.  
My dog (see above) had a nasty cough after getting knocked out for some dental surgery, which is supposed to be normal, but it lasted for a while so we took her to the vet. And it turns out that the reason she was scratching on my door every night to be let outside was because of a UTI. She’s doing better now. 
Mm, there’s a lot more things to talk about but I’ll save that for another post. 
The Dark Knight: There was a scene where a bunch of men got their uniforms stolen and they were tied up and g*gged. I watched the trilogy out of order. To be honest, I get kind of bored watching these but the villains are cool. Bane’s darling but now that I’ve seen Venom I prefer Eddie Brock. Jonathan Crane is kind of cute, too. 
Now I finally get why people like the Joker so much. He gives not a single f*ck. So many things could go wrong at any moment during his plans, he relies so much on luck, but he has so much confidence. I feel like if tried to slide down a hill of money I would hurt myself. The best scene was the Joker walking quickly out and away from the hospital. Also, the bank heist in the beginning. 
Crimson Peak started to get good when Edith and Lucille were having the butterfly discussion and ended up being better paced than I thought it would be. But after Carter got his head smashed in, I’m not sure why Edith would go with Thomas after that. 
Gothic horror is actually fun to learn about in school because the genre’s progenitors would probably be into yandere and monster f*cking. It’s like... In the first art history class I took, we were looking at Renaissance paintings and there was a fair amount of stuff with a de*th and the maiden motif. The modern equivalent would be a lot of metal album covers.
Brain Damage: I was looking for infestation movies and I’m so glad I stumbled upon this. Not because it’s particularly good but ‘cause the MC is super cute. Basically the talking leechy thing pumps Brian full of an addictive fluid through the the back of his neck and they have a faux symbiotic relationship where Aylmer gorily eats other people’s brains.
There was a scene where Brian’s brother answers the phone lying on his stomach in his und*rwear. Followed by a scene where Brian takes his pants off and you see his t*sh. Also a very brief M/F/M thr*some dream that gets gruesome real quick. 
The Stuff: If you’re into The Blob, you’ll probably like this. The mode of killing is a bit different. Stuff’s alive and controls people from the inside. 
A Cure for Wellness: Shout out to his movie for showing n*ked/scantily clad old people without getting weird about it. Within the first half hour I was surprised when it didn’t do well at the box office. The visuals draw you in but it was probably too long and could have been better. I wasn’t expecting to it get kind of fantastical. It’s got existentialism, surrealism, mystery... Uhhhh... I’m not sure whether to classify it as fantasy or sci fi. 
Venom: Hits so many k*nks. Dan’s cute, Anne has good taste in men. Carlton Drake gets symbioted. Actually, I’m not sure if he or Eddie is sexier. The first guy to get possessed in the Eminem video is also cute. Best line is Venom saying, “Look at her. She has no idea we are going to get her back.” The Rorschach-like ending credits were cool. 
Sleepaway Camp: Before I watched this, I already knew the ending. Sort of. To be honest, I expected “Angela” to be an offensive portrayal of a trans woman but the situation was more like David Reimer, minus g*nital m*tilation. The ending itself... Aunt Martha may not have gone on a murder spree but she’s the scariest person in the film. Otherwise I wouldn’t have said there’s anything terribly special about this film. Based on the synopsis of the sequel, I’m probably not going to watch the rest of the franchise. 
Hell Fest: Pretty typical modern slasher but the atmosphere is great. It was also funny. I’m just gonna use bullet points for this.
“You know what? He deserves at least some dignity after death.” “Let’s give him a b*ner.” 
When asked if he mentioned something about having a f*tish for p*ddles, Gavin answers, “I have never said that in my entire life.”
Why did Asher get hotter while he was struggling and getting stabbed in the eyeball?
It took me a minute to recognize Tony Todd. Sad. 
Men in Black II: At no point in the film did Serleena, who is capable of transformation and has tentacles, transform into a male und*rwear model. :’( 
Fullmetal Alchemist: (The manga.) A military fantasy that raises some good questions about ethics. And dat solar aesthetic. The chimera designs were so cool. Envy is a cruel, skimpily dressed shapeshifter with a grotesque “true form” and Lin gets willingly possessed by Greed. So that’s right up my alley. 
