#bc im constantly removing and adding shit lol
happy birthday!!! 🎂🎉 I would love your alphonse elric (interstitial) for the 🎵 ask meme, but definitely don't have to if you don't want to!👍hope you've had a great birthday!!!
not abel - hop along
tender moments siblings keep secret sunset on a time when no words could be spared unknowing mother rocks soft in her chair there must be a limit this has happened, this will happen, this is happening
impostor syndrome - sidney gish
just watch me, moving far away nobody even knows my name and no one suspects that I'm not fine, and nobody outs behavioral frankenstein
soap - the oh hellos
i've heard, if i were tougher then maybe i'd make it alive i got a tender side, i'll need a harder shell to survive but if seeing is believing, i don't know I've seen a thing grow without an open coat, not without a softness showing
revive - crying
in the beginning: a promise to take a shot in the dark a pledge to rising and to falling apart it was written by our own hands, we were bound
caught in the middle - paramore
i'm just a little bit caught in the middle i try to keep going but it's not that simple i think I'm a little bit caught in the middle gotta keep going or they'll call me a quitter
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vexingwoman · 5 months
Uh not actually here to hate but to say thanks???? Ive been thinking alot on my self expression and trying to figure out how to word it, and seeing some of your comments with other people really helped to put in perspective what I was trying to come to terms with. Ive always struggled with my gender but acknowledge fully that I'm biologically female. (Stay with me here till the end please i know lol) I genuinely dont care what pronouns I'm called either and none have ever felt right if I'm honest and nothing I've read or tried has been adding up for me over the years to help me feel any better.
Kinda realizing over the past year or so that I just have this deep ingrained idea from being surrounded constantly my whole life in a woman hating environment that I just have a *really* heavily masked hatred for what general society treats women as and was trying to remove myself from it hoping itd somehow save me from the terrible shit we all go through daily. And it just made me feel even more alienated doing that to myself. Its been a long time of coming around to this and I know how it sounds but I dont wanna consider any of my time wasted. I dont remember what it was but something you said to someone in a long ass comment fight clicked for me and rn I'm sleep deprived and wont even remember what it was in the morning either but I feel like some kind of weight has been eased off me. Im doing my best to unlearn the sexist misogynistic bs ive had shoved down my throat my whole life that made me think being a woman was something to be shameful of and better off without.
Its been hard trying to look into this radfem community and find someone who didn't immediately just insult and exclude ppl that werent already on the ball agreeing. Basically I appreciate your ranting with strangers. Amd indulging some of their curiousity as clearly as you can+defining everything you say constantly so I dont get lost in a whirlwind of hard to understand metaphors. Idk you get it. Something clicked and i dont feel ashamed for the time gone bc I know it was heavily influenced by the oppression of all things normal-human-womanly around me. I hate that we're all so tied into these stereotypes. Its painfully hard to unlearn. Thanks for the help. Have a fat block of text as thanks cause I'm not sure how to sound as genuine as I feel rn. Have a nice day and an even better tomorrow. Im gonna get some sleep now💀(stayed up WAY too late painting lol) bye!
This is so wonderful to hear. I know how dreadful it is doing serious introspection and making yourself aware of how deeply and unconsciously your internalized sexism runs. I’ve been there, and I know it’s even more difficult to deconstruct the subtle sexist attitudes which have been ingrained into to us since birth. Often it seems as hopeless as chasing smoke, because some of our internalized sexism is so deep that it’s invisible, and worse, inarticulable.
Some women will never think on these subjects beyond their surface level—will never dissect their preferences, will never concede that their choices are influenced by sex-based socialization, will never seriously reflect on why they are so desperate to identify out of womanhood. And in a strange way, I sympathize with these women, because I understand that it’s easier to shut your eyes and convince yourself that you were born in the wrong body than it is to open your eyes and acknowledge how much sexism has seeped into and corrupted our own minds.
Basically, I’m proud of you for putting yourself through the pain of deconstructing your own internalized sexism. You are better for even attempting it, and I hope you continue to do so.
P.S. I know exactly which long-ass comment fight you’re referring to, because I only put myself through that once. At least someone benefited from the literal month I spent arguing with that stranger. They blocked me, so unfortunately I can’t even go back and analyze the conversation if I ever wanted to. I would love to know what you took away from it, if you ever do remember.
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lighthausen · 4 years
tma 191 liveblog below cut feat. lots of pauses and daydreaming about a sitcom starring martin and melanie
omg are they waking up? aw is that martin waking up?
Aw did he have a bad dream?