Break My Heart 1,000 Times: Good time to read this. It takes place in February. Read this because I Still See You has Richard Harmon. The book started off decently but I didn’t like the protagonist’s behavior near the end of part three. And there’s some sexism. Like hysterically slapping her love interest and blaming herself for not having any weapons in her room because she’s a girl. Seriously, I keep a bigass King James Bible on my nightstand. If anyone breaks in, they’re getting brained by the Good Book. Or a lamp. Or the nightstand itself. But hopefully my dog would maul an intruder first. 
Christine: Wasn’t really into it but you might be if you’re into corruption, e.g. a nerdy guy becoming slightly more physically appealing jerk*ss. 
The 100: I got teary-eyed when Clarke and Lexa were saying goodbye and then the latter accidentally gets short. Poor Murphy can’t catch a break, as usual. Started season four the other day. 
Going into this, I thought I’d like Jay Hernandez’s character the most but then I found the other guys cuter until the end then I really liked Paxton. Weirdly enough, I found Alexei cute. There’s decent whump but I’m not into v*mit. 
I think I saw an ad with the guy who tortured Paxton when I was in elementary school but I mistook it for something from one of the Saw movies. This was obviously before I had any interest in watching these kinds of movies. XD  
Songs of the Day: I’ve been listening to a lot of Dead inside the Chrysalis/Dedderz lately... I’m crushing on Manek Deboto. He should be the one wearing a th*ng in the She’s So Rad music vid! If they ever do  “He’s So Rad” they should include Elm Street’s Jesse Walsh and Brian from Brain Damage...
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muskycat · 8 years
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Chapter 4
Frisk was astonished when she entered Snowdin. It was so large and luminous that she thought she had returned to the surface. In the middle of the square was a Christmas tree, full of gifts and lots of houses. How many people would live there? She didn’t expect so many people out of the Ruins. As they passed one of them, a fireman came out and closed the door of his business. Turning, he saw them, and Papyrus greeted him. "Hey, Grillby, look what I found in the woods." He pointed to Frisk, who greeted shyly, “She's my new best friend.” “Howdy! I'm Frisk.” "Hello Frisk," said Grillby, “If you're friends with Papyrus, then you're welcome to Snowdin. What were you doing in the woods?” "We must warn the guards, it’s very important, Grillby” Said Papyrus without giving the girl the option to respond, “There is someone who is dedicated to scare people. And it's not funny. Frisk has been very scared because of him” “Oh, wow. You can tell Sans to do something.  Speaking of him, I was looking for you recently. “ “It's true, I left without saying anything. Frisk, do you mind if we go by my house before going to Waterfall? I want to make sure it's okay and don’t worry.” Both said goodbye to Grillby and headed to the house of Papyrus. Luckily, they did not have to stray too far from their route, their new friend's house was at the end of the village, following the Waterfall route. "So you have a brother," Frisk said, "Is he also a skeleton? It looks like you?" "Yes, his name is Sans," said Papyrus, “If you had come by day, it is possible that you had met him, he patrols near the door. Although we resemble ... just the white of our bones. I should introduce you, I'm sure you'd get along very well. Good friendships are made with a good plate of healthy food.” “Hey, Pap …” “Yes?” "I have a question, I don’t want to be uncomfortable, but how do you eat? I mean, you have a mouth but ... no throat. Nor stomach.” "Oh, it's a very easy question. Our food is made of magic, so it melts in our mouths. So I do not need anything else to taste my spaghetti. Are you not the same happens to you? Nyeh, then it must be that non-skeletons, you eat like humans.” “Well, I ‘m hum ...” "Oh, my house!" Papyrus didn't hear her, jumping toward the door, "Do you want to come in?" I can show you my house, we'll eat the three together and ..."Thank you, but I'm in a hurry. I'll wait here."Oh, sure, I forgot. Maybe next time. I come now. Frisk saw him walk through the door of his house and waited, hoping it would not take long. She still had time to spend with Napsti and return home before dawn. She was a little embarrassing to ask Papyrus to go with her to the door of the ruins, afraid to take advantage of their new friendship. But she didn't want to go alone in that frozen place. What was she to do? She was so confused thinking that it was the right thing that she didn’t see a little monster looking at her, absorbed. He looked like a yellow dinosaur without arms and wore a striped sweater, like her. Frisk didn’t notice him until he was at her side. If life were like a comic, the boy would have hearts instead of pupils. “H ... Hello?” Frisk greeted with a gentle smile. “Hello what's your name? I have not seen you around here. Are you new? Are you going to stay? Do you have a boyfriend? Did you notice that we looked alike? Although I like your clothes, where you bought it?” "Ehm ..." Frisk didn't know what to say, she was lost in the first question. He was a little weird but he didn't look bad boy, "I'm Frisk. And I couldn't answer the rest because you went so fast that I didn't understand, I'm sorry." "Oh, well, how embarrassing," said the little monster, blushing, "I don't know how to talk to the pretty girls. What a shame.” At that moment, the monster realized what he had just said, his face paled. Frisk, however, didn’t understand that direct flirtation and began to laugh. "He he, you're cute" she said, tapping him on his shoulder, "Trying to make me feel good by saying that I'm pretty. You're great as a friend!" "Eh ... I ..." "I'm sure you flirt with many girls. You will be surrounded by them" "Ehm ..." "Hello Kid, thank you for taking care of Frisk." Papyrus came out at that moment, putting on his red scarf, “Sans was sleeping on the couch, so I went upstairs to his room with him. This lazybones hasn't awakened. Anyway, do we follow our path? "Yes, I want to see Napsti, I'm sure to surprise him. I hope there is not much, I have never walked so much.” “Are you tired? "You should have told me." Papyrus took the girl and put it on his back, luckily it was a little low for her age, "That way we'll go faster, Nyeh heh heh! Oh, by the way, Kid, it's late, should not you be home?" "Ehm ... yeah ... but ... I wanted ..." “Perfect. Bye, Kid” Papyrus said before to run towards Waterfall. Frisk said goodbye to his yellow friend before both were lost in the fog that separated both places. "That boy ... it's kind of weird, right?" Frisk asked, “And he talks too fast. It’s called Kid?” "Well, now that I think about it ... we've always called him Monster Kid, but I don’t know if it's his name. Anyway, he's never said anything.” "He's still a little weird. And he is already adult to be called Kid. He must be my age, he would surely have tried to flirt with me if I liked him." "Nyeh." Papyrus crossed the bridge of rocks, they still had a way to the village, so they had to lighten, "Hold on, Frisk." "Why do you say that? Ahhh Papyyy, not so fast." "You'll see how fast we've arrived. Skeletons are very fast ... NYEH HEH HEH!" ** Before realizing it, Frisk and Papyrus had already reached Waterfall. Unlike with Snowdin, Frisk this time couldn't admire the aquatic place when arriving. As soon as Papyrus stopped near the door of Napstablook, proud of his new record, Frisk slid half-staggering down his back to the ground. Where she lay, dizzy. "I told you, we're very fast. Are you alright, Frisk?" "Oh ... my guts," said the girl, lying on the floor, "Papy, why do you have a clone now? And no one stops." think I went too fast for you. You should do more exercise in the Ruins, Frisk. This is the house of Napstablook, the ghost. It is to him that you wanted to see right? "Yes." Frisk stood up with the help of the skeleton and fumbled with his clothes. From her back she picked up Napsti's net, strangely intact after the little ride, "Thank you very much, Papyrus. Wow, I didn't know he had a neighbor." "He's empty, is where his cousin lived. Undyne told me" Papyrus said "I'm not sure, I wasn't paying much attention." "That's true, your cousin. He doesn't usually talk about him, it makes him sad. Who is Undyne? Your girlfriend?" "Undyne, my girlfriend? But what things you have! She's ... well, she was, my friend. "Frisk saw Papyrus's face become sad, but he soon changed his attitude, “I think I should go back with my brother, now that you're safe. Wait a second, you have mobile, Frisk? I'll give you my number and so, you can call me whenever you want, even if you're in the Ruins.” "Yes, of course." Frisk pulled out his phone, a gift from Toriel shortly afterwards to meet he,.” One day I'd like to try your spaghetti” “I'll make my special recipe”  Said Papyrus and save his number before returning the phone to Frisk, “I know it's late and I would advise you to stay with your friend tonight ... but if not, if you go back to the forest, anytime ... you can call me. I will be at your disposal.” His comment caused him to get caught in one of the girl's hugs again. Frisk