Oh shit sleeping with his eyes open 
Not really sleep? Oh his he actually disconnected from everything? I guess he’s sort of in the eye’s range. I hope so 
edge of sleep that sucks tho
“god forbid the creepy ever stops entirely” “thank you” lmao
No dreams at Salesa’s aw
Recognizing Celia! Oh! Martin does know her but he can’t quite remember it!
Oh no, he can’t remember it down here. Oh no he’s not gonna remember when he comes out
Ask if she remembers
“and you are” “nope”
“is that so” wowwww
Names are how they see you? Oh. 
The labels that cut you ooof. 
Who doesn’t like fae logic
oh thanks for apologizing Jon that’s nice.
Georgie and Melanie are out
cool black beans.
No statement? 
Getting Jon food :)
I’m glad Martin’s nice about Arun...
Oh, he also walked through it, sharing their power.
“Yes, you are...” oooohhh
“i don’t know what I see when I look at you”
LMao martin, “rude”
“i’m a poet! i speak the truth” AFDJLKSDAFJ
*sadly kicks away the arun having a crush on martin fanfic i wasn’t ever actually going to write* 
Arun’s right tho, they are mysterious
and , okay okay, pausing
Does Arun see something different because they saved him or is there actually something different there?
Melanie and Georgie are unharmed by the whole world. Jon is only harmed by things in a dream logic manner. But Martin... he almost got trapped in a lonely domain. 
So. He’s different.
I get Georgie, no fear, can’t get caught. But why Melanie?
And JOn said he couldn’t quite see them at the beginning of the season right? They’re described as a blind spot? Why??? 
Is it because Melanie removed her eyes? Shit, is this gonna be like... birdbox or something?
Unless Georgie’s just been protecting Melanie. Does Melanie have a domain?
Okay okay here are the facts as I see them: The Eye is fond of Martin, gave him his own domain. Jon is able to See Martin. 
He is unable to See Melanie and Georgie. They go out often so it’s unlikely it’s just because they’re in a blind spot all the time. They must be a blind spot. 
Georgie is probably unable to be seen because her fear was removed. 
Melanie is either like Martin (eye is fond of her) she has her own domain... or... Georgie could be looking out for her. Or both. But why wouldn’t Jon be able to see her?????? Is it because she severed her connection with the institute? 
And, are they actually immune? Did Martin only get pulled into the lonely because of dream logic but he’s usually safe? Jon’s described as the only one who can walk, so I assume other avatars can’t travel either???
FUck! Fuck,, i don’t know time to play again.
They’ve been gone a while
Locals getting restless? Oh no, they don’t like them :(
Fuzziness comes and goes? 
the simultaneous “i don’t remember”
Are they gonna help? Help with what. saving the world
a bit too much pressure lol
Makes sense if they don’t help bc if it fails...
Layouts different?
Oh? Things wandering about? 
wait rewind lemme look at the episode
ok Mag53
Ohhhh ohh okay so my takeaways from reading the wiki are 1. there are multiple archives. or other past archives anyway. and 2. Eye monsters. spoooky. 
alright time to play again
oohhohnoh not the first archivist
some lingered?
the panopticon calling? Oh shit 
we’re gonna meet more beholding avatars!!
Oh, wait what about the travelling thing? I guess they can travel then, huh. *shrugs*
If- when we defeat the eye :’0
we’re having this conversation D:
maybe he’ll survive? best case scenario
auuuuuuuuuuuuuughhhh auhghh 
If they find a way to destroy them 
*crossing fingers and holding out hope for a combo of ending 1 and 7* fuck fuck fuck fuck
i keep having to fucking pause
“martin when the time comes i need you to promise me you won’t try to stop me” oh god oh god D’:
“I promise. I love you Jon.” “I love you too”
*crosses off an I love you exchange off the bingo card* fuck, that’s a bit early hope it happens again
“But i’m not going to doom the world over it” ahfhhf,
that’s not what you said to that manifestation of yourself in your own domain, Martin.....
oh no
Bad end number 320235: Martin selfishly dooms the world to save Jon
fuck i hate that nooooooooo
oh i shouldn’t of paused there lol
promise me you’ll do everything in your power to live oh my god,, </3
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa “i promise”
fuck “I promise” exchange
i hate these conversations, me too,
talk about the weather, aww,ww,w
i couldn’t understand that last line i’ll have to relisten
Georgie and Melanie time!
Really sets the mood
Mood for private contemplation??
Who? WHo’s HEE?
Oh it’s the Admiral
ohhhhhhhh okay
Pull him out like the others?
Dream of a giant muderous tunnel cat
uh oh... getting involved will only make things worst.............