couldn't hide her smile, he had drawn the same thing that she didn't dare speak. And he didn't need to ask for it, he had simply stepped forward, offering himself. She only met Papyrus for a few hours but she knew he was a good friend. "Thank you, Pap," he said. This time, the skeleton returned the embrace, more confident. "That's what friends are for. I'm going to turn on my phone all night. Seriously, I don’t want you to go alone. That nasty guy can follow you in Snowy. I can’t lose my best friend before she proves my skills as a cook!” Papyrus said farewell to Frisk. She went to the door of the house of Napstablook and gave two accurate blows to the door. She hoped he wasn’t asleep or that he wasn’t home. Soon a noise sounded from the other side and the door opened, revealing the face of the little ghost. “F..Frisk?” “Howdy!” She said cheerfully, “Are not you glad to see me?” "I'm sorry, I'm surprised. What are you doing in Waterfall?” "What am I going to do?" Coming to see you, dopey. I was very worried when you left that way. And you left your net" Frisk handed him the net, leaving Napstablook still standing in place, not knowing what to do. He didn't want to frighten her friend, but he feared what could happen to her. He knew that Frisk was a human adopted by the caretaker of thr Ruins. But he hadn't told anyone, not only because she didn't live in the underground, he wanted to save her from any trouble. Like her neighbor, Undyne. "If you want to go ... I don't believe you came for me, Frisk. Nobody had noticed me since Haps ... Mett ... .oh." "Please do not start crying again" Frisk said, entering quickly as tears began to flow out of the ghost's eyes. To fix it, Frisk tried to hug him, but it was impossible to hug a ghost. At least that made his friend laugh, “Are you better? I don’t want you to be sad.” “I‘m happy. You're a good friend, Frisk.” "I know," she said, approaching his computer. The house of Napstablook was very simple and the most striking was his computer, “Oh, Do you create  your mixes here?” "Yes, I was fixing your song now. I finished it, do you want to hear it? I like to throw myself on the floor, as if it were garbage. You ... would you want to join me?” “Sure!” Frisk threw himself on the floor before he said anything and looked at him, “I love being trash.” “He he” As something strange, Napstablook began to laugh. He put his song and threw himself beside her, “You're weird, Frisk. But I like you.” ** Undyne was about to get home when she saw him from afar. At first she thought she had mistaken him for another but his whistling, humming that song, was unmistakable. She quickly hid, what was Papyrus doing at Waterfall at that time? She thought about addressing and greeting him, but she didn’t dare. She, the great leader of the royal guard was afraid of a foolish skeleton. Well, rather whom she was afraid was the weird older brother. Papyrus wouldn’t hurt a fly and that was the problem. That's why she couldn’t let him enter the royal guard, but that didn’t excuse her. He had caught her at a bad time that day. Alphys had disappeared and Asgore, though good-natured as ever, had seen him tired. The plan of human souls was stagnant, only one soul more and they could return to the surface. But no one fell. That day she should not have opened the door, or she could have sent him away to some simple mission. She regretted so much that she had broken her dreams by saying things she didn’t feel. And yet Papyrus wanted to forgive her, to regain her friendship. Did not he understand that he could no longer look into his face without seeing also how he lost hope? She was not able, no more faces surrendering. She'd rather be alone. At least it seemed he was not in danger. When she saw him, she missed his usual battle suit. He looked so weird in normal dress, with that orange sweater and those pants ... so bland. But what now attracted her curiosity was what had brought him here. Carefully, she followed the path he had left behind. Tracks took her to her neighbor's house, the ghost. Strange, she thought, as far as Papyrus and Napstablook knew, they did not know each other beyond what she had told him about him. When had they become friends? The door to the ghost house opened, Undyne hid as Napstablook headed to his snail farm accompanied by a friend. Blood froze in her veins as she saw the girl following him. It could not be. At last, the dreams of the monsters were to be fulfilled. Finally it seemed to shine a ray of hope.The last human they needed was in front of their eyes. And her spear wouldn't hesitate to snatch his soul by Asgore.
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