I just don’t like him lmfaoooo
rought ime of it
HONEY? HONEY?????????????? AAAAA :D
you’re actually quite similar lol
hate consistantly
pausing again to dream about an au where martin and melanie are roomates in a sitcom and martin is pining over jon and melanie fucking hates jon and she’s like “you have such shit taste in men,” 
Meanwhile, Melanie has a crush on this podcaster and Martin makes fun of her constantly for it until my gosh, they meet! In real life! And hit it off!
And they work together for a bit and become close friends. And then one time Melanie works up the courage to ask Georgie for coffee. Georgie is ecstatic but she desperately needs moral support so her friend and ex Jon goes with her. And Melanie needs moral support so Martin goes with her. And they show up, and due to sitcom shenanigans Martin and Melanie think that Jon and Georgie are a couple, while Jon and Georgie think Martin and Melanie are a couple and everyone is extremely upset about it. Maybe they try and make each other jealous.
Then everything clears up and they all laugh about it. But will they find out about each other’s real feelings? Find out in the next episode!
okay okay okay back to the episode lmfao
What can they do for them? OKay can’t find a way 
Things down near the stairs?????? THe what??
Doing it again??? Doing what? 
Overcompensating, ahhh!
Not even if it was just the two of us aww
Oh, Melanie, even a small change aww
nightmare zone of shitty ad reads
plot twist, georgie caused the apocalypse with that script
bully arun time
jon and martin unsupervised lol
i want my cat back aww
well that’s it. The magus archives is a podcast. 
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The story of Thorin Dankil
Im @deliciouslycookingrpgideas This is the backstory of my current character.
(Please note that i had not seen the hobbit yet and didnt know who Thorin Oakenshield was when I named my char)
Hey here ya go. Its 6,000 or so words and if backstory wishes I will make a more readable post about this lol [Mod Note: Thank you so much for submitting! This was a wonderful read, I can tell how much love and time you put into it, so I’m honored to have this as the first submission to the blog.]
This is Thorin Dankil’s Backstory
I was an average young lad. Bright, strong, with an insatiable curiosity. I grew up loved, in a large household, with five siblings, Jensora, Merlyn, Magdal, Tornar, and Emnyl, two parents Barrik and Tizra; it was always hectic. And for his part, Barrik raised his children to be true dwarves, ale drinkin and bar fightin and all. Tizra also raised them when Barrik was away at the war. As they grew, the Dankil family seemed to be at peace.
Then everything changed when the fire nation attacked. One hundred years passed and there is a new avatar, an airbender named Aang. While his airbending skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he’s ready to save anyone. But I believe, Aang can save the world
Jensora (f) and Tornar (m) were twins and the eldests. I was next, and following me was Merlyn (f), then Magdal (m), then Emnyl (f).
Well, the war was goin pretty great. We seemed to be winning. But the elves were great strategists, and even though we were winning, we suffered heavy losses. My father Barrik was among them, or at least he was M.I.A. Around this time my mother Tizra was not taking his death well, even though she knew he went on to a better place. I stepped up and helped out when my siblings could not. I learned I had an immense affinity for cooking, and held a cook off every two weeks, which always seemed to raise some spirits. I could whip up a delicious meal for seven with two zucchini, a tomato and a chicken. And if I added rice, it became a meal for twelve.
As I helped my mother with her grief, I found myself around the church often, and helped Father Beldar with his duties, since he was elderly and mother preferred to grieve alone. I became knowledged about the faith, and even though I had always believed, I found that I really understood everything. I found myself really considering joining the faith, but between my siblings being artisans of sorts and soldiers and scholars and whatnots, and no one to take care of my mother except Emnyl, and myself being reigning champ of the whole county in our annual cook offs for twenty one years running, I had alot on my plate to begin with.
I decided to just try out the faith and if it didn’t work out for me then I would be a chef. So I went to learn more about the faith at the school in Bhaledur about ten miles away. When I went there, I was amazed with how many people could be in one place and not know each other. I found the church easily, and was amazed at how many books were there, and became intent on learning to read them. I also really enjoyed learning of clerics who could, through devotion, conjure great feats of magic, perhaps even raise the dead.
And when I talked with my classmates (which I will get into in a moment) (well, only one of them i suppose ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ), I found many of them had things in common with me. Saweryn Thoras gave me a run for my money as best chef in town, and we spent many a night trying to one up each other. Seja Gorotan and I shared an interest in the magical aspect of school, and we shared several long nights in a back closet, (explained why not our rooms in a moment) learning the ins and outs of the magic process.
Despite being a large facility, we had to share rooms with another person, genders being separated, which makes sense for the most part. Though as far as I understood, copulation among non married people or even among priests was never frowned upon.
This was where I met Gadrin Branka. This son of a bitch was going to be the cause of a lot of my inner turmoil. He was devilishly handsome, I mean the guy could turn and wink and you’d be as mud in his hands, he could do anything he wanted with you. He was a fencer. An award winning one too. He also had a heart of gold, he was the kindest person I met, excluding a few key individuals. And damn did he have pipes. The man could sing a tune and the mountains themselves would be so moved they cried. Gadrin was going to be my best friend for years. We had all but one class together, him having conversion: bringing others to the faith and me having medical herbology.
Gadrin and I were inseparable. We spent almost every moment together when not with other students, and even then we were constantly together. We would sleep, eat, study, and party together. We were so close we could tell people stories about the other’s great grandmother.  
It changed a bit on the third friday after I took the big herbology test in my third year there. It was a normal friday, we (Gadrin and myself) would go to class and then off to Saweryn Thoras’s home to party. Well, Gadrin and I had a bit too much to drink, even for dwarves. And, after an embarrassing game of stack the dwarf, (which Gadrin and I lost btw) we all played a version of truth or dare. Well it went great, a few dares here concerning the plant in the corner of the room, a few truths about crushes and such there. But then Seja Gorotan (now Saweryn’s gf btw) had a brilliant idea. So she dared Gadrin to kiss me. And he turned and gave me that stare that I can still feel today, ooh mama he was hot. Well we lock eye contact, and he goes in for it. Well I’m sure as hell not stoppin him so we lock lips and go for it. It was a few minutes later when I was called on to say truth or dare when I realized we were still kissing. We broke apart and I could tell Gadrin was hoping it could continue much longer. I winked at him and made some remark about continuing later and he brightened up considerably, much to the amusement of our host. But we continued to play the game and eventually moved on to a version of five dragon ante, which I failed miserably at. Both Gadrin and I were terrible at cards. We could bullshit like no body’s business, but as far as the game, we were both shit drunk. We found ourselves back at the complex and fell asleep in the same bed, Gadrin’s arm nestled neatly around me as we cuddled. We didn’t talk about it for a few days bc we both knew we liked it, but Gadrin (I) needed a bit of time to process what this meant.
After we discussed it, we started dating slowly and were more inseparable than before. It annoyed our single friends so much they would deliberately sit in between us just so they wouldn’t have to look as we cuddled, much to our amusement.
It was customary that clerics served in the military as medical personnel for a few years before moving on to see if we had a calling for it. So Gadrin and I requested to be put on the same post so we could have someone to screw around with. Well we got it, but at the front lines. It was hard work. When we weren’t in the med tent performing miracles for soldiers with almost no supplies, we were sleeping or eating. I once had to make a poultice with only half the potency because we had to ration the damn herbs. And it certainly didn’t help that the cook couldn’t make half decent food with twice the ingredients. So for a week on my one break a day I would go there to show him how to cook decently in hopes of making the food better. It improved sharply and I was commended for it. Gadrin and I didn’t have much time together, but when we could we would hang out.
But then we were transferred. We moved further south, to a different front line post. We became intensely good at healing soldiers, myself surpassing Gadrin. But we were the only two medics for three whole battalions of soldiers. For reference, a battalion is around 300 to 800 soldiers. So we had our work cut out for us. I found myself sleeping in the med tent so when I woke up I could help out immediately, and Id send a wounded but walking man to grab me some victuals (food) and give Gadrin a kiss for me, which the wounded man thought was hilarious.
To tell the truth, it was going very well, and besides the backbreaking work, the dwarven army seemed to be winning. We’d lose a battle here and there, but not usually very badly. But this changed at the battle of Forgebar Hill. We had pushed hard and gained about seven miles of ground into enemy territory, and the rest of the front line was right behind us, Gadrin and I working on people even as we moved. We jumped camps a few times and helped the most seriously injured soldiers, getting thanks and respect as we went. I found that if I asked Pelor for assistance in healing, the soldiers seemed to heal twice as fast as before. So every day I would sit and thank Pelor for the new day and the opportunity to help others. If a soldier was gravely ill, I could ask Pelor for help and the man would be miraculously saved, his wounds healing dramatically before my very eyes. Modern medicine working only so well, I knew Pelor and His allies were watching us.
But Forgebar Hill was different. As soon as we saw it, it made us all uneasy. No one could tell why, but it held about it the air of the unknown. As we approached it we stopped upon the hill, a momentary lapse in moving to see what we could upon it. We stood on top and could see the spires of an Elven city in the distance. Behind us, we could see the mountains many call home. It was a momentary calm, and we heard shouts as a scouting patrol returning. We ran down the hill and a bloodied scout with only one arm came up to us, shouting that we should turn back. I fixed him up and asked him what was coming, but he couldn’t speak, he was so petrified (that means scared). We sent another scouting patrol out to find what did this to him, for the elves never removed limbs and left a man, they would always either capture or kill, no maiming unless necessary. I respected the elves for that.
When two hours had passed and I had run out of men to patch up, we still had not heard from the scouts so we decided to march on and deal with the problem ourselves. As we approached a large glade, we heard the familiar sounds of battle, but we had sent no troops to this area yet, only six scouts, one of which returned. We looked and saw a small elven unit fighting a rather large group of ogres. They were heavily outnumbered and were suffering heavy losses. But as our group looked closer, we noticed several things. The elves were protecting their wounded, who were crawling away from battle. They were also protecting two hurt dwarven scouts. A murmur went through the ranks and we decided that in this instance elves and dwarves would fight together.
With a war cry, our soldiers ran from the woods and fought the ogres. The battle was hard and long, our soldiers falling and barely clinging to life as I struggled to have the strength to continue healing. I lost sight of Gadrin. The elven reinforcements came and we fought for hours side by side until the ogre shaman arrived. With a whoop, the despicable creature could maim twenty soldiers; with a yell, heal his own from the brink of death. The shaman was also up almost in the front lines, smashing in skulls with his club and casting spells when needed.
We were losing, even with the reinforcements. Another cry from the shaman and our last few soldiers fell. Myself and an elven cleric were the only two left standing. Thinking that the only way to get out is to pray, I start praying to Pelor fervently, asking him for assistance in any way he sees fit as part of his plan, and if I should die, I would be at peace with it, for it was His will. Suddenly, I felt a great power fill me, revitalizing myself (filling me up with energy), and I stood tall, as if I had just eaten breakfast and was ready for a long day’s work. I knew exactly what to do. With a supernatural vigor, I ran at the enemy, catching them off guard with my battle cry. I screamed words I didn’t recognize and my armor shone like the sun. (This was pre-shield, which I’ll get into later). Our soldiers started standing up, their wounds and limbs healing as they stood, bringing them back to life, fresh for battle.
The enemy seemed shaken by this sudden display of raw power. Our troops pushed into them, advancing and cutting them down where they stood. It was a slaughter. We killed the whole tribe of ogres and sustained no losses. When I had realized this, I also realized my armor was no longer glowing, and I felt a little light headed. I thanked Pelor, and almost passed out where I stood, but there was another thing to take care of. Our forces split into elves and dwarves once more, and we stood there staring at each other for a long time. I think we had all decided that elves, or at least these elves, were alright, and both our parties spent the next day celebrating the victory.  
Our group then sent the other to go back to their council and bring ambassadors to this spot, and we could stop this war. Well we went back to the dwarven council of elders and got an ambassador, learning that similar things had been happening all across the borders, and that evil creatures, ogres, goblins, trolls, etc were becoming more aggressive, thinking themselves able to overtake the elves or the dwarves as we focused on the war. Well, this was not going to happen. We stopped fighting the elves and worked with them to fight back the evil, then we celebrated the end of the war.
After the celebrating, it was time to come home. So Gadrin and I went back to the town we first met, (Bhaledur) promising to return once we met with our families. We parted ways and left.
At home, a small town called Vol Tarum, I was praised as a hero. And, while not entirely incorrect, I attributed my success to Pelor. I reunited with my family, Tizra, Emnyl, Jensora and Tornar, Magdal, and Merlyn. Mother seemed very happy and it was nice to see her smile so much. We spent a week just enjoying company and sharing stories of work and adventures and such. It was nice to get to meet everyone again, since I had been gone for three years, only occasionally returning for the four years prior. I fixed wonderful meals, and our town celebrated for a few days. We felt the need to return to our crafts and churches and adventures, and our little family parted ways again.  
I met back up with Gadrin, who had been waiting for a few days. I apologized and we spoke for hours about our various siblings and how we felt and we had fun. We took jobs as helpers around the church, teaching classes here, leading sermons there, the occasional exorcism or resurrection, fun stuff.
A few weeks later, I reflected on my time with Gadrin, for we had spent seven years together, and they were wonderful. We have been through college, dating, war, we were inseparable. And so I decided that we would lay low for a bit, then I would ask Gadrin to marry me.
So for a few months we worked and drank and learned more and lived our lives, Gadrin and I still maintaining our wonderful bond. Well, I had decided it was time when he spent one afternoon planning a very romantic steak dinner that he cooked himself, and we had a very fun night afterwards, definitely playing scrabble and not any other activities. [Author’s note: For readers of this story, playing scrabble means fucking]
So I told him I was leaving to see my folks again and left to go follow dwarven marriage custom.
In dwarven marriage custom, a proposal is not usually done with a ring, because it has no practical purpose. We give each other things to help, like a fancy new sword, or perhaps a new axe for firewood. These things are often hand crafted, and sometimes multiple items are given, though only one is used for the proposal.  
I knew that i needed to give him something special, but for the life of me I couldn’t think of anything. Then it hit me. I should do two things for him. One, make him a sword. Two, write him a song. I am only mildly musically talented, but he sings beautifully, so it would be nice to do this for him.  
I headed up to the spire of the church that night to help me think, and it was cool. The lights were twinkling like stars, and the stars shone like the moon, and the moon glowed beautifully.  
As I sat there pondering my options, one of the stars shown a bit harder than the others. It seemed to be getting brighter and larger. I looked closer and it seemed to look closer at me. I was confused, then realized this star was falling. It was coming at the ground. I watched in awe as it streaked down across the sky and crashed about two large hills away from town. I felt compelled to go see what a star looked like up close, so I got down and went, riding a horse the few mile distance.
I arrived at the crater, peering inside and seeing a glowing rock, white and black patches all over it. It was sizable, large enough to fit two dwarves in there. It looked peculiar, and I looked closer. It looked movable, and I immediately knew what to make for Gadrin. I could see myself forging a sword and a few sets of rings, perhaps a dagger or something out of it.
I went back to town and bought a wagon, returning and taking the fallen star. I took it to Sluwth Peak, where the huge forge is. Many people come here to create gifts for their partner.
There, I ran into Seja Gorotan again. I had last seen her in college. After exchanging pleasantries, she apparently had just made a silver hand trowel for Saweryn, her soon to be husband, with any luck. During the war they had been separated but found each other afterwards. Apparently they had the same idea that I had. She wished me luck and pointed me to a smaller shack, connected to the mountain off to the side of the path. She said that while it wasn’t traditional, it might be better than waiting for the big forge up top. So I took my wagon off to the side and into the shack. As I walked, I saw a person leave and I could’ve sworn they looked just like Gadrin.
The room was huge, going into the mountain. It was filled with hundreds of tools, weapons, metals, labels for everything. There was a huge forge, burning white hot with molten metal. There was a large gruff dwarf there, clearly an ancient mountain dwarf (not a bad thing of course, just less homely in my opinion) [Author’s note: the char is a hill dwarf]. He was working with a hammer larger than most children, and was pounding out what seemed to be an enormous great axe, large enough to be used by a dire ogre, if there was such a thing. He pounded and stuck it into water and heated it and pounded for awhile. I stood there admiring his handiwork for a few minutes, and he finished working on the great axe, plunging it into the water for the final time.
Without looking, he asked me what I was doing in his place. I replied, explaining what I had planned to do, and my conversation with Seja. He nodded, and asked me to be quiet for a moment. He took this great great axe and put it into a large stand on the other side of the room, with many jars and spices and herbs and scrolls around it, neatly categorized by the look of it. He set the axe upon the stand, then took an empty jar and filled it with a pinch of this spice, a sprig of that herb, and filled it with water. He mixed it all up into a thick paste, and spread it over the blade, reading from a scroll as he did so. It was partly in druidic, and partly in a language I had never heard of, and couldn’t recognize its words. If I had to guess, it was old. Eldritch old. When he was done, the paste evaporated and the axe gleamed as though in the sun. He wrapped it in a thick, white cloth, then set it against a wall, writing T. M. on it.
He turned to me, and I noticed immediately that he had a scar on his left cheek, and he wore an piece of cloth over that eye. He asked me where the star was and I pointed to the large wagon I left in the entryway. He nodded as he looked over the star. He told me it was called a meteorite. He said he had worked with it before, and knew what to do.
For hours, I labored at that rock, breaking it and melting it down into a molten state. I forged a wonderful rapier, shaping it and cooling it, heating it and shaping it again. It took hours, but that sword was the strongest thing I had ever seen. I set a piece of tiger eye in the hilt since it was Gadrin’s favorite gem.
Once it was done, the old man took the sword, setting it on the same stand as he had the great axe. He spoke similar, but not the same words as before, grabbing different spices and herbs and he filled the jar with water and spread the paste. The rapier shown as the axe did and he covered it with a cloth, placing it next to the axe and writing a T. D. on it, which I can only guess stood for my name. I then got to work on the rings. I fashioned a ring twice the length as a normal ring, and was told later I’d split it in two, as directed by the old man.
Once it was done, I admired my own handiwork. The ring was intricate, with winding bands of meteorite. The man took it and set it on the stand. He grabbed many spices and herbs, and then grabbed a box from behind the forge. He poured in a purple goo instead of water, and dropped the ring into the mix, saying words that seemed more dramatic than the others. The jar glowed and the air had a hum to it, and then it stopped. He wrapped the ring in a blue cloth and set it on the table, writing a T. D. on it. I asked what the purple goo stuff was for, and he just smiled a toothy grin and didn’t answer.
I made a dagger, and then a mace, using the same procedure. For the dagger, he did the same thing as for the axe and the rapier. For the mace, he did a similar thing as the ring. When I asked him once more what the goo was for, he smiled and grinned, but he told me it would come in handy when it needed to. I don’t know what that meant, but he seemed sure, so I didn’t clarify. I split the ring at his direction and it split perfectly in two, with no rough edges.
I kept the rest of the meteorite in case I needed to make something else, and said farewell to the old man. I left with my items and went to try to write a song for my love.
It was not going well. I had zero inspiration and was wandering the countryside and couldn’t think of anything. I climbed a big hill and sat under the tree, trying to think of anything to make into a song.
I had more or less an idea of what to write, but I had a hard time thinking of it. I would write some down, and at this point I had this much done:
Gadrin my friend as I see you right there, I reflect on the time that I’ve spent with you here, From college to war and to death and then back, I realize the only thing that I do lack, I have riches and armors and food stuffs galore, And work and my friends and the priests of Pelor, I have everything that I could want in the land, The one thing that I want left is your hand.
It sounded pretty great, and I hit a roadblock so I changed locations again. I went to a lake and went out on a boat, lying there and wondering.
I hit inspiration again and finished my song.
I wrote this fair song right on here just for you, In the hope that you feel just the same as I do, We both do a lot, keep the other from harm, But now I just want to be here in your arms, I wrote you this song and then forged you a sword, And I hope that I make you feel like you’re a lord, Now there is one thing left my husband to be, My dear old friend Gadrin would you marry me?
I decided this was pretty great and headed on home to ask my friend to marry me.
So I headed on back to Bhaledur and entered our little home in the church. I was shocked to find Gadrin was not there, since it was around eight and we always would come back to mess around before we left for drinkin. Well I decided to look around our house. We had the wicker seats around the table, the strong oak table, the intricate lighting fixture. I went in the kitchen, the pots and pans and such sittin there like always. As I passed the bedroom, I decided to unpack and put everything away. I decided to stash the rapier under the bed, and found a large, blue cloth covered item, sittin there under our bed. I recognized the cloth as the same that the rings were in, and it had a G. B. on it. Realizing that that had meant the person I saw at Sluwth Peak was Gadrin, I knew he meant to ask me as well. I thought for a moment, and knew exactly what to do.
I took the sword, the rings, and Gadrin’s guitar with me as I left the house. I went to the little shop just outside the church and bought a large amount of candles. I went back to the house and made sure Gadrin hadn’t shown up yet. I left a note on the table, telling Gadrin to follow the candles. I started lighting candles and leaving a trail to the staircase, and up to the high spire of the church. I lit a ring on the edge of the spire and sat, strumming the guitar to the tune of my song.  
I waited for about fifteen minutes, then heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I sat up, strumming the guitar as the person walked up the steps. I saw Gadrin’s face and immediately grinned in response to his slightly confused expression. I waited for him to come all the way up and then started my song.  
“Gadrin my friend as I see you right there, I reflect on the time that I’ve spent with you here, From college to war and to death and then back, I realize the only thing that I do lack, I have riches and armors and food stuffs galore, And work and my friends and the priests of Pelor, I have everything that I could want in the land, The one thing that I want left is your hand.
I wrote this fair song right on here just for you, In the hope that you feel just the same as I do, We both do a lot, keep the other from harm, But now I just want to be here in your arms, I wrote you this song and then forged you a sword, And I hope that I make you feel like you’re a lord, Now there is one thing left my husband to be, My dear old friend Gadrin would you marry me?”
He looked stunned, and I presented the rings to him. He took one, still not speaking, and looked at it. He put in on his finger and looked at it some more. He then fixed his gaze upon me and breathed a “yes”, understandably still a bit stunned by my song and the candles and everything. I put my ring on and they glowed a light purple for a moment before quieting down. He asked me if I had met the old man with the scar as well and I had. I walked up to him, looking into his deep brown eyes. We passionately kissed. When we finished, I pulled away to bring him the sword, unveiling it and handing it to him. He swung it about and such as a sword lover ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) might do, and voiced his admiration for my handiwork, telling me it was perfectly balanced.
We went back to our home and he told me to wait. He went and grabbed two things from the bedroom. He unwrapped one of them (both blue), revealing a frying pan. I held it, noticing it had a heft to it, but wasn’t unusable. It was actually really sweet he thought of that. I still have that pan, and use it all the time. Then he revealed a beautiful shield, intricately made and strong. It was a circular shield. It held my personal favorite symbol of Pelor, the circle with the points, which was raised and placed upon the metallic sheen of silver (the silver covering a stronger metal) as a nice golden contrast. It had runic symbols on the edges in celestial. They read something along the lines of “Great Pelor, protect the wielder from all forces of Evil, and help him/her to destroy it, wherever he/she may go.” It was a nice prayer, and for a moment, when I picked it up, it glowed.
Well, as in unspoken tradition, we played scrabble for a long while and slept in the next day. We announced it to our friends and family the next day, and got married two weeks later.  
For our honeymoon, we went to Trilik Slopes. We saw these beautiful spires of stone, that seemed to be as red as fire in the morning, the light of the sun glinting off of it very well.  
Then we went camping in the Ice Caves. We saw wonderful icicles and ice covered stalagmites and stalactites. We camped for a week. At one point, while climbing around in the caves, I passed an ice sculpture that looked strikingly like Pelor’s face. I turned to point it out to Gadrin but he was nowhere to be found. I turned back to the ice, and heard a voice in my head.
Unknown speaker: Thorin Dankil. Me: Yes? US: You told me once that if I helped you, you would do anything for me. I am calling upon you now.   Me: Pelor? US: I am. Me: What may I do for you? P: I need you to leave for the ogre border in twelve days’ time. Me: Of course My Lord. Thank you for being so generous with the time. P: Remember, leave in twelve days’ time.
I returned to Gadrin and broke the news. He took it well, considering I might not return. Well I said goodbye to my family, and packed heavily. I left the meteorite with Gadrin, but I took most of our kitchen, my shield, my mace, several other things. And I left, traveling right to the border, and beyond.
About three miles in, I came across a not entirely uncommon sight. There was a large wagon that looked to be broken in by several ogres, judging by the amount of smashing done. It was burned at parts, indicating a shaman, so I was on my guard. Ya gotta always be on your guard around shamans. As I walked further along the trail, I found the ogre shaman, but with his head smashed in. By a war hammer to the looks of it. He was just lying there dead as a doornail, and I had respect for anyone who could take one out so efficiently as one blow, since I myself had seen the damage these creatures could do. Well I took the gold and spell things and such from his pockets, and continued along my way. Later, I saw a dwarf trying to take on no less than three ogres at the same time. It was actually impressive. He traded blows, this swipe went to that ogre, and this one to this ogre, and this one smashed in the skull of one of em. He took one down with his war hammer and continued. I decided to speak before helping, just in case it mattered.  
Me: Hey.   Unknown Dwarf: Hey.   Me: You need some help there?   UD: Nah I’m good. Me: You sure? UD: *getting pummeled by ogres* Yeah I’m sure. Mosey along Me: So what’s your name, stranger? UD: My name’s Braelof, don’t wear it *gets sucker punched* ooph. Out Me: Alrighty then *decides to help* Me&B: *take them down* B: I had ‘em on the ropes ya know, I didn’t need your help Me: yeah yeah i know. Hey, I’m on a quest for Pelor, any chance you’d like to come along? There’s gold and treasure and eternal glory in it for ya B: Fine. But I still had ‘em Me: alright
We left the ogre lands, leaving along the coast to a port town, where I met with other Priests and conversed with them. They suggested following the coast until something changed, for that was what they had done in their adventuring years. They reminisced for a while, and Braelof and I were on our way, picking up odd jobs like “save my daughter from the cave bear” and “return my family heirloom to me” and such.
Well later Braelof and I met up with Selidor, and he can tell you that story, and then Mialee, who can as well. And obviously you know how you got here, Myrtle.
[Author’s note: Myrtle is my adopted 6 or 7 year old daughter]
So yeah thanks for reading about me n such. Im suprised this all fit lol
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